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/utg/ - Undertale General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 761
Thread images: 251

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Take Me Down to the Paradise City Where the Grass is GreenEdition

Previous Timeline: >>182025717

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.

-The Game

-The Demo






-Steam Group



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Don't forget to visit your goatdad for tea
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Chara burpfic?
If you want pie with your tea, though, then you're out of luck.
one job
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Frisk will provide the pie
undyne is pretty
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who will provide the napkins?
Undyne will of course provide the after pie and tea hot cocoa and Alphys will provide the forks
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someone tell Undyne she can't be in a gay relationship with claws like that
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Thanks anon. I really do hope I can really write something that'll tug on the 'ol heartstrings.
Frisk canonically cannot canon cook.
when Frisk grows up, Sans will be boob height
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Frisk is canonically best housewife
this is true
but Frisk has a penis
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nah nigga nah
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yea boi
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nah bruh
I put too much effort into this post...
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so I wanted to continue this but I had to stop when I saw this and audibly said "woaaaaah"
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That, uh....
That's a wise choice, anon.

Saving that picture though... not so much
Howdy /utg/, surprised y'all are still kicking - haven't been here in months

Got myself in a bit of a pickle: my old harddrive died and I lost nearly all of my Nicecreams. Post some nice images of our favourite ice-cream vendor, would you kindly? x
what are you, a cop?
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We all have things we regret saving, anon.
I am an agent of the cyberpolice.
You dun goofed
Well, I'm a member of the TIME POLICE
Sans is sort of like the Batman of Monsterkind.

Batman is the weakest member of the Justice League, because unlike everyone else he is just a normal human being. But, he has all of the skills, smarts, and such that allow him to not only keep on the same level as his teammates, but almost faux-"surpass" them to such a degree that his very name and identity has a much stronger and scarier imposing and powerful presence.

That's what Sans is.
I'd be okay with some of it, but you start out normal and then leap so fucking high with some of the assumptions that I just back out immediately. Stuff like,
>After the accident, that awareness only grew and his very existence is now somewhat intermingled with and outside of the time-space continuum. This quantum state of being allows him to take shortcuts via teleportation, mess around with the "code", and other stuff.
is going so far off the charts, that you're basically saying 'yes, he is the weakest character, but he's actually the strongest character'.

It's your headcanon, so it barely even matters what I say, but you've set such a ridiculously expansive powerset (seriously, 'quantum state of being'), that you've put him on a level so incredibly over everyone else, that I just can't roll with it.
You do now that when this is handled badly and how often that has happened, is the reason why people mockingly call some of his appearences 'Batgod', right?
He has powerful asspulled magic and technology rather than relying on smarts, the things he does in the game aren't particularly crafty or tactical, and he doesn't have that kind of reputation in canon. Plus he doesn't even have team mates.
I wasn't trying to make him sound like a god or anything with that. I meant... like... uh... I mean... how do I put this...

I mean like.... how quantum physics is, with like... like... when you aren't looking at something, it can be anywhere, or something, and stuff like that. I just meant his existence is somewhat in flux or whatever, nothing too extravagant. He's still super weak, he's just able to teleport and semi-"hack" reality or whatever, at least as much as we see in game, like bending the rules or whatever.

It's only with Gaster that I'd expect it to be super powerful and godlike, since he's shattered across time and space rather than being slightly in flux.
Batman is a good character though
You have to admit, though, that Batman sort of has the same... "reputation" that Sans does, in a way. Like, who is the most popular character to the point of semi-mascot status in DC? Batman.

Sans, in a way, has that.... Batman-ness to him, with how crazy popular he became to the point that his very presence and identity is meme-level, just like Batman.
I have a feeling you're using quantum physics as basically technobabble. I think you really need to find proper terms for what you want to describe, because while teleportation is fine and believable, 'semi-hack reality' basically comes off as low-level reality warping, which is immediately something people would turn away from.

>It's only with Gaster that I'd expect it to be super powerful and godlike, since he's shattered across time and space rather than being slightly in flux.
...why though? I know you're going to pull the stats on this, but if he's shattered, how would you even get a reading on those, who verifies those numbers? He could easily be just a regular guy stuck in a Corpse Party situation, stuck on another 'plane of existence', except he can see everything, but remain unable to interact.
Sans, the very basic in-game Sans character, is not a borderline-omnipotent bad-time-delivery service, who still takes time to either kicks Papyrus around, bone half the female cast and just consistently reinforce that he's better at everything than anyone else, save for maybe jogging.

Meanwhile Batman does have certain issues with multiple people introducing some very inconsistent writing, who can turn him from a superbly overtrained but tormented and self-destructive crime fighter, to basically a god walking among mortals.

Sure, you can say fanwriters/artists kinda do the same, but they're not sanctioned by Toby.
I just need to refresh my memory on Quantum Physics and stuff.

I mean, like... a way to compare what I mean with Sans and Gaster is basically...

Imagine some guy. He's a pretty, almost comically, weak but smart guy. Then something happened involving the air, and now this guy's very existence is sort of slightly intermingled with the wind a little. It basically allows him to do some pretty simple stuff like "move with the wind", and stuff like that, but nothing too crazy.

But then his mentor... was literally scattered across the wind entirely. He's one with the air. As a result, he's like a wind GOD.

Sans is like... he's stared into the abyss, and has a foot in. Gaster fell into the abyss, and became the abyss.
I still don't get why it's necessary to set a godlike being and therefore Sans as a demigod, bit whatever
I want ironic Sans art of Sans going Kaioken times 20 except his flame eye is what turns red and it's Bad Times times 20 instead. Because I'm a fucking genuis.
Jesus fuck 90% of Sans art posted here is already 'ironic' at this point. I suspect that most people actually do it unironically and think it's actually cool and that sans really is the retarded meme badass people joke aboyt
The best way to write Sans is as a lazy slob with passive agressive tendencies.

The best way to write Chara is not to write them
What's the best way to write everyone else
The winning move is not to play
We've had this discussion before. Sans is the second most powerful Undertale because he can dodge, only superseded by Asgore, who was too quick for Undyne.
This is accurate, though specifically against Asgore, sans would probably win because Karma would destroy him.
Fun things are fun.
Sans > Undying > Asgore > normal Undyne > Mettaton> Toriel > Papyrus
I hadn't thought about that. Out of all the Undertales, Asgore is the only murderer out of them. Running under the assumption that Sans's attacks are more powerful against those with higher LOVE (KR), he might have an easier time defeating Asgore.
Depends if KR only works on high levels. If we go by the literal wording Asgore would have a low level because level is actually how little of a shit you give about hurting others and it's clear that Asgore still has issues with it.
Gerson wins. You can't even try to attack, so he doesn't even need to dodge.
LV isn't how many things you've killed in Undertale. It's how far you've distanced yourself from caring about doing violence. It's debatable how much Asgore has done this not to mention it still wouldn't be anywhere near Genocide level.

All this depends on how KR actually works though
Well that's cheating. We're playing 1v1 versus to figure out power levels. Naturally that means neither side can hide behind a shop or some other invulnerability fiat.
Cheating is Sans's fighting style's entire theme. Meanwhile, Gerson works within the rules.
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I searched "skeleton" on xvideos earlier and found this
Yes Sans is underhanded in a fight, but there's still a fight occurring. By that logic Sans should've just set up shop in front of the entrance to

holy fuck

Sans could've just set up his hotdog shop in front of the entrance to Asgore's throne room in the Final Corridor.
Asgore vs Gerson would just be the two drinking tea in Gersons shop and talking about how much they love Undyne and how proud they are of her and Gerson would try and encourage Asgore to go on a date with some cute single mom that lives in waterfall and he'd say he'll think about it.

Who wins in this situation? Who is stronger?
Karmic retribution Sans > Undying > Asgore > Undyne > Mettaton > Papyrus > Toriel > Sans
I mean... Sans has a reason to go against the rules
it's not like he's doing it for the shits
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>name is Sora
Come to think of it, there's surprisingly little Kingdom Hearts crossovers with this. Perhaps I should say "mercifully little."
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>only superseded by Asgore
Dead people don't count, silly
asriel's mouth in this pic always messed with me, something weird about the perspective
That's not one character, that's ten thousand monster souls in a tall raincoat
Do you have a problem with that?
The best way to write Asriel/Flowey is not to separate the Asriel from the Flowey or the Flowey from the Asriel.
The best way to write Toriel is as strict but ultimately caring as a mom, and aloof but well intentioned with adults.
The best way to write Undyne is as an actual shonen hero.
The best way to write Alphys is as being a good person beneath all the traits people often find annoying.
The best way to write Asgore is as remorseful and ultimately kind, but not to be trifled with.
The best way to write Papyrus is as inspiring with his optimism and kindness, and to give him much more screentime than Sans.
The best way to write Mettaton is by having him show a cunning side beneath the showman persona.

Frisk is a free space. As long as your Frisk acts in a way that is plausible for any human to act and is at least semi likeable, your Frisk is okay,
and the best way to write chara is not
That's right! You're a quick learner.
dont look
The best way to write Frisk and Chara is being fully aware of all of Frisk's positive traits and Chara's negative traits, and how both can be impacted by each other, for better or worse.


Like, what Frisk is like Post-Genocide, or what Chara is like Post-True Pacifist.
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I love this fish
You must go into this thing with both eyes open
more please
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does Toriel shave her legs?
You and your favorite and your second favorite are now playing parts in phantom of the opera, with you as the main female cast (Christine), your fav being the one man lead that's not the phantom, and the phantom being your second fav. How does it go?
Do you think vore runs in the Dreemurr family? I mean Asriel had to get the idea from someone.
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>implying we are not all intrinsically hungry beasts
This is the best AU
Also that is the best explanation for the squinty eyes
>Frisk being a fucking genetic defective
>a better excuse than him being Asian
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I like that explanation too
maybe they'll find out when Frisk goes for a check-up and miserably fails the eye test
but in my au frisk can't be asian
how else could he have such a large penis
world record bepis??
He has an elastic ass, a sensitive prostate, and a modest member

And a soul-winning smile
>Using race as a prediction for penis size
you're right
he wouldn't be able to drive, either
but frisk is a girl
also worst ship
Correct. And Chara is a boy with a small bepis.
she's not a ship, she's a plane
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Goat children.
Screenshots of how much of the comic about /utg/ is done so far:

I got 14 panels done today, so since there are only 8 left to do, it'll most likely be finished by tomorrow.

The reason I did the comic instead of taking digital requests today was because in a month I won't have a lot of free time, so I think the comic should be wrapped up soon, because if it were to continue past that point, it would be done at a very slow pace, and it would be difficult to follow it or get anything done in it as a result, so it should probably be wrapped up by the 22nd.
I'll still do requests afterwards from time to time.
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Agreed, but I like this ship better
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understandable, that is a cute ship
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who made this i forgot
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some nameless anon that died
I remember the assassination one.
What, are you guys too busy fapping to post?
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Live from Oststrasse in Düsseldorf, it's my second remastered story!


Hope you enjoy.

Thinking up tags are hard. Almost as bad as thinking up titles, where I'm barely better than Asgore.
Good night, anons! I love you!
Goodnight lad!
Don't concern yourself too much with the tags. Beyond characters/ships and maybe some basic tropes associated with the story itself they're useless for any sort of visibility on the story itself.

Those putzes who decide to have entire conversations with themselves in the story tags are the worst.
why though
Thanks for the advice
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>Those putzes who decide to have entire conversations with themselves in the story tags are the worst.
Holy shit this.

>Go to check new stories
>Have to scroll entire pages to get across some of them
It wouldn't be so bad if mobile browsers could hide them, but they can't and it's horrible.
Because you are anon! <3
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W'thank you, anon.
Sleep tight, now.
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what's your favorite boss fight
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This girl and this goat

make a great pair
I really like Muffet's fight
>ywn be frisk and be a qt girl and marry a qt gote
does spider hapupupoipoi?
That's a nice thought. She can do it times 4 if she wants.
Undyne is a spear chucker.
A very good one at that!
How does she aim with one eye?
Very easily
She can't aim at all. That's why the attacks in chase sequences are a flurry of spears and her special move is designed to lock opponents in place.
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Love this flowe
And thus, /utg/ went empty. The genocide was complete.
I'm busy playing video games and it's like 2am in the us
Who even plays video games, it baffles me
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What mess would she clean up after you?
Taking a big shit on the floor and forcing your spider maid clean it up with her hands and clothes!
anon, you're bored
Literally always semen.
That'll cost extra
Brass balls, polished to the nth degree
I want to feel... Your big... Brass... Bowls...
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Remember to vote in the booby awards!
Charas below average bepis
"HA HA" means that he is laughing.
Human pasta sure is addictive huh

I suppose she was out of her mind with starvation but, man.
That frisk has quite the snoot, is he becoming more of a monster the longer he stays in the underground?
I'd be more worried about near-instant tooth degradation.

It's good to see this comic still going on.
fuc u
What even is the premise of this AU
Post-neutral, Undyne in charge, things went to absolute shit, monsters went crazy thanks to unnatural hunger, new kid falls and tries to make it through alive. It's edgy, but has a charm to it.
there are skieletons and a human, that's 99% of every au, you should know this by now
God this looks like edgy try hard shit
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>unnatural hunger
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Any other UT themed cosmetics?
I don't like Chara
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Imagining him posing for this commercial is hilarious
>explicit animation with decent score
ah, neat-
>it's 3D
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Yeah well I bet she doesn't like you either! And she always knows I love her!
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Best ship.

Canon post TP.
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What about Frisk + MK?
ok if done right
Powerful Yandere skeleton makes sure no opposition for him and kiddo beauty babies to happen.
fuck asriel
asriel fuck you!!!
No goat.
we doran't do requests around these parts
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yes goat...
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Why is she so perfect?
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It's cute.

This ot3 combines the best of all worlds.
Please. No goat.
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Frisk is the most adorable Undertale
the major question is how they fug though
Where's the gay asgore smut?
Asriel and MK DP Frisk obviously. The question is who would be doing the anal?
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This is canon
Good morning, anons! I love you!
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bad time simulator
Blair witch tale when
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>tfw you'll never have his children
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cry has a good taste
does anon?
MK's lack of arms presents a unique logistical difficulty for them. Then again, Frisk is very determined.
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there exists a sans face editor?
but why though?
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3d mspaint gote
The menu sequence for Super Gote 64
yet another step closer to making goats real
I enjoyed it!
The orphanage plan seems like it just wouldn't work at all, so that was kind of strange. But I'm guessing that part was too ingrained in the story to remaster?
I don't bother much with tags. I tagged my last story as "Pre-Undertale" for clearer chronology, but that's about as far as I'll go.
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existential despair on the horizon
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Paladin Asriel is best Asriel
Does Paladin Asriel pamper her adopted little fish sister with treats and hugs
alphys when
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This game is basically a socially just rip off of Earthbound.

Just like what Stardew Valley is to Harvest Moon.

Westerner pig-children sure are petty.
Found the tumblrite.
And yet Japan and Korea are both having Undertale cons, so we're doing something right
I saw a 2channel post once saying that Undertale was more or less a perfected version of Earthbound. It seemed to be a fairly common sentiment.
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Furries unironically made it better
Also not having Earthbound's absolute mind-numbing gameplay
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I saw a 2channel post that said your mom is a whore and that Undertale is only liked by whore sons. It seemed to be a fairly common sentiment.
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Arena's closed, anon. Come back tomorrow.
>likes Undertale
>loves Oblivion

No surprise.
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what are whore sons?
are they sons who are whores?
Would you still love your fave if they played Friday the 13th the game and deliberately helped Jason, but evaded being banned by the virtue of being friends with the developers?
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Hurensohn = du bist
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Who's the OC
It's the hip new au. Whore Sans is Sans except he sells his body to his alternate universe selves and the many au Papyruses for money.
that's aged up Frisk
inb4 mspg posting ammazolie.jpg
It's not an OC, it's Joan of Arc
Frisk is asian! ASIAN!!
Na imma write two(2) fics
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nah, she just has bad vision
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Everything about this image makes me think it's Toriel.
But you posting a real Toriel is a paradox.
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Oh... I thought this was an Undertale version of the "no way fag" meme at first
The horns aren't really Toriel but if you told me it was suppose to be a picture of her i'd believe you.
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Important poll
Please post hot frisks instead
Those faces are an atrocity
>Fedora Papyrus (except with regular Papyrus clothing) and tsundere Frisk.
Did the artist play the game
>Papyrus having any understanding of anything remotely sexual
This doesn't make sense to me. If you really want to fuck the skeleton, make him cheerfully oblivious.
I love that artist
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Please stop, they're both hideous and unrecognizable both in appearance and behavior.
Not everyone likes rape
I'm kind of assuming some major corruption going on, but I do admit it's a stretch in any case. The story was sparked by a discussion here of "what if Yellow Soul joined with Asriel and asked him to help find out who left him there", and that was my answer, because I think trying to kill Jimmy would have been excessive and not lead to Mount Ebott in any case. If /utg/ can come up with a better plan with the foundation of "asshole doesn't want to deal with product of affair" that doesn't involve attempted murder I'm game for incorporating it and maybe re-rewriting that bit.
Sans ectomech when
AU where Sans wears an ecto-wig
I remember something about Asriel's return in the background of the Jerry story. Does that take place in the same continuity?
Cute gay shit
Chara is SCP-682
Nah, with the exception of the direct sequel I have no unified continuity. I tried to set that up so it could be Asriel, or maybe Chara, or Frisk getting thanked for doing something around Gaster or something. I thought it was fun.

Speaking of, I think I'm going to incorporate bits of the sequel into the first story and not bother remastering it. While the Captain Marvel stuff was fun to write, as time goes on I can't help but feel it undermines the original story, so better to polish that one on its own.
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Why do all fangirls make them look so different from their sprites
They look like offbrand animaniacs
Someone please shop a guitar in Papyrus' hand, he really looks like he just wants to shred
What's with all the pictures and comics where Sans has nightmares and cries and Papyrus comforts him and cries also
Does anyone on this planet actually act that way over nightmares
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It's just an art style
they're fucking
Why do they draw skeletons with magic blue penises to begin with.
An art style that is basically making OCs
that's a pretty dogmatic approach to art
>take a character with a very specific style
>conform it to a """style""" that a million other talentless tumblrettes use as a crutch

It's cancer
Nightmares are basically the shittiest way of showing trauma, at least, when done without any other markers of trauma.

They're basically crying "feel sorry for character" without really affecting them in their behaviour in their waking life.
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We will make them regret this day!
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When it comes to drawing, females draw more expressively, while males draw with more technical skill. That's just how it works in general.
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Yeah but it's what tumblr has easy time relating to, as they get flashbacks from that time as children when they didn't get the flavor of ice cream they wanted and other traumatizing experiences.
Is the artist of the image in your post male of female?
What is gaster going to do with that blunt instrument?
There's nothing "blunt" about my "instrument"
Okay. What is Gaster going to do with you polish spear then?
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Best boy. No competition.
If Asgore died from the Buttercups, would Chara have still proposed the plan? Would Asriel have went along with it?
No they would have done it on their own

And I don't know if Asgore's soul would retain his will to stop them
Well, with Asgore dead, I think Chara would just push Asriel harder since without a king the Underground would be a much darker place obviously so they gotta break the barrier right the fuck now
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The spider a cute! CUTE!!!

She just is!
It depends on your headcanon for Chara's intentions.

I personally believe that they'll throw the plan and adopt the caretaker method.
Of course not. Asriel would've had to become the new King, unless the Underground had regency rules, in which case Toriel would become the ruler while Asriel was prepared to take the throne upon maturity. The Underground would be way too unstable to be in a position to even begin the process of attempting to retake the surface.

But would a kid know that? Hard telling.
AU where everything is the same except Frisk falls into Midgar and Asgore is the president of Midgar and Undyne is the leader of the Turks etc
Would you still love your fave if they SHOUTED ALL THEIR LINES?!
Would you still love your fave if they were super-lightweight when it came to alcohol and became extremely amorous when drunk, often getting with you while you were unconscious?
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girls get drunk.jpg
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But she already has someone she gets with
Would you still love your favorite if they were an 8-year-old Chinese national and adamantly refused to accept anything short of complete Chinese dominance of the South China Sea?

Everyone is Brian Blessed
Hijacking the baby spider's web site!
Making it so that the baby spider's web site steals peoples' credit card numbers!
Buying very expensive things with the credit cards and sending it all to the baby spider!
The royal guard finding out that the baby spider's web site is stealing peoples' credit card numbers and seeing all the expensive things the baby spider has but "doesn't know where they came from"!
The baby spider getting in so much trouble and crying!

New Caretaker, in which Chara is disdainful of research into sustainable soul usage
would you count souls as a renewable energy source?
Depends whether Asriel uses them up when he breaks the barrier or just releases them like with the monsters
Explaining to the Royal Guard that there was likely an error or hijacking since the spider had no control over the purchases!
The Royal Guard investigating the issue and all the expensive things being refunded!
The bully being found out as the culprit behind it and many other infamous hijackings thanks to very well made code in the spider's web site!
The spider's web site's popularity being at an all time high for catching the sought after bully!
The spider being so happy!
But can the Spider explain how to become a inter-dimensional planeswalker!?
does the spider have the puss puss?
It is a cute puss puss.
Swordmasters are better for ol' Az
Spider don't have puss puss
Spider have epigyne/spermathecae
That's hot.
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oh my my.jpg
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is it?
Will the spider web on me if I ask
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Of course! There's many ways to become one, but what all of them have in common is that they are all incredibly powerful and that power allows them to ascend. The spider, for instance, became one very quickly due to her infinite cuteness, which is the most powerful form of energy in existence!
Gonna love that spider and hug that spider and care for that spider and make that spider very happy!
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I want to smite everything with fallen paladin Chara!
AU where all the Undertales are human and Sans has brittle bone disease and Toriel is a tall albino who had six tragic miscarriages and Asgore is the governor who also passed racist laws after his kids were killed
And Alphys is black with vitiligo and Papyrus is severely autistic and therefore cannot possibly function on his own and also acts as if he had down's syndrome because that's what autism is right
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Asriel hitting on you except it's not Asriel and he's actually just messing with you
you misunderstand, I'm describing the elements of an actual fanfic with 300,000 words and 55,000 hits
Shouldn't that thing have shattered by now?
Human souls are shown functioning outside jars for longer than it takes Frisk's soul to shatter.
Shattering is something you only see happening to Frisk's soul and to boss monster souls. In Frisk's case, it might have something to do with resetting, or it may possibly even have something to do with Toby being a hack.
I can't even muster a weak 'why', I'm just exasperated by the thought alone.
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People come up with crazy things, anon

who has the screencap of that Ao3 fic with a full page of tags?
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I think it also features Gaster as an abusive scientist who adopts Sans and Papyrus, and eventually fucking melts while Sans watches when an experiment with chemicals goes wrong. I read all of it a few months ago when I was bored.

Which one?
this one
thank you

I mean, I express as much thanks as one can give for that image
It's funny how they tag that as 'beauty and the beast' like it's supposed to be a romantic redemption tale when nothing about this is redeemable.
Quick! If you don't admit to loving the spider within the next 30 minutes, your favorite will drink milk straight from the carton, leave the toothpaste lid open and walk on the recently mopped or vacuumed floor with dirty shoes! Don't let that happen!
NICE! Thanks to google translating the site it seems the story is about Muffet trying to get money for the spiders with lewd live chat shows.
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Yep, that seems to be the basic idea
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For your health
Also works by changing 68.media.tumblr to data.tumblr
Don't make me laugh!
Just because that revolting spider commits those heinous acts on a daily basis doesn't mean my theoretical favorite would!
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Muffet is WAY too lewd! None of the other characters come even close.
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The reactions are even better
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RIP Dogame
I thought his specialty was the ol' ecto armpit treatment?
>Asgore isn't sweating
Man, he really is loyal, huh. Bless his heart.

This just calls for a doujin where Muffet tries to seduce him personally to try to dip into the royal reserves.
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The most lewd characters are the goats going form Toriel > Asriel > Asgore
Next lewd is Sans and Flowey
Then Muffet
After that its Undyne and Alphys
Then Gaster and then Papyrus
After that its whatever minor character you like ranging from Fuka, Burgerpants, Doggo, the RG, Inn Keeper and whatever else gets you off that most people don't care about
fucking onion-san
Lewding and fetishes is all the spider is good for!
Hey fellas /vg/ is flooded, I'm taking cover in here.
This is not only terrible taste, it's also weirdly inconsistent.
>sudden thread spam kills all the generals I'm in
>except this one
Really makes me think
Yo, check the catalog lads
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>Gaster that low
>Sans that high
Its not my taste its the taste of the general fandom
What's going on?
gaster doesn't even have a canonical appearance
>fat short skeleton
In that case, Papyrus and Sans should be at the top. Half the fandom is horrible AU fontcest horseshit.
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So how autistic is /utg/?
some bot is killing threads and shilling his discord
Er, what? The skeletons (specifiacally Sans) have more porn than all the other characters combined.
pretty LAME
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>forgetting the king of getting frisky Frisk "I'mma fuck it" Enkhjargal
he's a scientist and he's got hands

good enough for me
Goat family still gets more quality porn even outside the fandom.
Toriel has become one of the great milfs, Asgore has become a very quality dilf and Asriel is a lot of peoples first gay furry crush

No one gives a fuck about the skeletons outside of tumblr in a lewd sense compared to the goats
Pretty high up there.
I don't see it.
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>he's got hands
Not canon either. The "speaks in hands" thing is not confirmed to refer to Gaster, and even if it was, it could just be some kind of weird joke about fonts.
What the fuck is there to talk about regarding this game anymore
>No one gives a fuck about the skeletons outside of tumblr in a lewd sense compared to the goats
Someone hasn't been to twitter.
Or pixiv.
Or hell, pretty much anywhere except furaffinity.
I really wanna know what BP says to get MTT so shocked.
So you don't browse twitter or pixiv and you're spouting bullshit for no reason, gotcha.
Assorted lewdery
He was purged like 2 seconds ago. Check the catalog and see all the new threads
Theorycraft, lore, Undertale
True but i'd agure that the goat family has somewhat transcended the Undertale fandom in the sense that all three have become major players in the furry community.
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>Every general died and had to be remade except /utg/ and a couple others

Well what do ya know. Lewd spiders saved the day.
Judging by that whole fan album coming out, I'd say Flowey cemented his position as well, at least with the nips
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Can confirm that he killed the Darkest Dungeon thread
I'm kind of surprised they can't just recover the threads, now that there's a built-in archive.
We are immortal
Keyword is quality
I want to die
Man, that's weird. How did he do it?
Did /v/ just get rekt
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Asgore (16).jpg
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>all that pokemon porn
If it's the goodra guy, he has made a script program that allows him to assault people.
I think you mean improved
Probably by posting from lots of (distant?) IP addresses at once, so it doesn't get detected as coming from a single person. But I'm not familiar with 4chan's anti-spam measures, let alone how to avoid them.
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Welp, that happened
It's too late! Your theoretical favorite did do those heinous acts after all! You could have stopped them if only you had been true to yourself!
>But I'm not familiar with 4chan's anti-spam measures
There's captcha which was implemented for this specific purpose and cooldown timers but that's it. Someone has a botnet
petition for toby to patch the game so we can kill napstablook
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Alphys first
This but for Alphys post TP
Hey there Flowey/Chara.

How are you doing
yeah, that's the problem

that too
Who else loved the scene where Kiddo and their brother Maddo and sister Kiddoa teamed up and played in a rock band to oppose to tyrannic rule of Sans
Oh no, not Sonic cartoons!
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Goddammit anon
Yeah, it was good.

But then vocasans had to come into the scene and he defeated them in the most bullshit way. Seriously, skeletons don't even have vocal chords.
They're ecto-chords, you philistine
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How is the Flower speaking Underwater?
>He would die to too much water like real Flowers
>Water muddles words into "BLUHbublubub" noises.
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why is that boy choking a flower
because Flowey loves to choke our dear Flower Frisk/.
What boy? Chara isn't in the picture.
>/v/ got rekt while I was asleep
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when THE FUCK is undertale collector's edition gonna be released
im waiting bitch
when alphys
Shows off her plump sweaty ass?
No, when she.
Spreads her legs to swallow your bepis inside her female folds?
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Tobbe's suffering.png
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>"Wah I have millions of dollars, life is suffering"
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Would Toby wear this shirt?
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>Not understanding ironic shitposting
>not grokking post-ironic metabaiting
Link to new part of the comic about /utg/:

The reason this got done so fast was because in a month I won't have a lot of free time, so the comic should probably be wrapped up by July 22nd, because otherwise it's going to start going at a slow pace. (There will be some days where I'll have a lot of free time, so I'll still be able to do requests sometimes.)

What do?
I only post things completely randomly and without thinking. It's the only way to be safe.
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bone daddies best daddies
Fist of the north star Gordon Ramsey into hotlands, while dodging deadly Gordon Ramsey attacks, proceed to blast each other apart, make sure to have the highground, tell him "It's over Gordon, I have the high memes" then when he comes to attack power slam Gordon Ramsey into the magma in hotlands and have him slowly sink into the magma flipping us off as we walk away calmly, which gives us negative EXP bringing us back down, return to the family and sing a song about rainbows. Maybe have some cool snacks.
I keep forgetting that now all hours are dead hours.
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all hours are yuri hours
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I wish...
It would be awesome and lewd if it was.
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and yaoi. Gay hours are upon us.
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Why not both, anon?
So do you guys think the symbolism in Undertale is well done?

The unique shape of the Determination Extractor appears quite a few times, in Asriel's Hyper Goner , Final Flowey's body, and Sans' Gaster Blaster.

But I can't figure out why the deer also has it, and as far as I know Sans has no connection to Determination and Human SOULs. What could it mean?
The DT Extractor was possibly designed by Gaster.
Alphys designed the DT extractor though.
Gaster made the CORE, but Alphys made the DT extractor
She uses Gaster's blueprints.
Why does Gyrtrot have the shape?
No she didn't. She built it but she used blueprints that she found, which was probably the same blueprints in Sans' workshop.
Toby is lazy, inconsistent, and reuses resources and designs. You may as well ask 'Why does Alphys wear her date dress and use Mettaton's attacks during Omega Flowey's battle?'
*Asriel's battle, you know what I meant.
Asriel is not gay.
Occam's razor aka there isn't one and you guys are overthinking it and finding 'connnections' that aren't really there
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>alphys use gaster's blueprints
Where the hell is this implied
Asriel and Asgore are both bisexual
Said out right in the lab entries
Entry 5 in True Lab.

>I've done it. Using the blueprints, I've extracted it from the human SOULs. I believe this is what gives their SOULs the strength to persist after death. The will to keep living... The resolve to change fate. Let's call this power... "Determination."
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Asriel is completely straight.
bro do you even know how to use the internet
If Asriel is straight so am i
Asriel's orientation is determined humans with mid-length brown hair and striped sweaters.
Oh i forgot about that
Except Toriel who hates gays
She's just self-loathing.
That never outright says it was Gaster or someone else, but the awkward phrasing does leave that open to interpretation.
Alphys used "the" blueprints. Not "her" blueprints.

There are blueprints in Sans' workshop that's written in strange symbols.

Connecting the dots leads to the conclusion that it was Gaster's blueprints written in wingdings.

Speaking of which, can someone please explain to me why there's a common idea that W. D. Gaster is actually two people, Wingdings and Aster? I also don't understand how "Gaster" would come from carrying the end of Wingdings over to Aster, because it's wingdingS not wingdinG.
lewds when
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These are too gay.
Too bad.
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Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?
Every night I feel my hopes, my dreams, even my fun...
The anons we've lost...
The contentfags we've lost...
It won't stop hurting...
It's like they're all still here...

You feel it too don't you?
It's also said that the blueprints in sans workshop could just be in bad handwriting, and the game points out that Alphys has near illegibly bad handwriting several times, so it's still possible they could be hers or that she also worked on them.

I don't really get the Gaster stuff either.
>Why there's a common idea that W. D. Gaster is actually two people, Wingdings and Aster
That's new to me.
Asriel's intentionally a gote edgelord, but what actual video games/anime you think he consumed during his childhood?
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Dragonball Z.
Final Fantasy VII, the normies Final Fantasy. Fucking pleb probably never heard of the golden age of Final Fantasy games(I-VI).
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You save him by showing him Celes' Opera Scene and getting him to appreciate Dancing Mad.
Hopefully he isn't one of those die hard fanboys that shits on everything not FFVII
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Remember to vote!
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The true pleb are the people who refuse to like FF7 or pretend that it was awful because it was popular.

6 > 9 > 7 > 4 > 12 > 1 > 10 > 8 > 13 > 5 > 3 > 2
>Putting 9 and seven above 4 or 1
You sicken me.
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Wait tell you hear this spicy opinion

the DS remake of 4 is the best version
But the voice acting is not that great, the graphics are chibitized and they messed up the music INCLUDING Zeromus's theme.
The combat is the best though and that's the most important part of an RPG. I bet you haven't even played a hard mode modded version of 6-9 that make the games actually fun to play
>I bet you haven't even played a hard mode modded version of 6-9 that make the games actually fun to play
Been there, done that multiple times and even challenge runs. They don't need mods to be fun. Still saying that four and one are better.
Baldur's Gate is better.
What if Excalipoor feel into the Underground?
Trade it in to the Colosseum to fight an Onion Dasher, to get Gilgamesh to fight me and get his Esper.
you're a hipster if you actually think 1 was better than any of the PS1 games. like it's not bad but it's not better than most of the later ones
Well yeah Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 combined via mods is the best game ever made and modded is borderline perfect but I still think most of the PS1 FF games are good
>you're a hipster if you actually think 1 was better than any of the PS1 games
No I'm not, it's a better made game than most of the modern day versions, and saying otherwise is being a normie hipster.
>Better made
Anon, half the shit in the original FF were straight up broken and didn't work. There's like three stats that just do nothing
>normie hipster
wait what
>fight an octopus boss in FF6
>only fire magic hurts it
Still better than most of what came after.
You heard me. It's like a normie who orders a Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks to try to look like a hipster on purpose.
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i like this goat
he's a qt
I don't suppose you would be willing to tell me your opinions on Undertales? I find myself very curious
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Is he dabess?
well he is my favorite so
I like all of them, but I like Asriel, Jerry and Vulkin slightly less.
Oh okay
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I'm glad you guys didn't end up arguing. What's your opinion on Planescape:Torment?
Gay is humans only, it loses meaning for goatgods
It's okay. I don't like it as much as Baldur's Gate though. I fell it's missing some of that level of personality of Baldur's gate. I think it does the companions, alignment system and other things really well however.
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Love it for the story but I wish the combat wasn't so meh
I'm actually trying it out for the first time. Ended up becoming a Lawful good mage and unlocking eight circles in that unbroken Circle that Dak'kon carries. I found it strange that I didn't get to learn the Anger spell that Dak'kon has. I just reached the part where Morte got kidnapped by Wererats. I'm about 12 hours in.
>not being chaotic good
fucking casual actually its really annoying to do that in PT and lawful is better anyways

Hope you're having fun, the game really is fun you're first time when you don't know anything about the story.
I wanna hug Alphys!
Yeah, I'm having a lot of fun actually. The story has me hooked so far, and the side quests have been fun too.
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I wanna mug Alphys!
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That's not a flower version of Asgore
Trying way too hard there
you responded, he still won anyway
What do I win for you responding to me?
deez nuts

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I can't beilieve Frisk physically abuses Flowey
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Frisk is pretty brutal.
That's what he gets for making fun of Frisk's crocs.
Would you still love?
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Fite me.
Good night, anons. I love you!
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that's a highly specialized VATS
Yep, good thing I spec'd into CRITICAL PETS
Value-added tax system?
what's the tax on petting?
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Snow-related taxes can potentially be claimed as a deductible, reducing your petting tax.
What are some memes that get passed around here these days
doing something relatively important for the future
Alphys when
Chara is shit / I hate Chara / The best way to portray Chara is to not portray them at all
Daddy Sans bad time ecto rape the kiddo while Undyne stops him time and time again
Flowey / Asriel dindu nuffin
gay shit
Goat TF being posted and someone posting FRICK afterwords
we don't have memes
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purification in progress.jpg
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Let's see...

>You are filled with Ball Game
>Chara burpfic?
>he / boy / male
>she / girl / female
>Toby is a hack
Burgerpants is Napstablook's cousin
>not boning
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fish slumber party.png
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>important for the future
Salacious memes my compatriot.
What's Sans doing waving his bone around while everyone else is just trying to have a good time
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>trying to have a good time
There lies the problem, kiddo.
he has ptsd from all the bad times the kiddo gave him and he carries the bone around to protect his bro and the fish bitch that ruins his schemes to kill the kiddo once and for all
>Sans caring about his brother enough to protect him
not canon
He protects him from himself, after all he is severely autistic and needs a good brother like Sans to keep him in line so that he doesn't embarrass him
why would he care about an autistic manchild, who is only holding him back?
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I think that image had a follow-up that explained it, but I don't have it.
It's because he's waving the bone at Annoying Dog.
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fish HANDEGG.jpg
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I swear there was an accompanying image but that's an obvious and better answer. I'm way too tired, sorry.
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We can go smaller
The second one isn't a meme, it is truth.
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Now you know that tired people are shot in this society.

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Hugs not hate, man.
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Would you hug Hitler?
Would Sans give the Hitlo a fucking bad time
Sans might honestly be apathetic towards human matters, though.
what if it was a miniature version of him?
Then the hug equals crush.
I don't speak or read taliban, what does this say?
>It's an urgent report! A DVD was sent from Hotland's laboratory just ahead. On the label is written only with "# Furumin" with an oil pen .... As I was thankful that "I am thankful for spreading" on the attached memo paper, I will release it as soon as possible.
Would you hug Asgore?
Would you hug Hitler wearing Asgore's skin?
I can't believe a jap is releasing a virus
Chara isn't as bad as either of the murder goats but because she doesn't have some sob story you don't care and condemn her.
>Because Chara doesn't have a reason to murder, you think that Chara is worse for murdering
Chara is just plain evil.
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>Is worse for murdering
She never kills anyone. It's all Frisk / the player. Asgore is the one with the body count and Asriel killed folks as well, even on screen
Disproven ages ago
>Disproven ages ago
I'd like to see Toby's statement on that, anon. Fan theory is fan theory is fan theory, it's just a theory.
>If you refuse to do it then Chara does it anyway
Yeah sure, totally innocent.
Source? Please point out the moment where Chara forced you to kill any of the characters or bosses
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A game theory.
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Why are Chara apologists this disgusting?
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The part where Chara slices the universe in half and kills literally everyone.
>Pointing out facts is disgusting
Hating Chara for being a killer is just dumb and makes no sense if you like Asgore or Asriel. You can't take the moral high ground
TP is the superior route and Chara never should ave left the backstory.

Also Frisk has far more implications of being a victim of abuse than Chara. And self-harming Chara is a shitty idea and would never be canon.
>Chara never should have left the backstory
Literally: "Hurting my feelings makes the story bad."
I can hate Chara for being a general asshole and being completely unremorseful for anything, while Asgore and Asriel are.

Checkmate, charaist.
Show me proof of Chara actually killing people? It's clear that was a trick to get your soul otherwise no wind would be heard. Plus even if true she tells you how to then save everyone and tells you to do true pacfist. Seems unlikely that she would care about the surface if she honest killed everyone
I don't hate Chara for being a killer. I hate Chara for being an unlikeable blank slate with a shitty fanbase.
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>>Pointing out facts is disgusting
>denied that chara was evil
play through genocide you baka
>Plus even if true she tells you how to then save everyone and tells you to do true pacfist
Of course, they can do a lot more damage aboveground and finish off humanity as well. Deviously diabolical plan.
If she were really remorseless why would she want you of do TP? If only cared about killing them mission is already over so why would it go on? Makes no sense
>Hating for fanvase
Do you also hate Sans and Asriel then? Because they are both worse
>ignoring the context: TP is the superior route
My point is, Chara is just a shit cherry on top of the already shitty geno run.
Simple, to be free from the Underground and finish the job personally.
I thought she already killed the world? Which is it? Did she kill someone or not? Can't have it both ways
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>screen fills with nines and the game closes
>it's just a prank, bro
>listen, there's wind in this empty void filled with nothing, that means that everybody must still be alive for no reason
Why would Toby write that scene in the first place if it's all just a trick? Also: If you give your soul to Chara and do the true pacifist then red X marks appear over the characters, implying that Chara murdered them. Resetting was a gambit to either get more soul power or hurt more people. Chara is obviously a representation of a player's immoral desire for completionism.
Killed everyone with however the fuck they did, but that's just a bang and it's done. No flair, no personal touch, and forever stuck in whatever they're left in. Much better to go free, kill everyone up there again and have a whole world just to Charaself.

It's like you've never seen a villain, anon.
Nothing says Chara is evil. She calls herself a demon but you know who else seems like demons? The goat family. I'm sure f asked both Asgore and Asriel would consider themselves evil but do you think they are? So why Chara who never killed anyone and tells you to save them?
I thought she already personally killed everyone? Which is it?
No, Chara is the most meaningful thing about Undertale. TP is a naive feelgood story by comparison. The harsh tone that the genocide route takes is way better.
I don't like Sans. I do like Asriel, but I would like to see more villainous depictions of him.

But even though the Chara fanbase is smaller than the Sans fanbase, I find it more obnoxious. The Sans fanbase constantly has works in which he's depicted as a villain. The Chara fanbase loses its mind when Chara is not an innocent babbu. Ever heard of the Chara defense squad?
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>I'm sure f asked both Asgore and Asriel would consider themselves evil
Asgore calls himself evil out of guilt, Asriel to be edgy. Chara has no excuse. Shes just evil.
One of Chara major character aspects is she's impatient and to the point. Why would she care about making them suffer when she'd show none of that? No doubt Flowey did though, maybe you're getting them confused?

Chara has no place in TP outside the backstory though.
Not him, but I kinda like the idea that since Chara is in full control by the end, besides the soul itself, they're just pulling a gamble. Controlling all of Frisk's senses and guilt-tripping them to gain the soul, and then just take the soul to be bank, laughing all the way that the player/Frisk is such a gullible fucking moron. Or all this happens in the brain, and Chara sets the body an autopilot to rig the CORE to explode.

Soulless is definitely full murder, all the way.
And the Asgore fanbase get mad when people make him a pure bad guy as well but it's okay for Chara?
At last I've found my heaven.
>Why would she care about making them suffer when she'd show none of that?
They hated humans hell of a lot more than they ever hated monsters, so I'm pretty sure they'd want payback.

The Asgore fanbase has never harassed artists though, while I can pull at least one example within a minute for Chara's fanbase.
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It's true. Being in the blast radius of a dindu nuke, but perfectly immune to it, is bliss.
Explain Swapfell.
You guys are purposefully ignorant and it's sad
I'm gonna need an at least 5 page autism-chart for that.
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Also Frisk is defo girl. What guy has that haircut?

I'm sure you'd say the same even as Chara disembowels you. Denial is a powerful thing.
Keypoint is 'pure'.

DbD has a scene where Asgore kills an 8 years old brutally. But dadfags still like it.

If CDF were only salty about pure evil depictions, I could understand. But they attacked Caretaker au and that one vid that had a grand total of two seconds of Chara.

I've also originally lurked reddit where they basically attacked any savefics that didn't also save Chara.
Don't forget Endertale
Well the fact I know what Underswap is should mean you can remove about 2 pages from this.

I just need to know what Underfell is and how it is changed by being made into Swapfell.
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a PSA about dumb AUs.png
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You just wanted me to bust this out again didn't you?
Yooo, thinking about Chara gave me a good idea. You could have a Dragon Ball styled post-TP AU where the souls are scattered across the land and they need to be collected to gain enough power to stop the universe from being destroyed. The protagonists need to collect the souls while the antagonist(s) are trying to gain souls by killing humans on the surface.
Yes. Thank you for being diligent, darling.
Botfag detected.
The only way that you aren't purposefully ignorant for thinking that Chara didn't do anything wrong is if you never did a post-genocide TP run.
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very original
Oh shit does it already exist? Pls no bully.
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naw, just saying it's tropey as fuck
That's pretty cool.
They were just spooking the player!
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And that's why you post the sad green frog- I mean Chara.
Undyne's smooth...skin???
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yes indeedy
Against Alphys's sticky, dirty and smelly scales!!!
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Reptilian scales do not secrete anything viscous.
Alphys is the only undertale with a shower.
but she clean
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>Pacifist is Chara's doing
>Genocide is Frisk's or Player's doing

how does it WORK
It works, you just have to bash your head against the wall a couple times. If at first you don't succeed, try again and you'll get there!
I need a goat like this in my life.
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I need a goat like this in mine
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I need a life like this in my goat
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I'm not much of a goat person, but thats ok!
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spoode is okay too
spurdor is suboptimal
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please do not be rude to her she is a fragile being with a big heart
thanks anon
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Weary adventurers should seek rest at the inn before traveling to Spurdor.
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My favorite undertale guy is Mimikyu.
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Does Spurdor have many goatherds?
Is there an AU in which Chara the Pokemon trainer uses pokeballs to capture all of the monsters who vocally protest to it but have their cries go unheard?
tfw no flowey bf
Flowey is not even a vertebrate you sick fuck
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Neither is Muffet

Though Flowey moreso because not only is he not in the same phylum, but also in a different kingdom (plantae)
but think about the vines though
Muffet is clearly vertebrate. Don't make the mistake of trying to classify Muffet according to Linnaean taxonomy, that's not how monsters work. In the context of monsters, vertebrate is a phenotype, not a subphylum, and Muffet has a spine.
Classifying Flowey taxonomically is fine. He's a plant, not a monster.
Good morning, anons! I love you!
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Makes you wonder if she still molts
Why didn't Asgore make use of the 6 souls he collected in his fight against Frisk? You don't need 7 just to power up. Wait couldn't he have just gone to the surface himself and killed adult humans? Asriel traversed the barrier with just Chara's soul. It's been a while since I last played the game.
>those leg holes
Hell no, to the no no no.
If you know Asriel took Chara's soul, you also know why Asgore taking the 6 souls, or even just one to go to the surface would have been a doomed idea.

As to why he didn't, best guess is he lulled himself into the passivity of just waiting it out till the end. His actions after the fight suggest he kind of wanted to be beaten, as penance.
There's no valid practical reason for it.
The reason that he doesn't use the souls to go through the barrier and collect more that is that he really, really hates killing humans, and puts it off for as long as reasonably possible. Toriel calls him out for not doing that - unfairly, in my opinion. He didn't outright abandon the plan to destroy humanity because it was what was giving the underground hope, and he didn't go through with it because that would have meant a lot more murder. I can't blame him for that.
The reason he didn't absorb the six souls to fight Frisk is most likely that he didn't want to win. If you fight Asgore again after having beaten him at least once, and spare him at the end, he commits suicide so you can pass through the barrier with his soul and try to find a way to break it. It's kind of horrifying.

>If you know Asriel took Chara's soul, you also know why Asgore taking the 6 souls, or even just one to go to the surface would have been a doomed idea.
The reason Chara's plan didn't work out is that Asriel couldn't go through with killing. Asriel had the power to kill the humans and gather seven souls. The whole thing would lose a lot of meaning if he didn't. But he didn't kill, because he chose not to.
Asgore would be able to go through with killing, probably, even though he would hate it.
Come to think of it, the existence of the 6 souls makes Sans look bad as well. In the genocide route, he could have just told Asgore "Hey, a human is killing literally everyone including Toriel. Could you get a few of those souls out?" The whole "I don't wanna kill people" thing would probably not surmount his desire to not have his entire race genocided.
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Hey, they gotta get rid of that old, tight skin somehow.

Just think of how good it feels to finally get that off of you
Undyne says in her Genocide fight that Alphys will evacuate everyone and call Asgore to tell him to absorb the six human souls.
It's unknown why he doesn't actually do that. It may involve Toby being a hack.
Maybe Alphys got distracted by anime just before she called Asgore. Or maybe her autism got the better of her and she still couldn't work up the nerve to pick up the phone.
The only thing spiders feel is a lust for vengeance.
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wasps BTFO.jpg
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Spiders are arbiters of justice and hope that eradicate hateful and hurtful creatures. Pic related.
>The whole thing would lose a lot of meaning if he didn't. But he didn't kill, because he chose not to.
You misunderstand. It's not that Asgore wouldn't be capable, it's that he wouldn't have the chance. Asriel and Chara failed partially because the control between them was split, and the strife over the plan doomed them. The six souls rebel against Omega who was merely using them, how do you think one soul would have reacted to being forced to share power and assist their killer? Asgore would have been powerful, sure, but the body would have shut down.
Wasps only want to assert their rightful place as the ubermensch of bugs. If spiders have a problem with that then they can take it up with the children of the wasps.
It takes a lot of work to get the six souls to rebel against Flowey, and if the magical number of seven Human Soul Equivalent is reached, the human souls seemingly can no longer rebel. And in the only known case of one absorbed human soul, Asriel gained the upper hand, not Chara.
get thee gone, vespid.
Yes, but Flowey is a vessel, he was designed to wield souls. At the same time, if Asriel had all that power, he could have done basically anything, a shield, teleportation or whatever. It would suggest that keeping that control would have required him to just set the body on autopilot back home.
>wasps as ubermensch
>not hornets
if youre going to insist that bugs are superior to spiders than at least pick a good bug
Any influence being a vessel rather than a traditional being has on control over the souls is speculative. I can think of potential reasons for more control as well as less control.
The New Home narration says that "Asriel had the power to destroy them all". But I don't see a reason to assume that would include the power to create shields or teleport. Power doesn't even seem to scale linearly with the number of human souls, since Flowey + 7 HSE is much more powerful than Flowey + 6 HSE.
>The New Home narration says that "Asriel had the power to destroy them all".
Not the guy, but you can't exactly trust the New Home narration. They wouldn't know precise details, unless Asriel carefully explained everything just before his death.
What if the spider wanted to get lewd with you but when she touched you you'd realize how disgusting her skin feels and you'd be too horrified to touch her intimately?
My favorite undertale guy is Mimyuu
Wouldn't it feel a bit coarse and furry? Isn't that what arachnids feel like?
QP (Dangerous) is the best dog character in the game.
My favorite Undertale is Shub-Niggurath, the goat with a thousand young
wait no I mean Toriel
My favorite Undertale is the one who's always wetting itself
but there are multiple wetters
what is the best part of the goat
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Anon gives Asriel some MERCY.png
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Their smile
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those fucking ears.jpg
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The bunny ears.
>stealing filenames
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The horrific snake tongue.
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My filenames are licensed CC-0. They can't be stolen, because any use is permitted.
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Asriel Dreemurr.png
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I don't know what you mean.
MY filenames you crook
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goat tongue 04.jpg
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I want it inside me.
>implying we're not the same person
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Goat by Fish.png
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But what's your favorite movie then, me?
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Same one as yours, duh
That's cheating you little bitch
>no guro of blueberry
life isn't fair
You can't cheat yourself
Of course you can, why do you think I've failed so many dietary promises?
>the Japanese can see our AUs
I don't know why, but the thought terrifies me.
how new are you
How is this game still relevant in any kind of way?
it isnt
Active fanbase, Japanese con this weekend, that's more than enough for me.
It still makes my dick hard.
i just want to fuck the goat
i just want to gut the foack
I just came to my favorite
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A recent update made all of the characters Nazis. Toby's absolutely crazy for doing it, but it's certainly made it topical.
>he doesn't obsess over a single character in a dead irrelevant piece of media and create autistic au scenarios completely removed from the source material
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neighborhood cast.png
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Why do they have no faces?
Did Toriel and Asgore adopt Monster Kid?
Toriel is trying to push Monster Kid down through the ground. It is a horrifying, violent scene. That's why Chara is running away and Gerson is amazed.
>Toriel not burning down either of the apartments with gays in them
Not really very accurate
She tried but she accidentally gave Grillby the wrong address
File: KAKYOIN.gif (330KB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
330KB, 320x240px
>he has a daki of his mom
You put my thoughts into words better than I ever could
Is Flowey about to off himself?
That rascal Flowey, always doing his little wacky suicides
File: Asgore enjoying some music.png (211KB, 750x750px) Image search: [Google]
Asgore enjoying some music.png
211KB, 750x750px
Finish this thread off with some music posting
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56KB, 779x585px
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798KB, 2000x2600px
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127KB, 900x900px
>Royal Guards in a bath
File: Chocolate Star Core.jpg (90KB, 1024x774px) Image search: [Google]
Chocolate Star Core.jpg
90KB, 1024x774px
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I just threw up a little in my mouth.... Oh God.
Bitch I've been looking at pictures of post-op MTF transsexual genital surgery and dilation LITERALLY all day. Long tongues are nothing.
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584KB, 879x679px

you have no idea how much i want this
What do you mean, "why"?
You act as though that's strange.
File: groovy.png (19KB, 616x832px) Image search: [Google]
19KB, 616x832px

groove time
god this game's ending hit me like a truck
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228KB, 1000x1000px
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425KB, 1280x2132px
File: fish swing.gif (932KB, 500x316px) Image search: [Google]
fish swing.gif
932KB, 500x316px
alphys wat r u doin

sex the fish
Please be patient she has autism.
New threat when?
You say that shit to me again and you'll regret it.
True Ned when?
Thread posts: 761
Thread images: 251

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