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/fgoalter/ Fate/Grand Order NA General

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Thread replies: 898
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ROMAS edition
Previous thread: >>181691397
>[Fate/Grand Order NA]
Current content available:
Chapter 0: Fuyuki
Chapter 1: Orleans
Chapter 2: Septem

>[Master Recruitment Campaign]
Campaign Period: June 26, 2017 (Mon) 9:00 PM ~ July 31, 2017 (Mon) 23:59 UTC
If you create an account during this period, you receive the following rewards:
4-star CE: Beginning of the Journey
4-star Servant: Saber Lily
6,000 FP, 10x Gold EXP, 5x ATK Fou, 5x HP Fou, 30x Saint Quartz

>[First Order Bluray Release Celebration Quest]
Event Period: July 6 (Thu) 4:00 ~ July 13 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
Clear the limited quest to receive this free 4-star Craft Essence

>[Master Mission]
Do the following quests repeatedly to clear them all while farming materials:
TUE: Duel with the Three Knights - 30AP
WED: Duel with the Four Warriors - 30AP

>[Daily Quest]
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread.

Altria is permanent. Nasu agreed, don't bother him about it.
Aniplex US will re-translate some skill names and fix typos sometime in the future.
Aniplex US will "try their best" to import all events from JP but it depends on licensing issues.
Gilgamesh will become available for a limited time SOON™ so stock up on Saint Quartz.
Free 4-star Servant will be given away SOON™ so stock up on EXP.




>[Mega Pastebin]

>[US Friend List] (Last Reset: June 26)
Add Yourself: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform
View List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
Anons please help me,

I thought with the NA release they would censor some of the lolis but when I got the game today low and behold the lolis were not censored one bit!

What should I do anons I quit JP F/GO because of how many fucking hot lolis there is but even in NA I can't find any reprise.
>didn't fuck up the embeds
I hate you too
Herny, are you here? I applaud your dedication to Jannu.
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You can do it too.
>other servants are not important
that includes you then.
>15 rounds of 30ap daily
>0 kintoki 0 berserker pieces
How do I deal with the game's desire sensor?
Personally I just defeat it by being a slacker and relying on events for mats.
>want assassin and caster monuments
>all time kintoki
Not an option in NA yet, so you're not allowed to say that here yet. Shuffle on, peasant.
Wait for an event to get them
>15 rounds
Fucking how? Are you just blowing quartz to refill your AP? Even with 81 max AP I can only do them twice then I gotta wait for 6 hours.
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>thematically strong
it has barely any thematic depth and what themes it does have are contradicted by the different routes (HF undermines everything that happens in UBW and vice versa). the game is 200+ hours long but nothing happens, nothing gets developed and nothing matters. F/SN is atrociously bad.
Sure it is, what I do is I just wait.

And set up quartz accounts
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>just realised I can do the daily quests as many times as I have AP for instead of only once a day, only the flubber cubes are limited
This, burnt both Giles and I'll likely burn both Liz, Jack the Ripper, Nero and the other horrible villains portrayed as dindus in this "tragic" story
u wiggily wot m8?

the themes of the 3 routes compound on each other not contradict. The first one is the "oneself as an ideal." The second one is "struggling with oneself as an ideal." The third one is "the friction with real and ideal."
>when you realize that this does not change the number of times that you can do them
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>he replied
Fuck off archer, I'm going to be a hero of justice and you can't stop me.
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I actually wanted to but I ran out of space for the 2000 characters allowed, which is why unlimited embed works was the last one.
You shits need to star making generals instead of relying on me though
Why does EMIYA's NP suck so much level 1?
Couple of beginner questions:
Are there any characters that are easy to overlook? Kojiro for example, I basically ignored him because he's a 1-star but he seems to be pretty popular. People seem to like Arash a lot too and I've found Medea tears shit up.
Also is there any use keeping characters I'm not particularly interested in?
So where do I get golden statues? I haven't seen any drop from the daily quests.
Mine's lvl 2 and it's still garbage even if you chain it.
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I stacked overflow ap yesterday doing the hands dailies to prepare to blow them all today. It was a waste of effort it seems
What do I do with my phone while F_GO recharges AP?
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>Try taking a friend's level 60 Vlad into 40AP daily
>4k CRIT, 4k CRIT, 4k CRIT
>Dead on turn 1
Chains are overload, you can literally read what Overload does for a given NP on the NP card.
That's disheartening, Oh well he still does good dmg outside of his NP.
40AP dailies
you may as well collect them all, you never know when you'll end up wanting em.

And yes, the rough list for 1-3 stars that are exceptionally stand out is something like.

Hans, Cu, Robin, Hassan, Arash, Asterios, George.

The rest aren't trash or anything but they're more situational, like Mozart is really useful for arts teams.
Can you elaborate on what makes them so good?
pretty much
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>Buy battery/case for phone
>Lasts all day at work
>Uninterrupted waifu grinding and comfy fgoalter
>Accepts people's tastes are different from his and doesn't judge them for it
>4chan users
My AP runs out before my battery does.
You should be able to instagib a hand on the first turn.
>Dies Irae meme.

Though I really do need to get around to baldr force, it only took 10 years for me to bother with turkeyhandle... I was disappointed desu
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>he doesn't have a wireless charging stand
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Same here hence why I use this place to numb the pain of finding materials and waiting for new servants
Kagetsu Tohya was good.

In the end, it was all worth it for Carnival Phantasm.
All the characters are good in some way. The usual is though is to raise a 1-3* to cover any class gaps if you didn't roll like mad. Kojiro is popular because he's an easy to get an assassin that does extra damage to riders, of which france is 90% of the mobs. And then one really big swallow.

Hans is good caster since he comes with some helpful support skills. Cu(lancer) is really good cause of his surivibility. It's sort of an experiment and find out.

And you should keep 1 of every character. Feel free to feed extras to max out NP. Raise the characters up just enough to do their interlude. That gives you some story for that character and a free quartz for finishing it. After that you can ignore that character if you wish.
these buster aoe np's need a buster chain and some card buff to get remotely decent damage

unless you're saber alter
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And this is where I would ascend my Altera and Waver. If I had one.
Nero wasn't a villain though, she was a shitty emperor but far from a tyrant, and people of Rome fucking loved her.
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Give them to me, I've got both.
>you should keep 1 of every character
I'd do that if some of them weren't so horrible to look at. Examples: Phantom of the Opera, Spartacus
Cu just never dies and has decent stars and NP.
Robin has really big single target damage.
George is a good tank who can start doing his job as a tank really early on and his stats are decent.
Asterios is good at boosting survivability for your team and increasing damage output with his NP
Arash is just a huge AoE nuke so he's just good, get his NP charge up and blow shit up
Hassan shits out crit stars IIRC.
Mozart has 20% buff to arts for the team which is why he's good but situational, but for anyone running vlad he's really solid.

Then there's Hans. This little fuck is insane. He doesn't -really- become insane until you ascend and level his skills, but when you do he'll shit out 10 stars a turn and boost your critical hit damage by 40%
Is that a
Really cute Rin
I run George and I can say he's a really good early tank. He actually has a taunt that last 3 rounds and raises his def. for his first skill. None of the other tanks get their taunts till their 3rd skill. Then he has self heal for second.

He's great at protecting your berserkers. Use the master evade on him and he'll sit and laugh as all 3 mobs do nothing to him. His damage is rather low though.
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don't do a jojo reference
not now
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Thanks, every Rin is cute
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Why is she a saber when her weapon is just this?
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Don't you dare
>His damage is rather low
Ascalon's still neat though
>waver finally comes up as the boss of the event quest
>he drops a golden monument
This is the only fucking game where drops too rare are a bad thing. Would it kill them to let me burn one of these and turn into a handful of the regular sort?
>store currency in in €
Wait, so I can just straight up pay in € without jumping through any hoops?
>he doesn't just pop it in the microwave for 90 seconds to charge up
Yeah well, not everyone can be saberface beautiful. Besides Spartacus has some good lines that will get a chuckle out of you. He'll go down in the list eventually as you get all thsoe pretty 4/5*
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I can't play while my phone's in the microwave, Anon
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>opens box
>it's jackhammer time!

Memes aside, am I really the only one who thinks it looks like a pretty cool sword? At least for a fantasy setting.
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Rin is for gentle loving only!
Nah it's pretty cool, feels like something out of Tsukihime.
He's trash for now, can't even farm the mats you need for his ascensions yet.
In the butt
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Who cares. I still like him.
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Seriously though, how did a porn game end up becoming as popular as it is?
because the sex isn't canon?
Jeanne Alter when?
It was a really interesting story with likeable characters that spawned memes for years and years to come..
Fate's porn game status was integral to it's success.
>porn game
Nobody read f/sn for the sex, it's the least erotic prose ever written aside from tsukihimay
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For me, it's the McChicken.
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the porn was a handful of scenes and it wasn't even that good

casual fans probably don't even know it started as such
Maybe they're a sea food enthusiast.
>Repeated comments on how Nero is a completely ordinary human being and they don't sense any magic from her
>Writer not knowing all heroes all had magic from magecraft/spellcasting/born with gifts and somesuch which is how they did all their incredible feats of bullshit strength and etc

Other than that I don't see why people hate the Septim chapter so far, even that is just the writer showing he didn't know much about Fate lore but it's not that big a deal other than something someone over there should have corrected.
But anon, were not the authors of the sources of knowledge that cast him in a negative light written by members of the classes his taxation policies most negatively effected?
The attriubution of the fire to him is reasonable, though if we're treating roman emperors who killed romans for their own gain as objectively bad, then what of the many who killed fellow romans in the many conflicts over succession?
Additionally, the persecution of Christians in the empire, a point he's often criticized upon, was important for the emperor to sustain the roman tradition and culture so as to keep it from being trampled on, and of personal importance to emperors whose predecessors were deified; the roman religion importantly legitimized the right of the emperor to rule.
I'd asses him as neutral at worst rather than the definitive evil he's often made out to be, especially in light of evidence of the commoners being pro-Nero as they seemed to be.
Nero is ugly and stupid and she is not Rome she is a big dumb fat idiot stupid head.
Not by the true history, I just can't take her seriously
Man I wish I rolled Lancer his NP is so fucking good and he hits really hard.
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Okay I guess hating Nero is a meme or something? I'm not down with the FGO community yet
I have a leveled character of every class except Berserker now. Out of the common berserkers, which one would you guys recommend that I level first?

Lu Bu seems like the best attacker, but he looks defensively weak. Darius has battle continuation and an AOE NP, which seems like it might actually be useful on a Berserker, but his first skill seems worthless for a Berserker. Caligula's skills and cards are set up for damage, but his NP is a debuff (seems like a good one). Asterios looks to be highly specialized. Spartacus doesn't seem all that great.

Is this a reasonably accurate assessment of them, or is there something I have missed?
I just chalked that up to Roman being deliberately stupid and Mashu being actually stupid
Same with the undeserved Nero wank; your kohai means well but she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer
Septem felt like a waste of characters. You're dealing with Nero before she gets put into the throne of heroes. It was a wasted plot point when she's surrounded by servants. I kinda thought Boudica hiding her servant status was going to lead into something... it didn't.

Others said there's a ton of Nero wank but i didn't see it. The cast wasn't fleshed out enough in septem to show her off. It was just the roman emperors circle jerking a for a few lines and that's it.
I want Astolfo to impregnate me
Spartacus is the Cu Chulainn of Berserkers.
Half of what we know about Nero is very likely to be complete bogus. I won't elaborate further because I'm seriously tired of doing that but do some research, you'd be surprised.
He's not perfect; he dies to everything in existence. So long as it is an enemy, it can kill him with relative ease.
>Use friend's lancer after he goes nuts since it let him do AP40 which he was struggling with and he tells me he gets that permanent evade buff for 3 hits, hits, NOT TURNS!
>Desperately want him
>Only got Proto and he's not as good as normal

I have like 40 gold lancer cards just sitting there...and 40 Archer ones

Is Asterios viable?
Err, never mind. I was thinking of Vlad. It's late.
Siegfried is literally the best dragon slayer
Ibaraki > Herc

fight me!
So he dies all the time without accomplishing anything?
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At this point with the fags from F/Z and UBW I don't really want Tsukihime to ever be that popular.
You know what is wrong with what you've said.
I leveled Lu Bu to 30 because his growth curve is reverse S
That's not even the strangest part, it's a popular porn game that's written better than most Shonen.
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>tfw Caesar almost slays both Nero and Mashu's pussies
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Siegfried is a little girl.
From what I know about Roman and spoilers I don't think he's supposed to be stupid, I think writer/DW just goofed

Nero just seems there, yeah, I don't really see it wanking her hard so far but I only got to Stheno. She's present because it's her chapter but it's not glorifying her at all, in fact it's kind of insulting her by saying she's an ordinary human. I guess I can go take out Herc if that's the case
Do you have a link to the growth curve you're referencing?
>has a staff and shoots bolts of magic
>Assassin and not caster
Uhh, what?
Women are scary
When are they adding him as a servant
Why is he always hunching his back and looking down?
It's entirely possible that the translator was just a moron. With everything else, who knows? Rather, who's to expect better.
The virgin stance
I don't have a problem with this sword because it's somewhat accurate to the legends
>[Charlemagne] was wearing his fine white coat of mail and his helmet with gold-studded stones; by his side hung Joyeuse, and never was there a sword to match it; its colour changed thirty times a day.

>Before the Miholjanec legend had been regarded, the so-called sword of Attila in Vienna was known as the sword of Charlemagne.
Can I clone my Memu emulator windows or I have to create new ones by importing the file?
Altera has some seriously great design, though.
There's not a single thing about her that doesn't look great.
Uh there's a shitload of Servants that do nothing but fire Magic. One's in the story mode and is obsessed with France.
Hmm, fair enough. I'll look into it
her artwork kind of sucks
The story was weak from the outset according to anyone who could read the JP version. It's not like France had an amazing story either.
>jeanne is trouble
>we believe in you jeanne
>ok i beleive in myself

That was pretty much it, and a ton of "Sempai, swallows are comming!"

Early writing sucks. We'll get taken for a ride once we get to where Nasu takes the reins.
I'm referring to Carmilla. Why the fuck is this caster classified as an Assassin?
Remember septem is the chapter that the writer had to apologise for because JP fans were -that- mad about it.
She is flat.
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Sieg can't even slay swallows
what's so bad about it anyway? I'm at section 11, and it's just pretty meh. But it's not like the previous ones were that much better
That's a positive not a negative.
then how come Jeanne is better than Arturia
To be fair slaying swallows isn't exactly beginner level. It's pretty much the hardest moving target you could ask a swordsman to kill!
Altria is an exception to the rule.
I don't recall exactly, but remember JP fans are also crazy militant about some shit and I heard that the translators had toned down some of the problems of Septem (mostly the nerowank)
He needs to sumanai
I think that the problem is it was MEH. France wasn't amazing but it was much better than Septem. If your a Nero fan she wasn't shown off very well and if don't like her then then there wasn't much supporting character development. Wasted potiential more or less. Septem felt like it was written by a 6th grader.
>You will never rest between Jeanne and Jeanne Alters Jeanne's
Still waiting on a source for that.
I think she'll get a lot of new fans, she hits pretty hard and can keep herself up while also making everyone else hit hard
Is it too late to start over?
>asking for sources for 2 year old shit that's beyond irrelevant.
short hair
Is it too late to start playing?
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Jap fans were mad because she blushed and was flattered by Caesar's comments about her body and seemed interested in him.
Incorrect answer.
Is Okeanos written by Nasu?
who wouldn't be interested in based Caesar
even Mashu was blushing at his compliments
He's a pussy slayer
I just like how elegant and beautiful she is, her heavy damage, good AoE NP and Military Tactics are all just bonuses.
I mean, she does have Natural Body EX for a reason.
I actually prefer her hair that way. Though, it'd be nice if you could tell a bit more easily it's short. I want a variant of her without the veil.
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Is it too late to get a refund on my quartz?
Just finished Roma

1-5: Roll a 10 roll for Nero
6-0: Save for Gil
Go over there. You're not supposed to be in here.
Uh, I don't know of any "hating Nero" memes, but being mid-way into Septem right now I honestly find Nero annoying.

The entire chapter itself is a major tone shift in both writing and gameplay compared to Orleans. Like fuck, I just finished killing Caesar who practically gave us the victory.
Oh hey, Roland!
How recent is this screencap? The little belts are a nice touch, since we know he's into BDSM.
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What did she literally meme by this?
Lost in translation maybe? I mean she's confronted by a previous Roman emperor and she's getting flattered. When one of your civilications greatest leaders is giving you praise you are kind of expected to say something nice in return.

But more or less japs bitched cause muh waifu crap it seems.
"who cares" is always the answer to inane shit.
Stupid Okeanos, come out already, I want my Caster Lily damnit!

Still debating between Carmilla and The Redman for my 4star pick. As much as I love Marie I need an Archer other than nothing or an assassin other than REGEND more. I have a lot more Archer EXP saved up since I took Sasaki up to 30, so I'm leaning toward Shirou, but everyone says Carmilla is insanely good...
You can start/reroll right now if you want, there's a new reward event that gives 20 quartz in addition to the starting quartz that's taking place for anyone that plays between 3rd and 6th.

Should be enough to a second roll easily after your free 10 one
Incorrect answer. I am still waiting for any form of citation.
Did you know that meme can actually be a legit proper word? Nero is actually using it correctly there. Spend more time off the Internet, idiot.
Pick stheno
Nero's not smart enough to use words like that.

It's Mashu
How soon is Gilgamesh event coming? Some people seem to be implying it won't be a month or two at all but a week or two away

Also I hear people saying single summon the better way to go than 10x summon, I guess just in case you grab what you want early on in the first few?
Never https://youtu.be/6HKTOLdA2I0
>Wanting someone else to do the research for you
No one cares, move along
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>A Friend has a max level ascended Tamamo with Kaleido
>Pick her just to see how she does
>She goes through all the dailies like if they are made out of wet paper
Holy fuck
My mistake.

You're not going to trick me snek, I know how you bully your baby sister!
Actually i love second H moment with Saber.
I fapped to this pretty long time.
Nero isn't speaking, and the context in which Mash says it is clearly wrong or unusual. The right word would be "echoes", "effects". The writer just wanted to either sound smart or find a way to fit the word "meme" into the work.
It depends on your playstore location.

1 quartz is 1 dollar
>Additionally, the persecution of Christians in the empire, a point he's often criticized upon, was important for the emperor to sustain the roman tradition and culture so as to keep it from being trampled on, and of personal importance to emperors whose predecessors were deified; the roman religion importantly legitimized the right of the emperor to rule.
Also, there's the blunder where he tried to use them as scapegoat for the fire of Rome.
When even 20 years after his death, people still used his name to enlist popular support for rebellions, and three times at that, you know the guy had some serious publicity.
>How soon is Gilgamesh event coming?
Unless the devs all have brain damage, it's not happening until at least the start of next month so people can't just reroll for him.
>I guess just in case you grab what you want early on in the first few?
The tradeoff is that you can just keep getting black keys until you're bankrupt.
>replying to "muh source" fags

I watched those fags kill gundam discussions on /m/, don't empower them. In the space of a year anything that was just common knowledge had to be backed up by like 4 fucking sources and it just ground discussion to a fucking halt and somehow despite needing to "source" everything people developed some retarded misconceptions.
I'm supposed to learn a language in order to verify the legitimacy of a single spurious yet significant allegation? Incorrect answer.
It's Mashu, you imbecile. And meme doesn't fit there either way.

That sounds like Spook Priest talk to me.

That said, I will probably use my tickets to try to get Gil on the assumption they're going to fix the store soon, but I won't use quartz. I have other Servants I want much more and I'm not interested in spending any money on this game... yet
That's way too far away, they need to release something to keep interest going and a CE to celebrate first order isn't that.
It's that retard strength from being a berserker and 50% bonus damage to damn near everything.
It fits fine. You need to understand the original use of the word.

Somebody never played Metal Gear Solid. Fucking pleb.
I had 6 tickets and blew them all because my patience was out and I wanted to get some power ups/new servants, of the 6 tickets I got 3 5*s including Jeanne so i don't feel too bad...but I am worried over how much I will roll for Gil. I don't have an Archer (No fuck you I'm not using Arash) and he's GIL so he's gonna be good and cool
I was interested myself so I dug up the source
>>181710447 probably has the right idea though
>3 5* out of 6 tickets
I wonder who could be behind this post
>not using Arash
fuck off and don't play FGO ever again.
>have 151 quartz
>just used my last summon ticket
>no summer gacha yet
I want to roll, but no Summer Kiyohime yet. I'm dying slowly for a gacha that won't come until next year probably.
Looks like it depends on how fast NA players achieve 3M.
It's not chinese, so it can take 1-2 month. JP achieved it on 1 month.
I sure hope the whales keep this game alive long enough for her to release over here.

False priest is laying a spook on us.
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I got Formal Craft, the 25% Quick Card one and Jeanne.
Literal meme game, though.

And no one that plays this game would, though. It's a terrible choice.
What the fuck is that outfit
The whole thing is just the writer wanking his waifu Nero
No it's not a terrible choice. You're just upset cause your equating the word with the wrong definition. There's only a handful of people sperging out over it cause it's easy reactions.

Everyone else can read it properly and move on since actual Nasu writing goes into much deeper and wacko stuff.

Find a ladder and get over it.
Neat, got Leonidas
Should I dump exp into him since I don't have Cu?
I'll admit his apocalypse meteor and its stats seem impressive especially with how easy it was to Np5 him and made me consider using my archer golds on him but the fact he kills himself is so lame to me, I'm sure he might win battles for me in the future if I bothered to use him
I think they'll release everything sooner to help us catch up. I'm DESPERATE for Hessian Lobo, he's gotta be my favorite servant. Saving all my fou cards from now on for him.
They're not doing the campaign based on players for Gil with NA, or if so they'll just announce current players just to advertise the players when they release Gil
I don't see it failing
Kek, you are the only one overreacting, I find the terrible use of the word funny, though. And where did I say they should change it, you dummy?
Best crit servants in next month?
jack is next year anon
What the fuck is Fou supposed to be, a phantasmal beast?
If I'm reading the banner correctly, taiwan server released Gil at 1M downloads
If the EN playerbase is flagging a bit they'll probably do something similar (make up a number) in order to have the gil rateup as scheduled
It says that it's bad, but there's nothing about an apology there. Not trying to be a bitch, just being real.

I don't agree that the France story is as mediocre as most people claim. The PLOT is simplistic, nobody would deny that, but the core of that story is Jeanne's character and I think you're underselling it. The very first scene where Jeanne Alter burns the man who executed her to death is really well written and chilling, and the way she's portrayed as a complete monster but with almost horrifically human and relatable motivations for what she's doing sets a great stage for Jeanne's pathos. Jeanne's agony over what Alter does, and more importantly what she sees as a likelihood that Alter is the real Jeanne come back for revenge while she is a false copy is palpable and you really feel for her, and the way she overcomes it by getting to know the PC party, and more importantly through her relationship with Marie and learning of her history, I was completely engrossed in that journey.

Plus I thought it was super cool to see all these random Servants just naturally going around France being heroes during this apocalyptic disaster, it made them feel like the heroes we rarely get to see them be in a Grail War, and the mini-arcs of Sason and Mozart added a lot to the main throughline.

Oh, and for basically being a cameo Saber Gilles' role was a great move. France was full of minor but meaningful little details like that, which is another big plus in its favor.
Gilgamesh+Sasaski+Hans+Atlanta will work?
>as scheduled
How soon after launch was it?
He's Primate Murder after it was tamed and taught about the goodness in mankind by Merlin, play Tsukihime.
Wiki says it's the Dead Apostle Ancestor named Primate Murder that for some reason turned into a cute animal mascot which is fucking weird because that thing was created by the Earth itself to MURDER HUMANS BY THE TRUCKLOAD, HENCE ITS NAME
he's a Cath Palug and Primate Murder
depends on how will you do it
Who's a cute little ball of extinction!?

I liked the way they set it up, it's super under-dog.

Their team is full of warriors, vampires, etc, you have a composer, a foppish queen.
>Doubting Sasaki Kojiro the 2nd greatest swordsman to ever live


Okay he's not even the second greatest since he's not Sasaki Kojiro at all but that just means he's competitor for #1 really
>It says that it's bad
1. a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure
Seems like an apology to me. Predictably, "because JP fans were -that- mad about it" is an exaggeration from someone who talks shit because he doesn't know shit, but the existence of the apology is pretty common knowledge, it wouldn't have been a complete fabrication
I want to ascend him to lvl90 when it will work on this server actually
Hey... I mostly just exaggerate things a lot.
>Not using spoilers
Thanks asshole
to be fair you asked what he is, but yeah he's also at fault here.
So the shop is still bugged or what?
I wasn't even that guy, I was just reading down the thread.
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Wew, what's with mobage and turning unstoppable forces of destruction into cute little mascots?
He missed the really important details so it's just fluff at least.

Fou came to this planet with a simple dream: a dream to kill all humans. And then we made him CUTE.

Who's the real monster?
merlin is the true hero, without him all of the humans are already dead by this point.

Well, Saber DID beat him without any wind or nothin'. You'd think a swordsman that great would notice his blade was bent.
Taiwan servers launched on 5/18, Gil event began 5/26. So 8 days between launch and Something Happening.
It's been longer than 8 days, and by the time the First Order quest week finishes it will have been significantly longer than 8 days, but the point was more that the number of downloads associated with the Gilgamesh campaign isn't set in stone. If they want it next week to build hype, they'll set it next week; if they want it after July ends to stem rerolling, they'll set it after July ends.
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>encouraging futa
Merlin is a degenerate.
it will be after the free period for lily/the other stuff runs out
so are we, we aren't any better, at least the fucker saved humankind by showing this one cute little destroyer of humanity that humanity is kinda pretty good.
That just feels WAY too late. I imagine that there's some people that want it to be after that, but also after 2 weeks people are attached to accounts so I think you'll not see as much rerolling as you might expect.

He had to make it up to us since his joke of giving Arturia a dick for a couple day brought down Camelot single-handedly
Im done with septem, what should i do now, subsquests?
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Please feed my cat! She loves friend points much!
theres now way the dont know about rerolling, and theres no way they will run Gil gacha while rerolling is a thing
>you have a composer
I felt that with how outlandish Mozart looked even amongst this insanity that the enemy forces should have faltered at least once and just been unsettled by his appearance
farm the mats that exist so far and some exp cards
How else would you save humanity if one gender was wiped out?
Dumb SEAmonkey.
For today duel against 4 warriors, which difficult would be best for to get caster pieces?
So far i been doing 30ap with no luck.
currently like halfway through rome and trying to ascend waver if there better areas available.
highest AP one has bigger chance of drops
The highest difficulty is always the best
Log out, it's in your mailbox or you already picked it up.
The game is making money even with that happening. All they need is people to be attached to an account enough to not immediately re-roll. They will make money from it and they can't just wait a month to do anything.

Even with nothing to roll for they're making between 50-30k a day typically.
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Wait for the proper dailies and farm EXP, these ""event"" quests are a joke in general. You literally can get 2 pieces easy on Caster daily on JP.
>Even with nothing to roll for they're making between 50-300k a day typically
And I find that completely insane.
If I marry Mordred, do I call Arturia mom or dad?
Is this out event dailies started in Japan?

Do we need to wait for a certain campaign/event to get updated with the current Jap dailies?
Did Mordred inherit Arturia's futa penis
And android has 50-100k installs now, how the fuck?
Isnt doing subquests the best way to farm the mats tho?
Give me my free 4* RIGHT NOW
Whichever fits the specific context.
Some people have money but no time/will to reroll.

Yes this is the old style mat daily. They've clearly used it to slow down how fast people ascend servants.

What's the best way to farm EXP outside the Ember Gathering dailies. I always do those first and then I spend the rest of the day gradually going through the rest for Green Cubes, but I'd rather be spending the AP leveling my party if I can. My party is all sitting at level 30, but I know there must be a better way than my casual ass is doing it since everybody in the general seems to have full parties of 50s or better.
There are already Servant Strengthening Quests?
Gbf lore is a mistake. Remove all cows, Monika a low fat human, Forte x Flat, Death to "Primal Beasts" and pedos scum. Can't forget to gass the gays in the meantime
>They've clearly used it to slow down how fast people ascend servants.
There's stuff just not in the game yet because it's attached to event/campaign updates like Medusa's animation updates and other stuff.

I think they're being lazy and letting stuff come prepackaged
What are you using for this? or do you just have a subscription to one of those tracking things.
Yeah I already finish Saber's and upgraded her NP. Tough battle.
call her seibah like everyone else
sometimes yeah, but the dailies also have some mats that isn't in subquests.
only ember gathering sadly.
>I think they're being lazy and letting stuff come prepackaged

There's a bunch of quality of life changes that they didn't make because they, for some reason, are following the japanese release schedule LITERALLY

You call Arturia "Your Majesty," or Mordred will fuck you up for disrespecting her King.
Just glanced at jewgle play, it was at 10k installs after a week.
They have the modern XP and QP dailies.

They obviously developed the game based off one build (my guess is from around feb) It was an intentional choice to put the old mats dailies in, and everything released after the build they started work on will probably come in a patch. Hopefully it'll come in the first update they do.
"Status up"
>Aniplex US will "try their best" to import all events from JP but it depends on licensing issues.

What does this mean, we are not gonna get some events or are we getting censored events?

The only event i can think it would be censored is saber wars tho
Oh, nice then.
Just NP updates as far as I know. You need 4th ascensions for that so it would be impossible to do it for Emiya. I guess they'll introduce all of them when most mats are available.
Prillya is owned by some other company; that's it. That doesn't mean that they won't get it, it's just that it's not legally guaranteed in the way that the main game is.

Then I'm guessing the Ember Dailies continue dropping EXP even after your first run through? I haven't tried that yet because I've been focusing on doing every daily every day for dem cubes.

Then again I thought I saw a post that said the daily reward cubes were a suckers game and you should be burning EXP cards to get them. If the Ember dailys keep dropping EXP cards even after the first run, that post makes a lot more sense.
Thanks for this info, I really appreciate it
Damn straight, he also gave us Last Episode which was awesome
It was old times and he was trying to make the marriage official, they didn't recognize the marriage without sleeping together and sleeping together = penetration

He got nerfed by caster summon, not a fair assessment!
Distribution, Sentai Filmworks distribute illya in NA so they would need to agree I think.
It's more efficient to play the 30 and 40AP ember quests and burn the cards for Prisms yo.
Do a single roll or two? Use tickets?

Save for Gil if you love him.
Prisma event is probably not happening.

If you already finished Septem and all the free quests, just focus on 30AP to burn silver and get the mana prisms and spam 40AP for EXP and the common silver to burn for more mana prisms. You can also do some doors to start saving QP, but it's still expensive at our current master levels and the XP gain is really bad.

Also in the US Fate/Extra is licensed by Atlus, not Aniplex, so that complicates that event methinks.
Says who?
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Stop resisting the lolis, Anon.
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>Been doing nothing but dailies
>I've yet to touch Orleans or get the Quartz from Fuyuki
Not him but they said they can't do every event guaranteed because of licensing issues, so there may be a few servants that can't make it into NA but they said they would try their best to get every one
for what purpose
Im gonna kill myself if i dont get my cute kuro
Which is why I asked about the specification of "probably" rather than anything else.
They said it in the stream, blame Kadokawa.

I believe they also said that NA exclusive events (and thus presumably Servants) are at least not totally off the table, so if there's some characters we can't have we might get alternatives to replace them.
what's the point of getting mana prisms when i already got all the tickets
It's a well known fact that early GO writing is specially bad and only improves when Nasu starts writing. That the translation we got is so bad does not help the matter. I have faith that the following chapters will be much more palatable considering there will be both better writing and possibly better translations after all the complaining Aniplex got.
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Damn that is an amazing pic
So you can buy your tickets without worry the next month instead of having to go through the dailies then.
With them making millions off of this game, I don't understand how they can choose to not afford certain licenses.

The EXP card packs that cost 40 each? The Fou Cards to boost your stats? Building a stockpile so you can buy more tickets every month when they fix the shop refresh?
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So what is your opinion on the plot/story so far?
What do you like? What do you dislike?

Like they make billions a week on this shit some liscensing deals won't even be a drop in the bucket.
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Where do I get nuts?
They don't want to do exclusive servants at all for either region. They're going to operate events according to each region. Presumably we'll get something for 4th of july next year. (they were still discussing it as of the anime expo panel)

The localisation team knew it was fucked. They started their panel by asking "so who wants to know what the **** happened?"

tl;dr they only had 3 translators on it, they have more resources now which is why they're able to go back and fix shit up and the standards should be much higher for things going forward.
Abraham Lincoln, King of Mars with a plasma vortex hat and space fleet at his command please
There's a difference between having the money and spending the money. I could go and buy me a car right now if I wanted but I won't because I don't need a fucking car and it would be a waste of money. Plus, there's the matter of the owners of the licenses being massive assholes and not wanting to sell it no matter what because fuck you, specially towards baka gaijins.
Once you reach Master Level 40 you should start doing Orleans to get some sweet XP from Septem after that.

The shop should update monthly once they fix it. Also, if the game keeps going for a while, some useful Craft Essences will pop up in there and one copy goes for 1,000 mana prisms alone, and the first one increases its cost for each copy.

It's not like they can just put the money on the table and everything goes smoothly, though I agree.
Its pretty good except for Septem and its Nero cock sucking
You can clearly tell that they rushed things so that it came out at the same time Apocrypha anime started. Which makes me wonder why the fuck they didn't start with an Apocrypha Event.

But yes, now that there's no need to rush I hope things will improve.
>King of Mars
That's just Altera.
I hope patches will fix some of the translations.
Also hope that new people will help translate the game too.
Trash-Mediocre at best, though at least Fuyuki explains most of the stuff.
What I like is when Olga Marie was talking to a skeleton about the food and a long silence happened.
About what I dislike, I dunno.
I really liked Marie. And Amadeus is a fucking dick, holy shit. The dialogue between Mashu, the Protagonist and Romani is also good.
>Like they make billions a week on this shit
That's EXACTLY the problem and why it can be difficult to license shit

People with the license aren't guaranteed to be retarded so they'll demand OUTRAGEOUS prices to let others use it. It's why Netflix is throwing away so many shows and said they'll have over half of their content be Netflix originals in the near future due to people catching on that Netflix is rich now and jacking their prices up to insane numbers
I've seen a few people saying that they're refusing to change Altria, but I haven't seen anyone explain why or give their explicit reasoning (if there is any). Was there anything on that at the panel?
Off-topic, but isn't that a huge blow on Netflix?
Read the OP
I will never stop loving the name Primate Murder
Oh yeah, they were clearly coy with it up until like a week before release because they wanted to have it out for that, I've been saying since they annoucned NA/GO that they're planning on doing a big fate push in the west, I don't think it's coincidental they're doubling down on anime now as well (I bet we'll get more announcements next year too) because that's what the foreigners watch.

The translators aren't the problem, it's just they were spread way too thin. Mangagamer use 7 people minimum for their localisation team on releases, FGO had 3, and FGO is full of weird technical quirks, the reason there's no ruby text for example is that they can't guarantee they can fit everyone's in. They're going to try and figure out a solution but there's no guarantee they can deal with the DW spaghetti code, etc.
It might be, but then again a lot of their originals are either received well or not "real" originals since they actually helped fund production or got their foot in the door some other way on the material so they could be allowed to use it without buying it. Like Nanatsu not Taizai they have on their because they helped pay for production cost for its distribution or something for some area and they slapped original on it when yeah...they didn't make that lol
Olga's death is still wtf to me, and she is eternally shelved even in the JP story, so I'm pretty bitter about that.

People bitching about Jeanne wank in FUCKING ORLEANS just hate the character, period. I don't get why Mozart decided to be summoned as Gollum and Goblin King, but he is one of the better supporting characters despite that. All of the ways the characters interact during Orleans was good.

Septem, and anything related to Rome that ISN'T Nero, is fucking terrible. Romulus being a 3* caramel cream with a giant toothbrush was bad enough, but there is nothing for any of the Roman characters. Except Caligula, of all the awful people. This isn't even getting into the blatant AP drain.

Real talk, I liked the personal atmosphere of Fuyuki more than I did anything else. That actually felt like something out of Fate, even if it was disjointed.
Father, gotta be formal to the king
So if the event of illya for example is reemplaced because license shit, can we still get illya and kuro? Or they have the right of the chars too
I did; that's not a real way to devalue the question.
Type Moon diktat. It's not their choice, they made the case for Arturia apparently but TM said no. No idea how hard they fought it, I'd personally have fought it tooth and nail.
Kek. I'm not watching that series nor did know of their particular case, but they kinda did the same thing with Sidonia no Kishi.
isn't prisma also aniplex
I feel they completely wasted Caesar's character in Septem, and in FGO in general, making him a shitty 3* fatty is disappoiting. They could have done so much more.

I like Mash's character. She's kind of snarky and subtly aggressive, and that really helps set her apart from a typical Rei-clone moeblob that I was worried she'd be.

I like France A LOT. See >>181711260. I could go on but I'll restrain myself.

I loved Sasaki's Ascension quest. I've only done two thus far and Cu's was pretty meh, but Sasaki's was quite funny.

I liked Caster Cu in the prologue. The whole intro section was incredibly banal and uninspiring, and he was a breath of fresh air that kept me going through it.

I would say the death of Olga was a relatively effective moment that got me interested in hating the villain. Olga wasn't a very strong character, but her death was so brutal and sad just when she was starting to have redeeming traits that I felt motivated by it.

As far as dislikes: pretty much all of the prologue and almost all of Septem. Septem had a very VERY few redeeming qualities, but on the whole it wasn't just bad it was OFFENSIVELY bad, and stuffed with pointless meandering filler to boot. Thank god France and the tiny handful of good scenes were there or I might have quit this game already.

Oh, and I'm not sure what to think about Septem's ending, at least in terms of its meaning to the larger story. I don't really believe Leff died that suddenly and without fanfare but if it is so that seems like a really dumb move that undermines a previous point. If you know, don't spoil me pls.
It's literally what happened fuckmunch

>Hey Nasu we are translating GO is it Arturia and Altria?
>B-But Arturia sounds better
>I said Altria you faggots now fuck off because I get Takeuchi to give you a Saberface through punching yours
>I could go on but I'll restrain myself.
No. Fuck that. Do it. Why do you wanna restrain yourself from good discussion? That's the kind of stuff that threads need. People who actually write shit and put thought into it.
Unless a Rome Event happens and introduces a Saber/Rider Julius Caesar that is a 5*.
inb4 reddit spacing
It's kinda ironic that the NA thread is better than /fgog/, but I guess this general doesn't attract the shiposters.
I used to do that in FGOJP, but the shitposting fucking drained my will.

I just hope this general doesn't turn into such an incestuous shitposting hole.
I was expecting his ascension to make him look more and more like a true Caesar, but no fucking go there. That they basically made him Eric Cartman infuriates me to no end.

They wasted every Roman's character, which is why the hatred for Saberface Nero is so bad. Japanese legit know nothing of the old world, and it shows.
you jinxed it
>They wasted every Roman's character
except for one
>I just hope this general doesn't turn into such an incestuous shitposting hole.
>Hurr durr fgo general is shit we are so much better
Can we not?
I want the romaboos to go
The renaissance was a mistake

I don't know why, Altria is clearly the result of a flawed understanding of our language in the same way American idiot fanboys still sometimes insist Berserk's main character is named Gatsu.
It's just that these threads are so focused on the game, for a change.
That's what happens when everyone is new and starting and figuring out things and there's content to go through. Sooner or later there will be a drought and that's when things will go to hell.
That was a hawks thing, though.
I liked France a lot. I loved Jeanne's character, and I liked the fact that Jeanne alter was Gilles creation and that he was the mastermind behind everything.
Marie Antoinette was great too (except the fact that Charles Henri Sanson wasn't the one who killed her in real life but whatever). Definitely became one of my favorite characters.

I haven't finished Rome yet but except for Nero it's not that interesting.
So when do we get to destroy Carthage?
Well duh, shitposting only happens when everyone's already discussed all the content about a game.
Something something raspberries.
never ever.
Eh, the thing is that Roman emperors just don't really have a whole lot there for them to be particularly special, I think Ceaser was done because they wanted to do something a little unexpected with him.

I mean Nero is only a thing because Nasu wanted to do his own "tyrant" after seeing Iskandar in Zero.
Pretty much. But even if the JP version gets a big update the shitposting never ceases.
>Finally roll Saber Alter, Herc and Waver
>Still not happy
I just don't know anymore.
r8 my autism lads

i've learned every step of the dance from the OP of carnival phantasm for assassin
But he already had Gil. Is Nasu retarded?
what the hell
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do one more roll.
Branding probably, easier to trademark something like Altria.
They've been in shitposting mode for so long that that is all they know now. Furthermore, a big majority there are EOP so they can't into the plot besides summaries posted on reddit or BL so that's another issue.
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How long until we get Nito-chan?
Anyone have a spare SSR account? I have rerolled 40 times and still nothing

>Roman emperors just don't really have a whole lot there for them to be particularly special
You're pretty wrong here, just saying. They didn't all look like the Little Caesar's guy and say "Pizza, Pizza".

Nasu's Nero started off as a good concept. I mean, making him a woman actually makes perfect sense. Nero being a Saber palette swap is sort of unforgivable though, I'm still mad. It's just so "I'll make red saber and call it someone else, you'll all love anything!"
Nasu keeps doubling down on goldie being a good boy rather than a tyrant. Despite it clashing with everything we see in FSN and Zero.

"Nasu: If I had written Fate/Zero, then Iskandar would have been a character like Red Saber. In my mind, I can only see Iskandar as a worthy opponent to Gilgamesh, but the Iskandar Urobuchi created was an excellent, wild, and unprecedented character that I could have never thought up. But I want to surpass him somehow, so maybe Red Saber was born out of my drive to create a different tyrant from Iskandar."
Seiba is smol
I have a Vlad + Kaleidoscope + Heaven's Feel account if you want it
Speak for yourself, I just got done leveling my guys, I haven't even started Orleans yet. You gotta learn some patience anon.
jeanne is big
B-but I still haven't finished it yet
>They didn't all look like the Little Caesar's guy and say "Pizza, Pizza"
That's perfect for me, Vladzerker is who I was aiming for most.

[email protected]
The best parts of France are Marie + Amadeus, when Jeanne exposes Jeanne Alter as a fraud by asking about her own childhood, and when Jeanne and Gilles finally have meet and talk face-to-face.
We're getting one tomorrow, you....you DOUBLE WAVER
Gil tomorrow?
yeah, the servant collection on launch is a bit lackluster
hang in there, though
If you're interested in the rarity aspect of rerolling you could try to max ascend a servant
arash, leonidas, and ~7 of the 3* servants (cu / proto cu / gilles / robin hood / romulus / kiyohime / jing ke) can technically get the mats they need for their 4th ascension
What should I be burning my AP on if I'm not in any particular need of xp/qp/etc?
Fucking hell I just want caster pieces and all I'm getting from the daily is rider.
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Forgot image
No he's 3 weeks away at least
Same here, but I keep getting assassins instead. Please let me ascend Waver, game.
I know about roman history, but there isn't a whole lot that you can take to build a foundation for a hero without stepping on someone else's toes, they stretched -really- fucking far for Nero and to be fair Nasu did come up with something cool. But unless he wants to give every roman emperor imperial privilage they're all kinda restricted on account of being real people and not pseudo-mythological.
It's because it's not what you actually want, use the servants you want and don't go for the min-maxing just because of stats

I'm leading with cool as fuck Asterios, Medusa and Sasaki
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no bully seiba
especially alter
Isnt the event tomorrow just a logging campaign anyway?
evens get my remaining berserker pieces from septem main story
odds continue to get assassin/rider shit from the 30ap daily
Just fought that lvl 62 berserker in Fuyuki city. Barely won. I wonder why they put such a powerful enemy at the tutorial city.
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>They didn't all look like the Little Caesar's guy and say "Pizza, Pizza"
Caesar edit saying this when
Deep inside you know you can still do better
Goldie was always a good boy, and he has no interest in actively ruling over people in order to be a tyrant. He's unhinged and generally sociopathic, but there's all kinds of reasons given for that, and his final fate of being the ultimate humanfag is set in stone.

I do love that Iskandar was so much better than something Nasu could write that he had to make a new waifu to comfort himself.
They won't do Gil until after the 31st because people would just drop everything and start re-rolling accounts for him.
>not "double Manjew"
I can't get those fucking berserker crystals
Is Stheno a loli?
To be fair, there's historians who argue King Arthur is descended from Nero it's not like he pulled it out of is ass. It's still a massive stretch though.
If Nasu wanted us to go along with that maybe he shouldn't have waited 10 years to actually show goldie being not an asshole.

People get attached to accounts, after a few weeks a lot of people wouldn't be willing to just drop it.
Mats. You'll need them eventually. Also, hoarding xp cards to use after ascensions isn't a bad idea either.

If you're desperate you could always do older missions for quartz.
Pretty sure you need to play a node to get the First Order CE.
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Or maybe you should stop being a faggot latching on the past and realize that characters can actually be multi-faceted instead of one-note gimmicks and archetypes.
No, it's what I wanted, I rerolled over 92 times for Saber Alter, Waver and Herc were just a nice bonus I got I guess, but Im not as happy as I thought I would be.

I'll try what >>181714086 suggested and attempt to 4th ascend Romulus, I like ROMAman
which one is best for caster pieces, 10, 20 or 30 AP?
>need caster pieces
>use up all my AP to only get 6 assassin pieces
Nothing can make my dick as hard as Yukikaze.
>We get a Genghis Khan servant who is the ultimate saber-face that all others are descended from.
10AP if you get a Caster boss desu
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>lost two friends

N-No, I'll do anything for friend points
There was tons of evidence for Gil actually being a good person underneath all of his stupidity even in the original work. He has always been one of the few characters Nasu put actual effort into writing.

Of course there is. Heroes aren't just an anomaly based on legends, they are something from reality, shaped by their times. Each one comes from a very different period of Rome, and each one could have been a reflection of their culture.
Why is Elizabeth's NP after herself?
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>person from 1st century AD
>descended from a person from 13th century AD
nigga wut
If you don't log in at least once every day then you deserve to be alone and abandoned
Fujos love Goldie BECAUSE he's an asshole.

>Still no Ruler Gil despite ORE WA RULE
She's everyone's aidoru
You can't just tell me this, you have to let me actually see it or it won't feel real.
It's her debut song or whatever, she has the idol theme going on

Well, in addition to the points I already made, obviously the strongest element in France is the relationship between Marie and Jeanne. Exploring Jeanne's character through her torment over Alter, and the dark mirror that Alter herself represents, is the soul of the Orleans story, but its heart is absolutely Marie Antoinette. She's a perfect counterpoint to Jeanne. On the one hand you have a person who claims to be a simple country girl but who's every scene in the story projects how she carries the weight of her heroic image and sainthood as it is tarnished by Alter. She says repeatedly that she doesn't even think of herself as a Saint, yet she is so haunted by the thought that Alter is the real Jeanne and she, the Saint, is a copy, even after she resolves to fight regardless of the truth of that.

Contrast Marie, who despite being goofy and foopish carries herself with a royal bearing. When she arrives it's with bold statements and commands, and she speaks in grandiose, romantic terms. Yet she refuses to be weighed down by the burden of HER legacy, bearing her accused sins and the hatred of her killers with grace and embracing love of France despite that. This opposite nature to Jeanne's plight combined with her initial infatuation with the legend of Joan of Arc is what drives their relationship, and eventually leads to learn about each other and end up in a place where they have a sort of equilibrium both as Heroic Spirits and as young women, overcoming the divide between Royal and Commoner and Beloved Hero and Reviled Pariah. This equilibrium allows Jeanne to overcome her pathos, AND inspires Marie to become a greater hero and protector of France, defeating her own killer and holding her ground against Alter despite knowing it will mean her death.

I actually have more, but this is already way long. Point is: I love Orleans. I think its underrated a fair bit, and if the story gets BETTER from here I'm excited.
I think it's because Gilgamesh can be both a cunt and pretty nice. I mean he sacrifices 90% of his treasure for Hakuno in his CCC end just so the two can go on space adventures together.
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>add people from this general
>none accept me because of my 3 star team
Fuck you guys
When I have a level 100 Kiyohime you will feel my pain.
In story mode one dog said you to just ignore Heracles.
>you have to let me actually see it or it won't feel real.
You are seeing it right now. Even on FSN you could see that Gil had decent traits under his assholery. He's noticeably more chill in Zero as well compared to FSN. Go read Strange/Fake and play CCC and Babylonia if you want to see more chill Gil.
Nope, it was used correctly enough.
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>Tfw delete everyone who hasn't logged in for 24 hrs
Maybe if you posted your ID people would add you, dumb fucking slut.
I feel like I need to level up Caligula, he looks cool and fun with this RIP AND TEAR fighting style
It's pretty hard to determine who's from 4chan or not. I just assume anyone without a 5* base and at least rank 30 is a random scrub
Because she's that damn cute.
fuck off deermud and your shitty "m-muh honor"
Is Dawkins anime now
>see the new namaniku servant
>log in
>claim 1 year worth of apologems
>do 30 draws and get nightingale and the 4* gacha loli

maybe next year

I don't think Nasu is "doubling down," on Gil being a good boy because that implies he's trying to rewrite him in his later appearances, and I don't think the Gil in CCC or Strange Fake is at all inconsistent with his appearances in Stay Night or Zero. He's just a pretty nuanced character with a values system thats super foreign to modern thinking, and how that is emphasized, for good or evil, is up to his role in the story.
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>a bunch of servants still have their shitty release animations

For what purpose
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Why is he considered good compared to the other non-vampire bitch assassins in the game?
Photon Ray doesn't though!
>"someone I don't like said it therefore it's not true!"
Nice fallacy.

Fine but no bully.
714 346 978
I bet he gives one hell of a reacharound.
>t. Emiya "Nothing Personnel and Don't Mind the Edge" Kiritsugu
I don't add idiots who can't even save pictures properly
What do you except from DW?
>not lu bu
You don't even have good 3*s.
He's a stars making machine. Crits arr day erry day.
The only time Gil really seemed to be more than an asshole was his brief appearance in HF.
time for regend
I won't add you and I'll bully you until I die, you massive faggot.
End your fucking existence
Are you a Jeannefag?
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No wonder you got deleted.
those are the same people who leave comments on booru sites thinking it's deviantart or r_ddit
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Best c-star drop rate in the game
You forgot all the times he wanted to rape and deflower Arthuria on the ground.
Riyo event for NA only when?
Hi anon, I still have 2 spots left if you want Jeanne/Waver. 577329098
>deflower Arthuria
I'll add you, then delete you when you least expect it
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What would Gil think about this?
That's pretty firmly asshole anon.
Almost finished Septem. I guess I do get the hate for Nero now, the entire script is so focused on her, even fucking Mashu gets sad about leaving her alone, lel.
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Do you want me in your Room? Then start saving, master.
Is girl Hassan in this game?
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There's still hope, Romefriends. They've yet to make a servant based on the greatest emperor, Augustus
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I'm sorry
Nah, all the Alter girls are shitty Kuuderes that I would burn in an instant.

Not particularly, though I'm a bigger fan of the character after Orleans and am looking forward to seeing her "primary souce material," in Apocrypha a lot more after reading it.

I just thought France was better writing than it was generally credited. I can't judge the artistry of original prose since its translated of course, and as I said before the plot is a very simple adventure that's nothing all that special. But I think there's a lot of skilled craft in the character narrative that drives everything and there are a substantial amount of nuances (I didn't even go into what Mozart, Sason, and the rest of the supporting cast bring to the central Jeanne/Alter/Marie story) that really impressed me to boot.

Plus the jokes were all pretty funny. Sure as fuck can't say that about Septum.
What Septem had that Orleans didn't was a reason to give half a shit about the characters. Orleans had better characters, but with the exception of the Mashu/Mozart scene, those characters were things that happened to each other rather than to you/mashu/roman. That would be fine in a Grand Order anime, but it's really not something I expect or appreciate in a game.

Because the way it shakes out is, you carry Jeanne through the countryside to meet Jeanne Alter, you carry Siegfried to meet Fafnir, and then you kill Fafnir and Jeanne Alter and Gilles de Rais at which point everyone disappears. It's cute that marie/mozart/sanson got their circle of interaction. It's cute that jeanne/alter/marie got their circle of interaction. But in the end, these are characters who came into existence at the start of the Singularity and vanished at the end of it after you do all the hard work. I'm really not invested in how much these people do or don't resolve their personal issues in the last few days before they die. The only thing to happen that reflected on a permanent character is, again, the diatribe with Mozart - and because it's the only thing of its kind, it comes out of nowhere and can't really be contextualized.

Septem, for all its hollowness, is a lot better at having NPCs interact with your team. Boudica plays around with Mashu. (You) are implied to have a unique ability to parse Spartacus's babbling. Nero addresses (You), Mashu, and Roman all in different ways that highlight the differences between your characters. Stheno acts much the same way. It isn't a very grand or deep story - you mostly run around the wilderness killing trash mobs and the occasional caricature of an emperor - but it's comfy and gives a suggestion of what Chaldea might be like during any downtime which might exist between missions.
Dumping useless 5* here

Artoria, 5* Shiro buster ce

C: gSzYnU61MR

Artoria, D'Eon, Marie


Attila, Camilla, Liz

Vlad, D'Eon
>with a values system thats super foreign to modern thinking
People didn't even like him in his own time though, that's why Enkidu was made for him in the original story lol
Not in NA yet
What are you aiming for?
>not sumanai
say that shit again one more time, and i'll fucking find where you live.
I am saving.
It's not their fault, be a little more considerate
Yet is fine.
I can wait happily.
Honestly want to know who your favorite character is from Fate, at this rate.
You're a shit character so I won't roll shit for you
>greatest emperor

I know they haven't but that's because there's no Ruler Constantine yet.
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All the Alter girls are shitty Kuuderes that I would burn in an instant

I like you because you posted Magilou.
Waver, because I've whaled in every rateup he's got over on JP and never rolled him.

But rerolling is a pain - I've got a decent Vlad account I might go with
>NA only events
Not going to happen, who would even make them? The three people on the translation team?
At best we'll just get the same events the JP version got but on a different schedule.
Stop lying. Whether it is to others or to yourself.
what does the account have
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>playing now even though waifu is 18 months away
How regularly did JP add new stuff to keep us busy?
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>Want to sleep
>But also can't sleep because continually doing 40 AP EXP quests level me up
>But ALSO don't want AP to be wasted and I need the EXP to level up my servants

Help, I'm trapped.
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I love him
They will ask healing writer Urobuchi-san to participate in the writing of a new story, and he will do it free of charge.
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He's talking about in the actual story.

Gilgamesh goes through a huge transformation in the story.
What does the Vlad account have? I have multiple spare Wavers so I wouldn't mind trading for it
>Stop lying. Whether it is to others or to yourself.
You're dumb
>The people of Uruk complain to the gods that their mighty king Gilgamesh is too harsh. The goddess Aruru forms Enkidu from water and clay as rival to Gilgamesh, as a countervailing force.
Why's Waver so popular? He doesn't seem too remarkable to me
>ran a 40ap in the morning to see if I could survive it
>still burning AP ten hours later
Why are you killing that poor tree?
There were months without nothing, specially when they didn't made reruns a thing
Gilgamesh is an unlikable cunt before he meets and travels with Enkidu, that's written in his Epos.
I'm tired of rolling redundant assassins and berserkers, give me an archer already.
Don't worry you will hit the wall and not be able to level from AP40 very quickly
>You will never have a bro willing to pay for a hooker to fuck you non stop for 7 days and 7 nights
For all the shit Gil dishes out, if he likes you, he treats you right.
>first gold servant in JP was waver
>first SSR in US also waver
>without whaling or rerolling

Waveman just love me so much, and I love him for all the help he gave to me
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Vlad + George + EMIYA + Mozart (also Cu and REGEND). Plus got formalcraft and divine banquet.

Might pick Martha as the 4* for Vlad healing and more arts memery until Tamamo drops.

To be quite honest rolling him now is simply a matter of pride. If I can't get him during unlimited reroll works then I'll never get him in my lifetime
Because Shakespeare needs something to write his plays on.
>Lancelot is really cool character
>His presentation in the anime was cool too
>He could be using a jet as his NP to hit enemies
>Instead they give him a machine gun.
Lancelot need an art rework.
Oh boy I sure hope nothing bad happens to the best girl 10 minutes into the story
Anyone in here in need of FP to roll? I'm going to start my free quests and I could help you with that, post code.
It doesn't matter whether it's true or false in the real world. What matters here is Nasu lore. In the case of Nasu lore, Gil's kingship is not the reason that Enkidu exists. That being the case, you are lying if you say otherwise in relation to Nasu lore. I would be lying if I said that Solomon abandoned God or that King Arthur was a man.
Try to trade some of your 5* accounts for Waver if you can't roll him yourself.
he needs a new voice
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Playing Earthbound tends to cause prejudices against plant life.
577329098. Thanks in advance.
Didn't mean to quote.
>He could be using a jet as his NP to hit enemies
He hijacked a jet from the era of the time, it wasn't part of his NP like Gil's nuclear powered spaceship.
Request sent.
>or that King Arthur was a man.
She literally had a penis for a while

So yeah, she was a man. Begone, I cast ye out, failed lorefag!
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>Look at my Support List and realize that I have all the EX Rank 2* Servants

Well maybe living the poverty life won't be so bad.
neither is the machinegun
>Why's Waver so popular?

Later in the game, you will wish you can bring 2 waver as support, before Merlin being released. Even now, he's the best support along with Merlin
Doesn't mean you can't beat the game without then tho, just unlocking some easy mode
yet he still pulls a minigun out of his asshole for his NP
But a machine gun is ok. I didnt know the round table had that kind of weaponry, i wonder how england lost to Roma
>rerolling is a pain
You will know true pain when farming (which is 90%+ of FGO) if you don't get Waver.
It was a feminine penis.
>19 people in the waiting list
>2 open slots
>2 another slots from deleting people who didn't login in a day
>add some low level Mashus so they farm FP for me
Waver only makes farming less painful if you have good units for him to support, he's useless on his own
Being a futa does not make you a man.
Hans and?
What are some FGOcore japanese twitters to follow
Hans, Georgios and Hassan.
I don't into moon, are there any good EN twitters worth following? inb4 of course not
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>You will never stick your dick between Jalter's Jalters
But liking it makes you gay
Being able to instantly boost someone's NP by 30% (40% if you ascend him) is extremely useful, especially when used on a servant who has Kaleido/Imaginary Element and/or has problems building NP meter normally.

Being able to walk into a battle and instantly kill everything with Tamamo Cat or CIVILIZATION's NP is fun.
Having a penis did in that era, and that's what matters.
Waver always makes farming less painful when you have him because you can pick all kinds of 5* damage dealers and even at high NP levels from supports, not having Waver means you have to get good damage dealers of your own and also bring a support Waver which is far less flexible.
>Jeanne Alter

u wot
Kill yourself reddit
Something that gets lost in adaptation about the Gilgamesh vs. Shirou fight at the end of UBW is how didactic Gil is leading up to it. There are scenes in the VN where Saber lectures Shirou about such-and-such a thing, because Saber is a mentor to Shirou. EMIYA, likewise, is a mentor and provides mentorship to Shirou while being a much more antagonistic character. And if you look at the way Gil's dialogue is presented in UBW, he is taking the same mentoring tone; he just happens to be completely an antagonist whereas EMIYA was back-and-forth in different situations.

People call Gilgamesh King of Jobbers as a joke, but I think that's literally what he does. In the wrestling sense of the word, he jobs. He wants to be beaten. He wants humans to succeed. Look at what he says in Fate route after Saber wrecks him; look at his relationship with Enkidu. They made it more explicit in Zero, but the base characterization is present in F/SN: Gilgamesh tests people. And tests are made to be passed.
Copies can't beat the original

This is a very interesting take that I hadn't really considered. Thanks for sharing it.


Honestly, kind of a tough call. It's probably be a close contest between Kiritsugu, Iskander and Waver as a unit, and Rider Medusa.

Kiritsugu's journey is a really fascinating one and his constant back and forth between his humanity and inhumanity created a lot of really poignant and emotional moments that kept me on a razor's edge whenever he did anything right up until he pulled that last trigger (plus I can't deny a certain appeal in his NOTHING PERSONAL 90's-as-fuck flavor of badassery despite myself. Still, it would have fallen flat if he weren't such a robust character.)

Iskander and Waver have this incredible chemistry, I can't even really think of them as distinct characters because missing either of them would have detracted from the other so much. The themes they explore through Rider's ideology and Waver's struggle with his insecurities are amazing, and the way that journey ends with the battle against Gilgamesh was almost stunning in both its sadness and its beauty.

Medusa's interesting because she doesn't have a JOURNEY the same way my other two picks do. Instead she has consistent and interesting traits that apply to the circumstances of the story, and its both those traits and the many layers of obfuscation she hides them under that make her fascinating to me. The slow revelations of the kind of person she is, the life she led as The Gorgon, her goals and desires through Heaven's Feel not only shed new light on her previous appearances in Fate and UBW, not only added substantially to Sakura AND Shirou's story in HF, but went so far as to make me crave more content because what was there was so interesting that I was sad she couldn't have an entire route to delve into her like Archer and Saber got.

From what I've learned about Apocrypha, I'm hoping to add Mordred and Chiron to my favorites list by Summer's end. They seem super neat.
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faggot detected
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Is Taiga shooting BAD ENDs at people? Jesus Christ how horrifying.
>Im fucking plying
>tfw want to get gilgamesh
>tfw he's really not good until we unlock singularity # 6 for his upgraded EA (then 1 chapter later for his 3rd skill)
>tfw EMIYA is absolute shit until his strengthening, which requries ascension 4
>a lot of high S 5 stars will take a while to be released as well

damn, a lot of strengthening/interludes are ages away as well.

Guess that means I'll be relying on arturia/arturia alter/heracles/waver(support) for quite a long time.
>We'll never get a Caster Hermaphroditus whose NP is the Fountain of Salmacis which inflicts massive debuffs

You could make him look like Ranma Saotome as well.
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BAD ENDs were one of my favorite parts of Fate and Tsukihime, especially Fate because the bad ends revealed interesting information the main story didn't

I wonder how many people still get this image
>Nasu keeps doubling down on goldie being a good boy rather than a tyrant.

What is this nonesense you are spewing? His FGO Servant profile literally says he is a "heartless & cruel tyrant".
Free four star when ReeeeeeEEEEEEEeee
>You will never find a husbando who accepts your Seiba obsession
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thiers, orleans, la charite
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>The themes they explore through Rider's ideology and Waver's struggle with his insecurities are amazing, and the way that journey ends with the battle against Gilgamesh was almost stunning in both its sadness and its beauty.

I'm still mad at the anime for not doing it justice and making it seem like it was just a suicide charge with a foregone conclusion.

Also I really want to get to see El Melloi II and Iskandar fight together again.
its the same bloody thing
>I have good damage dealer but no Waver
Use your friend's
>I have waver but no damage dealer
Use your friend's
Its what they're in the game for, you are not supposed to get every servant in the game, this isn't pokemon
Fuyuki upper left, point 0 I think
Rider Medusa is definitely a thinking person's character. When you learn what she had actually been going through the whole time as a servant, it drastically alters one's perception of her, and it really doesn't end there. She's one of the few characters who gets some peace and happiness they wanted, if only fleeting.

I wish you'd have been around for the beginning of Nasuverse, back when there were only so many characters to analyze and think about, so your thoughts were intensely concentrated on this small band of intertwining people for years. Iskandar and Waver are the high point of interim Type Moon, so I can't fault you for that. I wish you further enjoyment from your journey into the works.
I'm sure we'll see it again
If you want saber pieces and dragon teeth just farm in Fuyuki
It will only slightly hurt your teeth droprate and you'll almost certainly get all the pieces you need before you're full up on teeth
I don't know if I want the remake to play that straight, or make a twist about it
Archer hands and assassins hands are the worst
t.5* Saber/Waver account
The point is Waver can support every class and let you use all the variety of NP5 servants from whale supports, but not every class (or even specific servants in harder events) works well in every battle. It is far from the same thing unless you are unbelievable lucky and get every 5* multiple times or a whale which would kill the point since you could just roll until Waver appeared.
I mean for their 3 charge bar, i have jeannu/herk
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>Rider Medusa is definitely a thinking person's character.
She was bullied so hard by her sisters that she ended up eating them.

Really activates the old magic circuits.
kuzuki gave exactly 0 shits
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How does one tell the difference between Stheno and Euthraylae
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Shouldn't the Summon Tickets restock by now?

Really? I didn't get that impression from the anime version at all. While I could see how the music and the blocking of the scene and all that create the impression that the outcome of the charge is a foregone conclusion, I really felt like his refusal to give into despair to and keep fighting for that horizon even after facing "the truth," of Ea was almost a victory in and of itself. In fact, I often like to tell my friends when we get into a snobby book-clubby kind of mood that you can interpret Iskander as winning that fight because at its core it was a struggle of ideology, and what Waver goes on to become as a direct result of chasing after the glorious image of his charging king shows his ideology's victory while Gilgamesh goes on to suffer bitter defeat years later. After all, Iskander's whole raison d'etra was to inspire those who followed him to greatness, to emulate him, and Waver not only becomes a great magus, he as a teacher and the new Lord El-Melloi trains a veritable Hetairoi of his own among the Clock Tower's elite students.
Is that still happening? W-will we still get our Sacchin route?
I wouldn't mind 'eating' them myself desu.
One is 100 % slut goddess
The other is 90 % slut goddess
ask again next month
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>implying he doesn't love his waifu
Their vagOOOs are shaped differently and one of them has inverted nipples.
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does only the "proper" servant have a chance of dropping pieces? or can shadow servants also drop them?

all the medusa bullying never made sense to me, shes far better looking than her sisters
Remake is a massive waste of time, especially if they are serious about it.
They should just make Tsukihime 2.0 instead, but noo fuck that, we must recycle everything for the sake of recycling.
They're still set up for 1 year refresh, even though the guys in charge said it'd be monthly. No one knows why and I'm hoping we get some extra quartz out of it.
So zhuge is neither zhuge or waver, just a "servants" with waver appareance and personality and zhuge powers

So hes not a demi servant? That what his profile says
>10 runs
I'm farming Gaul since sunday for crystals to ascend my herc and I have got TWO FUCKING PIECES

I know how you feel
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Even though the original was unvoiced, I'd feel wrong playing new Tsukihime content since Hisui's VA died.
So i got Siegfried, Tamamo and Waver as starting rolls. Is this a keeper or not? Or should i reroll for Herc or Jeanne?
It's Waver, and Zhuge was absorbed through osmosis, so that he could fight in the battle. Zhuge likely approved of Waver enough to allow this, but we still have no idea what actually went down.
is that the maid that dies in route? or is it the other one? either way kinda ironic

>I wish you further enjoyment from your journey into the works.

I'll have no regrets, this is the only path. My whole life will be Unlimited Type-Moon Works.

(thanks for talking in-depth plot/character shit with me. I do love to get literary when I get the chance)
You've got Waver, be happy.
Sure, you also got SUMANAI, but Waver/Tamamo is nice combo to go with, especially if you give her something to boost her NP charge/rate
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Kohaku is the one that kills herself
So they explain it in his link? Okay thanks
It's the framing in every way. Gilgamesh wasn't nearly half as animated as I imagined him being, I pictured him being similar to how he was against Shriou, except with joy replacing rage. (and that would have been FAR more poetic in anime if they mirrored the two fights) and he feels resigned after the Hetairoi, and in the novel it's described as not even noticing that he wasn't riding Bucephalus after it gets killed.

And come on, look at this face, you can't tell me that this is a determined "yeah I intend to win this fight" face. Ideologically I'd say you're right there, but really the anime's big failing was that it didn't feel like it was a fight of equals, they framed it like a goldie beat down.

She's not actually a goddess. She was once mortal and became Divine through the acts of the Olympian who cursed her into a Gorgon. The other two Gorgons were legit pre-Olympian deities. That's why they're lolis and thus why they bully their youngest sister for being a big dumb giant with fat cow tits.
>Iskander and Waver have this incredible chemistry, I can't even really think of them as distinct characters because missing either of them would have detracted from the other so much
Have you read fate/strange fake?
Two of its characters - tine chelc and flat escardos - seemed very clearly IMO to be deconstructions of waver's character put into different contexts. Flat reenacts the dynamic of a person from the world of mages who isn't stereotypically representative of that world interacting with a person from the world of heroes who isn't stereotypically representative of that world, whereas Tine reenacts the dynamic of a youth being guided to grow into courage and who she fully is.
I didn't think much of the observation at the time, just filed it away as a cute callback to previous franchise entries, but I'm not much of a waverfag. Would be curious if someone more emotionally invested has a more in-depth reaction.
In waver interlude you learn that Waver is demi servant with powers of Zhuge. Zhuge approved to let Waver be in control of body because of his knowledge about modern world.
You're the sort of person I like being friends with, sometimes anonymous posting has its downsides.

>My whole life will be Unlimited Type-Moon Works.
If there's one thing Nasu puts care into, it's giving characters something for readers to build onto. Things that let your imagination run wild with the concepts and possibilities. It is honestly why I think the work has lasted as long as it has, because everyone always wants to see more of established people in new situations.

I'm glad you found it. It's been with me for 13 years now, hasn't really ever let go.
She probably deserved it.
>big dumb giant
only in manletistan, shes the height of my imouto

its particularly weird in her interlude, when the thugs start complaining about her height- how tall is the average person in the nasuverse? is Gil a manlet?

Don't use this word, they're not deconstructions or anything close. They're subversions.
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If you haven't played Hollow/Ataraxia then do it now. The Rider love is real.

Its even funnier when you compare the fight with Iskander and the fight with Hercules in the UBW remake.

That said, in terms of how the fight was framed, I could see how it kind of looks like a squash match for Alex, but when I watched it I wasn't really thinking about it in terms of how badly he was losing because Gil didn't even have to move. I was thinking of it in terms of how Gil, as this unmoving golden figure on the far side of the battlefield, was indeed the very horizon that Iskander had always chased, and now was going to chase one last time and either catch it or die trying.
japs are manlets
You don't even need NP5 5*s to clear everything, the game is balanced around 4 and 5*s being NP1.
Having an NP at lv 5 doesn't even double it's damage on most characters.
Why isn't my bond level going up?
Do I need them to Ascend`?
look at the requirements and weep
>Honestly, kind of a tough call. It's probably be a close contest between Kiritsugu, Iskander and Waver as a unit
I'd call you a Zerotard but no Zerotard would be able to recognize Medusa's value as a character.
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I have been waiting for the Hollow Ataraxia translation for almost a decade, and by the time it came out I stopped caring entirely and now can't give two shits about it, because I lost most of my interest in nasuverse.
weiva and tamamo y/y
Oh it's going up alright
See you in a year
Past people were all manlets, with average height around 170cm in the late medieval period. Go to any castle in Europe and see the size of beds that knightlets have used. Tamerlane was noted as a tall man when he was 175cm tall.
What do we even get for bond levels past 5?
I noticed there is no new bond dialogue for those levels.
So what is the point?
quartz, and then a CE
Gameplay related stuff, you get quartz and various bonuses. Final bond rating gets you character-specific craft essences that range from useless to breaking the game.
Quarts or apples from 1/2 star servants.
>Riders totally wins the fight and has muh moral victory because Gilgamesh loses 10 years later to his one and only counter in the whole wide universe
What? What's being subverted? You're free to pull rank on me if I'm misunderstanding a term of art, but a subversion of something is intended to to overturn or twist that thing. Strange fake doesn't do any of that; these characters aren't intended to make any kind of statement about waver. I said "deconstruct" because waver (like any character) plays different roles, and his character as a whole is constructed from those roles. If a later character imitates one of those roles without imitating the whole, that means a de-construction has occurred to allow for that. Yes? Is there something I'm missing here?
I said NP5 to make it even easier to understand how it isn't the same thing, the amount of damage dealers you can get without whaling (and also their NP level) are very limited, meanwhile having your own Waver you can pick the very best and specifically efficient ones depending on the battle from your friend list.
It has a lot of cute moments though.
Do you have Herc?
Part of the reason he's considered a 10 is the CE he gets once you max out his bond level.
>and by the time it came out I stopped caring entirely and now can't give two shits about it, because I lost most of my interest in nasuverse.
And yet you are here rolling the fucking gacha. Stop making stupid excuses that not even you believe you fucking faggot.
He could have just Ead the fuck out of Emiya, you know that right?
Nothing counters Gilboy but his own arrogance.
So, just to be sure, which characters get unlocked after which chapters of the story? As far as I know, Cu Chulainn Caster and Saber Alter get unlocked after Fuyuki, Gilles de Rais Caster is unlocked after Orleans/Chapter 1, and Nero Claudius is unlocked after Septem/Chapter 2. As far as I am aware, everybody else that we have access to was available from the start of the game.

Does that sound correct?
Where can i find the bond level requirements?
>reach bond 5
>that wasnt too bad
>150k to bond 6
Someone tell menqhats bonf 6->7 like so I can weep
UBW is still a GoB counter. That Gil could have counter-countered does not make it any less of a counter.
>Its even funnier when you compare the fight with Iskander and the fight with Hercules in the UBW remake.

Honestly yeah, he didn't have the disgust that was in the VN about Hercules' madness until after the fact, and it's the way I imagined him fighting Iskandar. Though don't get me wrong I'm reasonably happy with Gilgamesh taking Hercules seriously enough to actually use strategy.

And the problem is that it feels hollow if he's chasing a goal knowing it's futile. It was frame too much like a tragedy from the get go and so it never really feels right. To me it should feel more genuine, like he really was just an inch away from planting his sword into goldie's forehead. And instead it never felt like goldie was at risk and it just feels cheap.
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>his one and only counter in the whole wide universe
>wielded by a person who not only defeats Gil in power, but morals
I can see the correlation. Gil fucking loved Alex though, he hated having to kill him so much that he spares Waver.
By "dialogue" you mean the profile info?

Are the unlockable scenes if you unlock bond levels?
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>Defeats Gil in power
How to spot a anime-only secondary
I'm only here to see how much Nasu can ruin his own lore and universe.
Here I am sitting, laughing at myself for thinking that Fate/Extra was the low point, no, no it doesn't get any lower than Fate/Grand Order anymore.
This doesn't even make me jealous, it makes me concerned for the person's health
Considering Gilgamesh lost his chance at immortality due to hubris, his arrogance fucking him over time after time is thematically correct.
>Nasu's Nero started off as a good concept. I mean, making him a woman actually makes perfect sense
You've had too much Type Moon m80
>I have been waiting for the Hollow Ataraxia translation for almost a decade, and by the time it came out I stopped caring entirely
I know that feel
I don't think you're giving enough consideration to the role of mortality as an overarching theme in Fate. Iskander died and his empire died with him. It's a central part of his myth. He knows this; when he's lecturing Saber in the meeting of kings, he embraces it. Death and the transience of victory are ideas that hang very closely around Iskander's character.

Ufotable made it seem like a suicide charge and foregone conclusion because it was one, not because of what's in Gilgamesh's nature, but because of what's in Iskander's nature. That face isn't a determined "I intend to win this fight" face, because the point of being Iskander is not to win. If the theme there was winning, he would have had his chariot. The point is not to win the fight, the point is to fight the fight while it can be fought.
I know you're just itching to post redman, but Gil was beaten fair and square.
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>I-I'm just here ironically!
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
Then they fucked themselves over, it's a completely shitty branding especially when you have Altera already. Might as well make the next Saber Altira, then Altyra, then CtrlAltDeltia.
I didn't say otherwise. But you are absolutely deluded if you think Shirou is stronger than Gilgamesh by any measure.
>dangerously hedonistic
>known to be incredibly selfish
It just werks
>Yes? Is there something I'm missing here?
No. Yes. We're not going to give you a course in order to explain why you shouldn't misuse certain words just because other people constantly misuse them.
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How much have you spend so far?

I have not but its on my list. When Apocrypha was coming out I was heatedly checking Beast's Lair every day for the latest translation block, but it got hard when days passed and no new content got done, so I fell off the proverbial bandwagon as far as LNs go. Still, /a/ constantly gushes over Strange Fake so I want to read any finished volumes once I have the time. I think I heard there's a manga version now too? I might be thinking of Extra.


My first taste of Type Moon actually was quite a few years ago, I bought the complete DVD set of the Deen Anime at some convention or other in... I think 07? 08? Either way I fell in love, but I mostly just collected fanart and such until Zero came along and I got to watch it simulcast with subs alongside my fellow /a/nons. When that was over I liked it so much I finally buckled down to get the VN and I was all in from that point when it blew the Deen anime I'd loved so much out the damn water.

>Things that let your imagination run wild with the concepts and possibilities.

100% this. The stories, the characters in those stories and the world of the nasuverse each do this in their own ways, and they're so effective. They're so rich with IDEAS and subtleties and nuances and even paradoxes. What I love most of all in this world is a piece of fiction that actively encourages its audience to think and draw their own conclusions about the people and events therein, and its been rare for me to find one that does it better than Type Moon.
Should've used Elagabalus but he prostituted himself so he's not waifu material I guess.
Doesn't matter when Shiki can kill both.
Over +300k for gold servants based on what I've seen.
People misusing deconstruct triggers me, deconstruction is not something you do in fiction, it's an immensely complex thing to the point even Derrida spent several essays effectively trying to define it.

subversion covers taking an idea and using it in a different way.

Well, Saber blew his chariot up.

That being said, still a very interesting take friendo. I feel an urge to cup my chin and chew on my pipe a bit while I ruminate on your words. Good show.

You just barely missed out on the old days, that's unfortunate. DEEN anime gets shit on a lot, but it still had a lot of good moments that weren't in the VN, and that makes it authentic to me for the reasons we've stated on the special nature of Type-Moon.
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Are you going to whale again once Gil is in the gacha or are you tapped out for a while?
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Should I use quartz to keep grinding this daily? I need a fuckton of berserker chess pieces for my vlad and Herc
Type Moon is Pokemon with History. Everyone likes powerleves and everyone likes historical figures, put two and two together and you have a winning formula because everyone will always want to wank and see their favorite historical figure. Furthermore, it is practically endless. It will never run out of material because there's potential Heroic Spirits in Mythology, History, Fairy Tales and the such as there's stars in the night sky.
But even then it comes closer to being an almost coming of age passing down the tale rather than him taking the fight. If the point is to take the fight then it needs to be just that, instead it's suicide. That undermines it to me, and it feels like they decided to supplant passing down the story and experience on to waver as the key thing he wanted rather than it being a consequence of the way he chooses to live. He wants Waver to tell the story because he knows he may not come back, not because he knows he won't.
I'm not sure how the first-card bonus works. If I'm interested in raw damage and I have two Busters and an Arts card do I go B-A-B or A-B-B?
You can, but it's still a dice roll on if you're gonna end up with zerker pieces or another 5 rider.

Zerker drops from a lot of things, it'll happen gradually.
Gil is trash
Damage dealers aren't limited in the slightest, any offensive character can deal with almost anything if they have the type advantage.
Its what the whole meme about Jeanne alter is, all the powergamers say shes the best because she has the highest damage but there are dozens of characters that can do the same thing.
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How much longer do I need to keep up with this shit?
And he keeps posting day and night and "oh free slot in my friendslist"

It's scary in a way that he's trying to get attention that much
Wait until they give us golden apples
I unironically think that DEEN's fate was leagues better than Ufotable's.
Sure it was not visually impressive or had pretty animations, but it managed to capture the feel and atmosphere of Fate, something Ufotable with all their budget could not do.
I dare you to find me a single scene from Ufotable's Fate that is as good as this:

Ufotable is just all visuals, no substance. And the director was trash.
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YOU'RE trash.
fate/zero and fate/sn belongs to aniplex so there wont be any problem there

prisma and fate/extella are going to be a problem

if the publishers want to be a dick i guess aniplex can avoid their shit with changing the names of the event and says that has nothing to do with the anime
about 10 more battles

See that castle? thats your end
>>I unironically think that DEEN's fate was leagues better than Ufotable's.
Well, that's not hard considering Ufotable has not adapted Fate.
>Type Moon is Pokemon with history
It might be that now, but it wasn't when it came out. The concept allows for abuse, and it's been thoroughly abused, but that's an IP surviving its initial fans and forcing itself to change focus.

Makes me happy Tsukihime is left in the freezer.
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They really don't own all of the game they're localizing?
Was talking about Fate/Stay Night, not routes.
They stated that we are getting all servants, it's only the events that aren't guaranteed.
I really hope you arent lying
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Almost fucking done with this nightmare, at least I'm overflowing with AP. I missed this feeling
Jeanne Alter is great because of her crits. She has 50% skill with a 10% extra passive. She shits out insane crit damage if you can get her NP and 2 busters she'll mulch shit in a way no one else can.

+70% damage bonus on top of her really high stats and even more with support.
first card bonus for buster is +50% base
so B A B would deal 2x base, 1.7x base, 2.6x base
whereas A B B would deal 1x base, 1.8x base, 2.1x base
this information might be outdated but I'm pretty sure on a gut level that an ABB brave chain deals less damage than a BAB chain
>no CCC event
why bother
A-B-B is 100%+180%+210%
B-A-B is 150%+180%+315%

Your first card boosts the damage for the entire set. Especially if it is all on the same character, that's boosting four attacks rather than just one, and so will apply to a lot more damage. The second booster is in the third slot, because the second/third don't boost the others and the third gets the biggest buff.

There is another reason for that: Buster cards don't hit have many hits and so aren't influenced much by the Arts card boost, so ABB isn't going to generate much NP unless there is an Extra attack at the end.

Also, consider which characters we're talking about. If you have a relatively weak character, you'll want them to be the first B attack to start the chain and the stronger character at the end, to receive the biggest bonus. Similarly, you want the higher crit at the end since it is the one doing the most damage, and will see the biggest value to multiply on a crit.
I am not able to unlock one of the myroom conversations dialogue in "Voice" tab.
What am I doing wrong?
Is this some special line for my birthday or something?
US copyright sucks ass, it's the reason most localized mobages get fucked over with collabs.
They are limited in the sense that you won't always have two compatible damage dealers both with the best CEs equipped for every occasion and quite often whether their NP is ST or AoE is important too. Jeanne alter is precisely only put that high because she has a diversity potential almost as big as Waver's.
>prisma and fate/extella are going to be a problem
It was a Fate CCC event which means that there shouldn't be any problems since it's not licensed here.
>The concept allows for abuse, and it's been thoroughly abused
Well, no shit Sherlock. What else did you expect them to do? There's a reason whenever a new Fate thing came out the first thing people said was "HOLY SHIT NEW FATE I WONDER WHICH NEW SERVANTS ARE IN IT I SURE HOPE MY FAVORITE IS IN AND IT'S NOT A JOBBER"

>but that's an IP surviving its initial fans and forcing itself to change focus.
The very origin of the franchise, the FSN VN is arguably this. I shouldn't have to tell you about the massive amounts of changes the original concepts went through. And in fact, Grand Order is the initial and very first thing Nasu has ALWAYS wanted to do since fucking highschool not focusing on Holy Grail Wars or Masters but on Heroic Spirits vs Beasts.

If anything Fate went back to it's very roots, it didn't change shit nor forced itself to change focus for no one.
Thanks a lot guys, looks like my gut feeling was right.
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>AQA is the worst combination in the game
Why am I not surprised?
they could have problems with the licenses because they dont own all the fate stuff in USA, and how in USA the laws work, but i think they could go with something like

prism illya instead of prisma illya and fate/DDD instead of fate/CCC they shouldnt have any right about the content of the events and the chars, so aniplex can go to that way i think
Quick cards are very close to worthless outside of a crit team.
forgot about that, but they could be problems if dw decides to release a fate/extella event, tho
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For instant damage? Yes, because that's what B is about, Q is a damage boost for the next turn and A one for whichever turn you want.
Is Quick really that bad?
some lines proc only when you have another specific servant, for example robin hood will talk about the redman only if you have him
"???" are birthday and event lines
Where can I farm gears this early?

Well, I DO like both Pokemon and History.

I actually became a much bigger history nerd BECAUSE of Type Moon. I'd never read the Morte de Arthur, or Orlando Furioso or the Book of Five Rings or Heikimonogatari or Irish mythology fucking PERIOD until I saw various Fate works and was driven to learn more about the Servants. I studied the history of the Hassasshin Order and Hassan Sabbah, a half dozen alternative tellings of the myth of Medea, the old Celtic folk tales of Bedivere and Kay that predate Arthurian myth... the list goes on. I owe Nasu and Urobuchi a lot for inspiring me to a more robust interest in that kind of stuff.
Regardless of what Nasu may have originally wanted it to be, it debuted as something entirely different.

The changes over time are reactive to this, and if he found a way to put what he originally wanted in, then he did so, but the work still changed from what was initially given for the sake of fanservice and "keeping up".
How the hell did you overflow with AP at your level?
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What a nerd.
Hello yes I had a question about this game
When you do a summon and the card like, is engulfed in lighting, what does that mean?
Oh, okay. Thanks for the answer.
I think that's Kenji Kawai's influence. For real, the music is just perfect and music is just such a huge element for setting up atmosphere.

The UFOtable score had no idea what it even wanted to be imo, they only got like one track right and that's "Archer" because it has that perfect mix, it was low key but always just tense enough to keep you on edge, make you think something was dangerous here without it being in your face about it, and that's EMIYA for most of the route perfect. I mean christ, UFOTable fucked up Unlimited Blade Works when all you need to do is not fuck with it and it's fine.

Other than that, the only other interesting thing there was the callbacks to Zero. But that isn't really doing anything to capture the emotion, that's just a neat thing.
They have a 0.7x multiplier, Arts are 1x and buster 1.2x I think.
They're bad.
For regular trash, absolutely. Why kill stuff next turn when you can kill stuff now? The negative damage modifier is a killer.
H-How do I into crits teams then? All my favorite Servants seem to be Quick-types
>AQA is the worst combination in the game
It is the second best NP generation, although you still want to go AAA even with different characters if you can. The automatic 20% NP gain is almost always going to be better than what the additional attacks will give, unless you have a character with a big NP gain Craft Essence.

The same applies to QQQ for star generation (event with a good Craft Essence, you probably won't generate those extra 10 stars) and a lot of times, BBB for raw damage. Well, unless only character is dealing the majority of damage, in which case an Extra Chain from them with Buster to start things off is better.
It's a Kirei-repellant and harbinger of good things.

when you're summoning and its a CE, it will appear 1 line of light and nothing else and the card will be a CE, when you're summoning and 3 lines of light appears and a pilar of light, it will be a summon and if the card its silver and starts to have sparks, it will transformed into a 4-5 star servant

Ufotable did something crucial that Deen didn't really attempt, and that's to put the broken mind of Shirou Emiya on the screen. In the VN its easy, we're in Shirou's head, we hear his inner monologue, we know he's fucked up. For years it was a meme that Shirou was a dumbass because Deen completely failed to convey that. But damn that 1000 yard stare he gives Ayako when she says he never smiles...

Nah, sorry. I thnk the Deen anime is underrated in a lot of ways, but Ufotable's version is a lot more than just flashy battle scenes, and it can absolutely do the game's atmosphere justice.

I will concede that in its totality Deen's atmosphere is more similar to the Fate route, but the Fate route's atmosphere it totally different from the other two routes as well, so that's a whole other discussion as well.
It works if you stack crit Servants and CEs together, since your damage will just roll over each turn. You just need to invest more heavily into Quick than you would for Arts or Brave.
You make a team that generates lots of stars and deals lot of single hits so that crit % results in overall big damage.
You can't do that with things like Herc who only hit once each card.

Oh, yes, it was like the last one! It pulled the card and then before it flipped over, there was sparks, but it turned yellow instead.
mashu is a good girl
Ufo UBW tried with Shirou but it still fell short. You really cannot truly get Shirou until you read the VN.

Your average Zero > UBW animetard still thinks that Shirou is a boring moralfag and a self-insert.
No wait why did I just call the track EMIYA, unlimited blade works? I'm an idiot.

Either way, they fucked up the song. Meanwhile Kenji Kawai is literally what I think of when I think Fate musically. UFOTable just had a generic Kaijura soundtrack followed by an even more generic soundtrack.

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Free 4* never ever.
AQA its usually good because A cards have usually the highest amount of hits because of how critical stars works, so isnt really useless, but theres some exceptions where servants buster cards have for some stupid reasons billions of hits, for example scat and gil
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Shh, it's okay, just let this happen
Why Single hits over Multiple Hits? Wouldn't Multiple be better?
How do I remove the NEW marker from old news
>it's an immensely complex thing to the point even Derrida spent several essays effectively trying to define it.
Sounds to me like a pretty damn useless definition, then. You can't (or at least you shouldn't) just take a certain way of thinking, a tendency of thought, and cordon off only its most extreme and revolutionary cases as being "deconstruction" proper while the lesser cases are left to fall under the umbrella of whatever vaguely related term will take them. Maybe Derrida did for the sake of establishing his oeuvre, but that's not a mistake anyone else should be obligated to repeat.

Look, how many people are there who are called "deconstructionist" thinkers? How many common aspects do their philosophies have? Exploring the tension between the material of a system/"text" and the organizing principle of that system/"text" is not "an immensely complex thing" to do. It can be done by all kinds of thinkers at all levels of sophistication. "Derrida's deconstruction" might be something so complex, but Derrida is dead and we are a generation or few beyond him.
Aqua's ass too fat.

> I mean christ, UFOTable fucked up Unlimited Blade Works when all you need to do is not fuck with it and it's fine.

I mean, to be fair, when they remixed Sword of Promised Victory they fucking rocked everyone's shit into the stratosphere, of course they were going to try to fuck with it.
Does the AP overflow you have tick down?
I've only screwed around with them a bit, but it's fairly easy to generate 20, 30, or more stars a round. Doing that will get you a lot of crits next round, which is a nice 2x damage buff along with being able to carry things onto the following round.

The biggest problems are round breaks (since you'll likely kill an enemy before everyone attacks, and so have low stars) and that the majority of your team will likely be Assassins, which is a problem against Casters. Sure, you can also use Riders/Lancers/occasional Saber, but the more people without ABQQQ in your team, the more often you're going to run into hands which don't have three Quick cards and make star generation more difficult.
Yeah I meant multiple. Basically you wanna raise your stars so your crit chance gets high and then use someone who pokes the enemy tons of time.
Atalante Vlad and kaleido
UBW anime needed Kajiura, specially if they were gonna parade it around as a totally Zero sequel.
AP overflow stays at the same level if you shut off the game. If you're at 105/70 AP and you're done for the day, then you'll have 105/70 AP when you start it up again tomorrow. It's a bit of a waste since you aren't recharging AP in that time, but you'll still have your large AP bank for when you log back in.
I mean, for day to day life it is a pretty poor definition, but if we start throwing other things under it then we end up with the same situation just in reverse of stuff getting labelled differently and when a label is used for something very specific I feel like we shouldn't just throw things under it and philosophical deconstruction isn't the same kettle of fish as exploring an idea within fiction and I refuse to accept it.
I always was under the impression a deconstruction was introducing an established concept and breaking it down until it falls apart, like introducing a morally perfect character who causes more harm than good over time.

Meanwhile, subversion always seems to be used for taking a concept, appearing to show it as it's established, and then giving the concept a narrative situation to defy its accepted parameters.
Use Quick cards to charge stars in the first round and Buster cards in the second to get the most use out of them. The problem is getting a line of 3 quick/buster cards in one hand. It's easy to get one if you're doing a full assassin/zerker team, but getting a mix is hard.
>I always was under the impression a deconstruction was introducing an established concept and breaking it down until it falls apart
Which is a massive part of the problem, because you'll repeat that lie to somebody else.
Not really, just looking to be educated, I guess
>It is the second best NP generation
That depends on the servant, there are a lot who produce almost nothing with quick cards like Emiya and lancer alter.
I guess slowing it down did make it fit the moment perfectly.
vlad and tamamo
>tfw derrida gets discussed in fgo thread
>get more caster monuments than caster pieces
I'm not sure if this is lucky or unlucky.
it's just a common misapprehension of deconstruction
So what's the arguably best team composition, if we are talking only about Command Cards?
I mean, yes that's how a lot of people use it. But this is what deconstruction is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deconstruction

meanwhile taking something apart is still perfectly within the purview of subverting it. How is your first example still not subverting?

If next edition isn't Shakespeare or Anderson or some other LITERARY CRITIQUE EDITION I'm going to be very upset.
Caesar was a stud even back in Ancient Rome

>Cato's political and personal differences with Caesar appear to date from this time. In a meeting of the Senate dedicated to the Catilina affair, Cato harshly reproached Caesar for reading personal messages while the senate was in session to discuss a matter of treason. Cato accused Caesar of involvement in the conspiracy and suggested that he was working on Catilina's behalf, which might explain Caesar's otherwise odd position—that the conspirators should receive no public hearing yet be shown clemency. Caesar offered it up to Cato to read. Cato took the paper from his hands and read it, discovering that it was a love letter from Caesar's mistress Servilia, Cato's half-sister.
Man, I blew all 20,000 of my FP and still no snekfu.
>So what's the arguably best team composition, if we are talking only about Command Cards?
Have everyone with a NP of the same command card type as you want, and have everyone with at least two (usually three) of the command card you want to focus on.
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>Bored and wish I had a cute Liz
>Do a single
>Silver card OH WAIT no it flipped to gold
Who /lucc/ here? Also is Liz a better Lancer than Cuchu?
It's lucky, but kinda worthless when you can't easily get your servant to their third ascension.
She's a better teamplayer than Cu, and when her strengthening quests come in she'll be great support for your female damage dealers.
She's a god-tier buffer, specially on a all-girls team.
>How is your first example still not subverting?
My own logic for that was the first example gives opportunities for a character to change in order to meet trying situations, but remains static and shows the flaws of the personality in doing so.

Meanwhile, subversion is typically when the character takes the opportunities presented to them and surprises the reader. I guess the main factor is how deconstruction is used to point out flaws in an archetype, and subversion is used to present possibilities.
Cu is EX tier, Lis can't even compete, but she can become a female buffer after strengthening.
There's all this talk about deconstruction and while everyone keep saying what is not a deconstruction no one has yet said what actually qualifies as a deconstruction.
I feel like that's a really arbitrary definition.
Stop tempting me goddamnit.
Yesterday I did something like 5x single rolls and best I got was Illya's CE.
>Have a Carmilla/Tamamo teams that on paper works well because Carmilla has a Buster NP and Tamamo has a Quick NP
>Tamamo self stuns after her NP hits.

>Stop tempting me goddamnit.

Wait a minute... silver card suddenly turns to gold unexpectedly?

It's just a hype animation, you already rolled a SR/SSR (if it applies).
Well, I'm a stupid person, so don't worry about it too much.
>Have everyone with a NP of the same command card type as you want
Which is the biggest issue Quick-teams have. Their composition is very limited because most NP lean to Arts or Buster. For example, there's not even a single Caster who has a Quick NP.
>Who /lucc/ here?
Well, I did do two 10-rolls after the end of Fuyuki. I was hoping to get a second Cu Caster to power up the first free one. I didn't get that, although I did get some additional Cu Lancers and (on the second roll) a Heracles.

Not exactly what I wanted, but still fairly lucky overall.

We'll see if my luck can net me a 5* when I try rolling for one again, during some event.
You're not stupid anon, but other anon is right
>Also is Liz a better Lancer than Cuchu?
Liz is better at damage while Cu is better at being your last line of defense and just not dying.
Pretty much. I only use Quick teams for meme crits that do 400 damage per hit.
It is a process which attacks the concept of definition. That's it. There is nothing which is 'a' deconstruction because it's not a countable entity.
Why nobody talk about gilgamesh part 1 gifts ?
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Gilgamesh coming + typo fix + 3 sq
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Poor REGEND just want to slay dragons.
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I can't believe I got to experience that on a single, feels hype as fuck.
How long until we get angry manjew?
It's not stupid. Don't beat yourself down. The logic is there it's just arbitrarily decided upon, which, well it's as good a way of doing it as any I suppose.

Because it's kinda hard to do by it's nature of questioning language, meaning, etc.
Just toss me on a shelf somewhere
it's too soon
All good, just going to choose her as the 4*
>Gilgamesh is coming out while we are still able to re-roll
The madmen actually did it
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>doing quartz rolls in the hope of getting a specific 3 star servant.
>Gilgamesh coming with rerolls
foucault servant when
>Tamamo self stuns after her NP hits
Have Tamamo throw out her normal attacks before her NP, so that it doesn't break the chain but she can still hit with them before getting stunned. It's the same thing with Jeanne: you can't get a full Brave chain with her NP, but you can start things off with one of her Arts cards in order to get the +20 NP for everyone in the chain.

>there's not even a single Caster who has a Quick NP
Basically every Caster has AAABQ (except two, which are AABBQ) so I have no clue why you would want a Caster on a Quick team anyways.
Fuck off foucault you don't even think women are real.
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>Gilgamesh while we can still re-roll
What were they thinking?
Sentai has no ownership. What they've licensed is e.g. rights to distribute the anime digitally and on DVD/BR. MAybe they have some merchandizing rights, I don't know. I haven't really followed localized releases in over a decade. I can't see a reason for them to give Sentai rights that would conflict with use in a mobage, though. Sentai doesn't have any reason to want to pay more to license something like that, and there's no incentive on the other end to just give it to them for the hell of it.

The issue most of the time isn't licensing rights but rather licensing cost. At minimum you've got to deal with Kadokawa for the source, and then the anime adds potentially even more in terms of music, voice actor performances and art assets. All of these things cost money, and while the JP market is competitive and robust enough to warrant it, the global market is less so.

More than anything, the determining factor is going to be whether they feel it makes sense from a profit and loss perspective.
Maybe he really loves CasCu.
>new announcement 11/7
Any ideas?
I was hoping they'd let us choose our servant first before letting Gil out so that I can go from there in case I somehow actually pull Herc
>Basically every Caster has AAABQ (except two, which are AABBQ) so I have no clue why you would want a Caster on a Quick team anyways.
You are very clearly missing the point spelled out on that post about why Quick is getting the shaft in comparison to Arts and Buster.
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>Players clearing content too fast and have nothing to do
>Set them back two weeks
head patting your favorite servant
I had 60 quartz at the end of Fuyuki and I wanted to see what I would get. I wasn't going to stick with Emiya, Mashu, and Saber Lily the whole game.
No wait shit that was Lacan. How did I conflate them in my head?
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>Can't re-roll for Gil because of my third-world internet
>celebrating 66666 likes
Aniplex confirmed for being anti-jew
Don't you get Kiyohime at the end of Orleans?
Wait, what?
I guess I'll reroll some accounts in hope to giveaways some Gils.
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>tfw going to reroll until Waver + Goldie.
I will try to roll him in the account I have now, if I don't. There goes my playtime.
So Caesar x Mashu feeder ship is now official.
The part 2 for JP was a free 4 * of choice, so its that
This makes me mad. I've finally had gotten attached to my account and now they are doing this when they know most people won't be able to resist trying to re-roll.
So in how many hours will we get gil
Just grab the OVA.
I like liz
>Get my 3 5* account
>ascend 2 of 3 to 70
>Now to stockpile quartz for Gil!
I have very conflicted feelings on this turn of events.
My computer is a toaster. I doubt it can run Memu.
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>Tfw not a Gilfag
I'm kind of surprised there are so many.
Actually more excited for Medea rate-up to be honest. I feel like I actually have a shot of getting her.
You don't have to be a Gilfag to realize a good free re-rolleable and limited *5 is a good thing to have.
Just get an alt bro, there's the semifag that had 8 alts, lel.
Who here don't care for Gil?

I'm already quite happy with Jeanne+Waver in my account
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Choice 1: Burn all my current quartz on getting Gil
Choice 2: Return to re-roll hell and lose my mind trying to get Waver/Gil

How long until they are not giving the 20 Quartz from Animexpo?
>The King of Heroes has more announcement on 07-11(Tue)!

We getting our free 4* star choice that day boys
Don't. You are going to max her in no time through the FP gacha- or is lily getting a rate up?
Me, I only have Waver but I'm saving for Tamamo
New to the game but being the retard I am I've been rerolling up until now that I got Altria and Zhuge Liang.

Is he really better than having 2 competent servants at this stage of the game? Also, what to do until 3rd chapter?
Got a Waver+Altera+Liz+Martha so I'm set, now I just have to choose between Herc and EMIYA.
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>Gilgamesh coming out during reroll excursion
>now I have to reroll for Gilgamesh + another 5*
does anyone here have a waver starter account that they are willing to trade with ( got Jeannu and Emiya )
Farm EXP and burn silver EXP, or farm mats. If you don't like Gilgamesh ignore his gacha, it's really that simple.
Use his abilities to max out Altria's NP and just nuke everything.
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>Gilgamesh is the one giving us the free 4*
Say thank you to the king of heroes
>no gibs
>no free 4* servant

Fucking lying jew cunts
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>wanting asshole swordspammer Gilgamesh
>not wise wizard king Gilgamesh
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>The Animexpo Quartz stop being given exactly the moment Gil goes up
Why do people want Waver
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>People will unironically roll for this manlet

I don't care about Gil. I'm not too worried about clearly content in the game and there are other characters I actually care about getting. I can't blow all my quartz just because a high-tier servant has a limited appearance.
Trying to get Gil + Saber Alter will be hell.
Yeah thats what I did
Bonus quartz ends same day Gil comes out
until 7AM UTC on 7/6. So the quartz is still being given out to accounts made in the next 17 hours.
Relatedly, the 66666 Likes campaign is giving away 10 quartz to accounts created before 4AM UTC on 7/6, which is a 14 hour window.
Gil isn't really High-tier at low level, as say Robin.
If they hate people rerolling so much that they IP ban you for it why the fuck would they encourage it by adding Gil this early?
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>tfw you're taller than the king of heroes
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>caring about Gil
The IP ban is to stop the chinks who run mass farm accounts with 10 copies of Memu running per PC
The IP ban is probably mostly to stop the servers dying if Chinese people run 100 bots.
They don't really ban you, it's just a measure to evade server collapse.
CBF about Gil, but will roll for Alter Saber then, laws of this game will give me shit or Gil when I'd rather have my waifu.
It's Gil, that's all that should be said.
So how is the game doing? Are we gonna stay alive for years?
You also get 10 quartz and 3 summon tickets if you have an account before gil is released. So 13 extra summons in total. Time to stockpile.
Wait, this is bad, if we are getting Gil this soon then having an accelerated rate on banners isn't out of the question. Rolling for the King of Heroes might gimp my chances at getting Jalter
People were tiny 5000 years ago. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who isn't taller than him.
Aren't story unlock characters not in the event gacha unless they're specifically featured?

A lie repeated long enough becomes the truth, anon.
Pretty sure the top 10 saber-fags whales could keep the servers going all on their own
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>for gather
I don't think that anyone really cares about tiers at low level, not when you can just ascend for another +10 levels on your opponent, or when you can just grab a Lv.70 Jeanne out of the support pool.
What's the best way to farm xp besides dailies?
>another free 10 quartz if your account is older than 06/07 + 3 summon tickets + tons of gems
>Gilgamesh right after that so that rerollers would lose potential 30 quartz from AX and tickets, meaning 13 possible rolls
Quite smart of you DW
at least they got the "mongrels" part right
How many hours until the AX Quartz is not being given anymore?
I'm talking about class specific only, Gil wouldn't make a difference as Robin does and if you actually use your friends' servants in your front line, then it doesn't really matter who you use in easy nodes in general.
I fucking hate this game, it's going to give me so much shit to roll for gil and I'm probably just going to roll a shitload of medeas
>tfw already double ssr account
I wanted Gil, but I'm not prepared to give up this. Guess I'll make do with friend Gils and hope they use good CEs on him.
Iskandars servant-form was 6'9''
There is absolutely no excuse for being summoned as a manlet, especially for the so-called king of heroes
>What's the best way to farm xp besides dailies?
Farm XP on dailies.

Seriously, the free quests will drop them but at a fairly terrible rate. Like, maybe one card every two or three quests. Plus, you'll be getting 1* or 2* out of them, which is a drop in the bucket compared to getting 7+ of the 4* gold EXP from the daily.

You can also get a small number out of the FP gacha.
You guys do realize that with the rate up you'll most likely get 2 Gils rather than Gil + different 5* right?
The 20 quartz is going away, but a 10 quartz is coming and the 42 release bonus is here til the end of the month. That's still just shy of two 10-rolls.
>+3 saints quarts after maintenance
Aw, would it hurt to chuck in an apple?
I'm gonna rerol a Waver + Gil and there's nothing you can do about it
Gil can win the whole Grand Order by himself
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Here are your gibs
>I'll make do with friend Gil
>everybody thinks this
>nobody gets Gil
>becomes one of the rarest servants in english F/GO
You can just create 1000 accounts right now and wait until tomorrow to roll the gacha
That's not how the rate up works, you need to roll the archer card first.
>Give anon my code
>He didnt add me
I've never been rejected so harshly in my life before
Not in my world.
>Crystallized Lore
Oh shit.
>make 50 accounts today
>reroll tomorrow
what is it? I'll add you now
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>tfw going to make a fuckton of accounts right now
You can't stop me and my unlimited roll works.
Fug, I wonder when will I get to actually use it.
>create accs now and reroll for 5* of choice and save the rest. get at least 20 of such accounts
>roll for gil
I can spend the AP later, but I can't get more quartz before the next event I want.

>Gem of all classes x15
>Magic Gem of all classes x5
>Secret Gem of all classes x2
As in, 15 different gems for each class? Well, that will probably get the skills on all the characters I'm focused on up to Lv.3, at least.
873 626 460
watch you fail and violently unravel
>gilfags can't reroll twice free gems

Looks like a faggot tho
First maint coming up. Let's hope the interns fuck their shit up for at least a couple minutes for them apologems. Remember to deplete your AP.
That's actually exactly how rate up works. Outside of rate up, the 1% is divided evenly among the SSRs in the pool. During rate up, any SSR you pull has a 70% chance of being the rated up one.
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You have roughly 26 hours to stockpile accounts for Gil.

If you stockpile your accounts right now you'll end up having 62 Quartz for two 10 rolls for Gil after the Tutorial Roll.

You've been advised.
Are you sure about that? Most every other two-step roll gacha checks first for the rarity then the character. So you roll a 5* first and if you pass that check it rolls to see if you get Gil or not. With rate up instead of being 1/5 your chance might be 3/5 to get him or however many 5* there are in the pool.
>Dragon's Reserve Scale
Thanks anon
Is Gil a nice pickup?
>implying treasure-hoarding dragons don't have a reserve supply of scales if some of theirs are torn off
I think someone here has 50 or 100. 1k is insanity.
Doing what?
I just want Summer Kiyohime so I can use both her and Berserker Kiyohime.
Seriously, are they fucking dyslexic or something?
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