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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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>OG on the lower bracket in TI
First for terrorblade is the best hero
direct invite
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>(O)ne Strat (G)amers without their One Strat

>notail doing what chappie does in pubs
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Is notail the worst "pro" player in the scene?
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>when NoTail actually has to do something
>fails miserably
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>big shitter no real valve events
This is going to be the epic super long range low risk initiation meme patch
remember back when OG practically never lost a 5 man teamfight?
I'm barely watching this tourney...is this burnout or are the teams just shit?
Or maybe it's both
>OG disbands after TI
Is there a better timeline?
TI is coming
Yeah but I'm talking about this tourney that's happening rn
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>check esports
>honeylans playing meepo who is technically a illusion hero
you can't make this shit up
>all these buttblasted americans
must suck that they are winning valve events and have no major character flaws huh.

OG has never lost a valve event they entered as the favorite. always underestimated. they literally picked arc warden and meepo into a 7 stun lineup, they don't need another target on their backs.

n0tail fly and s4 will be the most successful players in the history of dota, beyond any contention.
u were saying?
t. flys gf
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win a TI before you talk
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>ana is the problem on OG
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do I have to remind you?
>one teamfight won
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reminder that dota 2 is dead why play a game that actually makes you upset
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>give meepo to anyone that's not singsing
>pick happy time man
>buy damage item
wow would've thought?
Did Mirana get buffed ?
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are vlads into blink damage items
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>NoTail doesn't get carried
>dies over and over
as a euro keker i hope liquid and shitrekt a least perform good this ti

og is so fucking garbage :(
I'm so fucking sick of Damageless Void
is this mobile legend?
all of my dota friends are playing this game now, fucking shitters
>6k damage
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Hey, can anyone link me a thread or a video that goes over siltbreaker and gives me a quick summary, so I know what to do and some strategies. Thanks.
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mfw EG's biggest opponent OG loses to rice farmers
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>NoLans only got 6k damage
It's 25 pounds of pussy and ass: Lua edition
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this is so dumb it made me giggle
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what is happening to OG?
b-b-but API KEYS
maut are you ok
theyre pretending to be bad so retards wont prepare for them.
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>OG has never lost a valve event they entered as the favorite
TI 6?
Even year doesnt count
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>OG jews can sometimes shit on westerners with their one autistic cheese strat when the patch favors them, and almost always lose to slavs, chinks, and of course, the strongest race
>still widely respected and invited to all events and favored to win even though their only wins are majors and the occasional memeleague when cash is low
Has there been a more reddit team, ever? TI3-4 Alliance are contenders, as well as EU Fnatic and C9
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yalls some goofy ass niggers
>yo game dead
>yo stream dead
>yo gen dead
>yo brain dead

switch over to a real game
i dont know what that means
TI3 alliance is still goat
That iceblast and chrono combo is actually pretty sick. I hope Liquid steals this strat.
How to AM?
It's been used forever, even competitively you plebian
Why does everyone think China dota is such a snorefest? There are 30% more kills/min in China compared to Western Europe, 22% more than US, 14% more than SEA, and 8% more than CIS

Do people think it's still 2012?
yep, everyone thinks its a ricefest when in reality chinks throw so much
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Episode 2 of OG's true sight is gunna be pretty bad compared to the first one.

"Well, yeah we won the major and then lost almost every game afterwards" - Fly
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>TI soon
>EG showing strats.
>OG calculating everyones picks and bans.
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>Realise theres dota happening
>Check and find that OG are 0-2
What happened?
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Now edited to be more meme friendly
>go offlane
>buy pms
>win lane
defend this dotards
"saving strats" doesnt exist

what strats did Wings save? nothing, they could pick anything and win because they were better than everyone
>career mid Super
>Invoker chosen
>misses sunstrike in chrono
christ almighty
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You're talking to a 4 time Major winner.

He knows what he's doing.
speaking of chink throws
>internet company decides to fuck up right in time for esports
>have to watch games using a phone hotspot
>Super on any hero not named DK or DP
why are you so surprised?
>tfw I will be in transit for the next 30 hours and I won't be able to watch streams
Chinese dota used to be the opposite
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>OG choking at a LAN for the third time in a row
I doubt they would make it past group stages in TI7
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What team will Gustav go to after OG come 12th at TI?
Puppan will kick MP and replace him with Midone as Pos 1 while Gustav plays pos 2 yet again
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I got bored so I did this xD
yeah but it's not been that way for at least 2.5 years
This Jew/Lumi/Merlini cast is super comfy
new team sweden
2. s4
3. zai
4/5. pieliedie & egm or akke (idk which)

can't think of a good pos 1 swede
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lmao wtf just happened
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When do the GOOD teams play?
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What happened to that female player that was playing with Xiao8?
sick chainfrosts and +150 damage
Chessie?, tho he got his back problems, that swedish herbal acupuncture doesn't seem to be yielding any results
>Another boring chink LAN

That Peru LAN with Alliance and Team Spirit will be more interesting thatn this shit
This is legit tier 1 team desu
Got sick of being the irl cm (aka slut) of the team
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I got bored so I drew this.
Fix OG
Hard mode:u cant kick N0tail
>losing to clutch
Really though
I was going to cheer for my girl(boy) hao, but he's not here
Literally the only players I respect in the whole tournament are fy, s4, zai, and Burning
At least r0tk looks like he has the makings of a decent coach, lanm as well
N0brain and Fitjew go irrelevant
s4 goes to a swedestack
ana goes to china
Jerax replaces Kuro becuase Kuro is now the coach of Liquid
that's pretty much the only way to do it honestly
all the other players are amazing except ana when he tilts
1. ??? No good euro carries
2. Miracle
3. s4
4. n0tail
5. fly
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>1. ??? No good euro carries


Was there no salvaging this game for Dire? I was Disruptor and it felt the game only lasted that long because my aghs ult was that deadly but it felt like I am only prolonging the inevitable
EG faces the chinese menace Soonâ„¢
SVG has shown how much coaching can help a team
Honestly, if things continue like this, my money's on them just for their consistent ability to beat VP
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>Suddenly MDL is a super important tournament because OG are 0-2.

d2g is fucking pathetic and the hate boner they have for them, Fuck all of you.
is LGD the best chinese team?
Honestly I just dislike N0tail
do you think fly is the bottom in this relationship
>Honestly I just dislike N0tail
>2k game with morphling and tinker
yeah you were fucked honestly
VP always chokes when it matters, they're never winning TI

the grand finals is going to be EG vs Liquid
Why do we hate notail again? At least he conveys a lot of emotion especially in the booth. I don't like OG as a team - they're just boring to watch but notails a pretty decent dude. Burger here btw
your cores got counterpicked so yes there was no salvaging it.
A mix of contrarianism, him being an underwhelming carry and in general forcing his team to have a boring play style
MDL had always been an important tournament, it's just a bit less important just because TI invites were locked before it
I just hope all OGfags can agree that TI is all that matters so that when OG inevitably chokes and loses to either VP, TNC, EG, or LGD/FY and they inevitably disband again they can all commit ritual mass suicide
TI7 POWER RANKINGS: MDL EDITION (May undergo changes)
>The GOOD Teams
>API Key Tier
>Tier 1
>Tier 2
Planet Dog
>Tier 3
OG (Due to recent events)
>SA Tier
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euro here

i don't individually hate anyone on OG they seem like great guys honestly, but as a team, as OG, i always root for them to lose
>Fix OG
Oh that's easy-
>Hard mode:u cant kick N0tail
Welp, I can't think of anything
the LAN before TI is always super important, see Wings before TI6
of course, they have api key
Two separate reasons.

BigShitty backstabbed long time teammates and continues to throw team members under the bus when he thinks itll improve his chances (when he's the shitter)
OG continues to be weighted down by his anchor-hood since the only reason BackStabby is on the team is because he is Fly's boipussi
>plays support for years
>barely manages to win 30k in prize money
>switches to carry role and wins 4 valve tournaments and millions of dollary doos
>often picked as favorites to win big prizepool tournies

Can notail rly be that bad? He even replaced half his team and they still won as much money/valve tournies as before
you should get bored more often
>first VP was considered a bad team that can only win honeypots like Summit
>then they're considered a bad team in a region of bad teams who probably can't qualify for any majors
>then they're considered a bad team who chokes all the time
>now they're considered an ok tier 2 team who choke in finals
when in reality they're a solid tier 1 team who have an excellent chance to take the aegis this year
It's either them or EG, only other contender is Liquid
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>Kuro is one of the only three people who made it to every single TI
>Still hasn't won any
Is it his year?
this game ever gonna start?
thanks reddit
>Worse carry than Loda
>A burden on every team he is on
>Thinks he's hot shit since Valve sucks his dick and won 4 Majors
>Backstabs every teammate that isn't fitjew
Is there any reason why OG keeps choking on TIs but win in Majors?
>Backstabs every teammate that isn't fitjew
He literally did on secret though
I don't know why you people make such a big deal out of people getting kicked
This is a game worth millions (read: life changing money) and if you don't have a winning team then it's absolutely the right choice to remove people so you can have the best chance of winning
just standard yuro's choking on the only event that matters since ti4
Don't worry bros. Our Guys know it, even if they get second last place at TI, saving the strategies was worth it. This follows from the simple fact that the difference in total price pool between this Honeypot and TI is so large. The pricepool in this tournament is just pathetically low, the tournament only has value for Our Guys as a tool of deception against other teams.
>Backstabs one of the chosen people
No wonder the faggot hasnt won a TI yet
i only know he pretty gud at io
>tfw Fly used to play offlane

was he even good? i remember he played timbersaw 1 game and that's it
Don't forget n0brain is also a HoNtrash
No, which is why they dropped him
The original secret was four support players who were sick of supporting + gustav
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>Arteezy has a weeb avatar.
Aside from bulldog, had there every been a jewish TI winner? Loda, Akke and EGM all look really swedish but s4 is a little questionable?
That's a nice feat, considering the prevalence of yids in the scene
so Maybe is dota Lebron
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Maybe runs CN dota confirmed
>finally leaves dota
>still posts
you are the lowest kind of cancer.
as spectre, what should I build lategame against a jugg? I just lost a game w/her vs. a team of jugg/PA/sky/lion/storm and I'm pissed.
/ourloli/ picked
OG will win TI, 10 more majors and ppl will still think notail is shit
could EG possibly be any more /ourguys/?
You stole my post
If only I hadn't faltered with captcha
i think eg wins
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>puck support again
how does arteezy just walk straight to him?

every game lmao
This BabyRage spam is amazing
how honeypotting is this 5 puck?
It worked against a tier 5 SEA team
they're trying to see how bad the best chinese team is
>this ck build
>no stun ck
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it wasn't my guy
What is worse, CK with no stun or Illidan no breath fire DK
who the fuck is somnus? where's my nigga Maybe?
somnus is maybe
this is the stupidest pro dota game ive seen in a while
>its another "lets bully sumail early game and he dominates mid-late game" episode
when will they fucking learn?
octarine pugna legit?
does succ get spell lifesteal?
I think so. more nether blast for buildings and double heal from succ. boost push and farm. they have artour to be a heavy hitter on heros and CC enough that sumail can just spam the towers, ideally
yes, so you get 25% off the lifesteal
i hope u realize how useless pugna is vs bkb and silences
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>eg has become the prime example of a honeypot team

How did this happen? I'm blaming this on sh1t
>making sure Sumail doesn't have a good game
>give him a gimmick hero against opponents that aren't SA or SEA...
we all know how this goes
I tried to come up with balanced groups for TI. What do you guys think?
lifedrain pierces bkb no?
swap np with emipre or fnatic and it's probably as balanced as it;s going to get
>if captain sh1t can win the draft
How is Group A balanced in any single way.

Fuck off.
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>last big lan before TI
>it's a chinese timezone epsiode
Only for allies, isnt it?
It deals no damage therefore you don't get healed
Scratch that, I noticed I put all SEA teams in Group B, that's not how it works
I guess swapping Empire with Fnatic is the best choice
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>can't watch in dotatv

it's time.

anyone else struggling to be interested in pro dota still?
No one armlet toggles like Artour Babaev does
zai glimmer cape mvp

nice laguna maybe lol
>Balanced groups
>Not mostly random draw

Group A:
2 NA
2 EU
3 CN

Group B:
1 SA
1 NA
2 EU
2 CN
these are literally all tier 3 and below teams
need good build for dazzle.
gib pls
>Literally only 1 TI team
>It's the SA one
>RTZ with the god plays but universe and sufail feeding
wtf is this timeline
>rtz gets glimmered by teammates
>chinks still throw every single spell and ultimate while he's resisting nearly all mgc dmg
>omg rtz is so good xDD

not wanting to get in group B to luck out against excretement and washed up MVP so at least you make lower bracket cutoff
medallion phase drums solar crest
by balanced he means neither group is clearly easier you fucking retards
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>puck support
>"haHahA we can be like VP too guise!!! ahAhah xDdxD"
>pooniverse literally throwing the game
it was going linkens that did it
I was gonna shitpost that he was an idiot for doing it just as the fight started
lc throwing

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>the gulag of EG.
That was a pub dive right there
>it's a lifestealer loses to an illusion carry episode
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>It's another episode of sleeper op CK gets play
>But he also goes for the suboptimal build
also I think these are actually really good anon.. I'm proud of u
B is absolutely clearly easier than A you fucking autistic ape
alright Uni's getting too old
lol at Alliance being reduced to playing this

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post em
>let's see what the pros are doing this pat-
>support puck
>haven't played for ages, have 10-15 commends or so
>start playing again, play maybe 30 games total in the last few weeks
>suddenly have ~38 commends
i don't know what's happening
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Time to put the U-dog down
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you beg for commends or some shit?
it was an attempt to win middle vs lina with pugna that failed miserably
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Anyone blaming Universe or Sumail is retarded
This is all on cr1t doing one of the shittest drafts imaginable
i had 0-15-0 a few days ago
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>EG is a tier one team
only in AMERIFAT
Cant show his true power level
good to know that EG isn't a honeypot team. they would never draft shit like Pugna or Brewmaster in matches that mattered
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> pick pugna
> lose
what's the optimal build then
>lost to a 0-4-4-1 ck

unvierse playing like shit didn't help them in an already bad position tho. Reminder that LC is supposed to be one of his comfort heroes in recent lans, atleast sumail can say he was playing a fucking trash hero.
Is anyone else tired of this whole "le proper because monocle + tea and a top hat" meme?
Literally 9fag tier
The commends statistic on your profile is bugged, every commend counts as four commends for some reason
what do you mean by this?
Group A:
T1 teams: EG, Newbee
T2 teams: OG, Secret, LFY
T 3 teams: iG.V
T 4 teams: Empire, DC
T 5 teams: Infamous

Group B: T1 teams: VP, Liquid, LGD
T2 teams: TNC, NP
T3 teams: iG, Fnatic
T4 teams: none
T5 teams: Planet Dog, Execration

Seems quite balanced
>eg newbee
yes hello try again
You understand it's not a meme? It's a genuine 100 year old stereotype?
>T1 teams: EG, newbee
>T2 teams: OG

this is already a trash bound post

LGD is tier 2
NP is tier 3
fnatic is tier 4

IG.v would be tier 2 in group b, LFY probably tier 1 in group b

the absolute trash teams are in group b, it's much much easier than A
>tfw noone will roll a 4 ever
>vp goofs around at TS, picking w/e they want and win
>eg "goof" around and look
>tfw my mmr grind secret pick CK is now exposed
3 GOOD Teams
4 Mid Tier Teams
2 Shit Teams

>Group A
Planet Dog

>Group B
There's more to being "proper" than sticking your pinky out while drinking a beverage
Chinese greatness

T2: Newbee iG.v
T3: Empire LFY DC Secret
Tshite: Infamous

T1: Liquid LGD TNC VP
T2: NP iG
T3: fnatic
Better than SA: PDog, Xctn

Group B looks way harder.
>EG and VP in separate groups
Grand finals will be hell entertaining, no matter what
Too High
Too Low
>Planet Dog
>tier 3
>tier 3
>tier 1
>tier 2

2 shit tier teams in Pdog and xctn is still easier than 1 shit team in infamous
What went wrong with EG?
holy fuck all these rankings are fucking terrible, thank god d2g isn't in charge of invites
they thought they were actually good rather than living in the shadow of ppd's EG style.

then got exposed
Swap Newbee and Secret
Too many EU teams at B
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>mfw i correctly predicted all the invites and all but 2 qualifiers
who's winning TI then friendio : ^ )
rtz is useless, crit is useless. Kick them for actually good players the team will improve. I'd take svg over crit.
Either tnc or lgd
You can't fix what ain't broken. GOAT team, 4 Valve major events.

2x Eagles
1x Staff
1x Axe

Aegis coming soon.
>Odd year
TNC it is then
I love their aggrevise style + force staff maneuvers
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>trusting leddit rumours
GTFO reddit thrash.
>you cant fix whats not broken
OG are problematic. Need to increase their hero pool at carry and mid. And no more arc warden or visage.
erm what?
they lose this game bcuz crit shitty draft?
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For me this is the most balanced groupstage
glimmer cape duration needs to be reduced to 3 seconds
>more CK
when will western teams start playing Tide? love that guy
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what should i buy from the gabencoins i accumulated from selling summer cards
i never ask for commends I just play support

usually its the shitstain jungler's who ask for commends even though they didn't accomplish anything all game
>Viper for Super
was DK/DP banned?
He and CK were secret OP for mmr gainz but not anymore.
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a different game
Group A
>Planet Dog might actually make it in high brackets so thats a plus
Group B
>Higher brackets are locked from the get go (EG, VP, TNC, and DC___)
>Actual competition outside of Infamous
>LFY can't API key out of this bracket since the teams here have huge as fuck hero pool (EG,VP, and Secret) or can do two or more specific thing too well (TNC, IG, and DC)
Daily reminder that the reason that all conventional pos1 players not named ramzes have been looking like shit for the past year is because the patches and meta have heavily disfavored carry play in favor of pos2 and roaming style pos4
Self sufficient carries who don't need much for an acceptable laning phase have exclusively been meta ever since TI6, and arguably up to and during that event
We've seen fucking trilane mid over giving the carry anything, aggro trilane on offline is practically standard laning presence at this point
All that we've seen are Lifestealer, pos1 Bristeback, sometimes Necrophos or juggernaut, occasional timbersaw and the only specific """""strat""""" was illusion push via terrorblade, luna, alchemist and naga
Seriously though, the only different strategies I've seen attempted more than once by a team are
>semi 4p1 Husker from Secret
>Ursa timing based pushes from VP
>Drow strat from EG
>API key from Ruru?
after every single game,one sees talented players like rtz, burning, matumba, or mason or whoever else get flamed for being a washed up shitter when their role just doesn't have the presence it used to have
tldr put carry heroes back in the play making role and rtz wins ti
CKs still gud as long as you max W first and take advantage of your super strong laning phase.
Kind of shid against very tanky or very agressive dual lanes if your lane support is weak, but against anything else laning against a CK with more than a single point in Rift becomes a very spooky affair, 50 mana cost 500 range pull that sets you up for at least 3 right clicks + whatever other spells for just 50 mana
Who is casting LFY vs Newbee? I feel some homosexual waves coming from my monitor
nah, maybe Id swap secret or TNC, I tried to make it region balanced too + splitting iG and LGD lineups. However planet dog and infamous are the worst teams at TI imo. And strongest team out of qualifiers is Secret
john connor, chink lover and jack
>tfw VP will win and the circle will be complete
XctN and Infamous are the worst teams in TI mang
Planet Dog hasn't had any LANs yet, lets see howthey perform at the group stages so we can determine if they're shit
I'm a flip and I can admit that XctN is a shit team without Gabbi and Abed
shadow looked great during wings' run though
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Name a more iconic quartet , I'll wait
why is Lacoste doing thigns? His English skills are Tobi tier
I watch a lot of SEA and while Fnatic's run was pretty unprecedented, I still think XCTN are above them and can surprise IG.V as well as DC
is mdl a honeypot
his English skills are a selling point, didn't you learn anything from 2009-2014 Lumi?
Im not flip man Im not biased, but looking at SEA qualis they were able to beat faceless, clutchgamers or mineski
>3 out of 4 are boring as fug
the chink was great at DAC but other than that you have shit taste
No. Literally no tournaments are honeypots or teams wouldn't go to them
>losing to low skill Super

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Honestly, this is an ending I'm happy with
Dota can die off in pro scene, with majors completely dominating, TI sticking to ~35 million prize pool with valve taking less of a share every year to compensate due fewer compendium purchases, and inhouse leagues becoming popular worldwide with the largest non valve tournaments being product sponsor based, I.e. zotac cups, redbull tournaments, etc
If that was the dota scene I'd be very happy
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sorry I missed quite a few match I just woke up
how is /our guys/ doing
Jack and Grant are the only two worth listening to here
wow it's 2017 you stupid faggot
stop being a racist pig
Their role has just as much presence, but the game is geared towards doing shit with farm earlier and not playing 4 protect 1, the pros that do badly are the ones that still try to old
>push lane until its no longer safe
>Farm neutrals
>return to farming lane
>farm neutrals
But that shit's so bad these days because the jungle gives way lass EXP and gold than it used to and comeback gold still means that you will be making your supports an even more tempting target. The meta is about doing shit with your gold early-midgame, rather than just PvEing until lategame. in that sense they are washed up, they refuse to accept that the patches have changed the game and try to apply the same old same old shit that worked years ago to what is happening now.
>australian batriders
o-o-og will win against vici r-right guys??
shikata nai , tinker is a farm vacuum taking all the jungle and you would rather ahve bat feed than tinker
>implying ramzes isn't another shit carry in this meta
Even a shitter like super can win mid with viper
What separates your fatards from your fgods is your ability to capitalize on the sizable early lead you get, and not farm like a retard
I hope they surprise us with a win against a T1 Teams like TNC
Bimbo and RR have been consistent by flip standards
CG and Mineski are overrated man
They're T3 at best
I know right

How do I build him nowadays tho, bfury isn't really an option when most games are one-sided stomps. MoM into Mjolnir?
Super is 10k if he gets his signature heroes
How do you even win against Super Viper
would be pretty embarrassing if they lost to a team that couldn't even qualify for TI
>super is 10k on viper

literally every mid is 10k on viper except maybe c-dog
I don't hate him at all, he seems like a good dude from interviews and what we saw in True Sight. He just has a tendency to sometimes underwhelm as carry and usually when OG loses it's either him fucking up or ana tilting that's the reason.
How do you even win early against Viper?
Soon to become a minor.
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Super has improved quite a lot lately, viper or not
well Viper is a win lane lose game hero, too bad Newbee has farm vacuum tinker
PvEing gives less gold than a won fight so in terms of comeback gold it makes no difference. As long as you gain an advantage you are susceptible to giving comeback gold
LFY is playing right now.
Raven is surprising everyone with his stats though
He's equal with Kuku in terms of game impact
Without him TNC would be in the shitter since a good carry in Flipland is rare
>post TI5 get moved to some sister chink teams
>post TI6 get moved back to some main chink teams
>hero pool still hasn't improved
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Your TI7 winner
why did OG lose their two games

what happened (i didn't watch until now)
VP have a very peculiar playstyle, more traditional in many ways. When they people run mag/troll or mag/jugg nowadays they pit the main empower target mid, but VP still have ramzes on such a hero
He does play lifestealer a lot, but has a much more aggressive play style commonly assisted by one of or both solo and lil
If I had to name a time when their play style was popular, I'd say around the Manilla Major where pos1 and pos4 are the stars of the show, mvps at that tournament were matumba and cr1t, both similar players to ramzes and lil
Can everyone agree to delete tinker from the game?
That's explicitly the point, AFK ricing is forcing your team into playing 4 protect 1, which is shit because farming is harder these days and while your teammates 4v5 they are also feeding the gold advantage you are trying to farm.
Pos 1 these days is about buying items that let you participate in fights midgame it is still a very important role as you have the most gold so you are relatively still one of the strongest heroes on the map, the people who do shit are still stuck in the "let me farm all my lategame items" mentality.
Pos 1 IS important, its what wins/loses you the game, but what makes it important is your midgame -> lategame presence not JUST your lategame presence, the people who fail to capitalize on that are the ones that keep losing
just ban it

woah...pro dota huh....really is something
Dunno man, Mason probably can't carry Bulba that hard.
>i am not capable of counterpicking, outplaying or itemizing against x hero
>waaah waaah REMOVE IT waah waah
back to league
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What is this bee sauce container thing that keeps going throwing out here?
i mean in the most recent magnus meta it was all about carries. iG who were the best team in that patch played around Burning
they aren't very good at Dota 2
>pick tank hero

uh... dotard?
MoM void is severely outdated, it's like BoTs first Ember, a litmus test for shitters
Treads into midas into maelstrom into mjollnir is the way to go, just remember that faceless void is NOT a ricing carry
What makes or breaks a good void pick mostly lies in draft and game sense, void shits on low cd spell spammers like weaver and lina, but gets shut on even more heavily by stunlock on supports like shadow shaman or earthshaker
Your friends are attack speed steroids and global presence, i.e. invoker, troll, and to an extent prophet
What a fucking retard.I didn't say i can't play vs tinker i just don't want to fucking play against him
>AFK ricing is forcing your team into playing 4 protect 1
no? the team who invented afk ricing played 2+3 with 3 farming cores, and this was back in 2009

the main thing to consider is how easy it is for a team to just force a 5man by 5manning themselves (i.e by a push or a rosh) vs how easy it is to split the map and force movements that split the opponent.

when the dynamic of a game is split dota, "afk" ricing is efficient as long as it's pushing the lane and creating space.
>take nyx so your whole team comp can do something regardless
>be useless anyway
>chink dota isnt boring they said

i hate super so fucking much
ban it on the pick screen :^^^^^)))))
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tinker game
>tinker game is boring
Old news, reddit spacing guy.
Chink dota was only fun with hao and DK
why'd they have to do well in TI4 meta for fucks sake
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fuck tinker and ppl who play him
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>damageless void
say it with me
mom is a honeypot item
just like vlads
"strategic" dota
>this is a direct invite team
fucking cant wait to see chink teams bottom out this dotabowl
>mom mjollnir void is the best void
It was a typo
And the word it was in tandem with the misspelling people would have grounds to accuse me of phoneposting, a shame I shall not bear
a direct invite chink literally lost to another chink team that couldn't even win the qualifiers, chink teams are all over the place
Literally 2 posts within 40 posts above you from storage people agreeing that mom void is trash for strategic and damage reasons
>thinking teams will reveal their TI strat in honeypot lans this close to TI
>people would have grounds to accuse me of phoneposting
Like these dumb phoneposters that never use periods?

>a shame I shall not bear
Too late, dumb phoneposter.
this is a mafia tourney for betting
I want to kiss Auroth's cold scaly lips!
2 posts above me which is after the game has ended is too late to retract what d2g was claiming as truth one day ago.
You posted the wrong lip bruh
I was about to take a picture of computer screen with the OG/Vici match and post it to prove my innocence but then I would be phoneposting, well played
Can Magnus be deleted?
He is the most non-interactive hero in the entire game. You just shit shockwaves and scale absurdly hard because of it
how did eg lost lads?
>how did eg lost
Fuck off 3rd worlder
>pick pugna

Hello Mr 60%
In your shit pubs when your core void isn't punished by going midas this might work, but MoM void (specially on carry) has been almost the norm on pro games.
>dumb ESL retard
I'm not posting about EG. You said ' how did eg lost'. It's 'how did eg lose'

Fucking shitskins man
Yeah, the embassy visa denial will need to work well to cripple the chinks that suddenly become zoned to win the whole thing. If there's a place they never fail to deliver that's TI.
will OG pick a sub 45% winrate hero for notail again and lose miserably?
lmao stealing chink strats, how low can you go
Well, the "abuse illusions" doesn't work anymore, so the jew stole some strats.
Notice how it always loses though
It's one of those picks like razer, that must have an abysmal professional winrate if you filter out bad games like clutch vs anyone good
well technically CK is still an illusion hero
Yeah, but not the kind of illusions you could "abuse". Same goes for PL I guess.
Ha Ha you make lost your self shits my dude
how was it abuse when OG was literally the only team winning with naga and alch?

EG kept picking alch at the major and they went 1-6 with the hero
>casters acting so surprised with CK 1-4-4 build
>d2g theorycrafted this like a good year ago
Theorycraft bros WW@?
Not as low as a shitskin saying lmao unironically
Because n0lans is actually really good playing naga/TB/alch.
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1:06 hour long game
>tfw you lost 400 solo mmr this patch
that game was pretty fun though
anything OG does is abuse obviously
it only got viable after the 70% lifesteal bruh stop talking shit
For real. Someone from here told me about it and I started building him like that last year.
I hate roaming heroes so fucking much
yeah I wish Dota was like LoL where it's normal to have less than 2 kills per team at 15 min
If you can't beat them join them. It's the most fun role. Even if you lose you didn't spend the whole game doing boring shit like hitting creeps all game long.
>I'm a retard who, despite knowing the enemy team has roamers, will show on the map in lane to hit creeps alone
Your underestimating, 1-4-4 was the build even before rift got its +damage changed to -armor, back then it was just about having a 10% chance for a 1000 damage nuke at level 7.
It's amazing it took this long for pros to figure out how badly Q scales with levels
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>tfw not damageless void
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why do people insist on picking heroes that they will never know how to play well
guess the hero these stats belong to
LGD won with it. The logic for MoM choice on Void (or Sven) is multi faceted, it's the most cost effective item that speeds up farm (probably most importantly), gives sustain and a very helpful attack speed buff.
man I really wonder how you knew
Invoker and sf are shitters-magnets,it's really easy to spot them
I fucking hate 4k invoker pickers so much
>I always ban invoker because I don't want him on my team
>mom void
>notails networth
>benix into le berserker man

Pros do it :^)
It makes perfect sense with Sven, but void is incredibly susceptible to burst from meta heroes like qop and lina if they can find him with mom on
Death mask with gloves is much better, either faster maelstrom or Midas depending on how greedy you are
>CK's farm
right now mom is really good because + damage and attack speed, PLUS you can disassemble it to build satanic
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break my slit Jesse
Which team is the best WHITE dota team? Need to determine /our/ team.

Seems like every western european and american team has asians and middle easterns.

Is VP the team to root for?
yo dumbass, mom void needs to stop, not mom in general. void doesn't like the silence. why pick an item when you actually like to timewalk?
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Planet dog lad
The glory days of alliiances nordic dominance are over.

Planet dog have a jew but they are pretty white.
>implying /d2g/ is primarily white
It's pretty evident most 'people' here are 3rd worlders.
ramzes is an uzbek same as rtz aka halfTurks
>yuros have their rosh and aegis cucked from them
>white ""people"" can't play dota
Dota is a third worlder game. That's why we don't get UK and Aus teams.
yes but nonwhite opinion is irrelevant so technically d2g is white
Liquid have middle easterns but they're white not arabs
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>the best players on OG are all people of color (Fly, Ana, Jerax)

uhh tightey whiteys ?
Pootail playing like a poonoy
that doesn't stop them from unironic meme-spamming the general
Most delusional poster ITT
Goddamn Twitch Chat is some 7th level of Hell -tier communication.

Shit like LUL and "Question ? Twitchemote Question ? Twitchemote Must be X twitchemote" and are spammed over and over are true signs of Troglodyte intelligence.
>That's why we don't get UK and Aus teams.
it would probably help if uk had a single good player in any competitive game
How did notail win 4 majors?
no one is white on OG dipshit
now imagine if CK had build battlefury but n0tail is too retarded even for such basic build
Why would it help? I already said dota is a third worlder game. No true white man would touch this shit.
Literally because Octarine was put into the game.
And it let a team move his shit self as far from actual teamfights for as long as humanly possible
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Got carried by Miracle, and now by Jerax and s4.
>shits on meme chat
>reads the meme chat
lmao you're the troglodyte friend
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>People still fall for the Radiance/Manta meme on Alchemist
CK is actually very poor at farming for carries. That is his drawback for his insane dps and abilities.
What you want to do is rush midas on him after treads.
>just now realizing that twitch was designed to cater to autistic children who enjoy brainless meme spam and see no issue with giving money to a literal who
Literally no different than this general.
You fucking idiot! Reddit actually loves that kind of garbage.

I'm so fucking mad. So mad, I had to type this out AND go thru Captcha just to let you know.
Dumb shitskin can't even post properly. Why are you here?
Notail was a mistake
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Third time I must post this

jews are white ffs
There's no way OG would drop this one.
You're on a fucking pedophile video sharing board you dumb fuck. You have zero fucking right to complain about twitch chat.

>eg og, no kale
>og vici, slideshow simulator 2017
what fucking garbage slideshow is this shit fucking cheap ass jew
>4chan predates twitch
>4chan is arguably less cancerous than twitch
>you can't complain on 4chan
Fuck off newfag
s4 is the GOAT player.

He carries players that so far worse than him its unreal
>unironically still using newfag
I've been here before the /l/ purge summerfag redditnigger
I've been here for nearly a decade. Seriously, fuck off you trash
>casters are flabbergasted ana chooses orb above 420gpm at 43 mins
fucking retards I swear to god
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>TNC are making a "girl" pro team

probably because of that dumbass 2k
dayuhan "coach" they got
>orb speed

he could literally give nobrain a moonshard
>not going 420 gpm
is OG gonna lose this?
>not even a decade
Fuck off
why can't notail farm like ramzes and rtz?
good Dota 2 thread
I'll said you'll get FREE attention and more sponsors, but every single "gurl gamer" esport team crumble in less than 2 months (after losing all games).
All retards who are using /d2g/ like a discount twitch chat. Literally not even paying attention to what others post.
you mean like that league team?
>calls themselves TNC "Pro" team
>Hires an amateur team
I see no problem with this
Flip here
There are legit good female players here that can range from 5-6k
every time I open the stream notail is dead
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New hero :

Helles, The Void Assassin

Agi, Meele

Skill 1 : Sunken Reprisal
Helles performs a back handspring kick that instantly summons fissure made of shadows in front of her.
Units that is hit by the kick takes damage multiplier and is pushed away at the edge of the shadow while units caught by the shadows gets damaged before getting root.

Kick damage multiplier : 90%/110%/130%/150%
Shadow Damage : 75/125/175/225
Root duration : 2.25
Radius : 160
Shadow range : 825

Cooldown : 17

Skill 2 : Horror Flight
Helles swings her blades as she emits an eerie aura that grants her invisibility while muting and breaking nearby units.

Field duration : 4/5/6/7
Field radius : 350

Cooldown : 22/21/20/19

Skill 3 : Assassination
Instantly kills creeps in a single attack while granting movement speed for every nearby enemy.
Cannot be cleaved.

Movement speed bonus per enemy : 13/15/17/19
1 Shot cooldown : 12/9/6/3

Skill 4 : Neckblade
Fades instantly then moves behind the target and cuts its neck and back upon arrival. She then returns to last position immediately after the action.
Damage dealt is a multiplier that deals lesser damage the closer the target is before moving behind the target.

Max damage multiplier : 400%/500%/600%
Minimum damage multiplier : 50%/75%/100%
Cast range : 775/800/825

Cooldown : 65/55/45
Flip here
No there isn't!

Team Siren, the infamous all-female League of Legends team with aspirations of making it to the top of the professional gaming world, was recently confirmed to have disbanded after having only lived together for less than a month.

these 3 have some bad posture
yes there are
they just aren't t1

t. flip
did they made them share their toilet or what
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Feel the thunder of Armageddon's hooves!
>good players

although, the highest mmr flip gamer gurl i know is 5k7 and don't expect too much because she's a smelly dotard like everyone else
ana going 400% orb speed and the CK pick as well as Meepo earlier today makes me think OG are just showing up as a formality because Mars let them bootcamp at their office
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>tfw women will NEVER stop being BTFO in videogames
>tfw the only successful "girl" esports player is actually a man
>still can't even post properly
godz has improved his posture immensely over the years
it literally got to "that" time of month and they disbanded
>fatty hiding his manboobs with a blanket
CK is amazing vs TA and Orb speed is often way better than GPM.
Yeah the good looking girl gamers are a myth
The good ones are your typical fujoshit
>100k prize pool
>implying any of the teams that matter are trying
What gave it away?
lmao they are nasty
>CK a memepick
try again
>Orb speed is often way better than GPM.
it's literally free gold
You joke but I'll watch them as well as any promotional youutube video they put out
I'll also stalk their facebooks
even if they're dirty pinoys
i fucking love pinoy girls btw
He carried Loda to a TI but maybe not even Legendary Gustav can carry n0tail to one
>using facebook
You have to be 18+ to post here
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Would you pat her head D2G?
At 42 mins where she already has something good in every slot
she is the best girl after all
Well I mean I'll stalk them but it doesn't mean I have a fb account
I literally got a mobile number like 3 days ago
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Esports is literally on 10 000 Teratons of the redpill
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is they a dotard that actually smell good?
fwosh said puppey's breath smells good
you know there's a unit above tera right
if you watch it selectively
How can I be more anime when playing dota?
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stick a buttplug up your ass
i would suck her dick too
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wtf, i wanna smell puppey now
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>tfw people in here dont know why team siren disbanded
I hate it that i know stuff like these
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I remember seeing a tip about stretching after every game back then when dota 2 has tips loading screen but i was scared to stretch because i thought stretching will give you stretchmarks

anyway, why is that feature removed? its cute
Share with your dotard friends then
sorry i dont follow league of lesbian news
fwosh is a literal cock hungry attention slut that would have sex with a 5 year old if it meant people talked about her
Member when you had the item quiz while searching for games?
>pos 4 vital role this patch
>mk nerfed so hard he's nowhere to be seen
Fuck guess valve hit the arcana sale target
dota 2 gone stressful for lowlifes
>fwosh is a literal cock hungry attention slut
Which girl isn't? They just have their own ways of going about it.
>but i was scared to stretch because i thought stretching will give you stretchmarks
There are people this fucking dumb in this general, holy fuck

Yeah, i regret playing league and following it along dota for a long time but anyway, the short story is
The team was all fine, they played games, did horrible pretty much, there are even vids on youtube random, now expro, but at the time current, pros queue sniping them and picking retarded champs and rolling over them.. But that aside now
After some time the relations between some team members started to flare up even more i mean, its a 'gaming house' with 5 girls, what do you fucking expect, soem were giving up, not wanting to practice, were going out earlier for food/fun/anything not team releated and eventually it was found out that one of the girls was sleeping with the manager and another one was jealous, if i remember correctly, of her for doing that and eventually they disbanded
I feel so bad for CG.
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At least one exists
>soem were giving up, not wanting to practice, were going out earlier for food/fun/anything not team releated and eventually it was found out that one of the girls was sleeping with the manager and another one was jealous, if i remember correctly, of her for doing that and eventually they disbanded
LOL fucking girl drama
Ame has a cute avatar
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this time
for sure
>women in charge of team work
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This fucking game won't let me win
my waifu
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>tfw d2g knew bloodcancer before pros do
Just wait until pros discover Halberd+Deso+Satanic PA
d2g is always theorycrafting ahead of the meta. A remnant from back in the clan_iraq days.
>clan_iraq is one person

At one point he might have been. But clan_iraq has become so much more. An idea born out of the chaos and mudslinging MUH FEELS gaming that has ruled Dota with an iron fist for years.

But a tide is coming. An inevitable tide just over the horizon. Where the power of reason that has been given to us is used to its fullest potential to realize optimal builds and strategies free of the superstitious and quid pro quo gestapo that is motherly coo gaming. Where genius and imagination are your only paintbrushes on a canvas that spans across the entire jungle.

And that feeling of freedom is in each and every one of us. For we are all clan_iraq, some of just choose to ignore that voice within us. You merely have to let yourself be carried by it.

We are the cabal.
>one of the girls was sleeping with the manager and another one was jealous
Nothing like some good old fashioned chick drama
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the next meta is right click dark seer
>Predicted CK will be cancer
>Wait for patches
>None happens
>Suddenly pros use CK
It's a beautiful feeling famalam
>building battlefury + mjolnir on him for maximum farming and maximum aoe
truly enlightened
I wish there was some future upgrade for helm of the dominator, one that makes your dominated creep immune to insta-kill and control abilities, and provides him with a 2 slot item inventory.
where does EE get off complaining about something that is provided for FREE?
>clan_iraq started with dota
>lich literally becomes replaced by the ogre mage creep
3K Male = 7K Female
that would be amazing
no active items, just an aura carrier
>losing to CG
fucking chinks
fuck off adelaide
iceiceice is streaming
hand grenade?
will adelaide finally an hero when sing goes on vacay?
SingSing is an obnoxious faggot
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That's why women should undergo circumsision as well.
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>say 'swap commend'
>I don't actually commend anyone
>tfw you meme build chen for aura quest with a riki afk on your ass for 20 min and still win
I fell for it once. Never again.
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>yfw they dont commend either
What was your build?
>LGD can't predict fucking flips even if they have an API key
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Literally free MMR hero.
Do commends actually do anything or all the Peruvians and BR's just autistic retards

you can jerk off to them
HotD, Vlads, Drums, Greaves
Why are Chinese tournaments always so shitty?
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How can this piece of shit get to play with tier 1 players like jerax, s4, cr1t, ana, etc. ?
Is it because reddit will support whatever team he's in? This meme needs to die
Dick measuring contest bruh
great firewall
His butthole is literally for fly's use whenever he wants.
That is literally the reason
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Thanks man
>ally the jews
Just look at every single American president.
>the burning city of LGD
I have unironically supported his teams since the TI4 EU hub. He was so charming.
>watching a 3rd worlder autistic screech memes for hours
What is wrong with you people?
how long have you known you were gay anon?
>like ana
hold it right there
Creep Auras:
>Alpha Wolf
>Hill troll priest
>bloodseeker just melting in 5 hits from the damageless void
mom sure is a good item huh
wonder when were gonna see mom antimages
Reminder that honeypots are literally free rares
Starts with N Ends with ER You guessed it right NIGHTSTALKER
Singapore is more advanced than the shithole you live in
Mom Sniper and Drow are fucking lit
>eg throws to lgd
>lgd throws to cg

mom is a great item. bloodseeker is a dogshit hero.
forgot to type "on bloodseeker"
>1st world somehow worse than 3rd world
oh boy
dick status: muh
basi, headdress, hotd, drums, aquila, 5 creeps, cm aura and fountain
did a fair amount of damage, transitioned to force staff and aghs
invoker status: balanced hero
>cg throws to lgd
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Assuming you're not baiting SG is the most expensive city to live in. I'm not even from singapore and I don't give a fuck about the chinks living there. I just hate ignorant fucks or lame baits.
>he's not playing Bane mid
>choke gamers
>I just hate ignorant fucks or lame baits
>keeps replying to baby's first /int/ bait
>lai gao di (come high ground)

Meanwhile in the west
>Plane todd
>digital ctrash
Why don't people like necrobook anymore?
>You think you can throw harder than me bro? I come your high ground
>lvl 25 invoker
how is this hero balanced?
>the frog won't nerf this broken piece of shit even tho he has +56% winrate in >5k because pros are too stupid to abuse him
he isnt
muh skill cap
He isn't. Blame Icefraud.
>tornado every 9 second
dude just gank him mid lol Xd
what is this shit
They didn't nerf Omniknight till his winrate was +60%
>doubting LGD's highground defence
>being this delusional
This is just sad you little pinoy. Stop.
>LGD activates 3 BKBs
>invoker does jack
Buffs when?
even with imbalanced heroes, seamonkeys manage to throw
absolutely epic, just like my 1k pubs
>still losing
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Go play him then
Ancient Black Dragon
Big Guy Golem
are both auras as well fagician
>vlads linkens diffusal void
>literally the most 3rd world "1st world"
Stay in school kids
>Maybe with 27 charges on bstone
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Thx for the headpats!
>Moving the goalpost
Thread has devolved into discount twitch chat again
Seriously, I checked his items and he has lv1 diff at 46mins
what the shit
>Friend I play with screeches every time he has to play against Invoker
>Rants about how OP he is and how braindead he is
>Get sick of his whining and tell him to go play Invoker if hes so fucking broken then
>Tries to play Invoker 4 games in a row
>Feeds uncontrollably and is generally useless in every game
>Finally shuts up
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>that chrono
>highly undeveloped places take up the majority
>considered a 1st world even though the people are vastly poor
If you're not a retard, that is a 3rd world anon
So like the US?
>hero takes some getting used to
>that means he inst broken as fuck!
>chrono your invoker
Gabbi, Gabbi
say it with me;

Desolator Void.
battlefury void
why would you get a support item on your pos1
Why would you choose to be a retarded memer?
imagine almost being a real dota pro only to be stuck with this asshole
s-so this is the p-power of the best flip team
Solar Crest seems better
>lifestealer has sub 50% winrate
>keeps getting nerfed like hes extremely op
what did icefrog and the "pro" players mean by this
We use the pro label pretty liberally in our scene.
Yawar's a pro right now
that's something to think about
>that void jump
>what did he mean by this meme

6 slotted LS is really goddamn strong
>6 slotted
hmm a carry is strong when 6 slotted?
seems like he needs some nerfs
he isnt an agi hero afterall
Bristle, Bartider and fucking RAZOR got nerfed despite them having less than 47% winrate (Bristle had something like 44% winrate in >5K)
>mask of madness
>void now shits damage

So you have no arguments?
6 slotted lich is also really goddamn strong
Tell me how Magnus would not have been a better choice over Faceless Void in this or any other game
>we've finally returned to the badmagnus meme
i consider this hero to be a garbage, he gets kited like a bitch
literally bad ursa
>all carrys are EQUAL when 6 slotted
Stay 3k shitter
CG would've won these games if there was a western Captain.
magnus can't RP your own invoker for that easy 322
So over the 3 international tournaments CG has qualified for, they're
1-4 @ Manila
0-8 @ Epi
0-4 @ MDL
what's the most COMFY hero to play in dota?
seems like a tie for last place with cg fnatic and tnc at ti haha
when will pinoys ever learn
"clutch" gamers
Singapore is as much of a 1st world country as much as EE is a pro player. Sure, by all technicalities he is a pro player. But let's be real anon, he's nowhere near the the actually pros. Just like singapore, place is a 3rd world shithole.

Now fuck off shitskin
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Hear me out d2g
>longer time walks
>more damage on bashes
>create chronos from all the way of downtown
holy shit this comment chain is still happening
just get a blink and create chronos from all the way of downtown
any of you actually playing this game anymore?
Please go to reddit if you're going to shitpost. Thanks.
just like basketball, dota is more fun to watch than play
I played 3 games yesterday, lost all 3.
Have no intention to play anymore at all despite struggling with a dota addiction in the past
>comment chain

3~5 games a week to get my weekly quests done
all of it are bot abuse tho
>no survivability
>No substain
>no dispell (manta, bkb)
>no hp
>no blink
what could POSSIBLY go wrong!
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laughting lesbians 03.gif
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>he can't buy a BKB.
only white countries can be 1st world
if you aren't white you are a thirdie that needs to die to make space for white people

here, have these nigger stats
You seem to be confusing me with the other guy who's getting mad
Literally everyone here goes to reddit, even you
>comment chain
now THIS is baiting
this is what it's going to be like with every SA team with valves new stupid rules
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lmafo the butthurt
Waifusa. Hit creeps, snake the the wave, bait people to gank you with your big EHP so they can kill themselves.

Get items. Bonus points with drow on your team.
>when in reality they're a solid tier 1 team who have an excellent chance to take the aegis this year
>anyone from cis that isn't on navi
>ever getting CLOSE to top 5 at TI
I think when VP knocked out secret at ti5 was the closest ANY cis player apart from navi had gotten to the finals
oh and resolution on DC, but I think thats it

VP is definetely good enough to beat OG, EG, any chinese team, and pressumably liquid (though I can't remember when they last played each other in a meaningful match), but they choked HARD at kiev major, and in the age of SCRIPTS, russia WILL fail at TI unless they are navi, its just how it is
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Wow I'm actually btfo, I have zero comeback.
lich, viper because i value simplicity when it comes to stuff like that
AM if enemy has no bs/legion to fuck your shit up
I'm a VP fan and they seem smart with strats and they have strong laning but they just can't win anything.
The last thing they won before the last summit was the summit before that (I think)
they're strong but they're just not scary like EG is
>literally everyone here goes to reddit
This is what redditors truly believe.
still takes up most of my free time
>even you
I mean, I don't. But you can tell yourself whatever you want if it helps you cope with the fact you are, indeed, a redditor.

I bet you unironically use twitchchat and give people free money for playing games too.
>first icex3 invoker since october 2016

yiiii boiii
I reddit but I'm stingy with my money and only watch esports
>admitting he's reddit
I guess that's what you mean? You only typed "I reddit". Either you're a dumbass phoneposter or an ESL. Either way leave.
Nah bro it's comfy here
Maybe redditors use "reddit" as a verb now. He's shitposting anyways, stop giving him (you)s.
let it die
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what's your favourite webm?
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The one I didn't save
God I'm so happy the new janny is getting rid of the /pol/posters as well as that anime avafaggot
Don't know how long this will last but it feels good
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eternal envy.webm
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Ok I'm reading through Envy's blogpost and I don't understand this one part.

>Now three weeks before TI they are told that this year Valve won’t be supporting 8 people but only 6 for this TI.
>Their coach that have always been there for them the whole year will be unable to attend the most important event, and will have to coach them online through skype/steam chat. (Sad KingTeka)
>slots for 6 fucking people
>coach won't be able to attend
Does Envy not realise that Dota 2 is a 5 player game? If you have a coach, that's 6 players. And Valve is paying for 6 peoples' flights and accommodations.

Who the fuck are the other people Envy thinks is more important than the coach? The chefs? I don't understand.
He need a room for his 2 dakis.
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>is body pillow doesn't get its own seat on the plane
cant he just hire cyborgfatt to be his bottled water carrier
manager, teams like EG have 2 coaches and Phil so that's 8 people

5 players
+ manager
+ coach

pea brained dota2 pros need a manager with them at all times because they are too autistic to fend for themselves
yeah my team also has 4 coaches valve wtf pay for their flights too REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
his gf and one of his friend who want free TI trip and accomodation
legit pro players don't eat if they're scrimming all day and managers like sajedene or the bald EG guy have to order all their shit or they starve
organizations like eg can afford to pay out of pocket for additional personal to attend

if your org cant afford it then you dont need 8 people in the first place
>gets at least 100k for last place
>still complaints
i wouldn't mind if gaben told him to fuck off and disqualified them :^)
worst part is
>won't be able to attend and will have to coach them online
is he for fucking real
i don't think valve *banned* them from bringing more than 6 people did they
>BB is balanced now
>42% winrate in >5K

More like Bristle is shit now and pros are just too dumb to give him uncontested farm/attacking his back/not itemizing against him.
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my favourite webm hasn't been made yet
it's a crop of s4 walking down midlane, using manta and then blinking into your face
>unable to queue for matchmaking
>try to restart game
>7 min update

did I finally find salvation by getting an undeserved permaban
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>Earn thousands
>Expect Valve to gib free travel

Envy is such a leech, just save for TI next time and spend the money to go there.
what really bothers me is how quickly valve caved
>valve gives accommodation for 8 during every TI
>change it to 6 because seems they are poor now
And you fucking Valvedrones defend them.
So i just noticed that a nightstalker set I got costs over 120 bucks if it's bundled and only 10 if unbundled, how is that even possible? Is there a way to rebundle sets?
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>wake up
>sh1t drafts support puck now
>giving a player like sumail a hero like pugna

At least they shat over the pinoys with the 4 Puck.
No one buys bundles anyway.
Guys de dusg :DDDD is OP now, shards are shit but his talent tree is god tier.
ladd that's a fine gustav, saved
did valve provide accommodations for the entirety of ti for the eliminated wildcard teams?
Justify 8 people from a team needing to be at the event.
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Not defending Valve but I mean come the fuck on, Dota is a 5 player game. Most teams don't even have coaches and I guarantee most players give zero fuck about them and their worthless opinions. A coach on top professional teams is just an excuse to bring your good friend along for the ride and make him think he's actually doing something. Do you honestly think the coach has any value input to give whatsoever that the players themselves can't and haven't already figured out for themselves?
Even if you think a coach is absolutely necessary, then sure. 6 players. You don't need more than fucking that to attend an event.
I don't care who wins, if envy loses that will make my TI anyway
Well, they are there for the last day meme events, so guess they do. I ain't sure about the wildcards tho.

5 players, 1 replacement, 1 coach, 1 manager. gg ez

See above.
>sajedene stress relief
What shit should I put in my autoexec nowadays? Except for arteezy health bars
How do we stop ddc from winning his first TI
Why does the manager need to be there and exactly what does a Dota 2 team manager even accomplish? If he's not coaching or a play himself, exactly what does the manager accomplish that the coach himself doesn't?
What crucial tasks does the manager do at TI that any moderately functional adult is incapable of doing?
So you think this is EE complaining?
I think it's a powerplay move.
He knows that the community practically run the game so he blogs about it and instantly Valve responds by saying that they're giving an extra flight.
This is the same move he did by posting the Puppey blog to rally support for his new team or doing that donation drive for new headsets, monitors and gaming chairs for his new team.

Sure, he could pay for it himself, but why would he when he can get other people to do it for him.
Underneath that autistic blanket he's actually pretty fucking smart and good at manipulating people
Yeah god forbid a player gets into a horrific accident on his way to the event that prevents him from playing.
delet this
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hello dotards
wtf i want him to get last place now
which team will execute NP? Planet Dog?
The same that managers of real sports do, Anons. Choring things. You can't expect to have a multi-million serious tournament and treat it like a speedrun meeting or a Smash tourney.
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is this the real face of EternaLEnVy
bring banana, steal water bottles, that kind of stuff
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>waah valve is so greedy makes fucking 80 million every TI from the goypendium but cant fucking pay for <thing>
envy blogs about accomodation
>is envy retarded? why the fuck would valve pay for that? free game no bitching
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no this is

pay up, laowai
>The same that managers of real sports do
Dota 2 isn't a "real sport" though, dibshit. You can't even remotely begin to try to bring the standards of Football to esports. They're incomparable.
>Choring things
ah yes, (((((choring things)))))
except what does that even mean retard. It's a Dota 2 team. 5 generally 18 + retards and maybe a coach for moral support. Do they really need a babysitting manager?
>every year get acommodation for 8
>plan the trip for 8
>lol joke, we barely got 60 millions before taxes this year, you can only bring 6
Whoa, EE sure is a cunt.
Coaches absolutely help. Third parties are able to catch things and make suggestions the players would be incapable of seeing themselves because the coaches aren't concerned with the stress of actually playing.

I do agree that Valve sending 8 people to TI is too much.
>Envy fractures his coccyx because he fell off his chair trying to play while sitting like L
new bugatti

>Dota 2 isn't a "real sport" though
Makes more money and gets more attention than most small "real sports", you idiot.

>Do they really need a babysitting manager?
Do football players really need a babysittingmanager? An boxers? What about every single professional athlete? Are you 12 or a sheltered manchild that lost all contact with the real world?
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Will standins get qualifying points? Like say Demon plays for EG as a stand in at a major or minor. Can he accumulate points and then use them on his own team to go to TI8?

No fucking lie, the Team Liquid Starleague had the best qualification system ever. 0 invites, 10 qualifiers, automatic qualification for first place team in each qual, but you accumulated points based on your performance so the other spots were given to people who had consistent 2nd-8th place performances. I wish they'd use it for TI
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