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/gummyg/ Cuckmane shitters GTFO edition

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>Main Site

>YouTube Channel

>TBC Client Download

It's still in Open Beta, so it feels silly to post anything here. Best to just look at the forums for now.


Gummy FAQ
>Do we start at level 1?
>1x experience?
Yes, but 1x on patch 2.4.3, which slightly nerfs the time it takes to level in pre-TBC content. So it will feel a bit faster than it felt if you played retail TBC on day 1.
>Will it be hosted in Europe/Russia as usual?
No, strangely enough. New York, United States.
>Won't it get shut down?
Maybe. We'd like to think he has some kind of plan, as doubtful as it is.

>How do I connect?
1. Register to the forums.
2. Copy the realmlist; It's game.burning-crusade.com
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your TBC folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/.
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist from step 1. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by game.burning-crusade.com.

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still fails/says invalid login info.
Make sure your realmlist isn't in read only mode. If this fails, try downloading a different client.

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your retail email for logging in, use your account name from registration on the forums.
• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.
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You're not rolling a space goat futa, are you anon?
Reminder that whoever rolls horde is a shitskin tryhard "muh arena" faggot.
>tfw you can't play a tranny BE rogue
Feels bad man.
Alliance guild: https://discord.gg/PkPkZPr
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but anon, you can!
if someone can post the horde general, that'd be great too
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Alliance beta census
Harde is where all of those "le trannys" lovers/spammers are going to. Join alliance for easy bg honor farm.
that picture is pretty and all, but where are the tranny and futa statistics?
omg, is gummy dare I say it guys ... D E D ?
never ever
>Join alliance for easy bg honor farm.
I suppose repeatedly losing as fast as possible while you afk in spawn is easy in a sense
reminder that crestfall was quietly abandoned about 7-8 months ago now
there is more than a few testers involved with CF from /elyg/, we would have heard something from them if this was true
>Winning against an army of retribution belves is hard
you guys must have been distracted by all the mentally ill tranny posters for the past few months
>there is more than a few testers involved with CF from /elyg/

testers from /elyg/, don't make me laugh

I try to avoid /elyg/, to be honest don't really keep up with CF, but I thought if something big like that happened it would've been common knowledge by now
>testers from /elyg/, don't make me laugh

Cephei, Klimpen, Indi, Ghostly, and Arrow are all in the closed beta for CF, check the forums if you don't believe me, all 5 of which are elyg shitposters
there's been nothing but excuses for their delays, nothing concrete for the past year, and they've only lost testers and staff in the meantime.
crestfall is a pipedream, and it's dead.
So has gummy launched now? or is it still in beta?
its still in beta and will be for a few more weeks, no idea why OP made this thread
what I meant was, not that I don't believe you, but that I don't believe anyone would take anyone from /elyg/ as a tester, which since they have is very laughable, let's hope they have someone better, or CF won't be all that much of a great server
um...ok. what a pointless general this is
Why wouldn't they take them? A lot of people who come to vg have been playing pservers for years and have tons of experience in beta testing already. just because they are from elyg doesn't make them unqualified to test mobs and quests
Give me one good reason why this won't get shut down after getting a C&D. It's hosted in the United States.
So, is reading really all that hard?

the OP clearly states if you're form cuckmane, then you need to leave
sorry, I couldn't understand what you wrote. could you explain again?
>just because they are from elyg doesn't make them unqualified to test mobs and quests

knowing the retards there, it kinda does, half the morons there don't know how to set up their key binds, let alone the meaning of "as intended", I really do hope they have better testers, same goes for the gummy though, i hope the closed beta testers we're "good"
So, reading IS hard!
You're projecting quite a bit, some of them like Cephei have development skills

Once again, just because someone is from /vg/ doesn't make them unqualified, it isn't rocket science beta testing when 99% of the work is just killing mobs over and over again to track things like drop rates and seeing their abilities, quests as well
For one, none of those people you named played original retail, and at least one of them got caught lying about it.
That doesn't make them bad testers, but it's always smarter to assume /vg/ is full of shit on pretty much everything in the universe.
>For one, none of those people you named played original retail

You have zero proof of that, Meer
Once again it doesn't take any significant brain power to test mobs, quests, and item drop % which is 99% of the work in closed beta

Seems to me like some of you are just jealous you didn't get into the beta or something
who's reading and why is he hard?
>You're projecting quite a bit
bucle up buckaroo

>Cephei have development skills
which means what exactly?

>Once again, just because someone is from /vg/
never said that

>99% of the work is just killing mobs over and over again to track things like drop rates and

seeing their abilities, quests as well
which is hard if you're brain dead and don't know what is "as intended", which is hard enough to figure out, since you can't just hop on retail and see how they're supposed to work ever since cata
Because you made him hard, the rest is unimportant.

I have to agree with this anon

and I wonder, which butthurt tranny of them all are you?
>which is hard if you're brain dead and don't know what is "as intended"

Are you dumb, CF has an entire data base for cross checking Vanilla content with the scripting

You are projecting once again, it literally isn't hard at all to test mobs when you have a cheat sheet on another monitor telling you exactly what they should be doing

Have none of you beta tested EVER before?

It seems to me you just want to shitpost because you're triggered by the fact that people from /elyg/ are closed beta testing a server you want to play on which is fine but you won't ever change your argument so this is my last reply to you
>You are projecting once again
seriously dude, that meme doesn't get to me

Have none of you beta tested EVER before?

>Are you dumb, CF has an entire data base for cross checking Vanilla content with the scripting
which, again, means exactly what?

It seems to me you just want to shitpost because you're triggered by the fact that people from /elyg/ are closed beta testing a server you want to play on which is fine but you won't ever change your argument so this is my last reply to you

seriously, which one of them faggets are you exactly?
this guy doesnt even know how to properly quote on 4chan

looks like we got some r/wowservers crossposters itt chimping out boys
I'm not even sure if it's good or bad that I don't know who that boogieman is. I don't understand why you weird /elyg/ fags always do that.
I played on nost, then k2, then elyg, and for whatever reason that I can't pinpoint exactly, a pretty solidly shitty group of people took a turn for the worse somewhere during k2 and you faggots are absolutely fucking intolerable now.
Anyhow, I don't need proof - literally just talk to them for 30 seconds about anything vanilla related. One of them even thought consecration was supposed to scale with attack power and wouldn't stfu about it for an hour during the nost-->kronos transition.
Random people from /elyg/ acting like retards doesn't mean everyone is unqualified

Its a massive pool of players to pull from, there is shit and good ones in every general
I dare you to sit on the MoH discord for a full 10 minutes and tell me that again with a straight face.
Good thing there are zero MoH testers in the CF beta, I know what you're arguing but there are hundreds of people who lurk and post in those threads, not all are retarded 14 year olds


also, real question, do you think after the death of ely, and then eventually gummy, we'll see a good wrath server followed by the death of the legacy thing, I've really been thinking about it, since I'll probably never have the stomach to play vanilla, on yet another server
Wrath is fucking garbage that introduced lfr teleporting to dungeons mate. Its dogshit
so legacy death incoming right after gummy dies?
Not death, they will continue to exist, but nothing will ever reach the zenith that was Nostalrius ever again
>15k pop chink shithole with unplayable ping and crashes every 8 minutes
*coughs out blood*
i need... gummycraft... now...
This. Gummy being chink-free is its best feature for me.

muh scripting
>Female belf hunter with literally no binds.
Reminder to whoever going horde: this is who you will be playing with 80% of the time.
Gummy will save us.
Remember english clients only, so no subhuman gook slav and eurocuck languages in the chat channels.

poshel nahui mate :) i can log in and play just fine

But you wont write in your runic script, also no items being linked in german or french is a bonus too
Actually cyrillic letters are a native part of english client so russians can write in it just fine.
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Say it, I dare you.
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Would anyone like to share their serious opinion about the possibility of the server getting taken down?

Since Gummy claims he'll just redirect the servers to EU in case that happens, he must himself believe it's a big possibility right? What is the point of risking it?
Say what? Every wow client always had russian letters support official russian localization only came in 2.4.0+ along with russian realms it's shit though. All that fantasy shit sounds very bad and stupid in russian and russian professional voice acting is non-existent.
Honestly, his baldness makes me think he has an activisionblizzard's blessing.
it's going to be shut down in a week, don't play on gummy
What makes you think that? Wouldn't it already had been shut down by now if that's the case? The server is up and running as we speak, but just in a beta state.
it just will, ok?
i know it
the one server that got a lawsuit and taken down literally made millions. even Molten/Warmane is too small-time for Blizzard to care and they sell their fake queue skip feature.

gummy doesn't even take donations
Nost was making millions of dollars? From what?
the one they shut down was some donor warglaives server named scapegaming.

nost frogs didn't get a lawsuit, they're just cucks
northcraft soon, friend
wrong. kill yourself.
Nost shut down because the devs are huge cucks that are waiting for Blizz to make legacy servers and charge 29.99 a month plus tip

they shut down Nost because they thought it would be the best step forward towards forcing Blizz into making legacy, not even joking.
boy, were they cucks
so are there any classes ret pallies do well against? because >>180907184 is right and horde is going to be like 75% belf with a huge concentration of pallies and I'd rather not be a class that has an unfavorable matchup. desu I can't think of one though. priest?
>mana burn the ret 3 times
>wand him to death while calling him a cuck as he pitifully autos you
Horde will be undead rogue, undead mage, belf hunter, belf paladin, belf mage, belf rogue, belf warlock, belf everything and a few dindu warriors.

Fuck it, I'm going alliance.
You forgot orc warlock.
> belf hunter

Orc is better
Of course orc is better. Troll and tauren are actually better too. Blood elves are never the best choice for any race except pally because there are no other choices. I guarantee you that will not stop the mentally defective from rolling blood elf.
I'm not arguing about which is better, since I'm kind of a shitter, but wouldn't the belf silence be pretty good for rogues?
I imagine the fear break or stun resist is still superior, but curious.
>fear break and stun resist is superior
That's about the size of it. For a hunter though a melee range silence is pretty awful. For a mage ud is better for pvp and troll is better for pve. Blood elf priest racial spells are garbage, unfortunately.
primalwow will save us
t. molten shills
How is asking a question shilling?
That's the issue, >>180938864 has it right. Extra pet dmg or Bow skill is better than what belves have to offer. Stun resistance and berzerker is better as well.
Only class race combos that always survive the belf invasion are dindu orc warriors cause belves don't have the class and undead rogue and undead mage.

And lets be real, are undead rogues and mages any better than belf players?
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fake news
july 14th, ladies.
why is there a general for a server thats not out yet?
Building hype. Its in open beta right now.
since I can't even check the exact forum post atm, FAKE NEWS!

Because fuck you buddy, also too much spergs raging about elyg being shitted up, even though it's way past the point of no return
oh okay ill check out the server when its out
im not your buddy, guy
Northcraft will save us.
What timeframe are we talking here? A week? two weeks?

for some reason this date keeps floating around, not officially though
gummygoys lamo
In TBC do dwarves still have fear ward?
cuckmane shill turbo lamo

I think everyone gets it, might be wrong tho
It became baseline for all priests in 2.3, dwarves get chastise as a replacement.
If that's true, what's the priest master race this expac?
for ally pve human because 10% more spirit, pvp maybe ne for meld or dwarf for stoneform. draenie maybe for shadow pve spellhit i dunno.

for horde undead > troll >>>>> belf
So why is gummycraft good

it can be taken down as soon as the player base becomes playable because of server location

why is it better than elysium hard facts please
basically this >>180954810
only troll > UD in PVE
hard facts: it's just better

seriously log in to some of the starting zone and compare just that to ely, scripting wise nothing comes close to gummy

shutting down, isn't really part of the quality of the server, and besides gummy seems to think it won't, and if it does, he'll just relocate it

yeah but can we actually expect a fully scripted 1-60 experience? not for years I'd imagine
yes you can, and if by fully scripted 1-60 you mean elysium level, then you can probably expect it to be better, seriously ely is okay, but nothing too good, get over it, the only thing you can't expect is vanilla endgame dungeons and raid at launch, cuz gummy is an autist and doesn't want to release poorly scripted content, which by itself should tell you a bit about his obsession with quality

cool so an autist server that has been in dev for 4 years that is gonna get shut down if anyone actually plays on it and may or may not deliver on raids and if it does you'll be waiting how long to play burning crusade? sounds great

this pserver scene needs to die idk how anyone can actually have fun playing this 15 year old game ffs
no is making you play or visit this general you know
>its a only russian servers are playable because everything else will get shut down episode
Everyone gets it, but it gets a 3 minute cooldown.
Wut? I don't see a launch
I see it
Do we have any idea how long the beta will be?
this long

*unzips dick*
preferably forever

probably mid next month or a little later is launch
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