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/d2g/ - Dota 2 General

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Thread replies: 762
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Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/news/updates/
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page


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why does his steak have pimples?
based our guy grant casting
why are so many men so fucking ugly?
when will they nerf le blue siamese shrek of many tankiness
>its a mushit wont qualify episode
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Who carried this game?
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What's A1 sauce?
the shit tiny
>centaur more last hits than jugg

very high skill game 4 sure
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don't even get me started with this, omfg

The 6 of us went to Daniels (steak house in the Hyatt we were at, 21st floor, top 20 steakhouse in USA) and this fucking guy, BEFORE TOUCHING HIS $68 DOLLAR STEAK, says to the waiter "can I get some A1?" I almost passed out.

The server's response was no shit... "what?"

It was also during this dinner that I taught Mike how to use a fork and knife, no seriously like "here you hold it like this.... no put your finger on the back of the fork... are you right handed?... cut with your right hand... no turn the fork around... there you go... no cut the steak into smaller pieces"

Mike learned a lot this trip. So did I.
>american """"""""""""""master race"""""""""""""""""
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reminder that yuros are not awake

if you are arguing with someone they are a filthy subhuman thirdie
>not recognizing copypasta

holy shit youre fucking retarded
>implying anyone was here when this was pasta
Still only posted in /v/ during events back then.
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I wish Mike was relevant

I miss him
>Actually being mad that some people like their food different from theirs
Millennials really whine and bitch about everything
i believe that is not a steak and rather the heart of the captain of the last team he slaughtered
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hes playing OP qualis right fucking now, what are you on about? LMFAO
He wasn't good 5 years ago, he's not going to be good now sadly.
Seriously I just wish healing ward would be removed from the game
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>have a 70 dollar steak
>ask the waiter to make it taste like shit
>ground beef
>anything other than well done
Enjoy shitting yourself so hard you lose 20 pounds.
>Pick no ranged hero
>cant remove healing ward from game

I bet you put ketchup on your hamburgers too
I agree. GoodWitchDoctor is a bit much on a hero with GoodEclipse
Depends on the burger.
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/ourguy/ on to the finals
based our guy
what is real mexican food?
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your TI7 grandfinal casters right here
>ppd stack is kill even before ro64
Even bsj's stack penetrated deeper.
>climbing with dotapicker

this is so easy now desu
Forget about d2g.

Who is /yourguy/ anon?
did icefrog fix memeback and deathball and lmaorunesandshrines yet? i haven't played in over half a year
Michael "ixmike88" Ganham
Boring peasant food that we pretend is native on npr even though it's almost entirely Hispanic from the 19th century.
I knew people like you existed

>pick TA
>instant silencer counter pick
>pick lina
>instant kunkka counter pick

sad desu
but ta and lina are so easily countered everyone knows how, it's your own fault for picking them
I don't give a shit if his play is bad and/or boring.
>he counterpicks
pretty sad tbqhwu
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can he do it
>three lanes marked
>whip out spirit breaker for an easy "support" win

I hope they never nerf him or roaming in general.
Should the next year international theme be about the seven hells? I think it's better than this dark reef shit and lot of cool dota heroes are related to hell like terrorblade shadow demon and doom
does Silencer glaives still hit twice for shield?
>stop using game knowledge to win
pretty double sad imbqhwu
No that's the other 9950 mmr players
nice satanist game doturds
memeback hasn't existed since 6.83 and deathball is still a valid strat, but not the only one
Picking is half the game, 2k shitter.

I bet you want the old all pick back as well.
yes iirc
They overhauled the game just to make roaming more viable. There's no way it's ever getting nerfed.
Why is drums such a fucking meme again? Does the pace of the game just dictate that carries need to build some smaller, less greedy items early? Or is it the benefit of the aura/active in early fights?

We all know he's not a legitimate 10k if he gets it. He pays people to throw hames and his DC teamates intentionally throws.
>he can't win by sheer power of friendship between him and his hero so he has to rely on dirty tricks

haha lol
It's a separate damage instance so yeah it does
Because you need items to defend / attack t1s at around 9 minutes in the game, but your heroes also need to be able to scale for the hg push at around 35-45
its an early tempo item that lets teams push even if they suck at hitting towers
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This shit is completely outclassed by mangoes now.
Wait what?
This. The 2nd 10k is the real one so either Miracle, Paparazzi or Midone.

How is he still getting mmr balanced games to get 25+-?
how long till the weekend bundle sale end?
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I can back this post up, saw some shady shit in the games I spectated. Of course reddit don't care and are sucking his dick
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>assblasted he can't main his way up MMR anymore

based dotapicker, ourrest of tools, ruining games for the most cancerous of gameshitters that dota has
t. storm first picker
smart frog poster
imma fuck u up
ok but what about the runes and shrines and the offlane being unchallenging
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>Abed will reach 10k but no one will recognize it as an achievement because of DC players

i dont see the problem with shrines and runes

and the offlane is harder
>na damage controlling because first 10k is not AMERICAN

lmao whiny race
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>EU and Thirdie regions assblasted they lost the race to 10k
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how is sea server dude
>na has to cheat to get to 10k

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i got mad about the elimination of the river off-rune bounty rune spawn and quit

the whole point was to even out the huge win/loss divergence of bottling or not bottling the one rune every 2 minutes, based on the hard binary of having or not having the vision or, if nobody has vision, the straight up RNG of it

then icefrog goes and adds these meme shrines and 4 bounty runes across the jungles, making offlane easier and encouraging early deathball through proxy fountains sitting 5 seconds from the river, and fucks up mid bottle balance fairness in the process

i can maybe get used to the runes and shrines if you can tell me how and why offlane is harder
Reminder that if that was any other game and a pro player was abusing the system this much he would probably get banned or the very least warned for doing so.
But Valve lets MMR boosters, account sellers and bots run rampant and does nothing against it.

Reminder you're playing a game that lets people exploit, cheat and abuse without and consequences.
pretty chill my man

>tfw the first 10k is a 16 year old pinoy
>na server so easy another race cucked them
l to the fucking mao
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everything else ever pales in comparison to the fact that chinks abused an apikey to spy on other teams for millions of dollars worth of prizepool
can i get a version of this where the one on the left is natures prophet and her fork is her ult, and the one on the right is broodmother and her fork is her spawn spiderlings?
LGD still hasnt won anthing lel
shrines only activate after 5 minutes now

A1 tastes great and enhances the flavor of any beef.

The steak could be perfect 10/10 flawless, and a little A1 will make it even better.
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>EU isn't cucked

Game population is probabyl at least 10 tp 20% inflated by bots imo
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>Muslims and chinks are the highest rated mmr players

sasuga dotards
eu set the 9k milestone on their very own server

a sea player topping the na chart starting from 6k means that the region is very ez
stop being a lazy nigger and read the patch notes

who exactly?

keep in mind that miracle is not EU, he is from the middle east.

>not eu
t. insecure fatty
Remember when MMR actually meant something and good players like Waga had the highest MMR in the world?
When are we actually getting a proper MMR/ranking system or the very least resets or seasons
>can't read flags

wew and they call americans ignorant
hello assblasted burger

stay bad at videogames
>had to go to NA to get 9k & 10k

Really makes you think.
>good players like Waga

too obvious

seems like we're still got some swedish cuckolds on
can we just not do this na vs eu shit right now please
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>his region collapses every year at the only tourney that matters

>He calls others people bad
where exactly does the EU end according to you?
americans are just THAT insecure they reply to ez baits
Reminder that Aussies are thirdies cucked by chinks
the reef terrain is fucking impossible to play with
you literally can't see shit
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where server do i farm mmr if i have good isp
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>muh honeypot tournaments matter
>CIS is part of the union of yuropeon cuckolds
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>combining EU + CIS so you can claim a TI1 win
>TI 2016

furthermore friendly reminder that TIs prior to TI4 were low competition garbage due to the pathetic prizepool

even TI7 mouz would crush any team prior to TI4.
>DC is EU when we want us to look good but NA whenever they shit the bed
good post

see the salt replies from all those chips
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>sure CIS are the ideological enemies of EU muzzie importation and leftism b-but they count for us
>DC is NA when we want us to look good but EU whenever they shit the bed
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>/d2g/ turns into NA vs EU
>when it's 4am in EU

This is literally a couple of people epicly "bantering" ie. pretending to be retarded isn't it
Why can't europeons compete when it matters?
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>not joining in on the funposting

I think it's better to go 2/0/3/0 on Nyx Assassin.

That is all.
>he doesn't know the sleeping patterns of 4chan NEETs

they don't go to bed until 6am on average lad
jokes on u im australian just trying to shit the gen xD
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>cling on to the past
>the one time where na mattered
dont be this desperate for relevancy
Reminder that TI3 had the dream clash and that every ti since has not had the dream clash

TI4: DK v EG
TI5: EG v Secret
TI6: Wings v a good team
TI7: ? v ?
>NA is Top3 every TI since they became relevant with compendium funding

>EU always fails out early

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>Ruru with the API key was feeding info to CDEC (sister org of LGD)
>PPD still outdrafts the mindless chinks
>the ensuing shitposting brought /vg/ to its collective knees
We won best TI lads never forget
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But it's just the same shit over and over. The "NA" posters assert TI5 is the only tournament that ever mattered in the history of dota while the "EU" posters claim all the majors and attack the good NA teams as having no NA players on them
name one valve tournament that had as a high level of play and competition as TI5

I'll wait

the 119k USA's in one thread still feeds yuro and thirdie asshurt to this fucking day

nobody ever asserts only TI5 matters

it literally is always _only TI matters_
that means all TIs

guess what team is the only team that can consistantly do well and place top3 at TI

that's right
my team
my region

not your team
not your region


mine is the only one that can actually do well at the only event that matters, the championship of dota.

just like real sports lad

lmao you sound mad
See Nyx mmr
>the shareblue posters ITT celebrating a muslim who probably enjoys knowing they will burn in khuffar hell carrying them to a TI win


Remember when Sumail said he would never ever eat pork and laughed at filthy khaffirs for doing so?

>this is how cuckolded NA dota has become
Hello, friends. I hope Maybe makes it to TI and has a good showing.

That's all I wanted to say. Have a nice night. Or day, if you're on the other side of the world!
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>EU still doesn't understand how exploitation of immigrants is a time honored NA tradition
you know there's a reason why all the EU players keep coming over to play in NA

low taxation of their tournament winnings
you can wait all you want when you stop being this new
>NA literally exists on stolen valor

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best i can do

weak but it's something

anything else?

i want to know how these changes resolve in the meta without playing the game or watching matches
I thinks its EG vs VP this year
Here are the other alternatives
Liquid vs OG
TNC vs OG 2: Electric Boogaloo
EHome vs Newbee for ACE shenanigans
Not to mention no risk of being trucked by Muslim refugees.

But yes that's a big one. That's what America has almost all successful companies on the planet.
its le ok if they do good they are honorary americans

its le not ok if they do not they are shitskins lmao!

the epitome of double standards
everyone agrees that the TI5 finals are the best, i dont know why you are fighting the truth
Lad i think Shariablue is only contracted to do /pol/ and /v/ since they're the most influential boards in this shithole
Maybe it's neofags and summerfags on /v/ but I still hold my case
>nigger wewuz mentality is basically NA """"culture""""

kek cant make this shit up lads
It's safe to say that whites are inferior sub-humans. Muzzies and chinks are the future.
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>His nation and government are so garbage anyone who actually wants to succeed and accomplish things is naturally driven out

Maybe if you would stop oppressively taxing people you wouldn't have these problems
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I understand the last 50 posts are just bait but this is over the line
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>Velo and SexyBamboe playing in some literal who SEA team

>everyone knew ti5 finals was the best


to the


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did Abed reach 9k?
who is in this other stack that's not ixmike stack?
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reminder that Bulldog confirmed over 50% of his TI3 earnings were taken by the government
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He has the highest MMR right now famalam
truly a nation of cucks
As an american, stop making us look stupid. Jesus christ
I mean he always had the highest mmr fampai
>sk8masters were at 13 odds vs CG
>didnt put 3.22 bet on them
>theyre now winning

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we've literally never had a good TI grandfinal that wasnt TI3
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>not only was EUs only TI win when the prize pool was shit, they are taxed so heavily it is even less than the scoreboard shows

can't make this shit up lads
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>25 million dollar prizpool for NA
>12.5 million dollar prizepool for EU
what we watching lads
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haha trolls.gif
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/d2g/ circling the drain like /scv/ did
this just made me realize that there are more shitskin americans than actual white fatties

lmao america is ""first world""
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the funny thing is that China won TI6 so you guys cant really one up eachother on that, although since TI7 is an odd year, its gonna be rough when one of them wins.
EUW, legit the easiest mmr of my life there
game peaked in TI3
>tfw batrider and lina will never be as good as they were
US East- or West. NA people are litearlly the worst at Dota
Lina is a fucking carry now though, you couldn't do carry Lina back then
why are we doing the /int/ thing?
SEA is the one playing at the moment
good, i hate batrider
objectively false
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not even close
NA OQ finals are on, and grant is casting
why are the NA qualifiers on so late
opens bae
this sucked tho fuck you
>hur dur amuricummies
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don't worry you'll be seeing more of these soon ;^)
I miss 2013 when I could post a pic of le jojo cow of many sleeps with "hey remember me?"
>Hero that is strong but hard to play gets nerfed for being picked too much in LANs
>Nobody wants to pick a hero that takes more effort to accomplish the same thing as other heroes
So does the end state of dota balance require every hero to be the same level of complexity?
>position 4 riki gets a triple

when did the Jojo reference meme become a thing? Cause the Jojo anime was out in like 2013 but I dont remember the meme that far back.
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reminder that NA won the only TI that matters
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TI4 was the real peak, TI3 was still half-mired in 4p1
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>2 years later and still on top
When does our guy singsing play in the qualifiers?
pretty sure the void jojo image is about that old
normies didn't notice jojo until later I guess
Supports can't be OP.
>le epic memepush is the peak of dota
baka desu
le based memedrafter of anti-racism was the real hero of ti4
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>chen will NEVER be as good as he was
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>TI4 was memepush meta
memepush was done by one team that got BTFO in the grandfinal
Are you ready for ixmike TI7 winner?
hand of god is the most gimped ulti ever
how's the moonduck hub?
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memepush was a statement by one team
a statement that this point of dota supported all playstyles
a statement that the pro community, and the plebs that lap up the bits of shit knowledge that filter down through the MMRs, were too comfortable in their false knowledge that everything that wasn't memepush was invincible to memepush
a statement that the game was perfectly balanced

it was a wonderful time to be alive, and icefrog should be ashamed for dismantling the game from there on
yeah by the team that memepushed harder
Still watching grant cast NA final
I think ti3 was peak dota in hindsight.
As much as I loved then neoeg.
>aussies losing to pinoys

>team is made up of inbred muslims
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the moonduck hub is watching grant cast the na finals?
Hand of God needs to heal 300/400/500 if it wants to stay at that cooldown, otherwise icefrog should make it 60 seconds
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>unironically liking memepush
>unironically liking that lycan enigma faggotry
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>hero with 8 active abilities
who thought this was a good idea?
Lycan got a regular ability that is like Hand of god but just better in every way, kind of sad really
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you're watching /ourguy/ Grant cast some Tier 3 NA right /d2g/?
>years later and still this completely wrong statement

AA, Brewmaster, and Weaver are not heroes you picked for memepushing. They just straight up annihilated the memepushers with memefight
are na people just that bad at videogames
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Ok, I really get into the whole NAvsEU bullshit but this thread has got me a little worked up.

Do you Europeans realize how stupid to guys look when to post shit like this >>180790407 ? America's greatest superpower is its diverse range of races that inhabit it. If America didn't have this melting pot of cultures and races and was all white, like you racists want, it would be a shithole like Russia or other boring, homogeneous white countries.

So, like, just try to grow up a little, Europe is well on the track to being the same as America and maybe then you guys won't be dying out.
what hero can I choose so no matters how shit I play I wont get the blame if we loose?
I've gotten many abandons with this shitty crashing.
This is literally why people play Rubick
>shit at ganking
>shit at nuking
>shit at clearing
>needs assload of farm to not pop instantly
>needs assload of levels to do anything with the farm
>feed all game, then get 1 ult after your team is dead, use it, then die
i think i just played the best game of dota in my entire life
my plays were so fucking spot on apart from feeding like 5 times in the first 5 min
Or you could be like Yapzor and play a "support" Rubick that steals all the farm from the carries and then manages to steal 1 spell and people call you a god
CM. As long as you're alive you give everyone mana, which is like 50% of why she is good.
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comical bait
because survival of the fittest doesn't apply to humans so ugly people have sex with ugly people all the time
on dotabuff lycan is the best healer in the game now by a wide margin 7.00-howl is such bullshit
is that an actual girl playing omniknight?
she looks cute

>le support sven

mushits gonna sperg out and lose desu
it's just white "people", they have no culture

superior races have actual culture, whites are just fucking garbage
shit i forgot about Mag and Mushi in Mineski
should have put them in prediction
>Mag drafting
>brood into bat sk ember
>supp lina
Mag bringing the throws into SEA with his new throwpartner mushi
>diversity is our strength

乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚

he aint makin it lad. makes me feel bad for mag desu
offlane heroes specially the initiator who can solo lane
slardar even with a 18min blink etc
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>Queue for a game
>Everyone else on team speaks Spanish
>When I point out I don't speak it, they start using their mics and making fun of me while mariachi bands play in the distance
>Team will go 5v2 with me, but then instantly leave once WK pops his stun, leaving me to die 1v2
>Pudge on team never lands a hook
>PA builds Dragon Lance

Region-lock when
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>while mariachi bands play in the distance
post mmr
it's a guy dumbass
give me some gachi lads
I sure hope you guys aren't watching the jew's qualifier hub
You think so?
What are your predictions for top3 SEA
Faceless, TNC, Clutch Gamers who will win by stream cheating
i need 25 levels for the arcana
that's doable without buying any right?
>every single MVPP player has gotten exposed aftyer leaving that meme team

good job icefraud
Wait which of the three will win by sniping the stream?
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>900p source
>tricast with literal who, literal who, and Purge
>eye vomit terrain
I don't have any better options
>girl players
fucking trash mic spammers all of them
Clutch gamers
thanks for killing the scene. three shekkels have been deposited into your steam account
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>tfw you have a quarry to settle
yeah, 50 lvls should be doable with predictions/fantasy, achievements, slark and recycling
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we agreed on 5 shekels
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/ourGIRL/ Lily is back casting SEA DOTO on BTS3
oh right, i can recycle a bunch of duplicates from the bundle
didnt she boost her mmr queuing on SA servers? into the trash
Where did you get this famalam?
If they really sniped during qualis why didnt they get the valve boot?
If thats the case fuck CG then I'd rather have Exec or HF as the 2nd flip team for TI7
I thought that fatty got herself laughed out of the scene for boosting?
When do the GOOD teams play?
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this chick?
sunsfan is iranian(persian)
they sniped in the past qualifiers for some lan
sent ;^)
mdl is next week
>Sven support
>Lina support
dat fucking saturation boi
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Andrey "mag the centaur" Chipenko is doing it
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where the fuck did u hear this? lmfao last i checked she didnt even play dota games

alright im going to need a link cuz i literally never heard this

yea that one

stream is literally unwatchable
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my diiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
im an AU tard, iirc she used to queue on SA for ez mmr and she was around 4k

thats not lily thats danelie
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck

and here I was thinking the jew did something right for once
Which hero is more honeypot?

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TheFluffiestBunny is also en route to the sea hub to provide between-game entertainment
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thats Danelie

THIS is Lily
didn't she have a breakdown or some shit? after being exposed? she basically disappeared
I googled for source and found this on lebbit:

https://www.reddit com/r/DotA2/comments/1zjbyu/why_are_the_mods_instantly_deleting_any_thread/
>after being exposed
exposed for what? a webcam stripper?
No that's danelie
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luna bb.jpg
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kek I remember watching her stream to snipe her pubs
how much mmr do I need so I can marry her
I mean bulldog next to her is supposed to be a white man
How about when it is settled . ? : ) haha
Does anyone still have that album of nudes?
Oh I remember now, master of the angle shot

kek, that fucking solar flare on her face
I don't usually watch streams but ran out of series to watch today and opened twitch. Clicked Dota 2. Clicked most popular live stream of player VP.No[o]ne. Watched 15 minutes. Saw him be toxic, flame and then proceed to rage buyback and destroy his items 25 minutes into a ranked game where his team had not lost any rax yet.

Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, fuck you, kind sir No[o]ne. Seeing these 15 minutes of twitch has helped me suddenly much better understand why there so many toxic players intentionally ruining games of dota 2 that I'm trying to enjoy. As much as young boys mimic the hairstyles of their favorite football players, they take cue for their behavior and playstyles from eSports athletes they see in tournaments.

I understand that emotional maturity is not everybody's strongest suit and that is absolutely fine. But at the moment, you are not just neutral, you are in fact part of the worst kind of cancer of our community, No[o]ne.

I demand that you apologize to all of us who have to deal with the ripple effects of your immature behaviour in our pubs and stop intentionally ruining ranked games, especially on stream. Forever. This is not excusable. Everybody gets mad and rages, I know. Everybody goes on a rant on what their teammates did wrong after dying in a fight, I know. But it is not ok to sometimes destroy items and feed down mid. NOT EVEN ONCE. It is unacceptable.

The addressee of this rant will probably never read this but to anyone who ever will: stop following and rooting for players who are spreading toxicity into the community of our beloved sport and pastime - Dota 2. Do not root for VP.No[o]ne. Watch somebody else's stream. Bleed the color of another team for TI. Until it is unequivocally condemned by said athletes, boycott them. Be an activist and change Dota a little bit to the better.

If you work at valve, vote against inviting such players to events in any capacity, regardless of their technical skills.
this is reddit spacing right?
>abed at 9999 mmr
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>Sheever slot opens up
>Lily shows up again out of nowhere
really overheats my synapses
top kek
So is he capped?
Or did he just happen to get a +24
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Was +24 planned by valve?
what the FUCK happened to Sheever anyway? I havent seen her in the scene in like months
cancer, seriously
breast cancer
whats his strim?
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got cancer, died
why do you think odpixel is at bts alone?
You must not pay attention. She got cancer. It was all over the fanbase.
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>implying you wouldnt smash this in a heartbeat

>prefers dogs over cats
>has pictures where she has actually lost weight
8.5/10 in my book
>He still doesn't know about the incident
Everything leads to that anon
Go find it yourself
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shes hates it.png
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now I feel really bad
she has like a 99% survival rate for her type of cancer
>he'll never be brought to justice

fuck this world
I wonder if abed boipucci is tight or mason's gotten to it
How does he manage to beat forced 50 this badly? what region does he play in?

it's called skill
get it
He came from SEA. NA is pure trash compared to other regions.
yeah it's from reddit, you can tell by the way it's typed and I saw it there earlier
>Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, fuck you, kind sir No[o]ne.
>I demand that you apologize
>The addressee of this rant
jesus christ, what a fucking autist
us dummy
But I've been playing dota for 8 years and I'm stuck at 4k. Granted I only play maybe 8 matches a week at most
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is WR the dota girl with the least waifufags?
6k SEA = 10k NA
abed is just good and puts in the time, dubu and bulba were definitely a little suspect the last day or two though
Now that abedd has reached 10k will u guys finally admit pinoy is the strongest race ?
if it makes you feel better pretty much everyone gets cancer in their lifetime
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WR new smug.png
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>he doesn't recognize /ourGIRL/
thats brood
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no one likes gingers
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>Start up a pub
>load in and see this guy on the enemy team
What do?
Keep in mind you have the other four DC teammates on your team
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You mean carry her right
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oc waddya think
this, he's just abusing the system to get his DC buddies to throw for him. You can't beat forced 50 under normal circumstances
old veno
it's also the best girl
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wr pout.jpg
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Excuse me, but what is this post?
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forced fifty beleivers btfo

where is ur god now
well tusk is already spurdo ingame so I don't get why you chose shadowfiend
Now that I see the numbers I can see why brood is such a gamelosing hero even though you win your lane 9/10 games
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dumb WR poster
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stupid cocksleeve poster
dubu and mason feed inc
it was based off a game we played. It was meant to be an inside meme I couldn't resist
Is this how NA raise their mmr?
So fking disgusting
>not ignoring the throw order
>/ourgirl/ looks the most human when she's not allowed to display any emotion

What did she mean by this?
>Check game list
>Theres 3 DC.Bulba's and a DC.Mason
So which one is mason
>sub 1 minute
>abed already 2 kills
abed going to break the game any minute now
>lesbian aunt who defiled her body with ink but she hides most of it under clothes
nostalgia is a dangerous thing
50% for the refugees
dubu used his smurf on the invoker

Fuck if DC make it to TI all the panel is going to take about is 10k abed just like they did with miracle.
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qop and wr.jpg
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stupid bully poster
>get 10k by cheating
lmao nice message you're sending to the masses, no wonder this game is so fucking cancerous
>three abandons before seven minutes
na dota everyone
are you sure?
Theres another game on the front page with DC.Mason.Loot.Bet
surely the one with DC's sponser would be him
I'm not a waifufag but Soe gives me hope. I thought all girls with hair like that were raging lesbians. I want to go out and find me a cutie short haired girl, maybe with a bit of a tomboyish side.
somebody make a chart of Abed's MMR and DuBu's MMR

i want to see the perfect inverse
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TNC played really well
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What phrase should we use for the opposite of "MMR assassin"?
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WR bully.jpg
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>WR being unfaithful to Drow ever
>WR being the bottom bitch
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soe alone.webm
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I could still save her...
post the webm
MMR Bodyguard
Reminder dc won't qualify for ti7
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The Australian team is gonna go 0 - 9, isn't it.
is this the abed effect?
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MMR cuck
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WR step.webm
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thanks easy fap
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soe date simulator.webm
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Short hair is getting more common among girls, even straight sane ones.
DC TI7 winner
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>EU will never have a 10k player
pleb question- how do I block ads on twitch now? I have ublock origin but I keep getting this shitty toilet paper commercial
that's a gif you retard
no but I can use this as well...
i have 4 ad blockers

they all dont work
settings -> advanced -> turn off html5 player
>Abed surprises everyone on TI6 but lost to Syndstack
>Now entering TI7 as the highest MMR player
Has been there another player that improved drastically in a short time?
how come i use the same and i don't get any ads
switch to flash player
You stop using twitch and install livestreamer
switch to Flash Player or use streamlink
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everyone knows QoP only likes men! She's not for gay!
>reddit is in flames right now due to Abed's 10k game

top fucking kek

Any of you nerds going to do the Moonduck community cast thing?
Why are people getting angry at abed?
i mean its not his fault the enemy are throwing for him
reddit should be getting angry at dubu and bulba
You need to stop using the html5 player since it inserts the ads into the stream transparently. You can use the shitty flashplayer or stream to like mpv.
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over 9000.png
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QoP is very clearly omnisexual
lmao could this event be any more of a disaster
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Based big balls Kyle the only person brave enough to shit on the redditjerk
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abed now 10k
Who's a fun hero to solo snowball with in shitter bracket?
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It's not gay if QoP has a THICK FUTA COCK
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wow in the end dubu was actually trying guys! this 10k is legit!
If this was League DC would be suspended from TI for throwing ranked matches for the purpose of inflating rank
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>idc abed MMR
>abandons game
fucking rigged
Didn't some chink also cheat to 10k?

so solo has no cap at all
>SEA qualifier
do I watch BTS or Moonduck?
Which team is gonna buy Abed after TI?
>Flip gets the first 10k MMR
TNC (Plausible but Kuku has been so stable so far) or Fnatic has sights on him if wants to go back in this hellhole
ABED ruined the 10k race, Bulba and Dubu threw so many games for him. Fuck mang... 10k doesn't mean shit now
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So did is he now 10024?
Or did he cap at 10000?
watch the one with /ourprofessor/
is there an abed stream for this or is everyone just watching in-game? I dont have dota 2 installed anymore
How did mag even end up in mineski with mushi
We all know Paparazzi is the real 10k if it weren't for jealous chinks & EG.
mushi gave him the warrun
if Abed is a filipino does that really count as NA getting 10k first?
I'm going to canada next week, Time to hit 9k :^)
This, the assassins got to him
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Soe will never love you.webm
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>tfw you make a move and she does this
WOW, abed sure it good, he won 27 out the 30 matches he played against his own teammates in the past week
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lumi just mentioned BSJ's argument with a player about whether lifestealer beats jugg 1v1
he has not mentioned this before
the argument was posted on a thread here a day or so ago

lumi confirmed reads /d2g/
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You can watch the games on the dotatv247 stream
It might just be because his teammates are fucking awful
lmao are there actually people here who think this is à NA achievement
Im so fucking disgusted by this 19k mmr game

It's a perfect representation of what a pile of garbage Dota matchmaking is

MMR is NOT indicative of skill level

You CAN game the system and cheat to the top without being punished for it




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QoP's feet are really underrated
Very well taken care of for a demon
cmon bru, watch one replay and you'll see Dubu and Bulba doing dumb shit and throwing games for him.

One game Bulba went mid as Pudge and stole last hits from a Viper

EZ +25 for ABED, FAKE 10k
is this supposed to be surprising? look around you my friend, /d2g/ is essentially /r/dota2 at this point
MMR is just a number
his teammates are his actual fucking teammates
bulba doing dumb shit? call the police
Well his NA team threw a bunch of games for him...
Reddit already this angry about it?
what did eg do to him?
I'm saying that Bulba and Dubu couldn't beat Abed if they tried
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ogre playng now lads
miracle hitting 9k was much more significant 2bh, that AM game was insane from him
this was just DC feeding him and disconnects
>all the salt and insecure in this thread

lmao thats fatties for you
>Reddit buttblasted that Abed got 10k by "cheating"
>Ignore the fact that most 9k on EU got it because of account buying retards
watch how fast he drops in the next week when people aren't feeding him mmr
>all this reddit posts
are you all afraid to be downvoted in the 10K mmr circlejerk thread?
every time something is happening, redditors flock this thread with their contrarian opinion
he'll just retire the account
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Tfw small boobs.jpg
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>NA proving they're dogshit by intentionally feeding the first 10k for 20 games straight
>first 10k isn't even from NA but only plays there

>Mushi Shadow shaman mid
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Do people genuinely believe that DC have spent the last few days purposely losing games for an arbitrary achievement when they literally have the most important qualifier of the year to play tomorrow?
This, Miracle did it fair and square (some games there were even people trying to make him lose)

Just watch, Miracle gets mad respect from the Chinese scene for reaching 9k first, lets see if they feel the same way about Abed
>NA confirmed for cancerous feeding machine

na cucks so salty lmao
It should be obvious by now... But anyone defending abed's "10k" is obviously pinoy. This just shows you how infested this general has become with third worlders.

That invoker & abaddon were literally whos though.
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Guys how do I get to 5k?
yes. have you watched those games? they fucking throwed
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You know all matches are recorded right?

The evidence that his teammates have been throwing games for him is right there in the stats.
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The guys at DC probably all play pubs at the same time, so whenever they get in a game against Abed they just throw for him.

How is that for far fetched?

>ps you can also watch the replay
how salty are americans right now
holy shit this is what na cucks actually believe
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This, it makes me so sad people would defend this
>first 10k is a non-EU player
>d-doesn't count sayeth the EUIDF
pathetic desu
Kek. We've been shitposting on these boards since the beginning of time.
Daryl is a fucking god
>how salty are americans right now
>NA hit 10k first
based Jark
So when Bulba fucks up in a normal game he's a waste of a space and teams are retarded for taking him, but when he does it with Abed on the enemy team he's a master player doing it all intentionally?
This shit is all confirmation bias
>All these r/dota2 tears
It's fucking delicious
>pick mid shaman

Um dotards?
Literally /ourguy/. 74 base damage is not to be underestimated.
reflecting back on it tusk isn't the best hero against bat
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No one would be talking shit if his DC butt buddies weren't throwing games for him.

Fake 10k pignoy
Tab back in Meracle
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>these are the people defending abed on /d2g/ RIGHT NOW
the sad part is that everyone right now is probably on r/dota2
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the broken Anglish is a dead giveaway
Is there anything else you can use as an insult Indog/malayshit?
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ass to get your attention.png
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EU wont be laughing when NA wins TI7
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what the fuck is wrong wtih that steak
are all the EU people crying also from Reddit?
Uh? But reddit is sucking his dick right now lul
>university of the immaculate conception

the what now
Theres literally like 40 people in the US above 7.5k
5 of those are on dc, they're going to get in each others game if they wanted to or not
>from davao
>terrorist infested city
>looks like a pig

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It's over. /d2g/ belongs to us now.
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why do you think they post here instead of reddit?
they afraid of getting downvoted
he has good taste in waifu
uncultured buffoon
>University of the Immaculate Conception
Jark isnt smart enough to go to a real school
Ya could've gone to FEU since the tests are fucking easy Jark
but now they're just getting downvoted by face posters?
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Jark just know that I love you no matter what happens
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what the fuck did I walk into

where's the eu hub
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>(You)vote is a downvote
ebin facefaggot would be here posting someone was mad xD if global nuclear armageddon had been unleashed, just ignore him
Your options are the shekelhub or the autismhub. Yames is dead.
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>ebin facefaggot would be here posting someone was mad xD if global nuclear armageddon had been unleashed,
>winning anything
Jark here. AMA
at least ken chen is making memes for the bts hub
all you faggots talking about some irrelevant number that means literally nothing when most 8ks among pros use their pubs as experimentation
there is esports going on involving /ourgre/ the SEA assasins, team faceless (sponsored by /ourcaster/ WinteR)
>na so easy server
>ez mmr
Alright who is at autismhub
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>grain of sugar/salt
>mostly 'pos1'
>thinks caps mode might get me to 5k

5/kotlotl-ommnop-o-disraptor-dzsl-ench-vs-underdog-abba-ch4n-treht-kirchnerista-worloq-tide-bh-dusk-nyx-ssshaman-vsage-ds-lion-cm-aa-wyvrn-shadowdemon (macrogamer,saver/wardbitch)


2/drow-trol-sunstrikesunstrike-bonkz-ta-svc=3n-urza-naix-jugg-bb-sniper-weava-emba-storm-antigame-trrrbad-razorball-necroball-pgnaball-dp-dk-qop-wraithking-brewpasta-morph-naga-alchnaga (buy me wards)

3/my friend, who knows 5 heroes, all viable offlaners, open to suggestions

1/me, who likes to play several heroes mid, but is thinking on settling for a couple of strong round up carrys for last pick, open as well

you me? please?
Is Nahaz /ourguy/? Reddit hates him at least.
Mautism, Zyori, Purge, The girl caster, Slacks
Is Sara as good as Duts?
Was the Martial Law comfy as the rumors say?
Are there any MARSHMALLOW protests like here in Manila?
wheres that dudes jaw?
>implying 90% of the faggots shitposting about abed give a fuck about non-EG/Liquid esports
They're just here to post their /int/ bait dummy
zai's twin bro strim!!!!!

https://www dot twitch dot tv/fapticgamin
>mid rhasta
They brought in Mag for a holiday and for him to put his weird throwy theorycrafting to practice
>Newfag ledditards imitate /sp/ posting since they saw it on r/4chan
Thats cute faggots
Someone make a flag thread, right now!
>where's the eu hub
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how can abed be so shit and 10k mmr at the same time?

really gets those light strikes arraying
buttblasted yoro detected
who is mad?
eu because na got 10k first
or na because their homohate for shitskins got 10k
this, we need to expose the Abed supporters
Man I fucking hate BreakyCPK
I should have applied to be a janitor desu

I have no fucking idea, it's just shitposters shitposting
>be 10k
>can't even qualify for TI7
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dubs for dc out in the quals
same tbhh
everone from na is bad
its a fact that americans are bad at videogames

>inb4 muh
sumail won them
everyone because this place is a shithole
Valve need to act fast and make an example of this shit
Ken Chen bringing fresh memes

They won't even ban scripters and cheaters, joke of a game honestly.

I would've quit already if the moba alternatives weren't so shit.
get in here losers
t. lolg
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>a kewie
>almost all posters are aussies
wow that really made me think
>anglos post on 4chan
>strayans run the gulag
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>Australians ruin /d2g/ with their false flag na vs eu shitposting for 12 hours a day
>can't get a single team into even a qualifier
Fucking redditards can't do anything on their own
>everyone is an aussie
so thats why d2g has been in the shitter for so long
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the rule of australians is that you cant have more than 1 of them or they'll just bantz eachother to death
AU dota pretty much doesn't exist tho, the good players that are 6k+ live in Perth and play SEA.

Also Newbee and OG are Australian
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is it time for soeposting
Why do we need to win qualifiers when we have two teams with direct invites?
how so? any proofs?
why would perthians queue sea
>tfw not sure if all australians or one australian with a phone
unironically loving womanlets
Why wouldn't they queue SEA? You can get real games instead of being the only high MMR player in a team of 4ks. Also the ping is decent.
wish my hair is that beautiful
Will this be yet another TI qualifier that SyndereN dominates?
>Also the ping is decent
It's not that great from Perth. You're right though, there aren't enough high MMR players in Straya to make it worth queuing
So I had a good feeling with Mineski since they brought in Mag, but Mag's drafts are fucking insane and I remember now that he's a poor man's Dkphobos
shitrekt and chadfinems winning
The underwater wires that connect australia's internet to the rest of the world come through Perth, so it has the best ping into every other server
Wait a fucking minute, Howl still lets heroes keep the gained HP after it ends? Do you just max Howl first and win every fucking lane simultaneously?
do you know what the difference in ping is from WA to SEA vs eastern states to SEA? I've played on SEA before from both and iirc SEA was still pretty bad (~150ms) for both
why dont we move on to bant for esports time?
since all we do during esports is shitfling

tell me d2g? why wont you?
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get out of my thread thirdies
howl is like a slightly worse hand of god right now
>Mag's drafts are fucking insane
>they said I could pick anything I wanted
>So I picked Centaur
its absolutley sad that synderen never gets a top 7 finish in ti considering he's been in most of them
tell me, d2g, how does he keep doing it?
who tf is jark
thirdies won't post on a board with flags. afraid of the bantz
you skip wolves on Lycan now
You can do a traceroute to see how long each hop takes

20ms from syd to adl
30ms from adl to per
50ms for per to sin

add extra ping if your connection is shiut
Cant wait to see NoobfromUA's video of DC feeding abed to get 10k lmao
The hell is a thirdie?
heck ye my nig
imma f him up
>Flips and Hues posting in bant thread
Fuck off faggot we aint scared of shit
chipenko-chen is drafting?
i like the brood game but shaman mid was retarded in a SK puck bristleback meta
I honestly wish all the ebin banter faggots were rangebanned so we could go back to the old days when we watched esports and commented on it without baiting about race and geopolitics
anyone outside america
Who's Abed? He seems like a shit player for a 10k.
annie is getting cuter, if she drops another 40lb she'll actually be 8.5
>american standards
40 is a lot of weight
8.5 in America is a 6 everywhere else, afterall.
Some ISPs might route you through japan first which can add some latency as well
What's the IP for the Singapore server?
i am very happy to have won this game in spite of the armlet void
i wont be playing pos 4 zeus again because its fucking garbage until 30 minutes into the game but hey, live and learn
thanks for readin my blog friends
So far moonduck has been more watchable than BTS for me.
>batrider meta
>subsequent oracle meta
Were back baby
Does using purifying flames on an allied bristleback from behind reduce damage
when do you guys get manta on meepo
but does it proc quills
Never. Just build hurricane pike instead.
if sumail is so good how come he's not even close to miracle, paparazzi, or abed's mmr?
idc mmr

He's a good pro player not a pub player.
Sumail doesn't pub seriously, he spends most of his time playing CSGO
he doesn't tryhard in pubs because na pubs are a joke
>first NA 10k player is from SEA monkey land
>not true white american

Jark if you're a live right now please update your facebook status. I'm worried about you.
this flag thread was a mistake, why the hell is everyone either an aussie or a pinoy?
but there are no redneck dota players
power hour for that region
Its like 4pm here and late for both europe and NA
aussies own dota you dumb seppo
fear doto began as a redneck and in true american dream fashion is now a millionaire
2/3 of those players wont even qualify to a TI while sumail will probably place top 4
>w33 first to hit 8k muslim
>miracle 9k muslim
>10k is also a muslim
so what's their secret lads
A lot of "ugly" girls have the potential to be at least a 6/7 if they just dieted or cleared their face up with acne cleansing shit, learn about make-up and find the right hairstyle.
See Annedroid, her face is not bad at all but she's fat at sin, probably at least 160lbs up to 180lbs at 5'6. The 8.5 is totally believable if you look at Sheever when she first started in the scene and Sheever now.
Two and a half hours until Crescendo plays and I already finished my work, what do I do until then?

>Play the game.
I'm not at home, I'm at the office.
he also has a qt3.14 azn waifu

living the dream
she has a manjaw honestly
You can sense how much hate there is for the anglosphere here. NA best region. Continental Europe is dogshit.
his gf is like a low tier SEA hooker
Watch the SEA qualifiers
Are white men for asian women what black men are for white women?
Pretty much, Fear has a nigger dick though
>it's a CG stomps online qualifiers but chokes at LAN yet again
Why is he eating an infected zombie tumor?
>team that drafts winning lanes win lanes
hmmmm really makes me think
that's an apple fritter
Thats better than faceless choking on both LANs and Qualifiers.
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what mmr is nahaz
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>her face is not bad
deny urself my d00d
4k NA so basically low 3k to 2k anywhere else.
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4k NA so basically 8k EU
any cute girls here that want a bf?
Man you're the fucking guy who says this to every girl that gets posted here.
You have no say in this.
I bet you love silicon breasts too you stupid faggot.
not him but you have low standards if you think Anne had a pretty face
>fnatic losing to straya
I said it's not bad, literally putting words in my mouth now
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>tfw playing 8 hours of Skyrim Special EditionTM every day
>tfw not even touching this shit game until TI7

We drink to our youth, to the days come and gone
xy is a terrible carry
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sheever scared.gif
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am him but im not that guy who says this no to every girl posted here, in fact i don't think that guy even exists everyone in here universally thinks Soe is very good looking and Sheever is somewhere between above average to good looking

It took Sheever some time to get at least decent looking though she started out as a race horse (pic related)
Go home Todd
xy is terrible*
Sucks for you, that's the time when all the retards come back to the game. It's like playing in the afternoon but worse.
She's Tall therefore she's already perfect.
You're the reason why Bethesda announced Skyrim remastered for the Switch, PS4, PS5, PS6, XBOX ONE-X, XBOX ONE-TWO,
pissing off everyone who just wanted the next Elder Scrolls.
You paid $60 for the same game
She is short for a swamp german :^)
>You paid

no YOU paid, dumb wagecuck
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? the special edition is free if you already bought the base game
holy shit purge getting triggered
>There are people in this thread unironically thinks that annedroid looks good

Jesus christ, I could put on some make up and dress like a girl and look better than her, not like it's an achievement since it's anne but still. Well they do say that if you look ugly , then your bar is also set low.
Lmao retard gets triggered by shit he doesn't
even know about xDDD
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did you just say...
>eks dee
whats the point of bloodstone on Lina now that her respawn talent is gone?

also did Icefrog remove all respawn talents?
>I could put on some make up and dress like a girl and look better than her
Pics please
xD > Kek
>annie loves whales

>I could put on some make up and dress like a girl and look better than her,
100% uptime fiery soul
pure poetry
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i wonder who is behind this post
>win lane
>lose game
wow good job pinoys
>CG is good
got me
damage talent was picked more by the end of that patch that also had respawn
Bloodstone is to give enough mana for her to cast spells constantly and have 3 stacks of passive at all times
alright nigger
>abed is 10k
even pinoys dont think cg as their team
MMR doesn't win you tea eyes
abed wont even make it to TI lol
>fnatic getting bodied by racemasters
Febby is the Bulba of SEA. I've never seen such a low impact 4 and they have DJ-god as 5
eric simply eric
true. flip here. right now, tnc is the only team we really care about.
>gooks can't play anything but LeL and starcrumpets
more news at 11
Oracle is so fucking bad, holy shit. They need to stop trying to force this meme.
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Luna's ass on your face right now dotard
What's the opinion like regarding Mushi joining Mineski, coming 3rd/3rd/2nd at 3 lan qualifications then kicking raging-potato for Mag and Ark?
who cares, shit team trying to get better and failing
fuck u and fuck ur mom
fucking rofl
>asking a pinoy about a malay
might as well ask mr silverstein his opinion about hitler
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what do true flips think about Abed?
Can't wait for Abed to replace QO.
I wasn't asking you my good sir
If I wanted an answer like yours I would've asked something like "hey guys how about those chinks and gook eh? by the way where the shitskin rapefugees at xD lel topkek all for the caliphate EU LUL inshallah"
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MidOne's gonna get top 8 at TI while ABED won't even qualify. WHAT NOW PIGNOY SHITS?

congrats on 10k tho
>implying shitrekt will get to ti
Still waiting for another SEA team to place top 8 aside from TNC this TI malayshit :^)
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will you watch?
fnatic placed 4th last year tard
did Sheever shave her head for the chemo?
Who cares? Shes going to die before TI
>"could you burn them?"
I feel really bad for sheever for some reason, such a nice girl getting fucked by cancer like this. And I'm not even a feels kinda guy...
>reading comprehension
Not the anon you replied to,
but if not them then who?
Well unless they pull off a Loda tier choke their TI spot is pretty much guaranteed
Everyone gets cancer dude.
Even you.
It might not even show up until it's terminal.
Benefit of the doubt goes to women if they skip their periods despite having no sex, getting a lump on their breasts or their stomachs having a dull pain which is indicative of uterus cancer or something.
Us dudes don't really have that except for testicular cancer, or doctors have to put a finger up our arseholes, which has no warning signs for.
They will
Worst case scenario they place 2nd, EU qualis are pretty easy now that theres a separate CIS region
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>She will never ride you like Nova
anyone else fucking up their sleep schedule for this?
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no point in watching until the final day t bh
Naw dawg that's what the vods are for
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our guys coming up
my sleep schedule is perpetually fucked
endurance run?
What the fuck Bamboe is on some random SEA team?
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>2 Old Mouz clashes at SEA qualifiers
Not like this
Because SEA drank the "bring foreigner in to captain" koolaid
Too bad Bamboe is like the throwiest shotcaller
Black^ will face bamboe and theeban eventually as well
sad that this way he's closer to TI than he was at kaipi
I was supposed to type 3 there famalam
If dingdong didn't have cancer as the captain we would have 4 of then at TI7
I'm sorry, I've been trying to figure out if you guys were joking about this or unironically circlejerking about this meme and i still don't know
EU qualifiers looks weak as fuck now mane
Even Lodstack + Alliance can win this shitshow
will qualifier for TI,who else?
Probs Fnatic
And you'd pick Sing and cancel, two natural tilters to take it over Secret and chad finem, even [A] and D-Bears are a whole 2 tiers above them
why are yuros so angry Abed got 10k ? pretty sure no one cares about it aside from yuropeons
CG can do it maybe
clutch or fnatic
t. manny aquino
Seamonkey here
Cheat to 10k is pretty cheap desu
how did he cheat? I dont pay attention to pubs much. did he have plants or something?
new bread
Every single game has at least another DC players in the enemy team, go figure.
fuck you m8
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