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/lisg/ - Life is Strange General #512

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Thread replies: 684
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''Overslept'' Edition

Previous Thread: >>180160839

>Life Is Strange: Before the Storm First Gameplay:

>Life is Strange: Before the Storm Announce Trailer:

>Return to Arcadia Bay:

>Release Dates:
Episode 1 − ''Awake'' 31 August 2017
Episode 2 − ''?'' (TBA)
Episode 3 − ''?'' (TBA)
Bonus Episode: Farewell − (TBA)

Life is Strange: Before the Storm features Chloe Price, a 16 year-old rebel who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success. When Rachel’s world is turned upside down by a family secret, it takes their newfound alliance to give each other the strength to overcome their demons. Available for pre-order on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live.

Life is Strange is an episodic interactive drama from DONTNOD Entertainment. Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Maxine Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time. At the prestigious Blackwell Academy, Max must prepare with Chloe Price for the incoming storm of returning to her hometown after five years. Available on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live.

>Official Website:


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http://orph.link/lisgarchive (UPDATED)

>/lisg/ Community Written Fan Fiction (Continuation WHEN):

>Compilation of Fanfics:

>/lisg/ Content Producers:

>/lisg/ sings:

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>if spotted, call Chloe Price
Mari was right about what?
I mean to put on the bingo board
What we need... Is a DONOD.
now that is adorable
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Before Episode 5's release:
>Lol Mari's theories're shitty.It's way more than shitty to become true
>Chloe has to die thing doesn't make sense.Don't worry they will come with unpredictable story
>We're gonna learn everything about Max's powers,Rachel and Prescotts even Nathan,spirit animals..
>Jefferson knows about Max's powers
>Nathan,Frank,David or Samuel's gonna save us
>Victoria's with Max,she'll save her
>(After seeing Cemetery scene from leaks) I'm sure it'll be Williams,Rachel's or Kate's grave.
>Rachel's the doe and Butterfly and probably we'll see her in Max's dream
>Blue Jay's Chloe

After Episode 5's release:
>Mari's shitty cliche theory became right
>We visited the SF art gallery for 3 seconds. FOR 3 DAMN SECONDS
>Jefferson became a silly bad guy from Disney
>David came to save us.He's a former-soldier but he can't even fight,just listens teenager's orders. Even he doesn't know she has some time travel powers.
>Victoria's with us in the dark room.Laying there and we can talk her or not.Just it.
>Nathan get killed,Victoria too
>Nathan knew something about the storm but they cut it.
>Warren explained Max's powers(!)(thanks warryn) We found out her power causes/related with Chaos Theory and storm.It's not like we didn't know or something.
>Storm is only coming for Bay because Chloe lives in there but Max's the one who keep changes the time
>Prescotts story erased.Nobody even mention their name.
>Rachel's story fucked too.She isn't or butterfly,bluejay just spiritualdoe
>Spirit animals thing died.Blue Butterfly's storm summoner just it.
>Chloe dies again in one of endings (unpredictable) It gives you a lesson: You shouldn't have used your power.And you shouldn't play this game.Now erase your choices and cry like a bitch.
>Chloe has to die thing comes true, Cemetery scene explained with that.
>The other ending's short but it's less cliché than other.We saved Chloe,storm's hit the town and gone.That's it
The 86 cents took me a second
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BAE > bay everyday!

BFFs, Pirates, Wonder Twins, Partners in Time & Crime & Love, Fellow Dorks, GFs, Wives.
hahaha I made that original post.
You'll never catch her and she will never stop!
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The developers: "We always wanted the ending to be about a choice between sacrificing Chloe or sacrificing the town. So our idea to have Chloe merely ending up in a coma after being shot really didn't fit with our original plans, so we changed it to make it better match our vision."


Another day in /lisg/.
>The developers contradicted their "vision" throughout the game and only gave evidence to support saving Chloe and only a few quickly forgotten lines to support saving the town
Not really helping your case. One ending is still heavily favored by the way the story is told and shown. One ending is consistent and follows the characters behavior patterns, one requires them to "stop thinking logically" to even consider.
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Linking from last thread because I think it's important and worded very well.
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>The developers contradicted their "vision" throughout the game and only gave evidence to support saving Chloe and only a few quickly forgotten lines to support saving the town

That'll be "Things Baefags actually believe" for 500, Alex.
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>"Our original plan didnt fit with our original plan"
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As Max and Chloe are leaving the ruins of Arcadia Bay behind, there's one more tragic story unfolding
>Alice and Lisa stuck in Max's room, Alice hasn't eaten anything in days, the dorms are destroyed and no one comes looking for them
>"No one's gonna come save us, this is the end, we'll starve to death..."
>Alice...you can survive this and go back to your owner. All you have to do is... all you have to do is eat me."
>"What? No, fuck that. Lisa, you're my number one priority, I'm not eating you!"
>"Alice, think about it... how many times this week did you try to nibble my leafs? I'm a plant, Alice, you're a bunny, maybe it's time I accept my destiny... OUR destiny."
>"Lisa, I can't make this choice!"
>"No Alice, you're the only one who can"

>eat Lisa

>eat your own foot
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When are they going to give Joyce some grandchildren?
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She keeps getting away with it?!

You're more than welcome to try to prove me wrong or you can just keep memeing because you know what I said is the truth. It was clearly established last thread the whole basis of the Bay Ending is Max turning off her brain and doubling back on everything she's said and done.
>bayfags in my /lisg/
silly anon, girls can't have children with other girls
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>last thread
(More like every thread ever, since Episode 5. And it starts again.)

Let's talk about BtS, /lisg/! Expectations, hopes, fears?
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In a few years after they've saved up some money and are emotionally ready for it. They adopt or science creates some advancement so they can have kids with their DNA.
I could see them having a daughter named Amber and a son named William.
(Don't worry, it's child-safe dye!)
Look at Max being adorable while Chloe is alone and depressed!
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Not her fault her parents dragged her away from Chloe
Obviously Chloe was sad during that time, but let's not pretend every single day was just her being miserable. I think that's what a large part of what the prequel will show- that she could still find happiness during that time.
Chloe got to live like an actual pirate for a few years. She lived with only rules and loyalty that applied to her mates, she adventured and plundered her way across Arcadia Bay, and she acquired her trusty vessel.
Those years were important to her development and helping her find out who she was Five years later, she found the treasure she thought she had lost.
does Max likes her steak rare or well done?
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>after the storm, they wait a year or so and get married
>change their last name because they're too tired of people recognizing them as the survivors from the freak storm in smalltown oregon
>several years pass
>decide to have kids
>decide on IVF
>warren inexplicably survived and offers to be the donor but everyone ignores him
>they find an acceptable donor, chloe decides to carry the kid since they dont know how time travel would affect a fetus and dont want to find out
>baby is a girl
>max names her after the person she loves most in the world, and picks Chloe's middle name
>Elisabet Sobeck, born March 11, 2020
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Are Max's parents the real villain(s) of Life is Strange?
>supporting the meat industry
she doesn't have a problem eating bacon
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With lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57, and French fried potatoes.
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Stop making me hungry I'm supposed to be on a diet
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the mighty Chloe guardian
All hail the Chloe Guardian!
I will never stop loving this fan art.
Hopes: It expands on Chloe's past a little bit and shows what she was up to, shows she had friends other than Max (Even if she's clearly missing Max) and what they are like, and gives insight into who Rachel was, and gives hints to supernatural stuff.

Fears: Rachel is nothing like how Chloe described her and that makes all Chloe's gushing about Rachel seem like some kind of unhealthy attachment to an abuser (I don't think that will happen since it's clear Rachel will change over the game). Also kind of nervous that we won't see any nice moments between Chloe and Joyce, seeing them argue is fine and expected but I also want to see them have at least one nice moment together of a mother comforting her daughter.
"She's never leaving me!"
She's not wrong. It just took a little bit longer to keep that promise.
A rough five years for both of them that helped them realize how much they really needed and missed each other.
I hope it at the very least hints there something supernatural with Rachel. Some reason everyone in the world liked her, other than 'she's just so gosh darn likeable!'
It's all but confirmed by omission. Every time Deck Nine gets asked about powers they mention Chloe over and over again and never mention Rachel
I wonder if the prequel or farewell episode will tell us how Max and Chloe met.
I wonder if the farewell episode will show it's Max going back into a photo and leaving herself a note to call Chloe, and telling Chloe to call her in Seattle, so they never spend that time entirely apart and the events of the prequel and season 1 are retroactively fixed.
that would canonize bae so they wont do it no matter how happy it'd make me
They said there's something going in with Rachel's family. That, the small hints about how perfect she seemingly was, and the presence of the ghost doe in the original game hint that there is something more to Rachel. Question is just what it her relation to what Max did? Was the a previous power user or did she just grant them after she died?
Also curious about her family. If her father is a DA then he may be enemies with the Prescotts.
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I know, I know. They're already said they're not going to hint towards either ending or any choices from Season 1, which I can at least commend them for being neutral. I can still dream.
Though the title Before the Storm kind of hints to the storm being a thing, so...
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So, not a single VA from the previous game will return in BtS?
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Victoria maybe?
Her fault that she never called Chloe, though.
That's a great way to put it.
So I walked into the haze
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
some BODY
That'd make me so happy. It'd also open the possibility of another max/chloe story in a happy timeline. Maybe they could use max's powers for the greater good.
It will be a travesty if they can't get Victoria
Though William has such a minor speaking role in LiS his voice is so perfect for his character I'm going to be really sad at the likely recasting
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Thanks. Some may say it's way too optimistic, but that's how I see those years for Chloe. They proved how strong she is and gave her time to figure herself out and evaluate her life.
She realized something was missing and tried to find what it was. Eventually she did realize that the whole in her life was Max-shaped. She even says it wasn't about just leaving Arcadia Bay, it was about not wanting to be in a place so full of memories if she had no one to share them with.
Oh I Hate when I do that.
She realized that the hole* in her life was Max-shaped.

Chloe definitely did have feelings for Rachel for a time but it was obvious, only to Chloe later on, that they would have never worked out. Though I'm sure they did have their fun. As we will see in the prequel.
Why is DONTNOD so against another Max/Chloe story? Imagination Lord always insists their story is complete and they aren't going back but now with BtS, even though they aren't making it, the characters are back and the game is surely going to rake in the cash. It seems like a weird thing not to want to cash in on the popularity of your properties.
I get that Dontnod wants to just move on and not be known for only one thing, but it is kind of confusing. They could definitely continue the story by showing a different opening to the game for each previous ending and then linking them so the game starts from the same point. They could continue the story and actually try to resolve it but for whatever reason they don't want to.
Maybe in the future Dontnod or someone else will pick it up again.
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Delete this
There has to be, the crow flying around is a spirit thing I'm sure.
i think if that dumb vampire game they're making tanks they'd be more willing to bring back max and chloe. I'm interested in LiS2 but I'm really skeptical about new characters being anywhere near as engaging.
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why are they so cute
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Sadly they won't be coming back
We played hide and seek in waterfalls

That Vampyr game looks pretty good desu senpai
They never left, as long as /lisg/ lives then so does Max and Chloe.

I'm interested in trying it. The setting looks cool and the choices system actually looks like stuff you do throughout the game builds towards the ending, which is how LiS should have been.
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the continued adventures of pricefield would just print money, why dont they like money
/lisg/ could write a much better sequel for Pricefield anyway
>havent talked to my best friend in 5 or 6 years
>playing LiS made me think I should reconnect with him
>he'd probably ask why I suddenly reached out again though, and it'd be weird to tell him it was because of a game about lesbian timetravelers
Never reveal your powerlevel (unless you want to get gay)
Just say that you were thinking about him the other way and wanted to say hi.
Don't be another Max!
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Even if they do every come back, it won't be until the next decade.

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Aw. Poor Max. Don't cry.
she must've had a bad dream.
They just are
We could waste billions of taxpayer money and years of time, and we still wouldn't arrive at a full answer
If the prequel does well then maybe we will see other episodes at some point whenever SE wants to make some money and revive the series.
Not that I want Dontnod to lose all say in LiS, but there's a demand for its direct continuation and they won't meet it.
If the prequel is actually good and true to the characters, I wouldnt actually really mind dontnod losing some say in LiS. They're the ones who gave us the shitty endings after all.
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The thing is, Dontnod now knows exactly what their fanbase wants from them. They know exactly what aspects of Season 1 the fans hated. We don't really know too much about what their initial priorities were for Season 1, but we know what the results were.

It's hard to imagine that Season 2 won't be more focused on those fan reactions. I'd suspect they're putting extra effort into setting up the characterisations, especially for shipping. Shipping really carried a lot of the Season 1 fandom.

I've said it before, but they'd be crazy to use male protagonists. A huge aspect of their Season 1 interviews/advertisements was "we wanted a female main character but no publishers would do it aren't we so awesome and progressive?!" To then turn around and be like "now that we have success, we're going to use men" would be a bit cute. My speculation would be this: this time, they're going for full-on lesbian characters. They get to continue to talk about how great they are for promoting female main characters, but they also get to promote it as *extra* progressive.

And who here doesn't want more qt lesbians? Sign me the fuck up!

But really, I think I have a fair bit of hope for Season 2 because I don't think Dontnod is totally stupid. They have a good framework, they know we want good characters, they know we won't tolerate inconsistencies in the plot, bullshit mysteries that go nowhere, pointless red herrings, all-but-literally-false-advertising binary endings, etc. It'd be hard to imagine that they're not actively trying to improve on these elements.

Time will tell.
I really hope Dontnod paid attention to the feedback and knows what criticisms there are. They have not publicly responded to them but if Season 2 improves on pacing, story, and endings then it will be clear that they listened and improved.
I think there's more than enough room for multiple devs to get in on LiS, they could create an even more expansive world and cast.
Hopefully Dontnod paid attention, know their strengths and keep those up, and put emphasis on correcting where they were weaker. Deck Nine seems to have done their research so hopefully they won't make the same mistakes.
We'll have to see, but I do have a good feeling we won't see the same mistakes twice.
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Sleep tight
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>it's wrong to find logical fallacies and pointing them out
>it's wrong to making 'right' interpreations from leaks, and showing'em what's the true and suitable for the story
>We have to obey devs' intentions(while they've immediately changed something and knowing they are messed it up) such a game in that
>binary choices will make me forget that this game was also a time-travel game (even though they forget this a lot)

Bayfags: ''It's written in this way, we should obey what devs gave to us without looking much into details what game presented us.Also forget that this was a time-travel game because it only used as giving message.It doesn't matter if they changed one of endings and heavily showing their 'original' intention because I don't care! HEY BLUE BUTTERFLY WAS CHLOE RIGGHTT''
And this will be "Things Bayfags actually believe" for 500, Alex.

You idiot,if fans weren't be this passionate about defending things and pointing out logical fallacies,Dontnod'd think they've made a good job (at those times you should've seen them really) and they would even make that ending canon.Don't be shit-eater, and don't forget that this game was also a time-travel game.If you see logical fallacies point them out rather than saying ''it's written in this way'' because that isn't give you any explanation.
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So if you want to check Zak Garriss' interview out here:


Briefly, game will take 3 years before events, Joyce and David haven't married yet, we're gonna see how Chloe met with Rachel and their relationship.

>"What we really want to unearth [...] is, even the perfect girl is broken. And even the broken girl, has strength."

In here they gave information for that major choice screen, for those whom whinning over we are gonna completely change Chloe's feelings.Garriss had confirmed that there's no such a thing.


>"That choice moment isn't a question of Chloe necessarily deciding what her sexuality is," lead writer Zak Garris explained. "It's: what does she tell Rachel? What does she voice?"

>That's heartening. For a game that has already established its choice-dictated story as a powerful platform for saying something about interpersonal relationships, turning Chloe's sexuality — which isn't a choice at all — into a branching story moment could easily be misconstrued.

>Garris pointed out that there are other moments during Before the Storm in which players can choose the way Chloe characterizes her sexual identity. Allowing players to do so, he said, was motivated by the desire to make her seem like more of a real character.

The thing I wanted to tell from pic, Garriss' opinion about relationships.Normally you hear from devs (not anymore though) ''eh it's choices matter'', actually that would be Toby who would say ''it's blank-slate and completely up to you''..

but Garriss saying, feelings are developing as the time moves on in either way, so there's no way you can change it by saying 'yes' or 'nah'. Just as Max's relationships.She was stranger to love dovey thing,Game gave you some options but no matter what you did she followed about her own thoughts afterwards.Warren, even if she was stranger to love again, there was literally no budding relationship between them and from the first day and no matter what you choose she was saying she was meaning she doesn't want to lead him on.Sure there were some choices but those choices didn't also seem romantical rather than doing sth good (yeah even that slate message) let alone that kiss was let down. There was no well-developed relationship there,neither love. The only thing he can get is caring about word. But was that really enough to make her fall in love or being serious enough to bring up Love word? Nah. Even if you choose cuck path she was still confused.

For Chloe, you can avoid from some choices for sure but that doesn't stop Max enough to bringing up love word,go far enough to question it for her or the other things she said prior these events. As player, you can make those feelings certain earlier from he start by kissing her in Ep3, or delay it by not kissing her in Ep3. Budding,well-developed relationship is this.Because lots of things may happen,character does say her own feelings regardless of our choices.

So Garriss seemed like he gets this relationship thing.For now though,I hope he doesn't mess it up.

>So Garriss seemed like he gets this relationship thing.For now though,I hope he doesn't mess it up.
he will though. if toby brainwashes him in interviews of course
>moments in which players can choose the way Chloe characterizes her sexual identity

I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be fascinating.
what does that mean though? is it like someone will ask what's her sexuality and she will give funny dialogue answers?
No, of course not.

It's going to be choosing to reveal her feelings, and to act on certain impulses.
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Imagine the situation Joyce'd be in, the pain, the regret, the self-blame, the guilt, the confusion, knowing that her daughter died in the worst part of life, in which five years before was the last time Joyce saw Chloe truly happy.

Just imagine Chloe and Max have a child, and Max dies, before the child dies- that's Joyce's situation.
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Joyce would not survive Chloe's death.
Her eyes are buggy, and too close to her nose, and mouth.
>>180320325 >>180320835 >>180242074
>Another day in /lisg/.
Isn't it ironic that you also chose bae but also consider those people as baefag and shitting on them.I don't know I'm confused.


This is really not how we make argument here.Not even close.

We say obviously time-travel don't make sense because they changed that ending for tragedy's sake.With that they pushed aside all of their intention for time-travel because they've seen it as metaphor to make choices harder,they did it for tragedy's sake.

Why are we giving that example though?With that evidence, we can easily confirm *one more time* that ''Max's vision came nowhere,Storm isn't connected with Chloe's survival or her existence in universe (even if she dies in during the week,storm will be still coming),storm has been created, got triggered after our actions in bathroom''
Because we are trying to tell people how does time-travel originally works,more detailed,since none developers says shit about it.They can't, because they know it's not make sense.But game gives you evidences,which lots of people missed.

When you also compare BAE vs BAY debate, each people's arguments; bae''fags'' are more pro-evidences in-game and morely invested in what has presented,anons here really making good argument and really caring about events.And I see still people can't refute their points and even plebs started to agree on flaws in bay.

However, when you argue with bayfags, they are saying Chloe needed to die because she is selfish,saying one live doesn't matter,givin their ending is canon because it's 1:50 mins longer than the other one, saying their Max will end up with either precious smal beans Warren/Nathan,Chloe won't survive after bae etc. etc. (none of them aware of Max's not ripping out the butterfly photo however,I wonder why) so tell me which one's making reasonable argument?
I think she looks fine, she looks like Jennifer Lawrence, but less autistic
i still didn't get it desu
even reddittors seem to realize there are many fuck-ups in bay ending. they realized this after 2 years.wew
She really does look autistic, with long hair.
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Giving Chloe this backtalk ability reminds me of how they gave Speedwagon his Ogre Street gang in JoJo: Eyes of Heaven.

The developers are trying to show audiences that this character has their own ability that can supposedly keep up with the far superior supernatural abilities of their peers. But we can all see they aren't as good.
How do bayfags who insist that the entire town was killed, and despite the level of destruction not reflecting a scenario where thats possible, claim the intent of the devs was clearly to have everyone die explain away the fact that one of the few corpses we see is covered by a tarp? Did the storm gently cover him up?
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>"It's a constant dynamic evolution of the relationship" over the course of Before the Storm's three episodes, he said. "We feel like it's more authentic ... in terms of how we, as people, relate."
>And like sexuality in real life,like relationships in real life, there's no discrete moment where you decide yes or no- this is what we are- it's a constantly evolving experience.
Finally a developer, who implied that choices may influential at that moment but they are not enough to change/affect character's major,pure,certain personality/feelings, they will eventually come up with the same result.

I wish that goddamn community manager from SE would outrightly admit this too.Only if he got guts to do it.
wtf I love Deck Nine now?
What ability? Did i miss another trailer?
they think the message that they gave is all that matters. but what has been presented in-game should be ignored and doesn't matter.Pointing major fuck-ups in story is also wrong no matter if those facts are true and can't be refuted
>bae''fags'' are more pro-evidences in-game and morely invested in what has presented
April 1st was months ago, anon.
Friendship ended with DONTNOD
is my
Best Friend
>I can't refute them
>So I will continue memeing instead
And it is already 2 years, anon.
stop making LiS threads on /v/ you moron
Someone make the image.
It's a bit silly how quickly Max forgets the "don't confuse art with the artist" advice when she sees Jefferson's datk room shots.

Yes, he was wrong to drug and kidnap girls... But, purely in terms of artistic merit, Mark Jefferson's dark room work is fantastic.
>But, purely in terms of artistic merit, Mark Jefferson's dark room work is fantastic.
Yeah, no.
>I can't refute them
>Things Baefags actually believe.
>I can refute what has shown in-game
of course this >>180350096 faggot did it
>Implying baefags understand what is actually shown in-game
Anon please, my sides can't handle it!
Life is Strange is a video game. You must try to accept that our /v/ colleagues are going to discuss it.
>t.I am blind enough to not see what's shown in-game
Who tickles you faggot?
>discussing game
>discussing game
Do copy pasting old non-sense pastas, and talking about fucking Max in the ass count?
What the fuck are those lidl fights?
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Reminder that this happened.

Okay, yes, it's obviously down to us to actually discuss and analyse this game. But /v/ is inevitably going to discuss it in their is way, and we have to accept that.
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>chloe's f-bomb is censored
Of course it did. The story is hella good.
Fallout 4 won the Best Game award so BAFTAs mean shit
The game is free on PS+
Let the average /v/ goer have their LiS thread now
Stop being so gay man
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well I'm not fan of neither endings,not satisfied with conslucion (I already knew how is it gonna end from the start,I already knew if they come up with this consclucion bay ending won't make sense and already said I'll choose save Chloe to finish the game) but have to be ignorant cuck to not see what is shown in-game.

>SE already forgot about them
>but have to be ignorant cuck to not see what is shown in-game.
Yeah, which is why it's really embarrassing when the baefags miss it.
They don't deserve that award after the mess that Episode 5 was but then again... >>180353765
>being this ignorant to not realize he is the one who's ignorant cuck
that's what I'm talking about
will one of you faggots clarify what you see instead of just going on about how the other side doesnt see it for an hour?
What were we doing in this general over 2 years, faggot?
well my door is always open to bayfags. I just need them to prove all of those things wrong and refute what has shown in-game without avoiding answering them and memeing instead. they can't though
Two years of getting their asses handed to them, but this is what baefags still believe. Sad.
>>180320325 >>180354013

>>>/v/ 381313631

>Isn't it ironic that you also chose bae but also consider those people as baefag and shitting on them.I don't know I'm confused.

Because he is obviously baitcuck.
Countdown: http://itsalmo.st/#beforethestorm
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Bingo-anon post update pls.
Will prequel all of three episodes only include 3 years prior events, or will show what happened during 3 years?
You'd better, you'd better, you'd better,
You'd better make Chloe better.
We don't know yet...
Can't wait hella hyped
They confirmed it will not cover Rachel's disappearance. It's a story covering days, not years.
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"Life is Strange is a story based game that features player choice, the consequences of all your in game actions an decisions will impact the past, the present, and future. Choose wisely."
Except the ending. Turn off your brain and don't use logic or dare question it or else you're stoopidpants and a monster for killing all those innocent people for your dumb dyke girlfriend!
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Some fags are so desperate to get (you)s
I meant will there time-lapse between episodes?
for example, one year will pass after episode 2 etc.
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Maybe who knows. Time will tell.
can anyone send this kiss's different angles?
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Who's spirit animal is the raven?
No ones. Only spirit animal we've actually seen was see through. The raven is something else.
Chloe's dad. Since the raven started making sounds in the 20 mins gameplay exactly when Chloe's dad was "hit" in the dream sequence.
Before Prequel's release:
>Rachel's senpai secret is some deep shit.They also want us pay attention to Raven because it's important.

After Prequel's release:
>Rachel's deep senpai secret is actually about his dad's hiring prostitute and Rachel's having breakdown over it. Raven has no importance and its role will never be explained.

Do you think this will become right?
You literally didn't pay attention to that 20 mins gameplay do you?
idk but people who are thinking butterfly is Chloe btfo'd.
let's face it also, spirit animal thing already became myth. they are foreshadowing game's events just as butterfly's being storm summoner eh
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>Mari's shitty cliche theory became right again
Did Mari make theory about prequel though?

If she did, it'll totally become right.Shit.
Taylor master race
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>tfw ywn, NEVER, have a threesome with Dana and Juliet in one of their dorm rooms all night long
Blackwell was retcon
what else will be?
retconned how?
He most likely refers to the "seniors only" thing of Blackwell.

To be honest, I think it was a big fuck up, it's best to just think of it as a regular high school. I stopped overthinking about it.
It never made sense anyways unless you thought Warren 'I dont know basic chemistry' Graham was skipped ahead multiple years.
he is too smart for this world.

actually he should've gone Oxford at that age.
>he is too smart for this world

don't make me laugh anon
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>we will never get chance to see while Rachel was throwing beer bottle towards fetus Warryn
why live
It seems super unlikely Blackwell is a seniors only school, based just on the size of the school compared to the size of Arcadia Bay. There'd also have to be another highschool in town somewhere else, which we never see or hear about. I think its more likely Blackwell is the standard high school for all of Arcadia Bay, but it has a highly advanced senior program for gifted students that draws in people from other cities.
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Just a reminder
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>/v/- thread gets more retarded
>/lisg/ - anons are sleeping
Who would you ship Kate with?
Do you think she considers lesbianism a sin?
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>Who would you ship Kate with?
Is that even a question?
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post bae, kate and victoria meet up and reconcile and become friends, then fall in love
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The fuck are you doin
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Blackwell is probably a prep school, the dumb DONTNOD frogs don't understand the american education system but that's what they were going for. As a prep school it has dorms and multiple grade levels, at least two, juniors and seniors. Why chloe would ever go there is a bit of a mystery but I guess it's close so Joyce probably pushed her to go rather than go to whatever shitty regional public school regular Arcadia Bay kids go to.
The Chloe dying ending was the one intended by Dontnod and it's obvious if you watch the endings on youtube. If you sacrifice Chloe you get a beautiful funeral scene with a short nod to all the characters you met and all the choices you made during the game. If you sacrifice the town then you get a scene where they drive though a destroyed town which is inexplicably devoid of bodies and people screaming. Chloe just leaves her fucking mom in that shitty diner, presumably dead. It was obvious that the devs expected you to sacrifice Chloe for the sake of the ending and sacrificing the town is the sentimental bitch throwaway ending.

Who would dare defy the will of Michel?
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Have a good day, /lisg/.
Stay comfy and don't reply to shitposting or bayt. We all know the truth about Max and di the right thing. Don' let anyone tell you otherwise <3
Anybody else like Max with longer hair? Sbels model as reference
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>if you watch the endings on youtube
>a beautiful funeral scene
>which is inexplicably devoid of bodies and people screaming
Hahahah.Keep embarassing yourself
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I kinda like it, especially in this one (not from Sbel)
Have a good day too anon.
Did anyone kind of get turned on in the Darkroom?

Especially, after, in the nightmare sequence, when Max tells Jefferson that she loves him.
warren get out
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>he needs second black eye
Who's gonna do it?
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she will
So they kissed before ?
"And yes, I insist on calling you 'Maxine'... forever"
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Does it matter? even if they didn't she regrets and wishes for the second chance.
>"Oh, please, I... I do not want to say that."
>"There's no way I'm saying that... No way."
>"Why is this happening?"
>"I cannot say this..."
Funny thing, first five minutes of the game, Max had a crush on Jefferson. If he had asked her at this moment "Max, do you want to go into my Darkroom tonight?", so innocent that she was she may have considered doing it
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>he'll never get what idolizing teacher means

Funny thing though,first five minutes of reading this comment, I was thinking that if we should lock your dirty ass to dark room and capture your moment of desperation.
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Where's leak anon?
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Is it true that "hella" is only used 17 times throughout the game?
did you seriously count it?

>Amount of hella said by Chloe
>Episode 1: 5
>Episode 2: 3
>Episode 3: 1 (2 if counting Chloe repeating Max saying hella)
>Episode 4: 0 (1 if counting Alt!Chloe repeating Max saying hella)
>Episode 5: 2 (1 of which are said in Max’s nightmare, which isn’t the real Chloe)

>Hella’s said by Chloe: 11
>Hella’s said by Alt!Chloe: 1
>Hella’s said by Nightmare!Chloe: 1
>Total Hellas: 13

>Amount of hella said by Max
>Episode 1: 0
>Episode 2: 0
>Episode 3: 1 (2 if counting journal entry)
>Episode 4: 1 (2 if counting journal entry)
>Episode 5: 1 (2 if counting journal entry)

>Total Hella’s written:3
>Total Hella’s spoken: 3
>Total Hellas: 6
No i read that somewhere
Hella thanks
New lisg sings when?
Some /v/tard asked for Max's loving look's webm. If you are here, faggot, take this.
i like the model in the beach party video sbel made. i imagine that's set in a timeline where Max saves Chloe and the town and she's spending the summer at chloes.

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this is so hypnotising. I can watch this forever srsly
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>tfw ywn have someone that looks at you the way Max looks at Chloe
intend by Michael =/= intended by DONTNOD

Plus, for the millionth time, it's completely out of character for Max to let Chloe die. I don't care what poorly constructed moral narrative they were going for, the character presented to us would not go through hell over and over to save her friend/love and then just throw it all away based on some offhanded suggestion. The ONLY way the Bay ending works is if you consider the entire game to simply be a metaphor for the grieving process. BUT even then, Max still gets the vision of the storm before Chloe prime even dies which would seem to discount the "it was all the dream of a grieving kid that couldn't deal her best friends death" And let me tell you, I originally thought the Bay ending made the most narrative sense until I thought about it more deeply. Now the Bay ending seems completely nonsensical.
don't bother yourself to reply baitcuck anon

man it looks so comfy. is that playable?
i don't know, i think so though, check his channel
>tfw when you wake up to cutepost more on /lisg/ only to get accused of making horrible LiS /v/ threads for some reason

I would never touch them with a ten foot stick, let alone make them, but ok
I was there. Actually that was kinda chill.Kinda.

Thread was full of edgy gay dudes though.They were whinning about how they don't like Max, Chloe and even one of them said he loves Kate but he just only loves to fapping to sfms. Cancer really
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Longhair Max a cute. Any Max is cute but longer hair means more options for her.
It hurts
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Either logically and narratively Bay ending was just a let down.
>Fuck that no.. no way! You are my number one priority now
>You are all that matter to me
>Don't say that... I won't trade you
>mfw 53% of people listened nightmare ''evil'' Max's bullshits
how could they ignore these?
Try alcohol
The storm was a mistake in every sense of the work.
The idea was a mistake, the inclusion of it was a mistake, and the implementation of it was a msitake. Anything that took the focus away from the characters and realistic choices was a mistake.
Jefferson's groupies: Dana, Courtney and Taylor (in this order): https://instaud.io/129J
Yes I am. Thanks bro, hella cool of you
it's a mistake because they didn't have an explanation when they started making the game and had to figure out something for the end. You can tell that the game is based on key visual moments that they wanted before there was really a story and they had to match a story to go with the images. I'm pretty sure they even admitted as much, something about an image of Max standing in front of the huge tornado was the impetus for the whole thing.
Any evil / nightmare Max fics?
It is admittedly a very nice image but it should have just been a visual during a dream. A metaphor during the nightmare that Max is the storm and is making things worse with her power.
Making it an actual event, with no consistency, and only addressing it at the very end makes the game end on an incredibly weak note. It also unfairly punishes the characters.
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>fucks Frank
>fucks Nathan
>fucks Jefferson

Is there anyone she won't fuck?
I love the part where Chloe sneaks behind Max and they hug each other. So perfect
No reason that it wouldn't be a few years after the storm. That's how I view all of Sbel's videos of comfy scenes like that.
She's Laura Palmer, so no, she fucked everybody and took all the drugs she could get her hands on.
I still wonder if the homeless lady was just another red herring.
Despite the ending, this was one of my main gripes with the game. Still, I'm looking forward to the sequel and prequel.
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Max. But only because they haven't met.
When you read the Blackwell pamphlet it says "In the late 2000's Jefferson wanted to share his knowledge and started teaching through the country, ending up with a definitive teaching position in Blackwell"
Let's say late 2000's = 2007 or 2008, he arrived in Blackwell probably in 2012. He may have spent 5 full years kidnapping students in other states.
If these states still enable death penalty, Jefferson would be facing a federal crime right? With a possible death sentence?
Stay comfy, /lisg/!
probably this considering how much of LiS was Twin Peaks. Though, I don't think we're going to have a possessed dad that rapes the daughter.
>"In the late 2000's Jefferson wanted to share his knowledge and started teaching through the country, ending up with a definitive teaching position in Blackwell"

"In other news, the series of missing girls since the late 2000s has another entry, Rachel Amber"
we don't know for sure what happened to the others. Most of them may have ended up like Kate, mentally broken but not knowing why
who made the drawing?
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Goodnight /lisg/
Probably not, it'd be little awkward if the family secret Rachel finds out is her dad raping her.

I don't know, but is fucking amazing!
Jefferson said Rachel was a human chameleon. I'd like to know why
Honestly, I assumed that Kate was as close to an optimal Jefferson model as we got in game. The only reason for him pushing for her to commit suicide is because she got recorded and had her video uploaded online, which could bring scrutiny to him. I mean, it wouldn't be very pragmatic to kill every girl he takes photos of, since people would notice that students keep dying at schools he teaches at and crud.
Don't cry, anon. You are just victim of an image and filename-stealing bad anon!

Sleep well anon.
Maybe she's a secret Prescott bastard
could be. that's from Twin Peaks as well.
Max ended up being the acme of his career though.
But yeah, plus keeping them alive enables him to kidnap them again! ("I may pay a visit to sweet Kate again")
here's the original!
I find it slightly odd that Max continues to detest the Vortex Club even if she becomes on good terms with most of them.
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Yeah, I worded that poorly. I meant as in as close to an optimal outcome for Jefferson as possible. Since Rachel died, which even he seems to mourn in his own twisted way, and Max and Chloe had to die to keep him out of prison.

Wait, is it? I just know the lawyer dad thing is something she got from Laura Palmer.
She doesn't become on good terms with them.

She still fundamentally disagrees with their attitudes, and thinks the Vortex Club is awful as a club.
In Twin Peaks it turns out Lauras father had been raping her for years though he had no idea that he was doing it because he'd been possessed by Bob, a demonic entity. He's also the one who killed her.
also, Laura's best friend turns out to be the illegitimate daughter of Ben Horne, a wealthy hotel owner and father of another main character, Audrey.
Wouldn't Chloe be the Laura's best friend equivalent though?
Rachel is a reptilian
Wowsers. That's the type of cuteness/romance/lewdness I expect of Pricefield.
No Shaka-Bra for you, Max.
Chloe says that Rachel's dad is a DA. If he works in the area then maybe that means he's had to cover up Nathan's crimes or maybe he's honest and actually trying to stop the Prescotts from corrupting the town.
Even though it was an accident on Nathan's part, I have a feeling Rachel's death was ordered by Sean and given to Jefferson.
Sean had to have known about the Dark Room and either didn't care about it or was involved in it in someway. Perhaps selling the photos for high prices to some kind of buyer base.
Principal Wells confirmed in Episode 5 that Nathan's old man was in the dark about Jefferson's shenanigans. Uh. No pun intended.
Did he? I don't possibly see how Sean could not know what millions of his dollars were going towards. Because that's what the Dark Room cost. Unless he was such a terrible father he just left Nathan the account info and dumped him on Jefferson, thinking he would be a father figure to Nathan and straighten him out.
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Max and Chloe are guilty of being too cute
i'm not saying they take exactly the same story, just elements and sticking them wherever.
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They cannot be stopped!
I love this one.
Before the storm
Before Max arrives
Its like pottery
What's DA?
>i got the DA breathing down my neck!
District Attorney, responsible for prosecuting criminal cases. If the Prescotts or someone close to them commits a crime then it would go across Mr. Amber's desk to decide what criminal charges they pursued.
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Thanks, anon.
So how long until we get five or six more seasons with different characters and powers, and then they release blockbuster trailer featuring Max walking into the room as all other previous characters sit in a dim lit table and forming the Avengers?
I seen that idea before. Could be cool. Super Max to the rescue
I don't think Max wants to be a superhero but if she saw someone with a similar power having issues then she could guide them.
One season protag going to Max and Chloe for advice and learning how to use their power.
>Rachel's father will be the that gets to charge his daughter's killers
Bittersweet justice there.
Now we all want to lay GTA SA again
He'd be 13 at the time. If he tried to flirt with Rachel, she would probably not be as polite as Max was at rejecting him.
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I want to hug Max (If she gives me permission to)
No leave them out of Paris! They would be blown into pieces by some Mehmed. Paris is a third world shithole.
Like any city, it has nice touristy spots. The spots they dreamed of going like the Eiffel Tower, the art museums, etc.
Maybe Joyce and David go as well since Joyce always anted to go. If anything happens they have a trained soldier, Chloe, and time powers.
Joyce wanted to go, she still had a jar to save up money for an eventual trip. Would make an amazing gift for Chloe and Max to buy her and David tickets.
If all four don't go together then Chloe can get the house to herself, and Max, for a week. Lots of fun to be had then.
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what kind of fun
It will be available on mobile, no?

With that and the screenshot we have from the overlook scene, I think you can expect it to be less demanding than the original.
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Oh, you know...
Ordering food, making sweets, watching movies, pillow fort camping, cuddling on the couch, taking showers together, doing stuff that requires another shower after.
>It will be available on mobile, no?

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Rachel Amber is a heterosexual whore! Do NOT play her game!
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It's Chloe's game
Good thing I'm playing Chloe's game instead
yup. probably could run it on any toaster
The original announcement on Deck Nine's web presence said as much, but it doesn't look like that's remained true.

Anyway, if you didn't have problems running the original, you most likely won't have problems running BtS either.
I'm hyped we're gonna get to see an entire experience focused on Chloe.
We get to see how she became the punk girl we all know and love.
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What can you guys make out on the cover?

William, obviously. Words, suchs as "lost" and "gone". Then there's the raven, and more ravens in the paint. Then, interestingly, there's a silhouette of what appears to be a man on the left side of Chloe, overlapping the raven. More indication that Rachel's dad will play a central role?
I think all the men are just William but less and less clear. One's almost an entire image of him and the others are outlines or silhouettes.
He's going to play a pretty big part in the prequel in Chloe's dreams and Chloe's emotions in general. Kind of odd I don't see anything pertaining to Max and Rachel on the cover, Only Chloe and her family.
The Raven's meaning in the game is still unknown at this time.
she's not real
There's no way BtS was ever supposed to run on mobile as-is. LiS/BtS surely aren't any modern graphical powerhouses, but they're still well beyond modern mobile games. The only current exception could be a Switch version, but I'm not sure I see LiS as a Switch-type game.

That said, there were rumours a year or so back about there being a LiS-inspired mobile game. I think this was born from one of the charity livestreams where the developer mentioned that they might be interested in doing a fun little Hawt Dawg Man themed mobile game. I doubt anything ever came of that, although Dontnod now has a subsidiary development company, don't they? And they're working on -at least- three games currently, including Season 2 and Vampyr? (I might be wrong, I've fallen a little behind on the exact Dontnod goss).
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Right, we have a clear picture of the raven and then more stylistic renditions elsewhere on the cover. And we also have a clear picture of William. Therefore indeed way more likely that the silhouette is also of him. This strengthens the connection between William and the raven.

The red spots on the cover are ominous. Looks like blood.

Also, an even larger version of the concept art of Chloe's room. It's funny how they took a screenshot of the original and painted parts over. A rather crude concept art job, not nearly as beautiful as some of the work we'd seen for LiS. Hopefully there will be more impressive BtS concept art. The fire tree one looked cool, but also had that copy-paste/paint-over Chloe artefact.

The charity stream, and I think Square at some point registered a "GO" domain for LiS. Which of course could have merely been an in-case measure.
Three games from Dontnod.
Two from Dontnod's main studio, Vampyr and LiS S2.
One from their online studio Dontnod Eleven, which is making that Space Pirate Battle game.

The success of LiS really saved their asses. They were about to go bankrupt and that one game completely reversed their situation.
>won a lumberjack contest
Chloe stronk!

>book on tornados
There's not much besides Chloe, William, the Raven and anarchic smeared paint. The last element is a good DONTnod to Chloe's personality. The first game was from Max's perspective. The art style was smooth, cinematic and often looked like something out of an indie film. The footage from the prequel looks darker and rougher around the edges. It's much more Chloe than the first.

The use of pink is unique because Chloe is not a particularly feminine character. She's wearing a cool choker, which will soon be on Etsy. Ha.
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Requesting the fit Chloe pic
>doing stuff that requires another shower after.
Like gardening, building treehouses, exercising, fixing cars or good ole fashioned tribadism?
>bigfoots corrected to bigfeet

Chloe confirmed for best girl

Also that picture of her and max makes me super sad
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Clearly Kurt Cobain was a hip-hop artist.
>that old CRT monitor
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What is a best lis song and why is it something good?
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>Lumberjack contest
That's hilariously dorky. Chloe in a flannel shirt, swinging around an axe around or using a saw until she gets sweaty.
Would make her future father-in-law very proud. Chloe stronk indeed.

Why not all of those things and more?

Flannel a best, who doesn't own a single flannel shirt?
hella gay
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They are pretty damn great. I'm a guy and jeans, t-shirt, flannel, and work boots are always a safe bet for an outfit.
Seems Rachel is fond of them and we know Max can rock one as well. Chloe definitely would be able to.
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Ep 3 kiss edit.webm
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Ah God! The Tension! finally!
I hope those visions Max dreams Max is having of the Bay Ending's timeline are just nightmares of what could have happened and not anything serious.
Loving this story so far
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Gay as fuck!
>giant carving on the outside of Blackwell says '1910'
>tagline of the school newspaper is "The Spirit of the News Since 1898"
Is the Blackwell newspaper... fake news?
>the Tension!

I like a story with tension.

>Chloe and Max don't return to Arcadia Bay when Blackwell re-opens, but stay in Portland.
>Kate Marsh contacts Max when she doesn't come back.
>“I'm with my girlfriend in Portland."
>Kate spurns the "devil worshiping hedonists."
>Without high school degrees, they don't find jobs.
>They end up living in Chloe's truck.
>After a few stints in prison, they seek help from their parents.
>Max's parents, mad at her for wasting their money by ditching private school, won't let her stay with Chloe and bring her back to Seattle.
>Max's parents blame Chloe for Max's bad behavior and prevent her from contacting Chloe.
>Chloe is abandoned once again.
>Joyce, a conservative southern woman, and David, a traditional Republican, send Chloe to conversion therapy in return for paying her debts.
>Kate suggests a clinic run by her church.
>Chloe is raped by multiple male orderlies each day to ungay her.
>Max wakes up.
>"Wowsers. What a horrible dream. Good thing I sacrificed that blue haired dyke to save the town.”
>Goes down the hall to suck Warren's morning wood.
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saw this from the thread preview and just want to say that this is the gayest and simultaneously autistic pic I've seen on my life

it's like weaboo humor except diluted for normies but this game is for fags so it's so fucking weird
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>this game is for fags
At least you know your bearings
>ywn be that faggot bayest
I keep cropping those faces from the Yuriandtea emoji series but haven't found an appropriate time to use them. Other than the Max ones, which are too cute not to use.

Oh no! Not again!
(They're gonna need another shower)

I miss when Chloe-Fuckin-Price/ Kiwirabbit posted pics all the time. The style was nice and the situations were always adorable. One of my largest image sources in my early /lisg/ days so I have a special place in my heart.
Just a guess and attempt to avoid yet another inconsistency but maybe the oldest current building on the campus is from 1910 but the school was established in 1898. Or maybe it's the year the man Blackwell died and the school took his name if it existed prior to that.
I don't know. Maybe BtS will clarify how Blackwell works since Deck Nine are Americans and would know how a High School works.
thanks for stopping by
Why didn't Max strip down naked and walk through the school during the middle of the day then go back in time just for thrills and fun?
can't have enough showers
because her rewind is limited to a few minutes. she doesn't have enough TIME
I wonder who IS the queen B of Blackwell in 2010.
Does Max shave her pubes?
Showers help you stay clean. Showers are good.
So are bubble baths.

Because she doesn't give shows. That's for Chloe only.
I know this is just bait but it actually seems like a somewhat interesting character question.
She used to use Chloe's toothbrush when they were young, and she writes in her journal about just wearing whatever clothes are on the floor when she's in a rush, so she doesn't come off as obsessed with cleanliness. But who knows.
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>be feeling suicidal
>get to the roof scene
>mfw I will never have my own Max to save me
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Queen Rachel the Hella
How about you don't shit up the thread with anime
there's going to be a rachel vs victoria catfight i bet
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I think Rachel and Victoria will be pretending to be friends just for the status, but at some point Victoria will start ripping into Chloe. Victoria will expect Rachel to join in, but Rachel flips sides and starts insulting/fighting Victoria before walking away with Chloe.
We see a real friendship that gains little social gain triumph over a fake friendship that existed solely for appearances.
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A prequel, Season 2, TV Show,
Life is Strange cinematic universe confirmed.
Plot twist: Everything we've seen has been a show. Max and Chloe are best friends and girlfriends in real life, but all of LiS is them acting.
All the characters are actors and actresses that get along for the most part in real life.
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I hope Sbel does a video of Max, Chloe, and Rachel hanging out.
Or one of Max and Chloe in Seattle.
speaking of Sbel...

Pretty sure he will make one with all 3 eventually.
sleep well everybody
we're getting closer every day
good night
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The environments the made are awesome. I could totally see Chloe and Rachel hanging out there after a concert at the Sawmill.
Or Max and Chloe staying there later on and camping.
I really need to preorder it at some point for all the bonuses
I just haven't used Steam in like a year
So. It turns out Garibaldi, the town Arcadia Bay is based on, is in the path of totality for the eclipse on the 21st... Guess I know when I'm heading up there.
I had a friend visit it. He said it was shit and that Tillamook was much nicer
At least it's scheduled so you shouldn't have to worry, unless two moons also appear.
Have fun and take pictures.
Sleep tight
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Good morning /lisg/! How are you today?

Good night
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Breddy gud anon, how are you?
Terrible posture.
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Pretty good as well, thanks
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>>It's THAT part in episode 4
If only she had some sort of pet, perhaps some type of goat, to be her friend and keep her company ...
>pupil dilation

She's in love.
Max es numero uno
I wonder how it's going to end.
/lisg/ sings Daugher - Numbers when
Please don't butcher the song, please.
Should I replay the game? I just finished it once, 6 days ago. I feel like I want more, but I don't want to feel again

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Horny a best!
I hope S2 gets announced at E3 2018.
I wanted Chloe to be the one beating Nathan; it would be both satisfying, and interesting, psychologically.

Feel Walk with Me
When did you realize LiS was gonna be a good game? For me when I left the classroom and Max put on her music and Syd Matters - To all of you started to play



>good game
I regret to announce that this general, lisg, has descended into shitposting under tragic circumstances that I promise to investigate after I get my drink on.
For me, I think it was right when I got the rewind power. I could see it was an interesting mechanic and was interested to see how it could be applied throughout the game.
When Chloe and Max encountered for the first time.
And when To All of You/Obstacles started to play
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Hey Max, what do you think about my new ponytail? Uh, hello... Earth to Max?
Good luck Principal Wells
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last thread was way worse
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And in the picture that anon gave Joyce's also in there yeah William's silhoutte and raven are in the same place, I wonder why.
I wish I could sleep and only wake up at the release day of BtS.
>I wonder why
Do you really now? The crow in this game is going to be the ghost-doe of Season 1
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She's already thinking of the possibility of holding onto the ponytail when being carried by Chloe the next time.
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>tfw can't wait for BtS but also don't wanna cry like a lil bitch again

You know it's going to happen

>mfw bonus episode is titled "Farewell" and is making me tear up already
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>"Wowser, Chloe drew that to mark our treefort... So we'd always be able to find each other in case of emergency... Oh..."

do you think they are gonna show this moment in prequel?
it's not transparent though. I wonder what does Mari think about it...

>tfw LiS twitter is replying to Mari and Stacey's tweets
they probably influenced them already.It's too late. Be ready for Raven is skinwalker,Raven is Rachel.. theories
I only finished this game like a month ago, who the fuck is this mari /lisg/ goes on about?
She's person thats as bad as Mychel. Thats all you need to know
Someone who made up batshit crazy theories about the game, one of which was how the game would end, as in Max would go back to the bathroom to let Chloe die. Everyone thought it was completely stupid since the game already made fun of this cliche several times. She ended up being right
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Dontnod's golden girl, redditors have crush on her.She is making 'awesome' theories for LiS:

>*sees blue bird* Chloe is trans
>Rachel is Max
>But Max is homeless woman because they are eating same cereal
>Taylor has eating disorders because we caught her while she was brushing her teeth at nightime
>Rachel is skinwalker
>Hopi prophecy

Only her two theories! became right, she predicted endings and Jefferson's being bad guy (which everybody already predicted endings and knew Jefferson issue from leaks all along)
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>Everyone thought it was completely stupid since the game already made fun of this cliche several times

everybody knew it was gonna be bullshit from the start. however dontnod hack-writers only focused on tragedy rather than its quality.
The thing that I didn't understand is when did they meet with Rachel? Because when they encountered in bar Chloe recognized it. There was a time-lapse in there or what?
They were acquaintances at Blackwell, this is how they become friends
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She's a YouTuber. She got a bit of a big break by making LiS theory videos. They started out fine, mostly tackling little observations and details (trying to match up graffiti, matching up the backwards audio that plays when Max uses her powers), and summarising various theories that were being discussed within the various LiS communities. She got the attention of Dontnod, they had some friendly back-and-forths, she sent them care-packages, things like that.

Anyway, things got more cringey as time went on. She was getting "known" because of her theory videos, so she seemingly felt the need to keep churning them out, and they got more and more obscure, insane, incoherent (with some of the famous examples being "character X is trans because of symbolism", "Taylor has an eating disorder because she as brushing her teeth too late at night!"). And she eventually stuck her foot in it by yelling at people who had independently come up with ideas too similar to "her own" (there was some "that's not YOUR theory, that's MY theory" type comment screenshot from her at some point), she got run off tumblr for a time due to some posts where she declared Pricefield as being toxic, etc, etc, etc.

TL;DR she's a YouTuber who started out fine, then went a bit off the rails after getting a shot to the ego.
do you think my 1070 will be able to run BtS in 4k?
Also, this game takes place prior 3 years she is fresh off William's death and Max's gone,in the trailer she started to partying and ditching school.. But she got kick'd out of blackwell on 2011. She said Rachel was her angel but her life seems like went to shit more, after she met with Rachel. I mean we don't know anything yet, but I didn't really understand it.
>Who's Mari
tl;dr attention whore.
>Rachel is a Skinwalker

Mari didn't say that. It's a /lisg/ joke.
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oh my summer child
Oh, my fucking God!


I posted the "Rachel is a Skinwalker" phrase in June, last year. It's fucking hilarious to me that a little thought vomit of humor is the equivalent of her fully-realized idea.
I wonder if Chloe saw Rachel in her dream before the actually properly met. Could be like Max's vision of 'things to come' that she was getting in the classroom at the start. Fate trying to push them together.


Ponytails are cute.
Reminder that Mari's theories will be right again
I'd honestly be fine with any powers Rachel had. It'd just solidify my belief that Bae was the right choice and theres more going on in Arcadia Bay than simply Max changing one death and 'causing' the storm.
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>toby facePalm also fell in love with Mari
we are so fucked
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storm summoner.jpg
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Anon Bayfags had already btfo'd. They were thinking butterfly was Chloe. Never happened though, we've got our second confirmation.

Aside from that, I kinda wish that Rachel's having importance for this story Like she's involved with some supernatural shit, that'd be interesting.
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>They were thinking butterfly was Chloe.
[citation needed]
I want Max to steal Courtney and Taylor from Victoria!
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They don't need Max to start a mutiny
I want to steal Max from Chloe!
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That wouldn't be fair to Chloe, anon. And Max wouldn't like it either. Please consider their feelings.
Mari should pass away in a car crash or a tornado
Y'know she already attended meeting for LiS 2 in Seattle
if that were true she'd have made a video going 'heres my speculation for what LiS 2 is about' and then pretend to be super smart when info she already knew to be true turns out to be true
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still needs more suggestions to fill up the rest
Non-disclosure agreement my dude, she will make such a video when Episode 1 of S2 is released and her NDA ends
what meeting?
>Fix that *shit* as this: Rachel's saving Chloe from stupid boy-toys
>Tsundere Vic and Chloe fight
Also add something about Raven.
>Chloe flirts with Chloe

aw shit I meant Chloe flirts with Rachel
I'll fix that
Does "Ghostly animal appearences" include the blue butterfly?
>warryn type of character
you mean fetus warryn? while I can barely stand his teenager self I don't think I can stand his fetus self.
Then it's not gonna happen because Raven probably will eat that goddamn butterflu
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i hope there will be more funny moments like this
I'm glad I sacrificed that bitch
Bullying poor Samuel is not nice.
>I'm glad that bitch I sacrificed that bitch
bitch why did you do that bitch why are you such a cuck bitch wtf bitch
wtf i hate chloe now
>wtf i hate x now
this pleb joke doesn't make us laugh.not anymore
wtf i hate /lisg/ now
It's not funny but because we're on an imageboard it's required to yell unfunny memes when you get the chance. Same thing with baneposting, it was never funny yet I automatically do it whenever I can.
you're talking too much.
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That's not nice. Chloe wouldn't bully Samuel.
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>tfw Samuel was making collection of Rachel's stuffs
Yeah she wouldn't bully him.

She would've killed him if she saw them.
Just pre-ordered Before the Storm and Vampyr
It will flop so hard. Seriously I watched the gameplay and.. nothing special.
I feel like Vampyr is a decade too late, but then I'm not giving it justice because I only know the name and don't even have seen a single screen shot of the game
So Max obtained to power to learn to never use that power and to let go of her best friend even though prior to the events, they haven't talked to each in 5 years. Plus she got the power by watching a girl she didn't recognize get shot. Its not like she knew it was Chloe to begin with. Imagine if she witnesses another traumatic event, she would probably get some power right?
Did George Lucas write this?
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she's such a dork
would akwardly dance with
>Farewell to Arcadia Bay, maybe?
>Possibly, you know for now at least

what did they mean by this?
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Marshfield power
if season 2 fails with new characters and settings, they will fall back to Max and Chloe.

Nah, maybe another prequel
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Darn right!
>inb4 deck nine makes a sequel based on the bae ending
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>Toby facePalm
I really hate this guy

Did he say anything important though?
>co-game director
this is our new Michel Koch now?
>best girl Kate won't be in the game

pre-order canceled
>he also wants to see what happened to Kate in vortex club
>they recommend us to read fanfictions
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>A cozy Kate spinoff will never happen
They said that Chloe will mention Max a lot. Her presence will be there.

I hate whenever that SE staff talks though, still saying choices are matter and tried to imply characters were blank-slate in first season.. fucking ridicilous
you guys are gonna be surprised but

I miss Michel already. At least he wasn't bullshitting this much,not anymore at least
That co-director guys does not seem terribly passionate or in-tune with the project, indeed. He frequently repeats the same phrases with regards to the game, instead of seeming natural and inspired by what he is talking about.

But he is not a writer guy, so maybe he just has more passion for the cinematic aspect of conveying these things, than the whole words things.
>I miss Michel already
Hmm, I wonder who this poster is. Surely it's not some french with red beard...
Twin Peaks reference
Go stuff a bagete in your ass Michael
No idiots of course I was angry at imagination lord at some times.

But now this SE community manager takes the charge and he talks like he knows everything, bullshitting so hard. He literally ignores what Zak Garriss had said in his interviews.Just watch the video you'll understand.
>toby cuts co-game director off and says ''The relationship between Chloe and Rachel that's up to the player''

yeah heard it.
so while Chloe was having crush on original game, this means player can change this in this prequel. this guys are really stupid
So the prequel is not canon
You're talking about the community manager? I don't really give a shit about him. I doubt he had any input to the game, and comments like the one in >>180463751 just seem like marketing talk. He wants to sell people on the whole "romancing!" thing, but that doesn't necessarily mean Deck Nine was that tasteless with it in the story.
>toby cuts co-game director off
Kek you've noticed that too. He actually talked way more much than that fucking game-director.Like he made this game.

I hope so anon.This guy really getting on my nerves.
I miss Roxane and Scott.
>>180456003 >>180464085
throughout whole stream he was like

>eheee LiS is dating sim,you can romance with everything like in season 1, everything is up to player guysssss of course you can change like EVERYTHING
Me too.
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remember their Episode 5 stream?

>during the diner scene whole fans in twitch voted to leave him
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>you fucking russians i swear
That guy scares so much of retarded people's comments on facebook that's why he is damage controlling and making marketing talk.
Pretending like none of those things happened in-game and trying to change it from his head.He's only there for selling this game to people, not exactly involved with game's story apparently considering his ignorance.
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System requirements here, if anyone's interested.

>AMD Radeon R7 250 (2GB) - minimum
wtf. even 9800gt can still run this game meh
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my wife
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did you talk with her parents first?
>4GB VRAM recommended, 2GB minimum

That seems really steep for the low fidelity style this game has. First game was 512 MB minimum and 1 GB recommended. I wonder what they're planning.
Hair and textures seem to be 100 times better but I don't know if those alone is the reason behind the change. But Bts is also made on different engine than season 1
To think that /v/ almost convinced me not to play this game...
I hardly play games but was looking to play a story based game. Saw the positive reviews on steam and was looking to see what /v/ thought about it. I'm more of a /tv/ anon.
Anyways im glad i played it.
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Gotta set aside some computing power for Denuvo
>textures seem to be 100 times better
What do you mean? They look identical at best to me, and I found the outlook scene looked rather rudimentary. LiS uses hand-painted textures anyway, so I'm not sure what you'd mean with "better".
>listening to /v/ ever
They are the ones who spam /tv/ with Capeshit
Please dude, compare the characters of the both game and tell me they look identical. Unless you have 720p monitor in which case it's no surprise you can't tell the difference
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>saved Kate
>she doesn't do anything after episode 3
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We have a sticker in the new Steam Sales :)
Just finished my second playthrough, still as impactful as the first time. What an experience.

Life is Strange... Is one hell of a game. Here's hoping the prequel and sequel can keep to this high standard.

Well yeah, after Episode 2 she became a multi-state character. They couldn't have her do anything too pivotal after that because some people would have lost her. The hospital scene was enough closure for me, at least.
Cool, do we know who submitted it?
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>multi-state character
Schrodinger's Kate
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I feel numb
I feel numb in this kingdom
Finally managed to get it out of my head
Wait wait. Isn't Dontnod developing Farewell Episode? or it's Deck Nine?
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Never listen to /v/, you'll end up a cynical bastard who hates every game you play.
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don't act like you're not one of them animeshit
Chloe can't dance kek
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Well at least you were smarter than /v/, that's really not much of an accomplishment but it's better than nothing.
Kudos to you.

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Max and Chloe are dance masters, you shut your mouth
I hope they dance like that at their wedding. Would be absolutely adorkable.
I want to go to Max's and Chloe's wedding and buy them a crockpot that they will only use a handful of times!
I wonder if the prequel will go on sale at all
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It's when they dance together that they balance each other's styles and shine.
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Well, if I gotta be damned you know I wanna be damned

Gotta be damned, you know I wanna be damned
Gotta be damned, you know I wanna be damned

Dancing through the night
Dancing through the night

Dancing through the night with you
Sacrifice the voice actors strike or sacrifice Chloe. Ashly made her choice
Not exactly LiS style music, but I like the sentiment.
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Yeah, I know. Meatloaf's not very LiS. I was just listening to some music and that came on and I thought of Chloe dancing and singing along.
I hope the prequel has a bunch of rock and punk music for Chloe's taste since it's her story.
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What a lovely and loving couple
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Don't ask about the original source.
Chloe in funeral attire on the right? Some random Blackwell guy on the left?
I won't, but! Pretty please? Or should I know the source already if I was at 'it' almost month ago?
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How come we didn't notice that Chloe's bullet necklace only has only one bullet? Does that means that she will "die"?
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Episode 2?

Man, I legit want nothing to do with leaks, keep any possible fucking future leaks and spoilers to fucking yourselves, thank you.

LIS is a franchise that I absolutely fucking adore, I don't fucking want any spoilers of any fucking degree whatsoever, no matter how tiny.
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Welcome to lesg newfig
It comes with the pre-order, right? So it might not have lore relevance. Then again, it could represent what we assume to be her suicide attempt at the end of Episode 1, from which Rachel possibly saves her.

Fanservicy as fuck.
Is that Rachel Amber's dad? And is that no face girl his secret?
It really is nice to know that Max could reconnect to her friend, even though Chloe has some serious abandonment issues.

I just hope she will be able to cope with the loss after Chloe's death.
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Chloe and Rachel's faces. Man may be Nathan or some other Prescott. Covered face may be Kristine Prescott.

Seeing her in that outfit feels right. Like it's her uniform.
The bullets have some meaning to her. Maybe it will be explained.
I kind of thought it was the number of close-calls she had to dying or something.

Hawt Dawg Man and a Max-style shirt. Nice! The Eye of providence seems to be Chloe's version of the rewind spiral. Maybe there's some kind of cult at play in the game. Another symbol we're seeing a lot of is the Anarchy A.
She wont be able to. Thats why even in Bay she'll eventually go back and save Chloe. You're just trading time spent with Chloe for temporary pain.
Fuck off.
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Fuck you buddy :D
That facial expression. If Deck Nine drags her through hell I will do the same with their balls.

Looks a little young to be her dad. More like some Blackwell jock. But you could very well be right about the woman. It's not Chloe's funeral outfit, but it does match the woman we saw in the park. White dress, long blonde hair, even the necklase is there I think. The idea that it was Rachel's father who we saw, having an affair, seems even more workable now.
I found it: it's the background image used in the Microsoft store for the Episode 2 & 3 bundle version.
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Look at the words "damaged"...
Look also at the words "liar" ...
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Here's the original
Wew that cover looks ... interesting?

New guy, looks a bit older (and fancier?). And the girl in the background with a fancy necklace? Is that Rachel (an alternate-Rachel?), or perhaps Rachel's parents? That dude looks a little too young to be Nathan's father, so I guess that's out?
Rachel's mother is a Prescott
I'm dumb, I just realised that the split Chloe in the middle is Chloe on the right, Rachel on the left. So the girl in the background isn't Rachel.
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You rock Chloe!
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they did say supernatural elements would be in the game, so Rachel has to be involved in some weird shit
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Use to be, but got out in time
If the voice acting is THAT bad, we could all just disable them and play it like a VN, and use our imaginations to sub in Ashly's voice
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Probs the breakdown from the "Epilogue" scene, most likely an pre-rendered video.
No doubt. I feel the original game dropped plenty of hints that there was something unique about her.

I cannot wait for this canon prequel to explore that mystery.
she was a "human chameleon". For a psychopath to say that, she must have been special.
Anyway, Chloe has obviously never witnessed any magical stuff before LiS and Max's powers. So it can only come from Rachel... who will hide it from Chloe
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this one-bullet necklace is weird. I hope we will get its origin story
Do you think NPCs ever think it's weird how Max has to inspect every object in the room before she talks to them?
David actually makes several comments if Max start nosing around the garage.
They really do look identical at best, anon. The textures do not have more fidelity.

Looking at the overlook scene again... it really is very obvious that the scene with the woman in the white dress and the man in the suit are important to Rachel. She drags the viewfinder there and Chloe backs away apologizing for hogging it. Rachel then stares intensely into it, and zooms onto the two. And her mood changes right after it, there's no cut.

That said, if those two really are central characters (i. e. her dad and his affair), I can only hope they look like random characters in the pre-release footage because otherwise it would have been glaringly obvious that they are important. Would be weird to have characters that seem to be integral to the game (enough to put at least one of them on the cover) look like random pedestrians.
I kind of think the guy in the Episode 2 poster looks a little like a younger William.
What if Chloe is getting flashes of the past?
I think Dana's the only one to actually call out Max when she finds the pregnancy test, which was in the garbage.
And Chloe: with the Rachel photo when Max takes the CD from the box
I also really hope it's NOT just beating Chloe down more and more until she tries to end it all. That would fucking hurt to watch.
Give the girl a break. One of the biggest reasons I'm skeptical about the prequel, I don't want to see all of Chloe's worst moments.
Even if I know it does get much better for her, some things are better left unexplored.

It does seem to have some kind of meaning.
Maybe it represents her, Rachel, and Frank if all three of them were close friends.
Oh yeah. Didn't even remember that one because it's required to find.
That was only because it was a photo of Rachel though. Chloe has no problem with Max snooping around anything else, she probably finds it cute that Max is a little detective.
Will the prequel have Frank driving a mere car, rather than his mighty RV?
"mighty" huh? It's also his home.
He probably only had a car. When you think he used to be a Blackwell student...
I think he will still have his RV but that's just my guess.
We may see Chloe get her truck though.
I'd guess Frank is in his mid to late 20s so he would have been out of Blackwell for a few years if he went there. He's one of the character I definitely want to see more of and learn more about.
I liked watching him and Chloe talk and bust each others balls. The way Chloe talk about him in the original made him sound like some kind of mentor, which will be fun to see.
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Molli a best
oh boy, we figured out the plot already. They gave away to much in the gameplay.
grebs? She friends with little waterfowl?
>The textures do not have more fidelity.
And looking at Pineapple-Rachel, less fidelity if anything. She looks like a Sims character in that scene.

>I also really hope it's NOT just beating Chloe down more and more until she tries to end it all
I think the suicide attempt will be at the end of Episode 1. That's her worst moment, and we've already seen it: Rachel harshly leaves her behind in the junkyard, after Chloe opened up to her under tears, and showed vulnerability and loneliness. Chloe thinks "fuck this" and screams and bashes stuff. Then we know she falls asleep in the junkyard and there's a dream, probably making her feel even more terrible, dreaming of the car crash. Then another junkyard scene (probably a train track suicide attempt, where Rachel saves her, talking her out of it or jumping to her rescue, maybe even rerouting the train like Max), and then the epilogue. The burning tree could be part of the dream, or the epilogue. I do think it must be of some significance that the woman in the white dress and the man meet under that same tree. Maybe Rachel and Chloe head to the park in the epilogue, because Rachel wants to check something there?

From there on however, I think Deck Nine will hold to what they've said: Chloe will be surprisingly strong, and Rachel the one needing support with this family secret thing. But it will be the two helping each other, overcoming demons. I'm fine with exploring the psychological and emotional grief and pain in Chloe, and how Rachel helps her kind of deal with that. I just don't want any additional shit to be happening to her, precisely because she already has her share to deal with. But we know it can't be anything too crazy, or else we would have heard it. We even know Rachel's parents are still alive and together. So I expect no crazy murder sprees or whatnot.
Chloe defense force unite
Molli a cute!

I was a little confused about the train tracks stuff. We saw her standing on the tracks in the one image and she does that during the gameplay preview at the very beginning.
Since we don't have context of her going to the sawmill, we don't know for sure what order of events are. Location files are not always in order.

I was thinking that the nightmare would be one of the first things we see as she wakes up and then gets ready to go to the concert, maybe stopping to get high and try to forget about her dream.
I hope we don't see a real suicide attempt by Chloe but if we do then we at least know Rachel saves her. I also really hope we don't see multiple attempts (Which may be where the bullets come from) because that completely contradicts the Chloe we know.
The burning tree may be part of the epilogue or just some moment where she's hanging out with her friends.
Fuck now i will have trouble sleeping
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Is Chloe in trouble?! I'll save her!
>We saw her standing on the tracks in the one image and she does that during the gameplay preview at the very beginning.
In the beginning of the gameplay footage it's just her trainhopping for the thrill of it. But in pic related, she does not have her hood up like she did in the footage we've seen, and the train is visibly pulling the breaks, sparks flying about. I think it depicts her attempt, from which Rachel will save her.

Location files are not always in order, but the screenshot we have of Episode 1's scene structure is consistent with the gameplay footage and makes sense. There's two dreams, and the second one happens in the junkyard, after which there's one more junkyard scene and then the epilogue.

I do think the burning tree is epilogue material. Rachel and Chloe will head there because Rachel wants to check for something to do with the man and woman (supposedly her father and his lover) having met there (maybe she saw them drop something?). And then they somehow end up burning the tree and Rachel cries, lol.
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>pic related
One inconsistency however is that her outfit here does not match the outfit she is wearing in the junkyard scene... The jacket she could have just thrown over I suppose, but even the shoes are different. So... maybe not.
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Do you guys think that David listens to Alex Jones and Chloe to Stephen Colbert?
That whole idea of Rachel and her father is interesting. But I think whatever Rachel's family secret is is what makes her originally say she cannot be friends with Chloe.
It'd be simple for Rachel to explain to Chloe that the man they saw was her father, but I don't see how a parent cheating prohibits them from being friends. It's not like we saw Mr. Amber and Joyce together.
I think it's something a little more strange than that.

The tree fire looks like Rachel dumped something on it which lit the tree up, I thought that may be a moment where Rachel saves Chloe. Chloe's standing right under the tree in the image and if it burned through it could break and fall onto her. Which would require someone to help her.
from the concept art i think it's chloe that shoves over a burning barrel of garbage in anger which sets the tree on fire
Nah, Chloe would listen to Craig Ferguson or Howard Stern, Colbert is too "fake" for her.

Nobody actually listens to Alex Jones seriously, David would watch Fox News and reruns of 80s action movies on AMC
Maybe and hopefully it is a little stranger than an affair her dad's having, but that could be the start of things.

Either way, the fact that Chloe's junkyard outfit does not match the outfit in >>180500498 kind of makes me hopeful that maybe there indeed will not be a suicide attempt of hers after all. Because I agree, that's not Chloe. She's strong, held onto hope, even (or above all) that of Max returning to her.

Then again, she's 16, playing with her life trainhopping as is, just got abandoned by someone again after breaking her hardass persona and revealing her vulnerable and lonely truer self that is looking for love. Then she has a dream, probably William's death haunting her again. Then she wakes up alone and hears the train. I could see her running to the train tracks in that state, emotionally.
I thought it was Rachel knocking something over and Frank and Chloe trying to use their hands to shield their faces and eyes from the heat and flames.

Plenty of room for speculation so pretty much any idea right now is a valid one with what different scenes mean. obviously we all hope Chloe's not entirely miserable and we all know that she is incredibly strong.
Even if she felt entirely abandoned I cannot see her really trying to end it. Maybe that train thing we see her do is just a little habit of her (jumping out of the way and not really being in danger) but Rachel doesn't know that so she sees Chloe on the tracks and thinks the worst. I can't say for sure and I'm just trying to think of other possibilities that aren't the worst case scenario.
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Protect Chloe Price
Our 4chan grill from deck 9 right now in this board.
How's the steam sale
LiS is $5, other than that, meh
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The ruskies are spamming cs go from what I've seen.
Chloe lost her best friend and her father and felt all alone. So, the first person showing her some serious affection, despite her mother, being Rachel made her cling to Rachel and confusing need and love.

That's why she's so sensitive towards anybody 'betraying' her. Poor soul.
What? The girl with the Yotsuba figure is browsing here?

It is sad. Chloe lets very few people get very close to her, and for one reason or another they end up leaving her. At least Max was able to come back and make up for her mistake and show Chloe the truth about things.
Giving her closure about Rachel and helping her finally accept William's death and be able to start moving on instead of wishing the pat was different.
Things won't be perfect for Chloe and Max, but as long as they have each other then things will be fine.
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Fuck off with your "anime is trash" bullshit
wait who is this guy on the left
Rachel is a reality warper or a timelord.
We don't know. Some ideas are that it's Nathan or a relative or Rachel's father (I think he look a little young). Also entirely possible we don't know who he is yet and is a new character entirely.
fuck I want that
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Chloe looks a little Asian in this picture...
can you put this on your steam profile to display it or something?
People have said that about her in the past when they saw her in game photos and in concept art.
I never really saw it too much. I think she looks like her parents, as she should.
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>mfw I am sensitive towards people 'betraying' me
>mfw I don't have a 'Max' to make it all better
>mfw I wanna die already
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I can be your Max babe
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>mfw your biggest detractor doesn't know the difference between vehicular homicide and satire
>mfw he's admitted to ragequitting from reading your posts
>pic related


I've noted that a few times.

He bears a strong resemblance to Nathan, but that could be lazy design.

They've already said there will be no timepowers in the prequel.

>But I think whatever Rachel's family secret is is what makes her originally say she cannot be friends with Chloe.
That contradicts the original. She never stopped being friends with Chloe. Nathan killed her.

It wasn't Chloe. She's reacting while Rachel stands and watches. Either Rachel is zonked out, lobotomized or she knew it was coming.
>That contradicts the original. She never stopped being friends with Chloe. Nathan killed her.
They're talking about the scene from the BtS gameplay reveal. After their first day together, Rachel is acting all pissy at Chloe, Chloe tells her she wants to be friends, Rachel says she just can't be friends with her at the moment, then leaves. This is before their friendship is properly established over the next few years, and years before she's killed by Nathan.
Cut the fucking excuses for acting like a jackass and using it to "justify" your shitposting.
You're in no position to criticize others.
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My mistake. I'm avoiding the gameplay preview because I don't like spoilers, in particular with a story based game like LiS.

How sweet. Why don't you go back to trying to doxx me cutiepie?
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Rachel's hardcore! Could totally see her being a time traveler and just going to different eras to indulge in the fashion. She looks like she was from the 1980s during the concert.
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>Trying to doxx you
Wow. I knew you were stupid but I didn't know you had that much of a victim's complex or that short of a memory.
How many times must I repeat myself: I have never tried to do anything to you like that.

I've said that numerous times, yet you still bring up and act like you're unjustly persecuted. All I have done, and all I will do, is call you out for being a dipshit and a hypocrite here. You can stop accusing me of other the bullshit anytime. Unless you've completely fooled yourself into thinking I'm the only one on /lisg/ who is not fond of you.
Can you faggots maybe not bring your personal drama into the thread? Nobody knows who either of you are, and nobody cares.
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Chloe Alley Flannel.jpg
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I wasn't expecting that look from her. She presents as trendy with a preppy side if anything in the first one from our few glimpses of her.
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Exactly. You don't know who I am because I don't feel the need to announce it and "act" like a retard for attention. Enough indulging the window-licker who rides the shortbus.

Back to the cuteposting.
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There is nothing cute about the mottled face of the Caulfield cunt or the soft features of the blue haired dyke. I don't know what people see in them. Whether it's their smooth skin, lustful glances or gleeful moans of ecstasy, I don't get it. A wholesome woman like me has no need for earthly pleasures. That's why I hold hands with a young man from the Bible group, now that he's sin the wickedness of Max's nature and the foolishness of the Negress Grant. He only studies the Bible now.

...and I never moaned Max's name in my sleep before we stopped getting tea together. That's a lie.
Post more anime lis!!!
Does Victoria like to pet Kate's ears?
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>Evangelical Shit-for-brains still hasn't fucked off
Peeved Chloe looks so adorable. I want to see her try to act annoyed at Max, but then Max pinches her cheeks until she cracks a smile.
Seriously though, I hope we see a nice moment between Chloe and Joyce.
Victoria can't help herself if she sees Kate's bunny ears.
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Don't give them the dignity of acknowledgment. Just click the little triangle and make it go away.
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Kate Marsh, Evangelical Angel.jpg
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I will not leave until my spiritual quest has been fulfilled! I will bring holiness to Arcadia Bay. The sexy storm summoning sluts will be banished from His creation!

I-I didn't say sexy. I don't know how to pronounce that word!
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Admit it, Kate! You want some action too
Shut up and bend over you little cunt.
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no kate stop!
Reminder to vote for whether y'all have preordered or not:

What kind of a fucking idiot will only order the standard edition
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I'll preorder the game on piratebay
Why is Victoria acting like that?
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>Rachel reads the script for what happens to her character
She hates cutesy and cliche stuff, which feeding your lover with your fork definitely qualifies as.
Kate loves the fairytale-esque story behind Max's and Chloe's romance. Warren's...just there since he's happy for his friend.

No! I never hugged Max. We never even held hands. This is almost as bad as that video of me from the Vortex Club party!


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You may have free reign in the discord, but here you have to deal with people who actually have brain cells and don't treat all their media as fuel for cloying 'waifus'
That is the difference between /lisg/ and the oft-mentioned /ksg/
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Kate Marsh Violin.png
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Only Alice Marsh, Evangelical Rabbit can give me strength.
Alice hates you for impersonating her mother and slandering her name
Give in to the temptation! Victoria is itching to give you some "lessons" in her dorm room ;)
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Indeed. Mama isn't a monstrous bigot and she'd never say such cruel things about Max and Chloe.
Damn. Last image used.

Last image for best girl!
Image limit is 250 out of 750+ posts?! WHY!?!?!
New thread

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