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/rsg/ RuneScape general

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Thread replies: 769
Thread images: 107

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Questionable setup edition

Previous thread >>179644898

Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. Requirements: 1500 total, Membership, at least one week active play)

>I've been inactive, what did I miss over the past x years
>Latest Patch Notes
>Menaphos update [June 5th]
Serious business edition.
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What did they mean by this?
nth for gas the lorefags
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never give up
nth+2 for gas the lulpvmers
Congratulations on getting the worst pet
>tfw decided to make dragon bane arrows on a whim
>got the mining and smithing pet
never use either because they both look like shit
>Jagex using made up words because they dont know any better
It's kinda cute
Its a word though
The game update link is missing a slash after .com
what's with this anticlockwise thing I've been reading these days?
You're probably getting it confused with counterclockwise, anon.
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meme of the dwarves crashed?lodge goos
And that's wrong.
I don't see how thats related. Your link is marked as an informal definition, mine is not.
ive never played runescape does it suck?
Its pretty fun
Words change and get additional meaning over time you retard. When was the last time you heard boner outside of referring to an erection, or "Begs the question" used to mean a circular argument? Literally has literally become figuratively.
Then what word should we use to mean something happened in a literal sense?
trash game
i can't stop playing it
do you have autism?
high functioning asperger
you should fit right in
You are perfect for runescape
depending on the context you should be able to tell when is the word ''literally'' referring to its old meaning or the new memetic one.


>there are literally 478 people working on this product right now


>you are literally the biggest faggot on the planet
This, everyone knows Jagex is run by only 20 people
Anyone update on lotd buy/sell price?
People are panic selling for ~50m. Anyone know why?
because people were panic selling for 75m
Because there was no reason for it to be 90m in the first place
no reason for you to have been born either.
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>he still don't know
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>he still thinks he knows
There's any better weapon than whip for a level 90 atk str and def ?
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I know.
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do you just not read the skill guide
drygores and nox scythe, scythe better because halbard
bronze dagger
Sure, if the players want it.
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But they are degradable
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Hating degradables is a bad meme anon, you have to use them if you want to do anything.
And invention forces you to switch them to an alternate degrade system you can craft things to repair them with so it's not even a pure money issue anymore.
If you don't use degradables then sorry but you're retarded.
What if I'm actually talking to a morbidly obese homosexual?
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>lotd fell to mid 50s
>back up at almost 80m like an hour later
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Uninstall immediately you retard
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>meme of the memes is crashing

welp. RIP fort comps, it was fun while it lasted
It's almost 80m now.

and a week ago it was 30m.
and it's going up again
I havent played this game since 2007. What would I have to do to get up to speed?
Combat academy in lumby and wiki revolution and lift the bars from there
that's about it, experimenting is the fun bit
Nox are too expensive to me Drygore too.

There's anything 8m less?
use slutblades for now, they're in your price range
Dragon rider lance, it's a t8 weapon with the damage of t80 weapons but the accuracy of t90s.
you're very poor
then the slutblades
Blade of Avaryss and Blade of Nymora are very cheap. Use them.
I'm not him, but he said under 8m in the post you replied to
Learn how to make money first retard
Good to know. Thanks!
post stats and we'll tell you how to make money
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>neglecting herblore

baka desu
>321 qp
Thats too low anon
Did you see that items prices are changing, better be quick and panic buy/sell, wouldn't want to lose money or miss out on making more money now would you, make sure to tell everyone else about how panicked you are too to help your friends.
but anon it went from 95m to 50m in hours!
and now it's back at 85m!
Yes, yes I hope you panic sold at 50m and bought it back at 85m, thats a wonderful opportunity for m- I mean you! I mean you almost lost so much money and by acting fast and telling all your friends you guaranteed you did well
I still did not buy it back, I'm willing to wait to see if the price stays stable at some point
maybe when it reaches 120m, I think
So i need to buy nymora blade?
Is easy to level up it nowadays?
>buying back when it reaches the selloff point

how retarded do you have to be? why don't you just cut out the middle man and give the merchers your money personally.
Anything less than the amount needed for QP cape is too low
But i had qp back in my days
Only 120m, goodness gracious do you want to risk your bank, why not settle for a much more stable 130m. I think you'll like that.

Whatever are you on about fellow consumer of goods?
fair enough
130m it is then
but not anymore
quest points go up to 394 now
go get that
Easy clues are too much gp/hr, lotd can't stay this high up for much longer.
Slayer. Now
says who? merchers don't give a fuck if noobs are getting some money, because they're getting so much more from every clown that thinks they know how to make bank on this by themselves.
Tell me again, why did Jagex tell people to buy pharaoh's sceptres in anticipation of Menaphos?
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Gargoyles in slayer tower are 2m/hr
But, why? Are high ranking jmods engaging in insider trading? They could just directly create gold for themselves. Is it low ranking ones and nobody else noticed the problem with their suggestion? Are they helping players Jew each other?
>They could just directly create gold for themselves
A mod on OSRS actually did this.
tell me more
Mod Reach deliberately left a bug in OSRS so that him and his friends could exploit it for mad dosh.
Mod reach
When osrs got corp he put something in the code only he knew about
Appeared some time later with a new blue audi
Was fired
>It was suspected that he may have played a role in the "corp glitch" which allowed players to be invincible at the Corporeal Beast as it would not attack them back. However, Mod Mat K later stated on Reddit that Mod Reach had nothing to do with the Corporeal Beast bug.[2]
>appeared sometime later with a new blue Audi
Fuck's sake, I'm living in a meme.
This is why you make sure every bit of code thats get committed gets code reviewed kiddos.
the history goes further than that
the new slayer master was named after his girlfriend (nieve)
after he was fired, they gave her an elysian shield (rumored to be the way he made the money)
and then killed her on the monkey madness 2 quest
If there's one thing we've learned in the past few years, it's that Jagex definitely wouldn't lie to make their company look good.
Her death did seem pretty abrupt.
Don't see how a rogue employee would make them look bad tbqh, could happen to anyone
It shows they didn't check his work and opens suspicion that others could do the same without being caught.
Just reached 70 atk, what should I change my dragon halberd out for? Keeping in mind I don't have 70str/def yet. Considering either whip+offhand dragon weapon or guthan's spear (I like the 2h abilities like hurricane so might do this)
I swapped out dragon for blisterwood when I hit 70, but you'd need the reqs for Branches
Crystal halberd
God I hate how fucking puny the crystal halberd is. It's a slightly large axe for god's sake.
>want bxp for Vic
>Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza is on spotlight which means every fucking noob is in there dying and attacking other players
is this 2005.
stfu noob
It is.
what is german servers
Where should I use my couple of dwarven ramhammers? Seems kinda shitty no matter what
what is an instanced minigame
they're only instanced on the same language
Ram some qt in the ass bby
Strange that they'd do that, but handy. Thank you.
different language worlds don't interact at all
that's why you can login into a german world while playing in english, or vice versa
>you can't
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Do you switch to regular ammo after the first phase of rune dragons or do you just use big guy ammo the whole kill
I keep using it
there's no reason to change
4u + oh dl darts is the best dps in the game vs dragons
>Checked my discord messages today when I got some data (on the top of Vesuvius funnily enough) to find that some merchers have been running a pump and dump on the staff of sliske and luck of the dwarves ring, with one (who's name I will omit) making roughly 30 ish billion gold in a week.

>How do jagex view this nowadays? I remember years ago the days of FCs like smokin mils and 2lum, with their owners and ranks being banned. This is basically the same thing-artificially creating market bubbles.

>Any thoughts?
augmented oh glaive is better than oh darts
Pretty sure they stopped caring.
Which of the Drygore weps should I get?
Also why are Drygore Long Swords the most expensive?
Don't have assbows
best autos
they give no fucks about it. they purposefully enforce that only one person may have a pricecheck thread on the rsof about a set of items at any given time, and will ban you for trying to make your own or posting prices that conflict with whoever pays off the forum mods.
Yes, just thought that it was interesting that someone was claiming they had information/inside knowledge regarding recent price manipulations.
What do I lose if I go with, say Rapiers?
>What do I lose
fashionscape points
What ranged equipament do you gys recommend?
Budget of 10m btw
armadyl + rcb
What do you need for easy and effortless Airuts?
t80s + ovl + nihil
>tfw you tag someone elses Salawa and it drops a corrputed gem after he kills it

Should I sell it or use it
and soulsplit/demonhorn, vamp scrim, cannon, poison, halberd-range weapon, aggro pots

but thats tryhard effortless
>sell it
>pm him and say "hey I accidentally got your drop"
>trade him the equivalent money in cabbages
It only sold for 6m anyway
that's 30k cabbages
Also I got a key immediately after
35k cabbages
How many games of facepunch are needed to be able to buy the seedicide?
depends on your score
it is 2200 renown
you get 2x renown for the first 600 daily
Only takes a few hours, if you don't need it asap just get your daily bonus and get it over the course of a few days
they have a buy limit of 1k
i wonder if anyone's selling bulk cabbage on the forums
>3 keys and 1 gem from 1 salawa task
Why is Jagex so based
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that's sad
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How can I fight camel warriors simply yet effectively? I don't have the cash for nox/asc weapons. I have one drygore mh mace and a drider lance, zaryte bow, and arma bstaff. Should I just waste even more points to skip them?
how much money you have?
orb as well
~80mil, but I'm a massive fucking jew with it so whatcha thinkin'
How should I prioritise charm usage? Use all Golds before moving on? my biggest priority is to get from 59 to 75 for Priff.
Get Obliteration, the BH staff.
Straight t87, should be around 40m at GE.
You could say this saddens me.
I've been toying with the idea of getting those. But aren't they weak to range and melee? Or does it not matter
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>ywn be this good
I heard a rumor that boosting your slayer level makes catching Souls easier.

Is there any truth to this or am I being jewed?
No idea.
I just said that because you have a shit mage weapon.
And don't bother buying the melee or ranged BH ones.
do you not know how the combat triangle works?
melee > ranged
ranged > magic
magic > melee
you get the idea
Sweet merciful Christ, give me a fucking Crondite gem.

I've been at this for DAYS, just logging in and mining for a few hours. Why is this happening?
The ghost girl tells you that the higher your slayer level the more likely you are to catch a soul.
Yeah but knowing Jagex they probably made it check against the base level
Yes I do. But the camel itself is weak to crush, but it spawns three mirages that are weak to thrown attacks.
>don't bother buying the melee or ranged BH ones
Why not?
Bow provides it's own ammo.
Maul is just a bit more damage over Dlance at the expense of accuracy, while being more expensive.
Yeah that makes good sense actually. Thanks anon.
also maul doesn't have halberd range
The name "Ironmemes" is available.
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still available*
Just use a calc and make the best available for each charm

Use better charms if you don't want to do 90 trips
Only use crimsons and blues
>tfw I stood next to this guy in max guild but never saw the announcement
or as a frog might say
crim bleulé
Got 2 keys to the memegister, sell or hold on?
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favorite non-interface pet?
Post in English you dumb anime poster
post listenings

funfact:im not playing, just trying to get to sleep
Is it better to play CFB or afk?
cfb for them tickets boi!
AFK or relog if you go gorilla. Try to punch monkeys when there are other players with you, since this becomes faster points than gathering.
>Bonds can now be redeemed for an additional Treasure Hunter key for 28 days.

>tfw every voyage is sub 50%

hate this fucking stupid shit
Grind your crew's stats in an easier region.


mod reach tried to secretly remove NMZ 6 hour afk training and got fired for it.

he died for our sins
muh nostalgia
What is the best way to farm void points?
already used google but no one explain shit
Like Pest Control points?
Just do highest boat you can
hop on the vet boat
cast veng group
run up to voidfu<3
keep her safe and kill as many things as you can
if you dont get damage: lots consistently ignore voidfu and run out to the portals and just spam aoe attacks
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What should I do with my 100% exp for an hour from my aura
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oh fug
span/div depending which you hate more
Farm run + agility
show history I want to see what it sells for
im an ironman
~1.8m at the moment
>Hey hows it-
Yeah, we can tell.
the CG have any reward for the game?
the what
Card Game
no it's dead
Those idiots should have put an in game reward in for people who played Chronicle. Like you get 20 keys if you download and play 10 games or something. Other companies already do that and it works brilliantly.

The sad part is Chronicle was pretty fun too, maybe we'll get that Unity Engine Arcanists remake someday.
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What happened to chronicle? Did they just abandon it?
I want to fug
yes, after like 2 updates
>all this normie talk in the fc
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so what was the point even?
fucking idiots kek
>Did they just abandon it?
No idea, I sure did.
I love you all
I hate you all
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It's apparently because the leaders of the company are huge fucking retards.
>card game launches with no mobile, says theyll 'do it later'
>no communication
>outside of the little bit of advertisement in rs itself, theres nothing
>barely any updates, even after they make a ton of promises
>after a few months updates totally stop, no word from jagex
and this. It's such a fucking shame too, the card game was really unique and could have gone really far, if jagex actually put a little bit more effort into it.
I have no particular opinion of you all
I still love yo both, os it's okay
>associating in any way, shape or form with the fc
I am unlovable.
>I am unlovable.
They've still got the in-game NPCs shilling for it. Could they at least make RS a little less ugly if they're giving up on Chronicle?
only if u r a qt girl (female)
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they don't want to admit that chronicles is actually dead, I guess
they could at least make these people fit in the place they are
but all of them have this old default clothes thing
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nice try merchant
youll accept my love regardless of what girl or gender i am
oh, I thought it was the off-hand, sorry
>4 hours walk
couldn't you take the bus or something? call for a cab?
but a-anon that's rape
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Any tip?
Yes, bolt tips
i don't know how to ride busses, and cabs are way too expensive.
is meanophos worth renwing mems for...........................
>i don't know how to ride busses
Ask the driver if there's a bus pass that you buy or if you just need to pay a fare. Also, how the hell is walking to the other side of a town going to take you 4 hours?
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Spotted at corrupt dust devils while using normal prayers and a spirit terrobird despite being 81 summoning
for an ironman it's not that bad
it's a big town
what town
for you
I don't know anything about Czech infrastructure but would you be able to buy a bicycle? Also I still think you should try talking to a bus driver, it's not like they're going to arrest you for wanting information.
i don't know how to ride a bicycle

i could ask anyone, really; but the thing is that i'm too shy and ashamed to do that. i really don't like interacting with other people in a non-anonymous way.
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Did I get fucked by Jagex?
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thanks timbo
yes your qp is permanently fucked hahahaha
QA didn't catch that bug
just lobby and it'll be fixed
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>i don't know how to ride busses
>i don't know how to ride a bicycle
bait or mentally deficient?
my parents would drive me around the town with a car ever since i was a kid

they've been gone now for quite a while, so i can't rely on a car anymore

i just walk around since i don't really mind the physical effort

4 hours is just very annoying though.
thanks guys
sorry I forgot to tag that image as a spoiler
You push the pedals in a circle to keep going forward. Try not to lean too far to the left or the right, otherwise you'll fall. Squeeze the bar on the handle to stop, and remember to stick your foot down to the ground to balance when you stop.
why would they not teach you how to ride a bike?
jebem ti mater autisticnu
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Jagex are the slowest to do anything and they have to modes, work on a big project and completely ignore any small fixs (all go to backlog) or get small fixes out of the way. Hell I don't think the ninja team does anything anymore.
>don't think the ninja team does anything
near every single patchnote reveals otherwise.
Bored rn, connection's shit so can't do bosses. Anyone got an idea of something or someone to draw?
As I say to all draw friends,
Corgis doing cute things.
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>3 soul devourer tasks in a row
>managed to do multiple challenges including gold the first few weeks
>3 weeks in a row the gold challenge has been DEATH ZONE FIREBALL LIGHTNING SPAM XD
shitter worlds is the definition of cancer jesus fuck
there was a week where I could complete the gold but not the silver because it was bullshit
Why is dragon rider lance suggested over slut blades?

Just for the t90 acc?
Because 2h and halberd.
they're both t90 accuracy, but lance is usually better because it's a halberd so you get that extra square of range
why? are they good geepee? eggsbee? both?
Are they more on task? I recently unlocked them and on task, nothing seems out of the ordinary for drops so far.

>paying 27m for one square distance

Fuck my shitup SENPAI
if you think that's bad, drys are ~45m for the pair while scythe is ~280m
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no, don't even think they have an on-task unique
they're consistent 2m/hr due to alchables and bar drops
tfw never going back to shitter worlds since I have mutated dazing shot
bladed dive is super broken.
scythe+vamp scrim against the salamis can get a 200 kill task done in ~10 min mostly afk for about 100k slayer xp, and the key drops are pretty common and go for about 1.5m each currently
i've gotten as many as 5 in a task but usually it's 2-3
Yes and yes
Scribbled up this. Is this the pose you had you mind, or did you mean something lewd?
for what exactly
how do I check how many shifting tombs I have done
it's an extra surge.
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Forgot pic like an idiot
doesn't sound like something I need or would want to collect more anima for
I'll take that as a yes. Gonna move on to making it look less like chicken scratch
I personally do the cattes, a bit better slayer xp/lp and they only have 2.5k more hp
my slayer level's still too low for cattes and i can't be bothered to boost for them
Who is this kittieiegirl character and what is her end game of joining our clan?
crashing this clan
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Don't know. There's tonnes of semen demons in GrindanScape.
My friend met his wife on RS, she was pregnant with a half black baby but he decided the smart thing to do was propose to her anyway.

I really hope he gets a divorce soon
Your friend is into some weird RP. You can't possibly mean irl, can you?
>Your friend is into some weird RP
I'm sure it started that way

>You can't possibly mean irl, can you
Yes, he paid for her plane ticket to come visit him for the first time and he proposed during that time.
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What a fucking retard
And of course since she has a black baby, she wants any poor sod as the father
just like your hopes and dreams.
you forgot to mention my will to live
my hand hurts

>Abyssal guardians attack with magic and are weak to arrows.
This means that they are also weak to bolts?
you're only allowed to use chinchompas if ranging in abyss
When a monster is weak to a specific type of weapon, it is also weak to all types from that style, but in a reduced scale.
So in this case, it is weak to all kinds of ranged attacks, but weaker to arrows than the others.

Also important to note is that weakness only affect accuracy, not damage.
only mostly true
there's a couple cases where the order is the specific weakness, then the other two styles, and then the weakness's style
well it also helps make melee even more OP in dps compared to range/mage.
Another Question: there's a way to avoid poison?
>Another Question: there's a way to avoid poison?
Antipoison totem
Never heard about that.
Care to give some examples?
>decide to visit W2 cancerfest
>whole GE is littered in sandstone
>log out
edimmu are one, but they aren't what i was thinking of. i can't remember the specific creature i had in mind
it's not super common, in any case
What is this cancerfest you speak of?
Interesting stuff.
They should do more thing like this with weakness, it's a very nice concept.
GE on World 2

One massive botnet
Oh, thought you were saying there's a special event going on there or something.
you gain effectively 8 extra squares of attack radius, thats op as fuck.
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What do i do lads?
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rare oldfag
Runecrafting, my friend
can you bladed dive with a scythe?
never played runescape before which is better? In terms of playing with people and content is oldscape for nostalgia? Or is the new one kinda shitty
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Kill Elf
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>lotd down 4m on ge
Play oldschool if you want pvp
Otherwise RS3
>ability based combat
>more quests and skills
>a lot more high level content
>modern graphics
>faster paced

>simple combat
>slower levelling up
>bigger community
>dev team is a lot less retarded than rs3's
>active pvp
If you want literal gay pride, fag events you should play OldSchool
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>bigger community
they may not be much bigger but they're very loud
Is the OP image a joke? It literally looks like they took what runescape was and thought "let's make this a shitty WoW clone"
what did you mean with this
>muh bots

imagine being this retarded
if you suffer from extreme autism and underageitis play osrs, otherwise try rs3
You forgot

>muh people that hear about the game from Twitch and play for 3 weeks because of nostalgia and then never touch it again
and you write this based on an image containing the equipment window?
are you retarded?
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>replying to bait
I fucking love RWT
Still miles better than osrs w2
Thats why jagex included it in the game!

True now that I see it that way, which abilities for melee are AoE? What mobs are effective with it? I see abyss charm hunting would be nice with d rider lance
Can the 3x 75k xp books from Lord of Vampyrium all be used on the same skill?
all damage abilities get +1 range
I think thresholds like hurricane get even more range
thanks senpai also could any tell me if you need membership or is f2p fine
f2p is fine for a while but membership is much better.
nowadays you can get membership with in-game money if you're willing to grind it.
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>old f2p acc that I can't add security to gets lucky sara gs
>new one I can actually secure gets this
there isn't a single case like this in game where books/lamps cant be used on the same skill
>that I can't add security to
Why not?
Speaking of old school, is it easier to get a bond in osrs or rs3?

Honestly 10m in 2 weeks is a lot of money for me, but maybe I just need to figure out how to make money better.

Not sure how easy money making is in osrs.

Once you get to medium levels like 50s and 60s you can literally make 1m or more per day just from daily events
there are some accessible daily 'chores' for money in rs3.
buying out broad arrowheads is like 300k profit
buying certain runes from shops is some profit
making vis wax can be 500k profit
at high levels you get some more like making flasks
>see high level person die
>they have a signpost gravestone
Why is this so common
Don't forget yak hides from Neitiznot is around 350k as well
ahh, thanks anon
Old friend made the acc like 10 years ago and gave it to like a month after he made it. No longer friends with the guy and Jagex is still Jagex with the whole "ACCOUNT SHARING IS A BANABLE OFFENSE EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO'S HAD THE ACC FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS"
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>Yeah but knowing Jagex they probably made it check against the base level
feathers are 500k too
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its small but here you go
>there isn't a single case like this in game where books/lamps cant be used on the same skill
ancient lamps from the world wakes have to be used on three different skills
I love you. Added to my collection.
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np. been pretty busy with stuff so i haven't been lurking for a while.
Because everyone just buys it back from Death and probably forgets that gravestones even exist. If you don't, I'm pretty sure all your degradeables get fucked. From the RS wiki:
>Any degradable items retrieved from gravestones will degrade the set amount
>10% for level 90 equipment
>20% for lesser level equipment
>Retrieving degradable equipment from Death will result in no degradation.

It doesn't discuss what happens when it's augmented, but I think you lose charges from your charge pack, likely at a comparable gp amount. You probably save a bit by going back to your grave, but I don't think it's that much. The time it takes to get back, retrieve everything, and repair/recharge might be worth more than the couple 100k you saved.
>illumination has been active for over 2 weeks and I just now realized
>people who buy the summer special this year won't even get the aura
Hope you enjoy those early bird bonuses goy!
wish me luck laddies
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>I've wasted over 6 wilder pies
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A-ano... /osg/ has been really dead lately d-desu, and since seeing as we're all g-grinders and all; I was w-w-wo-wondering if some of you scapers could come post in our general too..
just wait for the next pride event.
rudeposters get out baka
Why don't you make some bots to post in the general too :^)
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>guy accuses me of botting
>I reply to him
>"Why are you botting? Why cheat?"
>Intentionally stop woodcutting for a few minutes and switch randomly between trees
>"Your bot sucks"
How can someone be that retarded, yet still be able to work a computer?
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>Having public chat on
You shouldn't waste xp dealing with idiots.
just unlocked invention

what kind of disappointment am i in for?
an expensive one
Shittiest skill in the game, should not be a requirement for max cape desu.
Armor/weapon degradation costs become divine charge costs. Costs a fuckton to get really good perks, so don't bother with them unless you're planning on doing high-end bossing.
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the 'i buy bonds' starter pack
I don't get it
i don't see dry longs
i don't see 15 qp
i don't see unagumented t90 armor
>have aura from last year
>>haven't been exploting it nearly enough

why the fuck did they even make it exclusive anyway? they would probably get more money by not making it exclusive
oh yeah I'm sure firemaking is better than invention.
kys sperg
>altar to craft rune which had been previously uncraftable save through the unreliable ourania altar is released
>price drops
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>fell for the bernie meme
>to close to 120 to stop
>don't even have pet
>pet doesn't even look good
just fuck my shit up
the funny thing is, not one of you can make an objective argument against WASD-Scape.

face it babys, it's the future.
honestly my only problem with combat now is movement, but I highly doubt we're getting WASD-scape any time soon
implying this game will get any significant changes
implying this game has a future
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Am I too late for the questionable setups?
Wouldn't they need to reduce tick duration to make this work properly and without inducing nausea? That's way too much work for Jagex. Even if you could convince them that it's a good idea, they'd just say "spaghetti code lol :^)" and refuse to try.
Crafting runes through the soul altar is slow as all fuck and has absolutely zero impact on the supply. It'll go back up once more people realize this.
Buff will come

>tfw mid level poorfag shitter

>tfw afraid i'll see myself in one of these soon
>he see himself in castle wars
haha, nice one anon! Have fun with 5,000 castle wars games :^)
fuck whoever thought that was a good idea
I'll NEVER trim comp cape
You can blame castle wars (the player) as trim cape was based around his account (mostly)
Doubt it. Right now Soul altar is by far the fastest rc xp in the game outside of TH and it's pretty clear they were aiming for a "high xp low profit" design.
Then they should have buffed runespan
>one game per day for 13.70 years
>two games per day for 6.85 years
>three games per day for 4.57 years
>four games per day for 3.42 years
>five games per day for 2.74 years
Absolute madness
Oh shit, Slayer 96.

How drenched in Raptor Monsters will I be now?
0 if you know what's good for you
One game is 20 mins
Time to get back in game is 3 mins
5k games is 1,916 hours
or 80 full days of castle wars
>Just do 5 games a day :^)
Level 73 of agility and need 75.

best way to level up still wild?
Wildy with demonic skull is best xp in the game since the xp scales
Is this dangerous?

for you
You're running around in the deepest levels of wildy with a 500k price tag on you, you decide
theres only a small chance someone will be pking there, but if you do get found there's pretty much no way you're surviving
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empty throne room bikes. completely afk
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I wonder if he'll make a followup tweet to quell the panic after he sees >>179900882

Or was it already dropping by the time he tweeted that?
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i think we're past that, ge price is just out of date

i omitted this last tweet by some random but ye its relevant to what you said lol, he hasnt tweeted anything about lotd prices since
Can anybody who owns a Khopesh confirm if you can augment it because I'm not seeing a wiki page about it.
We are past return to normal. Lotd sank to 50m yesterday then went back up to 75. Very quickly.
you can't
but why the fuck not
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>he still hasn't put all of his GP in LOTD's
Weren't you going to draw that slut in the highwayman mask?
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who knows
wasn't there something that required 95 in all skills? I have this feeling but I can't recall what it was
the closest I can think of is level 90 in all stats for elite elf tasks.
He never draws anything
That is nothing dude. Just wait until your voyages start being +3 hour shitfests with 62% success chance at best.
"You best captain has just died, tough shit".
motherlode maw
ah that's it
It's inside the resource dungeon, so I guess I'll still have to train dungeoneering a lot
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>All players who participate and defeat Nex in the Angel of Death Boss fight, will be able to obtain the lore book drops from the exit pillar. This is regardless of the amount of damage dealt for ease of access.
>Implings and Guthixian butterflies will no longer fly into the pillars, on the dock in the Ports district of Menaphos.

Coming monday.
why is guthix a cat
>>All players who participate and defeat Nex in the Angel of Death Boss fight, will be able to obtain the lore book drops from the exit pillar. This is regardless of the amount of damage dealt for ease of access.
great they lit shitters who can even top in a mass get the books
I already got the lore books by joining a mass and then gitting gud enough to out dps enough people. It was actually fun.
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>comp cape only requires killing aod once, regardless of dps
>mqc requires being skilled enough to be a top dps
>autist is mad the shittiest end-game cape had a retarded req removed
It's hard to not rip off Avatar.
What happened to the part about implings not flying out into the ocean?
devalues my autism cape
>implings not flying out into the ocean
I think it's included in that, at least the mods said it would be done.
But I wouldn't place my bets though, considering they fly through water everywhere else in the world.
mqc should've always been about going to places and doing things you normally wouldn't, not not grinding on mid to high-end bosses for days on end just for an rng drop/skill test. Leave that shit for comp cape.
>tfw made billions margin trading

what's your excuse?
no starting money
remove the jews from the market thenks
front me the buy-in cash m8, I'll give you a 40% cut on the margin
Not jewish
I don't enjoy seeing profit as zero sum.
I'm being retard for not playing with this new combat thing?
I mean you use te old combat style you are losing damage?
*if you use the old combat style
you're ''being retard'' either way.
combat academy in lumbridge, wiki revolution and lift the bars from the calculator
thresholds are like special attacks
I don't think the price of lotd matters nearly as much as it would if they kept the stupid system of no rings besides lotd sharing lower bonuses
>being jelly of pernix
lotd already worked for all tiers
the lower ones were the one that didn't and not do
hazezelmeme's siggy ring might be patched to be a permanent gold accumulator
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So close, yet so far
Is possible to win commendation from void games?
what does this even mean
that's the only way to get them, so I would assume yes
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>reading comprehension
is this a patch note on the official rs forums that gamify people into conforming opinions?
nah, some anon said something about shauny saying he'd looking into it on twitter
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I found this.jpg
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OK, I'm trained in the field of decrypting messages.
I've copied and pasted this question on Google, and the first result was pic related.
I think he wants to know if there's a way to get Void Knight Commendation points from the minigame called Pest Control.
I think.
But no one is playing pest control .
Can I get Pest control from void accomidation?
That's a whole different issue. Wait for it to be on spotlight, or try the Pest Control world.

yuo can get void control points from pests incomodations, yes
They've been doing it around once a month for a while
yeah I'm dumb I've read that completely wrong
Is amulet of zealots always more dps if you don't need the accuracy from the turmoil variants?
Drider amulet or zealots when maging?
zealots is like +18% dps, so yes
pretty sure the buff from drider isn't as good
drider dragon breath passive is really not worth it
if you don't need accuracy, I would suggest using zealots
How does it compare to the power bonus from souls/drider, still better?
No one really knows how power bonus actually works, but yes, it is.
if you mean the bonus that appear when you hover over it, zealots don't have any, just a -5 to prayer
but when using leech curses with it, it goes higher than souls+t95 prayers
can i accommodate pests in the void?
What do you mean?
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still going to. it's a matter of finding time to draw it.
I do, i just need to see more interesting ideas+ find time between work to draw more. since i can't draw full time currently.
Made this for tasks in case anyone is interested


Hopefully that works... I'm not 100% sure on every xp rate, I'm pretty sure those are close to max from doing those tasks efficiently, they're about what I get when I tryhard. Can describe methods if anyone needs them. Please let me know if you get vastly higher xp rates for a task, trying to get this as accurate as possible.
you're the one that did striker thok?
Please stick that on imgur before the inevitable happens.
>Elves (sweaty)
>No one really knows how power bonus actually works
What did he mean by this
I mean if the increased leech bonus on zealots makes up for the loss of power bonus that drider/souls has
>there's actually an article on it on the wiki
>but it's not under power armor, jewelry, or anything related to that
>it's under ability damage
I was looking for that for ages
and yes, it still does
>I mean if the increased leech bonus on zealots makes up for the loss of power bonus that drider/souls has
Use fully perked torva/bandos with scythe, vamp scrim, souls is helpful too. Overload, weapon poison and and aggro pot, pray ss/turm. Run to north island and collect those elves then run straight south of the bridge, then when you collect all those elves run into the building east and then 1 square south to lure them all. Run out and aoe them to death, use anti/freedom to avoid getting stunned. Need a yak full of food and since there's a time period where you can be stunned you have to be careful. Very balls to the wall but very good xp.
nah, that was somebody else.
what would that be?
added other sketch pages too
Thanks anon, thats really good
or kill them at lletya for easy crystal components
why are Primus keys so much more than the others?
That was me, the other drawfag.
Gonna finish that and Korasi eventually(tm)
Or I could just hit them with Tuska's wrath every 2 minutes in shitter gear while mining.
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Firing up an Elite Clue, predict my dissappointment.
Are you jona than
D med
anti fires and mahogany planks
Barrows dye
That would not be a dissappointment, would save Lantadymes & I have a construction daily atm.
~500k rerolled to ~200k
Fuck that noise, just make more porn. I don't think anyone here would disagree with that.
You are the guy who made that porn of GE bnaker and mask slut, right?
>porn of GE bnaker and mask slut
I need to see this
>Finally get around to finishing 'Phite Club
What a shit ending.
The menaphos quests all felt far too short.
I guess cause he's easier than the rest
I figured they'd at least finish the storyline with menaphos release, but apparently that was too difficult.
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will run out in 5 minutes.
I just cannot fathom it, why are elite clues so fucking useless?

Glad I got that reroll, stay tuned.
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I just cannot fathom it, why am I such a retard?

Glad I can just post the pic afterwards.
that's a different buff probably
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And after reroll this is the trash I am rewarded with, atleast theres free Antifires.
i may have cropped it poorly but no that is the bonfire talking
its just something that happens when your connection is in a huff


are you a lizard?
no, the green scaly skin is a condition
I didn't know killer croc played runescape
is LotD crashing is it worth buying? What are it's effects besides HSR
more drops
>is LotD crashing
Theres a lot of sneaky merchants
>kill 103 locusts
>one hundred and three locusts
That'll be fun.
can you cannon them?
Why are praesul codices so hecking expensive
glad you liked
please post your rsn so I can increase the chances of you getting them again in the future
>Jagex says they didn't want another Reprisal
>nerfs drop rates to oblivion
Soul alter isn't afk and its behind a huge wall
to piss you off.
>Soul alter isn't afk
I'd say a whopping 150 seconds of doing nothing but charging the altar is somewhat afk.
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They made it exclusive because they made it a part of the 1 year subscription last year.

I got mine 2(?) Years ago with the black rhino, it was illumination then.

I've got two 100% from it so far, from 75-82 herb
Fuck, who the fuck uses cosmetic overrides that give you wings? Why do so many people go all the way to look like some furry faggot? What kind of sickness do you need to have, when your sole goal is to look like some motherfucking anime character?

I do not understand and it hurts my own autJust kidding, I am a complete fucking normie and I have hard time understanding this.
hello, welcome to 4chan
desu I kinda like the fury agent wings
all the others suck though
Which auras should I buy first? The accuracy ones?
I am an /rsg/ summerfaggot desu.

If the context is right, like you wish to look like an Icyene, fine, I get it.
But when there are people who look like your basic anime character and then just slaps wings on it for that 100x snowflake factor, that is just retarded.
It is like people do not appreciate the high-fantasy setting of RS at all, just slap on whatever anime/furry/etc costume on and pretend you are in animeland nrX.

Kinda have to make an exception for children, but I know most of the player in this game are anyways +20y old heebie,
so they rarely are the transgressors.
>wearing wings
I hope ya'll got some self-respect
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>been doing 2m+ slayer xp each day to make sure i can kill the magister on monday
>learn he's delayed to the 26th
10k till phite club bois
I use the saradomin banner in my wing slot.
Ye I've seen your screenshots
Looks like shite
Thats part of the fun, especially with squat walk
Remember you can use boosts to enter the fight.
>not using tier 3 memeaphos banner
What slayer level do you need?
Beach comes back when?
yeah, but i didn't really get started til this week cause i was grinding out rep for quests the first week
still like 6m off 109
it's 115 but you can boost with a wilder pie
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Isn't it 115
also the helm clashes with the abyssal knight armour
some shit taste you got there bud
august I guess
Thats a bit on the high side
You're thinking of someone else, I don't use that.
I think the guild wars 2 general tried that
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>not having full lifeboats
Prepare to be disappointed with another shitty and short overhyped quest.
ye mine bb ;)
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Aaaaaah, fuck this.
Why is the road to 95 prayer so expensive/long.
I cannot wait to start rocking the super curses.
it's not expensive.
post skills
what do you mean, which quests
t. not him
I'm saying that 95 prayer is not very expensive and that he should post his stats
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That is why I said expensive/long.
Well, ofcourse end-game stuff takes long.
and with your stats getting the money for 95 prayer is really easy
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Shit, fucked up.
Yeah, I am doing cleansing stones whenever Hefin has voice. It is gonna take a while but I will get there.

Prob is that I just recently hit +90 combats stats so I am trying to invest in getting some T90 weps, which happen to cost shitloads of dosh.
Also I still use cheapass T70/T75 armor so upping to T80 is also underway.

Bossing has not been too profitable recently, no good drops and inefficient kill times.
>94 strength
>90 agility
did you use the big ass quest exp rewards on prayer.

Herb is of lesser importance since I can get a lucky pulseboost to make Overloads.
tfw even if construction got reworked there probably wont be any qt3.14s for my dungeon :__:
just put elf souls in your sunken pyramid dungeon.
If they ever get into reworking construct, I will be sending Police down your dungeons.
Yes, I am. And I guess I could.
pretty sure i just have a demon a dog an a rancor in a corridor because i havent done love story yet so i didnt put effort into designing a fancy deathlair
Nigga please, I'll send the god of cyberpolice Fobba after you, ain't shit that can save you from him.
You do realize the better gravestones reduce death's buyback cost right
consequences will never be the same

idea: poh dungeoneering xp for running the dungeon(obviously would take some thought to not just make it free xp leaching)
>small chance
There's someone hopping under that ladder in every world
Don't listen to these naysayers, you can do it anon
>pulse boost

use god banner at 94 my dude
No way. That's not really her is it? Jesse or whatever her name was?
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Check these skills my friends
yes she uses chaturbate where we saw her blow a crossdresser
i dont blame you for not grinding out summoning and runecrafting but you need to do some hunter my fellow
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>46 ranged
>203 quest points
Upgrading armor should be low priority. Gwd1 armor can last you for a good while.
>more than combat level 3
>doesn't have quest cape
retarded pvmbabbies
Yeah, find me a magic way to rocket my ass to herb 94 and I will.
Yeah, been using GWD1 shit for ages now and I feel it is giving up on me.

Like, even the easiest bosses seem to hit quite hard on me and I've started to wonder if an armor upgrade could help be overcome that.
upgrading weapons is a good priority. then armor. Dps means you'll kill the boss faster, meaning you'll take less damage in the long run. it's a form of damage reduction in itself. armor helps in the long run though but it's not as high priority
Is vamp scrim enough healing to no-food vindicta if i'm using augmented scythe/malev?

do i need to combine it with the vamp aura as well or should i be using an accuracy aura?
>vamp aura
is it better to use darklight+oh dry or just 2x drys for them?
Accuracy aura, soulsplit, and vamp scim.
>vamp aura
might as well be using bronze weapons

>soul split

I thought you're supposed to deflect melee???
You can, but I personally use soulsplit.
upgrade weapons. you'll do more damage so soul split will heal more, which further increases the difference between the dps enemies do to you and you do to them.
Aight, gotchu.

Anyone know where I can find the small sum of 300m lying around?
I soulsplit the first form, then deflect melee/range for the second.
I heard QBD has some

you should be able to SS with just deflect range on the nuke in phase 2
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Get that shit outta here mofugga.
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>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Fara so much, I had all the merchandise and movies
>I pray to Fara every night before bed, thanking her for the life I've been given
>"Fara is love" I say; "Fara is life"
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Fara
>I called him a cunt
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I'm crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it's really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It's Fara
>I am so happy
>she whispers into my ear "Got something for me, beanpole?"
>she grabs me with her powerful gnome hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Fara
>she penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Fara
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against her force
>I want to please Fara
>she roars in a mighty roar as she fills my butt with her love
>My dad walks in
>Fara looks him straight in the eyes and says "You've completed that one. Here's your reward."
>Fara leaves through my window
>Fara is love. Fara is life.
That is disturbingly similar to a copy pasta I made for Warframe general a good long while ago.

It is like you've just replaced Rebecca with Fara.
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Dumb Fara poster

It's a shitty meme template
I want Fara to foot-fuck me
It is still disturbingly similar.
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A Rebecca is fine too
no shit, its probably the same meme.
>/rsg/ education
I meant that it was one I created myself,
believe it or not.

Are these crappy memes somehow starting to create a human collective shitstained hivemind from where the ideas leak to to any brain toilet enough to host it.
I do not believe you are the originator of this.

do you really not know the original pasta?
I am not, I just without created something very similar without realizing.

How come I cannot form this into anything people will understand.

Back in the day I created a pasta really similar to that one, without in anyways consciously using that pasta as a reference and it just struck me now.

I will be moving on with this retarded epiphany right fucking now.
>i made this meme give me upboats!
I did not know there was a term for this, neat.
>a task of 289 dark beasts
Holy shit, best task in ages.
>killing shitter demons
>slight lag spike, not even a whole second
>demon is gone
>probably dead
>sudden 9k hit
>I'm the dead one
>I will be moving on with this retarded epiphany right fucking now.
gave me a good chuckle anon
is full war priest worth the set effects?
New Tekken ost is eargasmic
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What am I doing wrong with camel warriors? I'm using armadyl armor, royal cbow, holy overloads, soulsplit + anguish and I STILL have to eat about four or five sharks per kill.
>soulsplit + anguish
This might be where you're going wrong.

The mirages are accurate as fuck and you cant hit hard enough to outheal them with SS. Use Deflect Magic the whole fight and Devotion (defense threshold) at the start of the mirage phase

Also make sure you don't stun on the final phase, stunning triggers the sandstorm special attack.
>Use Deflect Magic the whole fight and Devotion (defense threshold) at the start of the mirage phase
I will give this a try. Thanks anon.
If you want a benchmark I did a task the other day and was able to stay for a full 6 doses of holy overload before needing to bank

>still believing ss can help you if you aren't geared in 4b worth of dps

sorry poorfag, ss isn't for you
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Jaysus begorrah. I'm guessing you have better gear than I do, but still.
My jewery and lack of enthusiasm for EOC means I will never make much money.
Are crystal shapeshifters an alright task? Or are they block-tier?
If you got good hybrid gear, otherwise they are imo one of the most aggravating fuckers on the list of shit to kill.
how? just bring one style and ult often. not that hard
crystal body legs and gloves
slayer helmet
weapon of choice
boots of a style that is strong against weapon of choice
easy kills
I find them dealing absurd amount of dmg to my ass. I try to keep them away from melee distance, but sometimes the fuckers lag out and suddely they are rolling as a ball somwhere in the distance and you are taking huge hits.
I love you Aoi!
Do as >>179940918 said.
If you're using ranged, equip Bandos Boots, that forces them to use magic.
When it does the ball attack just move out of the way.
>Sliske's Endgame only thing stopping me from quest cape

Somebody just toss me a gun and a bullet it's not worth it even after all this time sunk

boss fight not mazegame
which fight
the 3 fags or the last one?
Dude, the boss fight's EZPZ.
Show me your stats, loadout and tell me which fight you have trouble with
3 fags
i haven't done any pvm and i'm still questioning how i got through elegy
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Hey everyone. Anoi, Internet Celebrity here.

I'm dismayed you all prefer that literally who "Bartin" over me, Anoi, the one true celebrity of RuneScape.
mage nomad first
range greg second
fuck linza with whatever you want last
If you're resonance-ing the ranged attack you don't even need a scrim to no food it friendo.
>tfw used to play warframe just for her
Please tell me there are more of these somewhere
The jews always know the best marketing strategies.
So there are more webms of her right
wow you can legit see her nipple.

what would possess her to wear a loose sweater and go bra-less at work?
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>chewed bones give me a dfull
Prolly will have to visit the shithole that is /wfg/ for those.
it's not that bad but holy fuck gregovoric tanking makes me salty
shoulda did it on oldschool :P
just got ripper demons task
how viable it is to use ranged?
I only have nox bow for t90
killed linza first and greg last and shit was still piss easy
pretty sure not at all
from what anons have said you basically have to use DW melee or rape
dont do this senpai. mage would be 100% better
0% viable
>how viable it is to use ranged?
As soon as you attack they will teleport to you and use slaughter. Melee them like everybody else and don't use channeled abilities if their bar is full/close to full.
slut blades good enough?
offhand slutblade and upgraded darklight I think
hum okay
gonna go grab that then
I've never been to GWD or done any high level PvM stuff (because my stats are shit and I've only played for a few months) and I just got a daily challenge to kill followers of zamorak in the god wars dungeon. How hard is this, because it sounds kinda out of my level
Maybe post levels
Also you can just kill the imps
post stats
Followers are easy. They literally have imps.
Followers of zimzam just means the trash mobs that are in the dungeon, not the bosses.
Most of them probably pretty easy, around the level of greater demons.
There are also have imps.
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Don't laugh

Fair enough, I'll just kill the imps I guess
It's fine.
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so this is the power of nxt
GWD is mid level PvM at best, if all you have to do is kill followers just kill the imps, werewolves, and vampires.
pretty sure that happens on java as well, that's not a clientside issue, that's jagex being lazy when they made prif
you should be fine
bring faction protection
I use java and I've never seen that happen.
have you ever gone to that specific furnace and angled your camera so that it clips though the smokestack?
okay killing him will take 10 hours so quest cape isn't happening with this gear
how do retards like the one in the OP even breathe
by not being you.
only 1 thing wrong with ops image my friend
>vamp aura
>mage against dragons
>unaugmented gear in general
>unaugmented t90 armor
>a scrimshaw against non-boss monsters
>ring of death
>amulet of souls with no soulsplit
>no visible prayers
lol u seem insecure perhaps ur poor
Sorry for late reply but darklight + oh dry with precise 5 is best.


Shit xp though.
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is anoi back? blast from the past
windildo should have been on that poll
>elite fremmy tasks require you to get an agile top
>this takes like 2 hours 30 minutes max
double fug
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I exist
I won't believe it.
the only people that need to remind others of it's existence, are the ones not worth remembering
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This person had like 85 atk str and def
Did you never get dailies for that place when you were around 90 agility?
I just got 90 agility the last bxp.
sunspear is 100% to give undead components at level 10?
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i disassembled mine at 10 the other day and didn't get any undead comps
rich get richer
then what's a good and consistent way to get undeads? anybody know?
dang nice dude
Damn you can't even get into the zamorak area in gwd. Have fun running around hunting imps in the main area.
malevolent armor, augmented of course.
It's guaranteed and the armor itself is cheap.
degrade2dust augmentables work differently, it uses the same degrade as normal (100,000 things - not divine charges from the pack - which is like 10 hours) but when it gets to 12 you siphon it over and over until it runs out of durb, then you level it up to 9 one last time and you're forced to disassemble it.
you get a whole heap from malevolent gear
why isn't runemetrics working
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ty friends
don't know if I was lucky, but this was on the first try
bretty nice
better than having to diss 3rd age
no the chance is much much lower than that
well considering it was like 1/10 of the price, yes
although I think I got lucky anyway

got what I was going for, ty anyway
what memevention level do you have?
Why is Nox bow so much more than ascensions if Ascensions have better dps due to needle
Because ascs don't have better DPS anymore due to mutated dazing shot.
It's also only 20m more than ascs.
Range I guess
Mutated dazing shot and 4taaing means that 2h > dual wield.
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>lotd 55m
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The fact that this walking animation is even in the game is despicable, and anyone who uses it should be shot.
Wouldn't Nox also be cheaper to augment since its just one weapon instead of mh/oh?
Charge drain is the same because
Main hand is 1x drain
Off hand is 0.5x drain
2handed is 1.5x drain

Unless youre talking about augmentors, that cost is negligible
No, MH/OH drain the same as a 2h
Alrighty, how long should that take to get?
long time
very long time
however it's a significant boost to dps, unlike the .5% or whatever advantage needle shot has
How long? Hundreds of hours? Thousands?
pls explain
Oh I'm dumb I didn't think about that. Its 2 perks per 2h weapon and probably 1 for mh and oh correct? Or is it 3 with 2 for mh and 1 for oh.

I just assumed 2 weapons would double the Gizmos needed
depends on the highest world you can reach and the highest worlds you can farm
1 for each
>1 for mh and oh
this one
What's the best memorial of Guthix buff to have?
The one that helps you get more buffs faster
the one that replaces chronicals with butterflies at springs
extended springs
and then whatever one you want
Really? I would think the one that causes divine locations to give more XP would be the best unless you're maxed.
Longer springs for more afk
Thanks lads. I was leaning toward the longer lasting springs.
Where's the new ded and where's Monster Musume Season 2?
>tfw just bought meme of the dwarves
A-Am I doing it right
gotta say
this genocidal + demon slayer + enhanced devoted setup just make ripper demons a joke to kill
I dare even say that it's fun
No, don't say that. As soon as you have fun things will be nerfed/buffed against you.
fair enough
can I say it's decent, then?
Yeah that should be safe for now.
I did them today, used a mix of t90/80/70 gear (all un-augmented) and a superior vamp scrim, was pretty easy desu, only had to eat rarely
personally that never appealed to me because all the gathering skills it helps are so fast already
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