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/ammg/ - Anime Massive Multiplayer General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 756
Thread images: 177

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Please check the catalog first if the game you want to talk about has its own general. This place is only for Asian/anime massive multiplayer games that cannot sustain their own.

>Current Games
Got a game you want to add to the list? Link the OP then name the game and website/private server.

>General Database

>AMMG non-English servers

>Previous Thread

Not sure if an MMG is an AnimeMMG? Rule of thumb is if it's made in the east then it's an AnimeMMG but there are exceptions, i.e Revelation Online.
I really miss Rusty Hearts.
I miss my goth lolita with a battle axe.
what the fuck is this quiz event
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which dfo meme is this
How much does a f.mage gf cost?
which of the games in the OP are actually played?
LoLi D.F.O!
omg (lol)
That's not fair.
How does one get into Maplestory private server dev?
Check forums for private servers?
post more ai-chan
D e D
Who's hyped for Latale?
Why don't you just play the superior maplestory instead?
I am. Going to try Demigod, if it's shit I'll try Savior or Pop Star.
MapleStory lags.
>being this dead
Breaking up em em oh gee was a mistake.
Anyone know which of the VendettaGN games has the most active player base/ most users here?

I'm interested in playing one, but I've never played any of the games they host before.

If anyone here plays any of them and would like to show a new player the ropes, I'd appreciate it!
don't play eden eternal, it's boring and dead.
>start playing my fspit instead of my fstriker
>everything just hits the entire screen
is this what it's like to play a real class
I play their EE and NosTale games.
EE is pretty active. I never have trouble getting a full party for endgame dungeons. Their cash shop is pretty fair too.

As for NosTale it's currently in beta, getting a wipe and released tomorrow. I never saw thier cash shop but I hear they removed a lot of p2w items too. Some are added to NPC shops you can use gold and some items are disabled. Currently there's like less than 20 people playing it because it's in beta. I don't know how active it'll be once it's been fully released tomorrow.
we dead?
the good times are finally back
what do I pay
about tree fiddy
DFO, EE, Mabi, soon NosTale and LaTale. The rest are dead beyond dead.
No one actually plays NosTale.
it's literally launching today, give it a minute and I'm sure people will be playing.

that said I'm only interested in Eden Eternal so have fun with that lol
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Reminder for nustalguhfags that MapleGlobal is going up this August. If you forgot, it's the server that was going to start on version 0.01 and progress through the updates as GMS did on 1/1/1 rates. I don't give two fucks about nostalgiashit anymore but I know the /v/bois got btfo'd from SlimeFails and need something to keep themselves occupied while waiting for their disability checks come in.
So, like a progression server?
How frequent are the updates and at what update will it stop? BB ruined the game for me so if it's going to eventually update to that I'd rather not play.
>tfw cant get a hardon on this because I met some faggot with a really huge fetish for leglocks
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how is that a problem
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I love you /ammg/
Let's keep playing more dead games together!
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For those curious old mmog this way >>179438920
dumb ratposter
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No thanks, you guys are deader than dead.
>wanting to play games where you can't be the anime girl

i feel bad for those people
be my gf
not interested unless you are a cute high level halfling
Who fucking hype for NosTale?
just you
Sell me on it.
Tried, didn't like it. Combat felt janky. Dungeon timer was a neat idea. Not interested in collecting pokemans
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Join SlimeTale instead
nno thanks
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dumb anime poster
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no, you're a dumb anime poster!

he thought I was a girl and wouldn't stop talking about how he wanted me to leglock him
were you playing a girl character?
Nice, was looking for something like this. I'll give it a try.
anime ruined /ammog/
we should drop anime and talk about a certain mediocre western MMORPG sequel. :^)
yeah, genderlocked character
told him many times that I was a guy IRL but he wouldn't drop it
video germ
Then you should have just played a male class.
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What class are you making?
I/L Mage
Not sure, I haven't played in a long time. I will have to look things up.
On the contrary, anime is the only thing protecting us from certain demise.
When did anime become the cure for cancer?
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are there any refugees from Muroc?
June 8th of this year
What was released on the 8th?
that's when we sought shelter behind the wall of anime
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is shit!

I don't even play DFO but F. Priest is real qt3.14
Female Crusader will be personally kicking your Ele gf out from Luke raids every week. Enjoy being obsolete.
but my gf is a bug
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>Nep MMO never.
... lucky....
>Implying I bring my Ele gf to raids

You wouldn't go to work with your dishwasher would you?
Depends on the job.
But it would clean everyone else's trash and only get all the leftovers... OH WAIT
Never? I feel like it'll happen eventually
What game has a good housing system? Bonus if you can have maids and shit.
Stop bullying elementalist, one day she will reclaim her throne from the homewrecker bugmage.
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They'd have to rework everything they've learned so far.
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Here, have this gif and pretend Ele will be the next top tier class anytime soon
2hu mmo when?
if only hopeless masquerade wasn't ass
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Don't bully.jpg
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it was such a bad fighting game
maybe 15.5 will be good?

honestly i just play versus shmups instead, more fun to play, easier to learn, and a new one coming to steam in September
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>still floating mechanic
Nah, it's shit. Possession mechanic is just lengthening your combo a little.
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>MMO themed game
>not an MMO
Koishi has such lewd thighs
That's not cool bro, she's autistic.
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>Neptunia is MMO themed
I just call 'em like I see 'em and I see very nice thighs
what mmg are you playing
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Does anyone else get a sibling vibe from these 2 classes?
They both seem to carry a similar aura. Their sense in clothing also have a dark and "sharp" look to it.
Hidden sibling story? Or maybe the devs just lost creativity in individual personality in women?
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Is grandchase and gunbound /ammg/?
But I guess they are too dead to matter.
>maybe the devs just lost creativity in individual personality

those two are just two Korean girls, one more pop idolized than the other

The only good thing to come out since Rogue is Nyarly
None right now

I doubt nipple would put that much effort into the character backstories
what ?
Grand Chase definitely, Gunbound maybe
No one plays either of them here from what I can tell, even the sequel Elsword is treated as dead

we have some elesis fans though
I guess nipples tyring to force their ideal views in women into the game. It started with F.Fighter losing her legs.
i miss those thighs
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Grand master (2).jpg
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They should use the Ideal American woman.
A healthy and beautiful 600lb black woman.
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isn't that just an f.mage?
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No, but don't worry, both Eles are useless.
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Not to my dick. she isn't.
Grand Chase was closed down last I remember.
>its another month long event that you will finish in a week if you play more than a couple hours a day
please understand

smol team

don't be greedy
be thankful for what you have
There's still a private server but I heard it's trash
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I main ele and that's pretty mean, stop bullying us.
What are we missing after fpriest?

90 legendaries
Tower reworks / new tower
The new shitty hell mode thing
Balance shit

Anything else?
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4 Goddess Online, dummy
Gonna need a big boot.
im going to give it a try the grind is hard im hopeing my pergerterd legusy thing helps with evey one staring back at 0 may be it will be fun finding a playerbace ?
Male thief
Revamped Guild Hideout war, revamped Arad Explorer Club/Mercenary System, the recycled chink dungeons at Joah Ferrero, and Luke Raid
Ok, I'm bored of Eden Eternal. What's next?
loli dfo
DFO only has one loli, and she's a shit.
how can anyone stand to play these shitty chink games?
Because they're better than western garbage.
All 2 of them.
>forgetting creature
i'm missing fstriker
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Only the most important update of them all.
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I want to violate F.Priest.
i want to make fmages with elesis!
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>learning jap for wank purposes
I want a jap style bathroom though. All the room is actually one big steamy shower room, and the tube is just for relaxation, sounds nice. People here mostly 2fat to have anything but a shower cabin
Cause we take our shoes off in our house
Well when the people of the country are all gone in 50 years you can go get one.
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that F.mage.
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is it true is this where DFO is now?didnt think the game would die again dam
It died because it wasn't better than last year. It'll revived when F Priests are released for a week
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Man vg is moving fast today.
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>other general died while I was cooking

Shit, I couldn't save therm
>other thread is ded
this one is next
I'm just about to log into mabinogi. Fun times ahead to prepare before they update tomorrow.
New story stuff.
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Which fmages are the strongest and are future proof? I fell for the elementalist meme and now I'm suffering for it.
So excited.
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Chaser build or physical? It's been a while since I've played.
Same here.
I'm sort of hoping for a few new events to go along with it. Makes it easier on the funds when you can afford all the stuff that's introduced though event item selling.

New storyline is always great for it.
>using that name

rip in piece
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Independent damage is still better than phys, but there's no longer any difference as far as skill builds go (unless you're using chrons). You max all chasers and chaser-related skills, then choose 1 or 2 cubes to not max.

Don't believe that they're future proof, though. No class in the game is future proof except maybe sader. BM is certainly in a good spot at the moment, but so were eles, summoners, rangers, vagabonds, etc. once upon a time.
Is there a DFO guild? I'm completely new to the game
NEET. NFA might still be alive, but I wouldn't know.
its already dead
nfa still exists
it's kinda empty though, as far as i can tell
You are so fucking stupid, how do you not get it through your tiny brain what keywords the bot is checking for?
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Hello. I am currently having an issue with M Priest Crusader. It would seem that I cannot use some of his buff skills, such as Divine Invocation, even when I have the required amount of Clear Cube Fragments. I don't know why I cannot use them. Pls help. It seems to be after I level so many skills, and can only use them if I reset all my skills? My partner had a look at them too, and couldn't work it out? ;-;
Buffs being affected; Strike, Wisdom Blessing, Blessing of Dawn, Divine Invocation.
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Take a look at your skills again and read them very closely
>already infected
Why does this seem like a copypasta?
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Thoughts on Kritika? Will it have enough of a community to sustain its own general?
It's shit.
I like it because it really reminds me of ps2 era games for some reason but it certainly won't have enough players to sustain a general.
whens summer dnf festival
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Maximum honking.gif
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I want F.Priest right now!
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kill yourself
Tower rework is already here. 3-6 account wide entrances a day depending on your explorer level and 75-85 weapon type pots of your choice
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>pots are still not account bound
>pots still cost 5m to open
nice """rework""""
Not being account bound is a pain in the ass, though
Thats 1.3m more than what the item in the pot is worth.
If you've been picking up all of your gold, you wouldn't have gold problems.
>haha if you dont like throwing money away you are poor xD
Fun classes and PvP, everything else kinda sucked. Will probably level up one character to enjoy some PvP occasionally
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card boxes or bead boxes with weekly tokens?
I will make another one this Friday, assuming that other m m o thread that was created today fell off or spammed to death
Oh it fell quickly. And one of my post was mistaken for the bot
Elesis is shit though.
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You never showed up at the swings, faggot.
What's the matter, scared?
I was busy sleeping.
Nice excuse, punk.
Who is the cutest Elsword and why is it Eve?
i pick up all my gold and am still poor
that's mostly due to not playing, though
Who else is playing NosTale?
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dat fang.png
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Tell me what the game that is the least dead? I want to play one of these again.
remove fang
please thanks
Card Boxes if you want a shot at valuable cards. Bead Boxes if you want a shot at decent enchants although all beads that come from Bead Boxes aren't upgraded at all and can't be upgraded.
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You fucking monster.
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Lets play a game together!
Please play NosTale with me.
Have 10 characters do the challenge each day. You'll be able to buy your 5 cards and 1 bead each day, and have some leftover for other things thanks to weekend bonuses.
a-are you a semen demon?
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I will try it out for you anon

I wish I was a /fit/ ojousama
>zero fmages in central park
shut this shitty game down gooks
I don't need to visit that shitty place because I have my own ele gf.
pedos please leave
>being a fag
The only fags here are the ones flirting with other men in MMOs
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Confirmed girl, I skyped with her and everything. All I need to do is get that cunny.
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you meant:
Who is the cutest Elsword and why is it Ara
She's fucking garbage though.
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literally me.webm
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What's the most shit game and why is it Elsword?
Fug, I just wanna play Latale, I guess I'm down for nostale..
Because Koreans have no shame.
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Only two more weeks

>only two more weeks
you could always play another mmo on the meantime. join eden like all the anons here
no play dfo and by my fmage gf
Holy fuck, what ever I do, it is not gonna involve playing nostale. Shit is slow as hell.
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why is latales ost so fucking good holy shit

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tfw I will never eat some shitty fast food with reviewbrah
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>cutest Elsword
But that's not Rena.
Elves are shit.
Nothing but cumdumps for anything with a dick.
Including animals?
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>Nothing but cumdumps for anything with a dick.
Believe it or not I'm a girl.
a n y t h i n g
what does that have to do with anything
I require picture for proof
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You said they're cumdumps for anything with a dick.
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Because they are, you being a "girl" doesn't change that fact.
You'd probably join an elves degeneracy.
I would, they know how to have fun unlike you.
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>still trash avatar selection in the shop
fuck off nipple your dressup options are wanting
You're aware that fangs irl are crooked teeth?
Elesis isn't real life, sadly.
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The gookjews don't do more always available avatars because despite how much people bitch about the lack of avas they still throw their wallets at any limited time promotion avatars they throw out. No need to change what's not broken goy
Guys, NosTale sucks.
it feels clunkier than some games from the late 90s
Yeah, moving is slow as fuck and combat feels autonomous.
I think I'll go back to EE and continue to wait for LaTale.
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hello kitty.jpg
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Why aren't you guys talking about the best anime mmo out there?
I'm not manly enough for this.
I'm too gay for this.
>wanting an ele gf
>wanting a gf
What mmo let's me do the odyssey?

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I just want a comfy MMO to play after a long day of wagecucking. Why is everything so shit?
come play revo with me
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or Kaiser
just play novaroo with /rog/
>private server
well aren't you new
it's like saying ew books sitting in a log house situated somewhere in warmer parts of Antarctica
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I like it when my mounts have butts.
Should I be using the cat pet in EE all the time?

I whipped it out for a second but it was insanely strong, so I thought maybe I should save it for later.
It's permanent, so why not?
You get pet food for free by doing PoD.
>why not?
Getting pet food is annoying...

What's PoD, a high level dungeon?
Path of Destiny.
If you didn't change the keys press 'P' and it's one of the tabs.
Oh! Thanks, that makes it a little easier then.
You have to land on the brown squares, the Treasure Hunting - Unexpected Gains to get them.
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Can you not post things like that.
>Elsword sacrifices himself at the end of the game

Is this the end of it?
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Japanese are not afraid of butts, they think it's cute (busu kawaii esthetic)
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Elesis 5.png
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Now Elesis is the leader!
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Who in here still playing Elsword? Which server?

And of course, who's the best girl?
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Play Eden Eternal with us! It's fun!
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anyone still playing dfo?
Fuck no.
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How would you fix dfo pvp so it encourages new players to join instead of catering to the old players?
Remove it, because PvP is garbage.
No gear, heavier gravity
ping lol
Elesis is shit though.
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I'm getting so sick of your shit.
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gotta fight the autismo with another autismo
FMage Ele > Elesis
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dfo! bloodboy! main!
you already have your three gays, why are you still posting
Not until f priests are out
>already tried everything in the Pastebin and didn't like any of the games
The fuck do I do now?
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streets and sheets.jpg
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F . P R I E S T !
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>the Rusty Hearts private server forces you to donate just to try the beta
Watch them have a P2W cash shop and die a year or two after they have a public release.
PoE makes you pay to play betas and they're still in business.
At least PoE is actually out and playable.
How do hearts rust?
I dunno, they keep nerfing shit the way they are and it might not be so "playable" soon.
Not sure how would that help finding a game that's actually fun to me
allow 2a skills and chron effects to make it completely broken like mvc
that would work if marvel wasn't the worst fighting game ever made
So what's the latest weeaboo shit I can play to keep away my crippling depression and self-loathing ?
That trash smash brothers is the worst fighting game ever made.
melee's meta is less stale than marvel 3 lmao
You haven't played many fighting games if you think this
>subhuman nintendo cock sucker is wrong

Imagine that.
smash isn't a fighting game
What should I do with junk gear in EE? Sell to vendor? I don't see a grinder/disassemble system.

Should I be doing the Party quests? I've been skipping them since they involve parties.

And when do I start seeing other players in the field?
Vendor them. Even blue and purple ones. The only equipment you need will be the Temple Knight set then work on your Awakening set.

No, unless you can find a party.

Usually never. Everyone is doing dungeons unless they're doing world bosses.

Also, where do I get Dank Scrolls? I've had this quest since level 10 but it doesn't say where they drop.
Cash shop only.
You get a free one per account.
Then open the item mall window, it should be there.
Huh, never would have guessed. Thanks!
I think you only get costumes at certain levels, and not even the good ones. It's the shitty green costumes.
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is shit.
But she's cute.
C U T E !
I'm out of paper
what do
>pvp in a pve game
omg )lol )
Have you tried getting more paper?
what are you using the paper for?
I want you all to know that BloodBoy is my main.
so what's it like being more useless than both elesis and an elementalist?
why are you so mad about new classes pmshomo
I was not aware that a new version of Rusty hearts are coming out, any release date?

I really enjoyed playing the old one.
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Can I get some screenshots of you guys actually playing MMOs?

It should be more common to see people playing video games like DFO or whatever in here.
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I don't want to get bullied
Who would bully you? No one seems to mind our Mabi/EE players
dfo has a very strong stalking/harassing culture so nobody posts any of their characters in fear of becoming a meme
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This game sucks.

how will pvpniggies ever recover?
is that nostale?
what's good/bad about it?
Controls are clunky.
They gave everyone a free mount so moving around is much faster but combat is still boring.
What would safe DFO more, deleting minigame or deleting lancer?
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Okay EMPHomo.
Do I just follow my quests forever in this game?
Pretty much, yeah. You'll reach level ~80 after finishing act 1.
Level cap is 99
i wish more games had machine gun damage roll classes like RO. ToS was a supreme letdown because it never added this
Nobody likes Kritika
>Rusty Heart
Ah, that game that died some time ago.
What? Where?
A private server that you have to pay to get in because it's still in beta
is this mmog?

why'd the name change?
No it isn't.
Fuck that. Also, what the fuck is this general and why have I never heard of it until today?

Is this /mmog/ in secret?
>Okay EMPHomo.
Confirmed /dfog/ and /mmog/
we got nuked
No, this existed first (with an o after mm; look in the archives and you'll see). Someone decided it was too ded so they removed the a and let every mmo in. Then we were spammed so we put the a back in and cut off everything that isn't anime.
try making mmog yourself and see what happens to the thread
thank rat fuckers
They'll eventually raid this general. I mean I already see stuff from that general here simply by Ctrl+F'ing.

To be honest, I never liked /mmog/. It's filled with a bunch of poorfags on toasters (not even Core2Duo) that can only play MMOs from 10 years ago, hate on every single MMO that releases today, and constantly shills some card game.
>blaming pedos when it's the furs and one plant that triggered autismageddon
P.S. Fuck off unless you're here to talk about anime, no one wants to play EQ, UO or other even worse shit
"They" don't really belong here and if they raid this general, they might as well raid /vg/ as a whole. All we could do is make it so they don't have a leg to stand on to raid this general, not like that could actually stop them. Sorry to all other non-anime mmos that "that" game ruined it for everyone else.
I'm looking at the official NosTale cash shop and a pet BOX is $25. It's random too.
There's also a bundle for $999.
I'm glad a private server came out.
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where do I use those special points on nostale?
When you run out of SP from using your specialization.
Is there a way to take screenshots in EE without the UI showing?
From what I know of what happened "they" were helpless to stop the autism nukes since day one. Don't blame the victims anon, makes us all seem like rude assholes. Sure "their" general looked like a cancerous turd but can we really blame anyone for being a constant target to that spam? Seems wrong. Imagine if you couldn't talk about your favorite MMO on this board or website anymore because of a couple of furshit spammers.
When I say they in that context, I meant the cancerous part. I had no problems with others who just wanted to talk about their game.
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Hello from Vileshark HQ! I got a bunch of vanity stuff but it looks so cliche.
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From the dank scroll? Yeah, it's shit.
Just buy the costumes in the AH.
Also get a 2nd pet. The pray option gives buffs.
>Imagine if you couldn't talk about your favorite MMO on this board or website anymore because of a couple of furshit spammers.
It was literally all of them every single day hating on every MMO.

if its a v83 server, don't bother
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>Just buy the costumes in the AH.
>Also get a 2nd pet.
Are these expensive to get? Usually I ignore pets and vanity until endgame.
I kept the hat.
can I see your pantie
you don't even play
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Should I save up points for some reason or do I just learn everything?
>that chat
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>tfw extended maintenance for mabinogi
How will I cope?
With patience. Surely the events to go with the content update will be worth waiting for, especially if they work.
I'm definitely looking forward to the update.
Don't die
wow engineer is kind of ridiculous for AoE farming, who thought making a high damage instant cast ranged AoE was a good idea? all the other ones are melee with long cooldowns or with cast times
Game is up. Events are basically staying logged in. Gold boxes are worth it, but other things are meh.
You have acquired <Ostrich> state.
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How relevant is a support class in EE?
Also, how do I get over the outdated ugly UI?
Pretty sure it's necessary for the harder dungeons and you don't, every single x-legend game has a shitty UI.
if I die before latale someone make a second account and play it for me
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no worries senpaitachi, i'll name my bot after you
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tfw too retarded for macros clickers
the suffering
Is there an EE guild?
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>meanwhile gold buyers have max money and don't care
I also don't care because it's mainly Alexina fix
still pretty happy for the fuckers
Not yet, we only have three high activity players and two low levels
DFO daughteru is in another game?
they're everywhere, you should play more anime games
what's wrong with EE's UI? once you move everything around and change the color i think it looks about as pleasing as every other game
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One shitty MMO is enough for me.
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Can't beat the Miko. Well, you could, but that would be mean.
she looks drunk
and what's she doing with those beads
How expensive are dyes in EE?
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All those a shits.
Isn't the third one the same one from yesterday
rude ;_;
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>wake up
>play old games all day
>take a break
>turn off pc
>try to relax

>urge to go back and keep playing shitty anime games returns
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If you play Kritika with me I'll may sure you enjoy yourself as well as becoming my waifu and sex slave
Oh. Knowledge Points are permanent.

I hope I didn't fuck up.
>stylish combo anon is also an erp idiot
this does not surprise me. sorry, not interested.
I'm only kidding you fucking faggot.

But you should play Kritika at least.
no. im onto you...
Nobody wants to play that dog shit game.
Kritika is the kind of game that makes X-Legend products look polished in comparison.
Can I get some confirmation on this list?

Good games:
Eden Eternal

Bad games:
They are equally shit
dfo is not equally shit
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No seriously, I have never ERP'd in a MMO because 1, I barely play MMOs and 2, I usually don't hang with the 4chan crowd in MMOs I play because too much drama. But for Kritika... I actually want to start a Guild because I love the game.

What do you play? I'm pretty sure it's nothing with as much depth as Kritika. I'm pretty sure you're playing one of those 'stand in one place and watch the same animation over and over' MMOs because Kritika and the others that try to skill based combat are far too much for someone like yourselves. It's like... if something doesn't focus on super duper graphics it's bad. I fucking hate you cancers. You're the same people that hate literally any kind of PvP in any game. You play MMOs for the friendship and faggotory that comes with it. Nothing more.

I literally play Kritika because I'm staving for more action games. Nothing more, nothing less. For example; E3 is going on right now and there are only two games I liked.

Dragonball Fighter Z which is a ArcSys fighting game meaning it's going to have a lot of depth and DBZ fans are going to get bodied by fighting game players and drop the game fast as fuck because they suck.

Project Shift which is a 2D action game. Again hungry as fuck for stylish game and this looks sick.

Everything else fucking sucked, takes literally no skill, cinematic experiences and I bet you love those types of games. Fucking casual shitters.
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Just play fighting games if you want that, Kritika is an awful PvP game with awful tiers, if you don't think that now you'll think that once Eclaire and Alice pet are on live servers.
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>reddit spacing
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I'm actually Tidus laughing at you.
p.s. Kritika PvE is a fucking joke, break bars and immunities with action combat are nothing new
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what should I play
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play dfo with me
DFO, NovaRO, EE, try Kritika if you liked Dragon Nest
Skip NosTale
>there are people that cant do the shitty card event
omg lol
are you The PvP-chan?
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Why are you crying?

>Kritika is an awful PvP game with awful tiers
Everything is "awful" when you're shit at it. I
m not shit at Kritika like you though so it's been a fun experience in both PvE and PvP.

>Reddit spacing
>You're not allowed to space shit anymore on 4chan
Have a reddit account for two years now and not even 1 post has been made on it. And you still suck at games with depth.
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Yeah, that's what they used to call me.
>Everything is "awful" when you're shit at it.
You're a retard, you even have a fucking Reddit account.

You can't fix bad matchups by being good. You either need to be outright better by a huge margin, have unknown tech, or you have to get lucky and win that 20%; an 8-2 is always an 8-2.

Kritika's tiers won't go away or get better just because you like the game.

Good luck with your PvP guild, kid.
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>You can't fix bad matchups by being good
Literally every single fighting game in the history of video games.

Admit it, you're just bad.

And by the way, Eclair was nerfed to the ground so we won't even see that version of her based on the current build we're using.
Add SoulWorker to good games list.
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will I enjoy NovaRO if I have no prior experience with or nostalgia for Ragnarok
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>play Kazumi in Tekken 7
>6th worst character in the entire game based on top players in the wotld
>Got to Grand Master on day 1

>"I don't have any friends" the post
Probably not
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A loli making fun of you.jpg
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This shill is beyond pathetic.
No. RO is ridiculously awful.
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>tekken 7
it would be fine if his game was good, but trying to sell kritika pvp as high skill is flat out embarrassing. go play dfo if your want to poison a good game with lag and gear
Weakest comeback ever. And I bet you would never fight me in Kritika or Tekken because you're ASS at vidya.
make a room
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>see the nig is clearly losing
>checking future moves
>confirm he's lost
>look at his dead pieces
>the fucking king
Kritika CBT is over so you better be talking about Tekken, and on PSN, not some shitty PC player.
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>>Got to Grand Master on day 1
Watch out guys, he got to level 7 in one day!
I was hoping you killed yourself over not having anyone to retard vs retard with.
>Literally every single fighting game in the history of video games.
tell me more about how being good lets tager win against nu in bbct
Don't be mean, I like the P chan
You wouldn't even make it out of Kyu, lol.

And I'm currently Marauder and it's hard to find matches because there aren't many people that are sitting at Grand Master - Berserker. Everyone is still 1st Dan - Mentor and are playing with friends. On Day 1 at GM I couldn't even find a different opponent. It was literally the same people.

btw you on PSN? Fight me right now. And I'll stream for /ammg/ to watch.
stream Kritika instead and prove to us that it's a good game we should care about

you threatening to beat up on someone that doesn't have Tekken will prove nothing
CBT is over.
when is OBT?
>nigger playing chess
>already lost both his king and queen
he's using chess pieces to play checkers
sasuga tyrone
LoLi D.F.O!
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Based off of stalking their forums, looks like they'll stop around ~v40 (pirates were never, and will never be true adventurers)
Buggy as hell
bug bug...
>tfw no bible black MMO
>what is every korean mmo ever
rng dicks you around every corner
Pvp-tran pls be my gf
Elesis is the best!
The blue ones aren't that expensive. Like 500-2k gold.
Get a weapon costume first, then a back item.

You don't have to. Once you get your first specialization you wouldn't switch back to that job.
Their damage isn't that good actually.
Although their awakened class is broken as fuck.

Pretty expensive.

There's a reset. You can get them by buying Crystals and playing the RNG game. Or buy them in the AH for 200-300g.
Elesis is shit though.
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Fuck you.
You'll never get rid of me.
Tina will be released soon™ on the Closers private server apparently.
>finish daily stuff and hell farming in dfo
>day is practically over nothing to do
Downsides of being a neet are boredom and a empty life.
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is shit.
Joy needs are pretty unique and need some personalized research work being put in it, nobody really could help you with it
>work waaah
Maybe you are that grandpa type who feels good watching apple tree garden to grow how the fuck would anyone know.
A meme class
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This anon is cute!
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>tfw love guns in a nogunz country

Doomed to eternal boredom I guess.
Does S4 league still exist? I used to play it until it became 100% p2w and people started to hack with cheat engine
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Do we have a family in NosTale yet?
Walking mattress.
b my gf pls
is cosmic break still around? i played during beta and had fun then, but never heard about it since
fstriker buffs when
Did they tone down the experience you need to get from 80 to 85? It's way faster than I remember
im pretty sure they increased it at some point, the scenarios just give a ton
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I don't wanna play DFO alone.
DFO is a single player MMO though.
get a gf
What's a good pre-bb Maple pserver?
No Slimetales.
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i don't know
i'll play on whatever you play except spytales
i have been thinking of maplelegends, but the 2x is a major turnoff
Has Xyphos been burnt at the stake yet?
What does it feel to have an fmage gf?
like a criminal
that's hilarious
Why can't gooks get questing right?
It's always kill x or hunt x quests. There's no good quests anymore.
people cant read
>computer is so shit it has trouble running games made in 2000
i hate being a poorfag
i'll give u 600 dollas just to shut the hell up nigga
I don't remember a game that's had real questy-quests since FFXI
I only know one game with good quests.
It starts with Run- ends in -Escape
"Run 'sakexe.exe 1rag1' and in order to not close the game refrain from pressing Escape"?
Yes. That's because everyone quit. They got tired of Cyberjew.
you're not wrong though
Play NosTale.
It looks like shit.
Your face is shit.
Is russian server Dragonica any good?
Out of the 4 female slayers, which one is the best to use the golden capsule on?
it's Russian
the one with lots of purple stuff
I can play with you

Dark Templar
What's EE endgame like once I reach 90-99? Just 3man dungeons and sometimes world bosses?
Is bard good in EE? I've looked through the skills and the buff lasts like 10 seconds??? Who the fuck came up with that?
Bard can get permanent +40% move speed and gets good because of that, among other things.
I have a DT at 46, and an Fnen on 74, kind of tempted to use it on Fnen to unlock the flashy fuck off laser. Is DT that good?
DT has holds and stuff.
If your Nen is already 74 I see even less reason to not go DT and purp it up.
Fuck it I'll boost my DT, then. Thanks, anon.
is spiral knights any fun
just give me what you like and don't like about it
Fun combat, gearing up between tiers is not fun anymore.
How many people here actually play EE? Which server? I'm desperate.
There's the tiny one, the one with the XD face, uhh... someone named Lalas played for a little, maybe one more. They're on Vendetta EE private servers.
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We have a few players on Vendetta! Not everyone is high level though, I think only Ne is 93.

>the one with the XD face
My face is back to normal :)
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But your XD face was really cute (。>﹏<。)
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First time I've seen a world boss(?) in Eden. They don't give you much space to move around...
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Really stating the obvious there, aren't we Cirno?
Play DFO
Isn't play supposed to be fun?
...DFO is fun....
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What are some MMOs that have qt lolies that I can dress up in pretty clothes without paying billions?
I'm installing EE. Did I make the wrong choice?
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I want Redeemer to step on me and break every single bone in my body!
>le edgy scythe
Who came up with this shit?
>le sexy edgy whore
give me back my cute and pure grandis fpriest
>Elsword and Kritika
>bad games
>good game

Shit and pure bait list.
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Redeemer a slut, Seraphim is best F. Priest
There's a qt loli in SoulWorker and you don't need much to dress her up.
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im upset at you, but also a little disappointed in myself.
Kritika is a steaming pile of dog shit.
And please don't start your shilling again.

t. disgusting DFO player
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>loli angels
nipple knows whats up

DFO's skill based combat are far too much for someone like yourself. Everything is "awful" when you're shit at it. I'm not shit at DFO like you though so it's been a fun experience in both PvE and PvP.
Not a DFO player, but that game still looks like absolute crap.
Annnnd uninstalled.
how much did EME pay you to shill that steaming pile of dogshit
wow, that sounds just like /msg/ :)
Ask Ne what awakened Bard is good at when they wake up.
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Let's play EE!
Eden Eternal is fun! FUN!
No it isn't.
It's just a worse Aura Kingdom, or aura kingdom is a better EE.
AK doesn't have class switching, if you pick a bad class you are stuck with it forever.
why are there no Aura Kingdom players here if it's better than Twin Saga and Eden Eternal???
It use to have it's own general.
But Fishing kingdom died.
EE has the cutest alpacas! Let's play!
Soloing Fae for money.
DoD, you need a full party.
You can also do the achievements.
Then custom content:
DD, you can solo here but it's pretty fucking hard especially bosses.
4Trials, kinda like a buffed up version of above
Gear progression, it'll take a while to get end game gear.

I hear they're good. I never liked them though. The level 75 Awakened Guitar is really good though.

Yeah, you can never kite WB. They have magic spells that can reach a long distance.

Huh, what a weird bug. Can you check your character stats if it's not actually applying the KP? It might just be a text error.

Battlefield Poet. I never really used Life Worshiper.

Best mount.
So, do any of you actually play games together without being on some fag shit?

Correction: Do the /ammg/ anons (not /mmog/) play any games together? /mmog/ anons are faggots and poor. Poorfags.
>Huh, what a weird bug. Can you check your character stats if it's not actually applying the KP? It might just be a text error.
Looks perfectly normal to me. It's just misleading that the 20% is not a flat +20% but rather 20% of the 10%.
I said not /mmog/.

Fuck off faggot.
Actually, you're right.
they called my game shit
>Can you check your character stats if it's not actually applying the KP?
I can check, but I think the problem is that it's a multiplicative bonus instead of an additive bonus (applying 120% of a 10% bonus is 12%, not 30%)
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Kritika is shit though
Not as shit as Elesis, sure, but still shit
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What do you play?

I bet it's a 'stand in one spot and watch the same shitty sword swing or spell casting animation. I can't believe people actually find this form of video game entertaining.
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I play DFO. I'd challenge you to a 1v1 but I already know you're a no-name scrub that thinks 7th Dan is a high rank.
>I play DFO.
stopped reading there
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>He plays DFO

Fucking great! You just tried to down me without realizing I too play DFO as I have said it in the past many times, and now I'm going to body your ass in front of /ammg/

Post your name and I'll setup my stream for /ammg/

We play Eden Eternal
>Talk shit as if he's godlike in DFO
>Hasn't replied to my post yet
>it's been over 10 minutes

I'm sitting here wondering what's taking this faggot so long.
>I play DFO
so what's it like to be constantly buttmad roid raging over ded weeb video games all the time?
What's it like not being able to have a thread to talk about how much you want to fuck rats?
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feels bad
Feels just like /mmog/
Fae, DD, Trials, DoD parties... doesn't sound like much. Is it fun?

Also, are there any benefits for playing with much lower level or higher level players?
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Anything that says Preview is not stuff you keep. You pick your race (Human, Bear, Frog, Rat, Chibi Human), face and stuff, and name.
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I think you miss my point.
Am I looking at his ass?
>actually falling for it

You got dodged
Sounds better than having no emotions at all
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>you can literally play as a trap
Why aren't you guys playing this already?
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>tfw all maple servers are shit
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Can you relax and just play video games without inserting your fetishes into it?
Post character and IGN so we can carry you tonight.
F . P R I E S T
Fae is pretty boring since you have to solo it to make money. You can party but you'll get significantly less. It's a grinding map for money.
DD is also a grinding map but for EXP. It's also the map to power level someone. So if you're strong enough you can sell DD runs instead to make money. No one parties here also except for bosses.
Trials and DoD parties are pretty fun. I've tried at least all the classes at least once because sometimes we don't have someone to BP. I haven't done Trials since I'm still below 95 though.

There's also a collection thing to do. Bosses drops trophies and you can collect them. It's fun with multiple people.
>we can carry you
Wouldn't that just defeat the purpose of playing in the first place? There's no point being high level if I don't know shit about the game.
No. It sucks.
Level 60 isn't a high level but I get your point.
Post character anyway.
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weebs ruined mmos
Japan literally invented MMOs, bow down to your overlords desu.
m ranger 1v1 only
Wheres that /mmog/ revival you talked about?
I'm waiting for Latale but looking at its gameplay, I doubt I can stick to it for even a day.
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Some anon tried. The bot immediately spammed it though.
I won't even last an hour
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Stop being so dead.
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I'm busy playing video games. Sorry.
I'm busy playing Warframe since Ne only plays EE in the middle of the night.
But I'm about to sleep
Is it bad to be an extreme carebear who hates anything to do with PVP or competition? I just want a comfy MMO to do some fun coop.
Anyone in the Playpark Luna CBT? How is it?
Yes, you should challenge yourself more often.
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But in most competitive games, I don't feel satisfied when I win but I feel like shit when I lose. So ultimately I only stand to lose.
People that play MMOs for pvp are more than likely shit at actual PvP games.

They need to play something grossly imbalanced and probably will use any P2W advantage, like in archeage.

Man Mabi was great, there is no MMO like it.
Not really unless you also don't like challenging pve content. MMO pvp is usually shit due to bad balance and gear dependency.
The few MMOs that separate gear from PvP always ends up dead. I don't understand why.
It's because what >>179935937 said is accurate.
And I double quoted the post I was trying to point out to you for some reason.
Because shitters like feeling superior to others, even if it means paying, and shitters are most of the players.
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don't be like thatt
be my gf
I wasn't asking
new to the general and it seems the majority of you seem to be playing DFO and EE atm?
I want to try EE, but in the OP's pastebin there's one from aeriagames and a private server? Which one are you all playing right now?
Only 3 people play EE. They're all in the private server.
A few people are also waiting for LaTale.
The sad part is that EE is still one of our more active games.
in general, if you have the choice between aeria and not-aeria, go for the latter
I-is this any good?
I haven't played Pokemon in years and a Pokemon MMO seems worth trying...
Is it still worth it to make a male mech for tempester assist?
Pokemon is such a shit series.
I honestly can't fathom why it's still around.
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We're on VendettaGN! Can't wait to meet you!
ign? i'll pm you or something so i can get started
also does this general have a discord?
Fuck off.
1-3 Katarina
4-6 Lux
7-9 Nidalee
0 Teemo
I bet she would play witch
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I'm playing it.
I'll be on in 3-4 hours.
If I'm not on then I might be playing something else. Just post here if you need help.
call it latale waiting room
Why does this general exist if all of these games are dead?

It that time again >>179950758
Personally I prefer it over the other alternatives because it is not a modification of a rom, rather built up from the ground up using it's own engine iirc. There's no breeding btw which I like, really disliked breeding system so I think there is another way of potentially raising your stats if you want to be competitive.
we're all addicts jonesing for our next hit of a shitty weeb mmo
>really disliked breeding system
I liked breeding though.
And there's no way of raising IV in the game, or changing nature. It's going to be all RNG, that's why I want breeding to be in the game.
Are they adding it?
Breeding? Nope. It's staying out of the game.
PlayTrickster with me!
>tfw shitty internet connection
>tfw shitty pc
you are telling me that I will have to catch the same pokemon over and over again just to get lucky?
Better than breeding desu
>tfw no F.Priest GF
why can't you just get a real gf
Because I want an F.Priest GF.
>30 rifts without a single ebin
fk nipple car juju
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dumb 2hu poster
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I'd say its up to you since they removed the assist system in KDNF with the arad explorer club revamp however DFOG isn't getting that for many more months.
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Stop making alts.
kinda wanna try out one of the new mmage classes though
No you don't.
you don't know me
I can't believe /dfog/ died when all of you are here constantly discussing the game. Weird.
>log onto LoL
>do daily missions
>log off
it's like i'm playing a real mmo
>don't spend any money
>get almost no tokens
>spend money
>roll in tokens you probably don't even need

Just like my MMOs.
2nd anniversary made people quit or take extended breaks
Its all just shitposting
when /dfog/ was up it took constant shitposts and image spam to keep it up
F . P R I E S T
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how do i make this shitty owl fuck off
pvp-tran pls be my gf
What does the revamp do?

Also is asura still an ok choice for a farming alt?
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>page 9
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Magic talent is kind of nice once you get the skills up high enough. At the start I could barly kill anything, now I'm 1 shoting boss level mobs. It's pretty sweet.
Takes too much AP.
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For me close combat ate up too much AP starting out but right now I have a little over 800 left, more if I reset my skills since I used them in alchemy and herb talents to get potion lore skill
Boys shouldn't wear dresses.
The revamp gives you more benefits for having a high level arad explorer club. Right now you only get some main stats + some exp but after the revamp you get even more main stats and the same exp boost plus some other stuff like higher chron set drop rate, more ancient quest mats per ancient run, a chance at more antonium/source of light drops, and more account entries for ToD/Anton Raid/etc. They also merged arad explorer club with the honor system (any honor you had before the patch gets converted) and the new cap is level 20 explorer. The mercenary system was also revamped and is now tied with your arad explorer club level on which areas you can deploy to but the rewards were changed as well.

Asura is still a really good farming alt.
what's the fucking point of upgrading the zombie count if I can do all the research on a single zombie?
you can't
Zombies have a max level
well then
I guess it's like 20 or so?
well go figure that i asked at 15, then
>having one maxed zombie when the event has been out for 4 days
if i wasn't a casual, i'd know this event's details given that it's run, what, three times now?
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Elves spend more ap on magic than Humans, at least for lightning bolt.
Thunder is the cheapest Advanced magic to learn, so Id say go for that if you can.
And as for magic, it is good fun.

How have you fared in the new content? I finished it in around 2 hours.
what a cute boy

>2 years ago
>until I was 23
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I need to firgure out a good skill setup, I just been placing anything in my hotkey bars.

>How have you fared in the new content?
Don't you need to be level 500 to do any of it? I'm nowhere close to that level so I haven't bothered.
>another ek player is a cake with a dusty barren womb
do I play mabinogi or dfo
there's going to be a burning crusade world of warcraft server up soon, wait for that
LoLi D.F.O!
I haven't played DFO since its original english nexon launch that died a long time ago but does the new relaunch have a stamina system or anything like that? That's like the only thing I cant stand in these games I can put up with most stuff besides that
If it does is it possible to just buy a 1 time pass or monthly sub to get past it or something?
I usually keep the pets on those sidebars, clicking to drop them is a bit faster.
Its hard to figure out an efficient way to get them good to go for how you fight.

And Im not sure about that level limit. I think its for everyone. Its definitely doable by everyone. Everything was super weak, save 2 enemies. The second title might be worth it, for the event.
If anything, give it a try, see if they give it to you. If not, then all you lost was some time on the walk.
still has a stamina system
bunch of ways to increase a character's daily stamina, but no way to make it unlimited
this is my favorite bait
red pill me on burning crusade wow
good game but full of elitist neckbeards and third world retards
it's like enjoying a piece of toast, but some faggot comes along and continues to slap his dick on your face while you're trying to eat
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Where's a good place for some DFO mods?
dfonexus and reddit!
Am I wrong in being intimidated by all of the fucking skills in DFO? I wanna play, but it looks like it actually might take skill.
EK players are always a lonely xmas cake.
Some classes do take comboing for their damage
but it's all mostly hotkeyed and easily done for most classes
depends on who you want to play
?? Dude, we can't all be skillful players. That's why DFO has such a low playerbase, too hard to get into , like fighting games.
look at all this skill
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQbUHLMRcpU [
dude that looks input intensive as fuck, look at some of those combos he's doing 441 hits holy shiitt!!! you say it doesnt take skill, but this is waaay harder than 99% of mmos. deal with it. Thanks for proving that DFO takes too much skill for me to play.
kritika sounds like the game for you then
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>I usually keep the pets on those sidebars, clicking to drop them is a bit faster.
Don't know why I haven't thought of doing thing sooner, this makes things a whole lot better for me now.

>And Im not sure about that level limit.
I went to bard camp earlier today and couldn't see the npc, I could see the quest marker though. So I assume most of the new content is only for lvl 500+.
cool, thanks.
Yeah, when you start, you talk to Yvona, then you have to go and see the sound. Theres a spot on the ground. You have to do it at night. Once its 8pm or later, click on the strange sound spot, then look by the shore and shes there.

Oh and hold the ALT key to see the spot on the ground more easily.
Are there any p2w elements in it? How is the monetization implemented in this game? Is it purely cosmetic?
why is the dfo community so unbelievably cancerous?
I only just started so I haven't looked at the Cash Shop extensively but from what I saw it's mounts, costumes and faster exp gain. There might have been an item that speed up EV training too but I'm not sure.
They're still nothing compared to the ratfuckers.
hi mauzel
>all these talks about DFO
Does any of you actually play together or is it just single player MMO?
I don't play I just shit post about f priest CONSTANTLY
I play with a friend
>castle nebulous boss just stands in the corner spitting petrify while being immune to anything that isn't grabs
what is this
I play with my penis.
That bug is still in? Well just grab him and don't let him get back up.
I don't have a grab skill though.
mauzel please add me as a friend

you are a cute elven knight
are the slimetales faggots gone ?
why would you do this?

yeah, was just having issues with the second part
Yup. They're all dead.
maaaaan that's like so last month's game
it's all about dfo now nigga you know what im sayinn hombreeee?
>struggling to clear through noire normal
fuck i forgot what it's like to not have gear
this kinda sucks
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I'd take a half decent one even personally
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define good
i want to fucking rip off satania's clothes and do her right on the floor raw
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Finally, this general will die. For good.
No, I'm going down with this ship.calle
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