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/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1540

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 784
Thread images: 243

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>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for May:
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray
5/10 - 5/15 - All Four Celestials
5/17 - 5/24 - Guild War (Light)
5/25 - 5/30 - Xeno Ifrit Showdown
5/25 - 5/30 - Hero's Return (Naoise event rerun)
5/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

5/6 - 5/15 - Free Memerolls
5/1 - 5/15 - Golden Week Special (Free Rolls, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread
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nth for water summer korwa
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Cog's feet!
thanks for baka dotards
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Best and cutest
in my mouth.
Can you impregnate Cagliostro?
Why is she so tiny?
>another 2 rusteds and finally horn
thanks fampais
What's a good benchmark power to fight a first GW character? Just waiting on Celestials for my gold brick now.
Co-op CE363

One hard stage stage 8 "Never give up!" and 4+ extra stage "Time of Judgement". Room has 3 bounty.
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Yes! Yuguyugu!

Power is misleading. You should never benchmark anything on it.
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thx for baha in prev thread, got me to rank 100
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Go away.
I'm referring to the number that shows up under your weapon grid but sure
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Just one more relic!
All up maybe 75-100 half pots spent
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What day should I scam gatcha?
Who should I ticket?
Me too!
Djeanne or Juliet
Are you a qt Djeeta?
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>the ending to Siete's lvl100 fate episode
My sides are out of this orbit.
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>host medusa hl for the first time
>lightlord elysian joins
>paralyzes medusa for 3 minutes around 70%
>raid goes very smoothly although i feel useless
Not sure what to feel right now.
9277285C Free Chevsword for anyone who helps with this HL
Ticket Gawain. Scam light.
Me too!!
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Backwater lad
Oh, you mean sheet damage. Not power as in the the thing clearly labeled power on your home page.
I'd say 30k is a safe bet.
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Let me get this straight, for a spark, you need 300 frags

Thats 30 ten rolls
Thats +-750 dollars?

If so, I'm gonna fucking do it, I'm going to spark mahira this month if the comes back. Most likely she'll come with a costume set so thats a bonus.

I need that cute animation of her in that tiny chicken coop

Cant wait to roll absolutely nothing while doing it too
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>enough angel fodder to level 3 weapons from lvl 40 to 150
>still have a lot left
It's a shame I won't be able to stock up before x-ifrit.

>calculators don't track the garrison skill
But I wanna meme
Okay, PM me on Discord! I'm waiting
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Give me your blue crystals or I'll haunt you and turn you to cinders.
>host medusa HL every day to uncap swords
>it always fails or some asscunt retreats before we get 6 people
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My wife.
Gawain isn't that much of an improvement over Yuisis though, is he?
23 more and I'll be free. Rev up those HL apollons
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Host ZOI
ID now!
They do different things, but Gawain is the safer pick with good damage and a 70% cut.
Reminder to report all erp shitposts
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what the fuck am I reading?
How can one boy be so best?
So did anyone here bother getting dark Katalina
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>3* my 5th chev sword 20 mins ago because I needed something to level
>get a sword flip
Only one way to find out.
But people said Medusa is easy now?
>host macula hl
>earth elysian joins and gets her to 60%
>no one else joins raid
Post it here and I'll debuff it with my water DF.
everything is hard in leechfest
how the fuck iam suppose to beat chapter 52!? that fuckin yggdrasil destroy me.
People also say they farmed xeno ifrit with sr teams
Athena room: 910a13d2

I wiped because I accidentally pressed auto before I had to do something and I have two leeches. Fresh room and Athena has TH7 on
Compared to before she is a fucking walk in the park.
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"But anon, Cog is not interested in the MC!"

Which is why when you add her to yout party she says "それじゃ団長さん、デートしようか!”

You are so full of shit, anon.
Yuisis for Substitute and damage during Starslayer.
Gawain for attack down and damage cut.

I rarely use Yuisis's Subtitute anyway, as I want people to hit Kurwa in the belly as much as possible, but it might be good with Siete.
cog getting fucked by thick doraf dicks while people stuff lit cigarettes into her skin = new asanagi doujin called alchemist's ashtray
>only have half that

Fuck. You can only use an elixir once, right?
Do people really start 6-mans without all 6 people?
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>tfw I worked my ass off just for this
It was all worth it. Follow your dreams, anons.
>he can't solo his hl's
I want to bring my Esser to 100, but slimeblasting is just too boring.
What is the little star with a number on it on quests supposed to signify? New to the game, sorry for the dumb question.
So which one is the wind boy in trial going to replace?
This thread can't even beat RQ.
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Before you ask; yes, I'm a homo.
The Chev mines experience.
What power rating (from the main page) you want to do the quest. Too bad it's useless and doesn't actually tell you if you can do the quest.
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Ganbare, anon. Using books is always an alternative.

If the trial character really is a boy, he'll just end up in the backrow or replace Gawain if I want to have him in my front row for a while. My main team will stay as lvl100 purely anyway.
a guy with a varuna got 2 last celestials from hosting ex++
how does this make you feel?
How is the Uno 5* progress?
>tfw no idea what's going on in chev HL

was fun anyway, babby's first chev HL complete!
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Nothing wrong with that, anon. I would be judgmental of you if you were on denial, like people who enjoy futanari.
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Why did they choose Randall?
Needed to include Feather's boyfriend.
>DAO flips literally three times in row
>three gold anima

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Who are the best SRs of each element? name one of each element
So you can see the pairings
He's a pretty cool guy.
When will they ever give him at least an SR though?
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Gotta fill the young lively boy requirement somehow.
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I'm 2 gold bars away from mine.
Nio was worth it.
>half of Silverwind Stretch is probably a 24/25, same with Akasha
>all of Nalhegrande so far is basically 21/22
>the PWR listing is almost always 23
Memes aside

how much better will my dark team be if I ticketed Vira?
I'm running D.Jeanne, Naru, Grey, with Vampy and Forte back line.
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Then good for him! Water is a fun element, and I hope to get a Durandal drop this coming RotB!
Pretty decent actually, this RotB will give me the rest of my Gold bars, and after that I'm going hardcore on this coming GW for two GW spears, followed by some grinding sessions for 200 of each regular quest material, some orbs, and some Omega drops!
The girls are also cute, Izmir is top tier mama despite me never using her on my teams over Silva

A lot better, veil is almost required for longer raids. She, Seox and Korwa are considered the best HL team in general.
Who do people pair Percy and Siegman with?
sr albert
story kat
>Only selfies axes and harps from chev all week
I'm going to be working on Nio next but I don't think I'm going to rush her just like I did with Siete. I'll just take my time with her but my preferred time to have her would be before the next Earth GW.

I wanna have fun with both wind GW 5* characters.
Fire: Sen
Water: Milleore
Earth: Jasmine
Wind: Sen
Light: Vermeil
Dark: Lucius
But I still need 3 mystical flames
Percy is MCsexual
Sieg is in Lan-chan's love triangle
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>tfw two sword flips from just natural EP regen
reminder for dummies like me who didn't/couldn't check in just now, spoof to osaka for check in!
>not Jamil
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Sen, summer Kat, Jamil, Meteon, SR Albert, Elize
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Tell me I made the right choice /gbfg/.

Now I have all 3 sisters
>not Gayne
Sorry! But thanks for the help.
He still treats Djeeta like shit though.
To be fair, Earth, Light and Fire probably have the best array of SRs.
>Sieg is in Lan-chan's love triangle
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no, you don't have cog yet
>not Airi
Fire: Cucouroux
Water: Lamretta
Earth: Lamretta
Wind: Gobu
Light: Dooky
Dark: Danua
jasmine is objectively the best dirt SR and if by damage we go, Jamil got replaced by SR Herja, she has stackable attack both on skill and ougi and BA every 5 turns compared to jamil's 8 turn cd
Cammieux cheering for her sisters is the cutest thing ever. Congratulations.
Aren't axes legit for a water grid though?
you can't suprise ticket baha right
Anybody have the vid of the 100k hp water build with silva and uno
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Should read his event.
Yea, her ougi with skills up hits really, really hard.
>Tia flips
>Another axe
Fuck this shit. Bright side is I just fully uncapped my Anat.
Post more gw 5* teams
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Yes, I have read it. He is not completely tsun, I know.
>spend 1200 seeds and get 2 swords
>someone in guild has gotten 6 swords with less than half the seeds
Chev is a cruel mistress.
Something tells me he's not there to improve his water grid.
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>I wanna have fun with both wind GW 5* characters.

I was planning to get Siete 5* first (mostly because he was my first GW character) but my lack of buffer made me choose Nio. The results were beyond my expectations, no regrets.

Now the waiting game begins.
>try to use siero to check on compass
>point my cellphone down while i try to get another picture
>app scans my keyboard and i get the week's points
This app is real fucking shit
I myself am in the chev mines for axes, bolts and swords. There's really no point to trying to force chev to drop any one item. Just flips are amazing in and of itself.
New zeniths when? Support skills for the other batch of characters when?
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ya did good kid
Before summer
Before summer
We hope you continue to enjoy Granblue Fantasy
He can't keep getting away with this.
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Djeeta reaction to that is pretty cute.
where do i farm the raw gemstones outside of event boxes?
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the droprate is so shit, you might as well not bother
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What the fuck am i doing wrong? I know i still need to MLB all my guns and awaken that dagger but what do i feel like i still do shit all for damage?
IS there something wrong with my team or grid?

It feels like my crew members just do so much more damage than i do. Even another light main who has a much worse grid but has lucio seems to out damage me or get close. And the one or two dark mains in my crew just shit on my damage?

Like what the actual fuck i like this game but i'm getting so annoyed with my how little damage i do.
Bai Ze
Groz Island, and it's painful. I've been grinding for 4 hours and I only got 5 gems. Only need 4 more, though.
You don't. Next time empty more than 4 boxes.
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Good luck, anon. I should be starting right now with the relic farm for Nio harp again but both my laziness and the need to farm other stuff this magnafest is just preventing me from doing so. I should definitely try to get the relics before I regret it after this half off.

It's gonna be painful to do this all over again but I don't mind, everything for Nio-chan. I also want to do Six after Nio, I just really want to 5* my favorite GWs.
how are you going to attack without any attackers?
I thought the grind was bad before I discovered AHell
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but the event is still going
What >>176047931 said. I'm running a shitter grid and Lucio still pretty much carries the show.
slvl baha, mlb all your guns, replace bow with cosmos gun
>but has lucio
There you have it
Not for you sandy
What do you consider low damage?
I have a very similar grid, but use Rosamia and Lucio instead of Ferry and Amira.

Just for a comparison, I can get omega boat to 50% by 1:27 or 1:28. In raids, Lucio hits for anywhere from 150 to 200k and Rosamia and Song regularly hit from 130-150k.
I'm not sure if that's good, but it doesn't feel weak.
ferry is shit outside of at memes and finished grids
I hope you didn't get memed on into ticketing her
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I suppose I could add Stan to add to my group of edgelords and their capes, but I cannot replace Vampy for any reason.
Play Elysian
Your pool doesn't even break 20k attack, you've got no 4* guns and Heles is in the backrow.
Should I make six or siete as my first gw character

I'm 107 and haven't made one yet because I don't really like them
wheres alberto
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There's your problem.
But the only edgelord there is Apollo
anyone down for slimes?
do you have male vampy?
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I got 3 harp and 2 sword flips so it was kinda ok. I'm not sure if I want to do it now or wait for another half AP for my next one.
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I don't have him... SSR I mean
What affects class mastering? Exp or rp?
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You luckfag. Good luck with Siete 5* but at the same time, prepare to die.
Claws or Axes
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Post music, /gbfg/!

No, I am not interested on that kind of vamp(male).
>dao keeps giving me cortanas
>I have no hades
As expected from a giant nerd
>Aoidos's 2nd fate
Event when?
Grinding new year's event was extremely bearable thanks to the amazing music.

I used a jar of sliced pickles this week, and sips playing skyrim the week before that.
Go away, Siete.
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>Lucio hits for anywhere from 150 to 200k and Rosamia and Song regularly hit from 130-150k.
>tfw 6 mlb snek daggers
>still struggle to make mc hit for 100k
SRW V stuff.
Right now, this.
Is whale water top tier now? Are normal fire and light currently the most cucked elements?
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newer dark player here, I just got my first weapon drop from celeste, the ssr spear. am I supposed to use it as mainhand or what
Unlike Vampy, Veight is more danchousexual than her and willingly treat you with expensive cuisine during your birthday.
Placeholder until you get claws or axes
Well I can't speak for viability, but fire is fine because they have titty monsters.
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>Main wheel elements can do this
>Yet people play light
My man.
My only other light SSR is De La Fille, I have SR Feather should I be running him in my frontline? That's the closest i'm gonna get to having a light attacker.

After debuffs and such each char hits between 50k-70k on light Bahas they get up to 100k.
Why are spears better than axes?
>has to use the 3 enemy trial because of the garbage wind bonito
that's pretty baller
the magisa doujin was the best shit I've seen in a long long while
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I just have 1 quest left if anyone is nice enough to help a newshitter out right quick.

because they look closer to guns
What do you mean by whale? Theres your average varuna whale and then there's your 5 4* murglaeis whale
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Grani is a good girl
Why wouldn't you play light in the rainbow meta? Don't you have a pool for every element?
fuck off, light is doing fine.
you don't know suffering like >>176048641
It's a good placegholder.
>Main wheel elements can do this

Just requires ideal conditions.
>expecting esports shitters to have completed even a single pool
Yeah but that doesn't stop light from being the shittiest element.

Light can't do it at all.
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That's Anat, anon.
look harder retard
All I see is Korwa being a broken piece of shit
>cherrypicked wind bonito with sleeping enemies, korwa and 10 turn skill
Over before I could blink haha.

0 points still counts apparently.
The shittiest element at what? Doing dark raids? You're not making any sense.
>he's blind
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>those transitions
How did you find your waifu or husbando, I'm not judging, /gbfg/?
another bumbling blind retard
125~ runs of omega
3 selfies
1 weapon

is this bad luck or just normal
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Well then the one difference I can think of is the cosmos gun.
Testing in trial, MC hits for 120k with debuffs and buffs, same with Song (no crits). I remember my damage going up a fair bit when I got it.
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My kind of book.
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Bullied her until I loved her.
>60 Tia runs
>8 selfies
>3 axes
>1 spear
>1 fist
>0 (zero) guns
It's some kind of luck, let me tell you that much.
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>Lightfags mad wind is better
>Meanwhile tia drops guns like candy but they have to slave in the chev mines
Picked up GBF, pulled her from the gacha, fell in love with her affinity for headpats. best girl.
>cosmo gun with only 5 guns
I really want to wind but I only have Carmelina.
Is she even good?
Should I replace Ferry with Feather? That's the best i can do as far as light attackers go lol. And from i understand Ferry isn't got tier till you're hitting cap with autos.
>cosmos on 4 lb*0 guns
What can I use for my dark backrow if I don't have Forte or Black Knight?

doubles for windroaching and titan
i havent completed a single pool because I start on one, then I end up pulling a cute girl in another element and I'll start working on that so i can use her, and so it keeps going.
Sorry again. I thought it was a hard (those have more HP) and used the TH skill that also does damage.

I have at least a 3* pool for all elements.

You are also skipping out on the fact that wind can't do consistent damage, its a comatose target and its on element while you are shitposting with my webm.
>thinking lightfags haven't completed their wind pool
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Do you remember the rigged 10 draw last year when you started? Not Walder's, but the one that always gave 1 R Character and 1 SR characterless weapon? That's where I found her.
Does Oliver replica have the same drop boost as the SSR version?
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Help skill my waifu. Should I put a point in each crit?
We have a strict no homos allowed policy in this general.

>My only other light SSR is De La Fille, I have SR Feather should I be running him in my frontline? That's the closest i'm gonna get to having a light attacker.

Dude you HAVE S.Heles. Put her in the front. Switch her with Song. She's a really good light attacker and hits hard with ferry buffs during OD.

Song is better for mainly as a paralyze bot and against dark fights with her crit buffs shine..

Also awaken that dagger asap.
>implying my max level luck isn't affecting Chev
Funnily enough, I've dropped my 6th gun before even getting a 3* Chev summon.
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>Buy suptix yesterday
>Asked gbfb if I should ticket D.jeanne or Vania since I couldn't decide between esports and dickpick
>Ended up ticketing DJeane
>Accidentally used the 10 roll ticket today
>Get this
I feel like I'll get runover by a car if I leave my house. I'll have no luck for the rest of the year
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>tfw completed my wind pool a year ago but can't use it anywhere because backwater is garbage without Zoi
When will my chocolate goddess come to me?
That doesn't change the fact that light can't do that even in ideal conditions.
Nice, anon.
If you want to assist her kit, Charge Bar and Debuff Success Rate. If you want esports/on-element memes, 2 points in each DA node and 2~3 in each Crit node.
is it worth using my silver moons to buy bp
>tfw want cosmo sword for skin
AT never ends when you're using Altair and Rirurun
She was my first female SSR from the gacha and the one who guided me along the road of earthlords. I still use her today even when I'm way past the point where she is useful.
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Before I started GBF, I looked into the JP wiki for the various characters that were in the game just to see which ones picked my interest. I found Birdman to be pretty cool and I had an interest in starting Wind so I decided to reroll an account just to get him. I got him on my second reroll and I was pretty glad about it.

His fates and his personality all made me happy and I got attached to him. He also helped me a lot earlygame so he's the most special to me. I also want him to fuck me harder than anything in this world.
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Do I pick Altair, Korwa or Percy?
same anon same
You want to max the crits.
>Light can't showboat for muh big numbers in trial battle

Who cares.
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My waifu.png
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She guided me to where I am now. Never would've gotten progress without her. Blessed my rolls during the 10rolls too.
Altair. Your fire team is already pretty strong.
One day I'll write you a Birdman fapfic. Maybe on your birthday.
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>using vira's mist ever
>needing charge bar
Good taste, anon.
Yeah dude you sure showed me with those zeniths lmao
>tfw 2 people in my crew got gold moons for characters they just ticketed.
Reminder to never buy scam gacha.
I know what you mean. I've had no luck on any of my free rolls through the anniversary or golden week, but yesterday I got 2 chev guns, 2 snek daggers, 1 snek spear in red boxes only, and I flipped 1 celeste axe in just yesterday alone. No selfies or SSRs all magnafes either. Just consider it a gift from RNG and assume more lucky things won't happen.

this one >>176050343 is good
how important is Seox for S.Zoi dark magna grids?
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Trial fragments were a bitch to farm but it was worth it just to see Gabu's smile in the end.
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P-Please don't.
I saw a YouTube video on my recommended videos and it was a GBF video showcasing Siete and I thought he looked pretty cool and I looked him up on the wiki and Fell in love with his design and smug grin
Thanks anon, think i'll mess with my teams. I've also got Korwa so i might just try Amira/Korwa/S.Heles and if that doesn't work out i'll just go back to Amira/Ferry/S.Heles.

Thanks for helping a shitter at this game be a little less shit.
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>Ticketing before free rolls end
>Ticketing at the earliest possible moment when you plan to buy a scam gacha in the future
They deserve it.
Someone that you actually have. We don't actually know who that is though.
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>not using her mist
>3 individual DAs
nigga what
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This is why i like leeching Chev HL
Six is pretty anti-enmity.
Why not?
so just pick a gw character that i want?
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>lyria has flip flops in the anime
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So what's the best team I can make?
Also, what classes should I be aiming to get? I've only unlocked Dark Fencer and Sidewinder.
Please be gentle, I'm only 55.
Build Six for the fights you don't want to use joey in.
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Gabu's smile is a miracle of the universe.
Please respond!
What If I don't have jewy
Anytime anon
What's the easiest way for a new(rank 41) player to get supreme merits? My SSRs are starting to cap out.
Thanks anon.
Find out when the yen to (your currency )is the best
I suppose that with a ticket I can not get SR characters of past events ...eh? yeah, it would be a terrible way to waste a ticket, but I'm really mad to have missed Lyria.
Leech Zois and Bahas
Leech Bahamuts.
I'm not entirely fond of fapfics and I'd die if I had something like that be given to me on my birthday.
Djannu Vampy Vira is good for non-limited/Six dark. Consider working on Six to eventually replace Vampy though.
What jobs and mainhands do I use for a Gawain/Lecia/Korwa team?
where can I get green scales?
Leeching and events.
for classes you kinda just level the rest, holy saber/bishop notable for raids, hermit for damage, hawkeye for jewing drops
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>no cuc cameo

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Oh well.
Use Choke next time
Rush to rank 50 so you can do bahas.
we need a sage
Am I the only sane person here who thinks star premiums should GUARANTEE an SSR from the rate up items?

Am I the only one who thinks that good summons like agni etc having less than half the pull rate of other summons is incredibly disgusting?
Remember to cap your prestige if you haven't, you have only 30 minutes left to do so.
Looks like both raids require rank 50 to leech. >>176051326
Will do, thanks for the help anons.
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Anon it's Saturday.
>am i the only person having reasonable assumptions about stuff
No, no you are not.
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So I guess this is where the memes come from.
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Maybe I'll make an exception, feel free to do it for my birthday.
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Pick Aliza for triple cow frontline
It's Sunday morning
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30 minutes and 24 hours.
Is water Asparagus any good?
Best dad.
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Sure. I like ass burgers smile so it's good.
Did you read what you can get from Cagliostro's drawbox?
Just beat chapter 63, Orchid is super cute. My Light and Wind are much better than my dark but i've got S Zooey, i just need Cag and Orchid and i'll never stop playing dark cause waifus
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Good luck saving for that spark.
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Keep playing dark fencer until you're 101 or near that rank when you're more comfortable to play superstar and your grid more polished. Holy Saber is good for raids like Proto bahamut and Grand order where they have bullshit 1-hit kill mechanics. Bishop is also decent.
Front line team: Djeanne, Vampy, Vira.

Ignore Beato, she's garbage for noobies. You want to build hades grid to make her good, focus on that only when you're higher level and have Hades summon.
have there been any non-main story character cameos?
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clicking simulator 2017.gif
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some where between lolis that make todd howards dick hard and the endless bahamut grind for horns lies the clicking simulator
Insider info here. FGO collab with wind_ Astolfo soon
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Eugen's life is one stream of endless heartbreak.
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>need to mvp my Baal for once
>actually get rewarded for it
Based, playable when?
HELP you bastards
Is Astolfo the cute pink-haired trap or am I confusing them?
right now I only have one celeste weapon, is it worth changing to celeste omega summon or should I just use my lich summon. my celeste omega is fully uncapped
Technically, yes.
Just keep clicking Raid again, no need to go to events.
Indeed he is
Isn't the first one the host chest though?
They buffed host chest drop rates over MVP chests a while ago and I mostly see SSRs from the first position
If only there was a way to check in-game, maybe something like trial battles? Would be cool, huh.
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So many father figures in this game.
>No cameos from other characters
>At all
What the fuck are they doing?
No anon, THE cutest.
What a time to be a Windroach.
>gran can stop a machine from punching io into a splatter with just his sword
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Baha HL
>FGO collab
>not face of FGO Arthur
His sword is above world level
Thanks for the help!
They're trying not to give new players unrealistic expectations of what will actually be in their party when they get into the game.
I don't need more light SSR please, you're not going to make me play light.
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Who should I ticket?
I'm thinking Silva, Vira, or going completely off and starting up a fire team.
Arthur will power creep Lucio because they have the same voice
Just Korwa my shit up, senpai.
Don't be dumb, any collab characters we get will be SR. Excalibur will just have a garbage revitalize mainhand skill.
Join us in the Chev mines anon. Don't forget to bring your dispel, after all you're the only one that'd ever bring it.
Can the class weapon quest be completed by a different class than the weapon you were building?
Like can I build the Ogre fists but do the quest as a Valkyrie to unlock Apsaras?
Wasn't that just a normal Mithril Sword though?
How'd it get that strong to defeat a Primal and durable enough to block a mechanical soldier's punch?
Is it secretly the greatest weapon in the game?
Only if you can carry, my earth pool is dogshir
Dude it literally say on the top or the class weapon page in the guide that it doesn't
>tfw too scared to join
>didn't fodder protobaha
>tfw the starting weapon was actually the strongest weapon
If you were to start a fire team, I would say either Percival or Yuel are good choices, since you want to start with them since they get truly great at lv100. Yuel even more

I MVP my Gabriel hosts, of course I can carry you
He's using a skin for his sword
He's actually using a 4* murglaeis using a skin
That makes sense. I use the fork for every spear I mainhand.
You just need to make one class champion weapon, any one of them, to unlock the ability to get all Rank 4 classes.
Thanks for the horn
Do you honestly expect me to read the giant red box that says NOTE: next to it?
Really anon?
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Please don't post leech lists anymore. It's not fair that you guys care about leeching when that's all you recommend me to do.
All right, let's try this
Gabriel 82db636c
Now that I look at it, the Mithril weapons are pretty neat as skins.
what do i choose at share chest of zoi raid (as a leecher)
leeching in baha HL and 6 man HLs isn't like leeching in 30 slot raids
I want to FUCK Veight sexually until he goes cross-eyed
Leeching is a part of the game. Anyone without a real grid is going to have to leech.
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Thank YOU for the Blue Crystal.
what ever the host isnt picking
See >>176052887

Also if you leech Grande when you're HL you should kiss yourself softly
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Weapon if you can use it and no one else is rolling on it.
Feather otherwise.
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who tix?

I was thinking Razia. Maybe juliet, but shes not cute so thats - points
zoi HL when
There's nothing wrong with leeching Grande.
>Esser 5* is apparently bugged and her drop rate passive doesn't work
>Esser 4* works fine however

is this true?
Why? A few people can easily carry a joey.
Sue me nigger

I'm in my solo crew so no one is kicking me
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>no wind limiteds
>Essershits literally wasted 2 gold bars to get worse placebo and a shiva active after 10 turns
>tfw you leech a raid and you still got MVP anyway

>Got a ChocoCats event (male)
>But no ChocoCats event (female)
zoi mvp chest is shit since it only drops horns at best and only host chest gets a centrum
why should I bother trying to mvp this shit?
i'd love to have her 5* look but i'm not interested in grinding halos and getting one dimensional proc per hour
Where is the source
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honestly, I was thinking Magisa, because ticketing with my dick.
Probably not as viable as a water team with Silva, Lancelot, and Altair, right?
This is the third ticket that I passed up on dick picking magisa for esports meme

I have a waifu now
Can anyone Spartan/Sage

DAO HL 4B02002A

Currently 4/6
MVP Chests can give you centrums.
So all this talk about leeching HL content. Since I'm planning on doing that to immediately get pendants to buy distinctions for class lV, is there a way I should leech as to avoid fucking up a raid so people can't complete it.
source now
jp wiki and eng wiki only list horn
Which Eternal 5*'s are you working towards /gbfg/?
>free singles

I have a better chance winning grand lotto and whaling my way to shiva than pull shiva from free singles
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>3 Minutes until another characterless R crystal

Oh boy, oh boy!
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Where is my fucking apology
leech impossible omegas
something around 120k honors should give you max pendants
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The Power of the Earth.jpg
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Better happen this year. Or else.
wind has no limiteds worth owning.
We'll find out more tomorrow when cygames support gives a reply.
Alright, will do. Thank you.

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My crew has had 6 seperate people get a chev sword this first week of magnafest. I would love to be the next.
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>30k rupies
>10k chips
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>tfw you want to play light but you have no flb Chev
Where are my Chev selfies?
Thanks for the Baka horn!
>characterless SR

fuck your kmr, i wanted a skelly
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Fuck who is it?
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I got the gay.

fuck you, give me dat shit to reduce


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You're welcome

The paras were insane
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>fire zeta
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Colour me shocked.
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Not bad
Live Jannu
>bronze moon
I'll take it
its a dagger, you sure you want it?
Amazingly, I survived until the end. Hope the phalanxes helped.
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See, I told you I could carry! Thanks for the anima! Just missing one now!
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magna water is my main pt
kill me
So I currently have Izmir, Altair and Riruru for my water team. I currently main fire, should I ticket Silva to replace Izmir for xeno ifrit? (Only got 4 daggers and 1 rotb hammer for my water grid).
On another hand, I am thinking of getting Korwa if not Silva, to get my wind team going currently with (Feena/Melemel/Christina) on 5 guns
im so sorry
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Does liking light jannu more than dark jannu make me gay
Make Quatre
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>pregnant Lamretta
Ah well.
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cute parabot.jpg
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Only a few more days
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But how?
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>not being done already
lmao, fucking casual
Dark Cock.
Gold moon
Calcium lord
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What did s(he) mean by this?
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Is it okay to not like using your waifu in your team. I have Ferry and i like ferry but i dislike her mechanics so much
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Fuck off /gbfg/
Is a Nezha pull even good? Why would you include him in that collection?
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>Been playing since late 2015
>Have never pulled a SSR from a single memeroll.

I hate everything
He starts out as a jerk but gets super cute and tsudere, it's a nice pull.
Anon that Nezha pull has 4 other SSRs in it.
>no gawain unmasked formalwear skin like the other homoknights

Why does he wear the mask?
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>Join macula
>still buffing, no ones triggered mirror yet
>smash that orange gummy
Yeah he looks really dumb i wish his 5* unmasked him. Maybe he'll get an event and a unmasked SR or something.

I wanna see him blush
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Goodbye cruel world!
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I can get both my beginner ticket and the surprise ticket but I'm not sure who to get to improve this team. I was leaning towards Dark Jeanne for one, but I'm not sure who would be best for the other. My beginner ticket pool has Zooey if that changes anything.
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>That feel when I'll never pull Earth Beato
Zoey and Jannu if you want to zoinig your way to mvps
Drunk nun cow, no!
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what have I done.jpg
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>starts celeste with this team
>after first turn realize I can't escape her overdrive
>call for help
>rank 101s enter
>still get vice mvp

I'm loving swords master right now. I had constant DATA going the whole fight using that tiny katana.
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I wonder if keep fill the CA damage up is right thing to do :thunk
You didnt hear it from me, but the 3rd brown cat sister is going to be released soon.

She's dark, so KMR can release themed versions of the other two, also in dark.
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I want haaaadeeeees

I want bakamuuuuuut
but the other sisters are already dark
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get one in each atk and maybe in double
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And to think I almost skipped dark up rate. Too bad she'll be stuck in the back row with Kat after I finish Six this week.
>Silva blushing in her fates
I want to sexually FUCK this anon!
you're not allowed to complain about shittily designed mechanics that punish you for the actions of others.
I promised you, didn't I? You will get them soon.
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I'm going to be using this next GWs and you can't stop me
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Who would I replace on my team?
What did he mean by this?
ah, ghost light, we meet again
As a new player, am I going to regret it if I spend my free silver moons on CP? I don't have all the row 1~2 classes done yet.
>it's a free game though right so no bitching
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Grey and Zeta
I hope you get what you want too, kind anon.
And I better not see you complaining about you eating an HP trigger because someone else pushed the HP past the treshold while your ougi chain animation was still going
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kuraris thonk.png
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Guess 30% CA damage up is enough for him and better invest it to attack

Thanks anon
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hell yeah here i come shadowcraft
That's not how HP triggers work though.
You spend gold moons on JP, silver and bronze moons are used for pots.
Thanks, anon.
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How the fuck do I get those R pendants?! Do I just leech with a team full of Rs?
>Celeste raid completely filled at 5am in nipland
Yes, or a mix of Rs and SRs
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Playable Mord-kun when?
With that little left you could just do your hards with an R team.
I didn't get anything good today but I'm still giving you those headpats.
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I'm not sure how to respond to that.
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>Yet another friend of mine memerolled Shiva
>And he doesn't even play this game
I don't have any good Rs. Would an SSR with 2 Rs work?
Thats exactly how they work though. It has happened multiple times to me.

Unless you wanna pretend that my double kaguya SR team did enough damage to push zoi from 60 to sub 50?
So is the celere skill any good on it's own? I mean, does a crit equals what a weapon with large would do?
You'd have to do normals or leech magnas to hit cap with only 2 Rs on the front line.
You're supposed to leech with the R team, it's not meant to be a serious team

Anon, it's the best time to ticket.
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Will do.
I'm not giving them a goddamn cent.
I finally reached 101 today

What do?
How the HECK do I power level?
I have a great team, a decent enough grid and all the blue sky crystals and weapon stones I need to get a class weapon.
Just tell me what I need to poopsock so I can get a cuter outfit.
Tomorrow you get a hug.
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Stop being so cute Anon
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H-hello? KMR?
Farm prestige
Make a class weapon
Get T4
Grind more magnas
Stop being a shitter
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If I pull shiva or agni from the star premium on 11 May, I'll bust a nut on a pic of Sturm, and eat it
>set up strike time for 8 pm nip time instead of a convinient timezone
Im never gonna complete that pinboard at this rate fuck me

Its still GW but that doesnt mean much
Hard 2-1 in Co-op, nerd.
And a 5* too.
I actually haven't done any coop yet..
Just change it?

Should I host HL already? I only have good dark grid... Can you pub HL?
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Maybe if you gave us the name of the raid you want to leech we could tell you. HL isn't a dungeon or raid
Yes, HL magnas are the only raids you won't get yelled at for leeching so host to your heart's content.
What a terrible character.
I can't remember the last new story event that actually flipped a weapon for me.
What a terrible anon.
>cant change it for 24 hours

Its over. Im finished.
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Is she okay?
idolmaster wurst man
You need to get that Zoi at least.

Thanks. I'm going to give it a try. Is it normal to fail?
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>Want to stop grinding but Cygames keeps giving me Pots
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Thanks for helping me guys, that was the last one I needed!
>running out of seeds
normally no
during wanpanfest anything can happen
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Why did we get these?
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Oh, so she has children.
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I'm almost free
The anime, dumb dumb.
They give out free stuff as a promotion every week during the day the anime airs.
Yeah, mine.
go back to being dead
You got them for being so cute!
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>This guy is in your guild
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>draphs were all slaves
>males were for labor and females were sex toys

I want to live in granblueverse
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Who should I ticket?
Are there race draws?
Like Harvin or Draph focused?
>Implying the men weren't for sex also

There have been.
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Silly newbie, you have to put two >'s when quoting in order to quote properly.
Let me help show you how it's done!
Get Altair if you want to play Water.
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Host some Zois.
wtf I want to be a female draph now
>Forte got demoted to a short sex slave
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>Halle is the flattest adult doraf

really makes you think
He has drang, who is Altair on steroids, he doesn't need Altair
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Really? Wow...!
Ummmm, is there like, a list of all the anime presents they've given us? I want to see if I accidentally missed any!
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Is there a way to obtain my waifu if I missed the event?
Hope for a rerun
Rerun never ever
Tia gun, Blue crystals, Rupies
Pray for a rerun
The best thing you missed was a free Tia gun last week.
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Okay, sorry.

Sure, right after they rerun sakura taisen please KMR it's all I ask for
Probably never since KMR killed collabs with xeno weapons.
Has anyone gotten a transform of an unupgraded weapon in their grid only
Is Bakamut supposed to have boosted draw rate?
Should I waste everything trying to get him?
273C31CE zoi
are you avatarfagging?
what anime?
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Have Gawain and will get Zoi when she's next available.
I've heard Lecia is p. good with those two, should I ticket her?
That's not how it fucking works jackass.


The only rate up worth whaling for whale summons is fan favorite rate up which should be in 6 days. It'll have Shiva Alexiel Baha and Luci all on rate up.

Don't do it unless you're prepared to drop $1000+ though
No other way like getting a random character or something?
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Uwaaa, so I somehow didn't miss any even though I have barely been playing! That's super sugoi!
I didn't miss it! I was wondering why I suddenly had a free Tia gun!
Gosh, of course not! That's against the rules!
It was a collab event, anon, so nope.
just means you're closer to her heart than every other adult doraf
Puffiest vulva I've seen today.
You literally asked if you should spend everything to get him, do you even read the shit you post?
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Not anymore.
There was a Dota event?
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Yes, they gave you an elder titan summon. It was the coolest.

>18 years old
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I just thought of a really good idea and I hope Cygames reads this post and makes it a Granblue Fantasy reality!
They should totally add an option so that you can draw all 100 of your free Rupie draws all at once, so that you don't have to click it 10 times every day!
Geez, it's so time consuming!
An auto sell feature would be even better.
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How lonely are you anon?
You might find ticketing Lecia a little difficult. And I'm not sure how you're planning on getting Zoi.
>People younger than the Slayers anime are allowed to post on 4chan
Shes 11 anon
Even better
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Yeah! Or even auto upgrade!
H-huh?! Well how am I supposed to answer that?
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The only thing that could make it better was if there was 3 of them.
Chen is leeching again

I tried leeching Ygg first... Surprisingly it's not that bad. You guys were right, there are a lot of wanpan in here.

And here I thought HL was on a whole new level.
Apparantly buying a 4chinpo shekel pass allows you to wipe your ass with the board rules.
>And here I thought HL was on a whole new level.
baka hl and 6man are
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It's pretty simple, "How lonely are you?"
Of course, why would Hiroshimoot want to get rid of the people retarded enough to give him money?
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Uber newb here. If I'm playing fire, I need to be farming more colo for staffs, and in the meantime, what do I do with these filler weps?
They toned down the STACKED levels
>literally paying to shitpost
These people take stupidity to a whole new level

Sturm's tits are still huge
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save them and use them to level up skill level 6 and above
Thanks for the horn!
Thanks for the leech
You use them as fodder up skill levels.
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>he hasn't filtered 4chanpass users
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miyu>illya>the nigger
only correct answer
>No one seems to want to sex the potatoes
Seriously every single potato is a cake.
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Thanks for the Zoi even though I once again didn't get a Blue Crystal.
Should I at least level them up and put them in my grid? One guide I'm looking at says the hammer is pretty good.
They're not built to take anything bigger than 2 inches
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I picked worked hard. But I'm not even in a guild.
Nice try, like I'd let you track my ip.
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That seems like a reasonable ranking.
GranxDjeeta is best paring
You can keep illya; she looks like a white rat.
SRs? Sure, you can uncap them and level up lv3-5 skill level. They should make up most of your grid and you will change each one to Colo staves. All SRs are decent (they all have atk up skill). Use different element SRs to level up skills levels.
For SSRs, dont bother, unless you will skill up baha weapon with them (later on).
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I'm going to do both.

I mean that's pretty obvious.

Looks like people really do hard carry here. I actually thought I had to esports and only bring the best classes here.
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nothing but selfies in all my 18 omega host mvps
That doesnt stop him from shitting up the entire thread and causing it to reach the image limit.
I'm starting to question that as well. How mentally challenged does someone have to be to act like this for over a year on an anonymous imageboard only to make people think you're cute? It's sickening me and it makes me angry that he even gets away with it. Thank god he has a trip.
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How's that gonna work?
What's that from
He's going to work hard but he's too shit to make any meaningful impact so he's basically leeching.
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They are built to take big dicks anon
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I'm going to host NMs for my crew and still fail to obtain a spot in the top 80k because of my below average intelligence.
Put your trip back on.

Your own autism in the form of the jew pass gave you away.
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this is gotta be a bait

April 1st meme event
Shirou is lucky to have 2 cute sisters
>spam leech DAO all day
>3 axes
>3 spears
Claws and Cortana never.
Don't forget getting bullied again.
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Ah, makes sense.

Good luck, anon!
I like this brat better than the other one
Should I ask /gbfg/ to kill my bakamut or post it on twitter?
u dum
post here


Don't you know? According to /gbfg/ axes are better than claws.
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>all these leeches
Gonna need to provide some examples anon
>implying I'm going to tryhard in zoiwars
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Eh? H-how do I measure it?
I think Granblue Fantasy is a pretty lonely game, you spend a lot of time soloing stuff in it and staring at your phone screen in public places and while you're looking at your phone screen you aren't talking to anyone usually! Unless you're in a co-op room with your friends, or something!
Have you ever tried doing those annoying captchas bot things on a mobile phone? It's super annoying! That's why I paid like $10 for the pass, since it had a discount at the time! If I keep myself from buying two coffees at Starbucks, and I buy one basically every day, I will have enough to buy another pass! Or if I work for one hour, I can buy two passes! They really don't cost that much! 10-rolls cost way more and give you way less!
If it was true I'd be done already.
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I'm not that guy though.
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Doesn't matter to me just make a new thread and the fag(s) stay(s) filtered.
anyone have a pic from the anime??
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I'm gonna work extra hard next Guild War since I run a Dark party!
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Has there ever been a limitedsuptix
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No but I have a webm
You could ticket summer DLF once but it was unintended
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This Cog is so delicious.
>1 minute between posts

You're also the only dumb cunt in this general who's mentally challenged enough to buy a jew pass
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Do you have anyone in your life? How many people do you talk to and interact with outside of work? Does this lack of contact effect you? That's how you measure loneliness
I'm just worried about you anon,
if you're doing okay then i won't worry.
Are there videos of the Zoi outfit in battle?
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No you retard. The HP updated only after you pressed the attack. It was already at 50% when you were clicking the orange button.
Zoi is laggy as fuck, nothing strange here.
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Jesus fuck I don't even need them anymore.
I want to marry brat!
Thanks for the rusteds
Give them to me
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Do I uncap Altair or Silva first?

My brain says buffs and debuffs but my dick says tits and crits
Thanks anon.
It's 30 seconds and the cooldown between posts with a pass is 45. Also you can choose wheter to display the pass or not.
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Fodder is always useful.
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>Summer Almeida will be dark
Follow your dick anon. You will feel better that way.
There is check in now?
I'm debating between ticketing/scamming in these three elements. Which do I go with?

Dirt - Cock, Cog
Water - Drang, Lancelot, Charlotta
Light - Lucio, DLF, Lucifer

what do
No, but there should be. It wouldnt kill them to have one of them per year.

Sadly, KMR rules now, and he's more jewish than all of new york combined
Stop replying you mouthbreathing retard.
tfw thinking I should ticket silva or just wait and see if i can pull her through water rate up.

shit I want them I only have base 0* grid
Only do star premium in fire or earth.
>filtering posters
Aww your precious safespace got ruined! That poster gave you such a big boo-boo it had to get filtered.
That brat is such a meanie!
You're the real jew here though. Unwilling to spend some money rolling for a limited if you can't have it for $25.
Yeah, exactly.
>levi hl
>some shitter activates tidefall and you die
every fucking time

You can never go wrong with tits and crits anon
Why do you say that?
Calm down tumblr. There's nothing wrong with filtering shitposting tripfags. Now kill yourself ,brat.
shut up cunt im divorcing you

Imagine being cute just for the sake of attention. After you realize this,it's just getting annoying and you'd rather read about guilds shitting at each other again.
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cutie erune.png
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Sorry if I'm worrying you! I think I'm not lonely! I talk to a loooot of people, at college, work, club activities, friends hanging out and outside of those things! And I went to the local anime convention not very long ago!

I'm not like super genki like this in reality but I make it a point to be extra genki online because I think genkiness can be contagious and being genki or seeing people being genki brightens up my day, so I think and hope it'll also brighten up other people's days, or something! It's really bad when people are sad and angry all of the time like >>176061863 !

I haven't had the time to sit down and play games or post here for a long time, actually! Granblue Fantasy is super time consuming but so are work and college and my other hobbies, book reading and research, especially!

I had some really good luck in Granblue last week! I got my first ever Limited Character, and he's a super cutie Erune!
Because every other element has good ticketable summons already, whereas fire and earth NEED shiva and alexiel.

You can do light with your chev and friend luci
You can do dark with your celeste and friend baha
Water has bonito
Wind is the wellfare element that gets everything for free including an 80% summon
Fire, if you dont have shiva/agni with a friend shiva or agni, dont even bother
Earth needs alex unless you want to severely limit and gimp yourself with tezcat.

Maybe you should focus on improving your poorfag life instead of playing GBF.
How old is this sexy creature?
>Brat is a normie
Starting with Earth, and I have Tezcat, is it really that hard with him?
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I don't care what the rest of the thread says i think you're cute.
Enjoy not being able to use the characters you want because "muh boost per different race"

Literally the worst piece of shit ever, second only to setlans
No, this is another case of shit /gbfg/ says.
Good thing Earth's strongest team in HL content is Ayer, Halle, and Korwa/Makira so I usually run Tezcat anyways.
I miss moot, he wouldnt allow this.
You high anon?
So what's the magna build for dark now? I thought it was always 6 claws/axe, baha weapon, and 2 unknowns, but I've seen a couple people post grids with 2 baha weapons.
>a tripfag wouldn't allow tripfags
We really need another beato thread

>all these fucking implications

Tezcat is fine. How many people in the world have both dirt 5* GW? Like two?
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Not always! I have a dark hikki past that I had to fight really hard to free myself from and I'm never going back! But I definitely am a granblue casual and I'm okay with that!
T-thank you, anon!
Oh yeah damn I didn't get that. Fortunately, I run Ayer Halle and Nemone so I guess it's fine.
NEW THREAD >>176063026
NEW THREAD >>176063026
NEW THREAD >>176063026

Migrate whenever
Good for you autismo.

Did it ever occur to you that people might not have mahira? Infact, 95% of players dont.
So instead you're forced to use an erune instead, and surprise surprise, they're all shit.
>dark hikki past
Please tell more.
this isn't his fucking blog go fucking kill yourself you autistic nigger
No you're just a dumb fucking kunt. Those are clearly the units he has.
>want to use okto and sarasa?
>want to use siegman and ayer?
>want to use nemone and melleau?
>want to use sara and siegman?
>razia and halle?

tezcat is shit. Meanwhile bonito has a trivial condition.
Are you illiterate? Korwa is earth's best buffer until you reach damage cap and want to replace her with cock.
Literally the only combination in there that you run into is Raiza+X or DLF and Ayer.
>no buncles
>trivial condition
>current year
>not being on element
>not having flb Ca Ong
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First time Grand Order with a guild of sub HL members. We got it down to 70% ish and need some help. Scared of tweeting due to leech bots. Thanks in advance!
Someone pubbed it man
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