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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 748
Thread images: 181

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Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/news/updates/
New players: http://www.learntocounter.com/why-dota-sucks-introduction/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page


Streamlink Twitch GUI: https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui
post your razor ideas devs!
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first for ded thread
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>now that it has been posted to reddit, the wisdom shitposter will finally have his idea implemented into the game

Can one of you redditors force a Broodmother remake meme, because she really needs it.
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outplayed animeposter
I hope Valve stops pushing VR at TI can we let that garbage tech die already? Noone wants to look like a cunt with a helmet on his head in his own fucking livingroom.
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post favorite quotes
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can you smell what the rock is cookin
Just give static link charges icefrog you lazy fuck.
what about the necro treatment? each time unstable is triggered, you steal some damage from the caster
Replace Unstable Current with something that's actually good.
new passive thunderstruck
if enemy targets him with a spell or item they get thunderstruck, maxes out their headphones and stuns them for 4 minutes while it blares out acdc
lv20 talent that change static link to AoE like storm's vortex with aghs

fempugna is next
Reminder that 7.00 improved dota and the follow up mm changes fixed everything that wrong the the mm.
I have autisism.

I need some goal to play for.

Maybe I should go to LoL at least they have Influence Points to make playing worthwhile and not slave labor to keep their hat jewing running.
make him a melee hero
Your goal is to waste your life enough to eventually kill yourself
as somebody who has switched from LoL to Dota 2, you will not enjoy LoL. it is entirely dumbed down and there is no complexity in it, it doesn't even come close to dota. you will not enjoy it.
>Monkey Kang has longer attack range, is melee
>Razor has shorter attack range, is ranged
But keep the current attack range.
permanent metamorphosis
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https://clips.twitch tv/SoftAlertGrasshopperPoooound
Remove the shit passive, maybe make it part of the shit ultimate to combine 2 shits to be a mediocre ability.

To replace the passive, give a new ability that roots all enemy units within the radius of her web (all of them or just one selected one, the latter if the former is overpowered) for 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 seconds since, you know, that's about what spider webs should be capable of doing.

Sounds ok?
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I thought this was going to be the puppey flaming envy on sings stream shit


shame his taste in music is so horrible I'd rather listen to anime ops
Patch when? Jewpendium when? Anyone??
Fuck that noise, make it so you can see movement in your webs through fog of war as grey footsteps or something.
I missed unpicked hero list
can someone post it?
Razor is a good counterpick for PA already, an underrated offlaner also.
>Broken as fuck
>Fucking retarded idea because it does literally nothing without any points in Web
i was about to type this, mainly cause thats how spiders hunt in real life -ish
Make the second one a web-sized slow if there's no web there, otherwise it's a root.
>implying /d2g/ is not just as stupid as reddit
yeah honestly make incapacitating bite and her ult into a single ability, and not the ultimate. maybe make it a little weaker but even then. monkey king gets a fucking op lvl 1 passive with lifesteal and bonus dmg
What's the fucking deal with neutrals spawning at odd minutes?

What is this shit icefrog

>go to twitch

>oh moonduck is streaming dota

>its a podcast

>listen to 5 minutes of it

>literally nothing but "lol trump, lol republicans, lol alex jones"

like i get it, and yes i know im a thin skinned pussy, but thats literally all the internet and tv (even espn) is nowadays

there is no fucking escape
The global root dumb as hell the concept could be workable. Perhaps casting a Web should instantly root all units in the area where the web is set, like they get stuck under it for a while. With four Webs in stock you could root someone for like 8 seconds by sacrificing Web coverage for lockdown.

Maybe I should post it on Leddit.
Shitters only like to watch epic teamfights
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Unstable current or whatever his shit passive is made useful. Active component spped boost I guess. I don't really play him because I haye his attack animation
Wasn't Razor's HoN version a lot better?
at least that's why I heard
>good treant
Nah fuck off
Unstable Current has an active component to do the damage and purge to all enemies within 900 radius around Razor, but the passive component is completely disabled while the active component is on cooldown.
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Yeah man why would there EVER be a spell that 100% depends on other spells like seriously if you mess up and level it first you do nothing lmao
Icefrog would NEVER design something like that right?
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>45 posts
>no lewd yet
What the fuck are you guys doing?
what's up with this wendys arts?
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I'm so sad dotards

when will it all end
Discussing the game.
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JUST BAN eeeh... wait I forgot who I had to ban
>razor offlane
>no esacpe
>nothing to keep him going

yeah sure. Let me use my useless nuke twice before i run out of mana, push lane with it also, and then i can go kill myself
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haha i know what a dumb ass
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What's the fun in that?
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Whoever is in charge of the Wendy's twitter is allowed to shitpost I guess.
Fuck off to /r9k/ frogposter, this is a gameshitter neighborhood.
What if there was a hero with an ultimate that killed all players?

It would give an advantage to the team with more towers/racks destroyed. The cooldown would be twice the respawn time.
What heroes were not picked in kiev?
>rush refresher
>win the game
A bit harsh but if you really want to go I guess you might as well take a few peruvians with you.
But seriously no. There doesn't need to be a hero with a "we are losing this fight might as well make sure we don't lose barracks too" button, highgrounding is already more difficult than ever, having a button that guarantees that you will not lose rax from a bad teamfight would be an awful addition to the game.

every hero was picked
only techies wasn't, but that's because he's not in captain's mode
qualifiers is not part of kiev, several heroes were not picked
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sounds like it'd fit right into nu-dota desu

>mfw icefrog reads this and adds him in next patch
yeah, thats too many games m8
>Normal skills are all long-duration summons that are decent at pushing
>The ult kills every hero and disables buybacks on your own team, but not on the enemy team, and nobody gets and gold or xp from the deaths.

Would it make it to cm? Would it ever be picked?
>make a summoning hero when they are irreversibly broken in dota 2

can you stop posting? you're that kid who has been posting your ideas for several days. every single idea has been bad.

almost every hero that currently controls other units is goign to be reworked away from it, because its garbage and can only ever feed the enemy free gold
All she needs is an aghs that gives allies the same benefits under her webs that she and her spiderlings get
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How about a hero that automatically destroys the enemy ancient when he reaches max level, but his max level is 30 and it requires 53810 total exp to get there.
what if there is a hero that can toggle through his type of dmg.
like he can choose if he wants to hit with physical, magical or pure.
Maybe if he chooses magical, he's easier killed with magical dmg and shit like that. It would all have its pros and cons
Something like morf just with damage types.

It could kind of be an unique hero
>be pudge
>lvl flesh heap at lvl 1 accidentally
that 6% magic resist is TOTALLY worth it guys
>its an enemy roaming pudge gets an invis rune and ganks you episode
FUCK THIS. Hook me like a man you fat ass. Lucky fuck just gets to walk up right on me and rot while the midlaner fucks my shit.
What about a hero that has an ability that forces a pause that can't be resumed by anyone other than the player who cast it for 30 minutes on a 150 second cooldown for 50 mana?
I want TA to suffocate me with her vagina.
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>tfw new patch soon
>tfw Pugna will be buffed
>this might finally be the patch that makes him OP
What if there was a hero that didn't need to leave base, made buildings impossible to hit and could create copies of himself to splitpush?
man fuck pugna
Well, its only marginally worse than levelling that other skill at level 1 as pudge. You know the one I mean.
What if, when an team loses a line of racks, occasionally, along with super creeps, roshan children spawn on the lane, essentially clones of roshan but without the spellblock and aegis.
Aghs lets the cooldown continue counting down during pauses.
Hmm, sounds like a hero with the potential to lose a bunch of games at a big lan.
>tfw I once flamed a pudge for going rot lvl 1 when I first started playing the game
in my defense this was when pudge would always wait on that cliff by the old rune spot and hook whoever got it to get first blood.
What if there was a hero that was run as a not-for-profit charity and had to donate all of his gold to his teammates?
his other 2 spells are still broken at level 1
Level 1 hook can catch targets from smoke of deceit
Rot is still a permanent 30% slow, combo with tiny for ez slows
get gud
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>nu-EG isn't going away
hmmm sounds kind of like Centaur...one of the best offlaners in game. Weird huh?
What if aghs let Chen dominate roshan?
What if centaur warrunner's aghs gives control over all centaur units on the map with hasted movement speed?
that's my fantasy
>tfw forge spirits suck balls now compared to alacrity
What if you could make illusions of towers.
What if Pugna's lifedrain did not work on undead/not living heroes but was 2.5x as effective on living?
Are people just bored of dota?

I only planned on not playing for about a month and it's been nearly 2 years now, yet I still have no desire to go back. I barely even watched the recent Major, and the only reason I even watched it was because I was on night shift and had literally nothing better to do. And I kept it in the background to boot.

Checking out the player stats online, I can tell that the average and peak players are far below what they were at their peaks. I know people claim that it was because of reborn, but in reality reborn was released in Sep 15 and the peaks were during the Shanghai Major, in Mar 16.

I really do think we're seeing the end of dota 2 happening before our eyes.
The only thing I truly hate about my alcoholism is that I can't climb mmr. I'm 100% certain I could climb if I kicked it. It feels like I only have awful games when I'm piss drunk.
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Its ok, you did all right at the major in the end. I still believe in you.
>lose 4 of your heroes
>enemy is rushing down to 5 man push your asshole in
>lmao kill everyone

Maybe if it made everyone respawn and die again.
Enjoy that 5+ movement speed buff.
patch when
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What makes you faggots believe a patch will come out so soon anyway? The major just ended, they will surely review it to make their decisions about patch changes.

I really hope it's a huge game changing patch like 7.00 was, because this meta is pure shit.
I wonder how her milk taste like
broken, since undead heroes are trash, including pugna herself
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I will.
Which Dota 2 hero has the prettiest feet?
>havent touched dota in a full year
>left off at 3.4k MMR
>reinstall dota, play three ranked on a whim
>win them all

Is 3k the new 2k?

These shrines are bullshit btw
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>ameribros when Reddit's Guys, the Evil Genii, fail to acquire the championship of The International 7
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>Decrepify now gives equal move speed when cast on allies as it debuffs on enemies, duration halved.
There, fixed.
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How fast until pugner gets viable?
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>tried to do the stockings cutting in thing
>completely fucked it up

delete this and dont ever post it again
400 base.
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MMR is super inflated currently, what used to be 2k is now 3k, what was 5k is now 4k, etc...

>tfw best girls are all dogshit currently
Honestly I think Pugna would be shit even with say 400 base movement speed.
We've reached the end of the plateau and are now beginning the decline. It's early enough that if someone really wants to deny the game is contracting, they have a lot of things to point to.

That list will only get shorter.

When we finally have a TI that sells less compendiums than the previous one, the discussion will really start. That might be this year.
cent has stun
he can help his team with 0 farm
and he has a passive that makes any sup think twice before right clicking him
So he can escape, can ez farm jungle if he's forced out
can help his team and with blink he's top tier initiator

What can razor do?
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The game only comes alive during real e-sports, so only 4 times a year. It's really quite pitiful considering all the potential it had but it seems like icefraud is doubling down on all the 7.0 bullshit, Valve on the hat-jewry, etc..

I've been looking for new games to play for a while now myself...
Ok guys so i can leak some patch notes before the update on friday, what do you guys wanta know
>be PSG
>intentionally feed two games in a row in low priority because someone takes my lane
>teammate abandons both times

did they remove gay ass shrines and talents?
So cent has a super low AoE stun that last like half a second at start...helps so much against ranged stuns.
Razor got a passive that slows everyone that targets him with a spell and he can drain the damage on anyone that dears to attack him.
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how do you play Lycan ?
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>tfw just came back to dota
>heard about the phone thing
>buy a phone
>do the steam guard shit
>get back home
>pc wont fucking open
>no money to fix it
Is it just the fucking phone bullshit needed or you need to do some stupid shit in the dota client? Can i not rank forever?
>buy armlet
>press R
>kill everything
one of the best and most brainless heroes atm, are you even serious anon?
Is the absolute madman going to nerf arc warden into the ground because he's starting to become viable and dominate pubs again, or buff him because pros can't win with him?
>The game only comes alive during real e-sports, so only 4 times a year
Yeah, and those peaks will soon start being lower than the previous ones, which is what it's going to take to get people confronting this.

No one on my list fucking plays Dota anymore. I think if you looked at just NA and EU (non-CIS) player numbers it's been a big drop since 2015, hidden somewhat by more and more peruvian/russian children installing every day. But Valve won't make those numbers public.
i hate when i cant open my PC
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what if there was an item that extended transformations by a percentage?

which hero would use it?
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>tfw last person left on your friends list who still plays Dota
feels lonely man
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Like, when you actually cast the transformation? Because then all of them, they'd just backpack it after the change.
brew and dk

both shit heroes anyway
>4 gb update for dota 2 test

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anta baka
Get necro, rat hard.
not helpful pls respond
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don't forget that valve is an exceptional games company capable of many things, including creating 4gb of backend fixes
how do I nyx
W A T E R - - - S P I R I T




W A T E R - - - S P I R I T



i repeat

W A T E R - - - S P I R I T


I'm convinced the software devs at valve are mediocre as fuck and only got the job through connections
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NYX nyx nyx
How exactly are we supposed to help? Wire you some money to your thirdie bank account? Ask my friend pajeet to IT troubleshoot your computer? I dont even know what "open my computer" means, are you playing dota on a laptop?
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The recent article about how dota was dying stated that valve had literally the highest profit per employee of any company in the united states. They're n0lans Ltd
>tfw you lose your laptop key
Land the stun, that's seriously all it takes to be better than 90% of people at nyx, just land the fucking stun.
Yeah, but they aren't making that profit off coding ingenuity.

They're making that profit off of successfully forcing themselves as middle-men in a giant hat-economy based around unfathomably popular pair of esports titles *and* being the wal-mart of PC gaming.
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>laptop key
please tell me this is thirdie speak for computer password, because if you actually need a physical accessory to pry open your laptop then my sides will never be found again
>Shrines cooldown increased from 300 seconds to 360 seconds
>Shrines health regenerarion from 0 to 5
>2 Shrines removed from both Radiant and Dire base
>Shrines regen changed from flat numbers to 50% plus 1% regen for every 2 minutes into the game
add me
I'm not him anon, I was trying to think of a possible scenario in which a person might have trouble "opening" their computer.
Im korean and all i wanna know is if you still need to do something in the dota client or registering your number is all you need.
All heroes changes please
you are super funny and i love you all :3
>ogre magi added to the game
i personally have my cell phone linked to the steam guard shit, when i opened the dota client after the change, the ranked tab had a button like "link this account number", pressed it and presto, less than 5 seconds to ranked matches
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Software devs at Valve's B Team (Dota 2, CuckS:GOyim) are mediocre as fuck and only got the job through connections*
fixed that for you

the A Team is world-class
what would the A-team be working on? vive shit?
Tell your tidehunter friend he's a baller
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>mfw kids never saw a PC with keylock

who is this a joke about?
>7players in game
what's less cancerous?
peru east or peru west?
russia east or russia wes?
i have good pings on all of them
i see the light
i want to walk to the light
>Team Secrekt

Bizarre as fuck to this day.
Thanks grandpa.
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Generally Russians because while they get triggered easily, they'll still try to win the game even when they're pissed most of the time. A Peruvian on the other hand will start throwing the match when you ask him what he's building.
>RTZ is probably gonna defect again, can you go along with him and help him realise EE is not the solution to his problems?
Its my only explanation
>help him realise EE is not the solution to his problems
How can anyone see EE as a solution?
Fuck still can't believe he is a Major winner.
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>>RTZ is probably gonna defecate again

can we stop all the shart jokes already?
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EG have already confirmed no roster changes before TI.
Since he's canadian the jokes should probably be more focused around letting his enemies win to enjoy a moral victory, letting immigrants fuck his gf/mmr or being owned by chinks or something.
and that's a good thing (if you're not an EG fan)
I miss the old rosh pit. fuck you icefraud you piece of shit.
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What's the opposite of regicide?
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impregnating a queen with a male baby
seriously what is this shitty roshan island eyesore in the middle of the river. did icefrog get a reddit cum suppository and lose his sanity? that shit needs to go back into the dire environment.
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what if we split his passive between his two existing skills and add new active skill that improves his survivability and slightly slows his enemies
would be such an original idea right guys haha
ask whatever you want
im around 4k and nyx is most most played hero by far, i can ez play with big boys with him
remember just after 7.0 happened and radiant pub winrates were like 55-60% across all skill brackets? Good times.
Looking at the activity by calendar day chart really makes me understand just how much of my life I've wasted on this shitty game.
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>no faun queen hero
But how come dire has a higher wr in pro games?
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>what if we split his passive
daily reminder no hero should have passives

they are boring

they should all be combined into active skills like what they did with Necro

you know this to be true
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MidOne just streamed for quite a while. Pretty good dota too.
Every fucking ten minutes, some fetus would donate and give him the RTZ treatment.
"It seems you're sucking right now like you did in the major L O L maybe if you only won against s g s g s g s g s g s g s g s g s g s g s g s g s g s g s g s g...."
EVERY. FUCKING. TEN. MINUTES. You know the drill. I know the gulag isn't a place for rants, and this is no exception. But sweet fucking christ in a sidecar can anyone show a fucking shred of humanity?
Yeah sure its twitch chat whatever but good god what is happening to the world
Go ahead, fuck my shit up. I'm not removing this.
Why is PA the second most played hero of all time?

I don't fucking get it. She's so boring.

>le big crit meme
I'm still pissed that you can't toggle heartstopper.
This reddit post was already re-posted in the last thread.
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another day another dota
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>shes so boring
She's one of the most active and ready to fight carries in the game, if she gets level 2-3 she can reliably contribute a variety of things to a gank
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t. riot games employee
some dota passives are more fun than league entire champions roster
>trying to ruin the funnest hero Wraith King
Fuck off.
insiderbro here


will be announced in a few days
>Wraith King deleted from the game
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4th attribute?
fuck off reddit
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she is easy to play
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asians really hate it when you tell them taiwan is an independent country
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fuck off me as captain shitposter
I'll stop fucking playing this game forever if they add a fourth attribute. I'll hunt down that faggot frog, unmask him live on twitch-tv/ti7 and feed him to a pack of wild mantises.
>Dota is dying
>League is more active than ever
le riot meme
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only 3 months to TI, hang in there
10 worst spells in Dotas

10. Frost Arrows
9. Sacrifice
8. Chilling Touch
7. Bloodrite
6. Lightning Storm
5. Anchor Smash
4. Phantom Rush
3. Incapacitating Bite
2. Unstable Current
1. Homing Missile
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Why don't you post N0tail winning 4 majors?
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>uk gets mad when they hear scotland is an independent country
>russians get mad when they hear crimea is an independent country
>americans dont get mad when they hear puerto rico is an independent country
because of how it's decided in pro games

you get to pick dire/radiant/first pick based on a coin flip

certain teams favor certain sides

I'm guessing a good team just picked Dire a lot for their strats, probably OG.
>more bots active than ever


League is a corpse. Overwatch is now the prime product in the Korean market and it also stole all the waifufags from LoL.

This added to a game that has been bleeding players for years, only reason why Riot hid the public stats and instead just says "le gorillion accounts" which includes all inactive accounts.
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seems everyone but america are a bunch of cucks
>australian's don't give a fuck about those islands they stash boat people on
>>americans dont get mad when they hear puerto rico is an independent country

literally no reason it shouldn't be

t. definitely not CHI
China is full of people with unbelievably foolish pride in stupid shit. They make Americans look humble, they're that arrogant.
puerto rico being independent will fuck over no one but PR. if they want to do it they can LOL
i bet it's forev and yapzor
or a real NA mid
top 5 worst passives :

1. Critical Strike but has high chance and moderate damage
2. Critical Strike but has decent chance and high damage.
3. Critical Strike but has low chance with lifesteal
4. Critical Strike but has decent chance and exceedingly high damage.
t. Support player
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t. tiny
top three best heroes

Ogre Magi
Faceless Void
>total slut

what did she mean?
Redpill me on Oracle.
I agree
I met all of them in the club and they slapped my gf on the ass
What was i supposed to do?
Redpill me on Dazzle
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literally best husbando
More trouble than he's worth. There are more reliable nukers out there and your teammates will have no fucking clue what your spells do anyways.
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He does have the cosiest responses.
that would be treant protector
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What if there was a hero that had its spells changed every day so it was more confusing to your teammates than Oracle?
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i am still mad, only couple of nerfs in history in previous three years were stronger than those two """"bugfixes"""" they did during spring cleaning, one removed four seconds lingering effect and another made so attack speed changes change animation speed during attack and not after it ends
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>the game will surely recover a little bit during the major, anon!
>lowest peak since fucking number 2015

6.89 when?
Mmm, that is one possible course.
treant has some good bantz
>A tree killed you. A TREE!
>total slut
I think i'm going to need some evidence for that, I have seen very little in comparison to other dotos.

As someone who really likes dazzle, I used to feel like oracle was actually the better support in some ways unless your team really benefited from weave, but with early and midgame fights being more frequent and often longer than ever I think he really is back to being baddazzle. He's still the better ganker (not that that's hard) and still a niche counter to some heroes in lane because of his purge but dazzle not needing to be 6 to save people just seems more important than it used to be.
>need some evidence
>no SVG
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>And what if I do?
How to lane as invo vs puck?
I play safe, cs and deny, don't get hit by orb and play carefully when she gets 6 so I don't get killed by a gank, but often even if my cs is good, if they can't get a kill mid, they'll rotate to other lanes and shitfuck them. Same thing happens with ember. It's like we lose control of the game before I even farm up my aghs.
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>Denied, like your dreams.
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>wants to watch some Dota stream, thinking there will be plenty of good streams being the "biggest e-sport"
>There's Waga and Russian viewbotters
>not mentioning Pyrion
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should auto-castable attack modifier be usable while silenced? heroes who have those aren't particularly strong, most of them are straight gamelosing, would be a nice buff for them
yes i want mom enchantress memes
who? isn't pyrion one of those overwatch personalities?
>Howl is literally a superior Hand of God at nighttime

>roundhead bong normie redditor
I actually have no idea what he mainly does these days.
me as support
I rather wonder why people even watch him and how he could ever being considered such a big Dota personality that he got his own announcer pack. Was it just because of those shitty youtube vidoes?
Hey man, he's neither waga nor russian.
Yes it was because a lot of people found him entertaining. Yeah. Entertainment and fun, those things d2g hates.
Yes, and probably plebbit encouraging Valve and him.

Last I saw he played Heroes of the Storm, so I guess he's branching out.
yes, the same reason purge got reputation of dota Aristotle or some shit, he did what he did before others
glad you made the master race switch anon
But seriously, how come there's close to no good english Dota streamers? Even LoL got tons of watchable streamers but Dota only got the few pro players that streams.

If it's now considered the largest esport game, how come the actual scene is none existent outside the 10 teams with the same players since 5years?
wtf I hate dota now???
Chinese teams would dominate tournaments
because dota has been becoming less fun to play/watch over the last 4 years. Your average game from ti3 blows any of the modern garbage out of the water.
What do you even build? Every guide seems to go all over the place.
Its the largest scene because its the largest prizepools
Riot holding money under lock and key for LCS #127 and having 40 teams fighting for chump change doesnt compare to the dota community giving 8 mil directly to the best teams fighting for it.
aghs if you are playing for fun

no idea if you are playing seriously

that's pretty much nature's prophet in any good rat doto team comp
Not the same guy but all you really need is some form of mana sustain (arcanes, or soul ring tranqs)and then a blink dagger.
After that it's situational. Force staff is great for even more positioning. Aghs is just ok. It doesn't really boost you that much.
get your level six with mana boots at a decent time so you can rotate mid and get a gank while laning stage is still happening. Rinse and repeat with different lanes, i usually attack out of vendetta than use spiked carapice when they right click me, right click them a couple times then use impale to chain stun followed by mana burn. ez combo. you keep doing this to supports and squishy cores until you can afford dagon, then you keep doing it with damage that scales into late game thanks to your item build. against squishy heroes
>queue for game
>enemy has 2 lv1 smurfs with 600 and 550 gpm
>two of them have 500gpm
>last is a 3.8k 485gpm player
>look at my team
>369gpm and 308gpm lv12 player
>me, supp main 408gpm
>one 500gpm
>other is 400gpm
So tell me again how "me OOGA team BOOGA forced50 is a myth gitgud" is a thing? I would've tanked a huge stomp if one of the smurfs didn't abandon because he didn't get his firstpick carry.
Dota players actually make money from winning things, for starters. Then there's the fact that some just aren't interested in streaming (remember the EE drama where he said that pupper would jsut play 6 hours of custom TD games instead of streaming for that contract?) and since there's no pressure from valve (or orgs generally) to stream they just don't. Then you factor in that loads of the dota pro scene is slav, Chinese or SEA and you its not all that surprising. I dunno what twitch chat is like for other games like LoL but I imagine getting "cs lul" spammed at you isn't all that appealing for some.
criminally underrated post
____ BOOGA
well yeah, you will need to adopt your build a lot
you need to recognize your role in the game
usually you just go for standard regen, shield, to turn into pms later on
95% of the times you get arcanes, 5% you get threads. With threads you go that wierd deso into bloodtorn build, but with recent patch that build is shit

if you are playing normaly, after boots you save for stuns if your team lacks initiation. i highly value aghs, but you usually get force before
euls is also decent before aghs

desu, nyxs best skill is carapace, you can do wonders with it, it really comes down to how much you played with him.

for skill build i max 1st and 3rd with normal ult timings. i rarely put point in mana burn as you yourself dont have mana for it

after that you can build whatever the fuck you want
lotus is great since you already have a component
ghost scepter into etheral
i rarely go dagon 1st, you can if you are stomping, but sometimes i go dagon later on

also try to get some coordination with your team, invoker works great with nyx, its a 100% kill with sunstrike.you should get 6pretty quick and just start getting kills.

you can also kill their carry as soon as you hit 6. soften him with your stuns, then kill some creeps and hit him with stun, pop lvl6 and pop him, they rarely expect it
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>no sex themed heroine that seduces her enemies and violates them with her giganormous cock
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>you save for stuns

*you save for blink
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sven took my lane and told me to go jungle....so i BECAME the jungle

>that complete lack of a single utility item on the enemy team

low priority normal skill is fucking hilarious
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carapace is so strong, and pretty much guarantees that you can lock down a shithead alch/radiance carry
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how many monitors do you think Puppey broke that night? probably broke into a computer store and vandalized it
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this post works better with a picture
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>3 minutes ago Change #2946487


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Absolutely beautiful, got the undying one?
>he's 6k
damn... secret lost to this???
6k south america m8, thats like 10k china
After 3.3k everything is the same and MMR is an indicator of how much you play not how skilled you are
>thinking you have the right to even speak
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he's 8k on his main

its their captain 5th position whos like 5k or soemthing
>meme making points
>implying MMR means anything
>implying it's not just a tedious long grind which only makes it possible for pro players,streamers and NEET to acquire a high mmr.
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>William de Medeiros Anastacio

cool name desu
butthurt secretfangays or butthurt ooga booga posters?
Dota 2
>still no compendium hero
what's that?
dark seer has a compendium cosmetic
>The game has still one of the shittiest ranking systems ever
>an endless MMR which will just inflate more and more as the years pass, making it so only people that play 8h per day can gain a high MMR.
>Literally any game other game with a ranking number does seasonal resets because of this.
I guess Valve is "To smart" to not just use the formula that has been proven to work out so much better.
Daily reminder that 7.00 made dota fun again and mm changes made dota great again.
>True Sight is OG/VP
It will be a fucking great watch atleast.
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>pick wk
>go safeline
>shit on there axe
>get fat and start solo pushing
>notice half the enemy team had bought just diffusal blade
>hit level 25 and pick the no mana cost tree skill

Pssh nothing personal kid .mp3

on side note do you think they Will rework his No Reincarnation mana cost skill tree?
literally peering into the mind of the 1k
I hope they do, it pretty much breaks the balance that was long established around d wk
I don't see why they would.
why does wagafaga always go into this high pitch everything-is-a-question tusk-style way of talking every time he whines about something? is this a swedish thing?
shit is jew-tier obnoxious
5k+ is high MMR. 6-7k is elite. 8k+ is autism/pro players
Say you are alch, what items fuck over ck
i can't count how many times i stopped alch/naga tping with it

aslo, remember you can use it in vendetta without breaking it
you can kill like, lina with it ez. you can predict when she casts her spells, stand in a way to absorb it with carapace, then kill her
He's upset but tries to hide it. You have to remember that he's the biggest cuck out there, playing Dota with girls just to get laid with them.
Bulldog also does this "stream with XXX attentionwhore girl" but at least he's self aware of his cuckory.
waga is terrified of ever expressing a strong opinion too ive noticed, everything has an "in my opinion, but you can do what you want" disclaimer... like a woman
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>trying to switch from using WASD for camera to mouse after years of using WASD
good god this is suffering
>pedo is also a retard
wow who knew
Not surprised that a degnerate would use the most braindead form of camera control
is this a serious post?
wk at level 25 don't have mana problem
>picking the worst talent

new attribute is literally the most reddit thing ever and would kill dota worse than talents and shrines

like making dota a completely different game every patch isnt fucking fun, it took me years to learn the game and ive had to completely relearn it since 7.00

learning isnt fucking fun, im done trying to learn to play dota, icefrog shouldnt make anymore big changes for another 5 years minimum


you cant lose easily playing her even if your fucking braindead

just point and click to win
Anyone want to recommend me some heroes to try? I'm new to Dota and MOBA in general.
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when was the last time you played the game anon?
Thanks, I'll be sure to run Meepo and jump right into a ranked game.

There's nothing wrong with any of those heroes. You need to learn that you can fuck over your team very easily.
>>>/county jail/

fucking degenerate pedo filth
You probably say traps arent gay too
how is ogre any worse than other supports in terms of potential for failure?
also pick chen and spam test of faith
what's the connection here? Any other redditors here that can translate?
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>i-im not a pedo
>she's a 1000000 year old loli vampire
>s-she just so happens to have the body of a 11y/o girl
>b-but its okay because shes 1000000

fuck off degenerate filth pedophile
the joke wasn't funny dumbass. Now tell me how you think you can ruin a game with ogre.
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Dota 2
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>hfn is streaming
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I do.
Fuck you
he doesn't want to offend his reddit crowd
t. Axe
When is riki going into the trash where he belongs?
>that teabag taunt
5/5 breddy gud
>When you piss of your enemy so much they avoid the storm and your tomb because of BM taunts
God bless Brazil
apparently MidOne and MP got really triggered by that. They even tried to complain to PGL Employees in private about it but they were told to stop being butthurt
>bulba rp
are da dire da good goys??
He literally danced on his grave.

>watching EE
>he misses every call
>insta dies on TP
>does nothing but farm in safelane
>stil has no items at 10 mins
toppest kek this shit is amazing
>d-dota 2 competitive scene is not just a big circlejerk of nepotism
>players like EE deserves to be there
It's fountain hook all over again
Btw I wasn't around when that happened. What was the reaction to that game and Navi's victory?
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Most people loved it
Pros figured it's in the game so it's fine even though it was kinda bullshit
Loda was extremely butthurt.
coincidentally dondo is streaming
fountain hook was actual bullshit though. got fixed right after as well.
Fountain hook got fixed
Maybe vulva will prevent something that they added at their events.
>big dick
Pick both
Has anyone ever tried Eul's on Monkey King Support? OwO It seems good on paper I swear.
>You stand on your ult and euls
>You eul's a dood and set up your e,q,or ult.
t. Loda

China and most people loved it and the casters thought it was amazing.
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>Compendium came out last year mid May
>thinking it should come out earlier right after a Major ended

>playing monkey king support
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What went wrong? I was the PA.
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Alright guys. Next big patch is the make it or break it for Dota IMO. Do you think they will:

1. Continue adding more ridiculous talents, lame abilities, healing shit, dumbing down the mechanics, Reddit memes, etc.


2. Do you think they will wake the fuck up and return Dota to its former glory?
>le battlefury maymay
You probably should have gotten a Linkens.
>no rapier

really made me do the thing
>cropping the hero dmg so we can't see that YOU were the problem
you know what to do anon
>battlefury pa
why would you do this?
you didn't end the game fast enough
PA falls off late game
>2. Do you think they will wake the fuck up and return Dota to its former glory?

wc3 dota is still readily available grandpa
Wtf are those mmr margins? Is this party mmr?
>double diffu riki
Gj anon!
Where's your satanic?
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What's the Dota equivalent of this album?
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>double diffusal blade is bad on riki
Did i say its bad? I said gj..
Total garbage produced by a kike and executed by willing gentiles?

The Summit
Yeah, party MMR has been weird since they made it combine solo+team ratings.
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Now that the dust has settled, how's solo q dotards?
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>it's an OG episode
>it's a TI battlepass in mid may episode
Quick /d2g/, post what immortals you think are going to be added this year. What heroes are getting them and which skill is going to get changed?
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Is he still viable or nah?
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I get atleast 2 of them every game,the troll/sniper meta was more fun.i think my winrate against jugg or terro is <30% this week
jakiro and viper
brood wyvern oracle Jakiro chen kotl
naga Ultra rare
that true sight teaser was kinda hype
lets just say he is banned in 50% of my games
alright guys, blog time

just did a ranked match, jesus christ how stressful. it literally felt like i was babysitting children.

>pick phoenix support because bird is bae
>supporting a void, have medusa mid, np jungle, and dk offlane
>np constantly clears my stack/pull camps
>tps to steal my fucking bounty rune
>tranquil boots delayed, cant buy wards
>"bro i need the farm a lot more than you do"
>try to explain that its not for me, and he's not the one buying wards
>try to keep calm
>it's like 6-20 by 20 mins in
>against lc jungle, lion/pa top, ta mid, bristleback bottom
>i can tell their lion is actually good by his use of smokes and wards
>get into a dewarding war with him
>mostly fails
>all seems lost
>theyre pushing us to our base
>buy a smoke and gank lc with the team, take rax, then direct them to get rosh
>alright guys wait for everyone then lets teamfight with aegis
>30 mins in, void only has manta treads and morbid mask
>our lane was shit so i gave him a break, his chronospheres werent bad but he kept putting them down when i dove in
>np trying to rat and feeding
>have to yell at him that there are people coming to kill him whenever he tps to a lane
>get everyone to group for another smoke, clear them out in a gank
>take rosh again
>wait for everyone
>go down mid for a 5 man push
>medusa gets caught out, but we're there to jump in in time

and that's my blog about the natures prophet who built mkb into satanic into hurricane pike

i can say without a doubt i do not belong in 2.3k
Yeah I'm not reading that.
6 decides what I read.

>tinker back item that uses octarine core to fuel his weapons that recolors lazer and homing missile to match the spell lifesteal effect

>oracle arm item that changes the ball thing he holds into a metal pyramid and adds a gold illuminati eye effect to fortunes end

>meepo weapon that lets him dual wield two dragon lances and changes earthbind to a dragon lance that pins down whatever it hits

>monkey king bamboo flute weapon that makes musical sounds as he stacks up jingu mastery and changes his attack animation to dancing when making empowered attacks
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jakiro gets a helmet that causes his macropyre flame to become entirely frost
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>TFW no sex commander GF/BF
who the fuck is tero
fiddy shades of grey
Seriously invoker needs a buff.
>pgg still hasn't landed a single blackhole

11/10 literally an arcana

I actually felt a little hype for a minute there my mang. Congrats on the win.

I just want for bounty to get a buff and some good comstetics. Is it that much to ask?
You do belong in your MMR brackets kids, the points don't lie. Everyone deserves it
most people do, but i don't
Cherry blossom set for Treant WHEN?
My weeb semiNEET dollars are right here for the taking valve. Hurry the fuck up.
list of heroes without immortal (more likely to get immortal)
Arc Warden
Chaos Knight
Dark Seer
Elder Titan
Keeper of the Light
Naga Siren
Nyx Assassin
Shadow Demon
Treant Protector
Troll Warlord
Winter Wyvern

list of heroes with more than one immortal (less likely to get one)
Crystal Maiden
Drow Ranger
Faceless Void
Nature's Prophet
seriously why the fuck can't spics spell commend right whenever they beg for commends WHAT TH E FUCK
They're just redditors that think in comments and upvotes.
what could lycan possibly get as an immortal. what could it change. all of his spells are changed by non-immortal cosmetics
A necrobook cosmetic that changes the necro creeps.
actually maybe it would be better if, instead of an icy flame, it spawns icy spikes along the ground
Some shiny claws that gave his Wex a special particle effect or something
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When is the VR going to come out for this game so that I can start working on SFM for LC dicking me 24/7

shibe mask
makes wolves shibies

don't lie, you'd buy it

new howl effect that puts particle effects on every unit that gets bonus damage that become bigger and more noticeable at night
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>wake up
>no patch
Lycan already has a Necrobook cosmetic though
now he can have two
like kunkka and pipes
>tfw you realized aether lens on pudge is actually much worse than other items you could get
or just some kind of wolf sigil above all affected heroes
pudge as a hero is pretty mediocre to be honest
aether lens is pretty mediocre in general
i don't think there is good way of buffing it other than making it a part of another bigger item
it's broken on heroes like jakiro
has is really come to this malcom?
its literally a joke that everyone in the world knows, except you
For me it was the steam market death. I dunno why I like trading and selling hats, but it was a huge part of the game for me. With recycling it got even crazier and then everything became untradeable and the stuff that was cant go on sale for half a year. Also compendium bound chests.
lens got powercreeped by the addition of cast range talents on heroes like Lina, Timber, and Bane who normally bought it

not sure how i'd fix it, maybe give it an active that temporarily doubles the bonus cast range or doubles the spell amp
>flys dad made this image
are you guys mentally fucking retarded or something?
about 5 immortals for jugg, drow, invoker, lina and axe

and an arcana for pudge
>goes battlefury PA against a team with no illusion heroes
>is surprised when he loses late game as a practically 1v9 PA
are you?
~he's not the PA~
HotS did that and it's 10x more fun than current Dota. Dota feels like bootleg HotS at this point.

or don't, i dont care
the former skeleton king used to have an active on his critical strike, wasn't very good but the potential was there
How do you balance that though?
The hardest carries all have passives save for Terrorblade. How are you going to roll Blurr into an active skill without making it OP? Coup de grace? Wraith King lifesteal? Feast?
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It should have an active on a 13% uptime that states it improves crit chance for the duration. No data on whether it has any effect on crit chance is given.
What if activating Mortal Strike for 100 mana caused the next hit to be a guaranteed crit that would steal that health for Wraith King for the next 7 seconds.
14 second cooldown.
Aether Lens and Desolator are two items that need to get a new upgrade tier like Shadow Blade became Silver Edge
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You can clearly see that he's the Riki, yet you all responded to him as thought he was the PA

Fucking moron.
Someone redpill me on double diffusal. Do you just get it for the stats?
Cheapest way to get Agility, I guess.
Not smart unless you're snowballing.
16 more active uses too is always helpful
make him receive full melee & ranged bonuses from items

plasma field always deals max damage to creeps

static link activates current level of unstable current against the linked enemy every 4 seconds
>making desolater scale better in lategame
that sounds dangerous anon
at that point you can just get an eaglesong and get the same amount of agility
>3200 gold for 25 agility
>versus 3150 for 25 agility 10 int purge charges
>spend another 700 and get 35 agility 15 int more charges

Eh. It varies. I think it'd be smarter to go for Butterfly but Diffusal has a much better buildup.
or you could go down the middle road and get basher like a sensible fucking riki player
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treant pickers who max nature's guise and go le ebin """""""roaming"""""" build every fucking game should have their dota license revoked
He already had a Basher?
oh right
alchemist is a top tier roamer
>150 damage 1.75s stun at lvl 1
>enough mana to cast it thrice without needing regen
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>treant players who have 0-1 levels of living armor at level 6
The riki meta is more you go 1-3 aquil (depending how hard you're snowballing) > diffusal > basher > deso > aghs

2nd diffusal is only really good now if you really really need the charges or don't have a good hero to aghs into.
Just mix it with another item and make it something really fucking weird

>Magic Scythe
>Desolator + Veil of Discord + 500 gold (Total : 6270)
>+60 Damage, +20 Intelligence, +10 Strength, +10 Agility, +6 Health regeneration, +6 Armor
>Passive : Eternal Corruption - Basic attacks reduce enemy armor by 7 and magic resistance by 25%, lasts 15 seconds
Also no armor and 295 ms, melee and useless when played from behind
>useless when played from behind
Can someone post THAT alch webm?

idea for a tier 2 desolator:

>starfire blade
>deso + solar crest
>first autocast/toggle item that when toggled on turns every attack into a solar crest active
>can also be cast on allies like regular solar crest
>same stats as both deso and sc, but the damage bonus is increased to 75
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This piece of shit game really is dead isn't it?
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excuses excuses

valve finally fucked it up so bad that even the hardcore addicts cant take it anymore

the only reason to even think about this shitheap is if it makes you money
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when have valve ever not killed off their own licenses through incompetence?
>Half Life
>Team Fortress
>HL Deathmatch
>Left 4 Dead
>Day of Defeat
is that a fucked up picture of a cat or a close up of your mom LOL
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>max guise
>buy a midas
>buy an aghs refresher octarine
>are completely useless for the whole game

honestly fuck this retarded niggershit

they go for this fuckign meme shit instead of getting a blink/mek/useful items
>quitting dota
he said he's quitting making videos as CLQ
haha post THAT webm!!!!
amarite guys! THAT! webm!!




one guys!!!


fuck off you autistic nigger
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I got ya senpai
triple suplex trolling is never funny, just stop
Nice reddit spacing.
the ones who max guise yet don't even get early oov or blight stone are truly the worst
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why are these teary-eyed and/or blurred cat pictures so fucking funyn
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how long can my streak keep going, guys?
>radiance phoenix gets a buff

oh my god
options are ALWAYS buffs
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>posting in a dead thread
>when you could be watching day9

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he's been going downhill ever since SC2 died

tfw no more cool stories like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaQdd8bUaXk because his life has caught up with his online work
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cat are not funny
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>uploaded in 2012
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>2012 was 20 years ago
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>uploaded in 2012
>old client
>old map
When dota was actually good
I'm going to try this with aghs
what do you guys do when you feel suicidally depressed and can't get any weed
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>tfw you enrage the russian you're playing with to the point where he proceeds to rabidly write an essay in chat and deny his own items
moments like these make even losing the game worth it
you're dependent
be a man and stop
drink some water in the mean time
no, it's just that there is nothing good in life at all
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>giant win streak
>queue up for the first game today
>entire draft no one talks at all
>it all starts with the monkey who is btw a peruvian, you could tell by his accent
>someone send courier mid
>we see np on the map
>me and storm try to get to courier out of his way
>monkey screams on mic "I GOT THIS I GOT THIS I GOT THIS" as he keeps bringing the courier towards np
>courier killed
>seconds later
>first blood given by monkey
>cm is never in lane, also feeds for some reason
>morph has downs, he picked his hero 2nd pick and went offlane like he is doing all hero challenge in ranked or some shit, never said a word
>storm is the only half decent player but had an awful start cause of monkey
>try carry
>fail cause the team wont stop dying 1 by 1 even 40 min in and defing is hard 3v5
welp d2g, i guess i am going back down to the trench
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>tfw this video convinced me to play dota
>tfw i tried the build in my very first game

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>TFW no strong black waifu to crush my pelvis

Drow is the best black dota girl
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>new attribute is literally the most reddit thing ever

The first time I read the comic, on the day it came out, and it showed a 4th spirit, I immediately figured out it would also introduce a 4th attribute before anyone at Reddit could even copy the idea from anyone smarter (everyone knows Reddit can't think for themselves and, like raccoons, simply scrounges for better ideas elsewhere on the Internet before bringing it to their dump for consumption), since I hadn't posted it about it on d2g yet, therefore no one on Reddit would have too.

Here's proof in case you don't believe me, it took Reddit probably 3 days for someone to even make a thread there about it. That's how huge the difference is between how fast I think and how slow their brains are to form an independent and critical thought.
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is solo queue any better game-quality wise? are there enormously long wait times?
>useful items.
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Here's further proof in case you doubt me. Typical Reddit user is as dumb and slow as a rock
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>implying they aren't going to finish Morphling, Earthshaker, Razor, and Lion's immortal sets

They're obviously working towards full-immortal sets on these heroes, with 1 piece an International. Maybe Axe too, but his immortals don't look like they're forming a set as of yet.
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shes not black, delete this post
3 hero update with Breklin, creep girl, and 4th spirit when?
Breklin is the 4th spirit
His name fits the pattern and he is the right colour.
>look at how fast I thought up something bad and stupid

A fourth attribute isn't going to happen. A new stat could happen, but an attribute simply isn't going to.
Who are we watching, doterds?
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>the shitshow that was the day 1 7.00 hud was a hint at new attributes

ultimate straw grasping


>the blue faggot and loli creep will be heroes

absolutely not
>but an attribute simply isn't going to.

Just like how shrines and talents weren't going to happen, am I right, retard?
>tfw no prepped bull hero
what's the name of your leftarm item?
>>the shitshow that was the day 1 7.00 hud was a hint at new attributes
>ultimate straw grasping

Remember how far back people discovered bananas dropping in demo mode and no one had an idea at all it was about monkey king, and instead though it was just a joke about Venomancer?

If you think things that were put in the game in the past are simply "accidental", you're a fucking idiot. Alot of these small details are intentional on Valve's part. You just don't know for sure which ones signal to future changes/content.
Question: Will Brewmaster get a fourth Brewling if get a 4th spirit hero?
kinda and sometimes

at peak hours wait times are pretty much the same but can also get pretty long when it's dead. not having to deal with stacks is nice but overall quality of games hasn't changed much

t. low 4k shitter
He shouldn't.
>not wanting a WRASTLING hero

you're the fag
Yes, I discussed or mentioned that in a further post about the topic. You can check the archive if you don't believe me
>Remember how far back people discovered bananas dropping in demo mode and no one had an idea at all it was about monkey king, and instead though it was just a joke about Venomancer?

It wasn't about monkey king. You're reaching very hard.

It's very possible Breklin is the hero but that's obvious. Anathema means one who is shunned etc, he seems to have lost his "spirit power" or something.
why? dota2 spirits are not pandas anymore
Infused Gauntlet of the Infernal Rambler.

dota 2 lore was never ever a thing except with turbo autists


considering monkey king can transform into bananas you arent wrong, they were hinting at him

so what would attribute 4 do in game
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We don't need this discussion again! All waifus are good.
Spell amp & Magic resist

Remove the spell amp from INT
>watch some of the vods of hfn's stream

jesus what the fuck this guy is god
wat movie anone
I don't like the idea of a 4th spirit, but maybe a new spiritual elemental trio (unrelated or maybe rival of the current one) and maybe a new 'brew' avatar for this trio sounds better
>It wasn't about monkey king. You're reaching very hard.
>The bananas dropping when you cut down random trees weren't about monkey king

Breklin is not the 4th spirit, no one was saying Breklin is the 4th spirit. Holy shit, you are even more of an idiot than I thought. Why am I even talking to you like an equal? You're below me, you retard fuck. I'm wasting my time talking to idiots like you. This is the end of our discussion.
Breklin is the 4th Spirit
His name fits the pattern
He's clearly water themed
And his title is "The Anathema"
He's been exiled or something and made weaker
Like Zeus

His intro comic will have him recover his power and that's why he's a hero again

>being this autistic


>gives magic resist and spell amp at the same tome probably in equal amounts

so in other words it doesnt change the amount of damage done at all and ends up making every hero have antimage passive

fuck off with that retarded idea
>so what would attribute 4 do in game

Could be something new or Icefrog moving/reshuffling some of the secondary bonuses from the attributes we have now into the 4th attribute and making them stronger.

Thing is though, the 4th attribute has to do with Water, so think about that. Earth's solidity is Strength, Fire's speed is Agility, Storm's unpredictability is Intelligence (kind of a leap, but it works)

An idea I have though, is IF Icefrog isn't making a 4th attribute, is that the property of Water he will use is fluidity, meaning he can somehow switch or pick what his primary attribute is at the start of the game or throughtout the game. Take note of this one again, before Reddit copies or takes credit for it.
>>being this autistic

If you want autistic, go look at this guy >>175807249
>Dumbass on Reddit advertises his Sven set based on Sven being half-meranth
>forgets or doesn't know that the reason Sven's helmet has a pointy horn on each side is because that's where his fin ears go
Shouldn't have expected much from another typical idiotic Reddit user
>even knowing what reddit does or doesn't

Shouldn't have expected much from another typical reddit cocksucker.
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VALVE fix my precious Dota and I will buy an International Pass. Please, don't turn this shit into HOTS. Fix this 7.00 mess I beg you.
the only cocksucker here is your mom, bitchtits
What's wrong with 7.00?
Now that we've had a Major with 7.0+ what was wrong with it?

200 tf per minute
roshan pit
jungle & routes
backpack and talents can stay but talentsn eeds to get reworked entirely: more unique talents and less generic bullshit flat damage/cdr/gpm/etc
the only thing they do the entire game is fight and heal
If you need advice on how to win lane as invoker you probably need to play a different hero
Split push is dead resulting in memefight and deathball
It's actually more about winning the game than the lane. What do you do when a hero like puck or ember rotates to kill your team once they are 6? You call missing, push the tower, but often they still die, and a single tower isn't really worth three deaths on your side.
Were you a god with invoker the first time you played him? He can get shit on in lane by heroes like viper for example.
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why is she so cute bros?
split pushing is not dead

ratting is
There was plenty of splitpush in the Major
Did you even watch it?
anything that pushes the wave shits on invoker's laning

but what really determine the matchup are the rotations from supports.

anway, frogo is the responsable for breaking invoker, it went fro ma fun action hero m from minute 2 to a retard autoattacker full alacrity until you get your aghs and then again 5 minutes later you only alacrity because you need now to dodge fightsor only pick support since lul bkb

and alacrity. invoker is basically drow with sun strike now
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>implying Tornado EMP Meatball Deafening Blast doesn't win teamfights
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>Moo just stopped streaming
guess it's time to watch our boy
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>real women scare me because i can't talk to them yikes
stuipd kumikoposter
>can move around the map hasted and invisible
>can kill people quick with fast, high damage ranged physical attacks
>can push towers very fast
>has a global nuke to gank with
>has aoe magic and pure damage, and multiple single target and aoe disables
He's GoodClinkz
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so we can all agree that Aqua Spirit can use the river itself for his skills right?
Totally useless unless he can lay down "puddles" like Brood does webs
i was talking about her overbearingly apparent man-face
>Dota 2 will never have an official web radio show where the VA's (In-character) talk about silly things, the game, upcoming events, and do silly things.


This is part of why Valve sucks at making people stay and keeping up intereset in the game
let's discuss how big aqua spirit's tits will be
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So Snape got reincarnated into this...
>that bulge
0w0 what's that?
he's literally GoodEntireRoster. one of his spells shits on almost every other disable in the game
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dota2 need a japanese voice first
>no built in blink
h-heh, magic sucks nerd, pshh...
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What if icefrog decided to revert jungle spawn but the map stays the same

is this possible or will he refuse and do something even more retarded?

Will he ever remove shrines?
>he doesn't know
lads don't tell him
>Holy shit, you are even more of an idiot than I thought. Why am I even talking to you like an equal? You're below me, you retard fuck. I'm wasting my time talking to idiots like you. This is the end of our discussion.

I checked this guys profile from the vg chat

He averages 70 last hits a game.

It's sad that children have come to think that his nasty way is how you approach interaction with other people, this generation is basically lost
Honestly a creep hero would be really cool. Maybe his abilities would revolve around manipulating other creeps and pushing.
he basically has a built in blink just because he can flash farm a dagger in a few minutes
>Valve sucks at making people stay and keeping up intereset in the game
i don't see dota 2 dying. sub 5/4k shitters are the only people i see that will most likely quit the game.
>Ult immediately spawns a creep wave at each of your rax, 60 second cooldown
Wait what? What doesn't he know?
>BSJ going radiance weaver
what fucking year is it
some guy went this shit in my game recently and said he didnt play dota since 2007

he wrecked everyone. i was so confused. +damage is good on weaver

we are in a all time low since 2015, after the biggest patch in history and a major
I honestly hate the new map and jungle camp spawn times.
there's still a shit ton of good dota 1 builds that can wreck pubs in dota 2. but people will just complain about it because "muh pro plays build"
yeah and +damage is good on weaver and radiance is a good item anyways. wonder when that shit is getting nerfed
Why doesn't CCnSHIT ever play invoker?
But I haven't opened up Dota 2 yet today. I don't know who you're talking about, dumbass.
i'm fine with it. as long as it wont take me more than 15 minutes of queuing
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pls let this be a girl...
They should subtly model the face based on this guy
anon i...
Dang, look at him, and look at his wife.
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Or this guy
that'd be for a goblin hero
Paint him green and you have the fat Techies
who is your guilty pleasure hero, /d2g/?

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im in love with Mirana's voice
wat this bsj doing being greedy and shit. wat
>when your teammate picks bounty hunter
If you're playing Ezalor, Keeper of the Light (KotL), you're gonna want to ban Spirit Breaker, Night Stalker, Bounty Hunter...
*bane sleeps u*
It's a fucking nightmare. Badrikdar runs into the enemy sentry wards and dies. He is not able to do anything but track and q in fights without dying. Picking him turns it into 4v5.
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im on my way
to number one
thats just because no one above 4k plays brew anon.
nice one filtered
>be psg
>walk away from jungle camps when i farm them with a ranged hero so i take less hits
>people observed me doing this years ago
>at least 4 people "corrected" me
>all pros now do this even though they didn't 4 years ago
>was literally 4 years ahead of the pro game

what did they mean by this
Is Gyrocopter a hero?

Is the Maelstrom/Aghs meme legit?
i haven't played in a while. which safelaners do i spam atm
terror, lifestealer, jug, troll
He hits like a fucking truck at lvl 1.
>changes to map and mechanics make this maneuver not stupid to do now
>pros start to do it
>but g-guys I was still ahead of them b-because I was doing it when it was still retarded!!!
lul PSG everyone.
>>changes to map and mechanics make this maneuver not stupid to do now

how did changes to the map and mechanics make this manuever not stupid to do now

individual camps are still exactly the same

that's literally the worst fucking made up shit i've ever heard to try to disacknowledge tha tsomeone was right and you were wrong, sorry kid
What if there was a potion item that increases your gold income to 500 GPM, but lasts 30 seconds and costs 250 gold?
What if there was a potion that allowed us to kill you in real life?
You may not know it, but behind every post is a human with their own complicated life and I don't ever want to see you saying something so insensitive EVER again. Understand?
You just listed shit, you didn't say what was wrong with it.
δεαδ game
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Steam Gifting is now gone, thanks again to Reddit and their fake campaign against G2A. They're ruining Dota, ruining Steam. I am so sick of Valve listening to these cancerous fucks and all their astroturf campaigns.
what if rupture worked like mana leak?
>defending G2A and steam gift scams because muh reddit

baby duck at it's finest
His Agh's is super good but I'm not sure about that Maelstrom hey. I think Satanic is easily the best item to pair with his Agh's, but I actually like going Eul's first and playing him in a dual offlane.
i always knew the fag spamming duck memes to defend faggot ass valve was from reddit, and now you proved it.
yeah I'm just taking a small smoke break after fucking your mom I'm about to go back in for round 2 try some anal while I'm in there. Your gay
How does one achieve the level of intellegints you're on?
By being born to intelligent parents and finishing school without trying
>np jungle

this still happens?
post ending in 5 says what hero i troll BSJ with
Battle Ball (IO with deso)
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>axe goes jungle
>axe rushes blademail
>axe gets it in only 16 minutes
>axe of course has tranquils but does not drop them while farming camp
>axe dies 9 time before getting his blink dagger at 25 minutes
>axe then builds sange for an unknown reason
>axe is axe
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I have played 10 games after 7.00.

I used to play 10 games a day.
So 7.00 has drastically improved your life is what you are saying.
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AS will passively spawn remnants while he is in the river and fountain and the remnants can be moved around the map to be used for skills
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>WR cosplayer is a major QT
>Drow nearly perfect cosplay
>notice Drow's right eye and left eye aren't even looking in the same direction
i only take np jungle and get a 4 minute midas with bounty cheese
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critical strike heh

come on dude
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umm anon do you know how eyes work?
>not being able to independently move your eyes
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nice arcana heh
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it's a beta Kiev literally just ended
you're a beta
Ok gulag friends, what shitty post major shuffle fakes are we pushing? Im thinking Fata to EG, sumail to OG and ana back to china
you mean ana back to straya?
cr1t confirmed no changes though
Navi.Shadow and Faithbian
Lmao, there's a streamer with more viewers than followers. Totally not suspicious at all
>no all australian team
uhh, dotards?
are you actually fucking stupid?
good point

maybe something to do with sylar? noone understands the chink scene
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is flutterchan /ourgirl/?
only because he doesn't know he's getting the boot :^)
that's a nice boy butt
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Should I quit WoW for Dota
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you should quit WoW for real life
why does dota have the same problem wow has
everyone who plays it, hates it
Because all the changes the design team has implemented over the years of its existence has streamlined it, removing the rough edges, but at the same time removed what made it fun in the first place
because it's a poorly designed game
You are mixing things up. Go ask on reddit, where people actually play dota, the general answer will be that people love it. Here on d2g most people don't play dota, there's even people that don't watch dota and still come here to shitpost
>redditors love a game that's catered to them even though they make up 1% of the playerbase
really makes you think
Don't worry, I'm sure there's a parallel universe where the game is cattered to d2g, even thought they make up 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the playerbase
>Circlejerk forum about a game that heavily censors and screens negative feedback, has positive reception of it
Fuck off retard. This is the only place where people can speak the unfiltered truth
only because our ideas would be so great, that the number of players would explode
or what if Valve did this shocking thing where they just develop a game properly, you know like the old days, without taking input from masses of idiots?

seeing all the retarded stuff that you see after every "I don't like this thing and it should be like ..." post, I doubt it.

d2g (or the people left on d2g) are all mentally challenged autists that spend the day shitposting instead of actually playing videogames.
100% This

Imagine if Bloodborne was fucking designed while taking input via popular (up)votes on Reddits. It would have been a fucking disaster.
it was a joke, family
>d2g (or the people left on d2g) are all mentally challenged autists

Speak for yourself, dumbfuck
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P-pls let this be a girl JUST ONE TIME!
or you can stop deluding yourself and look around you
so this is what Funn1k does for money these days...
>2 5k's, 4 4k's, guy with 6500 games and 3 smurfs with lvl 2-8 profiles on the game game

so THIS is the power of valve matchmaking... whoah...
>lvl 2-8 profiles

stay without a phone third worlder.
If any of those are remotely accurate I will be very surprised.
Just lost an 8 win/prediction streak, just fuck me up senpai
Why does Voids time jump still only cost 40mana?
That ability is so ridiculous and it being so cheap is just so OP.
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>open Dota to play
>remember laning stage is useless
>remember there are shrines
>remember there are GPM,XPM talents
>remember half the players are level 25 by minute 30
>remember people are 7 or 8 slotted by minute 40
>close the game
>queue into game
>both teams have 3 smurfs
>dodge the game
>close the game
This is why I play HotS now. Win or lose at least I don't suffer for 30 mins-1 hour+ like in Dota
Icefraud here

Glad you mention it, we want the LoL/HotS audience so we are implementing a myriad of changes to reduce average match duration to 10 minutes and 20 minutes being the maximum probable duration of even the longest game, hope you enjoy the upcoming changes
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I am a better version of your favorite non-spectre melee carry
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daily reminder jugg is just two items away from being a better version of your favorite carry
Uhh, dotards?
>no header
>no avatar
Jugg is my favourite carry
he is probably just memeing retards hungry for reshuffle drama
The charges primed?
I can't wait to see that they shuffle around the same old players in the same old teams yet again.
It's such a fresh breeze to see the very same old players and teams since 5years old back playing against each other.
chinks are even worse
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Laughing Duo Heavy & Medic.jpg
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sumail to liquid miracle to EG
bkb and daedalus.

literally jugg:the items
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Name a waifu that satisfies more fetishes than pic related
if it wasn't for the hands I'd have married her already

there isn't even a reason for those hands
>tfw no bf but still have your hand
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dp hug.png
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hands are for asphyxiation
pic related
I prefer the ass-on-face when it comes to asphyxiation techniques
>wake up
>no patch
>Not grinding your dick between those fingers like it was a pool cue
why is bulldongs stream so comfy

I think im gonna megasub
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LC update.jpg
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you mean ASSphyxiation?

srsly though Luna and LC are queens of face sitting
Redpill me on Waga, why is he so hated by everyone?
worst big dota streamer
>EleGiggle 4Head Kappa123
>Im 12 btw haHAA
>Tea Eye Winner LUL
I don't understand how you can endure that for more than 10 minutes.
because there's no reason for him to be so popular.

he's not funny or entertaining like bulldog

he's not even good at this game
>people having fun
disgusting, should be gassed every single one of them
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dp lipstick.jpg
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this guy gets it
Is Magnus Offlane a good choice to learn and for rising through ranked?

When I play as Magnus as a mid see, because of my generally lower skill as a mid on top of a more pressing need to dominate the lane, I tend to lose more as a result but when I do get blink dagger and force staff and all that, I find I can make some really good plays

I realize when I move to the offlane, it feels more natural for me since I am much more familiar with being position 3 and know how to play it more, and as a result, win more
Does Bulldog not play LD as badSniper?
magnus gonna be nerfed hard in 7.06 most likely, so you are too late
otherwise yeah, he is strong hero and better played in offlane
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>playing the badSniper when you've literally won the tea eye with your ability to play multi unit splitpush heroes
According to Kiev, he only wins 50% of the time and is not really the most contested nor picked hero

Wouldnt that suggest that hes 'balanced' for now?
still no patch?
Give them a break TI2 just finished
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he's a boring numale passive aggressive swecuck
what's the significance of this swedish flag
Is Reddit also not starting to hate him now when he smurfs and intentionally ruins games? I've actually never seen anyone say anything good about Waga and despite that he's the most popular Dota streamer.
>reddit and d2g complain about shit just for the sake of complaining and not because they really mean it
more news at 11
I doubt someone here unironically enjoys Waga
What are some good bans when playing mid Storm Spirit?
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