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Senran Kagura General /skg/ #1051

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 251

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Misc. Queen of impersonations.webm
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Kani-chan edition
Old thread >>175416293

SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash European Release Confirmed!
New SK game Teaser
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3’s Marie Rose, Honoka and Ayane as DLC.
Super Sonico as DLC
SK on Switch
Switch Project Focusing on Asuka Revealed: Shinobi Refle

>Complete Character Listing
>Peach Beach Splash CG Pack
>Newest Fanart
>Senran Kagura Drawing Thread
>>>/i/497555 # #

>How to Play
>Mobacoin Guide
>Card Release Thread
>Card Archive (Updated 4/3/17)
>Card Wiki

>MarvelousAQL Senran Kagura site
>Creator's Twitter
>Yaegashi Nan's home page
>Japanese 2ch Thread Futalog
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I love Hikage! Every Thread!
Informing Mirai's parents that she's in this thread!
That crab is very funny
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How do I find a girlfriend who looks like Hikage?
You don't. 3DPD
Go in alleyways and punk rock dive bars.
Visit an anime convention, but don't expect tits that big.
You may find it a tad difficult to find someone with natural green hair
Look under logs and in bushes. Perhaps lay down a few nets with trapped mice.
>Anonick please be of the helpings!
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>Mistress Haruka will never test her new drugs on you
>Mistress Haruka will never treat you like a dog
>Mistress Haruka will never turn you into a doll of hers
>Mistress Haruka will never touch you inappropriately to an extent where you feel uncomfortable about it
>Mistress Haruka will never be real
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This but with Senrans
Oh no, Mirai lost her silly hat!
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I just booted up shinovi versus
I want a yandere senran!
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Here, she's all yours.
Repeat >>175539513
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Renka Shiden.webm
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Getting HYPED with Onee-chan!
Really? Thanks! Oh, my dreams of having a lovely devoted wife I can dote over have finally come tr-uhhh why does she have a minute on her?

S-sweetie? Dear? Uhm, h-help me!
No guys seriously, my new senran wife has a knife on her please help she's getting closer I'M CALLING THE COPS
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Sentai, not hentai!
I'm gonna fap to hentai of that sentai
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Surprise, anon! The senran was a brainsucker all along!
Sentai hentai!

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>Theah Izzu no-sing wurongo heah. Purease don't abuse 911. Sank you
>Officer Hikage is of the correct! Do not call again and straightenings of things out with your wife!
Why is Hikage talking in engrish while Yomi talks English just fine?
Hikage is a street urchin who is likely lacking any official records or formal education

It's frankly a miracle that she's able to find work at all
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I like it.
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Nursing handjobs from Ikaruga!

Cumming so hard it hits her right in the face and she gets mad at you!
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explain to me why this sitch would EVER happen anons.

Shiki wanted to fuck anon, but doesn't want to get pregnant, cut a deal with Yo to pull out of Shiki at the last second and cum in Yo instead?

What's going on here?
Stop living in your headcanon.
It cannot happen.
Why would you ever have a threesome with a dork and a double-dork?

because those dorks are cute!
>Yozakura wants to look cute for anon
>Shiki agrees to help
>anon walks in on the makeover process
>Yozakura enters a heat-induced frenzy at the sight of his bulge
>Shiki decides to join in because it sounds fun

This leads to an awkward morning after
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>quintuple squish
This looked like it had Miyabi in it from the thumbnail and now I'm disappointed
There's something lazy looking about this one but I can't place it
Same here.
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>page 8

don't blow up now /skg/
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>blows up
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Goodnight boobgen
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Please kill me, Hanabi-chan.
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Hanabi isn't for killing, Hanabi is for loving.
Someone has all 5 Gessen, 5 Hebijo and 3 Festival girls dakimakura in sets for sale on Noppin. I am tempted to buy them... But it would cost like £1,100!
Hey hanabi, what's 1+1?
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>Haha! I have seen that on t-shirt it is 10!
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2, not so smart now motherfucker are you?
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>gives yummies
I wonder what is faster? /skg/ or Hanzo and Sayuri fucking?
Do it!
It would be slightly cheaper than buying that all individually.
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Good morning /skg/!
I hope we're all enjoying this wonderful day.
What's so wonderful about it?
Once Sayuri transforms, Hanzo's dick will fly off
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>Asuka's face when she finds out anal sex exists.
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Do NOT bully Asuka with penis! Only I can do that!
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It's not bullying if it is only 7" long! I am sure Asuka can take one that size easily!
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Post more squish pretty please
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Thanks bro
Make Saki set. Mase it on MuraKUMO and not MuraSAKI?

Damn it Japan!
Oh no! What is Kat doing to Ikaruga?
Patrician taste.
Murasaki is shit; of course they didn't make it have anything to do with her.
Haruka was never interested in Hibari at all! She only pursued her so she could get closer to Yagyuu!

Haruka has depth! DEPTH!
Shut it, we're lucky it wasn't fucking Yumi.
Would you still want to be together with your Senran even if she was a vampire? Something like having to suck your blood at least once a week, no more garlic, no more going outside during the day, sleeping through the day and maybe even getting kinda violent when she's running low on blood?
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Shiki Dracula.png
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She is already a vampire.
Only if she's a loyal vampire and only bites me. No aids vampire.
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Seeing this filled me with a loving warmth, that soon turned to cold and longing.

Love hurts and not always in the fun way.
Shiki get off of grandpa Vlad's favorite chair!
/u/ should leave! LEAVE!
Shiki is WHITE! Haha, whitey whitey ghost face!
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Pupper print pajamas on a cute Canadian!
Mom, I think this shadow is talking to me...
She should really keep the mask on
Shiki is such a memester.
Shiki would just take pics of Your getting impregnated by her anon for the paywall portion of her blog.
Cute! Very cute! Super cute! Ultra cute!
Why is she so cute?
I would cum inside Shiki regardless. You know, as a prank? And then not mention it to her.
>Getting Shiki pregnant.
>She doesn't want you to take responsibility.
>She can trick someone else into it! FER SHUH!
>Watching as she goes on dates at 8 months pregnant, claiming she is a virgin and tricking some Anon to marry her!
>Consummating the marriage as her Anon waits at the airport for the "lost" luggage.
Because her body is screaming at her to get pregnant and she's releasing gallons of pheremones.
That would make her sexy, not cute.
Murakumo is cute and not lewd.
So cute you just wanna hold her down and gangrape her, y'know?
That's Murasaki, not Murakumo.
How many Muras do we even have anyway
Alternate universe where everything's same, but Minori is super green and is actually named Midori.
Kumo has an outrageously erotic body and a cute face.

Get a writefag to make a story that somehow involves all of them
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I want Mirai to hug me from behind while sucking blood out of my neck.
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Which Estival DLCs are worth it? Do the extra characters get special missions?
Why do I still come here
Card dumps? Or maybe you hate yourself, I don't know.

You come here in the vain hope that some day we'll get a good SK game. Unfortunately we never will get one, and we're all trapped here to shitpost eternally.
I mean I do hate myself but I don't think surrounding myself with boobs and boob-addled buffoons is the best way to go about self-retribution
I briefly searched for Senran Kagura wallpapers, especially the PS4 estival versus wallpapers (not the game CGs) and didn't find them. I didn't see anything in the downloads pastebin. Does anyone have those images/know where I could find them?

None of the DLC characters get missions, and the DLC costs $80 on PC and $140 on PS4/Vita. If you want to pay that much for some outfits, be my guest. You can unlock the DLC on the Vita and PC versions without piracy if you want to.
Man, fuck this place.
How can one tiny little girl contain that much lewdness?
You'll be back. I know because i said the same thing and tried to leave.
Are you going Anon? Sorry to see you leave.
I don't care about outfits, but the new characters not getting their own missions is a disappointment. That just leaves the mission pack.
But love to watch you walk away.
Only the Final Mission pack adds substance to the game's mediocre story. The Dual Heart missions are just glorified Shinobi Girl Heart stories
I'm gonna cum in Hibari while nobody's looking!
Yozakura should get her motorcycle license with her new hair style in her latest card.
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she looks like Makoto
It's just her normal hair with a huge braid on top. How does that even work? Where does all that extra hair come from?
Shiki is a white supremacist!
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Me too!

cuck meme Shiki posters btfo
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>Where does all that extra hair come from?

is fake
From her armpits.
but anon, you can't fuck digital image boards.
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This is a Woman
Can I fuck her tits?
No, that's my grandma.
I want to bite her mole off.
>Marrying women in 2017
>This is a semen demon
Haruka would be much more attractive if she didn't have that stupid fucking hairstyle of hers.

>is suppose to he dominant
>is only 5'7
Haruka works well with the hair-over-one-eye look imo.
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I want to be a woman in the menran universe and seduce sensei! I wanna run up to him and rub myself against his back while he spills spaghetti, the go completely yandere for him to the point of putting my blood in the cookies I make for him so we can alwaysbeonealwaysbeonealwaysbeonealwaysbeonrALWAYSBEONE
>all doms have to be tall

What a boring person you are.
[scared male hawk noises]
If we were girls in the Menran universe would we have huge breasts?

I actually like her hair the way it is. The bow is a bit much though. But the hair gives her this 1940's pinup girl appeal to go along with her curvy body.
Rule is that your boobs would be proportional to your former cock length. A C-cup would have had to have a cock of at least 4in. 5in is a D, and so on.

For waist, it would be proportional to 1.35x your original measurement.

For height, you convert to cm, divide by 2, then multiply by 1.5, and add 2cm, finally converting back to feet and inches.
No because we're terrible people who don't deserve big titties.
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This is a Japanese female dork
>MILF Kiriya
Gah fuck, I meant 1.75x for height, not 1.5
I gave Miyabi Guan Yu's hair in EV.
>GILF Hanzo grabbing a the menran crotches when Grandpa Sayuri isn't around
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miyabi imminent paizuri.jpg
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This is a Japanese female paizuri machine.
Does that mean Murasaki as a Menran would be?
That's right. He'd drive his remaining to blissful, painful insanity with his giant cock. He'd get scared and blast a giant load inside her that would guarantee pregnancy!
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Seriously guys... This most recent event... Senrans wearing...
...MEN'S SHIRTS!!!...
Is this TOO LEWD and NOT PURE???!!! Just think of the IMPLICATIONS that are being implied!!!
Have we officially gone way too far over the Lewd Line!?!?!?
We've not gone lewd enough!
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smiley smiley.png
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I'd be more upset if it wasn't my fetish
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I can't seem to find a 1080p version of this without the PS4 theme stuff on it.
We need more menran art.
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I want to sensually slide my hand between my Senrans love pillows and touch her chest directly between them, where I can feel her heartbeat on my fingertips.
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I would be 5ft 1inch and have F-cups!

I dunno about waist though...

Wait a second! There is a Senran who is 5'1" and who has F-cups...
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Master Haruka!
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No one else doing this? I guess I would look like this but maybe a little podgier in the middle and the blonde would be darker.
Turning the tables on Master Harold by constantly being an incredibly innocent woman!
I'd be 4"9' with C-Cup breasts and pudgy in the middle, I'm not fit to be a senran but at least I'd still have nice hair.
>you will never beat up Ryouna until she can barely stand
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this is the closest thing I have
Revised conversion:
Your boobs would be proportional to your former cock length. A C-cup would have had to have a cock of at least 4in. 5in is a D, and so on.

For waist, divide your measurement by 2, then multiply by 1.3x

For hips, it would be proportional to 1.4x your original measurement.

For height, you convert to cm, divide by 2, then multiply by 1.75, and add 2cm, finally converting back to feet and inches.

This should give more accurate proportions.
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>Tobu Zoo does some advertising and puts cardboard cutouts in the exhibits
>one of the penguins begins camping next to the cardboard cutout
>keepers think cutout is in the penguins nesting spot, so they move it
>penguin moves to new spot with cardboard cutout
>penguin begins doing mating calls to his waifu
>penguin brings food to his waifu
>he even missed lunch one time to follow his waifu since the keepers tried to move it during lunch time
>he became emotionally distressed when they tried to take it away, just staring at it from the edge of his exhibit when they tried to take it away
>keepers finally give him back his waifu
>he's been camping out with it ever since (~1 week)
>tfw even penguins are realizing 2D > 3DPD

How do we stop every race from going extinct once they discover the wonders of waifus?
Hey /skg/ I went to clean dishes and then remembered #FE and made myself angry. How are you all today?
Everything is daijoubu, now that P5 exists.
I know, I just get mad thinking about that game and how they fucked it all up.
What, by making it the only creative and worthwhile Fire Emblem game? Don't you get sick of that stupid fantasy shit?

But I digress. Let's talk about senran titties.
If you'd get sick from "that stupid fantasy shit" why would you buy another game in the franchise?
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>play p5 and planning on romancing teacher
>remember how you couldn't romance perfect cake in #FE despite teasing it so much in the jap version
>tfw making a sequel and probably wont let you romance cake again
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It's how they just made damn near everything (save for battles and dungeons) bland as all hell. But you're correct. Senran titties need to be talked about. Like wanting to sleep on Kumo's chest. I wanna do that.
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You are walking through the woods one day and see this.

What do?
wonder why the fuck I am outside in the middle of the woods
Remain hidden and keep watching
I wish there was an engine so easy to use that even low budget games could have proper graphic. Imagine a game like senran kagura at least looking as good as final fantasy 15.
Leave, go home and surprise Kagura by blasting loud music.
Its called UE4, the problem is it so easy to use 90% of games look terrible on it.
Kumo is a GOOD GIRL who takes care of her puppers! And she's very Canadian!
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So what's the problem here?
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It seems you were spotted!

However they just invited you over instead!
Asuka is cute! And a little retarded. A cute retard! But still cute.
Cop a feel

... I never.. EVER think of lewd things with Hibari but that image.. of her in my shirt, staring at me with those entranced eyes.... now I want to lewd her. I will pet that bunny!
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Anon, this hostile ninja infiltrated our school and tried to spy on us. We can't get any information out of her. Do your best to make her talk.
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Let's just get her mom to scold her for getting caught.
The best I got is taking her out for a good night on the town
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>Implying this Menran measurement game isn't a ploy by the NSA to canvass our details.
It looks like Coatbot has a grasp on the situation there, he'll be able to get more information out of her than I'll ever be able too.
I'll insemi- I mean investigate her immediately.
Why would the NSA want to know how small my dick is? I mean, they already go on my browser history so they'll see some SPH threads from /d/ on there, surely they could just go from there?

This math is bizarre.

Why would my woman version have a 1.35x larger waist than me as a man? Women have narrower waists.

The height produces dwarves unless you're like 7 feet tall

The tits should be something like how bra sizes are actually measured.

IE if your cock is 1 inch long that's 1 inch difference between bust measurement and band measurement, that's an A cup 2 inches B, 3 C, 4 D, 5 E, 6, F, 7 G, 8 H, 9 I, 10 J 11 K

a little more realistic if you want to put the average dick into the average senran tit size.

under your system my Senran me would have a 45 inch waist (wtf, that's fat as hell, I'm a 34 inch waist as a man, women aren't fatter than men!), F cup size, and be 4'6"
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I corrected it. See >>175585860
Now tell me.

that hip math is terrible. women do not have 40+ inch hips on average.

also, see my recommendation on the dick to tit conversion. Senrans on average have G cups, average dick is 6 inches. Your system makes the average Menran have E cups which is on the smaller end of Senran life.
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under your system my Senran me would have a 45 inch waist (wtf, that's fat as hell, I'm a 34 inch waist as a man, women aren't fatter than men!), F cup size, and be 4'6

The perfect woman.
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>Thanks for helping us was Anon!
>Now it's our turn to wash you!
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Fine, just take my rules and fix them or shut it, pointdexter.

I'll wait.
>Asuka watching while confused as anon rides Jasmine
I'd impregnate Asuka and take responsibility.
but I'm sterile so it couldn't happen ;_;
I wanna give you Haruka's super fertility drugs and then take the one that permanently turns me into a hot fertile senran so I can take in your exquisite dick and get impregnated!
I want to be a guest at the wedding of these two anons! They make such a great couple!
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>women aren't fatter than men
Senrans are actually fat girls whose fat only goes to their boobs!

c-cup famalam
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Souji LR 1.jpg
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You can be the Maid of Honor. You'll have to take the senranification drug but you'll enjoy being a hot girl for the rest of your life! This will be YOU!
Is there another drug I can take to switch my new vagina for my old dick? Vaginas are gross and stuff.
Nah too bad. Stick with your new pussy!
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Mirai has way too much sex appeal!
wat u praying
I'm playing a bad port of DQH2 instead of MK8 or P5 for some reason
This is also good. Thanks, anon!
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Some mobages and Bloodborne.

Fuck the later chalice dungeons, holy shit.
i was playing l4d2 with friends just now. time to plow through day 8 of ev now
Brave Frontier
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Living in a tiny apartment with Renka and having casual sex every day!
no thanks, anons. I'll just not be able to make babies, it's okay.
GW2. It's fucking boring.
At least you can cream pie without worry!
I've got a bunch of 3DS games that I need to start or finish, but I'm not sure where to start now that I'm satisfied with MHXX
have some hope on SK7 anon-kun
Chibi Anons sleeping in the same bed!?
sound comfy desu
good night skg
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Stuck on campus for a few more hours and I can't wait to get home and play Warframe, Overwatch, and Helldivers with my friends. I'll probably do more Ringed City invasions in Dark Souls III while waiting for them.

why didn't you wait for the localization? It wasn't that long of a wait.
The Switch version has more characters, including Ragnar, and an extra boss fight against Malroth
Persona 5 and the Guilty Gear Rev2 demo.
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Anon Renka isn't casual about anything she does. She gets hyped. It'd be some pretty hardcore shake the walls knock shit over sex... it just wouldn't have any strings attached.
Curiosity got the better of me, I'll buy the PC version eventually and if the Switch version comes out I'll get it too.
Here's what I can tell you about this version at least.
Runs 1080p native like PS4
Uses PS4 models but the PS3 world with slightly higher textures
Uses PS4 lighting but doesn't have all the effects
framerate is pretty similar to PS3/Vita with stable 30 when running around and shit 25fps when fighting
basically SE/KT fucked up big time.

and no English version of that? That's... stupid. They already localized the PS4 and PC versions.
It's the best they could do on shit hardware. Blame Nintendo.
Yup. I would say that it's at least a silver (white?) lining, but not being a sperm factory takes all the color out of the cream.
yes, and the PS4 version has none of that stuff added. If we even get the Switch version, it'll be in that in piece of crap

I'm seriously considering the PC version myself.

I usually don't like the mechanics of dragon quest games but their aesthetic, characters, and story are very charming in a nostalgic way.

The overture is one of those themes that gets me kind of watery eyed with nostalgia
Well that sucks. At the very least, it probably doesn't taste as bad.
What >>175596210 said. Switch is weaker than the PS4, so compromises had to be made. Be glad they didn't just use the PS3 version as a base.
Honestly based on whats in the system it shouldn't have ran like this at all, Koei's engines are basic as fuck and the game should have been running at 60 on all systems with some smart optimization, the only one I'm unsure of is Vita since all I know is it uses something similar to an ipad.
Koei has been fucking retarded lately, not even performance wise.
I'd skip it at $60 unless you really liked the first game and one a sequel that doesn't really fix the biggest problems, buy it at $20 or so.
Have you tried injecting food colouring into your penis?

Sounds reasonable, It'll be on sale by Christmas. But I was just figuring I like action RPG's and I like musous and like I said I like the Dragon Quest aesthetic but sometimes find the gameplay of them boring so an action RPG DQ sounds like it hits a sweet spot for me.

is it unmanly of me to admit I shed a tear during THAT ONE FIGHT in DQV? You know which one.
The problem I have with DQH1 is how the game likes to waste your time and takes a little to long to do anything, DQH2 doubles that and makes levels that drag on and enemies that are just not fun to fight, at the end of the day it still plays and feels like its a musou rather than action rpg.
DQV is all around a depressing game, so no one would blame you.
In a perfect world Switch would have launched with DQ8 ported or a collection of past DQ games instead of Heroes
In a perfect world, the switch wouldn't exist and Nintendo would just go 3rd party.
In a perfect world video games wouldn't exist.
In a perfect world, we'd all be living happily with Senrans and playing video games with them and Sega would be the only console maker left.
In a perfect world, Anon wouldn't exist.
As DQ fans is 8 a good one to start with?

If you can, start with IV. the Zenethia Trilogy (IV, V, VI) is pretty much the best of DQ
I think VII has been okay, and that's my first.
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filthy neptunia player go home ree
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I'm not a NepuNepu player, I'm just a simple man who wants the glory days of the Dreamcast to last forever
8 is fine if you want, though I'd probably start with an earlier game. I'd say 8 and 5 are the best in the series.
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Miyabi is for ___________
That's weird.
Why does this boy have boobs?
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Shut up you'll take experimental fertility drugs, impregnate senran me, and LIKE IT THAT WAY
Miyabi is a girl. She is not a boy.
>Miyabi is a girl.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Gently stroking her hair while reassuring her she is still young and is really feminine
My god Miyabi is a pain. Being with her pretty much doubles with being her mom.
Grope this
Miyabi is a girl (male)


when's the daidouji and rin set?
Get out of here, tumblr.
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Please don't bully Miyabi.
She's a good girl and doesn't deserve to be bullied!
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>doesn't want people to bully Miyabi
>calls Miyabi a girl
No, anon. You are the one bullying him.
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How can Miyabi be a boy if boys don't have boobs?
/d/ has a men with tits thread up, so clearly anything is possible.
Men can have boobs, though.
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puri puri justice puri
Yumi's secret Puri Puri Justice Paizuri technique!
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Dammit, where's my wife!?!?!
Fighting for Justice with Yumi!
Puri Kicking evildosers!
set when
Do it, its the easiest in terms of how it teaches you and it has great characters, 3DS version has the most content, just don't get the mobile version
In my bed.
Sarlaacs out of my thread reeeeee
First they took Boba Fett, now Yozakura! We can't them get away with this!
Good night /skg/
Sleep well and sweet dreams to you all!
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Good night, anonymous
Night, anon. Thanks for the best wishes.
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>page 8
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I hope this Anon gets raped by a horse!
That's not very nice!
Yeah! I would never say "No" to a horse!
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What does Hebijo feed their students!?
I'll be the best mom.
I don't know but they must have forgot to feed it to Mirai!
How would you feel if SK:R kept adding characters with their own stories as DLC?
Give me Disgaea - Senran edition or senransona where you actually collect senrans and summon them in combat.
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I have an extreme desire to go out on a nice date with Ashiya.
Worst comes to worse SKR could be a dressing room sim for Asuka and her new model
>because they focused only on Asuka and her model she's extra soft
>joycons let you poke her and see and feel the softness
>dressing room lets you physically rip her clothes off
>butt physics finally added
I doubt SKR is going to be anything noteworthy, at least I hope they're focusing on SK7.
>Aiming for her mother complex
Godspeed, anon.
Are you already any good at making Oyakodons?
It's an experiment, but we do know Taka is going to focus on the visuals of the game more than he has in the past, Asuka is getting a new model for this game and they are going to try using more modern rendering techniques.
They are also working on her physics closely.
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>Asuka and her new model
Do you think that there's a chance that they will use this new model in another game (like SK7 maybe?)
Its 100% not going to be used in SK7, SK8 is likely though, I can also assure you if they are using new lighting and physics they will also most likely be absent or cut down.
These games are most likely being made at the same time and 7 probably is just using the same models or something slightly better.
>yfw they show Asuka's new model for SKR only for them to follow up with a trailer for SK7 and its still using SKSV models and levels
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>use the same 3D models for the senrans for over 5(five) games with only some minor adjustments
>models are showing their age after so many years
>Takaki now has his own spin off company and the funds for more SK games
>put in the resources for new 3D models using Asuka as a test bed
>only have to move some sliders around for the rest of the girls
>proceed to reuse the new models for the next decade

It feels like SK: "Asuka only" is just way for them to kill two birds with one stone by rolling out a new base for all the in game senran models to see how well people like it and make some money on the side.
The only way I can see the new engine/model(s) being used in SK7 is if SKR is already very far in development, and comes out in like three months tops.
Here's a funny thought
>Asuka's new model is used in newer games
>everyone else uses SKSV models still
It can't be that hard, right?
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No way, even Morrigan eventually got an upgrade.
Yeah, once they moved to 3D.
Literally just rice, chicken and an uncooked egg.
It's delicious and extremely simple to make.
Miyabi is the easiest.
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Well they did that with Kiriya
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I don't even know who you are anymore...
No thanks. If I'm on those kinds of drugs, I'd be impregnating all the senrans.
>new SK comes out with Asuka's new model and physics that only she has attached to her
>every time she's in the scene the frame rate drops
>Yumi fans in japan mad that Asuka got a new model and not Yumi
>SK fans in the west either mad over console shit or the fact SK keeps dropping frames because Asuka's poly count
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It's okay Dai, I get the feeling Kiriya doesn't really enjoy these gigs either. I mean, it's not like he can ever show off how bad ass he actually is. That would be too cool.
What are you talking about? That's not Kiriya. That's Mr. K...
How foolish of me! You're correct Anon. They gave Mr.K a brand spanking new model, but no one else! It truly is a shame
Don't worry, I'll just kill them! Then you'll only be with me because IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouILOVEYOU

I think they will, I mean, since they're no longer developing for Vita it's warranted to make new models and graphical upgrades for the platforms you're developing for (PS4, Switch, PC), and it makes sense to do it on the lowest resolution platform first to make sure it can handle these new models.

I know, Switch isn't as powerful as PC or PS4, but it's still going to be an upgrade over having to use models compatible with the Vita.
That's not Kiriya, though. They don't even have the same voice.
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I hate talking console on SK or any general where new systems come up because I feel like there is always someone who goes full /v/.
The Switch if optimized right could run pretty much anything they threw at the PS4, not like for like but close enough that you would accept it since it plays on the go, It requires some work but Switch does support more API's than the competition so thats something that can help. SK isn't a series that will ever push hardware so in theory there should be no problems running them are the same settings.
One thing funny is Switch and PS4 run Lego City at 1920x1080p while Xbox runs it at 1300-1400x1080p
Now we stop so no one goes full ape shit that we aren't trashing new systems.

isn't the switch 900p though?
No, its capable of 1080p docked and 720p undocked, you can render handheld games at higher resolutions but it will just drain battery and wouldn't make much of a difference.
Unless you mean lego city which is native 1080p
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Could anyone drop me a link to the Burst OST? The pastebin link is dead

where's I get the 900p from then?

Oh wait, Zelda ran at 900p

Honestly seeing that the switch struggled to run a Wii U game at 900p at 30fps is one of the reasons I have doubts in the Switch's power.
It comes off as an example of porting to new hardware, instead of porting down they just slapped a higher res on it and hoped for the best.
I mean recently the patched it to improve the framerate without cutting anything else visually.
Honestly I doubt any of the current consoles could run Zelda 1080p 60 seeing how physics have been destroying the new consoles.
To be fair, the framedrops in Zelda seemed to be some kind of optimization fuckup, they have been almost entirely fixed.
It's definitely not a powerhouse though. It's easy to be more forgiving while using it as a handheld, but in docked mode it definitely lags behind PS4, let alone the stronger alternatives.

>Honestly I doubt any of the current consoles could run Zelda 1080p 60 seeing how physics have been destroying the new consoles.
Yeah, that's probably the case. Big open world maps and complex physics are both CPU heavy, and the CPU is precisely the area where modern consoles suck the most.

PC is EMULATING it at 4K and 60fps.
though you need a beast of a machine and it crashes frequently
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Satori is cute. Can she be a Senran?
Too flat.
My mom made some delicious strawberry popsicles with banana yogurt inside them. I miss living at home.

How was your day, /skg/?
>constant shit talking about the switch
>everytime something negative happens the PC players are blamed

When did this general become infested by sony marketeers?
Mirai is flat, and she's a Senran.
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[muffled rap noises].jpg
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As soon as I can get MEGA to fucking work for me I can upload what I have.
There can be only one
Yag will never know
Can Boobhus be Senrans?
Once her belly starts growing yagyuu will find out.
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That's the face of a girl who's been came inside of.
How would you feel if you we're about to fucking Hibari and suddenly you looked down at yourself and realized you turned into Yagyuu?

that's the glowing face of a newly pregnant woman.
I would probably start masturbating furiously.
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>masturbating furiously while a cute girl is trying to fuck you

[confused rabbit noises]
I dunno. I'd probably go mess with Mirai.
I'd go become best friends with Mirai.
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Thanks man,you'd be an hero
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What is your opinion of this Senran?
cute lesbian woman
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She'd make a good paizuri partner.
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Wife material.
I want a can of coca cola but it's all in the garage and it's raining out and I don't want to go outside in the rain to get a can of coca cola
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I'd go have SEX with Mirai.
That's part of it!
Okay is mega not working for anyone else?
Wife (husband) material.
be a dyke for rin instead of hibari
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>page 8
I'm gonna post it if you dont wake up /skg/!
I wanna stick my papa pole in Rin's mama pocket.
P-please calm down, Miss Miyabi!
Anyone? The sites trying to load for me but it's been stuck on requesting account data.
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I'm gonna fuck Yagyu in the ass as she hugs the Hibari daki I bought her then cuddle and suck her tits afterwards as I listen to her talk about personal problems with getting Hibari to notice her!!
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>page 8
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Mirai will save the thread with her sex appeal!
Mirai is so cute!
I want to tease her!
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Why is veeg moving so quick?
O-oh no, Mirai is making me cum with how sexy she is! Somebody help!
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Quick! Shoot it into my mouth so nobody finds out!
I hope Mirai shoots you in the mouth.
With her cum?
Sure, as long as it keeps you from doing gay stuff with Anons.
if you fuck jasmine is it still granny porn
Yes, you granny fucker.
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No thanks, I'm good.
Please post only the purest and happiest Yomis
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Yomi is purely happy when my dick is in her ass!
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No Yomi is happiest when my dick is in her

Post pure Yomios!
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yomi softest.png
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Fucking Yomi's soft chest pillows!
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This is my big sister
Say something nice about her
I'd fuck your big sister
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Haruka wins again
No that's not.
No I won't.
So...Ukrainian !
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Actually she's a cute japanese girl.
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Yomi is happiest when richfags are dead and their wealth is being redistributed among the poor!
She's 100% certified slav
I want to do lewd things with your big sister.
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This is Haruka
Talk about all the weird things you'd do with her
I wanna play Mario Kart Double Dash with her
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>Yomi hates the wealthy
>Yomi almost exclusively works for wealthy clients
Really makes you think...
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Good night /skg/!

Please take care of yourselves and your senrans.
What awaits me?
It matters not who you are. Death awaits you.
Night, Yaglord. A comfy slumber awaits you.

Goodnight yaggot!
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Haruka, stop playing with your food.
She doesn't mind being paid curayzee money in SK2
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this is a bunny fight stance.
more like a bunny FART stance hahahaha hibari is lactose intolerant
She's also subtly trying to seduce Ikaruga's brother in SK2!
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>page 8
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>page 6
Imu needs to learn how to control her wife.
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She called him onii-sama on several occasions and it was cutest thing
Marvel garbage? What did i miss?
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Katsuragi is for ____________
marketing purposes!!
Still nothing,b-bump ;-;
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Alright mega still wont work for no reason, what are some other upload sites that aren't complete ass?
I just remembered mediafire is a thing


These are the burst OST files that used to be in the OP, I'm fairly certain that's it for what was on the disks.
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Thank you so much
Now all we need is Bone Ape Tit's Soundtrack and I'll be a happy man. I love that soundtrack.
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I don't think it's ever been official released. We'd need to find/make a game rip of it.
But I want Daidoji's song on my phone now.
Aren't they included in the Steam files?
Ok quick thing. Which ones are the girl's themes in Shinovi Versus Soundtrack? Is it 1-20?
In the OST I have it's tracks 4-25
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penguin with his waifu.jpg
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are there any Senrans or who waves with a Penguin as their guardian?
No penguins are a stupid animal.

On a related note there's a guy in twitter who draws a lot of Daidouji and penguins.
It certainly is. If you bought BA and then expansion on Vita, you could download them. I even have them on mine.

they should change Yumi's guardian (the spider that she never uses) to a Penguin in honor of this penguin otaku finding his waifu.
Lemme guess. The penguins beat the shit outta Dai.
Welp it took a while for my phone to get the Soundtrack in the right place but I got Shinovi Versus in my phone now. Too bad it's out of order.
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You like very cute girls.

And Rin and Jasmine and Katsuragi. Don't see the connection there.
I like old ladies, stronk girls, and Ryouna.
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Shh... Ryoubi is sl-

Oh she woke up.

Everyone say goodmorning to Ryo-

Oh she's going back to sleep.

Everyone tell Ryoubi to have sweet dreams!
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Shut my eyes
I'm not here
There must be some mistake

Don't be so serious
Don't be so serious
Don't be so serious
Don't be so serious
Shiki is a fucking worthless brainded scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate she is.
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No need to reflect what you are on a perfectly innocent Senran.

Shiki is a GOOD GIRL, you take that back.
I just realized something:

Since Shiki is lewd no matter what she does, every image of her is cute.

Just look at this image: Ignore all the lewd thoughts it gives you, it's just a picture of a happy Shiki sitting in front of you and enjoying your company, that's not lewd at all.
I just fucking hate Shiki, and the Gessen Academy worms. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die; my genocide crusade begins here!
Anon, eat a Snicker.
I think you deserve a hug.
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Shiki would be the best thing to ever happen to your life. She'd bring you out of your shell and make you smile and laugh and love. Let go of your hate and bitterness.
Hate is all I have, and Shiki fuels that hate. Every time I look at her my hatred for her burns more and more intensely. I'd have thought it would have reached a limit eventually, yet it only grows more and more with each time I see her.

I despise Shiki, she is a disgusting person who should be taken away, locked up and thrown into the ocean where she'll meet her inevitable death, ending her pathetic life.
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That's it you're getting a hug
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Anonchii don't be like that. Shiki totally wants to help you.
Notes from the Anonground
Every time I look at Shiki, I think to myself how much better my life would be if she simply didn't exist. All she has ever done to me was make my life worse. I'm unsure of how she is capable of doing so but she keeps at it without any remorse nor any signs of stopping.

I am so disgusted just thinking about. I only wish for her to disappear so my life may improve without her repulsive being on this same earth as me.
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Now tell us about how you gave a fifteen page long speech to a whore who you had just slept with, made her cry from it, then invited her to your home only to tell her you gave her that speech to laugh at her. Then put five bucks in her hand as she leaves.
Nah I don't want to. I'm going to sleep instead.

I fucking hate Shiki. Fucking retarded vampiric bitch.
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Goodnight anon!
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How would you feel if you were having a bad day and Hibari started following you around trying to cheer you up and make you happy again?
I would feel special
But it won't ever happen
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>underestimating the power of the Hibbari

you're gonna smile, anon
Someone else besides me needs to post Hibari

We need a nice Hibarianon
I'll let you know when hibari starts following me around
Don't hold your breath though

I can't, I'm already a Shikianon and I can't make myself think of Hibari in lewd fashion. She's too innocent.
It doesn't have to be lewd!

And I'm already Minorianon I can't do two girls full time!

well in that case I'm already a Shiki and Hanabi anon, I like to post both of them.
>doing two girls at the same time

anon that's illegal
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I love Mirai but Hibari is pretty cute too I guess!!

I don't lewd Hanabi
What about two girls doing one anon at the same time?
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Can I post cute Hibbers with Yaggers?
I'm a Yag Fag so I'm pretty close to being a Hibari Anon.
Well we already have a Yagfag, are you sure you aren't open for a full time HIbarianon position?
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Goodnight skeegee!

I made a horrible mistake today I found out about a twitch/amazon prime promotion to get a free month of runescape membership and I took it. I spent literally all day mining.

Have a goodnight and post nice things while I'm asleep/laying in bed with my laptop mining and not actually sleeping
Mirai vs Miyabi tentacle dunk tank will be delivered this month of May!

If anyone has recommendations for outfits please propose your favourite ones.

Also for pose creation, a good personality summary of mirai and miyabi (better than the wikis) could help. Miyabifags and Miraifags please do help out!
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I'll just post cute bunnies without my name once in a while then.
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Mirai should be in her school uniform. It doesn't get enough art compared to her in her casual clothes. I mean assuming she's not at risk of getting dunked herself. She should just be in her normal school swimsuit then.

As for body language, a concise summary of Mirai's would be an arrogant, smug, bratty loli that's trying to compensate for her small stature and low self-esteem with strong, dominant body language like putting her hands on her hips and standing with her feet wide apart. But that demeanor can start to fall apart quickly if the tables are turned on her and she loses her composure, and she'll start acting more like a frail, timid, fussy little girl.

I'm not a Miyabifag, but her gimmick is basically that she's extremely chuuni, right? So she should look really over-dramatic and stuff.

Planning to use the PBS white school swimsuit for mirai.

She's just there to gloat really so i'll advice the artist to focus on the arrogant bratty aspect.

Miyabifags or anyone who would like to share and be a part of the delivery please do add stuff!
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I bet even in the Versus timeline she still does things to win his heart offscreen. Her intentions might seem pure, but she really just wants Ikaruga to suffer over the fact that she'll worm her way into the family bloodline!
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Oh no! The mysterious plump beansprout thief rings at your door and demands you hand over all the beansprouts in your home! What do you do?
I don't have any. So unless you want the d, kindly fuck off.

In PBS, perhaps due to how much time Murasaki hogged, I couldn't get a feel for Miyabi at all.

She was blander than wallpaper. She had no personality. It was horrifying. Even the missions didn't give her any.
The beansprouts are in my penis
She's going to literally eat it.
Well, not the worst way to go out I guess.
Bleeding to death from a gaping wound where your penis used to be? Sounds pretty shitty to me.
At least it was death by a pretty girl?
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I hate whoever drew this card. My Fuga deserves the best treatment, always.
I can not look at this card anymore and think of that one fag who showed /skg/ to his class as part of social studies or whatever
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Aww yes.
Oh good.

Now mustards have another general to shit up
Kinda like you're shitting up this one?
What can I say, sometimes truth hurts
i see Valkyrie Dykes I hope those fuckers stay far away from here
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Nothing Personal Kid
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>Valkyrie Drive for PC
That's good. Never had the opportunity to play it on Vita, i'm going to buy it to see how it is. But this always attract console wars shitposters and i have to endure them everytime. shit sucks.
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Ancient memes from the golden age of /skg/
I think he got a B on that assignment
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>fapping to something else and suddenly rin takes over my brain and i finish to the thought of impregnating her
she can keep getting away with it
It's like one guy in skg who's constantly shitposting about pc users. Don't ask me why, I'm pretty sure it's a mental illness.
Don't forget the guy who will destroy whole threads if you dare mention 3D.
So far I've spotted
>an autist who can't stop shitposting about PC users
>an autist who can't stop shitposting about a sonygger conspiracy
>an autist who can't accept the very existence of VD or /u/
>an autist who gets triggered whenever somebody mentions Persona (this guy is my favorite because it has absolutely nothing to do with SK)

Oh and >>175666160 too

/skg/ is full of funny people.

seems that way. Most other people don't care what platform you play a game on.
That guy sounds like a hero. 3D is PD and no way related to Senran tiddies. Go to reddit or /r9k/ if you want to "tfw no gf" post.
See, on the other hand, it's also /r9k/ to hate all real women and call them disgusting. I don't know what to think anymore.
Senrans are hotter and if you can't figure that out on your own then good luck bro
Sometimes I wonder were /ourboi/ is now.
Well PC ports do ruin every semblance of discussion with their respecive games, it tends to happen every time. Not sure why it causes such a huge drop in post quality.

Watch the people who were shitposting about VD suddenly do a 180 and start praising it now
what the fuck I love VD now
I would go fuck myself.
I suppose that because this IS the Senran Kagura general, we keep SK here and other types of jiggly bits in their appropriate boards. So how about that? Are only tiddies and asses that belong to Senrans allowed in these threads? That means no 3D AND non-SK-related 2D.
I'm seeing more people bringing up potential shitposting than actual shitposting about PC games. Both are bad.

just enjoy senrans

bogeymans are not scary if you don't open your closet door
The problem is people start 200 posts long arguments over it, and ultimately do far more damage than a titty pic would ever have caused.
It's a shame so many people let /v/ fuck with their heads.
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Titty picture
Where the nips?
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Another titty picture
>no nips
>where the nips?

There's no satisfying you, skeegos.
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Uh oh! Miyabi looks down in the dumps! Let's cheer her up! What will you say to her!?

I wanna impregnate every senran! Something's wrong with me!
Ignore her and go hump Yumi's leg.
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i don't have time for this.png
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I have a question.

In these OST folders, Senran Kagura and Senran Kagura Burst are different things. Is the Burst OST just the new songs from Burst, then, or am I missing something contextually?
Something something Mistress Haruka!
Miyabi is a man!
Mating press is the thinking man's position
You know, the worst part is that his model looks great so it's really a matter of them just bring fucking lazy
All the first years are trash and inferior to 2nd and 3rd years
Prove me wrong
I'll prove you with one 2nd years senran that you've interpreted the truth slightly wrong.
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This first year just kicked some 3rd year ass

She may be the exception to the rule because she literally has vampire magic, but she's kind of a beast.
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>page 8
Goodbye happy boobs...
1 vile egg doesn't ruin the entire bunch when compared to the other shitty 1st years which is just a basket of bad eggs
Next quote OP should just be filled with people saying "Page 8" or 9 or 10!
here we go for Miyabi. Any Miyabifag want to add to it? I think i got everything.
1) Tomboy
2) Worries that she isn't feminine enough
3) High pride and passion (like a manly heroic char)
4) Likes being pampered by her mother
5) Merciless in combat
6) A confident leader
I'll take care of point 2. She'll feel like a woman when I'm done with her
because I'll impregnate her
Silly Anon.
Boys can't become pregnant.
I've read enough doujins to know that they can if you fuck them hard enough.
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but how come this boy has:
>a voluptuous feminine figure
>large, plump breasts
>thin, feminine waist
>wide child-bearing hips
>a puffy vulva

In what way is that a boy?
It's 2017, bigot
Don't just assume his gender based on his body
Miyabi isn't a boy! She's a girl with a pussy, ovaries, and a womb! And I'm gonna make her pregnant so that she feels like a woman!
it isn't
people need to stop bullying Miyabi
she's a good girl...
>Good Girl
I don't think so Tim
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>I don't think so Tim
Haven't heard that one in a while.

Who would Al's favorite Senran be?
>He fell for the """Good""" ninjas are good meme
Hi Yumi!

in the Anime Yagyuu is a more advanced Shinobi than Asuka.
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Happy blind squid
>In this noncanon thing
To be fair, this was stated in Burst too. Yagyuu is supposed to be a ninja prodigy
>They fell for the Good and Bad method of reaching the same goal meme
All the Senrans are idiots because they swear reality to an idea formed by single people or small groups and not a semi-logical baseline of what defines good an evil leaving the actual evil to fester while they argue over petty nonsense born of ignorant and wasteful ideals.
*swear fealty
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thanks, I didn't want to state it and be wrong because it's been longer since I've played burst than since I've seen the anime which was just a month or two ago.

it seems like Yagyuu and Shiki are treated as stronger than their age/year in school would make them out to be, but even Hibari can take out normally stronger shinobi if she's mad and she's generally portrayed as the physically weakest fighter.
>Thinking I meant powerlevels and not Waifu

well that's just wrong waifu levels are independent of school year or age.

Wife Tier:
Most Senrans

Waifu Tier:

Mid Tier:
Dyke Senrans

Shit Tier:
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Shiki is strong! And a vampire.
Which Senran should have fit muscles that does not normally have them?
Wait so Wife > Waifu here? And what counts as dyke senrans exactly?
>Shit Tier: Flats
Wow stop breathing any time
This image always looks like Rin has thick streams of milk leaking down her nipples.

I want more milky senrans
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Mistress has cute hair!
Taking a shower with Auntie Haruka!
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They often describe Yomi as being abnormally strong even by shinobi standards.
Yomi is strong fat!

wife being for well balanced non hikki otaku, waifu being for hikki otaku, dyke Senrans are Imu, Yagyuu, and maybe Katsunee

considering the sword she uses Yomi should be built like Zarya.
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How do you feel about the fact that all senrans are strong enough to decapitate you with their thumb and index finger?
That's kind of hot
getting killed by a senran, especially one's favorite, would be the most beautiful death imaginable and is a most honorable way to descend into oblivion.
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I wish Mirai would decapitate me with her thumb and index finger!

Or at least carry me on her back or something.
Mirai would rather you princess carry her, anon
Would it be fair to say that Mirai is the nicest senran?
But how else is she going to show me how strong she is?
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Only if you're nice to her and don't make her mad. Otherwise, Asuka claims that title.
Anon is the kind of person who went around bullying kindergarteners for being weaker than him in his senior year.
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>have a series about big boobs women
>make the best character a flat chested pseudo-child

All of them except Muraslimy.
No I bullied them for being inferior waifus.
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How in the hell is Mistress Haruka supposed to be a flat pseudo child?
This is Haruka's true form before taking her milf potion every morning.
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No, this is.
Mistress' true form is adorable and perfect!
I need far more milk than that!
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No, human milk not cow milk!
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I don't know a whole lot about women and stuff, but I'm like 80% sure that can't happen.
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There are too many impure thoughts right now.

Post only the purest thoughts you have about your senran!
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No, Ryouna is a dog, and she is impregnating Ikaruga.
No, Ryouna is a pig and she's impregnating Haruka
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I want to sit with Mistress Haruka and talk about our feelings for one another whilst holding hands all night long!
No, Haruka has a pig and it's impregnating her with piglets
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This is my wife

There aren't any other like her and she belongs to me

Just putting that out there.
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I want to play with Mirai!
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I want to sleep in the same room with Yagyuu!
>We're Good Ninja, We don't do bad things
>Except try to banish or maybe even kill you you for failing ONE mission or defending yourself from an Evil Ninja trying to kill you
>We're Bad Ninja, we're more tolerant
>Unless you kill our ACTUALLY SUPER EVIL investor who wants to kill everyone with a giant demon. Then you're out
How has nobody called both of them out?
If the SK2 line weren't over they probably would. And the worst part is, I think on both accounts, Homura believes that SHE was still wrong at the end of it all. The system is pretty fucked.
They do all the time though
No I don't mean each other.
I mean a complete neutral outside third party hearing both sides, agreeing to their strong points but also calling their weak points FUCKING RETARDED.
The PS4 version of EV is on sale for like 22$ if anyone wants it.
You can just pirate it on PC.
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But where are we going to find a neutral third party?
Problem is they were part of the system
I mean someone who uses Logic
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Then Kafuru! Hai, ronpa!
Now you're talking crazy
Logic can't beat the system. Just calling them out wouldn't do anything when both factions are corrupt at the core. They'd need to get rid of the top brass of both the good and evil shinobi and rebuild from the ground up. Which requires effort and lasting consequences in the plot, so will never happen. It's much easier to just have a few moments where the girls stop to consider if they're really doing the right thing and then continue with it anyway like good little cogs.
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All of the good and evil shinobi students should revolt and overthrow their leaders and bureaucracy and create a brand new unified ninja faction!!!
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Catching wild sakis!
And that's when the third neutral party tosses off their shirt, fights ALL of them, including Hanzo himself and at the end of the day shows that following an outdated standard and ignoring basic right and wrong in favor what other declare as right and wrong and how that will limit themselves.
Then Douchy McRich comes back with some revenge scheme to try and destroy BOTH schools and the two schools realize what ACTUAL evil is and how they've all been stupid and unit under one banner
Sounds like a shitty gary stu fantasy.
And that's an upgrade.
And then the leader of the third party removes their masking revealing it was __Yumi_ all along.
I can't believe Puriumy was Yumi the whole time, what a twist!
...As retarded as that sound it probably WOULD work.
I mean I sure as fuck wouldn't want to mess with someone who could beat both schools+Hanzo.
The problem is that would never work narratively
Unify all the cute shinobi!
>tosses off their shirt, fights ALL of them, including Hanzo himself

Just play Yakuza desu.
Why is she wearing Ryouna's swimsuit?
Is this her after the body swap event?
>Tears welling up
>That slight blush
>Covering up her body in Ryouna's lewd swimsuit
The bear is at her cutest when she is being bullied.
The girls on the outside are really cute
It's before the body swapping happened.
>The bear is at her cutest when she is dead.
That being said, even at her cutest she isn't cute at all.
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No, Murasaki is cutest when she's happy and loved.
How do we kill the Saki?
You don't, bully!
Well you one make sure she isn't full on Root of Calamity mode
Second you make sure you kill her fast enough that it doesn't activate
Third you run the fuck away when her sister activates it seeing her sister is dead
So we just have to sneak into her room covered in Bebe urine during one of the two times a year I'm can drag her out of her room and wait for her to fall asleep that night.
Or you know. Get a sniper rifle
Only other senrans can bully senrans, so stop bullying Murasaki!
But I'm Hikage.
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Mirai is a cute troll!
Hikage, please tell your cute little friend with the eyepatch that I want to marry her!
That's not Hikage!

Hikage is nice to Murasaki!
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Hikage is nice to every senran (unless they wake her up). She's literally a good girl.
Is she as good as a girl as Ryona, the goodest of good girls?!
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Hikage is known to be overly nice and develop motherly qualities around senrans she perceives to be childish, immature or lacking in role good role models.

These senrans primarily include, but are not limited to: Mirai, Minori and Murasaki.

This is canon.
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Hikage is mean to Imu.
She wants to beat that pussy up.
No she's not! Imu is by far Hikage's favorite senran so she's very nice to her!
She's just trying to help. Even Imu knows it.
What's your point anon?
So the power levels for the squads are basically Gessen > Hanzo > Hebi > Crimson, right? I guess the Hanzo and Hebi are debatable somewhat, but Gessen is definitely the strongest and Crimson the weakest it seems.
What are you smoking?
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Yumi get off of Shiki's computer.
Only Hanzō is shown to lose and/or being completely exhausted after a win while the enemy didn't even put a little bit of effort into the fight.
New Hebijo wins every match with ease, Crimson wins every match with ease and Gessen obviously too.
So, it'd be actually more like Gessen > Shin Hebijo = Crimson Squad > Hanzō.
Objectively, the power levels are as followed.
Haruka with Coatbot > Haruka without Coatbot > Coatbot by himself > Mirai > Minori on a sugar rush > Everyone else.
What do you think was the biggest drop in quality /skg/ had? I think it was around the western release of EV. The game itself sucked, /v/ invaded us and it was the first one on PS4. The general went to shit shortly after.
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SV localization
EV release definitely.
Ok this is now bugging me.
Every Neo Hebijo story is always specifically centered on explaining why they are not instantly mopping the floor with the rest of the teams.
Neo Hebijo> Crimson not really trying and being comedy reliefs = Gessen tryhard mode > Hanzo
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Mirai beat non-true Kagura all by herself! Right after fighting Naraku too! Homura and Asuka had to team up to beat Kagura and Naraku in the main story.
I'd say when GG happened and like 90% of all the people who actually made OC fucked off to cripplechan and then disappeared when cripplechan died.

Getting shitposters is no where near as bad as looking quality posters.
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Mirai and Mistress Haruka are the strongest senrans! They're unbeatable if they're together!
This is probably within the realm of their own story I guess. In the Hanzo SV story (I'm assuming that's the one you're talking about), they pretty much beat Hanzo easily, although in the Hanzo girl's defense, I believe by the time they run into New Hebijo they were still wounded from a previous battle with Gessen. I forget if this is before or after Asuka attempts to 1v5 Gessen though
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>SK:R gets gameplay trailer
>starts off with a first person view of the main character waking up
>he's tied to a chair in a dark room
>Asuka walks in
>"Tell me who the main character is."
>he chooses Yumi
>she cuts his finger off
>"You have 9 hours and 9 fingers to rethink your answer."
>Senran Kagura: Reeducation
I don't like the idea of crazy Asuka.
You're thinking about SV. In EV Crimson is the first to lose, and generally tends to get their asses kicked the most. Gessen on the other hand wins most of their fights, with Yumi solos Jasmine at the end. Hebi gets better after Miyabi stops being a fop about her mom, and Ryoubi and Ryouna have some of the stronger plot armor among non-leaders. Hanzo is kind of in the middle, beating the Festival Trio but losing to Ryouki, and they tend to get carried by Asuka.
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I wanna make slutty senrans fight over this yam
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I'm going to steal murasakis heart by buying those loli/shota pills from Haruka and making Murasaki believe I'm actually just a harmless shota. Once she warms up to me I'll tell her I only did it to get closer to her. I'll also stash some of the pills in case she's into ageplay.
Murasaki will smell the evil on you and run away
What evil are you talking about? I'm just thinking about a way to approach her as least threatening as possible, not because I'm evil but because I have the pure intentions of becoming closer to her.
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Tell me who the MC is bitch
She's gone already, anon.
>Steal her heard
Good luck her Palace is probably the darkest gloomiest shit ever
She won't be able to ignore a crying shota!
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Goddamnit, Jack.
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Oh whoops, it's the old one. I just saw wer're relatively close to the file limit so I should probably delete it.
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That's it it's time for Minori
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Mistress Haruka is the main character!
>No Mistress Haruka spin-off game that's just either Doctor Mario, a senran version of Deception or a Slave Simulator about doing what Mistress tells you to do and making her the happiest Senran.
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Mistress is all! She's the reason the sun rises each morning, why winter turns to spring and summer!
The thought of seeing her smile keeps me going through each and every day!
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You have brought this upon yourself
Minori will calm down Asuka using violence don't worry
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>The thought of seeing her smile keeps me going through each and every day!
Have a happy Mistress Haruka, fellow Slaveanon!
To give my life defending the Mistress' honor is the only way a mere slave like myself shall go! For Mistress Haruka I've not a single regret!
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asuka bath.png
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Asuka is a big girl...
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you are small time
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Good friends and skinship!
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If Hanzo fucks another guy in Asuka's body, is it gay?
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Alright Asuka isn't calming down Minori gives up. Minori is gonna go bug Shiki instead.
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Puri ?
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Kagura Smirks....png
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Saddler...YOU'RE small time.
Seeing as we're out of pictures, let's all discuss our favorite thing about Mistress Haruka!

This is actually a trick question, everything about her should be your favorite thing because she's perfect!
I cannot ignore this yam's girth.
Sometimes I'm glad my senran doesn't get doujins.
I wish it was possible to play Megaman X5 on modern consoles!
I also wish we would rush our way into a new thread!
Senrans who aren't mistresses becoming mistresses!?

Mistress Katsuragi?!
Mistress Homura!?
Mistress Minori?!
Mistress Imu!?
I want to play dress up with Mistress Minori!
Mistress Daidōji!
Mistress Hikage!
Mistress Kiriya!
Delete this! You can see Yumi's testicles!
Those are her breasts, dumbass.
No, I am an expert at identifying Senran balls, and those are definitely balls. You can tell because they're on her crotch instead of her chest.
Mistress Coatbot!
That's Mistress Daidouji-senpai, slave.
>Mistress Daidoujo-senpai will never tie you from the ceiling and use you as a punching bag.
>Her parents will never walk in whilst this is happening, and while on one hand they're both confused about what's going on, they both don't care and are happy she's found herself a man.

What's the point in living?
>Mistress Daidoujo-senpai

RIP in peace anon
I can't believe my dyslexia has finally killed me.
I want Mistress Mirai to step on me and call me a dumb lolicon!
>Famous last words by anon forced to wear Shiki's clothes
Minori has forced you to outfit swap with your senran!

How cute is your senran wearing your current clothes inb4 naked or underpants?

How cute are you wearing your senran's clothes?

You think she is just overweight or is there so much TnA on Asuka she'd be considered obese?
Mistress Haruka is now wearing some jeans and a salmon pink t-shirt, and looks super cute.

I on the other hand am now very cold wearing an outfit that's clearly too baggy for me and barely covers up anything. On the plus side I feel I could rock the shit out of the ribbon, and my hair is almost long enough to attempt her hair style, so it's not all horrible, I guess.
So, THIS is Yumi's definition of justice?...
T shirt and gym shorts event when
>Minori is wearing a black pair of coca cola-branded pajama bottoms, a cookie monster shirt, a green scarf and a dumpy grey sweater

I think I could handle wearing a gessen uniform but if I had to wear her shinobi outfit I think I'd feel extremely emasculated
Good night /skg/
Sleep well and sweet dreams to you all!
Enjoy the next thread once we get there!
I've never felt more sexy than I do now.
Is it normal if I joined a patreon for 3$ a month to get a fat Ryouna picture? That's something everyone does right?
S-sure, anon. Yeah...
That depends, is it a good fat Ryouna picture or not?
How good of a fat pic is it?
Okay you have to fucking post that shit next thread.
It's okay
I love Murasaki more than I love my family.
I like Peach Beach Splash
waiter, new thread pls
Alright I'll do it I guess???

Unless someone made a quote op.

Using SV isn't a very good place because there's 4 independent school stories and in each one they come out the strongest.

You can't really use Neo Hebijo's story as the canon one because in it every other school is dead.

In the other stories, Gessen wipes the floor with Neo Hebijo so handily that they don't burn down the school because they don't consider it a threat. In Hanzo's story Gessen girls barely put up any effort in their first encounters to make Hanzo girls feel better about themselves, while the Hanzo students are seriously worn out from their "victory"

Let's not forget that Hanzo students were trained by Kiriya... Gessen students were trained by Hanzo himself.

in EV, Gessen Students take out Hebijo and Crimson squad single handedly.

Shiki does it, Yozakura does it, and when the contest is just grabbing butts, Minori does it to Crimson squad.

However, the Mikagura sisters wipe the floor with Yumi handily.


Power Levels:

Mikagura > Gessen > New Hebi > Crimson > Hanzo
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