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/drg/ - Danganronpa General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 500
Thread images: 251

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Don't forget to use spoiler tags (Ctrl+S)!
Previous thread >>175458448

we /x/ now edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 21/4/2017*

>New to DR
http://pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
http://pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)

>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more

>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*

>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*
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Mugi and Shinguji!
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>we /x/ now
So, ghost is allowed?
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Reminder I want to fuck Kaito!
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peko > maki
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Are both beautiful incest enthusiasts!
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Does/do Shinguji have a dick?
I love how this artist can pull out the lifelessness of DR characters' eyes.
It's amazing.
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>posted the wrong picture
Well that one works too.
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I want to fuck Amami!
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Why is he so perfect?
No. He chopped it off in an autistic rage.
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Posting best girl!
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I hope so
Reminder that all anti-Zeussu fags are just Cuckhara falseflagging. Zeussu is the most popular V3 character.
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Posting best girl.
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A pair made in heaven.
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Agreed, Mugiposter. Glad we have allies in sibling love.
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It's time for our great incest alliance!
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It's always sisters time bro.

That's not my sister though.

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Zeussu is the best for sucking my dick!
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A very cute and small feminine dick, yes
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Sorry posted wrong picture.
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chapter 3 murder.png
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/drg/ before
>fucking shit tenko is shit she hates men shit character/10
/drg/ after
>tenko best character 2017 fuck off korekiyo why tenko had to die
What did /drg/ mean by this?
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What is happening here?!

Is everywhere?!
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Of course!

(Male) Mugi!
Who the hell likes Tenko? Tenko probably has the fewest fags here of the ENTIRE cast.
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Mugi's adorableness is contagious!
/drg/ gained better taste
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I stopped at Saiede.
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/drg/ likes Korekiyo though.
This is wrong though. And the why did Tenko have to die discussion is always started by the same Tenkofag

She's my favorite girl I just don't post her
It's reasonable. It's cute.
But I still don't ship it.
It's cute though.
Jewell, please kill yourself.
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>implying /drg/ is a hivemind
Also 4chan will always support characters that trigger Tumblr
Of course the retarded Oumafag is from there as well
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i ship it. but i hate when saiaka shippers are like "THEY LOVED EACH OTHER IN THE GAME!" they were close but I don't think "love" is thw right word.
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Disgusting, Cuckhara can stay with his furry loli slut.
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Reminder that Chiaki is still and will always be best girl
She got revived as an android and won the Hajimebowl and is now on the boat playing games with her class.
>/drg/ likes Korekiyo
Most of the Korekiyofags are either fappers or memers.
Only a few actually like Korekiyo for his personality.
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Not really a Tenkofag. But, here!
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I disagree, Kaede just isn't accepting enough of Shuichi's anthropomorphic desires. Himiko would be a better match for him tbqhwy familia.
everything. but not this.
You don't know that!?
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Oh look, the Makifag is back.
Joke's on you I'm all of those
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Not so fast.
>not being a fapper AND a memer
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Thanks for the (you)s.
I agree with this. Saihara implying a crush isn't enough to call it canon. Tenmiko shippers are also a victim of this.
That's a cute Tenko.
I've seen people like his character myself included.
I disagree
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yeah you are right! kaede is for iruma only!
>btfo of /u/
What did they mean by this?
Tulpaman is a hero.
Shut up. I'm literally shaking right now, /u/bros
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Tenko is always cute though?
Minus that pinwheel-thing...
In-universe or out-of-universe
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That Tulpaman was one of the remnants of hope who found out among their ranks there was a remnant of despair. He promptly BTFO of her and sacrificed himself for the greater good.
Reminder that you're a ugly bitch and nobody likes you.
To be honest my 4chan schedule consists of opening this thread periodically to Tulpapost then just going back on other boards
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Let there be suffering.jpg
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Hey, I like to make her suffer!
Is that count?
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thicc blondes are best girls!
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Name ONE good Danganronpa game

Protip: You can't
>Tsumugi was the ringleader
>on side of the despairs
>Kaede was Sayaka 2.0
>was on the side of the despairs
>Kiibo was TDR's twitchbot
>was on the side of the despairs
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Just stop, why can't you faggots understand the canon of these games and always shit up the general with your delusions?
make sure she suffurs lots and lots then!
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Did you just reply to yourself.
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Are you me? I literally do the same thing. Tulpapost for a little bit then get bored and surf on to other boards like /pg/ or something.

Maybe that phone game?
This has taught me that falseflagging as a Makifag is a good way to get (You)s . I'll be sure to try it
Thread's dead. Begin prostituting .
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You have a point there. Does Tenko have shitty tumblr art anywhere?
Awwwwwww, you're so sweet.
Yup, I'm not even the guy from last thread.
We need to stop talking about HICKSHON. It's been discussed to death. Let's talk about something more interesting, like fucking your sister.
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Go to bed Shinguji
But that has on every thread too
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Not so fast, young man!!
This behavior is not suitable for a school environment!
Who do you think you are!?
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I love my darling husband

I don't know if it's been linked before, but here's the betas
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pancake and tulpaman.png
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Why would people even like him in-universe? Actually fucking curious. That guy doesn't even bother to hide his powerlevel well.
who is the danganronpa v3 girl with the best ass?
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Hey doods, Amami Rantaro here. You're probably wondering what I've been doing. I just got back from another adventure and my good luck brought me to finding my wonderful imotossu. She still looks as beautiful as ever. I missed her so much that I started crying on the spot doods. Now I'm going to show her how much I missed her when I take her upstairs to her bedroom. Our parents are out and so will the rest of you. Now please leave. Me and my imotossu need to get solidify our love for each other.

Amami Rantaro out, doods.
Pretty much. Generally I go to /v/ or /a/ or some other completely different board but I also Goropost on /pg/ to spice things up
is a fat landwhale
Miu ain't T H I C C
Wow, Does Miu's strap squeeze her so toght that her boobs begin to expand? Smart mechanisim
I love you, Anon.
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beta miu.png
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You guys don't understand Maki's character! How about you grow up an orphan, sacrifice her childhood for a friend that died anyway, having to kill men twice your size with nothing but a knife until you get good at it and to sleep and eat like a dog everynight! Would you be an energetic sweetheart too?! No, you wouldn't!
Stop calling her a bitch or shit, she's a tragic figure you guys just don't understand her! Neither did the cast because they all treated her like shit! If Kaito really cared about her, he wouldn't have left her alone and died! Fuck him and fuck you, /drg/!
>Kaito has 7 beta designs
I want to fuck them all.
Have fun my man!
Why do people like this shitty game again?
Is this Mugi when she's in her emo phase?
kaede, miu and korekiyo
Stop roleplaying on /drg/, Tsumugi, no one wants you here
Fuck off Ireland
That beta Miu is so american.
Female Souda.
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Cookery tips
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His hair look like a fucking tornado.
I love it.
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>Tenko's first beta
Why.. Why didn't they just go with this..? She's so much cuter.
I prefer this design 100x over the canon
They're shitposters.

We don't
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Meant to reply here>>175480367
Why do you waste your time on something you don't like?
I love all of Kaito's beta designs.

I want the 7 beta designs, normie Kaito, and final Kaito to gangbang me.
He looks like a sexbot.... I love him even more now
Most of Saihara's betas looks like Naegi and Amami.
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I want to stick my dick in his mouth.
What a cute shota.
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Nice meido
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Tenko should have kept this design if she wanted Himiko to return her feelings.
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i like kaede's hair here more.
Why am I getting Jeanne/Bayonetta vibes?
They look like shit though

That's probably what they meant by them using the protagonist design for Saihara and Amami.
>/ourgirl/ pulls out a gun and just fucking shoots Miu's electron bombs (which can turn back time).
Wonder what would happen? Timeloop Maru raping korekiyo until he dies and she goes back to do it again?
What ndrv3 girls even are memes at this point?
>Friendship ended with Nee-san. Angie is my new best friend.
This is the Shingujji/Angie pairing in a nutshell. Still cute and I still want them to make a killing cult.
>Maki could have short hair
I'd like her more with this hair
But she'd just be too much of a Mukuro2.0...
Damn, I prefer all of the final designs, except for Tenko, she should have kept a gi.
Was about to post literally the same thing
But I like them...
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teddy hoshi.png
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She'd be cucked by teddy Hoshi
Best Maki.
Agreed, the others all had something off about them which was fixed in the finalized version except for Tenko.
Reminds me of Kanon, I prefer Maki's final design over her betas.
I'm glad they got rid of the fang
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I love this hairstyle
>that plowed Himiko's tight pussy while whispering in her ear in its deep voice
Give me one reason not to kill myself fellow Tenkofriends
why did the spoiler tags fuck up
This is probably when the assassin thing comes in to play.
Don't worry, she still has nee-san.
Detective Naegi.
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Looked through them all.
And yeah, I prefer all the final designs except for Tenko's.
Shit, I'm going to bed. Nighto /drg/!
I'm guessing they added all that shit on her final design to make her less generic, wish they had kept the fang instead.
>Detective Naegi
>Playboy Naegi
Well at least this confirms that Amami and Saihara were Naegi 52.0 and Naegi 53.0 respectively.
This looks more like a Hobo Chihiro though...
Is anybody going to upload all of them on imgur so they're easier to download? Or do I have to do it
amamifags and saiharafags on suicide watch
Go do it
Kill yourself.
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>all the beta Kirumis

All forms of her are perfect
You must be blind.

He looks like that one guy from the student council.
Alright. Here's all I've managed to upload so far, Ouma's failed to upload, so I will upload them in part two, as imgur now thinks I'm Kiibo for uploading too much.
Thank you!
Holy shit, Hoshi's beta designs are so fucking ugly.
Yeah same with Kaito's.
His have a charm to them. Kaito's are pretty bad though (but it's not like his final Larry Butz design is amazing)
And here's part two. Please tell me if I missed something, and I'll add them.

No problem.
/drg/, draw your favorite beta V3 designs.
>We need to stop talking about Ouma's tragic backstory. It's been discussed to death. Let's talk about something more interesting, like Amami and Shinguji whoring themselves out.
saihara and amami's betas basically us the same design but with variances. Then again danganronpa is all about being lazy with designs

yeah hoshi's is pretty bad too

kaito has shitty designs overall beta or final.
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drg on v3.png
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They are also cute that's why i love them
I have been weighing my options and decided that people are gay as hell. I would rather fantasize about drawings being real than talk to them
They had less betas in comparison to dr2 or is it just me?
One of them looks like a fucking penis.
Huh, they look like twins. Also now I see how Saihara took them a really long time to finalize, his betas give off a somewhat different impression.
Oh my god not that one
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I was thinking about that too.
Literally high school Raiden
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Maki with a side ponytail is cute. CUTE.
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He doesn't have long hair so he's not as good as our boy
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I love they three
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Note to self: I'm not good at drawing.


I love it.

Very cute too!
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my dick in beta amami when.png
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This beta Amami is doing things to my dick I didn't thought were possible. I already love Amami, but everything about this design is my weakness.
Maybe they were also trying to differentiate Saihara and Amami from each other.
Which designs in V3 do you think are good?
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Something was bothering me, so I fixed it.
Also forgot the thick eyeliner.

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Edgami would have been the closest we'd have at Rapetarou...all these missed opportunities.
This is so cute. I want her coat.
I wonder if edgami and beta korekiyo would have gotten along cause they're both edgy fucks
>ahoge through hat
This looks a model made in a shitty dress up game
Though I like the braid and boots.
>He looks like that one guy from the student council.
I thought the same thing.
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>two edgy siscons going at it
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Yeah the guy's name was Taro with his girlfriend being Tsubasa.
>Taro-Tsu were Romeo and Juliet
>were going to commit lovers suicide
Fuck off Kodaka
I love this handsome man.
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Generator has good taste
>Everything confirms Amagane as canon
>Amami is still in denial about it
Is Amami's true talent the shsl denial?
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Now I need to know what the notes for her three designs say. Not surprised there weren't many changes to her design, though the mystery of her hair length still eludes me.
Also I'm surprised Kibo's designs don't have any notes, only a tiny one on Afro bot.
What a handsome man.
Chiashit would be a much better character if she died in chapter 1 to be honest.
Who is it?
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She's so cute
Do you have the sauce, my man of patrician taste?
Rantarou doesn't deny it, Rentarou does.
Wow, so cute. Good job anon.
Moonman-Kaito Pokemon Team

- Moonblast
- Cosmic Power
- Wish
- Protect

- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
- Explosion
- U-turn

- Trick Room
- Psychic
- Signal Beam
- Hidden Power (Ground)

- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power (Fire)
- Flash Canon
- Thunderbolt

- Liquidation
- Leech Life
- Poison Jab
- Crunch
Iruma is a Babe:pig in the city
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bros being bros.jpg
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@___obon private R18 account. Some good shit behind here
They would probly have super kinky and edgy sex
>Beta Shingujji trying to tie up and dom Edgami, only for Edgami to push him down and tie him up instead
>Beta Shingujji getting aroused from being tied up as Edgami mocks him
>They won't trade insults as Edgami starts stripping Beta Shingujji
>Edgami fucking Beta Shingujji into the ground and listening to his moans
>The entire time Beta Shingujji begs for more
>Edgami denying beta Shingujji orgasms until he starts crying and moaning from how good everything feels
>Edgami won't mindbreak Beta Shingujji with his dick and keep him around as a cumdump
I really want this now
Nice, but you could add a Lunatone to MOONman's team.
The soundtrack?
But Betakiyo is probably an alpha unlike his faggot long haired self
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>not Edgami letting Betakiyo tie him up and making Betakiyo ride him.
It's shit.
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I want to fuck Beta Kaito!

Not sure why I made this.

Yeah, just like Pokemon Sun and Moon had Solrock and Lunatone.
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Back and damn, all the betas.

What about Starmie because it looks like a star.
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>that picture
Fuck, I didn't even know this artist had a private account, thank you
See >>175487236
That is also hot. Goddamn
At this point only delusional Amamifags deny it
Welcome back.

What's your favorite beta, Kuzu anon?
Well thanks to you I know what to draw tonight
General impressions on the betas:
Saihara + Amami: Protagonist design, I like that one of Saihara's initial designs has him wearing more British-like clothing
Ouma: Mysterious shota, he's smiling in all of these and the Supreme Leader thing might have come later
Miu: I'm seriously not getting a science girl vibe from any of these
Angie: Pretty cute, the final design is still the best but the one with her having a giant paintbrush is quirky too
Kaito: Wild is probably the idea here, and a lot of these designs just don't work with him
Gonta: Not much to say, except it seems the wild side of him had more emphasis than the gentleman part
Kaede: It's surprising how little her overall design changed
Maki: Seems that one comment about her being kind of like an ordinary girl from the popularity poll is spot on, most designs seem to show her being just another girl than someone sketchy
Hoshi: They're unique (Mostly said what I wanted to say)
Himiko: Her final design still works best
Tenko: Most of her betas worked better than the final one
Korekiyo: Someone stuck in the past, as said before his long hair ties in better with overall image + talent
Kirumi: Battle maid!?
Shirogane: Eh, what we got at last is fine. The others look off in some way for some reason.
Kiibo: Was he meant as comic relief while being serious from the start?
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Yep. She made it yesterday. Join us brother
Thank you anon, thank you.
The Kirumi one because of the clevage and hair...
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>tfw you'll never have your own harem of kaitos
Kaede's aren't all that drastically different, only one has a hair braid and hat, plus some small comments I don't understand. We can now joke that she's so plain she was sedaddled with a single outfit from the start and doesn't even have interesting betas.

Oh yeah, Kirumi's are amazing
>Kiibo: Was he meant as comic relief while being serious from the start?
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Hah, I'm actually glad Kaede's didn't change much aside from the braid and stupid hat, it means I can still call her fat too.

And yeah, I love Kirumi's, although, some of Maki's look not bad too...
One of Tenko's reminds me of Ibuki.
It could also be that she was one of the characters who was worked on earliest so the staff didn't have to think much about what to do with her while those like Amami and Saihara needed some work to not make them look too blatantly like previous protagonists.

> Oh yeah, Kirumi's are amazing
I guess the general idea with her was 'badass maid', the one we got at the end was most cohesive though.
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This one is my favorite because he looks like that old thieves that rob jewelry stores
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Why even live...

Very cute!
Speaking of Kaede, I have reason to believe they based her design from Kanon, they are even doing the same exact pose as one of Kanon's art.

That one reminds me of the pirates from TLOZ: Wind Waker... especially the short one.
havent, been here in a few weeks. Do we have any good new Miu or Angie art?
this is nice! still prefer the final design over this one
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Their names even start with "Ka"
Isn't Babe on Netflix?
Cute! I like him best of the ones with bigger eyes, he's a rascal.
hey kuzu do you think there are some new official art inside the artbook? It's weird nobody posted them...
We have their betas, if that count...
Is it just me or does beta mui look like a whore?
Not him, but these pictures we've seen probably come from the same person given that what I've actually seen Nips post is stuff we already know from the game. Maybe if we're lucky we'll see some more soon.
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Afternoon /drg/.

I scourged through Twitter this morning and bumped my Angie folder to 131. I'm proud.
Danganronpa : Fyre Festival
Normie killing game
Miu normally looks like a whore though.
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Um, Kuzuanon, could I ask for some help? I'm just trying to understand with no knowledge of Japanese what Kaede's design comments mean. Since they're the same in all three, I guess it's talking about her ahoge and hair falling on the front?
Eh, besides the scrum debate sprite from Amami, there's bound to be more though, it's 352 pages.

She looks like a hooker mechanic who exposes her ass while checking the bonnet of a car.

Yeah, exactly.


>Kaede's comments
...Do I HAVE to...?
Nah, I kid, I'll check.
Kaede Pokemon

- Protect
ohh thanks, I thought was weird no one posted official art.. i hope we'll see some soon
It's about her backpack
Now I want a hooker mechanic Miu

Also thank you.

Ah, okay, thanks. Does it just say "backpack"?
Yeah, there's supposed to be stuff like executions and what not, right?

That's just how it is. Some people I know are getting their books around Friday this week, so I'll check with them if no one else leaks anything.
"Has a formal backpack"
>a hooker mechanic who exposes her ass while checking the bonnet of a car.
So a fem!Souda
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It's the long comment, I guess? Thanks again.
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Thanks, bro.
At least I don't have to read Kaede shit, heh heh.

The anon is right.

Sorta, I guess...

Yeah, you can use the previous artbooks as a basis example.
Oh, sorry, what about the one next to her head sketch? Is it about hair?
My beloved Kaito's execution is in it, so the others should be too.
"Dark eyebrows and eyes"
Whoops, I meant execution ideas for the ones who either ended up as victims or survivors!
Thanks again.

Then that makes her main design points "formal backpack" and "dark eyebrows and eyes". Got it. Interesting how they remained inchanged throughout her development.

Still, Kibo's lack of design comments aside from "Afuro" still surprised me. And I was honestly expecting him to have more betas than that.

Give me Kaede's, now
They didn't have those in the DR2 book so it's unlikely, still possible though especially if the script changed as much as it looks.
Really? I thought what was missing was art for it and not the actual comments.
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I couldn't choose
I didn't remember seeing any when I was looking through the book but it's been a few years.
> Still, Kibo's lack of design comments aside from "Afuro" still surprised me. And I was honestly expecting him to have more betas than that.
Same, there's also a drastic change between his first and more recent beta which I would have thought merited some more comments.
exceedingly blessed image, you have good taste and an nice art style too!
Thread's dead. Begin fetishizing .
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Best partner for Kiibo.
Saihara even hugs him in Space Mode ending, how cute is that?
So what betas from v3 would you want to become new characters? I want edgami's design to be reused, I really like his hair.
can someone post beta shuichi and kaede i am realy interest
Tojo curved hair, I want to see it in game.
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Yo guys, was drinking with a couple buddies since they asked me and since the whole country's celebrating Mayday, too. Holy shit, some good stuff happened while I was gone. The betas are great.

Anything else happen?
I think Snorlax would be more fitting.
The entire previous thread, if you wanna check that.
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I want Angie with fluffy twintails, she looks like that neighbourhood kid who like drawing with her hands and get paint all over her clothes.

One of Kaede's. Also here >>175481231
Excellent art as always Meatman
i want to see someone fuck miu outside the vr world while gonta was killing her inside it. good enough?
wow she really didnt changed at all i get why was she killed
I want to step on Beta Kaito's dick, while he's tied up, until he begs me to let him fuck me.
I'm in the process of sorting out my V3 fanart folder, currently it's at ~1,350 images for Ouma, 150 for Tulpaman and ~100 for everyone else.

What about yours and how do you sort them?
What was so special about last thread?
Nothing, really. Just a usual stuff, just a little more annoying.
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3MB, 1536x2048px
2649 Kaito pics. I don't sort them. The folder's a mess. Finding a specific pic that isn't recent is hell.
also someone made this. I still want for the korekiyo and fetishposting ones
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art gallery kaede.png
209KB, 722x480px
Mine are 168 of various shit I either save from drg or for drg, plus 187 of Saikibo. That's it.

Yeah even her betas are as boring as she is.
I wish Jewell would stop getting baited by that one shitposter every time, it's literally always the same person that starts these character wars.
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ク ク ク.png
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>Kaito isn't important. They're just homosexual.
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My whole DR folder has about over 1,580+ images. It's mostly a mess, but I have folders for certain pairings and characters, and sadly my Angie folder has only 92 images. Time to dig through some more.
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Self explanatory. I should make a folder for danganronpa meme shit too.
Yeah, pretty sure it's the same person who started the Saihara war last thread and is an antioumafag who baits her a lot. The typing style/syntax and way of arguing is exactly the same.
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You should poke me if you want more Angies. I have quite a few more now.
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amami folder.png
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I have pic related, a Maki folder with 550 pictures, 508 in my folder that gets shared by Ouma and Gonta, 319 pictures of Kiibo and a general V3 folder that's at 1389 now. I've been planning to do a Kaito folder for the past few days now, but I'm too lazy to sort him out of all my other pictures, but I guess I'll just do it now.
I don't really sort mine, I should though. Would make it easier to find pics.
It's going to be hell sorting these because I'm thinking about whether to split them by just groups and solo pics or to sort stuff like Ouma and someone else into its own folder.

A simple life, how enviable! Could have sworn my folder was stuck at 400 images for the longest time, WTF.

Angie is a fun character, good luck finding more pics!

Pfft, the Tulpaman folder came first for me because I was too lazy to sort out the colossal mess that's all my saved fanart for Ouma and everyone else.
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I don't think she's very serious about this characters wars things at first, but got a little carried away.
And yes, she's really easy to bait.
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Yes please, fellow Angiebro!
>Amamianon's german

Btw nice folder. That's a lot of pics.
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Fetishposting is next, because the korekiyo one will be based off of that one.
Yup, and looking at the post times, there's always at least 2 minutes between them, so it's pretty obvious it's just one person. I'm pretty sure that was also the person that complained about Saiharafags/Oumafags/Makifags the entire last quarter of the thread.
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It was a morning well spent. I dug so far down in Twitter it began to have trouble loading.

Have a mastermind Angie, brother. It's so perfect that I don't know what else to say.
Nice! Thank you anon!
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I have very minimal art of characters that aren't Kuzu, although if I do have some, I lump them in there.
Why is your Maki folder the second largest? Do you actually like her?
> That file size
Didn't know Amami had that much fanart, I stand corrected...also, your organizational skills are much better than mine.

Yeah, the other problem is I didn't bother saving them by different names so it's all a jumble of filenames from Pixiv (Useful when people want sources though), here and Twitter.

> We could have gotten a better ringleader/mastermind
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Was it the Hornyanon who wants to take Jewell's virginity again? I might read the thread later since the alcohol is affecting a little.

>somebody saved my dumb edit
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I fixed her. I think.
It was the anti-Oumafag.
Maybe. I think there's 2-3 master baiters or Jewell, but I think that guy is different from the one I was talking about.
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Bonjour, Anon. Ça va?
Thanks. I've been working on it really hard.

She's my favorite V3 girl.
I'm surprised sometimes as well. And I really wouldn't say I'm good at organization, it's still a pain in the ass to find pictures sometimes, when you have so much art.
I wish Jewell go back to youtube. I don't care about Oumafags but she's retarded.
>we never got any hood up angie sprites
It's much more organized than my folder, granted this has rarely been an issue for me as I tend to only have one character who's a big favorite.
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Wow, that's probably the best Angie image I have seen! Thank you very much, fellow brother.
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No problem. These are fun to make and I get a kick out of the generated sentences people post to here.
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I should've put a pic of the folder instead of a random pic. It was actually 2646 pics. It's all lumped in, and I have to remember where a picture was, more or less, to find it. It's too late to organize it all, though.
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We need more indeed. This and the mastermind one are the only ones I have.

Not a problem! And thanks for the one you posted earlier, too.
>Threadly reminder that I want to fuck Tulpaman.
Still true
>Dr. Iidabashi is for strangling !
>DICE x /y/ is my OTP.
So they're all traps?
>Kirumifags are all cancer.
>Best boy is god tier taste. Hoshi is shit tier taste. Prove me wrong.
Hoshi is best boy tho
who wants to work on the fandub w/ me
You're telling me, I was maybe about 12 or so images in before questioning my life choices in attempting to sort this out.
Oh man, now I'm sure there will be no Idabashi in the artbook. On the one hand, that's to be expected, on the other, still hurts.
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Does this image imply that Tulpa wants to bone Hoshi?

Which country are you from again?
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>Are DICE all traps?

I have very specific tastes.
I know the feeling, although the pixiv downloader is a life saver since it sorts by artist.
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1MB, 1800x1000px
Je don't know beaucoup français. Ça va.

I was at about 1k in my V3 folder when I decided to make a Kaito only folder. It took me 2 hours to get all the Kaito pics. Imagine if I tried to organize it now.

He's summoning Sans Undertale and Papyrus Undertale
>Danganronpa V3 STARRING John Travolta as Saihara Shuuichi
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>mfw no sprites of Angie without her skirt

Would've wanted to see more of her silky smooth legs.

Huh, I see. AOFs can't leave her alone at all.
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But I thought Hoshi WAS Sans Undertale
Pretty much your average classic bullying situation. She gives a reaction, so they keep shitposting. I don't get why both parties aren't getting bored of this.
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I don't know much french as well, "Ça va" is literally everything I remember from 3 years of learning french in school.
I also need a source on that, my bro.
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This is EXACTLY what I needed.
Well...one of the things I needed.
I want to destroy Beta Amami and Beta Shinguji with my dick.
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Hola hola, fellow European. I'm from Finland. I studied Spanish for almost 2 years in high school yet I've forgotten almost all of it, kek. It's pretty easy too.

What's really annoying that the shitposters won't stop even if she stops. It was completely same in the thread the AOF generator was created and since shitposters keep recycling what they say, it gets really boring super quickly.
Eh, it's gotten stale.
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I want Miu to get kicked out of school for her inappropriate and lewd behavior. Her classmates are secretly happy.
Months later Miu's mother comes to the school and introduces herself to Kaede and explains that Miu has been seeing a therapist for several months. She then confides to Kaede that Miu badly wants to make friends and has gone so far as to cry at her inability to be with others. She then asks Kaede if the class would be willing to give Miu another chance. Kaede Graciously says that the class would be happy to do so. Miu returns to school and they haze her horribly, which culminates in Miu being forced to orally stimulate every one of her classmates to orgasm, one at a time in a circle while the rest whoop and call her a whore, undoing the months of therapy and traumatizing her for life.
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rapunzel onee-san.png
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Rapunzel Kaede!
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Pretty much same. Only remember the numbers, and a few random words.
Also: https://twitter.com/danganpa/status/852792629452341248
I found this by searching Kaito's name in Korean instead of Japanese. I found some nice things.
I'd ask you for the source too, but I actually know that artist, I just don't remember their name. (I probably should make a Twitter account sometime instead of having all the artists I like bookmarked).

Hello! Really? I usually hear from my English friends that Spanish is hard. Perhaps it's because European languages are similar.
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Hi /drg/
I am a real kaedefag. And that's just my phone album. sad that i am the only kaedefag in every fucking thread i always feel alone.
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Here you go. Relax.
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Eh, I feel too lazy to sprout out random fat insults for now, consider yourself lucky.
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Thanks a lot.
https://twitter.com/hrkncp is the source.
You should really make an account, that's going to make things a lot easier.
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Yeah, Finnish is pretty similar to Spanish which is why it's pretty easy. I think the main reason I forgot is because I decided to continue studying Russian more passionately instead. Not that I'm any greater in it though, heh.

Man, this is well done.
Oh neat.
I'll consider that as payment.
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Oh yeah, on the subject of art folders:
132 Angies
82 Mius
24 Nanamis
22 Komarus
35 in the assorted folder (group pics and images of others I'm too lazy to make a folder for)
Honestly pales in comparison to my Touhou fanart folder (thousands of pics there), but at least my Angie folder is top-notch.
You really have to mention that every time, huh?
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Nice, Angiebro! My art folders are:
1,393 Shinguji's
105 Shirogane
104 Hoshi
103 Angie

I only make an effort to collect for the Guuji one, and even then I've been slacking. Some of my waifu folders for other series make it look like nothing anyway
...N-No, it has to be a lie... I'm sure there are more Kaedefags out there... I can't just insult one...
You mind posting some Komarus?
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140KB, 700x959px
Estudio Español acualmente por universidad y yo pienso es mas o menos difícil.

Conjugaciones está difícil. Pero yo estoy un principiante.

¿Está correcto?
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C-lK6D5UwAAEmSo.jpg large.jpg
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Currently on 285 Hoshis and 129 Teruterus, but I've got a few duplicates and other junk like sprites in there too. I have a bunch of fanart of other characters saved too but I haven't got round to sorting them into dedicated folders (yet).
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3MB, 707x1000px
A fine collection regardless.

Sure, have this one. Komaru a qt.
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Yes. I always hope there is someone other than me but apparently not. I give up.
sorry kuzu but i think they all left already.
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906KB, 2544x4000px
>saving DR art on your computer
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Checking mine through again:
673 images in the unsorted non-V3 folder (which also has the Ibuki folder in it)
133 Komaedas (possibly more in the unsorted album)
97 Angies
83 Amamis
44 Oumenos
17 Amamatsus

Rest are a bit cluttered and unsorted.
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644KB, 717x715px
>liking danganronpa
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Thank you too. Yeah, I really should. Now I hope none of the jap artists block me when I follow them.

Ah, that makes sense. You should try learning Spanish sometime again in the future, it could be useful if you plan on traveling (ignore this if you don't plan to travel).

Ah geez, I always have the problem that speaking in spanish when everyone's talking in English is awkward, but:
Sí, está casi todo correcto. En vez de "por universidad" debería ser "en la universidad" (because "through college" makes sense in English, but translating that to spanish sounds weird), o "por la universidad" también está bien, pero suena un poco extraño; en "Conjugaciones está difícil. Pero yo estoy un principiante." en vez de "estar", usa el verbo "ser": "Conjugaciones son difíciles (In plural). Pero yo soy un principiante.". En inglés se usa el "to be" para ambos, pero en español hay dos verbos distintos.

But yeah, you're pretty good!
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DR is a waifu/husbando series. That's the only reason to save art from it

>implying saving images of le reddit toad is any better
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Uploaded basically my entire Komaru stash here for convenience: http://imgur.com/a/wsGuK

The Angie is steadily growing. I'm pleased.
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I can't wait for DR to die and this place to turn into the Zanki Zero general it was always meant to be
Thank you for sharing!
I'm surprised Kiibo's betas didn't have him using the protagonist design like Saihara and Amami.
Is it wrong to want to fuck the hunk grandpa?
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Wouldn't worry about this much. My account is locked with zero followers and nobody blocked me yet. Though, I don't how it is with locked jp accounts much though. The ones with 100+ followers seem to accept everyone, so that's probably not a problem, but I don't know how it works with locked accounts for 18+ art. Can't really bring myself to send follow reqs to them.
Same. I'll finally feel like part of a group who likes good games.
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>anon, you said here under achievements that you have a "2tb korekiyo folder"... can you clarify?
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Can't wait for the game to come out.
I already have my eye on some people.

I want to too.
Or Exile Election general if it turns out to be worthy.
Not at all, he's a babe. I want the shovel grandpa too.
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>tfw I want to fuck the old waifu with the knife to the far right
What's wrong with me bros? Is it autism?
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You know what, I'm a Mugifag, so I'll just cosplay as a Kaedefag. Insult me!
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She's just so wonderful. Waiting a little under five months will be bearable as long as she's around.

No problem. Enjoy the lewds at the end, too.
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Speaking of, I killed someone.
Worth it.

No, you have a case of, shit taste.

Hmm.... are you sure... you look off... maybe a little skinnier.
Maki is a good girl, not stale at all
She never had a choice
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The "Kiibo as TDR's camera" thing may have been something that came up later in development.
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Who'd you off? Also I'm mildly curious as to how Alice compairs to Monokuma
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>"I will gladly clarify, sir. I am part of the esteemed class called Tulpatricians. Of course someone of your minimal intelligence would not be acquainted with this group, but I'll gladly enlighten you after I finish telling you about the time I read Finnegan's Wake at the age of 5."
Who did you kill off Kuzu?
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>Though, I don't how it is with locked jp accounts much though.
I truly am a master of the english language.
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It's because kiibo was never meant to be a protagonist
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There you are! Stop shitposting and join us in the bedroom.
Hope my wang doesn't bleed because of those sharp teeth desu
>saihara was the v3 protag
>amami was most likely the v2 protag
that's probably why. kinda ironic that we all called kiibo "robo naegi" when the game first got revealed
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¡Graciàs! Yo confundo "ser" con "estar" y cuando usar cada uno siempre.

Pero yo estoy felìz porque yo puedo comprendar todos tus explicaciónes, jaja.
Considering this design is filed in the beta designs, I agree.
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I killed off Ninchouji, it's part of my masterplan to keep my favorite 3 alive.
I wanna touch Ouma's hair so badly
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Ninchouji? The chef? But doesn't that mean you have to kill nee-san and best boy before you're able to kill the other groups?
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Guess I'm going to restart.
God, he's so fucking adorable. I want to punch him.
Anyone have sheet music for the song "Trigger Happy Havoc", preferably in treble clef? I love that song and I have never found sheet music for it.
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Trigger Happy Havoc?
I assume you mean the main theme?
I have never heard a song with that name on any OST.
Unfortunately, when it comes to Danganronpa songs, there aren't that many sheet music for songs that aren't the most popular.
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Ah I see. Thank you, then! I'll make a Twitter account later, then.

Jaja, de nada.
Otra corrección: en "yo puedo", el "yo" no es necesario ya que ya has escrito uno antes (Por ejemplo, en inglés, "I want and (I) can do this"); es comprendEr, escrito con e; y, todAs en vez de todos, porque "explicaciones" es femenino.

But overall, you're pretty good at this, you don't make many mistakes. Nice job anon.
Yep the main theme. I've could have sworn I saw it called that in the first games ost. Thank you anyway!
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Heh. What was the chef's exilation like? I've only seen nee-san's, the twins', and Amami's so far.
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What's the voice acting for EE like, Kuzu? Is it good? Bad?
So how does Alice compare to Monokuma as a mascot? Any good?
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I just wanna fuck miu
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I'll try and check, unfortunately, haven't come across it before, except for ones like Ikoroshia, Never Say Never, etc etc.

Basically, he's cooking some shit and then gets eaten while he's cooking.

The voice acting is pretty good actually, which is what I'd expect from most of the seiyuu, I don't know how it would sound in English though if it ever was localized.

Alice is very... what's the word, brutal when the time comes, but seems to follow along with the requests of the MC sometimes, unlike Monokuma.
I don't know how they'd compare in detail though unless I finish.
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Why is it that DR2 has by far the more overwhelming tumblr autism?
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Because they're all dindus
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Kaede is fat.png
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So if you search Kaede is fat on Youtube, you get this as the first result, not even joking.

...Is it really Autism Awareness Month?
And what the fuck is that Souda?

Because they are "colorful" characters.
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>Basically, he's cooking some shit and then gets eaten while he's cooking.
Oh I see.

I found an Exile Election Twitter account and (Spoilers):
They exiled Subaru's group first. After that, the game just went on as normal, no group reorganization or anything, meaning one of my theories was wrong (where the groups would change). Then they exiled the twins and Amami's group second. No changing groups either. Only nee-san's group and MC's group is left, and I'm starting to fear it'll be a "exile everyone until your group's left, then exile one of the two", and only MC and one of the girls lives. That'd suck.
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Nice to meet you. I'm Akamatsu Kaede, and I'm the protagonist if this crazy story.
because there are more fujobait characters
Now she looks like Chiaki!
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(EE spoilers):
Nevermind I translated one of the latest tweets. You gotta exile the other three groups according to the person. Shit.
Holy shit, you're right.
They're more like superheroes with incredible powers or something (see: dr3) while the DR1 cast are normal by comparison. Plus big fun tropical island vs. cramped school.

The NDRV3 cast are a little more like DR1, I think.
DRV3 was essentially a rebooted DR1. Didn't they say they were trying to capture the first game's feel?
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Damn... that's problematic, guess I'll have to restart and strategically think this through.
Never thought it'd be those kinds of games where you have to think before you act. Thanks man,
I'll use the twitter as a resource.

See? See?
It's true.

Makes sense, yeah.
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Damn, I would fuck male Kirumi so hard.
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These are pretty good, most of the time genderbend characters look like shit.
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List of micropenis v3 boys

Ouma- malnutrition lowers testosterone levels, almost certainly has underdeveloped genitals if we go with the "poor boy lying to himself" headcanon
Siahara- Depression also reduces testosterone levels. While not a little baby penis like Ouma he's probably on the thin side
Shinguugi- he probably cut it off

List of MACROpenis v3 boys

Gonta- Whatever made him so freakishly masculine in every other way will also give him a pretty massive dong
Kaito- Works out, takes care of himself, energetic, high-test guy. Decent size.
Amami- Despite his lean appearance, Amami, true to his status as a nanpa, was a horomone powerhouse through his teenage years and has an unbelievably large penis relative to his body.
Kiibo- Professor Ibawhatever couldn't bear to give his pure child genitals but Kiibo really wants to fit in, and when he felt excluded from the Boy's dormitory circlejerk he went to Miu for help. Miu naturally created the ultimate penis. Kiibo's penis vibrates, spins, shakes, slithers, and can dialate or contract at will. It has the capacity to be fucking huge and it's pretty much more of a tentacle than one of our worthless human appendages.

List of AVERAGEpenis v3 boys

Hoshi- It's a penis. It's there. It works. Just trust me. I blew him in a gas station bathroom. It's average.
What about vaginas?
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>tfw Kirumi and Maki... look hot.
>tfw Kaede still looks fat.
>tfw Iruma looks hot

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I'm totally good at remembering the gender of words, what are you talking about, haha....

Still, very helpful! Thanks! I hope it reflects on my next exam. I'm just a dumb American trying my best.
>all these short hair
I have been sent to heaven. Thank you, anon.
And bye-bye, cruel world.
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No problem. But, well, hey, maybe the route ending varies depending on the order you exile groups. Maybe if you, say, exile Nee-san's group first (Don't by the way), the game ends early. Our only option is praying that something happens before eliminating the other last group completely. I mean, something should happen story-wise when only your group and one other person is left.

Also I'm running out of pics of this guy to post. I should go find more.
Link to these twitters? I want Exile Election info and can't find anything about it, is there a summary of what is known so far too?
wtf I love Maki now.
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>implying Dragon Horse isn't hung as fuck
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I wonder if the protagonist of EE gets more batshit insane/starts losing his sanity after every exile? That'd be pretty interesting.
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How should I know anything about those?
He's like 3 inches big
The same way you know about penises.
Testosterone only triggers penis growth during puberty, more testosterone does not equal having a bigger penis. Penis size is 100% genetics.
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>Dragon Horse
>hung as fuck
Damn right, he has a beast under those pants.

Same, I love male Maki now.

Makes sense, I'll have to be careful then, also, iirc, I remember seeing best boy's death somewhere...

If he does, that would be interesting, so far he seems to be chill however.

Shirogane's one smells of chocolate.
SDR2 was all real and organized by TDR. The Neo World Program dosen't exist. Past Chapter 5 was just Hajime's first schizophrenic break.
DR3 was fanfiction about SDR2, which was actually season 38 or something
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Very, very incorrect.
>keep drinking out of plastic bottles, goy

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This person has exiled Amami's group so far, and posts in English:
And this one has exiled Subaru's, then Amami's. They post in Japanese, but you can use translator magic:
I can make a summary of everything I know, but it'll take me a lil while.

I hate Maki but wtf he's hot. Angie, Kirumi, and Kaede are pretty good too.

Good luck!

Who the fuck is heartless enough to do that.
>using fanart from an artist who cant draw a body to save his life to support your claim
But isn't the malnutrition thing true? Or is that only malnutrition during puberty?

If someone was starved as a child and had stunted growth but then was given proper nutrition during puberty, would that equal a smaller penis?
So like... thought?
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Would you prefer this?
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Under the spoiler.

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Let's see how taking testosterone is going to enlarge your dick. Just try it, testosterone levels mean nothing during puberty.

The testosterone levels during fetal development and genetics dictate the penis size, not the levels during puberty.
Thanks for the twitters, I'm gonna look thru em now!
I am mildly interested.
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>tfw I reek of testosterone

Might do the same too.
Futanari child-porn.
Can't access Twitter at the moment. Any more CGs of Nee-san? She's hot as fuck and unlike DR the EE CGs seem consistent and well drawn
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All right, the alcohol's getting to me, so my brain needs some sleep now. Good thing I didn't drink myself completely drunk like one of my buddies.

Goodnight, /drg/!
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Night night, Angiebro!
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Hah, alcohol does that.
I'm not sleeping though because I seem to have sobered out.
Anyways, have a good rest.
>testosterone levels mean nothing during puberty

That's kind of wrong. It's very important in sperm development and maturation.
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You're welcome!

Unfortunately, I haven't seen any besides the one I posted here >>175509103, but by looking through the EE hashtag I found pic related (not an in-game CG though).
Is that a fanmade double execution? Source?
Night Angieanon!
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Damn, that's definitely a spectacle.
Hah, get it? Spectacle? Because she's wearing glasses? Hah, I'm funny.
I'm sorry.
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Whoa, nee-san is flat!
Yes, testosterone triggers all of that, but it's all set in stone during early development of the body.
And we're off. Let's go
Well, I believe it regulates some aspects of the Sertoli cells, which correlates with testicular size IIRC

But my background's in animal endocrinology, so I could be wrong. And I took that class a year ago, so.
Well, what I'm trying to say is that you basically have to have a genetic defect to have a micropenis, depression won't cause that. I'm sure you know more about this than me in animals but that's what I heard in my classes.
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