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Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1127: Succ Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 720
Thread images: 226

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Zenkai no /llsifg/! >>175155470


>Current Events
JP: HonoRin Challenge Festival
EN: Valentines Yoshiko UR

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piece of shit honknigger
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Umi is love. Also, Umi loves this OP, since she loves getting the succ from Honoka
Honoka is a goddess
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I want Honoka chan to give me the ULTRA SUCC
piece of shit honknigger
This general really lacks creativity.
First for cute chuuni
Love you Honoka~
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Hugging you, Kanan-chan~
made it in a rush to save us from having another ruby thread
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We know, Umi
i was getting a good picture of rin...
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Thank you for your blessings, Honoka-chan.
fuck off degenerate, don't quote me
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Aiai has some top-tier drawing skills
piece of shit honknigger
Goddess of cock
Kiss Umi
Kill yourself, anon.
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Phallic deity
>top tier

She can draw but it's very basic.
>You will probably kill fuuko
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How can Rubyfriends be pedos when Ruby is of legal age?
It's just propaganda made up by the eternal honknigger.
>legal age
>legal age
in what shithole?
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The age of consent is 16. Ruby is 15. Plz pedos
does that mean we can tell mummy may on rintard for wanting to wape ruby?
the anime is about to enter Fall and Ruby turns 16 in September.
Rin tard can claim this post was a joke
Everything posted here is satire
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I appreciate you anon.
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she's always kawaii
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Riko is cute!
is the guilty kiss box coming out after the job set?
She's too tall
Ruby is like the only interesting Aquor
Bitch sketchy sakurauchi sandwichi!
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Nico-chan a cute.
I want to marry Nico-chan! But Maki took her away from me.
/llsifg/ - piece of shit honknigger
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me on the internet-twitter.png
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dafuq iz wrong with her fes? xD
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You has a very deep backstory.
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These threads have been boring lately.
Raibus don't age.

She's going to be 15 forever. Illegal in 100% of the US.
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cute chika.jpg
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kiss chika
I like this You. She is not into Chika at all and hence there will be no heartbreak when Riko confesses.
hey after the job set are we getting the GK kiss box?
>Watch that new anime Shikaco VA's in
>Her character first appears in EP 4
>Her character is an ass kicker for the first half of the episode, just fucking shit up
>Second half of the episode her character gets bullied by the MC's sidekick
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First time they changed their artist?
hey after the job set are we getting the GK kys yourself box?
Pictured: Yohane and her two concubines

What do you think the pairings will be for Perfect Dream Project?
Mari's face is so flat, at least not her breasts.
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I like Sakurauchi Riko.
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Best birthday outfit so far.

Hopefully this means wooby is soon...
The general has been even more repetitive than usual.
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Cute chuuni 1.jpg
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I want to descend with Aikyan-sama!
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She's gorgeous! I've said this before, but man, Riko's super pretty.
Now, back to waiting for Kanan.
Pictured: best girl and two autistic ching chong nip mongs
We know, Chika.
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rikobros, why do you like riko-chan so much
Bow wow

Comedy goldmine
woof! woof!
Well I can see that. I wish I had someone. Or even a group of people I could talk about Love Live with.

Because I used to be like her and was afraid of dogs
Fuck off to reddit already
In all aspects but the physical, I am a dog.
hey guys when is the guilty kiss box coming out on EN?
>She is not into Chika at all
Oh really?

After enjo kousai wooby
Go away chink.

piece of shit
Try messaging your entire SIF friends list telling them you're lonely and asking if they'll be your friend.
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Do you even have a friends? fuck off already.
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I'll go away when there aren't any more Score Matches. I am the Saint of Score Match after all.

I don't remember the last time I even messaged anyone on my friends list.

Come on, I'm not desperate.

Of course I have friends
pdp anime when?
I'm tired of flophags
>a good deal of people here, chink included, don't have friends to discuss Love Live with
Sucks to suck.
>I have friends

The incestual lust that you have for your sister does not count
dat new dengeki's maru's maru are so big.
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Holding hands with Riko
LL empire

the sweet fragrance and touch of her long red hair
her honey colored eyes and how bright they are in a sunny day
how easy is to tease/bully her so I can comfort her right after just to see her cute pissed off face
how talented she is despite being so insecure
the feeling of defeatism after fucking up something you really like to do
the struggles of moving to a small town after living your entire life in a big city

riko is the kind of girl that would do anything to please you as a girlfriend and you wonder how the hell did you managed to be with such amazing girl
i need cool cards but the stronger cool cards come in the newer release boxes (mixed with other attributes)

what do?
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>is a massive cunt
>doesn't have friends
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Love you too.

I should have trademarked that phrase.

Of course it counts. If you can't consider a sibling your friend, then what's the point of having one? I
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I'm not a bad person. People love me.
>chink's only friends are his siblings
Poor thing. Maybe that's karma.
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What about the others?

Karma for what? Not like that's a bad thing. I like to believe my sister and I are close.
this is sadder than the pana love letter
suddenly marufags bitter attitude makes sense
joints, not even once
I can think of 950 reasons why Marufag is upset.
The Pana love letter was kinda sweet though.
Post pictures
>blogshit time
anime depending heavily on seiyuus
I don't want people jacking it to my sister.

I don't have a bitter attitude...

Fuck off.
kys chinkstar
wtf can someone tell me if this is real!!??
I thought that Marufag was a nice person but he seems to be an asshole especially to Panafags.

.t Yoshimarufag
Is this the fag that flipped his shit and "committed suicide" after the JAV scandal?
Oh I thought it was a girl.
>like birb and wooby
>uni friend likes pana and dia

So what other kinds of raibufags get along?
I've never of such thing, but I wouldn't doubt it considering their other works.
holy shit i fucking remember this

no it's fake. there's another video of them dancing with him in public to LL with light sticks but i can't find it rn
Marufag being a girl makes perfect sense when you think about it

>Over emotional
>Probably mentally unstable
>Mood swings often
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The guy with the hammer looks like the same one from that "my dad hammered my ps4" video
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>uni friend

Is Chinkstar new or is it some faggot here who got bored and decided to create a persona?
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henlo freinds
it is us again, the best subunit
found it. worth the watch

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We have to stop this. This Pana and Ruby relationship is getting out of hand. Those two raibufags are teaming up to take control of the general and you fools are letting it happen
He's an underage avatarfagging chink
What happened to Mari...? Is she okay?
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I wub wooby
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fuck off, avatarfagging cunt
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I'm a Makifag and my close friend is a Umifag. Thankfully no fights have broken out yet but frankly it's only a matter of time.
I'm not underage.

I'm sure you do. Pedophile.
lmao nips never fail to entertain
Finally Love Live will be saved.
>Yoshiko again
>You too
>Honk is back too
>Ryo Aikawa

Trust me, my uncle is klab
Is the glasses lady there?
The only thing I can remember about her is her wearing the shrine maiden outfit
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Ruby and Pana will save the general
Shipping is for faggots, please kill yourself already.
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pana is a big fat nerd
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Ruby the Chef.webm
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Finally figured out the plan, huh?

Pana isn't fat. She's a perfectly healthy weight.
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pana is for spitroasts with your friends
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And you. Just watch for the summer. I'm coming for you AND Chikafag. I'll slaughter you both.
I hope this guy never stops making these.
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The way this faggot posts does nothing but confirm he was samefagging as that one guy that called everyone an "insolent twat".
J-Jennifer is there right?

I am an Umifag/Marifag and my bestfriend is a Nozomi/Kenan shitter and we don't really get along too well in terms of taste. He thinks Umi is shit and his top 3 for each group is 1. Nozomi 2. Maki 3. Kotori and 1. Kanan 2. Dia 3. Riko
Her tits aren't that big...
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Try anything against that Panafriend and I'll make you know what suffering truly means.
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Don't throw Umi under the bus because of her shitty fans. Specifically Fuuko.
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wtf It's scary...
Just filter that retard. At least he's kind enough to put on a trip. I can't say the same about Maruchink and Rintard.
What happens if Mari and Nozomi meet?
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i can't post the last one here if you know what i mean
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This thread often tells me to go to hell.

Thing is, I've ready been there. You can't send anything my way I can't take.

Nothing because it will never happen.
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I would respond with something worthy of turning into a pasta, but last time I did so I was banned so I dont' feel like doing that today.
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>This thread often tells me to go to hell.
>Thing is, I've ready been there. You can't send anything my way I can't take.
>Not Corona
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late bed time.png
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>I've ready been there

950 gems lol
Why won't Maruchink just put on a trip so I can filter him already.
I like how he tries to deny being underage but then posts the cringiest shit.
>Not Indio
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Sleep tight Glorious Leader. May you dream of dancing, concerts and Nico.
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Goodnight Honoka. May you dream of singing, lives and Umi
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blog posters have come and gone before
this too shall pass
Atleast you know what you're doing. Uhh thanks for sharing I guess, but I can't save that kind of pic.
Is this the same guy that rolled 950 gems and got shit?
Goodnight Honoka, I'll work hard towards my dreams tomorrow for you.
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Have some more HonoNico
piece of shit... brazilian?
Please die in my sleep
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Sleep tight, you magnetic gays.
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Is it?
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Kil yourself you mentally ill faggot
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It is. You know what to do
Shuka is very unattractive but she's a cute kind of ugly.
Sleep tight Honoka, may you dream of lots of dicks and JAV money
Fuck off you retarded newfag

>Hates someone
>Responds to them

Learn how to filters.
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This post contains Nico
>That spacing
>muh filter
Hello /r/lovelive
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Love is the only option
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More like the super cute kind of cute
Stop shitposting,newfag.

But anon, how would you even know what plebbit spacing looks like... unless...
Nah, I think i would legitimately friend zone Shuka if she were into me. Then again I have high standards in women which is why I have only dated 2, but my point still stands.
But anon, how do you know that flips are cancer....unless..
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>tfw you will never go on a cute date with Shuka
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Here's some more Nico
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nico nico tree.png
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Make like a tree and Nico Nico Nii
Oh it's out! Thank you anon!
wheres the beach pic
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Cute. And she's such a caring sister too
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I don't have the exact picture but this is the outfit she's wearing for it.
Kill yourself you autist
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A cute festival Nico
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Nico nico ni!
>nico posting hours
Who /quicknap/ here?
Kill yourself fuuko. We know that you hate this general. You can fuck off now
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Stop posting Nico you shitty Umitard. She is too good a girl for shit eating fags like you
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wtf i hate arisha now
You forgot to to turn your trip back on after samefagging
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mimo feet
>Forgetting to turn the trip back on
>Deleting the post right after

You are so pathetic, Fuuko.

I'm a little sleepy but I want to see if Namine HD will be a mercy pull. I swear to god if the iRoxas is instead I will flip out.
which one of these three sluts should I fap to?
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this one
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Maid Nico
>Deneb, Altair and Vega

Stop giving him (you)s, he'll never go away.
Oh god, can't wait for my copy to arrive. I believe Pile and Deer are also included
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Isn't seiyuu posting against the rules? I remember seeing a huge wave of deleted posts before
i know beauty is subjective, but are there really people that don't think shuka is even a little bit cute? she's at the very least ador-
>those toes
>having a foot fetish
worse than a crackshitter
kys yourself
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Sleep tight, you magnetic gays.
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Original hair Nico
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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA faggot your post was deleted
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Oh shit I cant post 4:20 Nico? I'll keep that in mind next time.
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Anon, you can post whatever Nico you want to post. Just modify the image so it doesn't show as a repeat. I know you can do it, don't let your memes stay dreams!
>3dpdshit posting hour

boy this general would be great without filthy lebitors
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sleeping nicmaks btfo!!
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Ok I'll bite, did my image caused me to be temporarily be banned by the mods because I'm from Brazil, or it was off-topic (420) or the filename?
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The answer is simple, my friend.

1. Get out phone.
2. Report post.
3. Clear history, and reset IP address. Rinse and repeat 3 or 4 times for each seiyuu post.

Problem solved. :^)
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Huh I wasn't expecting anything but I guess I got something

That's like my 6th tomato UR and I don't even like her that much
>scouting for hags
Don't reply to him, newfriend.
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Oh wait, that was you earlier, I didn't notice it was deleted. I thought you were upset someone else posted it. My mistake. Don't know what to tell you then. Just enjoy some Nico

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I wish i had one UR tomato
>not scouting for aqwhores
good job
I know what I'm doing, kinda
Sucks that I'm on mobile so I am forced to see Fuuko samefagging ass. I honestly feel sorry for that dude.
Stop samefagging and fuck off already
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gay tometa
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How about some rarepair KotoNico?
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Gotta read between the lines.

In case I need it when I get older.
Why did you mention those stars Senjougahara mentioned in that one mostly filler episode in Bakemonogatari? Pls respond.
How about you go and kill yourself?

The tripfag is "filled with determination." I don't think he'll ever quit.
Jesus fuck, I thought my screenshots were bad.
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NozoNico now

Ok, I have to say it, these puppets legit freak me right the fuck out
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It has a second image that goes with it
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goodnight fearless leader!
Chika chan will do her rubesty to carry the torch!
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I love this game.
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Squeak squeak, motherfucker.
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We all love you too Honoka, especially Umi
>Ok, I have to say it, these puppets legit freak me right the fuck out
I love them, they're the cutest.
So do I. I still don't fully understand why though, even after all these years.

Not another one of you cringy undertale faggots. Get lost already, we have enough shitposters here without you egging him on.
I just want to let you all know that Mars ain't the kind of place, to raise your raibus.

In fact it's cold as Hell.
Connect the dots.
But they're flops. Oh well, to each his own I guess

The game is fun. That's reason enough
Kill yourself, Fuuko.
piece of shit honk
>But they're flops. Oh well, to each his own I guess
And I guess that's why they call it the Blues.
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>tfw i can no longer say your going to have a bad time because a certain shitty game had a skeleton say it
>Connect the dots.
You son of a bitch. Well played.
>And I guess that's why they call it the Blues
I have no choice but to respect someone who knows that song. You've earned this (YOU!)

your loss, buddy. Next time don't kill my brother.
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Honk is cute, why would you say that?
Is he mentally unstable?
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I'm running out of reasons to keep on living.
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>giving a shit about what other people think
How does it feel to be a plebian?
Remember that one day you can be the person to kill all honkfags.
Yeah he is crazy.
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>shitposting will the least elite of all of aqours
Choose a better girl to post anon
How does appreciating Ruby's character make one a pedo?

Shitters like you ruin this general.
Shitters like you ruin this game.
Shitters like you ruin Love Live.
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>she sees your dick
cry more rubypedo
Why does Shuka look old as shit?
Today's topic- How will you feel if the other 6 silhouettes in the PDP image turned out be new characters as opposed to the Normies giving us a group of 3 normies and 6 new girls?
i wouldnt even know the difference
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>and more
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You know what /llsifg/? Before I came here I thought you were a bunch of elitist raibufags that do nothing but argue who is best raibu and put down down Aquors as flops while you fellate Muse.
But after a year and a half of being here I want you to know that my opinion hasn't changed.
It's the normies. We already know the other 6. All we're waiting for is their redesigns.
Then we'd have truly embraced im@s. LL x Im@s game when?
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I hope. I'm pretty sure the one wearing the pants is Ryo (Tomboy Prince in Drama Club) and short hair is Akemi (Camera).

I actually like all of them including PDP but I will admit I am still bitter that Kasane got cucked.
Love Live! school idol festival: Kasane's Revengeance soon.
who are the other six
Why wouldn't we put down Aqours? they've done nothing good
they cucked their most popular character for fucks sake
>you elitists don't like the characters that I like waaaaah
>s-stop hating on my raibus you stupid hagfags wawawaaah
Kys kenonshitter
I'm pretty sure far right starting from Emma is Akemi, Ryo and Yuu.
Aqours is Dearly Stars.

Normies are Cinderella Girls.
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I can't believe we're gonna have Chika twice!
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kys for best girls best interest
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>double chika
Fuck yes
>implying any of the Normies compare to Kaede, Anastasia, Ranko, Rika and Mika
Start yourself on a bleach IV, your death must be slow.
Your memes are pretty boring, desu.
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Nicos not a nice
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Late night posting.
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Our guy Black is going to win the major.
cumminside niconi~
Calm down, Maki.
maki's voice is outstandingly unique but pile doesn't have much roles if you can catch my drift
Anyone wanna translate this?
Suwawa is an ugly slut~
i skimmed through it and it seems like a music comparison between moose and aqours
most of the comments say the music quality has dropped with aqours, and the music isn't as attractive as µ's
but her cheeks are so cute
>I can feel empathy that Aqours's songs are not as attractive as μ's
>It is an empathy that music quality has dropped compared to μ's
>Μ's was rich in variety, but Aqours does not have any strange songs with a similar impression
>Of course BiBi's PF is exciting, but of course there is no song in Aqours "I can rise as much as 9 people because it is nine," and if it's a μ's you can get excited even with a moist song, but moody when you play a song that was moist with Aqours, it will moist I will. something like that.
Now i'm curious as to what this is.
japanese get bored soon while 4chan still persist in madoka

sounds like generic fucking OPINIONS and BLOGS

aqour branched out way more than muse did, and strawberry trapper is the most lit love live song I have ever heard.
>It is said that sales of this is the worst
I thought i was on /llsifg/ for a second
Nice opinion flopfag, is that why it flopped so badly?
>Μ's was rich in variety, but Aqours
>latest songs:
>Shoujo Ijou
>Thrilling One Way
>Daydream Warriror
Literally what
Damn, do the japs really not like Aqours music?
This is my translation of the 歌声 section in the main body. There can be some translations errors, so take these with a spadeful of salt.

A lot of the seiyuus were not originally singers, and their skill levels and capabilities are all over the place.
Therefore, when properly mixed, interesting combinations were created.
Each character had distinct voices which could be clearly distinguished in the chorus relays.

Songs where they shined
Natsuiro Egao de 1,2, Jump!
Mogyutto "love" de Sekkinchu!

Songs that sounded unique to μ's
Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE
Wonderful Rush

Because this group was assembled for Love Live!, the difference in voices were less distinct than that within μ's.
Therefore, when singing in a group, their voices tended to be midrange and they have better consistency.
This can be clearly heard during the chorus of their music.
However, this means that it is difficult to distinguish between the individual voices.

Songs where they shined
Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare
Sei naru Hi no Inori

Songs that sounded unique to Aqours
Todokanai Hoshi da toshitemo
Sunshine Pika Pika Ondou
Haven't you seen the sales?
Thank you anon. I really appreciate it.
>this means that it is difficult to distinguish between the individual voices.
Yeah, I really hat this because I'm never sure who is the one singing.
The charm of moose was watching them grow, Aqours definitely lacks that underdog feeling even though they are flops.
Nobody does. It's not even on par with regular commercial idol shit. It's like kidz bop originals.
Minami Nagayama

Bitch, we have an entire School of gaijin plus one Token Jap.

We have two, the Kurobane Sisters

>Rika and Mika
Konoes are more incestuous than the Jougasakis.
In case you were wondering why I didn't translate the rest, it's because the other sections were discussions about the CD artwork, the PVs and the lives, which I don't think are the main focus.

Also because I'm a lazy piece of shit.

I always felt the "invited to Tokyo to get 0 voters" arc was very forced. A 0-vote group would be very noticeably bad, and no self-respecting event manager would invite a group that would have even the smallest chance of getting 0 votes in their event.

Especially since the event is large enough for 30 groups to perform. With over 600 (?) school idol groups to choose from, surely there's a group that is good enough to get at least 1 vote.
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Are they more incestuous than the Kurosawa's though?
>A 0-vote group would be very noticeably bad, and no self-respecting event manager would invite a group that would have even the smallest chance of getting 0 votes in their event.
I don't agree. It just means they didn't stand out in any way compared to the rest.
" Japanese Name: 近江遥
Former School: Shinonome Academy
Year: First
Blood Type: A
Height: 154cm
Three Sizes: B78 / W57 / H80
Birthday: November 11 (Scorpio)
Hobbies: Looking after her older sister
Main Attribute: Smile"
So this guy is just baiting? >>175245257
japanese seriously lack able plot writers while technical skills are getting higher
In an event large enough to accommodate 30 groups, I find it difficult that there would not be a single vote for a group where the other last groups got (in ascending order) 23, 36, 39, 43, 48, 51, 62 votes.

It just looks forced. Getting 0 votes where the 2nd last group got 23 means that Aqours messed up real badly. And considering they considered their own performance "pretty fine" by their standards (meaning no major flubs), and the song that they likely performed was (by my standards) one of their strongest songs (夢で夜空を照らしたい), 0 votes is really a huge stretch.

Their 0-vote result would be more convincing if the other last groups got like 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 votes or something like that.

Oh that comment did exist, but that was not in the main body of the text. I didn't translate that since I don't want to translate comments.
Germany got zero points in the last Eurovision song contest. It's not that huge of a stretch.
What if Aqours goes on hiatus when PDP starts?

How would you feel?

Chika SSR, meet Emma.
Is Germany the Aqours of Europe?
Trust me bro, that's not why you've only dated 2 girls lol
The last non-zero participants got 8, 10, 10, 11, 16, 24 points in the tele voting round. A 0-point end (that was CZ, not DE) is plausible.

Also. not that a vote in Eurovision does not equal a televote point.

A drop in 23 votes to 0 votes is way beyond the realm of suspension of disbelief.

It was actually Czech that got 0 points in the televoting round, not Germany. Germany got 10 points.

Germany never got 0 points in the tele voting round.
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Do we
Do we have to keep calling it this

>Flopqours image
>Used as reaction avatar

Reporteruni. :^)
>Songs that sounded unique to μ's
>Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE
Fucking what, I thought it was an im@s song the first time I heard it
>7. Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
I've saved up 339 R stickers till now. Should I just continue saving up till I can idolize a UR or should I just blow them all on scouting coupons?
Fuck off to hispa
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>Implying avatarfagging isn't against the rules
>Implying I will care about having a throwaway IP banned for 3 days
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Am I suppoaed to read that shit? It's way more fun to post cute chuunis
Seriously....a sandwich bag? that's the besy tehy can come up with?

I'd still buy it tho
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PITO is /ourguy
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Anytime you'd like to go kill yourself would be a good time, pesoman.
Riko really speaks to me.

>Riko really speaks to me
Hello autist.
nico pls make me cum inside you
Did she say gomenasai?
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Either you guys are baiting or you're going to be let down and feeling retarded.
PDP is an SiF only thing.

The set of N's are probably going to get R cards or something like that.

Nico does the fucking, anon. Bend over, spread your cheeks and welcome her strapon of paternal love, my brother.
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Yoshiko loves her little demon.
What is the next event?

Also, when I took a screenshot of my transfer passcode ID I fucked up and didn't back it up before getting a new phone. I was able to get on my account just fine using Google+, should I worry about that ID though?
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I would take two Burds over KotoUmi.
You should still get your ID. Better safe than sorry.
Do you really think Klab is competent enough to not fuck up a major update?
I dunno, how often do you have issues with updates?
You'd only need that code if during the update to 5.0 your game fucks up, needs a reinstall, and for some reason restoring from the google account doesn't work.
Would I have to e-mail KLab to obtain it?
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No. Just follow these steps.
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The ship of patricians.
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Cute friends
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Sorry bud, was tired last night
Holy shit Emma's Emmas.
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Is it just me or can you just barely see the outline of her nipple under that shirt? In this one too.
>Also because I'm a lazy piece of shit.

Sasuga filipino
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Cutest Nico.png
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Cute Nico holding a cute bunny.
I wish Nico held me like that.
We know, Maki.
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She's not the biggest one.
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and we also had a visit from the chinkstar
rice goddess who specializes in eating rice
Threadly reminder that Suwawa is the worst thing that happened to Japan since the firebombing of Tokyo and I hate her.
then why do you fap to her every night so hard?
So if goddesses of rice eat rice then what does Honoka eat?
umi's pussy
I blame suwawa for kenan being such a shit character
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The artist's eyes are probably going bad or his hands got injured as his proportions are getting worse.
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Honoka has patrician taste, and so do you
Ruby looks like she's suffering inside.

I don't know whether I should feel angry that you thought I was chinkstar, or honored that I unintentionally managed to actually imitate them.
Their heads look blown up.
They are lovers.
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I want to hug Chika
Ruby IS suffering
Sorry You, she belongs to Riko now.

You are delusional.
LL ditching and reorganizing strategy
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Why do they have feets?
Hug Umi.
Lick Umi
meh. just saw maru pics and deleted posts. don't put too much thought into it.
they'll get SNs and all the higher rarities will be bumped up by two stars
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I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
Is he really? Noice.
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Haha, youcuck
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out here barely see my breath
surrounded by jealousy and death
I can't be reached I've only had one call
dragged underneath separate from you all
you all...
this time lost my own return
in spite of everything I've learned
I hid my tracks spit out all my air
slipped into cracks stripped of all my cares
my cares...
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[pressure intensifies].jpg
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I'm so tired sheep are counting me
no more struggle no more energy
no more patient you can write that down
it's all too crazy I'm not sticking 'round
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I'm in love with the world
Through the eyes of a girl
Who's still around the morning after
Cute canon
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where's the rest?
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Fuck all this crackshit. Post canon.
I love my wives.
and here we go, now
over the bridge of sighs
we will get a cross like christ, crucified
it's like a birth but it is in reverse
never gets better, always gets worse
We know, Umi.
And the mindless comfort grows
When I'm alone with my 'great' plans
And this is what she says gets her through it
"If I don't let myself be happy now, then when?
If not now, when?"
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I've got this epic problem
This epic problem's not a problem for me
And inside, I know I'm broken
But I'm working as far as you can see
And outside, it's all production
It's all illusion, set scenery
I've got this epic problem
This epic problem's not a problem for me
With one hand high, you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time, but no one cares.

No one cares.
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Funeral planet, dead black asteroid
Mausoleum, this world is a tomb
Human zombies, staring blank faces
No reason to live, dead in the womb
Death shroud existence, slave for a pittance
Condemned to die before I could breathe
Millions are screaming, the dead are still living
This Earth has died yet no one has seen
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>all these depressed wooby posting

I came here for cute little girls doing cute little things, not kill myself.....
>Rubypedos are suicidal
Really makes you think.
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I woke up this morning and figured I'd call you
In case I'm not here tomorrow, I'm hoping that I can borrow
A peace of mind, I'm behind on what's really important
My mind is really distorted, I find nothing but trouble in my life
I'm fortunate you believe in a dream
This orphanage we call a ghetto is quite a routine
And last night was just another distraction or a reaction
Of what we consider madness, I know exactly what happened
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Not to be
Overly dramatic
I just think it's best
'Cause you can't miss what you forget

So lets just pretend
Everything and
Anything between you and me
Was never meant
headpat woobs
Ruby looks like dead inside.
Old friend charity
Cruel twisted smile
And the smile signals emptiness for me
Starless and bible black
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>Ruby is a sad raibu
>Has sad fans
>Honoka is a happy raibu
>Has happy fans
Makes you think
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I thought it was impossible to fall in love with the same person a second time, but Shuka proved me wrong.
Intelligent people tend to be sad while retards are always happy.

cute granny
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Happy Farty Train
Maru should've been the center.
She would've saved love live.
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Ruby looks in pain.
you can still kill yourself
Ruby is always in pain.

Ruby can be described as shy, timid, selfless, and depressed. She is scared to get close to people due to something that called the Hedgehog's Dilemma. The Hedgehog's Dilemma can be described as two Hedgehogs wanting to get close to each other, but the closer they get, the more they risk hurting each other with their spikes. That is Ruby's view on people. She doesn't want to hurt anyone with his personal troubles. Ruby prefers to keep to himself. Ruby's behavior is consistent with Avoidant Personality Disorder, a psychological condition characterized by a pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation. People with avoidant personality disorder often consider themselves to be socially inept or personally unappealing, and avoid social interaction for fear of being ridiculed or humiliated.

Ruby Kurosawa is sort of a coward. Ruby Kurosawa is sort of self-serving. She's incapable of reaching out. She's pitiful. She has troubles. She even breaks down, gets lost, has horrible moments where he does horribly cowardly things, things she regrets, because all in all, she's not a bad person.

She accepted all the agony of existence, knowing she'd continue to feel that pain.

Because that pain is living.
If Chika and You have the same boob size why do You's look bigger?
Maybe because you didn't care about Chika so you didn't notice her boobs.
haha rin boi
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Wtf I wanted Yohane not her lover.
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Cute Mikan.

Not bad.
>Do three 10+1 pulls
>only get two Mijuku Rs
I'm kind of more upset at this than the lack of a UR.
That's not how you're supposed to eat pudding, Ruby-chan.
Ruby's eyes look empty.
Is wooby sucking on Chika's boob?
Poor cuck can't catch a breath.
hehe rin_lad
>Is wooby sucking on Chika's boob?

Nope. It's You's.

>cuck crackship hour

Today is my last day of work before I go back to full-time NEETdom. How do I celebrate with /llsifg/?
You should do a 10-roll on all your accounts. Have fun in the NEET world!
Do it for Yohane.
>another one week break to simultaneously start events with JP
Fucking Kiab
Do a scout for the new UR
>Doujin image dump
>on /vg/
Go back to >>>/a/
Futa doujin by PITO fucking WHEN?
>bubbles Umi
>Pana token
>Nozomi SM
>NozoPana CF (proper beginning if double events)
Something like that?
Don't get why they just can't put Umi and Nozomi together.
>Don't get why they just can't put Umi and Nozomi together.
The same reason they discontinued double Muse events.
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Hopefully soon.
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I only have one account and barely played it. Guess I'll have more time soon.
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Yohane makes everything better.
Cried to this song 5 years ago
Congrats on the UR. I'm upset I couldn't get her but I was able to idolize the new Riko and Dia cards at least.
She's a good girl so she deserves the love that she get.
Lucky guy...
cute Kanan and grats on the UR seal.
hoho rin (male)
hihi rin XY chromosome
Do you have an open friend spot? :3
ID 190791551
Sent :)
Kanan and Yohane are both wonderful.
too late ive already contacted future pm corbyn. hope you've paid your tv license.
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Yoshiko would be a great girlfriend and later, a great wife.
*proceeds to eat crumpet*
the truth is tsubasa-san the best with her maturity and beauty and generosity
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Erena and Anju please go.
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Maki... babes...
We know you love Maki, Nico
Suwawa, Aikyan & King on A&G Tribal Radio

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I feel sorry for this girl but she is sporty.
huehuee rin masculino
I'm not complaining. That means I don't have to try and tier for either score match, just go completion. I would try and tier, but I need to save gems.
>trigger word

I don't do that bob, kys.
They are lovers.
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Mogyutto makes everything better.
They are lovers.
Lovers of cock
Why is there no male idols?
Muse had Rin.
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You would have a better time with KotoNozo.
Yoshiko is non-binary
Go jump from a bridge.
haha rin boy
hehe rin_lad
I love Yoshiko-chan.
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Kotori returns the favor
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It's clear that you love is not strong enough.
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But I wanted to tease her just by calling her real name Yoshiko-chan, well fine, Yohane-chan it is...
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>best singers

>great for bridges

>good in small doses


kys yourself you filthy animal
>pure maidens

>kissed a boy once

>town bikes
go back to tumblr
So, Lantis uploaded an AQUARIUM video: why? I don't relly follow music vids, but I thought it was already out? Just what happened?
>above anyone

Let's be real. Even Kanan actually better than Dia NOW.
switch mari and stinkstar and we're good
It was released a year ago yesterday.
1st anniversary of its original release



They uploaded the full PV for the one year anniversary of it's release.
So, does anyone actually enjoy playing SIF still? It feels like a chore playing the same songs over and over again.
Why don't you guys remember the proper spelling of Kenon's name?
Move Ruby to "best singers"
Move Ruby to "pure maidens"
I don't play outside of events.

VERY good post.
>friend material

>girlfriend material

>wife material

Her name is Kemen.
I remember because it rhymes with semen.
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Only Score Matches. I am the Saint of Score Match after all.
It's a game. Obviously you are going to be tired given some. It's not like a game where you can finish it in a week, or a month, and never touch it again. Obviously, time takes you.
If you don't have anything big to do anymore, then you reached your peak.
It was always a game
I burnt out with multiple accounts, but I'm back again. It's funny how terrible my timing is, since the time I left the JP server, about a month later Aquors was released. I could've had a bunch of new songs and girls to call cute earlier. Also, I still haven't FC'd every Master song so I'm still here.
Move Ruby to "friend material"
instrumental hip hop and gangsta rap, huge madlib fan

industrial metal, ramnstein is her favorite band

bossa nova and japanese jazz, huge joao gilberto fan

anime OSTs and doujin music, goes to summer comiket to buy CDs

>chika, ruby, dia
real idol groups, both japanese and korean

shoegaze/dreampop and post-rock, listens to my bloody valentine while reading

surf rock and ska, has a sublime poster
>Aqours Time Capsule Project

>"Dear future me, [...]"

>all these stereotypes

Isn't there an ELITE who just enjyoins whatever they feel like to?
I think it should be like this

>listens to whatever sounds good to her ears

i feel like anchan lol

>le "I listen to everything" retard
kys material:
>industrial metal
Why is the shitposting always the worst on the weekends?
That meme is going too far.
Also Kanan is wife material.
kys pos chink
because people don't like seiyuus so they look for another way of shitposting
Gambling is fun
kys komomshitter
Congrats on the UR seal.
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Why is this shit even allowed on the 4M box? Fuck you Kiab
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I like Kanan tho
>unironically scouting for hags in 2017
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Congrats on the Nico!
Cute Honk.
Sorry about the JAV.
I wanted more Eli
Sorry for no lovers.
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My fetish is uselessness and I want to marry Eli, Dia or Riko.
Or you could just marry yourself.
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kek & lel.png
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You need to get laid
kys kenanfag
Why do people hate kanan?
Why do people hate suwawa?
tfw no loo in pdp
>Why do people hate kanan?
she's voiced by suwa
>Why do people hate suwawa?
she voices konin
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nico & maki.png
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cute very close friends.
I don't, I just like to shitpost about cute girls :^)
oh that's okay then
>Why do people leave this general?
They get sick of repetitive shitposting

>Boring, one dimensional titty monster exist only to be sexualized and for fanservice

Voiced by
>boring, talentless, zero dimensional seiyuu with the body of a 12 year old boy
I think it's more of them getting bored with the very simplistic game and the fact that Aqours has been a dumpster fire.
They've both become more popular than people are okay with and think that affects how their best girl is perceived. It doesn't.
This desu but some anons take it too far lol
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i came
>yoko pilots a rabbit in go-busters
>dia was a rabbit in that april fools' vid
really makes you think
Deepest lore
Suwawa is so shit that even Kussun looks like a patrician girl
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Bet she has really good "special" service.
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Umi is best girl.
Kiss Umi.
Best at being shit.
Actually nevermind Rin is the best at being shit.
Umi is a close second.
haha rinboi
Riko is pure

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Prime age for waping.
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cyaron meets neurosis when??
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thats why she looked so weird
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Ringoya's faces are too weird, but everything else is quality.
tht's right, the style is close to ugly
>style is close to ugly
>he mostly draws rin
Really makes you think..
ringoya? more like, rinboya amirite?
Was just about to post this holy shit habbening
>Glass slipper
>drop of water
can I get source?
Umi confirmed.
princess water so who, Umi?
It's obviously Mizuki Nana.
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Takuji (Number2)
What is this and why should I give a fuck
Thank you Maki
Learn to read English.
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If that's Aqours and IM@S Cinderella, I'll lose my shit!!
Maki's also in his works.
It already shows up on their website good job AX lmao
How many of you guys live near the expo? I'm like half an hour away
I'm about half an hour away myself as well. broke as all hell at the moment, but I'm willing to do what it takes to see my cute and hardworking wife King on stage!!
Who the fuck cares
Not me!
>tfw 3rd worlder

Who the fuck cares
I'm flying down from Oregon I don't give a fuck
*Not all Aqours included.
who the fuck cares
>hagfags this bitter that they can't see myooze live at Anime Expo

whew lhad
>Aqours performance
>CG performance
Now why would Lantis do this and prove that aqours is shit by pitting them against the better performer?
Fucking lantis
>wanting to go
What the hell do you even do?
t. third worlder
[citation needed]
Because King will be on a date with me
>muh hagfag boogeyman
Piece of shit aqourshitter
who the fuck cares
King only dates men over 7' tall
>wanting to show your a virgin in public
>1,000$ ticket to see Aquor
>all these bitter hagfags shitting up the thread after this glorious announcement

c'mon lads lets just rejoice in the fact that Aqours will bless the USA with a performance
>tfw no hyperloop
Why would she want to date men shorter than her?
t. bullied mooseturd
hehe I might do the same, I'd have to start saving right now though.
>Aqours will bless the USA with a performance
Can't wait for the GOMENNASAI
>Aqours will never eclipse 50k sales on any of their singles
>Aqours will never get an anime
>Aqours will never sell more than 30k BDs per volume
>Shukashuu will never do that jump on Kimi no Kokoro
>Aqours will never have an actual love confession
>Aqours will never crack the top 100 of NHK anisongs
>Aqours will never gain an international presence
>Aqours will never perform a huge live show
>Aqours will never get an S2
>Aqours will never perform at the Prince Seibu Dome
>Aqours will never perform in the United States
>Aqours will never perform at the Los Angeles
[YOU ARE HERE] <---------
>Aqours will never perform at Kouhaku
>Aqours will never become a top 10 best selling Japanese artist of the year
>Aqours will never perform at the Tokyo Dome
>Aqours will never get a 100k cd single
>Aqours will never get a #1 Oricon chart single
>Aqours will never become the best selling idol group in Japan
It's just spicsubhumans being mad they can't come to see aqours now that the wall is being built
Who the fuck cares
>Aquors, WUG, IM@S CG in one show
USA's Idol power level is out of control
>having to save money
I kind of want to go, but I'm not "weeb" enough to be in public with other weebs outside of my friends.
Shut up Bob
>They won't perform the song Rikyako fucked up in to save face
fuck you lantis
Eh, aside from the Granblue dj with the monkey girl and the Muse 1st years, his shit's been pretty meh. I honestly had high expectations when I saw the 1st years dj, then it feels like he rushed his shit.
130$ for VIP
>muh spic boogeyman

piece of shit amerishart
plus a plane ticket for me or drive there
Vet bills nigga, shit ain't cheap.
ikr. I'm only excited at the fact that a saint snow doujin is coming. that's all
When will they announce muse?
>Microsoft Center
If it isn't Madison Square Garden, Carnegie Hall, or Radio City Music Hall then who even cares?
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Next thread make it aquors related to celebrate
>inb4 idolmaster instead
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Cant wait to see my fallen angel
Maybe when you euros get the whole trucks running into people problem sorted out you can get a performance
>Hagfags completely btfo as usual
When will they come to Brazil?
>Flops completely riding hagtailcoats as usual
do you guys think if I did an indiegogo I could raise the money to go?
Damn. I really want to see Aqours and it will only cost me 500$ but I don't want to shell out money if Aqours is only going to get like 2 songs.

migrate laddies
I will not until 750.
fixed OP

>that fucked up OP
not my problem.
Thread posts: 720
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