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Thread replies: 764
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lab is fine edition

>2.6: Legacy
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Skilltree Planner
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
http://pastebin.com/8R2HQiuu (embed)
>Price reference
>Price check
>Labyrinth guide
first for globe girls coming back
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United airlines should not have settled
They did nothing wrong
When someone asks you to leave their property, for ANY REASON, you are required to leave
should have just let poeg die
darkness entombs me
Nah, airports have a lot of regulations and policies around that side of thing. Unless you look through them heavily you can't say it's a simple decision, and anyone who argues it is, is an idiot.
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You're all faggots.
>drops Dreaming Breach Leaguestone
nice! some splinters, but let me check price

WTF how do ppl get 24~25 splinters per stone (5 splinters avg per breach)

Am I missing something? any map with high density/rare monsters from breach?
r8 my build

PoB + pastebin
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scion removed in 3.0
This is an odd question but will a slayers leech they already have stop when they hit low life with deidbellow equipped?
why do you guys love plebbit so much?
No. No more will be added, but the current overcapped leech will stay.
We're getting dangerously close to sc2 now.
We don't want to go full-on sc2.
Thanks man.
Seems like a good helmet then, shame it lacks life.
it can't be safe with vaal patch though, even with a life flask.
beyond is not enjoyable for me when i have naam leap slamming me every pack and bameth dd's up my ass screens away

it's probably fine if you're doing a t1 meta build that can indiscriminately nuke the screen but this shit is really annoying, even as just a map mod without the leaguestone
i dont even notice beyond/exiles/invaders/etc anymore, it's kind of sad

they just die like white packs the second they show up on the screen, and i'm just playing a shitty fp build
the fastest melee build to go through the game?
Maybe eq
Flicker Strike
cyclone or flicker you retards
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fuck this retardation though seriously
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if get Undeniable and RT do i still get the attack speed
it's for fat level 100s
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What's everyone playing?

I'm poison EK nova assassin myself
if you didn't make the tree yourself who cares
of course i did kid im not a complete shitter
should i go facebreaker warchief or 2h
2h obviously

near impossible to scale memebreakers into red maps
Ancestral Warchief
facebreaker, i'm handling t15's just fine with mine.
>We're removing double dipping
>We're also improving Bleed on Monsters to 50% instead of 1/6th while standing still
>Poison can still have unlimited stacks
>Ignites are just sort of there and require other sources to do anything besides hueg damage (which is now gonna be gimped)
Hmm. I guess Flameblast is gonna go the way of the Dodo.
oh no
i have to decide for myself
i did not prepare for this
>Fixed a bug introduced in 2.6.0h where the Map and Zana mods for Beyond also included the benefit of a Beyond Leaguestone, even if there wasn't one active.
i fucking knew this shit was way overtuned even for the singular map mod
he's lying to you
Poison needs high attack speed/cast speed, since each stack have its own timer.
*cracks open a shaped strand*
time for some hardcore gameplay...
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threadly reminder
so... bladeflurry is completely unaffected?
wouldn't Bladeflurry be affected heavily since it relies on the more multipliers?
*releases lmb after 6 stacks*
Heh... this'll double my poison stacks in an instant heh...
gambling in video games should be illegal
>near impossible to scale memebreakers into red maps
That's not even true though

memebreakers outscale basically every other melee build because of the fucking 800% more multiplier on them

do you know how much fucking damage an 800% more multiplier gives
don't reply to me unless you've won several HC demis
fuck off
800% of 0 is still 0
really makes you think XD
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dude weed lmao
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urn trouble
ded general
ded gaem
Maybe people are, you know...

Armor is actually more effective against big damage. No, hold on, let go of your preconceptions.

Armor gives a smaller PERCENTILE reduction for larger damage, that's true. But this small percentile reduction doesn't scale as fast as the damage increase does. Let me give an example:

Against 1000 damage, 10k armor reduces damage by exactly 50%, meaning that you mitigate exactly 500 damage.

Against 10k damage, 10k armor reduces damage by exactly 10%, meaning you mitigate exactly 1000 damage.

It increased. The percentage decreased, but the damage amount increased faster, so the actual amount of damage that you're preventing increased. Damage mitigation is capped at 10% of armor, but in general, higher damage numbers directly correspond to higher mitigation numbers. Armor is more effective against larger hits.

In fact, it's not entirely accurate to say that "armor provides % damage reduction up to a flat cap". You could just as easily say it the other way around - "armor provides flat damage reduction up to a % cap".

The percentile damage reduction thing is obviously important though, because it determines how many hits it takes to kill you. I'm just saying that it's not quite true that Armor is less effective against big hits.
Armour is solid but most retards fall into the trap of thinking it replaces life/es and so they invest everything into it. Then it sucks.
And your 10k armor reduces exactly 0 damage from a volatile explosion or anything else that does ele.
i play softcore why would i EVER need armor
hold on... so you're saying if I roll life, spend all my points into life, get really good rolls on my gear and attain 8000~ life, I still wouldn't survive that 10k hit even with 10k armour.

but if I had 12k es and zero armour I would have been just fine. Hmm... this really makes me think
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he he
>basedchicken gets a headhunter

what is your excuse to not have a HH?
armor is meaningless when phys to ele conversion, basalt, and fortify is so accessible

the opportunity cost of large es soak pools vs life/armor specs is completely skewed as well
yeah damage in this game is way fucking overtuned. There are so few sources of damage reduction that raw HP is almost always the way to go.
pretty much, it's essentially 2017 damage vs 2012 evasion and armor mechanics, shit just doesn't keep up so the meta has become circumventing the need for mitigation by stacking pool and leech
LL RF guardian and also a necro aurabot.
CwC Chaostorm.
Can make Minotour his bitch en less than 10 second.
10 minutes to clear a map
some of those exiles are bullshit
what a fucking mess
there's nothing "easily accessible" about meme phys>ele items

>You have been muted for 15 minute for posting offensive content.
Leveling a nice, comfy juggernaut right now to use with my Tidebreaker. I really want to use Vigilant Strike, but Molten Strike is quite pleasing with a pair of Wildfire jewels.

I've been toying with idea of a raider with Maximum Go Fast just Shield Charging around with Abberath's Hooves and Doryani's Fist (maybe with Ahn's Heritage for permanent Phasing/Onslaught). I dunno how effective it would be, but it would be pretty hilarious.
Chaostorm is firestorm with full chaos conversion im guessing?

Ever since i saw pohx's I've wanted to play this, just saving up for it atm.
move speed should be an implicit on boots
nice man, does than mean you scale poison + ignite?
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>tfw read about the DoT nerfs
Sounds good desu.

Always want to play melee but feel like I'd fuck up the theorycrafting since i only play trappers/miners and casters.
>only one frostbolt projectile will cast an ice nova/vortex if there are multiple projectiles up

man, that's depressing. those three skills really are utter garbage.
>faggot wanting to combo skills thinks xhe is allowed to have an opinion
It really makes you wonder what the point even is.

I GUESS that you could use them both in the same link and end up with 2 5Ls? Then you get some range on your spells.

so you'd use ice nova instead of vortex ever? oh, right vortex consumes the frostbolt projectile, ice nova doesn't for some inexplicable balance reason.

even combined this is a useless setup. if you could get a gmp'd frostbolt to cast 5 ice novas you'd at least have some shotgunning potential. would still be worse than ed/contagion though.
Pretty hard to fuck up a Juggernaut. The ascendancy nodes are all excellent, and it's trivial to get 8 or more endurance charges, plus keep them up effectively all the time for free. Just grab your favorite two-handed weapon and go to town.

It was pretty hilarious having over 15000 armor at level 30 due to Wall of Brambles, Determination, and Juggernaut's Unbreakable passive. One of the comfiest leveling processes I've done in a while.
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so what the fuck are you supposed to do with the Weapon of Crafting you get from The Web cards

Aug > regal and hope you get something actually usable?
aug then vendor because theres a 99.99999% its going to be garbage
for the sake of SSF as long as its a good base you can make a pretty good item though
You don't need much to get it going. Ever since beta i was under the impression that LL RF was way too expensive for me to even think of trying to do, but after Pohx demonstrated you don't need much to get it going as guardian i finally decided to do it myself.

With the new Kikazaru rings and an oak shield I was able to level with RF since high 20s
Divinations cards are a shortcut that circumvent the item acquisition system as originally designed. As such, they are unethical, and have no place in a true SSF game.

i thought they were explicitly designed for ssf. you can intentionally farm certain areas for unique build-enabling items you can't just buy for a few chaos.
And crystal meth was explicitly designed for ssc (secret solo chemistry). That doesn't make it ethical.
you run Ledge for 8 hours and tell me how many Prides you get before you give up
sobriety is unethical
if you are used to being stoned/drunk and then you are forced to be sober you eventually realize how much easier life is
SSF btw
I don't know you guys can play non-ssf.

game is literally unbearable
>div card SSF drop rate buffed
>can no longer transfer to tradecore
would play SSF
>control+f3 "xbox one guides"
>no results

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>yfw elemental hit becomes the defining skill of the 3.0 meta
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now that /pol/ is splitting up should /poeg/ split up as well?
i want us to be together forever
why do we have to die?
I wish I would die.
>Elemental Focus doesn't disable the creation of shocked/chilled/burning ground
bugfix when
>tries to use blink arrow or flame blast with the controller
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Who here prefer the appearance of the old ice effects on ground despite their performance cost? It was a natural and clean effect.
consuming dark fire nova mine berserker
Consuming Dark Vaal Fireball Assassin
So is that why Xbox gets to have a Resolute Technique button?
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Hey guys, haven't played POE since back when it first launched. Just wanted to do the word search. Have a good one guys.
>New boss
>It's a dieselpunk mecha with AA guns
>want to play ranged attack totems

>they are beyond usability
defend this
Hey thanks for doing that, I appreciate it. Hope you have a good day, anon.
>doing lab runs
>reave damage
>reave aoe
>burning arrow damage
>blight aoe
>Abyssal cry duration

i just want my fucking dual strike attack speed
Play a mass siege ballista signal fire pathfinder
Siege Ballista is not Ranged Attack Totem
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shitbirds fuck *ff
>siege ballista
>usable at all without current poison mechanics
Siege Ballista are Ranged, they Attack, and they are in the totem category.

They are usable with signal fire, could have 2+ million dps
post yoru 2m dps signal fire build
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>all skill mtx go on sale a week after I drop $20 on them
I hate how you have to wait decades for sales to get any value out of your support packs.
waiting for sales is unethical
you are basically stealing money from chris if you purposefully hunt down discounts to avoid paying the real price of the stuff you buy

my literal fw 3.0 has p2w pets
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>still no freezepulse mtx
if only the developers weren't so autistic in appeasing the super hardcore twitch streamers who get free shit given to them every hour or streamerRNG by ramping up the difficulty and fine tuning damage so much

>oh boy 5k health is standard for guides?
>guys let's bump it to 10k
>oh also 75% capped resistances is standard so let's make elemental damage one-shot at that much as well

not hard to understand why CWDT and Immortal Call are so fucking good

or how stacking ES is better than life when you can get a better kaoms with links as a chest and replace all your life flasks with OP unique flasks, also life flasks are trash because they don't scale very well, genuinely shocked there's no % health flask above eternals/divines
>All skill effects on sale
>Arcane ED pack and Totem skin for $22.50
Eh, maybe. I'm kinda in the mood to numb my soul and look blue doing it.
The pack isnt worth it

Good ED builds dont actually use contagion
Not him, but I tried it before in Path of Building, could probably use more optimizations.

Here's a non-crit Pathfinder build I copied from somewhere.
All totems placed should be about 2+ million dps.

Here's a crit base Deadeye version I made
All totems placed should be about 4+ million dps.
>Muh pierce
You still need something to deal with packs before late game.

pierce is a level 31 skill gem
>Level 31
And it's not worth using over good damage supports plus Contagion until you get a 5L.
>Buy a tabula
>socket pierce
>get MORE damage and double the clear speed because you aren't standing around casting 2 spells instead of 1
>Using Table Rice
>You're already at end-game with a random 5L chest before they're sub 10C anyway
>Using it in Hardcore at all
Neither Soft nor Hard warrants ever touching the white robe.
>+1 tabula
>Level 1/2/3 empowers
>not leveling in style

>cast only a skill with no aoe
>better clear speed
>using table shit
>not using +1 corrupted skin of the lords
>Breach isn't rolling into base game
how about you stop being a hipster faggot and use a real leveling skill like nova ek
>160% life builds stacked with no-life carrying uniques

yeah, ill keep doubting ballista builds are usable without poison
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>poetards will defend this
but you can use wither to increase the damage!!!!!!
>dps is the only thing that matters
m80, mobs die in one cast of either spell. damage is irrelevant.
what IS relevant, however, is that you have run into packs and fuck around with them until they are dead when using EK. While with ED you fire in to a pack and run to the next as they die.
You know how I know you've never leveled with ek?

You cast once and everything is dead. You brightbeak to the next pack

There is NOTHING faster for leveling this patch
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>Flipping through Build of the Week to see if GGG stopped picking retarded shit

>Most recent season

>unironically using scion for essence drain
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stop immediately
>Favorite item in the game is a wand
>Can't go fast with wands

The typical life based bow ranger builds have around that life node percentage.

There's are a lot of accessible life nodes you could easily reach if you drop some damage nodes. And you can replace body with the Perfect Form and the helmet with Starkonja's Head (both have good hp mods), so all your slots would have life rolls
Lightning Warp, less Duration, Faster Casting is exceptionally fast. Just not Brightbeak fast.
literally just popping an adrenaline quicksilver with 30% movespeed boots is faster than lightning warping
>The typical life based bow ranger builds have around that life node percentage.


>There's are a lot of accessible life nodes you could easily reach if you drop some damage nodes. And you can replace body with the Perfect Form and the helmet with Starkonja's Head (both have good hp mods), so all your slots would have life rolls

no. you missed the CRUCIAL ballista item that gives you more than 1k life alone (shapers touch). stop pretending you know the build
Is there anything more obvious that they don't play their own game than movement skill disparity?
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>more than 1k life alone

you can't even break 6k life with that fucking totem meme build
The typical life base bow ranger is around that range because of how life starved and how little strength the nodes around that region is.

Shaper's touch doesn't grant dexterity bonus, and you'll be hard pressed to reach the 1600 dexterity threshold and still have a lot of easy life node access.
Except it's intentional.
>Whirling and Shield Charge are the best because they can't cross terrain
>They make Leap Slam, Lightning Warp, and Flame Dash considerably worse in various ways to compensate for being able to ignore terrain
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>They make Leap Slam, Lightning Warp, and Flame Dash considerably worse in various ways to compensate for being able to ignore terrain

Yeah except for... You know lightning warp and flame dash being complete fucking garbage in comparison to leap slam
I want to suck on the witches sweaty toes after a hard day of mapping.
1.4k or so dex with at least 160% life, optimally around 190%. do the math. i never did say "1k base life"

maybe the typical for you. not for anyone else who knows how to build and who knows better than to sacrifice every gear slot for muh dps. if i asked for a 2m dps signal build was because i already knew the exact kind of shit builds people are forced to use when they go ele ballista
thats with 1600 dex and 160% inc aoe you fucking moron
I got to lvl 75, how should I progress further?
Which maps to aim for? Is it profitable to farm currency at this point at all or is this a late game only thing?
What content do I do next? Is the Atziri the first thing to aim for?
t. new in poe
play a better game
>the skill effect im interested in costs 60 points

im not falling for this meme again
l75 is where people start doing other shit after the main quest (you dont have to finish it)
do maps. build a map pool

farming currency is never worth it unless you have a farming currency build already
atiziri is good practice but dont expect it to be profitable. same with lab unless you are actually fast at running it and also do full key runs
So what IS profitable?
And when can I start running content besides mapping? Is there a criterion? Like a certaion amount of life or damage?
Do not want to die on something like Atziri and start all over. I'm not yet used to leveling fast in poe.
Always good.
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>Get max faster casting on every item possible
>Get every point of faster casting on the tree
>use every quality gem that gives cast speed
>every frenzy charge possible in tree
>bandit reward frenzy
>bandit reward alira

compared to

>every global attack speed node on tree
>Using Gorebreaker x2, the slowest weapon in the game at 1.12 aps

epic fucking game

i know it's still a month until legacy's over but i wish they'd give more 3.0 details and at least a hint about the next league

this is the most excited i've ever been about this shit game
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do i keep this shit or keep rerolling for muh cleave radius/damage?
the real question is: why are you playing hc if you dont know the game well enough already?

also any form of endgame (map farming, endgame boss farming, lab) is profitable if your build is good enough for it, and you arent too shitty at playing. you just have to grind a fuckton and do so efficiently
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>poopcrow exp bar moves left
>hardcores only goes right
>poopcrow get all the features
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i fucking hate shitbirds
You should know already that gear slots were the cookie cutter items used for their accessibility, hence why you see them tossed in.
If you replace the body armor with The Perfect Form and the helmet with Starkonja, and redistribute the point to 196% maximum life, you'll have like 2.5 million dps with the crit deadeye version.
reminder that nugi is having more fun in this game than you are
I always play hardcore in diablo-like games. Makes it more interesting.
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I'm going to be getting back into this when 3.0 comes out and was thinking about possible builds.

Is there anything close to a rapid firing projectile build aka a gatling gun build? I used to play Shotgun Witch.

I'm guessing Ethereal Knives is my best bet? I also see there is a gatling quiver hunter skill.
>all these 3.0fags
niggers no one knows what will be new, what will be gutted, what will be buffed etc
you're in the same boat as all of us; waiting.
10 acts will be shit

GGG isn't creative, ambitious or competent enough to make 6 new acts with different stories, layouts, themes, and atmospheres

it will be shit

I've been here since the beginning of this shit game and have only been disappointed since

act 1 and 2 are great (1 is better imo) 3 is then not as good as 1/2, and 4 is not as good as 3.

>rebbitors not only expecting them to be as good or better, but also thinking it'd be quality content in such a small development period

only good thing it can bring is new mobs, map tilesets and "nazi" mtx.
Why do people keep saying this? In what way do they look like Nazis?
organised army that all look alike (uniform) and they're "the enemy" that's about it, however now some of the soldiers have similar helmets (which many modern armies use now anyway)

so, no reason, basically. it was mentioned on here recently, but it was worse in act 3 because of all the piles of bodies. so redditors were crying about "muh jewz!"

it's staggering how ignorant most people are about history. genocide? nazi/germany and no one else ever. bodies? nazi/germany and no one else.

no armenian genocide, goyim! china didn't starve their people! etc
>running a lacerate build
if only you hit damage wtf man
Well they look more like romans .. but yeah Reich borrowed lots from Rome.
Such as? Also, do you have good sources for this? I'd like to read on that.
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>Chaotic Crash
>0 mana
>1-1,000,000 physical damage
>1-1,000,000 chaos damage
>Requires 10 Chaos Orbs to use
>Will consume 10 Chaos Orbs on use.

hire me chris
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Only 12$, goyim!
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seriously mate?
>its not Sonic
>Black symbol with white circle on red background
>Strict military regime
>Insane medical experiments
>Secret inquisition with secret trials to exile people
>Follows a strong, iron-fisted leader


no similarities
>a few similarities = same
really joggins the noggin. previous anon about history ignorance is on point.
is that the fucking green lantern symbol
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>How AREN'T the new enemies nazis? Literally colours and violence! Wow, so obvious!
Fucking kek @ rabbitors that think they're nazis.
literally why the fuck is it LITERALLY the green lantern symbol
>What is a Descry
Based retards
I am a Nazi
did they fix box duplicates yet or is it still retarded
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Dunno why you keep saying that every thread like it has substantial and self-explanatory value.
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>everything that looks like it is from poe
epic dude. just epic. sure got us, retard
Fucking retard
The symbol has been in game for ages
>migrate to hc legacy
>instantly regret

why do i have to be so fucking retarded
that's besides the original topic but ok man.
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>the map literally pays itself
>can't find people to do rots
dumb animeposter
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farming chayula is the perfect separation between the rich and poor. if you can farm chayula you can basically print money.
>"hurr why do they have the green lantern symbol on their uniforms durrr"
>"actually it's this symbol that's been in-game for ages"
>"hurr no one's talking about that"
>he's still going
sigh tbqh family
There needs to be an minimum iq level to post on 4chan. Not everything is about Germanic nazis. Stop getting triggered by descries.
Bleedsplosion varunastra gladiator is fun

good luck selling those in a ded league
who cares, game's been dead for a month now
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>they say while posting in a dead thread
-Team Found- Leagues when
Like SSF, but you join a team of 10 players, and can switch to a new team once a week

let it die you piece of shit
this game has never been more alive. fuck off diablo shitters
9,5k life, supriese violate butsecks, died like a bitch

next league i`m going ES fuck that shit
>Blade Vortex goes from being super fun to use to a clunky mess in 1 patch
What the fuck is this
What is the new fun skill to use
So, i'm currently playing an LL RF build and tried my first T16 map (Phonix) recently. I guess it's normal that they have a shit ton of hp. Is the guardians faster? I guess RF is not that much of a high damage skill anyway, but anyone got some tips on how to do them?
>going es when es/life are getting gggs big dick of balance next patch
do you intend to play your current character in 3.0
fucking retard
why was retards talking about 10k armor as if that's a lot of armor?

Why not compare a normal amount of armor like 500k or w/e
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everybody is creaming their pants over frost blades but

wild strike works the same way but does more damage
can go budget with a varunastra
has 2 additional jewels
does even more damage if you juggle your res for wise oak
Every modern authoritarian state is inspired by Rome.
>Black symbol with white circle on red background
Literally the only point that you actually have. The rest apply to half of the world.
green lanterns are a fascist space police tho
[citation needed]

there was no official mention of life buff
you cant get the kind of ele pen you have with frost blades using wild strike
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pic related
literally the reichsadler
also see >>175252024
>The Reichsadler ("Imperial Eagle") was the heraldic eagle, derived from the Roman eagle standard
>nazis invented armbands

i hate gen-Yers
did romans have nazi armbands too
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for comparison, the original
I want to see you guys in a History course. It'd be hilarious to see you guys freaking out about the Romans "copying" the Nazis with all of their iconography.
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ah yes the famous roman courthouses with their red banners with a black symbol on a white circle
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see i look at that and i instantly think roman empire
let's become the number one hardcore only xbone guild
does anyone in poe have a nazi armband
>eagle on a symbol
but lets ignore how it has a wreath and added spikes/sun bullshit behind it too :)
>red, white, and black is a Nazi thing and ONLY a Nazi thing
Shit, nobody tell the rest of the world, they'll be devastated.
i want these "new enemies = nazi"fags to be my lawyers.
i want ggg apologists to leave
Shit, is the laurel wreath a nazi symbol too now?
Top: Nazi S&M plague doctor
Bottom: Totally-Not-Bloodborne
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All the people saying none of the iconography or color motiffs are exclusive to nazi shit forget that if you are under 25 and living in a 1st world country, youve been deep-brainwashed to automatically associate anything that even remotely resembles or invokes that imagery as nazi. Even if it predates the actual nazi movement

Nazis are today's evil scapegoat. GGG is just capitalizing young people's internalized goodthink

tfw no slut gf to purify
Just get AIDS and skip the middleman.
>most probable for this picture : female genital mutilation hentai
I can't get AIDS, I'm a virgin
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first of all you dont know where the term 1st world country originated from so stfu.

second the nazi movement reappropriated other's cultural imagery to intentionally undermine it, stfu about your DEEP brain washing,

third enjoy the return of your slave girls and jerking off to a console game
shes still a slut on the left
is that the joke
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>buy a hoodie with this stuff printed on it
>poetard next door reports me to the secret sjw police for wearing nazi stuff
yeah id report you if you wore this subhuman shit
we're not a secret
>buy anime clothes to wear on weekends
>poetard notices and confronts me about being a nazi

>poetard notices and rapes me

>germanics aping the roman empire even after its collapse
story as old as time
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>still more diverse than something that doesn't exist
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leech is broken
It shouldn't exist
>Bottom: Totally-Not-Bloodborne
holyshit you uncultured swine
Vaal pact shouldn't exist
Passive life regen should be buffed
I am just starting out in this game.

I've heard that I should actually prioritise life nodes in the passive skill tree and that if i focus on damage while selecting passives i'll have a tough time later.

Is this true?
Every build in the game takes all the availible life nodes, if you are playing life
Otherwise you take all the ES nodes
Actually, most ES builds don't take all the nodes. They just take a bunch of it.
Leech is actually pretty balanced now.
>Mediocre on anything besides a Slayer
>Unless you're also running Vaal Pact, a Keystone that has been featured in 100% of all non-totem ES builds, read: strongest in game
you should go VP too as ES totem chieftain tbqh

Cheers lad.

I'm sure this must be an incredibly common criticism of the game, but doesn't that just make the passive skill tree redundant?
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>I am just starting out in this game.
it's not like 100% of your tree is made of life nodes
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not excited for 3.0 at all tbqhwyfamiliar
it makes the passive tree much much less "deep" than what GGG's pr machine claim, if you want to play hc at least. all life builds look kinda similar (and es builds too kinda)

if you play sc you have a lot options since you can do fine with a relatively light investment on life, and even a small investment on ES means youll have like 8k
When you say "all available"... do you just mean "within the local area you're building in"?
What, did you think you were supposed to pick up literally nothing but attribute and life nodes?

And why didn't you just take a look at some skill trees of popular builds on PoE's forums?
you're supposed to shoot for 200%+ life including jewels if you're hc or aiming for level 90+ in sc, that should be around 1/3 of your points
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The passive tree is a hoax

Snake oil

95% of right side life builds path in almost the exact same way
90% of left side life builds path in almost the same way
CI has more build variety but still there like 3 major ways to build it
LL has some variety but still its mostly 2-3 ways to build it well

games like grim downs have unironically more build variety than poe
>passive tree is a hoax
Yes, and?
>grim downs
Yes, and? Grim Dawn is also like a wet fart to Path of Exile's bellowing fart that makes the whole room shudder.
not saying GD is a better game overall, but that its char progression system right now is stronger than poe's

maybe 3.0 will fix that but im skeptical
great thoughts
Life would be fine if god damn armor would protect from high physical hits.

Yeah they can add flat life to % nodes or/and increase % on nodes but that will be just plastering and turning life into red ES.

Make armor relevant and this alone would fix loads of HP based build problems.
I've been having fun with the game but suddenly my progress has slowed.

I'm on cruel act 2 and I'm constantly running out of space and needing to back and sell stuff.
I got back about 3-4 times per area.

Am I just picking up too much? I only grab rares and stuff for vendor recipes.
>Am I just picking up too much?
Yes. stop it.
What exactly should I be picking then to stash/sell?
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pick up all jewellery and then what items might be good for your, uniques if you wanna see them. if you want to hold items to sell for alts between waypoints and quests then keep small items and throw back down the rest. I you know you're going to town soon then just pick on some garbage on the way
it's not worth heading back when youre full until maps. and then it's only when full with the better bases of rares
Don't pick up useless items early, vendoring is for later on or doing recipes
Armor is useless so long as ele damage map mods and volatiles exist
2017 mob damage vs 2012 armor mechanics

is it any wonder why the armor formula is outdated
is legacy dead yet?
Elemental damage nukes still equate to more deaths than Phys.
And also, they don't wanna make armor too strong solely because of Aegis Aurora.
So basically just get to the end game and then start picking stuff up?
pick stuff up and put them down
that's how you get stronger
pick up stuff when you learn what stuff is good
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can this game stop giving me bukkakes with shit uniques
Is inspired learning shit or what
And where's a good place to learn?
Find a macro that tells you tier rolls and just use common sense. Also use poe.trade to find similar items.
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ask r*ddit

they know everything
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Featured hideouts is a cool concept. The concept should be reused to create new leagues.

>release custom leagues
>decide on the best on
>winner is the new challenge league
haven't played since mid-breach.
what is peoples opinion of Legacy?
is it a cool league mechanic or a clusterfuck?
leaguestones are good, reliquary keys are trash
75% of leaguestones are fucking shit
Onslaught beyond breach only acceptable 3.

+ Invasion, bloodline, anarchy.

Tempest and Prophecy suck.
7k es

is this enough to start mapping?
you can map on 3k hp/es if you aren't a shitter
with 0 mitigation though?
>current gear/gems
just need capped res
what if there was a cap on ES?
What if resistances were purely reactive through flasks and abilities and not this "you must be this capped to proceed" crap, but then GGG just takes capped resistances into account and you still get oneshot.
What if you had to quickly answer math problems to dodge hits
What if there was a bloodline mod that gave some kind of charged up chaos damage ability that ignores CI and shav's etc.

Would fix this haha let's clear strand in 30 seconds and ignore all mechanics meme.
What if bleed damages life instead of energy shield
if you have decent leech like 5k is enough
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and make a keynode to make it apply to energy shield instead
and put it between templar and marauder
is anyone else getting lag spikes?
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>tfw there's so much cool shit that could be done in poe but it will never happen because GGG only cares about profit
>A business wants to make money

If I have the corresponding Doryanis Invitation, can Scorching Ray leech life?

Also, if not, what's a good alternative belt for a Lifebased EE MoM Scorching Ray Inquisitor? Don't need immunity to Elemental status ailments.
Anon don't even try, most posters here are teenagers who think that "Free to play" mean that the company is literately giving the game to everyone and will continue to give updates every 3 months just for fun.
Le ebin reply without actually replying with their post number meme xD
not even plebbit thinks this way
Reddit isn't better than the average anon.
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the fact that GGG has had ridiculous amounts of growth should show that they aren't going to fucking starve

i've spent like $120 on this game and don't regret it, but they really need to give poorfags a way to get even a 1/2 stash tab as a league reward, or even just a currency tab for beating the acts
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>9506 fus, no 6L

How far can I get?
Best way to farm Alteration shards?

Starting up an SSF character and I want to make sure I have a steady source of jeweler/fusings
Gather and sell every rare and small (4 squares or below) magic
Literally 6.3 Vorici's 6l's you're the dumbest fucking idiot of the month
yeah no shit but obviously since people have large amounts of alterations to sell in tradecore there seems to be an obvious better
a skill must be able to HIT in order to leach, scorching ray never HITS anything so leech cannot apply

just get a well rolled leather/heavy belt
your main skill is scorching ray

a skill that cannot crit

on an ascendancy

that thrives on being able to crit
Okay, will do.
I generally have very little interest in most uniques. Got my Searing Touch and might be getting Incandescent Heart and Hrimmnors Resolve, but generally I see ES+AR equipment as redundant with MoM.
Thanks, love you too.
There are 2 notables in Inquisitor that rely on crit. I'm not forced to take them.
The other 4 grant castspeed and damage as well as defensive bonuses.
so we all agree that it's way more fun to actually complete the atlas than it is to just constantly run shaped t6 maps right

i get that customizing your atlas the way you like is a big part of the game but c'mon everybody just does it the same anyways
>all this fucking latency
what the fuck are these servers
>taking the crit ascendancy and not going crit
you cant make this up
Just because you don't crit every single hit doesn't mean you don't crit at all
>having two crit related notables makes the entire ascendancy crit based
You can't be this retrarded by accident!
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nobody is questioning their motives

everyone is questioning their tactics
I guess Gladiator is entirely Bleeding based and Pathfinder is element based now
You're missing the point retard

There are better non-crit ascendancies than inquisitor if you aren't going crit

fucking mongoloids
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literally 350000 fusings and i cant 6l this shavs
>do lab
>whirl past all the spikes
>suddenly character rubberbands 30 feet backwards
>instantly dead

lab is a mistake
>immune to elemental ailments
>tasty regeneration
>consecrated ground
>super cast speed

I actually thought about this for a long time

>126% damage and 59% cast speed
>faster casting means the scorching effect stacks on fast and faster turning speed while channeling
>4% of maximum life, mana and ES regenerated per second regenerated while on consecrated ground (all going into defensive pool if MoM-EB)
>8% less E-Damage taken from surrounding enemies
>6% to all elemental resistances
>Immune to elemental status ailments while on consecrated ground

>170% damage (40 of which only if attacked by fire damage) and 8% cast speed
>alternatively, drop 10% damage for 25% penetration and have to use lightning skills in rotation, maybe LW or OoS
>8% less E-Damage taken from recurring elements
>12% to all Elemental Resistances
>50% less reflected damage (useless on scorching ray)
so you spent like 1300 exalts already?
>muh min maxing
>muh meta
fuck off strandshitter
first it was gorge but ggg changed the boss so it one shots glass cannon shitcrow builds

now it's shaped strand and ggg will change the boss(es) next patch so they one shot glass cannon shitcrow builds

and the cycle will continue

the only ethical map is shore
Reminder that penetration does nothing if the skill does not hit (see SR)
if you dont go to gorge with retarded mods like Vuln, even the shittier builds do the bosses fine
except poe has no Water Ball spell
>people unironically playing non-crit inqusitor
building your house with mathil out in the bush...
>Nova EK is best leveling skill
>Nova Ek is best mapping skill

defend this
>its not
>its not

dont have to defend it
It is, retard.

Fastest level 100 in LHC is EK

25 hours and 1 minute from 1-100 with low life ek
>full screen oneshots the moment you can use taste of hate and the jewel

there is no faster leveling skill
>People this fucking clueless

Sins rebirth
and taste of hate
are sublevel 20 flasks that give ek almost double damage

combined with a jewel that lets your skill hit fullscreen and them some with karui ward

yeah.. get the fuck out retards
>a jewel that lets your skill hit fullscreen and them some with karui ward
Which jewel? I abandoned a chaos EK character at level 59 because of how slow it was.
you're doing something awfully wrong

>Chaos EK

you're probably doing some jank poison shit when it's better to just go crit
Jewel is called ring of blades, which make EK nova

because GGG is fucking retarded

thank god we nerfed aoe though!!!!!!!
>you're doing something awfully wrong
Probably. I was running dual Innsbury Edges for the chaos conversion, with Cospri's Will for the poison.
It wasn't bad damage, but it was horribly slow.
you should be oneshotting non-bosses at all point of the game with a proper leveling setup

that means

+1 tabula (50c or less)
level 1 empower, level 2 empower and level 3 empower
50% movespeed unique boots (nothing better for leveling)
2 lifesprigs
Karui ward

Drop the lifesprigs as soon as you get a decent spell dagger so you can shieldcharge around at the speed of sound

should be able to hit merciless in 5 hours
You aren't immune to elemental ailments. You just couldn't be inflicted with elemental ailments while on consecrated ground. Your status effects will still remain if you enter consecrated ground
yeah heres another good example of "DOES GGG EVEN PLAY THE FUCKING GAME"
What's a good league starter for 3.0

Thinkan some double totem meme, but I've never played those, what flavors are there?
we dont know yet you fucking retard

0 tree information has been released other than "lol one new keystone"
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If they don't buff sion...
there is literally
Reason to play scion current patch

prove me wrong
>Guardian aura nodes
>Grant stacking bonuses based on the amount of auras
>Necromancer aura node
>Grant stacking bonuses based on the amount of auras

>Scion guardian and necro nodes
>Do not grant stacking bonuses based on the amount of auras
Totem flavors? Warchief is probably your best bet, with Sparks or Fireball after that.
I always start the league with SRS, though.
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the reason scion is shit is because GGG is too lazy/stupid to properly balance ascendant
balance ascendant?

They can't even balance regular ascendancies that aren't shit

literally just give scion a choice of 2 non-nerfed keystones
ascendancy keystones

not shit keystones on tree
but that would make scion hilariously OP

being able to go CI and get GR and VP without spending passive points would be simply epic
just fucking remove scion
>literally ignoring enemy resists isnt op
>100% MORE poison damage on crits (which hit 500% multi easy isnt op
>10% damage and 5% attack/cast speed per aura when you can easily get over 10 auras isnt op
>being able to infinitely leech isnt op
>100% life leech and 40% More damage isnt op
remove ascendancy classes
>ignoring enemy resists is op
the absolute state of this shitter
*enters map with enemies having 75% resist to my main element*

*do 25% of my regular damage*
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>LITERALLY every instance of passive tree points that give both attack speed and cast speed, cast speed is always equal or lower

>suddenly this
I like the way Scion walks.
hey bro, had one last year, its not that bad. The operation is really simple and you recover in a few days, less than a week. Really nothing to be scared off. Was my first operation
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I like Scion's FAT ASS
So stuff like Wise Oak and Juggernaut's 8% reduced elemental damage on full endurance charges, are those additive with resistances? Because they don't seem that impressive if they're multiplicative.
>have wise oak
>have 75% max res everything
>pop wise oak
>85% max res everything
>93% max res everything
>equip saffels
>98% max res everything
what do you think anon
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one spell is orb of storms but what's the other
Everything that is a % in PoE is multiplicative to what it is a % and additive to all other bonuses to that.
Except for Frenzy charges I think
>Still get one-shot by Ubet Atziri flameblast
only if you're a lifecuck
I don't fucking know normally when they give you tiny shitty bonuses it's because they scale additively. Look at necro's phys reduction passive, it's tiny because it could potentially be like doubling your ehp
Storm of Orbs.
what if Scion had a skill gem that let her kill enemies by sitting on their face?
Idea for a new skill gem:

>white skill gem
>you attack
>has either Melee or projectile keyword attached
>costs 1 mana
>tfw i prefer ledge to dried lake for grinding and actually get more xp/hr there
I don't know if I'm just bad or
wrong general
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how did you manage to fuck that up anon
nice fucking idea
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What do you think of my new Tattoo /piece/? Today I chaos orb'd myself
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Hope you get forced into war and get your fucking arm blown off retard
hope it wasnt too expensive so you can afford a camera that shoots in color next time
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is that an anklet?
permanent allocation was a mistake
scion was a mistake
poison was a mistake
ascendancy was a mistake
pantheon will be a mistake
casualization was a mistake

enforce eugenics
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time for one last meme build this season :^)
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>4.5k life
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i started playing around that idea but ended up getting chunked pretty easy

>putting life on your gear in PoB
im just looking at the damage output
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Why is this outlined in red
Must be rocket science importing gear from your current character
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dps seems fine but I dont know if 300 iir with biscos is gonna offset the >clearspeed
What's the average damage you should be outputting late game, like 60s-80s?
if you dont have at least 300k dps by tier 1 maps you r build is shit
it's a 3L quartz sceptre. that base has the highest implicit for ele dmg and is ideal for crafting +1 of your element of choice
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yea cause the leveling gear i have on is really gonna make me stand out

im currently level 55 so far with really bad gear and ive had no problems once i switched to lycosidae and better mace (was leveling with a gorebreaker) this is what i have planned so far
when does 3.0 come out and revamp this shit balanced game
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oh boy
nice blog
where do If ucking subscribe
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i'm burned out of Poe bros. Anyone know of a good crafting focused RPG or ARPG?
>thinking that the 10% damage reduction of wise oak is the equivalent of going from 75% res to 85%

Are you dumb
no, which is why people play Poe

the arpg genre is stale, every new game focuses on 'classes' or skill tree instead of fixing loot or making an interesting game

poe is the best arpg but that isn't much in a dead genre which is SAD
>be at 0% res
>get 10% res
>take 10% less damage

its not rocket science moran
Ie free 20% pen skill of frostiness
actually 100% damage is at 75% resistance because the developers fine tune damage based on maxed resistances :^)

so you take 4 times more damage at 0% resistance than 75% resistances
>poe is the best arpg
>poe is the best arpg

hi r%ddit
name a better one so i can escape already then fagtard
>take 100 damage at 0 res
>take 25 damage at 75 res
>reduce that damage by 10% with wise oak to take 22.5 damage


>take 15 damage at 85 all res
a lot of the dead genre problem lies in the inherent flaws in the genre itself. there aren't that many new things you can do with an isometric style arpg that aren't already being done in PoE. sure, you can balance the systems and have more/better skillsets available, but the core of the gameplay can't really be altered that much.

i'd like to see a thinking man's arpg, where fights are won mostly through attrition and slogging through 50 mobs isn't one click but instead the entirety of a dungeon. sort of a slower paced resource management style arpg, might be worth tooling around with.
PoE isn't perfect even if people call it the best.

Things like
>loot filter required or 99% of screen is white
>game focuses on quantity instead of quality of loot in finding good gear which is retarded
>online ruins any hardcore sentiment
>most skills are trash
>most of the skill tree is trash despite being big
>some ascendancies are trash
>balance is trash in general
>even mob damage is trash cause fine tuned bosses but here's 30 screens of mobs you can wipe with a click unless you're a retard using a sub-optimal skill with a shitty opportunity cost

and more
you retards that think poe is "THE BEST ARPG EVER" have not played many, it shows
i'm just too shit to master another game and i'm not allowed at the casino anymore
then what is retard???
i hope you played poker at the casino lad... or counted cards in blackjack

literally nothing will change

just more acts to blow through on our way to maps
b-but they said they'd fix melee (again) and balance life and armour and evasion!
arpgs are a mechanically constrained genre and ggg have to walk a tightrope to not disturb people that are turned off by any hint of change or attempted innovation to the reductive formula of 'kill and loot' hence the mixed reactions to the labyrinth
if anything they will make those problems worse
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You're talking out of your ass. Victor Vran is pretty garbage. Van Helsing is also garbage. Torchlight series is decent but also, you know, fucking dead. Grim Dawn is good but VERY unpolished, and even it has the plight of certain skills (looking at you, bloody pox) being unusable because of lack of support for its archetype.

Diablo 3 is alright after god knows how many patches, but STILL managed to fucking flub its most recent patch, and is legitimately on life support from blizzard at this point ("fastest selling PC game of all time" receives a single backwater room in bumfuck nowhere at Blizzcon, should tell you a lot about how Niggzard cares about the diablo franchise) and is going to charge presumably $10 minimum for a class that already has its archetype of "person who buffs, debuffs, and uses dead-themed spells" through witch doctor

PoE has been consistently updated with at least somewhat meaningful content for the past 3 years and is going to get more acts soon. Its balance is only atrocious once you get to the ass end of endgame content, and otherwise allows you to do some silly, niche shit to a surprising extent with decent investment and, you know, some fucking BRAIN POWER which is what every other game somehow manages to always, always lack. PoE is the only loot-based ARPG that feels like it has somewhat evolved and isn't able to be piloted to its full potential by a 2 year old with downs syndrome.
Lab is a fucking mistake.

almost all of that can be fixed by tweaking numbers. the ascendancies and skills are harder, you'd need good ideas, but almost everything that is 'wrong' with poe is just the wrong focus on the wrong numbers.


d2 is probably the best ever, if only because the developer knew that the inherent imbalance in the game is what made it fun. doing something that felt cheaty but was totally legit and unique to your build was the best part of playing it. also the gameplay loop for engaging each pack was very satisfying, poe hasn't quite managed to recapture that.
will sprinkler get gutted or is it just howaa getting dicked down?
sprinkler won't even drop next league...
Fire trap dual totem flame surge
She can sit on my face
>want arcane tome
>won't work with warchief

nice sale ggg
I'm just gonna play ancestral warchief
it's so reliable cause melee is fucked and ES is harder to fund
I go play slots..I hate the 5-6 line progressive bullshit because I don't understand it. I never got into slots..I know how the basic ones with 3 rows and #7s and cherries and BARs work but the new stuff? It's so totally ridiculous and complicated to me. So I pick the last one on the list of maybe 100 diff types that they have and I roll over a solid $200 of the $2500 required and break even. At one point I got to $550. I take it to TARZAN slots and get from $300 to $500. I decide to go play these wild kitty slots where it's just a bunch of cats and their faces because I used to hate cats but I love them now so I figured it was a sign.

holy shit you're retarded just stop posting
>Doesn't realize poe is just a complicated slot machine.
Nah, you probly should if you think PoE is something greater than a slot machine with high minimum requirements
>I never got into slots

it's cute that you think it's something you get into, you press the button and it tells you if you won or lost, it doesn't matter if it's dealing with thousands of rows and lines, it doesn't matter if there is a screen at all. you press a button and it tells you if you won or lost.
Are they ever going to remove Labyrinth for ascendancies?
I doubt it.

I think the next big move they make after 3.0 is to add private (paid) leagues. This would allow play groups to do things like take out those features without interfering with the core game. And theyd profit.
I'd pay that premium for every new character to not have to run that shit ever again.
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getting bored of wow

was hoping to get 7/10m but i might have to settle for 5/10m

looks like i'll be coming back to poe soon....
>still playing wow
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>150k armor with 0 armor items
Lifebabs are this delusional
>still playing PoE
I can't get 40k armor with all armor items
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What if the witch, was a loli?
what if we gas shitcrows
very good idea

that would solve everything
I dare you say that in front of Chris during the SF group meat up
How hairy is the witch under her panties?
almost none to speak of
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Thank you all for Path of Building. Shit's hot.

Straight import from account is noice.
You forget to point out
>farming chayula after the buggu
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>necrovigil boroodqueen pack for tora mission

fuck this
guess its my fault for not having a knockback flask huh chris you piece of shit
just detonate dead nigga, you clearly have the space
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If my friend casts one curse, and I cast a different curse on an enemy (both without any added curse talents etc). Do they stack or can the enemy only have one on them?
the most recent curse applies

whoever has +2 curses needs to apply the curse last if thats how you wanna roll
apply curse to this
*spreads buttcheeks*
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>appear to be female
>make character that can do t16s flawlessly
>make less money than a retard doing shaped strands mindlessly in 30 seconds
ebin game
>make build enabling uniques drop in t16 only
>game fixed

thank me later
w-what bug
infinite chayula shard leaguestone bug
that got patched a long time ago tho and (some) abusers got banned
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Reminder that we don't know what's gonna be a good 3.0 league starter because we don't know all the changes please kindly kys
fuck off animenigger
implying it's not always gonna be some totem build
fuck off animeposter before i make you my qt husband
>go on forums
>find exceedingly retarded build
day ruined
it's the greatest thing ever
Does Stone Golem's life regen work with CI characters if they get Zealot's Oath? I have ZO and Stone Golem up, but it doesn't seem like it's regening any faster.
Because for the average ES character, 105 ES regeneration per second is fucking nothing
>migrate hc ssf munz to legacy hc
>cross league trade hc munz to sc
>tfw ded monies alive again
started this league just 3 days ago, reached maps

do beyond/bloodlines/nemesis etc leaguestones work if a map already has beyon or more magic/rare monsters mod?
So you get extra extra rare mobs or what?

>wtb item for X
>sellers are listing for X+1
>since it's a consumable I need lots and that extra chaos adds up cost pretty fast
>it's a situation where I don't buy X because I don't want to spend more for less and sellers don't sell X because they don't bother listing for less
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>only just now discovered the PoE whisper notifier
Not sure if I should be pleased since I no longer have to constantly check PoE for trade whispers, or disappointed in myself for only thinking to check for such a program recently.
It does work (just look at your regen dummy) but it's super negligible if you have high ES
disappointed in yourself because you're still playing is more acc
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recommend me an armor pack
Tabula rasa skin transfer
Wool shoes skin transfer
Wool gloves skin transfer
Goldrim skin transfer skin transfer
Twig spirit shield skin transfer
Nailed fist skin transfer
a geforce GTX 1050
starting this league really late so I don't have a lot of currency to spend

What should I do if I want to finish my league challenges quickly for te nice portal graphic?

EK Nova and on what class
Pathfinder Burning Artow
HowA ST Raider
>3 months until a new league
>going to be burnt out within 3 weeks once again
Why do we do this to ourselves
>I don't have a lot of currency to spend
Pick one.
Prices are absolutely ridicilous due to every kid wanting no-effort memebanana boss kills.
How come Skin of the Loyal/Lords do no show up on poe.ninja? Does it have to do with them being corrupted?
price is not the same, they depends on colour
Price are not the same on most items, anon. And colours can affect price. ie 3/4 off colour Alpha's Howl, or some chest piece with 5/6 off colour.

So, is there an actual reason or not?
nys retard
>uses literally 10k fusing without success
>give up
>buy other regalia, get 5 offcolor
>6-link with 269 fus

wtf is wrong with RNG?
maybe each item have a different seed RNG?
Ask, you autist-cuck-pussy
Message them and say,
"I want Z of Y, can you sell for X?"
Then they say yes, no or negotiate further
>hurf why is RNG random durf?
why is rng so fking random wtf
You are the kind of faggot that complains about "streamer rng" and claims to use 10k fusings when it was actually 800, right?
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I actually did it, my friendo.
Lightning tendrils is really fucking expensive to cast for some reason.
Is the only way to reliably sustain it warlords mark or some other form of spell mana leech?
The hands themselves are like nothing though.
They also do nothing without the right gear.

They're the most inexpensive pieces of howa builds by far, to the point where having good corruptions on them is basically expected.
How pricey is EK nova?
saw mathil sell one i assume was 21/20 for an inventory 1/2 full of c yesterday
no T14 or one shaped T14 for shaped shore grinding?
>"game server lost contact with realm"
>log back in
>shit I picked up in the map gone from my inventory but my map and leaguestone charges aren't back
Not sure, but probably more realistic pricing.
so I know most necromancer builds use some kind of Summon Raging Spirits setup as their primary damage source, but is a pure skeleton setup viable?
define viable
check your ISP

You can do skeletons or zombies, its just suboptimal
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>look at unique Chain boots
>see death's door
>check it on poe.trade
>dat price
Is it really that fucking rare?
I've seen a lot of rare itemsmfor a lot of dosh, but a 250c as lowest price? WOW
How about I check your asshole instead
*unzips staff*
ah, figures.
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>in a poe twitch chat
>some guy asks for build help for his oros slayer build
>whisper him
>check his profile
>tell him to swap out one of his steel ring since flat phys does nothing for oros for an opal ring
>he said he wont swap the steel ring out because he bought it from mathil and its his favorite streamer
>ask him for his /deaths
>482 deaths at level 95
>its his only character of the league
nice meme
fucking shitcrows why don't they just kill themselves
>Chain Boots
>Is a Crusader Boots base
Besides that, yes.
>10-15 all-res
>+1 Endurance
>Don't have to have a Staunching flask
>25% Movement Speed
Doesn't have flat life/ES, but most builds can get by without it because anti-bleed and +1 End is excessively strong.
>Glacial Cascade still does split flat damage instead of converting a percentage to Cold from pure Phys
Why gimp a Skill's ability to scale damage?
>why can't all skills be the same?
If one skill has 10x the clear speed of another

Then that skill is objectively better
>he said he wont swap the steel ring out because he bought it from mathil

love defies all logic
but speed was never the goal, it's only the weak minded twitch redditor retards who seem to think so
le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas
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>speed is not the goal in arpgs
the ultimate goal of all action roleplayers is fun
>speed was never the goal
how can one entity be so wrong?
also go fuck yourself animeshitter
actually the goal is to escape our dull and meaningless life
Idea for a new league:
Beyond, but when enough blood portals converge a breach opens
pls no more "old leagues combined in one" -leagues
t. shitter
shoo, go see if reddit likes it or something
if you think your life is meaningless why don't you have kids or shoot up some liberals
I could easily heem anyone in here, np
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me the cat

water the shitcrows in poeg
>me the cat
oh we already knew that
i'm the cats urine
>watch "epic deaths" poe youtube video
>3/4rds of them are just servers dc'ing and they log into standard
>servers dc'ing
it's called logout macro
yea servers are just fucking perfect huh
and somehow servers magically stop working just as players are about to die
really made me think
servers stop working as you are playing normally, which kills you
0-4 detonate dead
5-9 kill myself
RIP. Better reroll EK nova.
>oh cool ek nova looks fu-
>relies on and is based around gulp gulp gulp
back to the drawing board
Beyond, Warband and Invasion monsters DO NOT drops maps.
Also, only rare monsters from Breach. (this one I knew)
How come they won't drop maps?

Also beyonders don't give anything, fuckin' interdimentional jews.
beyonders give tons of easy xp
google this

site:poedb . tw/us/ monster_no_map_drops
Thanks, anon. Very useful.

Do not misunderstand, I am aware of that website and I am aware that those mobs do not drop maps, the original post was to just why they don't. Basically, what is GGG's logic (haha)
no, its PSA for plebbit

also: Rogue Exiles???
http://poedb . tw/us/mon.php?n=Igna+Phoenix
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Does refreshing a captcha still remove the image? Bizzare.
remove spaces between poedb and tw
Rough day?
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Yeah I eventually got it. Was just poking some fun at the anon. The first post was just to ask why GGG has made it that way, not what mobs don't drop maps.
I don't know.
Breach (rares only) seems reasonable.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but this change to double dipping, specially burning, should be pretty good for Emberwake builds?

>Base damage: 1000
>Modifiers: 100% increase, 100% more
>Damage: 4000 + 4000*0.2 (20% for burning) * 4 (seconds) = 7320 total damage

>Base damage: 1000
>Modifiers: 100% increase, 100% more
>Damage: 4000 + 1000*0.4 (40% base for new calculation) * 4 (seconds) = 5600 total damage

It's true you are dealing less damage BUT now you don't need to worry about scaling your base damage that much. GGG is also buffing some modifiers to burning damage only, so using items that allows you to stack ignites really fast should be pretty good? Even if you have a somewhat medium to low base damage?
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>Poe.trade down
>We're gonna do way less damage but this is really a buff because I'm a retard!
not for me, also:
Never called it a buff, can't you fucking read? All I'm saying is that Emberwake builds should still be pretty good
Here we go...
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Do you know what the Dodo is, faggot?
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Reddit, what is your most hated troll item?

pic related
Leather belts that aren't HH. I think that's it.
I don't even try to run nemesis.
Didnt pick up a single leather belt to chance
no give me the rundown
Can you blessed orb legacy items without ruining them?
Yes, you can also bless legacy item that had worse implicit and you will have the new implicit.
Can't find anything on wiki that proves this, I don't wanna accidentally brick an item
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what do i do in the last phase wowg

how do i kill the big demon without dying
test on a shitty reliq
Try putting Poison support onto your main skill, it's a good source of >FREE damage.
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I wasted a blessed orb for you
Thank you
there doesn't exist a boss more obnoxious than rigwald in this game
>that one retarded boss with proximity shield and 200% movespeed while also shitting chilling coldspells everywhere
>chilling coldspells
Not a problem if you play as Raider
The guy that designed it needs or be fucking hanged
>it casts frost wall
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>Mapping in Canyon when this fucker slaps your support gf's (male) ass
wat do
the jokes on him
he paid 1000+ for a map that has no reason to be run after completing it once for atlas bonus
>T6 map
I steamroll him and his buddy in under 5 seconds
>posts a non-canyon area
wow you sound so strong~~
>Tfw so scrubby I almost never have builds that make it out of normals because of goddamn RNG shit out of nowhere like Breaches or a Tormented Spirit possessing a yellow or unique
>I've never mapped
>All of my ideas have gone to shit
>I've been playing for three. fucking. years.
I just want something, anything that sounds fun. All I wanna do is run around as a badass Marauder and hit people in the face, I don't want some dex bullshit, I don't want some CI bullshit either.
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>tfw you're the best and most coolest player in /poeg/
Any half decent build can do it you shitnigger
>The scourge claw + raise spectre
Makes me rock hard tbqhfamilia
thx pham, appreciate it
Why the fuck did they think CWC was a good mechanic?

>Cast when melee kill
this is fine, till they nerfed it beyond usability
>Cast on crit
was way overtooled
>Cast when stunned
literally why niggers
biggest mistake

>Literally sit there and hold down rmb
such a FUN
and interesting mechanic

not to mention it costs literally no mana compared to a 6l spell
>Literally sit there and hold down rmb
Aren't most skills just holding RMB? Firestorm goes from "Hold RMB to cast Firestorm" to "Hold RMB to cast Scorching Ray, which will then cast Firestorm"
>not to mention it costs literally no mana compared to a 6l spell
It costs 2 links, though. If they decreased the rate of casting by even a little bit, it would be nerfed into uselessness.
>be new playing summoner
>drop cast on death support
>oh swee-
>doesnt work with summons
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>you don't sit and hold down rmb when using a non channeling spell
>Cast on crit/melee kill

>Can proc with movement abilities
Can we convert this dead general into grim dawn so we have a real game to discuss instead of this shitfest
Is this MemeFinding shit really good? or only plebs do it?
ggg balance sincerely hasn't made sense since ascendancies

imagine how before that it was only duelist that was really actually out of sync with the power levels of the other classes, mostly due to his shit start, versus the chasms of difference between ascendancies nowadays
Sure. I just started Grim Dawn, playing with DAIL. The Arch-Necromancer class is a lot of fun, but I'm super squishy.
Magic finding is shit because GGG is shit

so inherently magic finding doesn't work, because mechanically its shit, since 99% of the uniques are shit, and rare items are shit unless you craft them 99% of the time
so even though you drop 1000 rare items in one map the time it takes for you to identify every single one makes it shit
and running strands till your eyes bleed will net you more profit
Why don't you go back to the Grim Dawn general? Oh wait...
how about we talk about ys games or other actual arpgs instead of diablo clones
grim dawn sold better than poe
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that show's ending is still the most shocking series finale i can think of
The show gave me panic attacks every time I watched it.
Grim dawn would be literally perfect if it had realm-only multiplayer
The lack of end-game and multiplayer options (ease to party like PoE) kills it for me.
3.0 will fix this.
i think grim dawn is a fine game, but it's the kind of game you play a few times and then move on
I think poe is a fine game, but its the kind of game you play for a week then quit for a month and hope they add more not shit features
first of all i was rank 11th in ssf hc before i got bored and stopped playing...
i think poe is a slot machine you waste your life on until you die because of addiction
the constant mirage of "new content" from patches is what keeps all of the online-only f2p games relevant enough to have a general of autists
If GD had an actual end-game with better multiplayer there'd be a general too. You hit max level then fuck off. Forever.
second of all i'm not autistic
>the only point of an ARPG is to hit max levvel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your kind of retardation is why the exp curve in poe is so fucking ass

kill yourself
where did he say that
he basically asked for the opposite of that
he's saying you hit max level in grim dawn then suddenly stop playing
They're talking about Grim Dawn, not Path of Exile. What else do you do in Grim Dawn? I agree with >>175405346 you hit level 80 (at least when I played, max level) and that's it, assuming you haven't already finished the entire story-line. Ergo; you hit the maximum level and complete the story. You are thus done.

You can reroll and do the same thing which I have done but it is the same thing.
well boys I hit level 100 after a few thousand strands time to quit this game till they raise the level cap
you realise there's no sort of map/end game system in gd, right?
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>POE has endgame
funniest thing I've read all weak
>more life than es

proof that life is point for point better than es
*codes tempest mechanics into prophecies*
heh...thought it was over huh...well guess what...
sh*t the fvck off.... kid....
>hmm prophecy league stones huh let's see..
>random prophecy affects the map? nah too good for those dogs
>one monster will drop one silver coin.. perfect..
>hmmm relic keys huh let's see...

>how about these old items that are still shit even after we improved them

>this will make a great addition
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trade coming soon.png
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This might make you think
i wonder what the xbone ui is going to be like
poe has historically had horrible ui issues and now you get to play it with a gamepad
dumb freeposter old news
kys nys @noise

man discordshits really need to die
>le discord maymay
>meanwhile discord has been dead since day 1
joggins the noggin
>discord doesn't really exist
Grim dawn expansion will add more content than poes 3.0
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wow this discord is a secret club full of nefarious plans. they're on fire! just discovered all of the conspiratorial plans right here.
shut the fuck up you faggots or i'll post an invite rn
>still no word on release date
>still no word on if it's free or not
mhm yes.

nice try cuck

the game sold over 1million copies
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>poe has no endgame

says the shitcrow who rmts 100 shaped strands, reaches lvl90 then gets bored and quits
is eating an avocado with a spoon ethical, even if it's not ssf?
>HCucks think you need to RMT shaped strands

the return on shaped strands is enough to run them all league

its a joke
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3.0 won't get released until winter
of 2018
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>Run lvl 15 maps
>Get some shitty 6 sockets
>Run dried lake
>Get chaos orb after chaos orb

Heh, so this is the risk versus reward of POE... Truly magnificent
nah youre just a new shitcrow but have a nice weekend
hmmmm okay chris
discord fags are shit but this general sucks ass way more, prove me wrong pootards
maybe prove yourself right first
why do you always link an expired invite? is this some new meme?
just ask for an invite next time
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shitcrows epitomize the casual gamer that's taken over the gaming industry and forced devs to pander to the lowest common denominator to be successful

and it's only going to get worse

the only thing that can stop it is if shitbirds git gud, but they never will because why should they? in their eyes they're the model gamer, and cesspools like r*ddit only serve to reinforce this complete and total lack of self-awareness.

whatever happened to wanting to beat a game? wanting to be the best of the best? taking a challenge head-on and overcoming it? what happened to that? how did our culture become so content with mediocrity? people are perfectly content with getting participation awards these days. what about the gold medal? or silver? fuck, even bronze would make you leaps and bounds better than 99.99% of the playerbase, but hope, shitcrows think being painfully average is somehow a success. pathetic.
>check /poeg/
>see shitposting

and now you're contributing to it
Just asked the dev, it's all free
>people are perfectly content with getting participation awards these days
Shut up, gramps. Ask literally any child how they feel about receiving participation awards and you'll know about how much everyone hates it.
so tell us how your participation trophies made you feel, child
If I'm just playing softcore standard, should I bother forcing shaped strand drops and all that jazz
only do what you find fun, retard
Anybody else disconnecting like a motherfucker?
but what if i find asking lazy questions in anonymous threads fun
t. shitter
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When does the beta start
Whats this thing about everyone running shaped strand and nothing else? I dont remember that being a thing when I last played(mid-Breach).
Didn't you read the announcement? They cancelled 3.0.
There will be no beta.
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Anyone have an interesting hideout?
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>still no 40$ windmill mtx
>start to feel like playing PoE again
>remember you have to do 24 trials once and 4 labs per char
>remember utility flask spam meta
>remember that life builds are garbage
>instantly dont feel like playing poe anymore

What are the chances that any of that shit gets removed/fixed with 3.0?
none because reddit loves it
I actually feel the same sentiment but a lot of people probably do.

>all those trials
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i want to import, can't be bothered to make a new one every temp league
mindless drones defend even the shittiest of decisions
>What are the chances that any of that shit gets removed/fixed with 3.0?
They've confirmed that there's only going to be only one lab, so you won't have to do trials now.
Flask spam and life being shit is likely going to stay the same, though.
Wait what? how the hell is there going to be only one lab
windmills aren't ethical
They have declined to comment on that.
There's also only going to be the normal difficulty bandit rewards now, so say goodbye to one of your charges on every build.
>release huge, all-changing expansion
>do not fix the most glaring faults in your gameplay
actually sounds like something GGG would do
Life is fine
if you play slayer
and have capped life leech
and every life leech node that increases life leech cap
and 100% life flask efficiency

and use bubbling flasks
in every slot
Source for the only-one-lab-thing?
Well, since cruel and merciless difficulties are gone now....
>and use bubbling flasks
>in every slot
Why would that help? Slayer overcaps leech, and with an Acuity, the leech applies instantly but can still overcap, so health potions do literally nothing.
because not everyone has ex to throw at a pair of acuties
Not him, but I remember in one of the announcements Chris replied to a comment saying that it wouldn't make sense in the lore for the labyrinth to be in the new acts, so it wasn't going to be.
Maybe they'll just separate it out into the first lab and the uber lab, each with 4 ascendancy points?
is the trajectory of power creep impossible for ggg to reel in now?
yet everyone can invest numerous ex for howa builds, hh, shavs etc. but nah not acuity. too expensive.
Yes. Their only hope is to massively buff everything to force a new meta.
i feel like life players are cheaper and don't, for example, put enough value into the difference between elreon/haku crafted life gear vs t1 gear
those are all high end es builds nigger
...ok, good for you on reading, anon.
>if you play slayer

Slayer has 20% FREE culling, anon. Why wouldn't you play Slayer?
trials should be once per account
there is absolutely no reason for people do them over and over every league
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poeg should i go back to school for comp sci

i'm afraid i'm not smart enough

i ask you guys because you're like my family

btw poe is shit
what is up with the lag spikes during the evening
but m-muh gladiator bleedsplosduh

its worthless

maybe it wasn't at one point but currently it's flooded by shitskins and normies who heard it was a nice meal ticket but have no skills so the professors need to dumb down the course enough for them to pass so the black jewish feminist dean that just got elected doesn't can them for racism

just learn some skills somewhere
i know it's a meme degree but i have to start somewhere
I hate Mathil, Pohx and all these faggot ass faggot build makers.

They bump the price of everything up to 10+ chaos. I just wanna do build myself and have fun. I'm not a faggot ass faggot who needs to show it on youtube for a measly 40$.

Fuck you
>the professors need to dumb down the course enough for them to pass
This is the real problem. Damn near every university in existence has dumbed their CS program down to the point where it takes them two years to teach you *gasp* linked lists.
I'd go for it because idiots overvalue the degree, but you need to seriously invest your own time to get good.
Comp sci is what every slacker who ever used a computer and thought they were "smart" is flocking to.

That said, you can still make a good living doing it. Trades are like 100% better, though. My brother's BF started training as a boiler technician or something, found work immediately, and is making mad bank.
>My brother's BF
Homosexuality is a sin.
play ssf
molest the witch
BE the witch
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>My brother's BF
>/poeg/ discord
Post a working inv link.
>play SSF

>Realize I'm playing in a game balanced around thousands of people trading

>Realize the drop rates are literally korean-tier
Is there a top-tier ssf player you guys would recommend?

Trading in this game is a cancer I don't want to participate in, so I want to practice SSF to be self-sustained for the big 3.0
yes, me
I just want to be a good SSF player.

Guess I'll start reading up on vendor recipes
if you're at a point in game knowledge where you have to read up on vendor recipes it's going to take you some effort to self-sustain in ssf. but then again the game is so easy nowadays you don't even have to chisel or roll for packsize to sustain once you setup your atlas
new thread where? Also don't fuck it up this time.
>don't fuck it up this time.
if you want it make it
I'd be happy if there was never a new thread.
ssf isn't even that hard
like just be yourself lmao
>people still think you're supposed to alt-spam vaal regalias instead of chaos-spamming them
hahaha fucking retards

enjoy spending a fucking exalt every time you want to try for something sellable
implying your gonna get a ~700 es regalia in <60 chaos
>Buy arcane totem
>Doesn't work with ancestral warchief

You can get OKAY regalias by alt-spamming without using any exalts but it's way cheaper to get GOOD regalias with chaos spamming
>tfw I bought a 790es regalia last league for 2c
Felt good.
>tried it, and spent 400c, until i hit 2 t1 (ES % and +ES) and 60% Res
>slams mana
>total cost ~500c for shitty 780 es regalia

crafting is so good anons
>6l a regalia
>chaos it a few times
>800 es trires and crafted phys to cold
nice try, phys to cold is essence of horror only
essences of horror act just like chaos my man
Loli witch
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