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/svg/ - Shadowverse General

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Thread replies: 781
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Cards Art (updated with TOG) (1.95GB):

Only the Art updated with TOG:

Discarded: >>175144532
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I want to kiss Luna's tummy and lick her armpits!
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Play Disco Dragon.
nice start faggots
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This are all TotG legos I got in 43 packs, is this fine? Is there any forest deck that recommends using 2 elf queens?
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Me on the left.
Nice meta post fagget.
Yeah. Instead they give a card that is useless without Rites to a deck that is already inconsistent as fuck because of their overreliance on Rites.
At least Pucewyrm is a decent midgame threat.
me on the right
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Anyone can reccomend some "small" pornstars

Give me source
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>still no granblue leaders
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Threadly reminder that Cygames is codeword for kikegames.
They don't give a single fuck about this game, they only care about the profit it brings.
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Please concede.
Me taking the picture
daily reminder that this game is literally dead for anyone who wants to play at a high level cause nobody at kikegames gives a fuck about the
meta or actual balance.

the majority of players are casual nips who play for 10-30 minutes at a time while they're packed
in a tin can, who clearly care more about the sugoi card arts or kawaii leaders
then actual any semblance of meaningful gameplay. Unfortunately "hardcore" western players are in the minority so there's little reason for them to actually give a shit about what they want (confirmed by kimura himself).
>2 month nerfs
>SF leader tie-ins
simply amazing
Thank you Luna.
Yeah everyone should move to HS!
I hate the Shit Fighter collab so much I want to puke
>"hardcore" western players
Maybe you shouldn't be taking it so seriously, do your dailies and log off.
Is there a way to kill players that bought SF leaders through my pc?

I'm writing down all their id codes to report them but I really want to physically eliminate them.
But the card art is all reused and they haven't added kawaii leaders in over 6 months, so
Much as I hate HS, it has better balance and meta right now than Shadowverse.
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Shuna Kagami
Saotome Yui
Kana Tsuruta
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>HS has better meta and balance
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>all the top players are japanese
>westerners are supposed to be "hardcore"
>but whining and bitching are all they do
>is this fine?
It's OK. The 2 Ouroboros are good, but only if you have the vials to play Dragon.
The second Elf Queen is useless. More than 1 is overkill.
Ginger is a meme.
Yes, I agree.
don't vial Ginger, you're gonna regret it next expansion
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I'm not the same anon but thanks.
>all the top players are japanese
Source? The Japanese are the vast majority, so of course you see more good Japanese players than western, but saying "all" is just plain bullshit.
>whining and bitching are all they do
Everyone that is playing any level higher than casual is bitching about this meta. It's not exclusive to westerns.
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The west never has and never will matter to the japanese. Just do your dailies and log off.
It was dead when they nerfed Harvest Festival and Homecoming and PtP in general instead of buffing other classes.
42 packs with 6 legos of which two are animated the very good. Plus those cards are even usable.
>The west never has and never will matter to the japanese.
Yeah they keep censoring their games for no reason.
>Everyone that is playing any level higher than casual is bitching about this meta. It's not exclusive to westerns.
Source? And whining and bitching are all you do since Standard.
I have over 1k hours. I don't bitch about this meta.
Yeah. Everyone using game-ai to netdeck exclusively while actually good players update their decks and stay on top
How come the top blood player isnt crying about either shadow or dragon but actually enjoys farming both of them for points?
The localizers do that, not cygames.
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Based Yurius.
To bad my field where to full to meme deal laura him the turn before.
Then why do westerners keep sucking japanese cock so much?
weebs are delusional
Nobody here sucks Cygames's cock
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while the game got its bullshit decks they arent as broken as mid shadow and dragon.
Still wont play it because time warp is actually viable and I already hate dshift.
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Daily reminder to rope and bully each and every dragoncuck for 40 minutes until they quit their miserable existence.
>Nobody here sucks Cygames's cock
Lurk more before you start posting.
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Actually time warp is not even tier 1, much harder to pull off than d-shift and you only get one of them.
I been here since January, and I never seen anyone suck cygames's cock
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I have yet to see a single post saying "SF leaders are so good!"
SF leaders are good.
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Why is sonic with Luna?
Do I need 3 Bahamuts in Storm Ramp or are 2 enough?
Artist is a retarded waifufag that doesnt play the game
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3. Bahamut is a wincon that opponents must answer immediately or they are probably going to lose.
You're dead from genesis you dumb cuck, nice roping, shitter.
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>his waifu is quickblader
Good taste
If he had genesis then he would have won instead of quitting.
He had shit like Zeus. though
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>3 Bahamuts

Enjoy your brick hand while you have nothing to play when against armies of skeletons
>can't even climb AA with mid range shadow

so much for shadow being OP
You are just bad
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>he still plays shadowverse
Anon doesn't know how to read.
>I am shit therefore the game is balanced

Cool, now Cygames just needs to make sure every Shadowverse player has a single digit IQ like you, and the meta will be great.
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>being this bad
>listening to retarded netdeckers
>being one yourself
You need to go back.
welcome to reality, where dragon rules this game
Need concede senpai!

>implying you could be good or bad at a card game where you have almost no choices to make
The only game even less reliant on skill is RNGstone you babies. It's all in your hand and topdecks.
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>/svg/ cries about shadow being op all day
>can't even win with it
That should be true, but retard-kun just showed us that there are people who can't win with midshadow in AA. It baffles me.
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>boo hoo
>I can't succeed with a t0 deck
>boo hoo
>its the rng's fault
Spoken like a true shitter
midshadow isn't even as good as you think it is, dragon is better with a proper deck
Did you miss the webm in the last thread with the easiest ouroboro lethal in the history of the expansion?
Thanks Shadowbro!
Aggro shadow is better and more consistent than mid shadow.
Also remember all those anons who couldn't spot easy lethal with Ouroboros last thread.
statistics prove otherwise, shitter-kun
What did we learn last thread?
Doesn't mean that it is bad. Both are cancer. I've tried both.
>he actually believes the worthless statistics made up by "hm I guess the enemy is x" terribad japs who volunteer to enter some info
when midrange doesn't work use aggro and vice versa. one always works, just depends on how the other decks are adjusted.

unless your midrange looks like your aggro in which case just forget it.
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Dragons are retarded bandwagonners who are incapable of functioning like a proper human being.
They are in need of some euthanasia.
>tfw almost masters with old aggro blood
reminder that the average rank of /svg/ is C0
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Did would be the best mother.
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everyone here sandbags at beginner
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>the "jokes" just boil down to quickblader comes out of nowhere then dies like a bitch
>go second
this deck is fun as fuck
I want to do lewd things with a cute elf
so this is why Dragon's winrate is so low
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Stupid autocorrect.
Let me guess
Master rank?
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>dragonniger performs sahaquiel + zell + israfil
>next turn sahaquiel + israfil again without zell
>the turn after sahaquel + zell + israfil
Fuck this game, dragoncucks deserve cancer.
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I wish dragonfags would get punished for being retarded when I or anyone that isnt haven plays vs them
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forte is cute but dumb as bricks
I got 4k MP just by playing kys blood. Either your deck is bad or you're a literal retard.
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That Eris is Luna's mother
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/svg/ is mostly composed of brainless netdecking zombies who cannot even succeed with tier 1 and tier 0 decks.
This is even worse then than storm haven player who conceded to Pascale when he had lethal.
no one techs against kys blood
everyone is now teched against shadow
AA1, but this is some B tier mistake still.
Shadow itself shits on kys blood. Every turn after you cut your health you could die to a Howl.
when do the sfv leaders become exclusive

will they ever come back
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sniff me
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I am in love with my waifu.
I will make babies with her.
when the tie-in login bonuses stop
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These general makes my days easier and happier. I love you guys.
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>implying she loves you back or wants your babies
It's fine though, anon. I'm sure her and her other elf friends will let you babysit their halforc bastards.
Um... bad news, I might have creampied your waifu last night
>the shittiest this general has ever been makes you happy
Your standards are too low.
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>mfw going second in this meta
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delet this
stop inserting my daughter into your sick fantasy creep
It compliments the game.
Stop inserting yourself as my father, you sick creep.
>tfw trying to think of dragon decks I could play without having a ton of vials
I just always lack shit. I don't even have 3 grimnirs, 3 breath of the salamnder, bahamuts and such
This is statistically impossible to happen
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Gas the knife ears. Day of the lumberjack soon.
Face dragon, but keep in mind it autoloses to ramp dragon.
You're talking as if you hagfags are any better
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Don't like elf?
Kill yourself.
You can play face dragon on the cheap. You'll want three Fortes, but you can use seabrand or eyfa as substitutes until you get them.
Face. It's 3 Forte and 3 Salamander. Some builds play Aina, but that's it.
Kill yourself and cut off your ears
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What do refined pepe decks look like nowadays?
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>ice queen trying to cope with the fact that she will never have this windbreaker
why does Game-AI has lamp dragon instead of storm in tier 1?
I would rather kill elf
They run 3x Lecia to protect Pepe from Themis and Bahamut. That's about it really.
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>Arisa's father
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
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Running Lecia is highly inefficient, it almost never protects you from tribunal on a curve and while it protects from bahamut it doesn't protect you from lightning blast, additionally salamander's breath can kill frog due to 2nd wave effect, because first wave kills Lecia.
Refined frog decks are hybrid, half aggro half buff for frog and officers, so even if the frog is removed it can still win as a regular aggro sword.
They list is as (Storm) Ramp Dragon
>fuck off tard cant you see i am busy
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Leaning toward right. What do?
your frog should never be at fucking 2hp though
if it is while the enemy has enough pp to play enhanced salamnder you lost anyway
Left, what the fuck?
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Their tier list does have "Running Ramp Dragon" as tier 1, which is Storm Ramp. However, they don't make the differentiation between Storm and Saha Ramp. The sample list they have for Storm Ramp is not even a Storm Ramp list, it's Saha Ramp.
>gets a free sahabaha
>fuck that 3 face damage xD
are you mentally challenged?
Left ofc, bahamut carries.
Sometimes it happens when you have a rahab on board and no other way to clear it, so you are forced to hit it with your frog to prevent it from buffing itself and making a good trade impossible next turn.
You can also just protect it from salamander by just not playing anything but frogs and amulets.
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>vs shadow or dragon
>they didn't redraw
>play frog
>don't draw any frogs or any conscriptions for 8 turns
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You guys don't play take two often do you? If you get saha and have no neutral card in hand it's a dead card. Odin can remove khawy and ouroboros. Maybe 1 out of 5 game you will have bahamut and saha in the same turn.
someone post that picture with quickblader and bahamut
>playing sword

lmao fuck your life
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ask and you shall receive
t. metaslave
who cares about saha + baha combo, baha carries runs on his own harder than ouroboros, stop overthinking shit.

t. taker of two emblem owner
>playing conscription frog
You brought this upon yourself
How do I make a decent deck if I just started playing?
no bully
confirmed selector supreme with 0 5-0s
>playing without conscription
even less chance of frogs
Did you re roll? what are you cards ? are you avoiding building a rune deck?
Post your golds and legendaries.
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So it is true that Shadow and Forest are the intellectual decks.
google mid-range shadow or aggro-shadow decks, disenhant every card you get unless it's in one of those decks, and build those decks
Your biggest mistake is relying only on frog instead of playing it hybrid. People like you are the reason why frog is being laughed at as a meme.
What craft are you interested in?
if you really want to play a frog deck that doesn't get raped when it doesn't draw frog then just play albert sword with frontlines, frog, cyclone blade, and a few buffs
Whatever you say buddy, enjoy your 8 orb desert rider and 8 orb do nothing
In take 2 just pick stuff that does face damage and you win more because people are greedy little shits that use their health as a resource
yeah i met one of you sword cucks just a minute ago, he was playing support cannon with gawain
was pretty funny letting him play 3 mana albert + luminous mage with support cannon the turn before i killed him
Its not fair because forestniggers can just call their mom to help them count
i'm not the guy you responded to in the first place
nice emblem tho
Don't listen to >>175185221
ahahahaha I love grimnir what a great card
don't listen to this faggot >>175185221 we don't need more bandwagoners
Just try them all and have fun
>player wants a competitive deck
>let's give him shit decks instead
t. C ranks
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Where are my new trapfus?
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>Win 1 as Sword

Please send decklists friends.
>all non tier 1 decks are shit
Netdecker intelligence everyone. Fuck off shadownigger/dragoncuck.
>player wants a competitive deck
>source: my ass
man I feel so bad about rune right now
they lose no matter what deck you play
there's elta and mist shaman
go full aggro and concede until you match against dragon, proceed to kill them T5/6
He wants a deck that he can PLAY
How the fuck do you expect him to shit out 16k+ vials when he just started
That's what they get for being cancer ever since the game's release.
Is banner still viable enough to climb to AA?
Wandering Bard Elta
Naval Guard Simone
Wind Reader Zell
Mist Shaman
Vist, Elf Butler
Dragon and Shadow are far bigger cancer at present day present time than Rune ever was.
This meta makes playing against Rune seem fun and happy time.
rune deserve desu
No. Dropping a banner is either "goodbye tempo" in most games or "please kill me" vs aggro.
You can actually get that much when you just started if you vial everything. It's still a terrible thing to do.

Banner has been dead since RoB came out.
>tfw can kind of win an alright percentage of games (over 50% even) with dragon by just spamming +pp cards and dropping an early prince
I don't want to reroll I'm too lazy
Like you want me to screenshot the window and stitch it together or what
I dunno. I tried making a forestcraft deck, and played against a dragon. I thought it was going alright, but then he cleared the field and killed with that Bahamut everyone is posting

I guess I just want some general guidelines to deck making, if there are any
Why are you paying banner in AA at least 3 albert you can make a good mid-range deck
>Naval Guard Simone
I'm sorry
listen to his jp voice
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>no more pack compensation for broken cards
>no more fun balance with viable decks in most classes
>no more decision making in matches, just play on curve and hope you draw answers
>shitty streetfighter tie-in that nobody wants, instead of balance changes

Is there any good card game left?
>Like you want me to screenshot the window and stitch it together or what
Exactly. That's what everyone does when asking for advice.
We can't give you advice without knowing what cards you pulled.
Climb to AA not climb to master
Just the old "Midrange" Sword with 2 Mage
Too bad, just play mediocre decks like the rest of us so you can complain about getting shit on by Dragon and Shadow all day.
>>no more pack compensation for broken cards
We never got that. The "Nep packs" were compensation for ranked being down, not for Nep.
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Make your own card game, anonymous
I would even help you with it.
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Eternal is early access jewery that is bound to become shit anyway.

Shadow is so fucking annoying whatever they play. I was just taking it easy with him be banishing his Khawy and Mordecais but this little piece of annoying shit reminded me that him is the goddamn cancer descended himself there's no ***fucking around*** with this demon.
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>my enemy topdecks all his crazy shit late game
>I topdeck 2pp followers
>1 lego
oh god i'm so sorry anon
>1 lego in 40 packs
Just reroll ffs
>1 legendary
Did you vial the rest or something? Because that's terrible. That's a reroll, for sure. Even if you said you are too lazy to reroll, doing it just once will more than likely give you a better start than you have now.
With this you can only play Forest, really.
Nah, just nah.
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>knight is as strong as a skeleton
>who is as strong as a snowman
>who is as strong as a fairy
On one hand, you pulled 3x roach, an ancient elf, and an Aerin, so I am intensely envious of you being able to play qt craft within the next few weeks.
On the other, I have no idea how someone can be so impossibly unlucky to get one legendary in 40 packs. You're a special fucking case, man.
Should have bought more legendaries.
Average for 40 packs is 5 legendaries. Recommended when starting is at least 7-8. It doesn't matter how lazy you are, reroll.
>salty, braindead poorfag
h-he's fast!
What I did wrong here /svg/? Because it's always the player's fault instead of some tier 0 broken craft.
First two weeks of tog I only got 1 legendary out of 100 packs, no one is more unfortunate than me.
Fun fact, the entire deck of ramp dragon is crazy late game shit
>I dont know what a bad draw means! - Rowen, 2017
>against 3 Khawy and one Thane in take 2

why do I even still waste money on this
That was perfect hand, you were just unlucky.
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You played ramp dragon who passes 6 turns
Most decks would've lost on turn 6 against that, anon.
You don't have the right to call Shadow "tier 0 broken craft" if you are Dragon, even if Shadow is stronger.
Also, you could've killed the Reaper with evolved Scyther and played Grimnir to play around Howl.
Just lightning blast bro.

But really, shadow nothing compared to dragon t2.
you deserve this for playing Dragon
next time try drawing Sibyl
if you dont get dragon or shadow drafts you're probably better off saving time and just claiming the pack
get fucked you piece of shit
Is that the perfect curve? Because such curve happens 99% of the time against Shadow with just a few variations.
I have Blood and have a good draft as far as Blood goes too, already 2 losses, one against ouroboros spam and the other against this shadow guy
You didn't kill enough shit and let him pick trades. He also got what's basically a ideal curve.
>good draft

Physically impossible.
You should evo scyther+grimnir instead lightning blast.
>do nothing for 3 turns
Are you implying that that's fine and Dragon is somehow OP?
Nothing would have changed the outcome of that match. And there's no way for me to know if he was indeed playing Howl.
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How do I climb ranked as blood if I'm poor and don't have anything
So that makes Shadow less bullshit? lol

The guy is right, Shadow need to be stopped by Cygames.
craft soul dealers and 1 more belphegor
Aggro blood is one of the most inexpensive decks in the game
soul dealers look insanely memey, I don't want to waste any vials on those
Why doesn't forest have a two for one 4pp tempo swing card like dragon with the warrior or haven with the cudgel or blood with the bitch in a suit?
Vial Mary, Medusa and Matriarch
Craft 3 Dealers and 1 Bel.
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Aggro is cheap.
You could've played ramp slut on turn 3 (when you had 4 mana), he would've traded for it the next turn. If he traded with his 2/2 instead of his 2 1/1's, you would've been able to wipe his board the turn after.
Played perfectly though, he had you beat from the draw. Welcome to card games.
he's meta now, wake up anon
Soul Dealer is the 2nd best legendary for blood right now.
He would have lost in that same situation against every single aggro deck in the game.
Sword would have killed him a turn earlier
Are you sure this wins games even at AA to climb
>bitch in a suit?
Yes, I get winstreaks in AA2.
wardrobe rider, couldn't remember her name
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You're in the club and this guy slaps your gf's ass. What do you do?
Gardener and princess, or just use Teena if you want a dwarrior clone that desperately.
They get Elf Princess Mage which fits their class better.
Ah yes. Thank you.
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Did someone say Yuel?
drop grimnir
Fucking shitter with isra sleeves. I also didn't draw a single good card while he was topdecking shit so I guess p2w is at work.
dstrike his face
He was a meme.
But now hes the best T4 drop you can get on curve.
There's a lot of /fgg/ and /svg/ overlap
Most people here took the survey
In the survey they likely mentioned that they enjoy fightans
Ergo SFV leaders
I'm so sorry.
>dragontard lightning blasts my Tribunal so he can play bahamut on his next turn
>drop Seraph for the win
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who else /playingmidrangeswordeventhoughitlosestoeverythingexceptforlunajusttobullyluna/ here?
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Thanks for activating vengeance.
Midsword does better against dragon than against shadow.
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>dragoncuck crying about p2w

holy shit the irony in this post
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>losing to rune
>lost to forest, dragon and rune
it was probably daria
midrange sword literally has a 39.5% winrate against shadow
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is ToS necessary for an Aegis deck?
So far I climbed from AA0 to AA1 without it but it makes sense to use it
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Everyone today had a better curve than me. Fuck I am tilted.
don't worry, next expansion will have a 4 mana game ender for one of the weak classes

this will continue until the end of the year and they will rotate out all the past expansions so they can start over
no it's a dead card 90% of the time
don't bother
some aegis variants go for guardian sun instead to ward up on the turns before dropping aegis, so no not necessary
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Is there anything more intellectual than a vengeance blood mirror?
>enemy shadow spamming the board with shitty low mobs
my yurius is laughing
I just use elana.
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>don't get offered Shadow or Dragon in T2
>might as well just fucking retire
Bang up job you did with this abysmal fucking trash mode, Cygames.
>go first win lol
>i go first so i win
Shit is intense.
Literally like Rob Control blood vs control blood.
haven is fucking broken good in t2
enemies can't do shit against aegis bullshit in t2
>opponent drops two sybils in a row
Great balance Cygames
>i never played vengeance blood

>don't go second
>have much bigger chances to lose

Take 2 is a joke
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Situations like that makes my dick rock hard.
He could have avoided most dmg by not using catacombs and evoed his sceletons and sacrificed them. But nope.
wonder how this shitter got to master.
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>win 4 games as dragon/shadow
i've played it, mirrors are literally who goes first and who has the better curve.
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Need a private win for the quest, anyone kind enough to give a concede?

Shadow is really the board flood craft.
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>win 4 games as rune
>who has the better curve.
woah... mind breaking analysis there...
>enemy misses obvious as fuck lethal
>I still lose because I topdeck only shit
THAT is the kind of shit that makes me mad
Sword is still good despite what everyone says (as long as you can kill your opponent before they drop some "I win" card). Speaking of "I win" cards haven is also good enough because Aegis. Forest and rune are still shit, blood is bad but not entirely shit.
Thanks Olivia!
What is even your point?
S-s-servers down?
Or is my internet just shit!
>who goes first

Wrong. Retard.
play dirt and just concede against dragons
so why were you gloating about an intellectual MU in the first place?
People angry at Dragon are all C0 shitters. Meanwhile, people who complain about Shadow are all Masters.
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>Win 4 as sword/forest

I don't have the good cards and I don't want to craft them right now.
nice try D baby
Shadow is literally every deck in this game together. It's only missing banish. Fucking bullshit.
T. Dragonfag.
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You can get that by just looking at the posters.
You are mid shadow at 6pp
I am dragon at 10pp and just lightning blasted your board. Keep in mind that I am at well over 15 HP due to constant fervor/sibyl heals

What do you do?
Keep in mind I have multiple grimnirs, ouroboros, bahamut, lightning blast, lucifer and israfil on hand with evo points left over
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>you call this an overstatted ward?
>now THIS is an overstatted ward
>Shadow is literally every deck
what did he mean by this
Yes, it is. It's used to confuse retarded dragon players. >>175181662
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concede 4 turns ago lmao
how is this hard?
I mean, you can detect b0 shitters.
Would you keep buying ToG packs if you have all the bronzes, silvers, and 95% of the golds x3? There's legends I still want of course, but does it make more sense to just save for the next set at that point?
Hairy Forte!
I saw a Daria at AA3 today. Kind of freaked me out because I haven't seen that shit in months.
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Here's Bloodcraft
totg has the highest average vials per pack value. I mean it's not a gigantic amount more than others, but unless you want some legendaries from the other packs sure go for it
I'm currently opening bahamut packs again because I've now got most about all the tempest legs I want but still lack quite some from bahamut
Not enough to stop Shadow it seems. Honestly, it doesn't stop Forest, either.
Well it just stopped me.
Shadow makes unga blood look like a thinking mans deck.
>actually complaining about well designed card like rahab

Really? Are you guys C0 or something?
How? Just suicide some tokens. That's how true forest tumor plays. They can even pass through Frontguard and Aurelia.
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nvm fuck you rowen lmao
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>go against shadow
>I have to go second
>my butthole is prepared for the infinite skeletons
>at the first turn shadow concedes
Well thanks for the free win.
As kys blood Daria is scary.
You never know what rape their hand holds.
I bet he started with 3 Hectars is his hand lmao. 1% of chance of that happening.
>win 2 lose 4
yep, no more shadowverse for me
It helps and can cuck everything but dragon and blood
Worth the 3 slots in the deck? Nah, just get more healing or as that anon said earlier elana
I will mompost whenever I want if Rowen is the victim.
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>/svg/ tells me not to run 3 seraphs
>win a game where my first two seraphs got lightning blasted
>/svg/ tells me not to run acolyte's light
>win a game because I banished an ouroboros

Remember to always do the opposite of what these B-rank shitters tell you to do!
I am more than sure that you enjoy getting the Bison dick everyday, bugslut.
Arisa is a cute pure elf and your I will protect her from your salt.
Gibe a Sword deck that can beat Shadow
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>meet another SF5 cuck
>as usual it's a pathetic westerner
>he loses as expected

What's wrong with you people?
I haven't see anyone with the street fighter leader yet. Have you guy since any?
easy left
>2 do nothings
>2 fuck you I win the game cards

Hard choice
really makes me think
According with /svg/, Seraph and Aegis are shit even in t2.
Met a dumb Juri so far, playing earth rune with that stupid 2-drop that resurrects itself. He lost pretty hard.
ironically both aegis and seraph are "do nothing" cards
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aegis is autowin in t2
You can banish without acolyte's light though
In take2 where it can happen that a dragon gets 0 lightning blasts to draft? Sure thing anon
I hope you get matched against a Leonidas to see what Aegis is worth off.
>According with /svg/, Seraph and Aegis are shit even in t2.
I know /svg/ can be retarded at times but you're just making shit up
You can remove his amulet in 10 different ways, and it's easier now that they added more neutral legos to each draft
You need to do the opposite of what /svg/ says anon. I'm saying that now. Go left.
Haven can't banish Amulets. They're gonna just suicide their Leonidas on Aegis, or go face.
What is this meme that Shadowcraft is good in Arena
Went 0-5 for the first time in my life, what a shitcraft for Arena
Too fucking slow, by the time Eachtar comes out you've either already won or already lost
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>play my own brew of midrange Vampycraft
>Luna wants to flood the board against me
>drop Yurius early to cuck his Catacombs and Diabolic Drains late to survive the Cerb Howl combo
>Rowen wants to ramp and not JO with his 10 drops
>Baphomet Belphegor combo him

This deck is pretty inconsistent but I do like being able to beat every meta deck.
this meme was made by shitters they are the bbs of this thread
Post dick list.
If you try and draft a shadowcraft deck in take2 like you would normally by taking orthrus and prince catacomb you WILL lose
You draft for the first 10 turns where you either win or lose and you will not get 3x orthrus,3x catacomb in the draft
Every card needs to be some sort of value, example: bahamut and demonic simulacrum on 1 side and some random shit on right? You ignore bahamut and demonic simulacrum because simulacrum is absolutely worthless and will fuck you over

People like to meme about "do nothings" but they actually do exist in take2
I just opened an Eachtar, can I win now or do I need 2 of them?
Hope you get atomy'd cuck
kys dumb monkey
>If you try and draft a shadowcraft deck in take2 like you would normally by taking orthrus and prince catacomb you WILL lose
That's where I fucked up then.
How do you draft for Shadow in T2?
The BISON dick. Elves loves DICKS
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When someone start to rope me, i just start to edgy until cum at the end of the match.
vega's cool though, he has sakamoto's voice.
You need at least 2.
that's cool
Yurius is 2pp 1 3.
This is the powercreepest card of the entire game, how cygames created this abomination ?
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>Open my Standard Pack from dailies
>Both are Pluto

I don't know how to feel about this
What card is this semen elf? I don't recognize her
So trash
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>open 7 packs just now
>don't even get a single gold
>overall got only 5 totg legos since release of the expansion after opening about 100 packs

Couple that with the shitty meta and the useless SFV leaders and it makes this expansion the absolute worst for me yet.
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>Cygames thinks I'm gonna pay cash for SFV leaders.
>Cygames thinks I'm gonna give them money.
Shadow will really punch your face
Go for value and try to curve. Passing turns and not playing anything on board will lose you more games than giving up on a bahamut bundled with demonic simulacrum for 2 other cards that will actually do something
>still opening ToG packs

For what purpose?
I wouldn't use the sf leaders if they paid me 50g to do it
Start saving for the next expansion.

I'd use them if there was a way to get crystals for free but there's not so fuck them.
tog packs have the highest avg. vial value
I honestly have no idea would anyone would give them real money. Last expansion has shown that they really have no idea of what they are doing.

But continue /svg/, I'll continue to enjoy myself while you spend money for something you'll get bored of in less than a year
I would.

50g each for like 10 battles yeah I'd do that.
SV literally has a card that wins the game.

Most of the late game cards are broken as fuck super power creeped.

Blizzard at least attempts to balance the game out for competitive HS. The new expansion that was released has made a more diverse meta than SV has.
>pulled my 3rd wolf
>no silverbolts to meme with
Honestly I don't even know. It's not like I have anything I want to play in particular. I'm never getting the 11 legos I'm missing for dragon and I already have 3 Hectors.
Maybe I really should stop or at least wait for nerfs.
Hey guys come back to /hsg/ and discover a new world of fun meta
>SV literally has a card that wins the game.
hsbab can't grasp the concept of alternate wincons
>blizzard at least attempts to balance the game out
How? By removing them from the game.
Nice """"""balance"""""""
Can someone post the Mastemacraft list?
>Blizzard at least attempts to balance the game out for competitive HS.
No they don't, they just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.
They realized their fuckup and removed the toxic cards from the game

This also forces players to theorycraft new decks

It doesn't matter if you have 10,000 cards when only 2-3 decks are the meta and about 50 of the cards are good.

>alternate wincon

>discover I win card

yeah man, totally creative and interactive win condition.
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How? Each set has the same pull rates.
>blah blah alternative
only retards like these cards at least hs don't punish anyone for playing REAL CONTROL DECKS
>How? By removing them from the game.
Nice """"""balance"""""""

Is better than nerffing fun cards and later they still playable.
>diverse meta
>everyone plays that deck that lets you have permanent 5/5 1pp followers on turn 6
>reddit spacing
You have to go back.
You misunderstood me I assume. I'll be playing SV without spending one cent because there's plenty of whales that will assure its survival.
>>discover I win card
oh so you're just retarded
carry one then
>tfw you forget the story completely
>have to redo the story for the new story chapters to make sense
the space hurts
>they still don't make sense
>tfw been away since just after Bahamut launched and my only decks are outdated Face Dragon and Bannermeme and nowhere near enough vials to get the new cards necessary to be good again
Has anyone ever used dragonsong flute?
Gibe a Sword deck that can beat Shadow pls.
Wew lad what are your legos?
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>TFW gotten to the point where I can get 4-1 in take two consistently

Now if only I stop getting cucked 15 times so I can get 5-0...
>get really lucky with dragoon packs in general, with 2 regular alberts and one animated one, and 3 wolves
>almost all of my tempest packs are 7 bronze cards and one silver I already have maxed out
how man
I can't go over 3 wins average
And guess who likes playing through 40 bullshit "give me another free card for free" cards and until fatigue hits for 15+ before finally dying?
Nobody. Thats like defending dshift or daria
Pick Haven and Sword
Easy wins
this >>175196052 dragon and sword are noobtraps crafts for t2
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Pick shadow or dragon. Pretty much 4-1 guaranteed unless you misplay. If you misplay it goes down to 3-2. I've misplay game where I could have gotten 5-0 if I wasn't greedy on the evolves. If you have olivia you can evolve every other turn to keep tempo.
So why is the RNG in Tempest so shitty?
As much as I want to save for the next expansion, I got 4 legos of which 3 are memes, and the rest of the golds are shit unless you don't count the full playset of Tarnished Grail
Saved up 1100 now, going to spend them all on Tempest packs, hope I don't get cucked again
Wish me luck lads
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Got this from 84 packs
git luck.
Do NOT pick Dragon and Shadow if you do not know how to draft and play those crafts, it's an automatic loss that way.
They had to cut drops for leggos by half since theres 2 per craft. Thats why everyone got so few of them. If they go back to 1 in the next one you'll be getting way more
Got a good frog decklist then?
How could someone possibly misdraft dragon?

The droprates for getting a lego out of a pack is the same, but the pool of that lego is heavily diluted so getting a particular lego is harder. It's the same with standard packs.
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It was pretty good for me.
I'm legit salty
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>Want to start saving for next expansion
>Still need 7-9 legos total from ToG
Fucking double lego count fucking me over.
Did average on day 1, it's been absolute shit since then. Probably close to 40 with no legend now. Same thing happened with RoB; 2 Albert, 2 wolf, animated Nep, and a couple others in like 40 packs and then absolutely nothing for an entire month.

Whatever, I'm going to open packs until May and then save everything. It's not worth opening nothing but vials past that point.
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I'm going to regret this right?
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Anon show your legos don't do it
Going by that logic people would get 2x more leggos than in RoB yet its the complete opposite
From ~80 packs I got all of the RoB leggos with a couple extras (3x daria specifically,2x imperial dragoon rest x1). From 80 tog packs i got only 5 leggos with 0 duplicates
I need vials to make Storm Haven though
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Any decks I can make based around her or did the nerf kill her?
Stop. I just opened 7 and got 1 gold 0 legend.
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No. You'll get at least 1 leggos i promise. Maybe 2 even.
Sword is the real noob desu, sword doesn't have good removal unless its a neutral card. Rune and forest is insanely hard to draft cause forest cannot bounce their board and rune doesn't have low cost removal. Blood can get 4-1 easy too but its legendary isn't as great as dragon and shadow on average imo.
you will get 2 legendaries
do it
Every Roach deck still runs her and Gobu.
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What the FUCK do I pick here?
Thanks m8.
Those delicious stinky armpits are giving me a boner
left of course, this isn't even close
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Been pretty much average for me.
nep and minthe are equally useless in take2
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>Hit masters playing aggro blood
>Aggro blood is now the worst It's ever been
It's over for me...
anon...this is not how chances work...
Pact is a hard removal
Hard left. Pact is always good and haunt can something be useful. Nep is dogshit in take 2 and Minthe is meh at best.
>T2 against dragon
>he has perfect answers through turns 1-9
>I took back the board and have 5 cards in hand
>left one card in hand
>it's Zeus
>just enough damage to kill me
Merlin x1, Forte x3, Seraph x2, Daria x1, Imperial Dragoon x1, Aurelia x1, Al Miraj x2, Gabriel x2, Queen Elf x1, White Wolf x1, Odin x2, Alexander x1, Erasmus x2, Daria x1, Jeanne x1, Nephthys x1

Only 5100 vials. Sorry for the wall of text, I'm a filthy mobile player and haven't bothered to move to PC yet so I can't screenshot my cards.
I hope you drafted the followers
does 'simple background' reduce battery consumption on mobile
dragonclaw pendant + grimnir is the funniest thing ever
You can almost taste the seething rage of the opponent
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I seriously lucked out, needed a second Dark Jeanne for Storm Haven
>gawain has a rush
I dont remember this being there when he went of out maintance
Spartacvs told me PTP Forest is the best deck is this true? I want to be good.
Fuck you, give me back my luck.
Funny thing, I got a dark jeanne right before I replied to you.
That's more than I've seen in my last 40 packs. Back to poverty builds for another 2 months.
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>tfw you accidentally drag the corner of the Shadowverse window and you have to go into the settings to set it back to your preferred resolution
you're a year too late
3 expansions ago
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But the discord says this is the top deck right now
is Aegiscraft the best way to play haven right now?
play storm
Rate muh arena dick

I thought I was the only autist in this thread.

You do know you can set the resolution in mid fight settings?
Storm actually has their highest WR following by Seraph. Then Aegis. Don't waste your vials on any gsun/grail shit.
>I honestly have no idea would anyone would give them real money. L
The game is/was fun so why not?
Looks good but then you see all the useless high cost cards
See, these jokes don't even work because your mind knows for a fact that Luna can't play Quickblader, automatically making these strips unfunny.
Gawain always had rush at e6.

problem is he's a 6pp 4/5 when you have a 4pp 4/3 in jeno.
You got a list for storm friend?
2 Moons 2 Jeannes or 3 Jeannes 1 Moon?
Please respond. I really don't know what to do with this.
I need a sword deck to beat Shadow right the fuck now. I only have 1 aurelia.
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How the fuck have I not heard of this card until today? It literally wins the game when it attacks face.

Isn't this horrible card design?
3x forte make a cheap face dragon.
2 al miraj storm haven with some gabriel if jeanne is dark add her.
2x daria tempo rune
1 merlin d-shift only need 1 anyway
It's doesn't do anything during the turn it is played and usually gets removed before you get to shoot face with it.
In arena it's pretty cool.
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Dick. I also have one Durandal slut.
you cant even play it on 3 (or 4 if you went first) because Orthrus will blow you out
Cygames thought it was unfair that Forest didn't have an automatic turn 9 win button like Haven so they corrected that imbalance.
Am I the only one who thinks Forest only has one viable deck after 4 sets because they severely understat/overestimate the abilities of most of its followers? See this card for example : https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/101111070

It's somewhat less noticeable with the new expansion but for a while it looks like they forgot that you need to spend limited ressources for those "play 2 cards to get x effect" types in order to make them better than their simple neutral equivalent.
>wanting to use a "PLEASE USE REMOVAL IMMEDIATLY" card
If you're Forest and hit face with a 8/8 you might as well win.
Good luck getting it to survive a turn in removalverse
I have yet to see anyone show the animation when it hits face
Best animation of TOTG
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Its effect is terrible in constructed, especially since forest has no way to stealth it or give it storm.
The art and flair for it is really fucking cool though. The animated version must look bitching.
the best sword deck against shadow is aggro royal
Forest only has one viable deck because they designed themselves into a corner with roach
Cant go wrong with forest, she is core in every forest deck.
It's one of the few combo cards done right.
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Dumb frogposters
I'd fire the playtesters who asked for this card to stay trash.
I bet they're the same ones playtesting Shadow too.
Roach is amazing, but wolf/bolt also carries forest respectively.
And that's the problem, it's too good
Why do anything else with your class mechanic when you could just convert it into face damage
There is no "carrying" there; try playing a wolf deck without roaches and see who's really pulling the weight.

I feel like Anomaly was suppose to be Forests first real Aoe clear for control, but oh well...
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Why is /svg/ so obsessed with girl's armpits?
This is why Rune will never get a spellboost card that spellboosts face damage
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What is the point of this card?
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Any suggestions? Add another Moon or Dark Jeanne maybe?
Well that would obviously be broken. It's a miracle rune even got Piercing Rune.
Is this a homebrew of a mid-range haven?
its the most lewd part in woman
I thought I asked for dicks.
>2 Ginger
any fun list to try out in unranked?
Because they're the lewdest part of human body.
Yeah a homebrew, not sure on the "midrange" part though.
Roach is an alternate wincon you can win without, but would be stupid not to run. Unga bunga is the only alternative to roach but not as impactful.
>Play mask of black death
>doesn't even win the game when you attack
It's shit.
Ginger -> Triple Lucifer -> Reina evo
Ginger -> 4 of any combination of Zeus/Gilgamesh -> suicide Ginger -> go face for 20 damage
Ginger -> 3 Crystal Bombardier -> Reina evo -> Spellboost Dshift a billion times -> go face

Keep in mind all of these have like a 2% success rate
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>you will never have a threesome with the pupper sisters
what you dont want a 5 mana 4/6 with downside?
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Which shadowverse has the fittest body?
I'd take Sonia and Acolyte out and put Dogma and more copies of Aria and Cudgel in.
>understat/overestimate the abilities of most of its followers
Yep, lots of combo cards not worth the combo pieces, because roach and bolt force you to keep your combo pieces in hand as much as possible, even rose queen wants those fairies. No other way to end the game in healremovalverse, just tarzan is not enough. And fairy gen cards are horrible for the most part.
you mean foursome with the pupper sisters and coco
Oops, forgot the proper order for the second one
>Ginger -> Suicide Ginger -> play 4 5/x storm followers
>Acolyte out
Gets rid of Shadowshit and Ouroboros cancer though
Too many 2 drops. Try cutting a few to put more 3 of a kind. Like -2 Temple Defender, +1 Aria, +1 Tribunal. Tribunal is really good in the Dragon matchup, while in the shadow matchup Lion Spirit and Jeanne will be your go-to. Also, you might need Hallowed Dogma, since without amulet CD aside from Garuda, the deck is slow. Consider -1 light for +1 Priest of Cudgel.
Sorry, I meant too many "2 of a kind" cards.
Having copies of 2 decreases consistency. You definetly want 3x Priest. 2x Ancient Lion is reasonable for me.
can you use the orb to make something animated and then liquify it? think i might cheekily use it on a legendary i don't intend to use
And what last words shadow card is reason enough to use acolyte? Some follower with a 1/1 skelly behind it? Lurching? Chimera? None of them are worth 5pp removal, that's what baldy and scripture are for.
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First time opening DE pack since I started playing.
Well I went 4-1 with it so not too bad.
It's not that good against Shadow because it only removed one follower from their full board. Against Dragon I think it's better to push for lethal because you won't outcontrol them with Storm Haven.
Is Themis worth running in the current meta?
48866 private match NO CONCEDE PLS want a real match
Card games are retarded and so I am.
vialed 1 Reina, now I kinda regret it, thanks though
-snake priestess

+pinion prayer
Not even half your deck is 3 or less pp cards, do you want to build a castle with all those bricks?
This deck is crying out to use zoe, can be buffed by jeanne, usually gets ignored, can sinergize with sonia.
Veteran tamer is usually a dead card if you don't topdeck jeanne atthe right moment.
I think you should run 3 cudgels in SHADOWverse.
Maybe Acolyte's light is a bit overkill, and DoD is overall a better choice for a 5pp spell.
>losing to pepe in arena
Themis is always worth running but tribunal or DoD would be better. If you have to play themis then you've likely already lost. It's hard to come back and win with storm haven
I want to say no, but I feel like there's still times it's good. I play a lot of storm haven, and when against other havens, there's plenty of times I WANT them to Themis. It kills my tempo a bit, but it also means they don't spend the turn healing or putting up wards. I also usually have an amulet or two ready to pop and refill the board.
I would assume it's the same with shadow. Using Themis just leads Shadow to playing zombie party and threatening lethal with Eachtar next turn. Dragon only plays 1-2 things, so tribunal is objectively better in that matchup.
Pepe is legit good in arena.
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>Lunafag ropes me to try to get me to concede
>Nut draw and kill him on turn 6
Thank you Lord Alberto, you are my greatest ally
Arisa, Erika and Forte are the fittest girls. Urias and Rowen are the fittest boys.
How exactly am I supposed to win against dragon as aggro blood?
There is absolutely ZERO chance of killing his face before he gets to breath of mememander and then sybil + fervor etc. is too much heal

Honestly the match is over the moment dragon gets to 6pp
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excuse me.webm
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Just kys
your unga isn't bunga enough
They know they can't do anything, so they're just dumping their hand instead of conceding.
It just happened again
It's literally impossible to get dragons under 10hp before they are 6pp, then comes 1 breath that clears your board
next turn they heal up
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just ramp bro.jpg
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if i can do it with a meme deck so can you
Forbidden Ritual or Death Sentence?
It's the artist that worked on Ouroboros and Matriarch, nigga does good work.
Yeah you know what, I'm done.
I made it to AA, that's as far as I can get. I cannot win against these 90% dragons I face on the ladder anymore, it's just not doable.
I know no one cares but I still felt the need to let off some steam. Peace guys.
neither, what are you even trying to play
this is just like when elana was a thing.
Dark Jeanne Storm Haven obviously
Have three open slots left
at least elana didn't ramp and bahamut wasn't a thing
themis and 13/13 followers
Idea: Cygames installs a really malicious virus on the PC of every person playing shadow or dragon right now outside of daily quests.
>animated seraph

delete your account fucker
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What kind of cunt uses radiance angel in storm haven?! Almost lost because of it.
I have a better one: Cygames fixes this shit meta and hires new playtesters.
Stop trying to play for control with Storm Haven. Play your amulets, make smart trades, storm their faces to threat lethal and force them to remove your birds. Then you win with a Garuda or Moon to face.
Am I scummy for roping cancerplayers every single turn?
fix your decks you filthy netdeckers
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use this homebrew™ deck
>meme deck
>turn 5 lethal
Sure thing anon.
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What is that deck?
midrange tyrant
>haven't played since launch week for ToG
>checked out other games
>login to do dailies
>meta is literally the same
So there's no balance patches or new decks that surfaced?
Yes, considering you feel the need to punish people simply because they play the game in a way you don't like.
The only difference between now and launch totg is that no one plays blood snakes anymore and people realized you can still play mid sword and nep shadow
Reminder to do your civic duty.
Rope every non-dirt rune player I see? Already been doing it for months senpai
Do I show lethal and then rope or do I wait for the timer and then use lethal?
Kill yourself havenshitter
wait for the timer and then use lethal
as cancer as dragon and shadow
Either is good, it's fun to force them to hit concede sometimes as you watch them count the numbers.
good work chemosister
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Just imagine how much better Moonie would be if she was 5pp. She'd undeniably a staple in storm haven.
>people post some deck list that isn't even hard to play on game-ai claiming "le 20 win streak in masters" and shit
>play it
>can't even keep up a 3 win streak ever, it's weak as shit
and this isn't some roach calculus shit
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Shhh, no tears.
>t. DE meta

haven is chemo now
I admire people who still have the will to play more than the bare minimum necessary for sleeves and dailies in this meta.
don't tell me urias cheats on vampy
who is this cute boy
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>Just Imagine if Moonie was an Albert who traded in enhance for full self-heal.

blackened scripture into blackened scripture into tribunal into papa cudgel evolve into tribunal into lion roar into themis into themis into test of strength and tribunal into aegis

haha such chemo bro
>complaining about a class with no positive winrate against any other class
The funny thing is, even if you played all that shit, a perfect aggro draw could still get a bunch of hits in.
>he's actually dumb enough to think those skewed useless statistics mean anything whatsoever
lmao @ you
That's how you detect a shadow bandwagoner.
You've been caught, you should just go back to false flagging now.
how long until haven get buffed and everyone start bullying them gain?
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let me just quickly falsely report 500 games where I am dirt rune and won against mid shadow
woopsy guess your stats are trash now huh, good thing they aren't official stats
post tail
chemo fucks you up just like all of that removal

next expansion will be called "prelude to your liberation" and it'll be focused on haven chemo
I want the next expansion to make blood op
The text and her enthusiasm makes me harder.
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>every masters player is lying to make shadow look OP
Damn you shadowbabs sure are delusional.
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This is exactly what I want.
She's forced to compete with so many good things at the 6pp spot. I really wish she was 5pp, then she'd be meta and be one of those cards you must have an answer for.
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Rate this crap haven list.
Unshown is 1 Dark Jeanne, used to run 2 but they just bricked my hand.
5pp is albert's main strength and he got it because sword is storm oriented

it would be a huge powercreep to give a 5pp storm follower for haven
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Blood needs to stay in the trash where it belongs.
Alright boys, I got 39k vials. What do I build?
>3x tribunal 2x dod
you only need two of either, add 1x hound and 2x grimnir
20% of a dragon deck
What good things at 6PP is she competing with in Storm Haven exactly other than Dark Jeanne which you would run alongside her anyway? You are practically forced to run Moon
Pretty disappointed that ToG didn't have any bat support. Midday vampire that gives 0/1+ to bats when?
Can someone post a storm haven list?
>2 Dogma
>3 Tribunal
How can you actually be bad at building aggro haven? That has to be a skill right?
if only cygames made djannu a 7pp and she didn't hurt your own board
garuda, valh general
>Only need two of them
I learned the hard way that not having those number will make me NEVER draw them in the moment of need. Sure, it's bad against dshift, but who plays dshit lamo.
I also used to run grim and every single time I drew him I wish I had literally anything else. Also if I reach turn 10 I lost anyway.
>Not running dogma
No Jim, you are the shitter.
climbing through AA has never been easier? git gud
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>What good things at 6PP is she competing with in Storm Haven
>good things at 6PP in Storm Haven
>I learned the hard way that not having those number will make me NEVER draw them in the moment of need.
Sure, but having all that is just overkill, they can brick your hand often
Who said to not run dogma? It's been a full playset since the deck's inception.
Anomaly forest
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This game was intense
That is a lot of damnation

>just 2 prince and that's pretty much it
I don't even have a single bahamut or saha, only 1 sybil cause I'm poor
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Hey, buddy! You wouldn't mind deleting this, would you? Things kinda happen when posts like that are just left lying around.
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why is this so funny
What kind of things
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>tfw playing with t0 that is shadow yo have more than 50% of WR against everything
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is there a better feeling than making your enemy concede by bluffing with Seraph?
>3 cards in hand
>better concede
shadownigger intelligence
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I legitimately thought this was a joke, a /svg/ meme
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Top: Staples for storm haven, must have 2, preferably 3 of these.
Bottom: Things to consider. For example 3 doggos or 3 mainyu. 2 Tribunal or 2 DoD.

you don't even know
god is there a better feeling than roaching the face of a dumb dragoncuck
nice healing you have there, you piece of human trash
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>mfw I have to deal with wallet dragonshitters at D3
I hate this shit.
>tfw playing my own selfmade face damage spell jo crystal dragon deck
complete meme tier
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Why haven't you quit Shadowverse yet?
It's easy to play while doing something else and I prefer it to jewstone

There aren't any other good card games on PC.
Oh my sweet summer child...
Need a concede

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wait wait wait, I just noticed

Is the day 4 SF reward a seer's globe?

Name three.
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Need a concede pls
I still enjoy it quite a lot

I don't play Shadow or Dragon
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>won every Arena game and down to my last
>my Swordcraft vs Necro
>starts becoming a control matchup, win the board and hand advantage for a while
>start drawing my twos and threes
>he slam dunks a Bahumut and follows it up with 19-stack "summon zombies until your board is full and give them +2/0 because fuck you" the next turn
Tempest pack.
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>draft 4 luminous mages and 2 alberts in take two
wew lads
thanks, Vampy
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Are you sure? Right as I clicked skip I noticed it looked just like the seer's globe that datamining anon posted.
I dont grind ranked daily for hours because of a number nobody gives a fuck about
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ty vampy-chan!
Check out what the icon looks like in the score mission rewards. They're the same iirc
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next month has kinda nice rewards tho...
They are both circles. You're probably right and I miss-saw
Its a tempest pack(s)
then SF sleeve
>waaaah nerf shadow
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cheap aggro bloodcraft deck?
new player
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So angry right now. I just lost two T2 games in a row to ourboros. The first one was fine, I was only mildly upset. But the second one was straight up retarded. I out played him the entire match and lost because I don't have any banish at all. As soon as he played it he started taunting bm. Then I went on to lose two other matches in a different run were both times the shadow player used cerwiden to revive khawy. One of those time there were other 7 drops that died that game and he lucked out on the pull. I don't think I've ever been this pissed off over this game.
lmao 2thane!
Only thing that sucks right now is that you can't play anything fun because everything that isn't cancerhaven, aggro/mid shadow or dragon just cannot really compete
>Presents shitty anecdotal evidence and expects it to invalidate actual win%'s
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This will get you into AA
From there you will need a better deck.

All equal or just as fun as this.
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>Killing an Elanafag with aggro blood
I never knew my dick could get so hard
Uh oh you fell for the bait, now they're gonna tell you how none of those count.
Anecdotal but I went on a 7 game streak with Daria yesterday in AA3
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scumbag rats.png
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Is there a more scummy way of winning than burn?
I'm so tired of this game
how do I leave?
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But it feels soooo good anon!

There's a lot of easy ways.

>get a gf
>find a better game
>uninstall from steam and phone
>cut off your hands
I'm still waiting for cygamees balance patch
any time now...
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>damaging yourself
>let me keep units to buff with Hector
Thanks nerd.


Never heard of it.




This is fun.


Call me when there's a free version that auto enforces rules.

>Magic the gathering

Pretty good


Never heard of it.
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Yeah, I haven't played much lately because I already got master last expansion and all cards in the game 3x except for like 3 legos. Waiting for next expansion and saving some gold now.

This desu. I foud a qt from this general to creampie every day or suck my dick while I do my dailies.
What's a good site for meta decks? I've been using http://game-ai.jp/12306/ but it barely updates.
>Call me when there's a free version that auto enforces rules.
Duel Links is f2p and enforces rules.
It's all bullshit anyway
>le look at my 30 win streak deck
>it's actually mediocre

I'll check it out.
6 or 9 1 drops for aggro blood?
your own and twitter
I just use that and then change cards as needed
I win more games with pepe than with a lot of other decks
Elder scroll legends is great, I honestly enjoy it better than the SV and HS. I never played it, but supposedly Gwent is really good.
does mastema blood still work?
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Gee I wonder who's behind this post.
need a concede pls, thanks
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>I honestly enjoy it better than the SV and HS
>I never played it
>reading comprehension
How about tweaking decks to your own liking instead of mindlessly copying other people's decks
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I have not played since the new expansion and I'm a pretty new player, so what packs should I spend my gold on?
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>Play literally any deck
>Lose turn 5 to shadow aggro
>If you somehow survive die turn 7 to Eachtar
>Literally the only deck on the ladder
How am I supposed to enjoy this gameplay?
What do you play?what you want to play? what areyour legos?
I see more dragons than shadow
can we still get the alternate art quickblader?
>reached Master
>not sure wether to play unranked or ranked for dailies
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>tfw beating a 50k master
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>Implying rank means anything other than playtime in this game
You've reached it just in time, next month there's a master reward prize.
The tie-in ended two days ago, so no. It'd show up in your daily mission list if it was still available.
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Aggro blood and banner.
Roach OTK, but really anything so long as I can climb out of A with it.
Pic related
God I'm so glad a good game comes out tomorrow so I no longer have to suffer through this broken ass tempest trash meta
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evens: buy a pack
odds: buy an arena ticket
false, I used an equally cheap version of this deck (vamp fort, MSD, demonic storm instead of goblin, cursebrand, angel of the word and alucard) to grind the last 8k points to masters this last week.
this won't even get you to AA, mediocre meme deck
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You can't. I can't even play non-meta aggro decks anymore that could easily get wins in the past because I go second and lose to shadow. Can't even fight back because cards like Soul Squasher makes even Siegfried look like hot garbage.

I kind of want to earn ranked rewards next month but if it means playing mid-shadow it's not worth it. Not fun to play the deck, not fun to play against it. This is the worst meta we've had by far.
You have some good legos like belphegor,white wolf and tia but none of these can do a deck.
the closest thing that you have from a deck is mid-range sword with tsubaki and albert.
The crybb fetish is really weird
I need a concede please

Is there a type of pack I should buy?
RoB for the alberts and fangblade you can use Dance of Death instead of Tsubaki.
what the fuck

click on the number newfriend
isn't that the guy with like 7k blood wins? i thought he only played blood, why would he make a dshift deck?
Thanks corn :)
i'm sure he just doesn't wanna share (You)'s
>pick top """"""""""tier0""""""""""" mid range shadow
>8 ls
>pic tier 2 albert sword
>5 ws
sure it is
>36 slots
give me your best memes plz
I don't know, but yes he has the most blood wins out of anyone else and he pretty much only plays aggro.
git gud
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Sword is tier 1.5
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JO Dragon
JO Grimnir
JO Burn Dragon
JO Satan
JO Altered Fate Pheonix Roost Astaroth OTK
I like how people pretend there is any skill involved in this game
A monkey could make the correct play given the current situation each turn
yet you're still stuck in d3
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>Phoenix Roost
Actually, I'm most likely higher ranked than you in masters
No card game takes skill. If you can do the most basic math, congratulations, you can play it to 100% efficiency. Rest is topdecking luck, deck building (haha yeah) and slight rng on some cards.
hi guys i reached masters using these tier 1 decks i got from game ai LISTEN TO ME MY OPINION MATTERS
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This is a deck alright. On AA3. He played Madame Lich two turns before this to buff a board of zombies and that Phantom Dragon.
I get that you want to feel like you achieved something or like you are special for being at masters, but you are not. Sorry, someone had to break it to you.
Now keep making assumptions, you're really good at it.
fine man geez I'm sorry, you happy?
but really if even poker can be a sport, sv sure can as well
>i'm jelly
the last 5 posts
even a downie could reach masters by using a t0 deck
>Mist dragon
>Lord of flies
Haha. What.
Any tips on grinding vials?
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>Heavenly Aegis still exists
>Literally a "you win the game card" exists
>Still can win because games don't go past 6-7 turns

Don't forget the Madame Lich man. I didn't know what to think but it has been a long time since I had fun losing to a deck like this.
Buy nothing but ToG. Most likely to drop legendaries. And eventually you'll get nothing but extras to vial.
Because some people aren't up to date on every iteration of meta and need jumping off points. They can also be bad at deck building.
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