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/bdog/ - Black Desert Online General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 776
Thread images: 233

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Mudster a Shit edition

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG by Pearl Abyss. It features action-oriented combat, open world PvP territory control, player housing, unlimited levels, life skills, and more.

>Latest Patch Notes

>Mod Info

>Guides, guilds, Olvia Channel FAQ, and other info

>EnHANCEMENT it's fucking >ENHANCEMENT< Guide

Newfags might be overwhelmed by the information overload at the beginning. Do yourself a favor and "turn off system notifications" in the Settings>Game options. Check everything in that window.
Avoid lag by turning off High End mode in the Settings>Screen tab. Be sure to check "Remove other's effects" and uncheck "Display other's names" for an enjoyable world boss experience.
For everyone's sake, read the links, Google it, and Ctrl+F, BEFORE asking the same stupid question other people previously have in the same thread.
If you don't know if the game is "worth it," ask for a guest pass in the thread.

Previous thread:

what you listening to? i don't mind the occasional jpop song
can amazarashi be considered jpop?
what do you think they're doing in the patch /bdog/
Adding more shekel grubbing mechanics
Bigger watermark.
servers are up btw
it seriously gets funnier everytime hahaha !! hah!!!
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Gee, I don't know, what could it be?
nice snark, i challenge it with my own snark fag
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So what do you guys of horse breeding?
Every time I try to do it for profit it's just a huge time sink.
Right now it just doesn't seem to be as profitable as trading.
Very few high tier horses get sold on the market anyway because lowballed market prices.
Enormous time waste or am I doing something wrong?
Running afk characters is more profitable on fishing?
Sucks that this game adjusts market prizes based on bullshit that doesn't have anything to do with the real value of an item.

Useless fucking bullshit piece of shit game.
Pay to win garbage.
Horse breeding never was meant to be efficient at making profit unless you have god tier luck and shit out t8s
Horse breeding is not for making money, it's only a hobby for people with too much time and money that want to get a perfect T8/T9 horse.
Should i reroll sorc ==> musa again?
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this is how i like my shitposts
Yamaha took down all of their songs on Youtube, whatever.

puu sh/vwQb9/6c19871bc1.mp3
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ERP valk http://cassardis.imgur.com/
Titty Kuno http://imgur.com/a/cqiCM
Creepshots http://imgur.com/a/iY50t
FutaMistress http://imgur.com/a/2yqvo
Tattoo http://imgur.com/a/n3eKO
DrowLewds https://imgur.com/a/9K56C
CutestTamer http://imgur.com/a/jq06Q
LewdTattooSorc https://imgur.com/a/7wzsn
Elf#276 http://imgur.com/a/XkTwf

Horsefucker http://imgur.com/a/jA4UM
Cyclops https://imgur.com/a/2zvPG
Milfsorc http://imgur.com/a/FZmwV
Mayyd http://imgur.com/a/5W8Qk
Lesbians https://imgur.com/a/SAByH
Sharky http://imgur.com/a/Au4nj
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mmm yeeeaa nice

it really annoys me that japanese tunes are so hard to find on jewtube

was looking for a blast from the past a while back and had to go to fucking dailymotion to find it http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34v59_%E6%98%9F%E5%B1%91%E3%81%AE%E8%A1%97_music
What's up
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>Japanese a capella
Das it mane.
Due to unforeseen circumstances we are extending the maintenance by 1 hour. Sorry for the inconvenience. #BlackDesertOnline

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yeah it's from 2002, still have the fucking mp3 on my pc, it's pretty comfy, artist is Gospellers
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Just like last week then huh.
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>unforseen circumstances

i could foresee it tbqh
Because 7 hours just wasn't enough for some routine maintenace. I'm not going to get any grinding done today at all REEEEE

Honestly, I have a feeling we may even see DOUBLE OVERTIME this week.
Servers are up
They actually are
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they're up, log in
Thanks bro!
I WILL FUCKING...oh shit they are
oh shit look who's out of olvia and immediately dropping his name
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huh? my name's been known since the start, it's on my imgur
uuuh, all the gear i had on my horse is gone
Please go talk to that NPC behind you its triggering my autism that you havent yet. You should really work on getting your CP/Energy up now that you're out of olivia exp buffs.

i'm busy farming, once i have my TRI Liverto and TRI Steel Dagger i'm going full stop on farm/grind and doing all quest lines, knowledge, talking, getting workers, working nodes etc. it's just so much to get into that i've been putting it on hold while gearing up
not them but have some country anon
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thanks anon, listening to it now

have some old jpop and kpop in return, by all means, don't listen to it if it's not your genre

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Is this a bait?
I have everything on mine, check your inventory and pearl inventory.
Now go and create that new guild EU anon.
It's a bug, people reporting it on the forums too.
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Good luck out there this week /bdog/.

I just got up, have the servers been up long?
Suggests I passed out at optimal times last night.

not in inventory, pearl items or warehouse, no refunded pearls and my mount is naked

was the Anemos horse gear, which seems to be gone from the Pearl Shop as well, guess patch notes will address it
>No new event
I don't know what I expected, but at least something daily wouldve been nice.
i feel u bro
hmm, my Witch feels slightly different, wonder if they changed anything or i'm just paranoid
I dont really expect free money like we just got with the last two events, its just nice to have one to do every day besides Shit Spirit's Adventure where I get 2/3 buffs and sent back to the beginning of the grid every day.
Witch got nerfed, yeah.

nah it feels stronger
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>Just watched a guy fail 2 TETs and 3 PENs
Jesus christ, I hope he didn't off himself this early in the day.
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They said they'd make classes stronger for balance, not weaker

guess you'd know if they ever released patch notes
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Not included in this screenshot was PEN Nouver and Kutum and some TET armor

feels like i'm killing the mobs at Wandering Rogues Den more efficiently now than before patch, but i must be imagining it cause there's no way they'd buff Witch
how the everloving fuck does bidding work in this game

trying to camp the ah for an outfit, by the time i get there, there's a bid button, i click it, then it goes to "please wait" and then i get an "item already sold" message when i click confirm bid.
Means someone {spoiler]a bot[/spoiler] got a winning roll and immediately bought it as soon as the bidding phase ended.
I need to fucking sleep, but I must grind instead.
I think I'm best off just buying an outfit on payday aren't i
The item goes up for bid 30 seconds after your notice appears. Bidding phase is 30 seconds long. So you have less than a minute to log over or make it to the marketplace for pearl items.

And bids are raffles basically. You don't have any advantage over the countless bots and other poors that buy up outfits for sport. You're just 1 in 500+, good luck.
I'd never buy anything I could just eventually snag off the marketplace with luck instead, but it's up to you. Having a transaction maid would mean not having to rush to log onto an alt just for a chance to bid in time. Outfits aren't all that hard to get with some perserverance from what I hear, it's the value packs and pets that drive you insane. The only thing I would feel pressure to immediately buy with real money if I had nothing again would be t1 pets.
Today I start learning about the reasonable world of Valk PvP technqieus and gearing.
Pretty neat new costumes.
shame the game looks like someone tried to mod skyrim into cryengine from 8 years ago
There are problems with the game, but there's no denying it's beautiful.. like that's one thing it has going for it that is objectively good.

more on that
>tfw wizard have more explosion magic than Witch
too lewd my dude
Literally the only reason I picked him instead. The witch has the amazing snapping though I was happy to learn wiz still has it when summoning the pets but her elements are garbage tier.
holy shit this is suffering
Megumin is always lewd
Servers (EU) feel especially laggy today.
Pearl items can be anywhere from 0 to 2 minutes after notice.
Does this game have any catchup mechanics for new players? I play b&s but this game has always looked really cool, I do equestrian (Stock) in real life so any games with horses appeals to me instantly
I get that, I've seen the set i want go up 5-6 times (from notifications) and gotten "failed to puchase" or "item already sold"

I just want to look cute damnit
>catchup mechanics for new players
that's pretty much what every single event is
The beginner calendar is chock full of free shit for newer players to get accustomed to the game. 7 Day costumes and buffs from the cash shop, a free horse, a LOT of silver, an accessory set, and 21 days worth of the value pack premium service. Its very good, and you get it just by logging in every day.
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>Crosscut damage has been increased in PVE
Thanks for making my musa grinding even easier Cucko games
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The fishing hotspot in front of Velia has been slightly relocated to the following.
Is using a set of Jarette's tinket not that bad or pure stupid?
They definitely fucked something up, much more laggier today.
The only good mounted combat is with a witch/wizard. Do it.

>everyone I see is still fishing on top of the net
>meanwhile I'm sticking out like a sore thumb catching blues/golds

It's their loss anyway for being illiterate.
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>only good mounted combat is witch/wiz
That is where you're wrong sir
literally working again
Go try that at level 56 in Valencia and see how right I am.
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>horse strafing while he does the helicopter twirl
>actually playing past 56
Anon this game is about doing fun things, dont be so hard on yourself all the time
>actually going past +15

!!! woah we have a TRYHARD GAMER over here !!!
Right? God forbid this game has any challenge whatsoever.
I want to hit 56 so i can pvp everyone and become internet famous
>mindless grind
It's about as tough as a grind session can get trying to weave your attacks with your horses while keeping your ~140DP horse alive.
>buffs witch
>zero buffs to ninja and valk

so I got my liverto staff to +11 with 22 blackstones. It's at 45 durability now. Am I supposed to keep going? What happens if max durability reaches zero?
ok hero
It goes boom, you fucked up pretty bad anon
I mean sure this game has challenges, but you can do some fun stuff sometimes too right? Was just saying to relax every now and then and he sperged out on me for having fun because its
>not optimal to play
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I will push your stool in.
ok hero

im talking about the nigger named bdo hero btw
I don't even have 3 fucks who that guy is.
some youtube fag who sucks at the game and pk's people who are fishing
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>Get better armor
>it takes my pants off

i hate this about MMOs
Same we should should do some pantsless commiseration together.
Is he EU? If so I'll wreck his shit clean off.
WoW had different pieces for chest/pants, just play good MMOs anon :^)
is shadow knight farming worth in in 2017? or should i stick to manes -> sausan -> pirates as my gear increases?
something is wrong with your face
Whats with the fucking massive framerate drops after the update?
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why is raising cp so boring
>wearing pants in the first place
how did I fuck up. 45 durability is currently fine, I am back in town for a chance to repair way before it reaches zero.
why is everyone that wears a kibelius with a centre parting an avatar fag
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You are perfectly fine with trying more attempts, you wont be able to try it anymore at around 20 durability until you repair it. To fix the durability you could buy another liverto staff and go to the repair npc and click repair max durability which I suggest, or you could use memory fragments if you have them.

theres an item in the cash shop called artisans memory which you can buy with loyalty or pearls. This item will restore 3 times the durability of the item you use into it but, I don't suggest this method for liverto just want you to be aware of it.
this new spot sucks ass, constant screaming from the imp boss that newbies get
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but anon i barely post
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>All these people trying Mutant Ogre again
why though? He's literally unkillable.
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It's not necessarily that, but high level armor gets skimpier in every MMO
No, something is wrong with YOUR face
besides boss gear there is no such thing as high level armor
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guess people are memeing and saying he became killable with this patch, dangle a chance at a duo ogre ring infront of people theyre gonna go for it.
>Someone brought a siege elephant here
Not in BDO. BDO sells skimpy outfits so they have a vested interest of making the non-pearl ones as boring and plain as possible.
>Hey I am new and I don't know what I am talking about.
There is no high level armor there are just sets until you get boss armor and boss armor is basically gender neutral.
That's true but some armor is definitely better than others. And that's what I mean

I dunno I like a lot of the outfits in game better than the slutty ones on the pearl shop. I might be a minority here though
I gotta see this.

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Dear Players,

We will perform our maintenance as follows:

Date: Thursday, 27.04.2017
Hotfix for Anemos Horse Gear Set issue.

ok, that doesn't change my point, which is that it's not like that for 99% of MMOs, and it is still a trend in Black Desert. don't get your panties in a bunch homie
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This is just silly. It kind of reminds of me of when players first started killing bheg save for all the carnage.
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The new outfit looks great.
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This seems familiar...
Thats the Ahon Krius one right? Making it right now
Post the front loser.
how do I filter alienware in chat
Any decent uses for sticker UI? It's neat but maybe kind of useless?
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Those open leg lines are really disappointing. Would've been a 10/10 outfit without that stupid shit
lol bro u gay or something?
>Looks like a really nice robe or cloak from the back
>Lel lets just have a fucking retarded pants design

Koreans just need to nuke eachother already
Not him but that does look like shit. Like how does that even work? It doesn't make any sense
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I don't understand the logic behind making the front of the leg open like that like the armour is supposed to function like a clam shell.

I guess it's for people who like to stare at their characters all day because of some illusory "sex appeal"?
Tell me how you think that looks normal, to have pants like that but oh wait, one strip of them is completely gone right down the middle.
is it just me or did they reset almost every quest I finished?
ever heard of fucking glue gayboi? where do u think the horses u killed with ur reblath alt went?
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They added a new questline tho.
Yes, it's new.
No, it's not.
It's the main quest from release that got retcon'd then added back in
It's new to me, that's all that matters.

Hyperindividualism is the future you commie fuck.
It's like saying kibelius outfit was new when they re-sold it
please step on my face
But Kibelius is new? I've never seen it before anyway.
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Holy shit, this took long
You actually think that is REMOTELY the same thing as having a strip down the middle of a cloth ripped off. Do you know how cloth works? How structures stay together? If you think it's hot that's one thing, but it makes zero sense.
soarks don't fly out of swords/shields when hitting flesh and black magical orbs dont exist but look at black desert online doing that

its not a big deal you autist. complaining wont fix it
>paying ~100shekels for broken pants
People are fucking retarded.

fucking phone. sparks
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This is the best thing that happened in this patch.
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Maybe, Anon.

Why did they reset the Dim Armour quest?
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should i go for tri main wep or tri awakening wep?
I'm having an issue with the nude mod, the pubic hair files have arent located in their folder, and when i downloaded the resorepless folder again the folder was still empty
has anyone else had this issue?
This is where we are. The year is 2017. All of mankind's past triumphs have lead to this singular moment in time.
why are people trying to troll that the velia fishing hotspot got moved? where did this start from?
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10 hours mspaint
What outfit is that?
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what the hell am I doing wrong?
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kys karma bombers
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wait what the fuck, were the pubic hairs always a separate download? I dont remember having to have downloaded them before
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Maybe it's a sign that you shouldn't be using such a mod, Anon.
Try reading the patch notes, Anon. Under mechanic changes.
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Nothing makes me saltier than these faggots who contest spots through attrition.

kys asap
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Eat a dick.
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Is there a way to make a young wizard yet or are we still stuck with fucking gandalf?
Hello /bdog/, I need a new MMO to play because B&S is dead garbage and FFXIV is garbage, how does this game compare to those two and can you make cute boys in it?
There's a young wizard face now
Hot diggity.
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I didn't mingle with the retards in /bnsg/ so you wouldn't know me
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atta boy, I wish I did know you then. This game has little to no PVE endgame besides grinding mobs like an autist for hours just to get a few % at higher levels. Otherwise you're doing comfy lifeskills (cooking, alchemy, fishing, sailing) or some pvp of all ranges (1v1, battleground, to all out GvG that your computer cant sustain). Its definitely worth the 10 bucks it costs if youre bored and want something to play, this game is as casual or as serious as you choose it to be. You can't make any cute boys to my knowledge, all the male classes in this game have the same rugged beard manface guy that everyone 'tweaks', but you'll have to wait for Striker to get a decent looking shonen male.
also i forgot to mention that before you pick a class look what it turns into after 'awakening'. Basically at level 56 you'll get a new weapon which changes the entirety of how that class is played, so make sure you like it before you invest too heavily, big mistake a lot of people make.
Full body latex suit when?
>500+ GS ONLY to node war
yeah real fun pvp you have here
>You can't make any cute boys to my knowledge
disappointing but the striker pics I saw were moderately cute-potential
is there any class like blade master that toes between tanking and bursting?
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Dont think theres anything that is considered a tank in this game, theres just no need for one. The world bosses don't focus really and just flop around doing their attacks for you to dodge. Pretty much every class has some sort of burst combo, and most of them have blocks, a few have a grab. I'd really just start looking up videos of awakening or people grinding mobs/pvp and see what style you like.
Who wants to know?
Thanks for the daily boners.
Two last questions, can I upgrade if I buy the starter package or can I only buy the additional stuff with microtransactions?
Is the extra stuff from traveler's and explorer's even worth it?
Jesus Christ, this latest patch has Coherent UI fucking my CPU dry up the ass even more than normal.

Absolute trash.
Not sure about upgrading, but I don't think its necessary. The items from the upgraded packages can all be bought in game, and some of them are outdated cause you get them from having the value pack (think of it as an optional sub to the game, $15 a month item that gets you premium benefits). Those are the only thing worth it in those packages, but you can buy those from in the shop separately or get them off the marketplace if youre lucky for ingame gold, plus the game will give you 3 7-day versions of them for starting out. The Horse from the big pack you actually get for free now from the same rookie system. Pets you can buy for $10 each in the cash shop.

Try the game for 10 before you invest too much. Or you can use a guest pass for 7 days and see if you even enjoy it enough to warrant the purchase. You can reach 50 in a few hours, 56 in a day if you tryhard.

Guest pass for ya: VNK8UG6-7PREJ1S-KCL64N9-DBVOI
Feel free to ask any other questions you have.
Are there really bots that snipe goods off the market place or is that just a meme?
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>he doesn't know half the bns retards are here too
They exist, even come bundled with some of the fishing bots.
I don't think it can get much worse than /bnsg/ so I'll take half as terrible
You can't snipe a bid. I'm sure there are bots that can suck up all of the resources that don't go up for auction or straight to preorder though.
>the Hold button on the NV is gone since the patch hit
epic, hope you guys dont get any boss gear if you dont have enough money.
I mean, if you can have a bot basically AFK buying pearl shit for you there's a much higher chance of you getting some, that's the point of it.
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That's hardly sniping. More like taking an automatic rifle to the sniping range and wrapping a band around the trigger.
>Knew this was coming
That's just skin tho.
As far as I know Eristic plays this too, so if you are EU, you should be all good..
Please let me live caged under your bed
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These are dumb.
the costume looks like shit
Does 100% Grab Resistance mean I can not be grabbed? because fuck that mechanic/.
no, there's a 60% cc resistance cap for pvp
I love it!
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it looks good except for the bottom part
Any suggestions on what I should invest the first 50-60 mil into as a newish player? I'm still using the +9 Bares you get from returning but I don't know what the optimal weapon progression is. Don't really care about pvp though.
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Yay!.. my pony made some friends :3
why do people go apeshit for this character?
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I forfeited the Magic Armor Exchange I quest and now it's gone. Black Spirit isn't offering it again.

It's a bug, right?
probably some samefag
what is she gonna do to those horses? what does she mean by this?
Buy an epheria fishing rod, grind it to +4-+5 to get the durability up, then that 50mil will turn into 200 mil frequently, as you'll be able to fish while you're not playing for longer periods. Ideally you want to come in to a full inventory of blue/yellow fish when you get in from work, without breaking your fishing rod.
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Is there a way to track world bosses?
Here you go Anon:
I just check the live calls on various discords
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isn't that the slut that got cucked by cyclops
I still want to know what happened
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Getting dangerously close to haram tier lewd!
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who's the DK?
Ain't that greeneyes?
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Welcome to ERP poster hour.
Congratulations, Anon!
No, my armour is not that colour nor do I do that.

I'm in Heidel processing.
It's the drow who orbits all avatarfags.
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I always thought this character was allergic to smiles like mine
You have green eyes, but you aren't greeneyes
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I'm only getting started.

Where is the love? :(
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Less of this and more of Sharky, please.
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I just can't get beyond escape velocity!
Hasn't it been like three people tops though? People freak out over others a lot more.
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any anon here done pearl "trading" before? how did you do it? did you get scammed? i really want some costumes :(
>Just got a T6 horse
So what's the appeal again? My T4 is looking better so far.
What kinda stats do I want before I become a pvp tryhard?

At the moment I've got 104 AP and 219 DP, and I'm level 48. What should I be aiming for? (I'm a DK.)
they are paying you to gamble those items up. there is no way to guarantee results, hence shit system
>200 / 200 / 250
dont even bother with pvp otherwise
ask for them to link the pearl box or screenshot their pearl count, settle on an enhancement level for you to post the item at and hope for the best, the higher their preorder the better
it's pretty scummy to ask for pearls beforehand but you can try it, I've sold 7 items and 5 have been successful, haven't gotten scammed yet
You can get better skills only found in higher tiers and higher stats.
>I've sold 7 items and 5 have been successful
i assume the other 2 failed because someone else pre-ordered higher? do you have backup boxes for when this happens or just cancel the trade?
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On a related note, is goldbuying a thing in this game?
Don't believe that guy, nobody is buying items for pearls anymore and they barely even did it at the start.
the other 2 failed because the item skipped preorders, it's simply rng and at that point you just pray that your buyer can snipe the bid
>30 million silver is 20 dollars

I'll take that back. Fuck that.
Your are a spastic.
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TIL: Beserkers are scary
Tell me about your friends online.
Do you do a lot together?
Are they always happy to see you?
Is their character attire something you like?
What's it like?
sounds kind of personal anon
The ones I want to talk to never say anything to me.
The ones I don't care about always message me.
This is my constant struggle.
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Not really as there isn't much to do together if you're not in a guild. Hanging out is pretty much the extent of that.

I assume so!

I don't pay attention to what they wear, really.

What do you mean what's it like?
Maybe you make better friends!
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>Doesn't care about them
>Keeps them on your friend lists anyway
Sounds kinda asshole-ish, anon. You could atleast remove them instead of wasting both of your time.
Friend list removals are one-way. If I delete them, they can still see me.
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Just block them then?

PS: Thanks for the paranoia!
>What do you mean what's it like?

I can't build relationships with people. I have no friends.
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>You can run into someone like this anyday
>When you think everything is going just fine the other party may not feel the same way
>They may have removed you already but you won't know
This is soul crushing to read
I mean, at least people want to talk to you. Feels like I'm pulling teeth trying to talk to people most of the time.
Are you green-eyes??!????
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And why is that, is there something wrong with you?
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I sure do feel dizzy and anxious now. Thanks, anon.

Goodnight /bdog/
Wow I finally figured out whats worse than an avatarfag? An avatarfag that posts desperate shit all the time and takes everything to heart. Grow a spine for fucks sake
Sorry anon. I'm just a spineless individual that get's sad easily
You'll draw less attention to it if an image isnt attached every single time bud. Doesnt help your case very much
gimme the carrot
Aren't these two the same??!??
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When I read anything I just have a negative habit of self-inserting that can't be helped.
Here, have some sad weeaboo music

Yeah, I just have an haircut in the other
If you can keep your weeb shit for yourself I can hang out with you
Guys, is there any fucking point at all to focus on a lifeskill to make money? I'm trying to figure out an afk method of cash on the side while grinding, and cooking seems just OKAY (cause I still have to cook the damn things) and everything else is just a fucking hassle for the returns. I spent so much time making those imperial trader packages that i ended up turning out like 500k an hour, while farming manes can easily net me 5-6mil/hour. Should I just hang my apron up and go full tilt towards gearing and grinding?
No need, anon. I'll be okay again when I wake up. This is just an ordinary spike of depression

Sorry for attention-whoring posts
how do you get pearls in return though? say im giving him the costume, i see he has the pearls, i put the costume up and he snipes it. does he snipe it for silver or for the pearls?
I have a fairly small worker empire from starting a month ago and it makes me about 10m a day from just afk shit while I grind the rest of the time. You just need to find the right market that works for you and set up your workers accordingly, process/cook in your afk time. Try browsing through some guides or some spreadsheets that some popular youtubers have set up on their channels specifically for lifeskilling money. These lifeskill guys put a lot of work in to finding what works, sometimes they give up a few moneymaking systems that work, others are pretty easy to figure out on your own.
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I'm not for harvesting!
Are you then for breeding ?
uh if you're talking about flipping like pearl shop costumes back for pearls no one is going to do that because they can just buy the costume since they have the pearls
in case you mean the tree armor though you post it and he snipes it with silver, the pearls are gifted
see, when you say market, do you actually sell all your stuff onto the marketplace? i saw the imperial trade packages and the higher tier ones are always not turned in, and they each net a solid 300-500k per.
maybe as an anecdotal example, but what do you focus on? not to muscle in on your market or anything, but to get an idea of what a 10mil/day operation looks like
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yeah there is
you look like a girl wearing a fake moustache
If you're talking about imperial cooking I'll give you the reason why no one turns in those Sute/Milk teas you're looking at. Look at how much milk per item you're making and you'll see that you can use your milk a lot smarter with other items. Yes the profit per item will be smaller, but you'll make more of the item + double the amount of cooking byproducts you'd make with the tea option, giving you more cp/cooking exp and milk while still making more profit. Bigger number looks enticing but for what you put in it actually isnt.

Main idea of a worker empire is to gather raw materials for you, lets say Cotton in this situation, you process cotton into cotton fabric in your afk processing time, and assign a worker to turn it into a Cook's Costume which you can then either enchant to +1 for a better profit margin (if you're lucky) or just sell all your +0s. So if thats your market, you'd want to set your workers on every cotton node you can and all of the other materials needed to make it (Powder of Earth and Blackstone powder).

Costume market is pretty entry level, they sell fast and a lot of people get into it early on.
close. I was trying to make a boy that looked like he was pretending to be an adult by gluing a fake mustache on his face.
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what's his name?
yeah I guess its just a trial and error type of thing huh? spend some time with it and see what sells. I was thinking of getting into trade tools, but I see that the highest tier is the magic one, and that only comes from trade tokens.
guess you're making a sound point - may as well start out with clothes to get the most bang for my buck. any tips/advice otherwise?
Its not really trial and error because this game has been out for a few years now and the lifeskill guys have pretty much found what works and what doesnt. Tips I'd highly recommend looking up a few guys on youtube (BladeBoques and Incendar mostly), their personalities are god awful but they give up secrets left and right. Use somethinglovely,net to find and plan what nodes you want to use, its a lifesaver.

That being said, by no means should you follow what these guys or anyone else says to the letter, make what you want, sell what you want. This game isn't meant for you to follow anything specific they are just suggestions to past things that have worked. If you want to make tools, make them, theres a market for it.
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Hi bdog! How is everyone's evening?
But it's morning anon.
Lost my appetite after looking at your character.

Change the skin tone at least.
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It's evening over here lol.

No way, I like pale skin :P
>chicken legs
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Mmm... sounds tasty :^)
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Giants, Goblins, or Humans?
They may be tasty, but they are not pretty in any way.
Also, you are fat
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And your point is? If you are expecting me to change anything, you have a long wait lol.
>they are not pretty in any way
are you retarded AND fat? Man that must suck.
Get humans for good secondary drop nodes, get goblins or giants depending on your schedule
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If that's what you think. I'm not here to sway people's opinions anon :P
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goooood morning /bdog/

Humans for workshop crits like lucky tools and gathering rare items like traces from certain nodes. Best all around in general.

Giants are good if you're not microing the game or paying a lot of attention to worker stamina, goblins are good if you're trying to rush through certain item productions like sailboat/wagon that isn't affected by crit procs.

Oh also forgot, you can use goblins to mass farm certain nodes if there's nothing special to gather from it, like potato nodes in velia. Just make sure to pay attention to their stamina since those wimpy green fuckers burn out quickly.
Morning Sharky. Although I'm in bed right now.

Goodnight, I love you.
Valkyrie got some buffs. Maybe there will be more now?
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What should I upgrade first?
kill the bandwagoners
Weapons to TRI probably
So I'm about to get my first character to 56. If I'm reading right, I'm supposed to reset my skills right before leveling to prepare for DK awakening skills?
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in 27 minutes there's a 1h30m maintenance to fix minor issues the patch caused
Yes you reset at 55.99
Doesn't matter too much if you forget, they hand out skill resets fairly often and you get one per character
more specifically, a fucking pearl item
did anyone even buy the fucking amenos horse shit

and i regret it
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>go out and get some errands done since I heard there was a maint coming soon
>come back to the server shutting down
Outside was a mistake.
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Who here is going to linger till things come back up? Been a mix of a day. Kinda don't want to call it quits just yet.

That is a lovely shot of the moon. All your shots tend to have some lovely scenery Sharky.
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i'm lingering for sure, my day just started and i have nothing planned until i'm going to the gym in like 10 hours

and thank you, although most of my pictures focus on my character i like to get decent backgrounds when possible

pic not related
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btw, i like your picture too!

it's fun to play around with different lighting when taking shots
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I was out questing this morning and turned around and saw that. snapped a shot at lower settings, still looked nice i m o. Thanks.

Just starting the day? Hm, last several days you've said good morning to this general around the same time as me and I'm half a world away! So I guess you finally flipped your schedule back to normal. Congrats, doing that is hell.

i'm sure i'll fuck up my sleep schedule again in no time, got a lot of free time atm and farming is best during night time anyway
Does bdog have a guild or something
piggybacking off this. If I'm a relatively new player, (130~ ap, 150~ dp) that just hit 56, wheres the best place to find a casual crew for NA? Just shout around?

yeah, seems like most people hop back and forth
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>maintenance just got extended another 30 mns
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>bought only the kibelius mask since i could combine it with the serendian soldier costume and it actually looked pretty cool
>with last patch they make it so i can't equip both at the same, its either the mask or serendian costume

just fuck off, seriously
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inb4 they extend the maintenance even longer
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It's up.
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Does it say something about the day you had when you forget this is how it started?
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it's back up
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Thank you.
Thank you.

I would've sat here for another half hour talking about sailing around the barrier islands with a warhorse.
Hello please give us an imgur album of your nice character.
I wonder who's controlling the mobile-suit from the inside
I never crash and I travel all over the place.

Since the server came up I've crashed twice. Once nearing Velia and now this time making the turn toward the Harpie infested cliff castle. What is it the Delphi Knights Castle?

What did they do with this patch?
Try turning off the GPU power saving mode in the settings, it was turned on by default for me.
Does awaking weapon really share 50% damage with awaking or is it bull poo?
>awaking weapon
main weapon
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What is the best way to make money/node setup for a new player? I don't care about making a billion shekels immediately, just some steady income to get my gear game rolling.
I've read 30%, sometimes 40%, but never 50%
Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator into PRI, how many failstacks and what do i build them with?
"give me an entire guide to failstacking because I can't google it"

thanks, i'll figure out the rest of it
easy to test yourself

equip a shit main weapon and use awakening skills to check damage

equip a strong main weapon and use awakening skills to check damage
hmm, think i'm starting to notice the fps drops people have been whining about since patch dropped
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I'm getting way too horny OwO
What stats do you get when you pay 1500 pearls to get it turned into an outfit?
Attack and cast speed +1
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>get Nouver to DUO and TRI on first try
>last patch cut performance in half because PA thought that InCoherentUI needs even more features
BDO has an interesting quality of disappointing me even when everything seems to be playing in my hand.
merry fishing
fuck I want to fuck this face
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For once you look genuinely miserable.
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i miss the golden goose already, it was a comfy daily even if it only gave me shit

don't make me download your image and rotate it for you anon
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Oh I knew I forgot something. #airheadproblems
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>even the shittiest sausans routes are better than Valencia
xp, 169ap
Just hit level 50, and now the suffering begins
Get 210+ AP, then try again.
>fogans require billions in gear to get optimal xp
lol ok
>endgame leveling zone requires endgame gear

suffering doesn't begin until 56
Well, if you want to faceroll them like sausans and effectively make money/xp then yes.
I've never made it to 56. I have a 52 kuno, a 52 tamer, and a 50 DK. The levelling just seems stupidly slow, am I meant to be in a group somewhere or just grinding solo?
Suffering begins at 59
Time to look for a new game mate

i've just been grinding solo

but i turn off in-game sound and have some sort of entertainment playing on my second screen

on my way to 58 now, it's slow, but not so bad, i just focus on farming over leveling
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>slow leveling
Suffering is refreshed and buffed upon each level up post 56
Compared to how it has been, it's objectively slow.
There's nothing objectively slow about getting from 52 to 53 in less than half an hour.
quit right now, do not waste anymore of your time
Thanks for sharing how to do this, perhaps i should have asked if i was doing it wrong or..

>better than bashims, bandits, nagas, or fogans
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More than enough for Fogans and Nagas, git gud
N-no ;_;
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Wandering Rogues Den is a pretty comfy place to solo farm

easy mobs, forbidden books, black stones, shultz drops, 600 piece NPC hand-ins and rare competition

a new class
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New to the game, got into horse breeding. I have this female t6 now after I bred two t4. What's the best course of action right now?
with gear yes. with beginner funds it takes 2
If you don't have +15 gear by the time you hit 50, you should try playing games yourself instead of blindly following leveling GET TO 56 QUICK guides online.
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i'm well on my way to lvl 58 and i'm still riding around on my shitty T3 horse, maybe i should get into breeding as well
I know the perfect thing you can breed with.
>grinding at helms
>die to a purple because i'm a retard and didn't go and buy more potions
>resurrect at nearest town
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i knew this comment was coming as soon as i posted
>inb4 there's another thing that's coming
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i was leading him on that time, thread is slow, gotta create our own entertainment
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>people using nudemods
this is a waifu simulator, any warm blooded male who plays a female character either uses nudemod, doesn't know how to install it or is a flaming homosexual
Using a nudemod ruins all the fun.
Lewd stuff like bikinis and undies >nudity all the time.
I bet you wouldn't even fuck a girl in a secretary outfit by savagely ripping her pantyhose
I know a thing or two (or three) that we can create for our own entertainment
that's gay

yes, but the nudemod for BDO also has functions that makes it so that you can hide starter armor, show underwear anywhere and tweak a bunch of other stuff

it's not just for walking around nekkid
what would you guys do if most real life women actually looked like the women in BDO with a similar sense of fashion?

play BDO
smash them
Lets play a game, /bdog/.

Open the game.
Go into character customization.
Turn your waifu into bimbo.
Post results.
but most people just use it for hiding their underwear, covered genitals,ass and breasts looks so much better than nude ones.
>be me
>be flaming homosexes
>doesn't have nudemods installed
>could easily do it

checks out

still love my waifu tho
even though my tier 4 male still has one breeding attempt left?
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But can I have complete and utter control over IRL BDO women like I do over my characters?
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I haven't played in exactly one year, what's changed?
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how did i do
Muh dick
Horse breeding is a meme, don't do it unless you actually enjoy the process.
T6 horses with Sprint+IA (must haves) and drift (nice to have) are pretty common if you just sit and refresh the horse market for like an hour or two.
you sweat a lot

think i'd rather camp horse market than breed, but T6 with those skills sell for how much?

Play BDO, I don't really have time to deal with the social media controlled attention whores when I can fish, chop logs, and relieve my inner japanese by killing whales.
I know right?
with my looks, i would probably kill myself from the loneliness
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One with all three of those skills was about 25m last time I checked, but I think prices were raised now that they added "coursers".
If you want a rare skill like two-seater for comfy exploration with friends, expect to pay around 45m and to camp the market for much more than a few hours if you also want sprint/IA/drift with it.
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dogs for pvp, birds for increase range? wtf are cats for

worst domestic animal

what pets should I get?
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The skills can change on pet breeding
I really don't have the funds to just throw 25 million at a horse. I need to build up my worker empire and gear simultaneously.

Cats are for gathering nodes. Helps a lot if you gather shit, but fairly worthless unless you're gathering truffles or corals underwater since there's no competition for gathering nodes now.

Just get one of each, but if you're getting just one then probably just a bird/cat.

alright, thanks anon
i miss bimbo-chan
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Horse breeding is one of the lowest silver/hr lifeskills though, unless you get insanely lucky with both breeding a high tier horse and it learning good skills.

np sharky, good luck.

>offline for like 50 days
Me too anon.
well which lifeskill is good for money?
alch (work) >= trading (m2) > fishing (work) > processing > fishing (no work) = gathering (work lol) > training > cooking = trading (below m2)
Fishing. Cooking and farming is ok too.
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She's grinding all day.
So i just got this game yesterday and i have to say is there little to no visual cosmetics in this game or am i looking in the wrong places? Even the cashshop seems barren for outfits and thats the only place you can get them right?
this game is for grinding, not fashion

where should I get started with alchemy? I heard that if you want to get trading to master 2 you need to produce junk crates and then sell them somewhere?

Quick rundown would be appreciated.
So you're telling me... This game that everyone hyped up over the Character creation ultimately falls flat on its face because it has very few outfits? whats the point of having really good character creation if everyone is just going to wear the same shit anyways?
the only issue I currently have with the outfit selection is that all of them make the women look like strippers. I generally have an issue with female character design in this game.
It's a game, bud, why you so worried about clothing?
Grinding, huh? Lewd
Save it's breeding attempts for when you get another tier 6 male. Get them both up to level 30 and you should have a ~30-40% chance to get a tier 7.
getting a tier 6 to level 30 is such a drag
Do different tiers of horses have different exp. tables? Are exp. tables for horses available anywhere?
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damn straight i'm grinding, been performing a genocide at the Wandering Rogue Den all day

gonna go to the gym now though, time for auto fishing
why the fuck does your character have precum on her lips
that's just how she rolls
Alchemy is honestly retarded and requires an enormous amount of effort to get to the high end. And in the high end you need to know what can be substituted where, as each market is volatile and can end up empty leaving you with no money/hour.


He also has a timber crate guide (Trent>Arehaza):


Either way, making lots of money requires a lot of focus. You can't just make it overnight like with fishing.
Anyone want to do anything on EU?
I'm bored.
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Then just hold onto it and use it as your main horse.Tier 6 is just fine for getting around the map in a timely manor.
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You know exactly what I meant.

Have a good workout, senpai!
How is the power crystal market on EU btw? It got pretty crazy on NA during the last few days.
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>Tier 6 is just fine for getting around the map in a timely manor.
>His tier 6 has one of the slowest base speed values
>Tier 4's are faster

He might want to try breeding again.
EU has a completely different market, mostly because it's dead and only players are the super HC vets and tons of newbies.

Completely missing the casual midrange players.
Does BDO benefit from having an SSD? Or is it like GTA V where loading times won't change nonetheless?
yes. once you get a fast horse you will run into some really obnoxious freezes if you don't have it on an SSD.
>tfw gathered so many logs I'm almost at artisan gathering
fuck this epheria sailboat
I don't even want it anymore
what does this red white black stuff mean?
wtf, one of my farm plots got uprooted
It won't affect loading times much, but you won't see NPCs in towns taking 10 seconds to appear. Also, I was getting audio stutter and little pause on first attack on HDD, SSD cured both.
Color numbers. It's only relevant for getting higher tiers as well as pure breeds. Even then it's only a theory and people will tell you it's bullshit, but man after so many fails for a tier 8 people will grasp onto whatever reasoning they can to explain away rng.
God yes

If you want to always be able to switch characters to bid on something you need an SSD. Otherwise sometimes bidding ends before you get there
That has nothing to do with SSD though, the game just takes random time to switch characters every time. It can take up to a minute if it's feeling like it, SSD or not.
what makes a good bimbo?
help me anons
Long hair, big lips, little doll frame round her plastic tits...
Huh that takes me back.

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11/10 would feature in the next Mass Effect game
What is the appeal of bimbos?

What's wrong with a cute face and modest proportions?

nothing wrong with cute

nothing wrong with sexy/hot/sensual either
>price of Liverto staff keep going upwards

i miss the pre-maintenance prices of 269m
There are no ugly women. We just don't have enough booze.
according to people in the comments going for crates isn't really sensible since the effort it takes as opposed to processing materials is too high and the CP investment is massive. You also need to camp the market 24/7.

Yeah, it's good money at master 2+ if you treat it like a full-time job and properly the most efficient super late-game strategy for massive dosh. But at this point we're talking about the difference between people who want to be rich and those that want to be the top 0.01%.
Massive plastic titties and layers of makeup are disgusting
Clearly you didn't have enough of booze before looking at them.
I can get a cute face and modest proportions from regular porn.
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mess around in char creation until your dick responds, when it does you have your bimbo
But that's how I usually make characters

then what's the problem? do you have a proclivity towards making cute characters?

bimbo look isn't overly complicated

pouty lips instead of pursed
leaner and more angled eyes, downward angling eyebrows
face is more angled instead of round

make her look like a maneater or an alpha woman if you will

be careful with make-up and shit, overdo lips/eyes/cheeks and they end up looking like a street hooker or a circus clown instead of a hottie
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Y'know... I've never done this yet
Done what?
Why is a chunk of your screenshot missing?
Made a char with my boner

>Why is a chunk of your screenshot missing?
No clue. When I take screenshots it just happens
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It's another day where I waste my time trying to bid on muskans only to fail and the Patri is being a jew as usual.
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today is the day!
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We're all gonna make it anon, post comfy
will we ever fucking see the prices of horses shoot up on the market? Will those fucking piece of shit hacks ever do something about the fact that a high leveled fucking tier 6+ with decent skills that takes 5 years to level grants the value of a McDonalds Happy Meal?
I'd let her tame me
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What's the RP like in this game? Is it just an ERP fest or have you guys seen some decent stuff?
There might be decent stuff if you actively look for it but I'd imagine most of it is just shitty ERP
Yeah, I imagine it probably is. The better looking female character models get the more desparate little boys get. ERP is a cancer on RP.

Rant over. Thanks for the answer.
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Good afternoon!
From what I've see the RP can be alright, though sometimes the quality can be really poor. Sometimes I sit and watch people around the inn for kicks.

I haven't seen or heard anyone looking for or trying to actively solicit ERP in-game or anything, so you should be fine.
Can we go on a date?
Get a 7 day trial and go hang out near the tavern on channel calpheon 2.
This is a fucking korean game with the worst engrish translation you could imagine. You can't have decent "RP" because nobody knows what the fuck is going on in that world. Also the walking animations for females are literally lingerie model stuff, I don't know how you could take that seriously.
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No, sorry!
>got 5 characters with over 26 fs for the third time now
>liverto still at +14
jesus fucking christ I've been trying to enhance this piece of shit for over a month now
there is literally no point in trying to enhance stuff yourself it seems
Why? Am I not good enough for you?

just buy a TRI Liverto, save yourself the pain
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Dates sound intimate, Anon. Not something for strangers!
some nice pet action going on behind you
I experienced my first DC today while AFK horse training. I haven't done any horse training since late last year and I'm pretty sure the devs have rigged it so you do DC after a while of doing something AFK. Before you blame my PC or network, I have a 2nd PC with another account where the character is AFK and hasn't moved at all with no disconnects.

Fuck these fucking gooks rigging this game.
You're retarded
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post rounds
I have a better title for this game than Black Desert.

From now on I'll call it AFK farming
no u
Have you ever heard of a blind date?
new to the game.

If I start power-leveling processing I need the embroidered clothes and sute tea, right? Is there any other easily obtainable exp buff?
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I have!
there is no "power-leveling" in this game
Get another set of embroidered clothes and mash them together to get a +1 set. It's not expensive and the bonus will rise to 10% Processing EXP bonus. Sute Tea obviously.

That's all I used to get professional processing, though there are other items like functional potions (Elixir of Time/Flowing Time) that give another +10/15% to all professions.
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I think I overslept.

What is on the schedule for today?
Then whats wrong with going on one with me?
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Still seems kind of personal, Anon. Though I'd be happy to meet and chat if you'd like!
Standing in town, staring at my screen, and wondering why I even play this game anymore
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What's going on with your eyes?
>standing next to an avatarfag fishing
weird desu
how do you process large amounts of wood? Apparently you can't process if you go over your weight capacity.
get the p2w processing outfit
>processing costume
>strength set
>manos coral belt
what the fuck do these do?


what are the benefits of having that knowledge?
I've got weight bonuses :^(

And besides, I just sit next to my warehouse and grind it. Processing into refined material generally reduces the weight. Process as much as your inventory allows and store what's made.
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farming Wandering Rogue Den and saving up to TRI Liverto!
>log on
>nothing to do but spend weeks grinding for an rng chance at a single gear upgrade, or spend months grinding to level to 60
>go to the inn, try giving succ to a bbc but can't even get hard
>try playing red battlefield, get one shot by wizards/witches for 5 minutes then give up and leave
>no decent attendance rewards to even convince me to keep this game open anymore
is this when people start to quit?
>Professional choppers yield better results than Skilled choppers.
meks u thig
hey guys, new player here.

I finally got a more or less decent worker setup going, gathering material for silver embroidered outfits to make some money on the side. I was doing some number crunching to figure out what to do with the excess tin I got kicking around, and I'm hitting a brick wall.

A single ore is 657s. 1 melted tin is 5 ore (3285s), while buying it off the market is 2636s. That's a loss of 652.

50 tin is what you need to make one bar: 32850 if buying from market, while a tin bar is 8525! What the FUCK! What the hell is the point of processing anything at ALL rather than selling the mats raw and biting the bullet for time?

I did another number crunch for a Calpheon rowboat decoration, and a total of 1405 tin is what you need to make one from start to finish. It nets 250K, while raw mats will sell for 923K. Almost 700K down the fucking shitter to make your mats.

All this math aside, I'm honestly trying to understand what the point is of making anything out of these mats, at least this tin. Numbers for clothes completely match up, and that's why its profitable to do so. With these its like trying to answer the question "how much am I willing to lose". Fuck, I made one into a crate and got 1.5k out of it - raw is 9k. Should I bother trying to optimize these losses, or straight up list all this ore and call it a day? Any other empire builders run into this problem?
wait, so that means that if I want to get into processing I have to do quests for that shit first so I get more processed materials?
Once you increase your processing level you can make more than one melted shard per 5 ore, and more than one ingot per 10 shards.
Planks for example require beginner knowledge, which you get through a quest and isn't basic knowledge for everyone. If you tried to process those planks you would get "It's doesn't seem to be working" or some shit.

Increasing the skill (I imagine) lets you process more materials, or just increases the rare proc/yield.
So I'm essentially banking on procs to compensate for the innate market difference. Like, I know that makes sense, but I'm actually really scared of going down that path and faking it till I make it. I know it's a little weird, but do you (or anyone else reading) have a numerical example of the savings you can net? My biggest barrier is time - I don't wanna spend weeks or months taking hit after hit, only to arrive at the fact that I can process a ton but STILL lose a ton...
Once you get artisan processing, you will average 2 of the final product per craft (for both ore to shards and shards to ingots, same for all other processing materials). It increases to about 2.5 at master level processing. Same numbers for cooking/alchemy.
you level processing with cheap shit or dailies until you reach a processing level that grants you enough bonuses, then you actually start using resources that are actually worth anything.
Alchemy and processing operate at a loss while leveling up. Processing losses are tame compared to what you lose doing alchemy. Just suck it up.
I guess its all pure profit when you consider the fact I don't pay a dime and just have my workers to all the heavy lifting. Fuck, eh? Just nut up or shut up. Thanks for the advice and assurance, I guess any way you slice it I'm still levelling processing and still making money.
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Theres no weight limit in storages right? Why am I getting a "Storage is full" notice from my calpheon workers when I have 15 open spaces still?
It is a bug. Rage quit and come back a bit later. Worked for me.
>asks for date
>guilts her for saying no
>implies she's retarded for not knowing what a blind date is, when what you originally asked for was a date
>guilt again for saying no

>no reply when she says yes

you sound real fun
Sounds like you have autism
>2 hour old post
>not game related
and you sound like you'r retarded
That is a whole mess of grinding. Level, money or both?

That is a feeling I've known. Good luck with that. You most likely know better than me just what all you can do in this game so I'm not even going to suggest.

No bully, I like your yandere. I hope sharky appreciated the effort before things went final episodes in that relationship. Or are we not to those episodes yet?

No spoilers about next season but uh, stay armed.
Let me sleep on your feet
Anyone here play Granblue Fantasy? BDO gives me the same endless itch every couple weeks I get from that game
Cats are for checking exactly where you are in the desert.
I played nothing but it for 6 months, completely min-maxed my earth grid and dropped it recently when they added earth Shiva. Core unticketable summons are jewish as fuck and I could never roll them to save my life. I wish I could get the money I spent on that game back and pour it all into BDO instead, I'll never touch another mobage again if Granblue is really the "fairest" one out there.
I want to tame a tamer!
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I got one of each

How do I see position in desert? Does it work in the ocean too, or do they not come on the boat?
Turn on their node-finding ability by clicking the target-looking icon next to them in the pet menu, unequip any gathering tool so they'll tag any nearby bone pile or whatever, wait for them to tag something as you walk by it then open your map and look for the red marker, that's your location.
Awesome. Neat trick, thanks.
>worst engrish translation you could imagine
Obviously you haven't played enough mmos.
My motivation for the game rises and falls alot. I've picked it up a bit more because I liek working towards the GW 5 star, it's sorta like setting yourself a AP/DP goal. It's nice
how p2w is this game?
Those that pay are the winners, so very much is it a pay-to-win game. You are treated like a second-class citizen if you don't pay beyond the license fee.
No! Tamers are wild and adventuresome creatures.
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Male Ranger when?
>Tamers are wild
o-oh my...
Where should I be levelling solo at level 55? I've been using elric shrine up untilnow
Transitioning from Ranger to DK. Am I a dumbass or something? I'm getting destroyed at Elrics with 150 dp. Is it cause I'm getting back attacked too much or something? The priests are wrecking me
>caring about what people think of you

not very. you have to spend a fortune just to get pvp entry if you do pay2win. if you don't p2w it'll take a month or 2 of catching up if you dedicate yourself
>Daum drone
lul, who said anything about the opinion of other players?

You should care about what the developers think of you. You are paying into a well-oiled machine designed to cut at your wallet with every single one of the game's mechanisms. You are cattle, and Daum does not care for your well-being.
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I haven't bought anything. If you hate the pay2win system, why haven't you quit?
elrics are fine
get more dp or evasion offhand
I paid into it. It would be hypocritical to say as much. I'm just stating a point.
Good point. I'm like that with Final Fantasy XIV.
Same dude.
>resub repeatedly even though the game will never improve
>end up logging in to log out
>will probably do this for Stormblood too
I am not a smart man.
I am going to find and fuck a tamer.
should i main sorcerer or warrior? both are fun but warrior is too slow sometimes and sorcerer is very hard to get used to with a lot of buffs to keep up
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>warrior is too slow
u wat
er not warrior, berserker. always mix the two, sorry. warrior is pretty boring so far but he looks like a blast at 56
>berserker is too slow
that's even more wrong m8
Yeah he's a slog before you get your greatsword. Both are good picks though, hope you find one you like.
i'm new to the game ok
I ended up moving to soldiers grave. Can't really tell if it's faster because it takes so much longer to kill shit.
Definitely not soldiers grave. it's not a very good spot and like you already found out, you need more better gear.

the only benefit it has is being right next to heidel.
What is a good guild to join if you're a newcomer and are interested in exploring, talking, and maybe attempt PvP?
Honestly if you're totally set on being an autist and exclusively soloing while you level like me then your best bet is to just farm enough money for passable gearscore to venture into the few decent Valencia spots. You're going to get faggots flagging on you constantly and never get anything done at sausans or pirates.
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Holy fuck this game just gets laggier and laggier with each new patch.
I spend half of my AFK time making beer in a dark, prison-like room
what a life
Why do RPers party and duel invite people?
Why so gloomy.
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woho, got another Ogre Ring!
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Would Heidel > Calpheon be a good starting trade route? Is trading based on actual distance or nodes?
I would say just join a Life Skill guild from world chat or something until you get your bearings.
I haven't experienced any performance issues, Anon. What is your computer like? Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/5padhe/ultimate_guide_for_fpsperformanceping_issues/
distance = more money and experience
calpheon to altinova is better to start with depending on what you trade/your contribution points
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I looked into Calpheon > Altinova, but I don't have the CP to support that route yet(118) on top of the nodes I have invested in for supplies and such.

Is trading even that good starting out or do I have to level it super high to be worth my while? Should I just be selling middle mats?
Darn, you play on EU server.
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master 2 is where you make money
anything before that is spending money
For fast leveling, I think Glish - Keplan is one of the faster exp routes. Distance does come into play with exp gains, but not enough to offset transit times.
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post some comfy grinding music

Is investing energy into nodes a placebo?
are you like 50

i listen to all music anon

gotta learn to appreciate the classics as well
>Hating on The Boss
Is it even worth leveling trading that way? I feel like I could make better use of my active time so I'm just making trash crates to turn in instead.
Beats me, that's secondhand knowledge. I just farm and occasionally drop a few thousand ancient [metal] coins on Velia.
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i think i liked your song anon, bit more upbeat than the comfiness level im at now though

this is where i'm at right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sYsqH7YjWY
>marvin gaye
shark confirmed 50 year old
I usually gotta be upbeat for farming, else I'm liable to doze off. My more comfy choices might be a little lower than you're looking for though.


where did you get marvin gaye from?
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if i post beethoven are you gonna claim i'm 200 years old?

i can do modern as well you bullies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Dg-g7t2l4
Lately I've been back to black label society while grinding and drinking.

No. It's bedtime, son.

>shitty rendition of a good song
Of all the disturbed you could pick. I hate how overhyped that song is.
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How big is this game and how friendly is it if I don't want to raise alts? Also can my toaster run it?I don't mind lowering the resolution or running at 30 FPS.

i love both versions, even Paul Simon reached out to the frontman of Disturbed and said he enjoyed it
Better use a free trial to check it out yourself. I guess with a toaster like that you could play the game with everything to low but definitely forget big group activities such as nodewars and world bosses.

Also : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaZRXf-TSAg
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Alright Kids, if we're doing this we're doing this.
Literal Grampas posting here
Counter with
Lizst is better
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how many degrees /bdog/??
here, found a song that's right up your alley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-TE_Ys4iwM
Age before beauty, Anon.
Looks like you're coming in third.
my playlist can go from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7GbFSbBcRU to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiorIyrjTHc to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYM-RJwSGQ8

and so on, it's nice being able to enjoy different genres depending on what kind of mood you're in
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>no vidya music yet

congrats my dude
So with the class changes are DK and Wiz still top dog?
I've been looking for a reason to roll something else and minmaxing might as well be it.


Are we sharing classical music now?

I love this one for large adventures.
Celldweller's sideproject for the grandpas out there that miss the 80's and early 90's : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSEUpJIg52U

>tfw still no flying cars
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May i have the file for this beauty?
The changes from the last patch are but a fraction of what's required to bring the other classes on par. I am expecting many more rounds of changes before the other classes are even remotely balanced with DK, witch and wiz.
I'm sorry, I can't do that
any tips for getting sharps/hards? i know about the desert spot with rocks but my alts are all busy cooking, doing world bosses, etc.

do i just have to brute force it and get them all a +2 gathering outfit+food?
i have an alt in epheria, 1 in heidel, 1 in tarif, 1 in valencia by nouver for easy bosses, and 1 in velia for cooking

so yeah do i just run around those areas with an axe and try to have cap gathering?
I get them by doing guild gathering missions or just chopping wood for my second Epheria sailboat. Having a good energy pool helps, between the +2 gathering from my guild and a +2 costume and a cat with +1 gathering I'm capped without food so I can just drink a sute tea.
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this belt as rare as Ogre Ring?
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ayyy one moar
Nah, dim tree spirit (field boss) drops it a lot. It's still a very good belt though if you're into PVP. Basilisk Belt (40m) is your end-game AP monkey belt or Belt of Shultz (2m) if you're low on shekel or noob.
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The rich get richer.
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join baka
anyone welcome we just want to zerg
does goblin tamer still play?
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Friday is leg day, post legs!
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vomit hour
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>tfw fov is all fucked up in that image

Not sure if delet. ;_;
Good morning kys-chan!
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>tfw finally got my muskans from Patrigio after failing all the bids and having a 250 mil pre order on them for about 2 months

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take a new one, more zoom, keep the rain and outfit in
I'm guessing this game has no lolis cause all the girls in this game look fuck ugly.
yes, thank god, this game is not for degenerate furries or pedos, piss off back to Tera/GW2/BnS or better yet, kill yourself
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>set up transport to calph and go afk for 30 min
>still hasnt begun transporting yet
I hope you don't wake up tomorrow.
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making progress!
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>transport starts
>takes every wrong turn and loop back
>goes in the opposite direction entirely

Amazing item loss isn't a thing.
anyone got any tips for becoming batman?
Where's the best place to hang out and kill PKers? Pretend to be an afkfisher or something?
your bra is stupid
Just relog. The transportation system is as half-assed and convoluted as everything else in the game.
All those games are shit. I'm still downloading the game and trying to think if I want to play a dude for once cause playing fuck ugly girls just isn't cool.
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Become Jesus instead.
>go to Sausans
>wait for first "spot's taken"
>tell em to fuck off
>get killed
>go back
>turn the other cheek aka continue to jump into mob packs your killer is farming
>continue to do so until he switches channel or leaves
>make fun of him in whisper
>ugly if they don't look underage

seek help
you can be very pretty in this game
That's more amusing than most of the ugly female characters in this general.
You don't need to make your character into a bimbo slut
I feel like the only way to beat him in pvp would be to challenge him to a rock-off.
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this is why i play this game, to spread the love of my lord and saviour.

embrace my tolerance to your violence!
Underrated post
>arrive at farming spot
>someone else is there
>be a good dude and go to change channels
>they flag and attack you

they never expect you to be overgeared
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So why do wagons have "lifespans"..?
nice my dude, you already planned out what to upgrade next? get 2x sahazad's ring for a free PRI MoS.

There's no grinding mobs for the quests I think (did them a long time ago), just a lot of walking around and talking to NPCs.
fishwife, back at it again
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forgot pic related
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getting TRI Steel Dagger next even though it's retarded, i'm a bit autistic about having all TRI weapons

then getting 2x MoS to PRI and 2x Witch's Earring to PRI, then my Grunil armor to DUO

from there i'll probably start focusing on boss items etc
Same reason anything else does: it eventually becomes to worn out to be feasibly used and needs replacement.
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how do I fix my face
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what look are you trying to achieve?

things that stand out to me are thick bushy eyebrows, pale/sickly skin tone and dead eyes (use a brighter iris
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well i'm glad i googled that
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>tfw no friends

Noice, that's the spirit!
I bet she tastes like salty bitter chocolate!
No she tastes like buttery blueberry muffin
You neglect to mention how fucking painful and boring the questlines really are, constantly making you trudge across the entire desert with the occasional RNG digfest thrown in. I justified it with "well, at least I'll only have to do it once" only to find out when I was finished that they're bound to the character you do the questlines on. I don't regret doing it but that's because I don't have any respect for my own time.
'Fraid I don't fit the criteria
>no one to play with
>center parting
>guess where I am
that's a BINGO
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What's "ninja tits"?
>pvp is shit
Oh well I got 1/9
I have three friends now!

And I don't know what "guess where I am" means

Avatarfags:1 Kys-Chan:0
>three whole friends.
>doesn't know "guess where I am"
You fit in it
What's better musa or baewah?
well then kys-chan... h-how a-about you... g-guess where i am?
>kys-chan boogieman
Please stop.
Musa for grinding, Mae for pvp
B-but kys-chan has feelings too! He is just shy and wants to be part of the g-gang!

Give kys-chan a chance!
that honeycomb mouth tho
These are human beings, not objects. It's not a contest to have the most friends. I like them and it's an easy number to manage

Nevertheless, I do not have bingo!
Any NA blacks want succ from a dumb white tamer bitch?
>almost 2 billion sitting in storage
I don't even know why I'm still playing this game
Quit this dying game before it's too late.
buy my fucking zinc ingots
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Kys-Chan is acute
Enjoy your ban, a lot of people are getting banned for even light harassment.
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fuck yeah.gif
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Am I gonna get fucked by Kzarka as melee? And how often can I do these guys? Can't I just hop channels until I get a box
Uninstall BDO
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You must be new, that's how the game worked since release.
New player here

How to pvp? Where do I go for it and what level should I be?

Also, are sorcerers any good in it?
just uninstall
level 58+, 180+ ap, it'll take you about 6 months to get those
Go play Blade & Soul, BDO PvP is a joke.
sure, which region and your family name?
>try out other games
>always end up starting bdo again
kill me
send help
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>launch ESO after a long break from it
>literally just can't
>back to BDO

>6 months for lvl 58 and 180ap

LOL, maybe if you're retarded
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>BDO is broken unbalanced unoptimized piece of RNG trash
>all other MMOs are not nearly as comfy enough or have combat that is as fun
BnS and Tera are more comfy and have far superior PvP

BDO just has good graphics and world design
But do those two have as much to do like BDO?
>BnS and Tera are more comfy
No idea about BnS, but Tera is not comfy at all. Can be pretty, but not comfy. One of the main reason BDO is comfy as it is is because of how lively the world is, there are tons of NPCs walking around and doing their own things. It also makes wilderness without any NPCs and mobs feel more special. Tera has generic MMO map designs. It's also has optimization issues that are probably worse than Planetside 2.
I heard that B&S has great pvp, but character models there are disgusting, so fuck it.
>6 months
>180+ AP
>I am shit in this game.
BDO has the most content but it's all single player stuff. You do it once, get bored, and quit.

There's no way to be "bad" at this game when there's no skill involved. 180 AP after 6 months is normal for average people who play 5-15 hours a week.
>get bored, and quit
More like
>get bored and start doing it in afk because you already bought at least 3 $32 outfits and need some sort of rationalization for it

I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do once I get all the knowledge on NPCs, areas and mobs. Those are the only goals that keep me playing.
going from 100 to 160+ ap as a casual player is fucking annoying
>prices go from 5m to 500m PER PIECE
>just farm bro :)
BnS is not comfy at all. If people complain about farming the same spots over and over, try to farm the same dungeons over and over, trying to pug with retards who ask for gear way above the dungeon requirements and still fail to complete it because they can't do fucking simple mechanics. I will take solo grind any day, every day over that.

Don't even start on pvp, that requires you to pve to get skills and skill points to do it, while saying it's a E-SPORT and not even balance( sin in hide? good luck hitting it, since they have RNG DODGE, while in stealth, which doesn't break if they hit you.)
Kzarka is easy for everyone. Just don't stand in front of him.

If he's up, yeah you can hop channels and get loot again. He goes down really fast, and there is a cooldown on switching so you can't realistically hit more than 1-2 Kzarkas per pop.

Unless you're a DK (or on EU) there are probably tons of Kzarka weapons already enchanted on the AH you can just buy. Barring luck you can probably make 400m and just buy a TRI before you'd get the drop from Kzarka himself.
So chicks can't be warriors?
New bread when?
Fuck off, underage little shit.
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Weekend soon, post provocative angles!
>go level 50
>intentionally run through people's arena duels to make them lose karma
>arena duels
>losing karma
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on your drow
We are DYING
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>play this game for two fucking years
>in four different countries
>move to Estonia
>can't play because country block huehuehue

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Get a VPN, Tunnelbear is free, but it hasa 500mb monthly limit(which is plenty)
Open the VPN
Connect VPN
Login into the game
Press Start
Disconnect VPN
Choose Channel/Server
Choose Character
>pay to a third party to play a game I already have bought and played because the devs decieded I shouldn't play because I'm in the wrong country now.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
I was expecting someone to reply with an answer saying I should pay for a VPN after I posted this but then I forgot because I'm drunk and continuted playing me goto game(Stellaris) and read your comment about VPNs and assumed shit and misunderstood it and then made this post and then realized I misunderstood and then tried to delete that post but couldnt be arsed to and then I forgot about this post and now I remembered this post and now I'm still drunk and and no hard feelings you get me?
Fresh bread for you lazy avatarfriends
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