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/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

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Thread replies: 756
Thread images: 200

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Every Goddamn Time edition

(To find out why, read OP FAQ right below this, under "Which edition should I buy?" section)

>/r6g/ FAQ, Guide, and Links (Newfriends, read this first before asking questions)

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>Official News & Known Issues
Mid-Season Reinforcements deployed on March 15th.

Previous goddamn time: >>174254421
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Diamond Episode 1.webm
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1st for Diamond
what do i buy now that i own every operator and attachment and season pass
all the skins and uniforms are ugly as fuck
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>what do I buy now?
>no that's ugly
acog on frosts smg pls ubi
tach is more autistic than jager
I say "I am welding this DOAH" every time I use a Castlecade
ACOG on UMP45 when?
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I try anon, I really do
Haven't played since s5 launch.
What are all these spawn kill things I've been seeing on the subleddit lately? I know there was a couple spots before but it seems to be troubling some people
Leaks soon stalkers
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>tfw attacking spooks me
playing thunt with a controller is pretty comfy
Twitch nerf when?
playing fps games with a controller is never comfy

Gears of war was comfy or halo
Nerf what? Her drone cant jump, does 10 damage and her guns are good but not ridiculous.
>F2 is not ridiculous

It should really get some recoil or less dmg
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>Hong Kong operators are going to use chinkshit guns
If the devs did this, why not just make a Chinese CTU? I won't stop being mad over this
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i can count the pixels on that webm
>They literally didn't drone out the most obvious corner
Its just fine

accidentally posted my test version, got a 3mb one as well but the quality difference is minimal.
Having Hong Kong ops lets you appeal to players in China without China complaining about inaccurate representation, get to appeal to HK players (I'm sure there's a lot), also avoid offending people in both Asia and the west who don't like China. They could have also chosen Hong Kong because they got a cool idea for a map that wouldn't have worked in another city.
>guy gets shot from behind
>they all look down the fucking corridor instead of the corner where he got shot from
China are the bad guys mmm kay?

Would rather have aussie ctus
>drone kills all cams since you cant protect them effectively
>counters 6+ operators
>mute jammers ineffective since they are always on the ground
If her drone is this good then echo should be at least on par with her in the drone or the guns department
what does the Union Jack charm look like?
>echo should be at least on par with her

Not he just shouldn't be shit
Resize it to 720p, you can't make 1080p webms of this game look good with just 3MB.
I don't think you know how to use that reaction image
I don't think you know how to form your own opinions without a handy up and downvote system.
Huh really made me think
Invest in a Roth IRA
They're not appealing to HK players because HK CTUs like the SDU don't use chinkshit so they're being represented inaccurately.

Its more like China gets butt hurt if Chinese soldiers are seen dying and getting shot at

I am not even joking
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Owner of starter edition, rate my 2 most used operators

Ubisoft should grow a spine, I'm still pissed they scrapped Israel because some people could be offended by their inclusion.
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Mobile fag so I had to do it like this
Mfw I'm shit with no signs of improving
not sure if Seige can even be sold in China considering the violence that already exists.
>and fat belly

talk to team rainbow HR and put your renown into a 401k for when you get to around thatcher's age
Is that why Ash is oddly born in Israel?
Why can't I take off Echo's MP5 supressor? It's not like he's a sneaky character, or at least it's not the style that I usually go for.
In fact, besides Cav there's not a lot of room for stealth in this game, is there?
It's so when the person that get's hit by his drone suffers from tunnel vision and the silencer won't show the noise indicator from bullets so even if he misses a few shoots though a wall the person still don't know from where he's shooting from
>Been in queue for almost 15 minutes
Send help
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>tfw only play 4 operators
>tfw consistent ~1.7 k/d except for sledge
>tfw hammertime spooks me

I don't that many are aware of that, it's the flag that triggers people.
Re-queue. If you ever go past 1:30 to 2:00, always re-queue
china gets butthurt when chink soldiers get shot in video games, it's why BF4 was banned in china
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>click click
>click click click

you're real good at this game desu
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why do they never talk WHY
>echo gets 2 yokai
>echo becomes 2/2
>hibana gets MP5SD
>MP5SD gets 10 more base damage
>echo gets type 89
>type 89 gets 1.5x recoil and 1.5x longer reload
>teammates can look through yokai camera (but not spot or shoot drunk effect)

there, fixed him

I really did not want to miss Ash with my first shot considering she was actually looking at me you dolt
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why dont you downvote him then you fucking dweeb

strongest defender gadget in game, SMG11 is based
delet this
I was talking about the relative low skill it takes to operate a shotgun

it would have been a cool clip if you were using the UMP and did the same thing
>tfw have a 5 year old reddit account with 4 comment karma that I exclusively use for hentai
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Legitimate question: How do you guys work on your accuracy? Like I really blow at pre aiming and firing, and my shots go everywhere but the head... Meanwhile I see niggas lining up headshots perfectly when they're peeking around corners. Help me out /r6g/
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Shotguns gonna shotgun mate, I make webms of encounters in this game that amuse me, not as a statement of my skill (I don't even play ranked).
So why does Buck get the Nomad bundle when Blackbeard looks exactly like Nomad?
>all these people wanting echo to be 2/2
>Not wanting a bugger buff on yokai

>doesn't have (black, grey, or brown) skin on his deagle

wow you can't fucking do anything right?
>not gold
>echo now has 2x yokai
>no big yokai buff included

what did he mean by this? having 2x yokai would be the biggest (fair) buff you could give him

t. echo main because drivign around yokai all round is fun
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>being able to afford the gold skin

wow I bet you bought winrar, donate to the booru patreon, and actually pay taxes haha lmao
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>drivign around yokai all round is fun
do you play with model trains too by any chance?
Good, encourage more "Echo Mains" to sit around on their worthless character and drive their worthless drone around while their teammates die trying to defend the point 4v5
You got a source for that
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shut it goy we can't make it too obvious
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what did that update just do?
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pic related
post stats shitboi
Honestly, I came here to ask that question
cant find anything about it
Literally read the Siege twitter feed
battleye update

Nah, I read it on the steam forums. Navy SEALS were originally going to be Israel spec ops.
does anyone here have more than 30 hours in Jackal or jackal as their most played attacker?
Only time i remember that being mentioned was in that chinese year two roadmap
Mouse settings on DPI and in-game sensitivity tweaking helped me out immensely

Besides that it's mostly knowing where someone ought to be when you shoot, as far as I can tell half the time when two 3 speed are shooting at each other and someone doesn't die straight off the bat it's just two blind people wasting each other until someone gets lucky
this right here
I have a shitty basic logitech mouse, but tweaking the ADS sensitivity ingame made me change from zero accuracy to precise headshots

Its like fucking magic, feels good using ACOG now
So Ubisoft never stated it
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>Have spent almost half my "played" time not actually playing.
I just want to find a game.
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>mfw ubisoft releases a weed charm on April 20th
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Am I doing it right?
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Finally found myself a really good group. Constant communication. Accurate and frequent call outs. Shooting the shit. Operator synergy. We all learn from each other. Joke rounds like going phalanx.

Feels fucking great man.
What did u do?
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Wot m8
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>tfw when this is me
>Just gave up after requeueing 15-20 times over the last hour and 15 minutes
Why is the matchmaking in this game so garbage sometimes
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i lowered ADS to around 25 and started tweaking from there, ended up in 35 which is what I find most comfortable
Also changed view sensitivity, just to make it less CUHRAZY
How did you find them? I'm usually only added by solo players who play for another day or two and never log in again.
Is BB a good buy? He seems good on paper, but I've found myself killing them most of the time despite their headshot shield so I'm wondering if he is actually effective or if I should just stick with another op with a more useful gadget
>is being able to survive a headshot good?

gee anon I dont know
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He is not worth it. His guns are possibly the worst of any attacker and he is beyond slow. Your only move is to hump windows the whole time. He's obviously terrific at that, but sometimes you want to progress through the window and that's when he's total shit
>not platinum
dat two-tone
As I said, I killed more BBs than they killed me so either the guys I played against were really bad or his shield is not as effective against a small burst of bullets.

I understand his ability is super useful, but I never found myself in a situation where I had to retreat or reconsider my strategy because a BB was there
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The OP link says not do buy the starter edition.

My steam friend bought me the starter edition. What do I do now? Do I just bite the bullet and drop $2.50 on new operators? I work so it's not a big deal.
alright think about it this way

everytime you died to a headshot while on the attacking side, you would not have if you were blackbeard

blackbeard is still broken, if you are better or as good as your opponents you will win the firefight unless he runs a shotgun
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>wagies cant earn their ops
Well, you could always buy $30 worth of R6 credits to buy all the base operators.
blackbeard isn't still broken. there's a reason nobody uses him. he's a bad attacker outside of hereford windows, bartlett, and maybe oregon. he is too slow, the recenter speed or recoil recovery or whatever of his bad weapons with the shield almost makes him unplayable. his ads speed requires you to plod around, constantly fearful that you've been spotted and you're getting flanked. desert eagle is possibly the worst secondary.

blackbeard can seem good on paper but he is dogshit in practice
her drone damage should be subject to armor ratings
>shocks do 10 damage on 3 armor ops
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>tfw holding an angle against 3 speed attacker while Twitch's drone harasses you
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Paris made this though
You first concern is the answer here: other ops have a "more useful gadget." Most Ops contribute to either breaching walls or disabling enemy defenses, while a few are based around crowd control or gathering info, and they can still shoot the enemy on top of that. BlackBeard's gadget gives him an advantage in firefights, but that's it.

Obviously, winning firefights is a big part of winning rounds, but there are other ways in Siege to contribute to your team's victory. Unless you really want to play the "just shoot the enemy" role, you should prioritize unlocking other Ops before BB.
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>Check /vg/ catalog
>no ghost recone general

Yikes we truly are the only ubi game left
/fhg/ is still there
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Were not dead yet broskis
That's what I was thinking, I guess I'll unlock the hue ops
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>lose the clutch in ranked because lol clientside smoke

fucking ebin my man
Bb is a good operator that gets better as you get better at the game. The higher your skill pool, the more important being able to tank a headshot is, especially when surviving a headshot is all you need to turn a fight around.
Is bait
>Being caught or sitting in smoke

You better fucking die

I dont see how shitters say your good siege is the true god king of ubisoft
Now say it again in English please
That may be because you're the kind of guy that goes around with the shield on for the whole match.

BB's shield isn't as strong as before so it isn't worth to trade your speed for a chance of avoiding a headshot when, usually, if you're moving you may be exposing your whole body to the enemies.
His shield is meant to be used when holding angles thus making him more dynamic.
>implying that was the case
Smoked an area to deny and move across, got shot through it anyway because the cloud wasn't a dense on their screen as it was on mine.
Have the remedied anything?
Not him, but does his shield give you an ADS and speed penalty when on?
I love the way kapkan speaks
Is having low sens Normal?
I play with medium sens 30 and 60 ads.

Using arm muscles to aim doesn't make sense. They are bigger and less precise.
Wrist muscles are smaller and more precise.
Is it to much to ask to make smoke server side? How does smoke work in csgo?
I honestly thought it was just gta v
Yes to the ADS or walking speed or both?
its a combination of DPI + sens
afaik higher dpi, lower sens and viceversa
His ads penalty is so bad that you're better off taking an angled grip on him from now on.
Smoke in csgo is also clientside but they had the fucking common sense to make it so thick that nobody can see through the damned thing
I remember source engine is highly modable. What prevents me from replacing the smoke sprite with a blank sprite?
There's a ton of shit in Siege that need to be server side. Even dead bodies aren't server side. It's probably an easier said than done deal. Although, seeing how they're taking the time to fix hitboxes for the operators, they might eventually work some shit into server side
I use 1000 dpi. Am I overboard?
Damn that's worse that I thought
Didn't Ubi mention changes with server vs client side shit?
They should have done this from the very beginning. I lost count of how many times I've been shot right through a pile of debris/a corpse and then on the killcam that corpse is two meters away and doesn't block their vision at all. They should have made this shit server-side back when they made the damn engine.
Thats perfectly fine, I use 1000 dpi too
the fact that all the official servers check your game files for consistency. you won't be able to play matchmaking and any community-run server that also checks for consistency.
Isn't it better to run high dpi low in game sens? Lowering your dpi just gimps your hardware right?
Oops wrong anon
>get placed with an AFK player 3 times in a row
This thing called sv_pure which is defaulted on all official valve servers which checks your files and forces you to use the default files for textures and particles if you have them changed. It will literally override your textures and give them back to you after the match is complete
Oh, nice. The last (and only) CS I've played was 1.6, and I don't remember such thing there.
make it 4 times
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I don't care about the content of your post but that dog a cute

This one is mine, she's a good doggy
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>last operator remaining
>be Jackal
>Castle barricade to objective
>Mute jammer on it
>use shotgun to try to break the door down from the distance
because you're fucking dumb mang, shotguns don't beat castle barricades

How many jackal hours do you have? What is your K/D?
i see your dog is australian
Fuck you, I've got 80 hours as Jackal, how was I supposed to know? No one uses Castle.
I love you, /r6g/
That's not me. I have 4.1 hours. I thought unloading the fully loaded secondary shotty would break the door down, but they didn't give me enough time to find out or not.
>80 hours as jackal

Top tier taste bro. Fuck roamer.
The most destructive shotgun in the game is Skeleton Key, and even it requires no less than three full mags to break one niggercade. never shoot them unless you are glaz, his superior slav bullets break niggercades in three to four shots.
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>Most played attacker
>Most played defender
Jesus. I knew Glaz's gun went through them and busted them EZPZ, but I assumed destroying from a distance with shotties were viable. Thank you
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>t. Mad Lad
I unironically enjoy using Tachanka. He's one of those operators (at least in my experience) that change the way attackers approach the objective, like Pulse and Caveira. Those last couple seconds when people try to rush the objective room are free kills, that is if they actually rush because they're too scared of his turret.
Are you certain of this? I thought Glaz's rifle was the only firearm that could damage Castle's barricade, and no other gun (including Buck's) would do any damge to it.
Jackal a shit my man
Smig 11 master race
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>Scared of his turret
same here! good taste desu
And IIRC Glaz is also the only one with a powerful enough rifle to pierce Plane's windows which is why he gets picked on it so much
why is every one crying for israel ctus ? rook copy operator who shares some pampers instead of armor plates for israely team mates - done fucking boring.
Just started playing. Level 10. Who should I main? Thoughts on jackal?
You know, if Tachanka's special ability was that one enemy at random loses a frag grenade, then he'd actually be useful.
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you expect it every time, but it never comes
>Who should I main?
No one.

Different maps favor different operators, and you also ought to pick against the playstyle of the enemy team.
Not him but if you just scare people off with the AK12 until "FIFTEEN SECONDS LEFT" you can just hop on the turret and the attackers turn into a red mist
Because people don't read books and forget the original team rainbow had israelis on it.
I've killed more defenders with the turret than I have attackers. You gotta be careful where you put that shit.
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I don't see Russia or France, faggot.
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Valkyrie is the Asari in this game
who should i play today? ive got all ops cept jackal cap and echo
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>MeA ragret
>not MeA culpa
Because muh greates ally
I think the update was for matchmaking things.

Just got another Windows Firewall notification about the game for the first time in a long time.
yeah i just got a 40 mb update
OK. Maybe just my imagination but they must have tinkered with the netcode. Since the reinforcements i could barely play bc of rubberbanding, but now it seems much better. I actually played through AC4: Black Flag again in the meantime.
What ingame sensetivity setting?
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>mrw i had to walk 75 minutes total (there and back) to a place just to install a 40mb update
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Have 22k and four operators left


Was leaning towards buck, other three seem kind of worthless
get skillbeard
people hate skillbeard for some reason
do you walk to mcdonalds to play online too?
Skillbeard is great in two brackets.

He rapes shitters because they literally just stand and look at you dumbfounded.

And at really high level.
I would say to save for the new HK ops
Have season pass 2 already
"Any other operator" is a fantastic pick
Go Buck > Blackbeard > Shit > Echo or Cap
Blackbeard or Buck
Echo and Capitao don't have to be unlocked, they are trash anyways.
I am dreading them being my last ops because I know I will buy them out of a sense of completion and waste all that renown
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>live in res at college
>for some reason uplay never updates on any of the colleges networks (via wifi or ethernet)
>stuck at 0mb/s for eternity
>battlenet and steam still update though and i can still play online
>have uplay only version because i bought a physical copy of the game when it came out
>the only way to ever update my uplay is to take my computer (the whole thing) to a local computer/repair shop 30-45 minutes away
>from there the owner is understanding and lets me just plug into a monitor in the back and basically download update
>have to do this everytime a new update comes out because if i don't it wont let me play the game

>see the 40mb update
>walk to store
>45 minutes to get there
>plug in and do usual thing
>update takes 15 seconds max
>have to then walk 30 minutes back
>walked 75 minutes total for a 15 second update
thanks ubi
some guy on matchmaking said ubi about to fix all their shit
is it true?
Cap and Echo aren't worthless, they have their niches, but if you're solo queuing and don't coordinate with your team, both are wasted picks.
use wifi hotspot with your phone and get one of those usb wifi adapters
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fuck i never thought about that. goddamn the effort i could've saved
Echo CAN deny a plant on bomb IF they havent destoyed his drone yet and IN a situation where smoke wouldnt be able to do it better.

You can use his drone to coöperate with a roamer but when its shot you just turn into a fat fuck with a shit primairy.

Capitao is just a nigger taking a crossbow to a gunfight.
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I was looking at Bandit's art and it looks like they drew a rip in his pants over of the holster straps. I might just be looking at it wrong but that's what I'm seeing.
Can you use a VPN to connect to Uplay, just for the update procedure? You say you're living on campus; you could set up an old computer at a place off campus (your parents' house, or maybe a friend's place) and use that to run the VPN server. There might also be some type of gaming club on campus that has run into the same problem you are having and know solutions.
Dude how could you not have ever thought of that
Anyone on PS4 wants to play?
He is going to drain the living fuck out of his traffic the day they drop a 10GB update tho
The team had an Israeli, singular, who was only on the technical team and wasn't even close to based Noonan. They also saw him as being there as an informant for mossad more than to contribute
It depends whether all the fixes in the technical test server are scheduled for next season
I never knew that Thermite could bypass a mute jammer on club house garage by rappelling up a bit
Hey, technojew served important roles on the team up to and including jamming communication for the badguys and turning out lights.
That's definitely a tear
Post your most played attacker plus stats bich
I'm fairly certain that was all noonan who also racked up a body count.

Honestly the french flag should replace Israel cause of based louis

Follow up to my last post, it was definitely Noonan who jammed comma
Anyone got any screenshots of Bucks Wildlands Bundle?
I have to win 3 protect the hostage terrorist hunts as Cav on Lone Wolf because I can't seem to get a matchmade game.

Fuck me.
Is the jammer's AoE a sphere or a cylinder?
Jewish tricks being played on my mind, I forgot, I'm sorry
Good? Playing terrorist hunt with randoms is cancer
t. gold who thinks he's better then he is

That or you're such a low level that you don't even understand the words you're typing
That is just classic them
I can't actually win a protect the hostage as cav
Someone with a brain, thankfully. Arguably Echo isn't a great yolo queue defender, but he works great with a coordinated team and he has a fucking mp5
Can't you play Capitao on the other game modes instead?
This implies that I have Capitao.

Yes, this is the obvious solution, but I have other operators to get before Cap.
sometimes you can bypass a mute jammer just by placing the charge on the farthest edge of a wall possible
>win 15 rounds for the Union Jack
This will be worth it for the Thatcher memes at least
Anybody got screenies of what the new Buck hat/skin look like in-game?

Tacticool operator caps sound good, but I have a feeling it will clash with his white uniform.
I've had 0 bytes/s download rates for some applications, but they would always start downloading normally if I downloaded a game off Steam in the meantime. If the game finished before the app, I would have to download another game because the app download rate would go back to 0.
>echo is bad
he's good for a mobile camera
>See only a toe sticking out
>about to shoot it
>suddenly I get headshotted
>see this

There's only so much patience I can have ubi
Can't save the images so I just gotta link you to it
Just play valk
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Happy Buck.png
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>Put Blaze skin on Bucks CAMRS
>It shoots faster
/o/ pls
If they're going to use schmeconds instead of real seconds they should lower the detection time to 1 schmecond before being detected outside

3 speeds can fly outside, massacre a small village, and get detected the nanosecond before being back inside the building
anyone else keep getting kicked out?
Did the servers just shit themselves?
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>Half a dozen mid game disconnects in one night between me and my friend

Nice patch ubi
Hey, thanks anon.

Yeah, it looks kinda off as is.
Buck alternate uniforms when?
A simple black recolor did wonders for Frost.
Is it worth using Twitch's semi auto rifle? I've kind of taken a liking to it but I know the F2 is pretty strong
I think it's alright but I can't use it to save my life.
Not him but I think he means in-game seconds are longer than real time seconds and he's trying to be clever on the internet.
Thats what you get when your tactical shooter has bullets coming from the center of your screen instead of your gun
Yes, just like every past Rainbow Six game

>accidentaly tk a friend in casual 4 days ago, get 3 hour ban
>play ranked today, 4-4, final round
>someone makes shitty call
>peek and prefire on his call
>it was a teammate
>for some reason the teammate icon didnt appear
>24 hour ban, loss

I didnt even get the 30minute ban that was supposed to happen at first and then they just banned me for an entire day. Meanwhile, almost every game someone gets tked on purpose.
Ubi please, you can't even get your servers to work properly and now you apply a tk punish system that's fucking random ppl over.
That isnt an excuse.
>3 people leave my team after a double TK after losing 2 rounds in a row
>I have to stick it through to not get banned and get a fun derank while I'm at it
Is this game better on Xbox one or PS4?

>inb4 pc

I'm a consolefag. I know.
Obviously ps4
Don't ever ask again pleb
>when you're the last one alive and self stim yourself back from DBNO as Doc
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>Go to check new challenges for the week
>Game says I already have one complete
>Ofcourse I dont because I have no active challenges
>Game wont let me have a 4th challenge active

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>get 8 shotgun kills last week in one game, yet don't have the challenge
>can't get one once I have the challenge
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>When you're playing 5d space rainbow and the enemy walk into the trap every time.
>place trap at the entrance of barl. uni
>blitz always walks into it
Go to ubiclub and claim it on the website
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>Final round 1v1 coastline in the bedrrom
>Last alive is looking at one door
>See him on my valk cam coming behind him
>Tell the guy to look the other way 10 times in chat as i've spotted him
>Gets shot from behind by a fucking sprinting blitz
>"wtf, shit team"

What the fuck is up with these people
siege is the ultimate horror game
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Glaz is a meme
Can always rely on slanty eyes and "RB6S, live from Reddit" to always shit up the thread with their webms
leave boogie alone.
fuck snake tho his webms are just "look at how good i am againts these coppers in casual"
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443-450 (4).webm
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I wonder who's responsible for the shitposting
Who's slanty eyes?
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>everyone i dont like is hoesof
c'mon white boi get a new scapegoat
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She's not saying what you think she's saying
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what is th.webm
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>GROM DLC finally arrives
>it's a commieblock
>several floors of small apartments
>thoroughly predictable but varied design on different floors
>players fucking up rappel, falling 9 floors down and dying instantly
i know whats she's saying i just use her face as a reaction
>mfw reporting hoesof for avatarfagging
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Guess I forgot to claim a challenge from last week, thank you friend
I really like that last second look at the bomb. Like I can imagine the person's face slowly contort when realizing that they are boned.
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announcing reports is a bannable offense
>[screams internally in slow motion]
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reposting war crimes
how do i change my spoken language to japanese is set as english
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RB6S Only Mucking 'Bout.webm
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steam properties, language and japanese. it will download an audio pack and your good to go
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>reddit bookmarks and tabs open
So is avatarfagging, and only one of us is doing it on the constant
how is it avatar fagging? i just so happen to have reaction images of the same character
Don't play stupid, avatarfag, absence of name in the post is not absence of an avatarfag
is it tho?
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fuck me.webm
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How did you manage to accidentally record your browser?
>all those leddit tabs and bookmarks
>all those reddit tabs
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buck becomes unstable.webm
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Nice try.
Bout to start my week of shotguns. I already got the challenge but that inspired me to get better with the shotty. So no matter what operator I play, they have to have a shotgun, attack and defense.
Why don't you leave the friendly silhouettes on so you don't prefire on your teammates?
no its that one guy from the ts.
what is this trying to prove? are you trying to be the next epic reddit snake leaker?
Why are your webms always named with two numbers? What's your naming logic there?
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Are you stupid?
why do you name all your pictures "anal beads"

Can you faggots leave already?
They are all 5 minutes long, I review them and name them the starting point and end point of my webms.

That ones 2:09 start 2:15 end.
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sakuya has autism.png
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i want to but they always come here instead of confronting me in the ts

TS runs this general white boy

Actually most of the poster here are from the TS so you cant do shit have fun complaining about the majority of this general
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Shut up slanty eyes
I don't know, are you?
>giving (you)s to people you want to stop posting instead of filtering and ignoring them
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new operator.webm
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what fucking line of code did I just access

Great another general ruined by the fucking outside program

Man fuck /vg/ this place doesnt talk about video games either
Can you not call my wife autistic?
then leave you nigger
but she's my wife
Blackbeard at launch.
Biggest problem is people fervently screaming when anything related to TS is posted. That and obvious avatar fagging for attention.
Not for long
Higher quality and more end video:
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RB6S Shield Monster.webm
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I hope one day someone DDOS's the faggots
cant cuck me if i cuck you first
do it white boi
kek keep them coming
>implying doomsayers screaming "GENERAL'S RUINED" aren't the ones that ruin generals
Cry louder, it might solve the problem.
At this point i don't doubt that we have both ts fuckers shitting up threads and fuckers pretending to be ts fags to shitpost
I like you.

Fuck you this general fell when it got popular

Its just TS fags and people waiting for art

and actually we havent gotten alot of OC lately just that swim suit guy
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RB6S Comfy.webm
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I like swimsuit guy. He is a good guy.
because they're noobs, or in a discord with their sweaty nerd friends.
You have a shotgun, blast through the wall.
That hammer is pretty useless.
nice spot
your life is a meme.
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Can you explain to me where the shotgun is in that webm?
Literally the only thing that has ever happened to me when I try to play Sledge
Use the smg11 for medium to long range.
try being less of a cunt too.
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seen some shit.jpg
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>you have a shotgun
Are you having a stroke?
Learn from your mistakes, or be a jaded bitch, you've chosen the latter.
I wasnt going through the wall to kill him. I had no idea he was there
He didn't have a shotgun in the webm, so he couldn't use it. Also why would you stop yourself from using the most steady AR in the game?
Gotta check your corners, my man.
Anon the point was that the sledge-player was killed the second he broke the wall. Like he was probably jumpscared. I don't know what you are going on about
Then you need to know there is a wait time before sledge can put the hammer away and take the gun back out. It was a brazen move that ultimately led to his death because he wasn't thinking.
No shit, wasnt even in the room yet. Not many people would hide there. However I was expecting someone behind the bar.
Meant to reply to you
You should know that entrance is a death trap, you died because you're arrogant and stupid.
The L86 is OK, but slow rate of fire.
The L85 is steady and for longer angles. You use the mac-11 for the short/mid range encounters. Either way, there's no reason to use the shotgun over the L85.
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what is the shotgun person's argument?
You're shit for not knowing that someone was on the other side of a wall?
I wouldnt call a chance encounter like that because of arrogance. If you don't want me to retort to your pointless "tips" then dont bother saying obvious shit.
just drone or c4 it's not that hard
flank or use c4
>now the shitters of /r6g/ are advocating the use of shotguns on attack
>he doesn't know
In all honesty, wild card strats can work a good amount of the time. People can get tied up in the meta too much and not know what to do against something that most would consider dumb.
>not using a shotgun on Sledge since he has the SMG11 as a backup
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>He doesn't go GSG-9 recruit with god shotty, a grenade and two breaches
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>they reinforce the wrong side of the wall so you can't place your black mirror
>they barricade a window at 3 secs while you're standing next to them, black eye in hand
>they breach round the window you're rappelling next to, fuze charge in hand
>they run into a room while your fuze charge is live
>they kill downed opfor while you're next to them as Cav
>they wall you into a room with a worthless castle barricade
>they run into your smoke
What am I missing?
>he doesn't like instant incap up to 10 meters
get a load of this fag
>they shoot your armor pack because a drone was near it
Worst I've seen is a Fuze who was going to fuze the room that's above the open garage that attackers can just walk into, a Buck was approaching the stairs, clearly could have seen the outline of Fuze placing his charge, clearly could have heard the loud ass grenades being shot inside, and still ran up the stairs to his death.
>He doesn't get headshots with rifles
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>glaz shoots the hostage/teammate because if it glows then it's an enemy
>gee glaz, better watch out for those defenders with giant shields
>when you het a bullshit kill but you tbag them in the final killcam anyway
Who saltminer here?
>they reinforce a wall you used an impact grenade to open
>they electrify the walls you just muted
>they reinforce a hatch on the floor
>he doesn't bust open hatches below defenders just to catch them off-guard or bait them into coming down to kill you.
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>they throw down barbed wire and a battery on top of your mute box
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>they literally just reinforce whatever is in front of them when they spawn so they can run to the other side of the map and hide for 3/4 of the round
I think the game would be better if reinforcements were tied to weight i.e. Cav only gets one reinforcement while Rook gets three so roamers get time to be where they want to and anchors get an actually defensible site.
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>they impact grenade the wall next to where your reinforcing, taking half your health away.
i understand using the impact nades for holes...but why use it 2 inches from someone reinforcing?
I literally do this every round when I'm trying to carry my shitty team. They don't listen to me when I say we can't have four people all in the objective room, so I have to go roaming as Rook and try to give them a chance with pick offs. It works more often than not.
>They shoot your black mirror at the start of the round
No time to waste, gotta roam
If I take damage from a teammate at the very start of the round, I always have to fight the incredible urge to mow them down in retaliation. Sometimes I pretend to accidentally headshot them in the middle of the match when I get a chance.
>tfe you make a diamond ragequit in Casual after spawnpeeking them and seeing them sperg in chat

Why is Bomb the most played in the pro-scene when it's the game-mode most clearly not what the game is designed around.
Its perfectly ment for the game. Not for most maps or some sites however. It just needs a lot more coordination to play.
Just play valk silver memers should be shot
>not using shotfuns because lol noskill

I pity you, my friend
>that one guy who always plays down lost rounds and sincerely tries to keep you from being tilted because he knows you won't do your best if you get mad
>a shining beam of positivity
>even when the chips are down he keeps a cool head and it rubs off on you
I had a bowl of Honey Nut Feelios after that game
Native or 4:3?
Union Jack for those who dont have it yet
Native with maxed FOV.
>on the AR33
I like you. It's honestly a shifty situation deciding between Casual and Ranked when trying to earn it

The in game overlay doesn't display rounds won , does it do that on the club website?
I just made guesses with the progress bar weird how theres no percentage
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>it's ANOTHER "I'm going to shoot teammates until they kill me and get auto-kicked" episode
>it's another Siege's community has become fucking garbage and makes never want to play it again episode

It's been two weeks since I've played this game. Every time I get the urge I remember all the shit that drove me away from it.
Can anyone give me some tips for getting better at roaming?

I feel like a lot of the time I either panic when a drone finds me or I push attackers too early/quickly
>Guys Ubisoft have done a great job managing the game and I for one love the "I've got a toaster and can't use lighting effects" style they've added.

desu I would rather die to a guy in a dark corner every once in a while than have the operators look like shit 100% of the time.
There are two types of people: People who like flashbangs, and people who think they're useless.

Which one are you, /r6g/?
I like them but I feel like they have an odd spread across the operators. Some operators feel odd that they have them in the first place.
blowing up a wall is usually more useful than flashbangs
Why isn't there any self shadowing?
Why does everything look so flat now?
To be honest I play the game on lowest settings excluding textures and LOD so I couldn't care less.
>stare at bomb for 2 secs
>doesn't spot
>mute puts a jammer literally on top of my drone
>5 seconds later someone shoots my drone
>spots the bomb
Yes of course...
>actually thinking this gives you an advantage

>owning a toaster

pick one
I think the current ops all have good reasons for having flashbangs:

-Sledge, Buck, and Hibanna make holes in walls, so they can throw in flashbangs right afterwards.
-Fuze and Montagne throw flashbangs as they lead the team into a room, shield first.
-Capitao uses bolts to drive people out of corners, then throws flashbangs when they can't avoid the AoE.
-Jackal follows footprints around a corner, then throws a flashbang as he moves in for the kill.
I get more pleasure from meming people with claymores.
Considering playing on low gives me 144 fps and playing on max only gives me 100-120, I'd say it's an advantage
¿por qué no los dos?
>lowest settings excluding textures and LOD

How is not being able to see the enemy's shadow before they round a corner on Shadows: Low, giving you "an advantage"?
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lap dance.webm
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what did she mean by this?
Oh, you're just being pedantic. You could've said that before you decided to act like a retard.
Kapkan should get 3 barbed wire like Bandit.
>it's another episode of someone having 1 health after getting hit twice with mutes shotgun
nice game
>then next round smoke one shots me from across the room with the same shotgun
great game
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It's everything I ever wanted
are there any good mp5k and/or mac-11 skins?
even black ice looks kinda ugly
I just use white for everything. Probably makes me easier to spot but oh well.
I got Engraved for them.
I like the WW2 camo, it matches Mute's brown uniform
Ferrum, Grey
i haven't used breaching charges or claymores in literally hundreds of hours
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Breaching charges are pretty nifty though
> 20 hours throughout the game
> still fucking shit
How many hours did it last before you git gud at this game /r6g/?
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Just bought Echo and hes fun but I want to know how to use Yokai better, almost every game Ive played it gets destroyed/I overcompensate the range on his sound blast thing
100 is the very least
>tfw stuck with negative w/l & k/d thanks to 100 hours of shittery
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betrayed by fuze.webm
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Use him on bomb. Drop him around places where people are going to try to plant and break their animation with it.
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oh baby a triple.webm
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I don't even care about my K/D at this point. I just want to git gud at this game.
I'd say there are five "dedicated" roamers- Pulse, Jager, Bandit, Caveira, and SAS Recruit

Stay away from cav and Pulse if you're new. Cav is a meme operator. Fun as hell, but a meme nonetheless. Pulse is actually good and viable but I rarely see low leveled players use his scanner correctly. These two are more complicated and I would recommend staying away for now.

Jager is usually the go to roamer. He has an assault rifle that will out dps any other defender primary. His ADS gadget is simple to use. Place by doorways or windows in places they won't be easily peaked, ggez. If you are good at controlling the 416c recoil Jager is the best roamer for you at face value.

Bandit is another. The MP7 is second in Def primary DPS by just a little bit but loses to the 416 at long range because of its high damage drop off. The recoil is easy to control and it takes an ACOG. Bandits batteries is more useful than jagers ADS generally and he also has 3 barbed wire instead of 2. Don't take nitro instead of wire or you'll be a turbo shitter forever.

Last is the SAS recruit. 3 speed. Take wire and nitro, with an M5K or M590 primary and the SMG11 as a secondary. The SMG11 has the best DPS out of any gun in the game. It has very manageable recoil. Even though it is your secondary, treat it as your primary. You can consider the shotgun primary for utility or the M5K as a back up gun for when you expend the SMG11's 3 magazines. Recruit is comfy because people will assume you're retarded and there is no pressure to do well like there is with a top tier operator.

Now that you're hopefully no longer playing caveira the actual roaming part is very simple. Map knowledge. Memorize attack routes to each objective on each map. Position yourself in a place to flank one easily. Rotate out to different spots if you're not finding any attackers to murder. Find good spots to outside peek and use them. Pay attention to noise you're making. If you get droned, move. Character limit.
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hibana magdump.webm
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nice aimkey
If caveira doesn't leave spawn a quarter second faster she can't get the plays she needs to put an edgy montage on YouTube
Lol i'm that castle
>team makes fun of my waifu profile picture while I'm topfragging
>take caveira
>down each of them at beginning of game
>quit to title so they all die and I don't get another 8 hour team killing ban
t. silver who plays at a level where everyone doesn't have 200 dollar audio technicas and can't hear you pacing them on the other side of the map
Use him to support roamers/gain intel and assist kills for the first 2 minutes, then move to area denial the last one
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Whatever you hope to accomplish by saying that.
Orb Weaboo is nice.
Memes aside breaching charges are only useful for being ghetto buck with floors and hot breaching
>Chalet has a wallhack exploit where you can shoot through walls from second floor bedroom fireplace
>People on Smurf accounts using this in Ranked

Actually beyond mad right now fuck this game and it's lazy ass peice of trash dev team.

>roaming as bandit
just breach my shit up
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>be this
>called a twink/faggot as a result

It's a thankless job in the moment, but I just have to hope future matches will see an improvement when these people have since cooled down enough to reflect on their actions.
I wish this game split matchmaking into people with and without SSDs.
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>Name:Masaru Enatsu
>Stand: Yokai's Echo
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>points for welcome mat destroyed
>still get trapped
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new favorites.png
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how are my scores? i'm new at this game

ps. fuck thatcher nigga has most time played because he was my first operator i'm a 3 speed demon now
Not enough time to make a full assessment
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>get ready to vault over shield
>don't even get the vault indicator and I'm trapped
quality game
You don't need to bandit trick on most objectives

It's only relevant on certain garages

If no, top 2% of new players I'd say
how do you get in there? cant get past the horizontal bar
cod 4 promod veteran and underachieving pubstomper in various shooters like cs, bf and rs/ro2
> lying on the internet
fuck off smurf
t. newshit
why is the votekick feature not in ranked yet when they said they were bringing it back months ago? why are glaz and montagne considered balanced by ubisoft? why don't map preferences work? why don't my shots register? why would anyone play this awful game?
what else are you gonna do faggot?
What's the way you have the most fun in this game, anon?
So, are Montagne/Glaz considered shit? I'm kinda new.
anything with shotguns
maybe you just need to get good tho if you're good at fps games you can pick any game up and be good, but i guess you're one of those moba babbies who think because the game has "heroes" and "skills" it was made for you :^)
> comparing this to any FPS game ever
Are you retarded?
They just gave Glaz a fucking insane buff. He now has a thermal vision optic for his two shot kill rifle so you can just drop smokes and meme for days. He previously only had an additional 4x magnification as his gadget, which was pathetic.

Not sure what their problem with Montagne is.
you're right, this is a lot easier because you have much more information in the form of
cameras/heartbeat sensor etc. and can shoot/make holes through
walls to outplay your opponents with superior gamesense and more round time
to make careful plays than in other games like this
i need the answer for this!
no theyre op as fuck

uninstall and play something i enjoy playing
who should i buy, cav or frost

getting boring playing defense
>Wallbang the guy who's been perfectly been tracking head and 1 tapping very suspiciously the whole game
>"wtf hacker reported"

kek, these people are hilarious
If you're bored I'd go for Cav.
Frost plays like Valk but with a passive gadget.
Cav's high risk/reward interrogations has the best chance of injecting some interest.
>Not sure what their problem with Montagne is.
youll understand when you learn the game more

there's a reason he's taken on almost every attack round in the pro league since season 3
Nah mate. But another french studio
ubi montreal.

the only thing worse than frogs are canadian frogs
like what out of curiosity

More information doesn't make a game easier, if anything less information makes games easier. One of the main things that separate good players from bad is not primarily the ability to gather information but to do something useful with it, while any drooling idiot can do a drone sweep.
what games do i enjoy playing? i don't know, a lot of them. most of them actually, i can usually find at least something entertaining in one of them. 1500 hours later in rainbow and it just isn't fun at all anymore, the game's just getting worse. none of the pro league players actually like this game, they all agree it's dog shit.

ill probably replay one of the stalker games, idk
People that teamkill on purpose are subhuman and need to be put into camps immediately
i regret listening to you

5 games in a row she's instapicked every time
less information makes it "harder" because good players don't have as much of an advantage because they don't have as much to exploit

the more options a better player has the easier the game is, limited options are a stupid meme and it's unbalanced that you have to lose against players worse than you because the game gives you limited resources, r6 does that relatively little though which is great compared to stupid casual games like overwatch where you have no chance to fight at range as reaper etc.

rainbow six currently has a few memes though like
>montagne *blocks your path*
>your operator can only choose from wire and shield, doesn't have explosives (for example jäger)
>lose because there is nothing you can do
this needs to end
>none of the pro league players actually like this game, they all agree it's dog shit.
So, I'm kinda new to R6, what are the gripes most people have with the game?
poor balance, bad matchmaking, broken features, awful netcode which includes the worst hit reg ive ever seen in an fps before, devs that cater to the lowest common denominator and ignore high-level input despite letting all the pros beta test new content, shitty maps that you're forced to play over and over, and more.

You should have seen Summit, a top CS streamer, try to learn R6. He gave up after less than a month because he couldn't learn to deal with all the different situations you are constantly faced with in R6 and got punished again and again and again for it. So there you have a great flick-of-the-wrist kind of player, who can dominate in quick reaction time FPS games, get completely destroyed because he, I presume, isn't that used to dealing with a wider spectrum of tactics like in a game such as R6.

In R6 on the other hand your aim can actually be pretty bad but you can compensate if you are good at handling the information you got at hand, but that seems like a much rarer skill compared to quick reaction time.
>a top CS streamer
You'd think he'd do better in a game without incendiary grenades
So this is the true power of ultra graphics?
>Can't see people
>Can't see shit
>Textures flicking in and out of existence even on highest LOD
>Feels like you are operating in petroleum jelly despite having over 100 fps

I almost wrote "top CS player" but then I remembered that clip
Unlock a useful 25k operator, or go for one of the Hong Kong ones?
What clip?
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Defend hostage is easy as fuck on Presidential Plane, here's a guide:
>Pick Executive Bedroom
>Run upstairs to reinforce hatches 1 and 2 as shown in the picture
>Restock reinforcements and reinforce wall 3 if you can before the round starts
>Board up the door, punch a hole at eye level, stand on the red dot and just aim down the hallway
>All terrorists should come from there if you did the hatches, they might blow open wall 3 if you didn't reinforce it, but you can reinforce it after they blow it open
>Inbetween rounds reinforce wall 4, should take like 5 reinforcements but you can just restock them endlessly
>Watch out for the bomber on the last round, just make sure you keep your weapons reloaded

Works for me every time, with every operator.

Oh wow, that's pretty bad
Get a new toaster
How do you counter Mira and tachanka big fuck off hole
Shoot Tachanka's shield by peeking it.
You can even shoot his gun while he aims at you and you'll get a free headshot since his shield is fucking trash.
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Where is my jeager flight suit goddammnit, I want my EW aviator to look like a God damn aviator.
>My graphics are all fucked up
>It's the game's fault!
how am i supposed to get 7 shotgun kills? i can't get a single shotgun kill in this fucking game and even if i did i don't want to ruin my k/d of 1.5 by doing stupid meme shit just to get 250r
Use Bandit with the Krautcannon. Win.
That cleary isn't ultra settings.
From looking at the border of the scanner alone you can see that the texture quality is low and pixelated.

on an unrelated note:
Why do the Finnish love Moomin so much?
It's like your national mascot.
Please explain why you think that anon's baiting? From what I can tell, they're mostly right.

>Poor Balance
Several operators are must picks, while others are almost never seen at pro level
>Bad Matchmaking
Takes forever, and can match people in blatantly unfair ways. It's very heavily linked to the fact that the MMR system itself sucks, though.
>Broken Features
Hibana bug still causes resets on the regular in proleague games. Other stuff might be less common, but no less annoying (shield bug, etc.)
>Awful Netcode
As much as ubi tries to fix it, it's still broken on the basic level. If you're shooting at a light armor with a small head hitbox, you might as well close your eyes and pray.
>Devs don't listen to high level feedback
Montagne nerf never
>Shit maps
It's been especially bad this last week. It feels like every ranked game is either cancervela, fartlett, or the cuck boat.
The French shotty is pretty good, else you could run Smoke.
Not the bait anon but they said that they fixed most of the matchmaking issues with the Test Server's 1-step matchmaking.

I do agree that you should be able to turn off maps for ranked. It's bullshit that my skill gets rated on how well you play on cheese maps like House, Bartlett or Favela.
Meeting room is pretty good too
>Fortify the cockpit hatch
>Impact/shotgun open the top half of kitchen/meeting wall, so the terrorists won't try to breach it
>At the start, mow down anyone you can see from the main door platform (normal AI can't hit shit at range, so this should be very safe)
>Run over to the meeting stairs and kill the rest as they filter in

Surely you will be able to get some shotgun kills on maps like Favela, plane etc.
Slooooooooow peek until you see the very corner of his shield, shoot until it breaks, then fast peek his head
>while others are almost never seen at pro level
why is it important what minmax autists deem as optimum in a context where team communication and personal skill are pretty much maxed out?
I meant Bill for
>Get a new toaster
nothing i said is bait. you implying it's bait is just bait. kill yourself
>why do people want to balance the game around the players that know how the game works
gee i wonder
The hostage doesn't glow.
Didn't reply to you because I thought you're simply baiting and you probably still are but if you genuinely believe that this is the case then you indeed are retarded. The fact that you have more options makes it harder and makes you more uncertain on how you approach the game. It's really easy to say that "hurr durr it's easier cuz muh informations and muh exploits!!!". Sure, how do you utilize those efficiently then? Of all the options you've got, what's the most efficient one? The ones that's less likely to get you killed?

With CS:GO you can still win a match if you turn off your brain and rely with the dexterity of your hands. Hell, if you just have faster reaction time than the average players, you'll win and be ace 90% of the time. Basically, it's the fucking meta of CS:GO. It's pretty much also the reason why I got bored of the game. It became repetitive and has an autistic community who accuses and kicks you for "hax" despite it's just you being good at the game, and decided to try r6 due to it being allegedly "the most tactical FPS game". Surprisingly, I'm almost convinced that it is despite its problems.
Because the vast majority of players dont play like that. The enjoyment for tens of thousands should come before the enjoyment of a couple dozen professional electronic sports athletes.
Why is everyone so autistic about the w/l, k/d ratios?
It is an objective measure of how good at the game you are and everyone can see it
You know you're on the internet right? And especially 4chan
I assure you, it's Ultra with 2x AA.
Why do people like South Park?
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Is this an Australian breed?
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found you problem
If it isn't bait then you are genuinely stupid.
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>amd cpu
It isn't really, but it's the best thing we've got.

Since you can win entire rounds for your team without getting kills.
Like being the montage that gets everyone too look at him and shoot him while the rest of the team can easily pick the enemy off.
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It's great! I can make meme webms at the same time while recording and playing famalam
>Buying a CPU that has a lot of cores and is meant for multicore computing, when game devs still can't figure out how to even use 2 cores properly.
If you consistently win rounds for your team it will be reflected in your W/L ratio
Does anyone happen to have a collection of siege hentai? I need it for... research.
>Assuming everyone on vg only games and does nothing else
Remember that time the game was getting constant crashes on i7 CPUs, and the dev-endorsed temporary fix was to turn off multithreading in BIOS?

Fun times.
All that money and you got the shitty TN panels
where do you find these stats?
A program called Speccy, Google will be your friend here
No i don't, but most people do especially the numbnuts laughing at you for having AMD.

But you should know game devs suck at programing, apart from DICE somehow, since their games actually scale.
Nah. All dogs were shipped out of Australia for not being dangerous enough.
It was rhetorical but anyway, shouldn't you be more concerned of getting good at the game rather than autistically maintaining a positive ratio? I mean look at this faggot >>174418491 fearing for "ruining his k/d, w/l ratio" while attempting a new playstyle. It's why I don't take these "ratioposters" seriously. These are the same autists who quit mid-game if their deaths outweigh their number of kills or if they're losing. Not really "objective" now eh?

I mean if you really think about it. You wouldn't be this autistic about your ratio if you're genuinely good at the game right?
Spasibo komrad
Have they unfucked that game yet?
You still have Raider being unplayable and Bezerker being almost as bad.
I like to have OBS and music running in the background and with my brother said that's a bit too much work for his 6600K, not to mention that r5 1600 build is 70-80 euros cheaper than a similar 7600K build in Finland
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This is mine from high texture settings, I guess pulse's scanner just has low res textures. will (You) myself in a sec with my graphic settings.

South Park tells relevant stories with often interesting and satirical plot twists.
Moomin is a very outdated cartoon that is somehow only still featured pretty significantly in Finland. I just wanna know why geez.
The game's good, ubisoft just tend to be good at fucking up good things.
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-How to not be lonely
>(You) yourself
Moomin is cute and comfy
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Just turn your fucking settings up, you retard.
Yeah some textures have that, like i said. even with the highest LOD some objects dissapear 5 feet from you.. Maybe I had DoF on too, which .jpg compression really doesn't like.

Moomin is just a kid's show that has very basic and well structured stories and motifs. It's a classic, really.
Im not the original poster with the "ultra" issue?
I run low because it runs better and it increases visability. Somehow it still looks better than what he has though.

Thx lad
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Why even play Pulse in the first place any way? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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> (You) myself
You poor thing. Here, have mine.
This is what I currently have set in the menu
The game is updating to 1.27, what's that? I can't find info online
HBAO+ is for Nvidia cards.
Change it to SSBC.
good taste btw

ty peacekeeper, I won't tell /fhg/ that you're here
They fixed I.Q.'s nail polish
Literally on their twitter


Montagne nerf
I really can't see the difference between the two. The Fiji seems apt at handling both
Thanks m8s, somehow googling "rainbow six siege 1.27" and relative variants didn't give me any useful result
>echo got a major buff hours after I spent all my renown on buck

>FIXED – Reloading does not always properly reload the weapon, even if the animation plays. Bandit’s April Fools joke of replacing some magazines with empty ones was not received well by Rainbow Six Actual.
Good, those retards get really angsty and mad if you mention PK even once.
>that echo buff

Is montagne finished?

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His other pistol is better any way, even before revolver nerf
Post your montagne stats my man.
I wanna see how far your "just hope for a headshot or bodyshot 9 times" hypothesis worked.
>Fixed montagne's mvp pose
>didn't fix blitz's

sugoi ubi-san
I barely play him dood
the shield bash is his strongest move desu.
Then I discard your useless opinion.
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it's easier to be smart than it is to be fast and accurate

in cs you have one option, headshot the enemies before they headshot you, sure you can go A, B, mid or split or lurk or rotate to the other site but it's always the same chokepoints you're going to have to get through there's no room to outsmart your opponents

when your aim skill caps out you're not going to progress in cs

i do not like shotguns in any game, i hate them. I don't like being stuck with pump animation, i don't like clean bodyshots not killing people from 10 yards (real shotguns are absolutely lethal to like 40 yards), i don't like how shotguns look and i don't like not being able to fight at range

i'm fine with experimenting real new playstyles, i'm NOT with getting punished for refusing to pick a fucking shotgun or pistol for 7 kills
Wow, I thought you were joking.
I just realized that the only 3 Armour attackers are all shield OPs.
Unless you equip fuze with the lmg.
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>disregarding my whole argument on the previous post
>repeating what I said
>"it's easier to be smart"
>it's the same K/D, W/L autist
>"waaaa the game has something I don't like and what I'm shit at and it's the game's fault for my incompetence"
That's it, I'm out. This HAS to be bait. No (you) for you.
>shield operator
>lmg operator

nigga he has like the best AR in the game?????
>people not checking the ambush corner
Whats it like playing against retarded people?
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He got the best AR-15 in the game actually
>Hibana bug unfixable without complete code rewrite
Am I the only one that finds it concerning that /fhg/ is so much less active than /r6g/? That game's so fun but ubi really ruined it with their shittyness. Siege is still better
It's really not that surprising even without ubisoft fucking up. FPS games are just currently more popular than hybrid fighting games like FH.

It's like /r6g/ when it started

It has free dlc so it will live
It's because 90% whining and bitching and 10% actual discussion but hey isn't it just like /r6g/ before?
Also Why are you comparing Siege and FH?
I'm comparing them because they're two games I'm currently interested in.

/r6g/ is still %90 whining and bitching.
It's like a relationship. The first year is the best, and then the flaws start to eat at people.
4k as rook last game followed by my second ever ace. im very proud of myself, are you?
It's sorta been the reverse for siege. I'd be willing to argue that the popularity is at it's peak currently.

All for honor showed me was how ubisoft cannot keep its DLC under wraps

For honor got its DLC leaked months in advance
If by reflected you mean people think you got carried then yes, it is.
dude I absolutely hate shotguns in this game.
>watch youtube
>guy gets easy one shot kills with smoke's shotgun from across the room
>I use it
>2 armors are able to take two shots from a few feet away then turn around and headshot me
The only shotguns I like are the semi automatic ones and the gsg shotgun but even that one is widely inconsistent with it still taking two shots to kill someone.
Didn't the number of PC users completely tank after the first month?
New players are still in that first year. People who have been playing the whole time seem to complain more.

Steam numbers in game stats say there is atleast 40k players on PC

how much would siege have?
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>tfw kicked out of 9/1/1 game due to maintenance
I'm looking for ps4 right now
Ps4 players*
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You can get one for $254,- on Amazon.
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>they destroy the ceiling hatch at the beginning of setup
>they shoot your yokai in setup phase
believe me, the bullets start flying when that happens
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>Shoot Echo's drone
>Now Echo has to actually do something
Go play the game you fatty
Can anyone else see their stats on the rainbow website or it doesn't show while in maintnance?
i am shit at the game
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You made my steam profile
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First thing I'm going to be doing is filling your ass with BULLETS
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Mine, need a better screen so don't look at that
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>Stuck on Creating Squad

Shit, what do I do?
Display* I mean....
Fucking autist typing screen
Looks like they entirely changed the t-hunt loading screen so you won't see what you're getting.
It also appears like the thermal scope will decrease in intensity the further you are from a target, as an aside the blue shading is nearly entirely gone.
I imagine to stop having 4 out of 5 players jumping ship whenever Bartlett - Bomb popped up.
For comparison between close and mid range
>Montagne nerf
Thank god. I was just about to bitch about how shitters here think he's perfectly fine and balanced.
It really should be the other way around.
It's like they're going full "we want the rambo Glaz audience".
ded gaem ded bread
I just saw Oregon when loading to test Glaz, might just be a bug on your end
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>FIXED – IQ has the wrong nail polish color in 3rd person view.

Finally the game is playable.
>before update
>NAT Open
>After update
>NAT Moderate

>970 and not even 1080p

What the hell are you doing

Well someone really does have a nail polish fetish on the dev team
Because 4chan is a hive for autism much like several places on the internet such as reddit, tumblr and whatnot. I'm pretty sure the internet bring out the bit of autism everyone has when they waste enough of their life on it.
Nice meme parts you go there son.
why do i get TKed for picking fuse on hostage so much?

I'm not gonna kill the guy.
When do the HK ops come out? I first it was april and now june?
The roadmap for the year always said may for S2.

Leaks soon
Because a majority of the game is autistic and trash so they just assume if they're stupid enough to kill the hostage, you will, so they try to dissuade you from ruining their game by teamkilling you and risking you ruining the game by tking them back.
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>I first it was april and now june?
I bet you feel stupid now
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>FIXED – IQ has the wrong nail polish color in 3rd person view.
Thank God now I can give Siege another chance

>see fuze walk up to hostage room and place charge
>would have killed the hostage if they didn't have a jager

Yes they are stupid enough to kill the hostage.
same here
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>tfw your irrelevant country (finland) will never ever get a character in games like moh:w, r6s or overwatch
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Say: "brb, just gonna go kill the hostage real fast senpai" when you pick Fuze

It usually works.
no one likes mongols
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arvaa vittu miks homo
I wouldn't be so sure about that mongolbro
Let's wait till Y3 and see
Who knows maybe even Y4 or so
>People complaining about HK/SK being too similar to Japan
>Then asking for Australia

What, so SASR isn't similar to SAS but two asian countries are

Well one gets funding the other doesn't
I always swore that everyone looked different since launch but never realized they fucked it up that much.
So just play SAS recruit :^)
If Ubisoft really wants to go for 50-100 operators then maybe you'll get your operator that yells:"PERKELE" and makes witty comments at the Spetnaz operators regarding WW2.
Who else Rangers for S3? Have them in 90's kit for that real Black Hawk Down experience

They didnt even change anything

Its just lighting you guys complained about

>leaked voice files of the Ranger defender when affected by Thatchers EMP

I fucked that up
oh lol

Is the attacker

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These patch notes mayne

>Spetnaz also get new voice lines due the rangers having an AC130 gunship gadget

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>literal who units get added to the game
>sayeret matkal isnt even in the game
i just wanna rp as bibi lads

>Tactical nuke gets called in
>Its over
>cod posters

get out
>yfw you'll never hear glaz and fuze talking to each other in russian


i miss MW2

>im a sopiscated GAYMER who thinks cod is bad for reasons
You got an op faction in wargame
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i don't think it's going to happen finland is not very well known for special forces or police units even though some of them look pretty cool

I'm afraid ubisoft is going to add rangers, sfod-d, CIA SAD, USAFSF, SOG, FSK, PASKAL, KSK, SEK, SASR, SBS and ISIS before us
>Abu Hajaar new 3 speed op
sign me the fuck up
you can switch to secondary to get the +speed back
>MG3 Primary
>Special ability: Tactical Roll + RPG 7 (the one for armor, not people)
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A CTU from the Nordic countries is guaranteed
I need Spesialkommando, you hear me Ubi?
>nat type moderate
what the fuck ubishit
you could have the ranger wear UCP or 3 color desert
hell, maybe even chocolate chip if you wanna go full gulf war
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>more multimeme wearers

we already have blackbeard

fund it

i would take black hawk down tony hawk helmet choco chip delta
Story Time Bhres
>Smoke, Shotgun, SMG-11
>We get Consulate room as bomb
>No one barricades except me, and the only one who does shit is Jäger
>Opposite team takes the side windows
>Most of the team goes fucking wherever except Pulse
>He doesn't fucking notice the opp. team repelling into the room
>he dies
>I hide in that small pocket room
>Ash shows up infront of me
>shotgun her, defuser falls on unbarricaded wooden hatch
>I shoot it through it, and it falls to the first floor
>I follow it and hide, placing le beauties
>buck kills me before I could take advantage
>Jäger doesn't help and dies, despite me asking

I love the game but hate the players
So if I already did everything I had to do to get open NAT, what the fuck am I supposed to do now that it switched to moderate after the update?
Did they change the ports or something?
they fucked something up, they are asking on plebbit for all the names of everybody affected
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How many more grills are we getting this year?
You think there will ever be a CTU with 2 females in siege?
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>Can't deal with an operator
>Calls others shitters
?????? Overwatch general is that way.
Yes, all options are on the table
you think we'll ever get another CTU with 2 male operators?
I play Montagne, you shitter. All I do is close the distance between an enemy and magdump all my revolver rounds on the enemy. They literally can't do shit to me.
Hopefully not

I won't ever win again if this continues to happen

t. still a shitter
>montagne revolver nerf
I would've just made the shield take a few hundred more milliseconds to deploy/retract but whatever
yes you will, just play the game
t. shitter who's getting better>>174428458
>Echo buff
drone now stuns anywhere in a hitbox, including feet/legs
>Montagne nerf
revolver hipfire hit
>Glaz buff, not even kidding XDD
scope is less fuzzy, people are easier to see, blood is visible now
>"update" on x-kairos bug
basically they said "we don't know what the fuck is wrong with it"
>montagne's second, smaller montagne has been removed
and other general bug fixes
obviously you mong

Not quite. F2 outclasses it. It's tied for second with Jackal's C7. It out DPS's the C7 but has twice as much recoil. It's definitely top tier tho.
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I actually think Echo gets a damage and health buff when gets destroyed. All of my echo aces have been me getting yokai destroyed then angery rushing with the Bearing 9 and a shit load of health.

Although, teammate shoots yokai? I'm throwing bullets at every teammate within 20 meters until I get another 8 hour ban.
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delet this
K-On was a shit anime and Kyoani is a shit animation studio. Can your rude opinions with tastes like that.
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a chicken probably.png
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>has a bad opinion on one of the most fun defenders
>doesn't drivign around yokai all round a fun
>posts an anime that's only palatable when you're stoned

o p i n i o n disregarded, also, shoot my yokai and ill end u bich
This is a weird way to change him but in the end it doesn't seem to be a big deal.
Why the fuck does it track this
It's a cum stain.
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You can't end me if I keep running you fat fuck.
idk, but I was mostly posting a decent echo k/d with more than 10 hours played

he's my second most played defender but I have 60 hours in bandit so I'm just not that diverse
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a cat.jpg
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I'd just kill you next round desu senpai

I'm a petty boy
Engraved for the MAC-11.
The fuck..Do I have to make a Reddit account to have my NAT changed?
It was tracking a SAS operator.
Don't mind the Glaz buff people, we got IQ's nails fixed now! Here, I'll show you.
>not being a hand fetishist
Siege has left my balls empty for months
How do you make Jackal viable in higher level play?

Would giving him frags instead of breaches and buffing the enviro destruction on the ITA12S give him a strong role as a (viable) entry fragger?
I think he's OK as is. He would be Buck with a tracker if buffed as you say.
I don't think there's much you can do to Jackal without making him too strong in average skilled games.
I just mean taking the enviro damage on the ITA12S and making it up to par with other pump shotguns (which are nowhere close to the skeleton key, even the supernova)

Reducing the ammo count to 5 shells in gun and 5 shells in pocket could be a compromise to go along with this.

Jackal pubstomps something awful, but so do a lot of operators. This wouldn't make him sledge/buck tier of entry fragger or bb/glaz tier of entry fragger. He would be a nice versatile entry fragger that you would still probably only take as a fifth pick.
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>Implying Echo wouldn't be permanently dead from obesity by then.

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>mouth hole in art
>no mouth hole in game
wtf ubi
>These are your teammates
>no mouth hole in game

And thank God for that
Smart operators have a mouthhole so they can eat food

Bandit lacks a mouthhole, how is he supposed to eat? shame!
Watch the video and look at the images. See how many errors you can spot.
This is hilarious
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Why not Columbia's search bloc
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RB6S Echo On Suicide Watch.webm
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Two fucking Kapkans
Is this OC
>Chanka on attack
Old news, man. These screenshots are on the official Siege site
Hey, sometimes I will finish a match and get zero renown.

Is this a glitch or is there a reason you wouldn't get renown from a match?
It's funny since those old images showed off deagles and FAL

Also, it should be redone with the new nail polish
>someone picks tachanka
>dies without firing a single bullet from his MG
>"sorry guys, wanted to troll"
epic funny meme
Only when you lose terrorist hunt you get zero renown, all the other modes give you some even if you lose
What's interesting these are beta images

Yet Monty has a spas 12
It's rare, but you sometimes get 0 renown in PvP matches. It happened to me a couple weeks ago.
It happened to me yesterday, like 3 times.
And they were all wins.
It was in PVP last night. I'd never seen it before but it was happening to my friend as well. I think 2 or 3 games we got zero renown after winning.
I guess you have to perform extremely bad like killing hostages every round and staying in the negative score for that.
Renown is tied to score, except in terrorist hunt where it just defaults to zero if you lose
new thread

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new oc XDDD
there were some early operator trailers and in half of them glaz was sniping with the 556xi in the intro
Thanks, anon.
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Listen, I have a plan, ok?
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