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ASL THREAD #WHATEVER stop deleting fucking videogame threads,

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Thread replies: 162
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stop deleting fucking videogame threads, we're trying to watch fucking brood war
hey buddy
why are they deleting them? Wtf is this about.
This is shaping up to be a good match.
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Afreeca Star League S3

no stream link edition

>hero -Z
>rain -P
>Lazy -P
>sSak -T

have a chubby Korean
probably some new retarded mod. can you still complain on the 4chan irc channel?
Trash tier mods.

I like that expand position, that'll let him get a good flank if terran pushes out
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hehe it's past my bedtime watch out im a real bitch
>Protoss 3rd base this early
Is this normal?
Also dumbest fucking mods in existence
The stream link is "that streaming website you know" slash asl.

We're up to game two, shaping up to a nice PVT
Protoss often expands faster than Terran if they can handle the vultures
Carriers soon
Rain is being ballsy as fuck, hidden third into carriers
Carriers aren't good on this map. It's all going to bank on the surprise factor.
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I'm going to bump this thread all fucking day just to show this stupid fucking asspie mod he has no real power
It's not unusual, although the way the bases were spread is more like what happens on Fighting Spirit than a 2 player map.

If a defensive terran line sets up, you CAN'T break it cost effectively, so you need more bases, and flanking positions can really help you take better trades.

Storm, Carriers, and Arbiters are how you start becoming more cost effective, but you can't get contained. If you manage to tech and stay mobile, thats how you win.
>that cannon timing
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don't you niggers get sick of watching vultures, siege tanks, dragoons and carriers?

fuck me starcraft is a limited game. it got old 10 years ago
>ssak pushing
I love the sound of the mines
What a pathetic dragoon flank
1 thread every 4 days does not make for /vg/ material
/vg/ threads have to be able to sustain themselves every day you fucking newfag
Rain totally threw this game
t.salty sc2 baby
I was getting all excited too
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I don't even play SC2 you fucking retard
Ah Tasteless, the only time you hear
and don't cringe.
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Fucking hell, I was not expecting that push from sSak to be as successful as it was. I didn't think he had enough goliaths to combat that but I guess he rallied enough in

>ZvT on circuitbreaker next

He also attacked early enough that carriers or even the interceptors didn't build up to critical mass.
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Someone make a Daniel to pair up with Nicole.


The OP has "twitch". It might be that they get auto-flagged. So it could just be entirely automated for spam and this is a false positive? Or it's overzealous clueless janitors.
i'd go all in 1base dts on that if you no what i mean
Oh fuck it started already?

How much did I miss?
2 games
It'd odd that every thread I've made for ASL 1/2/3 with twitch in the OP has never been deleted, like ever

missed two decent matches, 3 to go

Lazy lost to Hero.
Ssak won over Rain.


Something is new. New janitors, new bots. Something.
First two matches are done, Next is the winner's match, followed by the loser's match and then the tiebreaker match.
You missed it because some nigger janitor keeps deleting the thread
>he's not cognisant of that
>does he have cognisance

Starcraft is like the only game I hear that word used in
ssak 2:0
Let's get to the heart of the issue:

1. When do you think Tasteless will stop being able to hide his baldness? Place your bets. I'm going with ASL Season 5 being where it gets really obvious.

2. How much do you think these guys make?
SC2 was more fun to watch
SC2 is flashier, but i disagree. Brood War is far more interesting to watch, because every match is a chess board.
Make sure to use bakamplayer.
still using gomplayer
>not using gomplayer
I remember having to uninstall and reinstall it, because it would crash some games
Terran 3 is possibly one of the best video game songs of all time. I know of no other song that captures the feeling of a game better.

They make around 20k a year each but you have to keep in mind all their bills are paid for + god tier health insurance/etc, so it's not a bad gig
called it
>Winning with bio
The madman
Well that was awesome mutually assured destruction.
Drink more and stream with women. Its the winning way.
Why wouldn't he?
Are there any more games coming up?
>day9 in the chat
>chat goes wild
It wasn't the wrong choice for Her0, but he should had retreated after destroying all those SCVs instead of carrying on and losing all his lurkers.
He played some brood war games with WinterSC and Scan 7th ranked player on Fish iirc, it was fun to watch.
Terran 1 is better

>tfw 4:33

I'm trying to watch but your pic doesn't seem to be doing anything.
Why do we need this thread?
>ad for smartphone MMORPG

Who would actually play a smartphone MMORPG
>tfw you can tell white is protoss just from the minimap
OP of the first thread here, just got a 3 day ban for "soliciting". I'm guessing a new as fuck mod with a small dick who doesnt understand jack shit about the board and is happy to get some power at last.

Anyway, weird as fuck tvz. I guess hero just didnt know what the fuck was going on all game until that last scout. Hoping he can play better next match, gon b tough gainst rain.
>starcraft general on /vg/


Is it just bots?
When is the dong playing?

postironic shitposting
Just pure autism. Instead of deleting this thread, /vg/ mods should delete sc2gen, it's a waste of space
seeded into ro16
`Because the mod randomly banned the last couple of ones. Twitch /asl
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that's pretty hot

It will probably die out soon. It's not going to attract new people that's for sure.
why would you just put it right in the middle
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100% done
>the city of Rain
It's a rush. Lazy's given up anyway, he's just let a single zealot kill all his probs.
The most common scouting path has the worker strafe the edges so it doesn't see the middle. Unless they decide to take some extra scouting time to check the mid it's possible it goes unscouted
I like lazy. I wanna see him play again in the future with weird ass shit like that.
fuck off to >>>/vg/ you fucking retards
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Why are women so terrible at this game compared to men?

In theory they should be able to compete...
there are more male players than female. men are also more competitive by nature
Why didn't Rain destroy that shield battery?
I mean he could have tried to hide it at least a little right?
More men playing, more competetive, stronger hands means more keyboard strokes per second.
He took pity.
would impregnate
The middle is no less likely to get scouted than any other location that you can place a proxy gate at. It has to be somewhere in the middle, otherwise it wouldn't be a rush, and the middle would only get scouted if you was scouting an opposite corner.
>Drop Players

This is not a general. It's only made twice a week.
Starcraft is very stenuous and takes a heavy mental and physical toll on your body.
what happen?
why the pause?
had to mute for a second
Tasteless confirmed that BW:R will have a respectable ladder + anticheat
>3 HP corsair
The number of female players who have the necessary skills AND who are willing to go against every social norm AND who happen to pick up SC as their career choice is practically nonexistent.

Even the early SC pros weren't that skilled, they just had the right amount of autism required to not care when their parents told them to get a life. Only after SC/pro gaming became an accepted thing to do did we start to see better and better players. It's still not seen as one for women.
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Roll d100 when someone regardless of dick of vagina decides to play any competitive game. On a 1 they have the right combination of skills, focus and training to become a pro player.
There are a hundred thousand males in South Korea who try to play BW. Roll 1d100 and roughly one thousand are able to play at its highest level.
There are a thousand females in South Korea who try to play BW. Roll 1d100 and you are lucky to get a handful willing.
Simple demographics.
Is that the last match of the night?
Fucking Rain fuck off back to sc2 scrub
>that fucking semicircle of hydras
Sad to see rain lose out cause hes such a good player. Oh well. At least hero made it through.

would never have expected ssak to make it through though. Hope he puts on a good show.
Someone make a qa thread whining about the thread deletions. It's an overzealous or clueless janitor, or some kind of auto-detec bot.

Is there another tourny going on too?

Season 4 should have round of 32 like the old Avertec Intel Classic seasons.

Toss-girl needs to return so she can be elimited round of 26 like always.
Anyone else feel bad for Shuttle? He's a good player. But not a top 4 player typically. More Top 8. But he has had some really bad luck, and some bad matches. Wins ASL1, then eliminated R16 s2, now elimitated R24 this time.
Fucking hell, 13 protosses qualified and 3 have made it through so far. Is the year of the zerg beginning?
wher do i watch
>2 hours
>stream over
too many rushes
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What was this about?


Outsider eats Toss it seems. It's all maps really.
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What's that? Some kinda subreddit?
next group has 3p

if 2 make it through that's 5 out of 13 which is more than 1/3
Theres the spottv starleague on thursday, thats the same time as asl. No tastosis, but they have wolf and rapid doing english cast.
>wolf and rapid
these two are such faggots holy shit

only thing worse is rapid solo cast
Zerg are doing really well this season, much better than the previous season. Outsider doesn't hurt either, it massively favors zerg in PvZ and is almost a free win because the gas expansion has no chokepoint to defend with. I don't even know why they chose Outsider, it's such a screwed up map.
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>rapid solo cast
I can understand hating rapid because memes and not knowing shit about broodwar but wolf is okay.
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Rapid is a typical Nerd. He's insecure, pasty little dweed. He's what you'd expect to be casting this. Tasteless is like some weird dude-bro philosophy major stoner nerd mixture. I'm not sure where to place him.
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Why would you crop out tastelesses mouth in that, its so much better with both
>They make around 20k a year each

What are their long term plans? Are they gonna be 45 jobless with no savings?
What's that mod banning themselves thing about?
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possibly the fan sign ever along with that guy who professed his love for the Samsung Khan coach,
>believing anything this pictures say
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Hence the question
>the Samsung Khan coach
female coach at least?
>move thread to /vg/
>it dies immediately because the event is over
Who fucking knows. I took a holiday just to watch this match and a shithead mod wants to throw his weight around instead. What the flying fuck.
yep prime milf
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>mods in charge of moderation
The thread was left alone and would soon die naturally, whatever dumbass went crying on /qa/ should be ashamed. I bet they'll start fucking up the later threads because of this.
>thread that's actually about video games instead of shitposting
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DUBS ON /vegee/!!!
>call me
>no phone number
could have really gotten something going there judging by her reaction
OMG mods are retards. Do we have new clueless mods now?

This is not a general.

Just because /vg/ exists, means that all threads about Starcraft are banned from /v/. It's like saying you can't have emulation threads because Emugen exists, or no Evo threads because FGG exists.

And in fact, the ASL thread is done. There's nothing left to discuss because the matches are over. There are only really TWO ASl threads per week. Two threads does not equal a general.

This reminds me of when Moot hired some new /a/ mods, and they banned all threads with moe girls since "lolis" was banned. They didn't know the distinction between little girl characters and lolicon.
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>Event ends
>Mod moves it to /vg/

>>174327777 noice
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Fuck off newfag

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/qa/ has been frozen due to constant Rightful Requests to Reinstitute A Good Bodd

oh but we better sticky nintendo directs on /v/ right

Korea Time has been around since 2007. That's 11 years of Korea time. Mod was probably in kindergarten when that was happening.
>Something happens
>there's a thread
>event ends
>threads end

This is how /v/ is supposed to operate.

24/7 circle jerk "Generals" are NOT how it is supposed to be.
>implying this is a 24/7 circle jerk thread

Korea Time threads occur only when there's matches.
What is this, we can't even discuss a tournament match without getting deleted and moved now? Might as well just stop the pretending and just admit the mod hates Brood War. First it's banning OP for soliciting and then it's for off topic. Which one is it?
Actually for women you'd have to roll a 1d10000
get fucked starcrumps

no one on /v/ wants your shitty rts garbage on the board

you niggers deserve this
Where do i watch ??/
twitch /asl
The event is over though, just some pissy mod moving a dying thread over because his feelings got hurt. Next match tomorrow iirc.

That's probably him right here, definitely a sc2 babby.

Korea Time has been an 11 year /v/ tradition.

Next match is Sunday.
Mods please explain yourselves.

Sad, adn even pathetic if true.

Mods cannot stop ASL threads. Sunday will see many threads. They can try to delete and ban, but they can't be stopped.
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call upon me

in your hour of need
page 10 save rave
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