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WoW Token Price:

Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: https://rodent.io/blood-money
EU: https://rodent.io/blood-money-eu/

NA: https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS
EU: https://twitter.com/BlizzardCSEU_EN
stop making world of warcraft generals
>starting mythic argentinian whore tomorrow
What can I expect?
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>he still dont have flying
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Reminder that:

>No more new classes due to Legion's class arcs
>In the next expansion, your artifact weapons will be replaced by greens
>Sargeras will die on Argus and is not the final boss of WoW
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this op suscks dik op
last one is false, kil'jaeden will survive, we will fight sargeras but later cooperate with him instead, while kil'jaeden takes over the legion army
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>In the next expansion, your artifact weapons will be replaced by greens

might aswell skip this whole expension. hope the appearences become aviable for all weapon types afterwards
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Behold... power*, given form

* actually just a low pop oceanic realm
they could easily add a new class as long as it starts at 110 or 108
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stop farming rep
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>*s-snivel* /i-ignore Meanie
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>>Sargeras will die on Argus and is not the final boss of WoW
I'm fine with this. WoW doesn't necessarily have to end with Sargeras.

For the next expansion, I just want another revamp of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. We've had post-Cataclysm Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms longer than we had Vanilla Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms.
how can the old gods possibly be a worse enemy than the legion? why will they be the ultimate foe?
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>grind AP goy
>keep doing WQs for flying and exalted for class mount goy
>keep doing WQs for RNG roll for a mount goy

this expansion fucking sucks. Tomb raid won't save it.
how easy is netherwing rep farming these days for the drakes
The final boss of WoW is the Void God.

It will tie into Starcraft.
I just picked my nose and this GIANT BOOGER blob of snot came out!

as easy as it has been since Wrath
Link armory, I'll tell you what you can do since you're really stupid
>still have to do the prequests for sha'tari skyguard

not worf it
they too are infinite, way more extensive and greater than the legion. unlike the legion/sargeras who only roams the universe and destroys planets, the void/old gods can not only destroy them (see le low fps energy men) but also add them to their forces by corruption.
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Final Fantasy is a better MMO than WoW, currently.

Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't.
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Not like there's any actual way to farm rep. You can't go full autism anymore because there's a daily cap on chests, and you only get 4-6 world quests a day, one of which is pet battle shit.
So this is the second expansion in a row where blizzard gives us patch after patch of nontent and tells us it's our fault if we don't have anything interesting to do. How dead do you see this game being in a year? My guess is literal ghost town tier.
Because they've already won, while we can still actually fight the legion
The world soul of azeroth is what everything revolves around, and the old gods have filled her empty heart
Reminder to report threads made with garbage links like this one.
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Have you gotten your /masterofbothpveandpvp/ artifact skin yet?
a REALLY important question for you guys

My guess is that you will be able to earn your class mount after you get the flying achieve. Because the flying achieve/flying is account-wide, will you be able to get the class mounts on ALL of your alts as well after this?
>My guess is that you will be able to earn your class mount after you get the flying achieve.
you guessed wrong

stop guessing
im sorry for your lots....
> master of pvp
> 10 rbg wins
fucking kek
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double 905 warforged from broken shore boss
Drogbar do not come above ground. That is something they just don't do.
>tfw this week's boss drops gear for the two slots I had tier in
when do you get it then
make me stop
To legendary and tier slot.
you're in another general shilling for it, for free
that's all the proof i need
So now the dust has settled:

Which class got the best order hall and why is it druid?
I don't understand how the chests were worth it anyway. They only give like 2 legion supplies and you find one maybe once every 5 minutes.
>what is realm hopping
when the BS campaign is over
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There were more with the Mage Tower up, and people went full autism and hunted every single last one of them down, and then hopped to another realm to do it again.
As soon as the chinks leave, we'll be down to 1 server. I'm guessing under a year. Next expac will be on console.
iirc there is a timetable for all of this
>not even a rare mob
>literally just a random scorpion
lmao what a beta
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>healer has "-Ragnaros" next to their name
hahaha what the fuck is this clip
>>No more new classes due to Legion's class arcs

What do you mean by this
can you solo hellfire citadel on normal?
>>In the next expansion, your artifact weapons will be replaced by greens
I really wish people would quit bitching about this.
>go to shitpost on /a/ while I wait for our mythic run to start tonight
>Giant obnoxious J-List ads in the middle of the page

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>master of pvp
>only the 1st prestige skin unlocked
>people bitch about le ancient artifact being replaced by questing greens
>for once blizzard listens to the playerbase
>continue the ap grind into the next expansion
Hellfire Citadel is unsoloable until you can kill Gorefiend in 3 seconds or he gets patched like Galakras

Fel Lord and Archi might be stumbling blocks too depending on your DPS
>>No more new classes due to Legion's class arcs
what does one thing have to do with the other?
>>In the next expansion, your artifact weapons will be replaced by greens
implying we won't reset them
>>Sargeras will die on Argus and is not the final boss of WoW
implying he won't have a shitty "at last i truly see" like algalon, getting a shitty redemption arc
>prestige level being an indicator of pvp skill
>when you can prestige without ever killing a single player
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CIA has had it with your shit.gif
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>playing a themepark mmo like the bunch of carebears you are.

Under Goonswarm, faggotry of this degree was punishable by death.
jesus that's a cute girl.
there's no way anyone's 2k+ rating without getting decent prestige level on the way
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>haven't BG'd in a while, decide to
>get a capture the flag map
>our FC dies constantly while theirs is invincible
>holy pally with 20 stacks of the debuff doesn't even bother moving or hiding, just stands out in the open
>disc priest and resto druid with him
>almost always immune to CC
>never dips below 70% HP even with 5 people on him

yeah this is why I quit BGing
too bad it takes a literal year's worth of dailies, doing 2 of the FFA PvP every day, to go anywhere worthwhile prestige-wise

>He PvP'd any expansion past WOTLK

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>Do NH
>Get 2 boe epic less then 5 mins apart
>Next night get another boe

Rng gods smiled upon me. Too bad I am fucked on getting my BiS legos.
Hi /bdg/
Except you get like 800+ honor on alliance with the bonus for winning daily which seems to be always up
> prestige without killing players
> bg bonus
how retarded are you
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I'm not /bdg/, I'm /eog/

Glorious EVE Online Master Race.


I'm so sorry anon
Any wowg guilds on EU? Just hit cap and wouldn't mind having a few people to play with
i think you just suck anon
>there is 1 new world quest on broken shore
>do it in like 2 minutes
>there is nothing more to do

why is this allowed
Because timegate all the things.
why would you do WQs beyond 825
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>normies in my guild unironically not knowing what a meme is

how does this happen, what is their life?
>Blizz what the fuck is up with the Invasion scheduling I mean c'mon fuck at least lower the time between them to 6 hours so there's one in the morning and one in the evening and everyone has a fair shot at doing at least ONE a day

>You think you want that, but you don't.
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i found a thing
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As someone who plays MMOs for the fun of shitting on PVEers and taking their shit, EVE is the only one I've ever enjoyed.

Honestly, I feel sorry for you, playing a glorified grind, while I get to fly around gaming's biggest arena, ganking explorers/miners/traders and running from battleships.
>wqs give up to 865 ilvl
>"why would you do WQs beyond 825"
>hal pal with 2 other heals stuck to his hip

yeah no
The highest stacks you can live with in any bg is 10. Even with 2 healers on your ass and yourself 2 dps kill you.
Again you just suck at pvp
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> while I get to fly around gaming's biggest arena, ganking explorers/miners/traders and running from battleships.

sounds good in theory, but isn't EVE just a spreadsheet garbage game? that is why Star Citizen and other garbage is trying to be made, to bring the EVE game beyond a spreadsheet sim?

I mean its been years surely EVE isn't still just a spreadsheet war game?

Wasn't the biggest EVE war a 1 fps mess of garbage math calculations until someone won?
do raids after it unlocks WQs aren't the only way to level ilvel
1) I played EVE with goons and that only made it tolerable, not good
2) This is /wowg/, get the fuck out you sperg.
>getting invited to any raids as 825
Lfr doesnt give give you 865 consistantly you autist. There is no reason to not do WQS
What I'm trying to say is there is more than one way to improve ilevel. Do LFR when you are done with WQs
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>you're lying
>because I say so

yeah ok
You must not be the same anon who stated
>"doing Wqs above 825ilvl"
it can be but its pretty easy for it to not be, just the same. you just have to be willing to switch to small gang / solo PVP, look up Faction warfare ( FW ) stuff or small gang corps for easy shooty bang bangs.

>sounds good in theory, but isn't EVE just a spreadsheet garbage game

It used to be, but CCP improved it massively in terms of UI and graphics.

>Wasn't the biggest EVE war a 1 fps mess of garbage math calculations until someone won?

Nullblob sovereignty fights are absolute clusterfucks, and nobody does them for fun. Though you can get a lot of isk ninja-looting the wrecks. And for the record, it was 6 fps, because the servers are programmed to slow the game down in that system when clusterfucks like this happen.

Bitch you're not the boss of me. That position is owned by one "Chickin Defiler".
I got all my gear after 825 doing LFRs
>frog poster sucks at pvp
you do realise Boomkin druids are the tankiest FCs in the game, and they can only live up to 13+stacks before they implode by 2-3 dps. While being healed by 3 people
You claim a HPAL was able to survive at +20 stacks with 2 healers and himself healing while 6 dps were on him. Its just impossible. You obviously made this for yous and you got one gj
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>Mage tower is going back up again before Command Center
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Don't bother replying to these kind of people, they are so shit at the game that they will shift blame over to anything
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>first pull of the night
>sub 5% wipe
>spend the rest of the night wiping at around 50%
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5 10+ eoa today and still no blood relic

got the iron relic twice
dumb gabuposter
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the arcway keys anon ....
>They still haven't fixed the icon for Void Eruption not changing
>They still haven't fixed New/Half/Full Moon Icon
>They still haven't fixed being stuck in combat
>They still haven't fixed dying during Feign Death causing you to be unable to release
>They HAVE nerfed ANYTHING remotely profitable or fast though

Ebic fucking game.
So close to my breaking point
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>shitters from the WoW forums thought they had the power
>mfw they don't
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i'm undergeared and my guild is kind of shitty(stuck on 2/10m)

my GM is also an asshole and treats people like shit and constantly brags about arbitrary shit

i'm seriously debating just leaving the guild
at least you don't die when Feign Death expires anymore
after like 5 expansions
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monk,priest,mage or warlock. which of my femgnomes should i level to 110 next?
>do malificus
>get nothing
>bonus roll
>get a cloak with haste/versatility
>already have the legendary cloak

thanks blizz...
*blocks your path*
*incites panic*
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Done with MoP, Draenor time
The 7.2 introduced buildings which your region contribute a currency for to build. When enough currency is dumped into one of the three possible buildings, it will be up for a while. What he meant was that the Mage Tower (Building A) will be up, again, before the Command Center (Building B), which has not been up yet.
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>leveling an alt through legion
>spamming dungeons while questing
>guy in the dungeon mains the spec i'm playing
>gives me some tips and tricks for the class that improve my dps and make playing the spec more fun
makes me feel nice that there's a few people like that out there
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I fucking HATE gnomes

They are almost as bad as pandafags
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>you'll never find a RaF buddy and get literally triple fucking xp
Feels bad
Another week, another NO TIER PANTS FROM GUL'DAN. Epic Game family this meme is tooo much Ion.
....that's a dude that streams in twitch
>gear has never been determined by rng
no i made that up
im sorry you hate my gnomes
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>PLH addon
>tier pants finally drop from H-gul'dan
>massive upgrade over my 860 RF trash
>RL gives it to his butt-buddy officer the tank, an explosive 10 ilvl upgrade over his normal warforged version
>tank changes his main a week later
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Post pandas to cheer this anon up!
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Oh my god flying is so nice. I never even got Draenor flying so I haven't used it for 2 expansions. I'd forgotten what it was like to cruise around without having to worry about dazes or aggro or having to fight through 20 dudes to get to your one dude.
Someone please tell me which class to play. I have all of them at 100+

I want to play something that's useful and high in demand but low in supply.

Also pure DPS classes were the biggest mistake warcraft ever made
balance druid
>make new legendary that turns you into an owl and lets you fly
>you cant actually fly with it

raf yourself and multibox
stop playing with other people
fuck Ion and fuck Blizzard people
I'm a #FFXIVmissile now
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>been spamming random battlegrounds for a few days to get cruel gladiator
>horde has been winning about 70% of the time
>suddenly alliance make some sort of fucking comeback today
>losing 90% of rounds
>take up a mercenary contract
>alliance losing streak
>go back to horde
>horde keep losing

it's like the game wants me to stop farming gladiator
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Matchmaking is fucked.
Is there any particular downside beyond slower leveling if I choose to level from 1-110 using quests instead of just doing LFDs constantly?

I haven't really played since Wrath and just re-subbed but keep getting bored with just spamming LFDs
worse non-heirloom gear. that doesnt really matter though

spamming LFD is really only worth doing from 15-65ish, they really start to drop in effectivness from that point on

plus MoP and Cata levelling is quick as fuck anyway
If I don't have any IRL friends here, what is the easiest method and class/role to get into a guild for raiding or do well enough in LFR raids to gear up and join a raiding guild?
Be thankful there were no monks
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healing on a holy priest is literally the easiest thing in the game
boring as h*ck though
Oh really? I was hoping for shaman so I could maybe meme as elemental.
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My condolenses
>minigamers buttblasted that they can't get their minigame welfare gear designed for the kinds of screamers that pvp
Is going healer the easiest way into a raiding guild afterdoing well on pugs?
ele is great for mythic+. its a good range dps too and nobody has enough range atm
>plays a panda
>mog shows off its gut
is there anything worse?
just be you'reself
really? I heard it doesn't have enough movement to be viable. I guess being able to swap between ele/resto would be ok
Shut your whore mouth, that's cute
Tell me why I should get heirlooms instead of using goybux to get my healing character to 100
stop leveling
That's true, it really cuts the time down. But $60 shit
I skipped WoD, what's with all the merchants in Ashran ?
I solo normal weekly and half of heroic
on normal the only unsoloable boss is gorefiend, literally gotta kill him in 3 seconds or u wipe
iskar is also unsoloable due to the insane amount of damage he dishes out during his air phase. the thing that makes iskar hard is u gotta go through all 3 air phases while bouncing huge self heals to stay alive, u cant kill him early. only healers or classes with self heals enough to refill your health bar at least 5 times over can solo normal iskar.
on heroic the same rules apply, except u need even more self heals on iskar and the DPS req for archi goes from 1M(normal) to like 1.5M(heroic) needed to kill him before nether banish.
so, pretty much just gorefiend is unsoloable, and archi/iskar depending on ur DPS/HPS.
What should I pick between druid/shaman for healing/rdps?
druid is the best healing spec right now, shaman the worst
how do you feel about chicken
idc about that
guess that helps
This is a retarded question. If I plan on healing at 110, but want to level as a dps class, I should only put artifact power in the healing artifact correct?
The artifact power you get while leveling is pretty minuscule so it wouldn't matter much
Ashran was your hub "city" because Blizzard was too lazy to actually give us Karabor/Bladespire.
AH ok then if I wanted to offspec something I would just have to grind AP/gear for that spec. Thanks
>do this to someone
>they get all pissy because they think they're good enough without my advice
>take it as an insult that I even offered mine
>level 101 twink pulling 650k in normal dungeons
wew lad
>playing with faggots
wew lad
>play demolock as my main alt
>see a demolock in a dungeon using a fucking supremacy infernal as his pet
>"dude you shouldn't use Supremacy or an infernal in demo, it ruins your DPS"
>"I don't care"
How much of a pain is it to get the tier 2 sets for transmog?
>got the blood hidden skin on my second time running the scenario

Did they buff the drop rate or did I just get lucky?
Do the mounts from the paragon caches have a high chance of dropping?
I really don't feel like doing every fucking WQ but I would hate myself if I finished Legion without those mounts and had to farm it in the next expansion
Not at all if you are a paladin kek
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>tfw finally 4/10m
anyone got some good scat r34 panda? really need some rn
>tfw 4/10 h
Who was your 4th? Mine was Krosus this week.
>decide to drop some gold on the saddle that prevents dazing and dismounts
>suddenly every mob roots me
stop running past mobs
that's content you're missing out on
Stop trying to skip content.
Is this the best /wowg/ meme?
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*blocks your path*
It is but its also a depressing one considering he makes runescape devs look like geniuses
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>think these are funny
>this is what ion actually believes
>invasions are content that's been hyped for months
>everyone loved them in the prelaunch even
>plan to use this as a requirement for flying
>only requirement people are looking forward towards
>schedule them all at 3am or during work hours middle of the day
>instead of making them longer or at reasonable times they just remove the requirement completely

He has to be a retard. What the fuck did he work on before WoW?
He's literally killing the game

Like WoW isn't going to have another fucking expansion at this rate
>nether disruptor only results in one (1) world boss
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>one world boss every 2 weeks unless everyone dumps their supplies into the disruptor weekly
Why are people from the alliance always killing me when I'm trying to do quests?

I'm super new to this game and can't get any quests done because i keep getting death penalties from being killed by players 80 levels higher than me

It's so nice getting punished by the game for being bullied though
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>tfw 7/10m on a 2 day schedule
>raid leader expects perfect play for star augur progession
>it only gets harder from here
youre not supposed to play on pvp servers
The backlash they got from the capital city debacle was so bad. Flat out got caught lying to the fans too.

>hey guys sorry the technology isn't there yet
>okay that's bullshit uh it's lore reasons
>okay that's a shitload of bullshit it's actually just to push ashran
>oh fuck you believed that one which backfired because you all hate ashran
>okay the honest truth is that we are cutting most of the content in WoD to focus on Legion. You won't even get hellfire at launch we are pulling so many people off the project. Like the island that was the pre nether storm and that ogre continent aren't even going to be in the game
>don't worry though lololplol it'll be worth it in Legion

Just fucking kill me
Stop playing on high pop pvp realms.
What's even the appeal of mythic raiding? i can understand heroic, but it seems trying to ensure 20 different retards don't mess up one time over a 10 minute fight can only lead to a lot of stress and infighting
But I wont to pvp at some point but it doesnt look like ill get there at this rate
>log in
>check broken shore map
>nothing to do
>log out
what class should i roll and main

and what race (alliance only)
Should I buy this or Diablo 3?
Stop logging on

but stay subbed
all serious pvp is done in special instances where you can choose to join in, no matter pvp or pve server
all a pvp server does is open up the possibility of griefing in the open world where basically no one wants to pvp
the game is beyond redemption.
Everytihing is ruined, from lore to gameplay.

Magical creatures traveling in spaceships.
Gameplay based on aoe diablo 3 like...
Implying they aren't the same game
>Like the island that was the pre nether storm and that ogre continent aren't even going to be in the game
they even re-wrote the lore so the ogre continent didn't exist kek
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>it'll be worth it in legion
What's the fucking difference?
Path of Exile

Can't wait for the higher ups to pull the plug and make them unemployed.
We also raid 2 days, but the attendance boss got us hard. It's not easy having to teach spellblade mechanics to someone new almost every week. At laest we're not >3/10 anymore, and Krosus seems simple enough.
>20 different retards don't mess up one time over a 10 minute fight can only lead to a lot of stress and infighting
My guild doesn't really have any problem with this but most people in the mythic group have been raiding on and off for a decade or so. I raided with a 3/10m guild for a few weeks on my alt and there was a load of drama so maybe it's more common at lower levels
The spaceships bother me so much. Doesn't fit the Legion or WoW at fucking all.
Sounds like everyone hates this game

Was I too late in joining WoW? I never got to play it as a kid.
yea sorry
>it's a retarded lorelet episode
It's been dying since Wrath when Activision acquired Blizzard and pulled the A-team off WoW and forced the B-team to adopt the "less content but quicker" design that failed

It officially died after SoO when the B-team was replaced by the rejects of Blizzard aka the Diablo 3 team
Is there activision doesnt kill? Seriously there's a terminal parasitic disease.
What zone are you in right now and what server?
Thanks for those that suggested druid, I think I will really enjoy resto/balance
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Were Tabards always locked to exalted status with whomever they're representing?

Is there any point to them besides transmog and the new goldcaches?
tabards were exalted rewards in vanilla, BC, MoP, WoD and Legion. In Wrath and Cata they were rep farming mechanics

Oh god I miss you so much
I actually liked it to. Once you did all the dailies if you still wanted to farm rep you could just gain rep with heroics
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>just got AOTC with an all BR guild as a progression kill

guardian is so good
I've... I've got a present for you ;_;

That was... that was left handed ;_;7
yeah, it's nice to be able to grab a tabard and run heroics to exalted instead of just doing dailies
My bad, thanks anon.

It's a pity though, even with the nerfed required amount of rep for flying, this grind is still ass.

>tfw 7.2.5 will be the guardian apocalypse
How's balance/resto?
Wait wasn't that Bioware? Pretty sure that was Bioware
How will Bears ever recover?
are alliance and horde ever going to hate each other again??
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>inb4 lolore

Are Shamans still the only class to be able to be cut off from their power source BY their power source?
redpill me on vjera
theoretically it should be possible for the Lich King to cut death knights off from his power, but he never did because of reasons
nigga i can't read that shit
Doesn't everything not Felguard+not needing to move+not immobile target ruin your DPS as Demo?
>can conjure the forces of the primordial elements to imbue your weapons with the power of creation
>a really angry man with a big sword(s) can hit harder than you
So, is WoW worth playing nowadays? I really want to get back into it.
yes, but a supremacy infernal is fundamentally destroying any possibility of you doing decent DPS
imagine playing a mage by doing nothing but spamming scorch or frostbolt, and that's an infernal in demo
WoW has no content and it's bleeding out players.
If you want to get into the MMO genre, Final Fantasy is your only choice.
They still rely on him?

I thought it was kind of like a fire-and-forget kind of thing with raising Deathknights, like Forsaken?

Or am I wrong again?

>Can ask nicely if the Primordial Elements might deem you worthy of a power boost which they can take away at any time for any or no reason
>even if you get buffed, you're still weaker than angry sword man
Probably because he can just control them. Why cut them off of he can just take away their free will?
Is eating a tuna salad sandwich for lunch worth it nowadays?

The fuck sort of question is that? Why did you play it in the first place? What aspects did you like? Why did you stop?
I can't decide between ret paladin or balance druid. I have more transmog options with druid and the new animations are nice but ret is pleasantly simple to play.
>dps increase

Losing mark sucks ass, but it won't be a big deal overall. We'll still be #2 tank.
pretty sure DKs still draw their power from the frozen throne, and bolvar is more than happy to give it to them
As well as pulling everything in the Dungeon and outside at once, I hear.

How's Supremacy Doomlord?

I'm still salty that half our spellbook was put into talents, an entire spec was stripped away and half-assed back up again and that even with this new spec they didn't bother going through half the talents to make it spec appropriate Why the fuck do Demos have Grimoire of Sacrifice as an option
It's going to don nothing but disappoint you
its really, really bad

Eh, maybe it's because everyone saying WoW is really bad now with no content and whatnot. I'll find out myself.
I started again recently having not played the game since TBC (so 2007/2008) and really enjoyed the levelling process, quests/storylines and dungeons, but I went in intending on playing casually and solo for most of my time. A lot of content is really accessible nowadays and the game has become really streamlined which is good for me but I can understand other players' distaste for it.

Play the trial, start a few different characters, then if you want to continue past level 20 buy the base game (includes a free month + all xpacs except Legion) and see how you go.
What parts of it did you enjoy?

How thick are you nostalgia goggles?
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what's currently the fastest way to farm rep now that the mage tower is gone and you can't farm chests?

I'm so close to revered
All DKs?

I thought it was just the Frosties?

Thanks for the explanations by the way anons I love lore, and even with the retcons and so on, it's seems to be hard for me to find the answers to questions I actually want to know the answers too, rather than just book/game summaries
>11,558 / 12,000
>No WQs, no rarespawns to kill


Why are you in such a rush anon? Don't you enjoy playing all the content we gave you in 7.2?

t.Ion Holokaustas
pray for garrison missions that reward the 250 rep tokens, farm rares
do all the world quests there, and also go do the goblin woman's quests! make sure you have the darkmoon buff its going away soon
death knights draw their power from the Frozen Throne, but for some reason Arthas never thought to try and block them from using it

he can't control undead that were broken out of his will. The Forsaken and Ebon Blade can't be reclaimed because of it

>How's Supremacy Doomlord?
just as bad. You're gimping your artifact ability and losing three good damage cooldowns in order to do slightly higher base DPS

>Why the fuck do Demos have Grimoire of Sacrifice as an option
they don't and never did?
I wish there were more druid races

I don't want to be elf eared giraffe or a furry
Interesting, I thought DKs were self-sufficient.
So that's two classes who, lorewise at least, can be insta-locked out of their power at the whim of another being/the power source itself?
Pretty sure our power is kind of separate, we're just indulging in the power he is offering because of the threat of the Legion

It's actually in the class quest that your allies are really concerned and hesitant around you. They actually immediately bail on the frost quest after they drop you off at Icecrown. They fucking haul ass out of his presence and afterwards it's just their trust in you as to why they go alone with you.

It's actually one of the few well written parts of the lore with the Lich king. His true intentions and whether or not he has gone evil and whether the main character could break away and hold his free will is a very unclear
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NEVER EVER use supermacy as demo.
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>spend 3 hours on my alt doing Heroic Gul'dan
>get double gold

I guess I souldn't care really...it's going to all be useless in June when TOS comes out and normal drops 900 ilevel shit anyway...

Thanks for listening to my blog /wowg/
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>tfw god tier transmog
>I wish there were more druid races
>I don't want to be a furry
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i dont see one senpai
stop shitposting huns
Yeah they seem to have mucked up the entire class this expac, especially when it comes to ability/pet/talent/trait synergy.

I don't even use Incinerate on my Destro any more, should I? It seems out of place, weak and clunky. It also gives me nothing.
I use Demonfire instead

And my bad, I misremembered about the Grimoires.

Fuck Imps though.
So we're pretty much stuck with Imps and dogs?
With an old modelled Felguard as well, of course.
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Just STFU and play my game
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not huns
>warrior glad set boots are invisible on worgen
>they are visible on every other race

why blizz
Stop trying to farm rep
This isnt a game,its a piece of shit you soulless lawyer fuck
but it works on all the races with abnormal feet. they show up on tauren, draenei and pandas. why dont worgen get the same ankle bracer things all of them get? the set looks really stupid without the kneecaps and leg braces that are part of the boots
No it's not too late. First play through is always magical. No exceptions.
This is the Diablo 3 team

The why is always because they are retards and purposely designed it that way or are incompetent and didn't realize it or are assholes and don't care
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If Chris Metzen was in charge of the game, what would he do differently?
Thrall would be in the Illidan role, and Shamans wouldn't be complete ass.
Snort some coke and have Thrall deal the finishing blow to Gul'dan.
We'd be farming AP by sucking off Thrall
>this faggot got to fuck pizzacat in blizzcon
it's not fucking fair
Neither Thrall nor Varian would have died.

Enhshamans would be good at either PvE or PvP.

Classes would have more spells, less changes but more imbalance on the upper end of the spectrum in terms of power level.

The Shaman campaign would actually go somewhere.

Garrosh would be a corrupted agent of the Legion and would take Guldan's place at the tippy top of Nighthold.

Also Suramar would have been half replaced with berserker fel orcs and fel ogron.

Goblins would actually do something.

Less RNG and repgrind/less RNG and more sources of rep for repgrind.
Enhancement shamans wouldn't duel wield anymore
Khadgar would be Thrall and Illidan would have been Thrall and killed Gul'Dan
Literally who?
chris "it's not the coke, it's just a panic attack" metzen
we would still be raiding hellfire citadel and doing tanaan jungle stuff
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Would you roll me?
>thrall wouldnt be dead
We'd be in WoD still and Thrall would be soloing the Legion.

Actually it would probably be his Orc kid
Sounds better than legion.
He's effectively dead at the minute.
no, give me big klaxxi warriors and hozen monks though.
thrall is a dreadlord XDD
Thrall is Metzen's baby

Like to a creepy degree. He made Thrall shave his head when he started to go bald.

No one is allowed to touch his fictional orc lover so he might as well be dead
oh my god episode 2 is killing me.
>DSP shows his server and character name in the first session
>people wait for him in the dwarf starting zone and insta-kill the quest mobs before he can tag and kick soccer balls at him
>"wooooooow how did they find me? I guess WoW is unplayable if you stream!"
>deletes character, starts a new one and hides the server and character name
>he is found within a minute again
I can't wait until next expansion when the Ebon Blade raises the Klaxxi Paragons and forces them to fight the Old Gods
I really annoyed at how little they are using the Ebon Blade. They have to be one of the strongest weapons against the Legion and nothing happens outside our class quests
Is he actually retarded or is he just really committed to kayfabe?
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oh my fucking god
>episode 3
>he has deleted his character again
>complaining that it's Blizzard's fault he's being trolled
>he now has shit all over his screen covering what he thinks is allowing people to find him
>he opens up his third quest and it says his character's name in the first goddamn sentence
yeah. Lorewise, death knights are OP as shit against any force that doesn't wield the Light so they have to fuck around and do nothing or the war would be over
Do people actually buy the 500 shard clusters for huge amounts?
So I've been running Malefic Grasp with Contagion for my first two Aff talents. Had a pretty solid Lock in my Nighthold group tonight say they got better performance out of Writhe in Agony and Absolute Corruption.

Is this true in any of your experience? They were out DPSing me but to be fair I was playing fairly casually tonight.
can you fuck off with your submissive worshiping of disgusting people
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>mocking him
>somehow worshiping him
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>doin heroic daily
>get lower kara
>after horseman, tank runs up stairs to kitchen
>me and the healer and other ww monk go back to moroes
>tank gets all bitchy that we didn't follow her dumbass
>"you're listed as the dungeon guide and yet you don't know where to go?"
>salt mine discovered
>end the dungeon with these meters
>the DH had the same hp as me, so I thought he was geared
>check his armory
>908 ilvl

Wtf? I thought demon hunters were supposed to be gods of aoe and dungeons.

Explain this blizztards.

>Searching for a Mythic EH PUG because my guild doesn't run it since nobody needs to
>Find a run for 885+
>Get into the raid
>RL is a Ret with 2.2mil health
>Instead of buying a run he decided to just swindle 24 other people into carrying him
>Wipe because nobody knows how MC works
>Kill her
>Pally gets Kil'jaeden's Burning Fucking Wish
>I haven't gotten a single good legendary the entire expac
>He announces Ursoc next
>I'm here for Bloodthirsty Instinct but if the run is going well I'll stick around
>He lets a Windwalker talk him out of Ursoc and he plans to kill everything else first
>Everyone calls him a scumbag and leaves
>He whispers me and calls me a faggot for bailing

Well then.
As expected of DSP.
Sounds like a fuckwit, report him for hate speech.
>1/10 M

He's a shitter who got ilvl boosted without raiding. That's the main problem with legion is you can't tell who's good or not based on gear anymore
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>Do purple quest in broken shore on alt
>900 wrist item
>Bonus roll
>900 chest item



So the new items grant you artifact level 20 right? So it can be easier to swap between specs
>tfw DMF is gone in a few hours

At least I'm doing the grind on a human
Who else /humanaltjustforthegrind/ here?

I did, I asked why he changed his mind from Ursoc and he raid warning'd: BECAUSE I'M THE RL AND I SAID SO

Paladinxl on Drakkari NA just in case you're on that realm, avoid that douchebag.
>not being human for the 5+ skill in swords

It's like you want to be a useless faggot night elf warrior or combat rogue
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Are these actually valuable?
it's 1/10 of a BiS legendary, brul

>hate speech

You're on the wrong board, son.
>don't use this excuse to report a dickass player, let him continue to be a dickass with no repercussions
KYS yourself my man.
I hope the next invasion is Valsharah so I can finish up the cheevo for flying.
ion fucking pwns
basically this
i've seen a fair amount of people who are 910+ yet are 3/10m (4/10 now that aluriel is basically free)
>don't know if misinformed or baiting
It's whatevr u want it to be bby.
Male Human X Female ______

Please fill in the blank with the hottest pairing. I might write a story about the best answer.
fem panda
Goblin alchemist who drugs him and spermjacks him.
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>go to the one rare on Broken Shore I see up
>warlock there killing it
>kill it
>we both mount up
>he flies away
>hfw he looks down and sees me
>stealth to get around a group of demons
>revealed from 20 yards away
>immediately rooted and killed
epin... simply... simply... eric
Stop trying to skip content
>tfw tomorrow i'll be able to look down on groundies and see them frothing at the mouth as i fly away
Anyone know how many hours until the next invasion?
Stop waiting and go to bed. You'll have plenty of time to do invasions later.
starts at 4:30 AM PDT so like 5ish
night elf
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First day back, decided to play my rogue.

How dogshit are these?
>tfw one hour of WHEE! and logging out until tomorrow evening for maxmimum rep gain
Hotfix: Darkmoon buffs will be removed right when the event ends.
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>be super autismo who gets flying before anyone else
>do some world quests faster
>that's about it

Wow all that extra grinding for hours and hours really paid off for the 30 minutes total of saved time doing WQs.
yeah uhhhh if you think arty weapons are going away you're a tip top mong
>be super autismo who does all the broken shore world quests for rep and grinds chests for hours to get flying 4 days early
>continue doing broken shore world quests anyway

not him, ehs probably an alliance shitter, but why would you be?
I have a very serious lore question.

Since there are half-elves, half-orcs and half-Draenei canon in Warcraft, do humans just have superior sperm? Can they also impregnate Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblin, Valkyr, Trolls, or maybe even Naga? I know they probably can't make half Pandaren or Tauren. That shit would be weird as fuck
Should be getting about 3k worth of legionfall rep quests come tuesday
Are there any mage mogs that are kind of slutty but not over the top? Something like what Jaina wears maybe?
what in the fuck would a 4channer know about goonswarm

-an actual goon
superior titanforged semen can fertilize any egg
that's why all the half-breeds in WoW are either part human or part-orc
>get ak 26 before finishing class hall campaign
easiest 3million ap ever desu
Great now just finish 10 more class campaigns and you'll have a full trait!

Sweet. I'm gonna write the fuck outta this fanfic.

I really like the idea of an angry naga getting raped by a human, then begging him not to cum inside her because it'll fertilize her eggs. Which he does.
>in guild discord
>more people playing FFXIV than WoW
my guild is fucked before ToS comes out isn't it ; ;
im gonna be ak27 before catching my monk up to the Gul'dan killing part of the suramar questline

do i have to complete the artifact questline with that blue dragon in order to have access to my new traits?
people being dissatisfied is one thing

playing an objectively trash game is another
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>guild recruiting in trade chat
they killed the adds but not Gul'dan?
No, the new traits are all through Broken Shore. Max out the regular traits + one point in the 4th gold, then Khadgar will have a quest on the Shore.
much love
Draenei with gentle femdom
anyone got that pic of Ion with the "i ask them if they've maxed their AP and their silence answers my question" quote? (probably have the quote way off)
t. Screamer groundies

Stay floored and mad lmfao
>that feel when you've been playing wow so much that you scream, "REPLICATE!" or "IS THAT YOU, THERO'SHAN?" when you cum inside your gf
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Linking US servers with BR servers was one of the worst decisions Blizzard has made this expansion.

>search premade dungeon groups
>literally all Ragnaros/Gallywix/Frostmourne shitters

What the fuck were they thinking? Not only do I not want to play with 200 ping. I don't want to play with the most ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT players in the world.
? Thought it was aussie
Frostmourne is an Oceanic server, but it's a meme server so I get what you're saying.
It is. But they're about the same kinds of people.
The felguard model ia the updated one isnt it?
>trying to do world quests
>people with addon just instantly joining group for chest farming
>mfw nobody to do world quests with
>Americans have to play with black people from south america


I thought dealing with russians was bad
Nigger you can preview the entire mog catalog ingame now what the fuck are you asking here for?
I have a shit eye for that kind of thing, and I want anon's stamp of approval!
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>people still trying to sell the BoE legos for hundreds of thousands
What's wrong with Russians?
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just make something you like faget
I never thought WoW would reach the point where the term welfare legendary was unironic but here we are

Thank you Ion

what is thrall doing right now? he looks like his dying during the enchancement shaman questline then you never see him again the whole expansion.
>twinking is new
>legendaries are BoE
You must have been playing for at least 18 days to post here.
That's the excuse they're going to use to write Thrall out of the story after he's been the main character since Cataclysm

Now that Metzen is retired they can't use his voice as much
this is the correct answer
>getting a legendary in the past
>get extremely lucky for it to drop then prove your worth in a raid group to get it
>getting a legendary now
>get lucky doing LFR or buy a cheap one for 100k

It's welfare
they ruin the token prices because they farm gold so much

also they love killing things in pvp. They will lose entire BGs if they can get a chance to just farm kills in an endless turtle
its like a reverse beauty and the beast but in the end they both turn into beasts
The welfare legos have useless affixes and are just glorified stat sticks.
>they ruin the token prices because they farm gold so much
got any facts to back that up?
>I don't know the difference between epics and legendaries!

Russians also actively conspire to screw over non-Russian players. Seriously, if you can speak basic CYKA you'll get better prices when trading.
>I can fly to DK class hall and walk around as a rogue
neat. one of you DKs go there and let's take a selfie together
Hol up
Did the nether disruptor building seriously only spawn 1 world boss? And that's it? There's no more coming?
Purple = epic
Orange = legendary
yes but there was a chance for 2 to spawn had it been built on sunday instead of saturday (because of reset day on tuesday). and the nether portals give shit rewards.

mage tower is the only building worth investing in.

>basic patch island features now timegated behind buildings

if only WoW normies knew how bad this is they would REEEEEEEEE more about it to get it removed
farming gold is the only way they can afford to play wow. it was basically impossible for eastern europeans to play wow prior to being able to buy subscription time with tokens
that's bullshit
t. Russian
>want to play a monk
>their hits dont look or sound meaty enough
>stop playing a monk

I thought they were supposed to be fun
Kill yourself slavshit your people ruin every game you come across
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>people in group finder are now asking for "A challenging look." achievement as well as ahead of the curve and 900+ ilevel for heroic NH now

I wish I was fucking joking. I've seen multiple groups asking for this now. Holy fucking shit this is getting out of control.
>Kill yourself slavshit
rude тбх
>your people ruin every game you come across
I agree with that, it's the reason why I play on EU servers and never tell anyone that I'm from Russia because pretty much everyone biased like you.
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Honest question, how hard is it to get 2k rating in 3s?

Asking as a newish player wiht a lot of pve experence (10/13M HFC, 8/10 M NH) but absolutely no pvp experience outside of fucking around in BGs and a few skirmishes here and there.

I really just want to get prestige armor. I play a few games with friends and ended up with 700 ranking after going 7/5. How hard would it be to climb to 2k?
I've told people to link me it.

You're genuinely bad if you couldn't do it so it's fair
>if you don't have mythic Nighthold gear or play a WW, you're too bad to do heroic Nighthold
>It's my class I swear!
Hey guys check out this shitter replying to me lol
Night elf.
what if i just didnt bother with it because my artifact looks like shit?
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>all these non male human x female human answers
Femdwarf titfuck and hotdogging
Correct answer
>Not getting it anyways
dude have you even seen the resto shaman artifact?
its so bad i dont even want to think about it
I have it on my alt resto shaman, looks pretty nice actually.
Thinking of resubbing do you have to dedicate a lot of time to gold farming to afford a token each month?
>play off and on since launch
>do lfr/heroic each week, sometimes a mythic boss or two, friends carried me through mythic en one week
>do mythic+ now and again
>emissary every day my sub is active
>still no 3rd legendary
this system is gay
The gold grind isn't the issue now anon. The grind for everything else is the problem.
Has it gotten worse since early Emerald Nightmare? Have't been keeping up too much since
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Wait what's wrong with it? It's nice and icy. I want to get the red version but don't have time this week
well to each his own i guess but i think they all look pretty awful for resto desu
90k for a token
Just looks outdated and grainy, is all.
Especially the armour and weapons.
>The AP grind has gotten even more retarded (inconceivable I know)
>Legendaries still a thing
>New Reputation and flying gated behind time or getting extremely lucky with RNG

The only redeming part of the most recent patch is the nethershard catch-up system but even that is being nerfed to shit. If you rejoin and you're behind, you're likely going to stay that way for a while.
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>and then AP from roll
all of them just look weird to me
if you look at it from the side they look like a ball strapped to a plank of wood
>the arena from the last phase of Garrosh mythic will never be real
What does Asmongold think about this? I need to know if this is good or bad.
90k seems feasible, nice

I'm having a hard time finding info on the new AP system mind giving me a quick rundown?
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Yeah it's supposed to be like a sceptor harnessing a chunk of ice I think.

Come to think of it, I don't know what the other versions look like at all. I just did it because the challenge was pretty fun to do.
oh i was talking about the shields
but im not a fan of the mace either
>players bow to artifact knowledge
>info on the new AP system
It's just longer.
The reputation thing is crybaby bullshit, par for the course.
>crybaby bullshit

So it's okay that some fucks get 10 Legionfall tokens in their mission board in two days while others have to fucking wait for 4 world quests each day. Nice meme

Not to mention Blizzard has a hard-on for nerfing any sort of obtainable rep farm method outside of said world quests.
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I like the shield, I think it needs to be bigger though.

Most shields in this game seem to be small for what they're supposed to do.

I actually really want a shaman class shield that's made out of elements based on what spec you played.

It has high res at least though.
why a fucking WW

why would it ever be a WW
stop bowing
stop contacting aliens
stop controlling France with an iron (but fair) fist
stop planning to settle cities on Mars (Iongrad will not be the first city)
Fuck, I am having fun with thisdruid. Should I stay balance or go resto at 110? I assume heals are more needed
Yeah that's the crybaby bullshit I was talking about
Looks like I can buy up to level 15 knowledge which is nice.
Fun is subjective but how does nighthold hold up to EN?
the WW challenge (supposedly, I don't play a WW) was tuned in the opposite direction of all the other ones and was completely trivial to anyone who was above 870 and not literally retard
You should be able to buy directly up to 25 knowledge now with no wait, then do Khadgar's quest on the Shore for 26. Do that ASAP, the multiplier jump between 25 and 26 is hueg.
much more interesting and difficult

I know high end guilds cheesed EN with SPriests but regardless, Nighthold is a much cooler, much harder, much more interesting instance
Cool, thanks for the tip
I misread, I thought people were just asking specifically for WW monks for their NH pugs even though WW is thoroughly mediocre
Sounds good then, might as well give it a shot if I can play for gold. Might not be up to date before Tomb Release though, hopefully that's fun too. Cheers
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You're goddamned right I would. Even moreso if image related.
oh no. I was saying that asking for people with challenge weapons to do heroic is dumb cause all you're gonna get is mythic raiders, WWs, and guardian druids who exploited
you can buy up to 25 now? really? i thought it was only 20 and you had to research the last 5 normally
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>doing falcosaur world quest on DH alt
>see some prot warrior pull 3 packs along with 2 patriarchs
>run up and do 2 eye beams in a row because head legendary
>everything dies
>he goes "jesus christ, you fuckin melted them"

I impressed someone today
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sick. thats honestly great news
im leveling up a fury warrior right now. what nethershard armor should i be buying to target my first lego? the helm is the best right?
helm's good ring's good
helm is BIS yes but getting a Prydaz really isn't bad because at least it's applicable in your other specs

doing only DPS on a class that can tank or heal is dumb and bad
daily reminder that people too shit to play arenas raid instead to feel good
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what do you think of me?
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Just came back today and decided to do LFR out of boredom, what the hell is this and is it rare at all?
It's a transmog thing, open it. It looks cool
it's a transmog ensemble, and it's not too rare but not too common either
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ur a shitbag noob
Got an achievement for it so I guess I'm happy. Helmet looks a little ugly though.
looks shit
Reminder that the best way to enjoy wow is with a casual schedule, with a main and maybe only one alt, being the best player and part of the clique of a friendly casual guild, and without wasting your life like an addict grinding for shit.
i already got a tank alt and dont like prot warriors rotation
What's the max amount of points you need in that Withered Training thing before it's safe to exit? 400 or something like that? I can't be fucked doing it all the way to the end.

>balzac avenue
>spent Five Thousand (5000) Nethershards on this
I'm sorry.
if you're a Rogue I want you to delete and stop playing my class
400 yea

i usually try to either speedrun to the finish after Dro or I try to tele back to the start by losing withered (which is way too easy in the center area)
I think it's 415 or 425 or 400. One of those.
>item drops
>its higher ilvl than yours
>oh boy oh boy maybe its an upgrade
>its got versatility/mastery/both on it

that crushing disappointment, ill never get used to it.
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explain wath happened
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>play ass rogue main
>never get mastery on gear
WoW has so many races that we could play as. Just mae us mercenaries of some sort, I want to play as tuskarr.
The last time you could get the Competitor's Tabard was way back in 2008, right? Or did they have another event for it? Just wondering because I never see anyone with it anymore.
noob kys

it also looks like shit, which is why you never see anyone with it
>bis legendary
Are they actually good? the plate one seems nice for a tank, I guess.
I miss seeing all of the fan art. That shit was fucking baller, aside from it being mostly Horde circlejerking when they had better writing.
people are saying this but I've yet to see a single icyveins or class discord autist say this, and i'm on every one of them but DH
I wear mine hidden because >>173490980
Yeah, thought so. The stats might be nice but the effects are useless.
After failing to shill legion to my friends, who should I boost to 100? I only have a max rogue.
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>jumping along happily collecting herbies
>always have 4k+ of each
>start to make and hoard flasks
>eventually might open a little shop on my dead server selling them really cheap to raiders
>maybe get known as the server alchemist
>that would be cool
monk for versatility and fun
Ret pallies seem pretty brainless but fun. DK as well for good damage and cool artifact appearances.
I reached 110 with my alt. Should I do my profession quests now so I can build more ap for when I do suramar?
Do you get armies of legionfall reputation from invasions?
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Just play rogue because it's easy.

>server alchemist
This was possible until the cross-server stuff. I miss being known on my server for tanking shit. People would whisper you and ask you for stuff, it was so damned cool.
>tfw no logging in to a mailbox full of commission requests
Please respond


outlaw isn't easy ok

you try playing that RSI inducing bullshit under lust, with ping above 20
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Yeah, I used to browse and look through all the comics almost every day. Most of them were retarded but I was so into WoW I liked them regardless.
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>outlaw isn't easy ok
No. You either get really lucky with Legionfall tokens from Missionboard/chests throughout Broken Shore or just do your dailies.

Blizzard doesn't want you flying any time soon hehehhhahahaha
RNG is hard

doing a million finishers with AR+Curse and Lust is hard (on my hands)

being a worthless spec is hard
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>Farming chests with flying
Put me down
I've become the demons
Can we all agree that the inky black potion has been the best addition to the game in the last 12 years
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>1k rep away from flying
>3 legionfall rep missions proc on an alt
I really wish that assassination/subtlety wasn't forced into daggers.

I hate daggers. Especially how the artifact ones look.
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>people actually think someone will buy a rethu's for 500-800k

>Aspie the Alchemist, they'll call me
If by best you mean insulting the yes I agree.

>You want actually dark nights? Here's a potion :^)
Should ensure I am healing during leveling instances so I know what the fuck to do at 110?

Yeah, but heals are pretty much 100% unnecessary until like level 50, so just queue as heals and do DPS until then
Yes. Also healer queues are much better than DPS so you'll be getting more runs anyway.
Yeah, it's good experience to learn where the key bindings are, how your spells interact and so on.
>people healing before max level
>that guy that can heal but can't dps while healing
if you can't do both at the same time, don't bother trying to join a legit guild.
>log in
>no invasion
>no new Shore quests
>log off

Really feeling all that content.
is Blizzard intentionally trying to kill this game?
Sure. You learn a few basics like: always stay close to the tank because he WILL get ahead of you and LoS you, don't heal people standing in bads, don't ress people that die to avoidable stuff, always votekick the spics in your group, etc
>wanting fresh 110s who don't know how to heal
KYS yourself
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>going full tryhard mode while dungeon leveling.

Do you make sure to bring flasks and optimize your talents for each boss too?
everything about 7.2 screams "were trying to stretch out content until 7.3(the real patch) is ready"

they clearly expected sentinax farming to be more successful, but a lot of players don't want to do it. they also expected flight to take longer, which is why they continue to go back and nerf any form of rep to hold us back. this entire patch is one big ass speed bump.
>posting a gif of the very person that would agree with me
unexpected irony
So this is how it's going to go down right?

>we go to argus
>we kick the shit out of the legion
>yay we won
>oh wait, what is that?
>kill void man
>queue next expansion
>kill void man
>queue next expansion
>wait 6-10 months until next expansion
More like
>go to argus
>kick legions ass
>blizzard stops the expansion here and cuts the void man stuff for the next one
>Down Sargeras
>Have to seal him away by leaving our artifact weapons in his corpse and absorbing their powers into ourselves
> Grab random pig sticker off green mob
>7.2.5 is the raid patch
>likely to come in mid June
>7.3 is the argus patch
>likely to come in September/ October
>5 months of sentinax farming coming ahead for the people that don't raid

this will probably end up straight up killing the game
>pandaren rogue main since beginning of MoP
>switch to warlock
how do you deal with this? i fall 10 feet off a ledge and die from fall damage
what flying mounts do you guys use? i'm sick of my gryphon. is it realistic to farm for mounts or are they all 0.00005% drops?
>Why does the stereotypical assassin class use daggers REEEEEEEEEE
you went full retard son. Never go full retard
also don't forget
>Anduin or Kadghar are corrupted
Whats the best/funnest class for just queueing pub bgs

Thats all I really wanna do

Mistweaver monk or fury warrior seem like good options
turbo-charged flying machine
>7.2.5 in mid June

Fuck me I can't wait that long for a balance patch
Kadghar doesn't get corrupted he was void man all along.
i've had a hard time picking one, but for now i'm going with Leyfeather Hippogryph
not too hard to get but takes a lot of time and coordination, so not many have it
looks very nice, maybe could do without antler glow
only complaint is it doesnt really match my mog

>there are people in this very thread who do not exclusively use the Sky Golem
I got lucky and got an Astral Cloud Serpent on my first run and I've been using it ever since.
>We go to Argus in September
>Final raid we kill Sargearas yada yada
>Blizzcon 2017
>"Old Gods! Azeroth Rework! Legacy Servers!
>20 months of content drought
I love this thing because I rarely see anyone using it. guess the 60k required + engineering made, puts people off getting it.
I play on an RP server so It's kinda weird for some races/classes to be driving a mech around.
I see many people are quitting and going for Final Fantasy. Should we be worried? Every day I see less and less players doing stuff in the world, the queues have been pretty long too.
What's happening?
>using sky golem or dankmeme faire meme strider

Then you wonder why your wife's son has 0 respect for you.
FFXI poster is back guys
>take off
>instantly does the barrel roll
Feels so cool desu
>I see many people are quitting and going for Final Fantasy. Should we be worried
No. Anyone leaving wow for FF was someone who should be gone.
I don't really like mine, too noisy and frankly a nelf wouldn't really fly one around anyway
This idea has been beaten to death, but the combination of RNG/AP farm/time commitment required this expansion is pretty fucking crazy.

If you want to get anything done in this game now, you need to put some serious time in or you'll just be behind. It's very off-putting for most people.

Not to mention if Blizzard decides to fuck your chosen spec in some way, you're knocked back down to square one because you need to gear/AP farm for another if you still want to be competitive.
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collected so many huge ass swords on my lock through the expansions.
Cant use them in afflic
FF gets a new expansion in June. WoW gets a 9 boss raid.

People aren't stupid, the choice is very clear.
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>Not to mention if Blizzard decides to fuck your chosen spec in some way, you're knocked back down to square one because you need to gear/AP farm for another if you still want to be competitive.

I honestly love Legion but it's funny to me that the worst bits of it, by FAR, are the core mechanics of the expansion. Artifact weapons are cool, artifact power and how it locks you into your spec is completely and utterly awful. Legendaries are cool, the fact you need the best 2-3 or you don't amount to anything is a disgusting game design decision. What a colossal failure from the people at the top. Still, I have a lot of fun playing the game, so whatever I guess. It probably helps I main a warrior and fury's always been my preferred spec; I'm not nearly as bitter as some people have the right to be.
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[shilling intensifies]
Both of the challenge quest appearances look pretty decent, imo. The prestige ones also don't look half bad either. They're all quite big is my main problem though, but at least the ghostblades are a bit smaller to not look like the size of a belf's torso.
Argus should be a lot more important than this, it's the Draenei endgame and yet no one seems to care
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Guess what anon, Blizzard doesn't care either. Do you really expect them to do it justice?
random cloud serpents
Good, everything introduced in BC is trash except flying mounts.
MoP CM phoenixes, Huolon mount, Arcanist kitty, Rusted Proto-drake
Flying mounts are the worst thing that came from BC though
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This post sums up the current playerbase pretty well.
t. wurl pee vee pee shitter
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>not expecting another legendary so soon
>get one
>it's not the shoulders
when does this meme finally end? I want to get off this meme.
>draenei and blood elves shit up their respective factions with more ERPfags
>outland is objectively the worst worldspace both in terms of missions and aesthetics
>the rise of serious raiders thinking they're the core audience
affliction lock, mistweaver for winning
havoc dh, fury warr for killing
blood dk or demo lock for overpowered meme skills
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i only play female characters and there's nothing you can do about it
My only male character is specifically for ERP. The irony is palpable.
No one has a problem with yo being gay anon
>implying I can't call your father and tell him how much of a fag you are
jeff, I know that's you
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>Warchief troll (incredible regenerative powers, strong because warchief) gets stabbed ONCE by random nondescript enemy mob
>Stronk wymyn with shit voice acting makes bitches rain and everyone GTFOs
>Stronk wymyn is now suddenly the warchief for some reason despite her being a traitorous backstabbing bitch on multiple occasions and her race only being in the Horde for their own gain

>Everyone gathers around to mourne warchief
>Suddenly half of literally EVERYONE is a goddamn demon for some reason
>A goblin turns into a fifty foot tall burning rock thing

What the fuck, Blizzard?
>Sylvanus's first act as Warchief was to invade Stormheim and try to rape the Valkyr into submission
I've pugged guldan hc with pvp gear 2 months ago.
Get fucked shitter.
>"Garrosh did nothing wrong!"
>his timeline led to Sylvanas as warchief
Pick one.
original story made more sense - in alpha, vol'jin was missing not dead. sylvanas assumed role of warchief because she was ranger general of quelthalas in life, tactical genius and years of experience, no one argued because legion was bombing everywhere with infernals. sylvanas was already integral part of the main story when they changed voljin from missing to dead. so they explain it away with voodoo tells voljin to make her warchief.
>Buxom elf tries to rape busty warrior woman
Idk I'm not complaining
>spend all of pandaria listening to baby black dragon tell us about legoin and how hes prepping us
>legion here, and hes buggered off somewhere
wtf dragonguy?
That was kinda his point ya know.

People asking you to be fucking God for a HC Ghoul Dan, a fight you could pugged in pvp gear ages ago.
>trusting blacks
again, in alpha spiritwalker ebornhorn from the highmountain quests was wrathion, but they changed him to a nondescript black dragon last minute. must have something else planned for him.
he's working with kil'jaeden. you can read about it in the latest void novel.
Counting that 99% of the playerbase is literally retarded i'd also do that to be fair.
Noboy wants to wipe on shit they did 2 months ago with shit gear.
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what is this
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>Anduin also missing
an initial setup of required data files
wow.exe is optimizing data files (probably a small "patch"/hotfix?). Happens a lot recently, especially if you start WoW directly, not from the bnet app.
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>Dalaran comes under attack by fucking Starcraft 2 space ships

I spent thirty dollars on THIS?
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>Gul'Dan has failed us. You must not.
>Hey fagot go make this legendary cloak so you can be ready for the legion invasion
>Legion is invading
>Cloak doesn't work anymore
>Tirion crashes Light's Hope into C'thun to kill it once and for all
Is it worth trying to get trinkets with Nether Shards, or is it better to get the rest of my gear to 880 first?
>Khadgar tore down the monument celebrating the defeat of the Lich King and built himself a fancy new tower to live in
absolutely based
guys, what is the best mage spec for leveling (rdf spam) and then from 100 to 110 and onwards?

fire seems so slow (prob should have bought haste heirlooms), arcane seems to deal most damage but i might be wrong
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>Expansion capital is Dalaran AGAIN

What the FUCK WoWtards
whoa cute cow
start with arcane (dude arcane explosion lmao)

you can switch to frost later once you reach the level where you get blizzard.
Sky golem is fucking uggo
If you want variety, farm the netherwing drake mounts from TBC outlands. Fairly easy to farm the rep and you can purchase multiple colors.
Some people prefer function over form
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Guy who asked about Helya AotC a couple threads ago here, got it in a few hours after 12 or so pulls. And holy fuck after 2 pulls I knew the fight better than at least half the people in every pug. Shouldn't have wasted this many flasks and other stuff on it.

Also I'm keeping my Nighthold record unsoiled with LFR, I'm kind of proud of having it that way.
what the actual fuck
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>tfw just got this crap from Guldan
>tfw still don't have the BM shoulders

a-at least it's a free ticket to getting my mage tower appearance.. ha ha ha ._.
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>furries are now normies
I don't like the direction society is headed. next you'll be telling me that being a brony is acceptable behavior.
Shoulders are getting nerfed anyways.
Just hit 110 guys should I dump all my order hall resources into Artifact Knowledge?
>join a 900+ normal NH run for AP and shit
>leader is, as usual, some low ilvl shitter
>I keep getting stuff from bosses that are useless to me but big upgrades for him
>don't pick them up so he doesn't see them, and I get them later from postmaster
>accidentally loot some shitty helmet from elisande
>shispers me in exactly 0.02 seconds
>"I would take that"
>"Sorry mang, kinda need it for when I'm not using my set pants :^)"
>"hmmm ok.."

it wasn't even pants lmao, fuckin shitter
all BM skins fucking suck. I want to use the MM bow, but this stupid ass system won't let me.
Yes, make that your priority. AK to 25, then do Khadgar's quest on Broken Shores to unlock 26, then start researching again.

After that, class hall research.
Follow this advice. Also, if it isn't your first 110 use the item from your mains class hall to get to AK20 off the bat, that will save you a lot of order resources.
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It's not like I'm gonna use the skin anyway..It doesn't fit my mog at all.

I just wanna get it for the sake of having it.

sorta. it's just good having 2 charges for that big initial burst.
Anyone know if the Fel Armaments DH orderhall perk makes the new ilvl upgrade tokens for followers?
>doing LFR for the AP and legendary drop chance
>see that a boss drops loot that I don't need
>check people who can use it
>give it to the one who's doing high DPS for his ilvl before they can even whisper me
>their happy whisper afterwards saying thank you

Feels good man. Also, I don't really believe in karma but I have my 2 BIS legendaries for both of my characters that I'm playing.
I hate these kinds of groups. RL is always some lowbie wanting to get carried
Cloud serpents

Thanks guys. It is my first 110 haven't touched this expansion due to real life commitments, hoping to catch up quick. I've got enough resources to build to ~AK11 just from levelling, what's the best way to farm more resources? I need to finish Stormheim/Suramar first for world q unlocks.
You don't need Suramar for WQs, so do Stormheim.

Each rare enemy spawn will drop 70ish resources the first time you kill it, so go hunting for stars on your map. Also you only need Friendly with the factions to unlock WQs, so if you're in the middle of another zone drop everything and do Stormheim for Valarjar rep first.
>Also you only need Friendly with the factions to unlock WQs

that was removed months ago brul.
When I started Legion in mid January it was still there, was it patched after that?
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>tfw not human
>don't have pokemon
>also forgot to get WHEE! buff
>3k rep away from flying while everyone else has theirs already
>not playing a class that gets to complete world quests for free and using it on your battle pet WQs
>he's a cuckadin
I bet you play Ret too.
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>everyone else has a leggo but me
>Cannot git gud
>been up all night
>check for invasion
>can't go to bed now because I might sleep through an invasion
>it'll be the Val'sharah invasion and I'll delay the capstone quest for invasions and not have the rep for flying still
>entire battle going to be decided on a 50% hit spell
>of course it misses
>have to wait 8m to try again this piece of shit
>he doesn't have the LITERAL 5 (FIVE) pets required to defeat all 3 WQs
lmao are you even playing the game
karma for being a be slut
DKs, DHs, warlocks and mages all have it too
>the capstone quest for invasions

There is no such thing.
I play the game, that's why I don't have pokemons
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Why is Legion such a rushed and buggy piece of shit? Seriously, I resubbed yesterday and this is all the bugs I have encoutnered in just 24 hours.

>Artifact quest bugged because I picked up a spear too quickly
>Randomly disconnected from BG and log back with deserter debuff
>Invurnability cheater in a BG.
>Escort quest bugged and NPC wouldn't move, when I abaondend it i couldn't pick it up again
>Bird attacked me, but didn't have a flying animation, so it just levitated towards me.
>Bug that pushed me out of the loot window until i relogged
>Little skull icon on boss was way off
>Map bugged out and 3/4of the map was just black.
>2 lfr bosses bugged out and had to reset
>Extremely conservative LoS on my totem. Can't place it if there's a fence or pebble infront of it.
What pets would those be? I have enough charms from follower missions to max out a bunch of pets. I just don't know which to get.
I take that back.

those pants are super fun.

I can literally tank a whole area full of elites in suramar without even having to move out of their aoe shitspells
i should do the quest on every falcosaur hatchling everday right so in 4 days i get 4 mounts?
anubis idol, iron starlette and whatever other random pet you manage to get
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>found my old account from 2006 when i was literally 11
>connected it to my new current one ive been playing on since 2010
>only character left is 58 hunter with pic related
>tfw get sad and miss le good ole days...

it feels wrong to me to level this character, its like ancient history
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I am not tho
Thanks. How do you use them? Can't check out what they do right now. Are they expensive on the auction house?
>do malificus
>get nothing
>bonus roll
>get nothing
>all those arrows
iron starlette /is/was free from some wod thingie, maybe prepatch event? not sure, go check it out. anubishath idol goes for like 5k on AH but is easily one of the best battle pets.
>main gets one rep mission every three days
>every single alt gets two x2 rep missions all the fucking time
invasion in highmountain on merican realms, get your easy shards
not an argument, pokemons are part of the game
>do malificus
>get nothing
>bonus roll
>get nothing
>no coin refund
yeah in the same way putting chili pepper in my urethra is part of sexuality
Give me your best UI bros. I can't spare a single minute on reddit or them ad-driven blogs.
EU here. got around 4+mil AP from Highmountain invasion. good stuff.
>do malificius on main + two alts
>gold AP gold AP gold AP
>not a single refund
thanks for nothing

>got 925 bracers with perfect stats

git lucky
>git lucky
24 times on elisande hc, no CoF
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I did that the other week. Good times.
I just use dominos lel
i have no interest in debating your sexuality, pepperphile
>Try to log into 2005's account.
>Wrong password?
>Mail deleted, probably, or some shit i can't remember.
>Feels bad. Quite bad.
>Go the places I've used to explore back in the days, before raiding.
>Them feels kick in.
>First image is a random world pvp in Ashenvale at level 30 or something as NE Druid, hiding behind trees, waiting, ambushing, running, killing. Joy and despair.
why is the world so fucking dead
im level 34 and havent seen another player in hours
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>all these nostalgia feels

will this game, another game or anything in my life ever capture the divine magic of playing this for the first time?
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Talk to Blizzard about it. They were really, really good about fetching my account(s) back and even gave me gametime to log onto them and collect the appearances.
no, you're old now
>How did you beat me through the portal?
>>Because I know more about demonic travel than you.
>>Git gud.
Congrats, now you can play subtlety
>my drug dealer was really nice to me!

You're right though
nope it only gets worse

Outland (the place) is fucking full for me surprisingly
I mean, yeah, obviously they have an agenda. But whatever, my life's not in shambles or anything and I pay with tokens.
What's the best WQ and why is it Barrels o' Fun?
>fixed it so you can't mark the barrels anymore
Shit WQ.
>POW! Right in the kisser!
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stop talking shit about me behind my back I hear everything
the one were i just afk and let russians do everything for me
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smug ion.jpg
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stop playing WoW
it'll be ok
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>Tfw no fuckbuddy to ERP with on WoW

Guess I'll just stick to f-list I guess
just let the new class start at lvl 110
no they downed guldan but not the adds
>le stinky cum-dripping 20 inches shebull-horsecock
Really makes me *brappp*
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Can someone explain this meme to me? I-I'm new to this.
lead designer of wow whos ruining the game right now
so he gets memed
Ion just wants you to stop.
stop thinking about memes and just play the game
Wow that's comprehensive. I don't mind ageplay but 8 is too young for me.
300k exp away from getting my lock to 110 and still haven't decided what spec to main.

Any destro locks here? I hear the class is going to be changed to something similar to MoP but I skipped MoP so can't say how fun or smooth it will be.
>Remember the class mount I have to look forward to
What class should I use the 100 boost that Ive been sitting on?
DK if you care that much about the mount
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Garrosh, son of Grom Hellscream.jpg
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if you're on a pvp realm can you only see other pvp realms in groupfinder?

i just wanna do dailies without niggers killing me at flight paths

tfw u get the hunters turtleshell in a 1v4

Affliction is the strongest by far at the moment.

No idea what is going to be strongest in 7.2.5
I kind of like the elemental thing not gonna tell tall tales
>do the two world quests which popped during the night
>log-off until raid
Biggest content patch since release!
They must have upped chest spawn rate. I got so many this morning its ridiculous
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Sub is almost up, and I'm so tired of the the game. Put my tauren to rest at camp Narache. I'm done with WoW.

See you faggots when they fix this game (never)
alrighteydidelly im bored of pve how do you have fun in pvp?
what classes? is arena fun?
does anyone here even payvaypay
Stop unsubbing.

destro is gutted beyond repair, it doesn't even compare to MoP Destro aka GOD destro.

go affliction or reroll. demo sucks cock ignore memers

check whats top of ladders in 3v3 (top 100)

whichever is the most represented spec of a class is current OP/fotm which you should be playing
if im seeing that correctly you cant search for specific speccs/classes anymore
really dumb but anyway
dps: warrior/warlock
is that kinda correct
ladder looks really weird now cant even see teams anymore what is this shit
anon, i...
to clarify: teams no longer exist
so how can i see whos playing with who
idk, try going to arenatracker dot com and looking for people from the same realms (they might be guildies or smth idk)
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delete this
What's your favorite part about invasions? Mine are
>They don't give you Legionfall rep
>They're no longer required for Pathfinder
>They randomly spawn at completely random times
>They discourage teamwork with the other faction
>They discourage teamwork in general, except for bosses
>They're just the same world quests we've been doing for months
>Only shit they give you is AP and shards
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>new WQ with the wyrmtongue demon ship doesn't give rep
>buy relinquished trinket
>it's shit
just do it again 20 times thats content fuck you just play the game
i dolt you to delete this
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non deal
>6.5m AP from the Highmountain invasion WQs + scenario

not bad m'lad
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memba this
It titanforges but is still worthless
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>ilvl 915
>Figurehead of the Naglfar
>disenchant it out of anger instead of keeping it in the bags to inflate ilvl
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>every path is curved, full of obstacles and full of mobs
>the map is confusing and lacks detail
>mobs daze and dismount you, as well as having all sorts of stuns, slows and roots
>mobs now scale in HP so you can't kill them quickly
>flying gated behind ridiculous achievements
>everything related to gearing your character is RNG

I wonder why Blizzard would implement such objectively bad game design features in a subscription based game...

If you still willingly give them your money you are a literal fucking cuck.

And don't even bother pretending that paying in gold for tokens is any different when you can easily turn that gold into real money with almost no fuss.
you can restore it on the webpage
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good times
always thought demon armor looked like a clown
Reminiscing of your first love and kiss

Oh, wait...
I think the legion zones are very beautiful done.

looks like it wasn't so good after all...

I used to agree until I used the inky black potion. With that, the zones are 100% better. Especially valshraj
Thats true, I love using that potion at night. Makes the immersion even better. Hopefully we will get it as a grafics option at some point.
But yeah, legion zones are very nice. I have nothing to complain about them so far.
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hakkaribijos are my favorite snack, jelly?
No matter how good and nice it feels, you need to discard it at one point and go wild with as many people as you possibly can with as many differentiating traits so that in the process of experimentation you discover exactly what you want out of a sexual relationship. Otherwise you will end up as a boring, sexually repressed old person who never got to experience the carnal pleasures life can offer.

The first one is just more magical because you get to experience that tingly feeling for the first time.
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Not just the zones, though. Try using the potion in Emerald Nightmare. Its amazing.
pls be my gf

>go affliction or reroll
Affliction's gonna get raped when 7.2.5 hits and all affliction FOTM players are gonna cry. Mark my words.
Usually but some people find equal deviancy first time
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I have them in my guild bank, I have my snacks
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y tho?

No one is jelly of an LGBT trainwreck
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Im on EU nor US haha you just got PUNKD
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Just spent a few hours finishing off blacksmithing, only to find out I don't get the buff I need to make that welfare legendary.

Haven't had a legendary drop in months despite running raids and mythic keystones/caches.

Haven't had good gear drop over 890 that had secondary stats I need for my class.

Haven't found Draught in any mode of Guldan that I have done.

Why do I waste time playing one of the shittiest expansions and shittiest patch known to man.
imagine lying this badly
back off
Biggest reason I wont resub is that I'm tired of my effective as a class and spec being determined by their bullshit fotm balance

Just look at mages to see how much fucking bullshit it is.
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well would you look at that..
Except all the data shows that as the number of sexual partners increases, overall happiness and stability in your final relationship decreases

Not to mention the risk of STDs and pregnancy
Stop trying to gear up

>Not Rupture damage

It's shit.
fk u
having two vendetta relics lines it up perfectly with kingsbane

>He doesn't have the boots

Oh, man... Might as well delete char, boyo
vendetta relics are better though
with nighthold 4p rupture is not even first damage dealer, it's envenom
>final relationship
Stability is purely a facade people put on so that they can continue with their shallow, boring lives. Unstable life full of chaos and exciting new prospects every day is where it is at. People who have been in a single relationship all their lives just do not know what pleasures life can offer.

>STDs and Pregnancy
What are condoms, pills, and abortion
Besides, some people get off of swallowing a toxic load
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>run my first mythic cause a quest asks me too
>get this hourglass-key thing for another dungeon

is mythic level 2 harder or just another series of the same thing? Healing was harder on mythic, too - Should I be doing anything but healing the tank? the DPS dude just seemed to chunk / die kind of randomly.
that's AFTER the boots.

kingsbane cd is 45 and with 2 relics vendetta goes to about 1min and something, so they line up perfectly.

do you even into rogue?
Playing DH, got to Stormwind, do I need to go through with the remainder of the storyline?
you can send the tokens
i legitimately didn't know that dazed existed as a mechanic until i decided to try out one of my dps specs at max level for questing on my warrior
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