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Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

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Thread replies: 743
Thread images: 119

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Ascended Edition

Previous Thread: >>172982858

>Updates and Patch Notes
>F2P Info
>Developer Posts
>Builds and Gear
>Market Info
>Useful links

>/vg/ Guilds:
NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Grovewillow, Peachy Panic, Raid Time, or Rijakk.
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Aktium, Amarin Luxtail, Strider Of Spring, Dex Mindwrack, or Mo Zing Miko.

-Servers only matter for WvW and instancing.
-If no one is online, send a mail.
-If you are F2P, leave your name and region on the thread.
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Already did warriors a few times, and I don't have an mcharr mesmer. So engi it is.
episode 5 trailer WHEN?
we let the gameplay speak for itself
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Never, they might have even abandoned the idea of another expansion altogether, and even if the expansion comes out, it will be the last.
As much as I want this game to be successful, it's going to die pretty horribly unless Anet gets their shit together and fast.
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Shiggly for Diggly
I hope they don't consider 100 % recycled SAB as a substitute for content and wait another month.
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looks like a living poop sasuage with a pink nose
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I know you are but what am I
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Don't you understand anons, Anet needs funds to make content and that's why they keep putting things in the gemstore hoping that people like you buy their shit.

The game can't sustain itself anymore because even the gemstore doesn't cut it anymore and they have entered an infinite feedback loop because of that.
>tfw you realize underboob female thief was actually the hipster choice
post HOPE femcharrs
i wouldnt put it beneath them honestly
t. anet sales employee

Anet is too stupid to put things people actually want in the gemstore like :

school outfit
new panties
cat/bunny tails
marriage rings
a chair that you can bring out and sit in
more shitty instruments
armor , not outfits
turn into a tengu potion

and more.
I would support them if they would ditch destiny's edge 2.0.

You know it is bad when an entirely new festival NPC in ESO got more personality than the whole destiny's edge 2.0 crew
You mean you don't like buying minis for 400 gems? :^)
It's not about buying them, it's about not even being bothered to buy them
Can you imagine the Southsun beach orgies if swimsuits released
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>chair that you can bring out and sit in
I didn't know that I wanted this until now.
did they bring out SAB because the game is dying
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there's no point in even shitposting this anymore, game's dead
because it is april "festival" for gw2
have fun playing pve... lol pvp in this game sucks ass. so many broken classes like meditrapper guard, macebow warrior.. sad so pathetic
both of those are countered by berserker warrior
They're really not.
u must be new to pvp... macebow isn't op, but meditrapper is retarded. Even if you learn to beat them... it's hell dueling one. They have aegis every like 30 secs, 2-3 blocks, 2-3 heals, and condi burning dmg out the ass....

Ignore these shitposters, for the real official NA guild you can join [Here], just whisper Surbrus Mindfang, Ancora Softpaw, Vae the Spectre, or Roxtar for an invite
I want to brain blast taimi.
its in the op you fags
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Uh, anon...
hi qt
Still using the wrong info, whisper Edarkness, Effie the Protector or Shiilo for an invite to the official /vg/ guild,
Send a mail if none of them are online
bronzies detected
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my sister from another continent!
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>draw a lynxface
>ingame isnt a lynxface
cant make this shit up
I didn't realize how hot buff nornfus were. Fuck futa though disgusting degenerates. Time to play a muscular Amazonian goddesses in French because the English Vae sounds like a cow
if you think that's a lynxface then you've never seen a lynxface.
>phone autocorrect VA to Vae

Lol xd
>English Vae
hi furfag
>another fnorn that's going to pretend they don't have a dick

How did this meme even start?
>shitpost about vae so much your autocorrect algorithm changes
Post an example?
>there are people who prefer fapping to disgusting cat humans rather than truly lewd ecchi humans
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are you implying that this is a bad thing?
anime isn't real
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musky vae cum glazing the thread
did comfyanon die or what
im alive anon
Dead to me. What kind of bitch stands someone up on a Tuesday?
Be quiet, Comfyanon! Be quiet! Stop it! I have never in my life yelled at an anon like this. When my mother yells like this it’s because she loves me. I trusted you, we all trusted you! How dare you! Learn something from this! When you go to bed at night, you lay there and you take responsibility for yourself, because nobody’s going to take responsibility for you and your phony comfy posts. You rolling your eyes and you act like it’s because you’ve heard it all before–you’ve heard it all before–you don’t know where the hell I come from, you have no idea what I’ve been through. But I’m not a victim; I grow from it and I learn. Take responsibility for yourself.
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Meanwhile in FUN guildchat
>tfw you'll never bury your tongue in a gaped femcharr's asshole
This but mcharr and by mcharr I mean Vae (female)
I'm not gay but I'd eat out a male Charr.
Does a decent looking set exist for engineers or just med armour in general? Almost everything is a shit trenchcoat
cuntboy Vae being eaten out by anon
lmao good luck on fashion anon.
It's possible, but hard. Anti-trenchcoat is generally stuff like Viper's, Glorious/Triumphant, and most cultural pieces.
Refer to good toons such as Vae's before listening to any HOPE anons
HOPE has no good toons
Triumphant/cultural armor is good on charr but the rest will tail clip you to some extent and/or are trenchcoats.
vae's awake prepare for shitposting

this is just getting cringy
medium armors have it pretty fucking rough
everything is ugly if you're not into the cultural pieces
Sorry, I meant for the non-furry races
>draw a lynx face
>lacks cheek tufts
>long snout
Maybe you need to remind yourself what a lynx or the lynxface itself looks like.
>thinks he can tell who anons are on 4chan
are you the hope janitor?
>nobody posting about vae
>vae wakes up
>all of a sudden "everyone" is talking about him
>>really its one guy samefagging
>>>really its vae
>tfw people type the same way on the board and in game
>can tell you have friends sperging out in the general
s m h
people talk about Vae even when he is sleeping anon
He is just a popular man no need to be jealous
t. someone retarded
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>no need to be jealous
>7am in cuntstralia
>expects a gay furry neet to be awake
no anon you are the retard
>vae is literally online in gw2
t. vae
t. 1 of vae's boyfriends
prove it, post vae right now
>HOPE still stalking this furfag neet after years of shitposts
no I'm not a faggot stalker like you that remembers when he wakes up, I don't know why you are here defending his retarded shitposting when you could be sucking him off or whatever you shitpost about
its [Here], they are obsessed with their furry erp mascot
Vae has not posted here in months anon. If anything you are the one who is obsessed
>herecuck isnt playing the game
big surprise
>just believe me anon, not the evidence that suggests otherwise
LOL ok "not vae"
>anon can't post evidence because it does not exist
New person here, quick question if you guys don't mind. I'm just starting this game for the first time, and I'm making my character on Tarnished Coast (that's the roleplay server, isn't it?) and I'm trying to name my human. What kinds of names do humans have? Do I do first space last? Or first dot last? Or just first? Is there a generally accepted way that roleplayers do it?

Because gw2 is a ded gaem. Playing this game in the first place makes you a hipster.
Shut up
Mcharr cunny, femcharr cunny...
In the end only fluffy cunny will remain...
Such is our fate...
Welcome. There's nothing special about human names, it's usually a first and last name, like Logan Thackeray, Mai Trin, etc.
here's the evidence
vae stop shitposting
vae stop pretending to be retarded
nice try Raziel

Why did you yell at me anon? I haven't done something wrong... Wtf
Should I use this boost I got with heart of thorns or am i missing most of the game by skipping leveling? Is it something only seasoned players should do? I've never played this game before

Ascalon: English, German
Kryta: Didn't these guys have like Aztec names or something?
Orr: Arabic, Persian
Cantha:Japanese, Chinese, Korean
Kurzick: German, Russian
Luxon: Greek
Elona: African

Elona has a bunch of factions with slightly different Africanness or Middleeasternness to them, so names might vary a bit there.
being real here, I honestly don't know who the fuck raziel is

but he isn't namedropping himself constantly for attention so i don't give a fuck vae
use the boost on a warrior, you'll be in full pvt gear wtih 33k health and 2.4k attack. able to do basically all the current pve stuff and shit, should be fun desu
I decided on Ophelia Weaver, but I already did it before you posted this, I think its lore friendly enough, at least for Ascalon? Is that where the character originates from?
do you even know who the Vae boogeyman is? Or are you a rat cuck looking to blame

As for how the name is arranged

>Firstname Lastname

Even a lot of normie non RPers do that.
is gw 2 dead
shut up vae
According to Mike OB - no
According to the rest of AN - yes

thinking of playing for first time ever

dont want to end up liking it as it is on last breath

Good name, and yeah definitely sounds Ascalonian af.

There is an option to say what your ethnicity is in the character creation, but the only impact that has is the look of one single one off NPC in one single mission from one other particular character creation option for the personal story, and maybe a very small number of throwaway NPC dialogs that just reference your ethnicity.

So basically as far as game terms is concerned, your origin doesn't really matter at all, so you're free to RP as you wish there.

Ascalonian is a good standard option for a RP background. They are originally from Ascalon, which is now ruled by the Charr, and 200 years ago a lot of them immigrated to Kryta... and probably the big reason why Kryta looks so European rather than looking more Aztec. The human kingdom in GW2 is Kryta, and is the human zones. Perfect fit for an Ascalonian.
Calsi back at it again shitposting the Vae
i kind of want to play a guardian at high level, so i made one of those, but i still havent used my boost, im not sure if i can transfer it to a different character now though

whats a "normie" rper?

thanks so much, this was super helpful!

Normie NON RPer, as in the usual scrubs that don't RP or don't even consider it.

And yeah no problem, happy to help a bit!
I wonder if there are any new players honestly enjoying the game

They have less things to do than I did when I came in now that I think about it.

Do people still do world boss trains?
>boss trains
those are for farmers, not for newbies

no better way for a newbie to kill his enjoyment of the game than to mindlessly farm
i did this often when i was a newbie, it use to be a great way to get money and just chat with friends.

I even met some really good people through the world boss mapchat.
So you weren't enjoying the game, you were enjoying a chatroom. There's basically no worse criticism for a game.
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>join [Here]
>they help me level to 80
>they help me kill the world bosses
>they raid with me
>they teach me how to pvp
>they let me in their guild
>they take me to their gmissions

Why do we hate [Here] again?

Whisper Surbrus Mindfang, Ancora Softpaw, Vae the Spectre, or Roxtar for an invite
Vae helped me get into ERP. Swell guy and experienced role player. Highly recommend giving him a whisper!
i guess, but it was comfortable and i feel like the game has lost that aspect of it.

Hmm , it's like a vibe the game use to give off when i started that i dont feel anymore. Oh well though.
i just started today and im having a blast, i hope it continues
Nostalgia, anon.

I started playing a long time before those trains and it was great.
why not ask dros to add you to the OP?
Yeah man, Yeah.
Dros is going to be a daddy!
cause he's shitposting
but would you?
What if Here wants to become a gw2g guild too? Would HOPE allow them?
>anything I dont like is shitposting
yea that's fine but I don't really think they want to, they literally left HOPE because they didn't like the people in it and wanted to raid on their own, I don't blame them or anything either but it wouldn't make sense if you were trying to get away from gw2g goers that you would start recruiting them for your guild

and nobody has messaged me privately about adding the guild to the OP or anything, so it just makes it look even more like trolling, I'm guessing the guy has some personal thing against them because it doesn't affect me or HOPE
There can only be one
I know the people in that pasta, they only raid lmao, its shitposting
i have no opinion on the matter, I've even asked the guy why he does it and he has no response because he hasn't thought out the joke

I'm just letting anon know someone is probably trolling those charr because it doesn't make sense that they would recruit here, and I like doing good deeds
>I'm guessing the guy has some personal thing against them because it doesn't affect me or HOPE

it's raziel
I keep coming back here every few weeks to see if there's anything interesting, but its all just disgusting roleplaying and gratuitous guild drama

no one with a brain would ever join a fucking 4chan guild in gw2

this game is dying so fast it's embarassing
>Herefags are just HOPEfags who think they're too good for HOPE
Tell it like it is oothie
>the thread is an indicator of guilds
wew buddy those guilds are more like refuges from this shitshow because there's a reason to be sociable, you are totally ignorant of how anonymous posting can make people act different. please do fuck off senpai :)
>implying its not HOPE general
its only not HOPE general when the thread is bad and doesn't suits my needs or someone makes fun of the general for being bad, then its gw2g
this post totally doesnt reek of a HOPEshill
HOPE isnt bad for new players, all the old players are in discord and the new players have been talking among themselves in guild chat. Just saying.
i don't give a fuck about your opinion m8

I think you mean all the old players are in FFXIV
yes, the HOPE clique left.
who said I wanted you to reply to me kid
doesn't matter but that then
well then who what
who gives a fuck you fat turd
>still replying
c-can i reply to you dros?
i know you're a mouthbreather, no need to type it out
yea of course

tell me how you really feel
I don't come here for my social fix, I get that everyday irl. I come here hoping to meme and laugh and vent about stupid shit in the game, and maybe even for advice when I need it. But this.... this place is immature, cringy, and downright disgusting... There's no quality discussion, no intelligent debate. It's childish arguing and vapid sexualization of the game. And you all do nothing about it to stop it.
But if you're the "4chan" guild of the game, then you're a representative of this general and the horrible shit that is always in these threads. And if you don't give a shit about fixing it then other people won't give a shit about even posting here.
Baiting for replies is not a valid way to keep the general active, furry idiots.

>Charr in charged of not being the top cancer of /gw2g/
Seriously, some of the asura and charr roleplaying personalities in this general are fucking lolcow-tier. If you ever posted your face or got doxxed by your own hand you would be a laughing stock of the internet because you are outright embarassing and disgusting.
>But if you're the "4chan" guild of the game, then you're a representative of this general and the horrible shit that is always in these threads. And if you don't give a shit about fixing it then other people won't give a shit about even posting here.
thats not how it works at all, I know people joke about a "HOPE janitor" but there isnt one, the most we can do is kick people when they cause trouble, which just makes them shitpost about the 4chan guild here anonymously to cause the drama that you hate to see

theres nothing we can do to fix it because there is no control over the posting, anyone can post here, the thing about a 4chan guild is that the recruitment is filtered THROUGH 4CHAN not some normie posting it in mapchat

you just seem to be a little new
There is something you can do, you can fucking ignore it. All I see is you guys arguing in an echo chamber.

And thank fucking GOD I'm "new." From what I've seen in this general every time I click here it's been a trainwreck of disturbing posts. I would never want to get to know anyone that is a part of the shit that happens here.
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point out the posts right now or its basically you just being a newfag and not understanding whats going on like you just said
>tfw no ascended charr husbando to snuggle me in Salma
Uh. No, I'm someone else. Sorry.
I'm not your personal army you faggot. We could fucking throw burden of proof fallacies at each other but it isn't going to change the fact that this place is riddled with "cunny" posting and arguing over which guild is "official" and it's all bullshit
>charr go to divinity's reach as sex tourists
>humans dump toxic waste in the black citadel in return
i think it's fair
i wasnt actually gonna reply to you Dros, gotcha

I understand where you're coming from and why you'd think that but i'm just saying it as a member that new players are still joining and that the general(or oothier) has no representation of the guild.

So dont be discouraged to join and experience it for yourself.
Lol we are at the brink of war with russia right now and you niggers are arguing about charr asura and who is responsible for the shitposting
Thanks but I'm already happy with the guilds I'm in. Appreciate the understanding reply though.
when i first started, i actually thought doing hearts/personal story/exploring map in the beginning is boring as fuk and was going to stop playing gw2 until i came across world bosses which made me stayed
dude fuck those cunny posters, if they are in my guild i hope they get necked, people do ignore that shit you fucking retard, good job not being able to prove your point the only "people" who reply to that shit are other furfags I don't consider human
i don't give a fuck about your irrelevant wars
No problem, was a message for all new players too just in case.
>agrees with me
>calls someone you agree with a fucking retard
Ok cool now I know you're not different than any other tripfag.
this is anons chance to finally get a femcharr wife
just calling it as I see it, I can agree with you and be retarded too if it makes you feel better
everyone agrees with you retard
dumbest post I've read all day, its obvious he was calling you retarded for another reason than the topic that he agreed about with you
I don't.

furfag detected
even oothie doesnt like you
It's not dumb if it works.

That's not exactly bad you know.
if what works? all you did was say "you're just like other tripfags" and he replied back casually

good one anon
Hah. I did no such things. Retard.
>tfw you will never be able to kill blacks by calling them niggers
How is the PVP in this game? Do I have to buy the expansions for it?
it's a meme
>185 posts
>The most game-related one(s) are complaints about ArenaNet
>The rest are guild bait, race bait, and /b/-tier arguments
This general is 10x better when it's dead and the game-related discussions resurface without fear of being derailed. Blaming ArenaNet for your urge to namedrop, talk about off-topic politics, bait with guild drama, and blame x race mains for the shitposting is immature and wrong. You have yourselves to blame, so once the shitpost craze has left your systems please feel free to ditch /gw2g/ forever so actual /gw2g/ anons aren't forced to wallow in this garbage.

>No talks of GW2 being dropped out of ESL and how good/bad it is for the game
>No mention of datamined NPC assets
>No SAB festival posts
>No WvW stories
>No lore posts
You use to be able to run some full core dps builds and compete but they balanced those out of the game. Some meta builds are alot stronger than other meta builds.

I wouldnt recommend it, especially if you dont have HoT.

You could always try it for yourself though.
Hit or miss, since that's the nature of ranked/unranked pugs. You don't have to buy the expansion or level a character to level 80 because all sPvP gear is equalized and all traits/skills are available to all but you won't have access to elite specializations, which is a shame. Some F2P builds are still quite good though, so it shouldn't be too discouraging.

Your gear does matter in WvW, but not entirely since everyone is bumped up to level 80 in WvW. Obviously fully geared and specialized level 80's will be stronger than upscaled level 80's in mixed up sub-par gear.
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Just made an account a couple days ago. What am I in for? Also is it worth it to upgrade to a premium?
I don't think you realize that different people are making those posts. Don't assume or you'll make an idiot out of yourself.
It died so horribly from the rewards nerfing, esl backing out and competitive semi-pros leaving that I made the top 250 this season.
thats not me
try it for yourself, dont base your opinion on the subjective experience of others. if you find it fun, then go for it.

Expansion helps, powercreep and whatnot, but base works fine
Experiencing a new world is always nice. You're locked out of content for the first 18 levels i think so until then map completion is all you'll be doing. Be sure to check out WvW if you're in a good map. It's nice to run with a zerg the first time. There are f2p players that do dungeons. They'll probably be too hard for the group but try that out too. World bosses, etc.

Dont upgrade until you're lvl 80 if you're still playing it by then. It'll get you decent pve (raids/maps) and a competitive edge in pvp/wvw.

Make sure to check out the links in the OP and maybe some boss timers through dulfy or google.
>I'm not your personal army you faggot
only a newfag would incorrectly use this phrase so bad, the fact that you think cunnyposting is still a thing or take the guild shitposting seriously just shows you want to focus on bad things because it goes against your autism, you're just pretentious but too lazy to make things better
Take your time as you explore the core game, don't take shortcuts through leveling, and don't try to level a mesmer on your first attempt, anon.

That first trip through the core game will be the best, subsequent world completion runs just can't compare.
Some of the most beautiful graphics, most autistic players, worst story writing and voice acting, and slowest rate of completely life crippling balance patches ever put into an mmo.

GW1 was nicknamed Build Wars because of the sheer amount of skills, lack of limitation as to what you could equip and complexity between them. GW2 is bascially eye candy fashion wars with one or two solid builds per class, muh CC's and little room for experimentation with skills outside of leveling 0-80 in PvE. As its mostly weapon based now and there isn't much variation in most classes for healing and elite skill slots, you're most likely to enjoy the game just equipping full or mostly beserkers gear for most classes and exploring at your own pace, finding your favorite way to farm gold and playing some PvP occassionally on the side to get better aquainted with dodging and using your character to their fullest potential. Finding a fun WvW guild is always nice too and many are glad to help you figure stuff out. Once you get to a comfortable point you can do fractals and be a DPS slave in raids for the big bucks.
God, what a train wreck of a post. You must be dying for attention.
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I like Florburz
I said Florburz
>God, what a train wreck of a post. You must be dying for attention.
im not wrong about what i said about you, so im glad you're trying to go out of your way to goodpost and make this general better, thank you!

another slow day ohnicuck? do you even play gw2?
>anet releasing content
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>bringing back hour old drama when you see there's decent discussion going on

I think the main obstacles for raids are communication and personal skill. Memorizing your skill rotation really does make a difference in DPS output when compared to a sloppy player on a meta class using a meta build. What really killed raids is that 10-man focus, maybe it would've have been as bad if they balanced raids around 5-man parties.

>tfw ArenaNet will release easy raids to quell down the whiny Reddit posts and distract people from their shattered e-sports dream
i replied to someone 8 min later, it doesnt have anything to do with the original """drama""", you relax retard
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>tfw no comfy God Emperor to guide TC to victory in WvW
save us pls bg must pay
Getting easier raids would be great, anet really needs to attract their casual crowd back in. They were the ones spending money on the gemstore.
this does not answer my question, and i do not want to assume your life

also NA or EU?
tell me how it is in TC
what guilds are running, how many ppl are playing. give me the numbers.
yes I do play gw2
comfy is a traitor and will not be welcomed back to TC
Give me the fuckign info right now. I'm not a traitor. I'm a God. And I've done shit that needed to be done in order to bring my wvw game to the next level. I've moved around, found counsel in some areas, and furious bullshit in others. I'm a wiser, stronger, better commander now. TC is my home. And I'll be back, but only when they need me.
No one. It ded. We ded. Literally Kaineng-post-warmachine tier.
fuck, really? nobody around at all? Are there any people that would rally under a tag and fight together? Or is it truly ded as you say.
No, you left and ruined our fighting spirit. We are but a shell of what we once were.
"Easier raids" is just fractals with more mechanics and slightly better rewards, though.

It should be like this:

>Dungeons = Introduction to raid mechanics, easier than raids with story that relates to the main storylines AKA a mursaat dungeon, a dungeon at the Isles of Janthir, Glint's Lair dungeon, etc
>Fractals = Shorter but harder dungeons, vague/mysterious stories from alternative dimensions or timelines
>Raids = Hardcore instanced boss battles with side stories that have little to do with the main storylines AKA Wizard's Tower, Rragar's Menagerie raid, etc
Even CERN left. What little core TC had left is gone.
dont fuck with me

tell me the truth

give me numbers
So how does RP go in this game? I just started today and am having a blast, but I'd like to start exploring that a bit
o, which server senpai?
that character is A+
gimme some fucken numbers cunts

how many people are in eb right now in tc
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Another way of trying to figure out if I'm NA or EU anon?
furries hate hope
replace the furry thing with some kind of pedophile emblem to represent asura fetishists.
>pedophile emblem
anons come on
stop making shit OC instead and do it yourself
dont yell at me daddy.. i miss your strength in wvw
i'd move my main from mag to TC if I knew there were ppl there lookin for a commander to lead them. but right now i'm so fucking bored mag is the only server giving me some interest and even tho it's not that good.
my alt is on sos.
shut up and make another HOPE raid edit
>pedophile emblem

can get by using HOPEs guild emblem
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Is roaming dead in wvw? I heard once that the smaller servers tend to have more roamers than the upper tier servers.
i really, really like this image
yup, should i come up with another question to make it easier for you to answer?
My phone auto corrects VA to Vae and lol to loli and Cunningham to cunny... How fucked am I???
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Thanks for the advice. So far the game is pretty comfy and the event bosses are really fun to do.

Should I join a guild asap? And if so should i join the /vg/ guild?
My phone autocorrects "bad toons" to "HOPE"
Yeah, they're not bad contrary to the amount of obsessive shitposting about them. They both have voips, do guild missions, generally open to give advice to newfags. You can probably learn more by getting advice personally. Check >>173253389
at the bottom depending on your region.
>suddenly nobody has any info on tc

do you like to play with redditors?
if yes, then join HOPE
you're talking to a genuinely abnormal person senpai, he is more comfortable bragging about his dayjob than letting you know if you can play with him. judging from his english and work hours, it's a cEUc. probably likes to sit back and soak in the attention he gets tho, doesnt want to ruin that by letting big bad 4chan know how to find him ingame
what does that even mean
if I basked in the attention I wouldn't have a problem with answering these questions though
whats tc

i noticed people don't seem to avatar here the way they do in other generals, why is that?
they all left, only the most autistic still remain
Avatarfags like Delphy and Vae smarten up and leave which only left the unwanted pedo dregs
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I would like to join the /vg/ guild on NA

Account Name: Large Girth.5489
Character Name: Will Erp For Gems
World: Tarnished Coast
only need 1 more person so we can form a dungeon group! Where my HOPEbros @
I see

New player here, is the HOPE guild active or good? I just started this game today (and am really enjoying myself) but I don't want into a den of snakes...
most avatarfags have left because there is quite literally nothing to do in this dead game, no foreseeable content in the future either
because this general is dead as fuck, doesnt help the game has no content, but an autistic furfag pretty much ruins the thread every weekend making people just stop coming here
Recognizable faces get dragged through the mud in this general. From pedophilia accusations to false flag rumors and drama from years ago. People here hit nice and low and aren't afraid to aim for their own friends. Artists also get thrown under the bus, so nobody is really safe. Asking this tells me you're new, so if you do decide to join a /gw2g/ guild keep in mind that anything you say that could attract attention is probably saved in someone's computer ready to be posted here.
HOPE is filled with people who will talk behind your back if you dont stroke their ego on demand.
Most people left because general's like this are 99 percent of the time filled with low quality people. E.g. kittdai, grelom, dylan, jugg, that other fucken furry from EU, and a bunch of other cunts.

I tried to make this general good. I tried to make it a decent place for socially normative people. However it was doomed from day 1. The silent majority here (anonymous) always wanted shitstorms and drama. They feed on it.

This isn't the place to come for decent conversation and friendships. This is the place where such things die. This is truly the place of the most autistic and the lowest quality people.

There are but a few here still holding strong to what could have been, me and some others, but apart from us, this general would be dead. And good riddance to be honest. The game will still be around, my friends in game will still be around. It would be the silent majority that would lose out when this general dies. As they'd have to find another source for their pathetic fun and retarded bullshit that they do.
but you do have a problem, you avoid questions, if you didnt want to answer you could say but you didnt

therefore you have some kind of issue, now get back to work wagecuck
>I tried to make this general good
really hoping that people have low attention spans huh? You were one of the worst, easily. You only started being ontopic when it was far too late.
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TC stands for Tarnished Coast, it's one of the NA servers.

As others have said, many avatarfriends left or went lowkey, although they are partly to blame when they seek too much attention to the point where it's off-topic.

see >>173304850
It's a pretty accurate statement about HOPE and how the thread likes to shitpost for the sake of contradiction. Personally, I don't think they're bad, it's pretty drama free, worst you get is the occasional debate about something. They mostly chat on their discord, but guildchat has been more active thanks to SAB.

Don't lie, friend.
I don't think im ready for a dungeon yet i just started playing 2-3 days ago and very sparingly since im on vacation right now.
Damn it man, I was just about to whisper you. I'll just send you the invite and a mail introducing you to the guild.
I'm in HOPE, and implied I was, did you have a point? Would you like to delete your post and re-think it?

can you cunts just fucken kill yourself and shut up already holy shit
you are all autistic anonymous posters that will sperg for hours whilst never knowing if you're actually replying to the person or a troll

kys terribad 4chan idiots
you first

Yikes, are there any specific examples of autistic behavior that would put me off? I'm pretty lewd myself, and I just am pretty open about it so that people can't blackmail me with anything and I can just put them on ignore with impunity

Are they friendly to new players? I just got the game today and am only level 13...
>I'm pretty lewd myself
They'll start talking about how disgusting and cringy you are.
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>When comfydaddy is the voice of reason
I wouldn't be sad if /gw2g/ was manually deleted and placed on some blacklist by the mods of this board. I only come here out of habit and to see if any friends post, but most of my friends stopped browsing this general a long, long time ago.
nobody has examples because it never happens

>>173307278 just proves an old guild leader of HOPE was a dumb shitposting autist not that HOPE shitposts about each other or stab each other in the back like >>173307073 says
I think gw2g needs that, so many people here don't play anymore
So its not a guild that's friendly to degenerates I take it?

Sorry but I don't really see how this proves they are as autistic/backstabbing as the thread has made them out to be, are there better examples?

What's the best way to go about finding a lewd+rp+content friendly guild?
>are there any specific examples of autistic behavior that would put me off?
if you're lewd then i'm guessing you erp? there's toxic people here who would shitpost about you nonstop for rejecting them
if you don't erp they'll shitpost that you do and shame you for it, make up stories, or straight up shame you for just being lewd
if you're bad at the game and some toxic elitist catches you, they will talk some hard shit behind your back and it will find it's way here
ignore lists won't help you when they're spreading info on you and painting you in whatever color they want
HOPE isn't a lewd guild sorry, it sometimes comes up in conversation and we will talk about it in a meta way but its not people going "ur so cute teehehehe :3" you can get that in ERP guilds and such, like DN or LEWD

shut up loser
Quit lying, nobody will namedrop or give specific examples if their intentions aren't to stir shit to begin with. This thread is already derailed to fuck as it is.
>says the guy lying about HOPE
stop shitposting dude
>complaining about the thread being derailed when you just add to it
I don't want those kinds of guilds, just ones that aren't hateful/rejecting of the presence of people who are lewd, I don't like that kind of stuff in the guild chat etc, that's weird

But if no one ever comes here anymore, does it really spread that far? And what if I just admitted to everything and basically never came here?
I mean I'm a huge ERPslut and one of the leaders so I don't think anyone minds too much
This thread started going downhill once Vuncia started posting and then never recovered
But how does your post do anything to dissuade >>173307704
or >>173307073
or >>173306183
>tfw was told to avoid certain people within HOPE by other HOPE members
i won't tell you who tho
*This thread started going downhill once Vuncia stopped posting and then never recovered
those people aren't in HOPE and just want to shitpost, like I don't really know what you want me to say, some people get shitposted about, but its really not a big deal until you reply to it and make yourself look dumb or something

if someone comes up to ingame and goes "man I heard about x on 4chan I can't believe your into diaperfurs" then you just tell them the truth that you don't like that stuff

does that kind of make sense? I don't even know what you would be shitposted about, most of the time its because someone spites you or something from what I have seen

everyone gets that treatment, only thing is, was it someone actually looking out for you, or just bringing up nonissues because its fun to mess with people
Is there someone I can whisper for an invite? Or they can whisper me? I just tried to do a search for the people listed in the OP but I added people to my friendslist who I didn't mean too...

If you are online I'm Ophelia Weaver
>cancerous grinch face sparklecat shitposter mixed with vaes shitty toxic personality
>valuable to this board
I got someone who will message ya, just a moment
yeah... i made sure she got some whispers Dros. Dw about it...
>People I befriended whom I knew shitposted quit the game ages ago
>Tfw I don't get namedropped anymore

Feels too correlated to be a coincidence and also nice to be able to post without animosity for once.
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correlation isn't causation, you could be right but heres a warning

I remember when my friends confronted me about shitposts that were happening all the time about a similar situation to our own, even going as far as shitposting about me and trying to get people to believe I was that person or perhaps convince themselves that it had to be true

how do you think that feels coming from someone who wasn't involved at all and still wanted to be friends, yet your "friends" no longer treat you like you can be trusted and eventually stop hanging out with you all together

maybe it was for other reasons but I'll just say it didn't feel good
let's cuddle lil cozy comfysura, whilst we enjoy some tv and a lovely evening
i even have yummy veggie chips for you to nibble on!
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Posting some cute toons
You bitch and moan about low quality posts and people yet you still keep on shitting up the thread.
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I'm sad that you're offended by such harmless posts. I'm literally replying to one person, not causing any drama, not being mean nor sarcastic, not saying x is better than y, I'm just saying some nice things and that riles you up?
Where and how to farm globs of mist essence and the likes?
I want to punch this cat because of the post and I love cats
*pats anon to calm her down*
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>tfw you get gendercucked by comfyanon
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Very cute FHD.
Not a good feel definitely. In my scenario it's not just correlation since I know for a fact my own "friends" shitposted since I used to do it with them. Things started changing when certain private things they only would know started being used as ammo. I'm leaving out specific details of course. Sorry that happened I for one think you're cool and always have.
Join a RP guild for RP or go to an RP hotspot and RP. Divinity's Reach has like 4 uninstanced taverns that players use for RP.

I don't know if its changed but I think the quickest way was to pick that one fractal with harpies on a platform. Kill the ones at the start, leave, repeat.
not as qt as u
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I got you a box of chocolates!
which ratfucker do you hate the most
The one that keeps making fun of my ears.
Well maybe if you washed behind your floppers they wouldn't stink so much, floozy!
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We are Norn and we are free and we will kill the catriarchy
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Guys how can I get shards of zhaitan without running arah
Will post flooze
You can run any other dungeons to get frequenter, then select shards of zhaitan from the chest. It'll be kinda slow if you're not doing arah for each frequenter, though.

If you're just after all the skins for the collection, you can do the reward tracks. This is probably the fastest method to get the skins but you do need to pvp, which some people dislike.
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Isn't the reward track long as fuck to complete?
Does the final chest give a full set or something?
40 reward 'ticks' per full track, divided into 8 groups of 5. A win grants you enough points for ~140% of one tick, while a loss is half that (29 wins or 58 losses for completion of track). You get a weapon every 10 ticks, while upon completion of the track you get an armour piece.

If you're fine with playing a few matches of PvP a day, it's not that bad. You'll also get reward track potions from the dailies, and each of those grant half of one tick's progression.
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the stinky futa ones
do you even have a graphics card?

Can't you also wub for reward tanks now too? I know


And all, but following a zerg around for a bit might be a little less painful than straight up pvp if you're not inclined.


I hate phoneposting.
Up to you. WvW feels a lot slower though, but you can exploit both PvP and WvW dailies for track progression.
Redpill me on effie

>rat posting cancer

Literally all you need to know
legit wouldnt stop laughing about cumming on his dog and felt like he needed to tell me about that and how Drosera hates him and has it out for him even though I didn't ask or care to know about either

just talk to him yourself, I'm sure he'll redpill himself for you
shut up dindu
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>living in Tyria
fuck you effie its true

>homeless vagabond druid posessed by the spirit of nature

If he didn't look like a fucking twink that look could actually work.
not gay enough
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>living on the edge
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seriously how fucking shit your taste can be
That's every shit eater idling in LA for you

>chaos gloves
>first gen legendary, usually gs or staff
>ad infinitum/ascension
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try divinity's reach
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What's a good way to farm Baubles? What if I just replay Sunny Glade endlessly?
Learn the digging spots and chests in maps and play through world 1 and zone 2 completely every reset. You'll get around 20 bauble bubbles every day ez. Anything extra is a pure grindfest.
This desu. He'll start talking to you out of nowhere and go on and on.
You forgot
>bronze pvp badge
>spams chat with "are you a new player looking to join a fun new guild? Come join Tyria's Biggest Douchebags [dbgs]! pm for more info"
World 1 and world 2* all zones

Sorry for that typo
Looks like one of my guildies. He's gay irl.

I would bet solid money that that character is based off the player, whose tumblr (and they definitely have one) has more words in their bio used to deacrib their gender than there are in this entire sentence.
learn & spam sunny glade trib mode
Flooze me PLEASE
Which gw2 race would be the one to elect a warmonger human cheetoh who would start a world war?
Norn, because charr/humans/sylvari don't have elections and the asura are too fragmented politically.
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>tfw i have literally nothing else to buy from moto and I'm still hitting 750 baubles a day just running dailies

Are the diggable chests on a daily reset? I've not needed to dig more than once a day so i wouldnt know

Should be
DR has really gone to hell since bloodstone dust got popular

Well if the fucking shining blade wasnt using the bloodstone trade to fund conflicts in Ascalon, we wouldnt even have this problem.

>if he didn't look like a fucking twink
So "If he was a norn", then.

Well a skinny, frail old man would be most appropriate, but you're not getting that in this character creator.
Humans ostensibly have some sort of election for Ministry officials, there's one guy going on about democracy when the Queen suspends the Ministry during that last LS episode. So -they- would be the only ones with elections.

Norn don't elect shit, they have nothing even remotely resembling a government. Hoelbrak isn't their capital city - it's just Knut's house. He's just well respected and has the biggest house and lets people chill in it.
Exactly my point. All humans look like twinks in this game except for the few who literally have unique models because the devs realized their own options kept them from making something other than a 20-something anime boy.
better than a turd with big ass ears or an old underused vaginer

From my experience he'll only interact with you out of the blue if he thinks he can get ebin meme points out of it. Whenever gw2g would randomly shitpost about me, there'd be effie suddenly sperging to me trying to make some sort of friend connection or something... then when my name would stop showing up in gw2g memes he'd be thankfully no where in my sight.

He's also strange as fuck stalker. If you're on his list of "ebin memes can I be a meme too plz", then he'll hover around your character when you're idling/afking, generally just out of sight, around a corner or something... watching you from around said corner. Really fucking weird.

I adopted the strategy of just not replying to him, and generally pretending that I'm afk or too busy when he tries to interact with me, and it seemed to work great.
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>gw2g has literal in-game stalkers
Color me surprised.
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this fucking goy.gif
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Underwater combat
This is true
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Stop bullying
No more talking behind people's backs
Be nice!!!!!
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effie is a cool dude
TC pushing back up to T1
Sounds like quizno and rikki.
shut up fart sniffer

fuck you, effie is a blight.
WHO?! and WHO?!?!?!?!
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So I heard Revelations Online has a marriage system...

What about us?......

I even have Rurik's Engagement Ring attuned and infused.

Where is my kissy and wedding chapel?

I'm waiting
No you sniff farts kiddo
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it's okay anon it's okay
we can be lonely together
lonely together forever
give me the ringnow.
Are you a femsura?!
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you wont be lonely if you have a gf anon
rata sum is the best city
more like rata dumb
Rat a Scum
name a better city?
rat's big bum!
thats not a city
Yes it is
nah it doesnt count its tiny af its just a fort in a regular map
Right here.
give me numbers and info anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a city. Has bank, guild bank, tp all within a shorter reach than rata dum as well as having crafting stations all extremely nearby as well.

It's the city of convenience. Meanwhile, rataplum is filled with tumblr ratfags doing homosexual erp
Come home comfydaddy!
The poster below me is a charrcuck player who wishes he was a msura bull
msuras are cucks
>guild bank

also ebonhawke is a stronghold not a city or a village or a town, it was once a small fortress and is now a stronghold for defense. not a city

Ebonhawke's neat, but needed to be bigger, and more fucking defensible. Have it have all of the amenities of one of the major cities.
jealous charrcuck detected
It must feel bad that a stronghold is a better city than some midgets floating salvagepile

It'd be neat if ebonhawke was a zone itself, with all the events taking place inside of it.
ebin meme is infiltrated by rats tho.......

soon lil qt anon, soon...
Does rata sum even have any houses? I don't think I've seen a place where asura would sleep. It's like a floating workplace. Are asura wagecucks?

Kinda wish the scale of these places actually matched the concept art. Ebonhawke looks fucking amazing until you actually load into the city.

nah, most of them do it for free
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I'm a loyal HOPE member, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Black Citadel where I would often practicing pvp with Jzaku in the Black Citadel Arena and helping Corrupt decorating HOPE Guild Hall, but one day as I was talking to Corrupt, we went to my house for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"

This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Faeeq and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for leading guild mission, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Faeeq said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.

I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
lmao, calm down florburz
Humans have the best architecture among races bar none.

DR: Multilayered city with houses built along the walls

RS: lol dude its magick cube xD

BC: clumps of metal everywhere, only thing of note is a big sphere they could make

Hoelbrak: empty, filled with snow. wood cabins

Grove: nothing is even built. no architecture involved. they live in flowers like the hippies they are
I have never seen erotic roleplaying on gw2 itself thank god. I am thankful my server world is largely free of that shit.
I lucid dream about tiger female charr and this anon lucid dreams about suicides
Get your priorities straight
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>midgets floating salvagepile

how can you say that to such a beautiful place

ebonhawke looks like a poormans neighboorhood people are even fighting in the streets most of the time
Rata Sum is super comfy and has the best sky.
Not even asura made. Pathetic that asura can't even build their own hubs.
You're going to rile up the pedo posters anon
They don't like being told they aren't special
chill out geez pedophilia is no joke anon
dont bully people with small wieners
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how do I stop myself from killing myself from the same of hugless virginity at age 21?

Where do the asuras live in Rata Sum? In the other cities you can see homes and shit but Rata Sum is like just a giant floating thingie. Where are their homes?
time to take a poll

Favorite Race:
Do you have a job:
Virgin y/n:
Favorite fetish:
Favorite Race:Human
Do you have a job:Yes
Virgin y/n:Y
Favorite fetish:anything that isn't furry or gay
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rata sum.jpg
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maybe outside/under the cube on the ground? (like home instance is an asura gate that takes you to a place next to an ocean on the ground)
>Favorite Race:
>Do you have a job:
>Virgin y/n:
>Favorite fetish:
ntr unironically

Favorite Race:Asura
Do you have a job:no
Virgin y/n: yes
Favorite fetish: feet/loli
Age: 28
Favorite Race:charr
Do you have a job:no
Virgin y/n: yes
Favorite fetish:Furry
t. charr aznable
>Age: 22
>Favorite Race: asura
>Do you have a job: no
>Virgin y/n: Y
>Favorite fetish: cum
you deserve to be virgin desu
Age: 24
Favorite Race: Human
Do you have a job:Yes
Virgin y/n: No
Favorite fetish: Rape
are you an msura, anon?
>Favorite Race:
sylvari are still cool to me even if I play fhd now
>Do you have a job:
>Virgin y/n:
>Favorite fetish:
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>Favorite Race:
>Do you have a job:
>Virgin y/n:
>Favorite fetish:
yes, but I like to picture myself as the one doing the cucking
black thighhighs/zettai ryouiki
The lower half of the cube and around it, connected by the Gates. It's mentioned/hinted at in one of the books.

I guess they never bothered to model that stuff out (even the 3 College dorms only have doors to them, each with an NPC telling you that you can't enter because [insert silly story 1-3 here]), because it'd be hard to make it look good, to scale and explorable for anyone who doesn't play an Asura/set their camera this low.

Age: jesus christ, fucking 35, what am I even doing here?
Favorite Race: Asura
Job: yes oh, THAT'S what i'm doing, avoiding work
Virgin: no
Favorite fetish: toss up between stockings and leg-lock/nakadashi
no wonder your edits are shit
kek, I'm not that old anon.
Age: 19
Favorite Race: asura
Do you have a job: no
Virgin y/n: yes
Favorite fetish: bukkake
>tfw you're not joining in on the template fun because you can't make up your on which one of your fetishes is your "favorite"
>best architecture
>houses on the walls
Yeah, it's definitely a good idea to live on top of fortifications. That certainly wouldn't end in tragedy if the Queen wasn't around to bubble you against siege weaponry or anything.
Age: Mid twenties
Favourite Race: Sylvari because I like the cultural armour and their architecture in the baby map is comfy.
Job: Sadly no, not right now.
Virgin: Nah
Favourite Fetish: Holding hands
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>all these virgin neet asura players

I legitimately have no idea what you're talking about
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Not sure if i'd count this as a fetish but it's top tier either way
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Beautiful women in business attire, preferably smoking cigarettes and unwinding after a stressful day
>Favorite Race:
qt and comfy lil femsuras!
>Do you have a job:
>Virgin y/n:
>Favorite fetish:
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Hold my hand!
this post is quizno and he is a neet virgin.
I wish.
who started the BRAP meme?
I fucking hate rats to death but those handlebar ears and midriff are tempting. Leave us alone you damn floozies!!!
what does it mean? farts?
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>Favorite Race:
>Do you have a job:
>Virgin y/n:
no, even married and a father
>Favorite fetish:
furry and if my wife finds out, I'm dead

>asking for fetish in a furry fetish thread
yeah it means farting
>being choked by a hot guy in a maid outfit
Age: 24
Favorite Race: Asura but norn is also great
Do you have a job: Not at the moment but I'm licensed and my college work will count as training for my future job
Virgin y/n: No
Favorite fetish: ...Futanari, non-consensual/psuedo rape, biting/branding, piercings and tattoos, size difference, exhibitionism/voyeurism, bestiality/monster races, drugs and aphrodisiac manipulation, cum marking/voyeur, diphallia (duo-cocked partners), and most importantlylovey cuddling to make it all better....a-also mesmer gangbangs sorry bye!!
Age: 25
Race: Charr
Fetish: Sex for the purpose of procreation
Important (NSFW)

>tfw everyone pushes their disgusting futa agenda on you
lol pls
dickgirls dont have a vagina
futas do
balls always optional

>Favorite Race:
>Do you have a job:
>Virgin y/n:
>Favorite fetish:
Furry (wew, that was unexpected)
Nobody will judge you here right now, anons!
Futa is literally "hermaphrodite" in japanese.
>Favorite Race:
>Do you have a job:
>Virgin y/n:
>Favorite fetish:
Fluffy cunny
>there's isn't a no dick, balls, and vagina option
No it doesn't, it meals "two form", they have aspects of two forms, male and female, hermaphrodite is another word entirely. Futanari is a broad range of things, and "dickgirl" is pretty much the english equivalent of that
hermaphroditic organisms also shift from female to male, not both so a girl with balls but no vagina is still a hermaphrodite. there's also the version with both organs and that's herm too. degeneracy for everyone
>All these people lying about not being virgins

If you aren't kidding them please take my IRL virginity I don't like being bullied... :(
Are you a femsura?!
ARE you a femsura?
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>play as futa with c+b, no v
>lowest voted option
shut the fuck up oothier, put your trip back on
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I came back for this shitpost greentext because I felt such an extreme irony to describe this general from a degenerate furfag's perspective that I actually want to apologize for this.

I hope we can all come to an understanding and leave our differences aside, regardless of needs.
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>tfw play as one of the tied options

Forgot glasses and books?
>optional balls

disgusting. a dick is nothing without it's balls.
>Favorite Race:
>Do you have a job:
>Virgin y/n:
>Favorite fetish:
thats not me but I think >>173353745 is most correct at least when I've ERP'd
preferences are preferences, some people just dont like that stuff I guess, but I agree with you, its always feels a bit lacking when its just a cock by itself
>females don't produce seminal fluids
found the virgin
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>tfw I was hoping for ww3
>tfw it's not going to happen
>Not playing different characters for both versions, one with balls and one without
I mean I guess you could, but swapping characters mid roleplay because someone is autistic about you having/not having balls kind of just ruins the mood

Shithole dictators taking missile strikes up the ass for being shitlords isn't going to start WWIII.
It was pretty hardcore on the seismograph. 60 thousand tons over a minute. Bombs striking every second.
>thinking it's about the fluid production and not the actual presence of balls
That isn't even me and I agree. It looks weird without balls. It's like a foot without toes or something, man. Shit's uncanny.
This. A rifle is nothing without its magazine and a cock is nothing without its balls..
boppsi please unblock me

Its funny because this kind of makes sense... but I don't think you meant it to work like this.

>chamber round
>remove magazine
>fires once, and then no more

>fill up prostate
>remove balls
>fires once, and then no more

t. /k/
futas without balls = subby playthings with cute dicks
futas with balls = dominant and stronger
that's how i like to think about it
futa fetishists are closet fags
>HOPE janitor still hasn't cleaned up his fucking mess
Get on your knees and lick up that disgusting fetish posting like a good mutt
The game is thriving. Their last like 3 lw release were received with exceptional praise. Plus there's literally no reason for them to stop especially with how much money they make from cash shop. You're drunk mate go home and play the game
All of you are so old.

I thought dros would be like 22.
I love it when you guys are lewd
What do you all expect to happen in the Elona expansion?
Wrong post HOPE janitor! Bad dog!
Story-wise or what will come with the expansion in general?
>exceptional praise
>from the outlying autistic pve community after the wvw and pvp communites up and leave entirely
Just because it's a decent step in the right direction from the shit they've been making from the games release doesn't mean it's exceptional or critically acclaimed. The community that kept GW2 on the top page of gaming news has long left. This PvP season alone is hilariously embarassing.
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>you must be 18 to post
>from newfags arrival in /b/, it will take at least a year to find /v/, then maybe 2 more years to find /vg/
>the gw2 beta threads were around 5 years ago

The people who were here from the start are late twenties at the very youngest.
Nightfall was my favorite part about GW1 so they better not fuck it up.
>tfw the most mature person here is 10 years younger than you fucks
neck yourselves
i see people talk about next exp adding new elite specs does this mean all classes will get to use a new weapon?
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short bow necros and greatsword eles when?
ITS not dying no. Your eyes asking a shitpostong general where they spend 50% of the time talking about furries and jerking off not actually playing. Game isn't dead and won't die for a long long time
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Well, anon...

It only took a few decades after the ascension of Kormir for Palawa Joko to choke Elona with dehydration and famine by controlling the River Elon. The Order of Sunspears is defunct with survivors on the run (like Miyani and Zommoros, if I recall correctly). Entrance to the Crystal Desert is also blocked by the order of Queen Jennah and we'll need to go there in order to head to Elona.

If the rumors are true and we're en-route to Elona, Kralkatorrik needs to be defeated. Otherwise it'll be a sneak mission with a handful of allies (no Pact which makes no sense since the latest LS episode had Logan Thackeray as the new commander of the Pact. The Pact should be involved in the new expansion). To this day, the Order of Whispers can travel between Tyria and Elona without being detected by Kralkatorrik. So it could go one way or the other; sneaking past Kralkatorrik into Elona then aiding Palawa Joko against Kralkatorrik or fighting the elder dragon first then approaching the undead desert lich king and his Awakened race.

The Order of Whispers in Elona started off as Turai Ossa's secretive elite guards. Their purpose in Elona was to contain the remains of Palawa Joko. I do not know what will happen to Palawa Joko... but I think it would be lame if ArenaNet killed him off and replaced him with a human ruler or something.

NPC's have fond memories of Elona, communication was severed fairly recently in the game's timeline so there are in fact Elonian migrants living in Tyria. Nevertheless who really knows how oppressed Elona's populace is under an undead king who conquered them centuries ago.

The Order of Whispers shouldn't be okay with him as a ruler, so I'm sure we'll see the two parties clash often.
I want to enjoy gw1 but how do I appreciate the antique age the game is set in?
The one and only medieval kingdom got destroyed and basically everyone live in tribal huts, unless they are from Cantha.

It feels like the opposite of comfy with all the stoneage stuff
that would be cool

>short bow necros

im hoping for pistols now, i think it would fit necro theme well and be really cool
greatsword rev plz anet
Honestly that's what pisses me off about gw2 the most. I don't care if asura have unique technology with portal gates and shit but seriously, charr helicopters? pact fleet airships? pistols and rifles were a stretch that I tolerated because they were trying to push a steampunk and 16th century kinds of fashion, tech and lifestyles into the game but I can't take this, it's too ridiculous and childish and ruins the immersion for me. It's like the fucking professor on Gilligan's Island making a helicopter out of coconuts.
I mean, you could say that about any class just because it's a pistol but I don't think it would work out.
nah you get scepter and harpoon gun :^)
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>Axe mainhand "purifier" guardian
>Tomes as F1 skills with mesmer mantras as GW1 paragon hymns/chants

The tainted will be redeemed one follicle at a time
>implying implications
>not understanding anonymity

You didn't need to say you were underaged b&, you came across that way.
baka old boy

is that an ankle or a wrist?
you must be the anon that can't form a coherent sentence
living story episode 5 trailer WHEN????
Episode 4 got released 2 months ago
so a guy with tits.

fuck off, we have too many trannies in the game as it is.
practice what you preach slut
>don't think it would work out

think ow reaper

would b cool af shroud with pistols shooting everywhere
Most likely after SAB ends anon, at least I hope so
that would be super lame of anet desu
3 months after SAB ends
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>tfw you realize they actually pulled off something like this during season 2, and that was after garbage story episodes with zero content
Collin: lots of talk - zero content
Mike: no talk - minimal content
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i want ree soesbee as the new game director

>mild hype, lots of rewards, no new zones
>Collin: zero content

GW2 base game. LS1

>Mike: minimal content

lots of talk -0 content
no talk -0 content
GW2 took ages to develop.

LS1 was one shallow zone, lots of breaks, terrible story instances and temporary stuff to do.

LS2 was 1 and a 1/2 new zone, story was shit as usual

LS3 got one new zone for each 2nd month so far, new legendaries, meh story, no breaks, raids

Tell me you haven't forgotten the EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS of content drought before the expansion.
fluffy cunnilingus
i-is comfyanon coming home yet?

good WvW when?
never again

WvW is dead, TC is being dominated, no one is trying

comfyanon left us dead in the water
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but he promised..... who will save us? he was the only one who could save us

but he isn't coming back

everything is burning
>ohri guy gets banned
>suddenly no cringe vae shitposting tonight
we see you vae
not fooling anyone
>TC is being dominated

Exactly what TC wants~
p l s
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reminder that knightfus are qts!
yes (parttime)
hypnosis (receiving)
is that really her? that makes me happy since we've ERP together a ton
it's rude to post others photos without their approval
Those flabby man shoulders and tumblr haircut
>Keggin is this autistic

More like

p l s m o r e
I've been a bad boy/girl/xir OwO
anun u fanny
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people care about wvw?

3 years ago yeah
rip crystal desert

always gets fucked over into the worst wvw positions by anet
Not yet anon. Listen I was on TC for 3+ years. I needed to take an exploration adventure elsewhere in order to learn more, discover new things, and refresh the slate. I chose to do this at a time when TC was stuck seemingly forever in a t1 matchup that was dead.

Funnily enough Anet fucking decided to manually fuck with the servers and tiers and so TC became released from the t1 glicko trap AFTER people/guilds had left.

I'd already spent my money, and therefore I'm gonna get as much experience as I can before I return.

TC is going to be okay. Basically anet screwed around with us once again - got their money from all the transfers.

This is a fucking lie and I'll break into your house and rattle your pots and pans if you don't apologize, anon.
Can gw2g ever recover from the devastation that Vuncia, Vae and Jugg have unleashed?
>implying Vuncia/Vae did anything wrong
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>Steve Blum

If he didn't make good looking characters that drove the shitposters into a fit of lust, the general would have been in a better state.
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>implying that wasn't the most forced of all forced memes
The good toons meme might be a bad one but Vae does have nice cats
Jesus Christ this thread has never been worse and i know about Saturdays
I'm starting to regret playing the midget race on my alts

lonely virgins cybering make me sick, and i didn't even mention the gay deg pedo fetishes yet
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cutesura! if u need some golds on osrs lemme know, i'll be online there tomorrow for a bit c:

>so unintersting a person that they can't do anything but randomly post shit with no context to keep the zombie thread twitching for a few minutes longer
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Which is easier to farm? 15g or 750 Badges of Honor? Looking to buy a T3 cultural top for the skin.
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>play the midget race in an MMO
>surprised that it's full of pedo ERPers
dumb rat slut
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And >>173376931 isnt even me, holy fuck.
TC getting farmed by the retard servers despite have 4 queues lmao
this new counter evidence does little to change my opinion
literally nobody here cares r0fl
TC cares
You obviously dont traitor
i'm sure TC doesn't agree with anon's post
who the fuck play wvw seriously enough to shitpost about it lmfao
This t b h.

Even the shitpost forums set up specifically to shitpost about WvW in the wake of Anet banning it from the official forums have shut down.
>how can we fuck up the only good thing about this game?
>I know, we'll give enemies hit boxes that are 5x as large as the model and make the fish break free every 10 seconds
Wew top SAB
i'm gonna play this game again, have heart of thorns and everything, haven't played since it released
want to level a new character, what should it be

Jk mesmer is the worst to level, do guardian or warrior.
femcharr ele
was thinking ele
what does the heart of thorns subclass for it do
turns it into a dps machine desu
or a boonbot
prettyy neat
synergy with auras and more power
puresura praying while lesbosura sleeps and stuttersura kneels within emote distance for their first kiss

evens convert gems to gold for character slot
odds craft ascended heavy armor
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go on
craft that expensive leather instead of buying character slots at the price of 640 gems
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Are Skales underrated?
Oothier has been the best guild leader i've had by far. He just made me feel good after a bad day.
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>tfw no playable skale race
their animations are pretty cool, they originated from the depths of tyria i think... like oozes and asuras
they're fucking river pests

didn't you guys even play gw1 they're like the first creature you ever kill

i confuse skelks and skales for each other sometimes
ah gotcha
wtf he said he wouldn't ERP with guild members
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>die for my first time in any MMO to that fucking lvl 1 mamaskale surrounded by lvl 0 skalings by the river next to Gwen flute
Fuck skales
>Guild leader that likes noncon
>Ever saying no to extra aggressive and horny guild members
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>keep dying
>get frustrated and want out of pre-searing
>everything is suddenly destroyed and ugly
>what do you mean I have to share my gold with NPCs
>instant regret
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There's always the tonics!

>river pests

It's just their natural habitat anon.
A termite's natural habitat is your decomposing house but that doesn't make it less of a pest. They even say they want you to thin their population, and they aren't very common in gw2 so I'm assuming it worked.
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Is /gw2g/ tsundere for rats? Is that why you guys keep trying to bully them because you secretly love rat pucci?
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is there any way to get the xpansion cheaper

it looks pretty fun but fifty fucking dollars is a bit steep
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>man-made house
>natural habitat
I've ERP'd with multiple HOPE members including leaders and officers. I am immune to being kicked. All I have to do is have dirty butt sex with Oothier with her face held against the ground and all is forgiven.
They always play hard to get and turn down my lewd propositions and advances... I feel like The Supreme Gentleman at this point.
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No tsundere here. Some people like them, some hate them.
Here's something a bit more at your comprehension level.

But he's right, termites have been around much longer than houses anon. You can stop now
>Favorite Race:
>Do you have a job:
>Virgin y/n:
>Favorite fetish:
male anthro/feral on human female
glenna and dessa are such cuties
I just got completely normal non-futa xx chromosome pussy cummed in by my amazing bf. See you virgin nerds at missions tomorrow.
the skale did a great job puking on the ratfag
boring but ok
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I want to give Dessa an ear rub as she slowly fades out of existence after we stabilize the entire fractal instabilities because she's not real.
loving veterinarian asura girl taking care of sickly skale
FEEL BAD FOR ANYONE IN [HOPE] I've never seen so many ego fiends and digusting charr/rat circle jerkers in my mmo life... seriously get out of there asap and join [Here] thank god i left instantly
oh anon...
>never seen so many charr and rats(asura) in any other MMO

Really makes you think
Why does leddit have such a fetish for SAB?

SAB is overrated
>you will never be DPed by two mcharr
fuck off vae cuntboys are gross
b-but I am a FHD.
those are just feminine cuntboys with tits
>dude like, pixel art bro xD
but you're a dude irl lol
I'd fuck Vae even if he was a unnatural cuntboy.
That's what true love is anons.
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>I'd fuck Vae
>not letting unnatural cuntboy Vae to peg you instead
You missed the point of love
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Age: 20
Race: Norn
Job: No
Virgin: No
Fetish: I dunno shemales maybe if only online stuff but irl I think it whenI can dominate the girl and make her do anything I want from her.
From what I read in Edge of Destiny they basically just do everything in their labs. Like they have a feast on a workbench.
Does Vae cunny smell different to fluffy cunny?
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Is there a qt femsura online right now
like my underwear after i wear it a 2 days in a row. musky
there's probably quite a few anon
are you a qt femsura?
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Are you a cop?
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have they fixed pants yet
Hi goys just started this game and got 40lvl+ warrior. Got some insta lvlup to 80, should I use it on some class only to get to the high lvl content or keep playing normally?
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you could try a few other professions to see if you like them better

but this isn't a terribly important choice, leveling up to 80 doesn't take too long and you get some mediocre exotics from the scroll on top which are pretty cheap
I understood that even if I used the insta 80 boost I would have to play all the maps normally if I wanted them to 100%, and this would take me to lvl 80 anyway. Am I right?
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I've got a maxed ranger (still working on mastery's) and a Mesmer I'm working on. What should my third character be if I want to experience a different game play style than both of these?
Sure? Several times over probably.

You could also get to level 80 by not exploring any map whatsoever.
Either Engi or Elementalist.
Ok thanks, I almost thought they were giving useful item to the buyers of the cheapest package. Gotta use it on some random class

Elementalist is one I was debating when I chose Mesmer, but I think I will do the engineer for the sake of it would be my first character that isn't ranged. Thanks
I mean it's not useless. Just not something you'll worry about wasting a week down the line, if you do waste it.
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"You better give me what we agreed on, bookah."
Ok, since u are answering I have one more stupid question. I'm mostly after pvp in this game. Am I able to take part in it straight after using the boost or should I spend time on gear etc before pvp becomes anyway enjoyable?
You can do pvp whenever you want. In spvp it doesn't matter what level you are in pve at all, you're on the same level as everyone else there. In WvW it matters a bit, you'll be weaker but upleveled so somewhat closer to the enemy level - it's not perfect but it still enables you to go there and do something useful without melting in an instant.

In fact, just playing WvW or sPvP all day were some of the alternative ways you can level up to 80 that I mentioned before.
>tfw no femcharr wife to ravage land with
Thanks. Gonna boost some revenant or ranger in any minute and watch some meme build for them. You better wish I won't be in ur team
You don't need to boost them for pvp. It makes no difference. A level 2 is 100% the same as a level 80.
femcharr ele

Made an engineer already, but ele is my next character when I either max my mesmer and engineer or get far enough atleast
femcharr guardian

I did want a character that wasn't ranged I guess. . .
knightfus dont erp anon
not that character anon
thief or lolRevenant
she has other characters she ERP on

whats so hard to gt?
im just curious what characters those are
kind of curious to know if they are as cute as her knightfu
I'm not going to shitpost about her anon, I was just saying that it was nice to erp with a qt
what? well whats the point in that
damnit anon, I want to know how cute my knightfu crush is.
catharsis for myself and rubbing it on others faces
(Not the same anon), but if its the same person who I think it is, you might be able to see them in HoT metas during the night.
I think I remember seeing her leading DS/AB metas
Cant tell you how "cute" the where though
I want to raid with florburz again...
femcharr warrior
I want to raid florburz butt again...
>anons arent posting erp logs
wtf? did i enter the wrong website or something?
or did hell finally freeze over for you cunts?
>anyone ever posting any ERP logs ever

the only logs ever posted are probably Esoliken(known mentally unstable tranny) and its usually really bad writing like talking about "butt babies"
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well take a shower
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come with me
i dont know about you but ive seen my fair share of erp logs posted here
mind you its usually HOPE trash but it happens
dont reply to me retard I don't give a fuck about your gay guild
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>HOPEfag desperate for more ERP so he tries to make his guild "so lewd xD"
fuck off you guys are pathetic
>assssuming im in HOPE
lol fuck off, i said their shit gets posted here, not that I have any help or want in any off it
its just someone shitposting for [HOPE](You)s anon, he can't get enough of my defense force replying to his dumb posts
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>went back to dragon stand to farm for runes of leadership after having never touched that place for months
>realizes how much of a dumbass whoever designed the original HoT meta rewards was for making u sit through 2 hr metas for very little reward at the end
>it happens
>please believe me

no it doesn't you just like shitposting about HOPE like >>173435405 said

t. defense force agent #23
*grabs cock*
>check MB
>lets see what builds are viable without hot
ok thanxxx
pretty much only see pre-hot guardian builds able to beat elite spec builds
At this point I should just get HoT or just wait for another sale because I don't get to play much. Or maybe they'll bundle HoT into the next expansion? I don't know
fuck off kitdtai
DLGamer has almost always had it on sale for like 30$, I think that's fair price. The only shitty thing is you don't get any character slots with the expansion like you used to in gw1.

The story and metas are absolute trash but you'll get exotic armor and weapons like grains of sand at the beach and somewhat free ascended weapons that just take some grinding.

s/f ele has all the retardation of hot builds without hot

>burst damage
One day you're begging for my normpussy the next you're calling me some skank. tsk
You have me confused with someone else.
I hope everyone is snug and comfy
thx fluffyfriend, i am C:
Post cute
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my dream.webm
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Ducks are cute and important!
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cheeky and mischievous kittdai giggling as angry and reluctant comfyanon cums hard in her tight nornpussy
>play catch with a dog
>he slobbers all over it and has to run it back to you

>play catch with a cat
>he kills the ball then has a siesta

>play catch with a duck
>manages to throw it back without the advantage of hands or paws

Ducks are the toppest tier pet
this thread is only 2 days old and we're 40 posts away from finishing it.. good job /gw2g/
I've never been triggered by the charr posts until now.
tfw cute family of ducks living in a park closeby my home

tfw saw them crossing the road the other day and it was adorable

luckily its a slow street too so they should survive
Why ?
I haven't played since HoT.
Anything new?
HoT is new


PvE is still good
PvP is now shit
WvW is now shit
smelly lil anon......
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>fractals 53 through LFG
>party is at boss fight with ice elemental
>ice elemental drops those instadown ice things
>the ice things got extremely clear visual cues
>2 party members down
>they had no AR so they died instantly
>another ice thingie attack
>2 party members down
>one of them had no AR so he died instantly
>I am last man standing
>I get targeted by some party member
>he utters some gibberish in france, feels like he blames me for something
>I leave
I need to get good
>PvP is now shit
>WvW is now shit
Wtf did they do? Those were literally the only reasons I played.
being in HOPE makes you suck
you should leave HOPE
I had no idea HOPE existed in EU.

how do I apply?
it's okay lil anon
You're the one in it how should i know?
is that an older harry potter?
I don't think FUN or HOPE prevent people from different regions from joining since they're social groups, you could just whisper someone from the OP >>173253389
if you were really curious. Check the guides section by the way, might help if you feel like you're bad.
I haven't really played in almost a year. Back and looking at how out of date my builds are.

Am I right in that almost every single one of my builds from a year or more ago are completely out of date? This looks like it's going to be really annoying to fix...

Kinda miss everyone as zerker scholar, don't have to deal with all this retooling shit every now and then. And no I wasn't one of the people complaining about the zerker meta before, I liked the simplicity of it and the ease of leaving and coming back and not having to rebuild all your characters.
will tell you everything you need to know. There are plenty of classes that still use zerker meta.
They're pulling development from basically both of them to focus on PvE. Doesn't mean you can't have pvp/wvw fun. But the chances of new maps, modes, etc. within pvp/wvw are super unlikely until after expansion.
Did that one expansion leak mention a bunch of indev pvp maps?
Buy a fucking graphics card holy shit

processors alone can render the game better than that nowadays.
Everyone experienced left so the top 250 are up for grabs. The ESL dropped GW2 from their lineup and Anet nerfed the shit out of the league rewards to where you have to pay (with the gold you earned) to get the stuff you would have gotten for free and cut the amount of dyes and trans charges you get by like 80%.
i think it was just the collisieum one which we have now in unranked as a beta map along with the capricorn.
well if youre trans you probably want that fat to hide your male bones
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watch your fucken mouth cunt
What do people even do for trans charges these days?
>Your favorite game mode in GW2
>Your favorite game overall
Holding hands

Wvw with friends when not playing against a blob server
don't have a favourite game desu
TR Underworld tbqh

Yeah that's what I was looking at which made me realize that so much of my shit is out of date.
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>not playing gw1 in 2017
its not pokemon?

tomb raider, right? i forgot about that
yeah, debating whether I want to turn one of my norms into TR, but I'd have to farm some trans charges tbqhwyf

I got bored due to automating everything with basic as fuck scripts
probably but ive been a lil disappointed with gamefreak/nintendo recently :c
I made a new thread~
Cool unique style with the obsidian chaos shitter combo.

You know the drill. Add yourself to the image.
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