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/dng/ - Dueling Network General

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Thread replies: 771
Thread images: 177

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Thread #2478

Delicious Vanillas Edition

Last thread: >>171400950

New summoning mechanic: Link Summon
Explanation: https://ygorganization.com/memberdrawing6/

● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
>YGOPro (Windows): http://www.mediafire.com/file/baj95caex5si0n3/ygopro-1.033.A-Percy.exe
>YGOPro (Mac): http://www.mediafire.com/file/jpok5ejx0fvlu5k/ygopro-1.033.A-Percy-nopics.dmg
>High Quality YGOPro Images: http://www.ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project
>Manual Card Updates (place inside the expansions folder): https://github.com/Ygoproco/Live2017
Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook, http://www.yugioh-card.comen/rulebook/EN_SDSE_Rulebook.pdf
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:
>Official /dng/ ruling test:

>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:

>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:

>OCG decklists:
>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:
Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Starter Deck 2017 (March 25th)
●OCG: Code of Duelist (April 15th)
●OCG: Cyverse Link Structure Deck (June 17th)

●TCG: Duelist Saga (March 31st)
●TCG: Structure Decks Machine Reactor & Dinosmasher’s Fury (April 13th)
●TCG: Maximum Crisis (May 5th)
●TCG: Pendulum Evolution (June 23rd)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:

● Read carefully the cards
● Lurk and read the archives
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play
Post yfw extra deck limit becomes 25
What archetype would you recommend to someone who quit in 2 0 0 7 ?
Subterrors or Kozmo
There are lots of decks to look out for in Links like True Dracos/Kings, Dinosaur, Kozmo, Blue-eyes, Infernoids, Dark Magician, Mermail, Cyber Angel so just take your pick.
more likely 20

what did u play
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>he's still at 1

did I even leave?
I've fapped way too much to this scene
Are we adding DB to the OP if it stays working, or this triggers Mr. YGOPro shill too much?
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No, Shock Master still is combo related since you in order the summon win you need to do wombo combos.

The single strongest card in the game is either Scientist, Makyura or Cyber Jar.

Honorable mentions to Last Turn, Mirage of Nightmare and Spellbook of Judgment.
no such thing as "too much"
>shill calling someone else a shill
YGOPro is better than DN in every possible way

>on db
>summon caliga
>try to use artifact eff on opponent's turn
>but you can't anon, it says none monster effects can be activated
>waste 5 to 10 min arguing/explaining
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She is the best cheerleader a protag could have
And Painful Choice, can't forget that madness.
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He's at 2 OCG side and just got new support though.
You'd have those same retards playing IRL.
And sometimes they'll be judges.
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its shit, don't give false hope
Makyura doesn't do anything by itself either.
>At 8:49 DRulers go full hack and become pendulum monsters while still keeping their graveyard effects while the destruction triggers the scales

Geeez, i'm thankful we haven't come close to this degeneracy.
We could be summoning Shock Master with one card if it was still legal.
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All it takes is a Foolish, Armageddon Knight, Shaddoll Fusion, Dark World Dealings, you name it, the thing is, as soon as he's sent to the graveyard, it's over, not only he needs one single card to go in (unlike Shock Master), but he also doesn't trigger in the grave, making hand traps like Skull Meister, which would be useful, useless. Cards like Shockmaster and Scientist are YUGE, and certainly some of the best cards in this game's history, but a single Veiler still can stop them.
>Mr. YGOPro shill
You're trying way too hard. Just go back licking Slaydra's balls or something.
>Cropped out the poster
Are you afraid of revealing yourself, anon?
average niggerwings player
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Come to DB we have ebin maymays
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Clearly there can only be one person who thinks DB is beyond shit huh?
That's news to me.
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We also have fags and traps!
Just like /dng/
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>someone even passively mentions DB
>[shitposting intensifies]

You need to get help my man
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Why does DB even have this information? I thought people went there to duel, not fuck.
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you can even see users location and distance! Stalking intensifies!
For the same reason they have names and profiles at all. Dueling Network was the same. It was always more about building e-penis than it was about actually playing the game.

But people sure love their usernames, and profiles, and ability to advertise themselves through said data.
It's part of why most of them hate any alternative that doesn't allow for that kind of crap.
>paleozoic just kicked zood ass again
toad is getting banned here lmao
rule34 xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1384173

>All those 60 card tops
grass is getting banned here lmao
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>implying ''mute opponent'' isn't the best ygopro feature
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I don't understand this shit.
Zoodiacs pushed out EVERYTHING in the OCG and yet TCG players are losing to le toadally meme :^) set 5 XD at tourneys.
What the hell is wrong with this world?
t-they already have links?
no feather duster
TCG players don't read.
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>TCG players spent all that cash on Zoos
>it loses to Frogs
>it will get ripped to shit post the banlist while Toadally will be put to 1 which is ok since it recycles itself

I don't have a PePe smug enough for this.
Paleo with 1 frog would suck ass
>toadally going to 1 when links fucking murder 97% of uses
>all those clothed kotoris
Post more Kotori, muh dick demands it
Bet you don't have her in a swimuit
back to your other general pedo
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>playing on DB
>try to reveal cards
>can't move those cards to deck
>can't move anything anywhere
>opponent can't, either
>try to offer a draw so we can both leave
>draw offer doesn't do anything
>opponent tries to offer a draw
>still doesn't do anything
>have to quit
>doesn't do anything
>have to close the browser

Duelingbook is the future of YGO online, they said
Nothing. Since Twilightlords are part of the Link era and we don't have enough the Link era cards to properly use it.
"buy vip today"
Dueling Book are just a bunch of faggots trying to cash in on the fall of Dueling Netwrk for monetary gain.
Still trying to process how someone could fuck up SO HARD with DN's code. Dn wasn't perfect when it initially launched but it sure as fuck wasn't as bad as what DB currently is. It's fucking embarrassing
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>Kotori hour
Who else is quitting when link shit comes out
I guess that explains why Paleo never really made it out of rogue in OCG.
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>Implying Paleo Frogs can't use LINK enablers like Graydle Slime Jr, Debris Dragon or Frog The Jam via Rabbit before going into their XYZ plays
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>also, I think one of the reasons why loading into duels is so damn slow is because a lot of the card images aren't really images, they're printing the text on the preview and on every copy of the card in your deck and that's loading into your browser every time you enter the game or the builder
>a lot of the card images aren't really images
>they're printing the text on the preview and on every copy of the card in your deck and that's loading into your browser every time you enter the game or the builder
>that's loading into your browser every time
>he hasn't wombo combo with the Luminas yet
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>Frog the Jam
I have. But they're illegal plays without the Link rules and pointless combos without the rest of the Link cards.
>that watermark
What the fuck is happening to Zoo on the TCG?
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Found it. Kotori got a nice little butt
Barrage to 0, Drident to 1-2, Rat to 2.
Deck still lives and likely remains a tumor.
For fuck's sake
tfw just traded away my last barrage before the news hit.
Poor guy, hope it stays at 2 but kills rat. or smth.
Stop already, go make a thread on /c/
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>Invoker reprint

It's getting banned, isn't it?
they're gonna hit top since they reprinted it too
just gives them a convinient excuse to go with
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>tfw I use a mediocre deck so I never have to worry about banlists but I can still smash online scrubs
post deck
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>Deck I plan on picking up is literally unaffected by links
>Is bound to get more support indirectly because Konami just fucking loves Dragons
>Is pretty cheap to build if you don't go all out of extra deck cards you don't go into 99% of the time.
Only worry is that ABC's might get more popular and I auto-lose against Buster dragon since it just tags out whenever I try to deal with it.
Wait, what? Where?
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Where do I know what they are playing?
Mentioned on stream that the card will be easier to get when Duelist saga drops.
Snow can just banish cards to make room for other Synchs/Xyz. The only TwilighSworns worth running atm are Punishment and Lumina.

It's way too early to kill Zoo.

Snow White*
>implying anyone can summon buster dragon without using tsukoyomi clogging the EMZ
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it's okay to laugh
thread might be dead before I can reply anyway
Classic memes never die I see.
>It's way too early to kill Zoo.
That's what they said about EmEM
Konami can't emergency ban a deck every year, the players will become insecure and stop investing in new cards.
>ABC is only 8
oh well
>A-to-Z is 10
The players ARE already insecure about that. We all have been since last year and will continue to be till a fucking banlist happens
>>implying anyone can summon buster dragon without using tsukoyomi clogging the EMZ
Never even considered that since their most consistent combo to summon Dragon Buster turn 1.
Combine that with only 1 Hangar and ABCs are dead.
They're still probably better than Magnet Warriors anyhow.
What else should I add, /dng/? Other than a noose.

Pick your poison.
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Just play the better version of them.
Artifact engine.
I refuse on moral grounds.
Nice decklist taken from rank10 ygo
What, you don't like running 10 monsters and 30 traps?
You do know that r10 browses here, right?
>dueling book
I don't like jewnami reprinting one of my favorite archetypes.

Unironically, I prefer the deckbuilder.
Is Dora literally the only reason why people even bother with Rank10Trains?
It's even an OCG exclusive and wasn't even featured in the anime
Managed to pick up some Pre-preps today too, so now I just need to order some of the cards I'm missing. God bless Gameciel being a level 8.
>implying he is r10
Add Scythe, Sanctum and Croocked Cook
Ratios are 2 Scythe/2 Sanct?
The deckbuilder and interface in general are better, but you run into scrubs so often,
I'd rather play an automated sim
That's because all your Kotoris were fully clothed. Girl had to show some skin
2 Scythe and 3 Sanct
Traded someone for their Paleozoic deck, Can someone give me some points on how to pilot it?
Just flip your gay traps and win, summon gay xyz toad and win
>summon Toad
>set 5
It's as easy as that.
I haven't played in over a year, what are the typical side cards for this meta?
Dora was imported to the TCG in TDIL and Derricrane would be the better reason to play R10Trains because having Drancia on a train seems insane, specially beause Derricrane doesn't care on who's attached to, he triggers of being detached to pop a card on the field.

The trains are super cool but they came too late, in 2015-ish they were rocking on japan with shaddolls.
xyz universe
I don't like the lack of Deneb lewds.
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>The trains are super cool but they came too late, in 2015-ish they were rocking on japan with shaddolls.

Except they weren't.

They were just the swan song of Shaddolls after Construct got banned and they were barely even holding on and then Ghost Ogre came along and buried the deck once and for all.
>you will never hold hands with kotori
>you will never kick her ass with your meta deck
>you will never cuddle with kotori

why even live?
Is it time for Buster Blader to make it's glorious return?
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r8 my >he doesn't run the windwitch variant invoked
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I see no problem with it. Ruka is still the best, though
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do NOT lewd the helmet
Is there a way to recover my old deck lists from duellingnetwork.com?
>Konami can't emergency ban a deck every year
The funny thing is though. When they did it last time they said that they could. And that they would. Because they supposedly cared for the players and keeping the state of the game healthy for their sake.

And now we have this Zodiac plague and they're doing nothing.
Can't really say that I am surprised. But it does make them seem like ridiculous hypocrites. Especially since they don't even need to "emergency" ban anything. The TCG hasn't had a banlist in what will soon be a year. They can just make a regular old fashioned banlist and that would be infinitely more than what they're actually doing which is nothing.
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I hope Konami makes an actual Phantom archetype. Phantom Knights are okay but I'd rather actual Phantoms. I'd want something like candlejack to be my a-
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What was your deck back in 2015?
Sorry. I was going to type that sadly there is no way to recover your decklists from DN
>netdecking to try out new things
>decide I want to look into some Kaiju shenanigans
>most of what I find is Kaiju Zoodiacs
ban zoodiacs
shaddolls and tellars, still own both in max rarity
construct when
H.A.T :^)
Look at the way she's spreading her legs, she's begging for it
fuck off already
>blob plays a furry weeb deck
not surprising desu
I remember someone from a previous thread saying that hermos would be used but don't they go the spell/trap zone after they're summoned?
vega is the lewd one, she's literally altair's bitch
what are they standing on
>full power Infernoid Tierra
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R8 my opening and first draw
care to share the build?
No idea what the fuck Melodious do/10
>I don't like jewnami reprinting one of my favorite archetypes.
But that makes it more affordable, and thus easier to build.
>Fusion Tag
>Solo grab aria ss canon transmod canon for elegy
You mostly just react to your opponent until they're unable to do anything threatening.
Forbidden Chalice, Cosmic cyclone, Flying "C", Dark hole and 5-4 Kaijews/w 3 Slumber
Clown BladeFluffals
>Fusion Tag
Are melodious that desperate to run that shit?
>no rat
Fusion tag Canon into Schuberta and then make Bloom Diva
If I bring out Aria i can't bring Bloom Diva out
Yeah, but why would you make bloom diva t1 when you could aria+elegy?
Why haven't they hit strike yet?
You can't hit a strike, you can only miss the ball.
And if there's one thing Konami's good at, it's missing the ball.
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Leave strikes to me.
too bad he's not unrespondable
That was some next level pun.
>Bloom Diva
Is like the biggest waste you can put your resources into.
At the very least summon Bloom Prima.
Ah yes, UA. A relatively cheap achetype that Konami ALMOST made good. Good thing they didn't release that corresponding Level 4 to go along with Midfielder. Whew, could you imagine?
What's the next possible TCG exclusive flavor? Biker Gangs? Alice in Wonderland?
Alice in BikerGangs?
Burial goods is the most recent U.A. support, my friend.
>No-one siding boardwipes against Paleo
No wonder people lost to it.
Thanks, id319V2.
I just want an errata that says it only works on Special Summoned monsters.
Are U.A. the most AMERICAN deck konami has ever made?
>OCG is going to let master piss run amok for 3 months even with links coming

Honestly, when links comes out is there even a reason to run them? You can play so much good shit without extra that those crappy-generic ones we got are not worth it.
Will Lightsworns be good post-Links?
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When will I be allowed to use dinos on checkmate? I need my fake internet points.
out out out
Which Servant Dragon has the best effect?
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This is my favorite card!!
If your deck relies on the extra deck you will need to run a few, especially since we already know of cards that can fuck up your columns
Honda pls
ok honda
Whats the best deck to bring to Goat Format fags?
goat control
Would you pay the cost /dng/?
if it wasnt a shit cardfu maybe
Nope, expensive and ugly slut
38 bucks? sure
At least I won't be a virgin when i die
Goat Zombies
I don't want her underworld HIV
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>tfw art of cardfu is either qt or slut, no nice kind waifu
random r4 spam
Maybe if the price was written on her butt like a cheap whore I would.

I like that stuff.
UAs, was nice to just ignore Valk via Slugger + Jersey.
Trying to make shaddolls great again.
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i saved fusion decks of links?
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who wants to teach me how to play this game through combat
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It was better when she was used with herself, or Archefiend. Once Links hit I want her back at 3 so I can just run 3 of her and not sully her with BAs. Or her buddy Sangan once he's free from prison.
Host up, nerd
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> You realize Cannon Soldier is searchable by Fusion Conscription

end it

Who hates her? She's literally the sexiest main girl of all the series
>Not hosting
>Wanting to fuck a little boy

HAHA you're stupid, you c an't use kurbioh tokens for tribute summoning
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>go on the circlejerk discord of /dng/
>Iron Core Of /dng/ trying to make other people play chainburn
Is he /dng/'s guy?
sorry, someone challenged me
i'll host in a moment
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Jesus Christ
fuck off, it isn't zoo
Bet you don't have her in a swimsuit
go make your own thread already

I made a room
Labeled it /dng/ and the password is 7243
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The current TCG meta is cancer, Zoo is a plague on what remained of the game's fun, I'm riding it out by playing uninteractive cancer. Unlike literally every deck of the format, I barely stop my opponent's plays, because I WANT them to play the game, so I can burn them. They just can't attack.
OCG is as cancerous.
YGO is cancer.
>wants them to play
>they can't attack
Are you retarded?
Can you please stop posting?
I'm sick of this drama with you and you complaining yet here you are shilling your tier 5 deck claiming it's better than zoo.
It needs an updated version for links.
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Dammit, I lost the bet
>Allure with 3 darks in deck
Match at the very least.
Well, fuck me.
I mean yeah the whole game is always cancer, but Zoo is a special kind that invades everything around it and ruins diversity. That alongside out current meta of Kaijus and Barriers. I'll stop playing this shit when Links come and the game shits itself for a bit and my petdecks can shine.
They can play whatever they want, as long as they don't attack me, or summon Denko. That's certainly more fun than getting hit by Barrier, Strike, Sanctum, Slumber, etc. And the drama exists whether I post or not so what's the fucking point anymore? This thread is nothing but cancer and will continue to be whether I post or not.
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Only when we get Witch's Apprentisse
i don't really see how pot of desires would be good in this deck
Where are your strikes?
You can also get away with running trade-in.
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*blocks ur path*
Rape her in the pussy
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back to your cancer circlejerk
what would I take out for strikes if i do -3 allures and +3 trade in?
>tfw you oppen sekka against chain burn in a match

I am still sorry for that gay shit.
We still don't know how they are going to call the process of link summoning.
>Iron Core hour
I hate you faggots. Tripfags are gone and they are still ruining the thread.
Snow ;3
Posting Discord shit is off-topic and mods in plenty of other generals have deleted/banned people for it. Also
>not liking catgirls
>Zoodiac degeneracy even after banlist
Take out the bad counter and replace it with strike
>liking women
you really are a fake iron core
The eternal Zoo will never end, just like Performapals.
Anon, you need to get better glasses
Hide tripfag posts, do not reply to tripfag posters
it is one thing to play chain burn, and another to be a furry , go back to /b/
who is that absolutely disgusting trap?
Did it years ago.
You on the other hand, apparently did not.
What is a yugibabooon?
So since it's retard hour how's this retarded idea for a game change?
Overkill bonuses: excessive damage overflow from a previous game carries over, measured in 8K's, allowing you to one-shot someone out of a match if you smack them for 24K plus LP in a single hit.

What's with the empty response?
lunalight wins
>Summon 24K beatter
>Opponent gives up
>Players start fighting
Why do you think match winners are illegal?
Boy, deskbots or Skull servants could win 3 matches in one swing, specially deskbots and their giga nigga 009
Reminds me of Krieg's Bloodsplsion and it's just as brain dead and retarded.

I like it.
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How much?
I've seen it work plenty of times, its a cancerous deck but it only works cause his opponents are retarded and dont side 3 denkos with 3 royal decrees. Which completely shut that deck down till he top decks fairy tale for denko. Royal decree just shuts it down period.
And i've always sided 3 royal decrees in every deck ive ever played cause fuck burn, my antifun friend used to play it nonstop years ago when it was relevant and ever since then i've always sided triple royals. Which completely btfo those trash decks.
Don't post sexualized images of children on 4chan. What would that little girl think about you, now that you shared her nudes?
I could be wrong but I don't think that's a girl for some reason
die against denko sekka
>it's from fucking facebook

Why did you save that from facebook?
Remove the shitty ring of destruction or a pot of lel for a foolish burial if Snow white is your out for Denko
How do I get over duel anxiety, /dng/? I want to start dueling you guys but I get super nervous.
Ring is pretty good if they summon anything of size since it burns them, but I could cut it since it's dead once they're below a certain amount. The single Desires it perfect, though, it means I won't see multiple and deckout, which can happen if the opponent knows how to play against the deck.
Why would you get nervious?
In fact you can mute the opponent and spectators so you don't have to worry about messages
What's DB?
how do you even play against chain burn? just summon one guy, set barely anything and poke them to death?
Make a disposable account.
So if you don't leave a good impression, you can just pretend it wasn't you.
Internet reputation is very important.
A Dueling Network clone.
It happens IRL too except, it's easier because I can leverage my personality but my hands get sweaty and start shaking and shit.
Dragon Breath
When they set their gay backrow at the End Phase flip Twin Twisters/your backrow removal of choice
Yes. That's actually exactly how you play against them. just discard for card limit, the only card that burns for your hand size is Barrel, and it's only 200 so it's hardly an issue.
>my hands get sweaty
Maybe switch hands when you're holding your cards or put them on the tabl-
>and start shaking and shit
God damn
What's the acronym for though. How do I get it?
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>just summon one guy
Hey, it works for me.
We don't speak that name here, it triggers anons.
It's still buggy, but it's not a big deal, they're going to reset ratings and shit once it's stable.
Why is NAS taking so long to shut down duelingbook?
waiting to see how much vip money they can take
>Overkill bonuses: excessive damage overflow from a previous game carries over, measured in 8K's, allowing you to one-shot someone out of a match if you smack them for 24K plus LP in a single hit.
Deskbots and Cubix T1
dragon ball duh
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Went to my locals today and won some kinda contest they were having by answering questions about yu-gi-oh correctly.
Ended up winning a bunch of cards that were hand picked by a bunch of different people
All in all it was 135 monsters 65 traps and 38 spells.
Theres a bunch of different archetypes and anti-meta shit in here so its all weird.
Also sorry for typing like this, I feel like my wording is better organized this way
Post cards
I might buy
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>opponent on dueling book sends some unknown pendulum monster to the extra deck
>can't see it because the card wont load
>won't show when i hover it
>but it's apparently semi-limited and has the yellow (/) sign the outer entities and burgerstorms used to have
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>beat some pendulum anime deck fag with a shitty clown control deck from 2003 because he evidently ran 0 decent s/t removal and was too retarded to know that pendulum monsters went to the ED instead of the grave
>also magician of faith and change of heart being cancer inducing
Fucking animefags.
>Playing on Yugioh Matchbook
>Complaining about bugs
You knew what the fuck you were getting into, stop coming here crying about it. Dueking book is nothing but tinder for card players.
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Someone help me figure something out about these broken ygopro cards. You may remember me as the XPfag that was having trouble getting the new SPYRAL cards to work. I've traced it back to them still having their beta ID codes, along with a few other TCG exclusives like Fusion Recycling Plant.

Obviously, they give the 'Invalid Deck' error because they're registered as beta when real, properly tagged versions are out now. But my manual updates fail to fix it. I've even tried deleting all of the relevant files in my expansions folder and downloading the card updates again, but that just plain deleted them with no replacements.

What do other than getting a better OS?
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Alright well I'll post all the extra deck stuff that they gave me first as I still haven't sorted all the cards by archetype yet. Just letting you know though, Im sure about rarities and what not so idk what exactly I was given in regards to that
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step it up
There should, in theory, be a lot less bugs than on jewgioh pro.

But I guess they're bugfixing the HOT YUGIOH SINGLES IN YOUR AREA section instead of the fuckin game section.
lit dude
did ya consider making a melodious deck?
>finally connect to duelingbook
>sim section isn't working, probably because weirdness with flash my pc does
Grats man, they pawned off vendor trash on you.
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mfw Yuya pendulum summoned Performapal OddEyes Synchron with a scale of 3-10
>Zoodiac deck on the finals of UDS Las Vegas is running 3 Xyz Universe
Fucking meme magic.
Have thought about it, I'll show you all the archtypes once Im done sorting them out and stuff

I mean, Free Cards is Free cards.
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>Card prices don't change
nice, my nonstop shilling finally paid off

what are his targets? if it's cxyz simon i'll eat my hat
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>using the trip even after I've defeated you
Nice "honor" fucklord, reminder to report any of his posts to prevent degeneracy from spreading
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Although the elegy+aria rush deck is fine, I recommend a "just fuck my shit up" deck like

>pic related
Or we could report all tripcancer.
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You sure could. But that only stops the weak
you should update that, melodious now have a fusion spell
eh, ostinato is ocg only
Is the best melodious player still Tomo?
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What the fuck is a yugibaboon?
let alone you open fucking d fissure that you sided and a royal decree it is a legit free win against that deck, he has to scoop
DDD can side dark contract with errors or do a turn 1 Kali Yuga.
its probably gonna be in duelist saga.
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Okay so to start out they gave me a ton of performapals. Never played any of the deck so idk how good these are
So when is the tournament happening?
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Nice meta, Yugibaobaboons.
Living memes

Alright I guess, though
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Heres the melodious stuff
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>Fined Grieving and King Back Jack
All I can say is
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>Toads again
This kills the rat.
I find it hard to believe that Kozmos were once meta. They seem so tame compared to today.
Stops the Fusion Sub combo, as well as Snow. And Back Jack is good, at least in the 60-card variant.
goddamit can somebody answer what the fuck is the meaning of ''yugibaobaboon''?
you are a perfect example of a yugibaobaboon
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Meklord Shit
Well shit, that's basically a melodious deck!
Just add 3 arias and 3 elegies.
Zoodstack with side always beats poolio
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>buying used dakimakuras
>you actually own bodypillows
>those binders and sleeves
time to consider suicide
Melodious is a fun Rank4 spam deck with generic fusion stuff.

I see some people lost for a little kid using a pure Performapal deck at my locals another day because they never read the fucking cards.
Joshua Cho, the champion yugioh needs
Doesn't look like it.
Do you have any dolls?
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Have you bowed down to the savior of yugioh?
UD invitational>any ycs
if you've even bothered watching the ycs streams you'd see how little those autopilot zoodplayers read cards
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He is truly toadally awesome. Just look at the bright on his eyes, gives me hope.
What is the most mature deck a mature person like me should play?

I like mtg and ntr
End yourself, please.
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>savior of ygo
>murders casually invalidates swaths of archtypes
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You need a thinking man's deck. Try zoodiacs.
Now THIS is an ugly loli
amorphages, to literally cuck yourself out of field advantage
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you haven't seen the decklist with lots of creature swaps, magical boxes, and waifus?
shit taste anon
So you're agree with me that zoo players are shit and lose to toad? Glad we had this talk.
whats wrong with ntr?

seems like fun, did they get hit or something?

i dont even play yugioh
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and finally Paleozoic/Trap monster shit.
I can forgive your reading comprehension given your inability to understand context, but why would you subject yourself to a game that is fundamentally outside your understanding?
>what's wrong with ntr?
The fact that liking it makes you a god damn cuckold?
Come on man, you call yourself intelligent without having any common sense?
amorphages? not really, they were just kind of designed to self-cannibalize to maintain their lock, because konami hates stun-based archetypes
>The fact that liking it makes you a god damn cuckold?
how depressing that you insert as the cuck in ntr instead of the dominant male, or dont even enjoy male:ntr
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What the hell is this shit.
Self-inserting as the cuck?, what are you?. A white male?
>whats wrong with ntr?
ntr is utterly disgusting, I don't understand how anyone could get off on either defiling someone else's spouse or letting yours be defiled. Relationships should be pure, and between two loving partners. People like you are a disgrace to society and should never exist.
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>Zoodstack with side always beats poolio

>Poolio wins over Zoos twice

>You're shit at reading
Someones mad their deck not only loses to frogs but, is going to get hit soon.
Money down the toilet.
The Mighty Blue-Eyes in all of its glory.
Video Game Promo Blue-Eyes.
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Oh wait, blue eyes isnt that high

>Kaijus untouched
>ABC and Zoodiacs are kill
>Scapegoat at 1
>Infernities at 3
>Rescue Cat at 1
>Wavering Eyes at 1
>Ultimate Offering at 2
>Deep Sea Diva No Longer on the List

Is that the best banlist the TCG ever had?
>on a sunday night
get real
>tfw number 2 on percy rankings

i'll like to thank yugi, my dad, my mom, /dng/...
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>ABC and Zoodiacs are kill
>Anyone playing ABC anymore
Nice try.
I'll explain plainly. Most YCS players aren't very good at reading cards or deviating from their flowcharts. The stream matches are evidence of this. The competent player count was much higher in the invitational, shown again by the streamed feature matches. Paleo is still powerful (probably 50/50 depending on builds), I'm not dismissing the deck as I jokingly said zood actually needs to side and stack against it to win.
Also, I play D Heroes.
What should her Psychic sister be?
When opponent activates a card effect by paying life points or discarding cards, send/tribute this card to the graveyard from the hand/field and opponent pays double the life points/discards twice as many cards then negate the card effect?
>the memer with 3 maindecked xyz universe actually made it

well i'll be
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>Also, I play D Heroes
Fuck the argument we were having, that new D-Hero is a load of shit.
My condolences but, lmao what a terrible fucking card.

>During damage calculation, if a “Destiny HERO” monster you control is battling, if this card is in your Graveyard: You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard, and if you do, that battling monster cannot be destroyed by that battle, and you take no battle damage from that battle. If Special Summoned by this effect, banish this card if it leaves the field.
>pays double the life points
do you want burn to replace zoodiac or something?
>Ultimate Offering
With coming Links this card is driven further outward into exile now.
It's not a burn, you're paying double the cost :^)
why did posts get deleted?
Did Iron Core post his Zoodiac Wildbow body pillow?
Leave out the negating part.
It's quick recursion, D Heroes have so much garbage that this is probably near the top of the heap. Gotta stay positive playing any for of Heroes.
That wouldn't work because of the way costs work.
It'd have to be activate only when your opponent has more cards in hand than you then apply its double the cost effect for the rest of the turn.
or inflict damage, discard / based on cost paid after it goes through then negate.
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Maindeck Masked Heroes when?
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Is Kaiju the new meta?
maybe sometime this era
kaiju is just a problem solver to what yugioh has become. It's a "it just works" splashable archetype
One day HERO will evolve from sitting on Dark Law.dek to sitting on Contrast HERO Chaos.dek
desu I hope they just fuckin ban Dark Law and give us all of the Vision Heroes and Masked heroes
What's /dng/ expert opinion on gamble decks, here I am watching this autist flip coins and roll dice for 5 minutes, but its something different at least.
>gold sarcophagus at 3
boy do I love Kozmo
I prefer dice decks.
What does your build look like? Gold Sarc is niceness but I really wish we had a second e tele.
fuck kozmo, they ruined etel
Every duel I play
Every fucking one
Has this same first turn
M-X-Saber Invoker, Drident and Daigusto Emeral.

Make it stop.
I'd rather play against zoo than Infernoids or Paleo "set 5" zoic
This entire format is cancer
this desu

you break a first turn zoo board and maybe they'll pop off once or twice more with zoodiac combo

if you can't prevent noids/paleos from recurring or otk them you'll be dealing with their shit perpetually
hopefully once we get the pre-links tcg banlist, grass will get hit. At 0 or 1 would make those gay decks shit
my favorite meme
Stratos to 2 please
Sure, and Shadow Mist to 1?
Also Bahamut Shark requiring Links just to work.
three shadow mist is enough

only destiny hero shitters would want stratos unbanned
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grass keeps topping but the price keeps falling. everyone must expect it getting hit.
>tfw percy keeps crashing
mist is better, why would anyone want it limited?
play on db :^)
please explain what a "yugibaobaboon" is
>All this Infernoid hate
Y'all don't know how to play against infernoids or play to decks that can't do shit against it or the infernoid players milled 3 of Snowwhite, 3 Decatrons, the BIG infernoids and a breakthrough skill whatever, you get super sacked by the mexican labor meanwhile everytime i duel them, they just choke and only shield themselves with Snow white.

Maybe put Snow white to 0 since that's the shit carrying them most of the time in my experience.
>snow white to zero

come on son stop being so butthurt.
Literally every single fucking time I play against infernoid faggot niggers they always open lawnmowing
Literally 100% of the time it's so fucking gay it's such a bullshit deck
>snow to 0
not grass to 0, that card is broken, and having to run a 60 card deck doesn't make it any less broken
That bitch is the heart of the fucking deck, Lawnmowing just makes sure she pumps out blood.
Do i have to remind you that Ghost Ash simply existing made Infernoids fuck off OCG meta?
If anyone wants to be in the /dng/ DB group, reply with your name so I can add you.
Let's see if once it hits the tcg, paleos stop topping
Open Grass Looks Greener
Mill 20
Open Left Hand Offering
Mill 20
Open Monster Gate/Reasoning
Mill at least 10
Open Void Imagination
Send 6, Summon beater, pop 3
Open Void Vanishment
Send 6, Summon beater, pop 3

And they do Zoodiac stuff too.
Everything overcompensates in this deck, Infernoids make Snake Rain look like shit, it's unbeliveable how Konami give them special treatment.
dont join its autistic
>just open your outs
You're the worst kind of person
You could always stack your cards :^)
dimensional barrier is such a stupid card, at 1 when?
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d-does no one love me anymore?
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>yugibaobaboon can't play around dick barrier
stick to flowcharts, kiddo
>no MoF
shit build, son
So, now that I finished Legacy of Duelist, what is the best Yugioh computer game to play
I saw someone running that, been meaning to test it desu.
Subterrors, the thinking mans deck.
>not playing burgerburn for maximum chains
Strike is at 2, not really worth it. I've yet to see a burgerburn deck top an event, having seen a few at events myself.
if you got a say in it, what kind of deck that currently exists would you say the protag of a yugioh spin off might use?
Joey the Passion.
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>strike is at 2
Nigga, what you talkin 'bout?
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This is the only card for which getting chain links matters in burn, because you can pretty much always get off Accumulated Fortune anyways. And it's limited to 2 and unsearchable, so putting in Paleos just for it isn't a good idea. Also, you don't want to mess with your opponent's cards, you just want them so summon shit so you can burn them for all their cards.
I want an MC to ignore tradition and have his ace be a Level 4 beater that he mods with equips and upgrades.
Yuma has a not level, but rank 4 ace that equips with the ZW monsters and upgrades via chaos xyz :^)
Why not just do the DT anime finally?
You could even make it work with duelists re-enacting the events with their duels.
>The final jurrac battle versus fableds
Oh damn, I'm so used to "strike" being used in reference to the solemn card these days that I assumed you were talking about that, not chain strike.
Yeah, you wouldn't run any Solemns in this deck except maybe Warning to stop Denko, but that's why I run Snow.
It's at 1 in Japan
It's actually super balanced and causes an alternative play style. Problem is that you can put Zoodiac Engine in ANYTHING. Even 60 Card Decks.
Outing a single 2200Atk Solemn Judgement on legs is easier than 3.
I'm sure a lot of bad players that can't understand simple mechanics will quit.
TerrorTop to 1 probably.
Bootyiac Tier 1
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I may be late to the party, but goodbye and good riddance OCG zodiacs
Good shit sir.
>Another YGO series
>Another autistic rival
>Another underdog friend
>Another token love interest
>Another 2500 ace
I wonder if the writers ever contemplated trying something new. They aren't even polishig the formula, they are just trying to replicate Duel Monsters like a Chinese knock-off.
Have they rulled on Omega for links when it comes back from being banished with its effect?
Does it take come back in the regular zones or back in extra?
yeah, i'm going to retool some decks so i can play the ocg format online

true dracos are a problem though
It comes back to Main Monster Zones.
Anon asked for official rulings, not for your guess.
That was the official ruling. I just don't want to spend timing finding the article with source on YGOrg.
Member when GX didn't had to follow patterns until Neos showed up?
MMZ. There are rulings on other cards that leave the field.
>checkmate disconnecting again


goddamit, I don't want to go to db
There are rules on cards that are Special Summoned after leaving the field.

And Special Summon is a pretty important key word, because as we know now, monsters go to the EMZ when they are Special Summoned from the Extra Deck. A monster that returns to the field is still a monster Special Summoned from the Extra Deck, you can play things like Shaddoll Fusion or Void Imagination on them.
Checkmate is getting DDoS'd by DB :^)
Can you really play SF on an omega that returns to the field?
Give me a ruling.
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I'm calling NAS
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bsic copy past is crashing the game for everyone. This shit is so poorly built. Some random dude is doing it for fun.
I bet he is using Dueling Book
Works on YGOPro ;)
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i'm glad erratas like these exist. makes solving end phase shit so much easier.
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Haven't played since 1999, does my old deck still hold up today?
Out some Zoodiac engine on it and you will be fine.
Add triple pot of desires you scrub.
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loli time
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thicc time
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Why not combine them?
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When your monster declares an attack: You can target 1 Spell/Trap Card your opponent controls; negate the attack, and if you do, destroy that card. Each player can only Set 1 Spell/Trap Card from the hand per turn. Monsters cannot attack the turn they were Special Summoned from the Extra Deck. During your Draw Phase, before your draw: You can give up your normal draw this turn, and if you do, add 1 monster from your Graveyard to your hand.

New tech. How to shut up Paleo users. :^)
I mean three whole turns that you can't attack, at least threatening only works for one turn.
I mean how can we be expected to open our msts or twin twisters.
Swords is just too degenerate.
every time i buy a mega tin i pull this bitch
>Dark Magician
>not using Summoned Skull
what a fucking pleb
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the panties ruin it
Is Link Solitaire the new Synchro Solitaire?
Maxx C recycle
nothing personal kid
There are 6 potential slots in COTD for Arc-V monsters. I'm guessing that one of them will be Supreme Dragon King Servant Odd-Eyes, then another Yuya monster, then Reiji's 4 remaining monsters: Conquistador, Brownie, Dirac and Schrödinger.
A fraction of Yuya's remaining monsters, like Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon and Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron, will be put in the Collector's Pack.
>come back to game after 7 months
>frogs fucking the tcg
>arc-v actually got more bad
>tripfags still here that lost shadow duels
>percy still bugged
And apparently this duelingbook is not even stable. Yall are shit
Will Noble Knights be good post-Links?
Literally worse than Hazy Flame
If you can't quickly link climb, your deck is even more shit. All links do is widen the gap between t1 and lower decks
Only if you main deck three fog king and three mask of restrict.
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>vanilla theme
I'm interested in the lore, it seems like we're going to get another DT style set.
Because they're supported by Link Monsters and each one of them has a Link Monster form.
But how are you supposed to swarm the field for link summons with fucking normal monsters?
>This is a Psychic and not a Warrior
With Spell cards.
Metalfoes descendents.

>goes through all 15 extra deck monsters to summon 3 Firewall, Honeybot and Nat Beast
>all from a 2 card combo

can you compete with Jeff Jones's genius?
Rabbit,curtain, unexpected dai+Inferno reckless summon there are many ways anon.
Seems impractical, but it's a good showcase of the inherent bustedness of Link summon.
And you people bitched at me when I said their link monster was shit and that the rest of the archetype was going to be the typical DT shit archetype.
Fucking called it.
>needs 2 dandy
So when are we going to see a combo that works in a format that actually matters?
>There's a way to do this with only TCG legal cards, but you'll have to figure it out yourself :^)
Plant Synchro bullshit returns with a vengeance in the form of Plant Link bullshit.
kek this faggot thinks veiler wont get used more now.
you guys think Veiler will shoot up in price?
It's reprinted in DUSA, so no
Reaper will.
Reaper hits this harder than Veiler does.
It's with junk doppel you and the level 7 dragon synchro that gives you an SS you tard .
>Axe Raider and Battle Ox are the most powerful cards in Duel Links

I don't understand, what's wrong with that game
Sonic Duck is the most powerful Normal Monster in Duel Links, since it works with Mai's Harpie's Hunting Ground skill (start the game with HHG).
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Will it see play?
A DT deck could work, but what deck in particular of the non-anime decks in the game would YOU guys assign to a protag?
What about the best friend and the female support? Villain, rival, and everything else.

Doesnt have to follow the 2500/2100 rule and can be any type, but should feel heroic in some sense.

Im workin on a bit of a pet project, so thanks in advance for your input.

>pic for attention
They adapt a meta from a time before power creep.
I'm still pissed we haven't gotten something following DM's theme.
Not really though, Duel Links has a bunch of newer shit in it as well (like Blue Dragon Summoner and Wonder Balloons), just no Synchro/Xyz/Pendulum related cards.
The spin off would be a duo of protag and heroine playing tag duel. Both would use the same archetype, Ghostricks.
The villain and its duo would both use Lightsworns.
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>invoker is already back down to $34.
cant wait to play madolche again
>Invoker dropping
>Terrortop reprint
One of them is getting hit. Thankfully there are other ways to make r3
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hold my beer, I'm going in
>I dont understand. Wouldnt two characters piloting the same deck be kinda boring?
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Before Links crash in, it would be Dracoslayer, since it uses many card colors and the sets protag is dripping in heroic juices through his lore. Spinoff Yu would have three friends who focused with pure Dino, Knight, Furies and he'd splash with them to develop his ED-slayers, and of course his starter antag, who becomes the sympathetic villain, would be the amorphage draco-ruler user. Who he beats with his omni negating Piss.
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Is Gold Sarcophagus that great in Kozmos? It can combo with Town or Strawman but otherwise it's a straight -1, to which I figure you'd be better off using Allure.
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>Asking questions
>While you could be actually checking the decklist of the guy that got second place with a Kozmo deck in the fucking regional
Looking up a list doesn't tell me how he plays it. Kozmos are combo intensive.
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>Kozmos are combo intensive
Look anon, if you don't know how they work and can't help then you only had to say so.
I don't think so, I always wanted to see people playing mirrors in the anime, to see how the a deck reacts when going against itself. And the Tag Duel is a decent way to both duo use the same archetype, since it allows more than 3 of the same card, and also because Ghostricks plays differently depending on the level of the ghostricks(MC could be using levels 1 and 3, and heroined using the level 2s, which are mostly girls and the rank4 too). Protag duo could also benefit from playing all its different fields, which also affects how the deck is played.

The villain could play lightsworns, and his partner twilightsworns. They could even use many of the Dark/Light monsters shenanigans.

Of course there will be duos that uses different decks that works well with one another, and that would be the base for stuff that doesn't usually happen often in the anime, but happens a lot in the actual game, using 2 archetypes to make the most of both.
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>Combo intensive
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>Kozmos are combo intensive
Saying it twice doesn't change anything.
>Same [2] in the filename
>pop any ship
>Grab farmgirl
>Grab dark destroyer

>Pop any ship
>Grab darklady

>NS tincan end turn
>Add bullshit ship

>Combo intensive
I'm the Sabrina poster. Anon, I consider things like DDD combo intensive. Sure, Kozmos do a few combos, but it isn't exactly a combo intensice deck. They DO use more brain than zoodiac though, I'll give you that.
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>Set scales 3-10
>Pendulum summon level 2
>topping in canada
wow it's fucking nothing
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>Opponent attacks Starving Venom
>Blocks the attack instead of letting the dragon die and blow up all opponent's monsters for 9000 burn damage
Does anyone use the invocation archetype in the anime?
Do all cards that are released come direct from the anime as well or do Konami make some up just for the card game?
I guess you have a point. I suppose I consider DDDs for instance a deck that swarms with combos and summons on the first turn and then sits on their powerful field. From what I can tell Kozmos typically can't do that, but rather make a small setup and continue plays between and across turns. So maybe 'intensive' isn't the right word.
Granted I've only just begun learning to play them, hell, I've yet to look into the everpresent Fire King Kozmos at all.
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Of course not. The archetype was created like 10 episodes to the end.
>Konami make some up just for the card game?
A lot. A bunch of cards from each main booster line come from the anime, while the rest is original to the game or a import of some sorts.
Exceptions are extra boosters (like Fusion Enforcers), which tend to be bunch of cards from the anime, reprints and a single game original archetype
Dude, like less that 10% of decks are from the anime
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To be honest I'd really like a series where more 'real' archetypes got used. Arc V had the right idea at first, featuring Constellars, Gem Knights, and X-Sabers, and some odd cameos later, but it forgot what it was meant to be after a while and went to shit.
What is the yugioh equivalent of Suntail Hawk (!)
>Has a shield
>0 def
I just started playing this again after quitting around when Blackwings were the meta, now I'm playing pet decks with my friends and at my local game store. How hard would it be to build a Elemental Hero deck? I've always wanted one, and how well do the Masked Heros pair with them?
It's a shitty monado boy shield.
The M heros are better than the E heros
Masked HEROes are the go-to. Pure Elementals are shit.
See if you can buy 3x HERO Strike decks, E-HERO Absolute Zero and M-HERO Acid from your game shop.
I've seen Acid, he has a really good effect. It makes me sad I can't use the regular heros then I wanted something fusion heavy, always loved them and never cared for Neos. Do the regular hero support cards work for Masked Heros as well?
Don't you see how it glows? Its his weak point.
45% comes from the anime
45% comes from DT
10% are just random cards
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>Yuri didn't use a single predaplant fusion in the anime
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>Kozmo went second place in Canada
>Everyone loses their minds
Post a good Predaplant deck then.
Some, yes. Thing is the Masked Hero cards support the whole Hero archetype, which is why if your deck is of some kind of hero it's best to use the Masked ones
Masked HEROes use the Elemental HERO main deck monsters as material, you just use Masked HERO spell cards like Mask Change instead of using Polymerization or any other Fusion cards.
Just look at the card list for HERO Strike on the wiki or copy it into YGOPro and have a play about with it.
What is your favorite worst card (one that is totally shit)?
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I don't have one, because my predaplant deck sucks!
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My favorite card is bad and I don't care.
If this didn't have that damn restriction it would be MVP in Dinosaur King.dek
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Fusion decks are dead
The entire Cardian archetype.
I'm half tempted to run him in that anyway; Tribute summon be damned.
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Gagagas in general are pure shit, so this counts, right?
Which engine is best for synchro level 4 (3+1)?
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>in position to win
>opponent has burned their major backrow outs and is topdecking
>topdecks the exact answer to my board and wins
>[OCG] Princess Cups: 9th Chiba and 6th Fukuoka
What is this? Female play yugioh?
>he doesn't stack his deck
It's like you don't want to be a pro.
Yes they hold women-only tournaments in Japan.
Do you really think the Japs that play at tournaments would be able to handle communicating with a female player?

>Level 3 Star Grail has a Link-2 version
Link-1 version of Grail-Bearing Priestess when?
>Summon Star Grail
>Make Link Spider with it since it's a normal monster so you can make Link Spider with it
>Special Summon a Star Grail from your hand with Link Spider, which you can do since they're normal monsters
>Make an L2
That actually sounds pretty decent.
That guy is normally very cringe but that video was mega cringe.
Let me guess, the Star Grail line will make up the 'Dracoslayer' story of the Vrains era.
Links are going to save Normal monsters, since its a special summon that a normal monster can do by itself, so it doesn't brick.
Yeah, they just need ez Normal-support Links and Spells and they should be fun.
It's always neat to see new Normals and their flavour text.
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they are nekroz 2.0
the dt reboot
My beautiful nigga. For years I played jurracs and have tried to make them at least semi viable. From garden jurracs, to ninja jurracs and so much more. Also there was no better feeling than to rekindle 3 aeolos. Always teched at least 1 titano even though he isn't great too. Even made 3 more jurracs cause I'm a drawfag and a sucker for those vibrant red fire dinos.
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Also Diabolos, King of the Abyss
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Same here, I've even tried Igknight Jurracs back when splashing Pendulums in non-Pendulum decks was considered a good idea.
Sadly I've yet to find a way to incorporate the new Dinosaur support into a Jurrac deck without it becoming overrun with the new Dinos. It's harder to make those big Rekindling plays when your Graveyard is mostly Oviraptors and Babyceras.
I'm also guilty of making up the odd Jurrac CaC
And I have this pretty thing in the mail
Wow, I didn't know black people could be fedora wearing turbodweebs too.

Yugioh - not even once!
black people can either be wannabe gangsters or massive weebs, there is no middle ground.
>Konami treats synchros like they were the devil during all of Arc-V with their shitty support.

>Releases links which are literally the same thing minus the tuner requirement.

What hypocrisy.
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>Says girls need to earn respect and not get special treatment because she's a girl
>He's a mega weeb lol
These are the same people that support DB's tinder meet up part.
Just play the fucking game.
what is it
Missing the point there dummy. His other videos are solely about new cards and other leaks, I don't know why the fuck he felt that video needed to be made.
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In the latest episode of Arc V Yuya used a Spell which did
>Destroy 2 Pendulum monsters you control; Draw 2 cards
What are the chances of this being printed? With the new Link rules I don't know if it'll matter.
Man monarchs have fallen on some hard times.
My half assed Spiral deck has yet to lose to them.
Granted having what basically amounts to searchable Veilers and Ghost Ogres(but better) probably don't help.
Maybe he goes to locals and actually plays the game instead of just making videos about it and encountered a female or overheard one.
I know they were never particularly good to begin with, but the new rules basically make igknights unplayable, right? The only thing they were ever good at was filling up the extra for big pendulum summons, and that's no longer possible since you can only mass pend from hand if you don't have links up.
I'm pretty sure everyone here does. Don't go thinking you're special, anon.
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Igknights are pretty ded.

Links were a mistake. Then again there's a part of me that can't care for Pends
I'm talking about the dude who made the video. I know yugioh players can't read but at least try.
benkei i guess

Because apparently girls wearing revealing clothing means they voluntarily chose to be disrespected.

Dude is a closeted Sharia supporter.
>dress like a slut
>wonder why people treat you like a slut
Do any of you watch the show?
in the latest episode yuya has all 4 fragons including starving venom on his side and his opponent reiji has 3 3000 attack monsters, his monster attacked starving venom but yuya negated the attack.
If yuya didn't negate wouldn't reiji take 9000 damage and lose?

>turn 2
Starve Venom has different effects in the anime. I don't know if the burn-on-death effect is still there.
it does
>Once per turn, if this card was Fusion Summoned this turn using only monsters on the field as Materials: You can make this card gain ATK equal to the combined ATK of all Special Summoned monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn. Once per turn: You can target 1 Level 5 or higher monster your opponent controls; until the end of this turn, that opponent's monster has its effects negated, and replace this effect with that monster's original effects. If this card is destroyed: You can destroy as many Special Summoned monsters your opponent controls as possible, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the total ATK the destroyed monsters had on the field.
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Reiji would have used an action card or something to block the effect damage either way. The biggest problem in that episode was Yuya pendulum summoning a level 2 monster while his scales were 3-10
Well. Then I suppose Yuya just needed Starve Venom to live so he can make the baby smile.
Christ, Arc V was awful.
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>Wear reveling clothing
>To play fucking yugioh
>Wonder why weebs and neck beards are all over them
action cards don't stop effect if they do it would be an ass pull in the last few episodes.
The show would've done something like this

>Hey did reiji forget about starving venoms effect
>yeah that effect caused so many people to lose their duels
*people getting blasted by starving venoms effect flash backs
>why is reiji doing that, is there a plan?
>yuya nii will see it coming

I think the writers just forgot.
i actually like the last few episodes they got kinda interesting...
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Uh-huh. They totally don't block effect damage.
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never forget
Everything after the Zarc bullshit was some of the most hastily thrown together nonsense of any show I've seen. There wasn't even a reason for a duel to happen half the time, they just randomly took place to fill the quota.

At the very least, Yuya and Reiji ending the series with a rematch is an admittedly appropriate way to conclude the series, even if its leadup made no goddamn sense.
Yeah, her panties are blue in canon
>Wearing panties
okay i forgot that, i still think they would've done a scenario similar to how I described where they wonder why reiji is doing that, plus it doesn't really suit reiji's play style to gamble on the first turn he also could've attacked odd eyes instead of starving venom too.
I think the writers just wanted to show this new bond with the dragons.
>I think the writers just wanted to show this new bond with the dragons.
That's kinda obvious. They aren't caring about execution since Edo appeared on the show and just jump from point A to Z right away.
Man Firewall Dragon sure is a bad card!
why isn't lava golen or volcanic queen as popular as kaijuus?
Fucking this. I am a girl and I always duel dressed as Mai Valentine, it makes me feel empowered and more confident to win a children's card game!
>Setting a monster is not a normal summon
>It consumes your normal summon anyway
Explain this, yugibaobaboons.
>You cannot Normal Summon/Set the turn you Special Summon this card.
It consumes your normal summon/set
ok didn't notice that
>The only things girls provide is fucking, so why should they get any respect?
Great argument.
>If the only things those girls provide is fucking or something pretty to look at, why should they get any respect?

How good is that game, I've seen it multiple times on sale on Steam?

As tasteless as that sounds, thats what the majority of male players actually believe.

No wonder this game is such a sausagefest.
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>when your favorite card is outlassed by the new ones in every posbiel way
the actual bs play was yuya pendulum summoning odd eyes synchron with a scale of 3-10
holy fuck that deck must be brick city
Imagine full power PePe running 3 copies of that card
Just play goats, friend.

Irl it gets these 2 effects.

Can only be used to synchro summon wind dragon synchro monsters.

Can be pendulum summoned regardless of the scales.
Last card in Reijis hand was only played in the very end of his turn, so from Yuyas point of view at this point it could easily have been a "negate all your damage and throw it back"-Quickplay.

Its still weird nobody mentioned it.
I thought effects that revolve around a monster being face up, and then that monster being changed to face down would make those effects resolve without effect, but it doesn't work like that on ygopro, what am I missing?
Pandering to them might increase the female presence but the males that will come will be sjw types and it would fuck up this game.
there is no quick play that does that
Depends on the card
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The monster normally has to say ''Must stay face-up on the field to activate and resolve''
tell me more anon, Im a little out of the loop.
2005 Goat Control Format.
D.D. Warrior Lady was arguably a staple monster of the format.
It's a somewhat well-supported format online because of intense shilling for years about it being the "skilliest" metagame.
What does the ''Towers'' terminology mean?
I'm thinking in creating a Superheavy Samurai deck. I don't care the archetype sucks competitively; I'm doing this for the fun.

What do you guys think about Superheavy Samurais?

PD: I am also considering Raidraptors
I'm looking for something weird. Are there any decks that like to overlay Synchro Monsters? All I could think of was maybe DDD, can anyone think of any more?
aa I see thanks anon I will take a look then.
Chain Summon.
>If you control 2 or more Xyz Monsters: Target the 1 Xyz Monster you control with the lowest Rank (your choice, if tied); Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 Xyz Monster with a lower Rank than that monster on the field, but it cannot attack your opponent directly, also return it to the Extra Deck during the End Phase.
>If you control 2 or more Xyz Monsters
yeah good luck with that now buddy
Cards that are unaffected by other card effects.
yang zing
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I am putting quotes because the misuse of the word Towers to describe a super hard-to-out monster is just more misused than the :V emoticon.

""""""""""Invincible monsters""""""""""""

While the term could apply to shit like Ultimate Falcon, Great Magnus with all of his materials, Tyrant Neptune-dependent Nightinggale and the OG Towers, Vennominaga, because they are super invincible the only out for them are kaijus or beating them by battle, which is easy as shit with CWSD and The lightning.

The term is misused with stupid shit like god damn, pic related is aparentely towers 2.0 flooding because of a support card and B.E.S. became "helmet" Towers spam because of the new field spell, while said shit dies to Ignister, its like basically anything that can't be outed by shit like Castel is the new Towers because idiots play shitty decks or don't have conventional budget outs to "Towers" or Raidraptor players.
>more misused than the :V emoticon.
then how do you properly use :V
I think it originally was some kind of "Duhh" emote but nowadays, its just mexican's new "xD"
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Hungry little tyke, aren't (You)?
I literally havent ever seen anybody use it. I am however seeing an increase in :^) and :v) being tagged onto anything.
Sorry mac, I'm fresh outta (You)s. You'll have to shitpost harder next time.
>I literally havent ever seen anybody use it.
Then i guess you're lucky to not play games or chat wirh mexicans or 13yo's
Anons, what do you think about Superheavy Samurais?
A petdeck that dies instantly to Skill Drain and Emptiness.
Their ultimate boss monster is a fucking train ok
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I don't understand
I'll change my question then.

Anons, what do you think about Raidraptors?
Mediocre deck that dies to floodgates
A petdeck that dies to the Link mechanic like countless other decks.
Their ultimate boss monster is a shitty gundam ok
The best Arc-V anime deck that will survive Links.
They'll survive Links but Raidraptors are shite
Pre-Links: Empty Advantage - The Deck, and sometimes Ultimate Falcon.

Post-Links: Dead in the water.
>Use a monster to summon Link Spider
>Summon something from the ED in the linked zone
>Use Link Spider to summon whatever generic Link 1 Konami release in the future, but on the other EMZ
>Summon something from the ED in the linked zone
Is this possible?
You only get 1 EMZ. The other goes to your opponent.
I beat those shits with Chick-less, Zoodiac-less Lunas, Ultimate Falcon is a pathetic boss monster and Final Fortress doesn't change that.
Also dead in the water after link rules
While Link Spider in the EMZ the other one is reserved for the opponent, so you can't start to even declare a summon in that Zone.
I'm using only one EMZ.

>declare a summon
Not you again. Are you saying I can't attempt to summon Paradox Dragon with a Malefic monster as material because they don't allow me to control another Malefic monster?
Must be a joke.

Worst trash in Arc V.
Have you actually played RR?
I played with his anime deck, and that's what I was commenting on.
Daihachi into peacemaker
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that mat is pretty damn nice. (hope the actual Jurrac archetype artist got some of the profit from it instead of just the designer though.)

I've found the new support to have totally left Jurracs behind though.
Here's to hoping some good Link dinosaurs come out that help Jurracs (maybe stauriko will actually see play now since it floats into 2 tokens).

(btw 2 of the dinos here I designed to be pendulums while the man/dino helps with summoning Titano and other dinos you need to tribute for.)
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What can I cut for more stun?
I'd like to play Superheavy Samurais since I've always been fond of high defense Earth monsters (I used to play a lot with that Rock structure deck with Exodd).

But it seems is somewhat shitty, so dunno
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>playan exodia
>opponent literally locks himself out of his own board and has no way to clear it
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How's my new lightsworn deck?
The tuners, Infinity and Ultimate Conductor.
>Use Link Spider to summon whatever generic Link 1 Konami release in the future, but on the other EMZ
>but on the other EMZ
>I'm using only one
Should I buy the Lightsworn Structure Deck or the Noble Knights box?
Tell me at what point I'm using both zones.
you said ''on the other'' EMZ, the generic link 1 would go to the same EMZ spider was in
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>Use Link Spider to summon whatever generic Link 1 Konami release in the future, but on the other EMZ
Why are you using the shitty new ones?
>Link Spider is send to the Graveyard
>Both EMZ are free, meaning they don't belong to any player
>The new monster must go to the same zone Link Spider was occupying
Do you think you can't Kaiju monsters on the EMZ too?
>playing on duelingbook because of all the hype
>decide to play a d/d deck
>play against a shitter playing an exodia deck
>they use threatening roar upon direct attack
>chain siegfried to negate
>call judge

it's shit, desu
>>Both EMZ are free, meaning they don't belong to any player
Shun please learn the fucking rules.
Once you summon a monster to a EMZ, that EMZ belongs to you while the other one automatically belongs to the opponent, and that's how it will be for the rest of the duel, and you can't summon something in your opponent's EMZ. Get it now? That's how it works, it's not that hard to understand
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Does this look better?
You only have yourself to blame. Manual dueling online is only for memes.
Now you're running the YZ trap without any targets for it you dumb fuck.
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Please help me make the best IRL deck I can with these. I only own 1 of each card in the side deck.
>What is denglong
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I'm giving you two choices /dng/ ;

1 ; Re-Train ME
2 ; Make my archetype better and give me more and better support

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>mfw manual sim shills say that because it is manual, you become a better player and ''pros'' only play on DN/DB
Jinzo Sekka, there your archtype is less shit
>While both Extra Monster Zones are unoccupied, neither is treated as being part of the field of any player. When a player Special Summons a monster to an Extra Monster Zone, that zone is then treated as part of their field while it is occupied, while the other zone is automatically treated as part of their opponent's field. A player can only occupy 1 Extra Monster Zone at a time.
>that zone is then treated as part of their field while it is occupied
>while it is occupied
Cool mechanic, but the deck is shit and the design is horrible.
Archetype better. Jinzo already does a good job and rarely anyone runs BTS
sell cards
buy d/d structure deck 3x
Psychotic Android Jinzo

lv 6 DARK Machine-type atk/ 3000 def/2100

Cannot be normal summoned/ set must be special summoned by its own effect and cannot be special summoned by other ways. You can banish 2 machine-type monsters from your graveyard; special summon this card from your hand. Cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this effect. Trap Cards, and their effects, cannot be activated, Negate all Trap Card effects.
>while the other zone is automatically treated as part of their opponent's field

you are retarted and probably play on db, so there's no point on arguing with you
Just turn him into a kaiju that prevents its user from activating S/T, and can't be used for any kind of special summon.
>Monster leaves my EMZ
>It's no longer occupied, so it's not treated as part of my field
>But the other zone somehow is still part of my opponent's field
Is that what you're saying? Do you even think before you post?
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I went with igknights + noob cards, to show progression. What do you guys think?

The big powerplay is chaos master into igknight margrave into ignister prom.
Guys, the game works as >>171594380 said, but Konami will never release a Link 1 that can be summoned with effect monsters. They anticipated this. Besides, this would become Zoodiacs 2.0, Links 1 will never be able to summon another Link 1.
Special Summon's conditions everywhere.
Searching on summon.
Searching on destruction.
Banish from grave to negate that also searches.

Did I mention card searching? Cause that's always a great plus today.
Is it possible to dodge solemn strike?
Yes, that's exactly what he's saying. You can't swap which EMZ you're using mid game
>Not you again. Are you saying I can't attempt to summon Paradox Dragon with a Malefic monster as material because they don't allow me to control another Malefic monster?
Unrelated. You choose the zone when declaring the summon. You can't choose a zone that belongs to your opponent.
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You are now nostalgic.
Neg the strike with another counter trap
That hasn't been proven to be true. Even so, you can't swap EMZs mid summon.
>How's my new lightsworn deck?

Let's see
>15 ED Monsters
>No Links
Yeah. No.
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Cards I added shouldn't be expensive. Add Utopia Beyond in ED.
Cool as fuck, the caveman is called firemaker?
Link Spider only points down.
eccentrick archfiend favorite deck :L
I don't mean to counter it, but to dodge it. Like when im playing aginst fluffals AI to test something sometimes I can't chain on nuke of frightfur tiger since it immediatly chains something in the grave. I even have always chain on
You don't need links, you just need minerva
Turn off auto chain order.
That hasn't been proven to be true.
2me they are a rank-up deck and bro with blackwings
Do any of you guys know if any new cards from the Yugi portion of the show will be printed soon? Or support for those cards? Anything for the god cards, aside from that gay phoenix and sphere mode crap they made after they destroyed Ra?

i havnt played since teledad and im just curious at this point
Sphere mode is fucking great, what are you on about?
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>open feather duster, yatagarasu, and confiscation in traditional
>opponent goes first, sets 4, passes
>feather duster
>nothing that gets value from being destroyed
>confiscate the last card in his hand
>summon yatagarasu
DDM2 when?
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Tell me what to buy
A better camera that doesn't take shit sideways.
That Kaladesh box.
to intelligent for that
So I've thought about this for a bit, and really the only way I can think of doing it without 2 Dandylion is with a Carboneddon, and without Nat Beast/a third Firewall Dragon. It's still insanely strong, but it doesn't have Nat Beast, or a third Firewall Dragon.
Kaiba/Yugi Mega Tin. Don't buy the Odd-Eyes/Dark Rebellion tin or Raging Tempest, they're shit.
Kaladesh box, maybe you'll get a Mythic to sell and buy some real shit.
they also had some old ass packs. shit like TAEV.
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we did it boys
To 1 next banlist ;3
>DDM2 when?
When they bother to fix the AI. Yugi was the only interesting match in that game and he was laggy as fuck. The rest was just routine time-killing shit.
How do I make Subterror not shit?
Use the TTop engine to grab Zoodiac Rats in order to make Xyz to keep you alive, as well as grab Nemesis Warrior from deck
Honestly Rat and Ttop are so good you might as well run some Tenkis to search the Rat
Additionally, you might want to throw in some Vipers, Throughblades and Barrages to get the most out of your Zoo engine.

You'll also need some traps, like D-Barrier and Strikes, as well as a Kaiju engine, of course. Honestly, if you're running traps, you might as well throw in the artifact engine.

Honestly, your deck is looking pretty bloated at that point. You should cut the most useless cards from the deck, namely the Subterrors

Remove them and you've got a fucking awesome deck that's a real threat this meta.
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>DUSA has TG Hyper Librarian, Formula Synchron, Cosmic Blazar Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, Goyo Guardian, Brionac and Trish
>just 3 months before Synchros are completely unplayable
Fuck Konami.
My OEM got the Evolution structure turned into a booster that will be released WEEKS before the link era.

My ''fuck you, Konami'' is way beyond your feeble ''fuck you, Konami''
But you see, anon, I also bought into OEM and was planning on getting 3x of the new SD.
My apologies. You ''fuck you, Konami'' turned out to be bigger than mine.
new pan?
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how confused are japs that paleos are doing better here in the tcg than zoodiacs?
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what is the ocg meta looking like now that zoos got castrated?

>Want to negate everything.

>3 synchro monsters

>Or 2 level 2/4 waters.

Gee I wonder why the former is unplayable.
I was hoping this was get get get get got got got got
Are you literally me? either way, how do we save synchros /dng/?

OEM have the tools to survive, but not synchro spam
show me anon
It's not Get Got because OCG is now getting noided.
>Are you literally me?
Well I got back into Yugioh by playing Over The Nexus and learned how to play the game properly through that. I tried making a couple of decks on that but I ended up using Synchrons and I love them.
I only started buying real cards over the past year (got Master of Pendulum, some boosters, mega tins, etc.) and I was thinking about buying a Synchron deck (which is why I was happy about those cheap reprints of TGHL and Formula) until the Link Monster announcement.
By abusing Dandy/Gofu/Scapegoat/Doppel to get your Links.
>making me make the new thread when I'm on mobile


Another OEM player here. I'm planning on using Friendonkey and Secondonkey as a constant combo to seach new donkeys and summon Missus Radiant each turn for the OEM to survive.

On the other hand, for synchros situation is a bit harder, but Speedroid Windwitch can abuse the synchro that keeps reviving and the fact a Clear Wing Fast in the pendulum zone can summon itself for any zone
Hey /dng/ I want to be a cancerous shit and run a Relay Soul Stand-Off lock deck what should I build? Obviously it'd involve Shien's Spy, but I'm kinda stuck on what else to add.
>that paleos are doing better here in the tcg than zoodiacs?

Except that's false? Zoos are sitting at 53% while Paleos are at 11%.
>VRAINS is a failure
>We get a DM reboot with a twist
>Yugioh Dungeon Dice Monsters
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