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/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 831
Thread images: 251

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Previous iM@S Thread: >>171317516
Archive of materials: http://www.yukipo.com
Japanese news: http://imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: http://idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: http://shijou.moe/imas-radio
Cinderella Girls cards: http://imas.gamedbs.jp/cg
Million Live cards: http://imas.gamedbs.jp/ml/card + http://mill.tokyo/album

New here? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links: http://pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

OG material translation: http://pastebin.com/7HAMC7bN
OG discography: http://pastebin.com/Ey7uyqDL
CG material translation: http://pastebin.com/jf7CiTya
CG discography: http://pastebin.com/fX7fpxrU
ML material translation: http://pastebin.com/3yynKCtQ
ML discography: http://pastebin.com/jtCYhgrA
SM material translation: http://pastebin.com/tiVgamsu
SM discography: http://pastebin.com/mXYV0TY3
Character birthdays: http://pastebin.com/j3MGjNCK
Upcoming Events and Merchandise: http://pastebin.com/yu6rrC2t

Starlight Stage:
>Event: 03/13 ~ 03/19 Caravan (Noa, Saya)
>Gacha: 03/17 ~ 03/22 (Ryo, Aya)
Cards: http://starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: http://twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: http://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

- Triad Primus iPhone case: >>171272494
- SS Commus (Mar 17th): >>171285890
- CG Loading screen collection: >>171294656
- Kouhaku Ouen V region-locked preview: >>171296364
- ML 4thLIVE flower signs: >>171296916
- Arisu scale: >>171298205
- Archive of >>171269623: http://archive.is/mFBII
- SS Live Puchi sprites: >>171341365
- SideM tour ship: >>171348148
- Yuriko birthday fancomic TL: >>171357810
- SS Assets (Mar 18th): >>171361436
- Kozue H doujin "Kozue-chan Paradise!!" TS: >>171369114

Mar 22nd: CINDERELLA MASTER Treasure
Mar 25th: AnimeJapan 2017
Mar 28th, 9PM JST: PLATINUM MASTER ENCORE stream: http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv292461172
Posting in a feminist thread.
I don't fucking know.
But apparently it's her birthday today.
I've never even heard of her.
Fuck yeah girls power.

Miyabi and Ayaka best whos.
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Wish she keep her braid in her idolized form
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apparently Yuuma Uchida was one of the winners of Rookie Actors of the Year in some VA award show.

Congrats to Dr.Sakuraba's VA
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saving this thread with my magical power!

yuuma a qt
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last time i believed in chie i lost a kidney
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ksmz emblem heroes
Ain't that awesome
isn't momoko a little young to be dressing like this?
There are younger idols with sluttier outfits.
post you you're are favorite song
did they announce the sidem anime air date yet?
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Eating Arisu's strawberry.
not yet

but apparently there's an SM anime related stream every month for more info

they're really drawing out the hype for it.
It better not be just "one unit per month".
That'll take ages.
So, can anyone summarise the Mirei voice reactions on the old threads?
All I remember is that the post mentioning it got a lot more responses than ML smartphone game.
meme magic
anything can happen now
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Does 'anything' encompass all four members of GBNS getting a voice solely because Hiromi ranked higher than Mirei?
It could've. But you ruined it by posting a picture where Chizuru doesn't look like Chizuru.
delusional anon is validated
What a crock of shit
is there any retard noob guide for SS?
or do I just keep playing until I get higher level before worry about other stuffs?
Just play and play and play.
You can worry about events and stuff once you're more experienced.
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Gets me every time.
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Yeah you probably shouldn't worry about stuff until you're more leveled

Otherwise this one is the most complete english guide
- Archive of >>171317516: http://archive.is/gILKp
That's even muter than Miyo and that's saying something.
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Mirei what happened to your feet?
Pandora's box has been opened anons.

Delusions and Madness are liable to turn into reality now.
I can't hear you you stupid mute
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>he doesn't know
Mirei's voice sounds exactly like Mirei.
It's fucking perfect.
Chihiro took them as part of the deal to give her a voice.
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Yui doing her best to stop Miki from getting the golden ratio
Senpai acted for like 10 years in showbiz, she knows perfectly well what she's doing
She was acting since she was 1 year old?
On, inside, either way is fine.
Miu I'm not sure if you still exist.
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i'm going to confiscate that phone of yours
actually one thing I wonder
I mostly play the game on iphone
but can I like use emulate android program like Bluestack just to spend money on the game with google play?
This way I dont have to buy jpn prepaid card
so basically can I only log in Bluestack to spend money and just play on the main device

thats how I been doing with Granblue so i just wonder if working on here too
You can't do that here. Switching from Android to iOS or vice versa resets your star jewels to zero.
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it's going to be exactly one year until her last card
Please let your idols be.

My sides.
Sanae is cute!
Sachiko is shit!
ok so can you like have 2 ios devices playing the same account at the same time?
But never must the two meet.
You can have it logged onto in both but if you try to literally play at the same time, it'll keep on kicking both back to title screen repeatedly. So play on just one at a time.
I see thanks
I just gonna grab my old ipad with jpn region account
so I can just use that when I want to spend money
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Pretty good.

Not as good as the idol fertility chart, though.
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>the idol fertility chart,

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You guys are FUCKING weird.
>Sterile tier
Rude as fuck
making tons of babies with takane
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That is my wife and you will do no such thing.

You are permitted to give one (1) headpat, though.
You really shouldn't be having kids until you're financially secure.
Three headpats for Momoko.
Zero for Serika. No headpats for 48 hours.
I've already gotten 12 Sayas from this event. Does Star Rank affect drop rates in normal plays too, or just event ones?
Can I headpat Serika?
What did Serika do to be denied headpats?
It does
Getting an autistic avatarfag to spam her VA
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You'll get addicted to patting her fluffy head. That hair is charming.
She engaged in Unauthorized Idoling, without her production company's oversight or authorization.
It's amazing that she got away with only 48 hours of no headpats.
I know I am addicted to watching mochi eat steamed buns udon ramen and sushi on radios because fuck shes so cute when she enjoys food
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I'm sure I won't.

But what about Serika?
Make it Cinfest already.
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Rin is my wife.
She'll be at your desk every morning, smiling and eagerly anticipating pats without asking.
Normally, I would defend a Husband anon, but he deserves to have Rin cheating on him like how he cheats on her with Chieri.
Don't tell me she fell in love.
so I decide to just buy the scout ticket
do I just dickpick or some card is actually better than the other?
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Stats don't matter as much in this as some other games unless you want useless trophies, in which case you'll have to anyway roll for limited cards which aren't ticketable.
So just go with a girl you like, even if just for the outfit.
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In love with the headpats, maybe. But nothing romantic. Winning over Serika requires something bolder and more emotional, especially because of her sheltered upbringing.
Can confirm.
>I would defend a Husband anon
Thanks for making this general a shithole, jerk. Waifufags deserve nothing but painful death.
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Marriage is a sacred thing.
but why are there celebrities and idols getting divorced left and right after not even three months of marriage
Oh dear.
>Nothing romantic

Thank goodness.
Chieri is my husband's wife
Emily is too sullied for marriage.
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That Brit is one of the purest idols. She would be a wonderful wife.
ok then thanks

1-2 - Rin
3-4 - Mio
5-6 - Ana
7-8- Ranko
9-0 - Rika
No one wants to marry a girl who was pumped and dumped too many times.
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As soon as Sayoko and Minaco get knocked off by Momoko, Shizuka or Tsubasa this will become your average ML ranking event.

I too, also love the Mocho.
How to make character highly popular:
Incapacitate VA and make character effectively mute
Idols with disabilities yeah.
Kotoha literally has quadruple the points of those in the back

The unit used here is ten thousands, so a difference of 40 is literally 4 hundred thousand

Each raid gives 4.5k points

This is insane

Clarice... Probably?
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Bad rabbit.
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Happy birthday Yuriko.

No Anna this year.
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Mirei is my teenage girlfriend.
Get it together man, she's not real.
Anna seems preoccupied elsewhere.
>nail art

Miki please.
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Monji stuff. Glad she can still draw art of it.
How long until they start selling an official Ho jacket?
Anon, I think you're taking things way too seriously.
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Tsubasa gets beatings.
Will 765 ever be in SS?
Probably next live.
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The M wall.
No. Unless they do some special collab, which I still doubt would ever happen.

Can't wait for Rui to RUIn the commercial.

Kaede Please
That's a large ad

Like Saki's clit.
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TYS marathon data.
For the EOPs.
1. Kotoha
2. Minako
3. Shiho
4. Anna
5. Sayoko
6. Megumi
7. Serika
8. Yuriko
9. Mirai
10. Momoko
11. Tsubasa
12. Shizuka
13. Umi
14. Mizuki
15. Konomi
16. Tomoka
17. Kana
18. Julia
19. Emily
20. Nao
21. Tamaki
22. Reika
23. Miya
24. Matsuri
25. Roco
26. Arisa
27. Subaru
28. Rio
29. Karen
30. Elena
31. Fuka
32. Chizuru
33. Ayumu
34. Iku
35. Akane
36. Noriko
37. Hinata
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Dead apple.
Ritsuko let's have sex
I desire to breed with this bad rabbit, it is my duty as her producer.
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Say something nice about this smug Idol
She's prettygirl
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Noa is super cool.
She's the closest I can get to having Takane in SS.
Silly chuunis think she's cool, so she probably isn't.
Saving Tsubasa.
I love her matured dorkiness.
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Mio is understanding!
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Konomi's VA got a Switch.
No because Scamco covertly want TD to become the SS killer and they need OG exclusivity to do it.
She's understanding of our urges.
I hope she bought Breath of the Wild.
What a retard.
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Some incompetent idiot at Scamco made this map and said "Yeah, this is just a 26 star beatmap"
She switched from ML to CG, voicing Misaki
Emi Namba's VA painted Mirei

That's like the only thing to get.
Splatoon 2 is coming up and the new Mario game.
*under your desk every morning, smiling and eagerly anticipating pats
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Happy birthday to:

Seiji's VA
SideM Nao's VA (28)
me on the middle
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that contrast...
Who, nice company and a splendid party.

Can you TL it please?
You save the Basa while I punish the Lily.

Then I'll buy you a drink. Or a meal, your choice.
No. That's me. I'm all sweaty.
Can Basa come too?
Sure, but no alcoholic drinks for Basa.
Maybe just a taste.
I'll make her come
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Yuriko birthday live 2017:

>Did you read that book about gardening?
>A small forest for your house...that's wonderful, Hinata-chan!

>I'll do some nail art that matches you! (star)
>Wow, it's so cute...oh, and it's easy to turn pages with!

>Happy birthday, Yuriko. I don't really know much about books, but want to have fun outside together? It gets more fun the more you get used to moving your body!
>Thank you, Subaru-san. That sounds good...it's my birthday, after all, so I should try something new... Okay, let's go together! (music note)

The flowers that P gave her stand for "Very charming", "Bright appeal", and "Full of brightness"
Will ML finally kill itself if the game is released and it cannot beat 8BullShit let alone GangBangParty?
I'll have no alcohol either.
>It gets more fun the more you get used to moving your body!
Subaru knows how to please boys.
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Irish idols.
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im@s is a big name, TD can't fail because it's attached to the brand
How to improve TD:
Do not add Nonohara Akane.
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Looking good, Akane.
No problem. I don't drink much myself, I have better ways to get high.
Like kissing Basa and Lily.

>it's my birthday, after all, so I should try something new
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What nail art would suit Yuriko?
>>Did you read that book about gangbanging?

My head
Gardening, you colossal faggot.
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That's cool, I love gardening too.
Implying in addition to gangbanging?
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I love books in general.
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Saving Yuriko.
Leave her be. She needs some discipline.
Besides, she's loving it.
She is not.
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nerd cheeky.jpg
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I have better things to do than to argue with you.
Sounds like a cowards excuse.
Like making love bloom in the battlefield?
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Oh man, Yuriko getting another round of punishment?
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Something like that yes.
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A gentle and loving round this time.
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No headpats for the little shit.
Hey yo
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R., if you're here, thank you so fucking much.
Headpats if you shut the fuck up.
Listen what I say, yo.
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Good, good.
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Yuki, put that thing down and pick up something more suitable, like this.
Fuck off.
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Nonono, do it like this.
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What's the problem, anon?
It's been a day and a half.

It wasn't a dream.
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What wasn't


Monster huntan.
Watching Watership Down with Anna
Reading it with Yuriko
Well that's just cheating now
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You think Mayu would enjoy playing video games with me?
She'd rather suck your dick instead.
I want to play a game with Fuka.
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Is that you in the background?
Remove Mirei

Syoko is for 142 only
Why Watership Down?
Was Mirai not popular or why are people surprised she got a voice? Maybe it's my own personal bias but I've always felt she was more popular than a lot of voiced idols.
I second this.

That doujin was very sweet and gentle.
Because it's a good story and has rabbits going RIP AND TEAR.
She is but nobody expected Scamco to throw her a voice like they did.
Maybe with an announcement like they did with Longloli would have been something more plausible to expect (forget about Cutes getting voiced via elections).
You might share something in common with her, anon.

That said, what makes you think anyone was surprised that Mirei got voiced?
The surprise yesterday was that SS suddenly threw in a voice with no prior announcement whatsoever, and even before CG, which is something that hasn't happened before.
Yeah it feels like 24 at best.
She was the first SS voice. No one saw it coming, because it had never happened before.
Would you recommend it to me?
I can be a booknerd for a good story.
Yes, it's a classic.
Uh oh, that's the Shining Finger, I've seen it a million times. It's okay, she'll just die.
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Nah, it's just the arm of the ChieP
That's a 14 year old girl you're sexualizing.
Math idols.
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Even in my dreams Mirei wasn't voiced, real life is much more fantastic than dreams.
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Yuki is flexible!
Mirei please strep on me.
My skirt.
It's a shame this won't be animated in the upcoming anime since the production is already done and Scamco only ordered twelve 5-minute episodes. Bastards
Linguistic idols.
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This is an old theater. I don't see the problem.
We don't know how long was Mirei's voice a secret an that Theater isn't new either so might as well end up animated.
I meant to mention about how Mirei was just recently voiced and the low probability of having her included in the anime because the anime is finished.

True. Still disappointed that there's only 12 episodes for this theater.
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lily sleep hb.jpg
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Thanks I'll give it a try.
Mirei getting voiced is surprising because scamco has decided they don't give a fuck and now anyone can get a voice at any point from out of the blue if they want to voice them. It was technically the case with CM releases, but CMs and other CDs are announced months in advance while this just happened and nobody expected that.
RIP ChieP.
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minx smile.jpg
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hello boys
From this point on, how will Scamco outdo themselves?
Isn't it pretty standard for 5 minute anime to have short runs?
Kozue is a minx with a good doujin
Not him but people were surely expecting something like Puchimas.

Then again this is airing on TV and TV slots are not cheap.
Puchimas ran for much, much longer, so it's natural that people expected more.
Mind you, we still don't know if there isn't going to be more for sure. All that's confirmed is that BDs are announced upto episode 13.

Pretty sure Puchimas had a TV run too after the initial ONA run.
A new voice won't even have an event as a pretense anymore

One day, you'll see a gacha update of a literal who and you'll see that magical play audio sign on the lower right corner of her card.

Yes, but it's not rare for them to get new seasons. At the very least, shorts have better chances of avoiding the fate of >new season never than most typical anime.
Surprise voices for entire units out of the blue.
Kind and gentle girls get kind and gentle loving.
Yes. I was hoping for a puchi type duration.
Kozue only deals with experienced men.
Tight girl
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>One day, you'll see a gacha update of a literal who and you'll see that magical play audio sign on the lower right corner of her card.


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This is a substitute for the cutest
It's also the cutest but slightly less cute than the real cutest
Please treasure it.
They haven't given a fuck since Sae and Yuko got voiced.
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You know it mang.
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Yuriko's tummy.
In with the garbage it goes
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I'll trash it.
Sudden big name VAs
Haha just kidding, I can see scamco producers tearing up while filling checks whenever they call Ayachi, Hayamin, Naobou, Maaya or Sumipe to the sound booth.
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Please don't bully the kong ;-;
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i'll treasure it like the real thing
It's actually better than the real Sachiko.
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Think of it this way: Remember the case of Aki.

Nobody expected Aki to get voiced. She has no particularly strong association with any voiced idol (at the time) and she isn't exactly popular enough to be relevant in any of the elections.

The anime threw everyone a curveball by dropping a voice for Chie and Haruna out of nowhere. Now, Chie and Haruna had decent foundations of relevance, so while the anime dropping voices out of nowhere was a surprise, the choice of Chie and Haruna was not. Of course everything went to shit a few episodes later when Aki spontaneously opened her mouth. And from that point on, the gates of hell were open.

And now, History is repeating itself. Deresute just dropped a voice out of nowhere. Sure it was a logical and relatively popular choice, but just like the time with the anime, the playing fields are now open. It's only a matter of time until the "Aki" of Deresute opens her mouth.

I imagine Sumipe might be willing to voice Anya for minimum wage since Anya is basically her Russiaboo Self-Insert OC donut steel come to life.

Also for Actresses who essentially waifu'd their im@s aidoru alter ego like Hasshi, Ruriko and Oozora.
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Methinks their managers have the say in negotiating their wages.
Taking Roco out.
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Us literal whos can get voiced any second now. And the sheer amount of bandwagoners will overwhelm you and make us overthrow you from your thrones.

You better start treating whos nicely from now on.
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That idol belongs in a bed,not a trash can.
Hell it's going to break loose when at the end of the upcoming Eri event in CG they announce their addition into SS
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Nono getting cold feet on the lesbian four-way shoot before even getting started.
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Working hard with Serika.
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I believe.

Uh oh you rigged it, here comes voiced Marina
Let's play a game /@/

Who is the literal who that would actually fill you with rage if she gets a case of the spontaneously existing voice box?
If this means what I think it does then fuck you tripfag, Kozue is off limits.
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eri cgss princess.png
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kissing eri's forehead
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That would mean no fruity love or Sweet Sweet Soul.
> tripfag
But that anon doesn't have a trip.
One of the remaining voiceless hags
>waifu'd their im@s aidoru alter ego like Hasshi, Ruriko and Oozora.

Isn't that like the highest form of narcissism?

That's basically masturbation.
I don't hate any idol enough to get literally enraged, but Kurumi is already pretty obnoxious without a voice.

Chinatsu is another least-favourite but her voice wouldn't be enraging.
Fucking Cathy. I can stand Erika but not Cathy.
He's obviously referring to >>171369114
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We are still playing ML because live concerts are fun desu, without the live factor I highly doubt one would bother with ML
>fucking Cathy

I'd be like getting Yuko again. Except this time, she's shit.

Literally any other hag would be a welcome addition.

I'd be up for Rena and Kiyora since Cutes lack an older idol.
Oh yeah, big contender right here.
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Fuck you, I want more terrible Japanese.
Nah she and Yuko are great girls
I mean, if she was pretty well okay, but she isn't.
Touching your body girls
Will SS kill itself if it gets topped by TD AND LoS?
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kono kuroi da.png
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She is pretty, just not in the way fedora-tipping coolfags prefer.
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Traitors don't deserve happiness.

Butt fucking ugly too.

I hope so.
She's huuuuuuge

>butt fucking
I wouldn't be particularly upset about any voice unless it doesn't fit the idol. While I could potentially hate their voice, them being voiced isn't bad, even if they get voiced ahead of an Idol I like better.
Fucking Erika.

>Butt fucking ugly too.

Only when she's not being a traitor though.
One of the Cool hags.
You, I like you.
Toko needs a voice
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Tell me anon, what is it like to live with shit taste?
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oh boy this meme again
Breasts for brains.
I'm gonna say Erika, cause she's a meme right now or something
Nine Saoris!?
If she isn't a traitor, then why isn't she wearing them?
On her face, you mean.
Erika get away from her before her shittiness infects you.
Nice faces.
What will happen to Starlight Stage 20 years from now when the servers close down?
Will they still let people play the game with all of its final content?
Will they remove the stamina?

Will they just shut down the game and I can never play again?
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Traitors will get voices. You can't stop it.
So where did the whole "x get away from her before her shittiness infects you" meme originate? Doesn't seem like it started with /@/.
Sweaty Serika gets extra hugs.
Only way I'd be enraged is if it's an idol I want and her voice sucks.

Most enraging would be if Otoha got in and her VA couldn't actually sing that well.
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>Blue Napoleon event could be real

thanks Trump

Love Hina
Sounds like Reddit uncleverness.
>SS meme

yeah makes sense
Pretty sure it's just a spin on the phrase "Get out before it's too late"
Not really a meme.
hmm let's see

well that was easy

I knew it.
Everything I see more than once is a meme. And everything that doesn't agree with me is reddit.
SS is non-diagnostic since /@/ plays it and discusses it too.
>five-idols unit
>only two of them are good
>there's a possibility we might have to suffer through haruna, chie and kawashima
I'll start looking for tall buildings.
the rest is evil?
Worse than Hitler.
It's easy to forget really shit idols like Haruna but she -has- a voice and surprisingly enough she's even got a SSR in SS.
Haruna, Chie and KWSM are pure evil
Haruna is a cat.
And a shit.
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>Sarina is good
What does she have going for her aside from bit tits?
My sexycat.
People like literal sluts.
What else does an idol need?
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She seduces Seira's dog
Haruna show me your breasts
memes, fanart and doujins
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TakaP 2.png
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So who are the other VAs that love to work on Im@s I know Yoshimura Haruka because Mika was one of their first Auditions and love her really much, Hasshi is one of them, Ruriko Aoki have figurines of Riina in the house and Naomi Oozora who is also a huge Vegeta lover.
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sarina loving it.png
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Two out of three ain't bad.

Otoha if her voice actor don't sing for shit, her commus do prove that she is an amazing singer.

Cathy, fucking Cathy if it happens.
I trust Wanko as a judge of character
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>Hiromi is the next likely cute in line for voicing.

Arisa Date (Emi) loves im@s. She does sketches of all sorts of CG idols all the time on her twitter.

She's also a massive Side-Mfag but that's beside the point.

On the flipside, I forget who it is, but there's a Side-M actor who is infatuated with the Walking Sex.
Would you say Wanko wanks to her?
>playing with taiko drum sfx
>glitch where taiko drum holding sfx spams even when not playing a holding note
>*I'm fucking Cathy
Shut up.
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>infatuated with the Walking Sex.

A better question would be who isn't?
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I believe is Chris VA
How do I get a blue Miki? I don't mine red anymore.
Chihaya has roughly a 72% chance of accomplishing that dream.
Otoha, Clarice and Hijiri are canonically exceptional singers.
There are also Honami who is a... What do you call opera singers again? Soprano? And Tomoe who must be able to sing enka. I don't think that finding VAs with those qualities are easy to find.
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Placing extra candles on Nana's birthday cake!
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Short haired shiki.png
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Scamco must some kind of singing test to the future VAs I believe
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ask chihya's puchi va to sing enka
anon please my dick can only get so erect
It's funny.
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Clarice would be brilliant but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I can't believe Nao is fucking dead.
I can't believe Clarice is fucking undead.
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Woah it fits so well now
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Normal Haired Fre-Chan.jpg
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Hello again, anon on my shitlist
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>I-totally-don't-like-Reddit-either-guys anons pulling their proverbial pigtails at every opportunity
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Tsukasa, you should go see Kiyora about that wrist.
Emergency de-smugging needed.
I can make fun of Sachiko if you prefer?
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>Reddit obsessors making fun of Sachiko
Would be a point in her favor.
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Pray that someone intending to upload them bought them when they were online earlier.
I'd say Clarice and Otoha have about the same chance of getting voiced.
which would would you rather have between
>your waifu now live in your phone and work as phone assistant like Siri
>you become your waifu
Second. My waifu has really hot friends I could lez out with.
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FumiP 4.jpg
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Option two, they would lust for me but unfortunately, they need to get rid of an extra dimension to get me... HA!
My phone is horrific and my battery dies very quickly, it'd be like seeing my wife die over and over.

I choose the second one.
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The first. Reading Manga in bed and such would be miles more entertaining.
Second. Fun is fun and hot is hot.
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>There are Moonlander still event running at 4 AM Moon time
I'm thankful, but geez.
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They do auditions to decide who will be voicing who, but they don't necessarily pick the person who auditioned for the role.
For instance, the Mellow Yellows auditioned for other Mellow Yellows(if I'm not mistaken, Yuka's did for Yukari, Yukari's did for Noriko and Noriko's for Yuka) and Matsui Eriko auditioned for Syoko(yet sung LMG of all things)
Wow look at this Mellow Yellow nerd.
So if those auditions are public can't we know their planned idols to voice?
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Cute voice, cute body, cute tummy, cute girl.
I like it a lot.
I think this is all info disclosed by the VAs rather than being public.
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I somehow missed the fact that this whole thing was uploaded by the author last Christmas.

It's great because otherwise an almost 90 page sfw doujinshi has a 0% chance of showing up online.
Haru you're next.
Good for cuddling.
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It was pretty good. Like this guy's art, even if it is usually depressing.
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No rest for the wicked.
>Noriko is now last
Good, good.
I like the VA they chose for Mirei better than the VA they chose for Yuuki.
I think it fits her character way more than Yuuki's VA does. While I still like her she sounds, I don't know, too mature for Yuuki?
Still no rips of the CM batch?
I like the VA they chose for Yuki better than the VA they chose for Mirei.
Well Yuuki is big for her age, so it makes sense for her to not have that high-pitched of a voice, but yeah, I didn't feel "this is the perfect voice for Yuuki" like I did with Mirei's.
>too mature for Yuuki
I'm actually glad, we already have enough squeaky shitters who ruins every song they're in.
I can agree with that, she sings very well at least.
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Group A or B?
B all the way.
Burn them all.
Was this before this artist turned Kanade into an autistic shit like the rest of the LiPPS?
B, it has Shiki and Kaede.
>top has one shit idol
>bottom has four shit idols
Easy choice.
A during the day
B at night
Rude, Fumika isn't shit.
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Wild Card
Both are garbage
>Anna, Shiho and Yuriko on the top 5
All is right in the world. They just need to knock off Minaco.
Syoko please cut my brakes.
Yeah, it's more fitting for a 16-ish girl than a 13 years old. But her singing voice is pleasant, and they probably have the intention to make Yuuki sound more mature because she's really tall for her age
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God save the Queen.
I will knock up Minako.
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See, this is why we should use Shuuko pls i was just joking
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Udon Time.png
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Now that ML is getting bandwagoners up the ass, are these going to be /@/'s new meme idols?
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Idols are not food, but sometimes they can be.
I'm gonna bathe with LiPPS.
I'll keep Syuko company in the bath while her friends are having fun with each other.
How likely is for LiPPS to get another single?
Beware of STDs

I'm sure it'll happen this year, theyll probably give them another event.
But would the song be as good as Tulip?
If Syuko is the ranking card I'm going to go all out. I've been hoarding all my stamina drinks for this.
The song is the last thing we care about, we just want more of them.
At least she keep her freckles
Don't speak for me, the only thing I like about LiPPS is Tulip.
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Speak for yourself fag. I want the new song to be good and have an MV on par with the recent unit ones
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I like that doujin because it covers a pretty broad spectrum of emotion.
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Mirai pure breed.jpg
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Huggable little angel.
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My man.
Shin is cute! CUTE!
How badly would you lose your shit if Otoha was suddenly voiced by Nana Mizuki?
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Why is this allowed?
That feels like a pretty lewd outfit.
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I love Rina!!!!!
I love abusing Rina!
You shouldn't do that but who am I to stop you?
How unfortunate
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sexy police.jpg
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i love her collague
Bottom for fun
Bottom for sex
Top for a lovely afternoon conversation over an espresso (except Anya, she's not nothing going on up there)
Not as badly as Yoriko being voiced by Yukana.
>bottom for sex
>passing up on the Walking Sex
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Which country is Clarice from?
So what's Turn-A nswer event going to be, Token or Live Parade?
Considering we're having a RNG right now? Token.
Minami feels like the sort that comes off very sensual but has no particular skill in bed, unlike most of the bottom.
Minami is boring as shit and has nothing particularly interesting about her over other idols.
Borders are human affairs, she follows a higher calling.
That would actually be the other way around.
Well shit
Well she DOES come off as sensual outside the bedroom so that can't be strictly true.
>mika not in there to get caught in the crossfire

Good, good.
Minami and that pool are such a perfect match.
Second group has my waifu and 2nd/3rd fav CGs in it, so them.
>What do you call opera singers again? Soprano?
That's what you call the performers of the highest vocal range which is naturally the female unnaturally castratti. Just call them "opera singers". There is no special term for them.
Soprano is just one range alongside alto, tenor, etc. In classical it would be "vocalist" generally.
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1MB, 640x2400px
Do you like stoplights?
>go into Bandori thread on /a/
>it's all alive and numbers look great
WTF you guys told me it's dying.
The kingdom of god
I don't like MLs.
Mika gets a dedicated session later on.
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If only she really had titties like these. Then she'd still be a literal who, just like the actual titty monster CGs
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Why not?
Love 'em
They ruined /@/
>Mirai touching Haruka's bare back
>Shizuka and Chihaya holding hands
Woah lewd.
Basa's pathetic ass.
Pathetic that MLers market Tsubasa as a sex symbol with almost literally a negative ass.
>still having to piggyback off of 765s
>Basa's ass
Whoa... so this is the power of ML.
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In what way?
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Imma spank it.
>Irish ass

>the city of ML
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headpatting kurumi and telling her she's cute
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The amount of effort and creativity put into these cards blows CG art out of the water. It's crazy.
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I didn't care about the ML main trio until reading Gessan, but I like them now and I really like Kimi to no Asu o Negau Kara.

I'm still waiting for them to get an official unit name.
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I want to touch her chest and tell her that is ok and normal
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Telling her that they'll shrink if you massage them a lot?
I honestly dislike the concept of giving the 3 stoplight girls more exposure than the other ones, even though Chihaya is my second favourite idol. As consequence I kinda like most of them less than I normally would I think. I would still dislike Miki and Basa either way though
Why do you dislike Miki and Basa?
Who is the better Miki 2? Basa or Yui?
Why are there two butt cleavages?
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well their main-traits are being selfish, lazy and talented, where the latter also always leads to writing that implies the other idols to be inferior and triggers my autism
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Yui by far.
She's better than Miki as well.
Yui, without a doubt. She's actually attractive and isn't a total failure.
What else to people dislike about Miki aside from that she's catty, rivalrous and lazy?
Basa, she is an actual character and can actually sing.
Awakened Miki.
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Still best girl.png
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TakeP came back from his world trip trying to recluit new Cinderellas

>shit voice
>less attractive
>less shit voice
They're both god awful, but I think I'm gonna have to go with Basa here.
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Yui is delightful. Basa's just kind of there.
I'd fuck both of them.
That's not what he's talking about
Mio because she's Awakened Miki
Why even bother with Yui when I can just have Miki?
At least Tsubasa is slightly different.
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How hard?
But that's like a continuation. Basa butt is drawn in separate lines.
One has onigiri breath, the other has candy breath
>where the latter also always leads to writing that implies the other idols to be inferior and triggers my autism

Holy fuck that insecurity.
I'll take 10 Mikis.
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Sup Penny.
>less shit voice
Whenever I wonder why I still come here it's posts like these that remind me there's no better source of comedy.
How do I enrage elitist im@s fans?
>implying Yui's voice is better than Basa's
Have you heard her sing?
Post superior underground 90s idols.

If you want.
Make them realize iM@s is still not as big as LL.
I don't understand what you mean. They're supposed to be separate, the dimples aren't an extension of the asscrack.
Define 'elitist' here.
Have you listened to Radio Happy?
Which idols are the best lewdbullybait?
Radio Happy is a good song, and Yui's voice is the worst thing about it.
Yes, and it's a terrible song. Was this supposed to help your point?
Great argument you got there pal.
Great argument.
Good going dumbo, now look what he did.
Taku Inoue did an amazing job as always, but that has nothing do with Yui.
That's not appropriate attire for a 13 year old girl.
Not even an ML fag but please tell me you're not serious. There are far better CG cards.
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You read it in the mango, it's Ichigo Yogurt Pomu Pomu.
That's a good thing.
What is the best looking idol sumaho game? Is ML really going to take that crown? The one by S-E that got posted a while back was competent but the models aren't the same quality and it had wonky art direction. Amazing breast bounce, though.
Kanade is even worse a singer than Yui, outside of WAN TOO she ruins everything.
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Say hi to the ML walking sex.
That's a child.
I am.

>LOL! I didn't even know Idolmaster was a game first!
But she fucks like she's 23.
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Don't forget to put in your 4th anniversary ticket applications today if you haven't already since it's approaching the deadline.
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That's a poser. A poser I would gladly break in.
Tell them that the CG anime was a masterpiece and that you sympathized with Mio.
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Nighttime Rio.jpg
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Good, good.
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It would be doing it with someone 13 years old mentally and you would feel bad.
I can't get enough of Emily's fluffy hair.
Rio is not for sexual
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YOU would feel bad.

I wouldn't.
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"Walking sex" in the sense that she makes men walk away instantly when they realize how thirsty and desperate for sex she is.

Here's the real walking sex of ML.
He said elitist, not bottom-barrel-scrapers.
Call their favorite idol shit
If they're an OGfag, tell them that they're dead and that they should move on to CG instead of holding on to the past
If they're a CGfag, tell them that the CG anime was a fantastic anime, and go on about how the characters were adapted perfectly and Mio's arc was a fantastic drama arc
If they're a MLfag, you can probably do literally anything and they'll get mad
If they're a SideMfag, give up because they're impossible to upset
That's a child.
They are bottom-barrel-scrappers but they still act etilistic
Then explain her perfect body.

It is built for sexual.
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I'll make her feel good. Make her feel things she's never felt before.
one sidemfag complained about being called a homo
And my wife.
>give up because they're impossible to upset
It helps that there is only one of them.
I will be the 2nd one as soon as the anime airs.

>Some of them are in bold

What is this magic
Looks similar to any number of generic CG cakes and wannabe cakes. I'll keep Kaede and Rumi thanks.
What did he mean by this?
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I'll give you Kaede if only for her voice but

Look at this guy.
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Another one wouldn't stop crying about how a female P would be an absolute travesty and how side M totally isn't otome despite appearing in otome magazines. They're actually pretty whiny. Like women.
>Watching the Aikurushii MV on Nico
>Kanade part happens and nips love it
>come to /@/ and there's an autist complaining about it

Every time
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You homos fighting about opinions again?
She's shit. All the ML h@gs are better than her.
Mayu is my friend.
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RIP Chuck
>Japs have shit taste
>/@/ complains about literally everything
Are you surprised?
Eat a dick Sachicuck. Don't forget who ruined the Lunatic Show CGSS event.
>RIP Chuck

Man that's a late response
Wild Card tachibana
I think the bold text is the actual topic line that hardly anyone uses.
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Keep it that way.

Unless you want a stabbing.
Tell them that CG didn't save the franchise.
Twelve Mayus!?
Subject lines are mandatory on /vg/.
All the threads there have subjects.
Oh. Well then I have no idea.
I think it's maybe fags that put the topic in the name instead of topic
That would be fun.
Fuurin sucks at singing despite Rin being praised for her singing in canon, so they can just do whatever the hell they want
Mirei and Nao can't save a group that's that terrible otherwise.
But it didn't save the franc-

oh. I see.
Thank you for protecting my wife anon, you are a good person.
>Dork group

Terrible taste
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>Kotoha talks
Yes, it seems whoever put the other three in there has terminal shit taste.
Kotoha sucks.
It's part of her throat therapy, so it's okay.
You're terrible, nerd.
You again? I thought I already took care of you, poser husband-kun.
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So, if you are here S.T.A.L.K.E.R

What's the next translation on your master plan?
Mayu loves the producer
Everyone who plays the game is a producer
∴ Mayu is the biggest slut in the series
Nice usage of therefore.
wtf I love Mayu now
Mayu isn't cute at all.
Mini lowest resolution triforce.
Don't lump Nao with those other shit idols. She deserves slightly better than that
a loli doujin?
That music doesn't quite fit.
That's not how it works, anon.
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I will always love her, there is nothing you can do about it.
She's a dork so she fits

Much better than a ghost and a shit singer
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Happy birthday Has-who-mi. I kid, I kid.
That costume looks so fukin nice

10/10 Suzuho approved

That's a big goal
Shouldn't U149 be out in like a week or so
calm down riina
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Unrequited love is extremely painful. You should move on, for your own health.
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Shiki is lewd and I love her.
Just imagine if Shiki wasn't lewd at all.
Imagine what that would be like.

The shy science girl who stay in the laboratory all day?
She'd still be cute.
Is that her name? I'm so used to just using her for experience.
So, me?
Bed head Mayu.
Shiki I have your SSR.

But I wanted Fumika instead.
Damn, I read that as Behead Mayu.
Fuurin isn't terrible, horrible. She's slightly better than the average for CG VAs, but doesn't hold a candle to the better ones. Then again, the gap between the CG VAs who are good singers even in character and the average is so big that she might as well be average.
Are you under my desk?
/@/ wouldn't be able to agree on a list of good CG singers anyway.
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She loves me and we've been happily married for years. If you truly loved her you would respect her feelings.

Kaede is on it that's for sure
Fred and Nina are good. Listening to them sing makes you feel like death is coming soon.
right off the bat
It's obviously Rin, Fred and Nina.
That's it the list is over
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I don't think you're understanding this; I am her Producer and only husband, its been this way for years.

Please for your own mental health face reality.
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Happy Fre chan.jpg
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I unironically likes Fred Voice, it's just that the song don't help her at all
Fred is cute and her voice is cute and her song is cute, stop bullying her.
Her VA is a real singer and she is good.
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We can all agree that there isn't a single Passion in that list though
great joke
Behead those who insult Mayu.
Kaede and Karen.
Fred's song is good and she sings well in Ashita Mata Aeru yo ne.
Me, Ray.
She's also the best singer of iM@S but you know, plebeians.
Her Tulip solo is pretty good
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I like Nina's song. Fight me.
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Now you are just trying to bait us
The others mask her shittiness, but Fred is shit everywhere
Mika and Syoko
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You go girl

Hinako you're next.
You can keep deluding yourself, but in the end Mayu belongs to me and only me.
Mio does a really nice Susume Otome.
>good singer
you meant to type Miria, right?
Romantic Now is a good song but I feel bad for liking it because having sex with Miria would be illegal.
Case in point.
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mikibot nanomachine.png
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- Archive of >>171317516: http://archive.is/gILKp
- Fireden is acting weird. Archived.moe is working fine.
- Everyone loves Kotoha (ML TYS Event): >>171384403 >>171384938 >>171386152 >>171386142
- Yuriko birthday guests 2017 TL: >>171385047 >>171390718
- Gigantic SideM ad: >>171385640
- ML 4th ANNIVERSARY lottery deadline soon: >>171418126

Pastebin of next thread OP (copy from RAW paste data): http://pastebin.com/gVRMUqFX
It's Hasumi's birthday today. The only image I have saved is her wearing a wet t-shirt, and as much as I'd love to use that as the next OP, it probably wouldn't end well for me.
Oh, and in regards to Fireden, it seems to be losing posts. I don't mean failing to archive them, I mean it archived them and then they disappeared. Must've been a database rollback or something. We still have archived.moe and archive.is though.
Yumi has a lovely voice.
Uzuki is a miracle of the universe but her singing voice definitely isn't one of her greatest charms.
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Excellent taste. I could play with it for hours.
In my fucklist.
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>It's Hasumi's birthday today. The only image I have saved is her wearing a wet t-shirt, and as much as I'd love to use that as the next OP, it probably wouldn't end well for me.
I'd be surprised if she was in the OP for her birthday at all. People seemed to deliberately avoid that.
If not all OP text is displayed (three dots at the end) there's no bold topic.
Would she still have her sexy body?
Yumi has a lovely everything.

Damn, That feel good
Man great ED from a great anime.
Of course.
I have no idea who is this
Kissin' that foot.

You bet, through using clothes that cover her more, to leave more to the imagination anon.
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>MP3 player
>In 2017
Guess we know who the real retro idol is.
Kaede, Karen, Mayu, Uzuki, KWSM, Ranko and Ryo's VAs are more technically capable.
Minami, Anya, Fumika, Miria, Syoko, Yumi, Yuka, Kyoko and Miho are alright.
The rest range from fucking terrible to acceptable.
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Fred is aight,



No, she cannot.

Do people not like Natsuki or simply forget she exists?
> Still no Diesel idol
Come on Bamco
Shit I kinda overslept.
If I start now, can I still get Yoshino from the event?
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What's going through her mind?
You can do it Anon.
It's a not-iPod, Apple still sells those. I still use mine from 2009 even though I have an Android phone because I don't know of any good Android sync apps that have a random playlist generator.
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Do it.
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I love this meme
I don't know, but I know what's going through mine.
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I'm in love with the Kyoko

I hope you all have a wonderful night

Now that's a name you don't often see coming up in these discussions, which is a shame because I think she sang her CM flawlessly and didn't do bad in 003 (although it's hard to judge idols in group songs unless they are like, say, Rin).
Yumi I married you
What the fuck is the point of those baby-weights?
You wouldn't listen to music on your phone while doing dance routines, now, would you?
The reflection of her ass and feet.
Romantic thoughts?
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Is My
Kana you're gonna get fucking devoured.
She's not your wife?
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Good, good.
New thread:

Happy birthday, Hasumi!

She does have a good voice. Her VA also sang the OP for Magic of Stella.
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Rin is my kuudere girlfriend.
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Shiho is my daughter-wife.
She is a girl.
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Lets be friends.
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Asuka is my beloved loving wife.

Have a wonderful evening, and a good night.
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You already know
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Syuko is my foxy wife.
Yukiho and Full Armor Yukiho
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That's somebody else. And probably not the first one I've seen. I don't do the waifu thing, but I adore her just the same.
Oh haven't noticed that, full sized cards are wonderful.
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Chie is my little sister girlfriend.
So is Manami, and she doesn't fuck with pussy-ass shit like that.
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Momoko Suou is my wife.
Does Shiho ever have any Aqua-level freakouts? Her VA does her best at times like that.
You mean MANami?
Makoto has really girly feet for a guy.
>Still no SSR
pls no they are /@/s saving grace.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting, bud
Play a song for us, Mr. Piano Man.
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I agree Ten-chan's voice work for Aqua is some of the most entertaining I've listened to in a while. Shiho doesn't really freak out at that level, but occasional confusion and surprised sounds here and there are about as much as you get.
Orangutan noises from Shiho.
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subalooning away.png
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New thread:

I bet Hasumi smells like a girl.
Girls smell good.

Most of the time.
Not him, but they're far better posters than most of the metafags and false-flaggers, and haters on this board. Probably better than you too.
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Bless us, Golden Mocho.
Highlander of Husbands?
And then there's Anzu and IV from Drakengard 3.
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Inverse color mirrored Chie
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You da man
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I'm here to fuck you up
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Anna's here too!
Everyone else has gone to the new thread: >>171424861
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Thank you Momoka.
The only good idol under 13.
Thread posts: 831
Thread images: 251

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