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/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1242

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 786
Thread images: 132

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I want to .... mom edition

■ Current Update (3/8):「熱狂せし武闘の宴」
└ http://bumped.org/psublog/phantasy-star-online-2s-first-pvp-content-the-battle-arena/

■ Next Update (Late March):「熱狂せし武闘の宴」Part2

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
├ http://pso2.jp/players/news/?charid=i_boostevent
├ Google: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=pso2emgquest%40gmail.com
├ Random EQ Hourly Advance Notice (JP): https://twitter.com/pso2_emg_hour
└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Scratches: http://pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/
├ Sparkle Fashionista (until 3/10)
├ Winter Symphony (until 3/22)
├ Automata Replica (until 4/??)
└ [SG] Bright Dark Heroine (until 6/14)

├ General Information/News: http://bumped.org/psublog/
├ Basic English Patch: http://psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
├ /Pso2g/ Discord: https://discord.gg/4bVJeSX
└ Buy ARKS Cash using PSO2es: http://pastebin.com/raDBtSpa

□ Database/Wiki
├ http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
├ http://pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
└ http://pso2.arks-visiphone.com (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Tree: http://arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affix: http://pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage: http://4rt.info/psod/

□ Previous Thread: >>170569842 (Cross-thread)
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Real previous thread
Also first for elves
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I want to make Mother a mother!
Anyone know when maint starts today?
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I want to make Lisa a mother!
Her name is Risa
Are there any uses for sword's stun concido and cruel throw?
I can only think of using stun concido to proc a Just attack and techarts skills, but it seems like a waste of slot when I have all the other (better) sword PAs
They're shit unfortunately. I hate when games have useless skills.
Well I wouldn't call them useless; more like every other sword PA is really good and I don't know how to use those two (which is why I'm asking).
And I think sword is one of the best weapons in that regard because it can make use of almost all it's PAs, unlike say, rifle or partizan
You sound like you're a shit HU. Only useless Partisan PA is rising flag and maybe tear grid.
Pretty much every Partizan PA is useful though

Crafted Rising Flag is amazing for movement and Tear Grid can do some neat memey things with Vol if you master the art of only getting the last hit in on it
Can you tell me how to use partisan? I do not understand that weapon at all!
I'm still learning arent I? I've only really pulled out my partizan for volg combos on Anga and Illusia so if you point me in the right direction for where to apply different PAs it'd be very much appreciated
and one less leech in your MPA ww
play fi/hu instead, it's the only melee that matters
but that's factually incorrect and most Fi/Hu players inherently suck at it. Don't tell people to play it just because the top 1% contribute positively with it.
>People still think there won't be any SP for 76-80
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>black desert locusts
>illegal bomber
Its impressive how a single SU with maroon bag can carry through a shitter of shitters mpa.
>being surprised by this in the year of our lord 2017

PSO2 players are not the brightest folk.
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why do I still expect drops
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That's a question we all have to ask ourselves.
>playing a memeclass on life support with a memeskill
if i pull that chain trigger off, will it die?
Can't impregnate the dead.
I have 30M. What should I affix on my katana?
is no one here friendly? I wonder what this game would be like to play with a good friend or something.
What takes more grind xp 20-30 or 30-35?
Most of people are friendly
But they don't look for new people since they already have friends to play with.
>Need to do solo PDs to fill out my Ray sheets at a decent rate
How fucking awful.
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You don't know that.
>not 8
what a shitter
Is Ardem going to make Earth great again
I don't think mutating people into angels and turning into a giant tree snake is what you would call "great".
Does the Gix potential reset if you switch to another weapon? I think I fucked up by making a PP battery Orbit for my Gix.
>joining forces with a fag and killing a cute and sweet girl

he's going to make earth gay again

that's a rough question because /pso2g/ is filled with attention whoring avatarfags and erpers, so even those of us who aren't completely fucked in the head end up sounding disgruntled. but I'm sure a couple of us would be perfectly friendly if we happened to run into eachother ingame
you fucked up
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This whole turning people into angels thing really reminds me of Helck.
Also I would be greatly disappointed if Ardem boss fight doesnt have a snake motiff to it.
Should I use a rod or a talis for wind attacks?
should i bother with a fornis sword? it doesn't have that much multi-hit attacks like twindaggers so it seems moot for regen.
probably not worth it to use as an actual weapon. and you might be a bit late for it anyway, I'm not sure you'd be able to pull 6 copies of it in a week even if you spent sg
I managed to get an Izane arm to drop.
Is ideal rear and legs with Izane arm a good set up?
Personally I'd use austere rear + arm + izane leg

but if you are totally strapped for cash it works
I'd be using the leg if I had it I only got the arm anon...
it's not good by any stretch of the imagination, but it is functional and should be enough to carry you until you have a better set-up
yeah yeah yeah

what class are you playing?

if you're fo/te you could into gruz rear, izane arm, orbit leg

I'd kind of steer into that since we're moving away from set bonueses and more towards invdividual bonuses. would let you mix and match in the future easier
Ayo Ayo where da noods @ niggas
>Someone reads Helck
Nice taste.
>megid hits and tracks like a fucking truck
Man fuck this Unga technique
This is on my hu/fi sword build. I can't think of any other setups that would allow me to use this arm I have without being gimp.
>Also I would be greatly disappointed if Ardem boss fight doesnt have a snake motiff to it.
Have you not seen the Deus Esca teaser already
It's also slow as fucking balls
Duck behind a wall or something
Is there any point in grinding takts to 30?
If it has a potential, why not?
Still doesnt change that its still UNGA when it hits you. Fucking gorilla gameplay
>slow as balls
>aoe explosion
>detonates after a fixed travel distance
it's gaijin ping's secret weapon.
It should never hit you, you fucking scrub.

t. gorilla gameplay scrub
For most of them it's cheap as fuck and no work at all to grind them to max.

Yukikaze(?) looks like it might be more expensive, being the only 13*, but like someone said the potential probably makes it worth it
Please stop forcing your dumb fighting game nigger term.
Make me you fucking unga bunga gorilla
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What's the level limit for Extra Hard in the upcoming EQ Magatsu?
Wait not Extra Hard, I meant Super Hard.
think it's 55
%>monocle>ep4 trash
The minimum class level requirement for Super Hard is 50, and you'll be fighting a Lv. 70 Magatsu.
>unironically liking the bitch who can't not say % every 4 words

I didn't think there was such a thing as objectively bad taste and yet there it is
For future reference, the only quests I can think of that are unusual in this regard are Mining Base 3 (Despair), 4 (Demise), and Necky's Challenge, which all have a Lv. 55 requirement for SH.

There is also Mother's 75 subclass requirement for XH now, I suppose
Just making sure, last time I did an EQ I was level 51 and invited 3 others, then had to disband because I was under the level limit. Shit was embarrassing.
The upcoming Necky EQ will require both main class and subclass to be lvl 70 for XQ.
I have to ask, was that in yesterday's mining defense 3, block 7?
Then don't worry about it, these things happen

Sorry to have cut our goodbyes short but I needed to try and get into an MPA while there was still time. Hope you and your friend were able to get a full one
your opinion is 100% trash
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Guys, they're a set, you can't get one without the other. No need to argue.
I am glad they are dead.
They'll be back
in phantom zombie form
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i want to be the new face of /pso2g/ what am i supposed to do?
Haven't played in over a year. Found out about collection file weapons. First thing I should focus on?
There's no point in grinding these 15 lambda grinder rings is there? If they're just going to go into a unit
What's your gear look like now
kill yourself
If you are going to slot them in a unit anyways, nope.
You should grind the one you are equipping though, otherwise JPs will make fun of you

If you don't have any semi-decent 13*s yet try and rush out some Astra or Ray/Union CFs, you won't be able to +35 them anymore if you only just now are starting, but you can still at least cap the element which is the main thing.
On the 22nd the Necky Orbit CFs will be back, you should definitely grab those for every class you are even remotely interested in, they are incredibly important since they triple your passive PP Regen while you have your weapon sheathed, letting you recover huge chunks of PP in those short breaks during fights. The Aura CFs should be back somewhere around then too, they have a potential that increases damage, passive pp recovery, and pp you get from attacking depending on how many affixes they have on them, for most classes those are the defacto best weapons right now. Mid to late April is the next big raid boss, that's probably going to have the new standard for weapons that's going to last you a while, other than Orbit I wouldn't really stress out too much about CFs until then. Just get yourself something halfway decent together that lets you do content for now
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What are some accessories and masks that makes me look similar to pic related As a female
the battle lobby loading tunnel is just the casino tunnel without rainbow rings
They're absolutely shit. Nothing worth writing home about, let alone "rare."

Wow, thanks for the detailed response, anon. This grinding system is new to me, so pretty sure I need to grab these as soon as possible from the looks of things. Any weapon become relevant since Bouncers came out? Swore swords were the only thing worth using for Hunters back in the day.
>players that intentionally left battle arena games are getting b&
How many "legends" will survive?
None, they'll be getting a slap on the wrists, and hackers will get b&. This your first time for this sort of thing son?
Only those who continue to do so starting from when they posted that. They should have predicted this would happen and make dcing count as lose from the start.
is there any concrete info on the numbers for those new aura weapon potentials?
Did they fug?
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You too.
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gief maid outfit
>second profound invasion with only a couple of hours in-between

elder and loser must be sporting the most massive boner right now
How much does 2B hair cost on ship 4?
Profound Invasion DFs are shitty-ass mass produced Double clones, that's why they have less HP and the lobby doesn't even change music when they show up
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There was a Magatsu inbetween too
they also don't drop either of their souls
oh I didn't know that. always wondered what was the justification for elder and loser just happening to join together to facetank an assault on the fleet. thanks for the juicy lore

yeah but these two PIs were really close together, you can go days without seeing a single one
They also brought back the Revolutio files, and you'll have an entire year for those. They're far from the highest end gear but it sounds like they'd be an upgrade from what you have regardless

If you're diligent with the schedule you might have the time to get a few Astra weapons from the Mother collection (copies can be used tto increase the grind cap, are you familiar with the NT weapon system?) although, keep in mind that XH of that EQ also requires both main and sub to be level 75

I'd ignore the rest of the collections:

Fornis weapons are great but White Day goes away in a week and require the departing EQ itself to complete (you could stock up on EQ triggers, but you're pretty far behind)

The Ray series weapons are decent, but no reason to bother when Astras are there and you probably can't easily get the boosters required to upgrade them to Union in your current state, and these are going away in April too
>you could stock up on EQ triggers, but you're pretty far behind
not arguing but we will practically be swarmed with free white day and valentine triggers so if that persons wants to spend sg for cf reset they could squeeze out some fornis if they really want
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Aye aye sir
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I know there are some campaigns that are handing them out but will there be that many
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>tfw just need izane arm before i can go 120/14 and use itsuki 5% damage reduction ring for maximum no shits given fi play
12* unit trading when sega

If players do some basic team point quests they will be given 2 of each trigger so assuming one full mpa those are 24 runs to be had at the very least
I'd like to offer a different point of view on what >>171030829 said regarding ray weapons. in the time you were away they introduced a system called special ability factors. essentially this means when you get an NT weapon to its maximum level of +35, whenever it is present while affixing it gives a special additional affix at 100%, regardless of whether it is the recipient of the affixing or fodder

long story short, in the ray series/union series case, this SAF affix is astral soul. THE astral soul. and whenever you affix your +35 ray, it'll have that special option to add astral soul as an affix, at 100%. these are the only weapons which give it and they'll be gone soon, so there's no telling when you'll have this chance again

my advice is to try and get at least one ray series weapon to +35 in the time you have left. this will give you access to what is the best soul ingame by very far, and also let you eventually upgrade your ray weapon into a union weapon once you can defeat solo profound darkness for the first time, which is a top tier weapon and even better for PP hog classes. finally, when the time comes for you to put some big dick affixes on a bigger dick weapon, you can sacrifice your union weapon as fodder to get that same 100% astral soul affix, saving you some hundred millions in the process
damn girl you're THICC
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I can't wait for tomorrow so I can finally make my new bombass units.

what're you guys doing to pass the time?
why tomorrow? are we getting an affix boost or something?
where have you been for the past few months?
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boost week
Is it even realistic to +35 a Ray weapon starting from scratch right now without being able to "farm" solo PD with triggers, so you're not at the mercy of the EQ schedule?

I'm not even sure they'll schedule enough MPA PDs in the next 3 weeks before the files expire to get 6 files done, even if you use SG to reset the sheets.

Obviously not a problem if you can just spam solo PDs, but that might be hard for someone just trying to start out getting endgame gear.
I think it would be possible to get 5 copies in 21 days, at least, and the 6th can be kept and completed after the expiry date

don't get me wrong, I do think it'll be a rough ride getting most of the PD raids for three weeks, and ideally I wouldn't give this advice to someone who's returning and undergeared, but because this is the only chance for him to get this huge boon I do really feel this is worth the effort
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Thanks for the discussion, anons. I'll try to get some of it done to the best of my ability. Doubt I'll actually get the Ray to +35 but here's hoping.
stop fucking shaming lilith

he's gone and i miss him. he's rolling over in his grave
you're very welcome. if you end up seriously considering getting the ray to +35 then:

-use your rare drop boosts +250% and all else you have that increases rare drop chance, because this gives an equivalent increase to the collection file completion rates. at +300% rare drop chance it increases at 4x the speed, for instance. you can probably get the PD-only drop in maybe 5 runs if you use enough boosts
-for blue weapons, do super hard advance quests with friends/team-mates. you can check which advance quest drops which blue weapons on cirnopedia's advance quests page
-save your star gems for reacquiring the collection files instantly. this way you can make sure no PD EQs go to waste

best of luck anon
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>do super hard advance quests with friends/team-mates
Well, fuck.
can someone give me the rundown on this? i already know about lilith being banned and all but i mean the people who keep posting screens of people who are supposedly him due to the name
Never talked nor interacted with him, kinda wish I witnessed is edge.
I'm pretty sure they're laughing they're asses off at this

The edge was ironic anyone with a brain could tell that demon shit was ironic bullshit that went on for far too long
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Are you Lilith now?
That's okay take your time.
w-we are all Lilith now...
What the hell is comming up next?

Weekly maintenance

The schedule for next week will be put up during
You must need glasses to be able to view your game with those awful AA settings.
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i like my game blurry thank you very much
I guess poor eyesight comes as a standard for someone who looks in the mirror and sees a "girl".
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i am a girl with a very VERY feminine penis okay? please do not bully me
>tfw those are still better settings than mine

I tried t6 graphics a couple of days ago and I refuse to believe that was the same game I'm playing right now
Best Rifle and T.Machinegun PAs please.
Rifle: end attract, satellite cannon, parallel slider 0

TMG: satellite aim, dead approach, infinite fire 0
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Brain is not working but any other place that has lvl 61+ el ahda other than shaq and various eq's?
SH desert and tunnels areas, off the top of my head.
Only 61+ includes regular SH free field desert and ruins
Concentrated or Brilliant Ragrants?
some time attacks have a couple of them, but if this is for the blue weapon you can't do ones where the enemies don't drop items, like the harkotan TA, because those don't count towards the collection file gauge
the one that shortens charge time
keep at it until you unlock the third recipe which swaps out the PP cost demerit for something not nearly as annoying iirc
just request a craft
Post pictures.
レベリオンマスク (Rebellion Mask)
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still being able to do this then it's fine
Yamato files back when?
I'm feeling bored, want to try a mega-affix on my sword
Surely this time they will do a kancolle collab to go with it right?
when revamped Yamato comes out and is revealed as the true final boss of ep4
thank you, since im playing a fleshy i could probably get away with using that slutty valentines basewear the one where its unzipped in the center and use some chest bumper they had in the fun scratch and combo it with those photon wing things
good luck friendo
don't get your hopes up. it's not that it couldn't happen, it's that if it does it'll be nothing but fubuki and shimakaze
Nope, Kadokawa hasn't allowed any franchises a collaboration with KanColle yet
Am I supposed to be getting an upslot penalty for trying to affix 8s using 8s fodder?
If you get your weapon to 8s it's like +16% dmg, +40% passive PP recovery, and +30% PP from attacking or something
fulldive (dot) nu/2015/01/06/pso2-affixing-101/
Since you clearly seem to not understand how it works
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pso2g, do I spend the extra 300 cubes to guarantee my affix from 96% to 100%?
Do you have 300 Excubes to spare
Of course, doesn't everyone have like 30 million stacks of cubes
it's just fucking cubes and that's not that many
unless your affix is like, under 10m or some cheap shit
survey says yes

thanks guys, this is a pretty expensive thing, i've invested probably around 50m total
Noob question about the guren cancel.

People keep saying you just dash out of it but if you press dash after the first slash you will dash backwards.
I have seen people dash froward with no issues but how are they able to do this?
you press w+step at the same exact time when the red thing shows up, it takes practice
can do this with my eyes closed now
red thing as in the red swirl that goes inwards your characters body(not ja ring), i'm not very sure how to explain what it's suppose to exactly look like.
like at around 6:20 how of this video the guy is canceling so quickly and isnt even dashing out of guren. How does he do this?

https://www twitch tv/videos/128367975
Are the Arks 1,2,3 guys just CPU bots? For some reason, they seem to be better than actual people players.
That's what >>171054023 is trying explaining but he seems to do it a bit slower.
Looks like he's guard cancelling instead of step cancelling?
that's a step cancel, yes.
My team told me that Ra/Hu > Ra/Br so I'm going to Ra/Hu. This is the build I have so far.


Where do I put the 39 SP on Hu?
No, they're actual players, their names are just hidden from you. I forget the motivation for it but other games do it too.
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It's maintenance time! Post your latest screenshot.
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>all these kayleth clones
fucking hell
elly is really cute
game is up.
what in THE FUCK is that thing on the right?
It looks to fast to be guard canceling.
Next time post something more like this>>171055465
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2B or not 2B
you're cute
servers are up
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shhhhhh don't tell them about the sekrit servers
is this game dead?
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hold me back bro
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ready to cheese pvp
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the face of pso2g
Porn binge or no porn binge?
is every character of theirs kirsch branded with silver hair now?
Do not binge, properly schedule a limited allotment of pornography daily
Come at me
what's with that big ass forehead?
What is "kirsch branded"? Is that some kind of hot new Discord meme phrase like all this stupid "unga" shit lately?
deumans always dragging newmans down

get offa me
Please talk me out of doing a new unit set affix with boost week prices. I had 35m a week ago and now i have 200m thanks to dumping my storage and am having bad ideas
>still using belt rodan
Is this episode 2?
would let her cum on me
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>Forehead just as big as it's face
>Baby face
>Cheek rash
ayyyyyyyyy lmao
>can down Mother on the second cube attack
>pso2g can't
can't make this shit up
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I'm holding you back from becoming a god damn slut like all newearls end up becoming.
no? last I saw he changed hair to silver and had a kirsch clone
>doing some pvp
>sudden 630
>servers now greyed out
I the gaijin purge finally happening?
>Kayleth clones
>Now Kirsch clones
whats the fuck is next? Skengs and Lilith clones?
English, motherfucker, do you speak it
Did they give out the Kuro mini suit for the login event already?
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its almost like there's only a few types of characters you can make in this game

oh wait
Nobody cares Kayleth
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If you're trying a mega affix (ie. 8s), you wouldn't use yamato weapon factors for that anyway, you'd affix 3x stat5 to your other factor weapons.

Step 1) Ditch first hit on the RA tree, it's worthless.
Step 2) HU tree is mostly personal preference, but maxing automate and massive hunter is mandatory. What you use the remaining points on is your decision (from your tree I personally max iron will/never give up, put 1 point in war cry and 2 points in step advance and use it as a general sub, even though people here give me shit for it).

anyone who tells you automate and flash guard is stupid is wrong.
Dead game dead thread
Is it possible to make milfs in this game? everyone i see is either too fat or they just look like thier 26 yo or something
I used a skill tree reset and tried a full flash guard sub once for FI, I ended up dying far more often as a result of having it, rather than staying alive far better.
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I guess you could if you try hard enough, but lolis are superior.
>full flash guard
what the fuck, did you skip fury crit or something?
How is it possible to die more when taking less damage, unless its pushing some strange automate break points?
lolis are absolute shit
that's perfectly readable though?
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>lolis are superior.
Go ahead and get shanked hoe.
>tfw ardem > Luther
I have to admit, I do like him in a luther kinda way.
I just like how the bastard is 100% about the shit he said to you guys in the moonbase with no sarcasm or snarkiness at all. Something you dont see much in a villain
He seemed legitimately grateful that you helped him even if he is a asshole.
red union or blue union
Blue union.... Red union is full of retards 98 percent of the time
He a blonde version of Hazama from Blazblue
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Sofa clones
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FICast/Caseals are Elite ARKS members, bow down to your superiors.
Fucking disgusting

Dewman > Other races OBJECTIVELY
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I want to get slam dunked by Maria
I use a general purpose hu sub, so yes. I also only put fury combo to 5 points so i can max iron will/never give up.

That's exactly what I wondered. I'd wager it was part that, part the fact that whitill units have probably the worst stats of any 12* set (even though I affixed them heavily for hp/pp).
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>Hazama from Blazblue
so when's he going full Terumi time?
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I-It's true!! Neek said so!
>tfw made gyaru quna

i need someone to kill me
He going straight to Susano'o
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Not my actual latest but you don't know that
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you can't have my latest, but you can have this.
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When are beasts already?
so part-animal filth like this can get off my race >>171059657
Hopefully never, furries are the fucking worst.
very cute
Lilith used to be a milf...
Nah, lilith was a fatass
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I am but a humble shitter, deep in the land of people that don't understand how emblems work
lol no, lilith was just FAT like my friend >>171061391 just stated here.

can someone fucking explain the difference?
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Did SE0 save BrHu, what do you think?
How was he not hit at 0:28? Does counter invul really last that long?
I think this with KC up ring BTFO hatou rindou
>BrHu saved?
I guess, now I can do good DPS with katana on magatsulolded/notrelevantcontent
SE0 has invul? the fuck
Actually now that I've watched the whole thing that happens a lot, I didn't know SE0 had invul.
after you show me
How do you make a milf without looking FAT like lilith did?
there is a very thin line between mature-looking characters and FAT, it usually takes around 80~100 passes to get it, most quit the game(or get banned) before reaching that point
>tfw lilith actually gave me his FAT file since he got banned and said i'd do a better job with with it than he ever would
someone post braver hunter tree
no, make your own.
I want to fondle Aru
r8 my tree

pretty good vs raid bosses
>weak stance charge over weakstance up
Nigga what
Why a single point in attack advance? I don't know the math when it comes to katana braver so bear with me but if one point of attack advance is worth it over a point in weak stance skills, wouldn't it be worth maxing? I don't know the logic behind this.
I used to play this game like crazy back in 2014-2015. Just recently read that SEA has lifted their IP block - is that true?
I'm wildly curious about the SEA server. I did some research on the differences between JP and SEA, but most of the posts I found were 1-2 years old anyways. Are they still very behind in terms of content? Would easy of accessibility/full translation make SEA worth playing on, even if its (presumably still) more pay-to-win?
I'm assuming most of you guys play on JP, but if anyone has dappled in the SEA server any input would be much appreciated.
blue union is specifically where the matchmaker puts retards actually
SEA is dead and hasn't been updated for a year.

Unless you live in SEA, there is no ip block for the jp version anyway.
They're further behind in content than they used to be and it's only gotten more pay2win. There is absolutely no reason to be playing on SEA.
They haven't even begun Episode 3, and that started on JP in late 2014. It's not even just being behind content, they're also three years behind on quality of life tweaks and fixes too

On top of all that awful play to win shit, basically, it's garbage don't bother
Not from my present experience. Everytime i get put on red union theres always those 4 retards that always charge in head first and make us lose when the game is almost over even me and one other person doing most of the work and telling the aforementioned 4 to back turtle and back off until time runs out. Where in Blue union i pretty much win every game im in when im put there
damn, that really sucks, Well, good thing JP has got good translations then!
or you can just use the ring with hatou

also se0 doesn't work well with magatsu. unlike uncrafted se, it lifts you up on use which makes magatsu move forward without you, and forces you to readjust at all times or hit his back/clip into him/fall down

this is decent at best and didn't need se0 to execute. deadlion is a braver's wet dream as far as soloing is concerned, even gruzoras would be more of a challenge
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Oh shit my bad.
This isnt the tree im using and i just came up with it on the fly so yeah that 1 point in attack advance is prolly better put in weak stance up.
In fact if you like the Banish Arrow into Kamikaze combo i suggest not bothering with weak stance at all and instead put those sp into bow tree.
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>good thing JP has got good translations then
Well... good enough.
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>good thing JP has got good translations then
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was meant for >>171066326
I shouldnt be posting when i just woke up.
Can someone link me the jp affix simulator?
>it lifts you up on use which makes magatsu move forward without you
and immediatly ground myself with gekka, yes? ok.
not like anyone brings brhu for magatsu anyway
>good translations

meanwhile I don't even know how it is physically possible to mess up so bad you call the ogres "ogars"
this one?
I actually read the OP, and I thought there was another one
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>ogar was a weird interpretation of ogre this whole time
I was already accounting for gekka. unless you're planning to only combo in-between magatsu's steps then it's better to just not combo whenever he's not stunned. you'll see for yourself when you try it
Are you supposed to spam PA customizations or actually spend the money on merit ups? I've been trying for a week and haven't been able to get better than a disc that's 85% of the maximum power value and is +2 (out of possible 10) PP.
ugh, double sucks then. When I was playing they were alright... I'll take what I can get
from my limited experience, merit ups don't actually seem to help bring the custom types to their max/min values, and instead just prevent them from reaching the worst values. I've had four +0PP customizations of se0, and all of them were from great successes

so assuming great successes are the requirement, my advice is to just get an arts maker 4 furniture and keep at it
Those items only make it a bit more likely to get good crafts by making the range ever so slightly lower, you just have to spam the customizations over and over until you luck out and get a good one. It can eat up dumb amounts of money or you can get it on your first try, just gotta get lucky
Thank you. I had forgotten the crafting furniture existed so I'll pick that up.
Any way to do a Sakura Endo 0 + Gekka spam without using the 3 type button system? I can do dash cancels with the ja dash skill but it doesn't seems as effective.
Why not just move to 3 type? It's a better input system regardless of whether you play keyboard or controller. It's worth the growing pains learning it.
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It has come to Sega’s attention that some users have been abandoning Battle Arena matches in order to prevent the loss of Arena Points. The following countermeasure will be instituted after some point in time in March.

Abandoning a ranked match, regardless of its outcome, will decrease your Arena Points as if you lost the match.
With 2-button you'd have to do SE-0 -> Gekka -> 3rd Normal -> repeat or something. It's more sustainable but lower dps. You can't quick-cycle 2 PAs with the combo system, which is why it sucks.

Just switch to 3 button.
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Any updates today or are 0.35% Nier costume rates meant to sustain us until next week?
Set each combo palette as a single PA and then swap palettes for every PA. It's fucking annoying, but it's what you used to have to do on classes like GU before 3 Button was a thing.
You really should switch, it won't take anywhere even remotely as long to adjust as you might think.

The Elegant Scratch should be up today.
>The Elegant Scratch should be up today.
You mean the MAG Device and Grind Boosters Scratch. Fucking 80% chance to get either of those
Still a lot better money than the normal scratches, most of the shit in there sells for tons. Compare the average meseta per item compared to something like the Nier Scratch, you probably get like 3 times as much meseta per AC on average.
Server's up!
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you little cute fat cat
Anyone with less than 165 atk per gear piece in 3 hours is getting blacklisted and reported.
816 soon
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server's up for real
Maint got extended for 3 hours.
Go to sleep, folks.
Can we talk about cum for a second
we need one for lilith and skengs
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Time to make money.
boots week starts in like 7 hours right, not now?
right now. I've already made my new 100/100/11 units.
I should probably feel dirty about this though.
>elegant powers cost more now than they did before servers went down
Love to pay more than double for the privilege of playing gimped melee classes
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we bout to throw down bois

that was the first try. if any of you think monica < dudu, FUCK you
Nice, what are you gonna put on it?
Over the sum of years I stand by Monica, I'll switch blocks for anything big just to get her.
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Monica is best
in the far off future, planning on astral soul/modulator/phrase weak/power V/doom break/flict arma/sentence power/elegant power, unless better alternatives come up. only have 8 slot +35 weapons for modulator and flict arma yet though
If you wait too long something better with just come along and you will get to 8s another weapon all over again, get to it!
Monica best girl
but my screenshot, friend... those 10m are my entire savings, I can't do much more right now, trust me, it isn't the "far off" future by choice

glad to see there are still people of good taste left in /pso2g/
It's a vicious cycle. I still use 5s Saiki despite having hundreds of millions to spend because every time I'm in a position to upgrade I dream higher and then I'm too worried that a new unit will come out. As of right now I need to wait until the next 10% affix boost week.
You have a lot less to worry about with units, even when upgrades happen and Austere doesn't give the best stats anymore, those are always very minuscule. Weapons have a very small shelf life in comparison, everything we have now with the exception of utility ones like Orbit and maybe Aura will be completely invalidated at the end of next month, and then Deus most likely won't last more than a couple months either
Is it a waste of time to do mom without cf?
if you don't want a free chance at 14* weapons then yes

right as you're executing the second slash. it's a small time frame, just slightly bigger than guren's, but unlike guren's this one is actually usable since it comes out right as you release the button

I think br players were already aware of this but it's still nice to have a video with so many examples, since this way we can clearly see that invincibility period in action
I did eventually get over that fear, it just happened too late. Now I need to wait until the next boost week because I need time to get fodder unless I want to spend 3x more on boost week prices. Either that or do a cheaper/easier affix.
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Lottie is cute.
Is first hit worth it? Does standing snipe work with a bow? Does power Buller work after swapping to bow?
-If you play bow, yes, otherwise it's whatever
No, yes, no idea.
bullets are unloaded if you switch to off-class weapons so probably not
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The bonus R-atk is based on a timer, not having a special bullet loaded. Timer starts after you load one, it doesn't care if you switch weapons.
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>Is first hit worth it?
It helps one shotting trash mobs, can take it if you have nothing else left to spend points on, I'll put my 5 points from lv80 cap into it.

>Does standing snipe work with a bow?
Yes, it's pretty important for your Banish combo, you want to make sure you have it for your Penetrate spam.

>Does power Buller work after swapping to bow?
Yes, the 30s RAtk bonus from it persists since it's just tied to loading the special bullets and not having any in there. You don't get the PP Cost Reduction from PP Save Bullet though obviously.
you are the 2%
hoho why not kill ourselves
>The relative value of atk from units has been decreasing steadily over time as weapons get progressively stronger and stronger
>People are still trying to jam as much atk as they can on units instead of getting utility stats like survivability and PP
Really makes you think
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delete this
Shit like that is why I made units that give me stats like this >>171077986 rather than units that are pure attack with coincidental pp on the sidee.
And survivability stats are getting progressively less and less useful as you get more comfortable with the game and certain fights.
Every class has easy access to moves with tons of iframes on them nowadays as well.

Honestly both options are valid, personally I just go big on PP with coincidental ATK on the side but I play mostly Bow and RA.
Is she about to peg her fuck boy of a boyfriend?
>implying hp/def and pp isn't also becoming more plentiful now that 12* units and new stat metas are out

everything's becoming cheaper, it just depends on what you want. but damage has always been the name of this game
With survivability we've kind of hit a breakpoint. It's not so much getting health/defense in order to be able to make more mistakes, it's so you can intentionally make mistakes. You know shit is fucked up when Fighter players are running around with full astral soul affixes, fornis TDs and izane units just face tanking things in Limit Break.
If you're familiar with the game you can block/dodge boss attacks, yes. With the amount of defense available now you can just keep dpsing instead of bothering to avoid attacks though.
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Pity such a cutie has the misfortune of being in such a shit anime.
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Is anyone else getting randomly 630'd?
oh yeah I can agree with that, it's just that a fighter who affixes with dps in mind and actually plays the game will do a much more impressive job than one who goes tank mode and brain-afks on the boss's face

as long as there isn't something like unavoidable damage I don't think there's any reason to switch from focusing on dps affixes, at least if you're esports-minded
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1/3 done
My heart can't take it.
all the anime is of use for people apparently

liking shit tier waifus
why on earth gix arm? are you going for raw attack or something
Yes. Always.
so you'll be using a red shine rear and a union leg?
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Red Shine has 80 Atk. If you value the other stats Union gives over it then doing Gix Arm is pretty backwards
It depends on how brainless you go. The thing that really enables degenerate melee play is astral soul which heavily limits the rest of your affixes since it's such a pain to use anyway. You can go for 160-170atk units if you want but the Fighter who got astral soul and has 90-120 less atk than you doesn't have to worry about dying and doesn't need to dodge stuff that you do. 35hp/35def on a single affix is incredibly strong and more than makes up for the minor atk loss by letting you face tank everything.
I want the pp too, and pvp is gay.
Mostly the pp.
Then you're doing it wrong by not using whitill/whitill/whitill for 60pp.
>grinding titles
Even gayer.
>not casually having over 1k titles at this point in time
this guy
but in that case it's not so much about the attack as it is using astral soul. you can also go for astral soul 170atk units and you'll have the "best" of both worlds

in the end, braindead is braindead. a dumb fighter with full dps affixes will do a worse job than a dumb fighter with astral soul and less atk, but a good fighter with dps affixes will do a better job than a good fighter with astral soul and less attack
>selling all my unit fodder cause all I need is saiki
You Astra + Union idiots are all trash with deep wallets.
This doesn't even work as a bait, it's impossible to break 1k by just playing casually.
>170k atk units with astral soul on them
While you can technically do this, it's so incredibly impractical to do this. You're aware of how absurdly expensive just a 145atk astral unit set would cost, yes? 170 would dwarf it.
How expensive is 145atk astral? How would one go about affixing such a monstrosity?
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the only k-on left is mugi
It's pretty affordable if you upslot, which I assume you are since otherwise there is no reason to do 145. Of course you have to deal with the 80% chance there, but it is what it is.
I'd say probably 30-35m per unit for Astral with 145 SAtk if you bought all the fodder and prepared a month or two ago when prices weren't inflated to hell and back because of boost week. Pretty much right on the brisk of what is still affordable.
oh I know, trust me. I did a 170/13 6 slot astral soul affix on a weapon before saf was a thing and that was an ass-reaming I'll never recover from. I'm just saying that it's less the ready availability of hp and defense, and can actually be narrowed down to one very, very strong affix that's an all-in-one
Never watched it cause it seemed like trash.
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Like this. If you don't know how to make the Fodder you probably aren't ready to plan something involved like Astral out yet and should just settle with Ult Souls.
>Soul Catalyst/Modulator/Flict Arma
My wallet weeps.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to get Darkness/Power 4/Flict on the base unit, though?
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making my set and emptying my drawer feels like sweet sweet release
it really, really would, yes. it's probably just a mistake
Throw the Mod from Fodder4 on the base and just do SoulCata/Flict instead
I don't know how I would recover from this failing. I never fuck with astral unless the final product is 100%, though this seems fine during boost week. The fodder looks like a massive headache to make though.

Now imagine the ass reaming it would be on a unit which you have to do three times. You're right that astral is what's enabling the modern melee meta of "stack enough survivability to face tank everything." I promise you that sacrificing the 2.5~ damage is made up ten times over by the fact you can keep dpsing during boss attacks. Every time a TD user does weapon action parry that's one PA he couldn't do whereas an astral soul user just ignored whatever hit was coming.

Yes it would, though you'd switch mod. You don't really see astral affixes this good anyway, most people stop at 120-130 since astral gets exponentially more expensive once you introduce a final affix that requires the soul catalysts to share fodder with something else. Anything beyond 130 atk is going to be very expensive
>Modulator memes
Its just a meseta sink, stop using it.
I don't know why you people shell out so much for gear. Just spend it on outfits.
Not everybody is a leech like you, anon.
why not both?
I have no experience on fighter so I'll trust you on that one, but as far as getting those units I can completely agree. that weapon cost me around 350m so I can't imagine paying 3x that much at all. I'd have to do nothing but play for an entire year

some people like actually playing the game anon
We're the reverse. I don't understand why people waste so much meseta on outfits/LAs when you could be spending it on gear.
Maybe if affixing was simpler instead of having to spreadsheet this shit. I'd rather have to collect all the materials and throw it into a blender and get my awesome gear then do this shit.
>though this seems fine during boost week
That 82% chance of success is with 10% Boost Week active. You can't do that upslot without Boost Week at all.

You can get 100% on Astral if you don't upslot but doing a 5s Astral Unit affix without upslots is like 4-5 times as expensive so you are much better off just taking that 80% chance multiple times.
I can agree on that as far as astral soul is concerned, but this soul isn't really something that people were "supposed" to have. the only way for someone to actually have an idea as fucked-in-the-head as making a big astral soul affix is when they look at their shitty gear and think "everyone else thinks they wield the biggest penis, but I'll show them... in the end I will be the one with the biggest penis". and thus begins anon's quest for the most massive epeen in the known universe

the truth is everything else in affixing is pretty straightforward anon, you should play around with the simulator, run some costs and give it a try
I've been playing this game for nearly a year and a half and I still can't stand affixing. It is taking away from my time of killing shit and it's so goddamn boring. I'm glad some nice souls have premade recipes for me to follow.
Ah, that would explain it. I was mostly talking about Fighter since they by far get the most mileage out of it. Limit Break is incredible already, now imagine not having to dodge during it. Astral is nice on the other melee but far from mandatory. I would want maybe one astral unit for DB Bouncer but that's about it. Otherwise just going with atk affixes like you mentioned is probably the wiser choice.
What's actually needed to make the Soul Catalysts?
Dork falzes soul.
Persona Soul/Elder/Apprentice/Loser/Double, 10% affix rate. The only bright side is that it barely loses any % when upslotting.
Cool, thanks.
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Kindly fuck off rng bullshit.
at least this way nobody wants you dead
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The 14* aren't even that good outside EPD anyway
That's *13 anon.
I'm offering consolation because I assume he's complaining about not getting a 14* if he's gonna blame rng for a 34 cap 13*
do 14* have random ele and grind cap or do they come maxed?
>5 katana CFiles done in one Mother run and free 6s
They always come with 60 element and grind cap.

Poor guy probably thought he had a 14*. Rainbow drop and untekked Katana, I'd lose my shit. Then you go and tekk it and it turns out to be a shitty Astra, it's heartbreaking.
they're always at max grind cap and element, but I'm not sure whether they always come untekked so you can choose your own element or if they can appear with a random element instead

but even if so, it's just 8m to change them to light
The 14* katana is bad though, it's literally just for dick waving
syk maymay

They can drop both ways.
it's nothing when compared to the 14* rod and its absurd potential, but it still looks like a really good weapon. depending on how that potential translates into actual gameplay it's probably at least in the top 3

I see, thanks for that info anon
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>still no 14*
>still no good 12* units
It's not a meme though, the 14* katana is hampered by a shitty potential compared to what else is available.

It's top 3 sure but that's not much of an accomplishment for a fucking 14* to be outclassed by weapons a rarity below it. Imagine if Ares was comparable to the element/species specific 11*s at the time.
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tfw missed maint time
>14* katana is hampered by a shitty potential
It's not a shitty potential though. It's not as overpowering as EPD, obviously, but it's very good. Katana has always been more of a mobbing weapon than anything, and the 14* accents that perfectly.
If you want to do boss EQs on Katana for whatever god forsaken reason then sure, you are better off with Aura, but when it comes to the content Katana is actually good for, random questing, GuruGuru EQs, and TAs, the 14* is easily the best pick by a pretty wide margin.
>chronic pvp leavers getting 72 hour bans starting now
Forgive me for not being impressed that a 14* is only good for mobbing while there are still better classes for that.
Fucking quitters are the worst in any game.
Someone apparently got banned for dropping from solo xq a bunch of times.
>Katana has always been more of a mobbing weapon than anything, and the 14* accents that perfectly
It's actually super bad for mobbing only content. Getting gear activated when things are constantly dying super fast is incredibly difficult, and until you get gear activated the 14* katana is worse than most 13*s.

also even with the potential active it is at best equal to a max gix katana
Source? I 630'd out of three solo PD triggers because I was stupid and did it on b016 right after maint ended
No, they didn't. They got banned while doing solo xq, but it was for BA ditching.
Should've been a permaban for the people who did it so much that they got legend tier out of it.
https://twitter.com/sofilalu031945/status/841984637488451585 and it's first comment followup which says they fucked up in solo xq then cancelled it and got banned.
>drop out of black nyack table
>get banned
Yes, but that was not the reason that they were banned. It was for BA ditching, it just so happened to happen then.
personally I'm not buying it. who the hell just cancels solo xq and wastes tickets like that, and even more importantly, who the hell does it SO many times they'd trigger the system?
I wish they permabanned the scumbags. People who do that trash should get their just desserts.
>sega waits til boost week to ban ditchers
amazing, sega actually became smart for one small thing
solo xq is only one pass now, I've cancelled it plenty of times for mother file drops from shitty lion.

it would've been way more just desserts for them to ban them for a week, because it's boost week.
They should've done what >>171091338 said. Missing a boost week because they're scum would be a good punishment.
The important question is, did they reset the ditchers' scores? If not, there's literally no reason to run it for ranking this month.
guy who was at the top of the LEGEND scores disappeared, so I would say it's fair to assume so
when you get banned your myshop is removed also, so i'm wagering that when he gets unbanned he'll return to the top (or close).
I wish nips weren't so limp wristed with punishment. That Returner shit was so fucking shameful.
This and returner are nothing alike. Ditching BA actively fucks people over. The returner situation didn't.
I know but that one pass can give you a ton of good things. to each his own but I know I'd never cancel it
Plus, Returner had an issue of the possibility of people not knowing what Returner was or did, or even if getting it in the shop was unintended. But if you abandon in BA repeatedly there's a high chance you know what you're doing is wrong.
>openly threaten to permaban people for disconnecting when your servers are notoriously garbage
They just don't know how to apply punishment
>remembered there was still a featured quest to do
>dropped everything and got on it fast because the EQ is drawing near
>it's another episode of pietro and the stamina cookie

thanks pietro
reset to 0

with a face like that it should be a permaban desu senpai
>price of elegants went up despite being revived
That's what happens when everyone who wants them waits until they're revived to buy them.
supply / demand
You have to actually get the good things for it to be worthwhile. On a solo XQ where you only get 5 runs a week, not every run has worthwhile drops.

I stand corrected.
it's (((them)))
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no failure on any of my affixes thank you yehuda
>Get 2 fails on 1 98% affix back to back
i hate how i am trying to keep every class/weapon updated sometimes
Players will do whatever is most efficient at the time like BA chain trigger on magatsu back when it was unlimited runs, which wasn't even cheating but sega didn't like it and punished players for being too effective. I understand banning players who left FIRST causing the rest of the team to be screwed, but they even banned players who left at 1/6 and had no chance of winning because they don't even get a buff or something. Their warning post was ultimately too late and useless as they still banned players who hadn't touched the mode again after it was posted. Pretty unprofessional considering it was segas incompetence and lack of foresight in making a dc count as lose from the start, resetting the ranks is good though.
Ditching in a ranked environment is not okay, and not at all comparable to chain+BA (which was indeed handled horribly)
I played ages back and have some friends starting now. Unfortunately I have potato net and they'll be done downloading before me, is there any way to check what ship my character is on before my download finishes?
Probably by searching ID?
Like on the website, or? I'm pretty sure it was ship 2, but I'm not positive.
Can only search in game. What's your player id name?
Pretty sure it was Jaicin, either that or Sygmus
Jaicin shows up on ship 2, so that's probably the ship you were on.
Who is the edgy lord next to mega tits pso2es girl?
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Thank you very much!
I think his name is Roy or Royd.
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what is mom saying lads?
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She's saying that the victory should've went to the information twins and that she's a giant dead loser.
I am thankful. I felt all of your passionate emotions. The idea of surpassing anyone is but a trifling matter. For me... this warmth is more than satisfying enough.
the pleasure of being cummed insid
What a cutie pie. I hope she gets revived and become our Xion/Xiao substitute for EP5
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Nice, can you do discount Reinhart too?
*the pleasure of 15% of the playerbase cumming inside
I used to do that playing every class as well but it burned me out real bad. I only maintain two classes now and I'm a lot happier for it. The rest still use seiga/gryphon weps with anything that was too out of date replaced with cheap astras.
>I hope she gets revived and become our Xion/Xiao substitute for EP5
this please. mother did nothing wrong
My oh my... this result certainly surpassed my expectations. It was surely worth going this far despite my age. I feel nothing but gratitude for all your feelings.
How would Esca Falz Mother's continued existence be justified then? You can't have her when the real Mother is alive and around.
Mother EM is literally her ghost conjured by the will of the phantom darker.
What units are you guys even using for your new sets? There seems like so many good combinations. Is Austere Rear/Arm and Union Leg with the new GU stance ring a good balanced set for GU?
I used full union for 2 sets, I'm debating if it's worth 100m to do an inzane set.
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Look at this bitch's face.
>also even with the potential active it is at best equal to by far the highest damage weapon in the game at maximum output
>at best a 14* is equivalent to a 13* that came out half a year ago but realistically will end up worse in many situations
That's what you get for not using Dudu
dudoes what monican't
it's because you treat her that way that she shits on you
>You can't have her when the real Mother is alive and around

have you ever heard of hagito
It doesn't matter that much now that set bonuses are gone. Personally using 2x astra and 1x union. Would prefer to use 3x Union but ult is dead and I only got one ray in the time I spent farming all my gix so why would it drop any time soon even if it was easy to run.
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how do you even setup the 3button style with kb+m without using abominations like these?
Shift + Side mouse button + left/right click
Costs you 30$, less probably.
personally I use a 5 button mouse and set the lower mouse button to shfit action, and the c button to third attack. normal attack via keyboard i never do anyway and it's not too inconveniently placed.
>but realistically will end up worse in many situations
In what situations exactly? I sure hope you aren't implying there is ever a situation where you can't activate katana gear.
Use your keyboard for actions instead of left/right/middle click, like you would in any other MMO.
I have weapon palette swaps, TPS, and a couple menu shortcuts on my thumb buttons that I want to be able to conveniently use while running around, and Q/E/F for my three actions.
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>mfw I get a +34 fornis off the eq and all the nips in my party get nothing
So what are you talking about here, the first 20 seconds of a shitty guruguru quest? Guren dashing through a normal quest for dailies? Not exactly 'many situations' where this happens and you'd care about your damage. Katana isn't even a competetive weapon without released gear, so if you think you won't be able to activate gear in a certain quest you shouldn't be using a katana in the first place.
3 day ban for leaving pvp, that's fucking it! worth it for legend
How do we fix Katana? Personally i would add a PA/ skill or crafted Fudou that let you release katanaa gear when used.
It's a bit brainded and similar to limit break but eh whatever.
Also jesus christ half of katana PAs is fucking worthless compared to other melee weapons.
>guren type 0 removes the second slash
>first slash now applies a banisharrow/volgraptor type effect
given how sega works, that's how it'll be fixed
and a score reset.
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>Spam Hatou during KC
>About to run out of time to do the combat finish, put down Guren type 0 slash on spot
>Use combat finish

Still wouldn't beat swapping to bow but it's a start. I'd also like for other PAs to get crafts, not stuff like Sakura (something that gets used a lot).
it seems that you can't set normal attack on the keyboard like weapon action. so much for setting it to a button while having pa/techs on all 3 active slots.
I have a full Izane set, and while the defense and HP is great, the lack of PP sounds like it would be hard to make up.
120/14 would probably put you at comfortable pp levels
at least what i want to try if i ever get the set
Remove katana combats 20 seconds of invuln
>you can set normal attack on the keyboard for 2button style but not for 3button
sasuga sega
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I have complete Izane set now. Hail me.
>get deraked to S2 with 89 points remining to get to S1
>most of these loses are while in red union with 4 retards not retreating the fuck back when we have a massive point lead
If it werent fort the 500 sg reward i woldnt have bother but goddamn these retards i've been running is infuriating as fuck
>tfw 2 rears/2 arms but still missing the last one
i-i am sure that esca deus unit btfo everything
Monica is a cuck queen
Where did this number even come from? One fodder sells for 700k on ship2.
>esca deus
It will probably be a gimmick set like Elder's with zero SDef.
You're doing some pretty shoddy affixes if an end fodder only runs you 700k
Everybody I know who's affixed izane has done 1xx/16+.

I'm lazy as fuck, so I'd be buying soul catalysts to yolo the above.
>0 def
>200 atk bonus on each part
fucking leeches using non-esca
I'd use it.
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Real talk but what you expect from esca deus in terms of loot?
i am sure they will give us
>look at these 14* you will never get
>13* weapons that are somehow totally better than astra/austere without real gimmicks
but think they will also showcase new shiny units?also was there not a hint telling people to keep their austere for now during last event or i got rused again?
Boosters for Astra weapons/units.
14* version of Chainsawd.
>14* version of Chainsawd
Maidoll is that you?
honestly I'm either expecting shit units because we just got red shine which is supposed to be "good", or actually good units but unimpressive weapons

though nothing's going to beat aura weapons for a long time now
>PVPfags who ditch to avoid ranking down are getting bans
I wonder if that faggot tyrone-sama is among them. it seems like something he'd do.
Is HPrestorate ring the only worthwhile ring for anyone who is not a summoner?
You might be fucking retarded.
why would you think tyrone sama would be among them? i dont even see his name in the rankings
Inb4 esca weapons come dark attribute by default
Inb4 esca units have less than 300 defense at +10
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Now I just need units worthy of this affix.
That possibility exists. I just want to play games and collect shit.
who did you use?
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>solo trigger drops invalum two weeks ago
>son of a bitch won't drop an invand
>rush the fuck into the server after the update that ended the 10*/11*/12* embargo and buy invand for 5.5m
>now the fucking bitch drops an invand
>mfw I sell it for 6.8m in two minutes flat
disgusting frog woman poster
>wasting time on 11* units when rings are and will be the thing
how do I extend saiki to get 30 extra pp?
request rear ranged defense (pp) level 8 craft?
Don't bother with Saiki, just buy Austere rear + arm and grab a good 11 star leg (orbit for example) until you get 12 stars (replace leg with 12 star leg when possible).
I just gave my main class austere + izane leg

this is for my budget force since I'm strapped for cash.
>not getting the best gear available just because better things may or may not come eventually
really makes you think. or maybe not

Ok, moneybags.
whats an easy way to get goldarias? its too expensive to buy the 24 I need from player shop
Desynth excess 12* rear units (if you have a ton of those gruzoras rears from white day)
Trade Silvarias (10:1) at recycle shop guy if you have lots of those
If I buy some ac scratch, what is more worth it, the scratch who cost 200 each or the 500?
The 200 AC version. Be sure to buy the 12 scratch bundle in the AC shop if you're going to spend 2200 AC or more, as you get a free scratch that way.
Any suggestions regarding parfaits on viola and synchro?
i know about the white rabbit spam meme but since i am swimming in leftover pancakes and other resources thought i would give them a go
was thinking of going daredevil+perfect/ares on synchro because its pa seem cheap and that queen vera pot+perfect/ares on viola to help with pp recovery shenanigans
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>enemy team hides like bitches with small lead because timer is getting low and one kill could easily decide it
>win off free emblems since they all gave up mid

yeah nah keep running away nigger
Is 130-150 PP considered acceptable? because i think i just fucked up
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There are worse characters who could have won, granted I don't think the twins should have been in the latter half.
I'll blame shit taste and newfags, though.
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welp, finally done w/ endless S2-S1 ranking here. I can finally get 500 sg and a cool title.
Depends on your class?

150 is workable for most melee, but you're totally fucked if you only have that little as a bow braver for example.
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Agreed, DELET.
because this is the updated version.
How do you feel about feminine benis
Bo with 140-145 PP i was too much of a pussy and did a 4s affix with 100 atk and 3 PP a piece
That's super low. For most classes, especially melee, PP is mostly about their burst damage and you can get away without having 220+ quite easily, but at 130-150 you won't even have enough resources to burst down Mother's Core inbetween hands
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god i hate hate the OT weapons.

9m to get the orbit to level 3 +0.
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Dunno about JBs but that's way too low to play DB properly
What kind of ghetto affix job did you do to end up with those stats? Something like Soul, Atk3, Abil3, Vinc?
I fell for the more atk meme and did App soul, Stat3, Flict and fever. Yes, i just realized im a massive retard
>ban for people hiding at entrance soon
>more atk
>by affixing fever on 4 slots

jesus fucking christ
Well, as long as you didn't put that on anything too hard or too expensive to get like Austere you can just use those units as fodder for when you have some more money to burn. App Soul boosts Mod, you already have Flict on there, Fever is basically free, and Stat3 is easy enough to combine to Stat4.
>advance quest for ray sheet blues
>two tagamis appear
>they drop literally 9m in fodders
I love you too rng
Saying this as an eternal underdog myself but next time consider 120/6 4- slot or similar shit is easy/cheap and tryharders wont breathe down on your neck
>tfw black 2b costume still is not under 10m
help a poorfag out
>someone wasted an hour of his life to draw this instead of affixing
>spending time affixing on something that will be obsolete once esca deus comes out

keep trying, affixfag
I think i fucked up the most when i chose deadleo arm and red shine units for this set
>Leavers are mad that they're being banned
Its pretty great, the salt of those that were justly punished
What is the better craft for Saiki HP or pp for a melee character?
Are the shine units worth affixing or should i just wear them for style purposes?
>not using exclusively *13 fodder

Fucking poorfags.
2pp 1hp
How about you think for yourself for a bit?
Would you rather have extra HP or more PP to play with?

This shit is subjective as fuck, do what you prefer, though honestly Saiki is only really there for the huge amount of PP it gets you so crafting it for HP is kinda silly in my opinion, there is better ways to go if you want a more defensive set.
is pso2 officially dead?
What's the item pack cap? Is it 150 or 200?
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Does anyone know what I'm supposed to do with this? I tried using it as a rare monster spawner at the quest lady but that didn't work.
That's a quest trigger. You use it to start that quest at any time you want.
She's dead, anon.
Wonder if upcoming sg scratch will include her and phul
The only times when it's slow are when it's night in japan. Otherwise there are full runs for emergency quests and plenty of active teams still.

I doubt people who have invested hundreds of thousands of hours into their characters and costumes are going to quit completely.

Sega is also continuing to update the game with a new raid boss comming soon and constantly releasing new as scratch items.

The game is also free to play. So the answer is not really.
Ray rear or Blue Shine for R-atk classes?
Use the Rina arm unit.
I already have the affixed and ready to go i just need to figure out what rear to use since i haven't made an R-atk set at all
I am really sick of idling in a lobby and coming back to a chatlog full of degeneracy. None of you are cute lolis, you're all balding, sweaty, middle aged, perverts.
Stop idling in B1 then.
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What rings are recommended for GU units? I've got the new stance one and Front S-roll already, but can't decide on another 2.
It was B7
I can't buy any grind cap +1 items on the market. whenever I try it says "unable to complete your purchase", even though the item is still there and hasn't been sold to anyone. I tried redoing the search, restarting the game, etc, nothing works. any idea what might be happening?
Third option from the bottom at the quest counter's first menu.

It consumes the item and opens an MPA for the quest. You can do this at any time. I'd recommend finding a group first before using it.
tell me about it. I was there a couple of hours ago when the mining defence was coming up and I just had to get the fuck out of there. fucking disgusting wastes of breathable air
Air reversal can help save chains. Last one could be the WB ring if you ever plan to use the units for ranger too.
For just one run, or is it active for 30 minutes like a regular EQ?
all quest triggers are only good for one run.
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>Arenas legendary abandon doods getting tempoban by sega
>not making them permanent D rank
why does sega still think a little slap on the wrist will fix things?
>not making them permanent D rank
They had their rank reset by sega, so when they come back they'll be at D5.
>N-Nice SG and title!
That's still a little slap on the wrist, in my opinion.
They really should remove the SG and title. Hell, maybe for once they were actually competent and did do that. Can't really confirm for another 2 and a half days.
making it permanent d rank is just saying "fuck you" to those customers, their intention is for people to not do it again, temp ban and the loss of points on leave in the future is good enough

impossible to do, what happens if you already spent the sg? what happens if you spent sg and got rdr boosts and already consumed those boosts with their benefits?
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>inb4 sega turns the car around and restores a backup from when before PVP launches
would have done it for the returner scandal which actually fucked shit up in the market and affected more people

im thinking they can only do server wide rollbacks because of that
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>install PSO2 with patch and beta proxy
>get English discord messages through in-game chat with degenerates roleplaying and spamming :3 and emotes
How do I turn this shit off?
when exactly did that happen and can you give me the general run down of it again? i was on hiatus when this happened. soudns pretty fucking nutso.

global chat? it should say !goff or something when you start pso

If you're not in a shithole country you don't need that.
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they accidentally put a unit that had a returner ii affix, which is very rare and expensive, into the npc shop, it was dirt cheap like npc items usually are, like maybe 300 gold each. the few guys who noticed it bought probably thousands of them. when sega noticed they only gave them temp bans and manually tried to delete those units (hinting they cannot rollback one account at a time). they deleted them all but they did not check guild storage, so if you stored them there you got to keep them. also if you made them into returner iii, they didn't touch them either, why, probably incompetence. in addition if you already sold the returner ii units through the market they didnt touch your money either. they sold for a shitload each too, so those guys made hundreds of mils easy and got to keep it
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>Talk to a person who abused the shit out of it
>Justifies it by saying that everyone should have this super rare affix
>makes a lot of money
>gets banned and never comes back
Good Riddance.
OH pls get more robots
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and it was utterly fantastic
>sega handing out bans due to their own incompetence

ain't that a surprise
sup noko
You're a shit person.
>ban people who abuse an obvious glitch
I wonder why they would do that to such honest upstanding people who play their game. It's a complete fucking mystery.
>eng patch
You're dumb, lilith.
what blocks is the dedicated ride quest block?
>"abuse" a "glitch"

yes anon, buying many copies of an item which sega themselves put in place is such a horrible thing. these levels of buttmad I swear to god
God, people like you are such fucking scum. I wish I could spit on you for the disdain I feel for your foul ilk that haunts every fucking game. You lot are ruiners of the worst kind.
>not getting the best gear available just because better things may or may not come eventually
It's more that for some reason they decided affixing needs to be a money sink that requires a tremendous amount of money so you have to ration. If you want to pay for me to redo astral every time a new unit set comes out sure I'll do it but until then fuck off.
I'm not lilith
Sure thing, lilith.
whatever you say lilith
breathing through your mouth sounds rough anon, I hope you can overcome that ailment soon
Lilith stop
This was never funny
I'll get right on it, trash.
No, you stop lilith
What rings do force actually need? I was getting ready to upgrade everything to 12* units and realized I can probably just do austere+astra (no union unfortunately) instead since I can't think of needing more than one ring on units.
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I never got a quest trigger before. How do you find them?
I'm trying to, but you won't cooperate.
i like mate lovers and jumping dodge
fuck you im the real lilith
buy them with sg from shirona, or casino coins. you can sometimes get them from campaigns too. and there's also the profound darkness solo trigger which you can buy dirt cheap for 50 weapon badges
Which leg unit is better? Ray or union?
>wanted to buy 2 grind cap +1 items
>can't buy them for some reason and now only two are left for 36m+

welp guess I'll have to go hunting for gix in the ded UQ
Oops! I mean astra or union?
depends on what you're looking for. I'd go with union personally
nigga u gay
no u nigga
What's the standard for unit affixes these days?
70+ attack and at least 3+ PP per unit.
wait a minute

hold the fucking phone

are you telling me i can feed my +30 13* any 13* if its the same type and the grind limit raises?

i thought it had to be of the same thing
what is the difference? I guess Izane too?
Tech c parry is the only L ring that force actually needs. Short mirage is bad and peace zondeel, while potentially useful in niche situations, isn't worth giving up the stats of austere units.
No, it has to be the same weapon. Don't know where you heard otherwise. Only thing doing that will do is increase the element value by 1.
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I'm looking at it right now.

Is this a hidden boost week thing?
Just figured I would check if I was missing anything else, thank you.
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help i'm turning into something

what is it?

They actually cost 1.5x more now than they did on the first days of release, that's hilarious. They're basically not going to exist any more in a couple of months.
an autist
a faggot
an even bigger faget
Is it +30 max grind limit, or did it drop with a higher one?
Astra and Union are basically the same.
Difference is like 15 HP and 5 atk vs 1 pp pretty much.

Izane is far more tanky with lots of HP and defence but no PP.
you're supposed to be dead
Union has a little more atk, 1 less PP and very slightly fewer def stats (but also 15 more hp). I would prefer Union but they're very close so just use whichever you have. Izane on the other hand has a good deal more defense stats + resistances and a whopping 150 hp per unit in exchange for no PP. It sounds bad but depending on your class it's not a big deal to lose. You even see forces wearing Izane from time to time.
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fuck it doesnt say that my base weapon is form zapper.

Try it out right now if you can
I grinded it myself to 30.
Union is much better than Izane and I don't know where this meme is coming from. HP is cheaper to affix than PP is, and the loss of 9pp hurts way more than the gain of 75hp helps.

>I grinded it myself to 30.
Okay, but whats the base max grind? 13*s can drop with a max grind anywhere between +31 to +34.
it probably dropped with a higher max grind rate
it'll stop you at +30 regardless because forcing you to unlock potential
how do i check the max grind?
what cap is your zapper
For GU and RA would Blue shine be better or should i stick with ray rear? Seeing as how i bought the battle outfits, and shine units i atleast want to see if i can make use of them the latter
Izane isn't good because of the hp, it's because of the defensive stats and resistances.
oh my god im an idiot. it is +34 max.

Sorry anons, this was the first 13* new type let alone first 13* ive ever had drop for me when i started in december. Thanks guys.
2nd tab, the one before the list of affixes. should be at the bottom
41 sdef and 2% res isn't very impressive
You've never tried Izane with astral soul on Fighter if you're saying that.
follow up question;

if i fed a base 13* pre +30 a few copies of itself to get the element to 60, does the grind cap raise even though it wasnt level 30 with pot unlocked?
I use austere+union (with 100hp on fornis daggers) on fighter and get the same effect, if you're talking about being able to be in LB permanently without dying.
Is astral on those units or is Fornis carrying that hard?
Units are 90satk/50hp/9pp, because I was cheap. Fornis is 130satk/100hp/10pp.
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>all the sg i spent reseting sheets
>all the times i woke up in the middle of the night to do mother
>was already done
thank you.
yes, and with the last update that grind cap increase also carries over to other items. if you have a 31 cap weapon (equivalent to two copies) and a 33 cap weapon (equivalent to four copies) and join them, the result will be at 35 cap
Atleast you're not as cheap as me who went for 100atk/5pp on their melee set and have 160 PP
Do you still get to tank PD arms with that setup or do you get one shot?
What do you mean by PD arms? If you mean the parts that attack, I can tank most of the ones that do less than 400 per hit while in LB. Can survive all of them including the claw grab at full HP.
>can't survive claw grab while in lb
shitter detected
I can do that if the claw is broken!
I mean everything besides the grab while the arms are unbroken. With astral I can ignore everything and just take the hits but if I don't have to bother putting fucking astral on future sets I'll refrain from doing so.
I can survive pretty much everything other than the claw and the mouth looking one that roars.
Astral began enabling some really degenerate shit and Izane just guaranteed that the class is as faceroll as you want it to be. It stopped being the high skillcap class a long time ago.

Just to double check, that's in limit break right? Thanks for the info, it's been so long since I've used an atk based set I forgot how survivability was. I'll probably stop using astral for future sets, at least not for all three units.
>Just to double check, that's in limit break right?
Yeah, that's in lb. Although some of the hits do come somewhat close, and I'm running a female human. So a newman or a dewman might die from them?
you make astral with all 4 falz souls or so you need something else?
>finish es story
>get a genesis weapon camo exchange item
>think I'll be able to get the es genesis weapon camo
>it doesn't get added to the exchange shop after you complete the es story
Man I was so disappointed.
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>grab austere rear for 1/2 price
>it's already affixed
Would someone buy this? or should I just use it for my T-atk set?
Just by looking at that I can tell it's a failed unit.
I meant use the unit not the affixes obviously
just use it. you aren't gonna get more than base price for that
Apprentice/Elder/Loser/Double/Persona souls, 10% chance of making soul catalyst. You need four catalysts for astral.

Fantastic, that's what I was hoping to hear.
>wastes an elegant on a shitty 4slot

he definitely failed a yolo
What in the fuck?
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>Steadfast Roll
>Photon Sphere
>Meseta Gained +50%
Gee I'm so glad I decided to do featured quests today.
Now you know why you don't see people using astral units often. The bright side is that since the chance is so low already you can just make the catalysts by upslotting.
astral soul is the ultimate soul, you're not meant to just have it. or rather, you weren't until they introduced SAFs
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Thought it was weird that there was no soul, poor guy probably failed astral
Aight thanks

Guess I'll just have to turn it into a top tier T-atk unit for in memory of him
My guess Is a failed astral+one additional affix, it feels like a 6s affix rather than 5.
>elegant stamina
>anything stamina
>not meant to be wasted
I don't usually shit on survivability affixes but

>stamina IV
>elegant stamina

you add the failed astral and maybe another affix... the fuck was this motherfucker going for, doubling their hp or some shit? jesus christ
what do you think of this affix plan then >>171105514?
>Using 6s astral on a meme hp affix
That would be wild if true. Sounds like someone wasting an elegant power on a 4s unit.
nobody fucking knows m8
You're asking for sadness with those success rates
>going ahead with anything that isn't 100%
that's what happens.
It's not uncommon for an affix to be cheaper while upslotting even if you have a failure.
because he's a PVPfag.

also getting banned costs you your points and ranking, so if he was banned over it you wouldn't find him in the list.

we can call him shroedinger's faggot, I don't really care that much.
>losing out on even part of one of your x-million meseta affix jobs
wow pso2es, that was a predictable as fuck "plot twist".

>she really was a genesis weapon
or rather, half of one.
Is there any reason to even play es any more? If you have 12* chips you can try and get lucky in EQs for money but beyond that I don't see the point.
yo I'm with brazen bull on this one man, fuck your spoilers
5s Astral without upslotting can easily approach 100m per.
I did my Astral, Shoot4, Spirita4, Flict, Elegant units for 29m each and 11m of that was just the Elegant. The upslot was an 82% chance during boostweek, I'd much rather give that 2-3 attempts than pay thrice the price front up.
/pso2g/ and math don't mix, just don't bother
>untekk shit from yesterday
>fornis boots
are boots still a meme? or should i actually bother with it? or
>phrase weak fodder
It's phrase weak fodder. The pot doesn't even work with jet boot ele switching (though it does with phrase weak.)
you can use them if you use a rainbow palette, which when you think about it means phrase weak is actually about as good as it can get on them. but the fornis boots themselves aren't amazing
It's either yolo astral or yolo ret (or yolo both), and given that astral by nature is a yolo affix when upslotted, I went for the easier fodders in exchange.

I'm not actually affixing any units with that affix at this point though, because I simply can't find any units WORTH affixing with that (izane doesn't give me enough pp, and there's effectively nothing as good as austere+astra leg in a pure 12* format at this point)
Why am I getting 630 whenever I tries to enter the Battle Arena?
whats the best jet boots? with switch strike of course
To get the most out of boots you play Bo/Fi which uses t-atk. You want a rainbow of Astral/Fornis. My friend who mains JB (mercy on their soul) says that they think astral is better. I value my sanity and meseta so I don't play JB so I have to take their word for it.
>do solo xq2610s
>use second untekk on weapons
>sell for 3mil a piece
when will sega fix this? and how do you do sub6min with br/hu? i can only do sub7min
Rainbow JB is not necessary, you can switch elements on the fly with them
Yes, but the 'optimal' setup is rainbow so you don't need to spend time to charge a tech to change elements, since it delays your next vinto. Sort of a moot point now though with the tech arts charge ring.
You have to reset element in order to Vinto. If you care about JB enough to main them you should have a rainbow.
Ponthi and another youtube speedrunner has multiple JBs of different elements
Not to mention it kills any need for the JB rings so you can use your ring slot for something more useful
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does anyone here know someone who has tried to buy one of these +1 cap items? I keep getting this error no matter which shop I go to, and it's not because they were sold before I tried to buy them, they're still there
I'm not willing to waste 30m+ to humour a test.
no I wouldn't want anyone to, it's a waste of money for those who don't need this crap. it's just seriously pissing me off
Is there a limit to how many you can hold at a time like mates or something?
I don't think so, but even if there is that can't be it, I never had a single one of them
What were they so afraid of when they made these so fucking rare? Oh shit this person gets to use the non-CF 13* they got off a drop, that can't be allowed. They must miss the good old days of spending 4 months in UQ to get a 13* only for it be useless because you needed a 2nd one to max ele it.
maybe to heavily dissuade people from thinking like "I'm gonna get a copy or two of this and then I'll just farm grind cap + when I need to use them", which I can kind of understand, but if they did something weird like blocking non-jp IPs from buying them I'm just gonna cry
>buy a bunch of noble pawa- for less than 12mil last week
>sell them one at a time for 18mil+ during boost week to hide the fact that i'm a jew that hoarded them
fucking over s-atk classes gets boring every now and then
Was on swiki and it says
* Although it is possible to display my shop, it is currently not possible to purchase with PSO 2 main part (it can be purchased with PSO2es).
So if google translate is to be trusted you need to buy it through pso2es.
>dumped all my elegant powers a week ago since it was being revived
>elegants now cost 10m more each after the revival
You have to be a masochist to play melee, how do you deal with being reamed this hard?
that's why my first fully grinded 13* was an ideal weapon, and my second was an austere.

see, I can respect that. It's not that you hoarded them, but it's that you made it look like you didn't. This benefits everybody who's trying to sell them because if you suddenly put up 20 the overall price drops because you just dumped 20 at x price that is now the cheapest.
>Finally got a rainbow weaponoid stone after a week of trying
>have 19
>need one more to get a sigma partisan so i can sell it
>not on ship 2 so it's only 20m, as opposed to 50
I mean i can get an arion partisan at 60 ele immediately but I don't know if I want to.
They're 80m+ on ship 2. I actually want one to use since I can't get rat fucker to give me imperial pick.
oh damn, thank you so much for that. let me check it out
I literally just looked, cheapest is 48m full grind and 95/15 affixed.
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Really? I checked a few days ago and it looked like this. I wonder what happened
not a single one left. god damn it

still it's just a matter of time until I can get the ones I need. really, thank you very much for finding that info anon. that made my day
Aren't Fi players going to regret dumping money into partizans pretty soon? They're only very slightly better than Fi weapons in situations where you can kill in a single Volg combo. If Deus is anything more than just a sidegrade they could end up irrelevant.
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No problem. That's a shame, good luck with your grinding goals.
Arion partisan was added yesterday to es, which is basically on par with revolutio power wise, all class, and has a 13% damage/15% pp recovery latent. I did some tests with it, crit with sigma is basically on par with non crit arion, and arion doesn't have any special requirements to fully utilise it.

who knows.
Looks like I'm spamming this EQ then, thanks for the info. I haven't done an EQ in months, how's the drop rate on material zero? I have 60 recovery meds and 92 mini recovery meds, think I could grind it out on agrani? Darkers are the 2nd best boss for my chip setup so may as well do it on him.
I'll be blunt with you anon: given what you have to do to acquire material zero, unless you've been playing for a good amount of time and have an extremely solid loadout or strong people to carry you, it legitimately isn't even worth bothering with. You're probably thinking "agrani? yea, I can do 10-15m ez". Then you find out that it has multiple elements, and 80m+ HP because it's from XH and not SH, so your formerly good loadout is now shit because it has no element vs the one you get.

You get 1 material zero for sending out and killing *your* first 5 triggers, then one each 5 after that until 30, for a total of 10 (1/2/3/4/5/10/15/20/25/30) per character not including those you get from rewards, which have a varying rate base on the boss (and being a boost week/non ranking, this week participation is quite low, and they just cancelled it for today).

tl;dr not worth your time.
Is this even on par with most *13 & 12%dmg potentials?

Still less reason to use it when fornis TD exists.
It works out something like this:
arion is +31
oh, I forgot to turn off crit strike on astra partisan, so make a point of that.
I'm starting to realize why you guys do your ridiculous affixing. It is cause it is the closest thing to an end game in this shitty game even thought 120+ attack is all you really need.
You can do almost everything in the game with a 1* weapon
yeah, that's pretty much it. the big dick affixing jobs are basically what happens when you don't let your dreams be memes and try for something higher
It makes me terribly sad that it took me this long to figure it out. I just figured it was dick waving but it is the only thing keeping some people chained to this awful game.
That's quite good damage, but given how most bosses works and how TD just being the monster of DPS, I'd love that partizan just for the dank skewer.

Worth 20m, but you'd be fucking yourself in the anus with 80m.

I love unit affixing, makes the most money and are just statistic and probabilities. I rarely affix my weapons though, because they just come n go.
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The only reason anyone cares about this partizan is because it's Fighter equippable. Like the other anon said, Partizan is better than Fighter weapons in situations where one volg combo is enough to kill/break whatever you're on. Not to mention they're just fun to use. Your only options besides Sigma are Imperial Pick which has a conditional and is a pain in the ass to get now or this new partizan I was kindly informed about from es, but looks like is a pain to get.

I suppose the drop rate is bad enough it's not even worth attempting to yolo with my mountain of recovery meds then? My setup isn't terrible but far from optimal as I was never that big into es and never spent money on it. That's too bad if it's the case, I've been dying for a good Fighter equippable Partizan and Arion sounds pretty good. Here's a pic of my darker loadout for reference.
If that takes a week, I'd do it.
Judging from the price, a whole month is required to get that? With decent gear.
Sigma weapons don't require good gear, just ok luck in the gacha to get weaponoid chips. After that it's completely rng grinding on whatever weak content you want.
>do one agrani
>have 7 hours to do next 2 daily
>suddenly ends
fuck you sega I want my ruppy coin
If this weren't on page 10 and autosaged because of reply limit I'd give you a serious response. maybe next thread.
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