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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 727
Thread images: 205

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Latest patch: http://store.steampowered.com/app/571880
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Discord: https://killurselves.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://www.opendota.com/
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

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i wish i could zoom out that far in game
>discussing dota in d2g
you must be new here kiddo....


fuck off cunt, its always you cunts who always butcher the op with meme previously on d2g xdddd and some non dota related op pic
mc fucking killurselves
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we're not even roleplaying or avatarfagging
was the report system changed very recently? you dont get reports back anymore
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how much would you pay for cosmetics that turned any hero into young cute girls like this?

I think people would pay up to 100 dollars. valve is missing out
How much does League of Legends make again?
hon tier cosmetics when. i want lewd alt avatars
what solo support do I pick if the enemy team has an autistic offlane techies spammer?
Not enough dosh to avoid being bought out by a chinese streaming service.
play support tree
post forgotten hero combination that might work in this patch
>veno aa support duo
>dazzle spectre with new bm
>io necro
Sort by ATKPT
You want 0.35 or less.
Just pick Oracle and learn to fucking carry.
>people are supposed to care more about ranked this weekend cause no stacks
>have had like 3 people abandon in my last 6 games cause they got booty blasted

okay valve
when will people start caring then?
whats the go-to first pick ebola support this patch?
is it kotl or ogre? been away from dota
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>tfw I am that Spammer
>tfw they said it would get harder as I climb
>tfw the winrate is still over 90% this patch
God I love techies, true sight does nothing anymore
drow or any ranged hero
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Not drow, no generalising
Bot Game DK

why is pudge's pick and win rate so ridiculously high?

should I pick him even if I'm not good at hooking?
no, like any hero you need to practice with him. I have 100 games with him to be decent with him and more with the hooks.
That's Space Cow the spirit breaker.

I've played that build on him before, and won
Don't listen to him.
I've been playing dogs for years, never pick purge or Mirana and when I do I still land most skill shots.
It's not fucking hard, stop letting people tell you it is.
Knowing hör people move is way more important than experience with the actual heroes.
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>The masslessfield flux should self-limit.
What did Tinker mean by this?
Why does no one ever go Vanguard after Bfury on AM?

Its so fucking good, its like the old Vlads build in that you can just stay on the map constantly, and take on a few heroes you otherwise would have to blink away from, doesn't seem to slow down timings since it lets you farm the ancients more efficiently, which are a much larger source of income now.
not even close
Or you know, because Domi give more regen than Vanguard.

Or maybe Domi actually gives you another ability of your choice, either stun, root, slow, mana regen, more HP regen
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do you miss them, /d2g/?
I tried it, it actually delays item timings quite noticeably, while Vanguard incorporates into your Abyssal.

With the Vanguard build you hit around a 28-30 minute Manta/Aby/Bfury, with the HotD build it was around 31-34 for me, which is a pretty huge gap.

Maybe in games where the creep is really useful its probably better sure.
Micro the creep to farm then, nerd.
But you build domi not for farming but to be actually useful in fights instead of a fucking super creep waiting for a kill opportunity during the early stages of the game
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>that posture.

don't bully my husbando
I do you moron, i've mastered the art of csing with the satyrs dumb animation long ago, its just not that efficient as buying an item that happens to be something you build anyway.

>be actually useful in fights instead of a fucking super creep waiting for a kill opportunity during the early stages of the game

In those games you tend not to pick AM.
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And this man?
>He thinks AM is only played as a literal walking creep for 30 minutes.
Git gud. Even I could join fights and get kills with just Threads Domi Wand OoV (Yasha if free farming) sub 15 mins.
>our ogre
>a golem

fug of
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what are you doing my dude
ghost waifu from another planet
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every fucking day
>have won 2 of 2 placement matches as necro
Feels good ,

Am I going to get placed into a game way above my elo now to amke sure I'm not a smurf
what are skills you can't feint for honor style? SK and Enigma ulti are the first ones come to mind
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spectre you fucking mongoloid
>hurricane pike on spectre
Well, i'd have assumed ghostwaifu to be DP
but no, it's not spectre
>Get into a game where almost the entire enemy team is playing awful
>Realise they're probably drunk

Easiest mmr of my life.
>dragonlance on meepo
value forcestaff and stats nigga
DP is French ghost waifu
this is fucking retarded
sf? you stupid 2k shit

inb4 ranged support with carry items
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How does he do it?
No generalising
>never watched anime
>watched kimi no na wa and kotanoha no niwa
>started watching more and more
>never won a single game of dota after that
How the fuck do i go back?
anime makes you get good at csgo not dota. you fucked up. you have to play csgo now.
i do, i went from mg to dmg tho, but i care more bout doto
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identify yourself
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Reminder to post 20 pictures of Windrunner every thread!
it's to late anon-chan. You must get Global Elite before you get your power back.
necrophos ?
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Like, right this moment.
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>tfw I used to play CARRY Abaddon, CARRY Omniknight, CORE Jakiro and I had above 70% win rate with all of them

>tfw my 51 wins / 16 losses CARRY Abaddon is, even after all this time, the best CARRY Abaddon in all the /d2g/

>tfw still that EQUALS TO A 35 WINS TO 0 ZERO LOSS RATIO

>tfw you shitters will literally never be as good as this game as I was despite going full try-hard while I literally played casually in VERY HIGH SKILL BRACKET with one hand behind my back, literally: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1869884763

>tfw DotA has become a Reddit catering piece of shit kusoge only focused in cashing out on kids using their parent's credit cards and Abaddon will never be top pick again

>tfw I will forever be the true chosen by the mist
i don't understand
wut is """"COOOOREEEE"""""
i don't think you understand how ratios work sir
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present it!
Varis was a mistake.
>rhhs calendar
>one drive

are you a teacher, or some fag who really cares about his education
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Oh really?

What if I told you that this game is still a mess of code hammered into itself and build upon a complete mesh of instable versions. Every patch that comes out breaks more shit than actually fixes it and every time now since 2014 there has been a 3-4 Hero FOTM trend that keeps cycling to make the game more casual friendly.

Valvo knows for a fact that they can leave the game for broken and dead for months on in that despite all crying, it will still be steam's #1 most played game, since the community is filled with literally shit eater shitlords.

They give zero response, they give zero shits about balance, zero shits about support, zero shits about actual improvement, zero shits about new content and zero shits about anything that isn't jewing kids out of their parent's credit cards.

This is why they can push eccentric and useless, despite really "cool", stuff into the market like the Steam VR, that probably costed both an unimaginable amount of money to produce that still even raw content, and the resources that a company like Valvo would probably never have unless they hadn't jewed over 60 million big ones with DOTA 2 tournaments.

Now just think if all the money that went into the whole VR shit had went allocated into fixing and improving DOTA 2. What kind of game would we have right now?

But instead, we have this, broken, mashed, hammered piece of shit, because yeah, no matter what, YOU SHITSTAINS WILL KEEP EATING VALVO'S SHIT BY THE SPOON AND LOVE IT.

Fucking end your sad existence, seriously.


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>i don't understand
>wut is """"COOOOREEEE""""

You should definitely try out CORE Jakiro, he's really fun to play.

Take a lesson from my advice:

CORE Jakiro is that you're basically going to push so HARD that the enemies shit will end up going up their own asses.

So take in mind that once the T1 towers are down it's time to 5 MAN DOTA the rest of the entire fucking game.

Go Safelane.

You start off with a ring of protection, two branches, some tangoes, a mana pot and you can even buy a ward.

Build a basi ring ASAP and get the fuckin' magic wand.

Rush some motherfuckin' mana boots and start to push down the safelane T1. DON'T STOP THE PUSH.

Get the fuckin' tower and rotate top. PUSH AGAIN and get that fucking tower. You should be able to purchase a Point Booster now.

Go fuckin' MID next with everyone and PUSH and fuckin' tower down as well. That will give you enough money for the Vitality Booster.

Dissemble your Mana boots and build that Core Booster now.
Farm for a bit now your Phase boots by using the Macropyre to kill the creep waves and keep them pushed.

Once you're like with 1k gold into your Mystic staff, get your fucking team together and PUSH AS 5 ONE LANE.

It doesn't matter which lane, just fucking PUSH and get a T2.

As soon as this is done, rotate immediately to the next T2. Getting these two T2's added with some fights along the way should get you your Octarine Core.

Once you have it, go Roshan with your team, secure that fuckin' Aegis and get the last T2. That should be a FREE Barracks as well.

Start building your motherfuckin' aghanism if you think the game will go longer or just rush a Aether Lens if you think it will finish fast.

After you get any of those done, the game should be over shortly.
If by some chance it isn't due to split-push shenanigans or whatever the FUK, just go Shiva's and KILL THE FUCKING GAME.

1st point into Dual Breath, max Liquid Fire, max Ice Path, finish Dual Breath on last. Always max the Ult.
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this is (YOU) right now

Yeah, nice try french nigger
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Off urselves.
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stfu tiago u said u were in fking zimbabwe yesterday u shitskin LMFAO
Post your MMR and what server you play.


Anyone got that comic where Pugna is being chased by Lion, then when he turns a corner Pugna is standing next to a netherward carved into a finger?
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is this the ideal gaming bod?
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if you look like pic related, chances are you'll be winning some mmr tonight bros ;)

>muh sekrit club!

neck yourself dude
>Adelaide pretending to be Portuguese for no reason
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>the goyim of the gulag
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>plays dota 2
>when he can be bettering himself and those around him
explain yourself
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>some mid tier b8
>tfw slacks is stealing /tv/'s memes now
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>he is invested in improving his imaginary number past some multiple of 1000
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Was it the BANE? meme?
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I'd pay good money to see dota pros fight
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Oh yeah....
What the fuck is that girl doing?
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I might start playing Dota 2 again, coming off from many suicide attemps and drug addiction and Dota 2 and TF2 were the joy of my life, but I haven't played dota in like 2 years.

This whole talents thing is new to me, as a support player, am I better off getting the damage? The more exp percentage? The stats? The health?

Pls respond.
it's a Jojo reference
play some lobbies at tf2center
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you're in luck soloqueue is back for this weekend only! get it while it lasts

+xp/gold is generally useless on most heroes, -respawn time and stats is usually the way to go
Flys dad is the inventor of commando krav maga, so it wouldnt really be that interesting

Fly would beat literally everyone because he's trained in killing people with his bare hands, by the master of killing people with your bare hands, who teaches the israeli military how to kill people with their bare hands
>you're in luck soloqueue
What does that mean, does that mean you can no longer rank alone?

Also, I was 4k years ago, got an unlucky streak back to 3k, did they reset the rankings now?
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he meant

you're in luck (comma) soloqueue ...

ranked is only soloqueue this weekend
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Only 9 inches?
HAH you fucking faggot I wouldn't touch you with my 10 foot pole.
no wonder puppey never hanged out with them after they got kicked
Who is the tall bald dude again?
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I like this cute idol.
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guess the hero
heroes of newearth


>guess the hero
>nobodys got the last one yes
>someone flames team
>has sub 50% winrate according to dotabuff

hmmm, yes, you're in very good position to shittalk friend
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fuck this nigger hero

honesty how is it fair that at level 7 this fucking hero can solo 2 entire teams
literally just inflict any fucking slowing DoT effect on him and just kite him
just mute them and tell you team to mute them
you aren't playing The Typing of the Dead
Is stacking mangos as starting items viable on offlane Bristleback?
typing of the dead would be funner
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sign of a pussy american that can't handle bantz
oh yeah ill remember to kite him when im playing a melee hero XDDD

or when im playing 1/2 of the ranged heroes in the game XDD
someone explain to me how centaur aghs is not broken pls ill wait
because it was retardedly broken af before, but then they nerfed it a few times and forgot it existed

it's a beta
it was more broken than 60% damage reduction?
>He doesn't know.
Ignorance is bliss.
pls what was it
Used to be 80% I think.
It is an amazing support item and its only distant second competitor is the abaddon aghs.
it was the same shit, but like 80-90% reduction and scaled harder with centaurs strength

>get aghs
>get heart
>whenever anyones in trouble you press ult and they take literally 0 damage for the next 3-5 seconds
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I havent visited this general for months
Is it finally dead?
>losing to le 45% winrate monkey
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>is it dead?
no shit sherlock
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So has SK gone back to being bad Earthshaker?
He's been nerfed to fucking death, stop being a baby.

ZERO base armour + his early Jinju damage and Boundless Strike damage is ass. He can't snowball even close to how he used to be able to.
I actually rarely see him now. While I think he's still OK, everything ability getting gimped as well as people knowing how to play against him makes him balanced.
I remember playing with this fuckhole on solo queue who bought the arcana and wouldn't shut the fuck up about every little thing. I hope he likes wasting his 50 dollars or whatever. Exactly the type of retard that Valve targeted the arcana to for the quick cash grab.
SK has never quit being bashaker, people only play SK because the skill floor is so low everyone looks like they know what they're doig.

Everything SK does ES does better and then ES even has several other tricks up his sleeve, however Shaker is hard to play and you will fuck up a lot while learning... playing unranked you say? Lol no, better be useless while looking good with Sandking than actually learning to play a good hero.
okay? Well I am glad you will remember to kite him but uh why so enthusiastic about it?
people here actually lose to monkey king? in 2017
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This one should be easier - but the first one still hasnt been answered correctly
these are so fucking boring can you stop
How's Pugna supposed to do anything?
I'm helping to keep the general alive in a game related way

plus, youre probably too dumb to even get it right ;)
He really wants (You)s and is a 2k shitter that believes builds are static and only apply to a hero or two.

Fucking mouth breathing retards post on this general.
Nah there's certain items that even if meant fora purpose are utter shit overall on on that certain hero
It's like every thing he does is always wrong

viable on literally any hero you shitter
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>he is trying to argue for static builds

Let this place die. Just fucking let it burn.
So this is viable on underlord, huh? Get back to sub1k you shitter

I've been on /d2g/ for so long but I've never seen a post as stupid as yours. Please leave and never come back
>regularly play with 1k retard because irl friends
>he literally never builds bloodstone
>he's playing timbersaw one game and complaining about mana issues
>i tell him to build bloodstone to solve mana issues
>"lol anon my little brother is 5k and he told me that good players never build bloodstone"
>he builds dagon 5

i mean to be fair, his little brother is actually fucking good at the game and im only 3k, but still, this is frustrating af to play with since his brother's clearly fucking with him. what do i do lads?
suck his dick. It will make him git and feel gud
ask him to ask his brother to add you to friends
end both of your lives.
living nowadays is not worth it I mean sure you can just spend your life just jerking off and watching anime but then what? you'll eventually get bored of that and say I wanna try the real deal! but too late you're a worthless fucking shithole who can't do anything but jack off and watch Chinese Cartoons

yes it's viable on underlord

>SNY to main people in the pit
>upgraded force staff to save allies
>butterfly because you're a tanky asshole
>Aghs for stats

fuck off
If nothing else eSports and pros streams can serve the purpose of educating these kind of shitters.
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3k pantpissers that think they know anything about builds trying to say that this is viable on all heros and using "2k" as an insult
This dude thinks item builds are static and only for a hero or two.
this place is AIDS.
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>there are LITERALLY people in /d2g/ who don't understand how Who's That Dotamon works

this place has changed for the worse
>You go farm all that shit and and be useless during the entire clash
*Buys MKB*
Pssht, nothin' personel kiddo

>"2K" as an insult
Hey, I said 1k. Just shows how stupid you are. I bet you voted for trump.
No one is trying to say it is viable on all heroes. You said guess this dota hero like the item build only works on one hero. You are a fucking idiot.

>Doesn't realize that's what the midas is for

just how new are you anon?
what do you expect? this shithole is currently being flooded with tripfags and redditors waiting for our memeposter so they can repost it on reddit.
>Ever good at anything that isn't a carry
Holy shit, how bad can you be? I admit, I might be 2.8k, but I'm sure as hell that you're sub 1k.
At least I'm close to 3k
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>admits he is 2k

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>LD left us for an Asian
>Tubby is hosting some memefinalfantasy strim
>James killed his own fucking career
what next bros?
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>I admit, I might be 2.8k
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>tfw you master a hero in under 20 games
>admits he's 2.8k
>actually trying to argue his point and thinking anyone will take him seriously at all

I bet youre too dumb to even guess what the hero was
>Not mastering Nigger King under 5 games
Get back when you're on my level
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>"2.8k" shitter on damage control

After making an absolute fool of himself and making no retorts effectively shielding himself from the bantz he can not handle, he will try his best to change the subject
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>master hero
>sub 900gpm on best record
>sub 600gpm on avg
>sub 10kill avg
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>tfw d2g thinks your the 2.8k shitter
pls no I'm not that faggot
I mostly played him support
why cant i play more than 1 game without getting a raging headache
i love playing weaver
>t. 2.8k shitter on damage control trying to change the topic because he can't refute
not him am 3.4
>filename Vengeful Spirit
hmmmm ^let^me^guess it's Sven isn't it....


Rate my dotabuff
pls ignore me being a SEA 3rd world shitter
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>my last 5 games had an enemy techies

was /pol/ right?
hey Jark!
no, someone already said

no :~D
trigged you
benis in bagina :DDDD
i lookgood
i can sing
i can dance
i can sketch
i got good fashion sense (when i literally just wear simple and plain clothes but that's what they say)

yet, i chose to play 8k hours of dota
what do you think is the direction of my life
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we need new memes
We need singsing back in the professional dota scene
Just wait for his full twitch streamer team
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>mastered silencer
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>ranked becomes solo queue
>main clock and centaur
>win constantly
>main abaddon and techies
>win harder
is twitch laggy as fuck for anybody else
shit's barely watchable
my internet isn't fucking up either
Maybe if you weren't a 3rd world university student pinoy it wouldn't be so lag

Only firsties allowed in here, pls go back
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>name self Michael Richard Pence
>play storm, zeus, techies
>build dragon lance and mjolnirs
>zap the gay away
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where is everyone?!
is 4 protect 1 hard carry dota the white man's playstyle?
earthshaker fissure stun duration: 1.75

monkey king fissure stun duration: 2.00

wow icefrogg fugg ;DDD
Monkey king crit steroid: 140-200% 25cd

Earthshaker crit steroid: 100-500% 5cd

wow icefrogg fugg xDDD
one is area crit plus possible free health of done to creeps

the other is just a bad version of Elder titan's astral spirit hitting 5 heroes
tree dance is just bad aghs enchant totem
Boundless cant block pathing/area denial
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Step 1: Start a bot game

Step 2: Learn to land hooks

Step 3: Learn to rotwalk, and when to attack without breaking the slow

Step 4: Realize you can play Pudge as a normal melee hero, so you can actually buy Stout Shield, Quelling Blade and Orb of Venom and just rotwalk all enemies

Step 5: Actually become good, and then try to learn itemization.

Step 6: Flesh heap gives you magic resistance. A value point gives you EHP advantage when rotwalking, and you don't need more than that

Jakrios is tanky
Omni farms stupidly fast, and the slow is cancer.
Abbadon is harder, since he is only the very best if ahead
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>haven't slept since noon

do i queue for ranked?
But boundless actually scales when you stack damage.

I just realize the a lot of spells are actually just bad versions of each other. Is icefrog starting to get lazy?
Thing is, this hero might not even be ranged. But if it is ranged, the only legit heroes left are arc warden and huskar. If it's neither of them then the build is most like 2k trash shit.

yes, but be sure to tell this to your teammates so they can account for it.
Its a counter initiation tool.
But unlike Global Silence or Aghs Borrowed Time, the extra movespeed and terrain phasing means you can actually counter initiate if the team is not AFK or braindead.

A good Earthshaker realizes that Echo Slam only exist for the low castpoint ,and that you don't need Blink to land Fissures.

Stretch and grab a cup of coffee first, maybe with cream in it.
You might play like you are partially drunk, so that could be a good thing
>woke up at 8pm GMT
>still queueing now

do it pussyfaggot
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i just popped a caffeine pill and i'm gonna do it

t. clockmain
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>2k trash shit

I'm not the one having trouble figuring it out
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I'm 100% sure that this build is not the way to play the hero. Sorry for not being as bad as you to know shit builds.
you started listing mks crit from level 1 but earthshakers "crit" from level 0, you should have also mentioned that its just damage bonus, not crit, meaning one can crit off of it while you can't crit a real crit

>it's not how i like it therefore its not right
t. 3k
lone druid, lycan, tinker, slark, lina
SF, morhpling, or nyx
why did they add solo queue? player number drop?
I'd bet that it's part of their attempt to balance low priority

parties report for stupid shit
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le aussie face.png
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>almost 2 hours long game
>defend against megas for 70 minutes
>win in the end
>"gg ez"
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>enemy team rages at you in post game chat
no on all

If multiple people in the same party report the same person, it only counts as one report
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you cant call yourself a millionaire till you have 10mil

youre just a high 3k scrub, and you'll be back there soon enough
can't be 3k if I never play again.
Would actually make the issue worse due to how report stacking from party memebers works.
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dead game
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>Use Adderall
>gain 200 mmr in a single night
Is that simple doturds
>drop to 8.5k behaviour score with 6 reports and an abandon
>get my shit together, be kind, don't abandon etc.
>get new conduct
>"thank you for having good conduct, 0-2 reports"
>check behaviour score
>dropped further down to 7.7k
What did valve mean by this?
Am I beyond the point of no return already?
welcome to the shadowpool
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name a more JUST team than Virtus Pro I'll wait
pro tip:you can't
guys im legit about to buy a switch to play as trap link. convince me not to.
There is no justification
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Every time.
Juggernaut Arcana
don't buy it lad you can only marry Zelda despite other girls existing, stupid stamina bullshit and breakable weapons too. Zelda is cute tho
300 bucks for a console that will never have more than 4 good games? go ahead
spend the money on HRT instead
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[Team ft. Bulba]
you're fucked in the head and i genuinely hope you kill yourself. stop shitting this general :^).
People really undervalue how strong invisibility is. Dangerous heroes that either have it naturally or buy shadow blade (Slark, Mirana, SF, Clinkz, Invoker, Weaver, "oneshot" cores that can solokill most heroes like Jugg, Doom, Ursa, LC, Troll, even a fed Bloodseeker or Tusk) do so much to hinder the enemy team it's ridiculous, mainly economically.

You can't splitpush/greedily farm nearly as much. Pushes become extra dangerous, even with sentries. Forcing supports to spam detection delays their items, a huge deal if force/glimmer/ghost scepter/mek is needed for saves, not to mention your positioning and detection usage needs to be excellent or you'll get killed/they'll get away (the amount of fucking times I've seen supports dust just after Riki goes into his ult is ridiculous).

Gem is expensive, loseable, and doesn't create guaranteed kills. If they see your gem, they can splitpush or split up to farm, which you can't do nearly as effectively because the gem can only be in one place at a time. All detection also takes up slots, which is a big fucking deal.

This isn't a case of "git gud", I can play against invis just fine. It's just that it takes so much more effort and skill to counter rather than use.
no they dont
theres a reason the saying is
invisibility = invincibility
>-50s Mana Void CD

So the entire reason this talent exists is just ot give AM 2 Manta/Abyssal/Void combos or what? Since he lacks the mana pool to do more, which can actually fuck him over because running out of mana on AM is pretty crippling.

Seems really underwhelming versus +25 agi, unless you're against a high charge Bloodstone Storm.
viable zet build
Not Arc
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>still giving this attention hungry moron (you)s
am i on reddit?
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Why do we hate Waga?
doom or skywrath
Distributes awful item builds
Hes also pretty annoying
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Detection is only a bitch superlategame, when you have 40k networth and no slots left.
And even the backpack doesn't remedy that, because often each item do give you shit like you want.
Especially now that you can have a pocket Refresher if you time the 6 second swap cooldown.

Early and midgame? Riki can lane like a normal hero if detected, but he will die if he fucks up.
Slark goes from Superdangerous to "oh fuck i got detected, i need to hit Q before i get chainstunned". The same is true for most heroes
Clinkz EHP is shit.

I would honestly argue what makes Invis heroes strong, is that they are not countered from the get go.
Retards who let them get away with just hitting the button makes it worse.
Instead you reach like end of laning, have to sacrifice a slot to dust, but by then: Riki/BH/Clinkz/Broodmother/Weaver already has a advantage from laning with Invis, so its a uphill battle.

Then again: This is the same game where Zeus is one of the strongest heroes in the game, because he has a deward on a 6 second cooldown, with vision.
waga falls in the category "whiny bitch streamer with low test" alongside with BSJ, even tho bsj is getting better lately.

it's just easy to dislike people like that.
looks like a faggot
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Goodmorning Dota 2, today I'm visiting my girlfriend, I'll probably cook for her
why are you a fucking faggot who posts autistic shit on a videogame board, you nigger?
thats cute anon good for you :3
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When do the GOOD teams play?
make a porno
I want to kiss Lasse!
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i can't stop winning
gamer glasses
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i miss pre-reborn dota 2 interface
Not being loved is suffering dotards, if you're playing >4 games of dota everyday, stop and do something with your family/close friends. You can't build relationship without doing something with other person. If you're not planning to go pro, stop playing more than 4 games a day.
I have nothing anymore.
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>dota is so dead LD has abandoned it for smash
Where the fuck are the tourneys every week? I thought EternalButthurt was losing constantly because hurr durr to much tourney can't practice.

>waga is a shit self-contradicting sperglord that is too autistic to ever work in a team

Wait....does this make him OUR GUY?
which offlaners does well against jugg in lane/game
>PL gets +10 base agi

is the hero good now

>BadMirana with +10 agi
Still AgiPuck of NoDamage
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>a literal swedecuck
>our guy
>literally got cucked live in camera
is there any videos?
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Oh my
It gives him 72 base damage though.

Makes him a laning god.
>be Team Liquid
>god tier pre major/TI
>shit the bed during major/TI
why lads? it always happens and I'm sick of it
why is 5 battlefury PA so much fun
i can't stop playing it
why is centaur so much fun
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>Get Cloak
>Double Edge camp
>Free fast farm with no consequence

>Hit Stampede
>2k scrub team actually follow up on the initiation

>Reach level 25
>Skill Return Aura
>Win game
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>leftists like waga or purge

>ever being our guys
centaur is the THE free mmr hero

prove me wrong
Is Razor viable at all? I could never figure out the way to play this hero
Who's more obnoxious, Purge or Waga?
>look at me I'm so great
>tries going pro
>waaah woe is me

which pro cucked him at ti6?
I'd say very situationally.

He can dominate his lane and has really good teamfight presence / damage in the early - mid game.

Problem is he really needs to get a good static link off in fights to be effective and he can get his ass destroyed while doing this. His abilities just take a considerable amount of time before you feel the impact of them (his ult drains 1 armour per strike and link takes 8 seconds for its full duration)

He may be fast, but he's not too good at fighting ranged heroes who can shred him as he's trying to get close enough to link.

Against heroes who have a lot of targeted spells he annoys the fuck out of though because of his passive.
>caring about people's political views in a topic not related to politics at all
you're the problem
Could you not apply the exact same thing for Purge tho?
Purge never tried going pro, I believe
Very situational right now because the memeback heavily punished heroes like razor.
Just build and play him like SF in 7.02 not the old mek tank razor, He can still rekt with static link on every fight
why is everyone talking about purge and waga?
is there drama I missed?
dude he won 3 tourneys in korea with bamboe and blitz
Oh fuck I didn't even remember that
He did with that Korean team, but failed miserable when he tried to play in the western scene.
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>shits on a guy donating asking if it's OK to main a hero despite him spamming feminine penis assassin like a fucking retard
this has to be a joke
t. man who agrees with said person's politics
No, I don't give a fuck about politics. I think it's something for poor low lives to complain about in their spare time on the internet. I'd like to go a single thread without someone mentioning politics.
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>*refuses to take an opinion*
>"i'm better than both groups"
Literally the only reason you're saying this is because I don't want to suck off whoever you support.
Sadly it's not.

Waga usually shit talks about people spamming one hero to gain MMR...when that was the exact thing he himself did when Templar Assassin was borderline OP.
You're too much of a cuck to even take a position and thus deserve loathing
>Aghs Centaur

>getting loathing from a nerd on an anime forum
oh no
>forced to play core every game because all my favourite support heroes are trash

Holy fuck.
ET/Tusk/Oracle/Visage buffs where
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>he can't play his favorite heroes on every patch
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>having favorite heroes
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>not having favorite heroes
that's the most reddit selection of heroes I have ever seen
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>not watching BSJ stream
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>tfw enemy have OM ES FV roaming trilane
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>no loli hero
>wonders why the game is shit
holy shit I just remembered there are people who ship dota characters and suddenly felt better about myself
I ship dota players instead
Pretty sure reddit heroes would be stuff like CM and Rubick.

ET and Tusk are prime gulag heroes.
4chan hasn't been about anime for over half a decade now
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which ones?
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He is still the same hero: Static link into killing the enemy hero, the ENTIRE laning stage.
His Aghs is still amazing.
His EHP is still off the charts against melee heroes.
I would argue that going for Guardian Greaves is generally isn't worth it, since farming the last 2550 gold to finish the item is a gigantic pain now that everything in the jungle is magic resistant.

He is just a mediocre hero past lane, which he was back then.
And he still carries rather hard with Skadi + AC + Butterfly
>ywn be evany
>cropping out our guy trixi
what the fuck
Wow fly is buff, he's like the ultimate jew form
>7.00 reduced the playerbase about 5% in just a few months.

It was objectively a bad idea and Icefrog should roll it back to save the game.
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Dotards on suicide watch
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what did he mean by this?
I can't wait for

>Dota is dead, the prize pool is only 18 mil this year and not 20!!
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I haven't played in about 3 months.

I can't tell if its because I've had enough (Played 5 years.) or if 7.00 is that fucking dog shit.

Removing Shrines would be helpful, Awful thing.
>talking shit about Adderall users when his players are one of them
Peter pls
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>queue up for a game
>unranked has bans now
a welcome change
>make more money
who wudda thunk
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>playing unranked
>mention unranked
>ranked autist instantly spergs out
a welcome sight
I'll never understand that decision
>Release a series patches that casualize the game
>Hope to attract the League of Legends crowd
>LoL's playerbase has no interest in switching games
>Lose a big portion of your "hardcore" fans
Memes aside, Dota is by far the best game of its genre out there, and in spite of this LoLbabs won't switch because of muh sunken cost (ie: Champion unlocks, runes, masteries and skins). Really stupid move by Valve imo
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>any comment that i don't agree with is "sperging out autism"
I bet you're autistic for real tho, unrelated to current discussion
That's really rude of you to say that.
stop sperging you autist
god damn
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is ok bratan
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>Wake up
>No Sing strim
Fuck I really want some pizza now. Thanks asshole.
Bring me a slice too
reminder that
any kind of pizza that has no pineapple on it >>>>> shit >>>>>> Hawaiian pizza
>m-muh pineapple pizza
put some fucking cat pepperoni on your pizza you digo faggot
I'd rather suck a non-feminine dick than eat hawaiian "pizza"
How is arc not a viable lvl 1 support with that fucking attack range and lvl 1 flux?
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Because I Hate Myself.png
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Admiral Backpack released a quick short.
Who is the most broken hero for meme mmr?
lee sin
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the lord of avernus
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Redpill me on Lycan the Thrope, please.
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cent our
kiss yourself
Which hero has the most money?
Doom the eternal jew
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if i win a battle cup tournament or whatever, do i keep the meme smileys forever or just for the battlepass duration?
1 week until the next battle cup rotfl.
Are any of the heroes American citizens?
Gyrocopter is.
why do men have nipples?
Not a hero but Alchemist's ogre
>play roaming 4
>hard supp ogre won't buy supp shit and rushes aghs
>check his profile and he has <40% wr
>sk buys wards despite me begging him not to
>ursa rushes sblade and vlads and WONT ROSH
>he uses enrage and then goes into sblade wasting 90% of the duration every fight
>mid is a 1k dusa
>the enemy mid is a smurfing 4k arc warden
>everyone else on the opposing team is amazing at using space and ratting objectives
Ah forced-50, ya got me.
Ya got me.
>eblade ursa
It's what you do if they don't buy ghost scepters
Which hero has the biggest dick?
ask cm, she's seen all of them

can't spell cum without spelling cm
>you will never be rylai helping magina unload in the side shop
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Is witch doctor a shitty support? I love playing around with the hero but I just feel so useless sometimes. Also, what is the optimum skill build? someone told me that maxing maledict over his stun is actually the way to go?

His heal is apparently kind of trash until you get the mana pool to sustain it? His ult is okay but gets shitted on by so many things and is countered by armor very easily.

What do you guys think of witch doctor?
>played in south korea when Dubu was literal 3k trash
>won toruniements on the back of blitz and bamboe
>was literally just a cm spamming ward bitch

people only like purge over waga because MUH AMERICANS
But they forget the fact that he donated in excess of $2000 to Bernie


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So apparently there's a soft region lock now?
I'm fucked man. I'm happy for you guys now that you won't need to see retarded peruvians anymore, I know how it feels, I know how stupid they are.

But I'm sad too. Because I can't play anymore with my bros. I've met really cool teammates from the US and now I'm forced to play with my brown people. ;_;

There's something I don't quite understand. When I used to play with people from the US they usually seemed to be around the ages of 17 to 25 (I'm 26) but peruvians/mexicans/chileans are usually turbo-underage. I don't get why this happens. Maybe older people don't play Dota here or something.

I dunno. Anyway, I'm gonna miss you guys, and I'm gonna miss Dota as well. It is time, after 2800 hours, to let go. It saddens me but i'd honestly rather play with bots than peruvians.
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>tfw finally free
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did he really donate to bernie? what the fuck man
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Can you stop screaming you lil fuckin cakeboi
He's really good it's just harder to use him than it looks. His heal isn't really for lane regen, it's for ruining enemy dives. Maxing maledict makes lane harass / kill potential way better.
NEEDS a team that can 4v5 distract, now that shrines and respawn talents are a thing
never forget
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is /d2g/ ready to admit they were wrong, and shrines were a great addition to Dota?
Yeah but only because I'm an offlaner
No, because I'm a mid.
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God fucking damn it forgot pic
only liked it because it legit promotes teamwork
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hero damage should stop the healing effect t b h
>1.7 hrs last two weeks / 3,278.7 hrs on record
soon brother
Is youtuber actually a legitimate profession in the system? I feel like that should piss me off.
>struggling against mere 4k trash
I expected better from dee two gee, the elites of elites but you let me down
>my in game hours will soon be higher than my MMR
save me
It qualifies as self-employment which is pretty great because then there's a whole slew of things you can write off as business expenses. A lot of YouTubers (the ones making millions per year typically) form their own LLC.
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it's too late for me >>170182694
save yourselves!
Might as well make towers stop attacking when friendly heroes are low HP because reasons
what the fuck?
hey what's going in here
give me some good anime to watch guys, only movies not series
Ghost in the Shell [1995]
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>watching anime
ice age 2 meltdown
Nobody is actually autistic enough to do this, right?
If you have some passive fuckhead carry like spectre or naga then yeah, you're wasting a pick
you're supposed to pick aggressive carries like pa or sven and maledict just shreds
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>start match
>internet dies 10 minutes in
>comes back 40 minutes later
>tfw no low priority
I cannot fathom how people can stand Purge. He is not a good player. He is not a good analyst. He is not a good caster. All of his ""coaching"" is the most basic shit imaginable (you should buy regen if you expect your lane opponent to do damage to you, that'll be $50).

No joke, I learned more from one shitty BSJ video (the one where he shows how killing the offlaner is actually bad if the lane is pushing, giving him xp when he tps back). Watch any of Purge's videos and you'll hear "yeah I shouldn't have done that".

You write one guide for literal brand new players and gobshites think you're some kind of dota genius for years afterwards.
But he's kind of hot
Corey in the House: The Animated Movie
>killing the offlaner is actually bad if the lane is pushing, giving him xp when he tps back
but he gets at least half the wave's xp anyway, isn't it better to get the gold swing?
>pedophile hitler
BSJ is actually playing the game 12 hours a day and Purge was a confirmed unskilled shitter with spotty understanding of the game.
started last week, they are pretty good
not that mainstream shit, it's ranked number 1 on all anime sites
Every self buff hero in the game can now be cast on allies

Which hero is the most broken?
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tumblr is
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Ok hipster, you're missing some primo character development tho
just watch evangelion like any other anime enthusiast
its like 8 hours long total plus a 1.5h movie in the end
The argument was that if the offlaner gets level 2, it's easier for him to get levels 3/4/5. If you shut down his xp super early (hard denying, pulling, bullying him out of lane as long as the lane isn't pushing/your ranged creep is dead), you can kill him easier or more times when both you and a support have a level advantage. Or your support can rotate/farm jungle when you're so far ahead of the offlaner that he dies to you solo if he steps near the creepwave, plus it'll take less regen/mana to kill him if you have a level advantage.
>offlaner putting himself in position that he can die in, especially if hes behind
>hey terrorblade, would you and your illusions like this FREE crit and FREE haste?
Wasn't the original argument with this analogy for Muslim immigrants?
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What kind of shit offlaner hero are you versing that cant get level 2 ez?
>used to have a 5mbps internet
>watch on source without any lag

>have a 20mbps internet connection now
>can't watch twitch on source anymore

someone fucking kill me
I-I want to sleep next to purge!
fucking STS leaks happening again

>New in the Battle Pass: Ancient Matchmaking

>Get the taste of the original Dota with the new Ancient Matchmaking queue available exclusively to the Battle Pass owners. Whether you want to try out new heroes in their older states or simply play old patches for nostalgia's sake, this queue has got you covered.

>Ancient Matchmaking will start off with patch 6.68 and change every 2 weeks.
took th eworeds right out my mouth
>South America OQ (195/1,024)
>North America OQ (79/1,024)
support ld is the new king
ee could be zzzyzzz if he worked out, he's tall and shit
purge is way cuter than pugna
pugna probably doesn't even sleep
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of course skeletons sleep don't be silly
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definitely-not-Mannoroth is surprisingly fun
does he have any other good builds apart from arcane boots + mek rush?
radiance memes
half-decent as a rightclicker
also hotd+BoTs for sneaky global ganks and saves

187 is babby tier
Lina better get some buffs real fuckin soon. I didn't buy this gay belt to not turn a profit
meant >>170187760
>thinking dubs/trips/quads/quints exist on vX boards
it's been ages since i've been to vg shut up
Weather effect comfyness power ranking:

>Pretty fucking comfy

>Wake up at 8AM and play Dota comfy

>Like a 2000s freeware game

>It's shit
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>it's been ages

they've been turned off for literal years, you mongo
an age is more than a year
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>age is 100 years
checkmate faggot
>ppd exposing all the addy mid kids

watch valve do drug tests now and watch abusers like w33 shit the bed
is aether lens (that is, once and if you get the mana regen talent) a 2k strat
what does aether lens have to do with mana regen
well usually you build aether lens from scrapping your arcane boots for a mana booster
and since pit lord is quite mana hungry I was wondering if that would be a tradeoff worth making if you have the mana regen talent
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should my gf who's bad at dota play her calibration matches now that solo queue exists?
>no summer terrain with radiant side as a beach, palm trees, sand castles, snibeti snabs, toys and waves and coolers and corn salesmen and girls in bikinis and summertime fun
yeah probably, the only spell the range is really relevant on is pit

both lotus and greaves are very good items on him and aether seems like a waste of the energy booster for what you want
post feet
oh right, I almost forgot that if you were to go aether lens you would forsake your chance of building into greaves
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>cs:go pulling in over 400k

it's over
dota is dead
behold the end result of being a containment game for minorities
what is it fuckin chen?
Do you know what soft region lock means, right?
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Are there situations where you can get a deadalus or butterfly on slark?
I've got the lobster set+latch swords, so now I feel the urge to OUGI!
Post pure waifus who believe in better dota through ethnic cleansing
That perspective needs some ethnic cleansing, famalampai.
those tits fuck out of here with this shit lmao
Did you miss last TI or something, purge weather segments were one of the best shit in the panel and his casting is good, pointing out small things like ward placement in the begining of the game that dictates it's flow. WTF with this all purge hate, he is incredibly cute, not in a gay way ofc, and he is a gateway for shitters to learn how to play this game. Ofc he is not good for high tier knowledge since he is oriented to 3ks unless we are talking about tournaments.
only if you give me a good reason for her to calibrate or not calibrate
>playing ranked at all when you're shit and it's barely any different to unranked
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>thinking purge actually thought of that himself
>not realising that ALL of the good things at TI have been because of Kaci and the news station she works with
twitch tv 64kb
1 mmr dota 2
dont post pictures of my wife!
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D-does anyone w-want to p-play with m-me...
noone wants to play with a stuttering faggot
yea but you never added me
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>pick luna
>enemy kills me for first blood
>get flamed
>we have no wards
>get ganked 3 times
>get flamed and reported for feed
>continue jungle
>get manta
>we push mid lane once and win 27 minutes into the game
kek this hero is unreal at this low mmr bracket
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wow I didn't know d2g had cute boys in it
I don't remember getting any urls in the past..
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>weekend is usually when play numbers go up
>this weekend they went down
say goodbye to your soloq
>soloq cant even be an OPTION
it's fucking bonkers. im willing to wait longer to not play with a stack, why the fuck remove it in the first place
how is doom offlane now
i remember it used to be the shit
What a fag
>emily still trying to be "relevant"
who is that ugly fag behind you there jesus fucking christ
Why would anyone play with you? Where do you play? Where do you live? How good/bad are you?
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What is the average elo?
So I'm a shitter in 2300MMR placement matches eh
I'm an elitist that isn't satisfied even being in the 99th percentile.

But I guess that's what keeps me interested in games like these
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>general is dead because of an anime rper (even though we've always had them because this is /vg/)
>not because the patch is garbage and Dota's philosophy of balancing around professional games only is finally coming to a head
>not because moonwells and gold buffs have completely killed the ability to solo carry a game against lesser skilled opponents.
You have pro players boosting 3k accounts and fucking "LOSING" and getting flamed for it.
This is trash.
no, its the niggerfaggots ruining the general
the game isnt dead
its more alive than ever aside from this weekend
the general is dead because of these avatar fags and anime posters and roleplayers who are attention seeking faggots
then the doomsayers think the game is dead because muh sekrit klub thread is dead
doomsayers are nowhere near as bad as the niggerfaggot avatar, anime and attention niggers and they are 100% whats killing this general

add pls
If I want to really, truly get better at being a dotard, should I examine pub matches and ranked on an individual level, where I am solely responsible for the outcome of the entire game and from draft to throne my input is the most critical, or should I look at it as a team effort where equal input is necessary and I can't expect to be the deciding factor?
>no discord

no wonder this general is shit
You have to do both, but be able to tell the difference between you being bad and your team being bad.
>people who think there need to be discord chats when this thread is literally for chatting
FUck off
reminder if you dont buy OoV on Batrider you're a retard and probably didnt vote for trump
>Slow equivalent to 1 extra stack of level 1 Napalm
Not seeing the appeal buddy.
>he doesnt know
I gave you a (You) and you respond with a HDK?
Get ready for a (You) chargeback.
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this general is dead because everyone is a newfag with no memes who don't even understand how Who's That Dotamon works
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>be purge
>go around mis skilling, picking bad items
>"uhm guys do this and this and this and then this"
>*team just goes mid and kills everyone while purge is farming jungle
>"sigh really wish my team was listening to me"
fuck balding man, i feel his pain
Dota 2 - not even once.
I'm wondering this too.
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nice trips breh
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>haha he is SOO autistic that's the weirdest shit I ever seen upvote!! scientism baffled am I dota bros??
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>implying he is not an awkward shithead
>implying the scientist baffled meme is not backed up by hundreds of misplays
fuck you
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reminder EE will not make it past qualifiers
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our guy.jpg
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EE is going to win the whole major and your meme webms can't change that.
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post the one where he's playing necro and walks past the tower
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>that guy who tries to validate his pathetic existence by posting the same handful of misplays from a player who has streamed thousands of hours of dota
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couldnt care less for ET or Visage

But if you cant win with tuskar or oracle maybe its because you are just not good enough with them
I play both without any problem
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>full page of wins
>only loss is a forced abandon because Bell is a garbage ISP

true solo queue is a blessing
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One game I decide to support
and 10 winstreak into the thrash it goes.
I am never supporting again.
enjoy your non-serious gamemode that I use to try heroes I'm absolutely shit at or do meme strats
>brainlet carry thinks he can support
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>that guy who tries to validate his pathetic existance by posting anime pictures of underaged girls trying to defend some dota player who fucks up so bad on a professional level his misplays are worthy of making webms of
>mfw I support 50% of the games i play with riki
>including sentries, observers and dusts.
>mfw 72+% winrate

>try to play a solo support
>get 4 kills on the safe lane with sven
>rotate top get 2 more kills
>rotate top kill tinker
>buy wards and glimmer cape to save shit
>25 minutes into the game
>1-8 sven
>1-3 legion commander

I was playing with a friend.
somebody explain? not even 3k shitter does this kind of mistake
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>trying to comprehend a better players actions
don't even try there's a reason he won a major

How does that pic indicate that he's balding?
his hairline is receding ?
if you look at the "before" pic, his forehead is actually really high

IF he is receding, it's just the normal, slight receding that everyone goes through as they grow older and not the extreme balding receding.

Besides, he just has his hair cut short there in the "after" pic which exposes his hairline more and makes you think it's receding.
could be
i'm not receding but the top of my head is shedding and thinning like hell, you can see my scalp through it
will be losing it very soon

i think that's what happened to loda, like get totally nuked, someone can post him
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I just realized we don't have a cat hero
post the Day[9] one
mirana, brewmaster, luna

www you
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not cats
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Hi friend,
Posted it to soon

I hope that fucker Purge sees this somehow
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This is a /pol/ free zone. Fuck off.
Fuck off, everyone knows Purge donated to Bernie, so it's Dota related

Go back to sucking on your mom's tits
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every place on the internet is now a /pol/ zone
better get used to it

i see frogs, nazi symbols on people's avatars even in dota, not to mention this site that's completely taken over

as >>170207410 basically said, just leave
Funny how /pol/ and Reddit can be used interchangeably there
not really
reddit isn't that different from /pol/, when it comes to that sort of thing
for reasons that should be obvious
What if Reaper's Scythe added its respawn time to Aegis and Reincarnation deaths

>reddit the hugbox site with biased mods that constatly censor and shadowban people with opinions they don't like
>isn't that different from /pol/

LMAO truly epic post there pal
where do i get adderall?
>wake up
>login Steam
>see 865MB patch

Is it 7.03 already?
lie to your physician
it's the userbase i am referring to
very active on all forms of internet fora

r/altright was literally pol and got b& due to doxxing and far too extreme activism
I see, that makes it clearer

>far too extreme activism

Well, /pol/ never went -that- far
As a riki player, I can tell this.

Even if you have detection, you cannot fuck with that hero, ever. Invis is wayy too strong.
Even if they have 2 supports juggling detection buying you just start to farm.
If they don't have any detection, any squishy hero dies.
Nobody is safe. If they have detection just buy blink dagger, if they have dusts only, just buy manta, if they want to kill you, smoke cloud and run. It's impossible to kill him. It is literally the best hero in the game. All you need is a diffusal blade, even if it is at minute 30 you do so much damage in the ult. Echo sabre shits on everything and anything as it slows in the ult even. You need 5 k in items to be 3x as effective as antimage with 2x amount of farm.
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Why the fuck is Rupture working if you blink? I mean it's a fucking teleport.
>as a riki player
hope you don't wake up tomorrow ass hole
Rupture works if you moved in a 1400 radius or less in 0.25 seconds.
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>hit Morphling with torrent
>doesn't get healed
>Tiny gets hit by fissure
>Doesn't absorb the rocks and get bigger

fite mi kunt.
Torrent and Fissure is still damaging force in some way. Blink on the other way is a fucking magic.
>Blink on the other way is a fucking magic.

That's what you think.

Ever wondered why they called it "BLINK" dagger?

You don't actually teleport. It makes everyone else close their eyes until you walk/run to your destination and then makes them think it happened in an instant.

THAT is why Rupture still works on blink dagger
>tfw 8k

Thinking about streaming road to 9k but my autism dont want it
Yeah and timer also stops and waits for you. Nice theory, faggot.
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huh, so you basically multiply by the lorentz factor
How much MMR do you gain/lose per match above 6k?
That's fine you wouldn't make it to 9k anyway.
post pics of your tummy or it didnt happen
Monkey King calls it teleport though.
Monkey King is a fucking retard though.
what is the best rubick set?
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>You don't actually teleport. It makes everyone else close their eyes until you walk/run to your destination and then makes them think it happened in an instant.
does the same go for phantom assassin's W?
Truly an amazing rebuttal.
>moon's listening to perturbator
no, pa just propels herself by squeezing her vagina
she's done a lot of kegel exercises or whatever you call those
Every blink is like that except for Queen of QoP's.
do it faggot
besides power leveling smurfs, what else do coaches do?
p-pls respond
1300 in <0.5 actually

QoP can outrange the damage if she moves half a step before blinking
make a webm of that please
When's the open qualifiers?
I need to see SingSing's team
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>North Korea just launched a ICBM to SEA
RIP best region
thanks, that's cool af

also her little "hmpfuh" is hot, makes me imagine i'm putting my chode up her blue ass hole dry
don't need to thank me for the imagery
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>Even if they have 2 supports juggling detection
Why 2? You just need a disable.
Or place a sentry properly.

I mean: the biggest bitch with laning against Riki is that he could buy Quelling Blade, and then buy a sentry, and deward with that.
Thats the biggest pain.

I get that you are 2k, or playing against complete retards.
fuck off you reply baiting nigger retard
you already said this shit in this thread
you already said this shit in the last thread

you know god damn well that sing isnt playing
you know sing is retired
youre trying to get LE EPIK (YOU)s
all you're getting is le epik reports, nigger
stop trying to ruin this general
i wonder how you guys look like
sing is playing with cancel, bamboe, buugi and some other dude, my man
Sing is playing though...
Range is correct, but it's still 0.25 seconds.

Here is the thing

>you don't lane with riki
why are NA players so passive and EU/SA so aggressive?
NA players have accepted that they are only capable of being tier 2 players at best.
hence the reason why EG the only american team has 4/5 foreign players.
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>15 second mana void
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i wanna put 8 babies in her tummy!


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wr tummy.jpg
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>come over here and impregnate me anon!
>this fucking game

Yeah, let's give SEA 2 slots at Kiev

I don't agree.
One smart placed sentry lasts half the laning stage.
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>fuck this erping faggots I'm gonna report them
>sudden realization that if they get banned forever no one will move the goal post and the thread and would last for years or God forbid cease to exist
we are so fucked lads
I quit WoW because it got boring after 2 years

I'm playing single players and fighting games, should I switch to Dota?
What do you not agree with?

Laning riki is literally wasting fear.
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why the fuck would you screenshot a photo if you can just save it? is this a new level of retardedness?
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guys i have a joke

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oh look im in LP again, weekend warriors man.
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the games dead lads

even smash is more alive at this point
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>The weak should fear the strong
arms is going to replace smash at evo
reminder that axe call is stronger then black hole
3 of those 5 are utter ass.
hahaha dude
arms would bomb so hard because of faulty joycons
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>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't know daggius, mops, or daggius

How does it feel being a newfaggot?
how to fix axe
>called targets take 50% damage from other sources
>doesnt pierce bkb
>pure damage reverted to pychical but buffed.
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>no name gigawho shitterbads who could not ever git gud and be relevant in dota 2
literally left behind by the Dota Flynn Effect
>Spot the 1k
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>3.2 second disable that also blademails urself is balanced
spotted the .5k
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>dota 1 in 2017
HoN>Dota 2
so that is the reason he is First Phase banned in every Pro Game... oh wait
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CUTE! when r u going to make 34 SFM fampai?
If laning Riki never shows up, he "is just in another lane"

If Riki roams?
He is going to be level 1 for the entire laning stage.
plenty of op heros exist and arent first banned or picked, its a retarded follow the leader meta.
The fun part is that the "recent" Stout Shield change fucked him more than any of your suggested nerfs would ever do.
r u forgetting about le free 4 regen
"worse than h1tler" has been declared
How would you rank Necro in a competative setting?
if u niggas ain't playing hon right now you're making a misstake roflmao
i'm watching the next best thing, a tilted moonmeander


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>implying I'm not enjoying my anger at this point
you guys need hon in ur life
What if you could send the courier to grab runes for you?
idiots already feed the courier enough
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wr new cosplay.jpg
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godspeed anon ;______;
>LD has the absolute trust of the smash community
hearing them talk is almost surreal
should i sell all my shit dota items?i dont even like this game
When you die you'll totally say to yourself "MAN I WISH I WASTED MORE HOURS PLAYING SOME SHIT MEANINGLESS GAME AT 4k MMR"

uh no
>page 8
Its not a real buff when every camp deals 40dps or more, with stout.
Its a buff for heroes like Bloodseeker, because it allows them to recover if they fail.

But not Axe.
Axe get whittled down by early jungling. He can do it, to some extent, but not amazing.
who's the brown guy/rubick in moon's game?
he's p jokes
>moon you remember me?
>i don't do anything this fucking game
>why am I the only one dying
subtle rubick
now stop feeding
Witch doctor is a very reliable support, yea his plays aren't always flashy (except the rare good cask + ult) but his skill set and stats are excellent for just being a consistent and reliable support, good base attack damage, good range, heal, stun, high burst damage, and a dot. His reliability is like ogre in that way.

Compare that to Lion or SS, although good supports, in order to really feel their impact, they usually need an item (blink dagger), whereas witch doctor needs literally nothing except maybe a glimmer cape, and even then, that is just luxury.

That means that witch doctor will be good in the hands of a player that is a good support generally, whereas say for a meme support like rubick, you can be a shitty support generally, but if you're good at rubick it can compensate a little bit.
good taste anon, except I'd swap Moonbeam and Ash
I dont use any weather effects
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What the fuck is with this new UI, especially the picking UI

I haven't played in a year and I couldn't make heads or tails of this clusterfuck
you're about 3 months late buddy, now be like the rest of us and get over it in 2 weeks
I just don't get it though, nothing about this UI makes sense, its a massive clusterfuck with more needless text then a buckly comic crammed into every pixel, the old UI was at least trying to be clean and understandable.
>day old threads
we're not dead, right?
the first stage is denial anon, you'll get to acceptance eventually
>queue EUW, USE, USW
>end up in russia
halp guys HALP
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>heroes sorted by str agi and int in alphabetical order
>too hard
is there anything more obnoxious than shadow blade legion commander?
>go about your business farming or even being with your team
>get locked down for 5 seconds
>if you're a carry, kill yourself on blademail, if you're a support, get killed by legion
>literally doesn't matter if your team is around you because you just kill yourself on blademail anyway
>no amount of good positioning can solve this (unlike trying to anticipate blink legion), unless you play ultra passive thereby losing mass amounts of farm
>easy for legion to farm jungle, and you can't punish it because your supports don't want to and you're stuck playing mid or carry
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is this how the game of doto dies
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>3500 is the new maximum calibration MMR
This isn't actually true, is it, dotards?
I haven't calibrated my solo MMR yet but my unranked pubs are all very high skill games, and I often get players that have like 5-6k MMR in my games.
If I go calibrate my solo MMR right now, will I actually be no greater than 3500?
That's demoralising as fuck actually.

this is how you dies

*teleports behind you*
*presses r*
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>''man, ''X'' sure is annoying, I mean sure you can *do thing that nullifies it*, or *thing that destroys it/counters it*, and *here is how you specifically do it*, but man, i just CANNOT for the life of me seem to be able to deal with ''X'', how do YOU guys do it?
honestly anon I don't know what to tell you
Can we just delete Lone Druid and TEGGIES already? The former is a failed hero design that literally has to be a gigantic ball of free stats to not be shit and the latter is not Dota
>queue usw use cis europe and australia
>still get in one of those regions
have twitch chat dethroned us as the most cancerous community? I mean sure we would just laugh at it like its nothing but still
meh. like that guy was reading twitch chat while he was contemplating to jump.
"esports personalities from other games who try to get into dota for a couple weeks around every major event and then burn out" should be a jeopardy category
>day9 jumped from a dying game to another dying game
>forsen wants the dota audience
what did day9 try before dota? when i saw him getting coached by purge i saw he's only 2k

>implying twitch chat had anything to do with the dude who jumped off
honestly this patch is total trash. i was barely playing the game before but now im quitting completely
>was seriously considering making a team for open qualis
>chicken out again

Back to captains mode I go.
wanna cum in me
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>b-but qop I'm missing cs
solo queue is a thing now? just saw redditor bitching about old solo matchmaking feature few days ago.

valve listens to redditshits?
When's Singsing's team playing?
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He played some hearthstone but that's barely a game. I don't really see him quitting.
>2 day old thread still up
Will the cyka major save this ded general?
fuck off play hon
nah the game is dead, valve is shifting focus onto csgo
your dead, and valve is shifting focus to your mom
faceless goy
>steal ideas from your competition in dota 2
>use them in an event for another game so your viewers think you're original
Bravo LD
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>thread was made 28 hours ago
>or 2 days according to gulagites
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