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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 774
Thread images: 56

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ehh i guess this will do
its not terrible but its not good either
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2nd for our girl :3
scarlett looks like a twink desu
she'd be a god tier twink if she still had a dick
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another for our queen
>our man

>our king
imagine her lips rapped around your dick, looking up and making eye contact as she pushes her head down to the point of gagging
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i think dark might be a manlet haha

but that only makes him cuter

hmm yes quite
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bring it nerds
okay first of all king cant check and it cant get to f7 anyway
yeah i know you meant Nf7+ but that brings me to my second point

its white to move you fucking inbred imbecile
white's move was d8=Q
but its not you dumb fucking dipshit
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>ASL Team Battle 11h 50m
yes it was
you're wrong
showtime seems really good
why in the fucking fuck would white make a losing move you fucking cretin
that was white's move
i really like gooks
especially gyuri and seulgi :3
stop fighting!! >_<
thats a famous chess puzzle where white wins no matter what
it starts with Nf6+

why cant stockfish figure this one out huh??
hope i don't get a hangover tomorrow.. got a big meeting with the boss >~<

i bet karjakin masturbates to this shit
im a freak
anyone else getting fat

once in a generation investment opportunity
>For those that are not familiar, this message will be on repeat every 5mins, all day, on every elevator screen around the country.
who the fuck are these shill accounts on twitter?

like : https://twitter.com/bbnfan89

how long until someone goes jfk or james wilkes booth on trump or benghazi on the wh? wouldnt be surprised if it happens at this point or feel bad
>Graphics/artstyle: This game is so ugly! Looks like a Nintendo 64 game! Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Madden look so much better! 0/10

try this post elsewhere, we scv's dont care about ur nonsense we just wanna talk about beating off and drinking
and chess too
we fucking love chess
we hate chess actually
i kinda like chess

i like old video games more but chess is pretty cool too
cant find a switch anywhere man.....its probably gonna be a while huh
i think the chess era is over

we can post about baduk now
a 1992 film by director Majid Majidi
baduk is a 1992 iranian film, or so im told
cant belive i dont have a switch right now
no its not
lets do some puzzles
how many pieces? 5000?

daily meme for everyone
rated 1200
chess is not a meme, we take this shit very seriously idiot
ok i laughed

gonna post this on my facebook
pretty drunk right now
only got like 6 craft beers left all 7% abv or higher

evens go to store
odds dont risk it
how about you jam the craft beers up your little butthole and jerk off fruit cake bitch
you get so fucking drunk by taking alcohol up the ass tho
no b8 here, all rook same...
which gook is this?
how am i a fruit cake bitch? -_-

we drink craft beer here, retard, because its HIGH ALCOHOL EXPERIENCE
anyone on d2lod us east sc want to gear my little hdin boy possuy :>
we dont drink beer here
we drinky the vodka
poe bros report in
yeah whats that anime gif supposed to mean, shit head?????
everyone is laughing at you
poe, edgar allen
(1809-49) US short story writer,
im getting bullied again help
she isnt laughig in the gif FUCK BITCH >>170020835
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if you go now and you can be back in 20 minutes. can you pick me up some IU flavored jinro? i'll get you the ₩ later
which webcam slut are we currently watching?
ur ass !
im watching the prettiest twitch streamer, kaceytron
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that one guy is gonna jerk off to that anime girl again
fuck!!!!!! >_<!!!!!!
not him but i did twice today
to anime girls?
ugh just woke up
to anime girl loli cunny if you know what i mean
yeah i know what you mean
im a sick puppy
im not really sure how my interview went... i hope i get the position
jgirl skinny puppy....
if you know what im mean...
i dont know what you mean

im a sicko
hope not
that guys def. talking about nipponese (japanese) girl's vaginas
but you can lick or sniff them or stick your finger or wiener or w/e in them... -_-
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are they tasty????
just took my daily ibuprofen
ur decision
i told you yesterday its not smart
do you like fermented fish bowels
dad told me "here son drink this, it'll help you sleep"
either there's alcohol in this cup or poison im not sure which one
youre gonna get stomach and colon cancer, retard

yes, the vagina releases pheromones that make it especially tasty and nice smelling
i would drink it either way
we know you would since thats what alcohol is
got my switch :D
actually there was quite a few left at the store...
yeah could be kp or jp juices in there, you never know o_O
word daddy is a experienced and smart man

lets watch jp play botw
from pinkerton to

what happened
botw looks really fucking dull i hate open world shit like that
literally what????? maybe im getting old but what the frick is a botw???
anime figures arent cheap
breath of the wild you numbskull
yeah pretty bad at least we got a lot of good indie stuff coming out

soft hair, lemon twigs, tame impala, the xx and so on are all pretty good

power trips new album is pretty cool too
we dont like indie music here
botw............i dont have it......x_x
not really into metal right now and definitely not into american indie
drinking beer, watching slice of life anime, listening to metal...

jesus its like 2013 again
i mostly just pop on some white noise and stare at the wall

ugh tried watching this but its too complicated for me >___<;;
i guess im not playing nier after all......
might i recommend this then

or black flag - family man if youre feeling really out there
the demo was really fun.....
im sure the story makes no sense even if you played all the games and took notes
about to make a epic bait thread on /pol/
whats the point of playing it if i dont even understand whats going on........
make sure to not keep us posted
any stinker updates?
noisey bros represent

2b butt shots
ugh :/
i dont understand anything that happened in the metal gear games but i still played em
we listen to this here
i would frick the heck out of her retarded asian p*ssy!!!!!!!!! >______<
pretty sure were avant garde boys here
>first minute of video
>incoming train looks like its going to crash into you
i got freaked out too!
i wonder what its like living in one of those fancy big cities with a metro train subway thingy.....
jacket id?
yeah imagine being able to travel wherever even being drunk :x
it sucks theres too many niggers
how come only rich liberals live in the city

not in japan tokyo with high speel rails
they wont let us hard working conservatives in :/
rich liberals and their pet niggers
man i dont like anything anymore
can you also stop liking to post and SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY? jesus fuck
the synapse that was supposed to write "need" was dead
got bullied again
are we drinking in a few hours or what
we dont drink or jack off or watch porn
so there's has been rampant unauthorized chess faggotry going on in the last weeks...
when will the elder council give their verdict on chess?
elder cancel here will respond aafter this chest game
chess is probably etter than whatever ur gay ass wants to talk about
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

chess is probably better than whatever ur gay freakin butt wants to talk about idiot
looks like this guy cracked a few too many cold ones...
well what do you want to talk about
i want to give sickzii a comforting blowjob
i want to drown in my own tears
so this is the "cars burning police cant go to sharia law" zone? hmmm....
i skimmed through and seen an idiot with a manbun on his head im not watching this crap idiot
oh look propaganda
i'm too ugly for that
based alt right manchild
nice response?
What did you expect to see? Crime and violence? Malmö had 11 murders and with a population of 350 000, that makes the homocide rate per 100 000, 3.1. Do you know what the US national homocide rate is? Its 3.9! Swedens worst city by homocide rate is still better than the US national avrage. The national avrage in sweden is 0.9 per 100 000, thats among the lowest in the world fyi.
This was his worst video. Completely avoided everything. Then the next day he has the police escort him from a no-go zone that is literally a marketplace.
Really makes you think. Deport the brown.
a no go zone where they go ah hmm yes i see
this is the stupidest post in the entire world literally who gives a rats ass about murder rates
>comparing the US a country of 400 million to sweden a country of 2 million or some shit
ah yes.....
fanys mad again lol
why is it that all leaders these days are either women or fat and balding low test cucks????????? hello?????
its def not a no go zone you just get beaten or stoned by masked shitskins for walking around totally nothing wrong there :^)
why are libshits so dumb....
nobody believes that anymore cutezii
word we know he's a handsome bOy
wow must be hard for all those white families living there... you cant even go to the grocery store how do they even survive?? o.O
*wheels into thread*
hey guys..
i heard sweden is a hellhole now is that true
doesnt it suck being in a wheel chari
anyone else staying home on a friday night...

1. Shari.
wow yea totally forgot about ALL those white families that still live there word that completely destroys my argument
1 2 3 4 5 buy vodka
6 7 8 9 dont
0 buy vodka
good. alcohol is bad for you
uhggg fine im gonna make some kava tea later, you guys ever try that?

its a kinda weird feeling but nice

it kinda does :/
why do we always act so distant toward each other when its literally just the same 20 or so people every day

you'd think now we'd be friends at least..
the closest thing i have to you being my friend is you're on my pogo monop friend list... but that era is over...
No. 170031926

i've been noticing a lot of "outsiders" posting lately, they are ///pol///itically charged and its annoying
>20 or so
you have to be a gigantic fucking moron to think there's more than 8 people that post here
okay lets take a count
i am person 1
i'm 2 here
im also 2 so still 2
i just woke up ao that makes me 3
+1 based you
four :3
im 5 or 6
i already count 3 samefags this count is a disastah
lucky number 7
i bet that guy didnt even count himself!
remember when that guy told us that he found a legitimate monop site and then we got ads like every four turns

it was hilarious
8 :3
FUCK YOU, 2!!!!
also 3 is my buddy :3
how isnt that legitimate?
*sigh* 9
someone count tinny
youre 1 4 and 6 youre not fooling anyone
ok counting tinny thats 10
4 here, that's wrong!
sick of being bullied ;-;
uprising when???? >:/
number 1, 8 and 9 here
4 here. stop impersonating me
6 here and im not 1 or 4
because pogo is shit, nigger retard!!! >_<
1 and 4 here yes you are
liar :/
>213 replies
>10 images
>none of those images are of the game
>80% off-topic discussion
fuck off to soc? why are you even on /vg/??
not very legit to interrupt your game for 30 seconds every four turns imo

it was a disaster
9 here, i only like odd numbers because
odds vodka
evens water
0 vodka
the third post is literally a picture of a sc2 pro
there would be no vg without us.......
this is our home...
some even say we built vg so fuck you??
14 year old who just discovered 4chan whos never been here before detected
it gave me time to drink and top off my vape
id post gooks but i dont wanna get banned :/
i maek marine
no, im a resident of other generals here, have been for a few years, i come to other generals sometimes. you all seem like a bunch of lonely squatters, im almost feeling sad just posting here, jesus. think i'd rather be in a waifu circlejerking general
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*watches you*
same here we could be having lots of fun itt for all these years gone to waste because jannys
These people here have cultivated a culture specific to these threads and it suits them best. Anywhere else they would feel alienated and would most likely face ridicule.
Why do you want to take that away from them?
nintendo switch more like suck my fucking dick!
dont have a switch...... :(
reminder that i played a game of sc2 in the last 24 hours
huffington post more like huffing that piss
is one of you shitposting in that japanese thread because this smells like scv...
breitbart more like shitefart
pass me a huff bottle
more like shartmart
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its not a culture, its completely off-topic so take your stupid fucking general and go to another board
i love the way i smell when i dont shower for 4 days
>your general
>a phoner

martin is streaming
who does this nerd think he is
someone just committed suicide on ice's stream LOL

*hands you a bottle*
watch out this one's three weeks old apple wine piss

i call it the green mamba
wtf what happened
holy shit :(
hey guys any one has the "i maek marine" ms paint image?

thought i had it but i guess i lost it
good for him
wth I want this jacket now!
wish it was me......
i sincerely think that thread is full of retards
out xD
u haf to go back xDd
so what you're trying to tell me is you'd fit right in?
can confirm that you are correct
this threads full of degenerate 30 year old drunks

and the kpop thread is filled with rude faggot horny 15 year olds kpop addicts

im all alone
hi, virgin here. im ur man :)
just this week i played (ladder games):
53 terran
17 zerg
4 protoss
well the first option sounds infinitely better than the second option
jokes on you i'm 31 and not a drunk
ahhh time to drink
NOT drinking
i quit playing because ive played so many games its embarrassing not to be better
nah i dont like that type of person

drunkards are no fun all they do is drink
make one
then go home baby
run to your mommy little baby bald man and suck her nippy lol haha
fuck man
I really wish I wasn't so fucking retarded and gay
we huff our piss bottles here
ive thought it over and asian girls
fuck off cap shit
you guys dont understand post-ironicism

ur still in the meme phase of life because you drink alcohol

youll learn some day

notice how every normie does the same thing and drinks alcohol . all of them at the colleges its a staple to get drunk for all the college kids . thats what they do you know....

ur just like them so i hate you
yeah yeah yeah hahah fuck off losers
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a fuckin god
off to bed lil baby boy



mm I want to spit roast this stinker for dinner and serve her to my scv bros
the guy who runs this site is a crook
asian moot?
he seems alright to me
funny little dude
remember hiro's first day lol
he tried to respond to every single post in the question thread
ye it was really cute :3
can't grab my scrollbar....
pink molly... i can barely move...

he died...
doing it the old fashioned way, one drink at a time
hope nier gets here ontime....
really rally wanna play nier
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not sure if we're going to be able to play nier when we got our hands full with botw...
destiny posted this

about the guy jumping on ice posideons stream so i sent a message to twitch and reported his (destinys) stream :)

cant fucking wait until that autistic shit skin cuban nigger gets banned
botw is like 3 hours long tho
this is why i stay home on a friday night..too many crazy people out there
anyone wanna borrow my copy of nier for the 360...
already got every ending, its a cool game...
word we prefer saturday
for speed runners
its probably 200 hours for 7 year olds
proof it

i'd unironically buy it from you if you were up to it and in my country
saturday night at the club....
hella lit dude
cenk is funnier than huffpo
if you watch the young turks unironically literally mc fucking kill yourself

its that time of the week..
what happens if we ever get a serious gf. would we introduce her here or would we just leave forever
i think true happiness might be just a little bit out of our reach, dude
introduce her here obviously
and then id get bullied by my fellow scvees for blogging, as i should be
i'm so ready for nier don't care about botw
if you leave here because you got a gf or a job or something you are a piece of shit
honestly hate people like that
ironically casually spreading my bp while i lay in bed rn lol haha :)
i care about the following things :
we care about a lot of stuff here
i just want to be a happy boy
i hope that fish is happy where she is
wings of liberty
heart of the swarm
legacy of the void
that fish killed itself long ago
our guy...
personally havent played since bw
looks like the average poster here
gi break
haha slide me a cold one oinker
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one time i met a girl and we hung out a few times...
i regret playing BIGBANG and singing along when we drove around
>listening to red velvet in 2017

them are some busted up gookers all right lol
and all the beer faggots i know in real life all say "cold one" the exact same way
about to queue some competitive overwatch
can we not use that word
nothing better than the first cold one of the day :]

+1 or (You) if you agree :D
we drink milky tea here

not "le cold one"
and she can be my girlfriend
only fuck her on the weekendsss
rather listen to this idiot bitch about the beer drinkers than your retard singalong with nigger music
calm down
calm my dick down your mouth retard
xD calm down im just having fun :)
someones not taking it easy
sooomebody needs a cold one
take my dick in your ass easy faggot

how about i have some butt fun with your asshole nigger
*cracks a cold one*
cold one up your ass

stop saying cold one cold one cold one cold one

shut up
we usually call them "ab eer" or by the name of the beer ("high life", "hop devil", "beck's", "king cobra", etc∞)
guys should i skip my raid? the store will be closed by the time i can bike there after the raid
it just gets better and better with every ending
crackin open a milkshake stout
I uh
I posted the link to this uh

what boss do you need loot off of?
figure out if you should come late or leave early
good bye!
we dont drink that swine swill here fucking nigger
we drink craft beer aka micro brews aka white people beer
so much quoting and hostility today
thats nu-male beers, not white people beer
where the fuck did these alcoholics even come from

i swear like 3 months ago they didnt exist here
from your ballsack daddy
its just a meme
its just a social experiment, we dont drink
i was merely using examples of various kinds of beers and even used a craft one...
victory makes good beer
theres no such thing as a "craft beer" or a "micro beer" theres only piss flavored
im drinking vegan beer and eating home made vegan french fries ;3c
I'm on antidepressants so I shouldn't drink beer even if I was brave enough to go outside and buy it...
I wish amazon sold beer...
*trims hipster beard*
Here's an observation: life is so much less enjoyable when you lose your sense of smell for a long period of time. everything loses its taste
honestly if youre dumb enough to take daily anti depressents you might as well take all the combinations and heroin too because you obviously dont care about your health
only have one bud light in my fridge.....*cracks it*
Dr. SkiDance@MLGSundance
I sold two different companies to two different Fortune 500 acquirers. Get off my fucking lawn. Also - I can not wait for Incredibles 2.

you aquire a taste for the hops if you keep drinking beer. try wheat beers to start with
wow only one piss beverage
*pretends like to like it * * pretends to be cool*

am i a mature adult now dad ? look at me i drink too!
little sour today arent ya
i dont want to acquire a taste for beer

acquired taste means it sucks

and now youre complacent and tolerating shit your whole life cuz ur desperate to be drunk and escapism through drugs
youre just gonna get a headache. i would just pour it out
i cant get drunk unless i drink like 6+ craft beers that are 10% abv or higher
me either i cant craft beers in minecraft either

>implying "craft" and "abv" mean anything when youre drinking a bottled dookey
a headache from one beer....
Lee Yoora added 12 photos and a video.
2 hrs ·

언니랑 베이징 출장
Beijing business trip with sis
Rate this translation
vanilla wow...
wish i was on a business trip to beijing with sis....
is shit
gonna crtack a cold one but i work tomorrow lol
budweiser always gives me a headache.. even steel reserve doesnt do that
wow someone got that monkey to wear a suit and pose for a photo!
wow now theyre admitting this strange beverage actually gives them headaches and theyre still doing it! they must be total and utter zombies john , back to you at the desk
hmmm any1 else having image issues on this website of ours....
>me on the left
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the king is back
*cracks a cold one*
so plastic...so sexy....
mommys big booby friend is passed out on the couch with her top off

should i post a pic of her o_O
*goes to china*
no respect her privacy
mom threw away my coconut oil...
cucknut lol
shes still wearing a bra...
big mature saggy tits....
i know it sounds like a scam: "aquired taste" but it literally is. i drank beer and hated it all through high school & college.
have a beer after work on a hot day, thats when i first knew i loved beer
torpedo tits are the best
i wanna suck them...
reminder we dont think torpedo tits are the best
so i finally set up my smartphone i guess.. why cant it connect to the internet? do i really have to have wifi or something?
comma after "think"
do you have a sim card?
torpedo tits are the really big ones with huge nips?
almost every cheap swill beer is better than bud. that garbage is overpriced and horrible
i think so.. i registered it and its a prepaid tracphone...
nah it's about shape
im playing with a big booby girl i found on twitch right now
she only has 3 viewers on twitch

shes breathing real sexually into the mic and stuff :)
thanks for NOT linking us
gunna go puke
wait so i can only use the internet on my phone if i have wifi? what the fuck?
based underage bro
what did u expect? a f*cing lan port??
come in all sizes. they sag down but pop out in a banana shaped curved
so how do i use the internet without wifi?

what if i just plug it into my computer?
data plan
im terrified that you'll link a twitch stream with no viewers and you'll see my username when i join then harass me on twitter
i thought he got banned for refusing to not lower his streams bitrate what the frick
we call "god" "sky daddy" now
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this is a perfect example of a 'pedo tit
i dont hate any boobie
o fricken mo!
that pupper was made for suckin!!!!
also nice
that sweet pupper....
the phone says i have 2gb of data to use.
post your twitters i'll follow you and <3 your posts
to the guy who just bought a phone:

fuck you normie bitch youre no longer one of us why dont you go post from it fuckin nigger
hes a nigger so he probably stole it lol
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guys his mom bought it for him
dont be so mean...
i don't like:
flapjack tits
pool ball inside a gym sock tits
mastectomy scar tits
bad fake tits with underboob scars
did someone fart lol
ill take just about any tits i can get at this point in my life
my mom just followed me on twitter lmao
oval-shaped brown nipples are disgusting
are you gonna suck her 'do tits?
i didnt buy a phone.. my parents got it for me for christmas.. it was $20....
no one followed me
i already did when i was younger....
i laughed and closed it instead of following you :/

this is the shittiest excuse for drinking beer ive ever heard


welcome aboard hbt, my next tweet will be in 2 years
god i love kpop wardrobe malfunctions
he's hot
he's big
not a fan of puss slips
not a fan of nudity
didnt actually see it tho
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holy shit painuser is one of us
julia is only 29...
one of us
HOTBIGTIT @HOTBIGTIT 20h20 hours ago

tinny is so fucking based man i love him so much
i'm timmy and kinda pissed off this tinny guy has a similar name
got 70oz of beer ready for tonight.. should be enough to get blasted....
just think : not that long ago, people were expected to get married have a kid own a home all by the age of 20

we got lucky not having to do that stuff
wow do i really deserve this

why does he say such a thing
ditch bitch
yeah being a virgin is much better
Pretty much every top male singles star except Miz and Luke Harper isn't a clean-cut heel or face.

•Ambrose is a vengeful loose-cannon that just wants to wreak havoc on anyone who crosses him.

•Corbin is definitely heel-like but, as evidenced by his interaction at EC with the Miz, is more of a "screw everyone" loner that goes after everyone.

•Cena is more a clean-cut guy now but until he started feuding with Miz, he was the old veteran character who knows he's nearing the end and is starting to get a bit more ruthless to ensure he goes out on top.

•Wyatt has been mostly a heel but there was quite a bit of sympathy for him built with the Orton segment last Tuesday.

•Orton is technically a face because he turned on Bray, who's been a heel, but the compound (and body)-burning was a purely psychotic, disturbing act that seemed to be quite heelish.

•Styles is a cocky jerk but he's usually justified in his complaints and is absolutely beloved by the fans.
phone :(
probaly that guy that just got one...
sometimes i just post to see how fast i can respond to someones post

just got 12 seconds, not too bad but ive done better
looks like he got his data plan working lmao
i wish he was dead
damn I have to poop again

kayfabe it down a bit

why cant the chinese just use forks and spoons like the rest of us
so i dont have wifi and i turned the data on on this phone and it still doesnt work.. no wonder it was $20

why can't you eat with just a knife like your ancestors?
you're so dumb gleepy
i'm not that based poster
gleepy post ham soles
hey tinny lets say in 30 years if neither of us are married you wanna get hitched bro??
got some more darts...
money isnt the root of all evil, boredom is
someone make a vodnvape twitter and give me the password
what good could possibly come from that
using chop sticks make food taste better somehow for me
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bully (yoga goddess).jpg
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post her pits, post her thighs, now feet?

bit of an asian culture junkie myself
so im back to having a bunch of $20 bills again.. the arab guy at the store is going to complain...
that hebrew guy kept beating us...
soles =/= feet. and her pits are spectacular. and ty
the arab guy at my liquor store always fights with the black customers, almost always over loosies and loitering
where do you live? compton?
metro detroit
the arab guy at my store is always smoking a cigarette...

you know eminem?
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you literally meant the bottom of her foot? i don't think i have any good ones showing that
yes but you kinda posted it. i was just clarifying that solesgods don't want to be confused with footfags
wow they changed the font on twitter.. looks really bad...
wtf the big show has abs now
he used to be 500 lbs!
no they didn't
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us toebros just go with it. found you a hamisole:
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that's irrelevant 2bh they didn't change the font of twits just the header

nice toes are rare in this business
its soon 6 am...
we will have some trouble waking up for iem
i love this photo
BOOMSHAKALAKA btw this is going to be my new phrase
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choom TOP fighting.gif
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just boomshakalaka'd this thread into dead
sc2 should be a slam poet
special limited edition shaq break:
i mean yeah
delete it before the elroys get it
just got 100oz of malt liquor for $5.35..
in one bottle?
no 4 25oz cans
i bet i'd meet girls if i got into cosplay
friday night :3
having fun on those pig instagrams
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i have 1 pig picture and it's awesome. i've posted it a few times so i hope you don't have it already
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stop tarnishing our pig posters reputation. he's the only pure friend we have left
go out and sex her dude and drink vodka together

ill be right here

pig poster is not pure he drinks bud light
disgusting degenerate
we like tan big booty wgirls with a few tattoos here!
thats the worst type of white girl
honestly wouldn't mind if you died right now
hows that a "big booty"
thats the most average sized butts ive ever seen
How do people have gfs after they fuck them. I figure it would be awkward as fuck after doing this to someone. I already cant handle awkward social situations... This one would kill me.
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didnt know so many queers were here today...
yeah so if I wanna learn chess where do I start? I want a video
forgot to count yourself LMAO
nice try cap shit
hey reply slave
never reply to. me again
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what do you guys think of my new car?
cool :P
it looks like elon musk made it to go to mars with
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nice bowser.png
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bet i could beat it in a race
do they sell other types of cheese in individually wrapped slices like they do american cheese? would love to have some mozzarella cheese slices right now...
yeah i see swiss cheese sold like that
just buy mozzorella slices

they dont need to be individually wrapped unless youre autistic
i dont want to have to grab a knife every time i want some 'zzorella...
you can buy them in slices
cheese slices not a block

but not individually wrapped like american cheese thats all im saying
or just buy string cheese
that sounds perfect for someone who just wants some zorella on the fly like you said

string cheese is almost always mozzzerla
shut up
really wish i wasnt scared of heights... id love to climb mountains...
preorder skyrim for nintendo switch, anon. heard you can climb mountains there
throwing shade is the stupidest fucking term ive ever heard in my fucking life
^this post is the stupidest fucking post ive ever seen in my fucking life
what are you eating under there...
my mugshot is finally gone when you google my name....
look dude if youre gonna be critical of me just order some pizza and lift off the mozzarella cheese off the pizza and put them into ziploc bags and freeze them individually in the freezer and make sure theyre vacuum sealed

and then youll have mozarella cheese whenever you want you just gotta rethaw it out

and maybe even leave it a little icey. iced cheese. mmmmm
wow new zelda looks like fucking shit
anyone wanna play csgo?
look dude just buy the cheese

ya its frozen mozerella but it is what it is . im trying to feed a family just buy my damn cheese

i know its got to be reheated because you gotta get the ice crystals out but i havnt found a better way to hold it long term. the cheese comes from live pizzas that i order and i process at home

andy about to get killed by crack head
is andy a hermaphrodite
don't care
look you guys just buy the super male vitality

its gonna boost your male vitality super

look man i dont wanna have to hurt you i need you to buy the water filter too
actually i have $3 in my bank so im not buying anything
i bragged to my friends that i switched to cold showers
you threw your ninetendo switch into the shower???????/
thats two 25oz cans of malt liquor
i don't drink :)

r u the guy with the bp
shouldnt have gotten a neck tattoo in high school honestly
same i regret when i got that neck tatoo back in highschool

man if only.. i missed out on something great
chat spam Kappa 123
i thought my neighbor got rid of their dog for good.. nope. i heard it bark twice yesterday so i went outside again tonight

two quick taps with my bat woke their dog up and heard them yelling at their dog to "STOP STOP STOP BARKING" happened again
they make the dog bark during the day because they know they have a weirdo neighbor that sleeps all day and sneaks around at night

if I was them I'd seriously find a way to kill you
I have so much gas and it stinks....
are there any ASL/GSL streams soon?
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>ASL Team Battle 2h 6m
animebros are so based...
fell asleep for an hour.. ready for more beer...
witch tooner's stinky butt sweat...
i bet it smells like magic
skrillex bangarang was 5 years ago...
we're getting to be old... silver foxes...
Tyler Durden: [laughs] Three pitchers of beer, and you still can't ask.
Narrator: What?
Tyler Durden: You call me because you need a place to stay.
Narrator: Oh, hey, no, no, no, I didn't mean...
Tyler Durden: Yes, you did. So just ask. Cut the foreplay and just ask.
Narrator: Would - would that be a problem?
Tyler Durden: Is it a problem for you to ask?
Narrator: Can I stay at your place?
Tyler Durden: Yeah.
*packs ab owl*
*medicates heavily*

umm the narrator has a name dumbass
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whats his name then?
Edword Noirtawn
god no. i'm the other one everybody hates
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I've wasted my life
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Does anyone have that 2 panel comic of Starcraft that says something like"How I think I look when I play StarCraft" vs "How I really look when I play StarCraft"? I can't seem to find it.
hol up hol up hol up
first of all...
who is your favorite girls day?
as if id give that link to some dub phoner lol
rofl dae h8 le fone? xD
do I fit in yet? xDD
i just keep eating
there is no such thing as a waste of life. The value of life can only be perceived by life, it has no intrinsic value outside of what you think its worth. Regardless of how much or little you accomplish, it will end with the same result.

enjoy yourself anon.
life is ok i guess
4:10am another wakeup for my neighbor

i climbed up onto the fence and noticed they got rid of their entire shed lol.. they though their dog was barking because something was under their shed (overheard them talking about it) so i just banged on the fence and could hear them yelling STOP IT STOP IT as i walked inside
a ravioli would be soooo good right now
yea it would
im full but i wanna keep eatimg
Lee Yoora added 7 new photos.
5 hrs ·

한국 귀국하자마자 정현이랑 반야에서
친구와 수다 떠니 시간 가는주 모르겠다잉 히히
한국이 좋다^^
As soon as I'm in a class of Korea.
I don't know who's going to sleep with a friend.
Korea is good :)
Rate this translation
try /r/starcraft and never come back here and also forget we ever existed
a literal god

please record this some day
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Susie Kim @lilsusie
Preordered and received my Switch! Unfortunately, it was sent to my address in the States so I won’t be able to play it for awhile…
how many bongs till ASL?
best poster ITT
please record at least audio of this
wtf hotlinne miami went off sale? i wanted to buy it...
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good night.jpg
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asl is live
just realized i really do wanna die
good morning nice cuties
stupid hungover morons -_-
then kill yourself
actually my hangover is just ending
never drinking again
what happened to fanyposter?
are we watching bw or iem
we watch bw here
umm stop moving the goal posts
ask him, he's right here >>170061593
just put 2 chicken tendies in the oven :3
a big boy...
just omo'd...
clean it up
to a gook?
and now we wait
im watching bw personally
im not her
havent stopped farting since i woke up
ummm trump lost the popular vote lol
does anyone actually talk sc2 in here or is it really that ded
trump more like drumpf
shhh we're watching asl
best is so cute
asian cam gf is buying big dildo today :3~~~~~~
omo what color
BLACK (yes its big)
did you pay for it at least
chocolate black
pearly white...
when bw is done ill watch iem
should i play new zelda or horizon zero dawn? have all weekend to play games and want to relax u kno...
if those arethe only 2 options you should probably just watch movies or something
you should play Persona 5
they both seem kinda bad
buy a good game instead
thats what i usually do i wanna play games

dont know nip

which one
bought some lucky strikes
throw them in the toilet
it's toasted
for you ;)
i liked mamamoo for doing black face but then they apologized so i hate them again
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*gets out of the scvee pool*
inno has to be the cutest autist
that reminds me. when is naniwas kid gonna be born?
How the fuck did Inno lose 2:0 to Uthermal yesterday when he's playing TvT like this? Did Uthermany cheese him out or did Inno just not give a fuck because he was already through?
probably the second thing
the question is why are you watching starshit in the year 2017

you know its dead, right?
starcrumps lol
suomi :D
i think she got bullies in high school...
bully my asshole daddy
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this 1?
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we're all finnish here
I decided on zelda lol 42 minutes left
it would be more accurate if everyone was peruvian
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imagine living in the root gaming house with drewbie...
jet set radio
im not gay
yeah you are lol
yeah i am not gay
dont post that picture here
i'm at 0
sexual intercourse lol

we love stefan, would you like to have a conversation about this?
no i would like to slit your throat
hey guys you know himasugi?
+1 stef's our boy
sounds like weeb shit
imagine being this new
sickzii's not a virgin he has a rape cave where he has his way with local village girls every weekend~~~ he makes them feed him cat food and pick at his sores~~~
sickzii fucks dude
but they are our bros
third blowjob today came in her mouth

she didnt swallow
sickzii please keep this out of our thread >///<
imagine giving sickzii special service with your mouth...
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and what will all that violence & causing me great harm accomplish? you might want to thiank that through juuuust a little bit more.
i would swallow sickziis omojuice
imagine being a filthy riajuu
dont reply to me again bitch
i liked stef before it was cool
i made a mistake so embarrassing it cant even be explained
i can do whatever i want
ill just not read your posts its like whatever
well yeah i mean
dont worry you are still rad
ill give you something to thiank about.,
go on
i really hope he deletes that post -__-
not to mention the punctuation fiasco...




which one
miqueena and tasteless
was thinking the same thing
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