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Mass Effect General - /meg/

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Thread replies: 761
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MEG Collage by WG 026.jpg
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No no no edition

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Previously newest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3q_Nd5arZM

MEG's updated Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/ehq8JjR2

MegSev adventures: MegSev dot blogspot dot com

All previous Collages that we know of: http://imgur.com/a/FSJBQ

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvY23rAa1L4

CES 2016 Footage: https://youtu.be/JRStRzbBD_g

E3 2015 trailer: https://youtu.be/uG8V9dRqSsw

E3 2014 trailer: https://youtu.be/C4HbiCKBhFU

Bioware propaganda: http://blog.bioware.com/2015/06/15/introducing-mass-effect-andromeda/

Letterbox List of Science Fiction to watch while you wait for ME:A

Previous Thread >>169869564
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First for best girl.
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Drack best husbando.

I hate that I've gotten really excited for Andromeda when there's still weeks before it comes out, I just know I'm going to burn out soon and end up not excited when it actually comes out.
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Kallo a cute.
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Cora a shit whore
Liara best waifu.
Femshep bestshep.
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Vetra is Goddess
Eighth for Mass Effect 3 is fucking gay as fuck dude.
I hate every single one of you
What did I do??
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I appreciate your honesty
PeeBee is....
Has it been confirmed if you can kick people off of your ship? I really don't want a coon aboard.
No. Peebee is required for the critical path.

Peebee is Sera 2.0

I hope against hope that we can flush her out the airlock.
What about the nigger? It can't be of any use, can you tell it to fuck off to the nexus?
Only if you suck his big black dick first.
your waifu is gonna get reamed by bbc
I'll have it sucked out of the fucking air lock.
>there are actually people in this thread who are going to pay for this game day one
>there are actually memelords in this thread who think they are going to pirate it even though it has a new form of denuvo and regular denuvo takes months to crack.
Nope. He's part of the tempest crew. You're stuck with these 6.

Liam and Cora are probably the Solas and Cass of the game, you can't get rid of them. PeeBee is apparently needed for the main story (yay) and they haven't said anything about anyone else.
What were they thinking.

> yfw all team members are mandatory
>the air lock
That's a weird thing to call your mouth.
It's been suggested that we're at a technological disadvantage compared to the native Andromeda races. That may just mean the Kett only, though. They may not have the tech to travel between star systems, but I think it's also been hinted that the Kett may not be from Heleus Cluster and are invading.
It's been an eternal complaint of mine that you have the same slate of characters no matter your alignment. KOTOR2 did this really well. DA:O to an extent did, but otherwise they want to push their darlings on you.
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>No. Peebee is required for the critical path.
So PeeBee would be Varric, since you can't get rid of him either.
It would make sense, really, especially so if the reapers have never wiped Andromeda.

The Angarans should be dizzyingly advanced compared to human tech, unless they also had some kind of catastrophic event occured and wiped shit 50,000 years ago.
Will MEA be the best game ever made?
Not necessarily, they don't have mass effect tech in Andromeda apparently. Remember part of the Reapers' malfunction was that they were seeding the galaxy with tech to make the cycles shorter and shorter. Still, the remnant vaults suggest that you're right and prior civilization did get rekt.
But remember that a lot of the Milky Way's technological development, including ability to travel around the galaxy, was specifically thanks to Reaper tech. Andromeda had the Remnant, but we have no clue what they're like. Without that leg up, the Angara may not be that far.
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it has a strong chance of being the best Bioware game of 2017.
You implying black people can't be English?

And I'll have you know Anderson was born in London.
They can't even be European, genetics are strict like that.
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not in this timeline
Oi. It's too early in the thread for this /pol/shitting.
Anderson was born on a military base if I recall. And no, Africans can't be English. Liberals in the Labour Party even realised this and have tried for years to push "British" identity over English/Scottish/etc identity becuase of it.
>true facts are /pol/ propaganda
where can I find more pics of the Miranda's outfit?

I'm bored so I'm trying to model it for Fallout 4. post if you have anything.
just ignore and report.
I found playing adept in me2 more satisfying than in ME3

Flare is too fucking slow.

then again I played a retarded sentential. Like I played using just left trigger warp, right trigger throw, and y Defensive matrix my last play though
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so why is it BioWare doesn't model the characters after there voice actors very often? I know in some cases the voice actors look like dumpy lumps of shit (Ashley), but Gary Carr seems like he'd be good enough to portray Liam in game.
Hardly /pol/, this is a pretty simple truth that even the left recognise. Hence the talk of "new" Germans and "new" Sweden, or as the other anon said "British identity".

But there's need to dwell on it.
Tali's face should've been modeled after her VA.
Cause I am never taking Liam off the ship either way cause hes black.

Like at least Jacob had pull and fire ammo so he was useful for the first hand full of missions before Jack, Samara, and Grunt totally outclassed him in every way
/v/ would explode and anons would eat each other

But no at best it'll be decent but flawed.
Becuase he is in part the reason my countries capital city resembles a third world country.
neat didn't know those existed. cheers m8
Source on the ass shot?
I bet we Milkies sucks compared to Kett.
London....He was born there y'know
>people think ryder will be the john smith to jaal's pocahontas when it'll be the other way around
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For reference, here's Liam's face model.
Well then by that standard you're not an American.
Injuns are Americans, you're just some shitty European.
Is an American born on a Japanese military base Japanese? Or born there full stop. Exactly.
so unloyal miranda will die if she's holding the line all by herself yes?
Anderson was born in London?
I don't know how old these guys are but I'm guessing the model is closer in age to how they pictured Liam.
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He was born in London.

And he thinks he might die there too.

No it not, I'm English. But as to your point it may be best to familiarise your self with right of conquest. Bet yes America is the perfect example of why mass immigration is awful if your not the one immigrating.
Gary Carr is only 30, but you're right he does look older.
wait so, London is Anderson's place of birth?
So that means Ryder will eventually end up with someone else?
Wait... I thought that Kett are Angara but they have been changed or something like that?
Yeah London is 100% black and paki in the future.
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Did I ever tell you that Shepherd?
Garrus is a Mary Sue.
That's a theory based on seeing some Angara fighting alongside the Kett but we haven't really seen anything to suggest that. It seems more likely they're just collaborators.

BioWare can't write any other kind of character. They're all self-insert or fantasy fodder for the writers.
I didn't know he was born in London, y'know. It's definitely London?
Pretty sure the codex says he was born in a military base in London, and he tells you in me3 as well.
>tfw wanting Andromeda but have gotten to the point of not expecting anything great from the story after 3

Does anyone else feel this way
Anderson tells you he was born in London?
Yeah, at this point I am just looking forward to stomping around semi alien looking planets and shooting MW galaxy inhabitants.
>tfw don't want Andromeda to succeed because it looks like shit and BW is clearly running away from the ending of ME3
>tfw don't want Andromeda to fail because than EA would take that as a sign that they should kill ME like they did with C&C

What do.
Yes, but the Kett may have been a race before. Archon doesn't look like the others. Maybe he's trying to recreate his race by transforming others.
He's not a Mary Sue, he's just a boring yes man. Which is why he's a fan favorite. BioWare fans love the characters who are up their ass no matter what they do. Those are the top "husbandos and waifus" and "bros". They have that designated BFF character in almost every game.
Oh boy does he tell you.

>. Which is why he's a fan favorite. BioWare fans love the characters who are up their ass no matter what they do. Those

This desu.

This is why Tali can never be quite as popular a waifu as Liara. She'll actually argue with you on some stuff.
>Start Mass Effect 3
>checked difficulty to confirm if I'm on insanity 3 times already

Why the FUCK is this so easy?
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>tfw the kett are just evolved prothean who fled the reapers in the last cycle
Garrus too. He was very against the idea of reprogramming Geths if I remember correctly.
i stopped expecting after 2
to be honest i thought 3 did a lot of things right so it actually rekindled my interest in the series. andromeda will be shit though.
Get trolled, I don't actually think he's a Mary Sue

Also who is the "designated BFF character" in DAO? Kill yourself if you say Alistair.
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why does she remind me so much of carl?
>"designated BFF character"
I hate to think it because I still love the series overall but 3's story and ending just burned me, was also a bit disappointed in 2 as well with a few things

Kinda sad in a way to think that you just can't expect anything great from a series you like and enjoy
>boring yes man
>tell him not to cap Sidonis
>he tells you to fack off
>Rewrite Geth
>he tells you not to

I hope you get raped for insulting big G
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He's not a boring yes man.

That would be Kaiden and Jacob.
ugly and annoying
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>tfw expectations for Andromeda are so low that even if it sucks, you won't care
Drunky dwarf>dog
Oghren constantly bullies you depending on the choices you make and is a vile little FUCK
>Yes man
he literally distrusts you for most of the series you fucking twerp
>Yes man
>I was bred to be a warrior, PB. Trained my entire life to master my senses. Where did you train? ON A DIG SIGHT!?
Nope i pre ordered deluxe version and im super hyped for the game
>Most of the series

I nuked that bitch and shot Ashley 2 games later when she got hormonal
>quietly concedes without a peep if you do these anyway
>verbally fellates you for the rest of the game

As he said, passive yes man. He may have opinions, but he'll never act on them. He would never have a real argument with Shepard.
>just the deluxe edition
are you some kind of poorfag? lmao kys
He was yes man in me1 tho. He got more interesting in me3 but he was written by different person.
Super Deluxe only brings some MP booster packs, what's the point?
Leliana, in a way. The only way she's not all over you is if you shit in the Sacred Ashes.
Zevran *insert troll face*
he argues with renegade shep about aliens, and you can change his opinion with enough points to make him hilariously racist.
This. He has differing opinions to fit the game mechanics but it never actually causes a rift between him and Shepard and he never challenges you.

On the bright side, it doesn't look like any squadmate is in the position to be auto best friend. Liam may have been but he's described as such a hothead that if you tell him that anger in the battlefield is good, he starts wildly shooting at an enemy corpse.
2-3 times?
Wait really? I didn't know that
The Resurrections in DA2 pissed me off so much. Both Leliana and Anders died in my save game import. At least Mass Effect never pulled any shit this infuriating. Wrex and Ashley stayed dead.
*any Andromeda squadmate

Kaidan practically hates your ass in ME2. He's not even close to Garrus level yes man. They wanted players to love Garrus so they gave him no real ability to have issues with Shepard. Same with Varric in DA2 and Dorian in DAI. This is a thing they do in a lot of games.
>No adrenaline rush in mea

Do you think all weapon types will get a slow mo mod or something? It would be pretty shitty having no bullet time fun at all.
Time dilation is totally out so that the experience in single and multi are the same.
Leliana died tho.
>They wanted players to love Garrus so they gave him no real ability to have issues with Shepard.

They did the same thing with Liara.

Contrast Tali and Wrex.
So they retconned the retcon?

i do it every time, i think it's sensible that he distrusts you later.
Liara had the treatment to an extent, but not like Garrus. They wanted you to fuck Liara, but Garrus was your SUPER BRO no matter what. Don't you love your bro? Bro?

And fans ate it up, so I guess they did it right. Playing to players' egos is always the safe bet, but it doesn't an interesting character make.
Kaidan was a lil whiny bitch in ME1. Thank god he man up in ME3
>Not even tumblrites are excited for Liam

Dead on arrive.
To be fair, this was the wrong game for people to ever excited about a black companion for. Because everyone who has played Mass Effect knows that the starter humans are boring as hell and everyone is still bitter about Jacob.
Pretty much
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I disagree. He simply looks up to Shep as a mentor, and takes cues from him, but might not like them. For instance:

>talking with Garrus in ME1
>he starts talking about how he doesn't care if there's hostages on Dr. Saleon's ship, he would still blow it up
>tell him about how that's wrong, you always should try to save the hostages
>Garrus is visibly frustrated and disagrees, but shuts up and accepts
>do his mission
>he's all for just shooting the bastard
>tell him not to, but you have to kill him anyway
>he thinks it was pointless
>lecture him about virtue and shit
>he finally starts to agree with you

>doing his loyalty mission in ME2
>he starts going full-on Punisher
>tell him that's wrong
>he all but tells you to fuck off
>stop him from shooting Harkin
>still headbutts him, and angrily tells you he didn't shoot him
>try to save Sidonis
>the fact he respects you so much is the only reason you (and Sidonis) aren't dead
>he is really fucking pissed at the end, but accepts it

>ME3 rolls around
>he's become his own man now, and dealt with his shit
>the game doesn't give you an option to piss him off

As rebellious as he is, he's still a turian.
They already tried a black male and failed. People have already linked him to Jacob based on these superficial characteristics along with him being the weapons master. Should have given us a thicc Uhura and a blond Dulph Lundgren looking bro.
When Garrus eats or drinks I wonder if anything comes out of the sides of his face..
>He always accepts your decision no matter what you do. He may be mad, but he never brings it up again or you can talk him out of it.
>The final game doesn't give you an option to piss him off because he's supposed to be your yes man super bro.

You're literally proving our point.
Plus Liam and Jacob are written by the same guy....
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New MP screen from Melo. https://twitter.com/DiscoBabaloo/status/837466568850292737
literally the ugliest femshep ever made.
>>he is really fucking pissed at the end, but accepts it

No he isn't, he's calm as hell and passively accepts your decision as the correct one without a peep in your first dialogue with him after.

>>ME3 rolls around
>>he's become his own man now, and dealt with his shit
>>the game doesn't give you an option to piss him off

Because he doesn't care enough about anything to get pissed off. Because he's a yes man.

He hates the shit out of the geth for example. We know this. But his reaction is basically "meh" if you decide to make peace with them or even side with them and genocide the quarians. Would've been better if he had shot you, or at least refused to talk to you for the rest of the game.

>second attempt at a black guy
>should we make him be from an African nation for something interesting and different
>na let's make him "British" born in the ghettos of London

Do you think the bioware staff are themselves subconsciously racist?
ive seen worse
>>should we make him be from an African nation for something interesting and different

Can't do that since they have decided African tribal is the default for alien species now and Jaal has an uga buga accent. And yes, all white liberals are mostly racist and misogynists. They put women in charge of every aspect of Andromeda Initiative and the whole thing is fucked.
That's because he's a beta, not a yes man.
>accept other people's ideas, but doesn't like it, and will probably tell them

>yes man
>accepts everything, patronizes you, doesn't even care about their own shit, it's all about you

No, he is quite pissed. He'd probably punch you if he didn't like you. The fact it's never mentioned again is a fault, I will give you that.

At this point, he's putting his feelings aside to concentrate on the larger threat of the Reapers. He talks a lot about "ruthless calculus," because that's what he's struggling with: the burden of war.

Since when has he loathed the geth?
>he had shot you, or at least refused to talk to you
That's not his MO. He is a turian, he knows his duty. He is a bit more rebellious than other turians, but still, he will fall in line.
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so the ME youtubers got to go play ME:A today? We should be getting some better leaks soon.
How many fangirls are going to be disappointed over Jaal's voice because he has an African accent and that isn't hot to them? I love watching SJWs try to rationalize other reasons for what they're obviously feeling.
It's all about Jaal.

Tumblrites don't actually find black people attractive.
They still wanted to fug Javik so I think they'll be fine.
He's a beta on purpose so he never threatens you and he always strokes your ego. That's the point and that's what makes him basically your yes man who never truly challenges you. Thus he's easy to like. It was purposeful character writing.

You're disproving nothing.
They wanted to fug Javik because he's a funny douche and people like that. I don't see anyone saying his voice was sexy.
Javik voice has an African accent and sounds awesome.
>Three Krogan
I assume Biotic, Soldier and Sentinel?
Yes but that's not the panty-wetting voice that women want from their male LIs. It can be as deep and gruff as they want it to be but I'd bet money that the African accent will throw them off and there will be disappointed people.
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Probably more than just that once you scroll down. I'd assume there was one of every type of the 6 backgrounds.
Cant speak for the fangirls but I like his voice (if thats his voice in the N7 Day trailer) it's deep but gentle.
>He'd probably punch you if he didn't like you. The fact it's never mentioned again is a fault, I will give you that

He literally says that you were right and he was wrong in your first conversation with him after.

>Since when has he loathed the geth?

Since always. Listen to the praise he lavishes on you if you destroy the geth

He's even the only squaddie skeptical about peace, saying that having geth support "feels like I've got a target on my back".

>That's not his MO. He is a turian, he knows his duty. He is a bit more rebellious than other turians, but still, he will fall in line.

Exactly, he's spineless yes man, glad to see that we are in agreement.

He won't so much as even refuse to keep quipping with Shepard and orally felating him, he'll just act vaguely mopey for one conversation about you genociding his best friend's race in support of evil robots that he hates, and then get back to sucking.
No if he want to strokes your ego, he would never question your choices.
Garrus simply look up to you and with time, he starting to trust your decisions
To be fair the vast majority of people don't find them attractive.
My sis loves Javik so I wouldn't be so sure.

Well unless that Salarian with facial markings is an Engineer instead of an Infiltrator, I've got my MP main ready to go.
Black guys are pretty popular. Black chicks are considered less attractive tho
Any new leaks?
Well the important thing is that even if Liam was a white brit, Jaal would still overshadow him.
I heard you faggots shit-talking me. Fuck all of you.
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>Jetpack Turian with the Helmet
Oh man he must be pretty pissed everyone in Andromeda stole his gimmick and made it better.
Awww no we love you Garrus you're the ultimate bro.

Go back to shitposting on /k/ betafag, even Shepard's bitch killed more geth than you.

Yeah. Aliens always overshadow human squadmates.
Screw them. I love Miri more than stupid blueberry and chicken feet.
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Or ultimate lover for femShep
This is why Bioware wisely decided that all the old human squadmates were shit and made them almost all cameos in 3. Only 1 (one) returning human squaddie vs 4 returning non-humans. Then all the four DLC squadmates were aliens too.
I wish you would fuck me but you're not into gay stuff.
Good. Why would I want a human squadmates if I can have cool and interesting aliens in my team.
Yknow except Legion, Grunt, Mordin, Wrex, Samara and Thane.
What about them?

3 have plot-mandated deaths in major roles that fit their characters, thus it makes sense why they weren't brought back.

1 also plays a major role in the plot and gets to be a full guest star party member in a DLC.

The last are Grunt and Samara, who are boring.
Do you guys think that EDI's robot body has a human like vagina? I'm sure that the Illusive Man probably used her for sex.
They actually say she does somewhere in the game.

Can't remember where.
Probably. Didn't she have a camel toe?
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO FUCK EDI SO BADLY HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll check the next time I see her.
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Every survey ever done on the subject has then as the least desirable of all races, for male and female.
The fucking devs can't even drum up fake excitement for him.
>that carbon-fiber skin texture
>Somebody had to spend work time giving EDI a camel toe
No i think the least popular guys are asians
It's weird they don't tease fangirls with info about him. I'm starting to doubt if he's even romancable. Or maybe he's gay?
Devs are pushing Peebee like crazy and it's completely backfiring on them.

Serves them right.
It's all about Vetra, Jaal and Kallo.

If they fixed the bags under Granny Harper's eyes and her jawline maybe she could join that group.
Nope, Asian males are second from last just above blacks. Asian females are the most desirable with white women just below them.
What about Spics?

We number one or two?
Maybe he's a diversity quota character and no one on the team can force themselves to try and get people excited for him or something. With such a small cast he really does feel like a wasted slot.
>sad that i let Kelly die in ME2
>gets replaced by Traynor
>Traynor is 100x cuter

Get fucked Kelly you slut.
Lol i will never understand why people like asian females. I just don't get it. Even black chicks looks better than them.
Bestiality is illegal in most civilised countries though
Hispanic males are number two under Caucasian males, Hispanic females are second to last above black females. Which I find surprising, you normally think of Hispanic chicks as hot, but I guess it is tough competition. I can post you some links to a few of the relevant surveys if you want but it's a pretty /pol/ topic so maybe just look it up on google, shouldn't be hard. I don't want to rack up more reports from our ass hurt tumblr refugees.
They're easy and don't mind if you're autistic and ugly. At least if you're white.
Guys, why did they make Ashley look like a slut in ME3?
She was probably raped by Batarian "refugees"
she kinda looks like a chimp
I would just correct you on a little detail; as years go, pretty much every statistic is stable, but only asian females and white females rotate on the first place.

I don't understand the appeal of Asian chicks as well, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
She is an autist but qt
Nah I'm good. Personally I'd put White Guys, then Hispanics, then Blacks, then Asian Men.

As for Hispanic Women I think it's because Latinas while hot can be crazy aggressive bitches.
Some are pretty damn hot but on average I'd say white or Latina would get my vote over them, but hey those are the statistical average, can't really argue them.
Mods, could we ban these racist bastards for racism and off topic discussion?
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Why do Asian guys always get screwed? Surely they'd be preferable to a nigger at least?
They thought people would like her looking like a knockoff Miranda.
Yup, same here.

>As for Hispanic Women I think it's because Latinas while hot can be crazy aggressive bitches.
Also they tend to age like a milk and usually during one day when they turn from straight hot to the round and wrinkly local matriarch.
Peebee is being pushed in marketing but half the devs have proclaimed their love for Jaal.
They are on average, pretty much every survey on the subject goes whites then Hispanic then Asian then black. For males anyway. Why they are so low I couldn't tell you.
Asian men are low because on average they're the smallest and women aren't attracted to small men. And at least in western culture, nothing about Asian men is coded as manly or strong.
>ban for racism

You're not on tumblr any more new friend. If you have a better topic for discussion I'm all ears, if you haven't noticed it's a slow news day for mea.
It's just a personal preference, asians make good fuccbois and not much else.

Actually put Asians equal to Blacks and Dead last are Indians
If you took the time to read you would have noticed we were just discussing EDI's vagina and Ashley looking like a slut.
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t. Asian male.
Oh good.

I also saw someone mention they're going to be talking to the VAs for Kallo and Vetra but I dont know what thats about.
Ash was hotter (and more realistic) in ME 1 and 2. Hate her look in ME 3
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delete this
It's odd becuase the ranking for males even stay about the same when surveyed in asia. I think China is the one exception in which Asian male is number one with Caucasian at two.

Indians are Caucasian, but I'd assume that when women/gay dude vote for Caucasian they don't really have Indians in mind.
What about Jaal's VA? So far he's the most popular squaddie.
They never do VA videos for everyone. I'm not sure how they choose, really. I'd say based on celebrity, but Peebee's VA is a literally who for me.

Thinking about it now, Jaal's VA was never even confirmed.
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>javik is a funny douche

ah yes, the javik comics
So since mea is a game about colonisation, do you think we are going to get some moral brutal moments? Like wiping out a technology inferior species so we can have their resources ditch planet. Stuff like that would be interesting.
Yeah plus we still didn't get his bio and character kit. Weird, especially since he's so awfully popular among fangirls.
Do Turians have a weird scary spike thingy on their backs, why do their armor and clothes go up like that?
Are you saying Manveer drinks his own tears?
If there will be more races than just Kett and Angara...
That doesn't affect marketing. BioWare's marketing is notoriously pigheaded about sticking to a "plan" that they change up multiple times because of their own fuckups. Jaal's popularity is probably the only reason we get any little teases of him though. Like that one screenshot. Not convinced he'll get a bio because it might be too spoilery.
I'm guessing they are holding a lot about him back so your first contact moment is a bit more of an unknown. I'm a little disappointed they're shown him at all in a way.
I thought we only have 1 maybe 2 sentient races is because all this is taking place in one area of the Andromeda Galaxy
It doesn't look like there are many species to choose from in Andromeda. This would probably be an element in a later game when we can get out of the system we're stuck in.

But I do think we'll get the choice to royally fuck over the Angara.
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No. They blunted this angle of the story by having the Kett as the oppressors to the Angara. See Jaal's description as 'resistance fighter'.
>quietly concedes without a peep if you do these anyway
Every fucking squad member does this.
Why are they both severely blading
I get this idea and agree to an extent. But at the same time, they probably need to be more hyping the fact that we're in a whole new place. The best way to do that is to hype the brand new alien race and our squad member who's one of them.

And the first contact trope is fucked on arrival anyways. Milky Way races already made contact with the Angara by the time we get there.
Ha in a way, yes.

This is what worries me, I get it takes place in one cluster but still, we are leaving a lot of alien races behind so you would expect a good amount of new ones to make up for it.
What did you guys think of the 17 minute video?
>playing as femshep
>killed Kaiden because hes boring
>Ashley becomes a Spectre
>only two Spectres are woman

No. The devs have stated that we're the underdogs in Andromeda. We're in no position to wipe anyone out.
>Milky Way races already made contact with the Angara by the time we get there.

Fuck I keep forgetting about that, it's so stupid. Yeah with that in mind I guess you're right, no point in them playing secret keeper. Well not long to go now anyway so we will see for ourselves soon enough, god help us.
I stopped watching 4 minutes in because Peebee wouldn't shut the fuck up and I hate her.
>tfw shala raan will never jerk you off under the table
I keep hearing Peebee is the Sera of Andromeda. Is that true?
It killed a lot of the hype for me, the dialogue was just awful, but worst of all in a way is the combat looked flat out boring.
>tfw couldn't tell the difference between Sara and Peebee's voices most of the time

I just assumed all the obnoxious lines were Peebee. The voice similarity triggers me enough that Peebee will probably be permanently benched when I play Sara.
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Wasn't great but wasn't terrible, the chimpout has been amusing though.
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The guy playing it seemed totally useless. But it seems like a fairly typical Mass Effect mission. The SAM/Peebee barks are way too frequent and I hope there's at least a way to tone down the idiot indicators so you don't have characters telling you what to do and icons showing you where to do it in what is a fairly linear level. Squad AI looked as braindead as it did during the OT. Really annoyed the avenger in cut scenes thing is back even if it's a minor thing.
She's a more open-minded, kinder, actually intelligent Sera. Yet she still manages to be just as annoying.
From what I read, SAM wouldn't shut the fuck up because it was a mission where a ton of new things were being introduced, and he normally isn't that talkative.
Yeah, that's what the devs said, but it was the same way in the OT. Even when you were near the end of a mission you'd still get companions shouting at you to "HIT THE BIG GREEN BUTTON AGAIN, SHEPARD". It's a minor thing, but I had hoped they would tone it down a bit. That said, it's fucking Detective Mode to scan objects. You can stop with the handholding after the first five minutes of the mission.
And you believe that?

With every bit of footage they release they have to come up with numerous excuses and damage control to try and cover the many faults. It's pretty hilarious that people would actually believe them at this point.
Reverse tumblrite
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>tfw the one of the primary reasons I liked the ME trilogy as much as I did was lovable and amusing characters
>tfw I don't like any of the characters in Andromeda so far from what I've seen, if not out right repulsed by some
Why even bother
Its a loyalty mission, i assume those arent at the start of the game.Not just that but it was stated that this was post game, why would these mechanics only be being introduced late into the game
Aside from launching us via Escape Pod which was fucking stupid, I don't hate PB that much, she's only mildly annoying to me.
She didn't look like a blue Ogre this time.
Still hilarious that she dies twice while Drack takes all that damage like a champ.

Animations aren't seemless when you're running across uneven terrain, there are points where she does a weird slide forward.

World looked pretty but please stop showing us the same mission from the NVidia trailer and bits of the December trailer.
Wait what? Other races made contact with the Angara before humans?
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What is the best history for a renegade femshep?
>"Peebee also expressed curiosity about Jaal, wondering if the Asari ability to mate with all Milky Way species extended to the Andromeda natives."

Asari already at it.
The Nexus gets there a while before the arks we're on do. And people like Rae Sloane are already running around on a planet with Angara. Plus I think we see Angara on the Nexus.
I don't see why not. All Asari do is take portions of genetic code and mingle it with theirs, it even works with Dextros.
34 year lag or something right?
Speaking of which I just realized we overhear a few turian/asari couples in the trilogy but no quarian/asari couples.
I mean it makes sense when you take quarian culture in consideration but still.
Pretty sure something goes wrong with the human ark, like it crashes somewhere before you fix it and meet up with the Nexus
What about asari, turian and salarian ark?
Ogre-ass whore can't have him.
Yeah, Quarians are looked upon like dirty gypsies by council races, not to mention the fact that they're very insular as a people, too
Shit I misread what you were asking.

No, people on the Nexus made contact with Angara first. There were a mix of races on the Nexus including humans. Ryder and company get there on the human ark a few years later. But by the time they get there, every Milky Way race has already made contact with the Angara presumably. So there's no first contact moment to be had.
Unsure, but something definitely goes wrong when you first get to andromeda, most likely because of the Kett, Scourge or both
Jaal could get a better Asari than her. They'll probably all be frothing at the mouth over all the brand new genetic material.

I doubt his fans will be happy about this.
Asari Ark was rumored to be fucked
No info about Turian Ark
Salarian Ark might be in trouble because there's a scene during a trailer where you're evacuating some Salarians or something
> A few YEARS later

Are you fucking serious? It can't have been that long, that completely ruin any first impression you could make.

I'd be fine with a couple of months, but years? Really?
Yeah. I get why they did it. Then they don't have to spend hours establishing how you set up communications, etc. Because that obviously isn't the story they want to tell. But it's disappointing.

Maybe at least Jaal's group of Angara can have a first contact moment. The way that female Angara talks in the scene where you first meet Jaal makes it seem like maybe that particular group of Angara hasn't encountered a human yet. Maybe they were really insulated somehow?
Not a chance in hell will you touch my Jaal. It's bad enough that other Asari has her sights set on Drack.

Is this game going to be about cuntblocking Asari.
I could be wrong about the gap being quite that wide. I'd have to look around.

But it was long enough for Sloane Kelly to go rogue and establish a whole group of mercenary criminals on a planet.
>Asari ark rumored to be fucked
A little more than rumored. The last book of the 3 prequel books is about a lost ark and the game informer reveal article talks about a long quest chain finding Asari escape pods and piecing together what happened.
>objective of the game is to take out the asari to stop them from overpopulating the cluster and forcing out the locals/other Milky Way races
>Peebee is the final boss
>Mass Effect will never have a minigame about clamjamming Asari
Well at least they got the attitude right for Liam.
what is it about mass effect that attracts all these degenerates?
>PeeBee is your main ally because she might make all the asari /r9k/ like her, driving down their futility
I don't care about others touching Jaal but Peebee can fuck off. Put him with Vetra or something. Reach and flexibility and all that.
But what if I want to shoot her, anon?
If the suggestion is that Kalinda is Peebee's ex, then it's no wonder that Peebee isn't all about other Asari and it's not of her own volition. They probably shunned her.
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I played ME1 and 2 when they came out, but after hearing all the shit on 3 right after release, I stayed away.

Andromeda has peaked my interested, so I've finally played through ME3 at about 45 hours for this one playthrough, including dlc.

This is probably going to come off as bait, but can I get an explanation or link about the massive hate about the ending?

Since I was already kinda spoiled about how arbitrary the endings were (RGB lol), It didn't really make me that mad. Not saying they're acceptable endings to a trilogy like that, but it didn't spoil the whole experience of ME3 as the journey itself was really enjoyable. Had a lot of fun along the way and ME3 really reminded me of that from the first two games.

Again, this has probably been discussed to death, so I understand if I get a bunch of

Or just throw a link about a good discussion about it my way.
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Why is she goddamned adorable and likable?

Why am I still waifufagging five years later when I've never even had a waifu before, before considered the very concept disgusting, and have a perfectly functional normie life off of 4chan?

Seriously, what the fuck?
that insult about not reading their own or our history...literally /pol
Asari. Everything was going great in ME1 as a space opera with comfy exploration and fun characters...then you meet Liara. Super busty attractive perfect blueberry bitch. As soon as you bring her on the ship the first thing she talks about is how promiscuous Asari are, and then she starts slobbering over your dick to where the game makes her the default romance unless you tell her explicitly to fuck off.

This attracted lonely losers to pick up the game to fug the blue space slut and in turn created whore degenerate waifus like Miranda and Jack in ME2
Actually it was hinted that PeeBee and Vetra had an interesting relationship

Give her to Cora something.
They changed quite a few things with the EC. You get a little more reasoning from the star kid and you get ending slides for most of the planets. I think a lot of the disgust hinges on the whole catalyst/starkid/RGB thing and as you've said, that was spoiled and you were well prepared for it. The London mission is also pretty lackluster in its level design, a lot of boring apartments and streets. Some people were mad there was such a heavy price to pay and how much of that was related to your EMS/multiplayer activity. A lot of it was overblown at the time, but it was rooted in legitimate criticism.

What ending did you choose?
So what happened between them to go from ex to rivals to I'm gonna kill her

One Question. Do you have the extended cut endings or the original endings?
This but with Garrus.
Well he is in the 'resistance group', could be that they've been mostly off the radar and only heard about the new arrivals
I dunno, sounds like you should kill yourself honestly
Only bosh'tets dislike Tali, she's perfect.
So lads, who is going to be your go to squad? I'm thinking Vetra and Jaal, maybe trying out peepee a little to see how bad it gets and see how well she plays off of Vetra.
From the Angaran woman's dialogue it sounds like that could be the case.
God I hope so.
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I have the extended cut. I'm assuming those are the still images with audio that play out? Or what else did it change/add?

I choose green/synthesis. But after beating it I get the impression online that blowing up the reapers, and all synths, is the best ending?
Probably Vetra and Jaal too as my main, with some Drack mixed in. But I'll take everyone out at least once to see how they are.
Jaal and Vetra
Drack and Jaal probably. Drack seems like he'll be tanky as shit and Jaal's got the sniper rifle. Maybe swap Jaal out with Vetra every now and then. Liam depends on what skills he has, I'm not encouraged by his melee focus and what I've seen from the AI. I like playing biotic characters so Cora is pretty much a nonentity for me. And Peebee is never leaving the ship unless it's via airlock.



Drack and Jaal in all likelihood, though I'll probably try out everyone.
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Hey man i think your keyboard is broken, looks like its typing in all caps. Just thought id let you know!
they wanted the hamburger helper audience
>Bring back most intellectually and technologically advanced species of all time
>the Species is actually made up of a hierarchy of races with Javik's being prime at the top with others being from conquered planets.
>Most racist (and logical) character in the games

Javik really confuses me...why did sjws make him so good and likable when his ideology they can't stand and would probably try to punch him in reality...
Apologies friendo, I typed in all caps to show my rage, but if you disapprove of it then I sincerely apologize.

My favorite part of the ending was the part where Bioware told us that all of our choices throughout the trilogy would impact the ending only for it to be "push a button and the reapers will go away"
I mean you knew how shit it was going to be so they softens it alot. Also alot of the initial shitstorm was with the vanilla endings which had absolutely nothing after the Normandy crashlands on that random planet, just credits. The Extended Cut offers alot more closure by having alot after that point.
What the EC doesn't fix is your choices through the trilogy ultimately not changing the actual outcome of your ending, its still decided by RGB. The Catalyst's reasoning is also completely devoid of any logic either.
>organics building synthetics which eventually kill organics is totally a problem so I'm going to build a race of hyper advanced synthetics to kill organics so they can't build synthetics to kill organics
>this retard again

are you back to lecture us on interdimensional psychic vampires, anon?
If SJWs like a character's superficial qualities enough, they're very willing to handwave any actual wrongdoing or flaws (doubly so if they can headcanon/bullshit said character into being a minority of some kind). Just look at the Overwatch fandom on Tumblr.
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Everyone has different opinions on the ending. Destroy is definitely the most popular, but BioWare pushed Synthesis as the 'good' ending and some people here will say Destroy is the dumb cod-bro ending.
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No problem man, im sure the rage you feel at the lack of challenge is totally justified.
I remember when I first heard Daniel Carver explain while sitting beside a black woman why he doesn't mate with the blacks, still probably my favourite joke even if I think Carver is a piece of shit degenerate low-life wigger.
Because his life was utter shit and he has a reason for thinking the way he does. I'm sure the hardcore Tumblrites hate him.
Main Team: Drack and Jaal.
Secondary: Vetra and Liam.
If I need Biotics: Cora and Pelessaria.
Yeah destroy is generally regarded as the best since it solves the main problems without any kind of 'is this really ok?' ending like synthesis and control. Plus if you have high enough war points the relays are only damaged, not destroyed, and your Shep can technically survive.
>Daniel Carver explain while sitting beside a black woman why he doesn't mate with the blacks
Sounds worth a kek, link?
Watch the original endings.

That's what we got at launch.
So I'm reading that you want to do all side missions before doing Priority missions in 3 so that you don't miss anything.

How do you know if something is a priority mission? I'm pretty early in and I'm trying to do Grissdom Academy because I remember it being pretty dank but I don't see it on the map. The only missions I've done so far was going to the Turian planet and helping the female Krogan.

Apparently you have until the Citadel priority shit to do it, but I haven't done that yet.
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Ah that kinda makes sense. In retrospect I probably would have chosen destroy as that matches most the goal of the game, destroy the reapers, and falls in line with the paragon shepherd always talking about giving people a chance, hope, or free will.

Yeah, I guess the severity has been softened with being spoilered and EC.

Over ME3 was a fun ride and I don't regret playing it, or the other two years earlier.

I got the gist of it. Fucking yikes those are a mess the way they just cut like that.
In not MEA news; this came out yesterday, you lads see this shit yet?

pick one

She has literally perfect genes, a near perfect body, and intriguing philosophical thought problems on the uniqueness of her existence.

I want humans to be raised up not toned down.
I don't regret playing ME3, it has its great moments (some of the best in the trilogy), and it also has some of the worst in the trilogy. Alot of the writing related to Cerberus is some of the worst writing in the trilogy, Kai Leng especially. Its just the ending I'll never not be mad about largely because I played it release.
His life was utter shit due to the timing of his birth, but the most significant view of his ideology the hierarchy of races is legitimately never countered and even seems to be objectively correct during the prothean cycle. All Shep does is say things like "we don't do things like that anymore" which clearly isn't an argument against Javik's worldview.
So is Andromeda going to be a trilogy too?
fwiw (not much) I played and finished it at release, chose the destroy ending, and had enough of an ems score to see the shep lives ending then and there. I was not as upset about it as many others and felt like Shep had accomplished his mission.
It's going to be a series from the way people have been talking about the overarching story
I doubt it. I think they are just looking to add enough of a time buffer (in terms of the setting, with the fanbase, and dev tools/platform capabilities) that they can go back to the MW. I'd be surprised if we never went back to the MW / spent more than 2 games in Andromeda.
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>Kai Leng

I just finished this game a few hours ago and had already forgotten about that needlessly edgy, try-hard, shoehorned in antagonist.

For me, he and everything about him might have been worse for me than the ending.

Especially that fake-email note. God, how embarrassing.
I don't want a repeat of Mass effect's "your choices totally matter"
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Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
the whole video is gold, but just before 2:40 he is asked about mating with black woman.
They're never going to touch anything post-ME3 so that just leaves doing a game either before or during the trilogy which really doesn't leave them with a lot of potential.
>that Pic
You can do that with another Krogan and annoy the shit out of him.

I think it's Inamorda on Noveria
fuck, I should have known
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>you will never get to crater peepee
>They're never going to touch anything post-ME3

I don't believe them at all when they say this. They're saying it now because it's convenient and people are shitting on them for leaving the Milky Way.
I have to wonder if they made him such a terrible badly written annoying little shit on purpose purely so that his renegade interrupt death would be so satisfying.
>Super busty
you were goin great, and went great after, but this part's just wrong
best packs to buy for Shotgun Rail Amp 3...................................
No m8 they completely fucked themselves with that ending. Synthesis and Control both basically eliminate any conflict and Destroy leaves us with some post-apocalyptic shit. Unless they did a Diebuster type sequel I can't see it working.
Any fun multiplayer spoilers yet?
she's a fag...

Honestly, samara is the only good choice.
Stabbing Him and Pistol-Whipping Gavin Archer were essential Renegade prompts for Paragon Sheps
That video's pretty damn funny, weird to see that they could get away with this on TV back then. Carver is really shit at that identifying game though, no.2 was extremely obvious
compared to ash and tali she's got the bap
>Garrus: "At least we killed Lieutenant Bastard Kai Leng"

I think they did.
Jaal and Vetra. Assault and Sniper rifles are the best weapons, they seem like the coolest characters, and they're both cute
>...like they did with C&C

Some wounds never heal

If you aren't exclusively going Vetra and Drack there's something fucking wrong with you
>ywn cuddle Jaal and Vetra at the same time

we can still hope. they did say that some romances would be ok with polyamory, and it happened in Jade Empire
best cuddling would be Vetra and her sister though
Why is everyone getting salty about the animations? Mass Effect has never had good animations.
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Vetra and whoever I feel like taking. I think all the rest of them will be boring, even Jaal.
Reminder that if you don't think Biotics are #1 you should be raped.
Vetra is boring.
tech powers are the best. Come and rape me if you dare.
They want another TORtanic.
The new animations look like they genuinely tried to make something good and then just gave up half way through.
Meh. You're entitled to that opinion.
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>be large AAA development studio
>spend 5 years creating a game
>end up with this
Shit taste.
It's objectively correct.
have fun with the 6 inch range on your powers in Andromeda
i was hoping bioware knew that as well, and would take steps to correct it.
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And you are entitled to that opinion too.
>Mass Effect has never had good animations.
That's not an excuse though, is it?
They don't remember the silly mass effect animations.
Long range biotics are getting fucked in ME:A without warp.
the animations were designed with Scott in mind, I think. His arms are long enough that the punch would have connected
BioWare is releasing things in small drips so people are being given too much time to meme it out. If they'd just done an open MP beta they'd be fine.
Then maybe they should fix that shit because that's a serious design flaw?
i feel like lance is going to be literally the same thing
I hope so.
oh, it's really fucking bad. i'm guessing how they fucked up, not saying that they didn't
I'd much rather rape them or coerce them into nonconsensual sex with each other
>response to handholding in IGN demo is that "new mechanics are being introduced"
Are loyalty missions optional? Because if scanning things is a major part of gameplay, what would be the reason to keep the introduction to that mechanic in an optional mission?
PeeBee's supposed to be a really important squadmate so I wouldn't be surprised if her loyalty mission wasn't optional.
They're optional. The IGN guy was playing the mission in postgame.
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>Playing postgame
>New mechanics being introduced
I mean the whole thing is edited as a demo so it's not like we can judge how and where it'll appear in the actual game.
They're supposed to be mechanics that are only used for Peebee's loyalty mission. All the loyalty missions are supposedly unique with their own mechanics.
Sounds like bullshit to me.
I just want to enjoy Mass Effect : Andromeda in the most casual and relaxed way possible !
>enjoying video games

I really hope I can 'mess up' Peebee's loyalty mission and have it end with her hating me
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I want it to engage me and make me feel feelings, because mass media right now is just rich autocratic monkeys and poor autocratic monkeys fighting over who gets to have the illusion of power.

Need something positive in my life.
Then watch a let's play
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Daily reminder that Liara (the superior waifu) is still alive and, in fact, in the prime of her life during Andromeda, unlike shit waifus (like Garrus) who have been dead for centuries.

Liara is the best!
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i'd like to peel off the skin where her 'eyebrows' are
That's mostly why I don't have particulary high standards for vidya games. They are, in the end, just video games that are meant to make you have a good time.

I want to relax by playing a video game ! I don't want to watch someone else waifu vetra !
Delete this.
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soon my friend
Fine, then kys!
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This will be the first Bioware game since DA2 to not get a goty-award.

Good times.
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I have high standards for them. I need them to be put together with heart and care, enjoyed by the people who made them, not just mass produced. I think they are able to make you feel good if they make the people who made them feel good. It works like that.
why is it liara's eyebrows look like shes draws them on?
This, there would have to be HUGE differences in the state of the galaxy depending on the ending, in the case of synthesis - destroy, they'd basically be different games altogether, so yeah, bioware would never make it post me3
apparently that's just a pattern on her scales. yeah.
>she just happens to have scale patterns that make her look less uncanny than other asari
This seems biologically probable.
I kind off feel the same way, but I don't mind when a game doesn't reach that standard. I always felt like jank animation or rusty gameplay are excusable if the game is made with heart, with people that at least tried to do something.
Kind off why I like the weird way Bioware made Kirrahe shuffle from left to right during his speech, in ME1, where you can CLEARLY see that they didn't made a "talking and walking at the same time" animation rig for the Salarian. They still tried to do it, you can see through the seems, but I find it funny.
I liked the "camera work" in Mass Effect 2. I think the person who did it had really good cinematic sense, and loved doing it. I think it's one of the things people rarely notice because it became subconsciously consumed, but I think it was really good camera work. Even simple scenes have good camera work, not just the main ones like the suicide mission planning.

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Will this game let me manifest destiny?
don't Asari elect to take on specific characteristics from the races they mate with?

her "dad" is probably a human and her mom decided to get her some sick eyebrows
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Why does Bioware hate Salarians?
every scene with the illusive man is fucking gorgeous because of this

ME2 is the prettiest game in the series by far solely on the back of amazing lighting and camera work
liara's dad is another asari who doesn't have any eyebrows. she gets them from her mom i guess.

probably not, it sounds like there's too much shit going on within the AI for them to be doing something like that.
nope. and humans have only been around for like 30 years, too
Yes, completely agreed.
Yes. I honestly don't mind the janky Andromeda animations or the imperfect facial animations if they manage to get a good cinematic flow to the cutscenes and if the gameplay is fun.
Always felt like graphics were the frosting on a cake. The gameplay have to be the satisfying meat and the story probably describes the ingredients used in the recipe.
>inb4 food comparison
>"maybe I should play ME3 MP tonight"
>After a couple minutes, first map is Tuchanka Night
I hate this fucking map.

Seems like this game, Salarians get a little bit more attention what with our Pilot, Jarun Tann and whatever that mission with the others are.

Not to mention there's a Salarian (and Turian) in the Pathfinder room
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No, the natives are more advanced than (You)
I feel like ME2 had the best animation work overall in the series and some of the best among Bioware games in general. Theres not alot of times where I notice something janky or unnatural due in part to both better animation overall and good camera placement covering the bad ones.
She might, Benezia has the same Markings.
I want to date Fem Shep.
>go to Cortez in ME3
>he's a gay fag

so how did we make the impossible journey to another galaxy?
pointed the ships in the general direction of andromeda then went to sleep
What kind of dating would you use, Radiocarbon dating or Rubidium-strontium dating?
Yes, absolutely. I think ME3 had a really good scene that was the last conversation with Mordin before he goes up to blow up, especially if you call him out of defending the Genophage before.

So many feels, and it's one of those hidden scenes I think few people got to experience because a lot of people are going full paragon or renegade at this point.


they must have been some fast ships
That doesn't say much about Andromeda though. In a year with Zelda, Red Dead Redemption and Mario it's almost impossible for other games to get goty.

ME2 had the most polish of modern Bioware games in general.
The kind of dating where she comes to my school and beats up my bullies, then we go back to my house and I cook her a really nice dinner and we cuddle on the couch and hold hands.
DA4 will definitely have that tevinter mage from the comics as the first trans companion.
scenes like this are why I want to bully people who act like Mass Effect 3 is garbage. It definitely had problems but it also had amazing moments like this one.

Well it better be a cute girl with a nice dick if they have to make a trans companion.
God the line "Someone else might've gotten it wrong" stings so much more if you argue with him over it.
Jesus christ, Vetra is tall as fuck.
>scenes like this are why I want to bully people who act like Mass Effect 3 is garbage
A broken clock...
I made him a steak.
She's okay looking. Depends on how better they are with Frostbite by then and how feminine they want her to look.
Fuck off
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>tfw you will never cuddle on a couch with a femtur who is wearing nothing but panties and socks
The only broken clock will be the gigantic clock made out of glass that I smash over your skull if you open your stupid fucking mouth one more time buddy.
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I love that conversation so much. Hated doing it as a Renegade, but sending him up there made me feel things I didn't want to feel about a shooty space RPG.

Openly debatable. I doubt she's going to be a party member, but she's probably going to end up being a """straight""" male PC romance if she is.
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Only a matter of time until we start seeing this stuff in ME too.
Tsk, nothing personnel kid
They weren't, it took 600 years, everyone was just in stasis
turians dont wear socks

they're lewd that way
>She is 10 cm taller than Garrus
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>Garrus was a manlet all along
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And Garrus was a few inches over Shepard
God damn this woman.
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New trailer when?
Of course they wouldn't, their talons would pop out easily.

That's why you'd make her wear one
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>MRyder 5'8
>Shepard 6'0
>Garrus 6'3
>Vetra 6'6

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea
She's one of the few things I liked in that comic so it could be nice pounding that boypussy.

>600 years

wow, they were fast ships then
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>Male Ryder 5'8
The animation team probably.
> Thanes intro

I forgot how fucking brutal that was, thane was pretty awesome
>eat some chicken and ceasar salad
>keep burping and it smells icky
>get heartburn

Help me /meg/
>he's not into amazonians
Look for Chakwas
But that makes them feel insecure about their height.
I meant me, not my Shepard.

Unless you're telling me that Chakwas is real, in that case I need to find her and make love to her.
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>option to be a slaver in muh sci fi space opera when?

Really makes you think
>smells icky

are you 10 years old?
you can't just apply medigel to every problem
Shes real if you're delusional as me
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>give her a hug
>can't do anything but shove your head into her tits
Anyone who doesn't want that is probably a closet homosexual.
turians don't got breasts, all they have are razor-sharp plates and infectious diseases
>not dominating xenos
>literally being a beta


Too bad femturs don't have tits
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I want her to rape me so badly.
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Amazonians have quality thighs and tits.
I'm glad this is in 4k ultrahdâ„¢
they easily could have just set the game 200 years in the future instead of doing something as retarded as going to another galaxy.
>not making the Andromeda galaxy submit to the power of the human dick
No, they really couldn't have. The endings were so radically different that they wrote themselves into a corner and had to move galaxies so they wouldn't have to establish a canon/make players choices matter.
>tfw no female angarans to fug

They better be thicc as well
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yeah i guess they just bred that synthesis stuff right out huh
what about omni gel?
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Femshep looks so cute when she has her helmet on, she makes my heart go Doki Doki with those pretty green eyes.
removed after me1, doesn't exist anymore
confirming IT is always an option
Yeah, merging all life in the galaxy, having a massive reaper fleet out there and destroying most technology are totally going to merge into the same outcome in only 200 years.
Amazonians are also muscular you useless git
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Oh, right.

so pick a canon ending (the one were we just blow shit up). The power vacuum that comes from the rebuilding and lost land could have been interesting. Other games have made canon choices for sequels. I know you're gonna say something along the lines of "but then no ones choice mattered" well, it never did in the first place. Just make a good girlfriend simulator and all will be forgiven. Going to another galaxy is just ridiculous

yes, don't do it.
the andromeda galaxy is 2.537 million light years away anon

converted to kilometres that's 2.4001873e+19

covering that distance in only 600 years is very impressive
>Going to another galaxy is just ridiculous
they'll never pick a canon ending, especially since everyone hated the one they wanted the players to pick.
>Canon ending

That is where Wrex dies, genophage isn't cured, You side with Geth and Destroy, right?

We better dissolve the council after that shit, we saw how fucking useless the Asari were
I'd let her toss my javelin if you know what I mean
>so pick a canon ending (the one were we just blow shit up).
I completely agree with you, a canon ending is the best choice. It would never happen however because tumblr and reddit would lose their shit if their specific playthrough of a black lesbian shepard isn't the one made canon.
>Just make a good girlfriend simulator and all will be forgiven.
>tfw you will never have a lazy day with your femtur gf

Because it's basically impossible


Obviously the only choice would be the one were we blow up the reapers. As for the other choices, well bioware can just choose for you like they do already
Wait Legoman did some fanart?

I was joking, but you can't deny that's why a large number of people buy bioware games
And they can all fuck off to their VNs if they want a waifu simulator. The meat of ME is the world-building, the lore, and the story
What a shitty video. The dude has no idea how to make an investigation and keeps stating obvious shit off wikipedia. Are you 12 or something?
Agreed my friend, Femshep is very cute!

>It would never happen however because tumblr and reddit would lose their shit if their specific playthrough of a black lesbian shepard isn't the one made canon.

As if everyone on /meg/ wouldn't do the same thing.

So you're applying our modern level of technology to a future world with incredibly advanced technology? Are you going to complain that biotics are impossible too?
Why do you hate going where no man has gone before in a fucking sci-fi story?
>everyone ITT with shit taste wanting a sequel to ME3
>not having good taste and wanting a small-scale game set before ME1 or between ME1 and ME2 about some random fucks dealing with local politics, pirates, slavers, and mercs

get fucked
haha thanks im very smart
we've talked about why a game set before/during the trilogy wouldn't work either.

>The meat of ME is the world-building, the lore, and the story

I seriously hope you don't actually believe that
Personally, I would rather have one of the 3 endings as chosen to be canon rather than Bioware acting like the the milky way is qurantine zone and leaving it behind forever
That's not why they should fuck off, they should fuck off because "waifu simulator" means they aren't playing as Femshep.
I just want an citadel-only based game, set it as a prequel, Probably make it C-SEC based, turn it into LA Noire in space sort of deal.
That's what I enjoyed the most about the franchise, and it was the parts given the most polish and care.

>So you're applying our modern level of technology to a future world with incredibly advanced technology?

even with the tech level in ME (which is what I was using) it would be impossible

>Are you going to complain that biotics are impossible too?

sure, why not

>Why do you hate going where no man has gone before in a fucking sci-fi story?

I'm sure it'll be fine, but don't kid yourself. Literally the only reason Bioware did this was to avoid dealing with the old story

why, pray tell, would a game based around fucking around in the Traverse like Han Solo not work and/or be the best thing possible to happen to the setting
>Because it's basically impossible

why? ftl travel is possible in the me universe so why is it impossible to travel to another galaxy when we've been zooming around the milky way like its nothing?
I don't care why they're doing it. We've explored every inch of the galaxy in these games, it's good that they're doing something new. Even then how the fuck is it unbelievable that they can go to another galaxy with how absurdly easy space travel is in this series?
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Are you ready for the totally softcore porn in space ?
Because it'd be boring as shit, ME has been based around being a very important character for 4 games, having you shit around as a bandit not doing anything overtly important would be torn to shreds by fans
How do we conquer the Kett through the power of human cock?

Well I mean, they needed the relays to get around. As far as I know, no one was able to recreate them

this reminds me of the first sex scene in the show last man on earth
because it would just reopen old wounds about me3. bioware would be introducing a new cast of characters for the player to get attached to that would be screwed over by the endings.

i agree with you it would've been cool to explore the milky way as someone other then shepard before me3 came out.
That's why they're just using FTL power and that's also why it's going to take 600 years. If they were using relays it'd take a couple days tops
>Silt strider/netch creatures

Nigga is that in Vvardenfel?
>tfw DA2 being hot garbage soured Bioware on ever doing a small-scale plot ever again
>we're forever cursed to an eternity of saving the world/galaxy over and over again from increasingly bland threats

I just want to be a bunch of randos getting into trouble in the corner of the universe...

you'd having to be going A LOT faster than light to get to Andromeda in 600 years
Especially because we can't see her swamp beast face huh?

>a couple of days

Then why isn't it colonized already in the original trilogy?
Say selectable races and I'm sold

>I just want to be a bunch of randos getting into trouble in the corner of the universe...

I have the perfect game for you then. The smuggler/bounty hunter stories in SWTOR

I actually just play Edge of the Empire, the Star Wars tabletop game. It's great; you just screw around as small-time crooks on the Rim and have a grand old time being scum and villainy, no lightsabers needed.

>tfw this hypothetical game is the perfect excuse for us to finally get a lovable asshole Batarian squadmate
will those lizard niggas be in the new game? I always liked them

Ryder is Jewish, so yes
you're going to have to be more specific
She's not as QT in 3 as she is in 2 but she's not too bad, but she looks super QT with her helmet on.

In 2 she's literally perfect though.
because there are no relays outside the milky way

There's more than one lizard race in ME? The ones that sound like they're running low on battery and love jellyfish. Speaking of jellyfish, will they make the journey?
oh, the drell. no, they and the hanar don't seem to have made the trip.
hanar don't have a human skeleton rig for animations, so they're right out.
how much faster

please tell me there's at least going to be space jews
Fun fact: humanity will probably never leave the solar system.
James more like Chad.
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delet this
Fun fact: my dick will probably never leave your mum's asshole
I dunno I think Drell and Volus could pop up via the Nexus and nobody knows what the deal with the Quarians are.

Volus would jump at chance to Jewify Andromeda and going to a new universe would be an option to escape their overpopulated home planet.

It's confirmed that Geth and Collectors will not be returning but that was obvious.
bioware's been vague about it. my bet is some made it but they went and got themselves killed.
>Overpopulated Homeworld
I meant for the Drell.

Their homeworld isn't Kahje, the Hanar just invited some Drell to live there
Mass effect has the tech to be able to do it in 600, or at least, this classified super high tech project does.

Are you really that autistic that you can't suspend your disbelief in a series where element zero exists and is basically magic?
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>Are you really that autistic that you can't suspend your disbelief in a series where element zero exists and is basically magic?

Yes, yes I am.
Volus are cute
I hope there's at least one
It's true.
There's no way to go faster than light, which means it would take you hundreds of millions of years at least to travel to other parts of the galaxy.
On top of that, no one is sure of how to protect people in those ships from interstellar radiation.
And since Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus are made of gas, you can't land in them.
Venus' surface is puré lava, Mercury goes from -170° to around 450° throughout the day, and Pluto is the size of our moon, so the only places we'll colonize realistically are the Moon, Mars and Titan, and Titan is at about -170°
Volus are stupid fucking goobers
>Venus' surface is puré lava
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Europa looks pretty promising too.
Not going to lie, the suits make them look much cuter than they are.
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i thought you were talking about quarians, my bad. it also doesn't look like the volus went to andromeda.
Only if there is an ocean below the ice.
The surface is a no go due to radiation.
Would be funny if there's life there. Beings that never evolved to have eyes because the light doesn't get there. They'd have this strange opinion about the world out there's that's not in water, they'd have to carry around the water in a suit like we carry our air around in spacesuits. And they'd have special apparatuses to detect things in the non-watery world, to supplement their lacking visual senses.
I think that's the only Volus fanart that could be accurate.
Not that anon, I just assumed space jews meant the volus. Quarians are more space gypsies, I think.
quarians are a combination of all the waste that humans have accrued through history, so it fits for them to be both jews and gypsies among other things
If there is life, there's little chance it'll be anything but microscopic lifeforms.
Very little chance there's actual animals, ley alone inteligent life.
i'll still fuck it
How have you not seen a Halo Elite before
I don't think anything should be set pre-3, as the Reapers basically render any conflict in that game totally meaningless with how huge they are. How are you supposed to get invested when you know nothing you're doing actually matters and these people will most likely get Reaped?

This was a big problem in general for me throughout the series. The Reapers are always in the background from about halfway through the first game. The characters can't even truly relax because total annihilation is always hanging over their ahead at any moment with no real method of fighting it until the last second. Also, if you care at all about the quarians or krogan, both of them are basically locked in grimderp space poverty for the duration of the series as well prior to 3 (inb4 'genocide them hurr durr').

Any ME game MUST be set post-3 to avoid being completely overshadowed by the Reapers.
I want to see cute femturs
I was actually rather intrigued about all the wars that had occurred in ME's lore and would've enjoyed exploring them.
You can't really make a good RPG about them though.
Yup, the chance of an alien invasion is more likely than us being the alien invaders
It would be pretty hilarious if after all our fantasies about how first contact would go alien life came here to uplift us and we ended up as Krogans of the galaxy.
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Wat da fugg
It wouldn't let me walk off until that point either, I was getting worried that I'd have to restart the mission.
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I'm not fucking some bureaucrat, give me something better
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>Its just a damn ladder Shepard
What are the multiplayer classes?
I experienced that glitch too.
With another mission or that one specifically?
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That ladder was buggy as hell.
I have no doubt in my mind if aliens don't come to I made us, they'll definitely come to ally with us in some space war were they need more bodies.

What's 100 million dead humans if it buys us space faring technology, plus we are a very violent species
That one specific ladder. I looked it up on the net and I think others had a problem with it too.
christ, I don't remember the fix for that but god damn encountering it for the first time was annoying.
>I made us
*Invade us
Too lewd
It's obviously not lewd enough
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Real quick, show of hands.
Who the fuck thought Kai Leng was a good idea?
Where are you getting these?
I think he was intentional so I think it was a good idea.
Mac the hack Walters.
Never has an antagonist been less of a threat. The instant the fight in the Asari temple starts I instagibb him with the Widow, head explodes into tiny fragments of bone and brain.
Fucker proceeds to ream me with his bullshit cutscene powers.
Something about looking straight up before using the ladder? I don't remember how I got around it...
>first black party member in Mass Effect is the only romantic interest to cheat on you
>first black party member in Dragon Age is literally an Uncle Tom who advocates for the oppression of people like her
>both asian characters in Mass Effect are literally ninjas

Bioware is really racist holy fuck
What makes you say that?
Not everything is good, but I try to save what's best.
Also I lurk on the /xeno/ and mass effect threads of /aco/. They have sometimes good stuff.
Most of the time it's Asari MT and crappy SFM tho.
>bullshit cutscene powers

don't forget him standing on the hood of your speeding skycar, stopping to stare at him pose like an anime autist instead of just rolling the car and dropping him 100+ feet into the ground
Somebody watched a little too much Naruto?
Even though Shepard fucking barefist fought a YAGH!!!
lol, Oh man, that would've been goddamn hilarious. Roll the car doing like 200 in a flying car, it wouldn't end well for him.
Don't remind me, everytime I think about booting up ME3 again I'm reminded of that smug fuck which kills all my interest of replaying it.
He is an awful fucking character. The letter he sends after the Asari temple bullshit makes it even worse. He is a shit villain that is only propped up in cutscenes. In game he dies just as fast as a centurion...
told you adept is easy mode
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Literally the only way they could ever possibly hope to pull that off would be to go full Deus Ex: Invisible War (bits of all the 3 endings happened,) but somehow have it not be shit.

Theoretically, it could even work fairly well if the writing team were to have some self-awareness and even B-tier talent.

>Acknowledge that the ending sequence in ME3 was fucking awful and explain/retcon it by making bits of the Indoctrination Theory canon. (Shepard's mind is getting anally raped by Harbinger, which in conjunction with interfacing with a completely alien, galaxy-altering device (the Crucible) made the ending sequence/result only semi-accurate projection of Shepard's mind that painted the outcome in the broadest of strokes that were further muddled by Shep's own intentions

>Canon could be that the Crucible (a design millions of years old and the product of countless civilizations, all drastically different from each other to begin with) was never fucking designed for such a batshit scenario as having an organic that was resurrected via extensive cybernetics that were further modified to directly interface with a fucking AI consensus and also under the influence of indoctrination - yet resisting it somehow be it's fucking operator. Thus no matter what option Shepard picked, the decision from Shep's (the player's) perspective was in no way representative of reality.

That he's made out to be a joke 3rd act asspull bullshit villain by the in -game characters. Some surface nuisance instead of an actual threat. Thane jokes that a terminally ill drell stopped him from reaching his target. Your whole party goes emo when he actually manages to fuck your shit up in Thessia. Then you fuck him up on the Cerberus base. Garrus jokes "At least we finally killed Lieutenant Bastard Kai Leng." Even TIM treat him like a butt monkey second-grade surrogate-Shepard. some shit he threw together because he needed a superman commando after you left.

He also doesn't have an actual character. I think he was never intended to be serious antagonist.
If Reg didn't get triggered from us being genocidal maniacs, we'd have a drawfag who would draw femturs
complete fucking waste of Troy Baker.
Thing is in cutscenes he's much better than Shephard. As you say he asspulls stuff all the time. Why did TIM need Shepard again?
"Shepard was a leader, a bloody icon, they'll follow him"
Kai Leng is a fukboi

> Acknowledge that the ending sequence in ME3 was fucking awful and explain/retcon it

Well you may as well just stop right there.

As it is, Bioware's not going to do jack shit with ME3's ending, and never will, because it'd be too tedious + all you'd really be doing is dragging an already shitty IP further through the mud. At least with Andromeda they can basically just start a new story without having to go through all the garbage ME3 had. You might argue that they shouldn't have made a new one at all, but y'know, recognizable names and such.
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Canon that makes shit marginally salvageable:

>Shep fires the Crucible which destroys all the Reapers from all previous cycles, as their synthesized organic building blocks have been integrated into a fucking machine for so long that it's hopelessly degraded

>The Reapers made during the present cycle (which should be at least a few since Bioware wants us to believe that Shep ran around the Galaxy for months scanning planets and partying on the Citadel) are still connected enough to reality that Shepard's interaction with the Crucible made all those Reapers controlled by a 'template' of Shepard taken by the Crucible due to Shep's interfacing with it

>This includes Shep's experiences in the Geth Consensus, which adds an 'update' to all Synths in the galaxy which makes them completely understand organics due to having access to all of Shep's memories and biology. This makes the Geth-Quarian peace not absurd, lets Sexbot EDI finally finish her quest to become human and be Joker's botfu, while also not raping every organic in the galaxy with green shit.

Not perfect at all, but a band-aid fix, (that BioWare isn't capable of doing.)
In all fairness he used a gunship in the Thessia cutscene to blow the floor from under Shepard, Which floor for some reason had an infinite abyss under it, not just, like, more rock.

Sounds just as convoluted and crappy as bioware's version, no thanks.
Agreed. Still Leng singlehandedly manhandles your squad 2 times before you are able to kill him, which seems weird seing as he pulled off stupider shit before.

All the while the smug little monkey walks up into said room and just walks out again.
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I don't like your ideas very much.
I felt like the crux of the Crucible Destroy option was that, at high EMS, it targeted anything Reaper-esque or Reaper-tech related.
It meant that it destroyed the Reapers themselves but also anything that the Reaper tech touched in one way or another. That's why EDI and the Geths are destroyed, because the former has been built with Reaper tech (and integrated a Reaper IFF) and the latter were "upgraded" with Reaper code.
If Legion didn't force the decision on the Geths, they could have survived the death red bubble.
Destroy option should be the only viable "canon" one, in my books.
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Was just drunkenly brainstorming anon. If you wanna be a big guy and bully, go right ahead.
earthborn ruthless
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Shit, these lewds already exist?
earthborn ruthless is the best history for any human spectre, though.
Is it absurd to think the Reapers would've held SOME ships in reserve in dark space? As like..a contingency? They're supposed to be extremely intelligent right?
On a related note, with the level of technology available to the galaxy, NOBODY noticed a heap of these things? Did nobody even point a dish toward the space outside the galaxy because they wondered what was there? (Of course they did, that's how they planned the trip to andromeda)

Just saying anon, nothing is going to fix the mess that is ME3's ending without it just getting more convoluted, literally NO idea could redeem or make proper sense of that shitty ending.
I posted them before, yeah. They've been around for a little while now.
Space yuri is purest yuri.
>Destroy option should be the only viable "canon" one
if the ip survives they'll revisit the milky way at some point and make destroy canon because everyone will bitch about shepard being dead otherwise. like with dao's awakening where people made such a fuss about their dead warden not showing up in the dlc (no shit) they changed it so your dead warden magically came back to life after killing the archdemon. fucking retarded.
Why is Vetra wearing a bikini? Why isn't the Angaran thicc?
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There are some good ones.
So what if you point a dish? Most if not all the readings will be objects like asteroids. How can you tell the difference between a dead rock and a dormant Reaper at that range?
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>If Legion didn't force the decision on the Geths, they could have survived the death red bubble

Fixing shitty, lazy BioWare plot points like that, while also making a Milky Way-compatible setting was something I had to keep in mind.

>Destroy option should be the only viable "canon" one, in my books.

Completely agree, but EA WILL milk this franchise to the point where by 2020 we'll be pining about the good old days of Andromeda being at least worth a pirate.

>literally NO idea could redeem or make proper sense of that shitty ending.

You're not, but the only thing remotely rpg aspect of this franchise at this point is roleplaying BioWare's shitty writing team when EA execs inevitably tell them that the Andromeda setting doesn't resonate with target demographics and to reboot the Milky Way with a rehash of every fan-favorite character

>inb4 time travel
I dunno.. asteroids shaped like giant space bugs would raise questions for me.

> Is it absurd to think the Reapers would've held SOME ships in reserve in dark space? As like..a contingency?

Eh, Liara said that the Reapers' wipe of the galaxy could take hundreds of years, I guess they just want them all there so it doesn't take too long, also I imagine the Reapers are pretty prideful, despite being machines, I mean, looking back on Sovereign's speech is a little silly, he talks about each Reaper like it's a god, yet he gets demolished by forces that were almost entirely taken by surprise, they're really just big fucking robots.

> NOBODY noticed a heap of these things?

Could be Reapers just have great cloaking technology, or even something like the Normandy, where it could be picked up visually but not by scanners, at least not from a looong range, considering how high tech they are, it wouldn't be surprising.

> people made such a fuss about their dead warden not showing up in the dlc (no shit) they changed it so your dead warden magically came back to life after killing the archdemon. fucking retarded.

Uh, what DLC is this? If your Warden is dead, don't you just get to play as a random Orlesian Warden?
I'm gonna play devil's advocate here just a bit.
I feel like there's no way their power generators would last 50k years while still producing a cloaking effect.
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Sorry >>169971394

Forgot to give you a (You) in >>169972018

On muh phone

Sorry for the autism lads, but replaying ME1 has made me mad as fuck at the state of the franchise

no they changed it because people complained. if you want to be the orlesian warden you have to start a new game in awakening. any import results in playing as your warden, dead or alive.

like i said, it's retarded.
>replaying ME1 has made me mad as fuck at the state of the franchise
one day in the future, somebody who played and loved me1 will be furious enough to make a game similar (and maybe even a proper trilogy) that's what i like to tell myself anyway. if anyone here plans on doing that please make both genders available for the main char, letting you choose is one of the best things bioware ever did.
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>mfw I saw that I could import my ded warden save

Don't they run of dark energy just like the Relays and the Citadel?

Who the fuck knows man, they're like a bajillion years old and have crazy advanced tech, they can basically do anything the writers want them to do.
>Dark energy
Conversation ruined
I can't poke holes in spacemagic.
Was just making theories for conversation.. I dunno.. Something I enjoy doing.
>Andromeda comes out
>You can't change gender on character creation
>You have the option of selecting a mental/emotional gender
>paragon/renegade is removed for a gender alignment scale
>If you drift too far to the wrong gender you have to pay for a procedure to switch otherwise you take penalties.

No harm in that, really, just that when it comes to some things in ME trying to limit them by the bounds of what's realistic is just impossible without just going "yeah its basically magic"
Jokes on you Dark Souls 3 character creator already had a gender scale.
>You'll never push young Garrus into his 'fuck-the-rules' ways
>You can assign your companions to attack certain targets, particularly in defensive missions. But you are not micro-managing them.
>They are more intelligent, and they adopt the kind of fighting style that you adopt. If you are creeping around in stealth, your companions will do the same

>and they won’t fire until you do.

When you fire, they will open fire, too

>And when you get into combat, you keep fighting until it’s all over.
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>"We want the intersex audience"

That's literally such a bad idea that BioWare will probably actually do it.

It would piss off everyone from /pol/acks like me to tumblrina sjws in equal measure.


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>They are more intelligent

Oh I am laffin

See the webm in >>169951668
Even better
You can't customize your character at all, because you can't customize yourself when you're born. You have to wait until a certain point in game when you can pay for plastic surgery and body modification.

> The Asari dies in two seconds while the Krogan is a bullet sponge and cannot be killed

It's like ME1 all over again.
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>You have to wait until a certain point in game when you can pay for plastic surgery and body modification.

tfw they make it Day 1 DLC instead
At least enemy Krogans won't speed walk up to you at FTL speeds and shove their shotguns right up your ass.
hey /dag/, I know this is about 30 minutes late, but maybe fuck off and never return? Thanks.
Looks like she has the reach and the flexibility.
Be honest with me /meg/.
Is Andromeda going to be good?
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>At least enemy Krogans won't speed walk up to you at FTL speeds

mfw anon hasn't seen the multiplayer webm yet
Nah m8 nothing will ever be as bad as they were in ME1. At the very least the melee attacks won't be as broken and bullshit.

>making fun of Bioware
>not /meg/


It'll be passable, for a pirate

If you're planning on unironically spending money on it then absolutely not. It shows all the hallmarks of being rushed out the door, despite having a five year development time. This doesn't bode well at all.
>making fun of Bioware
>not /meg/

your greentext is half true, it should be corrected to:

>talking about dragon age
>not /meg/

that way it's much more accurate.

god, I'd forgotten about that, fucking horrifying
More like
Is it going to be DAI in space?
Because that's what it looks like for the moment.....
For the record I didn't have too many problems with DAI apart from the sheer tediousness of traveling forever to get very little reward. But I'm afraid that's just gonna be all Andromeda is..

In terms of dialogue, yes, but when it comes to what actually happens, we can't really say yet.
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You're a tough guy.
All the Reapers have to do is hide the ships behind/inside asteroids. You literally can't tell, since they're asleep.
Also, nobody bothered to look because nobody knew about the upcoming Reaper threat until it was imminent.
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>Liqqy 2 image

Were you the fucktard who posted the cookie turian in /gsg/

>All the Reapers have to do is go completely against their entire characterization of being aloof Godmachines that view all organices (other than Shep) as ants that they've had to periodically clean up for countless millions of years before getting comfy in dark space and napping again.


It's been said before, reapers probably have some crazy tech shit that makes it so that they don't show up on radar.

It's extremely plausible, considering the Normandy, a ship created in one cycle of 50k years has at least the basics of that kind of technology.
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Fuck no. Not even Steamgruppe retards deserve /meg/ contamination.

>reapers probably have some crazy tech shit that makes it so that they don't show up on radar.

I'm 100% sure that you're right. I'm also 100% sure that they don't give nearly enough shits to ever think to bother with it.

They already have an entire infrastructure built around, and millions of years of experience with implementing a Jeb-tier SLOW AND STEADY plan for galactic genocide, and even a backup plan if something goes wrong.

Listen to the first conversation with Sovereign again and tell me that ancient AI abominations with mind control powers who are that smug care about stealth.

They're smug as fuck, but the Reapers were still smart enough to think to control Saren and fix up the relay in the Citadel so they could destroy the 'seat of galactic power' first. If they were really as overtly prideful as you claim, they wouldn't even bother, and just start attacking after they got out of dark space like they did in 3, they'd still have a pretty decent chance of defeating the organics even if their leaders are alive, as we see in 3, but Sovereign chose to go through this tedious process even though they could have won anyway through sheer perseverance.

I know lad. It was just banter to compensate for the knowledge that none of the meme ideas that /meg/ shits out will ever matter because BioWare are hacks.

> mfw no proper science to banter about

At least normal tech in mass effect isn't that outlandish, but Sovereign was right when he said the Reapers were alien and unknowable, fuckers can literally do anything except beat Shep
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And how are you going to get a reading from them? It's not like you can see them or determine their shape, the best you could do is get a reading from light of some galaxy passing through them and to you, which would MAYBE give some very old bits of data with magic technology. It's very unlikely though that even with their technology they would be able to get any data on dark objects in space outside a galaxy.
Cloacking effect is just hiding your heat emmisions while in operation. When you lie dormant for 50 000 years you do not have to hide anything.

Need more preggo waifus!
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>Miranda's ass in the black-blue suit

>>should we make him be from an African nation for something interesting and different

Would've been cool.
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Someone say black suit Miri?
Ok so we know that EA's gonna make money hand over fist with Andromeda. So any encouragement of buying a copy in this fairly small community is likely a shill.

Just in advance, hide shill posts.
Were there any hints in the trailer of squad armor customization? I hated ME2 for forcing me to not go full operator with my squad.
sometimes I wish more world-building had been done about Shepard's cyborg nature post-Lazarus project. Especially all the upgades in 2, like reinforcing the skeleton with a synthetic weave and medigel conduits, perforating the muscles with micro-fibers, and synthetic fibers woven through the skin. There could've been a positive message about conquering death through advanced technology implants plus the benefits of transhumanism and gene therapy.
You just contradicted yourself. If they are going to make shitton of money on this, which they will, they are not going to be desperate enough to shill it in small communities like this one.
I still don't get why people are raging over ME:A
Well, it looks like shit, most companions are shit, and it's made by BioHacks.
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I prefer butts covered with soft bodyarmour. Easier to grope.
Plus, no hard plates making you slide off chairs.
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Does anyone think MEA will retain the mmorpg elements that DAI had or do you think they'll cut it out?
Warrior, wizard, rogue.
EA is not as confident which is somewhat refreshing since Bioware can focus on the base for once.

Notice the lack of Day 1 DLC?
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>Bioware didn't go full research mode on cybernetics

Would've been awesome.
We already know that all you do on sideplanets is resource collecting for crafting.
I need to find a Mass Effect tabletop RPG session, lads

Shall we try to organize one?
Is there something fucked up with Origins right now? Half my games aren't in the library even though the files are on my computer.
eh, good luck finding people who know D&D shit and want to party up with other autismos
Make it possible Bioware!
Because no one believed Shepard. I wish we could've acted all smug about it in 3.
Is there even a ME tabletop system?
give me a quick rundown, i'm not sitting through a 50 minute sperg out.
Stop shilling that shit analysis.
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Bioware should really get on to adding scars to the body. With scars on the face, you either go with half-mutilated face like Zaeed, or the really generic scar-over-eye which I'm not sure how you get unless you encountered a Phantom.
I also don't like the fact that adding facial scars is the only way to make your character look like a veteran.

I feel like bodily scars would be a lot more common. Gunshot wounds, stabs and lacerations, burns, shrapnel scars, etc. It'd also be really cool to see those scars when you're character isn't wearing anything, a shower or decontamination scene, for example, or the romance scene. Seeing your character embracing the love interest with a back covered in different scars.

Not that scars in the face should be removed, I just want them to add scars to the body. Same with tattoos.
>really generic scar-over-eye which I'm not sure how you get unless you encountered a Phantom.

Ate that turian cloaca so good she started bucking
This is bioware not maxis. They're not gonna add shit if it's just for a 30 second cutscene.
10 minutes in and he seems to have a massive boner over every change from Mass Effect

True, those razor vulvas are dangerous.

Eh, I guess they don't want to bother with that shit if you're only really going to see the scars for your one romance scene.

Well, what if I want to walk around the Citadel or Nexus without a top on?
How uncivilized
There is 'Mass Effect D6' which is obv. unofficial, and IIRC there was another homebrew thing based on a Star Wars system that I forgot
ME2 was where the series dropped any semblance of being a science fiction arpg and let the anime influence take over for more action oriented gameplay. Mass Effect 2 is best described as a series of tubes. They may as well add revolvers and dual wielding now to go with their space katanas and breathing masks. We full weeb now.
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>playable Volus

Seems interesting, too bad I can't understand it
Is there an Assault Rifle in ME3 as hilariously overpowered as the Mattock in ME2? It's kinda fun to kill Geth Primes in two adrenaline rushes
N7 Typhoon, Cerberus Harrier, Adas Anti-Synthetic RIfle, M-37 Falcon and Prothean Particle Rifle in ME3
>Prothean Particle Rifle
Is that the one that fires a constant stream which leads to a shitload of fire explosions per second with incendiary ammo? I wanted to try that out sometime
>no advertisement
That doesn't look like a realistic scene from the future at all.
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So how far into the game will you need to stop at some shady outpost and get weapons attached to the Tempest, because not having weapons in Kett Space was a bad idea?

I can see a situation like the beginning of Mass Effect 2 happening, where your ship gets its ass kicked; then you realize you need upgrades.
Y'know the reason I don't watch Smudboys videos is I really don't care what he has to say.

So you tell me, why should I care about this video?
N7 Typhoon makes Insanity a Joke.

Especially when you have Squadmates with Assault Rifles.
I've played ME3 as an Adept, a Vanguard, and an Infiltrator so far
Insanity has always been a joke
You say it like it's a bad thing
It's not something I like very much, but if you like it cool for you. I'm not going to shit on your tastes.
Why thank you, it's very mature of you.
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Oh dear~
too bad you can't give her the dick before Virmire.
Keep it professional.
>not leading Ashley on about listening to her problem with aliens onboard the Normandy.
>not picking the "you got a big mouth for a rookie, rookie."
>not telling her to shut the fuck up and get in line with the others
>not shutting her down so hard that even her sister begins to ship her with Kaidan.
>not blowing her to sky fucking high on Virmire.
Ashley being the chew toy of the commander makes for a good laugh.

Time to eat her asshole.
>not shutting her down so hard that even her sister begins to ship her with Kaidan

Is that actually possible for male Shep?
I'm gonna marry Jaal!

I'm going to put babies in Cora!
That's what I did.
After the first main world (Therum for example) she'll talk about how she doesn't trust Garrus and Wrex around the ship. If you take the renegade answers about keeping her doubts to herself. There (AND ONLY THERE) you will shut her down so much that her romance will not activate and she will never do any kind of flirting or anything. When her sister calls later in the game she will talk about Kaidan being hot instead of the commander.
It's the cute lil tits.
o captain my captain
As I recalled, the captain died
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Tali a shit
yeah, maybe ashley was hoping shep would get virmired.
ur a shit. tali is the only good quarian. she should have made stronk quarian babiez with kal reeger carbine. it's not her fault talimancers ruined her.
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what fresh animation horrors will today's exploration trailer bring us?
Why would you need to stop at a shady outpost? We've got the big nexus station, I should hope they're outfitted with some sort of shipyard. I'd much rather get a gun on the Nomad though.
Male Ryder is officially around 6'1. His proportions are just fucked.
Hopefully some animations related to exploring Vetra's inner thighs.
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New thread

What time?
The youtube channel usually updates around noon EST, so 2 more hours or so.
Thanks, friend!
Just because there has been bad animations from them, they should at least try to improve a little, especially after 5 years since ME3
Drew was a better writer and that's final
Chris L'teoile was the absolute best writer
Fucks sake why are you guys this lazy? making a new thread now.
>MFW replaying ME2 yesterday and got to this convo and thought about the Bogdanoffs

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Where is the exploration video
Seems like a recurring theme among the complaints I've been seeing about Andromeda, which leads me to believe that it's not just a few of us, meganons, that share that thought. Maybe Bioware really is out of touch with its audience and even the gaming press seems to think that nowadays.
>MRyder 5'8
If I wanted to play with a manlet, I'd touch myself
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