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/palg/ - Paladins General

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Thread replies: 773
Thread images: 122

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NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

>Official pages
Website: https://www.paladins.com/
Forums: http://forums.paladins.com/
Server status: http://status.hirezstudios.com/

>FAQ, useful links etc.

>Patch notes (OB44)

>Datamine (OB44)

>Steam Store

>Paladins Wiki

>Tutorials made by Hi-Rez (playlist) - may contain some outdated info
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvmzT6CSvg8&list=PLfqXKYM_LlNyc6n9nhYujLyniK69nMFrB [Embed]

>Champion guides made by Hi-Rez (playlist) - may contain some outdated info
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p9Ptob5pC4&list=PLfqXKYM_LlNwUxmoNDngInm4DnaanoKS9 [Embed]


>/palg/ ID List

>Account statistics

Previous thread: >>169627786
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op fucked up linking previous thread, abandon this garbage thread
Nice OC image.
Thanks. I spent a lot of time on it.
I can tell. It takes time to draw such a great likeness of Fernando.
I thought it was Kinessa?
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isnt that grover?
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>no longer earn exp/gold playing ai games at lvl13
well this game died fast for me
Have you considered playing against real people?

You should also still get exp/gold for the PVE challenges.
you're not confusing anything but your own sexuality. now wander off and never return.
>tfw you're responsible for 6 of the 12 posts in the general
I disappoint myself.
all me
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casual should not allow parties, or at the very least we need a "solo only" queue
There's nothing wrong with matchmaking, it's all working as intented.
- Sincrely, HiRez Drybear
They've worked hard to try and encourage people to party up. A "solo only" queue would undermine that.
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post yfw Nando
Thread too dead for this shit my good man.

Nice post though, appreciated. I'll keep this one in mind.
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Hi, it's that newbie who has been posting again.

I've now been playing for a week, and while a lot of my complaints are now invalid as I've gotten better; I still have other complaints that maybe someone can help with.

My biggest one right now is how much more this game relies on team balancing than overwatch. In overwatch, even if your entire team picks DPS; there is a fair chance you can still manage an objective with some clever teamplay.
In this game, I feel that the game shouldn't even leave the lobby menu, but instead award a win to the opposing side when your idiot teammates inevitably all pick flankers when the timer ends.
I don't know why, even in casual, the game is allowed to start without there being at least one frontline, one support, and one healer. It seems like an exercise in futility, and relies entirely on your skill level at being able to yell at your team in chat in order to make them pick the right class.

My other complaint is the obfuscation of drops behind crates, awarding pieces of a loadout one card at a time. Frankly, that's kind of stupid. I understand why they do this, but it basically kills any urge to buy crates I may have when, every time I open a new crate, it's filled with four duplicate cards and maybe a new mvp taunt. I'm not even sure why someone would bother buying new crates if that's what they contain the majority of the time.

Also, I'm still having matching issues. Are those a common thing or have I been really unlucky?
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>tfw intelligent enough to play Fernando
I disagree, but you can think whatever you like!
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I really wish he'd stop stealing my trinkets and give me his own for once.
Also ten minute queue times. Is this normal or are the player numbers pages lying about how many people play?
Reminder, that Drybear promised us something in place of Tyra's cinematic and still hasn't delivered.
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but DD needs a trinket sink
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>play a match
>torvald's model fucks up
He stayed like that for the entire game.
Waht are you, a POORFAG? hahah! fucking loser!
Being gay is a sin.

Repent, heretics.
I think it's this recolor specifically that causes it. Had the same problem, changed his robes and everything is okay.
What is this thing? I haven't played DD since last year, I'm still waiting for the Crimson Court.
That recolor is broken and has been broken since the patch came out. Woo hi-rez we don't need a PTS!
It's not gay if it's Fernando.
its not gay if youre fae, bolt
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Flanknando best Nando
>implying this picture is not an another piece of propaganda that is supposed to make us hate Fernando as much as Drybear hates himself
I'm not falling for that, Rory.
>My biggest one right now is how much more this game relies on team balancing than overwatch
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
And you can still win even if you have a team full of flankers, as long as you choose items right and prioritize right targets.
...Is there more of this calendar, or only one month?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC7dzRHjptU the shrieker, the guy explains it at the beginning
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Reminder that this game might as well have no tanks or suports
Just realized everyone on my team spoke english when I played some matches last night and the game was actually somewhat enjoyable. Now I don't want to play anymore because the moment someone put some BR shit in the chat I'll feel demoralized ;_;
lmao friendlessfag get some friends loser
i'd like to see you try to pull that shit against a team of ying/gronk/torv/ruckus/doesn'tmatter
>Players are required to reach Mastery Level 4 with at least 12 owned champions to be able to play Ranked matches.

Players are required to reach Mastery Level 5 with at least 3 Support and 3 Front Line champions to be able to play Ranked matches.

why torv not makoa?

Ying + Ruckus and Makoa + 2 AoE dmg dealers (pip, drogoz, evie, grohk, BK)

Torvald only profits from Ying after losing shield, thus Makoa as a high HP killing machine is better. IMHO
Why isn't Kinessa deleted yet? Almost all of the maps play against her role, Sha lin does her job better AND the average Sha lin does more damage than the average Kinessa.
He is my amigo.
Good morning! Time to get up! This forest needs our protection. Hehehehehehe!
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>jew rez
they wont refund me my 20 dollars but the good thing is that they gave me 25 crystals im so lucky
and steam wont refund me either holy shit both are shit companies that are never seeing a single cent from me anymore.

since the Founder's pack is considered DLC and i had played for longer than 2 hours. (but i didnt even get Founder's pack)
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this isnt real
There's no way this can be real.
Literally no way they can be THAT Jewish.
Reminder that this guy didn't receive the founder pack right away so he decided to buy it again.

25 crystals is still stupid, they should've given you a founder's pack worth of crystals
I'm getting into fernando for the first time recently
Is it normal for me to do so little damage or am i just playing him wrong?
>but i didnt even get Founder's pack

wait wut
So not even 1 copy?
I understand that money goes to Gaben but why can't lo-rez activate your founders pack?

I still think you're retarder, from last thread, but 25 crystals is a spit in the face, i'm almost on your side anon.

They should at least give you tons of crystals and essence.
Fernando is best used as a hybrid tank / pressure pusher.

If you can make the enemy disengage off of the cap or another teammate, you are doing your job.
If you can shield your team on pushes to fire around corners or wall off flank routes, you are doing your job.

If you're jerking off with Aegis up on the cap all game long, you might as well be a Half Shell Makoa or a turret Barik and actually do damage as well.
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>3300 elo viktor
>880 elo kinessa
>both on the enemy team

a moment of silence for a viktor enthusiast that was sentenced to lose by the matchmaking gods
Not dealing damage as Fernando means no one is contesting the point with you, so it's all good.
I dunno man, even with Kinessa being the equivalent of a bot, a good vik can make himself a goddamn force of nature and plague the enemy team.
Unlock all current and future Champions, 10 Radiant Chests, Standard Voice Packs, plus Exclusive Beta Skin and Mount!

Did you get any of this?
Get scorch, get incinerate 4, whenever you see enemies group, fireball them in the face. Get caut, so no one can heal on the point. Also, Nando is best on maps like Jaguar Falls, because everyone is kind of forced to nuke it out on point and corridors are not too wide.

dude at this point exposing their jewness on reddit is my only choice but i cant write properly so im stuck there
Just capitalize your sentences and separate your paragraphs like a sane person.

First 10 upboats have the most weight, I'm sure we have 10 reddit accounts here.
oh it is very real i couldnt help but to actually laugh at the absurdity of the situation and i was boiling with rage before that
>I'm sure we have 10 reddit accounts here
Fuck outta here.
>le epic 4chain vs lebbit meme
ill write it when i get home then, lo rez is incredible
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Fernando is the only tank i'm not successful with.
Spoon feed please.
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friendly reminder
throw a fireball at the enemy to start

then shield

then get off the point and go kill people, starting with guys that are diving on your squishies.
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>roast enemies and chase them away
>shield/charge away and shield when you get low
>get healed up

apply your own favorite blend of cards like last stand, hot pursuit, the shield on charge card and that charge cooldown card as you shield card and more as you probably want to get your shield up while healing and have your charge available when you need it

you want to be a giant annoyance they can't easily shake off thanks to your hp that can whip out a shield and get healed up to repeat the process
>In overwatch, even if your entire team picks DPS; there is a fair chance you can still manage an objective with some clever teamplay.
In OW, they can also change (and heroes have more direct counter play), although good luck with that. I'd say with clever teamplay you can still occasionally win with a weird team comp, but you'd probably need to be in a voice chat or something.
i'm retarded and wrote the second part there like a downie or something

but also obviously shield team if they need it, and personally i like the fireball card as FAT fireballs are satisfying and a great move to start with
To be fair, I've seen people win with three flanks and two damage. Once they kill you they just spawn camp/unhorse you until they cap the point and then murderball your team as they shit out enough damage to burn through your shields/healing.
And you're going to have matching issues 5ever because Hi-rez can't into matchmaking properly.
>PVE challenges

I only play those if there is a quest

Looks fairly balanced though.
This game is so much better if you can find just 2 competent players to party with. We don't even use discord and we lost 1 out of 19 games.
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well i dont feel mad anymore since they gave me more crystals than if i had paid 20 bux for them, 25 crystals was some spit in the face.
Just me or....cassie's bolt now kinda have smaller hitbox, i mean you really need to aim really precisely ? Not to mention have to timing your attack
It's something for sure. Maybe something quietly patched in because ever since a few patches ago she's kind of faded from the scene. Rarely see anyone play her.
hi rez in a nutshell:
>"we fucked up hard, here are 20 gems"
>"oops, we meant 2000"
they are like this one kid in school that tries as hard as it can with the best intentions, but still fails
Its true, I can never manage to hit her bolts if I get even a bit of lag.
Swap Cavalier to Last Stand, it helps when your healer is retarded. As for the shields, use them mostly when you expect a lot of damage, like Sha Lin's planted, or Makoa's hook. Then you can even drop it, you have enough health to survive till it's back again. If you are getting low, shield, heal up, then fight again or run. Your build is nice, thought heat transfer 1 is a good card, because it allows you to run away quickly if your shield melts too fast.
I think she 'faded' because of Sha Lin and Drogoz. They are more consistent with damage, Cassie is more of a flanker with her mobility. And buff for Viktor does not help her case.
Against smaller heroes, holy shit really grt in my nerves
Jones, bro, get your shit together.
Well, I always become flanker or offensive depends on the situation, I didnt really realize that, a bit shame though. Her first LG really useless. Hi-rev expect me to juggle hero with her Disengage ?
HiRezJones did nothing wrong
He's probably overworked.
Disengage leggo looks good on paper, because it's a tank shredder, but damn, it's hard to hit those airshots.
The blast shot is underwhelming too, the cooldown is too long to make it viable.
I feel bad for him.
This can't be an uncommon occurence, tons of people are probably having the same issue although I doubt the numbers are as high for fucktards going to get screwed a second time via steam, it's probably related to their server issues.
His Formidable Legendary is surprisingly useful in casual.
Problem with Disengage is how small it is and blast shot, only good 1v1 as final attack. Kinda weird for aoe skill
>hard to hit those airshots.

disengage is literally free damage if you practice Cassie a lot. If you do her standard combo (dodge > shot > blastshot > disengage > dodge > shot) then BGH outdamages exaction even against an 1800 HP enemy.

dodge roll is still better though because dodge is spammable.
what is the common strategy for the new pve mode?
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just fucking do it you dumb kid
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Skye, flank around left up the stairs, throw smoke bombs at the bots, watch as they stand around doing nothing and shoot them down one by one. Perma-smoke bomb build works best.
There is a new one, with Torvalds and Viktors.
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What makes you think I wasn't talking about that one? Skye still breaks the AI, just be warned, they do move a little bit whilst in ult, but they do stop after that. Even if the Torvs and Viks don't stay grouped, you can easily run around and pick off the Viktors first one by one from good angles, then the Torvs from above the point.
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Proof than it doesn't matter how tall you are, if you have a shitty personality like PrettyHair's, you are not attractive.

Raynday is my husbando, manletism aside.
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i'm so triggered by those loose suits
go to a tailor and have a nicely cut well fitting suit made instead of renting one that's 3 sizes to big
Triggered by loose sluts you say? What would you say if skye came onto you?
>"No! No don't do it! I'm a virgin!"
I fuck Skye so hard that she refuses to take my money afterwards.

But then I dress up in my well-fitted suit.
NO! Tallth means everything! It's the ONLY THING I'M GOOD AT! PLEASE! LET ME HAVE THIS!
Wait a minute. We all talk about how Ying is a slut, but for Skye it's kind of a given... The question is, WHO'S THE BIGGER SLUT?


Both are equal sluts.
The difference is that Ying is trying to hide it.
Maeve is the biggest slut in Paladins. Tyra/possibly Inara is the purest.

I could have sworn there used to be a link to this discord in the op. Anyways heres the discord again.
how tall are both?

or how short is raynday and how tall is the other guy
>inb4 "Im 7 feet 5, what can I cosplay?"
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What do /palg/?
buy all the valentines items
no way they're all trash, i don't like goofy looking things
>don't like goofy things
well then you're shit out of luck ain't ya. Buy the colossal chests. And get a booster too.
>i don't like goofy looking things
unfortunately this is all the devs have to offer
you could buy the drogoz or ruckus set, those are pretty cool
Wait for the victorian Mal'Damba and reduced price on colossal chest.
where was this leaked
Nightbane Cassie and Triggerman Buck tho.
Smite datamining site, as usual.
how do I new pve?
be skye press Q near past middle on left side near their spawn
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>go against the most cancerous team of all time where your damage dealers go fast hands
>max morale boost where none of them are smart enough to buy resilience
>mfw firing a chicken every time the enemy team respawns
>8k damage in almost 20 minutes

Aegis Fernandos are utter cancer, instead of playing a more agressive role since they now have a shield on a much smaller cooldown to get out of danger they choose to stand on point with their shield up like they're actually contributing anything to the team.

Also a good torvald can easily do 60-70k damage in that much time how trash where those dudes my m8?
>PipIsForLewd and CykaBoi69 on one team
A match made in heaven.
I just did that, thanks for the advice friendo
>8k damage fernando
People who think that Fernando should only stand on the point with the shield up deserve to lose.
Can you get banned for aimbotting if 9 people report you for it even though you just got 4 headshots in a row as Skye during PotG and had lower damage than your FUCKING ANDROXUS WHo FUCKING ACCUSED ME OF AIMBOTTING?
I should have reported HIM for aimbotting "OH SO? SO? SO? SO WHAT I HAVE MORE DAMAGE amirite xddd" fuCK you ANDROXUS
You won't get banned for aimbotting when you really do use one, so yeah you're probably getting banned.
>He thinks Hi-rez actually bans people
Most bans are actually because of refounds and EAC bugging out and banning people.
You won't get banned. I reported this guy http://paladins.guru/profile/pc/%C3%90enisPimentinha/matches 5x and he still playing.
Hi Rez I need an essence AND a gold sink
this is bad

this should be much more important than adding new champs and cosmetics

people run away from games with blatant cheaters
>Last Victory: http://paladins.guru/match/pc/83108488
>He was cleaning house so hard, Andro didn't even need to hit a shot
That's some good work there, EAC.
>Victory +2 Elo
>Defeat -93 Elo


why do people care so much about elo
it's pretty obvious that both the ingame system and the paladinsguru system are completely busted and meaningless
Aimbotters aren't as annoying to me as drophax. At least with aimbotters there's a 44% chance they're not totally ruining the match for you, and it's still possible to win. Crashing the match server ruins it for everyone and has no chance of winning against.
spoken like a true sub2k

Yeah, i know, but it's just a number to focus on. What else is there? Fun?!
t. low elo shitter
They're not totally meaningless, but they're not really great measurements. They mostly say how lucky you've been with matchmaking.
You would need to win nearly 50 games in a row to recover from one loss.

Holy fuck Low-rez, fix your shit.
If there were more players, though, those games would be easier than the one you lost.
>hurr durr why can't these fresh noobs kill my hard to kill smurf
almost as bad as Maeve smurfs.
And so, the thread died. RIP thread, you will be missed.
What is the new PvE? I didn't get a chance to look at it.
nerf damage
pet ears
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hug, C U T E fluffy fur
survive, ult
cu-uh...h-healing potion
eat, eyeballs
2 Torvalds that can root you and three perma-ulting Viktors. Played in survival mode.
talk about, backstory
I want to change Pip's class !
cassie and pip reworked to flankers when
No! He's amazing secondary and offensive support and should stay the way he is.
Evie's projectile speed should be increased.
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>maeve preview comes out
>people in this thread claim her ult will be broken
>explain why it'll be shit and the worst part of her kit
>get shit on and told I'm an idiot
Reminder not to take any advice from this thread since most people here are below 2k elo
why is there a dancing alien on your screen
>get blinded
>half a second later throw a hook in the direction pip was last at
>haha mlg pro blind hook insane skill lmao get rekt kid btw i fucked ur mom xd
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Why is there not one on yours?
her ult isn't bad at all, it just doesn't do anything vs tanks who are often very close to things they're trying to fight.
>mid game
>get booted to main menu
>no ban or rejoin available

ok, well I guess those last 10 minutes didn't exist
Working as intended. ;^)
>ok, well I guess those last 10 minutes didn't exist
Check you match history, you probably got replaced with a bot and lost the game.
Happened to me once.
Happened to me twice, though the first time I managed to "rejoin" the game but it was bugged as fuck. No one did damage to anyone else and I was forced to quit the whole game. Second time it just booted me back to the main menu with no reason.
Learn to CQC you idiot
Get the card that erases the knockback from your own atacks.
play casual for fun
think - ok lets give competitive a shot again
first pick Viktor
2nd Tyra
3rd Drogoz
Viktor types:
>we need a healer and a tank!
picks Viktor first
>we need a healer and a tank!
picks Viktor first
>we need a healer and a tank!
picks Viktor first
>we need a healer and a tank!

fuck this, 8min waiting for this
Better than comp at least.
I cannot fucking stand retards who get one of the first few picks, locks in some non-priority character like a fucking Viktor, then tells everyone else they must choose a tank or healer.
Remember Anon, other players don't give a shit beyond what they want because they assume other people will cater to their needs.
And then feel completely justified in blowing shit on them when they fail a role they never wanted to fill.
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>playing competitive
embracing the path of a casualshitter is the one true way
competitive is pain and misery
casual is also pain and misery but it doesn't matter as much and it can sometimes be fun
Does nimble stack with Drogoz' legendary that makes him fly 65% faster or whatever?
No, it takes the highest number.
>Have Vik on lvl 13
>Pick Viktor since his hipfire card is broken and can duel every single flank/drogoz shitter
>People think I'm joking
>Have to fucking swap to my fucking Diamond Sha Lin/Andro/Drogoz so they can stop whining

Every time
has anyone figured out a way to cheese the new torvald pve?
Nope, just get Morale boost or Chronos to spam that Salvo
wormhole or over the moon for the ice brat
i'm using wormhole rn but i feel like it limits my mobility and makes it more predictable
over the moon sounds fun and probably helps me being a constant thorn in the backline
yeah, was thinking about giving that a try
what loadout do you use with that?
Skye infinite smoke bomb breaks their ai and makes them stand still.
Over the moon
>land 1 or 2 shots
>Ice Block
>Cancel it and press jump
>Fly away
>Repeat every 5-6 secs
>Max extra ammo
>Max Grenade CDR for every target hit
>Reload speed after Hustle
>Gain X amount of bullets if grenade hits an enemy
>25% less recoil when ADS (Optional)

>Start with Cauterize to counter any flank/duel the supports
>Life Rip for sweet 30hp per shot
>Morale boost if the enemy team is bad
>Horse speed if you feel like flanking

I'm a at 3k ELO on casual and I can still duel most of champs as long as it's 1v1
Ying's double heal is better than your hipfire.
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>300 dmg per hshot
>lvl 2 Cauterize
>tfw I can delete Ying easily
>tfw headshotting a Makoa after he hooks me
>tfw Erasing an Andro before he can even use reversal
>tfw have enough sustain to kill Maeve
oh, so you're talking about shitting on low-level bots. any non-retarded team would instantly focus and obliterate a viktor getting in range to hipfire. you're certainly not going to get 1v1 fights with a ying.
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who /rich/ here
>so you're talking about shitting on low-level bots
Nope, all +2,5k experiences
>any non-retarded team would instantly focus and obliterate a viktor getting in range to hipfire
Not when you play as semi-flank, gotta abuse that movespeed, but yeah solo players, not premades.
>you're certainly not going to get 1v1 fights with a ying.
Happens more often than you think, if she manages to escape, it'll atleast leave some room for our team to punish the enemy tank tank.
wormhole is the only viable option but over the moon is fun.
>90 chests, 5000 gold, 160000 essence.

Spent all my gold on radiants during the sale.
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Me. . . .
Let me guess, you opened the other 81 before you finally got the one thing you wanted.
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I could use some help refining my Evie build. I imported this one off the leaderboard.
i already spent all my essence, which was a very stupid move because i don't have enough to buy the good heal legendaries like ying's double heal. i don't know why i was so retarded.

it limits what roles i can play in comp which sucks. on the bright side i'm usually one of the best players in the server and i'm better suited for something other than support. i end up being pigeonholed into tanking anyway
whats the point of over the moon if you get the 100% soar cd on kill card?
Pretty close to it. Opened around 70 before getting a full Plush Makoa and at that point I had the crystals just there and there was no going back. At least I was able to get Dreadhunter Drogoz cheap.
Because by the time you finish killing them Soar will be off CD anyways because of how short the CD is. It also makes it more reliable when you can't secure the kill for whatever reason.
how much moneys did you spend?
>Have you considered playing against real people?
Not him, but I like bots so far specifically because I've encountered enough assholes on my team.

Bots are how I unwind, and making them obsolete at level 13 killed some of the fun I was having.
>That one Viktor player who never loads

How much life those viktors have? jewbear think this is fun?
Switch swift bitch for "no bounce on attack" and your done
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parties either stomp or get stomped, there is no in between, really boring on both sides
Does the "no bounce" card really make that much difference?
I suppose it's less fun while dicking around in the base
Is there a spray that's a big middle finger so I can tell my teammates how I feel about them?

Maybe picture of someone being set on fire.

That's you
You retard.
Fuck yourself
I hope you catch on fire and run away from the nearest fireman
Because they're Russian.
Okay, so this happened

>see this Grohk guy in the buy menu
>Only encountered him once in a game on an enemy player who went AFK halfway through
>Hey I love big troll dudes, why the fuck not?
>Buy him on a whim
>He's the best character

Why is this game not Grohk, Champions of Grohk?
>chronos drogoz
They don't know what it's like to be SURGING WITH POWER.
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>i'm using wormhole rn but i feel like it limits my mobility
Why so many spaniards?
They're obviously referring to all the Fernando mains.
because spain mothafucker
its south americans[
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Or "people" that speak a subhuman language like this.
But they speak spanish and not Portuguese.
They wish they were half as good looking as Fernando.
tuh-may-toh , tuh-mah-toh its all the same to me
It is the difference between Mexican and South American though.
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My my, what a handsome chap!
Lmao why did >>169825401 get deleted?
Because post like those are garbage.
>ded thread
>lets have some fun
>no fun allowed
fuck this game, im buying overwatch
you'll probably regret it
I know I do
I want OB45 already desu
>dead thread
>let's shitpost instead of discussing the game
>wow why are you deleting my off topic trash
Just won a game I thought we were going to lose.

I'm playing Evie, the rest are Tyra, Cassie, Desert Dick, and Maeve. Other team is Desert Dick, Kinessa, Vicktor, Skye, and Ying.

Our Sha Lin and Cassie both grab Wrecker.

It turns out the other team was even worse off, their Ying only managing 5k healing in an 8 minute game, and no one contested the objective.

Gotta love casual queue.
I want chests to be fixed so I can open them. I started playing about a week ago and have 30 of them piled up.

At this point I'm saving them for Inara's release. Not only chests don't give duplicate essence for skins but I'm also missing cards for a total of 55k essence since OB44.
>Playing Grohk some more
>Literally cannot die

Why would anyone play Pip when Grohk exists? I hope they don't nerf him. I haven't seen anyone figure out how to counter him yet.
I think Cauterize and some teamwork is his counter.

That said, last few pushes ended with the enemy team playing yakkity sax with me around the cart. Long enough for the tanks to respawn and run all the way back, even.
>Why would anyone play Pip when Grohk exists?
To press E and win.
what nigga? Just shoot the fucking totem LMAO!
Pip shits all over Grokh though?

I'm not playing competitive, so I don't know the l33t tech.
I don't like relying on the enemy being retarded enough not to shoot the totem or to chase me down after my two secons slow walk
No seriously, I'm curious. Why does Pip shit all over Grokh?
I do not like playing with Torvald on my team, and I do not like playing against Torvald on the enemy team.
i feel the same way about maeve
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>mfw haven't played a single game since OB44 released
>just login for Drybear's crystalized forehead sweat

Between broken chests, essence bullshittery, ridiculous leggos, useless leggos and several other LoRez fuckups, I couldn't bring myself to.
Yeah, I wish they made bots just give a lot less compared to PvP. I'd like to be able to try out new heroes against bots first.
I didn't have any issues with chests lately. Essence bullshittery is now at a point where we need an essence sink.
>Pip please heal
>Pip for fuck's sake heal me

You got the healing potion on demand while Grohk's totem is stationary and vulnerable, Pip kills the totem in like two or three shots and can stay far away from Grokh and blow him up, what can Grokh even do against Pip? if he gets close you just jump away and heal.
>What can Grokh even do against pip

I've been letting my teammates answer that question when it comes up. They do it way better than I can.
I feel the same way about Kinessa.
I love playing against Kinessa though. Either easy kills if I'm flank/damage, or a non-issue if I'm tank. If I'm support she can be annoying, but she's rarely a big deal.
You can't ignore that Grohk is severely limited by the enemy team ability of not being complete retards and shooting the fucking totem.

Pip is amazing with or against Torvald, his burst heals is perfect for healing Torvald in a pinch after he shield wears off and against him you just get some wrecker, slow him and kill him easily.
Wait chests are broken? They seem to be working fine right now.
Duplicates aren't giving essence, at least sometimes.
>guy with 1800 elo gets to stream

Where do I apply?

Pip is not a viable solo healer in high level play, but kind like Ruckuz, he becomes a beast if played in an hybrid role, people tend to get into a narrow mindset with the character, like "I'm doing damage now" or "I'm the healer" or "I'm just going to flank", instead with Pip you should get into an offensive support mindset, this means guaranteeing that your allies will win their fights, you focus on whatever the tank/healer is focusing at the moment, make it slow and help them kill it, you throw a healing potion at your damage that's almost being finished off by a flanker and help him turn that fight back, you keep lobbing your bombs, preferably with cauterize, at the objective and chokepoints to make people back off, and when the enemy decides they had enough and try to kill you, you just jump away to safety or near your tank/healer.
page 10
Maybe we need another "I want to verb champion object"
What we really need is OB45 so we can get a new waifu.
Inara is almost certainly going to be too thicc for me to care.
Will this game ever have lore?
>too thicc
Not that it's possible for that to happen, but Hi-Rez has a poor track record with varying up the women in their games.
>in a stunning turn of events, Inarra is just a giant bear-woman
>like, legitimately a female bear furry
>makes a shitload of bear puns and height-related jokes
>goes on about how she's got the "bear" necessities when it comes to dealing with you
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Rest in peace big buy Buck
warm home and someone to take care of her and give her hugs and cuddles every day
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>hey, dont come close to me, anon, its good enough for you that i'm living here, now stay away
>no, don't pat my head, STOP IT
>i just dont c-cut your throat because you pay the house and the food
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i didnt even notice
god, why did they give him that babyface
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not even close babyyyyy
its not midnight yet, not yet time for the hot flaming gay fernando posting
>Fucking babbling apes running in circles while chattering their fucking jungle language

jajaja me tengo taco XD me juego like mucho puta
I'd enjoy that, if it weren't for the reaction furries would have.
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embrace the fur
captcha: compro maythorne
compro means buy in spanish
drogo is a qtlizard
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>81 kills in 19 minutes
>4.2 kills per minute
I can only assume you took a chunk out of every death people suffered that match, because I have never seen that number so high.
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Jesus christ anon... I approve
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You retards I tricked you it was me the whole time
He had a hand in 75% of total deaths of the game.
Seventy-fucking-five percent.
It's still impressive. I rarely ever break 30.
Okay question
What counts as a 'flank kill'?
lasthitting in the back
Kills away from the objective. How far the needs to be is a little finicky.
Boy that Skye champ sure is good now, I tell ya hwat.
>Get four kills in a row along with a really nice snap-shot.
>Some shitter who spammed his assault rifle into the crowd gets play of the game for holding down M1 and not even killing anyone.

Okay, I'm getting pissy.
Time to stop for the night.
Hwat in the hell are you talkin about? That champion is terrible!
That's okay, Anon... You'll always be MY number one ;)
How are plays of the game determined? I got best damage, but apparently that didn't count toward play of the game.
most eliminations, got a quadra kill but some other guy was there also hitting them and got the 5th elimination while I was dead so he got potg
There should be an assist stat.
there is its called eliminations, come on anon did you really think you killed 81 guys by yourself
Don't talk shit about attack on titan, it's a really good show
How short is too short?
>did you really think you killed 81 titans by yourself
anon attack of the titans is "the village" youre good show has an m.night shamaalamadingus tier plot
pip's red rocket
Ask Barik.
I disagree, but you can think whatever you like!
If it's below 6 inches, it's too short.
it's weird seeing pip stand next to maeve

makes it so obvious pip is like 50% head
what about girth?
Oh baby. I wouldn't mind getting some head from pip of you know what I mean
oh god, its starting again. abandon thread.
I don't even get that many eliminations in bot games.
... At least 4 inches. In radius, not diameter.

So 8 inches.
hey dude I killed almost 30 of them myself
You get me started, baby.
What's the gayest experience you've had, palg?
This general.
I don't think you know what girth means anon.
Oh I do, and the vagina is very flexible, and can easily fit a girth of 8 inches. What, are you sad that you dick doesnt have that glorious canned beans shape?
Girth is the circumference, not diameter.
Something with a radius of 4 inches has a girth over 12 inches.
Well. I meant to say 12 inches.

Because Tuna Can is the best dickshape
This is quality paladins discussion right here
>tfw it's actually an early morning where you live, but you are always ready for gay Nando posting
I agree. Let's shake dicks over it.
My god you people have no lives at all
One time I fingered myself while ERPing as a bitch getting pounded
Look who's talking
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this is gonna be a nightly thing now i see
not complaining though
not complaining
Too many too pick just one, my dude.
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That's hot. You took it like the slut you are
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When will they learn?
That's right, don't complain. Just let this happen, baby ;)
But is this a work of Americans, burning the midnight oil, or bored Europeans that just got up?
>inb4 it's all Australia in the evening
>jump on the cart
>second later
>defense failed
This game has some fucking issues.
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I know. I only exist to be bred and pumped full of semen.
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post yfw you yell HUNKER DOWN
thinking about drogo
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shhh its the magic hour just let it happen
I kept waiting for the joke and it never came. This is depressing.
Autism is hell.
Why Fernando has the best [VVGQ] in the game?
because of his voice
it's goddamn vocal sex
and 90% of his lines can be taken in lewd context
What is our gay Paladins ship of the night, palg?
And why does it involve Barik yelling HUNKER DOWN
sex with fernado
I agree.
which is better for drogoz, increased damage or increased move speed
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increased damage for more powerful rapes
increased speed for more numerous pounds
wrong time to be actually discussing the game
come back in like 6 hours
Depends who you are fighting.
If you want to bang tanks more succesfully ten direct.
If you wanna chase flanks/dps then wyrm jets.
Petition to call the next general /palg/ay
Where do I put my signature.
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no homo
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No homo, full bi.
im still waiting for that nando x zan tao fanfic
>Nando and chink fan fic
Where are the writefags when you need them?
Nando x Shen Huang? Tell me more.
>tfw no fanfic of skye sneaking up on, subduing, tying up and domming kinessa
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this I can actually get behind
>tfw no fanfic of maeve's daily life as a hardworking maid
I'm writing one of these
i wait anxiously
let it be a surprise
It probably won't be done tonight :)
Write one about Ying and Cassie, or desert chink and Fernando.
Please don't tell me it's the Maeve one
that means it's gonna be long then :^)
but ye don't rush it
>tfw you can get behind both of these, because you too, just like Chink, have no standards
But Kinessa better gets some tummy rubs or revenge later
Maeve is for cute!
Maeve is a little brat.
She just needs a hug.
Dead bitch get no hugs
Cute dead skeleton loli hero when?
When will the chink confess his love to Fernando?
it might not be the kind of love you want
Give him some time. He has to sort his feeling first.
And subdue hus raging boner, because it's kind of rude to confess your love while being hard.
>It's another Drogoz only shitter shows off his KDR
Do you even play other champs?
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Only a few
Psh. That's awful. You're awful.
I'm sorry you feel that way
I'm sorry you're sorry I feel that way
I'm not sorry that you're sorry about my apology on the subject of your feelings. That's on you
>go to champions tab
>click torvald to hear his line for saying his name
>play it again
>"Torvald *exhalethroughnose*"
>tfw they forgot to remove the exhalation of the nose from the audio file
How about you play in the BR server? People here are so bad it's like you're playing against bots anyway.
>implying they didn't left in on purpose, because Torvald us gross but cute old man
In portuguese we call "Tomate" though. Also, we hate spanishtards too (tfw that day I was matched with them, the laggyest match I ever played, fuck).
Well I hate YOU, Dave!
>Whenever Sha lin gets near Fernando, Sha lin has a raging boner
Being Sha lin is suffering.
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You have to go back.
I never leaved though.
Left. I never LEFT my RETARDED friend.
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>Fernando 'mysteriously' appearing everywhere Sha Lin is, just to watch him squirm, also because having people thirst over him is flattering, and he LOOOVES flattery
>Fernando below Kinessa and Skye
This is just not right.
Somebody told me to play in this server one day, I accepted because the single idea of the "free elo" was tempting. The meme of forced 50/50 was real, it was stomp or get stomped because 3 guys are bots in one team every match instead of the casual 1000-1500 elo shitter.
It literally says that the list is made out of the opinion from the subreddit. everyone knows the paladins subreddit is braindead retarded.
I know that they are not very smart and their opinions are prone to changing everytime Drybear winks at them, but you can't deny the fact that Fernando is in really bad spot.
Ah, you didn't know that fernando always comes from behind.
>dude actually says 'stand behind me' after deploying his shield
Idk, man, he strikes me as someone who would swing both ways.
blink with wormhole is great in-battle mobility, but if you want to travel forward you have to wait 8 seconds to blink again
Does anyone else keep getting connection interrupted message from anti cheat?
Usually if you DC'd you just have to relogin but now you have to restart the game
Playing Grohk on solo casual is hell. Everyone avoids totems, they seem to deliberately run away from it if I drop it on them. At the same time, people seeing Grohk already selected won't pick support.

Just tag Grohk as damage already.
>instalock Nando because i want to win just once
>all my team picks damage and flankers
>i end up being top damage and eliminations just from tying to contest the point
DPS mains, not even once
you mean the 1hk pve we have now?
yes, its really fucking annoying
Yeah, that should pretty much do it.
Wont really matter that totem is the first thing to die
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+1 Upboated hi rez please add this !!!
That's why Grohk needs to be near a corner or something at almost all times, and even then lolaoe. He's so fuggered right now that Grohk is almost hindered by focusing on healing.
S Ying(5.24) Maeve(5.20) Buck(5.06)
A+ Drogoz(4.69) Androxus(4.39) Grohk(4.33)
A Sha Lin(4.30) Makoa(4.24) Torvald(4.23) Viktor(4.17) Pip(3.98) Cassie(3.83) Ruckus(3.79) Mal'Damba(3.73) Evie(3.71) Grover(3.70)
B+ Tyra(3.49) Barik(3.33) Kinessa(3.31) Bomb King(3.25) Skye(3.00)
B Fernando(2.97)

Oh reddit. Torvald being higher than Ruckus is.. Ruckus + Ying works so much better, and even if you do not get Ying then taking ruckus away should be more important. Ruckus will shred.

And Barik so low when he can out-dmg most DMGs AND contest the point.

Busted Sky is ignored as well.
All the maps have some chest-high obstruction or wall near the cap. If your team isn't letting the enemy giggle all the way around and shoot your anus, it should be moderately fine.

Unless they have a drogoz which they always have.
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>haven't played in months
>figure I'll try
>new game modes
>4 free radiant chests
>160k essence
>spent some money on radiant chests but got nothing good
>played two matches and got bored again
nice blog subsribed and followed :^)
>eviecuck SEETHING
>If your team isn't letting the enemy giggle all the way around and shoot your anus
Ah, nevermind the cover then also forget we ever talked about this
>playerbase count started to drop since the double shit event ended
They put Fernando on a low tier? Below Skye and Kinessa? Do they even play this game?
>"Maeve, why aren't you killing Kinessa?"
>Kinessa isn't even on the enemy team
>"I meaned Evie!"
>Evie isn't on the enemies team either."
Who the fuck did he mean?
So what's a good Thorwalt build?
who was on the team?
Sha Lin
its the maeve, its always that bitch
maybe cassie was meant
You should've pointed out that Kinessa hadn't gotten a single kill that match.
the fact that there are no frontliners in S or A+ when Makoa, Torvald, and Ruckus are all highly contested second picks (after Ying) speaks volumes.
Thorwolte is pretty great, simply because he can defend his team in ways no healer can. Seriously, if the enemy team get too much cauterize, not only will Torvald be a bitch to take down, but his TEAM will too, which is great.
1st Pick the most OP healer (Ying in OB44)

2nd and 3rd pick the best high HP (not shield) damage dealers available (Makoa, Ruckus, Barik, maybe Nando as well)

the last 2 guys pick according to situation, if they don't have drogoz counters then go for Drogoz, if they have Kinessa you may want a flank, if they have no flanks then Viktor can have a blast, otherwise Sha Lin etc.

If they get Ying first then going for 2 tanks 1 decent healer (Snek) is not a good choice against 2 tanks and a great healer (Ying).

So go for some Pip, Grover, Grohk bullshit, just pick counters of what they are picking and hope the slow, root and malestorm will annoy them so much they just rage quit.

a-am i right?
this has been pretty successful for me
>tfw peaked at 2300 elo
>tfw for the last few days I play horribly and got crappy teammates

Guess I'm stuck to 2000 elo now.
it's joke
just keep trying your best no matter how retarded your team is.
i've found that 1 decent player can actually carry 4 shitters, if you just try your best you can still win a lot of those games.

it sucks to lose and see that you have more dmg than all your teammates combined and more OBJ time, but when you win you can say - i did this. 1v5 and i fucking won.
Thanks anon.

I guess I fucked up big time because I keep playing champions I'm not used to play with.
>2000 elo
stop looking at paladins.guru youd enjoy the game more
If you get first pick ying and then two frontliners you automatically win.

If you DON'T get first pick then you have to pick makoa and either grohk/mal'damba/pip (and opt for 2x healer team vs 2x frontline) or ruckus (just to cuck them out of torvald/ruckus/ying). Makoa is not optional.

DPS doesn't matter as long as you don't memepick. Flank is entirely optional.
Yep. When I started I looked at it every match, then I realized it was taking the fun out of it.
What I'm suppose to do as Cassie vs Maeve 1v1?
Actually hit her, roll as much as possible
land shots


don't play cassie then.
Kill Maeve.
learn english and stop posting on an english imageboard until you do so.
1) Have more than that or have cards that give you more than that or buy heaven.
2) Land your shots. Do not allow for another 900
3) do not run, always face her and fuck her
>Barik that low.

Somebody hasn't discovered the power of his unbreakable shield yet.

I'm learning to aim better as I go, but it's hard when she delete me that fast.
I like Buck, but just adding an extra jump charge doesn't make him that good when Andro and Evie are still around.
BK says hi. But ya, adding 4k to his shield is crazy good. They just need to buff his ult some how since it is countered so easily and Makoas shield is better than it now.
don't spam shots or panic or you'll miss

Elbow out, shoulders back, wrists loose. Find your mark, and just breathe.
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>notice I had a 90 percent win rate for season 1
>lose a game
>drops to 88 percent
>don't want to see it drop anymore so only play with full party.
>mfw there's never a full party
I think it's fine as is, they just need to add the black hole ult champion.
autism at its finest, you should have never played the game you would have had a 100% winrate
0/0 isn't 1, anon.
how good is a consistent 2700 elo?

i held my own against some pros in casual the other day, but their team still won.
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>playing Cassie with 200 ping
Pretty good. That's like the top few thousand players
What does Barik's "empowered turrets" legendary card do?

Add DPS to the turrets? Defense? HP? Add a shield? Firing rate?
It makes them realize that they're not deployables, they're champions in their own right, and they won't let anyone tell them otherwise.
It empowers his turrets.
t.raynday, don't forget to like, subscribe and follow me on twitter, never stop gaming bruh!

Hitscan and +30 DMG
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>when you constantly trade kills with the one other non-shit player in the server and learn to respect one another
>type "gg ez" in the post-game lobby
you didnt fall for the jewing thats a win in my book
>get retarded teams three times in a row
>getting pretty mad
>next game finally I get a decent one
>"the match is possibly on a bad state..."

Every fucking time
Get a good team. Everyone plays well. All have good stats in after game lobby. Still lost.

Spend 5min looking and thinking, still can't figure out why we lost.

Also, no points for defending the payload push. Your reward is not giving the other team a point.
>tfw educating fernando players on how to play him by diving his backline and killing all his teammates

maybe he'll eventually learn to DROP HIS FUCKING SHIELD
they make barik more anti-flank than he already is.
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This was easily one of the best matches I've had in a long time. Everyone but out Ruckus and their Cassie seemed to know what they were doing.
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Why does Fernando look like a badly frosted cake?

Also, captcha is being lewd.
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Anyone know the release date for Orisa?
The new hero that just got announced?
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>le prodigy kid
>le prodigy little girl
>le prodigy little black girl

I can't believe people honestly think Blizzshit isn't trying to push an agenda.
Orisa is the robot she created, not the nigger herself
I wasn't talking about the robot.
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>tfw first time playing aggressive Fernando
>tfw push back most of the enemy team alone
>tfw they get me low and I just put up my shield and backpedal
>they follow and get killed by my team
Holy shit if it weren't for how short his flamethrowers range feels I'd say he's my favorite character to play.
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>tfw to intileegent and read-pilled too play female and PoC chracters
It's not just the win rate and it's not even the winning, it's just that solo queueing is rolling the dice and trying to do anything fun is met with autistic shrieks by the pips on your team screaming at you to kill the kinessa when they end with 1800 heals. I was in a party with 1 ok guy that was a real team player, always picking up a Frontline or support depending on what we needed, 1 really good flanker, and my wife who bless her heart is not the best at video games but understands the meta better than a BR or comrade so that leaves me to play what I want and have fun and we still happen to win nearly all of our games.
>tfw paladins gets its female poc tomorrow
No. Do you know the release date for Inara?
They're just following Marvel's lead of turning the smartest person on the planet (above Reed Richards, Hank Pym, et al) into the 11-year-old black child (who in original source material was a monkey).
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>tfw they get me low and I just put up my shield and backpedal

You forgot to put the part where you die cause your hitbox moves into the shield when backpedalling ;)
no fuck you

This is my shield. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My shield is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my sexlife.
Without me, my shield is useless. Without my shield, I am still awesome. I must polish my lance true. I must burst straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shield while he kills all my team mates at my back. I will...
My shield and I know that what counts in paladins is not the rounds we win, the noise of our burst, nor the flame we make. We know that it is the shielding that count. We will shield...
My shield is a shield, even as I am hot, because it is my shield. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will not learn its weaknesses because its the strongest, its strength is the strongest, its parts, its shine, its luster and its handle. I will keep my lance clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...
Before God, I swear this creed. My shield and I are the defenders of fernando. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.
So be it, until victory is fernando's and there is no enemy, but peace!
ok I was just kicked/dropped/disconnected from 3 games in a row to the main screen (w/o a timer on play button), what gives? Am I playing Grokh too much? Did I make 1 too many jojo references?
This is standard 4chan vocabulary. Just because you call someone who's black a nigger on the internet doesn't automatically mean you're a racist, it's just how a lot of people talk here because pol is so popular.
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>tfw OW gets a centaur before the fantasy-based Paladins does
Shamefur dispray.
not true at all for me. I look at my elo every other day and it affects nothing about how I play the game. I enjoy getting better and I can tell I'm getting better despite having the same elo for months now (been stuck at 2650-2750 basically)
>Just because you call someone who's black a nigger on the internet doesn't automatically mean you're a racist, it's just how a lot of people talk here because pol is so popular.

The issue isn't saying nigger on the internet. It's getting triggered by people who aren't white being in things and unironicaly using the word Redpilled. You're a fucking faggot. I wish your mother had aborted you.

Also you are racist for calling someone a nigger. The use of the word redpilled set off the alarm. You aren't saying nigger as LOL SO EDGY JOKE XD. You're genuinely a racist.

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
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Inara will be shown tomorrow on the OB45 patch preview. Place your bets on how she'll look.
But i want to see it today, papa.
How do we know it's a girl?
I want her to wear a hijab
Like shit. She'll have some nice drawing and a garbage model like everything else.

Hi-Rez hire new modelers already, fuck
Okay, well, I'm not the guy who used the term "redpilled "nor the one who said the dreaded n-word, not to mention that the person who said "redpilled" also used the word PoC instead of the n-word. Not to mention he was probably just joking based on the "tfw too intelligent" meme

Perhaps you should stop looking upon people who are on the opposing side of an argument as your enemy.
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sad and stoney
desu the best thing to do in this instance when you aren't able to singlehandedly win the match is just offer your team good advice
and NOT in a condescending manner or even necessarily through chat, something as simple as frequently using [vgs] to call out where enemies are approaching from can do wonders for even the most caved-in-skull mouth breathers
if you have someone who is constantly bitching about everything and blaming everyone else though there's really nothing you can do but double your efforts and try to fill in for them, you can't force someone to learn
Drycunt said Inara is a female frontliner. Inara is also the name of a goddess that protects nature and hates dragons. I won't be surprised If Inara wears a dragon skull on her head.

I'm happy as long as she's delicious (dark) brown and has an outfit that isn't just LOL JUNGLE PERSON XD.


Also this.
It's true. I'll call you a fag, but that doesn't reflect on how I feel about all gays, just you.
What do I do If my teammates do not understand english, ignore me, or refuse to group up?
Exacly. Besides, we're in /palg/ay, so you'd probably not even be wrong
>and hates dragons
They better have a voice line where she says she doesn't hate Drogoz because he's not a real dragon.

VGS is translated to whatever gibberish they speak.
>that protects nature and hates dragons
>she wears Drogoz's wings as a trophy
>Inara is also the name of a goddess

>The mother goddess Hannahannah promises Inara land and a man during a consultation by Inara. Inara then disappears. Her father looks for her, joined by Hannahannah with a bee.

What the hell is the bee gonna do? Sting her and die?
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If it was a bumble bee, they don't die on stinging. They do usually bumble, though, and rarely actually sting.
queen's stallion mount w h e n
>Promises Inara land and a man
Which land is the land promised to Inara by Hannahannah?
Which Male champion is going to be forced to marry Inara?
Does strafing cause your hit box to clip through? Like if I were to strafe away but angle myself so that I'm still covered?
Wooden horse stallion when
Bomb King or Grover
>finally have enough essence for fernando's scorch
>don't have enough essence for incinerate

Grover makes sense, though, as he's of Nature.
Dude I have like 300k essence, system is fine lol
>Inara loves nature so much she fucks a tree
IIRC, strafing is fine, backwards isn't.
They really need to make more mount skins, and get on making champ specific mounts.
By wooden horse I meant the torture device
>google tree fucking
>learn that its called dendaphilia
/palg/ay has taught me so much, so very much
People would spend crystals on that.
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Arigato, /palg/.
Dendaphilia, when wood gives you wood.
Should be the next champion. You go running around like crazy while capturing enemy champs and torturing them. Low heath 1000~1500, great speed and when you get someone, its certain death, unless someone kills you first,
That would be kind of interesting. I'm imagining basically playing as a horror movie monster, where you sneak up on whoever lagged behind and slowly kill them while they're helpless to do anything. It's almost balanced.
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Does the desperate bi chink deserve to get a happy ending with Nando?
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I hope she is a qt.
That's called maeve
Maeve is a lot quicker than that.
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>he fears maeve
I want to dominate Maeve by allowing her to dominate me even though I'm physically a lot stronger than she is.
She probably carries knives in her hair, vagina AND armpits. I would be careful trying to "dominate" her, buddy.
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Which Paladins girl is the purest and why is it Tyra?
Is maintenance always at this hour or are they going to fix shit now?
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That's my fetish.
I hope they're fixing chests. I want to start opening them.
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Well, I'm already disappointed.
she better have a big motherly bosom
GIANT HITBOX confirmed
I feel like i have already saw that silhoute before, is there a god in smite or dota similar to this?
I want Inara to have big breasts and momdom me.

Looks like an earth bender


Not very /fit/?
Do you have some source to go with that?
That was confirmed the moment they started to design her for this game lmao
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She gives me a Nox or Nu Wa vibe.
On second look, she looks like Nu Wa.
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>ying's illusions can body block
This is some amateur hour shit here, low-rez

If you can kill them then they need a body. Illusions are deployables.
that's a good thing
Another recolor?

About time
Seems to be a direct purchase Angel-themed skin.
theyre patching the drop rate of rares sucks to be you anon
>Head piece sale
>realize there isn't a single head piece I like that isn't in a chest

A Thanatos skin for Andro would be cool.
thanks, I didn't know about that and now I have the full dreadhunter set
those hips are wider than Skye's.

Shades for our guy Buck
So they're adding Nu Wa but under a different name?
>long hair

alright i'm interested.
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It's on sadpanda.
Can't believe I have to spend 60 crystals to take away Grover's leave, lol xd hirez
You have give LoRez credit where it's due. They know how to expand dong.
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>Inara seems to be a huge qt or very motherly with child bearing hips and long hair
Whoever made Inara, please pay that man extra.

Reminder that this is just hirez trying to get you to spend your crystals before they announce a couple skins on stream tomorrow that might actually be decent
That wasn't quite what I expected. Thanks.
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What if she had an Ara Ara~ voiceline?
I love that artist. The girls look so soft.
wait wait wait, doesnt Inara have a spear, does it mean its a different kind of spear.
Inara dedicated melee?
Looks good, Torvald turned out to be the king of trolls so I'm expecting great things out of her.
I wasn't interested until you said that.
You got more animated pepe/wojaks? I always forget to save this, for some reason they always make me laugh
will Inara be a good mother figure for Maeve?
she could really use one...
Fuck off
Is she the new futa character? Stealth Skye nerf?
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So her gimmick is summoning walls then. Wonder what the distance will be, I can see this being annoying as fuck
There's no futa character
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>female frontliner
If she doesn't have muscles, I swear to God.
What is Skye then?
A slut
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A futa slut
No, just a slut. Unless you think she's actually Skye(Male), but I don't think so
Not futa! She uses a strap-on when she feels like domming!
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>So her gimmick is summoning walls
Can't wait for overcucks to start saying how it's a gimmick stolen from Mei.

He's more like the doc brown of elves
This, that's definitely her thing
She's the response to BK's anti-wall legendary, since hers count as deployables.
someone post that skye futa sfm
lol character not even out yet and you're already mad

Betcha it's a butterface. We are never that lucky.
Where'd you get that from?
No, it's bad! It's literally just a closeup of a penis! Context doesn't matter in that case, you're masturbating to a closeup of a penis, damnit!
No, they've always been pretty solid when it comes to designing women.
desu it'd be nice if barik's counted as a deployable too
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>but her wall is orange completely different guise!
>not even 10 minutes passed
>overwatch invented walls
really...roasts my nuggets.....
It's a feminine benis so it's ok.
^ 3 actual autist
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how embarrassed are you?
Which post is this directed at?
About as embarrased as when someone sais Skye is Genji.
Who could possibly compare Skye to Genji when we already have Lil' Genji in the game?
Don't let yourself sink so low, anon. Have composure! Have standards! Even if you've allowed yourself to degenerate, you can still regain your standards!
OW babby
Desperate people who desperately needed to compare all characters when the game got into open beta 5 months ago
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Jokes on you, I was merely pretending.
how many layers of irony is this post on
Only someone that is legitimately autistic wouldn't understand that, so it's no surprise a few people from this thread would respond to it like it was a real post.
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I've done it.
She's Skye(futa).
t. prettyhair
torvald and pip are the most noskill pieces of shit in the game
Actually no. I was just lucky and didn't get paired with BRs or against pros.
>didn't get paired with BRs
So, you played with a full party?
No, I said I got lucky. Luck implies that I did not take precautions against being paired with BRs.
It was likely just that it was the upswing of the Forced 50, as opposed to the downswing.
Fortunately, our map design has enough flank routes that she can't really lock the enemies out, but I see it being annoying, especially in the guaranteed PvE against a team of 5 of them with low cooldowns on the wall.
fuck off cryshare
>Being this insecure

I feel like every time someone pulls this shit they're actually in denial about the fact that Paladins does rip a ton of ideas from Overwatch so they say shit like "Ugh I can't wait for all the OVERKEKS to say Inara is a Mei clone JUST BECAUSE SHE CAN MAKE WALLS" in an attempt to convince themselves that having those thoughts is okay as long as they project them onto the hypothetical Overwatch boogieman

Seriously, the only time people say this shit is flamebaiting slavs and BRs in the comments of YT videos and Facebook posts trying to get a rise out of sperging Paladins fanboys like yourself. The number of times Overwatch players bring up Paladins in /owg/ or the OW subreddit is literally miniscule compared to how much Paladins players bring up Overwatch

Just get a fucking grip you faggot
>making jokes about what other people will say is insecure
>ranting about it is a-okay
>how much Paladins players bring up Overwatch
That's not a right way to spell Overwatch shitters swarming every our thread. >>169905274
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>haha epic ruse buddy real nice friendo
They deliberately drop a stinker so we have something to get upset about, just ignore them.

But before that though, I can't believe how ridiculously OP she looks. Say what you will about Paladins balance but even in the absolutely worst case scenario, you only have to deal with 1 broken character per match instead of a whole team of them.
>Lil' Genji

whether joking or serious, do NOT compare glorious Genji to that hell spawn
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>OW's loli character is a niglet
>you can't even directly play as her
top kek
>game ends
>no potg
>just have camera stuck underground
>watching bots stand on the point shooting at whatever nonstop
>cannot quit out, gotta task manager it

nice game
And Hi-Rez is actually a lot better at balance than Blizzard. Mostly because they patch a lot quicker. OB44 is messy, but it's gone in a week.
animations/highlight intros for the potg when
a character just standing there is boring
are a least give us back the """""bug""""" that could allow us to skip it
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Are people unironically excited for Inara? Will probably be a week after she releases before we'll even get to play her due to autistic insta locking faggots
there is literally no difference between genji and maeve except genji has REFLECT MLG 720 SKILL
hey it means people will actually want to play tanks
i could care less about actually getting to play her as long as we don't have 2-3 flank garbage we got when maeve was first released
I'm not too upset. I usually have to play tank because no one else will.
She will problably end up forgotten in a couple of days just like Torvald when people realize being a tank is like having a job.
Is Genji cute now?
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your write anon xDDDD theirs LITERALLY no differentce except genjis suit is powered by mountain dew energy & he cen throw duritos ECKS DEEE
This poster isn't mad
genji was always cute
did anyone get paladins crystals from the stream? all i ever got is radiant chests and smite gems
and ive never even played smite
>tank & support are the "job classes"

Well meme'd
>like Torvald when people realize being a tank is like having a job.
What did he mean by this?
stuff like ying and torvald are instalocked for a total of one day, then nobody picks them anymore.

meanwhile people have still not stopped instapicking maeve and sha lin.
Torvald stopped being instapick pretty fast, she will be picked for a little while longer because of "muh dick kids" but it won't be anything like maeve
>We will be updating #Paladins on #PC tomorrow morning.

Is this the patch ?
just spent all my gold so i hope not

actually, i don't care
Torvald wasn't instalock even on day one lol. It took well over a week for me to even get a SINGLE game where Maeve WASN'T on both sides
maeve was a mistake
haven/blast shield nerfs were a mistake
>The team that first picks ying wins every competetive game
What did Hi Rez mean by this?
Doubt it. They probably will make sure to run it through PTS. I'm hoping it's some balance tweaks and a small bugfix.
Hi Rez: We want the Overwatch balance.
But in Overwatch, both teams can have Ana.
I main frontliner and I'm one of those autistic instalocking faggots so yes.
Didn't you see the last match between AA and eGr? AA won with 3 tanks and 2 supports.
>will make sure to run it through PTS

anon, have some shame
>playing comp

Childhood is playing front line and support.
Being an adult is realizing damage and flanker makes more sense.
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ive never seen a pip with this much healing
i dont know how we won with this shitty team composition
>Pip with 5 digits of healing
He's a hacker. Report him.
t. maeve main
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inb4 an owfag use this as an actual argument
>7k dmg
so that happens when pip tries to heal
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I played against this pip a few days ago
Do you know the replay ID?
>that Fernando

Fucking Aegis.
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Well an ice wall might not be all that original but a healing ice block that makes you invulnerable and unable to move is totally stolen from overwatch!!
>18k damage on nando
>that much shielding
wow gay
when will they make aegis so you can fire your weapon while shielding
Safe to pen chests yet? or wait for next big patch?
wait til the next patch
>esl match lags out and then crashes

You can watch it here on PaladinsGame Twitch, it's the 4 hour NA open qualifiers video from 4 days ago.

The finale game starts at 3:55.

Fernando, Drogoz, Ying, Viktor, and Buck vs. Mal, Barik, Makoa, Grover, and Ruckus on Jaguar Falls.

The previous match is at 3:27.

AA wins on Stone Keep with Makoa, Barik, Sha, Pip, and Grover vs. Ying, Torvald, Buck, Viktor, and Ruckus.
t. tankshitter who wonders why he loses when his damage isn't good enough to kill the enemy
Can't wait for them to not get the PTS up tomorrow
I got sent to the main menu just as a round ended, is this a bug or did my team piss someone off?
They just won't bother with the PTS at all! OB44's successful release showed that it's completely unnecessary
It just happened in the ESL too. ded servers ded gaem
Anon, that is his old face.
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It's a beta.
Indeed. That crocked hi-rez and their time machine, stealing mei, going back in time and re-releasing her as evie months before mei would be announced. There is simply no justice in this world.
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Im watching that shit right now
They fucking stomped them
Whoa, how do I get to see my teammates' health like this?
be a spectator
>watching esports
>evil mojo converts
>push conversion
>didn't manage to convert
Do they not have another word to describe things?
How do respawn times work in this game?
>commentators crash again

>I'm still missing cards worth 54k essence since OB44

How incompetent do you have to be
working as intended
>there is BR spam in the stream chat
goddamnit they are everywhere
>watching esports
>convert time you could be spending playing the game into time wasted watching autists playing the game
To be fair, I left a match after four client crashes.
it favors the defender on siege, the attacker on payload
they simply improve hitscan and 30+damage, honestly this legendary is hilarious when you have a full turret loadout since it means constant damage to everyone without trying
I am so fucking done with this OB

I don't think I've won a single comp game against a ying+ruckus team since the update, the more I play the more cancerous it feels
dont worry, at the next patch i feel its guaranteed that yings two healing will be nerf and ruckus is fine as is but synergies very well with ying
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Allright /palg/ give me your maelstorm grohk builds

>playing comp this OB

Your own fault m8
Every time I play casual my team instalocks 4 flanks and I have even less fun than comp
pick makoa
shoot him a bit until he spins up
hook him / shoot him
dance around him, shoot him until he spins up
hook him/ shoot him

ded ruckus

they have makoa? pick sha lin
use planted on makoa
shoot ruckus
as he spins up - impaler arrow will stop his spin
rinse and repeat
then go in and use planted again on Makoa

ded ruckus
makoa... soon to die
Lightning Rod 4, Thunderstruck 3, Arc Lightning 3, Astral Traveler 1, Phantom 1 is what I use most often.
>makoa as a counter to ruckus

Hahahhahahahahahaha, oh man you're just clueless about how this game works dont you?

Makoa is the easiest frontline to kill as ruckus.
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>I don't think I've won a single comp game against a ying+ruckus team since the update
The trick is to play Maeve and buy Cauterize.
>ying on both teams
way to completely miss my point
emmm.. . no
i have won every Makoa vs Ruckus battle.

I like playing Ruckus as well, he is great. Especially on payload.
what's your elo kid because i think you might be going against shitters, ruckus absolutely shreds makoa much faster than makoa can kill ruckus, this is simple math while also accounting that ruckus can land his shots much more easily, especially with makoa's HUGE HEAD.
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Ruckus is the single most cancerous piece of shit in this game

prove me wrong
>Makoa as a counter to Ruckus
A good Ruckus will win against any other frontliner in a 1v1 situation. If the ruckus has a Ying healing him that will only extend his advantage. Hooking in Ruckus only means he's now close enough to consistently land headshots on you and stop you from escaping under your shield.

>sha lin as a counter to Makoa
Makoa can easily stop planted (and kill sha lin) with an easy hook on the immobile target. Unless sha lin is firing from outside the hooks range in which case on almost every area on every map there will be plenty of environmental objects that Makoa can put between him and Shalin.

Next you're going to be saying that Kinessa is a good counter to Skye.
that's not maeve
Thats honestly the most cancerous thing you can think of? Or are you just meme'ing?
maeve is useless, only shitters struggle against her, and nobody plays her anymore
ruckus can shove a ying up his ass and tape down his m1 button to any game guaranteed

oh baby those trips, that post

thank you pepe
>always wait for last to pick
>its invariably 2 damages, a flank, and a healer
>pick damage
>one of the damages switches to tank
i swear these people are drones
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Kek wills it.

What, there is nothing wrong with that
pip and maeve are the cancer killing this game
t. casual shitter
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who hype for Victorian snek
Meme skins that don't fit the lore are cancer.
>muh lore
just because someone brings up overwatch here doesn't mean they play paladins, most of the time it's someone from overwatch's general coming in to try to gloat about their preference of what they believe is a better game because they are very bitter about their lack of self confidence
Well, it's not like they can't make the Victorian Skin fit the character.
Now don't disrespect me, little man!
Don't derogate, or deride!
You're in my world now, not your world!...
>the shadow man
Where's the monocle?
Eh, Victoria was only dead for 11 years at that point, and New Orleans was always a few decades behind.

I'd say the Shadow Man, who especially was portrayed to be behind the times, would fit Victorian era.
you have magic, guns, grenades, artillery, axes, snakes that stun you, turrets, laser mirrors

I think explaining why someone has a top hat and a monocle is the least of your worries
victorian skin for viktor when
Viktoria skin for Viktor when?
tyrone skin for tyra when?
naked Drogoz skin when
When you sleep, because it'll only exist in your dreams.
Not soon enough.
Prove yourself right.
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I decided to try playing him for once to see if he's as braindead easy as I thought
I have no idea how to play him, I just held down m1 while looking in the general direction of the enemy
here's the results
>no supports or other frontliners on your end
Christ, the enemy team must have been made of gibbering retards if they couldn't kill you.
We got wrecked on the point during the first two rounds
Then me and tyra saved up for caut 3, held m1 some more and steamrolled the other 2
I'm just saying, without Life Rip, or at least Heal-on-Kill, Ruckus has literally no self-sustaining unless you jack up the emitter regen, and even then that's not a lot.
Having your teammate actually help you on the point is likely the tipping point, because whenever I end up in a situation like that I'm generally abandoned because "isn't Ruckus a tank"
He's easy, but I never have trouble killing him.
is it me or is it WAY easier to headshot on Skye than it is on Tyra
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It's time
Shot 6 (I think) bullets and then stop for a moment, then shoot again, repeat.
The first 6 will always fire straight down the crosshair. Unless you're firing at point blank I think it's always beneficial to have very short pauses to avoid spread.

I want Maeve to rape me.
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