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/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

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Thread replies: 777
Thread images: 199

Fuck me in the ass edition

> /hsg/ Tournament Information
The EU semifinals and finals will be played out the upcoming week. Check the thread and discord for up-to-date info

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

>/hsg/ general talk & tournament discord

>Optimal pack buying / crafting strategy
Save up 6100g before each expansion. This means saving for the next set starting the 18th of April.

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Here are the participants:

Participants who have theirs already set up:
BlueMun (participated in EU tournament)
Ary (Le Zookeeper faic)
UpdateGuy (Old friend of mine)

Post an image with an avatar and the competitor you want it to represent.
Any post ending in an even number or 0 will be a successful roll. Let's begin!
What's the best meta Hearthstone's had yet? I still think it's close between the Whispers meta and the LoE meta.
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>tfw Elise Starseeker will never be your mom
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rollin for iSoveit
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Guess what these cards will do
3 mana bug
>3/3 with adapt
2 mana elemental
>2/3 with deathrattle clear overload
2 mana murloc
>2/3 with taunt
3 mana plant
>4/8 with destroy random friendly minion
8 mana turtle
>druid card with gain armor equal to cost of spell cast
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I think this is it. This is the expansion where Blizzard has finally lost me. Fucking the first card they show is some bullshit random damage card and then the keyword for the expansion is literally just straight RNG. I have always been a defender for god knows why. I liked the general straight forward design of MSoG and i've always shilled for the strong meta decks like Patron and Control Warrior cause I think those decks were fun to play. But Blizzard CLEARLY has no clue on how to improve their game aside from just making it just a million times more random for no goddamn reason.

hold me
Go be mad somewhere else. This is a happy place.
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Maybe look at a few more cards before you completely drop the game.
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the only winning move is to not play
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It's not that I don't think there will be good/fun cards in JtU but that the MAIN KEYWORD and general mechanical addition to the game is 'rng an effect' is just crazy after all the backlash the randomness gets in the game
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>More expansions per year
>More legendaries per expansion

Why is this allowed?
some people like more cards
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fuck you goy, you dont own nothing
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reddit wanted more cards per year, so they are giving more cards per year
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>there are anons IN THIS THREAD
that already preordered the expansion
>before they even released the full set
Associated with Mohzez, cannot be used. Sorry.
>I want less cards per year because I'm the poorest underage faggot alive and need to ruin everything for other people
With blizz releasing so many fucking cards, and rotating them out so frequently... Doesn't this make hearthstone an endless money sink?
one last time
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if this rolls well then use this pic instead >>169635861
wow great moves. keep it up
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Isn't that amazing

Just play wild desu, standard is shit
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>i want a console-worth of money on every expansion to get something worthwhile
lol whoops
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I wanted to hope he was going to use his golden basic decks again

Anyways this one is for Isoveit
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The following competitors still need avatars:
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after playing Eternal and Shitverse for a number of hours, I have concluded two things:

1) Hearthstone is fucking child's play to any REAL card game; the complete lack of interactivity and strategic depth makes every game feel shallow and repetitive

2) Hearthstone's sound, UI, and card design is absolutely top notch, far and above every other competing CCG in terms of aesthetics and ease of use.

Hearthstone is a shit game, but it's a beautiful piece of technology. Other card games are more engaging and fun to play, but lack the aesthetic flare and colorful feel of Hearthstone.

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Brad Armstrong
i thought people wanted more interesting and non purposely shat on cards. adding more vanilla trash like worgen greaser does nobody any good

suck it fag>>169636896

i did tha just to spite you

Also I'm changing the roll to anything that isn't 3, 5, or 7. Leggo~
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fuck you shithead
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who gives a fuck about a shitty 4chan tournament. talk about ungoro

This is too good to ignore
to what are you responding specifically, friend
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I consider that a reroll. it wins.

There you go. Covers everything.
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>want to talk about Un'Goro, new cards, and theorycrafting
>tourneyfags shitting up the thread with their gay anime avatars

You can't tell me what to do you're not my real Dad
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Who gives a shit about Battlecry: turn into a bootybay?

It's a really a shame for Eternal because the drafting in that game and all the stuff they offer including the gameplay is more engaging but wow does it look like garbage

Shadowverse is legitimately shit though
I mean, I asked what people wanted and only got "yeah do the rolls!" replies.

Just need ZardozSpeaks and Spiral now
hey i rolled this one and i want to change it to >>169635861 because i just did it for fun and didnt want to win
make it happen
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waifufags are abhorrent and ghey lol
i how does anybody think hearthstone has the best ui or card design without being a drone? it's the best looking game, not counting card art, but that's about as far as it goes.

>flipping through your collection is slow
>can't reorganize decks
>can't add more than 30 cards to a deck
>cards with inconsistent wording or no description about how it works
>again, flipping through you collection is slow and cumbersome

off the top of my head
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Rolling is very important in board culture.
try flipping through your collection in eternal, shadowverse, gwent, duel links, and pretty much every other card game
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These aren't winners, they're 3/5/7

Keep rolling bby
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And that'll be it!

Thanks for the rolls gentlemen. See you all tomorrow(?) for the conclusion of the EU tournament and the beginning of voting for "Best EU Memes".

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I've PM'ed you my secret ban.
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you finally got a even number you worthless sack of shit
>he didnt get a winning roll
was it fate?
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Do you like the new quest mechanic?


Also, wrong. Waifus are the only reason to come here.
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My main gripe with Eternal is just how bad everything looks. The card art is pretty drab, the fantasy/lore seems pieced together and incoherent, and the game board looks like a Fisher Price playmat and is too cramped.

The game itself is quite good, but it's hard to get pulled into a client that looks so uninspired.

You have to flip through like 3 screens in other games to get to your collection and start building a deck. Other card games also do this weird thing where all of the menu buttons are strewn across the top of the screen. There's too many icons and it's annoying to sift through them all.

Hearthstone is snappy, quick, and user friendly by comparison.

Shame about the gameplay.
So is JuG gonna be based or is it gonna be faced?
never played those but MMDoC had the best card scrolling of any ccg i played.
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[spoiler/ Reposting because thread ended just after[/spoiler]
To all the anons saying requisites make quests balanced: This is a very interesting topic from a skewed point of view.

In real card games slow combos are a commitment because they require several cards to use up slots in your deck. Unless it is a simple one-or-the-other kind of deal like Werewolves in MTG, you usually have relatively high dead/slow draws and gimped archetypes when running these kinds of sequentials. But in hearthstone, shit spawns in your hand/deck. The Golden Monkey is a good example of people holding off to throw in the map so they could draw other cards first. This makes quests extremely easy to make overpowered, and thus we have one or two outcomes: Either the developers know this and quests are absolute shit until they print some band-aid deck-forcing card, or they're as retarded as we already know and we'll have to prepare for 40 minute games against every single fucking class.

pls for the love of God let me avatarfag as my waifu
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its fine i got hafu
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>Your turn 1 is a quest
>Heh, Greetings
>Warrior drops N'zoth's First M8 into coin STB with Patches
>If you mulligan the quest it'll be like 30 turns until it's finished, effectively being a useless dead draw or a -1 card mulligan
>Loses to aggro and to Jade
y-yeah sounds good Brode
Anyone have ideas for Zoolock decks that don't make use of cards rotating out once Un'Goro drops?
Trying to get into Warlock but I don't want to bother wasting dust on shit that's going to be defunct in less than 2 months.

>Turn 2: Play Maelstrom Portal to clear the board
>pirate warrior
>post nerf

pick two
Someone implied that there would be more legendaries this expansions, but there will be much less neutral legendaries this time around.
Just replace dark peddler and imp gang boss with something else from the class set. Zoo is eternal because of how much of it is from classic
>when you want to play class X but you miss legendary Y and Z that are absolutely crucial
these fucking shitters REEEEEEEEEEEE
there are 23 legendary instead of 20
Yeah you know what that means right? A good neutral legendary could be used in like 3+ classes. A good class legendary can still only be used in 1 class.
will quests become the new malchezaar?
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What are the chances of quest synergy cards?
>get reno and kazakus
toppest tier priest, mage, lock are close

>get thalnos and aya
jading it up as druid or shaman

>get a hunter quest
stuck playing battlecry or taunt minions

i love it, definitely a pre order for me ;^)
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Pulled these two from my last few packs but dunno what to do with them, considering I still don't have an actual fucking deck built.
Should I just Dust them and use it to build cards I'm actually going to use or hang on to them just because of the rarity?
no because /hsg/ doesn't think quests will be good, and /hsg/ is always wrong
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>Card says Battlecry: Adapt
>This means there can be other mechanics which can get Adapt
>Inspire: Adapt
>Enrage: Adapt
>If x this minion gets Adapt.
>Give x minion Adapt.
>Deathrattle: Adapt
Well, in theory that reduces the amount of "must-have" Legendaries, but I expect it to remain unchanged (one or two viable neutral legendaries).

Defias Cleaner is poised to become the best card in the game
actually what if these new legendaries or quests are actually really good
rather than getting say anub arak you get a quest to play a certain kind of shit, now theres a bit of flexiblity in that and people can slot in the various things they like and if the quest is pretty powerful such a deck can make a splash and the person can have like a medium effectiveness rather than a totally useless legendary

in that way it could actually be good. ofc it wont be top tier but a player unpacking one may be able to get a lot more value out of it (depending on what it is ofc) than when you just unpack something like krul or beardo
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>make a deck that has a solid win rate against Shaman and Pirates
>it gets devoured by greedy shit like Dragon Priest and Jade Druid
there is no competitive edge in this game.
it's literal paper, rock, scissors: the digital game.
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>dusting the goblin merchant
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Guys, I feel like this expansion will be utter shit.
Defias is a pretty bad card, it's a super specific card to run and spellbreaker just does it's job better.
It just looks to function like Discover. Inspire could trigger it but Enrage can't because Enrage is a conditional passive buff. You could have 'Enrage: At the start of your turn, Adapt.' if you wanted.
defias is a worse owl and spellbreaker
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>there's no deck that can achieve 100% win ratio
>this means the balance is bad

Both good cards desu, maybe dust Defias so you can have a better epic.
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>if it isn't aggro it's greedy
>get the 100g quest
>reroll one and get the pack quest
cant get much worse than msog
I don't think it was mentioned that you can't stack Adapt buffs. For inspire I was thinking on the minion getting to stack Adapt buffs, same could happen with enrage, where the enrage itself is a conditional but everytime it triggers the minion gets an Adapt permanent buff.

Well that sounds too cheesy so it will never get in the game, whatever.
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>smug anime face
>cherry picking
literal trash.

it is not unreasonable to want your deck to remain competitive against more than a single deck archetype. literally the definition of balance.
He does have a point about the current meta though. The original metas around naxx gvg and tgt all had various decks that had various edges and disadvantages over each other. Not like now where 90% of the match is decided by your matchup.
>your opponent hits your "enrage: adapt" minion,
>never pick which adaptation you want, effectively skipping most of their turn

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pick 7
you're not seeing the big picture you dumb frogposter.

You're not supposed to analyze a deck's worth by it's matchups but by the whole metagame ecosystem.

Does your deck win against aggro and pirates? Does it lose against jade/dragon?

is aggro/pirates more than 50% of the decks you encounter? if it is, you WILL rank up by law of averages. If not, tweak your deck.

This is even easier because of rank streaks and getting more than one star per win.

Slightly better than I thought desu.
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Does anyone else think that the quest mechanic might be what control decks need in order to see a bigger spot in the meta. The biggest issue with control decks was that aggro is almost always better because there is no interaction during your opponents turn. But if this is a card you include in your deck, because it is always in your starting hand, it gives you a higher chance to draw the answers you need for aggro early, and depending on what the reward for other quests are, could give you a huge advantage.
>2 legendaries per class
>3 full expansions each year now

T-thanks blizzard.
>wahhh why can't my deck beat everything: the frogpost
bloodmage, 2x hoarder, cairne, 2x mistress, 2x infested tauren and some new cards
2x Mistress of Mixtures
2x Abomination if you're feeling frisky
Infested Tauren
Shade is still in, isn't it?
2 leper gnome
2 tentacle of n'zoth
2 loothoarder
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>Now imagine it in the form a secret.
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My biggest problem with quests is that if the meta DOESN'T slow down, your turn one can determine if you win the game or not, even though Buckineer is getting nerfed, Rogue and Warrior still have solid turn 1 pirates to play, which will bring out patches and just kill you before you can even complete the quest.

But even if you don't choose to play it on turn 1, the game might not even slow don for you to waste one mana playing it, much less completing it.

Although only one was shown, other classes might get theirs faster and maybe priest got shafted again.
Yeah, definitely looks like you'll just pick 3/10 options each time and apply it. You could have "Battlecry: Adapt, twice." and things like that. Probably a weak mechanic, but inb4 a quest with a broken reward requires you to play Adapt minions.

Again, 'Enrage: Adapt' doesn't even make sense. If anything Blizz would make "Whenever this card takes damage, it randomly Adapts." or whatever. Not having to look during your opponent's turn is a HS appeal.
>When a friendly Beast minion would be killed, instead negate the damage and Adapt
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completely not understanding that the only effective counter to aggro, however marginal it may be, is garbage like Control Warrior which gets eaten by any deck that isn't specifically Pirates or Aggro Shaman.

Your game is broken when the best counter to the best deck in the game is just the best deck in the game.

You will not rank up playing a control deck in this meta unless you are a neetlord who plays for literally 8 hours a day and can que into enough favorable matches (read: dodge the Jade Druid scum). Even then it is not guaranteed.
Sidedeck when?
shaman quest:
whenever you overload summon a jade golem
Quest Priest is better in Wild.
oh shit, i thought that said 4 mana at first. it was so seductively playable. guess druid just gets shit on as usual.
>return of the lich king
>have 2 quests

>some classes quests are fucking shit
>others keep using theirs for fucking ever
So the general consensus is to dust Defias and keep Goblin?
do that, yes
>1 card revealed
>wah my class got shit on again

>complains about winrate
>gets explained that eventually he will win, and this is how the game works, most famous streamers are legendary only because they play all day long.
>"b-but i'd have to play 8 hours a day"

thanks for moving the goalposts.

there are 7 decks in this meta, which is more than secret paladin: the game ever was
>You have to flip through like 3 screens in other games to get to your collection and start building a deck. Other card games also do this weird thing where all of the menu buttons are strewn across the top of the screen. There's too many icons and it's annoying to sift through them all.
>blah blah blah blah
Shadowverse shows 16 cards per collection page. Hearthstone shows fucking 8, and each page loads more slowly. I don't fucking care how ugly the SV client is in comparison to HS, it's a billion times more functional for thumbing through your cards and brainstorming deck construction
hunter quest:
after 6 secrets played draw king krush from your deck, reduce his cost by (4)
i'm curious. why do netdeckers get excited about new expansions and card reveals?
Why do people act like aggro was this sort of omnipresent problem with Hearthstone when control decks have beaten out aggro decks for 'strongest in the meta' in way more seasons?

OG Beta Control Priest, Giants Mage, Wallet Warrior, Freeze Mage, Patron, Handlock, and Miracle Rogue have all been unanimous meta definers

The only aggro decks that come close are Release Face Hunter, Deathrattle Hunter, Midrange Shaman, and Pirate Warrior and two of those decks existed in face of Control Warrior while it was still at its strongest and brought to every tournament pre-Execute nerf
sv has to load a new page and its way less obvious what you are actually looking at
tabs are missing

with hs you can read the cards clearly, sort or know where you are pretty easily and go as fast as you can click
>the nerf will destroy pirate warrior
le xd

There is a reason why the only tier 1 deck that isn't going to lose cards is pirate warrior lelelel
because aggro decks are unfun
because aggro shaman has been the best deck in the game for most of the last 10 months except for the small period of time where it was ""dethroned"" by """"midrange shaman""""

also a lot of people just think of aggro as any type of curve shit so they also think of secret paladin and the old mech decks
It's hard to discuss aggro vs control without fedora or "brainless" memes. People feel worse against aggro because they almost never trade. The worst matchups in this game are always control vs aggro, either because control will always win when control is stronger (excavated/nova priest when first released), or aggro will win when aggro is stronger (dying before reno turn).

I challenge anyone to prove this wrong: the best matchups in the game are either control vs control, because you actually have to pick which removal/aoe/shenanigans you want to use to counter your oppoent's turn, and aggro vs aggro, because both players are so scared of being bursted to 0 that they start actually fighting for board presence.

On the other hand, combo is just too non-interactive because of the inherent nature of turn flow in this game (you cant do shit on your opponent's turn, and there is no instants/traps cards beyond secrets which mostly do things on your advantage, not their disadvantage.
>play pirate warrior
>still manage to draw the only 6 highest 4 mana cards out of the deck first 9 games in a row
life of the f2p
>Face Hunter, Deathrattle Hunter, Midrange Shaman, and Pirate Warrior
these are objectively more aggravating to play against because they have a high skill floor and a low skill ceiling. any drooling dumb fuck could pick up these decks and smash a more skilled player into pieces just by virtue of the power level of the deck.

those control decks that you listed were never as ubiquitous as the sheer amount of aggro scum that is on the ladder.

Control Warrior was unfavored against all of those decks(except for Freeze Mage), but never at the level that it is now vs Jade Druid scum, Reno shitters, and Dragon Priest kiddies.
Luckily you won't have to worry about Renofags for too much longer
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goddamn this card is overpowered
how was it slept on for so long?
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the combo meta is coming
The murlocs are shit meme
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>play pirate warrior
>mulligan into patches 10 games in a row

This is what I get for playing cancer I guess.
2/4 statline is pretty much the only reason
some ppl can play like all the mechanics
others just do auto pilot stuff

something like patron you cant auto pilot it, you need that overall gameplan that many are just missing, they will use a card that is vital to keep for later
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I actually thought this card was garbage because you'd need to run murlocs for it to be good.

Turns out you only had to run the GOOD murloc cards.
>hct spring championship
>when volcano gets played and everyone is just watching how all the hits go
>flipping through your collection is slow
What did he mean by this?
How do you know when your opponent is a bot
>heals you
>get to pick tons of different cards

>awaken the makers
>1/3rd of your deck will be shit
hope i dont unpack that one in my pre order
just like n'zoth decks were shit rite?
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>deathrattles are shit
How is Adapt not just a shitty version of Choose One minions?
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>every expansion Blizzard releases makes the game objectively worse
>he's STILL going to pre-order
>/hsg/ thinks Amara will replace Reno
because you get 3 options
because they are statted differently
because not every class has access to choose one cards
It's not tied to battlecry like choose one, if it was then there'll no need to add "battlecry" to OP's card.
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On a scale of 1/10 how much are you feeling 'it'?

8/10 aesthetics
0/10 mechanics

I absolutely despise the adept mechanic already.

Don't fall for the Cuck trap. I'm fucking glad I saved my gold and have loads of botting gains.
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Is that a mother fucking JoJo reference?
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hi reynad, you still have to post here when you stream because no one cares about you anymore?
>win 2 games in a row
>get completely shit on with draw early
>lose 2 stars
>win again 2 games
is this because I haven't spend any real life money into the game?
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Just wanted to share good feefees with /hsg/ ;-;
these two words should never be used in a sentence
shadowverse is better
>spring 2017
>lojom brings a windfury beast shaman deck
>uses volcano, highrolls it to clear his opponents board except a healing totem
>misses lethal by finishing off totem
I can see it now
old maid is a better card game than hearthstone
>Using top of the line meta decks in Casual
I don't understand the purpose of this
is this going to be the best expansion since naxx?
>Own patches, kazakkus, Aya, finja
>can literally play any netdeck

>probably need 13 legendaries to achieve the same
so blizzard realized that a cardback is needed to entice people to buy it? more money sense than game design obviously
No, what are you smoking?

This is GVG Lol so randum tier
we havent seen all the cards and the quest mechanic is interesting

It's not just the cardback. Their preorders are also a 1:1 ratio of dollars:packs, which is the best you will ever see.
really need those nerfs right now
The prime new mechanic is adept which is GVG tier only now on every other minion.

The quests have as much chance to be cancer as shit or to be decent.
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>new meta snapshot for TESL is out
>first expansion coming up in March
>already got 20k dust saved up

gonna have a great time till un'goro shit is out lads
let's see if brode will mange to win me back lmao
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Don't listen to that fag, anon.
I appreciated your post!
So why aren't you running an ancient one deck, /dsg/? It's a 30/30 card. It one shots face. There's NO (no) COUNTERPLAY.
>tfw I hit legend 1 back in beta with Jarl Midrange Archer
>tfw quit the game after some time
>tfw no credit

I mean the deck basically builds itself, but still.
Was kinda hoping the game would take off like Hearthstone, but left it after I realized how ded it was gonna be.
what year is it
1997, why?
I haven't been less excited for a Hearthstone expansion. And the Tgt announcement was a fucking joke with booing from the crowd.
>Jarl Midrange Archer
Christ, that was some broken shit. Nowadays item equip decks are all the rage.
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2005 desu
Why the fuck does everything have to be RNG all the time?
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>he still has feelings
by replacing skills by rng you open up your game to anyone.
So bad players can sometimes win through sheer luck which makes them feel accomplished in turn keeping them invested in the game and potentially leading to real money purchases.
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>Only about a month left until Reno is finally purged from the game

goodbye cancer
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reno is the chemo for aggro mongoloids like yourself
t. rank 15 player

reno is and always has been more cancer at actual high tier play but you wouldn't know that because you never see it
Just installed Gwent and won my first three games in casual mode with a deck of basic cards.

You can easily get 2 packs a day and you get to discover the rarest card of the pack.

Really makes you think.
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Maybe I'm an optimist, but I liked what they showed in this expansion reveal. I still believe that Blizzard is jew and that Hearthstone is a shit game, but that doesn't prevent me from seeing in your much too salty comments an unjustified anger.

1. Quests are the first real new mechanic in the whole history of Hearthstone. All we've seen before was cheap in comparison. For sure, it doesn't mean that Blizzard did something extraordinary here; they just did what we were waiting for since fucking beta. It's still great, or at least nice, after what we had in all previous expansions. For once, we can expect some change. Even if quests might not be correctly balanced at first, this will open a whole new dimension of gameplay for all future expansions.

2. Adapt is NOT, as people say, a GvG tier random mechanic; saying that is either bad faith or sheer stupidity. GvG offered true randomness, and the problem was not spare parts, but cards like Shredder. Adapt is a mix between spare parts and Discover. None of these mechanics were criticized for being game-breakingly random. Furthermore, Discover was always praised as an interesting mechanic that REDUCES randomness in Hearthstone. Adapt is for sure even less random than Discover: your whole set of options is reduced to 10 instead of thousands. Also, these options were tailored precisely to be equally powerful, unlike most Discover options. Adapt may be not the most interesting mechanic, but it certainly isn't too random considering what we always had in this game.

3. Volcano is not too random either. It is obviously a board-clear for when you don't have any minion on board. Dealing 15 dmg to enemy minions at random is most of the time equivalent to destroying them all. I don't see a single problem here, especially when considering the fact that it's just one card and that it may not be played at all.

Only valid complaints: the disappearance of old cards (which will be replaced) and the possible brokeness of quests.
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>high tier hearthstone play
hi Adrian
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You win this

Reno decks were actually fun as fuck, and very skill intensive before Pizzaboi decided to just purge all other control decks and shove Kazaku memes down our throats.
>3 expansions per year
>no adventures
>this expansion has 2 class legendarily and 5 neutral legendary cards

Maximum overjew.
>Reno very skill intensive
>"do I have the answer card in hand or not?"
>Try Arena for the first time
>All of the cards it gives me are shit
>First opponent has legendaries
nothing in this game is skill intensive and never delude yourself into believing that
What? Don't you enjoy needing 10+ legendaries to play most decks as opposed to 4 for all?
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>he plays standard
you retarded jews will complain about anything. you're not going to need all those legendaries, they're going to be fucking terrible like in every expansion
>zoo had 11 one drops
>nu aggro just relies on going trogg into golem every game
then why do you play?
And at least, if they're not, it means more deck variety, which definitely is good. Doesn't mean Blizzard is not jew, though.
Ok seriously I'm actually pissed off now, they expect you to pay money for Arena mode but you have the chance to get nothing but absolutely garbage cards?
Now you need +10 legendary cards because you need at least 1 for every freaking class. Before you used mostly neutrals with many classes not even having a class legendary used.

Look at the reno decks. Barely any class legendary cards. Look at aggro, Patches and Leeroy across 3 classes. Look at Jades, Aya across 3 classes.
Now? 1-2 neutral accros mulriple classes with every class having class exclusive legendaries. Got the Rogue lego? Too bad, now you need to waste 1600 on the Paladin lego and another 1600 on the Priest and 1600 on Hunter and another on Mage and another on Warlock and another... get the idea?

Neutral legos have multiple uses. Class legos have only one use.
The funniest part about the inflated meta legendary count is that they aren't even used after 4 months time.

Remember all that old gods shit? 3/143 are top tier meta
there are many jewish aspects of this game
arena is not one of them
This so much.
I've never heard of anyone paying for an arena run. You can just a do a run every other day with quests even if you're bad at it or get a shit draft
It's fun you fucking retard

Not everything has to be ebin le competitive esports garbage
>Shamans that concede on turn one
This meta is cancer
>I didn't get the opening hand I need to win 100% for sure
>Fuck it I won't even play
there's still skills involved in fun anon.
I'm retarded. I just realized that was sarcasm.
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since they're retiring any cards to the hall of fame can anyone explain to my why this one isn't one of them
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what's the problem? Sounds fine. Are you a warlock/priest by any chance? or another shaman? it makes sens to concede, especially if you're not rank5 yet. The guy needs to move on to the next match asap and rank up.

smart move.
can't believe you're complaining about your opponent conceding turn1.
If Blizzard wanted to push deck archetypes, why didn't they print more C'thun cards?
>le combo is cancer meme

snore, fuck off curvestone retard
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>tfw I'm not skilled enough to have fun at hearthstone
leeroy is literally a perfectly balanced card.
he's not an auto-include 5 drop in any deck so there is no reason to shelve him.
It was in Arena. I shit you not. I'm a warrior.
they probably didn't want to rotate everything that sees play
cmon anon you know what I mean. A truly skiless game is no fun.

Like, who fuck plays monopoly? There's no skills in that, you just hope to get on the right spot and hope that your opponents gets on yours after. Might had been fun when we were younger and didn't fully grasp how skilless most of these games where like snake&ladder.
I'm complaining about the face decks idiot
every deck must have access to obscene burn damage. "class variety"
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I hope the meta turns into absolute hyper cancer God I hope it becomes the worst meta yet.

I'd be laughing for months while my bot keeps up my collection and I play Gwent
That... what.
Just post the r34 and get yourself banned for fucks sake.
>he fell for the Gwent meme
Yeah. I'm not complaining. Free Arena win. I'm just perplexed beyond comprehension.
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Let the Reno players believe they are somekind of mastermind chess players
They are going to re-print elise as a Milf
arrest for endangering small children
>No catchy trailer tune

Hope I wasn't the only one disappointed by this
They've always been so hummable
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>Trying to reach rank 5 for the (((free))) dust
>9 shamans in a row at rank 6
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What the FUCK happened with Sjow???

>edgy hipster haircut
>new designer apartment
>shitty dubstep music
>tryhard mic and audio setup


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>several hours of painful grinding
I don't even play this game anymore. But the amount of active cards Hearthstone had at any one time has always been pitiful compared to any other card game out there.

More cards means that(Maybe) you'll see more meta diversity. Assuming they keep the spread good like it was in MSoG.
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To be fair my time isn't worth shit
I'm a disabled neet collecting government bux to sit at home and play a childrens card game
>edgy hipster haircut
how else would he conceal that awful hairline

>designer apartment
it's literally a box with freshly painted walls

>dubstep music
song requests I believe

>tryhard mic and audio setup
implying wearing a Logitech headset for 10 hours a day is comfortable

he's still a lonely autist, don't be fooled by the smoke and mirrors.
>renolock vs dragon priest
>discard reno off soulfire from a 10 card hand
>lord j and khazakus at bottom 2

What am I even supposed to do here
>Play Arena
>It gives me 3 cards from my class
Am I doing something wrong
>he runs soulfire
>he doesn't expect reno to be discarded
pick one
if I don't have a complete classic collection should I just buy classic packs with gold

or should i keep discounting gadgetzan packs with arena (I already have most good gadgetzan cards)
>Already got to rank 5 yesterday
>Don't need to play against shamans
>Playing comfy meme decks in wild casual

feels way too good
So do you need to unpack the class quest cards? If yes, this shit is just fucking ridiculous. You might as well concede if the opponent has it and you don't if all the triggers are as simple as the priest one.

Fucking bullshit.
>1 mana shadow bolt is bad
Soulfire hates 3 cards, of you want to keep them don't cast it with these in your hand
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I got rank 5
I was 1 win away from it 4 times and ruined by shamans each time
its been a month since i have last saw that card
>Spectating a 'friend' playing fun deck in casual
>Pirate warriors and aggro shamans
Why the fuck does everything have to be RNG all the time?
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>To be fair my time isn't worth shit
Self aware neet huh? Rare.
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answer me fags
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is he ok?
save for next expansion
coming in just over a month
pretty sure he's da ba bee da ba dai
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Random is FUNNN
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>no card reveals until march 17th
serious answer

because it creates diverse game states and makes the game less formulaic
Alright, if shaman is so cancer what fun decks can I make for very little mana that are non-cancerous enough for you guys
>very little mana
pick one and only one
I'm well aware my life is shit/ worthless
i think she means dust
mid range shaman isn't cancer tho
Fatigue Warrior
>shamanstone for a whole year
>even after 3 class card and 1 neutral nerf to it

it's ridiculous. three mediocre expansions a year that get old after two weeks or less. why do we play?
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>Waiting till end of season to climb ladder

Probably because it's wild only and nobody plays wild
that makes a lot more sense
jade druid in that case

>this is what """""""""""""""""""""""""""midrange""""""""""""""""""""" shitters actually believe
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>THIS is a 10/10 meal in America
At the s t art of the season I got to 15 and stopped, I got really tired of all the shamans and warriors
>anything that is slower than my greedy reno deck are shitters

this is what reno faggots actually unironically believe
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>hurr durr if I change 4 cards from the most cancerous deck in the game it becomes a patrician non-cancerous deck durr hurr durr
Yeah I mean dust
Aggro is faggro

Not according to >>>>/hsg/
To be fair though flametongue totem is some bullshit

What makes jade druid fun? What makes it different enough from jade shaman that it doesn't just feel like jade shaman but weaker?
the new cancer once things are nerfed will be Aviana-Kun-Malygos combo druid
>4 cards

your shield is showing

My Mid Jade list is 10+ cards different than 99% of all cancer shaman lists
>Tfw can't get past 1 win in Arenas
everything in the game is weaker than jade shaman
>What makes jade druid fun?
An army of big guys
Quests seem pretty cool with the fact they start in your hand, I know I'm gonna try a greedy as shit Reno N'Zoth Priest and lose to aggro 40% of the time bare minimum but it'll be fun

When are the nerfs anyway? They've been announced a while
jade druid plays completely differently
it's a much slower deck
unlike """"""""""""midrange"""""""""""""" shaman which relies on lightning fast starts with the most broken early game cards in the game and runs a shit ton of burn to finish out the game jade druid tries to ramp up, inevitably fall behind on the board but grab back board control through big guys and then they finish out the game with massive jade golems and auctioneer fiesta

jade shaman has pretty much the same lineup across the board as aggro shaman except it's stronger against control and weaker against everything else but jade druid hard counters control but loses against faster decks like shaman and warrior
Sure, but there's things that are DIFFERENT enough than jade shaman that they're a different experience to play. No one's gonna say dragon priest is just a weaker version of jade shaman, nor are they gonna say Renolock is. What makes Jade Druid a different deck rather than just a weaker form of the same deck?
oh I should've refreshed before posting lol

that kinda sounds fun, I have an autistic urge to always maintain board contol but once blizzard realizes how retarded Shaman's spells in that regard are I'll have to get used to not always having it

Plus it sounds like the same kind of thing as the huge bloodlust smashes that are my favorite thing about near-zero dust midrange shaman (I have two crafted lightning storms and a lucky devolve)

I DO like big guys
They'll hit with Un'Goro
So hopefully a month
jade druid and jade shaman don't play similarly
Reno won't be a thing unless you're playing in wild
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I had the exact same idea, gonna try to meme with majordomo too
I'll still call one of decks Reno decks for a while even after he's gone desu

why wouldn't you wild for the majordomo memes

christ that's kinda a long wait, don't they normally avoid that kind of thing?
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>only 40%
I thought they were hitting a lot sooner, along with the standard arena change?
Can't wait for Priest to steal my Jaraxxus and buffs himself to 40 health. The stories!
>bare minimum
>anon in charge of reading comprehension

>this will happen in my lifetime
>implying I read that much of your ramblings
I stopped at 40% my man
>have spectate a friend quest
>spectate someone from my friend list
>rank 20 playing pirate warrior
>obviously a bot

It was on EU. Which one of you fuckers was it?
youre actually letting anon pick avatars for people? was it like that last time? i wasnt in the thread at the time
for everyone but the returning champions klandri on EU and Ary on NA
but then how did the dude named "Myrak" sync up his image to have it be a girls rack if someone else picked it? doubt another anon would come up with that
maybe he posted for himself in the thread?
i thought of that, but that would be a bit of dedication. or luck i guess. idk, i guess im just comparing to my own laziness

but okay
I'm going to miss adventures. I knew exactly how much I was going to spend on them every couple months, I knew I was going to get a couple staple cards, and I actually liked the heroic mode shit.
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>It's a "You can complete quests playing against your second account" week
I endorse this image.
Wait they're doing away with Adventures entirely?
unless they have stated otherwise, I think so. They said they wanted to go with the MSoG route where they just have a very very small introductory 'adventure' at the start
is it?

is this the "special" shit brode was talking about to make the game easier

no extra gold quests or free packs, just more "play vs friends" weeks more often
its over, stop
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Is the welcome bundle worth it as a complete beginner?

just finally decided to try this today, after downloading it on 10 separate occasions and never getting around to playing.

It's fun, like a really watered down MTG.
it definitely is worth it
do it
Follow up question,

What should I spend my gold on? More classic packs?
its the only thing worth it in the game, that being said the game only gets worse and more expensive as blizzard adds to it

so really spending 5$ now and playing hearthstone will just cost you more time and money in the future, because you will already be invested
Yes. Also, if you want to spend more real money, your priorities should be Adventures (lots of good guaranteed cards, as well as solo fun and soon non-buyable anymore) and the preorder for next expansion (Un'goro).
dont do this until you see all the cards
Yeah that seems obvious already. I don't mind spending the $5 just for the sake of trying the game out tho, after that we'll see.

I mean, that's really the fatal flaw to these card games... They're always p2w really. At least in this you don't seem to be able to purchase specific cards and shit.

MK thanks for the advice
Pre-ordering Un'goro will definitely be worth it, these cards will be around for two entire years, there's no risk involved at all
>that being said the game only gets worse and more expensive as blizzard adds to it
that's basically how all card games work unless the people who make the card game promise free card additions or something

This is the inevitable fate of all card games that have competition, it happens to all of them over time.
except hearthstone is the worst most grindy of all digital card games

Dude, do you not fucking remember MtG online? The game where they would regularly "sell out" of DIGITAL CARD PACKS to artificially inflate value?
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So first things first

Adept options are discovered meaning you have a 30% chance of getting the one you want.
Quests start in opening hand but can be mulliganed, and are legendary spells.
Each class is getting 1 quest and 1 legendary minion.
The elemental tribe will effect shaman the most, since most of thier cards are elemental.
Priest quest partially forces nzoth.

Rogues burglary means they could have other classes quests as well in the middle of a game.

Priest can potentially have a copy of your quest if they turn 1 mind vision

Paladins, Mages and Hunters may be able to get thier quest multiple times through lock n load/babblebook/white knight

Triclass discovers can give you other classes quests
Oh man, I remember reading the same exact thing about Whispers of the Old Gods.

How many cards from that set are still used today, like 5?
fucking retard
First sentence you're already wrong, moron.
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I know exactly how tilted he is
>Selling out of digital goods
This is what drove me away from MTGO day fucking one
wtf is white knight
Hafu and Eloise viewers.

IIRC the reason they did this is because when MtG started it's online presence, I seem to recall that if you did some crazy collecting and gathered a full set of an expansion, you could turn it in for a physical copy of that set.
t. someone who has never played another digital card game

I like to play pretty much any and all digital card games and i've been playing ESL, RSL, Gwent, Shadowverse, Duelyst, Eternal, and YGO Duel Links recently and Hearthstone is nowhere close to being the worst or most grindy.

Duel Links is easily the most P2W of them all releasing sets every couple of weeks/months that always have a ton of straight power creeped cards with no daily or weekly income for the in-game currency needed to buy packs.

Shadowverse and Duelyst probably the closest to Hearthstone in terms of the grind except the effective 'dust/liquefy' rate is lower because of how many cards you need to create per deck in SV or how many legendaries you are allowed to use per deck in Duelyst.

I'll give you Eternal and Gwent both being relatively generous with packs/cards and that's literally only because they are so late into the CCG market that they need to have some pull with the playerbase
The solution for that was to not do that.
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>quest cards
>blizzard rips off /hsg/ AGAIN
Well your post is good so I'll try to offer my thoughts to it.

1. Nope you're right but I don't know if I ever want to pay the money it will take to have all the quests because every class I don't have quests for I can't play because it will be a joke underpowered. Quests are still amazing and its great to finally see a new mechanic taken from the original card game.

3. Volcano is just a really annoying card. Everyone wants Shaman to be bad but they are getting disturbing signs of being super good again which would be a cataclysm. 5 mana full board clear (oftentimes) is mainly like a slightly worse Flamestrike for all intents and purposes but allows the Shaman to play more stuff than the Mage. Seems kinda fucked and also the animation is sick.

Also hearing about Shaman+Elementals and all the new synergies is also a scary sign. If Shaman get a Elemental quest will it be too good? That is my fear.

They already have a 10/10 Taunt Elemental so it could be ridiculous. Those are my thoughts right now.
>being this poor

Does Pirate Warrior have any cards that will be removed by the upcoming meta change?
Crabcakes, I've been looking at your game as you post them for a while now and I have only one thing to say. STOP PLAYING CASUAL
No there is actually a Reddit Crusade happening to get them to make a song again. It does feel to me too like its creepy and a bad sign we are getting another weak ass rushed expansion although it is illogical because the last two sucked and had songs.
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I haven't posted here in like a week and spend most of my time playing OW

>doing quests in ranked

no thanks I don't wanna play this game for 3 hours
>Paladin victory
>Play 10 pirates
>3 victories

Pirate paladin, here I go!
Actually I gotta say, I didn't notice it before but there hasn't been a mass shooting for a long time I don't think or else they just stopped reporting them. One benefit of Trump is all the crazies must actually be feeling hope he can turn their lives around. Interesting.
Sir Finley, but you don't NEED to have that card. It just comes in handy.
I am 100% fucking sick of having to deal with BRANN+KAZAKUS every damn game.

This is the most cancerous piece of shit in the game by a long stretch.
Its likely to be that according to hearthstones ui, has already been confirmed theres 10 options. Having all 10 would fuck up the ui and confuse new players.

Secondly, cards rotating out. Il state cards that have been used in metas they were out, not just the current meta, which is almost exclusively msog.

1: Gadetzan Jouster, Injured kaldir, Sir Finley.
2: Flame juggler, Garrison Commander, Huge toad, Jeweled Scarab
3: Brann, Argent horserider, Silver hand regent, Silent Knight, Blackwing tech.
4:Hungry dragon, Dragon sorceror, refresh vendor, twilight guardian, elise.
5 Djinni, summon stone, nexus, kvaldir raider, pit fighter, muklas champion, blackwing corruptor, grim patron.
6 drakonid crusher, thaurrisan, volcanc drake, justicar, grand crusader, master jouster, kodorider, reno jackson, wobbling runts.
7+ Rafaam, Kragg, Chillmaw, North sea kraken, frost giant, majordomo, neferian, rend, chromaggus
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Is Acolyte of Pain a legit combo with this for a control deck?
I'M ONTO YOU, CRABCAKES. I RECOGNIZE YOU. I SEE THAT CASUAL SYMBOL AND THINK "There goes Crabcakes again. What a guy. Posting stories for us in a place that exists outside of players caring about the games." YOU DISAPPOINT ME. ENJOY YOUR OTHER SHIT BLIZZARD IP. STOP POSTING CASUAL GAMES.
I don't care what people say Eminem was Gen X's and Millennials Bob Dylan, the man could write a great bunch of lyrics and he plays with them in the new rock music aka Rap.

The only thing is that he has always been so into wordplay and comedy that he will likely never win any Nobel Prize unfortunately.
I thought that card looked shit but it's actually quite insane. 15 damage to minions only is going to be pretty wacky.
like Avenging Wrath and Lay on Hands put together, and control shaman doesn't really have card draw beyond Mana Tide Totem, and both Acolyte and Volcano are usable on their own.
Seems good
>college tuition decided by rag to the face

epic and random
stuffy doll tech soon
>"Stop posting casual games" in the casual card game thread

I honestly take pity on anyone who takes this game seriously enough to shit on anything that isn't rank 5+, the last time I cared enough to get to rank 5 was just after msog released and since then it's been miserable.
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I think your fedora fell off, let me get that for you

>8 mana
>10 counting overload
>generally need card draw on early turns to cycle into the answers you would play on 8 mana

Doubt it.
Dude, you can't post sick highlights from a game mode where you could very well be fighting someone with a basic deck. Doesn't have to be super serious. You could be a Shieldbearer. But there is literally no stakes whatsoever in Casual, so the wins are meaningless.
>wins are meaningful elsewhere
i dont play causal but dude
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how bout THIS
You know what I mean. Obviously playing a digital card game is meaningless. Casual doesn't add to the gold hero or ranked chests at the end.

volcano as a hallezeal+ele d combo replacement? although nothing can beat a good +4 +4 +5 +4 +4 +5 on T8 against an opponent spamming well played because they went all-in

T10 heal 15 feels kinda mediocre in comparison
>you could very well be fighting someone with a basic deck

a solid 45% of my matches are against netdecks, the other 45% are people doing a "play X minions fo Y type" quest, and 5% shitty basic decks

you can calm your tits, especially since there are no stakes in ranked either. It is a video game. It has no bearing on anything
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you mean mtg?
look at Zendikar, a set that was released... 5 years ago?
>didnt even change the naming scheme
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part 2: Class cards

Drood: Drood o flame, Volcanic lumber, living roots, darnassus, drood o saber, mulch, astral, savage combatant, Raven idol, jungle moonkin, mounted raptor

Hunter: Explorer hat, desert camel, dart trap, bear trap, lock n load, powershot, ram wrangler, kings ellek, brave archer,quick shot, core rager.

Mage: Flamewaker, dragons breath, arcane blast, flame lance, spellslinger, effigy, polymorph boar, dalaran aspirant, fallen hero, forgotton torch, animated armour, etheral conjurer, ice lance.

Paladin: Anyfin can happen, sacred trial, keeper of uldaman. competitive spirit, argent lance, seal o champions, murloc knight, mysterious challenger, dragon consort, solemn vigil.

Priest: Twilight whelp, ressurect, flash heal, confuse, wyrmrest agent, holy champion, spawn of shadows, confessor paletress, museum curator, excavated evil, entomb.

Rogue: Unearthed raptor, Tomb pillager, Buccaneer, Burgle, Beneath the grounds, Shady dealer, Shado pan, anubrak, gang up, dark iron skulker.

Shaman: Fireguard destroyer, lava shock, ancest knowledge, totem golem, elemental destruction, healing wave, tuskarr totemic, charged hammer, dreinei totemcarver, thunder bluff, mistcaller, tunnel trogg, everyfin is awesome.

Warlock: Dark peddler, curse of rafaam, reliquery seeker, dreadsteed, wilfred, wrathguard, fist o jaraxxus, imp gang boss, demonwrath.

Warrior: Revenge, axe flinger, alex's champion, sparring partner, bolster, bash, kings defender, varian wrynn, fierce monkey, obsidian destroyer, cursed blade (Rogues no longer suffer getting it)
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I am doing a "Choose My Arena Deck" thing. Come on in and let's fail at this game together.
I'll participate.
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If they only give Shaman control tools, that's fine. They are very good at Control and although Jade is a little broken, it's within acceptable perimeters.
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Your reward is tits.
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Wait, lifecoach has a little kid? And he spent all his days together with JJ playing ladder instead of being a father?
Hes a business man. Can't he just pay for a father figure anyways?
when are the nerfs and arena changes happening?

Either the next few days or when the new set drops.
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Reminder that Lifecoach didn't quit Hearthstone, he just quit the ladder.
Guys, I don't think I'm getting my turn.
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>poison spit

emperor cobra powercreep
The Adapt mechanic is far too flexible. It just means they can be lazy as fuck when creating cards.
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It will hallazeal all your dallazamage
>Even innkeeper uses pirates
It's gone too far.
I'm going to write blizzard a letter complaining about the rampant anti-creationism present in their game. First Evolve, now Adapt. They're clearly pushing a left with darwinist agenda and leading our children away from the light of god.
>couldn't get past rank 12 with the deck I enjoy playing

welp no more ladder until un'goro I hope they fix aggro then
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What do you think it smells like?
crusty cumsock with a fragrant air of ballsweat
Do quest cards count as one of the two class legendary cards? So, besides the priest quest shown on stream, they will only get one other leggo?
I always knew Ben Brode was straying us further away from God's Light. Now I know for sure!
Warlock really needs more high-mana demons, Bane of Doom is nigh useless right now because you're almost guaranteed to get just 6 in stats or lower.

not enough people are smart enough to play it correctly for it to be a big threat for /hsg/ sitting at rank 15

I know aggro is cancer xD but aggro/"muzzrogue" has recently surfaced as a legit t1 deck and it actually has a lot of cool decisions and card interactions to play around with, look at muzzy's list for staple or gundamflame's list for pure memes, you don't need shaku to play it and barnes is a good xaril replacement for ladder. miracle's alright and zoo and tempo mage is likely making a comback this week

In my opinion jade druid is completely braindead in the same tier as dragon priest and pirate warrior, but it does feel fun to play big guys I suppose
I agree. Same things with beasts. Ever since Hunter got the 5 mana 3/3 if you control a beast, summon a random beast, there have been three or so beasts past the 5 mana slot.
odds that the nerfs are tomorrow?
You ignored the count until Enforcer won. If you don't have the balls to pick what we say, just stick with Heartharena.

new car smell, since it was NEVER PLAYED

Cracker, that count was so even and went so fast, I just picked Enforcer so we could move on.
Who /optimistic about quests/ here?

I think they're gonna be good.
has there ever been a bigger attention whore.

>wah im quitting hearthstone gwent here i come
>wait no i mean im just quitting ladder
>wait nvm im not even quitting ladder

"personalities" that are too stupid to get real jobs and reddit are the only things ruining this game. blizzard needs to ignore both these groups of people.
Maybe if they print zero aggro cards and remove Jade Idol, quests will be decent.

Cautiously optimistic, so long as they let us have stuff that lets us survive to see our quests be completed.

A post-Reno world is all the scarier knowing that they have these kinds of late-game effects in mind.
I can see Trump appealing to the type of person who would shoot up a school, but your theory is shaky at best. At least it's not been a topic cycling around national media
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Got golden druid, warrior, mage and shaman. Now time to start Rogue, I hope it's fun!
hey I play my gold one form time to time

Coming from someone who got gold rogue, no its going to be the worst hell imaginable for hs.

Your only option to get it done in any length of time is to play miracle rogue nonstop 24/7
>originally appeared in the WoW TCG a long time ago
>quests are one of the most integral parts of warcraft

>even the original WoW tcg stole it from mtg
Fucking kek
it can be pretty fun. I love mine, looks so good.
Atm I play some steal/jade/pirate/nzoth deck for maximum toolboxing. Good shit.
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You realize Zendikar released 3 years after WoW TCG released?
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I think the game is trying to tell me something
yu should post this to reddit for a lot of karma
>proceeds to post an enchantment like its new hot shit
fucking KEK
woah.... do you think i'll get hella karma off of that????????
>mtg shitposters are this desperate
yes its like an enchantment but then you should've started off with that argument rather than the specific quest cycle from zendikar then
>people are actually complaining about random effects that are based around discovering out of a small pool of well balanced or slightly underpowered buffs

Goddamn these people are retarded
LifeCoach is the exact opposite of that though.

He's a rich attention whore that likes to feel smarter than other people.
its not that it's a good effect or whatever, it's that literally after everyone unanimously agrees that RNG has been shit for Hearthstone, the main keyword for the new expansion is 'RNG an effect'
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>not playing Wild Reno N'ztoth Rogue
Nah son, actual randomness and discover are entirely different from both a fun and balance perspective.

People who think there's no difference between good rng and bad rng are legit retarded and should be take out back and shot
>not realizing that his whole argument is now moot since WoW quests are self saccing permanents copied from mtg, and HS quests are borrowing the namesake but now reworking it to copy the later quest cycles from mtg's zendikar.
This isnt your everyday plagiarism. This is extreme plagiarism
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really though? dont get my hopes up pls :(

Discover is only slightly better than other forms of randomness in this game.
Kekking out of my seat right now
Team 5 is like the monkey's paw

Everytime something nice to happen and you think a little bit about it you can see it actaully fucks you over

So for example this quest thing sounds quite nice all around but:

- This implies 2 legendaries per class
- No adventures so can't even get a few legendaries and epics from there
- Unless you blow a shitton of $ it's quite rare you'll get to have more than 2-3 meta decks as F2P assuming you hoard a lot of gold to buy packs

This is probably going to be the most expensive year in history of Hearthstone.
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>I just realized that I'm totally fucked this expansion

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>dust is already fucking difficult to come across
>add a new type of card and make it the same as a legendary dust-wise
>17% of the cards in the set are cards with <5% droprate
>75% of the legendaries are only usabe in one class

How do they manage to outjew themselves each year? Are we approaching a jewish singularity?
pls... i love you. tell the truth
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>people want legendary spells
>this adds 9 more to pool
>damned if you do, damned if you don't
No they don't, all it means is that we'll only have 5 Neutral Legendaries this time, which also means if you unpack a lego you'll be forced to play that class most of the time
I heard some things were getting nerfed/changed soon. Is that what's going to be in the patch tomorrow? Is there anything I should be crafting/dusting?

I haven't been paying much attention.
Craft rag and sylvanas if you don't already own them because you will recieve their dust value for free
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>das it mane
stupid lizard
Making class legendaries is the way to go but only if you start being less stingy with dust

Also this would also need these class legendaries to actually be good which is something I seriously doubt after msg and seeing the first Mage legendary in jtug

Also MUH F2P isn't really a valid defense becaus a significant part of the player base would gladly pay 40 or 60 upfront to have access to cards
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>classes only get 2 legos this expansion
>Mage minion is already revealed to be complete shit
Since the pre-expansion hype and the few days after expansion age the only fun time to play this game, let's do our predictions

>Maximilian is the pally legendary
>more beast Druid support
>control priest support
>hunter legendary is going to interact with adaptation, probably something that makes your Dinos have 2 or more adaptations
>Elise gets another card which she totally deserves because she's adorable
>shaman gets almost only control tools
>>classes only get 2 legos this expansion
what do you mean only? they usually get 1
Pyros should be spell power +1 increasing on each reincarnation
its perfectly fine as is
>Mage legendary has NOTHING to do with spells or arcane powers
>it's not even a fucking mage familiar but a random fire elemental shaped like a bird
who gives a shit
remember flame leviathan?
But it's called Pyros, you know, like Pyroblast, right? Right?
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my african american

>He doesn't have the phoenixes orbiting his head with his ilvl 915 Felo'melorn

Who ready for reno nzoth amara executus wild priest?
I'm ready for N'zoth + Pyros. Yeah clear the board and watch all the pyros create other copies in the mage hand.
Pyros Nozoth mage lads

Infinity value
>mage playing slow ass deck just to revive some decently started minions
>meanwhile drop 4/4s while ramping
>late game drop a 9/9,10/10,11/11 while drawing three cards for 9 mana
>ilvl 915
>nine hunned and fiddeen
>he still plays WoW in the year 2017
>reckful smoking weed live


>Mage Quest legendary is something like "If your deck has no duplicates, your summoned Elementals gain 2 random Adapts"

Oh boy.
I'm already playing a slow ass mage deck in wild that make it often to fatigue. This will simply be a new toy.
Watching Kripps stream, is this what "fun" is supposed to be? Playing a mediocre meme deck and losing 20 times until you finally play someone just as shitty?


And this is the guy who can whip Reddit into such a frenzy that cards get banned from Arena.
What happened to the EU tournament?
ladder meta shitter spotted

Someone was DQed in the knockouts, Blue took their spot and swept everyone.

All hail Blue.
I have no idea, I never saw the final because of the fuckery on sunday. feelsbadman
I don't know why he always insists on playing the most boring-to-watch decks possible. Even yesterday when he played in Wild all he did was make a boring fucking Reno dragon priest. In Wild, where there are endless fucking fun decks you can play.
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>the new mechanic is literally RNG

Guess I am not coming back to this game

Quests don't seem strong enough to stop the current meta decks
At least quests isnt RNG
Meme decks aren't about how much you win but how you win

That being said kripps meme decks are awful
we dont want you
>queue control warrior for quests
>run into aggro stuff as expected
>draw literally zero of my 5 aoe cards to activate SWtF
>this happens in multiple games

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The scouts will be legendarys right?
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that's because hunter never plays minions over 5 unless they are busted like highmane or rag. If they gave a big hunter beast adapt and an effect similar in power to giant sand worm, on the other hand...
No, because that would be fun
Blizzard doesnt do fun
Didn't someone say there will be five neutral legendaries?
Aw come on, they could have watered down versions of the soon-to-be removed explorer legendaries. Like the tauren could make your next battlecry doubled rather than a persistent effect.
I sure fucking hope not

I was okay with kiddy shit being in cinematics because those are easily ignored, but if you put kiddy shit in the game now too I'm just going to straight-up quit
Anon, im sorry, but that would be too fun for Hearthstone
I hope not

They will be gimmicks and shit
>little snot-nosed kids being impactful legendaries

ha, I bet you watch mlp
There are 5 neutral legendaries

Maybe it's Elise and her band of scouts
>Want Control to come back
>Know deep down that it never will because Blizzard wants the game to be "newbie" friendly
>This means actual strategy and complex cards will never be introduced
>still being in the Nile about Team5 doing double class legos with an unchanged number of neutrals

hahaha oh wow
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>completely wreck pirate warrior
>he has no cards in hand and I'm at 25 HP
>he's now roping every turn
My sides

someone sounds insecure. playing a very colorful, bright, dare I say it.. children's card game and getting aggressive because there could be cutesy shit sounds like someone trying too hard to seem cool/mature and coming off like a dip

That would be neato. like tauren - double your next battlecry, nelf - restore 15 hp to your hero, belf - discover a 5 mana artifact, orc - swap hero powers with the enemy, elise - shuffle a map spell that when played equips a magic weapon.. like medivhs but it only summons legendaries? idk. but it would be interesting to see the characters in the prelude actually be incorporated into the set
>lol this edge lord doesn't like mlp, lets make fun of him!
alright buddy.

>Elise gives you the Staff of Origination they used for the Rafaam vs KT Brawl

>introduce a slow meta mechanic in Adapt
>introduce a very slow meta and boring mechanic in Quests
>get rid of reno

the new cards better all be taunt+heal 2-5 drops.
This is going to be TGT all over again
>introduce a very slow meta and boring mechanic in Quests
boring mechanic? Anon it gives some deckbuilding structure/incentive just like nzoth, reno, etc.
bruh I don't even watch mlp. you just come off as an edgelord with 'reeeee no cute things in my game anyone who disagrees with me likes ponies reee'

ill get brodes attention somehow. he probably browses this shithole at least once a week
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>dangerous giant beast!
>its just giant cartoony dinos
cmon step it up. Will we never get anything like pic related? Was Old God the only set with some somewhat-fine looking "monsters" in it?
it's predictable and un-counterable. you can't counter "summon X" with anything other than aggro.

If it were "Kill X" or "after X dies" or "heal X" then there'd be some interesting interaction, but from what we've seen only aggro decks can interact with quests.
it's just dumb to hear people say "blizzard doesnt do fun, that's why we cant have loli cards". Like shit, sorry they don't nurture your scat fetish either.
>hurr children's card game
It always worked both ways though. Even with Le Epic Karazhan Party you could still have fun with it as an adult. But you have to be a literal child who watches Saturday morning cartoons on the regular to enjoy something like 6 year olds being played in the same world and on the same level as all the other big Legendaries, theme-wise.

A lot of people play Hearthstone only because of its Warcraft theme, and you know what that game doesn't have? Taking on Illidan with 6 year olds.
>Draw Reno
>Don't draw Reno
Nice game hearthtards. Literally a coinflip simulator
>it's predictable and un-counterable
sounds like pretty much everything else in HS

I to, would like more interaction, but if we are to get none at least this keeps things interesting by adding some sub-goal to a match. It's like a C'thun-like thread for the other player, depending on how brutal the quest is for his strategy.

>you know what that game doesn't have? Taking on Illidan with 6 year olds.

I should introduce you to my old raiding MT. Kid was a boss.
>Literally a coinflip simulator
so you finally figured it out? A bit late to the party.

Weren't the nerfs supposed to be today?
I want to see STB gone or at least pingable
its still the 28th desu
>Build your deck relying entirely on one card
>Get fucked when it's buried at the back
Surprise surprise, almost like its some kind of drawback
>>Build your deck relying entirely on one card
you mean 2 cards
i don't even want loli cards, where the fuck did you even read that from my text?

jesus christ you guys are spergs. if you want to go all le super grimdark hellscape monsters there's always MTG, Gwent, Sverse, etc. blizz's WoW and by extension, HS IP are kinda iconic for having a colorful unique style that appeals to a large audience so the mini explorers league wouldn't be too farfetched to have printed.

i had no idea that asking for the characters in the video to end up as cards would trigger so many people though. lel
>le children's card game maymay xD
>The average person who plays digital CCGs is a 31 year old male
The whole "children's card game" thing only applies to yugioh. Just because something's a card game does not make it a children's card game, but maybe that confusion is why you're so butt-blasted that there are no 6-year olds to jack off to?
Not in a month (hopefully. fuck forbid they fill his place with ANOTHER filthy if-no-duplicates legend)
>there's always MTG, Gwent, Sverse, etc.
I actually play magic duels from time to time but sort of stopped. paper magic is fine but I do not want to go paly at a stor.
Applied to gwent, no invite yet
Play SV when a new set comes out, thats about it.

I still dont get why I play HS the most, probably because its now a routine to clear my quest when I wake up before the day starts. I mean, I've been doing that since release... Still which it looked different
Nobody said anything about going full grimdark though, that's just as bad as going full kiddy, which is the problem.
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>WoW a place rich with bone chilling lore
>thrilling raids you can explore
>release expansion with kid scouts surviving through Un'goro crater

Literally a card game for children. Why do you still swallow the Benpill /hsg/? Isnt it perhaps time to move on?
>he plays standard
I'm so sorry

>Still which it looked different

In fairness to >>169675370 there is a lot of creepy and/or fucked up stuff in WoW that they haven't touched yet. The Scourge stuff in particular is a goldmine.

Though, that might fuck with their Chinese market a bit, so I'm not hopeful.
and why are you still posting here?
because i care about every single one of you
Can someone explain to me this phenomenon of having so many people who do not like a game post in a general? And its not just HS, I visit 3 general in here of completely different games and there's always a lot of people who simply post about their hatred of the game and how others should stop playing/supporting/(hosting and other stuff in other cases).

Just like, quit the game and quit the fucking general if you don't get any fun/entertainment value from a videogame meant to be just that, entertainment.
>you get all the quest cards just for logging in
is ungoro saved now?
Im more disappointed that they arent basing the expansion on something other than WoW
You are from reddit
nobody wants grimdark. You know, there is a difference between grimdark and cards of cutesy little children, right?

But I don't really care either way man, I just think it's pretty ridiculous that of all things to bitch about you choose the fact that the kids probably wont be cards. Pretty man-childlike.

Although Ben's always been the face of team 5, Eric Dodds was the lead game director this whole time and was just recently replaced (fired?) with Ben. Un'gor is the last set he was in charge of, maybe that's also why it's the only set of the year of the mammoth that isn't accompanied by free quests. Anyways, I'm excited for the new changes this year, Brode and Dodds have some drastically different views on the game.
No, I've been here for a while that's all. But usually there's some balance, but not right now since all of them have "dead game" and whining posters all over.

Maybe I'm just attracted to dead games.
So fucking toxic. How does it feel to actively hurt a community with your existence?
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>nobody wants grimdark.
What? I would jump in if I found a grimdark card game. Hell, even a full-on edgy card game. If you know any, please tell.
I'm back /hsg/

I missed you guys a lot
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Yea I guess saying "no one" was pretty dumb of me. You should play Gwent, man.
Priests can now have 40 health.
you wouldn't happen to be ban evading would you?
Main discussion about a game like Hearthstone dies within 2 weeks of new content, when all the cards have been played to death and the best ones come out on top (which are the ones you will see over and over for the next 3-4 months). So discussion about the actual game is out of the question from the get-go, especially since we're half a month away from even seeing new cards. And since this place is not a Reddit echo chamber, we don't really jerk each other off on having good taste while purcashing 80 more packs.

Hate is all that's left and I welcome it.
like 11pm yuroshit time
what's the highest rank you've been? Honestly question, not trying to sound insulting. As someone who plays this game pretty competitively, I would argue that theres still a lot to talk about regarding the current meta (in the past month aggro rogue and tempo mage came back in popularity, people just realized how good finja is and murlocs are now sometimes played in warrior and rogue, and menagerie rogue just recently hit rank 1 legend. Also midrange pally and midrange warlock would have gone to the bahamas if the pilot didnt throw twice).

I just don't think the vast majority of you guys are any good at all at this game, so you cant innovate anything good after a couple weeks. Maybe thats just me.
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like 120ish
As of right now I am hyped but have the creeping feeling quests will do just the same thing factions did: limit design space.
Who cares, priest is gonna be great.

>battlecry: activate your almonds
makes sense.
guys guys alex will be broken now. 9 drop battlecry: deal 25 dmg
Guys you don't NEED every card, one deck to play for 4 months straight is more than enough. You should be thankful the game is free.
On the bright side that probably means less filler neutral legendaries.
beat the odds!
just open back to back tier 1 meta legendaries in your first 2 packs so you can easily fill the other cards
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Rotate your owls meta!

I like it. If you can have murlocs stay on boards for a turn, this is like better MecanoEnhanco.

Now, will it be the same adapt or you discover for each of them? Hyped.
There is no way un'goro can beat msog in power level. Especially jade golems. Prepare for a year of jade golems and aggro.
wow they actually thought of it once everyfin rotates, guess wild will be hell and heaven for diverse meta, am I right? :^)
It seem to want to slow the meta somehow. Murlocs and Beast are in the front of the expansion so far.
no shit, dude. msog was supposed to have the highest power level since nax.
>If you can have murlocs stay on boards for a turn,
flood the board with cheapos > get wiped > call in the finishers >get wiped > call in the finishers > flood the board with more cheapos play everythin/seer/warleader anytime
Full murloc is a gamble because it lacks draw but usually they need at least two wipes back to back to knock you down.

All it takes is one anti jade card
Why "supposed to"?

There's gonna do some stupid shit like

>Sargath the Shatterer. Battlecry: Destroy all Jade Golems. Remove 1/1 from Jade Golem effects for each Golem destroyed
every expansion tried to slow down the meta
it only sorta worked out for wotog
and that was mostly thanks to standard not the expansion itself

WOG was only a "slow meta" because people spent the first month and a half memeing it up on ladder with the actual Old Gods.

One day some schmuck was staring at his collection after getting Yogged too hard, figured out "hey, Aggro Shaman is FUCKING UNSTOPPABLE I'LL NEVER HAVE TO SEE YOGG AGAIN" and the rest is history.
Does ambush prevents reno/kazakus from triggering?

As long as there's multiple Ambush cards from BTG in the deck, yes.
Do you guys think Reno is gonna be exempt from the rotation?
Everybody wants him to stay in Standard
after the nerfs the meta was slow as fuck

slow decks like mid shaman, freeze mage, malygos druid, renolock, cucktrol warrior were all top tier right before karazhan dropped
no they don't and no he won't
there's no way
Because when someone lets a game take over their life and they lose total interest, instead of just quitting or taking a break they stick around. Probably neets with no circle of friends outside of the game and/or chan generals

There's a big diff between people being bored by a certain patch or meta and sprinkling salt but the ones who quit entirely or hate every moment of playing and still post in the game generals def have need for attention /companionship that is sorely lacking outside of their games community

Not when they're about to drop Amara into the game.

Aggro shitters would commit mass suicide.
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Elise is for _____
going on an adventure with
literally just kill them before they complete the quest

they even start with 1 less card so it's ez

Moldy fruit
do I get a free pack for playing on my phone too? just got one on my tablet
exploring her ancient tomb with your flaming torch if you know what i mean

Funnily enough it probably is an ancient tomb

Good thing night elves stay young and hot for their entire lives
>jak eyebrows/ears
real men like dwarven women
why is stablemaster the only dwarven waifu?
>first legendary is Jaraxxus
>Try to put together control shaman
>You are putting totems into play a lot
>Literally making your own Volcano worse
Nice meme card
yes its ben brodes favorite card
I got this from my welcome bundle a few hours ago

He's sick
>control shaman
>enemy is ramp or combo and ends up with big minions that costed him several cards
>you trade and then volcano for free clear

do you people even function in day-to-day life? volcano is literally a playable elemental destruction.
>not broken but at least decent
>no rng
>counters are very niche (unlike tirion)
Shit son, it's the best first legendary
>you trade
>totems are 0/2s
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>shaman doesn't have viable attack-increasing cards.
last reply then, what a weak bait.
>control Shaman
Gas yourself
Rogue Quest: Play to Preparations to get activate your Concede button
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Its probably some burgle related bullshit.
Not him but that sounds completely plausible. Control shamans stick to doomhammer rockbiter pretty easily. Flametongue is if totem support gets wierd stuff to flood with
>steal 5 cards
>reward 1/1 Stealth "See your opponents hand as long as this is alive"
>Steal 10 cards
>Swap decks with your opponent
>steal 5 cards: doposit $5 directly into brode's bank account automatically
I will insta-craft it if that's true, I love me burgle bullshit
>be a real trickster and play 6 cards from another class
>trickster can't trickster

You're a mongoloid my friend. There are 3/143 old God cards in tier 1 decks.

But stay mad and keep trying to rationalise all those pre-orders you've bought.
>shadowverse and duelyst
>closest to the Hearthstone grind

Each of those games gives out at least 3 times more gold, has a lot more frequent legendaries and SV 8 cards per pack, and you don't need full meta decks. This is especially true for duelyst where you get to mulligan a card each turn.

Shadowverse probably gave out a 100 packs in the last months.
Shadowverse has a shit UI, that alone keeps me from playing the game.

If they were to implement a special PC-CLient that isn't as fucking cluttered, I'd be gone.
>people fall again for the meta will slow down for sure this time meme
>people are ready to preorder another steaming pile of shit
>people are excited for the wacky combos they can try out the first 3 days before the best meta decks emerge and crush everything with powercreep

Life must be simple as blizzdrone.
shadowverse has a shit artstyle
Honestly, I think that Krosmaga is the best card right now.
At least until UnGoro proves to be good and if Krosmaga's first expansion makes its current problems worse.
not a card game
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>ungoro will be good
Its mixed. Some are great, like Oathless Knight, some are less so as they look like a cheap anime.
French card game that released a week ago.
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>not getting the pre order
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d-don't fall for their tricks g-goy
grind your valuable time away to get g-gold, it's f-free packs
what happened to rekful? he steal everyones donation money and bail like a typical jew?
If my time was valuable I wouldn't have been playing video games in the first place
Are you happy with your old gods pre order?

Look at all those 3 cards being used.
Quests should be like patches, should pull it right out of your deck when you "begin" it. So like, first deathrattle minion played, quest automatically starts.
Literally everyone will play them
It's fine the way it is: if you want to be a greedy fucko you best be making due with a 3-card starting hand and your quest-enablers randomly scattered throughout your deck
how about if quests work for both players, so they actually become a risk to play?

whoever does it first wins and its a automatic affect like >>169684425
Thanks for reminding me to turn on my bot

bot > spend money > spend time
5 mana 8/8 that you can't play before turn 8. It's not bad, but it isn't good.
A control deck is already doing pretty good if it even makes it to turn 8.

Right now it's draw reno and play on 6 or you die that turn. This quest even if they was autodraw would be shit unless the meta slows down.
>draw rng
Then most people wont play them
Bot > dont play
these are the only options that exist now for this dying game
Isn't he streaming mostly irl shit now where he just walks around his town?
you can play as long as its fun though
Maybe the Adapt for cheap taunts will slow it down?
I bot hearthstone while I play overwatch and Gwent. Feels good man.
not a card game
pretty girl~
So they will just reprint all vanilla minions with Battlecry: Adaption and call it an expansion? Such a genius move.
No, I mean it'll have a lot of cheap dinosaurs that can get taunt with Adapt
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>adept charge for lethal is not ok
>adept taunt or something else to block lethal is ok
>booty bay body guard vs druid of the claw powercreep


Mage card
Adept: deal 2 random damage to your opponent after you play a spell
well no wonder they gave us some pirates
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Ben Brode really let himself go in this new expansion.
fuck off, Dude Love is awesome
>tfw control will never be the meta because its "not new player friendly"

kill me
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check em kiddos


What time do the nerfs happen? Is it today or tomorrow (after the season ends)
>new expansion

It felt like mean streets came out yesterday though wtf?
It's time to bot and just pick up the fragments of collection joy without grinding quests or paying money.
He's just a poor game dev of an indie company who gives up on a life of riches so he can't even get a hair cut or new shirts.
They changed the order of expansions, usually wed get an adventure early 2017, but now its gonna be
>Expansion early 2017
>Adventure mid 2017
>Expansion late 2017
And continue like that
or you do something with your life so you can just buy packs super easily lmao
No aventures this year.
I spend that on things that give me more value than Hearthstone, Ben.

You could buy a console every year instead of needing 1preorder to play the cancer meta.
/v/ is leaking...
>instead of voting with thier wallets people will buy the new expansion
Stop eating shit, it's not chocolate ice cream like blizz is telling you
Or ever again.


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Adventures have been scrapped forever you retards.

Expect 4 expansions in 2018, but they are split over two sets per theme. So you'd have Un'goro part 1 and part 2, because it will be less work to build a new theme up from scratch.

Mark my fucking words.
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Allow me to remind everyone that Lifecoach saw this upcoming expansion by Blizzard before making the decision to quit the game.

You know exactly what to expect from them and if you are somehow hopeful about positive change you are hardly mistaken
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>Lifecoach got invited to test and give input on MSOG
>Blizzard boasted he was going to battle his on-the-spot-deck against top legend players and testers of their team
>He instantly made pirate warrior and had a 95% winrate against them over 20 games
>He gave them input on that the pirate package was blatantly overpowered and needs to be adjusted before launch
>The principal game designer just shrugged it off 'he isn't a game designer' and ignored his feedback
learn the meaning of words before you post pseudointellectual bullshit like this
Why didn't they call this card 'Eruption'

'Volcano' is the stupidest fucking name, its like naming Getaway Kodo 'Kodo'
ill keep that in mind Zeriyah chan
i love starcraft

overwatch doesn't have that much stuff just the couple heroes, i'm sure they can come up with a bunch of stuff and that could make it a real universe but it's not stuff people know

diablo 3 would actually have plenty but they are all anonymous kinda, all the monsters just blend in and nobody cares, it won't give an easy feeling of being connected plus it lies too closely to what warcraft already brings

starcraft has a lot of different things going on to create a varied expansion with and they are mostly things that people will understand and are related too
i like that it will also be a very distinct contrast being the other fantasy stuff, warcraft is say faeries and starcraft is machines and aliens so the theme is really good
I keep seeing this, but is there actually any source that LC fucked them up with pirates?
he may a a dumb yuroshit who hardly speaks english but he's right desu
He said it on stream a couple of times. And he was playing the full pirate warrior package on day 1 release of MSOG.
can you pinpoint the grammatical mistakes i made in my post? I learned english through movies and games but i still wish to improve my writing
so was everyone else LUL
bible black
Yeah no, they weren't.
Should have been you are sorely mistaken
Hardly mistaken means you're not mistaken.
>have had lethal for 5 turns
>just want to keep buffing hand
Playing paladin is the worst experience
hardly = not really or just barely

so hardly mistaken does not mean badly mistaken
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These were the day 1 decks from the streamers/bigger names.
oh yea now that i said it out loud it does sound wrong. Thanks anon i appreciate your help
Hardly usually means "not very", so when you say "hardly mistaken" you're implying that you're not very mistaken.
horribly, terribly, or badly would've been fine as well
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dead game
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Trying to piece together how I managed 9 wins with this shit
3 kabal talonpriests
Holy shit look at the powercreep when you compare the ancient one to Jades
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>New elemental tribe
>Shaman will have a lot of elemental cards
>mfw "give your elementals charge" is gonna be a new spell
>2 legos per class (quest + minion)
That's going to be sweet for the game but would need a lot of dust to craft the good things.
Another day, another gold cap reached

Thanks botting
Glad to hear others breaking free from the mental conditioning.
Thanks, that makes sense
Could you tell me which bot do you use?
mmmm...who's this card connoisseur
Call me when I can get 10 gold for 3 wins against a friend.
Fucking bot managed to get only 6 wins in the 2 free hours.
Hearthrager of course, there's a full guide a couple threads back
Thanks. Which deck do you use to farm? Pirate warrior?
You're doing it so fucking wrong.

Pick a standard aggro shaman from the rank 5 project list, make the bot stay at rank 20/19, autoconcede against priest, use fast a.i. with low calculations, fast mouse movements.

Enjoy your 15 wins/50g+ with the 2 free hours daily. I've been doing this for months now.

You're either letting the bot play way too fucking slow, you're not playing at low ranks or your computer is a piece of shit that can't handle it.
I did that.
The fucking bot was roping all the time and tried to attack with the same minion multiple times per turn. It also missed obvious lethal.

2 nights ago it played better and got me like 40 gold. Now it barely played the games.
at least we will get a lot from rag+sylv
how the fuck does anyone play ladder, its horrible

i cant even force myself to get rank 15 this month
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Yeah it's you who is fucking up. If its roping with fast a.i. you are somehow fucking up immensely, are you playing on a shitty laptop or something?
But if I dont get to legend then my twitch chat wont think im pro!
Yup, the pirate warrior from the rank 5 project list IIRC, like the other anon said
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>Lose two staple legendaries that could go in like 50 different decks.
>Get the dust back once

Wow such a great deal
watch something while doing it, it helps a lot. like a LOT.

you dont lose anything if you play wild.
No, shitty PC
Do I need silverfish for this?
Also the fast a.i. is getting major updates soon, but will probably take a bit longer with the new set coming out.

But afterwards you'd do well reporting misplay logs on the forums.
>increase the amount of cards you dont have even further
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i've spent zero dollars on this game retarded fucking nigger
kill yourself
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No the whole point of fast a.i is not using either of those.
>you dont have
I'm so sorry you're new to the game. I really am, I am never returning to standard.
>coming soon...
Why is every paladin playing buff minions and malchazar?
>I'm so sorry you're new to the game.
Not that anon, but just wait until they start selling the old adventures/sets again in wild later this year. The game will die without it.
I don't know then what's going on. I will reinstall this shit and hope that it works better and that I fucked something up.
I thought silverfish was needed because that's what the Project 5 thread says.
I don't know man, you might be right, but then magic gets away with not reprinting important shit printed 20 years ago. The format using them is certainly dying and I wish they did reprint them. I think it will take more time for hs.
The project 5 shit is only needed for high rank stuff, which takes a shitton of calculations and obviously is going to fuck up your weak computer.

Gold farming is done with fast a.i. at low ranks.

The answer to questions like this is usually some meme streamer won a couple of games with a similar deck.
>ut then magic gets away with not reprinting important shit printed 20 years ago
Because Magic designers aren't afraid of confusing new player so they can actually create more different effects, nested effects and weird interactions.
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power creep
should I disenchant some garbage for Finja?
the sad part is that, they are catching up to this shit in the past few years. Metas are more fabricated, game is dumbed down a little by having less viable counterspells/discard effect printed, land destruction is pretty much gone, etc. Its still fine but you can clearly see that the direction is fucking up and abandoning old players. I stopped playing a few set back.
The new expansion is out in 4 weeks. Do you mind having like 80% chance of it being unplayable in 4 weeks? If so you answered your own question.

Otherwise wait.
I unpacked him, but feel he's not getting enough use. Do you already have the rest of the Murloc package?
Of course, have a pretty good collection overall
Magic feels really sterile now compared to the older sets.
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New Thread:


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New Thread:

>rank 1 legend every season
Good job
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