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/fhg/ - For Honor General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 927
Thread images: 217

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>New players:


>Hero guides[2/12]:
Conqueror: http://pastebin.com/d3qQXKGa
Kensei: http://pastebin.com/Mg9HRqjW
Multiple hero video guides: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkiUfT_3_4AnTBKwzZQO7-fDgKDzwPRPr


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>Story mode collectibles:
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Feats are a crutch
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whoa, so this is the power of peacekeepers
Reminder that Warden is the most under powered character in the game and only the most skilled players play him
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Is there a single fucking thing I can do as Berserker when I grab someone other than light? I know I can throw them into a wall for a free overhead heavy but what about when I'm just out in a field, is light seriously the only guaranteed thing I have?

Also what the fuck,.can warden left/right heavy attack me after a parry and it's guaranteed?
Holy shit this thread moves fast
he's right you know
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>mfw I love Warden solely because I have a hard-on for plate armor and straight swords
>Mfw he's ezmode and people call me a shitter for playing him

I just want a nerf so I can play my favourite without being a shitter :(
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Buff Raider.
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lawbringer or warden?
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make way for best girl
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Awww I don't think he likes me.
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>thick butt and wide hips
>not petite hips and bubble butt

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this isn't about orochi players it's about assassin players, they're all the same

worst girl
wouldn't fug
Nice butt
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That's actually rather amusing.
post mains
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That's not femzerker
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post your face when they nerf PK's damage next update
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You know what to do

Do not hesitate
Show no mercy
>Buy Warlord
>has 10005405 moves
No thank you, fuck that shit
>get me outa here

The only good post you've ever made and it's entirely because of that guy, you shouldn't get any recognition.
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>i just wanted to duel man
>has tons of moves
>people that play him only use 3 tops

what a waste
Best way to grind steel?
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>0:2 behind
>one and a half bars left
>that moment when you finally figure out how to counter the other guys move and try to turn the match

what's playing?
What more do you need?
already did
Warden = Ryu
Kensei = Akuma
Viking = Sagat
Shugoki = Zangeif
Nobushi = Juri
Warlord = Balrog
Orochi = Blanka
Lawbringer = Bison

This is known
But what are the others?
I play as Warden and I don't know what the shit I'm supposed to do after a parry. It always knocks then backwards 37 feet so I can't follow up.
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>*Dodges arrow*
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>Elsa not valkyrie

>claws on gate
Lewdie, you never told me what you thought of my PK/Nobushi fanfic.. Was it that bad?

By playing non-stop
They're actually fixing a bug that'll make them more powerful.

It sucks.
Somebody please get a fucking drawfag to do an adaption of this image. A Conqueror running shit scared from a horny Peacekeeper.
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EXP i mean, FUCK
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erp fags need to fuck off.
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>grab buff-hoarding weeb
>throw them off a ledge
Literally no better feeling.
what the fuck are you even basing these off of

are you just randomly assigning them?
Just post it you fag
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I made a thing for you all.
Here's the sound version.
>Main Conq
>Everyone says he's one of the strongest classes at 1v2s
>Absolutely suck at 1v2
I can block for a long time, but whenever I try to go for a GB or an attack I just get interrupted from all angles. What should I actually be doing?
Anyone know what causes my NAT color to fluctuate between green and yellow? Sometimes when I start the game its green, mostly yellow. I've forwarded ports and turned on uPnP
Why is it possible for players to leave right before the match ends? It's always those spamming PKs and Nobushi that get salty when they lose.
Peacekeepers are easy to fight, just be super aggressive and don't let them breathe
why are indians so socially awkward on social media?
Fuck, there was a new thread.

Considering you wrote Warlord after and it's right after Warden and Kensei, I'm assuming "Viking" means Raider.

In which case I approve, I fucking love Sagat.
So this game has some kind of rubber banding in the faction war right? ive seen the losing side gain massively multiple times now


Probably dominions vs AI. im tempted to do it myself just for the last few levels to prestige
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I know. He had one thing to do, fuck.
that is some important sound too.
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It all makes sense now
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update lads
Thank you, I just wanted your opinion on it.~

Rude http://pastebin.com/GpsjJTJQ
wait for revenge and then spam
Then why does everyone here cry about them?
that should be a conq not a raider you stupid fuck
>throwing Pisskeepr/Valk/Roachie off a clif
best feeling
that fucking heart emblem
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The enemy shall not take me
>get beat 0-3
>second round 3-0 him
>third round he's up 2-0
>bring it back to win 3-2
>rages, calls me shit for a rep 2, says his friends made him alt tab, and that I'm a cunt

I love this feel, so fucking much.
Spam what? I get bashed around and die within 5 seconds when I stop consta-blocking
How do you fight the fat nip? Main conq
Weebs BTFO
Guys, hiding in chokes and farming creeps is really viable, every creep adds to your teams score, it insane
Yes, IRL I'm a knight scum
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>make dominion the most popular mode only reach 1 of your territories

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Working on a little something for my fellow Nobushifags
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Get a trip so i can filter you.
>sumacucks send endless resources to attack knights southern border
>get fucked from the north my the savages

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It's always a sad time to have to do this to other Wardens

At least it'll teach them something
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the butt hurt is strong today
i dont play conq so i dont know. On warlord I just spam zone attack and heavies
we're taking back our rightful land you gook fuck

you've still got a peace of our land
Is it rape?
Best girl.
Can't you literally just side light combo him once?
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Ashfeld diplomacy.webm
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And here we have a rare sight of a Lawbringus Maximus attempting communication with a wild Weebus Narutus. It appears a non-hostile interaction has been achieved between the two.
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Oh baby.
Who designed this fucking shit mode, its nothing but a fucking gank shitfest
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>Grab all gear that increases throw distance
>Get into elimination
>Against roach
>Guy starts running towards the nearest buff instead of fighting me
>Chase him
>Fucking idiot is standing still on the buff so I hit my charge attack
>Run a fucking mile with him on my shoulder then throw him off a cliff
>"fkn noob fkn broken ass grbage fkn quit thiis shit gaem fk u all"
>"NarutoSasukeIsMyOTP_420 has disconnected"
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This is an OP image if I've ever seen one.
Shield bash and do light attacks. Heavy attacks take too long most of the time. And target switch regularly.
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wtf the samurai were RUINING us earlier, double standards???
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>they disconnect afterwards
There is a better feeling.
We were meant to destroy the savages together...
>implying game mode matters when you can just spam play dominion and apply the gained war assets to any territory you want
How much will people cry when triple stab is going to be fixed?
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>*gently headbutts u from behind*

baa! >:3
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Tempted to test revenge/throw stats later
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Next OP please.
>really enjoy assassins but pk and roach are cheesy
>valk and nobushi and better assassins than zerk

I don't think I've encountered high-level Zerk play yet, just people spamming dodge attacks and getting salty when you see it a mile away. How do I zerk, /v/?

Then why do you continue to invade our lands?
Stop posting this bitch
Valk is the prettiest girl in For Honor!
>Warlord auto-revive
How is that not OP ?
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It was the orochis I swear
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Just mix it up with some regular heavy swings

Works for me
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>letting a pk grab you
What level is the gear you get at prestige 3? What level do I need to upgrade it to? Should I start buying packs with steel as soon as I hit prestige 3 or should I level up further past that?
>lewdkeeper has given me a new fetish
where the fuck is sweetdee when you need him goddamnit
No worse than orochis throwing weapon which is impossible to dodge
I don't play him but I fought a pretty good one a little while ago.

He was doing the standard dodge attack stuff but once I started baiting them for parries he got smart and started feinting stuff and doing an instant lunging overhead as well as feinting to a side up close and then giving me the business from the other side.
How do we fix Lawbringer?
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>When Lewdkeeper matches with you
i have no reason to doubt you, kensei is honest
Is there any way to feint Conq's shield bash once I've started throwing it?
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Just side step.
>There's a lot involved with the process of patching a game, so it's not exactly just a matter of instantly patching a game after release. To answer the main question here, there hasn't been a finalized date for the patch release. We'll have more news (date & notes) pretty soon though. Once I have something solid, it'll be posted here. The team is working hard to get it done and we're reading through all the feedback.

Considering i'm already sick of the game i don't see any reason to keep playing it. That's really fucking sad considering it's been out for a week.
It's so easy to get steel by completing orders that there's no reason to hoard it
>Overhead off of parries

That's it.
Forward jump light and heavy can't be interrupted after a point so abuse that against scrubs, also forward jump light starts your chain. Against skilled players just gotta feint and hope you can out parry them.
We're all cheering for you, drawfriend!
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Would not be that difficult to deal with if you were good enough to execute ;) or is that too hard for wardens?
All Conquerors are criminals right?
So most of them are probably gay from prison right?
Its way too quick to dodge it. The bow is easy to dodge but not his other thing.
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My fellow Peacekeepers are so frigid it's unreal!
Lewds of Peacekeeper getting gangbanged by lowly foot soldiers when?
Thanks. It'll probably take me a few days since I don't have a lot of free time until the weekend.
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valk with her helmet off
Thanks lad
This, those dudes deserve something.
The majority of people whining are bad.
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complete satisfaction.gif
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>get matched up against a prestige 5 Warden in duel with my level 10 Warden
>win 3-0 without using the vortex

This is a dude with titties
>raider that doesn't attack, just tries to go for parries into wallsticks
>just hit him with lights constantly and grab him and throw him into walls and off cliffs constantly
eventually they'll learn not to be so passive
or not because this game just fucking rewards that kind of playstyle for free
stop bullying people
I don't have much experience with fighting games, so i need help on this one. Is ability to parry light attacks a good thing for this game?
Anybody else still have exclamation marks over every option in multiplayer including the multiplayer option? If not how the fuck do i get rid of it cause its driving me up the fucking wall at this point
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Who is the Dan of for honor so I can use him and hide behind the defense of picking the joke character when I lose to save face
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Reminder to report all Lewdkeeper posts. He's a degenerate fag who will never stop unless he gets banned

Honestly, I feel bad for you. It must be shitty being this lonely.
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Be an Orochi.
at this point i have to hide every post
goodbye /fhg/
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> Create an age of wolves
> Some thirsty bitch is seducing my wolves or making them run in fear when all they want is a good duel

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You mean hilarious
Not as good without the conq trying to escape, but still serviceable.
I have never even attempted the vortex and I'm prestige 2. I'd rather actually learn than just cheese. What is the vortex anyway, just side light shoulder charge repeat?
don't get parried you shit
You're not good, you were just facing someone who played a lot of dominion
My wardens lv 12. Mained him in the betas but got bored of how he makes the game ez mode. Ive wreckes everyone when i do finally decide to bring him out.
I'm pretty sure this "lewdkeeper" is samefagging all of his pathetic posts

You gonna punish her?
>Reporting the funniest fucker in the thread
>Announcing reports
>The beserker keeps sprinting around in circles after his friends got nuked
my sides
How do I git gud at nobushi?
Stop shaming our people.
>t. prestige 5 warden
So what is actually special about the kensei? From what I have seen he is just a worse warden. The only special thing I have seen him do on me is a the big overhead, canceled into a side attack, but I have gotten used to that.
Why do you keep doing this
Aren't you supposed to be fighting people
stab and jump
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I actually really love this meme
why berserker have such a shitty moveset compared to all other heroes?

don't forget to kick
How accurate is this in For Honor?
damn I have never seen the original, that's hilarious
There is no joke character. Everyone stands an unironic, reasonable chance of beating everyone else.

That said, if you want a challenge, play Lawbringer.
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How are you supposed to block the PK light mixups? The attacks seem to come out faster than guard stance swap speed, so there's no way of reacting to it. Do you just have to guess while in hitstun? That seems kind of unfair.
shove your spear into your ass to build high tolerance for for big knight dongs
>join dominion vs ai game
>pick your hero
>rubberband the sticks together so you run in a circle(dying might fuck you over not sure)
>go to sleep/work/whatever
You auto queue into more matches even if you're the only one in the lobby, and it picks the last hero you played too, seems to work really well
Its simple but has huge damage potential and is tricky to parry. Not to mention his deflect is the best.
>Funniest fucker
His posts are cringe worthy as fuck, the only thing remotely funny about him is the people in game disgusted with him.

Him ERPing in the game and posting screenshots is about as offtopic as you can get, he deserves to be banned
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unblockable raider mix up.webm
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New Raider tech discovered, flipping the tier lists on their head.
Yeah that's basically what the vortex is. The shoulder charge can also cancel into a guard break if they try to dodge away from it.
You're probably wrong my dude.
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vikings confirmed for yandere

stop looking for red arrows and actually look at the arms, this way you will save a bunch of millisecs
Keep posting I can't stop laughing
Nobody cares, leave my slut waifu alone.
post the viking one where the guy says "I cum"
It's reputation, not prestige, you humongous idiot
>How are you supposed to block the PK light mixups?
Who you playing?
Because the answer is guess, or you don't.
>balance mattering outside Duel mode
raider can confirm side heavy off of a toss?
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Fuck, looking this up made me want to get it going already. I'm gonna workout real quick, finish my german stuff for tommorow and then win 50 duels. LET'S GO.
You can confirm anything if you're playing against someone who manages to miss both kunai and bow and then get hit by stampede
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I'll get Stone on the job.

Stone don't fuck no hoes.
Announcing reports is a bannable offense.
It would be funnier if it was
>The enemy of my enemy...
>is a double enemy!

Also, pretty acurate even if people want to delude themselves into thinking any of the two factions have an "alliance".
I haven't seen anyone this triggered over lewd things since last time I went to church.

Calm down there Pastor Rick. I know this is a Christian Website and all but chill.
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Fair Honor.png
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Are they going to revamp matchmaking at all? This game ended exactly as you would expect.

I just started the game and getting slaughtered by prestige's in 1v1 and 4v4 isn't the greatest learning experience or fun.
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>play dominion
>enemy team always gank you
>taunt every time
tfw warden player since tech test 2 and i get my ass handed to me because i can't deal with the vortex that other wardens use
got the fukk pic?
>tfw first 2 duels of the day were me making 2 wardens rage quit as lb
I wasnt even knocking them off bridges or anything.

I had a match like this, only with a Rep 7 Orochi and two Rep 5 PKs.
I dunno, man.

I started today too, amd most fights I get are like that one, so I lose most of the time.

But I have the biggest fucking boner when I win, so I can't complain much.
>acting like there not the same shit.
I want to get this game, but I'm afraid the player base won't last long. What should I do?
>implying i hadn't figured it out from the start and this wasn't part of my plan

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I fight under the code of knighthood. It's no surprise, since we soldiers are the descendants of the Belkan Knights.

We protect the meek and give our lives for honor... but that does not mean we are generous.

Since generosity will cost us our lives.
Holy shit switching from playing only Lawbringer to orochi is the most jarring thing ever.
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>play dominion
>enemy team does that over and over
>3 people come all the way to my poor A-point
>team doesn't manage to take B and C despite being 3 on 1 at 2 different places

I main Raider. My new favorite is putting the trap feat down, waiting until someone steps in it and nuking them with hellfire.
It's not, and you misspelled they're******

Guy posted a webm a few days ago of his fucking Shugoki dodging a kunai. It can be dodged, you just need to dodge it after it's thrown.
>Come to threads to discuss the game
>Some faggot keeps posting pictures of him ERPing in the game
>Can't even filter him since he doesn't use a trip
I don't come here to watch some sweaty fat neckbeard ERP for attention
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>Tfw they realize the tides have turned against them.
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Thinking like that directly contributes to the problem. If everyone thinks the same way you do, then no one will get the game, and it'll die out. If you like the game, fucking get it.
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This one?
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Anyone got some Warden art?
What do you mean by vortex?
You're my hero
Are there any cultures left with enough notoriety and variety in their soldiers to make a fourth faction with four unique classes?
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>fucking the local cum bucket whore
No thanks, I'd rather a pure maiden
Kill yourself?
Well, did you win?
>get me outta here

All the ERPing shit finally produces something funny, good job.
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Use Your Anger.jpg
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thats how i felt about lawbringer to warden
it was fun to not play a class that is complete shit. even if i do win nearly every match as lawbringer, playing against a competant person is painful
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Wolf stop pretending there's a greater purpose to your profession.

> Protecting Sheep
> Ever
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Why not both?
Burger faction dlc
Youve got Little Gun man, bigger gun man, biggest gun man and explody gun man
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Guys, what if instead of nerfing warden by removing his vortex, they buff the other classes and give them similar tools?
All the people crying for warden nerfs worry me because they literally want the game to get balanced by reducing it's complexity and don't realize that without moves like this the game will get reduced to over defensive shitters waiting for a parry-gb-heavy.
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see pic

the repeated use of the shoulder bash mixup 50/50 wherein if you fail the response to the 50/50 it'll continue

warden's is deciding between whether they'll guardbreak from charge or just charge, and since responding to one opens you up to the other it's a true 50/50 that'll repeat until you get out of it

as for why it's called a vortex, blame memery
But what is a wolf without the sheep?
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I just wanted a qt Nobushi girlfriend...
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How do you play conqueror? I am playing Warden right now but it doesn't seem like i am doing as well as I should with him. I get killed by spammers easily ( i suck at parry). Thinking of switching to conqueror
Beat the champ was so fucking good and a pretty awesome departure from the usual sound.

Definitely one of the most interesting albums musically.
>tfw Luna
why would you dump valk with the likes of pk and roaches?
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>not staying faithful to your one true pure maiden
I wouldn't expect a disgusting mongrel like you to understand

No we got slaughtered pretty quick. Playing 1v1 is scary too as I keep getting matched with high levels and I can't learn while getting smashed.

I think that if they don't change matchmaking to incorporate MMR or something, new players are going to have a bad time and the game will end up with a small group of consistent players only.

Any tips for a new player? Best class to learn fundamentals?
So far I've had one entire game where all agreed to only do 1v1 on Dominion.

I miss that game every time I play.

A hungry wolf.
Chinese faction

Vanguard uses a Guandao, both genders.
Heavy uses a meteor hammer, both genders
Assassin is a Geisha with a Jian
Hybrid is a monk with a Monk's Spade, male only
Unlock and roll away. Everyone's started doing this now, it's almost impossible to get any more than two before they do it.
it's a technical fighting game term, it works since the combo resets, but it's only 2 buttons really
>Chink nobushi
No thanks. Chinks can burn.
>"I really don't think a knight oughtta be talkin' like that."
Conky: Block everything, chain shield bash with all your attacks and learn to stop guard break properly and consistently, you will never lose. Try to cuck them into a corner so they can't dodge.
Warden: Abuse vortex, abuse light attacks, abuse deflect, if you don't know what to do, MISEROU
roman or mongols/huns
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>got killed by a warden spamming overheads because I could dodge out for some reason
Because she's fast as fuck combed with her shieldbash makes me butthurt
You know, you Vikings can keep PK, we'll keep Valkyrie. Deal?
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And their ranged feat is one of these things

I can dig it.
>Not flip you off
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>good in dominion
>good in 4v4
>good in 2v2
>shit in 1v1
What the actual fuck is wrong with me
You're a ganking shitter.
Nobushi's a hybrid, you clod.
Mongols or Ottomans
I'd play KANGS if they got mexicans
are you playing lawbringer by any chance
I mean, you can try, but she'll probably try to kill you constantly until you put her down.

She's kind of big on the whole "going to Valhalla" thing you know.
finnish ski fighters
but i want to capitalise on their mistakes because i want to do my OWN shoulderbashing
it just upsets me that they rely on mashing it when warden has other things going for it and is still good when played HONESTLY

i didn't see much usage of it in skullgirls so it's pretty new to me as a term
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At what rank should I start dumping dosh and chests into premium loot packs?
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Now I want to watch Dredd again
Dredd 2 when?
How much steel do you get for doing the main story?
Be more patient. This game is hyper defensive trash.
5000 + change
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I'll pass. Not goin near that
Payback time, baka gaijin

True Knight/Samurai Alliance when? The savages need to be eradicated.
No worries. We have our methods of making her calm down, like telling her she can go to battle with us instead.
>I can't learn while getting smashed.
You ONLY learn by getting smashed.

Winning teaches you almost nothing.

Being forced to respond to someone better is how you learn.
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dial up noises.webm
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oh sweet, japmoot fixed image and video posting
now I can go back to complaining about other technical issues
Hey guys I just picked up raider and played a couple of games. When do I get to start acting like I'm god's gift to mankind?
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I like playing Kensei because he's not garbage
But I feel like I'm better at and have more fun with lawbringer

That's not to say I win more with LB
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After much thought and pouring over many history books Ive determined that there are only 3 possible options, Astronauts, Greasers, and maybe Australians if they want to add a monster faction.
Aside from those three there are just no other cultures with as proud a combat tradition as Vikings, Knights, and Samurai.
I wish this were true.

Actually, I don't. It's pretty nice that it feels like I'm the only one in this game that can parry almost everything.

Gonna be rough when people learn how easy it is.
It's not cheese, and it's not a vortex. When you fight some one experienced against Warden they will not sit in that shit and will force you to learn to feint your shoulder bash because they'll dodge it every time

I don't know who told you that it was cheesy or something but if you are trying to actually be good with the character that is his core mechanic.
But the optimal way to win is to play defensive, and anyone who wants to win will do this. You won't fight a really good player who takes any risks.
At least you didn't get rolled back into Raider executing you with his BBC in your face
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This scene fits this situation all to well.

>Is it rape?
cool. Im getting there. rep 2 level 4 right now.
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Where's Holden Cross when you need him?
>played 3 games so far
>kicked out of 2
This game is LITERALLY 2/3's unplayable right now.
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>"Hey Orochi, have you ever heard these words? Go Beyond!"
Does gear matter in duels i mean certain stats arent of use there anyway?

i play a character with good rushdown for a reason, i can parry stuff perfectly but trying to deal with guard break charge nonsense abuse means that that doesn't matter
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Taking risks is retarded and unless you are rewarded heavily for it (shugoki, most grapplers in fighting games) it's NEVER worth doing.
at 3 you get level 14 purple once you upgrade every piece to 18 you become ssj 108
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No, even I have my limits
duel and brawl disable gear scores i think.

Just use your best looking loadout.
>Lewdkeeper posts already removed
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Wow, another amazing addition by the For Honor team.

And here I thought Nearsighted Kensei Mode was the epitome of their genius, they've outdone themselves with this all-new Pre-Match Death Mode! Now I can finally play as a Lawbringer spirit watching over my people!

The experience is so realistic that I couldn't even quit the match! Bravo, Ubisoft. Fucking Bravo.
sounds gay
Not bad
>>tfw Luna
does he have a new album called moon or something?
>knight obliterates a viking's entire family with a catapult
campaign all over again
lvl1 Warden will rape a fully decked out Lawbringer all the same. It's a matter of skill.

>game mattering outside of the least popular game mode
You don't.

P2P, human reaction times, and stance changing frames are against you.
I've already told you how to avoid it.

3/4 now after sitting in matchmaking for 5 minutes.

I'll see you lads in a year if they fix this shit and the game isn't completely dead.
It is when you're confident you have the hard read.
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I thought he was a bit dense but it turns out he's just French.
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is it a prerequisite to have laggy mcdonalds wi-fi to play an assassin character?
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Is it normal that Im good with the kensei and shit with the warden?
You won't fight a really good player who takes any risks
you are kidding right...
you are the fucking problem this game is so hyper defensive
last night I won at least 30/30 matches that i played
all offense
fucking faggots turtling it up try to "win"
You are so fucking retarded that isn't the only way to win and it is far from the best fucking way to win. you are so fucking lucky i don't have this game on pc only on xbone id creme your fucking defense ass so hard youd beg me to teach you
is this real?
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The song Luna.

It's about a wrestler who committed suicide after her house burned down and she lost everything.
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Not fucking soon enough, creep.

It's almost like some people learn differently and through different means - and there's an entire educational science around it. Saying one way or the other is better is factually incorrect and you're just enforcing a bad old stereotype that there's only one way to learn.
i knew how to avoid it in the first place i just don't like having to do that, it's boring and uninteractive
are you new?
get the cross
Obvious shoop of him holding a golf club

I can tell by the pixels I've seen many shoops in my day
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What is the lawbringer.webm
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When you come back after a break and break skulls. It's good being a rep 6 lawbringer.
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>"I don't speak your language"
I think I'm finally getting good with Lawbringer. I can now fight most Wardens to a standstill. I still struggle against charge-feint-guardbreaks, but I'm getting there.
taking risks is how you fucking win defensive players are fucking shit and they know it. THIS GAME WILL BE RUINED BY DEFENSIVE PLAYERS SITTING THERE WITH THEIR COCK IN THEIR HAND WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN
>Unless you're rewarded heavily
See there's this concept called risk/reward...
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>You won't fight a really good player who takes any risks.
that would be accurate if you said "unnecessary risks"
you're essentially forced to take risks in some cases
Delock roll backwards

t. Warden main

Thank me later
>ywn have those sweet engravings for your lawbringer
where do you people find all these Lawbringers. I've been playing for 3 days and haven't seen a single one in Duel.

The Warden has been AWOL since Sverngard.
>On the dude bro VIKANG machine
>Can win by going all out like a moron

Makes sense
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Removing The Head Roach.webm
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Reminder that if you've got a Roach Infestation that you won't get rid of them until you remove the Head Roach
That's not a defensive player, that's a retarded one.

The concept of being defensive means you need to ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO REACT to what happens.
You should use two of those curved lines to form the outline of the sides. It's much more recognisable like that.
can anyone tell me why the FUCK i still cant open my nat

ive opened every fucking port and still nothing,
although desu using port forward network utilities tool it says theyre not opened, even though ive opened them

Give no tactical advantage whatsoever.
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thank you
imma kill that pk after im done with you

Stab. Stab. Stab. Aaaaand stab.
>Proceeds to dress like a cowboy and use wildly inefficient weaponry
false Warden/Nobushi player I always play offensive and i love creaming all over you defensive trash

Defensive play is trash. You will never be a top player sitting there with your cock in your hand waiting for the enemy you piece of shit and that is final
What are your predictions for the next few gamemodes? will there be some variation on CTF ?
That was some fancy fighting

you're pretty good
bash attack (has armor on it)
top light in the face
There will be no further updates other than the planned DLC calendar.
I prefer using the shoulder charge sparingly so that I can actually catch someone off guard with it. And when I do land one I prefer to grab after for a free side heavy
>Parries you
Psshhht nothin personel kidd
Capture the horse!
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Teamwork makes the dream work.webm
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Remember to work as a team against people that just spam revenge builds and use unblockables
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I formed a Blackstone Legion out of the best warriors imaginable and not even one is willing to take on this slut

Since I don't want Mercy to be infected with whoredom, I suppose I'll have to do it after all

If I fall...

Get The Vikings
This happens way too fucking often. Hell, once I died because of it, due to it being an Orochi doing the double top-swing out of nowhere after """"dying"""".
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>tfw first online match vs a player ever
Sending them to wrong ip

Set static IP on PC, send ports to static IP
Free for all
4v4 no powerups no armor
>what are feint to grab feint to heavy mix up
>what are feints period
>what is tricking your enemy into swinging mix ups
>wildly inefficient weaponry
you shut your yap or ill gut you, boy
Already using five shapes. :<
>try 2v2
>everyone is a ledge throwing block break spamming nigger

Back to shitty 4v4's I go

This degenerate has the Vikings afraid to leave Valkenheim. We may need to employ the Samurai to deal with her.
I hope you put in at least 4 hours against lvl3 Bots before you go into Duel.
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back from the dead.webm
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>Techs you
heh, so this is the power of the nobushi...
pepper your angus
Then what do you do? Just guess, or dodge, or wait to die?
Daily reminder that if you use the Warden you have no skill what so ever and are picking literally the Ryu of For Honor

t. Lawbringer
2v2 maps are cancer
Would breed with the force of a thousand suns
complain to ubisoft on reddit
Or you swing your armoured move or just start swinging like a madman trying to catch a guard break or something
im pretty sure im doing that senpai
Can we stop fucking roleplaying in the thread, please
what'd I miss?

If the Zulu were introduced, the other three factions would put aside their differences to destroy them.
Just installed. How do I into Shugoki? I want to give people hugs and golf swing them for days.
Tfw this thought pattern ruined American education
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Perhaps the Orochi would do the job well enough.

I hear he's rather good at exceeding his limits.
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What about daddy Ken
Fuck off raider
Mine is two long lines, two curved lines, and the vaguely triangular phoenix. I'd recommend it, it's instantly recognisable as Dredd even when small.
>Ryu takes no skill
hey fuck off

You have super armor. Use it to get off heavy attacks. Wait until you get low, guard break the enemy, throw them into a corner, then hug.
There's nothing wrong with picking Ryu.
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confirm back breaker from a wall bounce
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You are a special kind of stupid
Even after all this backlash Ubi isn't going to remove Peer to Peer are they.
swing nigga swing

But for reals, harass with lights to get people blocking/parrying then use the armour ability to blow through parry attempts and hug em.
Whiffing a heavy into a charged heavy will also catch people and that's half their health gone instantly.
Sure, Warden is the Ryu of this game, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with having strong fundamentals.
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what does this order mean?
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>Dat berserker

If Warden is Ryu then Ken is.. well, Ken
If you do a feint into a GB and they tried to parry and got a heavy instead will you land the GB and are they allowed to tech it?
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??? what were those posts?
ok im completely sure im forwarding the right ports, and im forwarding them to a static ip

what the fuck else can i try i still have fucking red nat of death
Piss off to /v/ with your stale memes
It wants you to Rush B

Try asking the Russians on /int/ ? not sure what their general is
I never much liked the Nodachi, but the Kensei taught me to love it. also nice moves. though I did expect a side slash finish on that LB.
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fucking exterminate them
we wuz vikangz man i tell you
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>go full LAW on a warden
>he complains I GB too much and says I have 0 skill
>literally gets triggered and tries to GB me 5 times in a row all of which get instantly broken out of
>cuck his vortex every time he attempts it

Playing classes everyone calls shit is so much more satisfying.
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Don't fail, honorary Blackstone representative.

A centurion wolf may be just the ticket.
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Remove Weeb Remove Kangz.webm
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Reminder that Weeb and Kangz players are not worth the time and effort of actually fighting - and should just be removed as quickly as possible
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See, being a slut has its advantages.
this is one of the hundreds of examples i will spam you with all day
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are you a fucking idiot?
Iktf bro.
T.rep 4 law and rep 2 zerker
>shitter tries to guard break me 4 times in a row
i play fighting games bitch those day 1 "mind games" don't work on me
я нaклoняю пpoчитaть pyccкий
Fem berserker looks Scout from TF2.
Lewdkeeper, did your name used to be buttkeeper?

Because if not, somebody beat you to the punch and has been doing exactly your schtick since the closed beta
>that zerk

mein zides
i am considering picking up lawbringer, it seems like a fun character

>those anyone who keeps running from anyone who knows how to spam their attacks with a lotta tracking
5 elim wins
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>join this general
>lewdkeeper rustles the beehive
>now its fun
>Posts someone who can't tech
he is a scrub destroyer, but the minute a good vanguard or assassin player comes in you are relegated to turtle status.
Vikings piss me off. They should all fucking die.

Let's make an alliance with the samurai.
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>get me outta here
its not really the peak of originality is it
Just so. All the lewd stuff is 75% of the joy of this thread, 20% are memes and memery and 5% are facts about the game.
he teched me all fucking game you fucking pleb
he didn't tech me there because i feinted a fucking you fucking cockslurping slut
>tfw love warlord because he is the most practical-looking character in the game
>vikings are primarily played by faggots who really loved deadliest warrior
>Posts someone who can't tech
can you get the helmet of the conqueror dude from the campaign?
This is important.
Viking lost in Deadliest Warrior, didn't he?
Lawbringers need to die
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You think you're good because you can hit peopel from behind, but you're jsut bad at the game.
Part of your people turned into christians, the other part was extinct, and now your descendants are getting buttfucked by syrians.
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>my feet hurt
>this whore weighs nothing
>why won't she shut up
>i wonder what Warden is up too
>i wish i was back at the keep polishing my halberd
Reminder Lawbringer is pure. Meant to bring justice to the land, not participate in degeneracy.
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I wonder what armor he'll have as alt styles. I imagine lorica hamata and lorica squamata.

I imagine he'll have a ranged attack with javelins for one of his rank things. It'd be neat seeing them have the pilum be an alternate to that, doing less damage, but severely hampering stamina regen.
You can get his helmet but not his skull ornament sadly ;_;
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>That ONE asshole conqueror spamming shield bash at group fights, only to run away afterwards.
I can't even remember, it's been a while. All I know is that I really hope as this game goes by we get more practical gear along with the usual World of Warcraft pauldronbait.
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Can you go easy.webm
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Some faggot who goes by the name lewdkeeper that is just shitposting.

I advocated for having the community made content (such as fanfics) be put in a pastebin in the OP so people don't have to keep asking for them, but this is some next level fucking shit so I can't condone it anymore. I would want them to be banned for just the sheer shitposting.

At least the pastebin in the OP can just be ignored and the links in the pastebin don't have to be gone to, but this fucker just keeps posting pure cancer. It's not creative at all. It's just typing in ERP stuff into chat and taking a screenshot. At least creative people draw their shit or write out full fics.
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>being this mad
>Tfw had an even worse version of this
I killed a Warlord in elimination, finished him off and walked away, only to get fucking tackled by him, full health. There was no one there who could have revived him, I don't know what the fuck happened
i thought it was a totally different helmet
man that sucks
Peacekeeper should have a command grab
That isnt shit
I'm on PS4 and a retard who doesn't know how to transfer screens, unfortunately.
he is not that fun to play in terms of mechanics but you can just feel the salt of some enemies leaking through their armor.

I am rep 3 warden rep 1 lawbringer, picked up Law to see if I can still beat people with fundamentals or warden is really a noskill faceroll anyone can win with character that I have just been abusing. Found it really satisfying to play, especially since when people bitch at me I can tell them to shut up and git gud without them having "u plei warden nub" comeback. Now I am working towards rep 2.

Main problem with him is that if you face an actually good player it will be really difficult to beat them. Against assassins you need to be aggressive because you literally can not mathematically switch your guard fast enough to block all their attacks. You can always resort to throwing people off of maps, but I don't feel right doing that.
> Tfw you like Warden the best
> Tfw you have to beat him as the edgelord Orochi

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I try my best!
I think someone needs some Love, from the LoveBringer.
Oh yeah baby.
not as bad as lawbringer spamming the flip or the shugoki spamming the grab

There are Lawmen so bad they use nothing but Long Arm?
That show got utterly stupid real quick. Interesting premise but not "scientific" by any means.

>Vikings would throw two spears at once!

The levels of dude bro shittery was appalling
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Something along these lines?
I just recently started using stealth and it's fucking amazing
>Playing elimination
>Last one alive, two friendlies are dead right on top of each other
>Someone is guarding their bodies
>Take the long way around, walk right up next to the guy and revive both bodies before he knows what's happening
It's so fucking satisfying
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Anon, you're really dumb if you don't think the appeal of the images is the responses from his opponents. It's funny.

Aren't you the annoying as fuck "I MADE THIS GENERAL" guy anyway?
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If he could tech then he wouldn't have lost would he lmao
Lovebringer is all about love, none of that perverted shit.
How is it spammable? It's slow as fuck. I think someone fought the Law and the Law won and now he's salty about losing to such a 'bad' class.

The 'experts' were pretty cringey, especially the Mafia and Zulu guys.
if the NAT thing at the top of the map screen is green, does that mean my NAT is open? or do I find that info somewhere else?
I main warden and I can't parry or feint to save my life. Should I switch to conqueror?
>typing like you're in charge of this general

how bout you fuck off mate.

How are you morons playing this?
its very effective as a form of crowd control, especially with all the revenge builds
Lovebringer loves me!
>Against assassins you need to be aggressive because you literally can not mathematically switch your guard fast enough to block all their attacks.
Don't let the PKs hear you saying that

Warlord has a feat that lets him revive.
People managed to have lots of fun in Dark Souls despite it being p2p. This is basically Dark Souls pvp with brand new fun and brand new ways that it's fucking broken as shit.
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Why would he do that? Level 3 bots do shit that players can't even do.
>ywn have loving consensual missionary sex with Lovebringer after he returns from a long day of bringing the Law to people
are you the PK that just whined to me about my "turtling" on raider?
I don't know you.
I want Lovebringer to hug me!
Because if they are allowed to tech it or the heavy beats the GB that's just fucking shit design, on the other hand if it beats parry spam how is it not enough to start opening anybody up (while putting the attacker at a stamina disadvantage that might need to be tweaked)?
do you need someone to train with, parries are easy and feinting is high level for combos, hard to even get them right and can't be done willy nilly
>conq can reactively light attack a guard break attempt
>kensei spamming top unblockable, never feinting or cancelling it
>easily get him to low health
>cancels top unblockable into dash forward + GB, throws me off cliff

>tfw can't send messages over console just generic shit like good job
>warlord bash one into a corner
>shugoki does his charge grab
>warlord heavies while opponent grabbed
>Dead before he can revenge

nice game
God fucking no. I am and will always be super against that autist. I was the other guy making the OPs that actually had the creative works pastebin. It was only after someone actually picked up the name lewdkeeper and started spouting "I want raider to fuck me" in different ways that I didn't want to put it in the OP whenever I made it.

It's funny, I actually got banned for 2 days because I called that other guy a massive fucking autist.

I'm not, just explaining who they were
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I love how you can clearly tell that Ubisoft just doesn't have ANY matchmaking in place.
>Hitting people in the back
Im often last alive in the 2v2 and 4v4 and always top fragging. I probably just brick it because of the pressure of the 1v1
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>presses feat button
>1shots you from across the map

heh... git gud
>that Heavly Battle-axe
Didn't even know there was shit like this in the game.

>tfw poorfag
Slow down and maybe you'll get there one day.

Hugs are nice.
everyone should switch away from warden so i can enjoy not playing vs my main; the less wardens the better

conq made a really fun change from warden, though, i think he's pretty fun
How do I cancel Conq's shield bash into a GB? Like which button do I press? I can't work it out.

>level 3 zerker
>parries and dodges all of my attacks
>I fuck up a parry
>punishes me with a fucking insane combo of specials and kills me
>mfw died in 15 seconds
>Can you go easy
>Exclusively kill him with only overheads
I'm willing to bet anything he bitched after.

>I advocated for having the community made content (such as fanfics) be put in a pastebin in the OP so people don't have to keep asking for them, but this is some next level fucking shit so I can't condone it anymore.
This is exactly what I was warning people who defending the pastebin in the OP about. It just encourages degenerates who contribute absolutely nothing beyond ERP shit to post nonstop as if they have a right to be here.
Reminder to report all Lewdkeeper posts, mods removed them before and they will again
Except you CAN switch guard fast enough. This slow guard switch meme needs to die.

Are you playing on controller?
Parries are indeed easy, but compared to some other similar games I have played, the timing is way different, and I am pressing RMB way to early and I am getting myself killed a lot missing parries.
am i a faget for playing warden?
i havent had any of these warping problems on ps4
Tips for Realism Story Mode other than git gud?

I'm at the mission to move the ram, and it's slow and boring, and if I die I have to wait all over again.
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check out my swastika/ss/anime emblem
That's what happens when you shitpost, you get banned. Whining at somebody no matter how much you hate them is shitposting.
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>Bopping Shugoki during revive doesnt break it if he has armour
He makes it look worse than it is.
O. Sorry then famalam.
alright you can stay
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>how are you morons playing any fighting game
well gee i dont fucking know
>and he has a quick revive feat at level 1
play with a friend, it makes everything other than boss fights much more fun
Right? I wish devs would stop being fags and allow cross team voice chat. I would have fucking LOVED a proximity based voice chat with the enemy team.
What if you're a lonely neet with no friends?
He's not trying to be funny though, he's literally just ERPing and posting screencaps. Half of the shit he posts is just him and the other guy in the game ERPing.
I don't come here to see some sweaty neckbeard ERP for attention, and it's not even remotely on topic. He's just a faggot thirsty for attention and hiding behind the guise of "I'M ERPING IN FOR HONOR, CLEARLY THIS IS FOR HONOR RELATED CONTENT"
Anonymous you have no proof at all.
WE have the maths of the actual framedata, you just claim that you can totally do it.

This isn't even taking into account reaction times, this is assuming you could react in less than a frame.

Lawbringer has no time for love. His Duty is his only passion. Perhaps he grows fond of certain comrades, but he cannot hold them above The Law.
How are you fucks not already sick of the game? What are you doing? Just trying out new characters every single day?
>When you fight againt an orochi with turkey flag as emblem
Its just right
no you cant, some characters have retarded slow switch speed
enjoy the ban :)
How was your 3 day ban? Mine was nice. Got to watch a thread hit 1400 posts because there wasn't someone to make a new thread or something.

In regards to actual gameplay, has there been any word of lawbringer buffs yet?
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Sorry anon but I'm not going anywhere, I need to share my love!
but some screenshots are funny anon
I commend it for being more than 30 seconds, but its' still pretty cherrypicked
But you'll love me, I know it!
Are you shitting me? How is that not unbelievably broken in elimination?
Love is the law.

you're not a knight, you're a samurai
dun worry lewdkeeper we luv you <3
Does anyone know if warden gets any actually good-looking chest pieces? The basic ones look like trash.
Because you should always be executing your enemy in Elim anyway.
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at this rate i'm going to have so many new incredibly specific fetishes
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>No male peacekeeper to pretend im Ezio with so I can wait on ledges in dominion to assassinate people
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Have a really crap MSPaint drawing of what I'm talking about.
Peer to peer connections are the objectively best method for fighting games, which is what this game is trying to be.

Now I dont think a peer to peer connection is a good idea for 4v4, there's just too much fluctuation but saying PEER TO PEER IS SHIT in a genre designed around 1 on 1 play is really stupid.
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Post ratios

Rate ratios
>lewdkeeper is into futa
What makes you say that
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>tfw kensei main, rep 4
>play duels and brawl almost exclusively
>get rekt by bushis and conqs
>got humiliated by a level 5 kensei today
Just fucking end me
it's weird because it's ubisoft, they totally could just do a straight up assassin and it would be fine
You can see all the different guard switch times on literally plebbit in a thread that compares them and puts all the characters side-by-side. LB has one of the slowest.
>i-im only losing because of the pressure, yeah that must be it

lmao ok 4 v 4 shitter
>implying the current peacekeepers aren't (male)
>designed around on 1v1
That's the thing, it isn't. I might prefer 1v1 but more attention went to 4v4.

Why don't you just make an F-list like the rest of the people who do this sort of thing?
What's this data? How have I been blocking light attack spamming peacekeepers for 4 reps?

Do you guys even play Law? Are your deadzones fucked?
Not male enough
>How was your 3 day ban?
I never got a ban though. And so far no buffs for LB
Enjoy your ban then
The screenshots are all the exact same thing in two varieties
>Faggot tries ERPing with someone and they are disgusted/weirded out cringing at him in chat
>Faggot tries ERPing and they do it back, so the screencap is nothing but them type fucking

Yeah sure sounds like comedy gold. The faggot needs a ban, this is what kills generals
It's a poleaxe, not a halberd
I know one of you guys has the pantsu emblem, I wish to know how to make it
I fully support this notion.
lawbringer has the slowest switch speed
good job you have faster than 90% of people reaction times
>are your deadzones fucked

Funny you should mention that, deadzones with a controller are totally fucked in this game and there's no in-game option to fix it.
Because I can be a good wife!
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> every "easy class" is basically just a standard fighter with no depth or.gimmicks
Into the trash it goes

Can you dodge or anything to shreks baseball swing? And how does the uniteruptable stance/grab really work? I played him one game and felt he was trash. But I think he might be a fun meme character
If you block the first attack you're good, you're actually at advantage I think?

However if they hit you then you're fucked and unless they don't know and swap INTO your blocking they literally get a free light combo
That warlord looks so lost and confused
>Warlord fights a PK or Nobushi
>Gets enough bleed damage to die
>They run away until they bleed out knowing them can revive with full health
That feat is broken as shit
How are you bored of everything aready?

I've only tried out four characters and am on 2-2 (realistic) of storymode.

Do you just play one guy, lose to pk or something once then never play them again?
If your playing with a controller it makes your analog stick respond slower.
The more you say it the less believable it is.
You can dodge the baseball swing but it's usually a free move after he guard breaks you

It's no different then a free heavy attack other classes get, it just has knockback
I want you guys to know some of you are alright. I've had really good, fun duels with people from here. Learning how to deal with assassins as Lawman and teaching others to counter me. It's great.
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He doesn't do this because he's an attention hungry faggot and knows he gets a shit ton more attention by posting in the threads. He doesn't give a shit if it's good or bad, he's just attention starved.
The majority of people don't want him here, and he keeps posting anyway
>be warden
>start "running" from a PK
>turn around, counter attack from the top as she is flying towards me
>half her health is gone in 1 hit
>I die anyway to 2 hits of poison blades
It was good effort, at least!
You mean the golf swing? True combo out of grab. The hug is a true combo out of a wallthrow.
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People on F-list are specifically looking for sex. For Honor players get pounced on like the sheep they are!
it happens if you don't know the animations. I get owned sometimes too cause some animations have a longer build up, and I parry too early netting me a hit to the face. You'll learn them quickly, just play more aaa
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what did he mean by this?

I was playing duels?
>block the first attack
>Right when you block it you predict where it will be and change your guard before they even swing
>you guessed right
>"Guys this is a meme! You can change direction fast enough!"

Prediction is not the same thing as reaction. Lawbringer guard change can not reactively change direction fast enough no matter what against a peacekeeper or a berserker (I think this one might not be true since I can beat out berserkers. Maybe they are just going for heavies or something?)
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looks like a halberd to me





You deal with it the same way you deal with revive in general : execute or ledge.
Children don't understand how gear works.
No, i've been in every test, alpha and beta ubi had going. Only characters i really liked were the Warden and the Valkyrie and put about 150 hours in the Warden, was already sick of him before the game came out and now Ubi are dragging their feet fixing the Valk. The story i don't want to play because it forces me to play characters i don't want to play.
you paid for gear that distracted him you scrub
what the fuck is wrong with you people
fuck you lewdkeeper is the best and love everyone
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On this episode, we will learn how to properly prepare the appetizing Convict Roast.
>block the first hit always
It'll supposedly be getting a Netflix series at some point. The box office sales weren't good enough to warrant a sequel but it SOARED in DVD/Bluray sales. And honestly, I'd prefer a series with how much content you can use from the comics.
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This is what Orochi fags actually believe
halberds traditionally have a really defined spike where the counterweight on that one is, though as with all weapons defining them into specific classes is difficult because there's always going to be things that are pretty close to two different types of weapon
too much jerking off, kills your testosterone making you crave dick
why do you think /v/ is so full of traps?
>tfw non lewd people get matched with lewdkeeper but not you
>no back hook for bringing down horsemen
>It has a hammer instead
That's a pollaxe

Is the secret to flip often for an even heat?
hes right tho
Meant for
by the way, once the indicator flashes you're ready to parry so if you still have some issues, just fight against level 1 bots and parry them to fuck and back
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>"I don't speak Japanese."
he's... right?
Can LB get a uncounterable GB after a parry? Feels like he throws them too far during the parry animation.
this desu

i bring shame to my ancestors
Its not about knowing the animations, its just having the knee jerk reaction of pressing RMB the moment I see an attack coming due to having thousands of hours in Mount and Blade. Even when I am not trying to parry I still hit the RMB getting me killed all the time. I have focused on training myself not to press the button at all and just let the block take care of it, but spam classes just roll over me.
That's more like a bardiche with a short spike, actual halberds weren't meant for chopping with like an axe, had a much longer spike and were used as a group fighting weapon with a focus on thrusting.
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>doesn't combo into anything
Valk isnt that broken. The proposed buffs will probably make her op, they're right to drag their feet.

Nigga, F-list can be whatever you want it to be. There's literally rooms for every kind of thing.
Warden is OP though
Is there any counterplay to Shugoki's charge?
when you just stumbled into maining Raider and every matchup is a hard one.
you know you can solve that anon
believe in yourself, don't be so sad all of the time
that was literally my first time playing kensei, I kept treating him like warden so I didn't use a lot of dash attacks

>they literally just stop and start conversing with you
is this the best way to troll honorfags? I mean, they're bound by conviction to not actually attack you until you show that you're going to put up a fight. I want to do this as a means of baiting people towards cliffs and stuff.
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and I love you for it!
I don't think the players want the For Honor universe to be affiliated with the Assassin's Creed clusterfuck in any way.

What would you do if a truck barged right at you?

its super slow, my grandma could react to it

and shes dead
Raider is fun tho
The fuck is tech short for?
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I agree
First webm r8
Nice strawman
>lose first round because you over estimate your opponents skill and try and preempt things when they just spam r1 non stop
Anyone else have this happen a lot? Berserkers are the worst. Easy once you realise but I keep thinking "he can't keep attacking that would be dumb" and then they go ahead and keep attacking
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>current metagame
>constantly guard breaking
>first one to attack loses
>better hope you don't face warden or characters which you can't punish on a parry
this is so exciting, guaranteed new esport
christ, how long did it take to get to rep 4 only playing duels and brawls

I like them way more than dominion but unfortunately I get way more exp from doing okay in a game of dominion than dominating in a few duels
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A Peacekeepers only purpose to be a cumdump for our foot soldiers.
I guess so. I know it's true so instead of saying it I can just do it. Actions speak louder!
warden is probably less retard-friendly than orochi but arguably better if you're capable of putting on minimal elbow grease
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Just dodge it, retard
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Bridge situations? That one point with pits?
What is the fastest way to level up? Just mindlessly spam dominion?
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You might see me one day, anon!
technical throw
in fighting games you throw at the same time to counter
here is more reactionary
>block first

Nice job moving the goal post from not being able to reactively block. If you are going to try to pull the "nice fallacy" don't do it yourself literally right before.
I tried to roll out of a Berzerker combo earlier and couldn't. Is it possible?
Literally how do you deal with conq bash combo
He is an attention starved faggot. I would wager that most of the responses he gets are just same fags.
>This game is boring
>i have only played 300 hours
seek sunlight
>friend wanted me to come over and check the game out

How the fuck anyone plays this game on a Dualshock is beyond me, everything felt delayed and off-beat.
i'd rather have erpers than cucks here if I had to be honest

Hope ubisoft bans you
So you don't actually know what you're talking about, huh? Great, keep it coming.
this is basically my experience with playing against shugoki
also better pray you don't get a bridge map or gg you lose
guard break counter in this game

What are you doing on a bridge vs shugoki anon? run and hide
"I've been playing for months while most on you played for a week or so"
Fair enough.
But love has to be pure.
Youre not a slut are you?
this is a really weird question to ask but have you done this whole being a weird internet pervert thing before? I feel like I might know you and the fact that I can even wonder that makes me contemplate suicide slightly more
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>everything about this webm
I wanted to get to the Giant Statue-point :(
don't get caught in a corner
block the heavy
dodge the bash
it's not rocket science
What youtuber is that again I've forgotten his name.
the hit he's referring to was me dash jabbing right through his attack, can't tell if a bit of block visual effects were also mixed into it since it happened so fast.

Then I went for the unblockable overhead and he dodged right into a pillar and got hit.

Would have gone for a rematch like the honourable sod I am, but that pussy ass bitch quit the lobby right afterwards. So I'll post his name here for all the world(thread) to see.

Not to mention the big ace up his sleeve seemed to be the good ol' frontal jump attack, thoug like any self respecting Kensei I always had my Sword held high and never once got caught off guard by this pitiful attempt of a surprise attack. let it be known that all Assasin players are Craven.
...who was he again? I can vaguely recall that name.
Time to save this webm for the "just dodge it" fags.
Yes and no. Sounds like a solid deal for justice and love to prevail
why cant i get tracking like this

every time i do it it misses if they move even a little bit
Does the Conqueror area attack track a dodging opponent ? My main problem when playing is the amount of Orochis just waiting for me to do something and doing the dodge attack. It avoids light, heavy and grab attacks so I think maybe the area attack could come out just in time if I bait them into it ?
I don't know what to say if ~200 hours, all in all, is months of playtime for you.
Nostalgia Critic.
argument was I couldn't block, not that I could combo.
I wish raider's charge worked like that
What is the purest companion for Lawbringer? Warden (Both genders)?
if it makes you feel better, even my friend (playing Shugoki) said that it was a bullshit grab
Unlocking and rolling sideways has beaten it every time in my experience. Actual dodges never seem to work.
in fighting games tech refers to breaking throws and various kinds of fast recovery.
looks like she dodged too early
poison + debuff zone + level 108 gear i can make targets bleed out their whole life in 1 light attack. That's pretty cool (as a Lewdkeeper)
In what situations can you not tech a guardbreak? I know if you get GB right after a parry, or if you get GB right out of a dash, are there any others?
>fighting warden
>about to push him off
>someone leaves
>lags out
>game restores
>he's now chucking me off
>someone else leaves
>error returning to lobby

Very close to never playing again because this is a complete joke. It's like the 5th game I havent completed because of it now too.
fyi his dodge would have worked if he hadn't of tried to charge back in off of the dodge roll
No deal, love ain't interested in those who play around, catch my drift?
>fellow honorable plate wearing companions

yeah warden hands down.
No one is pure with Lawbringer.

She is a good slut that needs loads of cum dumped into and onto her.
That's mostly it. I feel like Guard Breaks should be untechable if you whiff an attack like a shield bash or a swing.
I said yes to the first and no to the second, though.
If you get a guaranteed GB on a parry attempt why can't you just feint and then GB on reaction against people who tried to parry the first hit?
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she wasn't even in the same vector as the attack

they are untechable if you are still in recovery
How do you dodge it, side?
and I swear I'm blocking the heavy, I'm not sure if this is another >Lawbringer stance change thing or if my reactions are just off.
Aloha Snackbar
Neat weebum but you can probably reduce the file size and make it a bigger height/width
if you attack after the dodge, even overheads connect im pretty sure
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I'll trade you a lewd Valkyrie for a Lewd Peacekeeper, /fhg/.
>thicc fem lawbringer

muh dick
>forced to play at 30 FPS on low for several months because I need to travel

Send Help!

I guess I will just main warden for the time being.
because the attack you baited goes through guard break
Ahem. The argument was "lawbringer cannot change guard direction fast enough to reactively block peacekeepers" not "just block once lmao"

Blocking 1 attack means literally nothing to changing direction because you can already be in that direction.

Stop being a fucking moron. You lost your side of the argument and now you are further pushing goal posts and straight up trying to change the argument to suit your failed stance.
Has ubi confirmed whether or not they are increasing the size of the GB tech window, or just moving the window?

I ask because as most people here know, it's pretty easy to reactively tech any GB after a few hours of experience, and I feel like if they make it significantly easier to tech the game will just become even more defense sided.

I figured. Wardens are known diplomats and protectors of the weak. Lawbringers are the shock troopers of justice. That they get along makes sense.
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>playing anything but Duel 1v1s
But I do, more so than you clearly. She's been completely broken before, they're perfectly right to be wary.
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I love it when the physics engine makes corpses breakdance.
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This is my first time ever being so lewd, and honestly it makes my loins tingle with excitement!
There was only one question.
Tis time to bring some love to the battlefield
That's just shit design, parry should be a separate button and have it's own whiff frames, oh wait it's console trash so you can't have too many buttons, thanks consoles.
okay thank god
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What can I do against a warlord who never attacks, EVER, only waits for blocks and parries first, and whose finger is hovering on the button so he can tech all guardbreaks?

shit like this is what needs to get tweaked about this otherwise fun game
I feel you m8, it took me more than 2 hours to complete "complete 2 dominion games" order today because of the constant lobby crashes due to players leaving from the losing side. Its bloody infuriating.
Why does everyone seem like trash after switching from my LAW who I got to Rep 4 and changed to conq the stronk.
That wasn't even a dodge, it was a dodge attack.
Give me the most honest characterin the game

A character literally no one can get mad at for losing to and if they do it just means they got outplayed

I dont have the game yet
>even when breakdancing the Conqueror hits himself with the flail
This place will become as much of a cesspit as /dg/ once everyone realizes the only post-release content their getting is new heroes and events, it's already begun.
try not to cry
cry a lot
Forgot your glasses, grandma ?
>Lawbringer and Warden justice power couple
>All sweaty and sore after defending another village from a Viking raid
>Help eachother out of their armor and then engage in passionate sex

Doujin when?
zone attack, feint, any non-directional unblockables you have
>How do you dodge it, side?
and the heavy is easy to block
Lawbringer because he's so underpowered you have to actually get gud at him.
How do you get that ornament? I don't see it in customization menu
This game doesnt even use most of the buttons on the controller
Take a look at this doc https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wwr17AtTDFU3BZY_81axLVMKdHdNZuV0wGOb589VKgc/htmlview?sle=true#gid=0 then add to that her attack speeds, the fact that she doesn't get a vortex and has the health pool of an assassin and the reach of a Warden. If that isn't broken to you, you absolutely don't know what you're talking about. She's now just as broken as she was in the tech test, just on the other end of the spectrum.

Join the party, slut

That's sick and a corruption of a good working relationship.
because LAW, despite being a shitload of fun, and despite the fact that you can win with him plenty if you're good, is objectively underpowered and not too great. Whereas conq is one of the stronger classes int he game
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One can only imagine how Lewdkeeper loves to be fucked into a dazed stupor by large Viking men.
So they made that bad decision despite not being constrained to it? That just shifts the blame even more towards the devs on the scales.
I don't know about the zone attack, but my experience has been that the best answer to these kind of matches is to ragequit because if you attack you lose.
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also best place to find new tech
>won a lvl 3 warlord bot in a best of 99
I did it, guys! I am now better than the bots!
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>Honest character for each faction

Ill take it
Lawbringer. Kensei to a lesser extent, but lawbringer is #1 for sure.

I assume we're talking about 1v1s, of course. Obviously people will get salty if LB charges them off a cliff while they're fighting someone else, or if a kensei runs up from behind them in dominion during a 1v2 and starts spamming his unblockable (aka most of my dominion kills when playing kensei.
>i-its consoles fault!
>n-no its ubi!

Just admit you suck dude.
So I'm off then.
Maybe I should stop trying to parry it
No Feats
No Powerups
Big Guys Only
Final Destination
he has no frustrating chains and is completely honest by design, he's not underpowered or overpowered and doesn't rely on gimmicks
So basically just like Rainbow Six Siege, and I'd say their general is going fine.
Kensei, Shugoki, Valkyrie, Raider
can you tell him to make the warlord less goofy looking
Those who love, can never lose.
You said companion not coworker.
>getting this triggered
I admitted she was broken as is and needed a buff. My entire point is they have every reason to be cautious because of the state she was in previously, it's understandable.
>any non-directional unblockables you have
b-but I main kensei and berserker ;(
>Valk's dodge attack can be an option select

yes it does, but most of them could be moved to other combinations like taunt (2 buttons at once like fighting games) and quick chat and even attack cancel (move it to pressing heavy again during startup)
When did you first start playing?
>he plays 8 hours a day
>it's still a month and a half worth.


>he plays 3 hours which is still excessive to normies
>it's three and a half months

Fix yourself.

I meant a companion as in a friend, not a fuck buddy.
Do you have a public or private IP from your ISP? If it's private, sorry, you can't get an open NAT because you're behind your ISP's router.
Anybody else agrees that they should reduce the wait time between matches ? 1 minutes + 1 minutes is fucking too long to wait patiently and too short to take a bathroom break or something. Just make it 30 seconds + 30 seconds to pick your orders and later skills and get it going.
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What did he mean by this?
No Shugoki?
how bout you fuck yourself
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highest rep character i've seen thus far

and on a balanced hero to boot :^)
>is ubi increasing the size of the GB tech window, or just moving the window

This is a super important question I don't see anyone asking, and the only notes for the upcoming patch I've seen are vague on the subject. Have they confirmed which they're doing anywhere?
This is actually because the valk's dodge is shit. It happens all the time.
Nov 2015
he doesn't want to play against warlord and is taking full advantage of ubisoft's quit match feature
then get really really good at feinting believably, as long as you get in a bit of damage you can lame it out
He's broken atm.
>rep 8
>gearscore not above 100
yikes, i've seen rep 3s with over 100
I don't play the game yet, I'm just analyzing the combat system to see if there is any hope it could be changed for the better in simple steps even Ubi could implement.

That is an entirely correct statement. Warden is utter bullshit.
Oh my how pure.

Rude. I just assumed wrong. no bully.
There are round 18s already friend.
>He's broken atm.
Wait he is? How?
So Conq's are former criminals right.

What did Stone do?
He doesn't know how to fight Warlord, so instead he opted to quit the match.
shugoki maybe after they fix his extremely easy to do double-hit bug

but even then the hitbox on his charge is sort of silly
Someone who's sick of dealing with warlords camping ledges and able to land heavies on every block
he can make his unblockable unparryable.

>literally doing the deus vult outfit

shame on you
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just had a warden bitch about me for 2 matches about how conq is OP
Seriously Warden was a mistake. Scrubbiest character in the roster.
Unparryable Top heavy + no-combo unguardable.

His hug is just annoying.
going to need a source there friend
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Fight me m8
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>Everyone just kinda starts fighting at the end for no reason
Okay I guess
Tried to hug a Lawbringer.
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Currently Rep1(15), when should I start spending Steel on anything? Should I keep the 2 chests until later to get highlevel gear?
are you THICK

it's so easy to get mad at shoguki because all it takes is a bit of luck or some poor timing on either one of you's part for you to get punished/him to get rewarded

his hyper armour rewards you for playing without good fundamentals and his grab rewards you for poor play provided you land it

shoguki is very frustrating

warlord is frustrating also, but not because he's cheap but because his defence and offence are both too good, i think
thats only a bug and you're a bitch if you use it
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finish story mode on hard or realistic i dunno anymore
>Reduce the filesize and make it bigger.

Sounds like a fun way to look at a blurry mess.
So you've played for two years. Arguably a year and and half.

Also using my math I'd you played every day for three hours which is excessive as it is, you cover almost four months.

Eat shit, a lot of us only played for a week or so.

How about you just go outside, get a job or play a different game if you're so bored of this?
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A-are u sure s-senpaii~~~?
Don't bother with crates until rep 3.

I think I have had enough chemo for one day, dealing with Wardens and Nobushi's, thank you very much.
Lewdkeeper needs to help keep the troops morale up.

If they're going to die in one shot to a literal demi god might as well do it after fucking a slut like Lewdkeeper.
You can get max level gear at Rep 3, any time before then is kinda pointless.
Then they shouldn't announce specific changes that would almost overhaul a character weeks, if not months, before actually implementing them. Be vague. Say shit like "FYI we're monitoring class balance and will make changes over the coming weeks/months."
>Hate Skirmish
>Have elimination preferred
>Search for a game
>Ten seconds into the search it loads me into a Skirmish
>Can't quit until the game starts
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>Big Guys Only
Why does he wear the mask?
k, thanks.
>hes broken
>hes broken because this
>yeah hes broken but like hes not dude its just a bug lmao

What point are you trying to make?
exactly, he's broken.
>It took them seven fucking years of a pointless war to figure out they all got played.

The people in this game's universe are retarded as fuck.
to conceal his permanent expression of disdain
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>tfw Lawbringer is hot trash

It sucks guys. He's just sooooooooo sllllloooooowwwwww! Anyone with a brain can parry the poor fucker into exhaustion.

Guess I'm just sticking with Nobushi, PK, and Valkyrie.
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>She throws her sword down at the armies and hits nothing
>They could have easily made the sword his a samurai and all the weebs would have freaked out thinking the knights started an attack and war breaks out
I'm still fucking mad they could have done this and pulled a "WE CAN'T TRUST EACH OTHER" scenario instead
you have to intentionally do it, if you play him normally he's honest
>lawbringers are free wins at this point
feels good
What should I spam to level up fastest? Brawl? Dominion?

It ain't easy being the Lovebringer, but you can bring love if you have enough to give.
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>>constantly guard breaking
>>first one to attack loses
It's like your post was written by two different people who don't understand how to play.
>characters which you can't punish on a parry
You can punish literally anyone on a parry, the only reason you think you can't is because you are using the wrong followup or the netcode is being fucky.
If they happen to be aggressive idiots then you can destroy their stamina instead.
Law is pure trash at top play.
Best case scenario you play 100% defensive and all your combos get countered so you get a draw.
Again, if you think 200 hours is excessive then the vast majority of every online shooter or MMORPG playerbase is bonafide addicted and, according to you, would need to "change their lives".
>knights and samurai about to settle differences
>vicucks have to do their gay ass raid the castle and kill everyone shit.

It's all their fault and there's no denying it.
They call us crazy and masochistic
but when he gets buffed
and he WILL get buffed
we are going to slam you into the wall
screencap this for the day it happens
Aw man, but I liked playing as him. I guess the only other character I'd try is Lawbringer since I love the big heavy hitting dudes and Shugoki's armor is really that detrimental.
>You can punish literally anyone on a parry
tell that to nobushi
>light attack misses
>gb misses
>heavy misses
I tried. Now fuck off.
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>multiple votexes exist
>one is getting BUFFED

it's pretty hilarious that anyone could claim that a game in which a vortex exists is a skill based game
this shit is about as skill based as fucking hearthstone
shugoki is even slower yet i dont see anyone complaining about him
capped for potential
LB should have hyper armor too, desu

'our armor a secret from our order' my ass
No shit, you mean if you parry her at her max range the game doesn't just put you right next to her for free? It's almost like she's designed around maintaining distance.
If you parry her while close you can use the same followups you would use against anyone else.
other charchter can't be grabbed after parry pleb
nobushi certain kensai moves lawbringer shugoki after certain moves
>if you parry her while close
oh right now let me get right up close, oh wait dodge exists and she's now far away again
spam shield bash into light
I'm trying to think of the pros of getting the steam version and the only thing I can think of is having access to steam sales on content later down the line, is this correct? Also, isn't launching the uplay version through steam by adding it manually going to achieve the same user experience or does the steam version integrate in any way?
that's what I said
why are you agreeing with me and calling me a pleb?
Then fucking hit her with a fast attack when she dodges or work her into a corner. You're inability to adapt does not mean the counter-play doesn't exist.
>reading your opponent isn't a skill
God damn Lewdkeeper makes my dick fucking diamonds.
>complain about how others should be bored as well with this fighting game he spent 200 hours on and played over the course of two years.
>compare this fighting game to an mmorpgs with a lot of content, even if it's repetitive

Again, most of us have played for much shorter (one tenth) the time you have.

Idk why you are here besides shitposting.
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oh shit your right
>orders are always for elimination


What is the hardest matchup for Warden and or Orochi? Warden and or Orochi? Besides that.
Nah it's not worth the headache I'm not LowTierGawd I'm not out to torment myself when I could be playing better characters

Cool. I'll actually play him when he isn't useless then.
at what lvl do you start getting orange gear?
there's nothing to read, you do the combo and it works half the time regardless of what either party does or their skill level
>other people are bigger losers so stop calling me a loser
kek holy shit
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>duel, last round
>i'm missing all my parries and all my combos go to hell
>both low on health, I bait him with a long range heavy attack and feint it
>he eats the bait and jumps to make his wombo combo
>i try to get a light attack in
>it's a trade
this is the only way a duel can end honourably
LTG only plays top tier
Because i still have hope that someone is going to discover something fun and interesting about shit broken, unbalanced shitheap of a game.
shoguki's charge also one-shots the opponent if he's on half a bar of hp, rewarding him for being low on it

while it IS easy to dodge normally (though, if you attack him and he hyper armours that attack) you can be grabbed from it and he'll heal, but if he parries you or just guard breaks you, and throws you into a wall it's a guaranteed grab

i think he's a little silly and while he'd suck at high-level, i can still see him working

for example, i was fighting one the other day, i got him down to about 1/3rd of his hp and then he tagged me with a cheesy demon charge thing, knocked me down and landed a fully-charged heavy on me, equalising the effort i put it

he just doesn't feel like he's outplaying you, i think
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nobody said enforcing the law is easy
I've never lost to an Orochi as a Shugoki or Lawbringer. 2 ez
A good nobushi will never lose on an open map except vs warden.
Maybe that's why you're being so dense because you play the most broken character in the game.
A light attack will do fuck all because she's out of range, as she should be, as a hard counter against all heavies.
>duel guy
>wreck him
>we go again
>same thing
>and again
>same thing
>I switch to character I don't know
>he switches to one he's rep 2 with
>he finally beats me 3-2
>starts taunting and talking shit
Aww it's cute.
orders give literally 1 game of experience, stop doing them
>losing against zerker as warden

if a shugoki is in one shot range then the armor on his grab is useless since the hit will kill him
Do you get banned for offensive emblems? I'm using a swastika and people keep msg me that they reported me. Better not be a perma-ban
i'm not good @ video games
Even the top performance in a winning domination is only about 900 xp, and most orders give 1000, and others give 1500.
>pop revenge
You are a roach if you do that in a 1v1
We all know Lawbringer is the worst character.

as far as i know it is
and what do you think the general reaction would be, you memelord?
warden's hardest matchup is warden, i think
however, the other day i ran into a conq who could completely block the lights from a shoulder bash mixup and made it pointless, he was quite hard to beat

if he's on a full bar of hp then he won't die
also, a lot of attacks don't do all that much damage anyway
he can still parry you for it, anyway
Oh fuck off he's having fun.
Not everybody plays video games to be the absolute best they can be. Some play for fun.
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Reporting every swastika and poorly made dick emblems.
>shitters honestly think this is a skill based game
Maybe.. and I do mean maybe if the connections weren't so bad it would be. But as it stands now you enter inputs, it gets put in the P2P lottery, and see if you win
There is no worst character. Some characters are just easy to counter others with. A lawbringer who can tech guardbreaks and isn't asleep can destroy an Orochi.

Unless they cheese it with light attack stance switching, but I only ever see zerkers and PKs do that.
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How do I be more effective with warlord?
I find winning fights with him being less of a case of my own skill and more like my opponents just suck.
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>fight warlord
>he LITERALLY only headbutts and follows with the unblockable/unparryable light
>when i try to dodge he just guardbreaks me instead

i have never been more frustrated in my life
what am i supposed to do?
>im using a symbol that is not ok in public am i gonna get banned?
maybe you should kill yourself before you assume its socially accepted to kill people and rape their dead bodies.
do this apparently
Oh fuck. Ah well shit game anyway
Nah im a natsoc and I like triggering autists
how dare someone use game mechanics in a 1v1
>raider does unblockable zone attack
>slides 50 feet to hit you
I know it can be parried but it's still bullshit, it looks bugged. The animation is guff at least.
>call him out multiple times when he's wrong
>he doesn't defend the fact he's wrong and goes to another thing
>he's still wrong
>everyone has been making fun of him throughout the thread
Half the cast is "op" which is drastically better than most fighting games.

That's not even the original complaint.

Holy shit you're the worst person in here rn.
Not an argument. "Cheese" is not a thing.
wrong. shitters still get mad at Lawbringer calling him overpowered when you curbstomp them
no i'm pretty sure lawbringer sucks
>how dare someone uses mechanics made to win 1vX in a 1v1
really makes you thinkgens
Just curious if it was a perma-ban
If both players are of equal skill, wouldn't that infer that every match would be a draw?

kensei is easier, just has all around great buttons. Warden has great mixups and tech. So yeah, its normal.
>call him out multiple times when he's wrong
point to one single instance where i was wrong.
>see raider doing his unblockable zone attack
>you know that it tracks
>you know thats its slow as fuck
>you know that is easily parry
>you know if you parry him, he will be out of stamina because the zone attack takes half his stamina
>you could dodge to the side to avoid it
>durr better backstep

good job anon
Is there no warden headpiece unlock for hard/realistic knight campaign?

I've beaten the campaign in realistic and I see a "unlocked by beating knight campaign on normal" that I have, but nothing for the higher difficulties
>see raider doing his unblockable zone attack
>you know that it tracks
>you know thats its slow as fuck
>you know that is easily parry
>you know if you parry him, he will be out of stamina because the zone attack takes half his stamina
>you parry
>he feints and parries you into the backthrow knockdown confirmed heavy+zone combo

when he said "literally no one can get mad" I assumed he was talking figuratively
each of the hat things gets unlocked at a difficulty level, there's only 1 story ornament per character
Depends on the matchup and bullshit.
PK would break the stalemate because of attack speed.
Warden because of zone attack and other broken shit.
Warlord too probably.
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goyms pls
>he feints and parries you

yeah, that's a good strategy but you can also feint your failed parry attempt.

>confirmed heavy+zone combo

doesn't exist
200 hours isn't months worth of gameplay

Starting playing the game in 2015 isn't worth months of gameplay

"Discover something fun" in a fighting game where it tells you everything only means more combos on a character or something the game didn't intend to happen (glitch).

There won't be anything changed in the game besides small change ups to gameplay in dominion, ways to counter heroes or new modes.

Seeing how there are people that die from playing it, sure why not?
A fighting game isn't comparable to a mmorpgs though, so that's retarded.

There are others but I'm on mobile so that should be enough.
>then he mating presses you
>There is no worst character.
Or lb?
Revenge mode is fucking broken on quite a few classes. Berkserer and Valk have one-hit me from full health with it.
I don't think the light attack will come out before the dodge attack.
It's LB but the concept of "no worst character" is only true if they're literal 1:1 clones or it's an RPS situation with no depth beyond that.
> ywn be mating pressed and mind broken by R A I D E R
But i'm not wrong in any of those cases. You just don't agree with me for personal preferences. So would you say that any rep5+ player has been playing the game excessively?
>hold my guard up top
>get hit by double orochi light anyway

yo i fixed it now im just 12 years old but I have 60 framez boiz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4QFpvsc7nk
it does exist, they need to be out of stamina and you need to be blocking left before you guardbreak them
do the long backthrow into left heavy into zone, they can parry the zone but they can't dodge it and the heavy is confirmed
If you block up during the storm rush, eat the hit and don't move the angle you will block the follow up double light.
wait what warden is getting a buff?
>they can parry the zone

well it's not confirmed then is it?
tfw absolute trash at this games combat but want to collect all the cosmetic stuff to make my dudes asthetic as fuck
Yes as they would have played only pvp for about 35 hours on one character alone.
In a week it's been out about that is 7 hours about day or one full day of work.

Now the thing I'm saying is that someone that does that has no reason to question others who play two or three hours a day about being bored of the game.
They have half yhey gamete me of you. The potentially need to play 17 more hours to get bored of it in this comparison.

Now, I've played for maybe 25 hours. This is about one tenth of your time.

Why do you expect me to be bored of this game already?
did i say the zone was confirmed...????

alternatively if you don't happen to be blocking left when you start it, you can do light into confirmed combo buffed zone
sometimes the light hits them depending on terrain
If it was not intended to be used in 1v1 it wouldn't be allowed to be used in 1v1. It's just meant to be very easily gotten in 1v2+, and not so easily gotten in 1v1. Don't take such extreme stances based on completely arbitrary personal beliefs, take stances based on what you can observe.
>A good nobushi will never lose on an open map
Generally only people who are terrible at games speak in absolutes like this.
>"Cheese" is not a thing.
>I say it isn't a thing, so it isn't!
>Why do you expect me to be bored of this game already?

Because i felt the same way in the second closed test. Had to force myself to login but did it because i was invited and hoped the game had changed in a significant way. It hadn't but they added new classes so i tried them out for the weekend. Didn't really like any of them and felt the same way at the end again. I always returned to the Warden and eventually just got sick of him to the point that i wouldn't login at all until they brought the Valk around. She was fun, super fun, undeniably OP but even after the nerfs 10 hours later she was still fun. She is now nowhere near where she was which means for me that the only character i actually really liked isn't fun which leaves nothing for me to do in this game. I was committed to make her work, put something like 40 hours into the character since release and i feel like i'm treading water. I don't get anywhere with her. I can't improve because there is no way to improve. 5/12 classes just lock me down 1v1 if they're at least as good as me and those classes just happen to make up 90% of the 1v1 duel queue. 4v4 is a pure fucking shit show with all kinds of problems and the game doesn't offer anything else. That's why i'm pissed. That's why i can't find anything fun about this game anymore.
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>certain posts in this thread

I didn't know a game about brutal hand to hand combat could have so much lewd potential.
>Generally only people who are terrible at games speak in absolutes like this.
Then I guess this sentence speaks for itself.
can someone give me a quick rundown on lawbringer?
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is it just me or do some guard breaks just track right onto you? e.g. peacekeeper / roach... it's so frustrating to be literally maintaining a mile long zone but he just guard breaks from downtown
disregard bitches, aquire parries
Using the phrase "generally" isn't an absolute you illiterate mongoloid.
I'm waiting for Absolver to be released. I can't imagine how to be lewd in that game.
lawbringer has bullshit GB range
LB has weak range in everything, which is weird considering his weapon.
>Apollyon bows to the Lawbringers
>In contact with raiders
>Possess parry-like abilities
>Control Ashfeld with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & keeps globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient Knight blood line
>Will bankroll the first settlements on Samurai territory(Lawbringgrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of war assets in Ashfeld
>First rape babies will in all likelihood be Lawbringer babies
>Lawbringers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence in Ashfeld has only existed deep in Samurai monasteries & the Iron Legion Keep
>Ancient Nordic scriptures tell of Lawbringers who will descend upon Ashfeld and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own drawbridge R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Lawbringers inside you right now
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Bogdanov Pacha ok sign.png
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There are probably lawdabots inside of you right now...
File: 1487194001535.png (314KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
314KB, 1280x720px
This is the single hottest thing I've seen in a vidya general. Help me ;-;
why didnt you punish that feint????
File: 1404158912035.jpg (23KB, 380x380px) Image search: [Google]
23KB, 380x380px
>that fucking feinting
i did, with GB

the guy just held top guard the entire neutral and only ever used zone or top light, so getting a heavy out of him in the corner would've been nice, overestimated how turtle he was i guess
File: XAPSzdc.jpg (133KB, 581x800px) Image search: [Google]
133KB, 581x800px
But you didnt you punished his gb with a gb
You just stood there and let him get away with the parry and feint on reaction.
the hell do you want him to say?
turtling sucks
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