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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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Thread replies: 760
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Dota 2 QoP Nendo And Lina Figma.jpg
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Get Your New Weeb Merchandise Edition

Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/700
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Discord: https://discord.gg/0Pj5D1QKnY7t1L9K
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://www.opendota.com/ (formerly yasp.co)
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

It's not like I wanted to go to Kiev anyway.
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this is now an ogre magi thread ggeneral
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This is now an Adelaide thread
This is now an Crystal Maiden Thread
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I'm sure I wont have to remind you what thread this is
I love Maki but can someone explain to me this Adelaide shit?
Adelaide is my girlfriend.
Aussie slut.
Goodmorning Dota 2, today I'm going to the gym and then having a shower, to not be smelly
haha good one ;)
Sinneddonut Bulldogs first dong into donger
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Ladies and gentlemen I presente!!!!:

Octarine legion :3
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2k mmr
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>dead thread on a juicy day
dotards dotards
who gives a shit about subhumans
demolition dudes is the green net worth line
demolition dudes is the green net worth line
demolition line is worth the green net dudes
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>"we have the late game"
green net worth is the demolition dudes line
100% smelly doturd
net line is worth the green demolition dudes
dudes the green demolition line is worth net
demolition net is the green dudes worth
though about goying to the ukraine major because it would have been like €100-150 total for a week vacation
apparently all the tickets were scalped
in hindsight, good call, don't want to die from russian artillery fire or sent to a russian gulag for being in a warzone
green demolition net is worth the dudes line
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Dumb team mate stories thread anyone?

>have a Turkish blood seeker on my team
>notice the anti mage has aghanim's scepter
>tell him not to ult him and ping that he has aghanim's scepter multiple times
>he ult him anyways
>get hit by his own ult , dies

Report my team afterward in the chat
is the dudes demolition line worth green net
no you retard
>am gets aghs
>play bloodcyka
>get cykamail
>ult am
>activate 'mail
>run around
>kill am
nothing personnel, it's primary school math kid
dudes the green net worth line is demolition
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the green demolition is dudes net worth line
this game is not worth my time
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if we can push at minute 10 whats the point becasue if u have the late game u auto win lollllllllllllll just take it late ROFL LAWL ROFLCOPTER GOES XD XDX DX DX DX DxXXX
>CK str 20 + 2.9
>pit lord str 25 + 2.6
>pit lord's passive exists

why isn't he ever built as a right clicker
bullcuck's lone druid is still pretty good
reminder milo dindu nutin he's a good boy....ravaging lil boy anus is enlightening it's in our culture for a millennia we should be proud of it..
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>"we have the late game"
>lose before we get to late game
explain this dotards
>not going superior utility -> core underlord by getting AC and Abyssal as your fifth and sixth slots but aura items as your 1st-4th
>not going vanguard 5 minutes in with maxed aura and proceeding to do whatever the fuck you want because you take LITERALLY literally 0 damage

Is that even possible?
Firestorm is % damage, so it benefits from Veil.
Aura means he will eat lane creeps, and farm jungle rapidly at little to no health damage.

Basically: He isn't built as a rightclicker because he is slow, gets kited, and can't reposition well.
Meanwhile CK has +1/2/3/4x damage on the ultimate, and Reality Rift is a anti kiting ability alongside the stun.

That said, its fun to build SNY + Orb of Venom + Blink on Underlord.
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buildings? they'll fall after I farm my 7th slot just wait.
Ok guys which hero is good to build Veil of Discord on?

Except for Ember. I don't wanna play Ember.
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>people complaining they can't buy tickets for a tournament held in a warzone
Yeah I was thinking about going also but held off buying flights and hotels before having the actual tickets. Seems like I'm not going.

More money to the new baiku fund I guess.
About 3 years ago, what did Admiral bulldog use to buy on furion after he bought null talisman and blade mail?
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pushing lanes is scary we need to wait until all our cores and supports r farmed
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>be abdul
>backstabs your old friend
>total silence after that
how can a man recover after being treated as such?
What if when aegis carrier dies, it puts a slow (similar to wraith king ult), but on their own team? Falls in line with the nerf cheese/punish mistakes theme, while still retaining potential to be game winning. Alternative is a speed buff similar to axe dunk, but for the killer's team.
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thats like some memeback tier shit why do u want somehting that?
dota 3 when
icefrog is bruno
Who counters sniper mid? I like playing TA and Ember, but feel like sniper counters them pretty hard in lane. Other than Viper, who doesn't give the same dominance over the game as TA and Ember do, I can't think of any counters. Ideas?
is this real
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>when everyone on your team are totally fucking retarded when it comes to building items
>your shitterfiend builds blink AND shadow blade, doesn't build a bkb against invoker, phoenix, and slardar
>your slark builds NEITHER, builds a bkb
>your kotl builds a guardian greaves instead of a scepter at minute 34
>you've had a pair of guardian greaves since minute 19
So I need my team to help me out? What if I can't rely on that?
go stack camps and farm the jungle or some shit pop shrines bottle crow. 1v1s mid rarely result in kills u need ur team to come gank the litttle ape
ember can counter sniper
just don't walk into hohohaha shrabnel xdd and your fire shield won't disspell
let him push and have yoru support gank or go to his side when picking up a rune and kill him
it's a team game
just don't play
>Karabas & sharks scammed Valve off of their tickets
top kek

I mean what a fucking mess.
Valve doesn't even care to properly sell tickets anymore.
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>Valve let some dodgy fucks sell the ticket.
>They sold like 30 to 1 person for resale.

I've played League and I'd take Riot over Valve any day, How is one company so fucking incompetent.
Valve quite clearly does not care about DOTA 2 anymore. It's a micro-transaction cashcow at this point.
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Yeah I stopped giving them money a long time ago, They're one of the laziest companies ever despite getting a shit ton of money from Dota 2 players for a good 6 years.
what did bruno do that everyone suddenly says he's a traitor?
>be Icecuck.
>be Valve-cuck.
>LGD's Ruru cheats her way to API key.
>Has access to ALL DOTA 2 DATA for 3-4 years.


fucking shit tier company

just end it
fucking go and burn in hell
answer this
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literally no reason why valve doesn't sell the tickets on steam
even if the venue has an exclusive deal with a distributor, valve could buy all the tickets themselves first
and only sell max 2 per person, and needing at least 2000 hours of doturd played
he can be a rightclicker but he doenst need to be build as one, eventually you can be one with proper items and not meme items like graves
I like to go dominator + travel
then shiva, AC/vlads, and abbysal and in late game he's pretty strong and tanky
Dominator gives him all the utility he needs
i get +2 mana regen, movement speed, attack speed, and the lvl 25 depends

Yeah, people like to get mek arcanes pipe and shit, but its just so boring, and he moves so slow that i feel he does nothing other than deathball
My builds gives him room to do anything, not just deathball
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because he can farm fast early game and build a quick mek+pipe and push shit in
>cheat to api key
literally just go to this site https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey
and put fuckvalve.com as your site
you literally get 100k requests per day without contacting valve
I made 5 api keys with new steam accounts and used a script to scan tf2 profiles for easy unusual hat sharking
valve didn't give a fuck
She had a developer API key, not a normal apikey.
She used a dev key, you can get even scrim replays with that.
The fact that nothing, not a fuck thing has been done infuriates me, if this bitch was at the boston major and i knew about what happen would slit her throat.
I am really lost here
can you please give me some context anon?
>end of the week
>still have all my coins left just about because i'm always too cautious to spend them
>go all in because we have a good comp and they picked like shit
>my best hero
>get a walking courier shitfest with a toxic feeding mid ta using racecar no ult (??) build
>bf aghs juggernaut
>tree that might as well not be in the game
>jungling silencer

It just isn't fair dota bros.
Lgd owner ruru had api key that had access to everything in dota, replays, etc for years. Any private scrim, strategy, etc wssnt secret at all, the dirty chinks knew everything, and also they where haggling items on there million dollar betting site cause the key let them do that
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>matchmaking literally starts placing me with leavers several games in a row to ruin my 70% winrate
Since you guys aren't very smart, I'd like to give you some information on LPQ:

> Reporting someone in LPQ does nothing.
With the one exception of reporting someone after their last LPQ game.

> Leaving a LPQ that has already been abandoned does not give you more LPQ games. It's the exact same as regular matches. The only reason it will still say the consequences is because the consequences are simply "If you leave this game you cannot be counted for winning it"

> If you leave with 5 more games to play you won't have to play anymore games.
So basically if someone fucks your game and you are on 5 games left? Just leave. Most of the time you will save your self time.

> LPQ actually uses hidden MMR.
I'm not sure on the exact ranges but it does use it. That's why people will say there's better games in LPQ.
thank you anon
well thats fucked
how long ago did this happen?
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>gaben too shy to ask nips to also make wyvern onaholes
dotards? DOOOTAARDS?
gaben doesnt support degeneracy
being told to be yourself is not the same as supporting that person to insult their host nation
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>i would literally kill someone because they cheated in a video game
Come on Anon,
>sing is now playing slark to grind mmr
uhhh slark babs, i thought the hero was shit?
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>haven't played solo for like 2 years, always party
>do it tonight because I just feel determined to play
>first game someone DCs and doesn't come back before the game even starts
>second game someone abandons during pick phase
>third game someone abandons after fucking up a gank

Is the solo experience always this bad?
fear said on stream a while ago that slark allows bad players to get to 6k because its a hero that forgives mistakes more than any other hero in dota by a large margin. makes sense that some shit player like shitshit would pick him up
shit like this happens in unranked because there is no penalty for leaving games

ranked games dont have this issue
More like he is a hero that capitalize on the really long list of mistake that pubbies commit
you know sing is 7.5k mmr solo right?
can someone tell me some tips to be less scrub and turn 2k from 1.5k?
>everything is sold out
I didn't want to go anyway, I swear ;_;
Literally just go and grind mmr like everyone else faggot.
sorry i forgot how inflated EU was 8k EU is basically 6k everywhere else
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someone please, post some sheever
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>TFW NO gf that is a females but does not resemble one
I have a 5% higher winrate (300+ games) on USE than on my home server EUW. That is with 130+ ping too.
>comparing NA dota to EU dota

no shit you have a higher winrate on USE
>play with a party
>team full of tilters who are ready to give up at the first sign of trouble

>play solo
>team full of drunken Russians who somehow make stupid shit work

I should probably find better friends desu senpai.
be my friend :3
Didn't they sell the tickets themselves during TI3? I think one of the reasons they don't do it anymore was because it was almost impossible to buy a ticket using their service.
bulldog playing tomb raider, zai playing dark souls and sing's back to dota
strange times
How viable is centaur offlaning into a carry tank to hit 6k mmr?

It seems so easy to get easy solo exp and gold in the offlane and win unless they got a naix or something.

It also helps our hard carry trilane or get a free jungler or roamer.

>support centaur

I used to do abaddon but he isnt as gamechanging later on
if you play against slark
buy heaven's halberd and silver edge
slark can purge neither
silver edge disables essence shift from getting new charges and ultimate hp regen
slark literally becomes a melee creep for 5 seconds
also you can escape the leash by going at max range and placing a iron branch tree under your ass
the tree pushes you out of leash range and breaks it if you place it correctly
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here you go anon :)
>costs the same as a tp or 1 last hit
>can save you from meme spells
give me one good reason why you aren't doing this right now
pro-tip: you can't
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branch 2.webm
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>bonus leash duration talent
not even once
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Truly, 6 branch into armlet Skeleton King is more viable than ever.
I just looked at my behaviour score and I have 5198. Is that bad?
consider suicide tier
It's not thatt bad is it? Surely many people here are worse?
i wouldnt know anon, i barely get reported even when flaming some subhuman russian or german
>caring about behavior score in an arena brawler game without strategy
Well the thing is that I only like -ad and I'm constantly in low prio which forces you to play one of the shittiest gamemodes.
>single draft
>shittiest game mode

yeah if you hate well rounded drafts and a mode that pushes you to adapt at times.
I don't like it because they removed the ability to swap. It was good when you could, because then you had the same "well rounded drafts" but weren't forced to choose from only 3 heroes, as long as your teammates felt the same way.
>single draft
>well rounded
next youre gonna tell me fucking all random is well rounded
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We dont have a skeleton king hero though?
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It still hurts.
Running any ticket service is ungrateful job. Normally you get fuck all users but when new tickets to popular events are released there will be tons of users. However that's no excuse for having the service go unavailable. They should know that from the beginning and design their architecture so that it's easily scalable depending on demand.
Is there a point to trying to climb from 5k to 6k? I'm already better than 99% of other players.
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>gaben doesnt support degeneracy
Oh you sweet summer child...
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Reminder to do at least 20 mins of cardio a day dotards!
Blizzard owns the concept of royal bone constructs.
>Kiev is going to be a shitshow
>Starladder is going to be shitshow because it's in china

lul daed game
tfw Potm Nendo arrived today
post video of hotgluing
this >>169097090
Is solo queueing sing the best dota stream?
it is pretty enjoyable, I'm watching him for the first time in months
dont remember him being this annoyed with the game though, thats recent right?
What's up with the crying about kiev and the tickets? Did they sell out in 1 hour?
Re-seller already bought all the tickers to sell it at x4 price.
lmao ded gaem
How many of you are coming to visit me in kiev?
Wait, so one person could just order like 1000 tickets?
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>get team of english speakers
>enemy is 4 melee carries and QoP
>we get offlane axe
>ok its in the bag

>our support ogre and skywrath start "roaming"
>enemy gets 12 kills to our 4
>seriously how are they feeding a magnus jugg dual lane
>axe is putting points into battle hunger
>skywrath literally cant comprehend using his instant silence to stop jugg from ulting his ass in obvious phase boots telegraph in mid
>sf abandons
>check him, he was going boots into maelstrom
>enemy team allchat: jajaj maricon
Yes. It's this bad.
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I am learning Meepo
Do I bother with Power Treads? Or should I rush BoTs?
why not just add an ip authenticator or some shit to limit tickets/person
i dont know if this is actually possible, feel free to call me out
pretty sure everyone goes treads since you get double stats now
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>slavshits cant comprehend boycotting shitty business practices and just be content watching the major at home
>will buy the overpriced scalps because dota is life in their snownigger biome
>get bombed by russian spyplane the day before
What even is the appeal of attending a major?
The only IRL they should be attending the The Only Tournament that Matters
Ok, thanks!
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What's the current state of the meta, lads? I'm coming back now that there's a big tournament on the horizon
memefights 24/7
lone memer is gud sniper
This is the thing, we don't know what the hell actually happened at the stadium(or the place in kiev) that sell the tickets. Some people can use excuse like I buy it for friend and so on.

When its up on the website for online buyer, It said 'we already sold out (tickets)'
theres no meta. the actual design of the game is now "run around collecting runes healing at shrines and fighting"

thats it.
>we don't know what the hell actually happened at the stadium
I live near and will tell you. Rich who has connections and friends with owner at stadium arranges to buy all tickets for resale to third party upcharge vendor in change for kickbacks. I will delete post in 2 minutes.
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I get so fucking triggered when I see his slow ass projectile auto attacks, they are so fucking gay yet they hit like a truck
why delete friend?
surely gopnik mafia wont kill you
I have to be careful, they are always watch. You never know who might be spo
if you keep repeating this, does it make it true?
no, its true whether i repeat it or not.
He wouldn't spend all day here if it didn't.
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your opinion is not fact though so how is it true
name one team thats doing any old viable strategies such as push strats, 4 protect 1 ultra hard carry late game strat, etc. there are no strats.

lmao. just watch it at home, lads
these strategies were not viable in 6.88
right, the descent has been happening for a while. and now after 7.00 the descent has hit rock bottom. there are barely any hero roles. there are barely any planning or laning or farming techniques. barely any heroes have periods of weakness or peaks of strength. literally nothing is left after 7.0 except running around hitting shit and collecting runes and healing.
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>what if we reduced creep gold by like 40% early game and made jungle creeps spawn every 2 minutes? lol xD thatll get those redditors excited with the TEAMFIGHTS
He probably bet against LGD and lost his house+assets, you never know
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>not in Ukranian
Putin is at your door
>there are barely any hero roles
carry/mid/offlane/support still exist, adding additional viable heroes to each role strengthens draft diversity
>there are barely any planning or laning or farming techniques
laning still occurs as it always has, hotd/maelstrom are the favoured items for farming
>barely any heroes have periods of weakness or peaks of strength
magic damage ember falls off hard late
sniper ld has terrible problems with mobility
sf is still super easy to gank early

>literally nothing is left after 7.0 except running around hitting shit and collecting runes and healing
this is an opinion, not a truth
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remember when dotards would make fun of LoL for not having flexible laning. You could run offensive/defensive trilanes, strong dual lanes, a greedy jungler etc. Now you just have the same laning setup every game 1/1/3.

remember when dotards would make fun of LoL because it punished you for deviating from the meta. Now you get low prio just for picking a hero like naga or techies.

remember when dotards made fun of LoL's league system for esports. We used to have tons of great games every week with different 3rd parties competing, now it's basically just every team treating 3rd parties as practice and the Major system is basically a league at this point.
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I was the Sniper, lost my 4k playing sparingly these past 3-4 weeks due to a loss streak (which is still going on from the looks of it).

Someone on my team said "sniper has no dmg" but I'm pretty sure that had more to do with Axe having these items then me having "no dmg xD".

Pushing into them was so difficult, how should pushing against this lineup have been approached? Smoke and pickoff is the first thing that comes to mind but those were rarely working out.
>magic damage ember falls off hard late
>Doesn't hit peak until you have perma chains at 25
>remember when dotards made fun of LoL's league system for esports. We used to have tons of great games every week with different 3rd parties competing, now it's basically just every team treating 3rd parties as practice and the Major system is basically a league at this point.
You can blame EE,RTZ,Puppey to some extend and Reddit for that
>Playing 8 hours every two days, so hard
bara can charge out of those spells
might be useful on other heroes
yeah great now you perma chain someone and tickle them with dmg
It's not RTZ's fault you fucking cuck faggot redditor
>how should pushing against this lineup have been approached
A better draft
did you first pick sniper or something? their team comp seems to be tailored against you
>433 gpm
>not getting euls to counter storm sprite
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Thank you based Ranked RD, you saved my MMR, easily worth the queue times. Still at 3800 boys.
>starstorm aghs
you got countered by pipe of insight and bkbs ya dumb 0k
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There are 0 good arguments for why talents should exist

>muh choice

There is no choice, by adding more options on how to build the hero you eliminate choice by giving people the opportunity to create a more optimized build. Only valve shills and reddit cucks think adding talents created anything more than the illusion of choice.
This game is fucking unplayable, last 5 games i had 15 russian degenerates in my team in total
>There are 0 good arguments for why stat points should exist

muh choice

>There is no choice, by adding more options on how to build the hero you eliminate choice by giving people the opportunity to create a more optimized build. Only valve shills and reddit cucks think stat points created anything more than the illusion of choice.
t. static build trenchie
let me give you the basic gestalt
leveling stats was boring
refreshing the game is needed to keep is fresh
there is no reason to have skills or items they just add an ilussion of choice

all heroes should play exactly the same form minute 0 to the throne exploding like chess pieces

this is literally your logic
no, we need to keep a 14 year old exactly as it was

any changes, even small qol ones are an insult to the memories these anons hold dear
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That I could understand, but why change the map? For other team sports the playing field has always been the same, and the rules have been what changed.

It is like valve had the NFL equivalent of the esports audience, and now they are wanting the women's NBA audience instead.
They shouldn't have removed attributes completely desu fampai, they should still allow 5 levels in them
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the only reason talents exist is out of laziness. instead of rebalancing the core essence of a hero, now they just "add the exact buff this hero needs at exactly level 20 when this character is normally weak"

and when theyre not doing that, theyre "add a 2nd projectile to this spell at level 25"

talents are absolute TRASH, lazy uninspired garbage only a redditor would like
you ready for the big enchilada?
the map was changed multiple times before and during dota 2
real sports have symmetrical fields it doesnt matter what side you play on

dota doesnt and it wont becuase 1 that would be boring 2 you need to balance somehow firstpick otherwise the team that wins the coinflip has pretty huge advantage for no reason
This, I want more choices. Items need to have different versions of themselves and we should allocate attributes manually
the previous map wasnt balanced

i am not suggesting that the revision is balanced either, but we needed a radical change to occur before we could go back to incremental updates
you're mathematically likely to be a russian degenerate too
>the coin flip

lets not go there im still salty from the superbowl.

anyways, the advantage is from the draft. The draft is what makes the game interesting and the map should not give an advantage imo
I know they['re a work in progress for literally all but 4 heroes right now but how can you not see the potential for talents to make or break some heroes?

Level 25 Talant
-Ravage now pierces spell immunity
-Ravage now expands twice the aoe
map is literally part of the draft

what cant you understand, one team gets the picking order they want the other the side they want, its literally part of the draft
>how to make tidehunter broken as fuck: the post
then again lone druids talent tree exists so whatever
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>tfw you're good for 2 patches then coldtoad puts you in the dumpster
because the "potential" started off with a bunch of quirky game ruining bullshit. talents should have been nothing but stats unless they found a really exciting mechanic, kinda like aghs. dont add unless you actually found something cool.

but no, instead they give EVERYONE an aghs hurr durr 3 projectiles instead of 1 now, and they give EVERYONE insane talents that make no sense.
she is a right clicking carry now.
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you are a retard that has no clue what he is talking about

plenty of heroes have shit talents that dont give them shit and would rather litearlly have stats


maybe we just play a different game
last night I tauren warchief orchid malevolence your support?
>instead they give EVERYONE an aghs hurr durr 3 projectiles instead of 1 now

starting at level 25, not level 1

unfortunately with the talent implementation they needed to include the entire hero pool at once, or else ostracize a subsection of heroes. with time and data hero talents will be brought in line with one another
i didnt mean insane as in so strong theyre broken. i meant insane as in mentally ill as in they make no sense as in they serve no purpose. kill yourself fanboy.
>tauren warchief
look again shitter
sure m8

3 arrows make no sense, i mean why would you ever want that its so insane!

t. some retard that literally spews bullshit out of his ass

you know what wouldnt make sense?
something like 10gpm at lvl 25
find me a talent like that then talk aobut your shit that makes no sense because you sound like a retard with no real argument

>i dont like it therefore it makes no sense!
>hes actually defending the lazy as fuck uninspired [add an extra projectile to this spell] talents

ROFL. you are literally a redditor.
im not defending anything im calling you a retard with no arguemnts

and guess what, you went straight from zero arguments to ad hominem so you are just proving me right

>i dont like it so it makes no sense. dont agree? you are redditor then :^)
let me tell you the REAL reason talents exist

without the bonus mana regen or gold/min the supportcucks were ready to riot

valve sensed the growing animosity and tension amongst the supportcuck ranks who were tired of being the carry's poop buckets so they threw them a bone to give them a better shot at getting an item and feeling useful

the other talents were just slopped together to fill in the supportcuck bonus gaps
i wouldnt be surprised but this also ruins the role of supports, which is what i described earlier.
fake news
What are some offlane heroes that will let me reach 6k?
magnus in games you feel like you want to carry from the offlane or it pairs nicely
abaddon in the other half
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>not carrying
if you want to carry pick a different hero abaddon is the save my retards hero while magnus is the i know my retards wont be able to carry even if i save them so i will do it for them instead
why not do both as abaddon?
right click niggas to death
shield retards from their own mistakes
like a caring father
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QoP is so cute I want to cover her in yogurt
because its better to be really good at one thing than mediocre at everything
a caring father is great at both things, dont you want to be a caring father and carry your team to victory while protecting them?
a father who wants to be available to his children would have take his attention away from his professional life

being successful with both at the same time is a very fine line
this game febby is playing reminds me of old mvp games
that is why abaddon is the greatest of fathers
none of his children would turn into a gay or some mentally ill feminist
if abaddon was my daddy, things would be different around here
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since we're dead
i want to be cucked by bulba because theyre all ugly
if i get kelly im litearlly never coming here again
holy shit febby is so CUTE and PURE!!
if i get kelly im gonna quit dota and play league
How do you offlane invoker?
ring of repick into orb of cyan
>Febby just showed his whole twitch chat fat luna pony fetishism
holy shit i'm dying
is this guy actually retarded
Skeever <3
singsing get
he was calling his teammates niggers before but its okay since hes not white i guess
max quas, trade right clicks, build dominator (?) or drums (even more?). Definitely go quas wex and don't forget blight stone.
>max quas
Surely you don't mean he should put more than 4 points in quas?
I post Sadjedene webms
Bless me bateman
momma moo or monkey get
enjoy your aids
>max quas
you mean wex
>implying aids is bad

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autism~chan here I cum
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get out
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too bad SHES MINE
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close one buddy
rerollo for autismo qt
swallow cum with bleach
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please stop I don't want more asian looking women
this time for real now, I would like autism chan very much thanks.
go away bully
The biggest joek in the thread award
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stealing autismo for myself
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its ok Kaci is qt too
dumb frog posters
If you ever wondered why Dota 2 is shit it is because Icecuck is taking only the """pros""" feedback into consideration.

Shitters like N0tail, EE and even Bulba are the once giving it.
thats top tier redundancy right there
i think frog posters are cute
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The fact that EE can call icefrog at any moment to offer advice is deeply disturbing. This is a man that lost games because his whole team didn't purchase TP scrolls, let than sink in. Now TP scrolls are cheap as dirt and we have 3 extra slots. Coincidence? I think not.
maybe but the people that actually code the game listen to reddit to balance it out

they also dont play the game thats how shit like +6 treants can happen, icefrog did not do it
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You're cute too, anon
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post qt legs plox
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wake up, Singsing is streaming
you're late I've been watching him for awhile dumb adelaide
i love playing rubick but i hate being a support
no not because you don't get money but because i hate pulling and stacking and warding and etc
is it AT ALL viable to play rubick as anything else other than a support?
i'm like negative 300 MMR
i'm so low skilled only one of my games has ever been "very high skill"
i'm so fucking low i won a match where my teammate bought a forcestaff on timbersaw simply because the enemy team didnt know how to push highground
surely i can pull off non-support rubick, right?
rolling for skeever
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take solace that together, loda and you, will raise someone elses child
>roll best girl (literally a milf)
>get mad about it because you didn't get your dumb horse
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>implying you would want sheever to cosplay as windranger while she fucks you with her big ```````bow``````
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What if Fnatic picked up the Faceless squad?
what if they left SEA
then they would upgrade from tier4 to tier3

is there a worse feeling than playing this shitty game?
Being a shitskin
this guy gets it
man i wonder how it feels like being a brown spic or a smelly nigger lol

must feel awful you're going to literally be inferior for all your life
i hate dotards thats why i want to main the most frustrating heroes to play against that arent techies

thinking of tinker or naga every game

any suggestions you smelly dotards?

>le smell spam xDDDD
please consider suicide
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>comeback to check d2g
>See this
Dude the game is dying for real
I want to be a cute anime boy
Good. Let it rot.
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i want to be a cute anime girl!
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Hasn't valve said or done anything to mitigate the damage? Once it becomes a meme it will be unstoppable
Let it rot. Reddit, the "Pros" and Valve's interns killed the game.
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>go on leddit
>threads about how dota is dying

the meme magic takes another victim.
hopefully killing this literal money printing machine will be enough to wake developers up to the fact that you should NEVER let reddit and other vocal minority faggots influence your game design
>for myself to check leddit
>No ded game threads
I've been lied
nah the excuse will be "its a 10 year old game it ran its course"

Also this might be the last TI

mods u know what to do lmao

>no way ti3 has a bigger prize pool than ti2 the bubble popped
>no way ti4 has a bigger prize pool than ti3 the bubble popped
>no way ti5 has a bigger prize pool than ti4 the bubble popped
>no way ti6 has a bigger prize pool than ti5 the bubble popped

now u just went straight into last ti lmao
doomposter here, dota is dead
some people play mid rubick but it's bad.
if you don't like pulling, stacking and warding then don't play rubick. or just stop being a shitter.
I just want to see people complaining about the game. Valve has done literally everything in its power to ruin it and no one says anything

Its baffling not a single the game has gone to shit thread
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>get silky smooth 20-25 fps pre 7.00
>literally single digit fps after 7.00, making the game absolutely unplayable

oh well, guess not playing for year or so until i get new computer might be actually good thing
the game is fine you ninny
then were where you the last 4 years

you do know people here complained about eveyr single patch, then 5 patches later they praised the patches they first complained about

its just how dota is, in dota 1 it was the same thing

the game is dying for 12 or whatever years straight
Immortal gardens made them a ton of cash. It might be hard to top that.
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When will pros re-discover the best and most well-balanced dota2 heroes, Tauren Chieftain? He can build either veil or medallion to amplify his aura, making it the most broken aura in the entire game, especially mid to late game.
>its just how dota is, in dota 1 it was the same thing
I played tons of dota 1 and this is a lie every patch was a coming of christ and if shit was OP it would get nerfed in the following days

and as for dota it only happened during major changes like 78 to 79. The game has become so simplified all heroes play the same and the only single strategy of memefighting is allowed , thats way worse than anything bad in all the previous patches
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>disruptor comes mid
>is level 3
>runs up to invoker
>doesn't have a single point in glimpse
>"pro huskar"
I literally just queued with the same player

that was an instant dodge :^)

my 1 free abandon of the week used up quite well :^)
dota 1 was the shit man, instead of mmr you wager your pride every game (inb4 cringe, but it's true), so people actually tried to win their games. Dota 1 was very hard to get into, but once you're in there's no going out
ay yo Grant Grand will you be casting some doter games today? that would be so much fun for me Grand Grant, I would have a good time, your steream is always a lot of fun to wath and listen right now there is only sing *sigh*
you need to remove those nostalgia glasses from your face

literally never in history of dota there were more playstyles viable than right now

it ALWAYS was just one shitty thing you had to do or lose, always, from 4p1 in early days to splitpushing alliance to 15min vg thrones, you didnt play that you lost to them

only literally in the last year or two that started to change, never also so many heroes were viable, you used to ban ALWAYS THE SAME HEROES NO MATTER WHAT, now teams started to ban out players instead of the obvious op champs because there arent that many and its not as obvious

i played dota 1 when dota 2 was coming out, people were shitting on dota 2 from the very first day always praising the first one while it was shit, now you praise the shitty early dota 2 that was literally braindead afk ricing or splitpushing or suicidng for raxes and 15min thrones

i know arguining with people deluded like you is pointless so i will stop, continue posting your tix will never have a bigger prizepool than tiy, even if it failed 4 times in a row it has to work one day right?

its worth it though because now you get 3 projectiles instead of 1 lmao
You say that but you know dota as a spectacle peaked at ti3 and went downhill since
>literally never in history of dota there were more playstyles viable than right now
Literally anything pre .84 had more playable shit than everything that came after

>it ALWAYS was just one shitty thing you had to do or lose, always, from 4p1 in early days to splitpushing alliance to 15min vg thrones, you didnt play that you lost to them
Bullshit VG lost the finals pretty badly, in TI3 and early people weren't good enough and even then everyone had a playstyle

In TI4 literally everything worked

now its memefight or lose

>dota 1
>So good it got bought up and remade and had dozen of millions of players
This 4 videos played at once:

well dota 1 was super elitist and if you fucked up you would be kicked from the lobby thanks to all the banlists that started to pop, people liked to collect bans too
yeah i loved ti3 finals doesnt mean the game was absolute fucking trash compared to what it is right now

yeah vg lost to newbee that did the same shit as them
will you just ignore how vg destroyed eveyr other team and how EVERY OTHER FUCKING TEAM STARTED TO COPY THEM BECUASE THERE WAS NO WAY OF BEATING THAT PLAYSTYLE?

literally the SAME THING happend to alliance, you either played like them or lost like a retard because there was no other way of playing dota

i loved play station 1 games, i literally loved them and were one of those "they just dont make games like they used to man" retard

then i bought a ps1, played some games i remember loving and realized they were pure garbage and i only think of them like i do becuase i am literally retarded and have huge nostalgia glasses

if we could play older dota you would realise how fucking terrible it is
that's what made it special for me idk for the others
Will valve have to revamp the matchmaking system once someone hits 10k?
is that the day we get 24/7 battlecup?

can you dota in this rhythm? I dare you
>dota 1 was super elitist
>everyone played like some 2k mmr pub most the time
makes you think
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TI5 was dota player peak

esports peak is TI6

this is supported by facts
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>febby talking about his favorite pornstars
he's so cute
you don't even have to do anything to act elitist, proof:4chan and reddit
No they didn't , newbee drafted strong lanes and rekt them in the laning phase

Alliance almost lost to regular navi not splitpush

>mechanics were a 1:1 port if dota 1 was shit so was dota 2 before

literally no arguments

Lol no, if you were good you would get in the cool guys club and get to know a bunch of people who also were good. Any kind of sign you were shit or new would get you kicked or banned
guys singu is carry abaddon we made it
>Frog posters talking about facts
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give me a quick rundown so I can fap to the same ones later and pretend febby is there with me
i know, its just baffling how they were elitistic despite being shit themselves
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the globalists are planning to make sweden their base for world domination
he has a thing for latinas his favs are jynx maze and melanie rios
what is this means "globalist"?
>jynx maze
top tier taste
so you do just ignore the whole tournament and only look at finals, cool

ti4 finals, game lenght:


meanwhile navi lost to a fucking relocating chaos knight with wisp because thye were getting fucked in teamfigfhts, oops doesnt matter just rat it up and you cant lose

what do you mean no arguments, what did i even say about mechanics

the game simply was worse, year after year dota 2 gets better and only retards like you cant see it prolly because you arent that good at it

i fucking hated playing against sniper troll jugg every game for example, i used to get so fed up at some patches ago that i literally stopped playing because they were so shit

the same patches you are now praising

is this legit source or just troll
there is literally nothing wrong with cannibalism
is this a legit post or just troll
remember when invoker was completely op? I think it was 6.85. that was annoying as fucking FUCK. and all the fucking smurf accounts practicing their combos for their mainaccounts on us scrubs. those were some dark times
best case scenario: dota gets age restricted aka literally no change

chances of that happening? maybe 0.5%

its literally one guy with no backup trying to do it
Are you stupid

Back then you couldn't memeback for 30000 gold a kill

losing the laning phase for an early push comp would mean getting rekt by the mid game oriented lineup

dota has been so shit for so long you forgot that once upon the time drafts had different purposes and timings
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>30000 gold a kill
nice hyper bowel
invoker is always a little bit on the broken side though, every time the invoker players claim hes shit they just find a new skillbuild and well well
turns out the hero is still bullshit in 1 way or another

are you actualyl retarded or what

do you know how dota 1 looked most the time?
80 min medusa am games

what are oyu talking about, ti4 looked like that because vg figured out the patch, before that or after that the game was WAY DIFFERENT

thats the whole fuckng point

you didnt memepush you lost
same as you didnt spliutpush you lost before that

old dota compared to todays dota was garbage and very shallow
i switched. what am I looking at
>not watching /ourasian/ EE
i would like the record to show that I am against eternal envy
>Has no arguments
>Get called out
>starts to write incoherent ramblings to then try to cherrypick and reset the conversation

No memepush worked when they won the lanes and took advantage of the comp which was filled with early game heroes. Newbee destroyed them in the laning phase and their heroes were stronger lategame so VG gave up every time
Thanks, anon. I needed something like the second album. I really hope it isn't meme fiesta stuff with random screaming and so on.
are you telling me right now that 15 min ggs are not memepush?

>n-n-n-no because dumb reasons
okay lad

nice talkng to you, its as worthless as i thoguht from the start

they just dont make music and video games like they used to you are right
you were bron in the wrong generation
>Febby literally fapping on stream
Why does no on pick Lycan?

The hero is very strong against cores that can't just run away.
ti5 was literally the least competitive ti since ti2

especially with secret choking
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>cheating chinks dismantled by our guy in the draft
it was a battle of brains that the white man won
>so you do just ignore the whole tournament and only look at finals, cool
Who are you quoting? In TI4 only VG was doing that garbage

Because unlucky roshan the dreamcoil canceling TP

And look how you didn't deny you are making shit up to try to reset the conversation
TI4 was trash fore mostly because of the format
im quoting you

>vg stomped everyone but the finals
>it doesnt matter becuase they lost in the finals so memepush wasnt that good

>alliance stomped everyone but navi in close finals
>split push dont real :^)

>it doesnt matter becuase they lost in the finals so memepush wasnt that good
>Strategy was shit it just teamas tilted
>This is suppose to matter and it was only executed in TI not in any other tournament

>Alliance played whatever and beat everyone they only ratted in the important games in the last series towards the end i think it started top 8
>And even then they almost lost to navi finals went 3-2
>Strategy was shit it just teamas tilted

im not even gonna read any more of your fanfic holy fuck, reread your posts sometimes

the hand cancer finally got him
>strategy was so shit they got stomped 3 times ina row
>startegy wasn't shit
>more no arguments

rolling for sloots
At least PGL is decent enough that they listen to feed back about the spectating they do. I hope they become the mainstream broadcaster
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gimme that Sinned
>Og has fly
>OG is the first team to win 3 valve events
literal butterface
fkn asians man
I'm glad I don't have yellow fever.
What an awful fate to think that mediocre girls are hot because they have slanty eyes
day 9 is on. purge is about to kick it up to a higher gear. do we still care?
shes asian?

honestly never seen her face not half covered by shit or hair
purge is literally teaching day 9 that if you round a corner you can hide from your opponent.
typical asian nose and pitch black eyes.

no, not when purge is the personification of a mood-stabilizer overdose and day9 can't help but fail at feigning excitement
man like what's even the point

dubs for 2015 Soe
>and day9 can't help but fail at feigning excitement
he must feel so fucking bad about having taken this contract
what contract?
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is taka right doturds?
i have 2 older brothers i give zero fucks about if i could save both of them or my one friend id pick the friend desu so i guess he is about that part

not a woman so cant comment about that one

whats the actual name of autism chan
V3 localization fucking WHEN
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Yume Nikki Ika.gif
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>there are people in this same exact thread that are not powerhot
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makes me think
fucking retards delete this
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what are those shitty graphics? are you playing visual novels on a 90s phone? jeez talk about 'old dotards'...
Octarine Arcane rune and Cooldown Redaction talent. Something something Yu-gi-oh! reference
she was just some random interviewed at the Boston major
not an actual dota personality
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>uncle gave me mousepad with wrist support after he saw me using a piece of cardboard
>mfw this thing is better when I use it with my keyboard

makes a good elbow rest too
has there ever been a point in dota history where clinkz has been a good hero
clinkz is a great position 4 hero
>there is pro dota that actually matters in only 3 hours
oh shit dude i'm hype. I hope TNC can upset.
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>actually matters
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>start playing dota again
>every game used to be Peruvian/Russian/Brazilian shitheads
>now everyother game has a cute sounding girl in it
>they are literally worthless and just walk around

are you sure it's a girl and not a young and confused lad
>play really well
>be creative in draft and playstyle
>interesting to watch
d2g everyone
jimmy dude get off /d2g/ you have shit to do
just ask to sniff their pussy you beta
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>tfw smelly after cleaning up room
>loads up dota2
does this make me a smelly doturd?
yes *sniffs*
purge described perfectly
>excited to watch a 2.6k player stream
just end me
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k.. keep me posted
are we alive
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01-99 for 2000 Soe
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>the state of d2g
What hero should I play if I just had a medium rare steak?
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>medium rare
>indecisive brainlet can't decided between well done or rare
beast master

spirit breaker
perhaps he considered both options and decided to compromise

>tfw to intellectual too simply enjoy a steak
That would be medium I'd imagine
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WR splash.png
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i want to ride her like the wind
desu wr looks like she prefers being on top
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I want to sniff her cinnamon crotch
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WR cosplay.jpg
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i bet she smells like a mix of tangerines and strawberries
>tfw after 100+ games of 7.00 i just want this new meme era to end
>go back to HoN
>first game is a 60min nailbiter where i get to farm up while my team feeds
>my feeding venge support is level 5 35 minutes in
>manage to turn it around through stacking the jungle and accelerating my farm like crazy while defending towers with my feeding team
>uninstall dota 2
hopefully they fix this comeback exp&gold garbage with 7.03
just play league if you love snowballing so much
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no, you're thinking of dykeranger
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>ywn lick her dirty feet clean after a long day
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I dont want them to find out im a s-smelly Doturd, I just want to win a game.

In all seriousness though how do I get a smelly GF that plays dota
all girls who play dota are smelly desu
that's what makes them so cute~
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wr peek.jpg
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im going to find a WR GF and im going to suck her feet!
the thing was, it actually felt like i earned the comeback, rather than 1 kill on the leading team giving a 10k+ gold swing and massive exp

enjoy your prions dirty footfags
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is this the best scaling offlaner? give him a little bit of space and he becomes this unkillable steak it takes a whole team to focus
what are some /d2g/ apporved fetishes?
>Prevented from matchmaking for 20 hours because Spectrum

Now what am I supposed to do?

none, because we suppress sexual desires since they just lead to disappointment
i consider it degeneracy
>meme9 has a fucking intense lighting setup for his shitty greenscreen and 480p webcam so you can see his ugly fat face in a complementary way
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feet, pits and tummies.
I always thought it was league hentai?
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What video is this from?
what is it about infinite scaling heroes that makes them into such retard magnets?
_____________ POWER
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>post yfw OG wins the Starl Adder
It's spelled Blyatmail
the "Shitty digest" series
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>tfw no sulky hero
is that an enchantress with phase?
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>then wins kiev and solidifies themselves as the greatest dota team ever
Decent on offlane ench because all she does is hit people and max base ms.
furfaggotry, or whatever fetish it is to want to fuck Enchantress
Everyone knows DC is gonna win this
why's everyone so nice and civil in day9 chat?
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where do you lane this hero?
she seems probably best for offlane with the buffs to powershot securing CS but her windrun slow scales like shit at level 1 and with a disable she's definitely dead.
>why is everyone sucking dick in a chat in sub mode?
sub only mode
what does the respawn quote "Knowing me....knowing you" by Invoker mean?

By how does that reelvant to Invoker respawning?
>Angry Aussie unable to shitpost
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>no comfy hero

dough turds?
what do windrunners feet taste like?
He really likes the song
Just like Tinker really likes Half Life
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do the e sports started yet
ohshit OG plays in an hour?
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Part of me wishes OG to lose again to TNC
not likely since they don't have the jimmy factor anymore
I know. It's just wishful thinking.
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wr 3.jpg
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in my pants
actually the lyrics do make sense
How long do you sleep each night?
sleeping is how the kikes invade your thoughts
Sounds plausible.
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I want to lick every inch of Lyralei's body.
but how can you lucid dream if you dont sleep?
Don't do it, Girls a gross.
t. faggot
cute girls are not gross
not even on their period
How would you know though? We have all just seen artistic renditions of girls on the Internet. Might be all a lie.
I've seen a vagina in real life. I know what I'm talking about
I had a gf once
she had huge tits too
I would've eaten her out on her period but she wouldn't let me
what happened fampai
she wanted a normie instead of a sperg like me
is the commend system down?
I keep getting tipped by my fellow players and they commend me, but on the status page I'm at zero commends wth?
why do you care? it's not like you can cash in your gbp for anything useful
E-Sports in 20 min lads
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wew lad.gif
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>when you have so many reports on your account that they just start negating commends instead
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who /digitalchaos/ here
>w33ha will never drop off Sajedene on your room after he had his way with her at least five times and she's still shivering and all messed up
CC&C is a funny looking fellow.
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>duo queue
>one goes carry
>the other goes jungle SK
>I wanted to pos 4 tusk, get forced to offlane
>duo queue rages about how shit tusk is
>"I wish our fucking support tusk would buy wards"
>Dude i'm the offlane, why wont you're friend sk buy wards?
>"he's a fucking farming jungle, you're the support retard."
>I went solo offlane though
>"So? That doesn't mean you aren't a fucking support"

Why do i get queued with Parties?
why is your shit game so dead dotards? like im laughing at this tiny thread, it's almost as small as your penis LMAO
I'm wondering more about why LoL isn't dying too. I understand Dota, because the whole Moba playstyle is cancer if you look at it objectively. Maybe some causal shit like Hots is still alright, because you only waste 20 minutes of your life at a time instead of an hour like with dota and lol.
i-it's the girth that matters
u mad whyte boi?
LoL is dying though, Riot just doesnt release the numbers for the game.
my penis is a pretty normal size desu
>constantly most viewed on twitch by far
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>a game where the only way to view another game is on twitch constantly has high views on twitch

Someone explain this to me
this is b8
and bad b8 at that

10/10 I replied anyway
livestreams of games with bigger player bases tend to have more viewers than games with smaller player bases
It's not rocket science
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>Being forced to go out and socialized tonight because it's my birthday
>Won't get to watch OG get revenge on TNC

Pray for me dotards
Why do peopel think Lyralei is any good.

FFS she's an average looking girl that due to the sheer low cast numbers of females that are humanoid is elevated.I say girl not woman because she's a brat at heart and was given everything by the wind. Hell everyone knows that the wind is her crutch.

Probably smells like shit after running around in the forest let alone doing it barefoot where god knows what she step on.
This game isn't even fun anymore.
jokes on you I like the smell of sweat, piss and shit.

I'd clean her up real good
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Then stop playing you lil puss boy
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It's live
Sam H will do it.
how hold is Sheever now anyway? like 33?
>he doesn't like stinky girls
lol fag
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>there are people in this thread right now who still unironically play dota
TNC...Tits N' Cocks?

Are they a ladyboy team???
>Ana likes Gordon
>Only cooks eggs.
the dota2 gulag

a dead general
for a dead game
full of people who are dead inside
Funny how it shouldn't be dead but underage meme faggots killed it
because you can build greaves pipe cuirass and take zero damage
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where do i watch this? i dont see english stream
>hes a mac user
>biggest guy on the team
for you
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>Dota 2 General - /d2g/

first trip i've ever been ok with
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>siractionslacks on the analyst desk

at least he's not casting
I usually play SF, Invoker or Silencer mid, but I want to learn how to play TA, what should I keep in mind when playing her?
kill yourself
when do the games actually start?
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Fly needs to teach Gustav about posture.
>playing this stupid game
>coming to d2g for game advice
lmao man get your life under control asap
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lotus orb.gif
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I'm guessing you're under 3k mmr if you're asking these kinds of questions . I advice focus on last hitting
blink dagger is not disabled if you don't take damage
how do the russians do it!
they still haven't forgotten to never trust a jew
But he's not using a trip
you're a fucking normie if you don't use livestreamer/watch in-game
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the technology just isn't there yet
Twitch chat is half the fun thoigh
reminder that beyond the kike is a shit studio
>tune in
>think I'm listening to skeever speak
>it's actually sir redditslacks
who is this qt?
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TBFH i have no clue when or how this happend ive never used a trip in my life and dont know how LMFAO
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baddaddy honeylans will never win a TI.
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Everyone who isn't named Winter or Fogged on that desk needs to be taken out back and shot in the head

that'll be at the Mexico City major
Is slacks your typical american?
Who is that goddess?
sheever can be kept around for cummies though
>HD sheever


did she hit the wall?
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I just assumed everyone watched Dota/Twitch like this inb4 VLC
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k-kiss yourself too
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She always looked like that. In fact she's looking better than ever right now
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clan iraq vs juice.jpg
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fuck off twitter weeb
asian synderen
jesus christ sheever looks disgusting. i genuinely dont understand why people find her attractive
she plays dota
that's it
what the fuck
suck this here dick
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fuck magic.png
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She's just down to earth
its dual monitor but my left monitor is smaller due to the shape of my desk (imbedded shelves)
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wow only took five of you to kill me fukin noobs
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her cute horsecock
sheever does look like a dude in this webm I'll give you that
is OG the best team in the world atm? They won the last major, and the one before that, and the one before that...
post mmr grinding tunes

>win honeypot majors
>lose every other tournament

Yeah totally my man!!!
and they choked hard at the only lan that matters to our guys and our guy + 4 pinoys
I'm having flashbacks watching this game.
OG is wierd , they always win majors but they place horribly at everything else. I'd say EG is the best team right now though .
majors mean nothing honestly, TI is all that matters. the only reason the majors exist is so tier 1 teams dont form and disband before TI
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she looks so washed out and dreary, only NEETs who neck themselves and numales thinks shes attractive
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gentleman, how do we stop samH
why pinoy so good against OG?
So why did OG pick Meepo against five hard counters?
typical euro arrogance
they never learn
t. american
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>OG getting rekt by TNC
it just keeps happening
dumb anime poster
I see ana is fitting into s4's choking mid role quite nicely
well OG feed turn
good to see OD is still a shit caster, that Rubick though
If it were Singsing on the Meepo, OG would've won 10 minutes ago
adelaide is that you?
does sheever look cute today

this is of the utmost importance
shut up adelaide
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she looks like an old hag as usual
Lmao. Every day, every day this shitty studio's audio is out of sync. Every day they miss 3/4 of the draft or even the entire drafting phase. Every day, ching chong Merlini is dirty and disheveled while casting, unshowered and unkempt because of his refusal to shower and his dedication to mouthbreathing. Every day the fat jew David "LD" Gormanberg is a fat jew, fat and a jew. Every day GoDz sucks the tiny cock of the Chinese dota scene just a little bit harder, desperately hoping for the Chinese load to be shot deep into his throat while trying to look "cool" with his awful pedophile mustache. Every day, Zyori "S N I F F B O Y" sniffs his dirty scrotum on camera, misses early teamfights and wears a pink bow in his disgusting, terrible "hair". Every single day this goes on, and you people eat it up. You love it. This is absolutely disgusting. I'm disgusted and I hate every single one of you, every single miscreant that donated to this horrid studio's kickstarter, every single retard that watches their streams without AdBlock, every single fan of this atrocious, revolting, insulting excuse for a "studio".
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>Sebastien Tellier
my nigga
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marmalade stop singposting so much
>5 shrines in base lmao
it's getting to be about time where meepo and ember fall off right?
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thoughts on lolis adelaide?
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these lemonade posters makes me wanna kill myself
>falling off
>didn't get rax
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lolis are good
Avatarfagging is against the rules

Report it
well, is Ember being built for magic damage?

>Falling off
why do boys even exist like just ugh
why can't we all just be cute girls?
Reported to aussie police department
Nothing personal kiddo
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how is meepo balanced doturds
wtf I love adelaide now
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>playing in the same tournament as S4
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This wasn't supposed to happen.
This was supposed to be a repeat of TI6 SHIT!!
do you have the radiance gustav?
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you just kill one of them and all five of them die
maybe if they had jimmy...
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no but have this R A R E gustav instead
maybe if they had mushi...
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woah, smart kumiko poster
180 damage at level one. Fuck wind run at level 1, be a fucking man and right click k a bitch and get free first blood.
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holy shit why is Powershot so strong at level 1?
just got buffed in latest patch
why is Sheever so fucking big?
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mmmmm Skeever looking extra THICC and moley today
she's swedish. also fogged is small.
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I've gotten first blood every single game I've played wr since the buff, nobody expects the damage. You get a couple right clicks in its ogre.
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she's a big girl
dutch people are the tallest in the world
for you
why dont they just make a basketball team out of dutch people then so its not 90% black?
Purge 4 mmr away from 6k.

What's your excuse?
el oh el

why don't more Americans go be sumo fighters in Japan since they're all so fat?
Because Dutch only play Football
because that would be racist , Anon.

I don't play ranked. I calibrated into 2.8k and never went any further than that, secure in the knowledge that I had double the mmr of the average gulag lurker
isnt it better to be a manlet in Soccer?
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I thought they just did kickboxing?
even pros have said this on multiple occasions, not the disband part but only TI matters
Another day, yet more stream issues.

This company is such a fucking joke. Even the fucking Brazilians do better.
I think as long as you are not 210 cm it doesn't matter how tall or small you are in Football, a lot of good Players just happen to be small.
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If we are talking money, than yes obviously TI is a lot better than a Major, but to determine which is the best Team, Majors hold equal worth than TI imo because the same quality of Teams are participating. The Qualifiers are the same for TI and Majors and I don't buy for a second that a pro is not going to give his best at a Major, just because he has minimal chance of placing good at a TI.
>but to determine which is the best Team, Majors hold equal worth than TI
that is objectively wrong though. literally all pros who play in those tourneys agree
no jimmy, no TNC

sorry flips.
So, d2g, which character gets you the horniest?

For me it's shadowfiend, he could probably pin me down against my own will with his strength, shadowrazing me while I struggle to break his choke, my jungler watches from between the trees, scared and aroused, knowing he can't do anything to save me anymore, shadowfiend thrusts one last time, my now cold body crushed between his manly hands, my soul leaves its corpse, only to be forever tortured within nevermore, reliving those last moments of lust and pain forever.

Really gets me going.
>raises creep health to 1400 minimum, 425 speed

>Chen's Holy Persuasion
>raises creep health to 700/800/9001000 minimum, no speed boost

why the fuck is one item better than an entire hero?
what the fuck is this obs doing, gamma up the ass and no sound.
you can google old lan interviews for yourself. hell im pretty sure zai said that during the last major
Ironically majors have made people stop giving g a shit about DotA.
Just quit Dota afer trying to queue for a ranked match on US East for 15 minutes and finding nothing. Am I in Hidden pool?
>fagposting during esports
baka desu senpai
All of Chen's abilities are done better by other heroes/items.
Fuck Lycans w is a better Chen ULT.
Might as well
>>literally all the pros

not sure what that has to do with anything, even though I can agree with that a bit
yep stop being rude asshole in match
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there are currently 10 male heroes playing in this match, how does Valve explain this sort of sexism?
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Um, dotards?
women aren't very heroic
>Chen can have 4 creeps at once
>Chen can teleports all of his creeps back to base or to his hero
>Chen can heal all of his creeps back to full instantly

me on the right
>>same face but different Hair colors
nice creativity
>implying I cant build 4 hotd
>at one point in the near future someone will publish a study based on the usage and balance of female and male heroes in Dota 2
samh deserves a better team
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S4 on LAN.jpg
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is S4 going to be the first 2 time TI winner?
Anime is nothing but cute (sameface) girls doing cute things because that's what the merch buyers want same as dota cosmetics are overblown particle vomit because that's what makes hats good according to hatfags
>og.crocodile done d
>close stream
what happened?
doesnt work anymore anyway
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He'll choke as always, so no
Then, I gues he shouldve tp out and run REALLY REALLY fast on very high speed on base using blyatmail and bloodrage.

He didnt killed AM, tho, so... dumb/10.
>get excited for Secret
>remember its just Poopey + gooks
I miss old Secret
Are dual Forge Spirits out of style or something? Why don't people get that talent?
guys what if we made a hero that was strong at all points of the game and never fell off?
sounds good he should also be ranged and have 10 spells
I can't remember a set that's come out in the last 2 years that hasn't been a gaudy piece of trash
isnt this the idea behind talent trees, and make all heroes useful at all points of the game?
that fat little chinese guy whos name i forgot is so qt
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stellar production quality
Apart of me want serious professional dota tournaments.
>serious professional dota
gotta pick one senpai
I hope this is not the idea behind talents, at least it shouldn't be. The fact that some heroes are strong early game but fall off hard late game and vice versa is an integral part of Dota strategy. If we ever reach the point that every hero is strong at all times in the game, we will have the same pick variety as LoL.
I will never not miss yames
redeye is fucking bland
why is it that uk fags are only relevant in commentating esports?
im really in love with sheever man. i feel like a fucking creep.
draskyl really looks out of place there
dude looks like some on-site weather caster
Invoker is op as fuck right now, perhaps even more powerful than he was before 7.0.
File: sheever is a model.webm (1MB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
sheever is a model.webm
1MB, 1152x648px
Whatever floats your boat man
I need to breed Sheever
File: sheever.gif (2MB, 412x384px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 412x384px
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Skeever posters are the worst
>Implying you're worthy of her
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how do we fix natures profit?
w-would anon hate me if i say +6 treants
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81KB, 472x461px
Blitz has lost weight since this picture delet it
>le ebin multi-bulge obese asian
ecks dee
OwO what's this?
It helps pad out the heavy flaws in certain characters or allow for easier itemisation
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40KB, 599x448px
reminder that your waifu has been E V I A N E D
holy shit this panel is so awkward. they're literally arguing right now, and slacks is just as fake and awkwardly out of his depth as humanly possible
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>chink literally says Ming
my sides
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>supers dating profile

my fucking god
>injuly and super on the same team
>with a pubstar and two underrated players
>stomp chinese scene
>lose visas for boston
>never talked about
i swear this is the most underhyped team.
>american are THIS fucking ignorant
>Buying GF
was...was puppey talking to someone just now? where?
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647KB, 2696x2232px
>a literal mouth fedora
great competitive scene dotards
erm new bread when?
>large swedish woman tracks down smallest chinamen in shanghai past wednesday
Sheever is dutch. I understand if you don't know what that means though your american education system has failed you.
it's all eu, who gives a shit
new dead you retards
Honestly, I hate having centaur on my team. Hero does nothing until he gets blink, has no damage mid game, and feeds too much to get aghs late game. No matter how much damage/cc/early game we have, I cannot get centaur to work with me.
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