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/tfg/ - Titanfall General

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King of Swing Edition

>Lore, lewds & more
Discord under Fun Stuff

>/tfg/-created Helpful Videos & Tutorials

>Steam Group
PC: https://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/pc/11942/
Xbox One: http://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/xbox/78/
PS4: http://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/playstation/63/
Searching 'the fast guys' on console will bring it up in game; for pc, you have to join using the link.

Frontier News Network 8/Live Fire Patch Notes (release TBD)

>What's changed in 2?
Cosmetics, class based titans, more pilot abilities, more guns, and a single player campaign.
Bunny hopping was altered so now you need to be crouching when you hit the ground.

Doomed thread:
1st for gunrunner should let you shoot while grappling
Doomed: >>168832525
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First for slamming my floppy disk into the complex quantum computer system that is Ashs' robo vag
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Right, wanted to post this in a fresh thread to get your opinions.

How does a "Titanfall Movie" video on YouTube sound? A 12 part thing, with each mission being an episode, so it's more like a season of a show. Very in character/showcase-y movement.

It would be framed as the viewer being a militia pencil pusher tasked with viewing Cooper's helmet footage to verify his testimony of what happened (first from his grunt helmet, then with Lastimosa's pilot helmet, also recorded video from BT's screens). There would be a glitchy distortion to splice any combat sections, as if the helmet had been damaged, to keep the videos shorter and the story moving.

Any suggestions about it?
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>You will never be tied to a chair by Grapple-chan and leered at while she has her way with you
I dont think you should think that hard into it. Sounds like you might have some cringe material on your hands. Just keep it succinct. abridge combat, get the story beats. None of this edited in extra story with viewing coops footage
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In other words, you want to make Freeman's Mind, Titanfall Edition? I can dig it, especially if you make it in-character like that.
Well, no commentary. I don't want >>169015391
Fine idea. Absolutely no voice acting from you. I don't care how nice your voice is; it'd be cringy as shit to hear it in this context. Text only, and then of course the game's v/o is fine.
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First for Spyglass turning this shitty kewl rebelz vs bureaucrats shitfest into a dystopian grimdark survival horror AI apocalypse as Titans descend on the Core Worlds in the thousands to reap bloody vengeance on their enslavers.
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Fuck no, I'd like to clarify since I don't think I was clear enough.

NO VOICE OR COMMENTARY, it's just the kind of thing you'd see in a rehearsed "gameplay" from E3. Any stuff setting up the audience's viewpoint is just a quick minute long shot of an email between coworkers and clicking on the file or something to establish that it's helmet footage.

So it's just in game footage.
Maybe an occasional chatlog between two co-workers also reviewing the footage during a bit of downtime.
That's not a bad idea. See, this is why I go to you fasties. Feel free to brainstorm.
okay good, that's what i was envisioning

Better than shots of emails would be the text clickety-clacking across the screen, as if the reviewer were typing out

and so on
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Nice. Do you mean like a BIOS kind of screen or some sort of formal report like a Word doc?
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Just do this like it's playing back pilot recordings/memories.
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>Execute a Tone
>Teabag his corpse
>Laser shot him from across the map 1 second later
>He ragequits

God I fucking hate bad players and the crutches they walk around on.
BIOS. Like the opening shot of Alien.

In fact, rip the clickety clack sound effects from that because the background is silent, as I recall

If there is like a background hum, use the "remove backgroud noise" tool in Audacity to get rid of it. You just take a clip of the background noise itself, so it knows what to remove, then select the region to remove it from.
What regions does xb1 tfg like to play on? Iv never been matched up with any wild tfg.
(however those clickety clacks are really heavy duty IBM mechanical keyboard, so use your best judgment if you feel they don't really fit.)

A much easier and simpler way to do it is to screencapture yourself typing it out, and have your phone's mic just recording your hands as you type.
Yeah. I've not too much experience past simple effects and editing, but it seems simple enough.

>implying I won't rip some stock sound effect from the web instead
>implying I have a good mic
I'm still just a joe schmuck amateur, friend.
>screencapture yourself typing it out, and have your phone's mic just recording your hands as you type
Yeah, that's good. I know some de-noising effects for background sound.
Okay so yeah, use shadowplay to record yourself typing it out (pick a good monospace font), and have your phone's mic recording the sounds of your fingers typing it out so it syncs up.
nice. friend shigerudigeru on origin and message me if you want any editing help; I learned a fuckton (specifically about my totally legitimate copy of Vegas Pro 12) when making the grap video.
>laser shot
>complains about crutches
Might take you up on that, thanks.
Ion is perfect in every way and there is literally nothing you'll ever be able to say to make me think otherwise.

>that feel when BRRRRRTchingRRRRTchingRRRRTching

Legion is love, Legion is life.
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why is tone better?
Music time lads, post at least one fast track

>grapple-chan into bondage/femdom
I approve of this wholeheartedly.
Ion is probably the only titan that can effectively counter tone thanks to vortex shield.
Ion counters Tone , hurling back a rocket barrage with destroy particle wall opening you up for laser shots and restoring energy with crits. You only need a bit of energy to catch all the rockets and toss them back, just be ready every 3 times you get hit with 40mm.
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Here's an all time classic

Is there a vid or something out there that explains the crouching shit for keeping momentum?

I keep trying it but I don't really think i'm getting it
A) The grapple should be furthur out, and you shouldnt manually disconnect it
B) Youre on the ground too long, gotta hop as soon as you touch
You notice when you crouch, you still go fast before slowing down? You need to do that for every time you jump.

You do alright for the first jump but then you seem to have trouble continuing the streak. Just keep going in a straight line, pressing crouch at any point in the air, then jumping as soon as you touch the ground.

There's a lot of room for error, since it takes a little time to slow down when sliding and you can crouch at any point in the air. Just keep it basic and don't try any grapple/turning stuff until you get it down.


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You also can't be hitting a direction when you hit the ground. You have to think of it more as skipping.

London or Belgium, depending on which has the lowest ping

I've matched a wild [TFG] once
800% fast
yes you can, just don't be holding FWD
Euro servers are shit

We seem to have a pretty even spread between west, central and East
You can hold either left or right movement keys, but must be turning your mouse in the same movement. This is strafing, and is harder to do. Learning how to go in a straight line first is definitely the best bet for this guy.
Some way to add this to the Spotify playlist?
fukcing nice.
just about to hit G6 and feel burned out. I stopped playing for a few days to write a paper and when I returned i was playing like shit.

i also felt that of the 500 people playing on PC, 3/4s were running phase/devotion.

should I give it a break and come back after the update? idk what to do bros.
does anyone else consistently have ping problems in game? there are always spikes to 100-200ms for seemingly no reason
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To the people in the old thread saying the RE-45 is a bad weapon, it is only bad if you hipfire it or try to use it to compliment another full auto weapon.
You shouldn't rely on it for kills if you are already carrying an SMG or assault rifle, but if you're using something like the EPG, Cold War or Softball it's actually an ideal weapon, as if you have one of those unlucky times where your shot barely misses and the enemy has like 10% hp you can just whip out the RE-45 and finish them off incredibly quickly.

It does not suplement your main weapon nor does it extend your range like the Wingmans would, but then again if you're using something like the EPG or the Cold War you're not going to be doing lots of super long range fighting anyway.

I personally use it with speedloader and extra ammo. I used to use gunrunner but imo it's not good enough, just slide when you need to shoot on the move and you're golden.

EPG & RE-45 partners in crime
If you're burned out, take a break. The population will come back to check out the new mode and UI, and they'll stay when they realize Tone and Devotion both got nerfed. The patch shouldn't be too far out.
>EPG & RE-45 partners in crime
Not while the mozambique and wingman elite exist. I'd even prefer the 2016 to the re45 though.
The Wingman is cool but you risk too much using it, since a splash from the EPG or Cold War will usually leave at people with 10-20% hp you're overkilling with either of those, with the RE45 you can spray and finish people off very easily.

The only one I'd use over the RE is the Mozambique, the other ones I don't like as much. And I have them all at gen 5 at least.
They serve different purposes. Mozambique and 2016 excel in finishing off targets or as a backup if you can't risk a reload. Wingman Elite is worthy of mention because its a makeshift sniper, and its range gives you a great amount of flexibility.
What font do you think that is?
I have the Wingman Elite at like gen 9 but I still wouldn't use it all the time alongside the EPG. The few times I missed made me just get sour and choose to use the RE-45 and Mozambique over it when using the EPG/Cold War.

I do absolutely love running the Wingman when I'm using something like the CAR or R97 though.
I'm streaming again if anyone wants to watch me flop around like an epileptic fish
currently me and one other tfg doing mixtape
>shilling a stream
He doesn't even have sound
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Post 'em. I know a couple of you nerds got me beat.
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>tfw I've been using toggle crouch on L-CTRL all this time
>Then when I switch it to Manual Crouch the SPEED happens

That webm is just what I needed. I finally got Latimossa to admit he's a slow.

Gonna go cloak, re45 or 2016 silenced and smr as anti titan tonight, recommend perks and nades for a casual ps4 player. I have all the kits but havent unlocked grav star or satchel.
Arc Grenades, Phase Embark and Silent Running are the only right choices for an Anti Titan loadout.
satchels are also great, depending on that map
why cloak? you can't take batteries with that. you are better off with phase for taking batteries or a-wall for amped SMR
Cloak makes you fully invis to titans I guess. Also why would you use Satchels against titans? Don't they do shit for damage? (never tried them myself)
They stick to titans and do very high damage
Let go of W before you hit the ground
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>Respawn will never update the game with a training mode where you can spawn bots to practice map mobility and momentum

The gauntlet isn't enough goddamn it!
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>tfw you forget it's hard to go lightning fast for others
Good job, anon. Now follow your dreams and hit that #1 spot!

more like

>there will never be another titanfall product because the game bombed because the retarded faggots at EA decided to release alongside CoD XII and Battlefield 1
>trash site twice in a row

nice game
>no sound
well, I had no idea but I fixed it
So the patchnotes says they're fixing some out of bounds in complex and crash-site. Does this mean we can't use the OOB grapple shortcuts anymore?
Am I the only one that likes the map?
use private match beta and start an attrition or bounty hunt match with just yourself
We're not quite certain.
It might just be an obstacle or adding a kill zone up there. Kinda lame because that shit was wicked tactical.
i am waiting nervously. we'll see.

the wallrunning routes are super specific, and you need grapple. once i discovered the grapple oob shortcuts i liked it a lot more, mostly because it's ALWAYS at least one guaranteed kill when you come over one of the cliffsides raining down coldwar or softball hellfire.
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Listen, cooper, did I ever tell you about the fast man's burden? Out in the streets and three-lane structure of the multiplayer maps, you're going to be surrounded by lesser men, or the slow as I like to call them. They're scum, no better than any of the other fatasses here. Back in the race war of 2152, the blacks were the fastest people alive. So we created these suits, these augments, to elevate ourselves above them in speed and capacity. Now we're the fast ones Cooper, and we have to carry the entire slower class if we must. Because we're fast.
Even without the OOB grapple trick I still liked the map.
Every round start I always get an amazing flank and get 5-6 kills, i almost always drop a titan in the first two minutes of the match and proceed to wreck everything.

Most of the people complaining are people who struggle to get a bunch of kills early on, usually dying to A-Wall devotions at the first firefight.

Though maybe I've just been very lucky every time I played the map.
Cloak for invisibility, also gameplan is to only stay on the outskirts silently killing grunts and stalking pilots. Arc grenade sounds good and yeah one satchel can kill a doomed titan and it doesn't give your position away.
I've been playing with phase too much wanted to try something different.
Thanks guys

I'd call it a pretty safe bet that there will be a Titanfall 3. EA shit this game out with absolutely no expectations, purely as a buffer-game to try to hurt CoD's sales. What they got was a critically-beloved multiple GOTY nominee.

Hell, maybe Titanfall 3 will actually get a proper release.
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Damn, northstar looks like *THAT*?!
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>when you die to a slow
>when you get caught reloading and a literal static player with a devotion kills you

Post songlist
ggs stimfriend

go and zap to the extreme
I'll put together a spotify playlist in between matches, this is just my songs shuffling on random
ty desu
>emo music
Yeah you can leave that out tbqh
is it practical to be cloaked, slap two satchels on a titan, then steal its battery and detonate both satchels as you're jumping off, for RIDICULOUS damage?
I haven't tried throwing satchels while cloaked. possible, assuming the titan doesn't know what to do when rodeoed
mcr is top shit my dude

i just want to see how much damage it does

later tonight if someone wants to do a private match with me we can experiment
Not him but probably one bar non crit.
jump straight up to go for the battery/nade combo too


Assault Horizon was shit, but the soundtrack was fucking rad
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it does about one bar of damage depending on the mood of the blast damage; ordnance can't crit
Do more people play TF2 on PS4 than PC? I would think that's the case, if so I'd rather pick it up for PS4. My experience with Titanfall on PC is one of depressing loneliness.
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>playing shooters on console
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Population is lower than on the consoles but relatively stable. Only Attrition and Mixtape queues will pop, but with the upcoming update all of that changes for the better.
>console shootan
pic related. go for the superior platform
>game made by the CoD4 team that perfected console FPS controls
>game has perfect sticky aim assist and stick acceleration tailored for 60fps

Literally the exception to the rule. It's not like I'm asking about the shit-mess that is Overwatch on consoles.
PS4 is deadest of dead
Xbone is max fun
PC max skill
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Rollercoaster eurobeat:
Shatter VGM:
Roller mobster:
Aaand a little classical:
>aim assist
>wanting aim assist
kys your self
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i respect his decision
This game is basically unplayable without aim assist on consoles.
play to win, nigga, it's LTS

I respect that you're a faggot.
>exploit to win when you're too shit to play fair
I wouldn't expect a PCfat to understand joystick aiming philosophy, or comfy couch gaming for that matter.

PS4 has about 3-4x more players than PC. XB1 might have the same, or slightly higher idk.

Unfortunate PC players tend to shit up the thread when new players learn the truth - it's sad, but just the facts.

Origin doomed PC from out of the gate.
Almost as if the platform isn't suited to the genre or something...

What the hell does "joystick aiming philosophy" mean why does it make me laugh about as much as the equally nonsensical phrase "gender politics"?
Get it for PS4. Titanfall 2 PC is already dying and in a few months it's going to be a tiny population of cheaters.
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>TFW you manage to kill an ejecting pilot with scorch's thermite launcher
>literally playing the titan the way it was intended
Yeah there's a bug with vortex and hitscan weapons, but what are you going to do? Just not use the fucking vortex shield against legion? Thats an express train to dedtown.

Nice meme
that satisfaction can't be beat. i'm a little bit miffed about the arc display that live fire will add, since it'll just make it easier for dummies, but the satisfaction of sending a projectile the size of a port-a-potty into a man at 95 MPH will remain the same.
>Just not use the fucking vortex shield against legion?
Just aim it somewhere else, not his feet. You know you're relying on bugs to win and still try to defend yourself?
Is it that you're just too shit at the game so you would lose if you played without resorting to shit like that?
I had a hunch this was the case, thanks for confirming.
>n-no, the game forces you to use the exploit, I had n-no choice
You were that kid who turned off the console when you were about to lose, weren't you?
He had the shield up. Aiming anywhere BUT his feet would result in no damage. People will still be aiming at Legion's feet after the next patch even with the bug gone in order to get around gun shield. Learn your shit.

Make no mistake, PC is the superior platform unless you value convenience and couch gaming. EA just irreversibly fucked PC TF2 from day 1, and so far it doesn't look like it's going to recover.

XB1 MIGHT have slightly more players, I have no idea (primetime is usually 11-12k). But on PS4 I have no trouble getting any game mode at any time.
Sure, but you could have just blasted right trough the shield since it block pretty much nothing.
I know that the legion player is partly at fault here because he kept shooting at the shield but still, fuck you
that math can't be right
a battery steal, PLUS two satchels?
that's gotta be two bars at least
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after that round, our team went 5 northstars for meme value and still won 3-0 with me at top frag and top damage. i can assure you, i would have been fine just laser shotting him to death anyway because laser shot is overpowered as hell.
(i didn't have any reason to save anything after that clip so you're just going to have to believe me)

piloting ion against a legion and NOT doing maximum damage is being an idiot; it's on the legion for putting the bullets into my shield in the first place.

sorry, i mean one satchel will do about one bar of damage.
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>I had two choices!
>either make my attack deal no damage as intended, or exploit a bug to win!
No honor whatsoever
do you complain about people throwing you off cliffs in for honor too
Dude what, you can damage legions by aiming at their feet to bypass the shield with ANY titan, not just Ion and her vortex shield.
>no damage as intended
Thats wrong though. Aiming at the feet with gun shield up would still do damage without the bug. So thats literally playing as intended, despite the fact that the extra splash damage makes it broken as fuck.
See? You KNOW you could have fought fair and square and still won, yet you resorted to cheap tactics and recorded yourself doing so for a few lols from fellow "le epin haxx trolls xD"

Fuck you and everything you stand for.
I hope you get blacklisted you shitstain
The ricochet is an intentional mechanic though, the numbers are just fucked up.
It's not like he's doing some arcane bullshit to shoot straight through the shield.
i saved it because the ragequit was funny, and making F3's mad fuels me
i'm not even certain what you're getting at anyway after acknowledging that the exploit wouldn't have made a difference; i might have taken an extra 1000 damage or something while putting the necessary two laser shots out
I've been both the legion and ion in that situation. You really can't blame either party. The ion would be foolish not to use his shield against a legion and the legion is just hard countered. It sucks, but don't blame the player. Blame consoles and respawn for not letting PC players get daily patches.
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Any tips for better framerate? I'm using a 1060 6GB with i5 4670k and 16GB RAM, and I get noticeable framedrops during heavier moments.
Lower settings
Lower the graphics? I play the game at a mix of low-medium and get a pretty solid 144fps on a 380X and an i5 3570k

Make sure to turn off Vsync and all.
don't use insane texture setting, it is poorly optimized and not worth the visual gain
raise the process priority to above normal; high will give you weird occasional sluggish mouse movement
yeah just tested it

not only does throwing satchels not decloak you, a combination 2-satchel battery steal does THREE BARS of damage
No, because that's an intended feature, like ring-outs in Soul Calibur
It's frustrating, sure, but the game is designed around that being a possible way to win
Cheap =/= bugged
Sorry, misread the post. Don't know what the fuck I was seeing
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>I had no choice! It was either cheat or lose!
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oh, if that was a question, throwables will never disable cloak when thrown.

for what it's worth, vortex shield doing big splash damage is entirely "intended" and i find it really funny that they're calling it a bug in the patch notes. all game code is working as intended and the idea is clearly to make it easier for it to hit multiple targets (as if the shotgunBlast() function weren't enough), they just did not even bother to stop and consider "maybe we shouldn't make it possible for a shotgun that fires up to 32 rounds to do 600 blast damage from each one".

i never said i had no choice or anything like that
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Forgot to say "Post Scorch"

>Enhanced Auto Titan Chip

I don't even have to be in my titan to get tons of points

this is great, scorch is a fucking legend
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now that I hit G20 with him today, i'm making a montage of most of my recorded flame core kills
wut music should I put over it all?
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this is just animal cruelty
it's beautiful
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this is how the game started, it was awesome.
what determines how much damage you take from a nearby exploding/ejecting titan? Sometimes those cheeky bastards eject and my punch doesn't hit and I wind up losing a bar of health for nothing
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I think it's strictly proximity
You know you didn't have to be a racist piece of fucking shit, right?
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Second one was raw too.
The pic is literally named after "The White Mans Burden"
>Babys first day of 4chan
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Can't have scorch posting without roasted goose.
who the fuck invited this RDDT?

that corner is a fun bottleneck
I hope he reported you.
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From v-day weekend when all the fasts were away fucking each other's GFs quickly.

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for whatever reason this is defined in some base titan scripts instead of in damagedefs.txt with the other miscellaneous damage sources (nuke eject, crushing, ticks, etc.) which made it a bit of a pain in the ass to find, but here you go
>1800 damage to Titans within 2 meters
>scales down to 0 damage from 2 meters to 6 meters

Cooked Goose is one of the top 10 satisfying things.
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spider a best.gif
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me rikey
almost forgot to note but given the lack of a frequency/timer for the explosion, the damage seems to be applied once immediately on detonation instead of repeatedly over time like with nuke eject
sorry I bailed so soon Azure

i had to get a steak knife to open my wine
Thanks, that's super helpful. For comparison, do you know how far melee reaches?
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blessed strike.webm
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>chill montage
Burning For You - Blue Oyster Cult
>cool guy tryhard montage
Fuel - Metallica
>meme montage
Through the Fire and Flames - Dragonforce


I still need this .webm'ed. I don't have a PC, only a tablet and I can't get a decent converter. :^)


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Napalm Sticks to Kids
>Devotion and MGL
If you gunna be here at least try and hide your crutches
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titan punches have a reach of 5 meters, ronin has a reach of 6.2 meters. pilot melee has a damage reach of .76 meters but a lunge range of 2.5 meters.

trivia: a punch's reach is about double a titan's arm length. this angers the datafag.
additional trivia: i have had ronin's melee damage listed as 625 on the table for months when it's actually 800, i was looking at the singleplayer damage. what a blunder.

what kind of tablet you got? any windows tablet can run webm software
That's the volt, dumbass.
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nut buster clipl.webm
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Here's a try at it, I'm not the guy who said incoming though.

here's your zero effort webm, interscepter
Feels holy man
Is the patch live yet?
nope, no date either
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nut buster clip 2.webm
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Didn't think I could to 1080 under 3 so here.

I'm gonna try and improve this, gimmie a few
shit these are hard choices
idk i'll make multiple versions and post them all
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Post from Jay on Reddit about the Hemlock, as of 3 hours ago.

>Hey all, due to feedback we are going to get in a balance pass for the Hemlock that we're working to have in for the Live Fire Update. Once it's in we'll add to Patch Notes.

>>Overall damage adjusted so you can't one shot burst to the body and get a kill.
>>Reduced damage from range for non-Amped and Amped versions.

>We are also looking at A-Wall but any changes for that will most likely need to be done with the next patch. We'll be watching feedback on both of these.

Sabaton - We Burn

>cunty guy with G2+Phase Shift trying his very hardest to beat my Double Take+RE45 A-Wall
>headshot him three times while he's trying to spam his cancer stick at me
>without even using the A-Wall
>I drop Ion, he drops Scorch
>Beat him handily as he fails to lure me into his traps
>starts spamming MGL and Phase Shifting every 10 seconds
>I stay alive and kill him and his teammates for a while
>Suddenly a Tone drops next to me
>It's his
>Laser Core him as he jumps in and execute him
>laser shot him out of the air as is standard
>he quits

I would've thought nothing of it if he hadn't switched to Tone just to try and beat me.
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>We are also looking at A-Wall but any changes for that will most likely need to be done with the next patch. We'll be watching feedback on both of these.
given that this would involve actual bug fixing, i can understand that
a good addition

>just wanted to meme at 8k
>limit is 2k
I tried

it was only 2 seconds long anyway
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PCpilots should be read for some fast friends come happy hour
and don't invite early this time, you fucks. I don't mind if there are stacks other than mine, but at least wait
Console plebs rejoicing, pc players unaffected
>a wall
post discarded
They should just remove assault rifles entirely but it's good they're at least starting with the nerfs. Now make the R-201 and G2 not perfectly accurate cross map and we're getting somewhere
This. If you're doing a scorch montage this is perfect.
hemlock is barely worth using now on PC, this will crash it to worse than the volt. the problem was the console aim assist, not the lethality.


>perfectly accurate
what are you smoking

Zero effort is the best kind. <3
Funnily enough, all the discussion in the Hemlock thread raised the point that the R-97 was overbuffed.
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I decided to make it longer to match fully with napalm sticks to kids, and i'll adapt it to other songs
this might take a little bit
yeah, i've been getting them too, it's fucking absurd
The Hemlock, regardless of platform, can one-tap you at all ranges (with ADS). It's just not as prevalent on PC because PC doesn't have aim assist to facilitate the one-hitter shitter.
i don't think you've used the hemlok, then. as long as you have above-retarded aim, that one trigger pull kill (the fastest you can kill without a one-hit-kill weapon aside from the SMR) is stupid easy to land.

that's probably correct, there was really no need to buff it from where it was already
the hemlock always has some weird kick for me and I only ever land 1-2 shots per burst on target
or maybe you just have to stand still to shoot it, not happening

This one is the best I feel. It captures the nutbust. I thought the phase through Scorch into seeing 4 fucking Titans outta nowhere was pretty good though, but i'll sacrifice leadup for quality.

Thanks guys.

I have an Android tablet by the way, a Google Nexus 7 to be precise. If you know of a decent .mp4-.webm converter then i'll listen.
it's a little tougher to use in midair because the sights drift off-center a lot and there's a noticeable bump in recoil, yeah. it's definitely best suited to going slow.
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So all three "problem children" of the game - Tone, Devotion, Hemlock - are officially getting nerfed, with a promise to address A-Wall in the Colony patch in March.

What's left?
And without aim assist on it the slows have a hard time tagging the fasts. So a nerf won't really affect pc players due to it barely ever seeing play in the first place.

I actually like the Hemlok. Titanfall 1 Starburst Hemlok was fun as hell, 2's is slightly underwhelming
Hopefully porting more of the good maps from tf1.
ion; the vortex shield fix is a nice start, but laser shot is still stupid. i also don't really feel like the salvo core nerf is going to do much against tone since it won't change how massive and easily maximized her DPS output will still be.
>About to gun someone down
>Screen starts stuttering
>I freeze in the air, time stops to move
>Get killed before i can react, next frame i already respawned
>Check ping while frozen
>Rest of the game plays out like normal

What the fuck was that
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>tfw I'm not a part of that spicy gangbang
It's a Core. Of course it's going to do bonkers damage.
I've been getting Lagswitched on xbox these last few days
I go from 30 to 4000 ping only while angaging this one dude?
not laser core. laser shot.
laser core is fine. it does big damage over a long ass time and it's generally really easy to just go crouch in a corner from. i don't know why but there definitely are a lot of people who complain about it for some reason.

You MF. Stealing my phrases for the filename! :^)
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Laser shot is fine because it takes 500 out of her 1000 energy. If you blow it twice in a row you have no energy for vortex or mines or even alt fire. It has to be good to offset dumping half of your energy. Also, I'm cautiously optimistic. If they bring a full salvo down in line with, or a little above, the damage from laser or flame core like it should be than everything will be good.

Its still going to do a lot, hopefully. Just not the absurd amount it does now.
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I'm talking about Salvo Core, you ding-dong.
It's ok anon you have the memories of fun times with /tfg/. That counts for something right?
I run her with Overcore, Grand Cannon and battery. Surprising people with a fuckhuge amount of DPS via Doom Ray very early into the match will net you a Titan kill usually, and then on it's zapping fools with Laser Shot till you've got it again. Starting at 30% after your first Laser feels so good.
you can recover that 500 energy in 2.6 seconds with entangled energy or all of it instantly by disembarking and reembarking (a bug that is odd to see unaddressed in live fire). even with that supposed downside, it's still capable of more instantaneous damage that every other non-core weapon in the game while being an off-hand weapon.
and that's even mentioning its guaranteed pilot kill zone.

oh, okay. why, i never said anything about its damage. i'm referring to the damage output of tracker rockets.
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>than every other non-core weapon*
>that's not even mentioning*
don't drink and mod, kids
That bug needs fixed, yeah. Phase Embark and proper use of corners can make ion ridiculously broken levels of good.

>tracker rockets

>i also don't really feel like the salvo core nerf is going to do much against tone

Thats what the other anon was talking about
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Pilot, I
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i'm not sure if i'm understanding you right but both of those are me; i was meaning that even with salvo core nerfed, tone will still have a very high and very fast damage output with tracker rockets.
>Double Take now at G6

What a fun rifle for punishing slows and getting Firstfall 100% of the time.
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I think if Laser Shot were to ever get touched, it wouldn't be more than a slap-on-the-wrist nerf.
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>Jump on PS4
>Two tfg networks

So which one is the real one? The one with more people?
What is reading OP?
The official /tfg/ networks are in the OP.
PC will be fine as long as they're sensible enough to space out and properly plan and execute the free weekends and updates (by extension I suppose that applies to consoles as well). A month ago I wouldn't have stated that due to their shitty lack of progress and pathetic """roadmap""", but I was surprised at some of the stuff they put in the new patch, so we'll see. It's hampered by Origin and EA in general for sure though.

Also the price has been dropping really fast, it commonly goes on sale for $30 now on all platforms. That's a decent amount for any pleb to get it, so it'll be okay.

Godspeed lad
It's official, Hemlock BTFO.

Thank's respawn!

Also, reddit fags collectively losing their shit their crutch weapon is getting nerfed.

oi i am laffin
Yes, yes the Titan waifus I understand. But where are the husbandoized Titans! Edgy twink Ronin that secretly has a heart of gold and cares for his pilot. thicc body builder Legion!
>not posting the best song of the game

What did he mean by this?
>Wasting precious brain power reading when you could use it to go faster
they're taking away it's ability to one burst kill w/o a single headshot, and pulling it's damage back a little bit at extreme ranges
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i wish they'd gut smg's but they'll never do it. they even buffed the fucking r97 for no reason.
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Scorch compilation is rendering
I think this might take a while
I honestly have never used video editing software before
The first version has 'Napalm Sticks to Kids' overlayed on it
>What's left?

Another Tone Nerf

I swear on me mum you people won't know peace till the Particle Wall gets hit
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>when it's the first drop and you got slows to pop

>when the ronin drops and u get "The sword is yours" succ


cool, cool. What's the ETA?
it's now at 18.5%, was at 1% when I posted that
Being slow in the head is not fast.
How do I git gud with northstar? What do you anons use for kits?
I also have to upload it to jewtube but I have fast internet, it shouldn't be an issue
piercing shot to fuck with ronin and shoot through friendlies; overcore to have smoke at launch
I have a gtx770 and amd fx8350, I've been playing rainbow six siege a bunch and I want a more fast paced and just fun fps game where I can listen to music and shit while wrecking people. Will this game fulfill my desires and will I be able to run it?
Viper Boosters.
Either Nuke Eject or Counter Ready.
>I want a more fast paced and just fun fps game where I can listen to music and shit while wrecking people
this is your game
it's also a source game, a toaster can fucking run it
Is it the fast paced fun fps game I want it to be?

never mind >>169053727 thanks. I'll buy it, it's 4:30 AM over here so it's probably an impulse buy but whatever, it's only 30 euros
You won't regret it, not to mention they're fixing the large majority of balance issues within the month
Piercing shot doesn't do anything special to Ronin does it?

Fully charged shot can't be blocked, apparently.
Counter Ready and Enhanced Payload
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This has been mentioned before, but the game was built on the Source engine. As such you can get really, really low-fi.

If you run into any issues with the graphical quality, or just want a good laugh, check out this gallery for some ini tweaks.

tfw gravity star's visual effects are just enough to cover a cloaked pilot

>This has been mentioned before, but the game was built on the Source engine. As such you can get really, really low-fi.
hasn't got a lot to do with the engine, really, the LOD scaling command that does that isn't even part of vanilla Source. functions like that are in most games, it's just a matter of whether or not there's a way to trigger them.
that works regardless of piercing shot. ronin cant block northstar shots.

Ah, my mistake.
When you're on tech as "old" as Source, that means you can get away with a lot. DotA 2's first engine could get to the point where everyone was just a blur (PA aside).

But to your credit, the devs did mention they wanted TF2 to run at a smooth 60fps minimum at all settings so tweaks like this were expected.
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through the effort of many.webm
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also shout outs to a real ass match of ctf, we need this more often
>real ass match of ctf
CTF can get pretty intense when the teams are evenly skilled.
My first uploads to youtube were actually of a nice match a while back that went on overtime. Got a few nice EPG kills on video too.
Please excuse the music, had to put something to cover my friends voice and I haven't made any videos before so I just slapped on some classical stuff from the youtube library. Also in two parts because I have no clue about editing software.
Not that anyone will probably bother to watch this.
>90% of players rejoicing, 10% of players unaffected
here it is
no bully pls
going to chug through recording and hopefully editing the "advanced" modding tutorial tonight
(i'll probably just call it part 2 since only particles are really complex, it's just stuff i didn't think of doing when i made the first one)

>more crosshair modding (messing with arguments)
>raising FOV beyond 110
>visual effect replacement
>optic modding
>particle editing - colors
>particle editing - behaviors
>futureproofing for patches

don't think i got anything when i asked for the first one but i'll ask again to be sure, are there any suggestions/requests for stuff for me to cover?

>image uploading is broken
sasuga gook moot
Does anyone else sometimes wish that there were massive massive maps exclusively for Titan combat? I like the close quarters fighting, but I also really like the idea of long range tactical fights over miles of space with the comfort of control and power that only Titanfall gives to its stompy robots. The idea of cautiously plinking at targets 4 miles away with a railgun makes my dick hard.
>6 Ion vs 6 Ion laser shotting each other from opposite corners of the map

please no
There would obviously need to be some really precise rebalancing done to facilitate the range; hitscan would have to go, lasers would need to be more expensive, damage would all have to go down.
Not sure about the range part, but I was thinking it would be cool to have a siege game mode.
>One side start with titans
>One side with a walled in city and defensive emplacements
Sort of like the campaign mission.

Torrent MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries
I've been playing Titanfall 1 all evening (PC) and it's been boatloads of fun. If anyone else is interested, give the game a shot again. It plays a lot differently than TF2 so it feels like a whole different game.
laser shot has a range limit so it would suck ass on a really large map

it'd be legion and northstar all day
Running around with the Mastiff and a bunch of Grav Stars is really really fun and kinda good

Using the stars to both kill people at long range as well as bounce around the map makes me feel like some kind of hunter, Grav star gives the Mastiff insane kill potential at range, all you need to do is get them with it.
You off some nuke eject shitter by trapping them in their own explosion yet?
Holy shit not yet, you just gotta land it on their Titan as it's priming the eject I assume? I stuck someone to a roof with it earlier tonight after they ejected but I haven't trapped them in their own nuke before, sounds satisfying.
Basically yeah.

There's always that split second where you see a titan just stop taking damage. When you think they're gonna bail, toss that fucker on the titan's cockpit and laugh.
Rampage by Kavinsky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ew_heGDWUtg
is anyone actually planning on playing livefire or are you just happy to get an update
mostly just want the rebalance, but live fire will probably be fun for the four hours it has people playing it
I just fucking love Scorch. That's all. I have nothing else to say.
same, man

speaking of which, what's the update on >>169052224?


For some reason I can't post images, so Just imagine Chow Yun Fat from a Better Tomorrow giving the Thumbs Up
I bought TF2 on release but moved on in december when a ton of games started releasing. I'm ready to pick it up properly now- how dead is it on PC? Did I waste my money?

You'll be able to find matches for most of the game modes on the first page during prime time, but off-hours you're going to be playing either Attrition or Bounty hunt, and you'll see a lot of the same names around.
Attrition and Mixtape are the most populated game modes on PC. That said, people are holding out hope for the Live Fire patch coming soon. Not only will the new mode and balance changes hope to be a shot in the arm for population, but the new mixtape matchmaking system will put everyone together in a single queue instead of separate queues for every single mode, which should mean more matches for everyone.
All that said, the PC population is small but stable. You should be able to find a game relatively quickly at any given hour.
Sounds good, thanks for the help. I didn't expect any more than a small stable group, looking forward to getting back into it.

Top tier.
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>style on enemy team with the Cold War and demolish them
>second-to-worst player on the enemy team kills me once, teabags me
>message him "lol maybe you shouldn't teabag when you get wrecked so hard"
>"whatever at least I can aim and don't need to use Cold War to compensate for my lack of skill. I use the CAR"
>"so the Cold War is a crutch but hitscan aim assist isn't?"
>"lol what aim assist bro"
>see him on enemy team a couple games later, I switch to Mastiff so he has no excuse
>dunk on him hard, teabag after every single kill, take MVP again, carry team to victory
>message him "awwwww, what happened to your aim bro?"
>"lol whatever at least I'm not a tryhard"
Jesus Christ, it's like these people are in a perpetual state of smug and are physically unable to stop
>it's like these people are in a perpetual state of smug
>said after reapeatedly agitating someone for your ego
whats pic related from? looks like warhammer 40k, but is it a comic or something?
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Fuggin gorgeous
The lyrics to the song fit so perfectly with the mayhem
If you're getting constantly wrecked, you don't deserve to be smug
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>that song
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>dominate some randoms so fucking hard with the L-STAR after neglecting it for ages
>next match our stack is teamed up with them and they're all using it all of a sudden, L-STAR crew rolling out
>memespouting nigger on the enemy team gets triggered due to his team's loss, pipes up, and leaves as soon as he's done typing
>I didn't even intend for this

it was a beautiful lightshow lads
also props to the happy hour stack and our continued domination against slows and streamers

>I want a more fast paced and just fun fps game where I can listen to music and shit while wrecking people

son, you came to the right place
That setup is alright, you'll run it without a hitch. I doubt you're expecting to run it on max settings anyways though. And yes, as an active player of both games Tiddyfall 2 is exactly what you want by the sound of it. It's quite refreshing.
I don't give a shit about Live Fire. I'll probably play it a few times when it pops up on that featured gamemode shit but I'm mainly interested in the upcoming balance tweaks, new mixtape queues, and whatever the fuck they have in store for us for the new commander intros.
"pilots going what they please"
oh man this is good
So, do we post stats when we REACH G10, or when we finish it?
Which streamers? I know someone in my stack was happy to get the chance to stomp someone's shit on-stream but I don't know any to warrant that kind of satisfaction.
Have you tried playing Northstars-only on Homestead? It's a lot of fun
I've been matched vs FrostyWomen a couple of times.

You need to take that shit off unlisted. It's Golden
In some of the matches we were in we faced off against that ethereal guy. I don't even know if he's that popular but I've heard him mentioned here a few times. In any case it was pretty fun going against them considering that our happy hour stack wasn't even using communication compared to them, just pure hivemind. Twitch has that prerecorded clip bullshit once the streamer is done, right? We're probably somewhere in there.
If you hold W at all it will negate your speed.
TitDrop2 runs on Source Engine so this should be common fucking knowledge since this shit is over 12 years old.
three out of the 4 people I regularly play with have these issues

this famalam

I actually think having it a featured playlist will do better for it. That way, it will generate more interest when it is up.

But either way, I already have LTS for my round based elimination mode.
has this actually happened to people or is this fake

Not him, but I use autosprint. Does that effect it at all?
I've seen similar things from multiple people, even going back to the first week after release.
Pretty sure it's not fake.
I would guess no. But autosprint will likely make it significantly more difficult to time and/or stop your jump.
Honestly just use regular sprint like a normal person and you'll be golden
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>Smart Alternator
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>MGL and PB
>>My nigga RONIN
Approved. Everything.
only seen a handful of cheaters, not sure if ive met one myself but they do exist.

It's a non-canon comic but yeah it's Warhammer. God forbid GW ever gives us a glimpse of the Dark Age of Technology or the Men of Iron.
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thats pretty cool
Nah bro, he's just really good. You just need to practice.
Wow dude, you're bad. Very bad.
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yep. I just checked it on a whim and evidently he called me the only decent one out of our group. But the members of our group have just been playing for fun...

Also AJ if you're here check this out. You made them all upset!
>tfw nervous now
I haven't seen that font used since middle school

Nice plays, too
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>tfw you go really fucking fast
neat, thanks
hopefully this week. they said february, so time is running out. worst case scenario i see is that they dont drop the livefire gamemode, but release the balance patch and new mixtape.
but i seriously doubt theyd push it back beyond february
>worst case scenario
Allow me to posit a worse-case scenario: balance and mixtape changes delayed, live fire released on time.
i dont see how they would be unable to push out a balance patch but still have live fire ready? the balance patch is the smaller of the workloads and its livefire thats giving them issues if their recent comments are anything to go by.
anyway its probably going to happen like jay or whoever said. releasing livefire(this month) as a whatever mode, not permanently in the game mode selection, for a while until they see players reactions.
Don't know if I understand it correctly, but if patches have to go through some cert shit on consoles how could they change the patch in the middle of the cert process?
what mods?
I just can seem to get the damn thing to work
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>I got his stream chat upset
>I wasn't even using my best load out and I still topscored and made him made enough to come after me personally
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>Score 200 points

Really love this whole "you score high quite often so here's teammates we found escaped from a circus" matchmaking this game has
I've never had it kill in one burst without getting all 3 headshots
wtf is my Hemlock defective?

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>only 1873 players online
They keep fucking changing the patch. Jay announced the Hemlock nerf just last night.
which platform
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wow, I've seen 4000 players on 1am est ps4. 1000-ish for attrition, 150-300 for the other playlists and always 0 searching for 8v8 mixtape.
Do people play 8v8 on your platforms anons? I miss my big team battles.
I mostly hate PUGs getting intimidated by premade groups.
That discord redditor is full of shit. I recognize his name from matches we've played and he's just buttmad that he came across our stack when we ended up getting matched against him and presumably some of his friends for six consecutive games straight, where we proceeded to stomp their shitty asses. They're not good, just shit. On the other hand I've played with a bunch of /tfg/ memers and we ended up cleaning house with absolutely zero coordination or VOIP involved where we each kind of just do our own thing independently and occasionally regroup for team battles when we have our Titans.

I certainly wish I was there. I don't give a shit about streamers but I'll happily go against their retarded fans if they're egging him on to switch to a CAR or some shit just because you're bullying him on-stream.
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How in the hell do you get sub30 gauntlets? I can barely get sub1.
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Where'd your pixels go?
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Oh here

Still not even close to sub30. Damn it.
Hop off walls, dont linger on walls, popping off a wall is the fastest motion. Bhop, use arc grenades on packs of dudes. Shotgun
>popping off a wall is the fastest motion
>use arc grenades on packs of dudes
Well shit those are solid tips. I'll try again later and see if I can do it. Cheers.
watch a few guides. couple people have gotten sub 20 now, even without nade boosting.
>we ended up cleaning house with absolutely zero coordination
I've noticed that's the case with any /tfg/ stack
It's especially hilarious when we use objectively bad weapons and still push their shit in hard
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>Greetings friends! We’re happy to report that Live Fire will be rolling out on Thursday, February 23. We’re adding two mode-specific Live Fire maps, Featured Playlists, a new execution, an additional Coliseum map, mixtape-style matchmaking, balance patches, and more.

>To help get you started in Live Fire, we’re also pleased to announce a double XP weekend beginning Thursday and extending through Monday (Feb 23-27). Please note that this bonus XP will be granted only for playing in Live Fire mode.
You’ve been extremely patient since we first revealed Live Fire, and we’re enormously appreciative of the tremendous community support around Titanfall 2.
wait for the update man
>Please note that this bonus XP will be granted only for playing in Live Fire mode.
fuckers. glad its finally coming out though. cant wait for the balance stuff to hit
We did it everyone. We won.
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I'm ready.
I know right

This still pretty much applies to our activities
Good shit. Of course, I'm not surprised that they'd grant double XP for Live Fire to help the mode get some much-needed exposure. That said, I'm pretty sure it's going to remain separate from the rest of the mixtape for now.
Update for remote play fix when?

All they need to do is add option to swap l2/r2 with l1/r1. Come on
need some bumps in here
No you dont
yeah, I really dont plan to play it much, no titans is kind of a deal breaker for me, not to mention all the tryhards will run thr r97 in perpetuity so I wont do very good with my softball
But still no discount/ free weekend.
How do they expect to increase their player base?
Ive got friends who I could definitely get to buy it but not at the current price.
isn't it like $25 on amazon?
It's Last Pilot Standing with 60-second rounds in super tight quarters. It's not like PvP.
maybe you wont, but if the maps are tight quarters like the other guy is saying I'll be shrecking people with the EPG
Can't wait for Phase Shift to ruin the mode entirely on its own.
I've been hearing that up and down Reddit, that Phase Shift is a "degenerate" tactical.
I wish people used phase shift more on ps4.
so then I can kill them as soon as they get out of phase with a frag or arc.
if that happens then you can probably expect a nerf to phase shift in the future. i imagine theyd bring it down to 1 charge. i wouldnt mind that.

it should never have been two charges, one charge is more than enough to make the tactical situationally powerful
It's great when the game takes for fucking ever to join the next match in a playlist.
For no apparent reason I couldn't joined the next BH match, while still staying in the playlist, until the first round was over and the team I joined was already some 800$ behind.

NASA just discovered the frontier irl.
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At least we don't have to worry about the IMC in this universe.
You sound like a militia terrorist
The lowest I see is 45 on amazon for xbox
You're a little slow there, Pilot.
Imagine traveling there.
That's quite a long Titanfall
I got the facebook post 10 minutes ago, and didn't see anyone else announcing it
We don't have FTL travel yet.
Good point: instead, we can celebrate their coming.
So is /tfg/ going to main tone when it's complete garbage after tomorrow?
Tone and Devotion will still have a mild stigma about them, but I think at this point, you should be safe playing as them now.
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you fucking bet, at least now that there's no burden of guilt to bear while playing her
>The patch wont fix the inconsistency of cold war's damage
>Or buff it so there's a reason to get direct hits at all

Removal of hitscans when?
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you need to be aiming at surfaces near enemies, not at enemies themselves
I believe more people will drop Ion because of her exploit fix
I doubt it. It was an exploit, yes, but Ion still has never been as prevalent as Tone.
I know. But there's no reason to get direct hits which sucks.
How do I use spitfire effectively?

I want to be a special snowflake and it seems like nobody uses it. And it isn't completely unusable anymore.

The 80 ammo count seems unnecessarily large
tf1 had bad maps?
I use it here and there. ADS is recommended if you need precision fire, as the Spitfire still kicks like a mule, whether in hipfire or extended ADS. That said, the Spitfire provides the longest sustained rate of fire of any other gun, so if you need to absolutely drench an area in suppressive gunfire, the Spitfire is the LMG for you.
Neither do you since you messaged him first.
Anyone know if they are going to change anything to the G2?
I hope they don't.
No word on any changes to the G2. It's just Reddit turning its inevitable ire to a new target, now that the four biggest balance problems since the game's birth - Volt, Devotion, Hemlock, Tone - have been dealt with and the fifth - A-Wall - will be dealt with in the Colony update.
Why would you use an LMG over an assault rifle, and why would you use an assault rifle over an SMG?

In short, just don't use it and use the CAR or the R97 instead.
Because a bunch of other guns, including the Spitfire, were buffed to become strong alternatives. Yes, the SMGs are still really good, but that's no reason to discount any other gun. They can kill you just like any other.
I don't even use the a-wall and I don't think there's anything wrong with it, besides the fact that its better than the useless boost wall
I main the Spitfire and I have since November [/Spoiler]
Never reload unless you have to. Dont be afraid to waste ammo.
Thats pretty much what I got for you.
yeah i don't use it either and it's honestly fine. seeing an a-wall just makes me salivate to flank above/around it and rain some coldwar death from above.
What's your loadout?
I always panic when I see an errant A-Wall, because I always assume there's an enemy nearby ready to use it.
Well I mean, the Spitfire is just not very fun to use.
Why would you ever want 80 bullets in a game where all reloads take 2 seconds at most.

It fills a non existant niche, and isn't a very fun weapon to use to boot.
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Says you. I love the Spitfire's CHAKKA-CHAKKA-CHAKKA as it unloads its box of ammo downrange, and I love being able to kill people in 3-5 shots with it now.
Well I'm a projectile man myself, my idea of a fun weapon is the EPG and the Cold War.
Im rather nontraditional.
Holo is underrated, you just have to remember to use it as much as possible.
If you prefer though, you can take phase or something else; grapple is too mobile and Awall is too immobile.
Spitfire is excellent at killing grunts too.
Watch what you say buddy.
I'm not picky.
I have a lot of fun with it. It can be used for area denial and suppression, due to having so many bullets. I throw a pulse blade and shoot at windows or doors where they're trying to go. Yeah it's difficult to use at range, but most people won't willingly run into gunfire. You can back people down this way. Either letting teammates move up, or forcing the enemy to run away somewhere else.

Crash site is a good map for this technique.
>cold war wont get buffed so there's a reason to get direct hits
>the inconsistences with it's direct hit damage wont be looked at either
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That's why I use the EPG mostly.
Hemlock's getting fixed?
Part of me likes the Cinderella story of how the Spitfire was rescued from the bottom of the shitheap to become a viable gun.
Jay announced on Reddit late last night that the Hemlock is getting balanced in tomorrow's patch. See >>169044989.
I'm glad they didn't nerf the devotion and leave the hemlock. I was concerned that all devotion users would just switch to hemlock.
Well now everyone is just going to use the R-97 or Car.

Or alternator for people with finger skills/macros.

they still will, just not for as long.

flatline will be the next shitter gun, I predict, or r-97 at close range which sucks because they're my fav guns since week 1
I think this was a call by Respawn to lump everything into a single patch. They said they would address the Devotion and Hemlock, so by doing the balance all at once (along with Tone), they fix all the problems at once and engender more goodwill from the fans.
Reddit's now saying the R-97 was "overbuffed."
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I'll shit on them all with the Mastiff regardless
To be fair, the R-97 and Flatline didn't even need buffs in the first place. The spitfire buff was ok.
teach me. im trying to regen this gun and the damage is so inconsistent. a non ads blast point blank(melee range) doesnt seem to kill people. seems i only ever do solid damage is when i ADS and having to ADS while trying to bounce off walls and go fast is not easy for me.
This, I have lots of clips of the pre-buff R97 just shitting on everything. I loved it pre-buff and now it's just obscene.
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I ironically like Prime Scorch
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who doesn't?
You have to treat it like quick scoping. You have to have a kill shot on the hip, but very quickly ADS (you don't need to all the way, just the start of the animation) and it tightens the spread a lot. You don't need a full ADS I can't stress this enough because you can go fast with it, you just need the very start of ADS. Get used to leading your target on the hip and quickly tap aim right as you're shooting, it makes it way more consistent, at least for me.

I run it with Ordinance expert with either Arc Grenades to set up easy kills from above or gravity stars to bounce around and kill people mid range (it collects pellets from quite a range if you ADS).

And yeah you will miss close range if you're aiming at a moving target, gotta lead them just like you would any other situation, once you get over the initial panic hipfire it gets easier.
Anyone with taste.
>Ironically like
Does that mean you actually hate Scorch Prime?
>Can't have killstreak camo

F U C K I N G W H Y ? ? ?
why does everyone always say the mastiff is "inconsistent" ?
its just a small matter of missing your shots.
Me. It looks awkward.
Its clear it wasnt made to be a scorch titan (see art book).
I like the original scorch design better, but I got Ion prime and probably will get ronin and legion prime when they come out in the next update (supposedly)
They could mean it's inconsistent compared to the EVA-8, which is a very binary shotgun: either you're out of range and do no damage, or you're in range and immediately kill whoever you target.
The next Prime Titans won't be until Colony.
Motörhead station on Spotify or any speed metal really.
>either you're out of range and do no damage, or you're in range and immediately kill whoever you target
Mastiff is great for longer ranges than eva tho at the cost of fire rate. Anyways I went into using the mastiff with the idea of possibly being "inconsistent" but have found no such thing.
So I just made a handful of Double Take webms since I had a good game last night. Anyone interested or should I just dump them?
Dump that shit. We're basically spinning our wheels until Live Fire drops tomorrow.
post them you ugly stupid smelly stinky fucko
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>record video in 1080p 60fps
>render video in 1080p 60fps
>upload video to YouTube
>it's 720p 30fps with no other options available

Anyone happen to know a solution?
Your encoding settings are incorrect.
might still just be processing, give it an hour or so. it usually takes like 3 hours until my videos show up in 1440p
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Farewell, current matchingmaking UI. You will forever be remembered as that format that only lets you queue for one playlist at a time and didn't let casuals know that Free For All is a mode that actually exists.

You fuck.
I'll test out both. It's most likely I did something wrong; I've little experience with YouTube. Thanks m8s.
It's execution is fucking styling

Easily one of the best in the game
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time to stay up all night so i can immediately pull and compare the data from the patch, yee haw
what good news to wake up to

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>we will be able to play FFA soon
>You have a dropship all to yourself
>You are the only Pilot in the dropship, apart from those flying the ship
>It's just you and Briggs
i meant that my damage seems almost random sometimes. shot to the face at close range, sometimes itll kill them or leave them with 1 hp, or 50% hp. stuff like that.
thank you for the tips, i will try.
How horrifying
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>new commanders coming in tomorrow
>it's just you and viper
>"I'd say good luck, but we don't need it. Speed is life!"

it's a somewhat fast moving projectile weapon meant to be used in close quarters

if any gun is gonna be affected by lag, it's gonna be the mastiff.
Post your loadout for live fire.
Pic related is what I'll be trying
I imagine whatever works in PvP or CTF works here. Remember, the goal in every round is to either wipe out the enemy team or control the neutral flag at the end of the 60-second round. Even if you're outnumbered, as long as you hold the flag, your team wins the round.
Do you think we'll get G15 in livefire? I want that dark stoic skin and those banners.
I hope Barker's new intro involves throwing up out the dropship when he opens the blast door.
There's no mention of upping the level cap.
no, they're moving the unlock requirements down to 10.49 for all those
If you're the very last person to leave Barker's dropship, you'll notice that he takes one last swig of his flask only to tip it over and realize it's empty. I like that little detail.
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I've been waiting to post this, thanks for the reminder. It's probably nothing special as its on console but I felt ultra lucky in landing this with an unleveled double take.
Tell me what you think fellas.
It should just be him laying there snoring.
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Anyone else here getting a stutter in game ever now and then?

Like, it'll be going fast and stable at 144, then just randomly become a slideshow for about 30 seconds.

I turned everything down, didn't seem to prevent it.
What does that even mean? Also how the hell did that guy get a career in tv acting when he looks like he has downs.
Some anon mentioned the perfect one in a thread a bit back.
>"drunken good luck statement"
>drunkenly falls out of the dropship first as everyone jumps
>if you turn around quick enough you see him hanging on to the edge of the ramp as the dropshift lifts away
Lag switches are getting incredibly popularfor honor but I'm pretty sure tf2 can't be p2p.
>It's probably nothing special as its on console
other way around, sniper rifles have no aim assist at all, so doing that with a thumbstick is pretty noice
As in lag hacking? Like in fucking Halo?

I don't think it's that. It's the game itself, not lag skipping.
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So yeah I bought this game yesterday, (same anon that said he'd buy it at 0430AM in the morning) downloaded it, was gone for a bit then my internet fuckinf dropped, have a connection to the network but not ethernet.
Anyway, I have played about 3-4 hours of the campaing and is it just me or is the campaign pretty good? Restarted the comouter and now I can't login to origin because I have now internet. Whatever, I'm liking it so far though, the time rift level and the whole simulation dome level all reminded me of a mix between portal 2 and halo 3.
"Trust me."
It happened to me once last night. The game just inexplicably shit itself for a few seconds before returning to normal.

A fair number of people will say that had DOOM not released in the same year, Titanfall 2 would've been the strongest contender for best FPS campaign of the year.
I meant the update after the one tomorrow's update, should have specified
And the next major update after tomorrow's Live Fire update is the Colony update in March.
when? in the live fire update?
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>A fair number of people will say that had DOOM not released in the same year, Titanfall 2 would've been the strongest contender for best FPS campaign of the year.
Yep. It absolutely would have been. Even with DOOM, it was a strong contender. But its hard to beat the new DOOM as far as single player goes, its fantastic and the nostalgia of the franchise makes it even better. And dear god that soundtrack.

DOOM's soundtrack is also pretty good to go fast to. Praise be to Mick Gordon.
is anyone on PC getting weird lag? im lagging whenever i die and respawn. not as i die, but after its showing the replay and i press respawn. im not lagging any other time during gameplay except then. its weird
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double take is pretty sweet, might try to make it work in live fire.
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putting together new-old patch notes, apparently code to check if melee is being held for executions was added in the angel city patch? why does respawn seem so intent on making this all as confusing as possible
it's honestly my favorite gun in the game. getting those flick headshots is the best. real close to hitting stoic black on mine
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>TFW you manage to kill a fellow ejector whilst ejecting from own titan
This game is fucking magical.
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Ah thanks, I've been watching webms from other titanfall communities and I haven't seen any double take- double headshots. Now we know the double take has -three- projectiles so I'm waiting on someone uploading a clip of three headshots with one double take shot.
>it's the game itself
but how can you be sure ?
Nice, I'm surprised more people don't learn to use the double take. The weapon design is really good and the gimmick is fairly unique.
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And that's it for now. If I keep getting clips like these I'll probably make a short compilation at some point
The Double Take is basically a shorter-range Kraber, as I understand it.
For a game that has you scootin' and boppin' all over the place I'd think a faster firing kraber a la double take with amped would be way more practical. Is it ohk when amped like here? >>169119227
Double Take is honestly better suited to ranged shooting since it fires what's more or less a disc of a bullet instead of the pea that the Kraber puts out, along with semi-auto fire to make mistakes much more forgiving.
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If we're posting double take webms, here's my derpy accidental no scope again.
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That is filthy.
>haven't played since nioh release
>new update soon
>pilot vs pilot
>another tf1 map
>no new weps or prime titans

I almost wish this game had a season pass, there's just way too few maps and why the fuck would they dedicate an entire update to Pilot vs Pilot, gonna be pissed when this is the only non-cosmetic update we get for the next 2 months.
march is already slated for another update. colony is being ported and you can expect another balance patch. if the game files are to be believed, new prime titans are coming in march as well.
I'm fairly certain they said the next two Prime Titans will be released in the Colony update in March.
To be fair, it's a new gameplay mode, complete with two new maps, as well as a new Coliseum map. This is on top of the new mixtape matchmaking system, which would be an update unto itself.
It makes sense. The previous prime titans were released with angel city right?
So basically the Double Take fires three (only two visible) Kraber-sized and speed projectiles
in a short horizontal spread. Hitting all three with at least one headshot, or two headshots is key to getting 1hko's unamped. A full triple body shot with nothing on the head does 90 damage unamped (each bullet doing 30).
When amped you only need to hit two of the three anywhere for a 1hko (each bullet does 60, the same as a headshot would).

And yeah I find it a bit more useful than the Kraber due to the speed of followup shots if you miss.
Correct. Prime Ion and Scorch launched with Angel City.
>but how can you be sure ?

It's not rubberbanding or positional hang ups, it's literally the game freezing completely, audio and everything.
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>Solid white Holo

A man after my own heart
Hey guys what do you think of the angel city camo pack? I'm thinking of buying it for the neutral tones to help camouflage myself. Should I wait for colony to come out in the hope of a different better looking camo pack?
Am I a fool for thinking if players bought more camos there would be better updates?
>Am I a fool for thinking if players bought more camos there would be better updates?
well you are giving them money, something they need so its certainly not hurting. the camo pack is a pretty great deal since the camos apply to everything.
>They apply to everything

I didn't know that, I thought they were pilot only. BUying tonight, respawn needs dosh.
>apply to everything
yeah I'm getting slightly sick of the wacky coloured camos and this pack really is good value. Thinking of grabbing the banner pack for the funny grandpa with revolver as well. Prime skins and titan custom packs look to be a ripoff. I'm glad I got my digi deluxe tho.
Thanks, time to actually learn amped play instead of dice roll all the time.
Can someone explain to me how Tone is overpowered? I don't understand, it seems fine to me.
>Prime Titans

Scorch's brutality in his new execution is worth the cost of both of them.
>Instagibs Pilots with primary at any range in Semi auto
>Too much health on Shieldwall
>Rocket packs can't be effectively countered by anyone but ion
>Salvo Core deals way more damage than other cores and is a guaranteed kill
Weapons effective at all ranges, does good damage, precise enough to nail pilots and crit spots without issue.
Lockons are piss easy to get and tracker rockets do good reliable damage.
Wall is the only full height cover piece you can shoot while using.
Core does shitloads of damage in a short period of time and can be flown over/around defenses.
But how does that make it overpowered COMPARED to the other Titans?
>how is the titan better at every role than all the other titans considered overpowered?
are you retarted?
>Main gun
COmpared to other titans, it's as accurate as Northstar and deals splash damage

Wallhack mode. Other titans utility shots mostly deal damage, but Tone give a spammable wallhack to their entire team.

>Shield wall
Is basically a passive defense that prevents you from having to worry about enemy titans hitting you, basically extra health. Every other defensive measure is active. Flamewall, vortex shield, phase, gun shield and tether are all in need of being timed well to work right.

>Missile cluster
Reliable, constant damage that builds off of your main canon. Moreover, only scorch and Ioncan reliably do anything about it and even then it's an active defense.

>Salvo Core
Does markedly more damage than any other core, can be paired with your tracking marks and showers an entire area with pure death that you can't really do anything about.

On top of that, Tone can do all of this at any range, no need to close distance. If Tone can see you, she can fuck you up.
It shits damage at any range whereas most other titans are great within a certain range and underwhelming otherwise, you get regular free damage from trackers just for shooting when most other tacticals require some extra investment or thought towards positioning, all other defensive options either disable your weapons (ion/scorch/ronin) or dont cover the whole body (legion), core works at all ranges and around terrain when most cores either fizzle after a certain distance or would be blocked by terrain.

It's got a jack of all trades design, but good enough numbers that it can beat out specialists at their own roles.
Anyone have a link to that 17.2 second gauntlet run? youtube works.
who cares just use what you want, I loved the 40mm cannon from tf1 so I use tone most of the time.
Interesting, for this whole time I thought Tone sucked dick compared to Northstar. Maybe I was right.
>Ion's shoulder laser can instagib pilots, but it's on cooldown after 2 hits and ion's overall damage against titans is average (minus the vortex shield, but that depends on the titan firing at you)
>legion shreds pilots is also good against titans, but you're pretty much stuck in one position all the time (you're just buying time with your shield) and ion's vortex shield is it's hard counter
>scortch can melt titans and pilots in close range, but becomes useless outside of it or if a titan can out DPS it (see legion, tone)
>northstar is good against pilots and is good at range against titans, but you have to lead fully charged shots and it will get rekt if someone pushes into it (tether+cluster missile isn't that effective here)
>ronin is great for killing pilots and good against titans only in close range, but with so little health it feels like it's made out of wet tissue paper (sword block can make you survive the salvo core though, but it will hurt)

The problem with tone in all of this is that it's a jack of all trades and a master of all of them. Unless you're in a fair fight and outplay it, it's just a matter of time until you get killed (as a pilot or titan).
This guy should be in /tfg/.
I can't wait for tomorrow.
I just bought the game and selected a Multiplayer game mode: Capture The Flag.

The game tells me there are 0 people in game at the moment.

Did I buy a dead game?
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been putting this off for ages, but here's a bunch of stuff that already happened and, written in preparation for tomorrow
No. It means there are zero people *queued for that mode* at the moment. Right now, Attrition and Mixtape are the two most popular queues on whatever platform you're playing on. That said, if you're willing to wait until tomorrow, there will be a new mixtape matchmaking UI that will address this issue.
I am willing.
>a bunch of stuff that already happened and might not even be true anymore*
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>ridiculing/parodying something which is commonly seen as racist is now actual racism
Keeping a changelog is important, as it helps you view the progression of things as time goes on.
Have we seen what the new execution looks like yet?
It's in the live fire preview video
Whatever helps justify your autism with wrong information.
i have not played a hitscan weapon in about a month now. i used to use the CAR until i discovered grenadier weapons. is this video really how easy the devotion is for other players? i get killed by it a lot but this video makes it look like almost no effort
Same and yes, i tried using the devotion after using the EPG exclusively for like a month and it's insane how easy and low-effort that weapon is.

It's like you don't even have to try, when the rate of fire is at max the weapon has this massive cone of fire that bullets go to meaning you don't even need fine aim to get kills with it.
did you niggers consider actually FUCKING GETTING GOOD instead of bitching about tone and devotion? they werent even that op

funny this is that ill STILL wreck you faggots
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>Leaving ADS now clears charges

Everyone watch out, we got a real edgy badass over here.
Post stats
Funny how even Respawn agrees with us, but hey i'm sure you know better than EVERYONE here AND Respawn AND a majority of the community.
not to give that guy any credit, but respawn is not at all a reliable source on the balance of the game or anything else about it; they're the ones who put it into this state to begin with, after all
This can't be right, can it? I fucking hate Tone but even that seems like an insane nerf. What if you're not using ADS?
what tactical do you mastiff users use? im using stim in the hope of increasing survivability so i can actually get kills, but moving faster during stim messes up my aim with the ADS quick scope stuff that you gotta do.
is pulse blade a good option? holo pilot? i dont think stim has helped me even once in a gunfight so i really wanna try something else.
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I use it with Phase most of the time because t's OP and lets you reload a few shells. It does work with Pulse Blade alright because you can lead shots on people coming around corners much easier. Grapple gives great mobility so you can get high and drop arc grenades on people for easy killshots.
do you generally use arc nades over gravity star? ive read that gstar and mastiff go well together?
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this worked out well
Depends on how you want to play. Arc nades stun people and make leading your shots much easier since they're so slow. Slowing them with an Arc grenade with a height advantage will give you a lot of easy 1-2 shot kills ADS.

Gravity Star is good with it because the Mastiff has projectiles, so if you catch someone far away with one and fire your shots (ADS so they don't spread) they'll collect in the middle and you'll kill the people. You can kill people on the streets from Angel City rooftops no problem as an example on the range

I run Ordnance Expert regardless because Stars let you bounce around and snipe people (kinda) instead of closing that distance like an EVA-8 would. Arc nades just make it really easy to one shot people and are good if you're being aggressive. The key is the quick ADS which you seem to have down though.
>The key is the quick ADS which you seem to have down though.
oh i dont have it down, i just know i need to do it. im not doing very well, it feels like im using a hemlok with slow projectiles or something.
but thanks for the tips, maybe ill try out arc nades and ordnance expert.
This is only if she uses her "ADS stocks up to three 40mm shots" kit. As mentioned in the last thread, this turns her into Northstar: if she stops ADS, she loses her charge.
who is this spunk trunk
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Thats one of the best uses of that ability Ive seen
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with viper thrusters, its a fairly good defensive ability. same with the core, pic related.
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dont be a dongus. he's doing good work. what have you contributed?
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I'm not saying I have a tear in my eye...
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Shinoa from owari no seraph
Why are white people so fucking racist? Fucking cracker cumskin skinheads.
ah one more question please, i forgot. do you run the faster ADS mod? does that help the quick scoping stuff thats required? i wanted to run extra ammo and faster reload, but if faster ADS mod does help then ill swap one out. probably faster reload.
It's way more useful than you think.
>see 3 titans running towards me
>teammates blocking my path backwards
>watch a legion try to 1v3 and die

>scorch raises his fist with the core audio cue
>activate my own core
>ded scorch

It's the best.
A tiny girl with a scythe and more smug than a fucking college protest.
I don't use it no, honestly I'm not sure if you get as much use as you'd think since you don't need the full ADS (the pellets tighten as soon as the animation starts). I run Tactikill and faster reload on mine for what it's worth since you can get 2-3 back in the shotgun during Phase.
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Yo what the fuck? How do I know if I'm a faggot /tfg/? Everytime I see blisk I want him to fill me up with South African semen. Do I have the gay disease or not?
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>a bunch of dudes with bows & arrows managed to take down an apache in one of the episodes
i cannot believe I wasted my time on that yaoibait garbage
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ive had such great luck bullying tones with sword core lately.
That's pretty lekker pilot
Kak fresh, eh?
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anyone know if arc wave goes through a-wall? i wonder since arc wave has strange properties with most shields, destroying them in one hit.
>fires a disc projectile

what if and bear with me now

what if we made the disc explode on impact? specifically made it explode while gofasting?
the EPG already exists
was attempt to make tribes reference.

was failure
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TF2 already plays like a movie so not interested.

TF1 on the other hand could be done as sort of a war time documentary or a funny movie from various perspectives during a match, each player being character and the camera switching between them when they're about to die or something to not ruin the immersion.
Damn, thought this shit was sped up.
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>be ronin
>about to kill a scorch
>he uses his fire core right when he goes into the doomed state
>take it and then just execute him
>mfw I immediately realized I could've phased shifted behind him before his core hit and could've got the ultimate nothing personal kid
>mfw this is going to haunt me forever that I missed this
What the fuck how do you have Titanfall source code.
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>be Ronin
>about to kill a Tone
>he uses his Salvo core right when he goes into the doomed state
>phase shift past his core
>miss the melee for the execution
>he safely ejects
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Hi /tfg/,

I'm busy tonight but excited for the new patch tomorrow. Hope to see some old faces come back.

I'm happy the community here is small and mostly on topic. There's a good thing going here.

Don't ever stop going fast

Sorry for blog,

I'm pinning you guys for getting me into Eurobeat. Is Initial D worth a watch?

Do not check the for honor general, Sweet Viper its madness.
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>play one game with /tfg/
>they all fuck off immediately after
Anyone up on Xbone?
essentially no new maps coming, right?
except for the one in the shitty live fire mode?
Coliseum too
I forgot about that, thanks.
source engine, easy to extract
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I fucking hate not being good at this game and constantly feeding points to the other team

So practice my man, and get better.
keep at it. Stay near your teammates, watch what they do. Pay attention to what works and what doesn't.

Remember that it's literally a video game.
This. TF2 would be cool, but a much better idea would be to take the gameplay, set piece moments, and dialogue from the first TF1 and make a stronger narrative out of them. Maybe the story can follow a pilot from the training pod to the final mission, and maybe someone could even do some voice acting for him.
I'm tryin, it's just discouraging cuz I'm playing on ps4 and I gotta learn how to get better with a controller on top of learning the game

That's pretty much my MO, although I seem to get paired on teams where my partners are worse than I am. You know something's horribly wrong when I'm on top of the team leaderboard.
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Today a grunt killed an enemy player in Attrition and I heard him say something like "Pilot down! I'm going to tell my missus..."

I'd never heard that line of dialogue before. It sucks that the grunts rarely say anything that immersive like they did in the first game. Now they just kinda shout the same few instructions at each other over and over.
Which folder do I put the two files for the English text with Jap dialogue?
who /L-STAR/ here?
maybe if youd stop trying to corner them they could say something else asshole
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>Double XP only for Live Fire
Well, at least I can look forward to Northstar buffs and maybe actually playing bounty hunt.
When is SMR viable?
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maybe they have special dialogue for killing pilots and titans. has anyone looked in the vpks or whatever game files the dialogue is stored in?
Almost always.
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Fucking update when?!
I don't know why I replied to you with my barely related post but I also use L-STAR
fucking fantastic with Gravity Star
Whenever there is a titan or a Pilot on a solid surface
very good, I love my bolter but I've been getting destroyed by rifles lately
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sounds are in a currently unopenable new archive. most grunt chatter doesn't even have subtitles, so there's nothing relevant in the subtitles file
the only exceptions seem to be lines reused from the campaign; here's a frequently heard line in MP that's reused from the intro of the reaper testing facility in Into the Abyss
Like all grenadiers, Victory from On High.

Strike from above carpet bomb your target. Overkill is the only kill.
This, I want to know as well.
Some random time tomorrow. They are gunna wait until its live on all 3 platforms to announce it.


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>Corner a grunt as a Titan
>He has a breakdown and throws his gun on the ground, hangs his head and drops to his knees

Grunts can also get fucked up by other AI to, pretty sure I saw a Spectere murder one Micheal Myers style with a combat knife earlier.

Initial D is a good anime in of itself. If you like JDM cars its a sure winner.

Watch ProZD's sport anime vine on YT and substitute the word volleyball for cars.

>solid white

Can we just make this a Xbone stack THING? Muh pilots.

Speaking of Xboners, as its Thursday/Friday your friendly British midnight pilot will be on (Interscepter) assuming a storm doesn't knock power out. Are we creating a Live Fire stack? Will I rip into Old Navy customers? Will I blast through G10? Will there be shenanigans!?
>My post with no replies gets reposted.

I'm honored
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CTF needs more love than it gets in this game
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>it's an "itsEthereal using his amped DMR" episode
>You know something's horribly wrong when I'm on top of the team leaderboard.
This is my exact mindset especially when playing with /tfg/. Thankfully next match I restore the natural order by being an anchor for the nexr few games.
with the mixtape patch i'm queuing solely for FFA, CTF, and LTS
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i can already tell so many slows are going to take it off their matchmaking preferences with the new system and this saddens me immensely

this has come up before but i'm not sure why people seem to put the guy on such a pedestal when he seems to be a pretty normal player who's just more willing to combine scummy shit with some wallrunning rather than standing still. must just be a reddit thing.
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Let's go dunk on some slows on the ole Xbone
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While it would probably not be to everyone's taste I would probably do it like picture related. Create multiple characters exchanging comedic dialogue with a few heavier moments (they would probably all die at Demeter anyway). Each would have some characteristic and a signature gun that you could tell them apart by.

Just record a few matches of the Campaign, be it alone or with others. Then edit them together so they're talking between each other, about the mission, the larger scale of things, perhaps lift some dialogue from the grunts and have a few jokes. To keep it flowing you could regularly switch between their perspectives, specifically when they're about to die so that it looks like they all survived the match.
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whats everyones favorite camo(s)? im torn between the blue and yellow warship camos. the yellow checkered one looks nice too but im still 500 kills away from unlocking it.
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>tfw too fast

Stoic Light.

White makes everything look future as fuck.
Will there ever be an entirely new titan introduced into MP?
Checkmate Pink because I have the gay.
Pink Hex and Stoic Overcast
Probably Expedition with different abilities
I just really want that X0-16 titan rifle
Does the update go live at midnight or tomorrow afternoon? I'm not familiar with how Origin works
that's what i'm using on my scorch right now
it goes up whenever respawn remembers to put it up
i think it was in the afternoon for angel city but i don't really remember
Stoic Orange
Zebra light
Checkmate gold
Tri Ocean
Ocean Hex
and Splinter contrast
Neural fire
>When the game crashes after you get with a tfg stack
Why's life pain
>Tri Ocean
this is such a neat camo yet i dont think ive ever seen anyone use it, despite the fact that you can buy it with credits
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Took her for a spin in a PvP Blackwater match expecting to get niggered by DMRs & hitscan in general, left pleasantly surprised. But yes, I have been using the fucking shit out of the L-STAR very recently and it is glorious.

I alternate between Stoic Light, some of the Ocean camos, and Fishsticks. I'm going to unironically pair Stoic Dark with some of my loadouts once it comes out as some Stoic Dark guns look fucking sexy.
If I start using Devotion will tfg look down upon me
Yes, because they'll be going fast while you go slow on the floor like little grunt.
Not as much once the Live Fire patch drops. /tfg/ is very judgmental of those who use unbalanced stuff, and Tone/Devotion/Hemlock/Volt have been an issue for a long while. Volt has already been addressed, and now the other three will get their balance pass (in Tone's case, her second pass).
People will probably meme on you in chat if you're on the same team but I doubt people would give a shit
If you're on the other team though you'll probably get on a lot of people's shitlist

Either way who gives a fuck the patch is coming out tomorrow so go full speed ahead
>i can already tell so many slows are going to take [CTF] off their matchmaking preferences with the new system and this saddens me immensely
For good reason. CTF is the most fast-demanding mode in the game; it assumes you know how to go fast and that you know the best routes to get around the map. If you don't, you will be useless in the mode, since caps can happen lightning quick and the need to catch up to another player necessitates being fast. CTF has the highest minimum bar of entry for competency, and players don't want to deal with that or the pressure involved.
the nerf wasnt even that big to the devotion was it? i forget what the changes were. damage dropoff or something? same with tone. neither of them are nerfed into oblivion right? if so then theyre still gonna be shitty cancer weapons.
Contrary to what you and the rest of Reddit might think, nerfing an overpowered weapon doesn't inherently mean making it trash, it means putting it on the same level as everything else.
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>Added very far damage settings, reducing its damage at distance.
>Added more kick to the first shot to make using single shots more difficult.
>Increased view kick during sustained fire to create a slightly larger spread.
The Devotion can no longer longshot for obscene damage, and the gun has more recoil and kick now, which means no more sniping or laser-accurate sprays. It'll still turn Pilots into potpourri in close/mid range, but it's less reliable and no longer lethal at all ranges.

As for Tone:
>Salvo Core is weaker (though it and Northstar's Flight Core no longer have damage falloff)
>Sonar Pulse has a longer CD
>Smaller 40mm projectile size
>Burst Loader kit: if you exit ADS, you lose your charges (on top of other presentation tweaks)
In short, more than half of Tone's core kit is nerfed to presumably reasonable levels. She can't pick off Pilots or provide map vision like she used to, and Salvo Core is no longer the undisputed strongest core in the game.
devotion on Eden was so bad
down the middle aisle you could just spray roundstart and get kills
Could be. The point I was trying to make was that we don't really know how extensive the changes are yet in spite of what Respawn has said, so if using it now was his intended goal then I guess he should at the very least try it out in its cancerous state before we see what they turn it into.
Oh yeah that's what I meant regarding what Respawn has stated >>169168706

I take their patch notes with a pretty big grain of salt, so we'll have to wait and see
>The one using the devotion was the true villain all along
Also, on a side note
>Scorch's main has a trajectory projection now
My physics background is useless now but we artillery boyz now
Only if you ADS, but yes, Scorch now has a projection line on his thermite launcher. It's the little things in life, man.
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Don't forget the MGL nerfs (longer fuse, reduced projectile speed) and Archer buff (improved tracking).
Who /excitedfornewcommanderintros/ here
I mean it'll be interesting to play a sort of Meteor build, using the Thermite perk to create large bits of area denial at a sort of frequent rate, using the canisters mostly for defense.

See, we have our grippes with Respawn but I like how creative they get with balancing decisions at times
>CTF is the most fast-demanding mode in the game
>Muffled sounds of 5 titans on flag point.
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I am expecting 12 different variations of Blisk saying 'oi' to get my rock hard before a match.

Plus, it sounds like the voice lines and animations will be disconnected, so they'll be randomly paired at the beginnign of each match
>Burst Loader kit: if you exit ADS, you lose your charges (on top of other presentation tweaks)
this is already the case though? or do you mean you lose your lock-ons? currently, if i ADS and load up 3 bullets then leave ADS and ADS again, i have to reload those 3 bullets.
I hope Mama 6-4 says something nice about me.
>currently, if i ADS and load up 3 bullets then leave ADS and ADS again, i have to reload those 3 bullets.
Apparently, not in Tone's current iteration. If you use Burst Loader, use ADS, charge up three shots, then disengage ADS, you will lose those charges and have to build them again. Burst Loader Tone will now function exactly like Northstar's railgun.
>Burst Loader Tone will now function exactly like Northstar's railgun.
i dont understand. thats how it currently is? you ads to charge the 3 bullets, and if you leave ads the 3 bullets are gone. how can they make it anymore like the railgun?
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>Apparently, not in Tone's current iteration.
it is, though. it has always worked this way.
this just seems like the patch notes being sort of nonsense, or at least referring to something else. if it lock-ons being dispelled, that would be really dumb since burst mode is already pretty shit.
yes thank you for posting the webm, better than my words. i dont understand the change theyre making at all.
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Bullshit. My game just automatically opened with no update applied.
he probably recheck the game files. it says "updating" if you re-check/repair your game installation.
Why do you hate me Klagermeister :^(
Softball or SMR guys? I wanna be the Boom.
Softball is more fun.
Sidewinder SMR if you want straight shots and the best Titan buster of the grenadiers.
Softball if you want lob shots from a conventional grenade launcher.
>update tomorrow
>literally stuck at university from 8 in the morning to 9 at night

Go fast for me fucking cocksuckers.
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would it be prudent to restore backup copies of the original vpk files before the update actually hits? incase origin/fairfight detects a changed vpk file while updating or something?

is anyone having trouble posting?
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>update soon

Night Pilots! Speed Dreams!
>I'm in cinema right now
>fucking timezones man
>can't wait for update

Night bro.
UK here, is the update live on Xbone yet?
dont think so. probably wont be till around noon-3pm EST tomorrow im guessing.
Why the fuck do I get executed as Ronin if I'm in sword core and dashing away from a guy? I know it's all about the frames and latency as a big play in it, but I swear to god this is worse than Dark Souls 1 backstabs. I dash away from a gunshield active legion blocking all his shots and then all of sudden
and im being executed

Lately every single person I see will spam the melee button near death and if you're melee'ing them they simply take NO damage and the execution animation won't play, but then as soon as my melee animation finishes im getting fucked on

Literally what the fuck am I doing wrong
Is being a 'F' spamming niggatron the ACTUAL way to play the fucking game??????????
not a concern. as I've explained before, fair fight is a completely server sides stat analyzer that doesn't give a damn what you do to your files (and doesn't know to begin with). origin doesn't bother checking anything beyond "doesn't match up with what it should be" and just rediwnloads the original files.
as long as you have your mod sources, you'll be fine and will just have to do some to work to merge old with new without breaking anything when the patch is live.
don't get doomed?
and if you are dont get close to them?
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>Doom a titan
>Some faggot dashes in and steals the execution
Still doesn't explain why spamming melee seemingly gives you complete i-frames for some reason

sEROiously need to know if spamming the fucking melee button is some hidden meta tactic I never heard of
dont be so slow

Use Evolved control scheme. Seriously.

Turn your sensitivity up

Congratulations, you are now fast on console
alright I just finished the singleplayer on hard and I have 2 questions:

How hard am I going to get bodied in mp

and why is Viper the best bossfight?
Pretty hard probably.

Because speed is life.
Been away from the game for a good month or so. Seems like the Cold War's suddenly the favourite flavour of the shitters to hate all of a sudden? What happened?
You're as prepared as you can be for multilayer really. At least you're used to the low TTK.

I think the setting for the Viper fight made it really epic. Two mechs brawling on top of a fleet of ships flying through a mountain range. Everything about that mission was great.
They refuse to stay off the ground and go fast.
Hard enough. You'll learn how fast it is compared to SP and adjust quicker than you think.
I just checked it, I was watching a recording of that PvP match where they lost against you guys. Their team had like 90% hitscan with 1 Cold War outlier, yours seemed to be majority L-STAR with an EPG and a single guy with a CAR. I also saw that one retard who was spamming "bark bark" whining about the projectiles.

It'll definitely be a bit rough, but stick with it and git gud and you'll find yourself having the time of your life. Also because Viper was mecha as fuck, more so than anything else in the game. Speed is life.
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>want to play other vidya
>just end up back on tf2 anyway
Why the fuck is this game so fucking fun?
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>in a match with randoms
>someone says something along the lines of 'goddamn devotion' not pointing out a specific player
>the one devotion user on the enemy team starts off about how funny it is for a kraber user to complain about cloak/A-wall
>later in the match he starts coming back with 'wow kraber and ronin, what a codbaby' after getting his tone destroyed

I'm not trying to do the whole 'lol burned xDD' bullshit story but it's just strange to think there are people that believe their own bullshit like this over a game.
I actually kinda do this now. I run extra Thermite mod, and like to bombard people from long range. If someone tries to close in, they get the spicy fist.
Learning to lead the target at various ranges comes eventually, and the update should make it easier to get the right range.

>runs at 144fps perfectly
>fun as fuck when people work together
>few small mistakes will cost you an entire match
>makes me fucking triggered if I keep playing after I start getting butthurt

>Battlefield 1
>charging over open ground and getting stuck into CQB is where the game really shines
>makes me question why I'm even playing the game when I die to a sniper for the 5th time and the tank driver is camping far from the objective

>Call of Duty (all kinds)
>Doesn't really do anything special whatsoever.

>Titanfall 2
>makes me fucking triggered if I keep playing after I start getting butthurt
This so much. I've never got so furious to a game before playing Overmeme
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still can't use nose arts on primes
This is confirmed to get fixed with the live fire patch.
I know
It's supposed to be out and origin updated my game today
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>Prime Titans will be allowed nose arts
>Still can't have the awesome killstreak camos because ???????????????
Just picked this up on sale. Never got around to trying TF1.

Anything I should know going in? Any tips for getting gud? Gonna read the link in OP but figured I'd ask as well.
Weird. When I choose "Update game" on origin, it still says that the game is up to date. Looks like the update will be out later today.
Realize that until you become fast you have to prey on slows. Like a baby falcon. Watch and learn from the more impressive specimens, and then when you have the confidence, take to the skies and become the Apex predator

I started playing last week, best advice I can give is the following:

>The singleplayer is really gud and you should play it.


>Use the grappling hook with grenadier/SMG weapons.


After you can use the grapple move on to stim or other tacticals maybe, but grapple is fantastic for getting into the movement system if you've never used it before.
Watch Shigerudigeru's video if you plan on using the grapple hook; "The Art of the Grapple"
Buy Low Profile with credits ASAP
Hitscan weapons are easy mode and for scrubs, projectile weapons are the way to go
Learn which Titans counter each other and switch mid-match accordingly
Cheers anon. I've only played a few games but it felt like I was destroying people playing like a traditional FPS, but getting fucked up by anyone who could get the most out of the weird movement stuff.

I've kind of got the hand of the grapple techniques from the link, but I have no idea what to do with them. Current strategy is zip around like a retard to avoid getting hit but it would be nice to feel like I was actually controlling where I was going.

Just got to get gud I guess

>The singleplayer is really gud and you should play it.

Got to wait for the wife to come home as she wants to watch it. Plan to go through it tonight though.

As for the grapple, I've watched the vid and have been trying to get the hang of it. Right now I'm doing better with stims as it doesn't need as good map knowledge I feel.

Cheers anon, will keep that in mind. Any specific weapons to try?

Only been using hitscans so far. Scrub mode engage.

one of the biggest thing that grapple can be useful for is essentially covering your own fuck ups when moving, getting around 90 degree corners, recovering if you accidentally start walking like a slow, shit like that.
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Fun with Satchels.webm
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cant believe i have to be at work all day while this patch drops
Fucking melee
You just have to get used to it. TF2 is one of the first FPS I've played regularly in years and I've gotten the movement down (still lots of room for imrpovements though).

Most of the maps are structured in a way where you can connect a lot of wall runs. Just buildings or random grates or anything really. The map Eden is one of the funnest in my opinion, the center walkway gives you lots of practice to jump from wall to wall and build speed. It's just somethign you get a feel for but literally every wall can be jumped and run on, you can just do it on as many walls as you see until it's just a part of playing. The game gets really fun when you get the hang of turning corners at full speed on walls with grapple.

Also do the gauntlet. It's just training for fast wallrunning, exactly what you want.
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>I'm gonna Commando you through all these bullets

Never gets old regardless of the game, console, time, situation or circumstances
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>sit down after a long day's work, been thinking about going fast all day
>first match is CTF
>heart pounding after three minutes, eyes wide, adrenaline
>keep fucking up, enemy team absolutely styling on us
>lose 3-0
>close down game, grumpy as shit, mood ruined for the rest of the evening

nothing to be ashamed of if the enemy team was just better than you, straight up
>first game of the day
>half the enemy team is using hemlok to get their fill in before the patch i guess
>completely style on them with EPG and come first in game

God I love this thing.

Hey, sometimes you just have a bad day.

I sometimes just boot up private match and shoot npcs if I'm not at my best in multi.
>update game
>download 468mb
>launching multiplayer crashes to desktop now
I hope Marder notices me.
Play a few throw away games where you're only trying to go fast and have fun. Don't worry about winning or losing. Best case scenario you'll get back to your usual self, worse case scenario you got to go fast like you wanted to at work.
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The grenadier weapons are all fun in their own way
Cold War is /tfg/'s weapon of choice for shaking salt on the slows
L-STAR is decent if you lead your shots
Mastiff is for pros who want to style on losers
Kraber/Double Take is for epic snipe montages, both take considerable skill

Mastiff is my weapon of choice, but everyone else hates it, so I don't know
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Nothing better than styling on slows with objectively inferior weapons
It's like 7am where Respawn is at
Failed cert again
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>Mastiff is for pros who want to style on losers

That statement is correct
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Don't lie to freak us out
We can't let them pin us down! We need to move!
fuck off they can get their lazy asses out of bed early one day
they've been keeping us waiting for 2 fucking months
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We /masseffect/ now?
Page 10 pls
Really? Guess that's pretty good
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