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/fhg/ - For Honor General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 820
Thread images: 177

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>New players:


>Hero guides[2/12]:
Conqueror: http://pastebin.com/d3qQXKGa
Kensei: http://pastebin.com/Mg9HRqjW

Multiple hero video guides: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkiUfT_3_4AnTBKwzZQO7-fDgKDzwPRPr


>Character damage values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>Story mode collectibles:

>Everyone bitches about Warden and Assassin characters
>Tryhard Tournament is dominated by Conquerors and Warlords

Okay, fuck you /fhg/ i'm going to keep maining Warden.
xth for I'm retarded and still don't know who to main
First for law is the best
Anyone know if I can already use the -20% discount (from 100UPoints) code in this game?
Does Orochi have a snake theme?
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Stop playing my character (Sword Saint)
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weebs only ITT
Raider's running throw NEEDS to be fixed, so that the tiniest little slight edge of a wall doesn't interrupt and lead to the opponent not being tossed off ledges.
It has lost me at least 10 duels.
>Over 9000 steel
WHAT should I buy? I'm a Law main
I used it
xth for breeding female knights
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>People camping ladders and bridges in brawl/DM
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No, that's Nobushi.
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>she keeps her mask on
Yes, my dude. Also well written.

Reposting my own fanfic:http://pastebin.com/GpsjJTJQ
man peacekeeper is so cute


Good Raiders don't need ledges.
>not running to the OTHER LADDER
Alright, thanks friend.
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That's stupid. The Orochi is just as much of a snake as Nobushi.
nobushi is snek themed

weirdly kensei gets a orochi themed ornament so uh

Nobushi poisons people.
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Deploy assets against the Samurai.
If you plan on spending steel for DLC characters then get ready to have your steel raped
Aarpian and CAG are both confirmed reddit.

Honestly, I knew you guys were shit at the game. But you're gonna let reddit beat you?
>Playing Mongolord
Did we see a Valkyrie in the tournament?
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You are a raider, legendary.gif
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It's not like I ONLY fight with that attack, but if I rely on it to work it's frustrating when it literally doesn't work.
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>When he's off to breed you
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she's a weeb so of course she is
Can you practice against people in this game without messing up your stats?
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is Peacekeeper tiny or is everyone else just huge?
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You can do custom matches to 1v1 someone in your party, but you don't get xp or steel
>without messing up your stats
nigga just play the fucking game, ranked isn't even available
She's huge in comparison to regular people, but to the rest of the main characters she's the smallest.

Hating somebody doesn't mean you wouldn't rape them.

All sorts of things happen during war and nobody said it had to be consensual. Peacekeeper will have a hidden dagger for that eventuality though.
I'm amazed by how many people don't know Conqueror gets a free GB off blocking half the attacks in the game. Doesn't even need to go for risky parries.
Everyone is huge. Peacekeeper is still as tall or taller than the average soldiers. Everyone in this game is some sort of god of war.
But James Cameron's Dances With Thrones!
where's part 2
i get why they make the random mooks so tiny for gameplay reasons but it looks fucking weird to have all the heroes be like 6' minimum OR everyone else is like 5'6" at best
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Yeah because individuals are just made up of a same person that just hates everyone. There's absolutely no deviation in personality at all.
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remember to spec for full res and sprint speed to get score boards like this
>Nobushi/peacekeeper/orochi running away
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Buff Raider. Stop posting Varg before me.
>tryhard tournament
how do these idiots get picked anyway?
reddit raffle?
Varg is a fag to be honest
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so, that tournament

that was something, huh
Good news, he's working on it as I've been in contact with him since he asked what I liked. It's going to be super fucking raunchy compared to the first part. Listing what's in it would probably get me banned.
>everyone else has to spend 2-3 minutes watching this shit

4v4 honor was a mistake
I'm pretty sure you pay to sign up, and all the money put in for entrances composes the prize pool.
How'd it go?
Tired of Warden who should I gear next

Was thinking of conqueror

Swedes despise syrians aswells and look what happens
Conq gets some sexy ass shields
/ourguy/ was down 2/nothing on the final round for the gold and brought it back with 3 ledge kills in a row.
I stopped watching after 30 minutes of wardens shoulderspamming
How did he even tech that grab? Aren't they untechable after a parry?
warlord and conq unblockable slamming into each other until someone gets cliffed three times in a row

for honor is fun but goddamn it's a really dumb game if people are try harding
I'm done being all honorabru. Whenever I get tempted to play like that I get shafted.
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>tfw you break his body AND his spirit at the same time
sorry bats
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people like you are fuckin gay
? ? ? ? ? ?
How do you do that fast slashing attack with warden on the mouse and keyboard?
>wanting more shifty asian assassins
>it's another 2 bots on your team and at no point does the game even attempt to fill the positions

This is getting ridiculous. Is the matchmaking fucked or the game dead already?
how many entries were there anyway?
Can't imagine the actual competitive scene for this game is very large.
Don't do conq unless you want your toolkit to be useless against good players.
No they don't
And any who do are silenced or face legap repercussionsf or hate crime
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>Assassin (Male)
> One level off Rep 3 Roach.
> Can't wait to just get my purple gear and then stop playing Roach.

I'm so tired of it.
What should I play next? Kensei, Shugoki or Valk in prepartion for how top tier she's going to become
Yes boss
Is the GB untechable?
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/fhg/ inhouse tournament WHEN
>tfw STILL no one wants to rape femconq
highkey thicc sweat emoji eyes emoji
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I'm having a real hard time in 1v1. What is the easiest character to get good with? I'm real bad btw.
Tfw a warden main has never made it into the finals
Valk is severly underrated.
only on heavies
120-something. I only know because the dude running it dropped the number during closing remarks.
It can be teched, yes.
>nearing that sweet rep 3
>don't even like the character anymore

¨how do I get gold quicker?? Should I save gold, or use it to unlock most heroes that I can atm??
Link to tournament?
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I want to rape femconq! :3
eh, valk without damage will still be sub par, doubt she will jump tier spots after buff
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Do the story, spend that steel on unlocking everyone and getting a cute ornament for your favorite character. Then save the rest to buy packs at rep 3+
I was expecting poorly drawn porn
It's over.
at what point did the tourney start? I wanna watch this guy get BTFO
I solved that by going one rep at a time across 3 characters, I just got 2 with shugoki, I have 1 with warlord and conq but I'm enjoying sugoki for now so I'll see where it takes me
How many webms do you have of you spamming the same combo over and over?
Well boi if you just want damage then just fucking pick shokugi or warden.
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you should've kept watching. warden got blown the fuck out, and the rest of the tournament was warlord/conq headbutt/shieldbash spamming.
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Same but I thought it would have been acceptably drawn porn
severe lack of dagger axes and hook swords.
Starting to miss the flexability of warden.

I'm a Rep 5 Lawbringer, and his slow stance change is really getting to me.
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not him but I think I have one of that combo from the beta

you just had to ask
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I can't get good what do I do

Only a few, and anon I post this one because it's the most interesting to watch, do you really want to watch me doing a shorter one? That wouldn't have much of a point to it
There's no recording?
Dominion if fucking ridiculous.

I finally remember why I liked it so much.
And who would that be?
What is going to happen with guard break techs after the patch? It's already super easy to tech them, what is the point going to be if the window is even wider?

Or am I misunderstanding and that's not what the changes will be.
I feel if there is and I watch it I'm going to have an aneurysm from all the scrubbery.
Im new guys so I have a question


What do you use to make Webms? I used the 4chan script thing you can download for Webms and it was STILL too big and your quality seems to be even better than mine were.
Don't get GB.

If you get GB, the only thing that'll get you out of three stabs is the PK fucking up her timing, or letting you go with a throw.
New player here, what am I supposed to do after a shoulder bash as Warden? Do I need to the follow THAT up with a Guard Break or is the target actually stunned?

Just tech it brah it's the eaiest thing in the world wtf xD
Give her the dick and fuck the crazy out of her.
>fighting assassins as LB
is this hell?
You don't. If Peacemaker starts stabbing your kidney, you have to hope she fucks up her inputs.

Dominion can be fun desu its just a shame that the matchmaking is so bad that the games are usually one sided. Even matches are great
Do not want

D-do not want!~ Sto-op~
if it's same as beta it won't be easier for shitters with bad reaction times, it just means that if you have very fast reactions you won't miss the cgb by being to quick on it
>playing domination as lawman
>little fag PK fallows me everywhere and tries to steal my kills

Why are peaceshitters such cunts? Every time I fought someone they would hit me in the back or if there was a high point above us he ran up and went for the drop attack.
He would also run up and poke anyone that I had thrown off a cliff or down a hole as they were falling so he got credited for the kill
Just fucked
how the fuck is that shit balanced
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Not very creative but I had to.

Also lets see them emblems.
Femconq is a lesbian.
you chose this hell, you masochistic faggot.
Tom the guy that started the smaller discord that caused the leader of the larger one to shit the bed.

if its not allowed or whatever to post your own shit just let me know, but I'd like your feedback on what I should be doing against PK's.

Its kinda bullshit that my heavy side finisher which normally hits anyone side dodging to either side just doesn't work against pk's, so I opt for the light instead. Is what I'm doing alright? I just stand my ground and let them be retarded, but I have no idea what a "good" PK is capable of and I don't wanna get fucked for the lack of experience.
>looking for lawbringer game[play
>see this

Jesus, that fight is so cringy.
It's honestly not even worth learning, since Ubisoft is already fixing that bug.
New moves should be unlockable for each character, since characters in the campaign have special techniques.
Never been to either one and never will but apparently it serves its purpose as cancer containment really well
>be level 2
>get matched with people who are level 12

Matchmaking surely is fun
you can tech grabs whenever you feel like if you're

good enough
Only as feats.
As someone who's watched a ton of generals go to shit, the discord cancer will always leak into the thread and ruin it.
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>tfw maleconq
>tfw no one wants to rape
Feels good.

Not for me anyway. You just have to be on it with your blocks and shove those fucks everytime they attack until their stamina is out.

It's annoying and not fun, but it will work if you get it down.
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>these knight territories

JUST ____ __ ____ __!
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>Want to switch from maining Warden to Conq
>Don't want to have to regrind all the cosmetics
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shadowplay + webm for retards
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Alright Knights I know we've had our differences in the past but can we put that aside and push back these nips? Because they look different than us. And their eyes are weird.
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>if its not allowed or whatever to post your own shit just let me know
Ah anon don't be so hard on yourself. That's what these threads are made for.
I can't really weigh in on kensei but I just wanted to let you know it's aight
The "smaller discord" is actually really nice so far I've seen.
>somehow 17-17 with vikings
Makes it even better Raider doesn't give her a choice

Almost anyone posting gameplay is a streamer who is shit at the game and is only playing during the hype and then they'll move to the next thing within a week.
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>Guardbreak Counter (All Heroes):
Currently you can’t counter a guardbreak during a guardbreak attempt. This will be returned to the previous behavior seen in the Beta.

someone explain this to me, and elaborate please
it wasn't so bad before I started getting matched against good players

im too invested in him to stop now
the worst thing is that assassins switch attack directions faster than you can change guard directions, so you get overwhelmed really easy

Why in the name of the Law would I work with a thieving, raping savage like you?
So what's your favorite mode so far, /fhg/?

And your least favorite mode?
Just wait until you get matched up againt rep3 players at lvl 12, enjoy your stay

any of the grind-to-win 4v4 modes

That's where I'm at with LB and Warden. My LB is pimped out and almost rep 3.
Favorite: Brawl
Least favorite: Skirmish
as of now, you can only counter GB when their hero actually grabs you, not when you see them going for it.
Because our skin's the same color?
favorite elimination
least favourite skirmish
2v2 with someone I know, otherwise 1v1 and I refuse to play any of the 4v4s until they remove abilities and buff ciccles
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As a Peacekeeper I say we should allow the Vikings into our towns.
Who let these weebs out of their containment chambers?
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>People say in 2v2 and 4v4, all honor is out the window, that's what the game mode is for, if that was true, than why did they name the game For Honor, and not Some Honor or 1v1 honor only. If the game is called for honor, shouldn't there be honor in everything we do? Including 4v4 and 2v2? You can't argue my logic, and the makers logic of naming the game for honor if there's only 20% honor

The official forums are the gift that keeps giving

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>no one will write this
im being matched with rep 1's right now

matchmaking is fucking shit in this gmae
Ah, good old wall throw into demon hug

Works every fucking time
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>sticking your dick in crazy

there's one rule on this earth my friend and you're breaking it
I still have not deployed War Assets against the Knights.
Feel free to push back against the Samurai a bit, but please do your part against the Vikings. We need to eliminate them.

You're a top guy.
Bump for advice
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Don't complain about getting matched with Rep 2+ players if your main character is also at that level and you're playing on your secondary character.

Legitimately had some guy with a level 12 Warden bitch that I was Rep 2 and I said, 'What's your main at?' Rep 3 Orochi.

Shut up.

I have my reservations about weebs, but there's civilization there. Law. The Vikings are animals in human skin.
Least favorite is 1v1, it's fucking all PK, roach, nobu and warlord, every single time.

Favorite is either Elimination or Dominion.
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you think your safe but you better watch the shadows
>rep 4 orochi fights my kensei as a lvl 13 shugoki
>he wrecks my shit 3:0
>swaps to orochi
>I kick his ass 3:1
I just don't know anymore
Shit happens
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>Hail fellow knight
>Get catapulted
Fucking Apollyonstop.
I've been fighting these fucking eastern savages since day one
>want to like the game
>bored after 30 hours of 1v1
>wont play other modes cause they're imbalanced garbage
>vikings have a huge territory lead
>all the shitters swap to vikings
>vikings are now the worst
Why did none of my contracts renew? They're all the same expired ones from yesterday afternoon.
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stop deploying assets against the knights
do nobushis sidestep attacks dodge anything
90% of the time thrusting attacks just track and hit it anyway, makes the mirror match really weird to play
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I think i just encountered the lawbringer from that "breed noboshi" story someone posted the other day

i was playing warlord and he was absolutely smashing me over and over, i was trying to learn the overhead parry timings from him.

he kept making these weird sexual comments in response to what i said..
dominion is actually more balanced than 1v1 due to how dynamic it is
>he doesn't play 4v4 clusterfuck modes for noncompetitive nonsense
>he doesn't saddle up with a buddy and enter the saltmines that are 2v2
what story

post it
what was his name
I literally can't get into a 4v4 PvP match. It just doesn't fucking work.
>actually believing this

You're fucking delusional dude
all the writefages left because of turbo autists calling them erpfags
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>tfw I think I'm finally starting to git gud with kensei
never has this picture been more accurate
Give us your Peacekeepers and we'll stop. The whole reason we're invading you is for that tight assassin cunny.
Nice, Kensei is lots of fun
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Why does Duel give so little xp? It's the best mode
there's nothing in dominion that can't be countered by smart play and communication with your team mates

you do queue with 3 other people on voice chat, right?

oh wait, duelfag, I forgot, you have no friends
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don't remind me

I don't feel bad for you if you don't want to cut loose and take off your tryhard pants every now and then to play Dominion and blow people up with Catapults and hold objectives like a final boss.
Anyone here play in the xbone?
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Anyone played against WhiteSubstance?

that weeb can quick attack as best as any weeb could.
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So it's been about a full week since the live launch. What are your first impressions of the game so far?
I got a piece of gear with a star next to the name. What does it mean?
I'll take it

this faggot here, I'll post a link to my stream since people want to watch someone who isn't a faggot. I can't promise I'm not a faggot but at least you can let me know how to not be a fag.

twitch @ rilogator

Just made a PK ragequit in the first round..
Because Ubisoft
>play Conq against any assassin
>they ragequit or whine
>when your positioning is just right and you know it
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>not sticking dick in crazy
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I switched from playing Nobushi because I hit a brick wall with her.

Kensei has a lot more options with the feinting game.
The writefags always return, it's the autists that cause stupid problems that leave.

Because it's over the fastest, you don't have to really deal with any bullshit like you do getting ganked in other modes, you don't have to run around capturing and holding objectives, etc.

You can play 10-12 duels in the time of an average Dominion match.
>just don't stand near ledges bro
>this happens

How much does good gear matter in this game
>stream up for only 5 mins
Just in time for your stream to be up, eh?
>the spam
>and the luck

I'd rather not deal with infinite revenge mode and getting smashed by 2+ people at the same time while getting hit by ranged special moves as people run around with infinite sprint getting buffs and heals that break all semblance of balance tbqh senpai
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well rep 3 revenge gear is super broken right now
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that is standing near a ledge though

here's how I knew it would work
I feel like I'm missing out by playing on PS4. The most I get is
>infinite sprint getting buffs and heals
not in dominion
Because half the gametime of duel is waiting between fights/end of round fanfare
>I actually did plan this and I can prove it


Then I guess you're just gonna have to stick to dueling the same Wardens and Orochis until you uninstall the game.

Dominion is a clusterfuck and it's fun after a long session of tryhard duels.

You don't play to win, you play for orders and to have some old fashioned fun doing stupid shit.
How is that even possible.
how do i kensei

i want an alternative to lb

also is zerker good wit practice
Watching angryjoe stream this shit and he is throwing a massive diaper shitting tantrum about lag or some shit while his friends are having fun and avoiding him.
how the fuck do I stop a peacekeeper or berserker chain when I'm playing shugoki? When they get started on their chains I can't block them fast enough as fat jap
if you don't play Dominion to win you're doing it wrong

nothing is better than having your own 4man face off another 4man. That shit is intensity on a new level.
I absolutely love it. It has some issues but the combat is so good and clever.

I imagine there will be balance and RPS issues at high end but for now it's fun.

Funny thing is, people who usually play the 4v4 games suck absolute ass at a 1v1 fight. What I like to do is take over whichever point in Dominion isnclosest to their spawn and wait for someone to try to fight me. They always get their shit kicked in unless they bring a friend. If they try to gang up on you just bail.
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Taking the elevator.webm
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Going down.
I play with 4 other people. Sometimes not. Either way, the gear balancing in dominion is not remotely balanced.


It makes a potentially entertaining and competitive game mode absolute garbage if you face players who are above rep 3. I have yet to see a game where both teams are evenly matched gearwise but I cant imagine it would be any better.
>how do i kensei
the ZONE is REAL

>RPS issues at high
we haven't reached the end by a longshot. Just within 2 days feinting turned from an I-win strategy into being mandatory just to keep up
The RPS is basically:
>dodge beats attacking(including pushes)
>GB beats dodge
>attacking beats GB
so it's pretty decent all around, except GB being absurdly stupid to tech currently
That is not how gravity works! The ledges just suck players in even when the players aren't supposed to fall down.
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> Matched with a great Nobushi in Brawl.
> We win against some clowns who then leave and the game disbands.
> Matched with same Nobushi.
> We fight a harder fight, but win.
> Game disbands once again.
> Matched with SAME NOBUSHI a third time.

I love this shit.
I've never liked a random this much.
>absurdly stupid to tech
madbad detected.

Honestly if it was even remotely easier to tech now, it would be useless.







Can somebody explain to me how you get a heavy off after a Leg Sweep on Valk?
>Dominion is fun
>Elimination and Skirmish are cancer

Why did they think powerups were a good idea?
Overall i like it a lot and it gives me a lot of bushido blade nostalgia.
I think it's a bit too defensively oriented, im a pretty defensive player in other fighting games but offense is stronger in those games so it feels a lot better to be controlling the pace of the game with your defense/zoning.
that's a specific issue with orochi light attacks being broken which is sort of the case in duel mode as well
fav dominion
shit skirmish, why put a mode that goes with eliminations but no orders to go with it? also it favors everyone 4v1 asap
>attacking beats GB
not always
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Reminder to never help nobushis.
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Why is it always Orochis doing this?

You can still get untechable GBs if you catch your opponent in a dodge or after a parry, it's the raw GBs that don't get countered because people react too quickly that are stupid
Is it really too much to just ask for fair matchmaking?

What's making matchmaking unfair for you?
>tfw you'll never be a viking with a harem of peacekeepers to empty your ball into every day

next question
If I recorded games I could source the same amount of unbalanced damage output from other heroes with the equivalent gearscore. There are streamers in 4 stack on twitch right now who are all 108 gear score and are wiping people out. It is not exclusive to orochi.
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No no viking attack knights and knights attack vikings trust me I am a good commander
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What an amazing game :^)
Because they've deluded themselves into thinking Orochi requires skill to play.
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Why does nobody draw cute female conqueror
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So when this game says it's matchmaking based on player skill, is there actually an invisible MMR rating or is it just going off of your level/reputation?
have you tried allowing access
who won ?
Fuck you you cunt we're both general shitposters
seriously, I will never touch those modes again as long as powerups exist.
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> After we win our fourth game together, he's gone and I don't get him the next game.

I miss him already.
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I literally can't. Every-time I queue for 1v1 I'm matched with a prestige or 20's. I just started the game is there no MMR system? They always taunt me and say i suck but I haven't even had time to learn.

What class is easy so i can get good and compete with Prestiges?
>tfw you're also a /vg/ shitposter but general prefers CAG instead
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What're you talking about?
CAG has the better memename.
I'm not saying it doesn't give you an advantage, but nowhere else is it as broken as on the orochi except for maybe peacekeeper

purple gear is actually fairly easy to attain, it's gonna take you something like 3 days of playing. Upgrading to gold after doesn't change all that much.
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Nah, the patch preview said they were making it so nobody gets a free grab ON conq and berserker for blocking THEIR lights.
I need to start recording my games some shit that happens is just too memetic to not be recorded
m/kb or controller poll still open

*teleports behind you*
Is Shugoki the best cheese hero?
What's the max rep that you stop getting new gear skins?
what is the dev code to reset your online stats at hero select again? I lost the file
Conq is.
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I've been playing aggro/rushdown Nobushi and have had great success with it, are there any other characters besides Zerker/PK/Roach that can do this?

Tried Warden but it was a bit too braindead
Fuck you don't cheapen my victories
So at what prestige can you find purple gear from Scavenger Crates?
Does Kensei have any tricks for ultra passive players. After a few duels, players just stop doing anything. They tech all grabs, they stop attacking, and feints no longer work.

I feel at a certain point Kensei's honest gameplay starts to betray him a bit.
>Boosting point all game
>Kill every last person that tries to take it
>Team starts to yell at me even though we're winning 1000-200

Why are people so stupid?
i played against that shinigami dude tho, was kensei in my game as well.
the orochi he was paired with was being a shitter, so i shot a hole in one off a cliff
for some reason the kensei started raging
berserker, orochi, peacekeeper and warden

also valkyrie and warlord

no idea how you do it on nobushi as all her shit is easily parried and her feints are abysmal
Three, my dude
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>playing turtle is so hard
>Nobody told me is Shugoki missed his oni's embrace he'd lose health

Sorry fucking what
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>hear Vikings have a subreddit for strategy decide to investigate
>See knights do too
> Knight subreddit has the population of the other factions subreddits combined and then some.
How did those games end? In a tie?

At some point they're gonna have to attack you and then you can punish them.
not really, he's got one trick and thats only off helm splitter, i cant figure out a way to beat players who can tech GB's and dont fall for feints.
anon please I'm eating
b/c ur cuter anon
matchmaking is a joke, game balance isn't much better

and yet it still manages to be a fun game sometimes
probably not even knights on there. without checking i can probably guess its all deus vult shitposting e.t.c.
Pagans btfo
how wholesome
When people turtle I typically try to try anything. Feints into GB, standard GB, feints into feints into heavies,. They usually get a single parry into light and then go back to blocking and grab teching all day again knowing they have the life lead.

Honestly to beat Kensei you just need to turtle,. he's too honest for them.
see >>168950257
put this on reddit you'll get hundreds of upboats
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>when a garbage conq loses to your garbage kensei first round and is already shook enough to ragequit
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>Le reddit faction deflecting
>Feints into GB, standard GB, feints into feints into heavies
what does the trick for me is feints into lights

and especially helmsplitter into sideslash feinted into top light
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>finally gotten used to the new gb tech timing
>can now tech anyone and their granddad
>mfw the timing gets updated again back to beta and it's back to square one where I'm missing all my techs because I'm so used to the current one now

Just fuck my shit up
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>fighting peacekeeper
>getting ready
>going in for the first attack
>5 seconds in
>look at my hp
>10% left
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>quitting when your opponent has two wins
Why are so many duelist so autistic?
I've been mad for the past hour. I wasted the 8000 steel I was saving by opening scavenger packs and I didn't get any of the * gear. I could have just upgraded all my regular purple gear to max if I knew the drop rates were so fucking low
Right now guardbreak can only be countered in a very, very short window, and it is unintuitively late in the process.
The "guardbreak attempt" is the animation from start to when the characters connect. The current tech timing is the moment the characters change to the guardbreak (holding) stance (ie. the guardbreak succeeds).
If you try to tek dat before the guardbreak succeeds you fail, and are unable to try again when it succeeds.
This means right now you have to wait until the enemy is holding you sweetly in his arms before you try to escape, instead of tapping GB as soon as you realize what is happening.
I believe the devs mean they are changing the system so fast reactions beat GB attempts.

tl;dr tek will be easier if you are fast, the same if you are slow
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Any advice?

inb4: git gud
they should secretly make quitting count as a double loss in a patch
the thing i dislike the most about kensei is that most characters seem to be able to get out of the helmsplitter mixup by backdash/rolling.
haven't tested feinting into a dash GB or a forward dash light but a backdash makes any other followups whiff.
are you joking or it's really a thing?
Just watch Galahand on twitch
>Everything I don't like is plebbit
t. Pleb
I want an Emote of the Salute Mercy does before the elevator gets fucked
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Which class do you hate fighting the most?
Bullshit gb push,, weird hit timing makes parring unpredictable, Hits like a truck and has superior blocking.
Passive Superarmor, bearhug is a nightmare when fighting 2 or more opponents, unblockable can cant be parried if the one playing it knows the glitch.
the counter to this is to just rush forward and punish them for putting themselves out of position. if they back dodge they're probably close to a wall/ledge, which means guaranteed helm splitters/kill
>Queue up with 3 friends
>Connections between us drop constantly
>3 of us will get into a match, other gets dropped
>People leave mid match

>playing turtle
>parrying assassins is turtle
Sure roach, sure.
well, rolling cancels most mixups and you already got rewarded by having a guardbreak/heavy punish

the helmsplitter/sideslash is just the icing on the cake
Holy shit Lawbringer is so bad

>enemy doesn't even have to try to dodge shove because you get no damage off of it
>neither of your parry followups are reliable, just GB > side heavy like everyone else
>long arm is just pathetic in all regards, windup of an unblockable that you get a single light off of
>every LB light is an easy block
>every LB heavy is a free parry
warlord and warden
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managed to do the double hit first try
it exists, someone posted it like the night after it got released, it was around in beta.

A bunch of people got butthurt and demanded it get removed though. I imagine its still in until the next patch.

It was just a bunch of button presses at hero select in duel practice and your win % would reset
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I'm not creative with these kind of things.
Is anyone good on ps4 Jesus christ
if you mmr doesn't reset it's a very stupid idea to do this now

I got a fuckton more wins right after release than I get now
fite me
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>tfw you fight with valkyrie level 3 bot on practice for the first time
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>consistently get matched with rep 2-3
>am a lateshitter and haven't even hit rep 1 on anyone yet

Shove is basically a quicker shield bash, but generally worse.

I also don't understand why long arm is unblockable at all. It isn't an "attack" from any side...why does it need to be unblockable? Now if it gave superarmor? fuck yeah that would be great. At least you would have to dodge, which 99.99% of people do anyway.

LB is basically a raider. You can tell from his attacks that this is blatantly true. Shitty light side attacks ,quick overhead.
why are people so bad at parrying shugoki's charged heavy? I've only had a couple people parry it since I started using him when the game came out. does the timing throw people off or something?

I have probably about half of every Orochi I've duelled rage quite on me.

And I'm a fucking Conker main.

I crush brah
practice vs bots with all classes.
if you wanna know if you are better than 75% of players then go vs level 3 bots, if you can beat them without taking dmg, you are good.
>wasting steel on scavenge packs

Cuck. Steel should be used for champ status and cosmetics.
Good thing they added a comment option to reports. So you could tell Ubisoft how they were "cheating".

Except, you know, it doesn't and I highly doubt anyone will actually be punished. Emblems/Griefing will probably just be an automatic system based on total reports received in a given time.

The rest will be obvious detected hacks, although I am unsure this game uses any injection checks at all.
The last Knight mission is the hardest thing in video game history
playing right now, linked my stream earlier but I don't wanna spam
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it's not quicker, is piss easy to dodge, and has no damage off of it, so you don't even have to try to dodge it, they just stand there and hit you for it or whatever they like

armor on long arm would be a start but you get absolutely nothing off it aside from a 15 damage light

his top light can't come out as a cancel like raider's, though, that at least gives raider some mixup game
gear are cosmetics, I wanted the ones with the * next to them
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shugoki mirrors give me cancer
nah I breezed through that one.

The viking one can be cheesed easily too, just throw the guy off.

Apolly is the hardest one really just because she gets revenge like every 2 hits and uses an unblockable a lot in third fight.
Conqueror vs Warlord who wins
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>tfw get the bleeding impale with Valkyrie
wow that's fucking disgusting

So, I hit rep 3.
I don't need to level up in order to get shiny purple stuff do I? I can just start buying Premium Packs with my 7600 Steel, right?
Who you guys play as
God damn that combo look retarded.
It make the LB have absolutely no weight at all in his attacks
I'm on mission 4 of Samurai, what the fuck. Why do I all of a sudden have no health? I feel like I had no issues the first 15 missions, but now this feels ridiculously hard.

Save the steel. Play the campaign and get free premium packs if you haven't spent them already.
don't bother

get cosmetics and executions, they're the only thing with any value
the heck is rep 3
prestige 3?
Bash is also very easy to dodge as well, although that varies on class.

I say its faster since, when im facing LB, my bash is usually beaten in speed by it. I could be slow, but its almost everytime...which is why I say that.

Also I thought you get a side heavy off long arm? Not that says much, the damage difference is fucking tiny.

LB has, apart from Conq (which can at least combo) the lowest damage for basically everything.
doesn't do as much damage as literally any of your attacks
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>mfw Raider and my Revenge and Fury are both activated.

This isn't CoD.
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I spent 5000 on the Knucklehead emote for my Conker.

No regrets, especially now I know I can use emotes before the duel starts.
prestige is from COD, rep is what it actually says in game
Is it just a case of gitgud or are Peacekeeper's attacks ludicrously fast and nearly impossible to switch guard in time to block, let alone even parry?
>every "praise the sun" emblem
Really showing off that creativity.

It's like seeing tits emblems in battlefield every other second.
Lawbringer and only use shove gb side heavy when playing shitters.
okay, that doesn't change anything
it doesn't matter how easy or hard it is to dodge when you get 0 damage off of landing it

side heavy is 30, lights are 15, would be a nice way to get a stun + shove ender as well since all heavies get a shove followup if they hit

Conq also has amazing offense since he has some of the best followups to a push in the game, on top of infinite wall combos
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*teleports behind u*
The best part is I would've even blame you for this shit I'd just assume it was dumb luck
>could've had the best execution
>instead chose an emote that will never get used
sorry you fucked up champ
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I consider myself good but occasionally my confidence is shaken. I'm not the greatest player ever but I have solid winrates in all modes.
91% in Deathmatch, 84% in Objective and 75% in Duel/Brawl.

> Play the campaign.

I don't wanna.
How long does it take if I just skip cutscenes and stuff? I really haven't got a single fuck for whatever "storyline" this game has.
>on apartment wifi
>unable to stay connected to the past 10 fucking games in a row
Holy shit I just want to level kensei
what the hell am I supposed to do against the character with the two axes? The Bezerker? I feel like their light attacks come out way too fast and they can switch which side it comes out on quickly so it throws me off.
wtf how did so many people influence how I think about the laurel marker next to a hero?

Way ahead of you, buddy.
>tfw I can finally buy my mythic outfit tomorrow
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Forget the Slant Eyes, we must "convert" the Heathens.
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>pk mains in the samurai faction

0 idea on how uplay works, if i link my uplay to my xbone, can i play for honor on there and pc whenever? with progress like mastery being shared?
you can just sprint through every level, it took me like 5 or 6 hours
Is this thing cross platform? What about faction war?
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Are we sure Zelos(havel helmet) comes in purple quality?

Also are there special sets out there? I've heard of ones with stars but i haven't seen them.
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What the fuck do I do against an Orochi that's purely defensive and has a perfect guardbreak parry?
Shit's worse than a cheesed up warden
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Fuck I made a beautiful action but didn't recorded it...

>2 v 4 on Dominion, we can't be resurect
>my mate is taking the last point to permit deathmatch on the enemy side
>I'm 1 v 4, i parry and revenge but nearly dead
>point taken, ennemies are all close to me
>in last breath lauch meteor storm
>I kill myself and all the other team

Felt so good
> 5 or 6 hours.

That's a while.
How many free premium crates do I get?
why would I play any weeb but kensei
s e n d h e l p

It only does 10 damage. Back off for like 5 seconds and it'll regenerate.
Plus the easterners always defend those who cannot defend themselves. As a Warden I can respect that. Unlike the snow savages who rape and kill their own people as well.
Literally all models can come in purple quality. Rarity restrictions only apply downwards.

Starred sets only exist for weapons.
What happens in that scenario? Is there a 'Draw' state, or does it default to the timing of the deaths?
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now post the one where you fight her 100 times
Kights will take more as Kangz and weebs can only fight eachother on 1/3 of the fights.
Nobushis, help me out. Which execution do I buy and which head piece, flower or butterfly for the smug helm.

And let's say I only needed a blade. Would it be better to buy just prem packs or wep?
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>Zerkers in Knight Faction
>Roachi in Viking Faction
>LB uses overhead unblockable
>press X
>he gets grabbed
who though this was okay
My mate was still alive so we won, but yeah maybe Draw
thanks, guess i just have really shit luck
>starred sets only exist for weapons
wish I knew this before I spent the 5k steel I got from story mode trying to get shit that apparently doesn't exist
PK samurai makes sense at least, being the weeb character
What if i buy it for console also, still can't share progress?
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>have fun learning a few classes
>learn to parry and feel like a badass
>begin to feint and feel like a god
>now at the level to where everyone just stands next to each other and waits till someone attacks so they can punish
>get gb when no one does anything and cannot for the life of me ever get the counter right
>every other player seems to have lightning reflexes and never has any problem countering my gb

Whats the secret? I havent won a single duel in the passed 10+ games. Are people playing with a controller or something? Do I just need to git gud?
just block a couple then parry one of the followups on reaction
10 if you get everything I think
>usually main female characters
>peacekeeper le ebin assassin class
>nobushi weeb shit
>valk 0 damage
>ramming speed fools off cliffs

so this is the power of testosterone
No it is unique to each game.
try feinting and baiting parries/deflects
try feinting into GB
other than that i have no idea how to beat defensive players
you need russian stimulants and energy drinks to get past this wall
what rep?
Nothing. GB teching is fucked.
Peacekeeper is actually good with experience
Go play female warden if you're that desperate
His team mate was still alive
Post personal contributions to faction war
You don't need to have amazing reflexes, you can spam the counter button
The people teching perfectly are playing with a mouse.

Also, you're probably hitting the button too -early-. You need to wait for the guard break to land, then press the button right as you hear the sound of it hitting you.
>can't gbc because the shield icon covers the enemy can i can't see when im supposed to actually time it

GB might be the worst mechanic ever
Kill yourself tranny fag
welcome to the wonderful world of cancelling heavies and guardbreaking after every single parry
5 close to 6 with Kensei/Warden.
>helicopter raider activated
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Use the sound as a cue.
How do you get that high without being able to counter GB?
>have to mute every noise but sound effects to hear it
>can't have any distraction noises going on
>have reduced hearing so i need to use headphones

wow great design ubisoft thanks for being so inclusive and accessible

yeah nice, I have 3 prestige on one character but when I play a new character I too am level 1.
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post raiders
I don't understand everyone complaining about countering GB. I started playing 3 days ago and have never really had a problem with it after learning what it is.

Is it because people are doing it too early?
Orders are a hell of a drug.
>almost only play the samurai
>in viking faction
the round border is too good my dude
Play femconq and shield charge people off cliffs senpai
cute and simple I like it
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Can someone from Brazil or South America in general tell me how populated the game is? I'm interested in buying the game but if its dead in this region then I'd rather not be relegated to playing exclusively against bots. Also how much does lag generally affect the game and in what ways?
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>Played LB for 3 days
>Still at level 14 or some shit, not even prestige 1 yet
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here's my discount order of the flaming rose getup for peacekeeper

There is a better color palette that fits the bill but you don't get it until like rep 24 or some crazy bullshit
Her too

Incredibly fast light windups
Brazil here. It's fairly populated, but I instinctively hate playing with them.

Lag is not exclusive to SA. P2P is fucking everyone's shit up with disconnects and whatnot.
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>playing dominion
>femKensai teammate gets jumped on point a
>get there too late to save her
>she managed to get them both to one bar
>kill them both
>revive her
>"I will thank you...later."
What did she mean by this?
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Many people played during the beta and ubisoft had the great idea to change its window to what it is now.

Even after training with friends in customs to specifically counter gb I still fuck up about half of the time.
>order of the flaming rose

I like you
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such is life when you get disconnected from the game every dominion or death match

depends, if you were playing japanese class then she wants some fuck.
controller still winning over kb/m

but probably cuz consoles

how the fuck do I counter the Nobushi as a Lawbringer?
it's the only hero I always get fucked up by.

I'm honestly considering starting to play as a Nubushi just to know his weaknesses. this shit is ridiculous, it's not even just the good/high level players, just anyone who isn't completely retarded will fuck me up
what combos does lawbringer have?

what should i be using his shove for?

do i just follow parries up with a heavy?
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More like Order of The Flaming Faggots.
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Being a ubisoft game sure does shine through at times

>queue with friend
>started yesterday, had some fun duels and playing through story
>matchmaking puts me, level 6, against a full team of prestige 3 gear 60+ opponents

>interface handling is atrocious, can't customize, practice vs bots or change/look up keybinds
>can't invite steam friends and forced to use their shitty interface within an interface to play with friends

>No dedicated servers for some fucking reason, p2p in this day and age for a AAA title

>Gear being a factor at all, any day, in a skill based game

>Revenge being a thing
What does that have to do with not being able to counter guard breaks?
I have lots of trouble with shugoki currently and was wondering if I could get some tips.
I play valk mainly
Get in her face, and any class that can sidestep and followup with an attack ruins her.

Which is near half the classes in the game.
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I don't think the timing is really rough.
Personally I have difficulty distinguishing between guardbreaks, left attacks, and the orange markers because they're all in the same region with very similar colors, and I miss them all the time because of it.
Not sure what to do about it, or if "changing the colors" is an adequate response (maybe it's a completely newbie response).
I come from a lot of Warband playing where every animation is relatively smooth without a quick change in acceleration on anything, so the markers aren't a necessity.
>>interface handling is atrocious, can't customize, practice vs bots or change/look up keybinds
Can't do so while waiting in queue or during certain loading elements*
shugoki's eyeballs are fixed in their heads, similar to owls. Jump around him and poke him with your stick until he dies.
The Viking leader isn't beatable.
>play a duel match
>tech every single GB without fail

>play anything else
>cant fucking tech GBs, blocking doesnt work half the time, laggy BRs teleport all over the fucking map and hit where they shouldnt
>all the spacing, footsies and tech i got in duel means nothing because a peacemaker with probably 800 ping practically telefragged me
i refuse to play anything besides duel until theres dedicated servers. fuck ubishit
its comfier to relax with instead of hunching over the keyboard
rep doesnt mean skill
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>The Viking leader isn't beatable.
P a r r y.
You asked how I got that far without learning to gb and I told you. I did a load of orders which leveled me quickly, most of which where dominion or elimination related, so there was hardly ever any need to learn its timing and just got in peoples faces to ruin their day.

Now that I'm comfortable with what I've played I like duels/brawls the best but since I never had to gb before its now a huge problem for me.
Parry the ever loving shit out of him and hit him with your upper light attack. Rinse and repeat.
but how do you alttab quick to read posts
Best Class?
Most OP Class?
Least Played Class?
Most Underpowered Class?
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I wish Lawbringer-Sama would notice me.
i do that when the game decides to hang on the quit to world map for 2 minutes
please more
which fight?

The one with the wolves is the hardest, but when you just keep the wolves to one side it becomes a cakewalk.

Use the healing feat and the unblockable feat and the whole game becomes a cakewalk

Also as warden just about everyone is vulnerable to the 2 slice shoulder bash into gb, repeat repeat repeat easy cheesy
>use kb&m controls
>bind it all to a controller with joy2key
>have home button bound to alt tab
>second monitor to read thread

my power is infinite
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"Strict level search"
How much steel do you get from the campaign playing on Normal and Realistic?
maybe u should lvl up brah :)
No idea
You purchased the game too late.
Not much more than you do from normal MP stuff
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Why do people say they got 5k+ for story missions? I got like 800 tops for the knights on realism.
>Best Class?
>Most OP Class?
>Least Played Class?
Any hybrid
>Most Underpowered Class?
>Most Fun Class?

uhh yeah you pick one and just keep playing it

that's the only way

i started conq and lost nearly every fight

few days later I'm ~80% win rate and 2.5 k/d.
What do you mean? Were you only buying armor packs?

I cannot for the life of me get any part of the zelos set aside from blue helmets.
>a warden and orochi are that high
kek like pottery
5000 on Normal.
There aren't any under powered classes, it's actually surprisingly balanced.
Completing it all gives you 5k

lol damn samurai suck the dick then eh?

why r they so dominate
I think I got something like 4k?
My class
Your class
My class
My class
I don't care what anyone has said, ubi has not stated that there is any matchmaking.

And it makes sense. Right now all modes are casual. It's just like R6 siege, jumping into a match will just pair you up randomly.

Real matchmaking will come when competitive/ranked mode is released, then we'll have to do placement matches and get placed in a league.

Ubi doesn't do casual MMR and hardly anyone else does either
shut up nerd
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Which faction is the most "pure"?
>play against bot
>you are host of the server
>there isn't any lag

>play anything else
>min latency for every player is ~100MS, NOT including ping of each player.
>people wonder why they sometimes can't GB.

Seriously, the p2p system of this isn't even "host advantage" it actually fucks EVERYONEs ping up by adding delay from how it manages the "server".
>still able to do it with sound off
wow so skilled
>tfw the winner of the strat layer is the side that has the most players, nothing else matters
Literally waifu-fags since the top 3 most played characters are

>Nobushi (female only)
>Peacekeeper (female only)

and all 3 are fast agile characters and nobushi being the "I am a skilled player for playing a niche class" character
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I recognize that meme!!!
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I'm lazy, but I like it.
Historically? Probably the vikings.
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the unbiased tier list is in
Apparently they take player count into consideration, I guess that's why I can get a higher score yet less war assets to dish out than if I played like shit and have 2k/2.3k to dish out instead
in other words, your internet is shit and you want a server to smooth things over for you
why is this allowed?

there is someone at ubisoft that said "ok, lets ship the game like this, this is fine"
Can you not read or were you responding to the wrong post
>be peacekeeper
>start of a duel
>within five seconds, the enemy players health is below half
>they try and run but get gb from half a mile away
>peacekeeper laughs as she cuts off his arm and stabs him in his jugular
I really want to eat that snow
I'm glad anon.

hahahaha keep dreaming
Did someone say

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real tier list

Warden nerf incoming.
>fight a lawbringer in brawl who does the shove GB combo
>oh well ill just tech the guard
>hear thunk noise
>tech doesnt happen
>mash GB during shove
>techs the GB during his startup
im not saying my internet is godlike but it isnt terrible, any p2p with more than 1 other person turns any match into a trainwreck automatically. 8 internet connections going to each other? why did ubishit think this was a good idea?
Fucking skirmish is literally get ganged on by 4 people at a time: the game mode
Dear Ubisoft:


Seriously, I am jumping up and down and throwing my shit in handfuls at the fucking computer in some impotent primal effort to get the thing to work. I have been sitting here trying to enjoy your product - YOUR PRODUCT, YOUR GAME, YOUR CONTRACT BETWEEN DEVELOPER AND CONSUMER THAT THE CONSUMER WILL ENJOY YOUR PRODUCT - but instead the damn thing's been crawling out of the screen and taking warm shits in my gaping mouth. Swear to god, you should have just added a little door to the computer through which a hand pops out and flips me off, because I am insulted that your QA or testers or whatever brainless shitstove three genes short of a monkey FAGNUT signs your games through thought that a person with more than a single fucking digit IQ could enjoy the multiplayer AI. INSULTED.

WORK WITH ME HERE: The goal's simple enough! Defeat the enemy! Hey, that's fine, it's just like playing the story mode; not a problem! Only deal is your cross-eyed team of tongue-slapping wunderkind decided to give the game every single fucking advantage possible TO THE GAME rather than me.

How in the fuck does the Peacekeeper - whose ass is the weakest and lamest piece of shit next to the Nobushi - suddenly become SO FUCKING GOOD that she can chain combo without using a drop of stamina? Huh!? Why!? You never see this shithead anywhere near the top fucking 4 in a normal fight. BUT HO HO HO THIS TIME SHE'S MEGA-CUNT, THE DEADLIEST FAGGOT IN THE WORLD. 1.21 GIGAWATTS MARTY, LET'S GO BACK TO THE FUCKING FUTURE.
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>tfw you suck shit and constantly get defeated by "throw to win" strats.
>when competitive/ranked mode is released
Honestly? I'd be shocked if that was anytime before this game basically dies.

They had no sense at all if they thought this was ready to ship without it. But yes, it is blatantly obvious that there isn't any matchmaking. Although its entirely possible groups fuck with the matchmaking the most.
>Why is this allowed?

Because they (the developers) don't care. The question is to ask why people aren't more vocal about it.
Thank you
>LB is bad
>does everything Raider does but better
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Unfortunately they will not be adding in another faction. Chinese is so much fucking cooler than shitty ass fucking gay ass weaboo fuckin anime loving fuck Japan.

Imagine that Crescent blade in fights, hollly shittt. Call me Guan Yu up in dis biitch, yuh yuh.
You would think that, yet LITERALLY every single match of Dominion I've played has all the low levels on one team, all the rep 3+ on the other team
the fact that there isn't matchmaking is going to hurt this game. eventually people are going to get sick of getting dunked on my more skilled / more geared people and just stop playing
But it's not just Peacekeeper with the magical powers, it's the entire fucking lineup of warriors! THEY'RE ALL STRONGER THAN YOU. AND DON'T REQUIRE ANY STAMINA.

But but but I of course, am still controlling some piece of shit hamster-powered robot-man who guzzles his entire stamina bar in no less than four fucking swings! Add to this the entire battlefield just got shitted on by some retarded developer with too much free time and you've got a battlefield full of hazards or ledges that'll drain at least 1/4 of your health bar, or kill you, JUST BECAUSE IT CAN. WHOOPIE.
HURRR, you say. THAT'S JUST THE CHALLENGE. IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY. Well fuck that noise, you lopsided frankenfaced fuckfurter.

Tell me, please, why does the GAME have to win? Huh? What happens when the game wins and I lose? Is there some huge fucking kegger waiting for it when it gets done? Is there money involved? Or perhaps the motives are more sinister. Maybe the game's family is being held hostage by another game and that game has it's cock in For Honor's wife's mouth and he's holding a cell phone up to her and For Honor can hear her pained moans and cries for help and the asshole game then says, "You beat that cock-sucking human, or I'll blow her brains out." I COULD UNDERSTAND THAT. I CAN BE SYMPATHETIC.

It's not any fun if I can't win, you faggots. I want to move on. I want to unlock that piece of shit tuna fish sword you have hidden away from me so I can start using that and get pissed off with that too. When your game prevents me from fully enjoying the product I have bought you have failed in your fucking mission to deliver a game. You lose! You break the contract! You contract the gay and fucking DIE DIE DIE.
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>tfw being dropped from every game and I've got green NAT
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>tfw this copypasta works just as well for ubisoft as it does for nintendo
I have a confession to make

I spent 5 dollars to but crates BECAUSE ZELOS HELM FUCKING WHERE?
>t. rice paddy owner

fuck off, ching chong lee
>block/parry/dodge an attack
>it hits anyways

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do we have a flowchart for playing lawbringer? i'm clueless here
all competitive games have a tendency to delay ranked matches
His feat game is pretty different. LB has more bombs, while Raider has more traps and debuff/buffs.


What did he mean by this
LBs feats are also better

show video proof
I'm retarded and with generally any class I do well by simply knowing how to guard break and how to parry a couple of the enemy attacks. Lab that shit.
parry->gb->sideheavy, repeat

there's his definitions right above the table, ya big doofus
They can be...okay at times. Actual P2P, like CoD for example, tend to vary based on the host. This, seemingly, doesn't really matter how good to hosts connection is.

ONe of the fundamental reasons why is that the host is the conduit of the information...but each player is still sending/managing their information. This is why host-swaps are quicker than many other games that use p2p. This part is the ONLY upside of this.

The downside is obvious, you create way more traffic and cause an inherent delay to every action. At 1MS ping, you still are going to be get around 100MS of delay. This is, truly, unacceptable.

For whats basically a QTE game, input delays and latency are key to making it not a joke.
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Whew these 4v4 game modes are bad.

Dominion can be fun but its pretty nuts when you go up against people with 100+ gear rating.

Also Weebs, can we trade you Peacekeeper for Shugoki? You can fucking have her.
just mash it
I like to hold forward on left stick to move a bit closer but it barely helps imo
top heavy has a pretty long range too
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We /tv/ now?
at the very least, they could have made it so you get matched against similar character ranks, without necessarily going to the trouble to make an MMR system. anything would have been better than the blind matchmaking system we have now
Raider is so awful. It's absurd a character this slow doesn't have at least uninterrupts to get in. He can't even get a heavy off a no stamina throw knockdown.
It's like you want to be bad
not sure why they didn't at least match with relative level ranges like they tried to match gearscore in 4v4
Vikings, all they do is for the good of their people as a whole under the new Warborne clan.
Every good player uses m+kb
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my power grows
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me and my harem
>parry literally everything
>"hur dur mouse bad"
I could never imagine anyone using a controller in this game.

KB+M is optimal.
l o l
>all competitive games have the tendency to delay ranked matches
No, they really do not. It's a feature that is surely lacking and noticeable by the entire community. The lack of any sense of matchmaking is inexcusable. Especially when it tries to pretend it does.
This is a decent meme. I will meme it myself. Thank you.
>they tried to match gearscore in 4v4
did they? its a normal occurrence for one team to be much more geared than another
>LBs feats are also better.

I don't know about that. LB's kit is honestly pretty trashy for being the creepline clearer that a vanguard is designed to do.
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>assassin class quest
>play Orochi because its the least assassin assassin to me
>I am in the knight faction
Am I a traitor? I just can't into PK for shit,
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>censoring your name
>but nobody else's
>ass avatar
>nolife wardenfag
>wow im so cool 666 xxxhardcorexxx

This is from reddit right?
Am I the only one who thinks all classes are balanced?

They all feel pretty equal when I kill them as Warden.
he gets neither of his unique parry followups on heavy parries, only on light parries, so don't try it otherwise. however, if you land a light parry with a wall behind your enemy, you get an impale to wall > top heavy > shove, which isn't bad but drains almost all your stam

he gets a top heavy off a wall throw, so feel free to go for it if you want, but GB > side heavy is the safest

shove > heavy(feint) is also good but probably won't work on better players

long arm gives you a single light attack, so don't bother with that either

honestly until he gets damage off of shove, or wallbounce on shove, or anything off of long arm, he's very weak and really just uses basic fundamentals
What the hell were these retards at Ubishit thinking when they went out of Open Beta ? they made absolutely no balance changes...Warlord is still fucking broken as fuck, PK is just Light Attack to win and the same goes for Orochi, then you have Kensei, with bigger range than Nobushi, which is the RANGE SPECIALIST!

my fucking god, a god damn monkey can code better than these retards...
most screenshots here indicate that
see >>168955793

low gear scores fight low gear scores more often in my matches, never EVER seen a purple/orange guy after dueling for hours
I already had shugoki's weapon set completed but I was still buying premium packs because I thought there were special armor in the set
How does the game get once you prestige? does it change much or are people the same skill level or is the matchmaking as random as it is at lower levels
I fail to see how
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you got a problem with ass?
I'm level 2 with most classes and I'm always paired 1v1 against prestiges so random?
Is there a guide that goes over gear? when to upgrade? what to aim for? etc?

Still a bit lost here, just been scrapping duplicates

Who knew you could tie in a duel
What's the general's faction of choice?
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Keep it short and sweet.

Worth $60?
Is it going to alive long enough to harvest $60 worth of fun.
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i knew
I've had matches were itll be 2-3 sub rep 1 guys on 1 team with a full team of at least blue gear score guys on the other
I've played every battlefield game and know exactly the kind of person who uses that kind of emblem
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> tfw too smart to fight assassins horonorabulike0
It really doesn't matter what you PLAY as long as your war assets go to the knights

forgot to mention, if you get a light parry with no wall nearby, just do the top heavy, 45 dmg + stun + shove compared to 50 dmg + stun + shove
I have done it twice so far.
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Rep 4 Berzerker here, aka weebslayer, who to main next?
Want something defensive, but not Conq. Tried Shugoki but get raped by not being able to react to fast light attacks. Law seems fun, but cant seem to punish anyone besides nubs shoved into walls.
>Gear being a factor at all, any day, in a skill based game
It doesn't matter though, not in the modes that actually matter

4v4s are a clusterfuck and made for casual retards, so of course gear stats matter there, gotta give casuals something to grind for
Peace keeper 101:
>start of fight
>sprint towards enemy, lunge at them and heavy attack followed by a light attack, which applies bleed
>gb them and light attack them twice, applying bleed
>jump off of them and then dodge to the right, heavy attacking at the same time followed by a light attack, applying bleed

Now at this point your out of stamina, but they only have half of their health left because that all happened in a span of five seconds and they literally couldn't fathom what just happened.
i've already had $60 worth of fun, up to you

it will be alive for a while, but only time will tell if ubishit can try and keep this game maintained and balanced
Yes hello I'm a psychic and know everything about you, what you find fun, how much $60 is to you and also can tell the future and know when the game is going to die or not.

SSS+ Warlord, Conqurer
S Warden
A Peacekeeper, Berzerker,
B Kensei, Nobushi, Valkyrie, Shugoki, Orochi
C Lawbringer, Raider

This is for duels only
You can get a heavy of a throw knockdown, you just have to take a step forward and use overhead heavy
Why is the combat system so bad? They put all this useless work into combo's and now it's devolved into using gimmicks like spamming zone attacks and overheads as orochi/warden. Spamming shield bash heavy with conq, etc etc. It's literally impossible to do any full combo's because of the casual I'M ATTACKING YOU marker.
Why do all the gold unique weapons look terrible?
>a warden, killing a peace keeper

if by balanced you mean bad players then yes, they are balanced.
>A Peacecancer
>B Shugoki
>B Orochi

Top fucking bait lad.
Lawbringer is better than Raider. I'm surprised Warlord is so low.
>spamming zone attacks
zone attacks take an entire half of your stamina bar so we know you're lying. you can only do it twice
>Muh Honor in 4v4
Absolutely disgusting
Low? Nigga's right in the middle.
Will there ever be an arabic faction in For Honor? Or will genuine history (Crusades) and the current political climate make it a bad idea to insert them?
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Coz ubishits are lazy.
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>Be Raider
>Fighting for the Odinson.
>This wood-armor wearing faggot with a long thing blade comes dashing at me.
>"Nani mo kojin-tekina kodomo..."
>He dashes at me.
>Parry that shit.
>Light attack him in the face a few times.
>"Fan ta dig japansk fitta!"
>Execute him like the dog he is.
>Begin to taunt wildly as he disconnects and returns to the Shogun in shame.
Not an argument
>shugoki winning against a peace keeper
>orochi not bleeding to death from a peace keeper
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>hit max story level
>no reward

oh fuck off
there's a bug with the indicators that make some zone attacks impossible to react to
>zone attack
>zone attack
that's PK in a nutshell
sick blog post, liked and subbed
> Lunge at them.
> Get parried.

Every time you stupid PK babs.
>he gets neither of his unique parry followups on heavy parries, only on light parries

Please tell me this is a joke? I can't even parry heavy attacks with this guy.
He is better than the middle though. The only thing he lacks in damage output
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Arabic faction would be explosive
I really hope they do. I have always liked the middle eastern flavor.

Though, if I had to guess, it will be in the sequel/major dlc that will be out in a year in half when they milk this series/game to death.
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Tbh more like
S: Warden Warlord
A: Conq Nobushi
B: Kensei Valk Berz Orochi
C: Raider Shugoki Lawbringer
PK R1 spam needs to be nerfed immediately. 25% slower speed.
Official Tier List
A: Warlord, Conqurer
B: Warden
C: Everyone else.
PK's aren't harder to kill than any other hero
Parry + top light, shoulder charge cancel into grab + side heavy, wall throw + top heavy, Counterstrike the leaping top attack.

It's also painfully obvious when they want to grab, keep your finger over that GB button and you're golden, pony boy.
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>warden v warden
>we both just bash all match

I deserve this
Official Tier List Tier List
S: My tier list
D: Your tier list
These people are laughably pathetic. It's one thing if they want to pull this honor shit in 4v4 themselves, but they actively get fucking assblasted if you don't cripple yourself 1v1 the last guy on the enemy team when it's 3v1 left alive
>Play deathmatch
>About to kill opponent
>Both of us have low health
>Fucking leaves
>Bot comes in a full health and kills mr
Is giving slower stance change to heavier classes fucking necessary? Is it not enough that we get the slowest, easiest attacks to block and parry and the shittiest dodge distance?
> Brawl.
> Green NAT.
> Medium Activity.
> Matchmaking failed.

I love it Ubi. Good one.
So what the hell is Warlord's sprint GB supposed to do. Literally does nothing.
I immediately quit against Peacekeeper or Orochi. Sorry, I don't play low skill crutch classes.
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Will be fixed next major patch to add dead bots.
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Could some tell me if this is worth buying for my ps4? How much fun are ya'll having in general? Does the game feel like it has staying power?
>parry class
>slowest stance change
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Reminder that Kensei's side dash attacks can be punished by untechable GB every time they're blocked.
Who cares about stats dog? They don't mean anything
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I use M+KB lets compare mains.
> Lawbringer
> Die to light attack spam because there's a .5-.75 second delay between the radial moving and your guard actually changing
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>play warden
>never go for the 50/50
>just use light attacks, zone, and sometimes a heavy usually if I can knock them down when they have no stamina
>called a spammer anyways
is it just me or does nobushi have phantom range on her attacks?
yeah, as a LB main this shit drives me up a fucking wall.

>the counter attacker class!
have fun counter attacking a PK up in your grill thats just mashing R1 and spinning his analog stick around

the guard stance change speed should be uniform across all classes. so fucking dumb how it works now
How do you play Warlord? I play Conq now so i am not foriegn to shield play but his kit is so different I dont know what to do.
That's because the tier list is

Warden tier: Warden
Not-Warden tier: Everybody else
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>MFW the smugness of vikangs makes it all the more satisfying when I easily dominate a femraider in 1v1
>environmental kill
Immediately alt-f4, fake kill = illegitimate fight.
As much rainbow six has. That is just my feeling. Also PS4 isn't that bad
Reminds me of my SFIV days when I would style on faggots as Ryu or Adon and get hate mail informing me that "I'm just another Flavor of the Month dick rider and I have no real skills, I just copy Evo wins."
yeah, cause getting a Double-Perfect against your ass because I read everything you did means I'm copying evo plays...
I'm pretty sure you can get a free grab from blocking valks jump strike.
anyone wanna do some 2v2s on pc? I'm just a humble raider main
Warden is so broken that he can do whatever and still win
you can guardbreak him by blocking one of his lights, the vast majority of his moveset is unuseable
The only bad things are no text chat and 30 fps, but the latter is kinda important.
Playing the meta = you're discredited as a player
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>he was a P2 roach
>People play Fem-raiders.
The only acceptable fem class of the Vikings is the Valkyrie, and that's only because it's mandatory. Women are for birthing, men are for fighting.
Every once in a while I find a player who seems to be able to instantly switch guard to block anything I throw at them, even if their guard indicator never leaves a position other than the one I'm attacking from.

This isn't the shield thing, before you ask. It's happening with weebs and wardens more than anything.

that means you suck
knights all use explosives, PK even has martyrdom perk
I think if you hold it down you carry them with you.
Gloating over beating a Raider in a duel is like gloating over pushing a ninety year old man to the ground.
>My knee! I hope I can keep adventuring

I hate """"""NERD""""""" """"""HUMOR""""""" so fucking much
Where's the fucking story
Well I would try to get it for PC if I wasn't doing construction on my house right now and kind of limited to a laptop computer wise right now, haven't got the space for my desktop really at the moment. Just want to make sure there's a ps4 community around here hopefully.
It had nothing to do with the Meta, considering by the time that shit happened I already was an A Ryu and an A- Adon with like 2k games+ On each of them. I just like Ryu for the fundamental play, and Adon for rush-down play.
Literally got these kinds of messages the DAY that Evo happened.
Wasnt there another meme quote in the game?
How so if everyone's console is the same. The one nice thing about consoles is everyone's system is the same unlike whoever has the better rig wins.
What is the trick to defeating a warlord in 1v1?
are those light into zone attacks a glitch or a feature?
like if you light attack and a few frames later heavy do the heavy as well, it turns a light into a zone.

post it you cunt
Go on and post 'em. I only play Duels so it's counting 3-4 dominion games versus mostly duels.

I'll genuinely play someone who thinks M+KB is bad if they want a go.
Guard break spamming = no skill
Literally goes against Viking tradition of if they are married they don't fight but single ladies could
Have to sit there and wait for him to make the first move. Trying to attack a Warlord is pretty stupid 10/10 game - IGN
The story birthed new memes
Not being shit
femraiders are for fucking into the mud when they get too uppity and cocky.
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I don't understand, I'm trying warden to take a break from my usual main, but I don't understand the vortex, it seems as though it can be dashed out of after the first cycle, am I supposed to cancel into a gb if they dash to the side?
Do I buy the Winged 2 ornament for my warden or do I buy the Flying Lys outfit for those fire shoulders/bird?
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Warlord and I were the first to get that high at least the first I saw... Lawbringer babeeee
KBM is probably the best way to play this game outside of a ridiculous $150 xbone elite controller
the "50/50" is not the good part of Warden's kit.
>R1 spam
>environmental kill
>dodge spam
>guard break spam
>only counterattacking
Alt-f4 against any of these
His zone attack is pretty op imo
Fucking nerd shield bash already
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> When you beat someone enough times in a duel and they just switch to Raider/Warlord and try to ledge you.

If they bring a roman centurion into the game but DON'T bring a Colosseum, I'll be mad.
>Knight campaign
Pretty decent, a little upset no conq mission thus no conq emblem. Warden was a wuss but the sacking was cool

>Viking Campaign
Every character wanted to make me ram a pencil in my ear the writing was so bad, but the missions were fun, Viking D-day best mission in the game.

>Sam Campaign
Easily the worst, all roach, 1 kensei, and 1 retarded story that resolved itself too damn quickly. Nice civil war... resolved next mission, everything was so damn convenient, but really why only play orochi, the most boring designed character but the one that needed to be there?
His is punishable on whiff and block.
Peacekeeper's and Orochi's are safe and just as fast if not faster in Peacekeeper's case.
its pretty fun though
>rep 1 conqueror
>beat rep 5 warden two matches in a row
>he rqs the last round
Where my conq niggas at?
I just suck it up and keep fighting but put up a -1 score on my imaginary scoreboard so even if i lose, i win.
How do you get to this screen?

ye wat u want?
Select hero then hover over progression
When do I start getting blue gear? I know purple's later on.
How's it feel playing best hero?
>Am I the only one who thinks all classes are balanced?

>They all feel pretty equal when I kill them as the best hero in the game.
Doesn't this include AI shit and all of that?

What useless information then
>guy going against me books it and picks up every power up on the map
Is any scum greater in the world?
epic :^)
Yeah it'd be a decent mode without the fucking power ups.
>Play warden
>Everyone says warden op and going to get nerfed
>Switch to peacekeeper and its 10 times easier to win
>Never play warden again because hes much harder to win with and hes getting nerfed instead of buffed.
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Why did you let him get them all? You could've just chased him to the first one and then running attacked him.
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This game makes me wanna be like a dindu and put on a mask and start shooting ya know? Never get caught that way
>wahhh i was standing near spikes and... and.. he pushed me into them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(((

you'd do the same shit you retard
You need to know all warden's combos and mixups, plus fundamentals like GBing and reversals, parries, proper dodges, positioning. It's that warden is a jack of all trades, expert at all that makes him so goddamn good.
Am I supposed to be impressed by your faggotry?


>tfw Orochis never use that side slash into a light combo

Thank christ people just spam desu that side slash can fuck you up
He could just be using a controller, I use a ds4 and have the same prompts

You can't chain lights really at all because ANY block (not even a parry) of a light is an instant guardbreak. This will change in the soonâ„¢ patch, but unti lthen all you can ever do as conq is play defensive and bash into heavies.
Warden is the lowkey pussmaster.
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>attack with a light
>their healthbar goes red but the damage is immediately undone
>their animations flicker from damaged to blocking
>they retaliate during my followup

>my hero stumbles as if we guardbroke at the same time
>immediately guardbroken

>misread the enemy's attack and shift out of the correct defense
>block anyways

When does this stop?

He's free to do what he wants but it's immediately an illegitimate win.
>Played all tech tests and betas as warden
>Have 2.00 kd as warden in duels
Whatever you say sheeple just believe what you are told.
Sounds like someones been checked off too many ledges
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you inspired me and I tried my own

whaddya think
>he played the game :((((

you sound like the madbad who gets mad when someone revenges in 2vs2. They'd not have any meter if you didn't scum your way into the fight early
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What does the season pass DLC give you?
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Are Orochi players objectively the biggest faggots in the game? Or is there a more cancerous playerbase I'm overlooking?
Shield bash spammers
>fighting oroshitter
>kill him with fast attacks round 1
>he fishes for ledge throws but oroshit throw distance sucks ass on round 2, I throw him off
>he calls me a noob in less than a fraction of a second after he gets thrown off
>round 3
>can't you fight properly
>throw him into a fire off a ledge just for shits and giggles
>tells me to get good
>"I beat you 3 and 0, looks like you need to get good"
>he rages

i feel like whatever class you play is the most cancerous.
pk close second but i think you might be right
p-pls respond
Do you only get 5k Steel for completing the story on Realistic?
Ever play Rainbow Six Siege? Its exactly like that. Basically every new character that comes out you'll get for "free" and have exclusive access to it a week earlier than anybody else. Anybody that didn't buy the season pass gets it a week later and will have to spend a shit ton of points to unlock them.
even if roach is a pain in the arse id still rather fight him then warlord any day

in duels turtle warlord is a huge cunt

in dom turtle warlord will get his revenge so fucking quick

either way fuck warlord
>am I supposed to cancel into a gb if they dash to the side?
Yes. Thats exactly what you're supposed to do.
Shogoki turtlers
A night with Nobushi.

That was the joke btw
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update, full form

T. Lawbringer main
I haven't finished a duel in days. I immediately quit against anyone who wins a round on me. I only fight people I can 3-0.
I've yet to see an Orochi that was not an asshole. LB and Raider edgelords are pretty bad too, PKs as well, but not as bad as Roaches
They're not overly awful to fight (Not much fun though either) but they're the most guilty of "HEHEH, BETTER SPRINT AWAY" bullshit.
Also the PK sluts get annoying.

In terms of the biggest chore to fight, Warlord/Warden win.
>join a game with KEK_FUCCBURG
>He has the SS sig runes logo as his emblem
>say his name
>about to say "nice" but the game errors
classic For Honor experience
All weeb classes are faggots.
Why does the valk's dodge suck? When I dodge with her she gets hit on dodges I know the kensei would've worked.
Uh, okay? Also consider the possibility that your playstyle is just more suited to PK?

Life isn't black and white you nigger
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Orochi in duels and PKs in dominion.
playing against reactive classes is pretty shit overall senpai.
playing vs a passive player on a reactive class is the most cancerous, either it be a PK, orochi or nobushi
'twas a fine jape
See if you can incorporate whirls to make it more roselike. Looks solid though.
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Is it worth compared to the speed you accumulate points?
>All six DLC heroes a week early for free
>30 days champion status
>5 scavenger crates
>Sunbeam effect for emotes
>Extra cosmetics, like an exclusive emblem border
>roach best emote spam
>roach bunny ears

why would i play anyone else?
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>join weebs, like their aesthetics and thought I would enjoy them
>all their classes are actually boring and I exclusively play vikangs now
Who mercenary here?
>defensive warden player
Immediately quit. You have one of the best offensive classes in the game and you're playing like a reactive turtle faggot. Lowskill.
>Believing in your playstyle meme
>Not being able to see the objectively best way to play each character
How the fuck would my (((playstyle))) mess up the vortex?
Conq has best emote spam, though.
Depends heavily on how much the new characters will actually cost and how much you play the game to earn money.
>block until you see an opportunity to parry
>do a light attack or a guardbreak or something
>There is an objectable BEST way to do something
>You cannot do it because you are biased towards another way to do that thing
>What are playstyles

Do you need me to explain video games? You are a tryhard psuedo-philosopher who is bad at at least one of these things
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I'm samurai and i mostly play warlord, kensei, shugoki and orochi
Orochi's come in two varieties. We have the typical faggot who runs away the second he's in danger or it's not 2v1, and we have the rare MUH HONOR faggot
>Playing 4v4 with a couple friends
>Random slot on our team is taken by an Orochi
>I end up dying to my opponent in elimination and spectate the Orochi
>The Orochi REFUSES to help anyone in a fight, the most he does is step in if someone is getting 2v1'd
>He never uses his feats to hurt or kill the enemy
>He ends up watching my friend lose a fight and get executed, not stopping the enemy at all from completing the execution and getting the health regen from it
>Does this every round he lives
I fucking hate fags who larp MUH HONOR in 4v4 modes. Especially when they get gangbanged by the other team and they continue refusing to help teammates
>but really why only play orochi.

They opted for the ninja weeb assassin to deal with Apollyon, because everyone else was a jobber in comparison to her.
I play one of each faction. Main is Shugoki, first choice was Berserker, only knight that looked fun is Lawbringer.

I am happy. (Except fuck power ups in Deathmatch)
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>3v1 in deathmatch
>playing peacekeeper, trying not to get fucked
>being chased by all 3, kick their peacekeeper off a bridge
>start running sanic speed again, run to another small bridge
>only one followed me, trying to bait him onto the bridge by taunting
>his friend shows up behind me
>oh fug
>one of them hits the other and knocks him off the edge
>the one that basically teamkilled keeps swinging in the confusion
>kick him off the bridge
Should I make a webm of it? Kinda proud I won.
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>paper walls
>no match for steel

what did he mean by this?
Why would there not be an objectively best way to play a fighting game character that was specifically made to be played in a certain way?

Again, how would my (((bias))) interfere with me pressing one or two gbs.
Am I a bad person if I immediately alt f4 when I see someone playing PK?
Does it count as a loss?
When I play online, I never see anyone play the Warlord. I watched the included "how to play" videos, ran as a Warlord a few times, but couldn't really get a good handle on them (I got kills here and there, but without a lot of practice with one under my belt, most of my mix ups were just the ones from the video, which other people saw coming a mile away). So I don't see what makes them awesome, and never see anyone else play them, yet /fhg/ keeps praising the shit out of them. What am I missing here?
In all seriousness I don't think there's really an OP class in For Honor. When I started playing I thought Orochi was OP because I didn't know how to deal with side counters, then I thought berserker was OP because of how many attacks they can dish out per stamina bar, then I thought Nobushi was OP because of range, then I thought PK was OP because of bleed, then I thought Shugoki was OP because of armor, and the list goes on. People don't understand that winning in For Honor isn't just combo potential, you have to understand how to control distance, and positioning, as well as understanding the psychology of your opponent and how to adapt. Most people playing have one chain of combo's that they use and then cry and complain when a player knows how to counter it. People don't use their class to its full potential because they can't comprehend they're not playing a typical fighting game where combos are everything, they ignore the importance of a single hit here and there. A few classes, like the Kensei, could use a bit of a buff, but nobody really needs a nerf. Most people complaining simply aren't putting in the effort to learn their class of choice more efficiently.
Can you parry Kensei's kamehameha bullshit overhead?
>People say warden is broken levels of op
>peacekeeper, orochi, warlord, and nobushi have all won more tournaments

What did they mean by this? Really, what did they fucking mean by this?
You're right, I give up. Everyone who plays the same character plays identically.

Oh, wait, your next argument will be: They don't because they don't understand the objectively BEST way to play that character!

Except if you go to professional level play of any game, wherein people use the same characters, they all have a rough template which they follow to achieve those results... but they all play differently than eachother. That's the bias. They don't robotically play identically because we all, based on our unique sequence of past experiences, have a biased approach towards even a thing we all agree on.

Just go watch pro smash melee people fox vs fox and you can literally see bias and playstyle interfere with "objectively best" plays.
>Berserker is "worst" assassin
>regularly shit all over roaches and PKs

Tiers are for queers.
>my personal experience is better than factual analysis

good golly perhaps you should take a statistics class
PK and Orochi have 100% busted zone attacks

Warlord's headbutt is insane pressure

Nobushi has almost as many buttons/options as Warden + range
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I feel you.
>Not sure whether to feel in pain from being wrecked, impressed by such a move, or aroused by being crushed in the middle of her thighs.
Have you played much PK or Orochi? I'm genuinely curious as to how a more experienced player than me feels about all the assassins in general.

I tried to play Berserker in open beta and just couldn't get a handle on it. Peacekeeper feels so much more natural to me. I see a ton of Orochi players, but hardly any Berserkers, even though when I DO see them they're usually doing very well.
>They all have a rough template
There you go, you see what you meant to say was the playstyle that is considered objectively the best with that character.

Sure some players may play more aggressively and others wont in general but if good players were to play a non aggressive character aggressively they wouldnt be good. Good players adjust their playstyle to their character that is why they are successful.
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How the fuck do you learn how to counter GB every GB attempt?

It feels like people who flawlessly parry and GB everything seem like reaction gods
LOVING this meme
I am defining playstyle as the personal bias applied to a predefined character, not the other way around. Please re-read everything I typed in the last two posts and attempt to comprehend before posting a reply.
>Teammates regularly interupt my executions in 4v4 by bashing into me either because they think they're helping or they wanted the kill
>Lose the game because the person who was supposed to be executed gets revived and fucks us
I feel like the only solution is make executions uninteruptable by teammates
seems fair to me
You get faster by practice DESU. The only way to do it is to do it often, and fail over and over, until you get it. Keep in mind a lot of these players are already practiced in reflexes from dark souls or fighting games.
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Team Killing 1.webm
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Happens way too often, indeed. Not a major concern when compared to the shitty servers but I would like to see AT LEAST a option for that on custom modes.

Never going to happen, though.

Webm was from same game, and thus same Nobushi.
Is it literally just /pol/ and reddit that have invaded here so much they outnumber the weebs

DEUS VULT fags are exhausting
>Feel the weight of the weapon in your hand
>it's actually lag lol

Yes, I am currently working on getting my ass handed to me via losing all the time. The only thing I can quickly adapt to in this game is deflecting with assassin characters
where are all my glorious kensai brothern?
The timing is pretty long you just have to practice
>PK and Orochi have a higher damage output rating than Berserker

Really? I could have sworn to God that was the one thing Zerk had over them. Well that's disappointing.
Zerks have the infinite, but it sucks because it stops if: blocked, parried, or if you use a top attack; AND only functions after the first THREE attacks.

They are the worst assassin.
It's only been a few days and people are already good at parrying and teching, how much longer until they learn to dodge well and Conqueror becomes useless?
>Playstyles the personal bias applied to a predefined character
My previous point was good players dont let bias conflict with predefined characters
Show me a chain that isn't stopped by parries or blocking lights. You can feint the top heavy and keep going.

Also the armored attacks don't matter THAT much since almost nothing that doesn't have its own armor is going to interrupt them anyway.

I agree that he's weaker than the other two but I don't feel like that's a good reason why.
Then by your definition, all 'good players' play identically.
No because no good player knows exactly what to do at all times they just know the best playstyle. You still have to make guesses.
You mean the chain ends by things that end literally any other (not full heavy) chain in the game?

My concern wasn't even about that, it was regarding raw damage output alone.
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can you fuck off?
Yeah FUCK off back to your swamp

stay mad knight shitlordz
Whats the fucking objective in skirmish
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if you want to practice GB and parry just go hang out at the bots in advanced practice
i think i spent an hour each doing GB/parry bots just to get the timings down
To end as quickly as possible so you can get into an actual good mode.
So will guard breaks and bot replacements be fixed tomorrow? Tuesdays are typically patch days.
I think you mean
>will guard breaks absolutely useless tomorrow?
Fucking blocking guard break is broken
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Here's my first rough try at this.

Any suggestions for improvements? Or does anyone already have a better one fully made?
yeah there's a better one somewhere around here

it's run by the most murrican law you've ever seen
Do want
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