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Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Thread replies: 753
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numero ichi
still more fun than any other fighting game by a wide margin

paying for a balance update that theoretically significantly improves the game is a good thing. if you were a competitive player and realized that developers can't account for every thing and it's nearly inevitable that broken shit would be found, you would appreciate this practice and realize it's easily worth $40 if you are playing the game a lot and the balance matters to you. i'm guessing you're a casual who doesn't really give a shit about balance or has some naive view where the developer perfectly balances it on the first try
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Seriously though why hasnt dank been banned yet
Because he talks about fighting games.
pretty obvious he has a dynamic ip or something

how new are you
Ok seriously

Are you his second personality?
He, unlike you, talks about fighting games. He is automatically 2000% better than most of you.
that has never stopped them from banning me

if they want to ban you, they will just call it "low quality post" or something

the reality is the mods and janitors do whatever they want and the rules are applied or ignored selectively

no we don't type any thing a like it's just doug trying to be epic and force a meme
what makes umvc4 hsien-ko so bad
He only talks about how he hates the most popular fighting franchise

He never asks for games or talks about match ups or anything

Maybe because anyone with a brain wouldnt play KI
another quality post, keep them up, they're truly bringing up the overall quality of the board.
Pushing a paid update that divides the player base every year. All while capcom does free updates for SFV and even gives you the option to unlock dlc characters by playing.

Yet you wonder why dead games are dead lel.
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>Not the nekkid version
jack daily
it doesn't divide serious competitive players, serious players are happy for balance changes if they actually improve the game. what are you talking about i wonder why dead games are dead? i know the reason, they are old and people are dumb and just flock to whatever is new and popular even if it's bad
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Post washed up players
GG ain't old though, but revelator is more dead than sign, pretty fucking sad if you ask me.

Balance updates shouldn't be tied to a 20 bucks upgrade , if you do at least wait more than 1 fucking year to do so.
Absurdly slow in a fast game despite being a character known for speed.
i don't even play guilty gear or give a fuck about it

it's not dead unless you are using that term as "any game less popular than sfv" like a retard

you are either poor or too casual to realize that paying $20 for a balance update to a game you play regularly is a good thing

i'm better than i've ever been
he got second in a tournament like yesterday

smug was washed up in s1 but now he has arguably the best character in the game and is doing well
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Who are these mysterious strangers
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See my Makoto in Super Street Fighter V in Season 3 in 2018 with functional lobbies.
The dude has been winning ESL KotH events for weeks and recently he got second to a well-packed tournament.
I've never seen dank post blatant offtopic content. Just because he bashes my game doesn't mean he should be banned.

Ironic coming from a NSFW kappaposter
Play Vsav
if you like makoto you are literally repressed gay

she has big ass nasty feet, no tits, no ass and probably doesn't shave her armpits
>You don't like paying for bullshit that fucks up the playerbase anyway , you must be poor

I forgot you were retarded , at least you use a trip so i can filter you. Good day.
You'd really put balrog over urien and cammy? At least he's got actual weaknesses and bad matchups, unlike those two
everyone in sf has big feet and hands
>Only starts to do well once he starts using the most braindead top tier in the game
Really makes u think

Nobody was talking about Smug in S1 and if Balrog gets heavy nerfs you can expect him to go back to that
no that's literally one of the worst competitive fighting games ever made and if you like it you have brain damage

where was this quote in my post i don't remember saying that??

do you mean the boxer or the dictator
You'll find out in the next Dragon Ball Zee episode!

i basically group the top tier into one blob of stupidity

so basically the best characters are balrog, urien, guile, cammy and necalli but on any given day i might change my mind on exactly which is the best
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

More like Dr. Dank and Mr. Pisss
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>Necalli still under the radar
*v-trigger into 40% of your health and full-screen corner carry plus setup*

pshh... wheres my fight money bitch

haha yeah he does well but he actually doesnt! its just the character
Even before S2 he was doing decently at the East Coast events. He always gets second place after Idom's Laura.

Sometimes Chariot sounds like a typical /v/ contrarian that wants to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
Boxer, although dictator is arguably up there as well
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that's why kof girls are the best

fuck off doug
>game has gotten worse

another pro thinks sfv s2 is even worse than before

agreed about the dp change

https://clips.twitch tv/bifuteki/WittyCarabeefDOOMGuy
It is possible to be carried by the strengths of your character you know
He's a Sim player, of course he hates the one with the 7-3 mu against him the most.

yeah necalli is the one im most worried about because he slipped under the radar in the s1 nerfs and everyones too busy complaining about urien/laura/balrog so i think he'll slip under again

also i forgot to put laura in that post
I don't think there is anyone who grinds games as much as Smug desu. Taking credit from him just because his character is cheap now is unfair.
yeah yeah I didn't say he wasn't retarded, just that he had weaknesses like lacking a reversal and losing pretty badly to geif and laura
When Urien, Guile, Laura and Rog get toned down SFV will be Necalli, Bison, Cammy and Rashid city.
For real, Necalli and Cammy both really lucked out with s2, but Cammy probably will get fucked in the next patch.
Necalli though...
he only won in sf4 cause dudley was retarded, the only reason more people didn't win with him was he had the epic execution barrier of having to play a rhythmn game to be played well like a lot of the derpness in sf4. smug just walked forward mashing buttons until he got a counterhit and then did 40% knockdown into autoderp then stun

wow such skill, he's just another execution boar, nu-sf player
up to a point.
>Cammy will get fucked next patch

She's a blonde white girl. Nips don't overnerf their goddesses.

dude balrog sim is not remotely 7-3

5.5-4.5 at worst
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>mfw i slip under the radar
How did Laura go from shit tier to overpowered?

It's either people didn't pay attention to her on S1 or people are overreacting.
Making s.mk better , c.lk usable and comboable overhead doesn't suddenly make a shit character S+ broken.
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Laura has always been cancer

>Laura throws out EX fireball and you're forced into block from fullscreen
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here's the problem with modern sf games, all nuance has been lost

alpha 2 the game is all about abusing the retarded custom combos and alpha counters

alpha 3 is all v ism and dhalsim derpness

in 3s parrying destroyed conventional zoning and long range poking and turned the game into nothing but semi grapplers

sf4 was all about option selects, 1 frame links and knockdown xx autoderp. literally a game made for robots

in sf5 it's just jump and mash the game, there is no real neutral it's just straight up dashing around mashing buttons or going for a throw.

in st you have strong zoning (sim,o gat, guile, ryu etc), strong rushdown (boxer, dictator, fei), strong grapplers (n ken, o hawk), good all around characters (ryu, dee jay) distance poking characters (sim, claw). there are many unique playstyles and all the characters have won majors. so the difference is that there is an actual variety of play styles and not just homogenous herp derp i'm abusing the system mechanics garbage
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Fuck you she was mid tier in S1. She's a great character

>Fullscreen fireball

le +1 shoulder oki face
le comboable overhead face
le short jab jab xx shoulder face
le fully projectile invulnerable halfscreen ex grab face
She's using a bar to do that , you can use v-reversal to get her off you. I don't see the problem.
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>paying for a balance update is a good thing
SFxT was good.....
Name one major won by the following characters:
N Hawk
O Cammy
O Dhalsim
O Gief
O Deejay
O Honda
stop responding to pisss(dank)
that isn't street fighter
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ST is all about wall diving and RNG
You're forgetting that she now gets retarded oki of off her command grab when she got jack shit before, which is massive
are you really going to count the old characters as separate? lol please. grasping at straws. also shogatsu plays o honda and has probably won majors with him

you've never played the game and probably started playing fgs this year. stfu retard
Why talk about 4 like you know shit about it?

I was exaggerating. Still I heard Sim players complain about it a lot and I thought it was worse than this. What matchups do you think are the worst for him in s2? I'd guess something like Cammy/Rashid?
I don't disagree that she's strong now and for sure annoying to play against, but wouldn't you say the people that said she was shit tier in S1 were wrong?

I just don't buy this shit tier into S+ tier due to a few changes.

I played her on S1 and was surprised after S2 released how everyone was hating on her lol.

I dropped her for Karin cause i think Laura gameplan is pretty shallow and too reset heavy for my taste.
When will SF players grow out of their primadonna mentality and realize that the game needs more fun in order to be more interesting?
because i played it plenty and know about it idk what your point is are you upset that no one plays your epic rhythm game any more and isn't interested in your training mode boar display of uncontested skill?
he was trying to do a dp/tatsu option select like a retard instead of blocking

nice cherry picked video that proves nothing jackass
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>tfw can't be washed up if you were never anything to begin with
anonymous posters are so stupid they just post the same dumb shit over and over that i've already debunked it's just sad
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>How did Laura go from shit tier to overpowered?
Laura is the Alex of season 2, the character is good but their mains are pretending they're low tier to get buffs.
And you were garbage at it to a point where you would spout random shit in this very thread that was on a level with >>168886563
You don't have any understanding about how to defend in that game or how to deal with oki. Feel free to name 5 commonly used option selects that were used in ~high-mid level play, I'll wait.
Also try to to relax on the buzzwords please. You can hate on 4 all you want but don't pretend you knew shit about it aside from low level play.
debunk this *walldives you from 80% to death*
"durrr you weren't a pro player so you can't criticize something that is obviously bad durrr"

if my criticism was wrong you wouldn't have had to resort to this pathetic ad hominem and would have attacked the argument itself
Who is currently the best Alex player?
there's a reason that if you go on pc sf4 there is no one on and if you go in the room for st or 3s there are 30+ people

the game is garbage and people only played it cause everyone else did, now that sfv is out, no one cares besides trainingmodeboars
this guy >>168887234

oh yeah im not saying she was shit tier in s1

low mid at worst
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Takes a lot of skill - Vampire Savior, Third Strike, Street Fighter Alpha 3

Takes skill - UMvC3, USF4, Vampire Hunter

Takes little skill - KoF, MvC2, Killer Instinct, Alpha 2, Samurai Shodown V SP

Takes no skill - Super Turbo, Diaper Fighting, Capcom VS SNK 2, Tekken, Mortal combat, All anime fighters
My sources tell me this guy >>168887183
last time i played ultra the only people on were some idiot playing el fuerte and some other idiot playing viper

these are the kind of people who still play sf4, these are the people who defend it. they can't play neutral and only rely on trainingmodeboar random derping so they are stuck playing sf4 forever

this is you

nice /v/ post
>there's a reason that if you go on pc sf4 there is no one on
Literally false.
I can go on SF4 ranked right now and find constant games.
And I live in the middle of fucking nowhere

Getting a gpu upgrade soon , maybe i'll keep the trash graphics to get faster loading times lol.

Now playing ranked while training won't feel as bad, freaking load times from match back to training mode kills me.
Especially with PS4 shitters that won't ever rematch after i beat em.
that has not been my experience at all

what console are you on
Is that game worth checking out if I don't give a shit about Naruto in the slightest?
this quick loading mod is mind boggling

apparently the only times when the game is ACTUALLY loading anything is the 2 seconds after the versus screen where it all goes white

the versus screen doesnt load anything

toolassisted just unlocked the framerate for the transitions between menus and it improved the downtime by like 600%

what the fuck are capcom doing making fake loading screens
That's not what I said. I'm saying you don't even understand what your options are in that game and you wouldn't even recognise most of the stuff that was going on. I'm still waiting on those option selects, they were everywhere and you know what you're talking about right?
I played the whole cast in 4 and didn't training boar shit, if you understand the basic feel of links in that game you can do combos with pretty much anyone after seeing them. Don't even think about writing shit about anecdotal evidence, I don't think there is a lot of scientific data about the time it takes you to learn a combo in 4 and I know a lot of other players who didn't grind training either. Every high level player can do his stuff consistently, it's not magic.
You're 3rd point was knockdown stuff and I'm still telling you, you don't know how to defend in this game and what the options are at a given time are. It's the same as same as someone posting "LOL ST has inescapable throwloops kusoge LMAO". Avoid the situations, know how to defend.
You're just missing complaining about focus when everyone should be able to punish it on reaction in neutral after that many years. I'll give you ultras though, not a great mechanic.
Also would you consider yourself good at sf4? Or why are you getting salty about me calling you bad at the game?
it's insanely fun, you don't really have to give a shit about the story but you do have a play a bit of it to unlock a few characters
I hate Naruto but the 2D ones on PS2 were really good.
Does it work online of does it just make the game desync?
Im on the personal computer like you said
its actually retarded if thats true, like why would there ever be a reason to have a fake loading screen? dont they realize players of these games just wanna get on to the next match asap? i knew they were out of touch, but god damn

supposedly works fine online, but if the opponent isnt also using it you have to just sit at the black screen and wait for their game to catch up for the match to start
To make ps4 not look so shit.

You still have to wait for the other person to load.
Because ps4 has retarded loading times but they got paid by Sony to not make people notice that.
Tested it online, it works if the other guy has it too. But it sometimes feels like the framerate stays onlocked for too long and still is for a short time after a match starts, I might just be imagining it though.
It works as long as the 2 players have it, but if he doesn't you just wait.
What it improves is loading back to training mode if you're seeking games while you practice.

Really good if you're not struggling for framerate.
It still cuts you about 5 seconds due to the higher framerate when the character models are not loaded in screen.

It's a shame that the models are bloated in the loading screen.
I get 50fps with the huge ass models and i'm pretty sure i'd hit about 90 ingame with vsync disabled.
well that makes me upset
This is bullshit.
The game only loads after the animation ends and the screen goes into white.

PS4 would still load slower, same as a PC with an HDD would load slower than a PC with an SDD but nothing this drastic.
guess im using this fucking mod, fuck it if i get banned
It literally changes a variable (max fps in menus from 60 to 255).
You ain't getting banned for using this lol.
>login to play SFV for a few matches
>casual match
>some retarded named President_Trump just standing there
>win the match and re-queue
>its him again
>still just standing there
>alt tab for a bit
>match is over
>fuck it, ill do ranked
>queue ranked
>it's him again just afking

what the FUCK

>hes a fucking sonycuck too
i need to filter by hardware jesus christ
Who doesn't have an SSD these days? It should be mandatory for anybody who plays games on PC.
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>He fell for the SSD meme
maybe in a few years when they don't cost as much as a high-end GPU
should I get for honor lads? is it the future of fighting games?
i dont think the mods are as scummy as you would think. i mean sure, some of them are and will ban people for things that they do on a regular basis and probably to a worse degree, but a lot of the time you get banned it's because ppl with thin skin reported you.
I dont even have an HDD

whats the point desu
I bought a Samsung 850 EVO 250GB for like 100 bucks and it was totally worth it, best upgrade I ever did on my PC.
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have you actually been living under a rock the last 5 years
Why does May always get the best themes?

>less than 1TB
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There's no reason to have a 1TB SSD to be honest, all you need to install on your SSD is the OS and a few games, shit like pictures, movies and other similar stuff won't benefit at all from being on an SSD, not to mention most games also don't benefit from being installed on an SSD.
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I honestly don't even know what the game loads before matches, it so rarely shows anything on the graph. It only seems to load anything during char select. If you watch the graph and swap between chars, the first time they're loaded they will show up on it, but once you're at the loading screen it doesn't seem to do anything at all.

Anything else you want to blog about?
the game was likely coded by like 3 people in total, there is SO much wrong with everything in just about every area of the game you shouldn't be surprised that loading is tied to the framerate or some other completely insane shit

I think it's to not make the ps4 version look like unoptimized piece of garbage.
and everyone said people wouldn't find new tech a few months after release
based capcom does it again
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They're retarded
I know about that post, that's what sparked my post, notice I picked the all white screen for my screenshot. I'm using the mod and it just doesn't show anything on the graph unless I'm selecting a char. Which tells me there's more room for improvement.
>overpriced as fuck
>still worlds cheaper than vita cards
At least that once most consumers did not fall for sony.
shouldn't you be checking your psn subscription
Blue water blue sky?

more like best water best sky
Starry Story isn't that great desu.
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>play karin
>faggots hold down the jump button
anti air????
If you post with a trip, people who hate you will try to report your posts to get you banned and when the mods see that post got reported and it was a slight bit assholish they're like "ok, he got reported so let's do a 3 days ban".

They're not "corrupt", it's just that you don't get reported with your trip off because people don't care and mods certainly don't go out of their way to ban anyone who does "low quality posts".
discriminating based on whether a person has a trip or not when they're making higher quality posts with the trip is corrupt

Karin's AA is garbage. cr.hp is fine for front jumpins, but she's got nothing for crossups. And by fine I mean it often trades and you get no advantage for landing it and little damage.

If they get one good jumpin that's half your HP gone.

It's asinine.
play a better game
Okay dank
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I like Kolin's fireballs and her special dash/hyper jump.
Same point as replying to your own posts as anonymous.

Fuck off dank
Anyone in EU up for SFV?
Have Capcom said anything about the whole fake loading screen disaster?
Did Doug and PISSS fall out?
Iv not been in the discord for a while what happened?
Looks like a good, humble, fun loving man with ambitions.

t. not doug
They said nothing, but what could they even possibly say?

The only expectable response from their part is "We'll look into it". They showed absolutely zero interest in improving this game, be it for incompetence of the dev team in Capcom Japan or lack of resources in general.
i think it's tacky to comment on someone's appearance, but he is certainly an obnoxious hurtsack, which is par for the course in this thread.
no i just have a hunch he started the dank is pisss meme
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Is this accurate?

t. Arcana player
It looks cool, but have you seen the damage of that combo? And it requires three meter bars too.

Juicebox was right in describing how they balance "technical" characters in this game. More options you have, more artificial flaws like stubbier normals you'll get.
People still lick their assholes after a fucking rootkit. You think they give a shit?
That has always been a thing in fighting games.
Because it wasn't a rootkit but nice sensationalism/fake news/clickbait.
Has Dank ever actually talked about KI?
I'm fairly certain he's never actually said anything about KI unless it had to do with SFV.
SFV is basically always on radio silence, except when they want money out of you with DLCs
it's pretty funny when they said we'd hear from them "roughly every other month" when talking about increased communication with the fanbase when that's exactly what their dlc schedule is for season 2

so utterly shameless
The Capcom.sys was literally a rootkit. No spinning around definitions, that's the perfect example of a rootkit implemented by a relatively big company since the Sony rootkit scandal in 2005.

A permission to access to your data from the company that can even change your sensible information. Imagine if a ill-intentioned broke the game so that he could steal your information. Your privacy would've been in serious danger.

How people are making it spin like it was nothing because they don't want to make bad things about SFV spread around is beyond my understanding. Even Capcom itself recognized that the system was a total fuck up.
The SFV defence force is reaching absurdly low levels of disillusion and desperation.
Didn't they remove the rootkit removal tool as well? So if you didn't use it before a certain period, enjoy it sitting there until you do it manually.
Fireball juggles are fun, too bad it's another blonde girl with big waist
They backpedaled the update, but if you installed the previous patch you had to remove the rootkit manually.

Is this some kind of greyscale juri mod?
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Is this Takayuki Nakayama the same Nakayama who's now directing SFV?

If that's the case, he used to work in Bvlgari.
They released a tool to remove the rootkit instead of having to do it manually, but they then removed the tool.


I like SFV but how can you defend this shit? It was a massive fuckup that quite rightly damage people's faith in capcom and SFV.
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>King of Fighters 14 — Results
>5. Juicebox (King, Hein, Leona)

?!?!? i thought this is his game
how many times are you going to reply to your post? did capcom kill your dog?
Get a job fagfeels.
No it's probably a survival grind color
A poorly made drm that could be exploited by hackers is not a rootkit, it's just that rootkit sounded good for clickbait reasons.

Capcom fucked up with their drm but I won't call it a rootkit when it's not one, simple.
it was a rootkit tho, simple
Do you know what a rootkit is?
He's spelling his name with his tournament results because he's already tired of just winning. The full sequence will be 58423269 (spelling with a cellphone keypad). For the last one he'll OCV every single game he plays and get DQd by "sleeping late" for the 9th place finish.

I don't really care because it was short lived and, as with everything related to this fucking game, it seemed to be a consequence of complete stupidity rather than malice.

Still, I play the game on and off. Im actually sort glad I can play this genre a lot less now and take some bites out of my backlog.
I heard rumours that the next SFV Season 2 character is called Capcom.sys
I can see that it wasn't a ill-intentional decision, but it was a really bad decision nonetheless.

Also I was replying to that guy saying that the Capcom.sys wasn't a rootkit.
Rootkit was dumb, but SFV hasn't worked properly for me on pc since the guile patch. Online is fine but single player has big long freezes and stuttering. I've tried nearly everything.
El Rosa>>>>>Juicefaggot
>goobers have to bring back an issue that was fixed in less than a day
>no one got hacked despite the dubious virus claims

hold up

if sfv is shit why do you need these kind of terrible arguments to shill your dead kusoge?
It was a rootkit though, a rootkit is basically a piece of software that hides itself from the system, usually placed in the kernel, which the thing they put was, the way you say makes it sound like rootkit is by definition a malware which is not the case, Windows itself install a dozen of rootkits by default, they're mandatory for the system to work properly but they're still rootkits.

Well, anyone trying to say it wasn't a bad decision truly is a delusional retard.
nobody even mentioned goofy goobers
Is Cummy Blasterz dead?
get a job, fagfeels
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Some people take fighting games too seriously

Have a buddy who goes into autistic rage when he loses because

>"I'm better than you all, so it pisses me off when I lose to this, I'm disappointed in myself"

Really kills the vibe
number of people hacked by so called sfvirus : 0

5 months after goobers are still bringing up the virus that didnt hack a single person..
go play for honor if you can't take competitive spirit
muh goobers
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Everyone's having fun and laughing and this nigga wants to curse and scream down everyone's throat when the dipshit's losing.

Fuck off idiot.
pretty much, you can get games from discord or you can see me in blasterz in a while
Is for honor easy to destroy scrubs in? I heard the parry and tech windows are like 30f and high level play is literally just a stare down not attacking
>Live in central europe
>could be paired with glorious france, belgium or dutch internet masterraces
>instead get italian and spanish retards on dial-up toasters who apparently wedged two forks into their keyboards to play

Good god, I hate this shit.
SFV's drm wasn't a rookit unless you consider your antivirus to be a rootkit, if I made a driver that requires kernel access it's not a rootkit. The issue with capcom.sys is that it was unprotected AND had kernel access, it could have been exploited by malicious code injections because it was very poorly made, most likely by a very naive student.

But hey, it's easier to grab the attention of clueless people who were already shitting on the game with "rootkit".
I get pissed aswell if I make dumb mistake or I fail inputs

Or the opponent is playing Dhalsim or FANG and ill get pissed regardless
Stop exaggerating shitter.
t. combofiend
t. ono

You probably identify with this shit. I'm not exaggerating.
>I'm losing when I shouldn't and it pisses me off.
You just suck. You can dash/walk under, air to air, block or use st.hp, st. jab etc. Fucking scrub.
No I think that modern capcom is mostly shit and they fucked up on so many points in making SFV but instead of real issues (cfn, loading screens, lobbies still being fucked a year after release, matchmaking, netcode, balance) we focus on meme issues (hurrr banana hair, ken face, arcade mode, etc).
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>(Note: Not DRM)

Are you that socially retarded? You want me to write down everything someone says? From 3+ hour long sessions?

Jesus fuck some of you people are critically stupid.

>Someone should jot down every single instance of autistic rage so this retarded can finally get the point

This website concerns me sometimes
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(Note: Don't expect nerfs, far from it.™) In case you're still unaware, anything capcom usa says is worthless.
>>168894327 (You)
>>168894457 (You)
Ok i'm bored

1-5 SFV
6-0 For Honor
But the shitter of the two is clearly the one who kept losing
anyone want to play something on fightcade?
Can someone explain how to lariat after a parry with Alex?

Like when i know someone is gonna do some dumb full screen dash punch, i just sit there and charge the lariat. But then after the parry, he just stands there. I want the charge lariat parry, into the charged lariat. But he only seems to parry into lariat if it gets tapped, not when i charge it
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i was gonna buy for honor but ready the reviews overall just makes me think i shouldn't
There is nothing wrong with p2p tho? The rest is valid criticism I'll skip the game too
p2p is bad when there are more than 2 players in one match. p2p is good for 1v1 games.
Are you aware that you can use multiple storage mediums?
You use SSD for the OS and games and put rest of your crap on a HDD.
>p2p is good for 1v1 games.
Host advantage, no thanks
Tampa Bison said that the FGC is gonna be all over For Honor and that it will become a huge game at EVO next year. I don't see it man.
he means ubisoft will pay mr mcrib to have for honor at evo
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Still 3 years of forcefully eating SFV.
Ubisoft is not that dumb. They now what to buy and who to bribe for a successful game. Evo doesn't matter at all.
It actually uses a system where it doesn't have host advantage.
The only problem is it has to resync all the clients when someone leaves , so it causes a "host migration" effect everytime someone leaves.

It should be fine . I hate how everyone has a fucking software engineering and network diagnostics diploma.

It's not as bad here , but reddit gives me fucking brain cancer , it physically hurts to read every big subreddit. Same for the /V retards.
Play something else in the meanwhile.
>Implying I didn't drop SFV already
>still 3 years of forcefully eating sleep fighter 4
God i cant fucking wait for sf5
Play something else in the meanwhile.
Nah this doesn't work. Sorry Peter.
>implying i didn't drop sleep fighter 4 already

>Thursday be soon

Are you ready to be left behind?
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fuck the femboi
it's been two months of playing street fighter and i'm still losing to kens doing fullscreen tatsus, i just want to quit
he isn't a femboy you faggot
Why don't people care about stage lag in SFV?
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This is the 4th DLC character in case you didn't know. Huge Road Warrior looking mother fucker from Final Fight named Abigail. I'm fucking hyped.
Did Ken really need an overhead that he can feint, combo out of and is -2 on block?
Damn, I'm salty.
He was an Andore (Hugo) clone in Final Fight, if he doesn't have the same exact moveset as Hugo then he can fuck right off.
His f.hk overhead is -4 on block, which means jab punishable.
the game is already such a poorly made trainwreck that a bit of extra lag is like nothing
weird how when im gone people still talk about me

oh well

has sfv corrected its garbage netcode yet? or anything? feels like they are abandoning the game
>3 hours ago
>only 3 likes
>one of them by the shillmaster himself lone dragon
So many haters left behind. Also why can an offical capcom worker not type english?
who else bored as fuck here
they're leaving the game behind, not the haters
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what a swell guy
Isn't he a pyscho killer working for the yakuza?
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I wish they made another one of these, this shit was so fun.
when is capcom going to announce new costumes for sfv? no valentine costumes sucks
play nioh
me, thinking about getting for honor but I'm not sure
dont have a console

it gets boring quickly
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your point?
already finished the game desu

yeah I had that experience with the beta too but I don't really know what else to get
makes sense, game is an abortion of failed ideas
How different is the offline compared to online in SFV?
Especially in case of Karin who relies on footsies so any kind of latency is crucial.
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Liked by this guy
>young conservative marvel player
What is life as the weirdest anomaly ever
PSN has free multiplayer this week so I played SFV again

Got matched up with somebody from a different country after 3 minutes of searching and he rage quit when I won

Its been a year how do you people do this without taking breaks and playing something else
It's fun.
Feels the same because of the input delay and the netcode
wow innocent anonymous poster had a terrible experience with x game? oh my god what a shame because it works on my machine and when i watch streams..... could it be that......... you're not a goober are you?
so denial?
>Ubisoft is not that dumb
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>open catalog to find /fgg/
>get distracted and click another general with a sniffable OP pic
>end up replying to an off-topic post before reverse searching

now I understand why we never talk about fighting games
Why does Xrd-SIGN- have 1366*768 resolution instead of 1360*768? Mine is 1360*768 and 1366 one refuses to work

these people need to go
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PSN has free multiplayer this week so I played goober gear xturd again

Wait 20 min in ranked with no one playing before getting kicked 5 times from lobbies against better players than me, when I find one where they didn't instantly kick me I play against a 8f delay Leo who raped me in the corner and IK'd me while I had no idea what's going on

Its been 3 years how do you people do this without taking breaks and playing something else
If by lariat you mean sledgehammer, you continue to hold the buttons. After a successful parry the sledgehammer will come out if you keep the buttons held. You are expected to punish with something else if you release the buttons during a successful parry.
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lmaooo your mind defaulted to 8f delay cause thats all you know
join the discord
which one
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Are you one of those 16:10 fags? The game has limited range of supported resolutions which is pretty awful since sign had so many more. It is high on the list of things to fix that will likely come with the netplay update.
Fagfeels how can a single person get so triggered at a game?
rashid is trash
>said Juicebox while getting OCV'd by Benimaru
No that is a bat actually and please don't save thumbnails.

>Next Character Pre-Reveal (Leak) and one Screen Shot

I hope it's legit. Wasn't this guy debunked by the SF mod community?
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funny that oddness goober is the one defending r*shid the most universally hated street fighter character

makes you think....
Isn't Benimaru good in XIV?
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he is

but it was supposed to be Juicebox's game
I'm on PC - EU and there's literally nobody except 2 japs online right now
I think Beni is good in every game he is in. Maybe not cvs2.
Needs lighter armor.
Capcom does it
SNK does it

why not?
>250 online right now
>2 japs
Because he's expecting the info for the new character to be in the Kolin update. He has jackshit right now.
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Call me when you announce an announcement of an announcement, kid
Is he covered in mud? I thought swamp thing was already in the game
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Sorry for being so late. Are you still down for games? I will play KOF, any Street Fighter, or any MVC on fightcade.
pre reveal lmao
Yo, can you give me any good links to ROM's?
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Well, I mean Beni is like top 10 or something like that so getting ovc'd isn't too strange. On top of that, JuiceBox is a SHIT tourney player and always cracks.

It don't matter how much of the game is his because that nigga can't finish in tournaments.
look at the pastebin, dummy
Games and other files some games need. Just put them in the fightcade rom folder without unzipping.
sure, want to play 3s not played that in a while?
Just find the filename of the rom (for example kof98.zip) and search google. That is what I do at least. I downloaded my roms a while ago, and the rom sites seem to have gotten worse since when i downloaded them originally.
why do people still rage quit its a year later
I'm in the room. Come challenge me.
one gives you pleasure and satisfaction

the other gives you carpel tunnel syndrome
>people that choose infared scorpion
Die in a fire please
>not telling them to DIE WITH THE RUBBLE
Because it's dumb, expecially considering this is a leak by a modder and not an announcement by a big company.

It's dumb and not trustworthy at all.

I will announce that your mother's ass was pretty sweet.
>Wasn't this guy debunked by the SF mod community?

Yes, he made lots of shit up. Sometimes he had some right guesses but most of the time it was mostly him showing fake "leaks", like that time he pretended to leak Nadeshiko playable when he just made her model swap with R. Mika's animations and a stage who can be only seen in a cutscene in the General Story Mode.
Speaking of MK I tried playing MKX again and still cant get used to the weird inputs and movement
KOF competition is ruthless. Hes good but the real spics/chinks are a league above him.
My favourite pastime is quoting stupid shit from fighting games


tfw your setplay is so good that you cant even tell if they stopped playing or not
Every machine translated line from sfv's story mode is a hoot. Laura is especially awful.
How many people are online right no on GG rev PC? For some reason the community hub doesn't show the number.
Do you guys think they'll put a RE7 character in MvCI? Maybe "Redfield"?
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>Never reached a 1000 player all-time

With that price it won't go past 1000 for a good time.

I'll admit, I've shit posted GG regularly since SFV came out, but there have been several times after getting frustrated with SFV that I've seriously considered Rev. The price talks me out of it every time. I doubt I'm alone in that, so I think they really shot themselves in the foot with that. This is why I think Tekken will be big now that SF series is limping.
How can laura be cheap if she has to guess to get offense going? Thats getting wrong half the time
That is what such late ports do. But on the bright side it has a more stable playerbase now than sign. Sign got drowned hard with the rev release on consoles. Still could find matches but the pool got smaller.
I don't know which character to pick , once T7 releases. Dragunov,Bryan or Paul?
They all look cool , but I just don't know which one to go with.Playing with a controller btw, if that makes a difference.
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>I've shit posted GG regularly since SFV came out
you're still at an advantage after a meaty, its not like your opponent has the upper hand after guessing the 50 50 wrong
Have a pc that's good enough for emulation? Go to emuparadise, download Tekken 6 for PSP, emulate it and try them. This will help you choose main much better than any other anon here
Aren't they like different in the later games?
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>I've shit posted GG regularly since SFV came out

It's pretty fun to join in sometimes.
just ran into a level 45 ryu in super bronze who only knows target combo
Heads i win, Tails you lose
DESU tekken 5 dr is better to emulate. 6 is only worth it if you want to play horrible online or use the 7 mods.
Why are you in Super bronze.

anyone else want to play something on fightcade? up for pretty much anything
Sounds like you are jealous of true fundamentals that only sfv can showcase.
Well , from which one is it easier to transition from once T7 releases? I've got a PSP with a CFW , so that doesn't really matter.
It still has more characters like Alisa, Lars etc which are also in Tekken 7 though, perhaps he'll like them and decide to main them that was the main reason I suggested it

Assuming you replied to me, they'll definitely change a few things but their roles and the way they play should be mostly same(this is my speculation I might be wrong). Also anyone who's going to make recommendations to you will do it based on their Tekken 6 gameplay anyway, I doubt anyone played Tekken 7 here so it's still better for you to play it yourself
Oh yeah that is a fair arguement. 6 is kind of wonky with hitboxes but those never got really fixed for tag 2 or 7 so yeah probably better to prepare.
i'm not a level 45 ryu with level 45 account level. i am trash though
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I was bored and created the braindead tiers for SFV with my humble Super Platinum knowledge.
Paul is most probably the easiest of the three, while Bryan the hardest. They're all three pretty strong even when not mastered properly tho, so feel free to just play who is cooler.
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Fang was literally the only fun thing about this cesspit abortion of a game and they nerfed the fucking shit out of him till he was just as stale and boring as everything else.

SFV cant die fast enough
>goobies cant handle the bantz

just call us capcucks and move on
Be honest, you are not of full age yet.
Laura sure is braindead cause you have to be stupid to play a character that is wrong 50% of the time

Shes still a worse necalli

Switch Balrog and Urien and I agree.
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>shitposting is """bantz"""

Mohammeds really are delusional
What's so hard to use about Ken?
I guess opening up opponents with him is very risky, considering that unlike Ryu he has less safe pressure and he has to risk with the V-Skill run in order to keep the pressure going on.
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>mfw random dash punches
the hard part is tricking yourself into thinking hes a bad character
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>a technical character that is heavily spacing and conditioning reliant is not high iq because of my political views
not even that anon but people like you are really obnoxious
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>Cammy braindead
>Ken and Sim not
He's still fun, actually more so in s2 even though he got nerfed.
It always feels like Fang, Sim and Urien are the only characters you can actually get creative with and are not artificially limited on everything they do.
Ken's stubby pokes and many unsafe moves alone force the player to focus to keep the pressure up.
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Does she have narcolepsy?
She has suck a cock.
Yes, and it's incorperated into her gameplay.. Like certain moves put you to sleep unless you hold back. But if you do sleep you get an additional follow up off one of her strings.
>if you do sleep you get an additional follow up off one of her strings.
How does that make sense?

That...doesn't exactly sound like a very fun mechanic. I'm assuming its better in practice.
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If you sleep then the next time you do f+3 1 2 you can end it with 1+2. Then you gotta sleep again if you want to do 1+2 again. I'm sure they will probably give her more sleep only moves in 7.
Did you actually play her in Retribution?
Are you trying to tell us Cammy is not braindead?
he payed like 300 something dollars to get her
>In case you're still unaware, capcom is worthless.
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For all the bitching I see people do about Ken, I hardly ever see him online.

Is he unga tier?
why is yuuki terumi allowed to have easy combos that go for 5000 damage per
Where does this AA jab is bad meme come from? Why shouldn't anti-airing be easy because the risk-reward of jumping in is so good?
Nah, revolution. But I'm sure they'll keep most of her revolution self intact and just build on that since she didn't have many moves in revo and the trailer looked like she had most of her old stuff in it already.
ken fags are tier whores and dp mashers. they dont like playing street fighter. they play ken fighter.

Gunfight has probably the cleanest Alex I've seen for the moment.
because jumping should not be completely fucking useless
Alex is a trash meme character and anyone who plays him is a moron.
Only like 35 for the character itself. The rest of that was for her 3 alt costumes.
Is that how she works in revolution? They may rework her in 7.
Rashid should be a tier lower
If you get exposed as someone who can't get enough damage to win without jump-ins then that's your problem to own.
thats a different matter entirely

stop being a diaper and use your brain for once
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Who the FUCK thought it was a good idea to add this corny ass Aladdin mother fucker to the game?
I'm sure they'll make some changes, but I think they'll mostly just add to her kit instead of reworking most of it. Most of the reworking will probably be to make her mesh well with 7 coming from revo.
You must really love fighting games, anon.
So who do you play?
Who the FUCK thought it was a good idea to post this shitty ass garbage webm in the thread?
30 codes
for 1500 viewers
I'm still mad.
The china dress dlc? Can't you just buy it?
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I like playing unstoppable Jason in MKXL, who should I play next?
Really good dog picture anon
Play Leather face
pretty lady variation
Piercing Mileena
I know i'm slow...but i just realized most the SFV character retained moves from the USF4 omega version.
pls install the SFV loading time mod and play on PC.
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Memes aside, at times it really feels like S2 is balanced by a Guilty Gear player. Especially by a Millia player.

Just by looking at some characters changes and how they reward setplay more over neutral (Ken getting meaty overhead combos, Laura's crazy overhead buff, the meterless reversal removal) it drives you to the conclusion these changes are very influenced on Woshige's experience with Guilty Gear.


I wouldn't be surprised if Combofiend has been totally focusing on MvC:I at this point.
>pls install the SFV
>any game

you have to be at least 18 years old to post here you know?
Yea but they should have had more!
Now I have to wait till the end of the DLC season if there are more costumes I want because Sony is weird about buying the individual contents of a season pass and not letting you buy the season pass.

Isn't Ken mid tier or lower though?

Also, dp mashing is kinda worthless. Just bait and punish.

Alex is by design the biggest most prime gorilla in any fighting game ever
Setplay gets rewarded because sf lacks universal system mechanics. SF4 had the same issue.
What tournaments are you going to this year
The more important question is:


Don't they have their experts at Battle Planning in Dimps or Capcom Japan? Why are they letting a nobody who plays a game that rewards completely different rulesets balance a Street Fighter?
pls. it works online. loading is the most irritating thing outside the gameplay. that's not the server hiccups. or training mode not remembering your settings.

look at it go
Limited resources for SFV.

Also Woshige has been testing their fighting games since SFxTK.
>Battle Planning in Dimps
And just look at everything else of the game. It is a project of random freelancers that asked the least money.
Who's Milla Rage
tfw playing melty blood in 4k
does it come with a complementary rootkit also?
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Is this the fastest general on /vg/?
brick I swear to dog Im gonna kill you
I don't know, it's a pic I found on Google Images.
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So that's what Juicebox meant when he said he could see every pixel...
This game should've continued its development at Dimps.

The team at Capcom Japan is showing itself to be very incompetent and amateurish.

Fire Emblem General is on overdrive
no. it's the equivalent of a single line of text in a .cfg file



Someone use their hacked polystation to test if this One Simple Trick would help on console, too.
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>that gif
Why is Ash so moe?
lol what? for honor is like 4 times as fast

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Lord Hater sad.gif
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I want to like SFV, but it's so difficult nowadays.
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This general honestly is fucking trash

The only thing you do is hate all fighting games and post porn and even the porn fucking sucks

Im staying in /fhg/
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fuck the damned femboi on the right
Why is Makoto wearing a suit
how's ubisofts dick taste? Better buy all daddys jew coins or he'll be reMIGRATING HOST
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Thanks for the information faggot.
13 was my first kof with ash but seeing the ending scene stil made me tear up.
Im having a better time online in FH than in SFV but Ubisofts dick is alright

Got a cool AC logo
It was his mission all along.

To destroy SF in order to make GG look good.

He did.

The Absolute Madmen.
>still playing the PC version of SFV after capcom literally tried to steal your personal information

I'd rather play kusoge
if you ask for games somebody will probably play with you
thanks for keeping for honor in the for honor thread at least
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The only alive fighting game is fucking SFV, what the fuck else did you expect
Should I replay asscreed 1 if I want to play asscreed 2? I played asscreed 1 last on a friends 360 and enjoyed it.

don't make me post straight ash/eliza
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I am truly astounded at just how much incompetence Capcom has displayed with SFV. Like someone mentioned already, I'm convinced the project started with three-four freelancers making a bet with the CEO to make the game as barebones and low-budget as possible and still sell a few million copies. Anything else makes no sense. I have never seen a major IP become this mismanaged. It really is like a fan part-time project and not an actual SF game.

And then the rootkits, the useless updates, netcode from the 90's and the awful PC optimization that basically emulates the PS4 version. And now there's discovery that the game has animation-bound loading system that makes a 3-second loading upwards a whole minute. It's honestly reaching the point where I am geniunely fascinated just how incompetent and out of touch a company can be for the simple process of making a fighting game.

You can pick up any fighting game out there, and it will feel more complete and geniune than SFV ever will. Everything about SFV is cheap, greedy and ugly. Capcom is getting outdone by fucking everyone. They're dead-last and because of this, doing the most damage to the genre.

On a different note, tranny janny should ease on the trigger finger. Don't moderate 4chan if you can't take a joke, you sad neofag reject.
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Kurwa Blyat Pixiv is at it again. What the fuck is this?
I agree, because he's literally the worst character in the game.

10f Mediums in a game with 7f Heavies and no defense. Laura does the throw mixup game better, Urien does the strong normal charge character better and Balrog does the big damage reset charge character better.
>i-if I keep shilling people will fall for my scam
kys lord diaper
Not really, it tells most of 1's story in the beginning of 2
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it loads 5 times faster now thanks to toolassisted and it has cool mods
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Alex Valle im a gaymer.jpg
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>it loads 5 times faster now
If you play against someone else using the mod, which is less than 1% of the players you'll come across.

Enjoy waiting 5+ minutes for a laggy one-minute game of dash and mash.
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Jaws 2 was better than JAWS.webm
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post webms
And people will still play it over your favorite game. Now how does that make you feel? Angry? Sad? Jealous? Let it all out.
i recommended the mod for 2 pc bros and they installed it already, that's all i need senpay
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Nice filename
shit taste though
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Is Alex gay or are you just talking shit?

pls don't post any more pictures
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Goodbye Hisako.webm
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I mostly only play SF, some casual Tekken and GG on the side. But SF is my main series. And the fact that I see retards like you making this about game wars like /v/ does console wars is even more pathetic, and further proof of how much decay SFV and its rabid fanbase of tasteless fucks are causing the genre.
hes gay

hes always grabbing on young dudes and hugging them and shit
Just because Ken's DP hurts doesn't mean the character is easy to play. I have no clue why anyone would call Sim braindead, you need to play very methodically with him even when he has his gimmicks.

Cammy is outright braindead.
Peter this is getting really sad.
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semen demon.webm
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Is this the new Donkey Kong?
>Cammy is outright braindead.
not in sfv, she's not
Did you ever see him with a a gilfriend or even female?
Why do you think he is so eager to train his young world warriors in bara fighter?
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He's a Californian. Should have guessed it.
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did not rike it.gif
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>This will be a huge step for us and the community
>The start of a new era
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Makoto best girl.webm
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They probably saw that SoulCalibur V sold way more than expected despite being unfinished and having poor content, and applied the same thing to SFV.
>somebody took the time to make this
hate is strong
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The fuck happened here?
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SF used to be so damn pretty...

Probably spent more time on it than Capcom spent on SFV.
I got level 50 Cammy and I can assure you, she is. Rewards very careless and risky playstyle that just relies on mixing her tools arbitrarily, very one-dimensional character.
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That was the games reaction when M$ decided to make the PC version of KI not compatible with all fight sticks.
This only got so bad since sony bought sfv.
Sonyggers are pure cancer that eat every community and quality away.
No idea.
My best guess is that Hisako got grabbed out of startup of air on ryo zan, which isn't supposed to happen because she's in the air.
As such, the game freaked out.
Kill yourself toddler

Guilty Gear and KoF14 were also done with Sony assisting them and it turned out fine.

Or how about fucking Bloodborne, the greatest game of this gen?

How about you stop deflecting from Capcom's pathetic asses to your console wars? Fuck off back to /v/ and spam more Horizon threads or something.
>cammy not braindead
play a good cammy and then come back
Guilt Gear looks reaaally good.
I want to get it but the price for it is such a turn off.
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how to beat a button masher.webm
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What actually is the reason Dictator is so extremely safe with literally everything he does
>one-dimensional character.
yes her offense is basically, divekicks, frame traps and tick throws. Besides that nothing in her offense is braindead not even Ex divekicks now
How do you beat a button masher?
what a deep and sophisticated game
Spam the same combo since he won't bother to block it, then read the hatemails
That is literally the same thing as balrog popping v trigger with super. Why does everyone like this shit again?
your mom
muh streamboar daigo parry
Munch in hell thiccfag
They'll mash something unsafe eventually, so just block and punish.
I just try to punish them and play off their fierce or RH/jump ins. That is taking into account that the masher doesn't know or doesn't smash the grab buttons occasionally.
>wake up to see my good name dragged through the mud

nice paranoia pisss
How do you lose to a button masher?
shave your neckbeard lardass
Because almost no one can do it consistently.
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is that the name that sf kids call honest characters with no overheads or command grabs to meme people up?
My mom was in a game?
no lol
>beat somebody to death with that grab brutality
What the fuck did Kung Lao mean by this
>Or how about fucking Bloodborne, the greatest game of this gen?
Too bad it runs like shit.
>beat somebody with a Blast Upper
>"Yare, yare...Tsumanai ze!"

What the fuck did Heavy D! mean by this?
I'm buying your game!!!

I'm convinced they want SF out of the way for the new Marvel.
In MK people return from death every day, he meant it for his next life
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headbutt dodge.webm
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Fresh Alex Memes™ coming up

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stand MP.webm
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inertia is the best alex by far
I like Hisako
nice reads anon
With SF movement a character without those IS very one dimensional.
Rock, paper and scissors at it.
SFV Cammy has been designed to follow a very simplistic pattern with her speed.
Iori is going to redeem SFV
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USFIV doesnt look as bad as I remember
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Is there a better boss theme in FG history? Gills 2I theme is pretty good too but this one is so fucking good

>blacking out names

Pansy. At least highwaystar owns up to fact he is a memer.
thats not Showdown R&D

Why do Sagat pecs look like two fists bumping against each other?
How do I Azrael
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read through the rollback.webm
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it's Fourson if you really give a shit
go creep on the profile and see how I barely play any more
EX3s soundtrack is pretty fucking good but i'm not too fond of this one. It doesn't bring the ENERGY and POWER that a boss theme should. It just sounds like a good track you'd hear in the OST for a 80-90s action movie.

wtf is this track
>wtf is this track

Rugal Bernstein's iconic theme. Theme that gets stuck in your head after blowing 50 dollars in the arcade trying to beat the fuck, only to get GENOCIDO CUTTAH'd out of fucking nowhere to death

its made from salty tears of non-mexicans
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I think the game aged pretty well for a game that was released almost 10 years ago and was only barely upgraded since then.
Press buttons in their face because 99% of your moves are safe, and then do sideswap memes while dreaming about one day actually getting Love Phantom in a match without fucking it up.

Also pray you don't run into Nine.
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Character models and animations are so-so but the backgrounds are much better than SFV's. Also better lightning.
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Enlightened controllers.jpg
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Just to clarify when I mean good boss theme I mean a track that is good but also fits a boss fight rather than just being a good track in general

fuck off


Also should note TTT2s just because the concept in general is really cool for a boss fight.

damn this is powerful

fuck off breek
I dont agree with the lighting but background yes for the most part

SFV has some nice ones like the Casino and Kanzuki Estate at day
Is Nine his worst matchup? I can not deal with Nine with him, I need to see Dogura fighting a Nine or something
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Only 8 days!
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s-stop talking shit about my tes+!
It's a meme image, the tes+ is a high tier stick
Yes, it is by far his worst matchup. She's the main reason he's not a very good choice for tournaments. You need to make pretty hard reads and sometimes rely on unconventional stuff to get in at all.

Zexo had some good matches iirc but I don't remember against who
Yeah this one is really good

Kolins design is absolutely paper bag full of dog shit set on fire tier
I'm gonna start the game for the first time in several months, buy her with my cheated fm, play her for 30min and drop the game until the next dlc character that interests me remotely
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You're the first person I've seen who knows not to make webms look like shit.

Every other idiot pumps up the resolution for no good reason and leaves the quality low instead so it artifacts to hell.
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i enjoyed this tweet
>qcf1 → qcf2
That works? I thought qcf1 was a launcher
bretty gud
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If Makoto ever gets in V she will be redesigned as a Charge character the same way Vega is now motion
Cinder's not a boss
And people wonder why in that one webm the lili player is trying to bait that shit out.
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now that's a real winter costume tbhfam
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You can emulate TTT2 through CEMU


Maybe we can get netplay before T7 drops even.
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s-shut up!

No! No!! No!!! NO!!!!
I tried this a while ago, there are too many graphical glitches and slowdowns, also it outright crashes on certain stages and after some time
just buy it, it's like 20 bucks new
Go back to redd it/imgur
why is chuns cr lp 2 frames in third strike
>Is there a better boss theme in FG history?
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technically not the final boss but the one before the last
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usf4 pc eu?
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I dont feel like playing sfv anymore after reaching Gold
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Is that really your only complaint with her

good shit

Tekken is kind of cheating now that I think about it
>tripfag telling anyone to go anywhere
Don't worry newfriend, you can still post here.
Play Alex and prove he's top tier
>Nine's normals don't count as projectiles for Azrael to absorb
Who balanced this matchup
Why are you talking to that guy but replying to my post
Perhaps a stupid question from a Tekken newb:
So, in Street Fighter, if for instance, someone did a shoryuken, and you grabbed them while they were still in recovery, the throw is NOT techable. Is Tekken the same way? If you sidestep a string or something, can they still tech anyway?
I'd play some in 20 minutes
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I'm tired of SFV. Someone redpill me on KI please. Is it hard to F2P grind out a character? How's the footsies game? How tight are the balance tiers?
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Don't you have pizza rolls to microwave?
>Is it hard to F2P grind out a character?
If I understand this question correctly, you can't grind for characters you have to buy them with real life money
Oh I coulda sworn someone said you could unlock them for free a while ago.
I'll stick with Juri.
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>bought a new ISP carrier
>every game I try works fine online
>except SFV that continues to shit the bed no matter what
Where does Ono live so I can track him down and shit down his incompetent throat?
You can't grind out characters. Footsies are important for a lot of characters. Not everyone gets to go nuts and pressure you all the time. Balance is very good and you can succeed with every character if you put the time into them.
Are there good feeling zoning characters? Also do the characters ever go on sale or anything so I can pick them up for cheap?
I went ahead and bought Injustice for PS4. Plz puray wid me.
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3MB, 5312x2988px
Anyone want some custom stickart
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is this what footsies looks like?
Yeah some zoning characters have very strong and oppressive zoning, without it feeling braindead. For characters like Kan-ra and Gargos it's mostly read-based, so it feels that much better when you successfully keep people out. Also, I think characters go on sale sometimes. I know a couple were available for $1 at one point, but I don't know how frequently that is.
are you american? if so, give me a bit to redownload it and i will. haven't played in a serious capacity in years, but the game is good fun.
I said "alot of characters", not all. Probably should rephrase that to "some characters." That is definitely not footsies.
Sure, maybe for the first week
Alright I think I'm gunna check it out tomorrow. I'm just sick of V. I've tried really hard to enjoy it because I enjoyed 4, but every time I boot the game up it feels like I find some new little thing that makes me like the game less.
I wish SFV had footsies
Awesome link, thanks
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>Rarely, if ever get matched vs Rashids, Mikas, and Juris in S2 playing casual matches
>First foray into ranked since S2 dropped more or less
>Rashid, Mika, Juri
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put Juri in tekken!!
foray into a noose perhaps
one or two slightly retarded characters are better than the whole cast of sfv
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I invoke Broski, Chariot and Brick to save us from the awful trips coming back out of the woodwork
i don't think you want to do that anyways because an attack will do more damage although you'll have to deal with off-axis combos. from what I understand attacks from back and sideturn are unblockable and whiffed attacks have substantial recovery frames
don't give any of those retards attention
She'll be in TxSF

I can't tell if you posted that pic ironically or not. why do brits like shitty american cartoons so much
chariot can u teach me how to swim

we can shower together too :3
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if he's going for dashes you have to notice that he's negative and gives up his turn
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Anyone wanna play doa5lr on xbone?
>smug was washed up in s1 but now he has arguably the best character in the game and is doing well
japan pros don't even put boxer in top 5
but rando westerners doesn't mean shit desu. smug will get btfo if he faces anyone relevant.
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make me one with cummy where the stick is her pulsing clitoris
ok add me on steam and buy me a $2 game or $2 worth of CSGO/TF2/whatever items
Not if he wubwibwibwibwibi's the dahes
What i'm mostly getting at is, is it an option, sometimes when the situation goes to a scramble it's hard to think about that, will a throw be guaranteed or can they always tech it?
someone play my fraudulent slayer in rev, eu pc
If he did that then he deserves to get in free because he's open and he can't cancel the charge.
Ask for games on /fgg/?
from some testing in training mode, it seems like they can tech if it's a front throw. it's tekken anyways, you should almost never be thinking "i don't know what to do so i will throw this"
>ranked anxiety
is there anything more millenial than that shit

lmao, its a video game
You're totally right, I'm just about to be a transitioning street fighter player and throw is probably the best scramble punish there lol
only a few more days
who are you quoting?
>is there anything more millenial than that shit
ya, the baby i left growing in your mums tummy
>tons of people want ultra to come back

hmmmmm makes you think
No one, just saying in general because I know some people here have it
toppest narcolepsy
Zenith @AbirZenith Feb 19
@lapchiduong makes you wonder what would happen if USF4 had the same prize money across major events , many would outright drop SF5

lmao if anyone is dumb enough to think this. nobody but pros are winning money in sfv, it's only 0.001% of the total player base. they play 5 because it's better.

I want out
should I go to a fgc tournament or a furry convention
Best tekken too.

I couldnt tell if you were trolling earlier or not. That character actually has mechanics the makes her sleep between moves?
Why does Capcom have so many useless PR guys? Drop a few, hire programmers instead.

Doesn't surprise me. SFV gets boring really quickly. I guess most of the FGC would prefer USF4 over SFV but can't say it due to price money.

I say let's do it. People aren't switching en mass to other series because they don't like the way they play or the characters, so if we get a SFIV resurgence maybe we can get people who left the genre to come back.
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Never 5get
jf_atropos, takamura_be and aerorockman are the 3 laggiest fucking pieces of shit in ranked and they always show up 5 bars goddamn this game is hurting my brain

Why do people even like SF characters so much?
It's only for like 1 or 2 moves, but they'll probably add more in 7 since she only has like 25 moves total in tekken rev.
arent those 2 the same thing
just go to a skullgirls tourney so you can do both at the same time
no they play v because more people are playing it

are you retarded?

the fgc is a bunch of pussies that dont support the games they love they just move onto the next one like babies

thats pretty much the reason

4 at least had SOME depth to it compared to v which is bland and vanilla

which i bet is a lot since winter brawls numbers were lower than 4 when v came on
Because they play like cool anime characters but not in the overwhelming style of GG.
The names Wong.

Justin Wong.


Street Fighter strikes the balance between completely the bland trash designs in shit like KI and KoF and the over-designed weeb garbage in BB and GG.
Install appchan x. Not only will you easily get rid of the trip cancer, but also every idiot anon that's feeding them will be hidden. Thread looks great (still shit though as fgg is the shittiest board on all of 4chan, but still)
I hate the FGC. Pussy sellouts. They should've ditched SFV long ago like SFxT was dropped. They're only prolonging the suffering.

Brawl peaked at barely 10,000, what was last years? 15k?
listen to this guy, its so nice nothing have to look at danks post and the people that fall for his bait
>/fgg/ is the shittiest board
Everyone's waiting for Tekken to drop. Justin said it himself a few weeks before joining echofox.
>fgg is the shittiest board
as expected from someone who has to filter out opinions he doesn't agree with


Literal trash.
Reminder that I am the best necalli in /fgg/
If you wish to challenge the title, see me.
Tekken is Tekken. People put too much stock in it. It's a fairly traditional entry in the series. It won't break new ground but the existing fanbase will love it. It won't be the FGC savior some people are expecting of it.
same people wont support any other game besides sf

sad really

for usf4? i thought more than taht

yeah i can see him dropping sfv for tekken since its a better game in the first place
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>Karin over Sakura
>Ibuki over Makoto
>Juri at all
>Probably no new tomboy in Season 2

SFV is not for me desu
why would anyone play tekken, it has tons of input lag
You are such a fucking 09'er

Heck off
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brand new season 2 character.jpg
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How is this not a tomboy?
No i'm a 0'8er technically but yes I started with SFIV and have tried most fighting games since then
juri is the best girl in vidya history, pleb
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Who dat
I'm done pretending to have fun with SFV.

Any other good fighting game I could migrate to while waiting for capcom to fix their bullshit ?
the fifth season 2 character
That won't happen but I would be more than okay if it did.

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>mfw people still falling for pain stance memes and stretchy arm setups
>mfw have seen exactly one other raven player use the stance, and he never used it again after I baited a super and grabbed him out of it
>mfw there will always be at least one Zato player who beats me once, type "bullshit button masher character" in chat, and promptly leave

what's the deal with Raven, I just play him because he represents how I feel about fighting games
>new sfv characters
>necalli, fang, laura, rashid
>3 guys 1 girl
season 2 should have had at least 3 girls instead of only 2
capcom can't do fucking anything right
How hyped would you be for Akira in season 2?
remove smash and its perfect

>SF fans
>wanting females

Thats the one part of the original formula they actually stuck to. SF and Tekken fans are like that.
I wish it wasn't so fucking expensive to buy USFIV on steam, it hasn't been on sale once since SFV came out.

A friend of mine told me it was easy to find it for cheap in retail so I'll check that out.
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My least favorite meme in the history of memes

What about G2A or greenman?
Avoid French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian connections from EU

Also Turkey because for some reason they're with us
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Tekken 6 came out 10 years ago, times have changed. Also 7 is more beginner friendly, got akuma in it, has better marketing and little competition, while also being on more platforms.
went to a GG tourney this weekend and it only made me realize I will never be good at this fucking game. Had dudes flat out telling me that my offense isnt scary at all while they're memeing me in the corner with ram/zato setups.

It's a shame because I found the game fun but after two years I still can't wrap my head around it apparently

fucking anime games
Turkroaches always play laggy Ken and go all out with gimmicks to win. Every single time.
what character do you play?
>unironically living in europe
Pretty sure it hasn't been on sale on gmg either, just checked G2A and it is still 12 bucks.
French are hit and miss really. If only there was a flag for north and south france, i'm pretty sure it's those beach having motherfuckers that are laggy.
Living in Germany I have better connections against people from New York than I have anyone from Spain

I've never been there but I imagine its literally BR tier
Akira is an extremely boring character in Rival Schools which itself is a terrible game.

The only notoriety she has is from looking cool.
Same, I get lag free connections to the Jews from the UK. But a non laggy Spaniard or Italian is impossible.
That doesn't stop people from liking the characters. Batsu or Akira would be fine guest characters.
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Dank, you claim to play KI so I've always wondered.
What character do you play?
Good, one less smash player on earth.

ow the edge
I mean, I thought I wasn't as bad as I apparently am. I know about 2s frametraps, delaying 6p, when to fafnir, mixing up blockstrings and all the like, but just hearing someone tell you that you flat out suck was the most soul crushing thing. A fucking ram player of all players. She doesn't even have any defensive options, man.

feels bad, this is maybe the one game that isn't 'dead' compared to SFV. SFV wasn't my thing so I tried to get good at GG, but I don't think that will ever happen.
>"we post nothing alike!"
He plays dodge.
Kyoko would be a great choice too.
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Is he confirmed dead?
Gas all smash babies
This is what happens when you don't do proper handwarmers
i legit don't understand how you don't have scary offense when you have a comboable command grab and one fafnir is basically round over. yea ram and zato have better mix up, but you have damage and a dp.
What the fuck is wrong with frenchies.
idk what to say other than you are not adapting to what they are doing on defense if you're not opening them up with sol. a character doesn't really need anything more than system mechanics if the offense is predictable enough
gief players should just be given points if they run into a laura cause their is nothing she can do to win
I shouldn't be laughing at this.
Inb4 early lewd op.
it's still tekken/a 3d game.
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mfw goobers are so scared that they're gonna lose at their own game that they won't see me in XRD SIGN PC EU
File: questioning potemkin.jpg (240KB, 1360x768px) Image search: [Google]
questioning potemkin.jpg
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I've seen all lewds fighting games have to offer.

Hopefully op has a culturally enriching and smart op image.
File: No thank you.jpg (147KB, 728x537px) Image search: [Google]
No thank you.jpg
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poverty ass fuck
40€ + tip
Has there ever been a guy OP before?
you guys are such fags
Raven is a very easy character to play and boring to play against.
I guess >>168931084
is right huh
Injustice 2, Tekken 7, or Revelator 2?
Wolfkrone is pretty good at the Gief matchup. He just beats them in neutral: anti airing, checking the dashes and whiff punishing. He never goes in on Gief ever. It's definitely her worst match up though, together with Guile.
Arcana Heart 3 SIX STARS!!!!!!
cummy blasterz
But why?
personally I feel like I don't have the fundamentals I need to do well with sol and end up on relying on stupid punishable things because my friends let me get away with it. When I play offline it's nothing but killers, and in any other fighting game I would be happy to play with good players, but so much is always going on against people who know what they're really doing that I feel like I can't do a thing.

I want to play a memer like Millia and drop sol but I feel like that would just hurt in the long run.
It's fun. Once you try homing everything else feels boring.
Why not?
Pearly is that you
sol is basically a grappler. he has extremely short-lived pressure. it's not extended guard crank like johnny or 50/50s in the middle of pressure like zato. all you have is gunflame yrc to extend pressure, and maybe a 5H IAD if they don't 6P or blitz you on reaction consistently.

so you have to make that pressure count and learn how to keep someone in the corner. after your initial frame trap/cmd grab prc attempt is over, you have to be on the lookout for things like superjump IAD, dash forward, their button presses, IAD YRC, and other ways they can get out of the corner or fight their way out.

you have to pigeonhole them into wanting to block and scaring them out of their movement options by showing them you know how to deal with them/limit them. that will open up command grab.

thing is that it's hard to condition them to be really so scared that they literally don't want to do anything at all besides block in the corner. but that's where the power of things like 2S whiffing (low recovery move, checks dashes + buttons, lets you react to anything after), backdash fafnir (checks late jumps and hesitant button presses), and ending your gatling is revolver or IAD j.H (check jumps + certain buttons due to low crush and keeps them blocking in the corner).

you really have to be attentive to their defensive habits. i haven't even gotten into what gatlings to do when considering their habits of fuzzy throw or fuzzy jumping or whether or not they FD or IB properly and all that.
so then play and train in a way that you don't depend on gimmicks, casuals should be spent playing to learn more than to win anyways. for me, it's fun to go into training mode with things that i keep getting fucked by on defense and try to figure out how to deal with it
Just try to play against better players regularly?
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