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/drg/ Danganronpa general

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Previous thread >>168435743

Fanservice edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 01/28/2017*

>New to DR
http://pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
http://pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzbIuPpPM8E [Embed] [Open]

>New Dangan Ronpa V3 is scheduled to be released in 2017 on PSVita and PS4.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdGlN0aEG2k [Embed] [Open]

>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DGuCuHurUk [Embed] [Open]

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more

>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*

>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*
>Everyone agrees with Gonta about the dying thing now.

>We wake up the next day and Saihara's inner monologue just became a huge string of "There's no reason to live. There's no reason to live."
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Why aren't you doing pushups right now?
What a dlc had normie mode?
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That's probably exactly it. Maki is an assassin and hid her talent from the get go as well, as well as "manipulating" the second murder from Ouma's point of view.
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What I don't understand about DG1, is that Naegi still trusts the woman that willingly let him go to his death with no qualms. Hell, the main reason she saved him was so that she could further her own goal.

>partially sets up Naegi with the key and info
>Oh hey, you know I had motive/potential to kill someone
>I know it wasn't you
>LOL I don't care go become a pancake
>oh fuck, I actually need him o discover the mastermind
>better go fetch him

Not to mention the fact that she just as easily could've killed him down there in the middle of the night, then won the game via no one finding the body, or if Junko go bored and forced a trial she just as easily could've framed someone else.
And then he goes on to waifu her
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I want Makoto and Kirigiri to hold hands, cuddle together, and whisper to eachother words of endearment!
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If she drinks all of Ouma's Pantas will she No Longer Be So Flat?
Because my heart hurts.
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Push-ups are a garbage exercise.
>Then Saihara proceeds not to leave his bed for an entire day.

>This chapter is managing to somehow feel more despairing than 2-6
How did Ouma resist That Zetsubou for two chapters? He should be thinking the same thing, but instead he's stayed relatively sane.
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By Ouma's Fantas do you mean his cock
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Kiibo is tiny! TINY! And cute.
It's his thing. He still uses the 11307 code to access the FF in SDR2 as a reminder that Maizono was still attempting to look out for him as she was dying. (despite the whole 'setting him up for murder' in the first place) thing.
Because he gets a boner for girls who intentionally try to screw him over as Sayaka and Kirigiri showed.

Oh and don't forget how she sent Naegi to get either beaten or killed by the mastermind by going into the secret room at the end of chapter 3.
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Weightlifting then?
Weak. "The world is ruined so let's all die," this cast has no determination.
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Lift your friends and get stronger!
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Right now!
If there's anyone who could convince a magical girl about the mystic properties of mana transfer, it's Ouma.
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Don't mind me, just posting a cute Chiaki.
>tfw this actually happens during the FTEs
A good feel.
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but she probably didn't think anything bad would happen to him since remember sayaka died before the rules were established. she probably just thought he'd take the blame for her since he said he'd protect her while she gets to leave and the others have to stay within the school. maybe then she'd try to get the police involved to save the others as she goes to find her friends. and that's a big IF
Naegi is an anomaly. He had all the reason to distrust Kyoko but he still trusted her because he is very naive in a good way

But still, you're downplaying how much Kirigiri blamed herself for letting him sacrifice himself.

Paid off, look what she did for him in DR3
He's good at masking his true feelings. He may have been in despair in chapter 4. Chapter 5 is when he supposedly finds out about the audience, which makes him realize the outside world isn't totally gone at the very least.
No, he mentioned the audience in the end of chapter 3.
He stayed sane by focusing on being an ABSOLUTE MADMAN.
This. Since Ouma is literally SHSL God, he could do anything.
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Yes, drink up! Right now her chest is garbage tier for face pushing!
t skellington
Yeah, he probably knew Maki couldn't be the mastermind but had reason to believe she could be easily used.

Also, how is it that he gets nearly choked to death twice in front of everyone and hardly anyone cares and still thinks her trustworthy? Good grief.
If he really knew about it then, then it makes no sense why he didn't tell the others about it then. It would've taken away the case 4 motive and made everyone be on better behavior due to realizing they're being watched.
>[muffled 男死 in the distance]
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Chairman Tengan is pointing his chuusen right at YOU.
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Tenmiko happy ending!
Because Kaito was there to stand to her defense and generally everyone liked Kaito until he got salty at the end of chapter 4.
Naegi's a retard and Kirigiri's a selfish bitch. What else is new?


So? If she wasn't around, it wouldn't have been there in the first place.
>Also, how is it that he gets nearly choked to death twice in front of everyone and hardly anyone cares and still thinks her trustworthy? Good grief.
The cast doesn't like Ouma and sees him as a potential threat. Kaito even tried beating him up at various points too.
He mentions people enjoying what they see in chapter 3, so while he did despair seeing they couldn't escape he knew the world wasn't actually fucked, possibly.
Would anyone really believe Ouma if he started saying HEY THERE ARE PEOPLE WATCHING THIS BE BROADCASTED PUBLICLY
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>oumafags making their boy out as a god again

He could've shown them proof. He had to have found out about it someway himself.
Time for DRv4!

Tenmiko poster
Autistic Saiharafag
Buttblasted Zeussufag
Anti-Twink Kaitofag
Anti-Kirumi Hoshibro
Ghost anon

Who survives?
He said about the audience in front of everyone but he's a liar so no one paid attention to his words.
I think he just made assumptions that turned out to be correct. I doubt he had any solid proof.
Ghost anon wins because he's invisible.
Just so you guys know, Ouma did LITERALLY EVERYTHING in v3. Without him everybody would've died.
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Tenko gory ending!
I like to think Ouma being crushed to death was poetic justice for all the times he insulted her bust.

In the end. It turns out Ouma was the flattest of the cast. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH *guitar riff*
Oumafag tries to be a """madman""", gets murdered by Kaitofag chapter 1.
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>Kirigiri takes him to the love hotel
>his fetish is killer/victim
>fantasizes Kirigiri as some whose repeatedly tried to kill him

>you're downplaying how much Kirigiri blamed herself
That's irrelevant, she never showed that she felt regret therefore Naegi had any reason to think she did. Again, for all Naegi knew she went down there to kill him and get out herself.

Hell, I'm surprised he was only almost killed twice considering how rusting he is. Chihiro could've killed him easily.
Maybe it's just that I'm contrary as hell or something, but I cannot understand this concept of being more trusting of Maki than Ouma pre-chapter 4 seeing that's when he really goes off the rails and you know, she kind of rushed to choke him without even thinking.
ok oumafag. saihara btfo of that loser. he's a pancake and saihara is alive.
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Kiibobro sacrifices himself to end /drg/ forever.
Of all the people who could've found proof, it was Miu who did all of Kibo's upgrades and repair work. She installed a photo printing function in his face that took pictures of what he saw with his eyes. It's beyond strange she didn't notice he already had camera eyes when doing that kind of upgrade on him.
Yeah Naegi is a weakling. Weakest of his class so wouldn't be surprised if Chihiro killed him.
>what would happen if Himiko died instead
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>Muh bait
Weak, here is your (You)

>So? If she wasn't around, it wouldn't have been there in the first place.
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No matter how shitty DRTA and DR3 were, I'm still mad that we'll never have a DR2 anime adaptation.
The fact that they didn't clearly show the poisoned side of her face was a pretty big hint that she wasn't really dead.
we know dr1 kirigiri only cared about herself and was fine with naegi dying if she survives and can solve mysteries. she just used him whenever she wanted .
They just really did not like Ouma. Maki was suspect but at least she knew it and confronted that when she was outed as an assassin. Add Kaito in the mix and basically everyone knew they could trust Maki as long as they didn't end up on her shit list.
>Buttblasted Zeussufag
>Autistic Saiharafag

These two kill each other
Ouma comments about an audience in chapter 3.

Miu gave Kibo a seemingly random photo upgrade in chapter 3.

These 2 are revealed to have been working together for who knows how long in chapter 5.

Maybe he put her up to it?
I'd die chapter 1
>h-h-he's baiting if he tells facts!!

ok shitposter-kun.

yeah which makes it even more annoying.
looks like a scene from a real anime.
Maybe she assumed that the camera function was for his own memories and not for broadcast? It's still odd she didn't notice anything, though.
She develops out of it though, in the same DR1.

Rewatch the scene where she goes rescue him in the garbage and says that she doesn't deserves his forgiveness
Chihiro would break in half if he took a punch from Juzo like Naegi did.
I HOPE they do. Killing two cancers off with one STONE. They're just STEPPING STONES for an even GREATER HOPE for this KILLING GAME.
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>Where did that even come from? He did nothing in the game
Most of it is from side material explanation given by Kodaka, but you can still infer as much from his personality after reading his FTEs.

>He's the one to suggest the group meetings so that everyone can come and work together and help each other out, essentially stopping distrust from spreading. He's also the first to coax people to work together
>Kept attendance for the group meetings as well so that you can tell if anybody was missing. Was much more strict about it for the first two chapters before Togami's spiel.
>His overbearing personality and him being so uptight on rules is actually a reflex of him making sure people are safe. He's not doing it because it's his duty, he's doing it because he is genuinely concerned for people's well being.

Ishimaru is not a bad kid at all, he just doesn't know how to communicate with people because he literally has no social skills from spending all his time having to study so he ends up wording things more forcefully than he wants to, which makes other people not want to be around him for very long.

>didn't even help with investigations or trials.
He does have something to say during ch 1 investigation but it's missable dialog. Most characters tell you to go talk to him if you don't know who is on cleaning duty, and he'll explain to Naegi about it.

You also never have to refute any of his statements during trials besides his MTB, so he's technically never wrong from a gameplay standpoint.
I'm still surprised that for all the work she did on those Erect Bombs, she never considered that Kibo could be receiving signals himself from some source.
>Implying what you said were facts
Show me evidence then
Is this the secret to ending this once and for all? Angering the Kiibofags?
>Chapter 3
>autistic Saiharafag and autistic Zeusfag are both dead
Who killed them both?
>yfw Saiharafag takes every anon to the love hotel
doesn't excuse anything. she was still a bitch and probably worse than sayaka and even celeste. hell even naegi thought she was worse than the latter if he thought she'd be so buttblasted as to not tell them what she knows to help them in the bad ending before she gets executed unlike celes who at least gave them back the alter ego key before getting executed.
They killed each other, the chapter has no execution
If he bulked up between DR1 and DR3 he wouldn't unlike weak Naegi.


>implying Juzo wasn't holding back when he socked the shit out of Naegi so he wouldn't kill him
And this is what we called a dedicated fan.
>He does have something to say during ch 1 investigation but it's missable dialog
So he is still useless.
>You also never have to refute any of his statements during trials besides his MTB, so he's technically never wrong from a gameplay standpoint.
Yeah because he had no presence on trials at all. Might as well skipped them completely and nothing would've changed. Actually nothing would've changed if Ishimaru wouldn't be in the game at all from the story perspective. The only person he had connection with was Mondo and it has nothing to do with Mondo killing Chihiro or his trial. I'm sure Celes could've kill Hifumi in chapter 3 without tricking him about Ishida too.
> probably worse than sayaka and even celeste

> hell even naegi thought she was worse than the latter

No he didn't

> she'd be so buttblasted as to not tell them what she knows to help them in the bad ending before she gets executed unlike celes who at least gave them back the alter ego key before getting executed.

What she knew by then wouldn't help anyone at that point in time. She didn't even got to the secret passage in her father's room
>tfw Saiharafag won't be in the corner watching Amamifag fuck all the anons in the butthole.
What would their fantasies be?

Juiceposter would probably be a platonic father-daughter interaction
I'm honestly surprised that Mitarai didn't suffer any internal damage from Juzo kneeing him, which would've COMPLETELY fucked over Tengan's plan.
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I'm terrible at that, Anon.
v3 Afterlife fic
Say something nice about your least favorite V3. Then say something mean about your favorite.
>Chihirofags are this delusional
He will forever be a sissy. Even with all the time he had in HPA he still wore women's clothes
yes he did if you even played the bad ending.

and what she knew would have helped them out or she could have given them the key she stole from the headmaster's office.
If I'm still into this shit series in a few years it's what I aspire to be desu
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>Afterlife fic

I'm curious to see how they treat Kiibo since he's a robot and lacks a soul to join them in the afterlife with.
>Naegifags are this mad their manlet is so weak Chihiro would beat the shit out of him

And your point being?
I don't know why but you start to sound like you hate Ishimaru because he's popular rather than wanting to know why he's popular.
Tsumugi doesn't look so bad I guess.
Uh...I can't think of anything mean enough to say about Kokichi.
They fuck each other to death.
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She's cute, but I really liked the idea of her as a caregiver.

What the fuck was his problem?
He didn't hold back he hated him and wanted to hurt/kill him. Naegi also took a beat down from Munakata and one of those stupid Tengan bullet things to the leg and kept going.
I don't hate him, it just feels weird to me that people can like such generic anime character so much, especially in DR.
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You won't know until you try!
I would play the shit out of this game.
Saiharafag - key holder

Oumafag - thief & cop play

Amamifag - brojobs

Kiibobro - handholding

Tulpafag -S&M play

Moekiyofag - rough S&M play

Miubro - Kink shaming

Angiebro - Teasing

Kaedeanon - Vanilla

Tenmiko poster - fucking the /u/ out of them

Autistic Saiharafag - hatesex with his rival

Buttblasted Zeussufag - hatesex with his rival

Anti-Twink Kaitofag - bro work out

Anti-Kirumi Hoshibro - baby play

Ghost anon - OOooOOOooOO

Juiceposter - Father + daughter platonic bonding time
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Still can't believe their VAs are married.
Funny how that goes, because the more I read about Ouma he wins points with me since you actually have to think hard about what he means to understand what he's up to, and his FTEs make it clear that he's not actually a bad guy.

Then again I'm the sort of person who's really rebellious and questions why people fall so easily in line thinking there's only one way to do things, so there you have it.
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She does say that, but IIRC she never explicitly makes clear her regret. Remember, her main motive for rescuing him was to corner the mastermind, saving his life was just a bonus.
>She develops out of it though
Only after making clear throughout the first 3 chapters her distrust of everyone
and using Naegi multiple times
and barely trusting from chapter 4 and beyond
and not caring when the mastermind could have very easily killed him (twice(though to her credit, she did save him the second time.))

Don't forget, she intentionally framed him for the final case(telling him to go to her room/leaving the key to that locker there, when she knew that Togami would suspect something in the trial.) The fact is, Naegi has absolutely no reason to tru Kirigiri at all, and she made few attempts to help him unless it also benefited her.
Tsumugi has a very cute design and the idea of a super dangan ronpa fangirl being the mastermind is hilarious in theory (maybe not in execution).

Ouma is completely fucking useless chapter 1 and that one crying soundbite is really annoying. Also, he needs to learn that trusting people maybe 15% isn't so bad.
>yes he did if you even played the bad ending
He never said she was worst than Celeste
>and what she knew would have helped them out or she could have given them the key she stole from the headmaster's office.
Under Monokuma's watch?

The only reason Celes got out with her dumb Alter Ego gamble is because the MM knew
>no facts
>Saihara stands up from his bed for the first time in days because Harukawa rang the doorbell.

>Saihara's sprite is very pale and with bed hair.

>he needs to learn that trusting people maybe 15% isn't so bad.
He trusted Gonta and Miu. And those didn't turn out so well for him.
It seems like death here transports you to spiritual Jaberwock Island, based of the game world. Interesting.
Wow, someone actually has the same most hated and most loved character as me.
>Actually nothing would've changed if Ishimaru wouldn't be in the game at all from the story perspective
The only reason Mondo found out about the way to damage the identity cards was through his BRO-OFF with Ishimaru. He wouldn't have been able to cover up the murder otherwise. Likewise, Celes wouldn't have been able to convince Hifumi to commit murder for her if there was no competition between Ishimaru over Alter Ego to exploit.

There's more characters that were less helpful to the game. Hagakure existed only to sidetrack people and get his ass trapped in a robot. Asahina DELIBERATELY tried to get everyone killed by attempting to falsefy evidence in Chapter 4. Toko's entire use to the story came through her alternate personality with the original providing no constructive help to the group at all.
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Would that be this sprite?
God he's looking so depressed here.
>Harukawa gathered everyone in the cafeteria to shows us something. Yumeno hopes its a painless way to die.

>It's only a Remembering Light though.
I'm strangely turned on by this sprite every time.
When is that sprite shown?
They are as much useless as him, though Toko was at least a little more useful thanks to Genocider.
He looks like he's wearing eyeliner.
Starts in chapter 5 and shows up a few times in chapter 6
Let's just shorten the argument and say that a majority of the characters in DR1 were rather useless.
She didn't need him to corner the mastermind. Naegi being alive didn't make a difference in her calling Junko out in front of the cameras to force the retrial to happen.
Also she didnt frame him at all. She had no way of knowing Junko would put the locker room key in her room to make her look guilty.
Well he always look like he's wearing eyeliner though. His eyelashes are literally drawn on his face.
> Remember, her main motive for rescuing him was to corner the mastermind, saving his life was just a bonus.
She did say to him that she trusted him even if it was hard for her to show that, that she regretted what happen and that she didn't deserve forgiveness. It was Naegi who brushed her off

We know from DR3 that we know that she still felt in debt with him

>Only after making clear throughout the first 3 chapters her distrust of everyone and using Naegi multiple times and barely trusting from chapter 4 and beyond

She did had a degree of trust in Naegi otherwise she wouldn't have revealed the key to him. She didn't simply use him because it wasn't one sided, they needed each other to get out.

>Don't forget, she intentionally framed him for the final case(telling him to go to her room/leaving the key to that locker there, when she knew that Togami would suspect something in the trial

What. That wasn't her, it was Junko who planted that key there together with the "weapon" in an attempt to frame Kyoko

>he fact is, Naegi has absolutely no reason to tru Kirigiri at all, and she made few attempts to help him unless it also benefited her.

Yeah he had every reason (not the ones you gave but whatever) to not trust her but that isn't how Naegi character works
People have difference taste, anon. Get over it.
Do both him and Tulpa wear eyeliner? The sprites make it look like that
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Thank you anon. I just really care about Ishimaru, and a lot of people mischaracterize him, so I'm always willing to let them know that he is much more than the one dimensional self righteous rules guy that he might come across.

>I'm sure Celes could've kill Hifumi in chapter 3 without tricking him about Ishida too.
Except you're wrong on that. Celes essentially told Hifumi 3 things (Ishimaru stole Alter Ego, Ishimaru forced Celes to take it, Ishimaru was going to kill him to get out), and it wasn't until she lied to him about Ishimaru abusing her to get Alter Ego back and then trying to kill him to get out did he want to go with her plan. Hifumi would not of done what he did simply because Alter Ego was stolen. He saw that Ishimaru went to far and was going to kill him, so he might as well make a counter measure to defend himself first.

>I don't hate him, it just feels weird to me that people can like such generic anime character so much, especially in DR.
People are free to their opinion, but I simply don't see him as generic at all. I first started to like him because there was more to him than I thought he was.

Genocider Syo was essentially a plot device. How was that any more relevant than Ishimaru and Mondo's friendship, which basically make it a plot point to convict Mondo.
>The Remembering Light makes them remember that "everything is connected".

>DR1's intro starts playing while Saihara says it all started with Kibougamine.
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Watching someone walk right into Kodaka's ruse in real time is so fun
I'm sure that Hifumi would bite any bait from Celes sooner or later, that's just how he is.
>People are free to their opinion, but I simply don't see him as generic at all.
You can put him in half of the school life anime and he will be not much different from any other high school student.
>How was that any more relevant than Ishimaru and Mondo's friendship
Syo's memories were relevant on the last trial and to the main plot, Ishimaru and Mondo's friendship had no meaning to anyone.
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>I feel blessed. All my troubles disappeared. I'll treasure this CG forever. 10/10 perfect game. Thanks Kodaka.
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Miu a cute
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>Comun is a Junkofag
Not surprised
They weren't useless, they were DETRIMENTAL. A lot of time was wasted trying to convince Hagakure of things that were blatantly obvious and again, Asahina's big contribution was almost getting the entire group killed. Even if a person sat perfectly still during the trial and said nothing at all, they would've been more help than those two.

Genocider was less of a character and more a method of giving exposition impartial to Monokuma. If you take Toko as an individual character in her own right, her contribution is negligible.
>You can put him in half of the school life anime and he will be not much different from any other high school student.
um...I think you can use that statement with almost everyone in DR1.
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I have no talent at all
I was even betrayed by Kirumi
I dont want to dissapear
Im not Izuru Hoshi
Who cares what will happen to Danganronpa?
I want to sacrafice myself..
Its not like i’ll be remembered anyway..
Theres no way we can beat Tsumugi
Its Kodaka’s fault
Not mine..
I cant choose who survives…
I care a lot about Ishimaru too, anon. Not as much as you do but I'm glad he gets such nice art and caring fans, his life was suffering.
He was a pretty realistic guy (if a bit too intense/overemotional) in a world of crazy anime.
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Why are all tumblrfags Junkofags?
Is it wrong that I actually like her lewdness?
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>You can put him in half of the school life anime and he will be not much different from any other high school student.
This statement doesn't make much sense to me, you can make that statement with any other character as well, that doesn't make it any more truthful.

>Ishimaru and Mondo's friendship had no meaning to anyone.
It's still relevant to both of their character development, especially Ishimaru.
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>It got even better.
Ishimaru was one of the most normal people, and that made him pretty unusual.
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There can't be a killing game if everyone's in paralyzing suicidal despair.
>Likes Junko
>Hates Tulpaman
Why does Comun has such shit taste?
Hoshi, u not Cumcurer! stop!
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This seemed pretty cool before but look at this shit, this Kiibosuit is fucking impressive. Why are Kiibofags so productive? What about him inspires such dedication?
She's not into scat. It was just a health check. And now with Ouma knowing about the audience by the end of chapter 3 and Miu giving camera printing functions to Kibo the same chapter, it's possible it was really part of a plan to see what Kibo's deal was. They may have figured out he was broadcasting to somewhere.
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>He was a pretty realistic guy (if a bit too intense/overemotional
It's his flaws that make him more likeable, to be honest.

Ishimaru does compare himself to Makoto in his FTEs, actually because he can relate to how normal Makoto is, so he was able to confide in him with his story on how he sees himself as a normal person having to surpass geniuses.
Really shows how different the DRV3 cast is from the DR1 cast, despite the pretty blatant callbacks. The DR1 cast could easily be transplanted into any old high school anime and they'd fit right in, and they were normally driven to murder by circumstances rather than anything else (apart from Syo). In DRV3 you have madmen like Ouma and Korekiyo waltzing around who were pretty much predisposed to do crazy shit anyway. Maybe that's meant to be the psycho cool theme?
>Even if a person sat perfectly still during the trial and said nothing at all, they would've been more help than those two.
That's like saying that dead students were helpful. No, not aiding on investigations and trials at all and just keeping quiet doesn't make you any more helpful.
>um...I think you can use that statement with almost everyone in DR1.
Yes, and that's why DR1 has the weakest cast, most of them are just too generic.
>you can make that statement with any other character as well
No, you can't put Junko or Komaeda in any normal school life anime because they are characters written specifically for DR world and work only in DR setting.
>It's still relevant to both of their character development, especially Ishimaru.
Their character development is irrelevant to the other characters or main plot.
Every time I see this comic I wish it was translated. Is Translator anon around?
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It's part of her character.
If you enjoy it, good for you.
You have good taste, my friend.
I was just joking anon, I don't really think shes a scat bitch. She does have a flat ass though.
>Holy fuck, the religious organization that Ouma was the leader to was the Remnants of Despair.
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He's our hope

I was going through a general motivation block with life myself before Kiibo came around.
Protagonist: Kaedeanon since he probably has the most protagonist material.

Autistic Saiharafag and Buttblasted Zeussufag kill each other, which serves as an example to the others about what they got themselves into.
>Chapter 1
Juiceposter is the victim and Tenmiko poster is the culprit due to the Yumeno is my daughteru jokes getting out of hand.
>Chapter 2
Oumafag is murdered by Moekiyofag for having the gall to say Ouma's cuter. Moekiyofag tried to pin the blame on Anti-Twink Kaitofag beforehand for obvious reasons.
>Chapter 3
Anti-Twink Kaitofag murders Tulpafag and Kiibrobro for their obsessions with feminine men and twink robots. He admits he would've fucked up Oumafag if Moekiyofag didn't get there first.
>Chapter 4
Angiebro exorcises Ghost anon since he was a threat to his waifu's religion.
>Chapter 5
Amamifag murders Saiharafag under the influence of the Buttblasted Zeussufag while the Saiharafag was under the influence of the Autistic Saiharafag. The fight was almost a repeat of what occurred during the Prologue.
>Chapter 6
Shit by default. HICKSHON and TORETU PAPAH are revealed to be the masterminds. Kaedeanon, Miubro (the Hagakure), and Anti-Kirumi Hoshibro survive because why not.
You seem to have a really weird hate boner for generic characters, anon. What's the matter.
He should move onto some other series where everyone has mega superpowers and a secret personality.
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I want to eat Ouma pancakes with Mondo butter.
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How is it hate? I just dislike them.
Why? I have enough characters in DR that I like.
>The organizers of the Gopher Plan were the Kibougamine Academy reconstructed by Naegi.
Man, somehow it really feels like this story was rewrited in the middle. Maybe even from the game perspective, like Tsumugi was desperate because game has stopped and quickly made some bullshit connection to DR to make them keep going.
Perfect. Was hoping Ghost anon would survive though.
>This Naegi idiot is quoting the exact same lines Jin said when he locked him with Junko. Naegi then proceeds to make the same mistake.
Maybe I have to update my vocabulary but. Didn't hate and dislike a synonyms?
I'm not a native speaker so I'm not very sure.
I'll take an Ouma jelly and Mondo butter sandwich instead.
I like this a lot anon, would totally play this game.
That's exactly what happened, though. Ouma put a stop to the game and she had to find a way to get it going again.
Same. With some Hoshi bones and a serving of Shinguji Soup.
>She did say to him that she trusted him even if it was hard for her to show that, that she regretted what happen and that she didn't deserve forgiveness.
I'm sorry, but I don't see what that has to do with her motive for saving him being other than
>oh fuck, I need naegi
>better go fetch him
I am going to run through chapter 5 and 6 again to see exactly what he says.

>She did had a degree of trust in Naegi otherwise she wouldn't have revealed the key to him. She didn't simply use him because it wasn't one sided, they needed each other to get out.
Which was one of the only gestures of trust she made.
>What. That wasn't her, it was Junko who planted that key there together with the "weapon" in an attempt to frame Kyoko
How did I miss that, my entire life is a lie. Still doesn't change the fact that she used it as leverage during the trial.

>Yeah he had every reason (not the ones you gave but whatever) to not trust her but that isn't how Naegi character works
>not the ones you gave but whatever
So nothing I've said has any merit?OK then.

I'll be reviewing DG1 so I know what I'm talking about with 100% certainty. You win this round.
Hate is a lot stronger than dislike.
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You stop that right now
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>Angiebro - Teasing
I can flow with this.

Very cute! I like her very much. I want her to get more normie art as time goes on.

Also, if that anon who made the Hope x Detective fic is here, I just wanted to say that it was fantastic. Keep up the good work!

She didn't exactly needed him. she could have exposed Monokuma without him

>Still doesn't change the fact that she used it as leverage during the trial.
She used the fact that she couldn't enter her room to try and save herself, I doubt she had an idea that Togami could spin it to blame Naegi.
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Whatever you say, Sans Undertale
WHo is the autistic saiharafag?
The same person as Buttblasted Zeussufag
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Who would be the most helpful in the trails?
Anti-Kirumi Hoshibro and Ghost Anon.
Anyone that argues against the Zeussufag

according to Zeussufag anyway
And who is he?
>In the end, Ouma's motivation was good taste in waifus and I'm very happy for that.
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Why is he so desparate making her favorite characters as gods?
The trials would be a fucking mess

A remnant of the Amami meme force that plagued the /drg/ threads before the game release
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Oh, Comun.
And remember, kids, Shinguji is the worst character written by Kodaka because his sister was his waifu!
Why do you keep saying she needed him to corner the mastermind? Junko did that on her own by cheating and all Kirigiri had to do was call her out on it in front of the cameras/audience.
She saved him because she cared about him and regretted not being able to give her life for him. That's why even though exposing the mm was so important to her she still risked her life by saving him.
It's Valwin. What were you expected?
Ghost anon can talk to the dead at the very least. Expect surprise appearances from the victim during the trial.


>Now that Ki-bo remembers Naegi, he is going full Naegi. Ki-bo wants to become kibou.
Do you guys understand why the DRV3 ride is so enjoyable?

This guy here doesn't even expects HICKSHION to hit him straight in the face
We've established that Valwin is retarded multiple times in these threads.
Ghost anon would carry. Everyone else would be retarded, autistic, or constantly talking about how much dick they want to suck.
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Yep, I'm having much more fun from the players' reactions than from playing the game myself.
At least he actually does it, even if he ends up giving up on it too.
with all this kirigiriposting, it made me think of something: What would have happened if Naegi didn't LUCC himself out of his execution?
>This guy here doesn't even expects HICKSHION to hit him straight in the face

Kodaka wanted to make the fans more involved in the story by putting them on ground level. In the end he succeeded by putting them at ground zero. I can't wait for the reaction.
Jess is a fucking retard but at least she translates shit. Valwin is a useless retard so I don't know why anyone cares about him or his dumb opinions at all.
She would've been bred along with the doughnut. Toko still spontaneously combusts.
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Valwin doesnt even like Hoshi, another reason to dislike him.
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Yeah Jess translates and scans shit, Valwin literally does nothing but scab.
But that makes me think, so HPA connection wasn't planned for the show from the start? Or was it TDR backup plan?
Junko wins. Kyoko becomes a breeding cow like Asahina
>Mikan is crazy
>muh waifu
>Ouma is crazy

His opinions never fails to make me kek.
>Everyone got their fill of hope from remembering they were all Kibougamine students and are going to the hangar to save Momota.
It was a trump card to keep the game going if the cast fell into despair by the looks of things.
They're all playing in Tsumugi's hands
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Friendly reminder that Ouma/Gonta is abusive incest and you're scum for shipping it uwu
>I'm sure that Hifumi would bite any bait from Celes sooner or later, that's just how he is.
Except he wouldn't have let any 3d woman sway him. He says as much during the first trial when they talk about Maizono luring Leon out. The only thing he was interested in was 2d and the only 2d girl they had (or the closest thing) was Alter Ego. She could've bluffed or fooled him into minor tasks or chores but agreeing to murder would've been highly unlikely.

>That's like saying that dead students were helpful. No, not aiding on investigations and trials at all and just keeping quiet doesn't make you any more helpful.
Mukuro had a place in the courtroom as the 16th student. She never tried to intentionally mislead the entire group for shits and giggles (Togami) or because they were mean to her friend (Asahina). She never had to be convinced that person standing right next to her wasn't actually a ghost. (Hagakure) Had someone else occupied that 16th spot they could've screwed with the cases some more or taken even longer to convince to get the proper verdict.

I'd pick Mukuro over Asahina or Hagakure for my debate team any day.
>Shirogane: "Perhaps you were actually worried about Momota-kun and spent the entire day spying on the hangar."

>Blushing Maki.

In hindsight this was kind of a clue that Tsumugi had been spying on Maki.
That's Comun. Valwin hates Ouma for being male, basically.
Mukuro was working with Junko. You really think she wouldn't try to mislead the group?
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>The plan to save Momota involves using an Erect Hammer and the Erect Bomb Harukawa stole from Ouma when she was strangling him.
>He says as much during the first trial when they talk about Maizono luring Leon out.
Yeah and then he spends chapter 3 being Celes' manservant, so he was obviously lying.
>Mukuro had a place in the courtroom as the 16th student. She never tried to intentionally mislead the entire group for shits and giggles (Togami) or because they were mean to her friend (Asahina). She never had to be convinced that person standing right next to her wasn't actually a ghost. (Hagakure) Had someone else occupied that 16th spot they could've screwed with the cases some more or taken even longer to convince to get the proper verdict.
Because she was dead. That's not really an argument. Dead person, free space and Ishimaru were equally helpful on trials.
He might as well hate all guys because they're not girls.
What would the executions be like?
He likes guys he can self insert into for he waifus aka kaito
You're comparing two different characters. Mikan is crazy, but at least there's no one like her in DR. It's perfectly reasonable to dislike Ouma because he was obviously created to replicate Komaeda's popularity.
Kohacka probably knew the game was shit and tried to distract fujos with another 'chaotic madman' character and his eventual merchandise, so he's guaranteed to profit from this shit.
He likes guys when he can self insert on them and fuck his waifu like Hajime and Kaito
How are the Saihara/Miu fics coming along, brothers, if you're here?
So if Kaede was the MC, what would've happen?
Why don't you stop begging and write your own.
>there's no one like her in DR
He probably wasn't trying to cash in on her popularity but Tulpaman is an obvious Mikan and Syo reference. On a meta level Team Danganronpa most likely did it for the long term fans
But I did.
>But speaking of saving Ouma, everyone convinced Harukawa not to kill.
How is Tulpaman a Mikan reference?
He'd autistically flail about the KAEDE DIES meme that he stole from here not being true.

He'd probably play it though considering he liked AE so much, even if there aren't as many loli waifus this time around.
How would DG1 be different if Sayaka killed Naegi (Or tried to and he survived, considering LUCC)

Also, what happens if someone is technically dead for a minute or two then is brought back? Is there still a trial?
Got a break coming up this weekend, so I'll have lots of time to work on it real soon.
First I have to get through this week, though. Got some tests to deal with.
I'm kinda worried my fic will seem unoriginal because it's taking so many elements from others, though.
>He probably wasn't trying to cash in on her popularity but Tulpaman is an obvious Mikan and Syo reference.
Why are you bringing Korekiyo and Syo into this? There was no character like Mikan when SDR2 came out, while Ouma is an already existing character's ripoff. That's why they're not comparable.
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I think you'll be just fine. I wrote something yesterday (dunno if you saw it), about that one idea I had a while ago with the Chapter 4 thing. Good luck on your tests!

We'll be happy to read what you whip up regardless.
First trial was after her sister betrayed her and attempted to murder her. That could cause her to think differently had she survived it. (DR3 suggests otherwise, but at least Junko was upfront about trying to kill her there) Prolonged exposure to Hopeboy may also manage it, like IF suggests. Anyways, we're talking about CORPSE Warblade who despite having a vote isn't around to cast it, she's essentially a NULL factor.

>Yeah and then he spends chapter 3 being Celes' manservant, so he was obviously lying.
I'm pretty sure I said that he could be fooled into doing menial tasks like that. Being conned into doing a murder where he has absolutely NOTHING TO GAIN. (he doesn't get Alter Ego, he doesn't get to escape because there can be no accomplices) would be very difficult, especially if he isn't blinkered by his obsession with Alter Ego.

>Because she was dead. That's not really an argument. Dead person, free space and Ishimaru were equally helpful on trials.
Agreed. Dead people and Ishimaru have no net gain to the group. This is better than a net minus that Asahina and Hagakure were.Ishimaru surviving would've been better for the group than either of them. Hell, even Ishimaru NOT surviving and both of them being dead would've been better for the group.
This is mainly coming from Nips on 2ch but

>Chapter 3 double murder
>Both have bandages and snipped hair
>Have a meltdown upon being targeted and start shouting words which mirror each other 'Forgive me' and 'Apologise'
>Did it out of MUH LOVE - believe this justifies their shit

It's pretty blatant. Kodaka is a hack who recycles trials and characters
> Trusting Maki to not kill Ouma when she strangled him twice in public and really wanted to kill him before Kaito convinced her not to

This and how somehow everyone thought Miu meant it when she said the VR world was completely safe while ignoring how she's not a team player and it was almost midnight when she tried to make them try it out really makes me wonder, especially when she wondered back in chapter 1 if Ouma was asking to be killed and only backed off after being questioned.
You said it in present tense so I thought you meant she was still original. Seiko is pretty much Mikan 2.0 as well
>Exactly what Naegi said before Junko killed herself.
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Does this look like the face of a hoe who can be trusted?
With a face like that I'd gladly let her watch my kids.
Fine, I guess I worded it a bit badly but my point still stands, Mikan was original enough before any of the "3"s in the series, so her flavor of crazy was unique in some way. Ouma is just a cheap knockoff, so disliking him for being a Komaeda 2.0 is perfectly reasonable.
I did see it earlier. I really liked how you captured Saihara's perspective on their interactions.
I think you said you were going to write another part from Miu's perspective?
I wonder if anyone else is working on something at the moment.
Miu practically begging them to go to the VR world when she hadn't slept in days due to working non-stop on it was very weird. Ouma siding with her on it was even weirder. And then you have the 2 major witnesses in the case be Tsumugi and Kibo. Truly chapter 4 is confusing.
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>My sister...was the only one... That's right, the only one who... truly loved me. She adored my existence. She adored me and accepted me. She gave me purpose. She loved me. I loved her with all my heart and she returned it in full. This is... my reciprocation.
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Celes could just trick him and kill him without any double murder, so she wouldn't even had a need to con him into murder someone. And Ishimaru protected Mondo on the second trial so they wasted time on him just like they wasted it on Hagakure.
Now do an edit of Kimimaro from Naruto as Tulpaman.
His hair doesn't really look snipped to me.
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> "Saihara-san, why were you watching me bathe? Perverts like you deserve to be punished!"
Are any of the characters in V3 original at all? Will we finally have recolors in the fourth game or what
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He may be a knockoff but he's not cheap and still has unique traits.
Yeah the snipped thing is probably a reach. Definitely have similar octopus hair though
It's still disappointing that Mikan was just been mindhacced. Is what she says true, though? Did Junko actually give her kindness?
Angie maybe? Don't feel like we've had anyone too similar to her
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Is she calling him -san to tease him?
Normally she calls him Saihara or Dasaihara sometimes.
Judging from DR3 anime, no. She crushed a pair of glasses on Mikan's ass.
Heh, thanks. Before I write from Miu's perspective, I'd like to view the chapter again and Miu's actions during it, since I feel it'd be a bit more difficult to write. Certainly in time, though.

As for other fics, there's still a couple that we're waiting for. A fellow bro previewed his lewdfic here yesterday, so he's still working on that.
Junko killed her in the face. Talk about kindness. Though I could see mikan being one of the remnants that probably fucked with Ryoko even if we didnt see any of them during Dr0
Yeah, I can't help but feel you only get enough information at the end that establishes Ouma isn't a bad person to inform you that might be more to his plans than even what you think you've seen given that so much about him is still a complete mystery.
Kicked *
Incest? how?
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Her version of "kindness" might be referring to the treatment she gave to Tsumiki once she despairified her. Then again, Zetsubou-hen didn't really touch up on the topic aside from her getting off to being kicked away by Junko.
Role is similar to Saionji, where she's killed for walking in at the wrong time. Thankfully her murder isn't ignored though and is instrumental to the case.

Personality wise I have no idea. Weedman maybe? You never really get a firm grasp on her and she's killed off before we can even attempt to.
>Korekiyo was the murderer of the third chapter

>taking the shitpost seriously
Well, I expected that. No rush, of course. I don't completely understand chapter 4 myself.

I also saw the preview. It had some problems with honorifics, but that was already caught. Otherwise, it's looking pretty good.

Are there any chapters that stand out when it comes to examples of their interactions? I've been reviewing the game, looking through various playthroughs to see if there were any optional conversations. Would investigations or trials be a better place to look?
How is he not cheap? He's the cheapest character in the game created solely for hungry fujos to latch onto so they can buy merchandise. He even dies in chapter 5 after creating a huge commotion and being heavily involved in chapter 4's trial, and makes chapter 5's trial unnecessarily convoluted. He's the definition of a cheap knockoff.
Still, you really have to give Kodaka some credit, because people absolutely love Ouma. We should definitely expect more Komaeda clones in the future.
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They both ask Kirumi to be their mom. Therefore, they are brothers.

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Investigations is probably the best place to look. I'd look in trials, too, if I were you (they have a cross swords debate in Chapter 3 even). Their interactions are truly golden.
That was the intent and I don't know what the da in dasaihara is supposed to mean
dasai = lame
She calls him Dasai-hara. Dasai means uncool.
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>Kiibo will never be a human nor treated like a human.
I didn't know Kiibo used to be the MC of a Yu-Gi-Oh series.
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Where do you think he got his hope powers from?
dead bread
>Celes could just trick him and kill him without any double murder, so she wouldn't even had a need to con him into murder someone.
She could do, but she'd need to do the whole thing herself. Part of what allowed her to cover up Hifumi's murder was the smokescreen of him being in the middle of his own murder attempt and faking his own death, as well as him setting up Hagakure as a suspect. She's probably capable but given her nature as a gambler she seems more of an opportunist.

> And Ishimaru protected Mondo on the second trial so they wasted time on him just like they wasted it on Hagakure.
True, but again it's through talking with him they confirm the method that the card gets broken. Doesn't quite balance things out though, so I'll concede Ishimaru in a Class Trial is slightly less useful than a Null character.
Did not know that. Does she have a nickname like that for everyone? I already know bakamatsu.
Only Shinabigi for Naegi comes to mind at the moment, which means shriveled tree.
I'm sure she does it for everyone else, though.
Reiner that Lico is Junko and kills Yui
I agree anon
Why are you guys so autistic and insist on characters with slightly similar traits being the same?
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Being a robot is his charm! Plus, who says someone can't treat him like a human?
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This is your protagonist for DR4.
Reminder that you Junkofags are gullible and believe in everything Jess is saying.
I'll just post my best boys and best girls of Dr so far. V3 is still up in the water until i get the localized version.
Dr: Best boy, Ishimaru Best girl, Sakura
Dr2: Best boy, Fuyuhiko Best girl, Ibuki
Dr3: Best boy, Kizakura Best girl Seiko
what art is this? Is this beta Hinata?
>who says someone can't treat him like a human?

This is his point in chapter 5. He just wants something, it doesn't even have to be a person, to acknowledge him as a person and not a machine. He was willing death twice to have someone prove it to him.
What's wrong with admitting that your favorites are uninspired and unoriginal even inside their own franchise? Next thing you're gonna tell me is that the writing in DR is good and the FIKUSHON twist is new, interesting and exciting. It's embarrassing.
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How does this picture make you feel?
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The darker themes of V3 and the resulting darker fanart make me happy.
Not bad anon
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Makes me want to go to the love hotel.
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I like your taste.
Here is a cute picture with a cute boy and a cute robot boy.
It's pure fanservice but I really like the idea of the love hotel, getting to see the truest fantasy of each individual character is such a good idea.
What is the Meido's fantasy?
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DR1 Best Boy: Ishimaru
DR1 Best Girl: Mukuro
DR2 Best Boy: Gundham
DR2 Best Girl: Mikan
DR3 Best Boy: J U Z O
DR3 Best Girl: Seiko I guess
DRV3 Best Boy (so far): Tulpaman
DRV3 Best Girl (so far): Tsumugi
Overall Best Boy: Tulpaman
Overall Best Girl: Mikan

I have a thing for unpopular characters, at least for V3. The tumblr drama over tulpaman is gonna be delicious.
Your taste is literally the worst I have ever seen.
>her fetish is a master/servant relationship
Why aren't there any fics about this?
Awkward. Didn't she force herself onto him before the screen went black?
Not that I mind
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Pointless Hoe.png
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>DRV3 Best Girl: Tsumugi
Can Anyone Even Remotely Like Our Girl Tsumugi?
Kiibo now has an MMD model.
Reminder that Saihara's weak spot is his neck.
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>when you accidentally misread a post

Gah fuck, I apologize, I thought the post was one of those encouraging us to share our favorites. You have pretty decent faves, personal fan of Ibuki and Ishimaru myself. Have a sprite edit.
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What if I told you it's on my to-write list?
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I forgive you for your questionable taste.
I'm telling Tenko.
I would love you forever
Is there a bin where all of this is put?
Same as Tsumugi. Truly the MC and villain having parallels is a mark of genius writing.
Damn they're quick. They just finished the texturing the other day.

I've been following them.
No, I don't think there's a collection of fics out there yet.
Someone will probably compile everything.
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She's my guilty favorite (so is Mikan) I really like characters that you know just enough about but not a completely about, leaving a lot of room for fan speculation (Reason why I like Mukuro so much). It's a shame she doesn't have more fanart, but she is the objectively least interesting of the class, so I get why.
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They are expecting a release later this week by the way.

I want it because a 3d model is perfect for help drawing Kiibo's outfit. I don't really use MMD but I'm making an exception for this.
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How hype is /drg/ gonna be when that livestream starts up in two days? Should I stick around for it?
Yes. I'm sure people will freak out if it's late summer or early fall like most people are expecting. If they reveal dub voice clips then it will be especially crazy.
Livestream? For what?
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>dub cast is revealed
>Greg Ayres as Monokuma
>Releasing March 2019
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NIS America's 2/17 Livestream w/ Kodaka (the waifu slayer)
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tfw it's on my birthday
Well, now I have something to look forward to.
What are you working on right now
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You are an exceedingly lucky person. I have a parade to go to but thats it.
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Well, happy birthday, anon!
I hope you're not lying.
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Shes great.
Currently writing post-love hotel Saihara/Miu.
Once I'm done, I'll start writing the Kirumi fic.
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Don't ask me, anon.
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Lying about birthdays seems like a waste of time. Besides, 2/17 is a weird date to choose if I wanted to lie about it. I'd go for something like Independence day or Christmas.
Kirumi is pure! No!
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Could you write a fic about Tsumugi cosplaying Kaede and raping Saihara after her they find out she's the mastermind?
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Sure she is.
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I'm probably a minority Kiibofag here but I would still love him like this. I wonder if he ever has had day dreams like this before?
I don't mind. What are your favorites?
im going to spread my love for kirumi on here some how .
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What do you imagine he would be like as a human, anon? Such a big part of his personality is being a robot. Would he be like Ishimaru? Naegi? Something else?
Kiibo isn't for lewd!
Monokuma Rule #17
I have been thinking on it. He's essentially a wallpaper himself until chapter 5 when he suddenly uses himself as a means for testing things to see if anything recognizes him as a human, so it's mostly just trying to rework chapter 5 and 6 because he could just be the quiet robotics tech in the background for 1-4 and nothing would change at all.
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It's okay Kiibofags, your secret desires are safe with us.
what the fuck
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Could you write a fic about Hoshi telling Saihara to drop the soap in the boys locker room?
>cosplay as Kaede
Tsumugi should cosplay as Normiehara instead.
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this is good
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It needs to be saihara to inflict maximum pain
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This person's art scares me.
stop posting this stupid shit here
Ahoge less Kiibo is so based. Ahoge kiibo is for moe.
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What do you do to get this nerd to stop crying, /drg/?
Have Kiibo talk about hope until Saihara tells him to shut up.
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Revive Kaede.
I mean it needs to be Kaede
think about it
>the woman responsible for all his suffering dressing up as the woman she killed(who also happened to be the woman he loved) and acting like her raping him in character.
>"Shuichi, more! Please fill my pussy! I'm gonna cum! Please, give me all your love!"
Would he cave? Would he fall for the act for just a second and give in to temptation and embrace the fantasy? Could he live with himself afterward(if she even let him live?)
You're the best detective in the world. __Not.
>Can Anyone Even Remotely Like Our Girl Tsumugi?
I can do it remotely.

Like, if she's a huge distance away and I don't have to look at her or talk to her.
Is this how she bribed him over to despair?
Tsumugi's appearance would have been more unique if she didn't have that jacket and it was just the shirt, dress. and corset
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Jesus fucking christ
They should have actually spent some effort on Tsumugi and have her cosplaying as a different "totally-not-copyrighted-character* each chapter.
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Shes supposed to look bland anon, thats her appeal.
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This thread needs to clean up its act. Right now.
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Calling the police
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It could be worse.
You could've been in ZTD.
>Not wearing bloomers
shit image desu
at least theres a chance that your waifu kirigiri may be real. wait that's normie saihara's waifu.
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Shit boy, I don't even like cosplay and I think this is fucking amazing.
get out of here shirogane
in all seriousness, this is cool as hell.
Robot cosplay is always the coolest when it's well-done. The light detail is going overboard, though, it's amazing.
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>Intentionally showing off her tits
>Wearing a see-through shirt
Did she went to bed Saihara?
Oops, meant to say want. Phoneposting.
Probably for the ratings.
Remember Danganronpa 32? Where the cast actually had sex? That had to be the most popular season ever!
Yeah but the ones who did where easily the worst of the bunch.
The new Jojo looks good!
They were hot though.

In fact it was used to lure people to kill.
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>grabs you by the dick*
FUCK OFFFFF????!!!!!!!!!!
I dont know man.
Deahu Reipu was honestly my favorite character. Can you believe she turned sex into a murder and ACTUALLY GOT AWAY WITH IT? Kodaka is really breaking the mold with these newer seasons.
That whole case pissed me off.
I mean, they didn't even find the penis in the end.
Meh, you all make a mountain out of a molehill. Sure they all but confirmed they had sex, but doesn't it kind of ruin it when they basically just Flip away? Then again, they do have a right to privacy, and to not be our personal jerk material.
Yeah. But at least Awarena Shojo finally got laid like he always wanted.
I'm going to drug you and allow a bunch of fat old men to have their way with you. .
does anyone have that image of shirogane wearing the sunglasses that "mindhacc" ztd dude wears?
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>"haah, haah, Shuichi! More!" the woman moaned, tightly gripping his shoulders. Shuichi was beneath her, sitting in a chair.
>"T-Tsu.. Tsmumugi... stop! please!" Despite his cries of resistance, he couldn't tear his eyes from her face and chest. She had her shirt hiked up and was lacking a bra, letting her breasts hang free.
>"Whose that?" she teases, making sure he's as deep inside her as possible. "say my name, shuichi. Please..."
>"No! Stop this, please! Sto-" his please were cut off by her lips mashing against his, and a quick grind of her hips.
>He struggled against his restraints futility, his hands bound behind him and his legs to the feet of the chair as they were offered little in the way of movement
>she broke the kiss and stroked the back of his neck, making sure his sensitive spot was properly stimulated, and put her lips right next to his ear
>"Kaede. Say it. Tell me my name." she demanded, her voice cold and commanding. She made sure that he felt the malice(and desire) in her words.
>He'd already released inside her twice, and was closing in his third. Every time she brought him over the edge, every time he felt her shiver in his arms as he emptied his seed inside her womb, he felt himself slipping into the fantasy. It didn't help that she was spot on with her cosplay, she even acted the same way(beside her personal "flare".)
>The way she rode him was heavenly. She knew where all his weak spots were, and knew how to drag out his orgasm to extraordinary lengths. How Tsumugi seamlessly shifted between her grinding and her bouncing.
>How she teased him by slowly pulling off him only to ram back down. The way she claimed his mouth while she milked him continuously drove all thoughts from his mind. He spoke without thinking.
>"K... Kaede..." This sound was music to her ears. She finally broke him. She gave a hearty laugh at her conquest, before finally deciding that he wouldn't resist any more.
>Tsumugi let go of his
Yeah, but it never properly explained how Rockbuster Chou managed to get his sperm into Awarena's condom WHILE HE WAS WEARING IT!
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How does hair even work in the Dr Universe?
Humans in the DR verse naturally secrete copious amounts of hair gel from their scalp.
Dude, lets be real here, Busting a nut with THAT much accuracy to get it in AS HE'S PUTTING IT ON is kinda bullshit.
It would be, if Rockbuster Chou wasn't the SHSL Evangelical Preacher.
Delete it, all of it
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>Mindbreaking Saihara
I like this
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thanks anon!
I don't. Saihara's dick should be nowhere near that imposter's pussy.
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Still the best saihara ship. >>168482881
That's gay though
You're right. He belongs to his dead waifu, Kaede.
Besides, Shirogane probably smells like rotten fish down there. Saihara doesn't deserve to have a smelly dick.
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I'm getting mixed messages. Continue or no?
I'm taking a break from that Miu fic. I can't write fluff to save my life.

Also there needs to be either a saihara/miu, saihara/angie or saihara/kaede version of this
Just wait until new game where Shuichi gonna have a new love interest
Do you guys think there's still some things that we're getting wrong? Like, we have the "truth" now but what if one of it is a lie? Like, about the 6th trial, what if we got something slightly wrong? What if there's more to the memory wipe? Was tsumugi really chosen randomly? Is this really the end?
Post-DR3 Kirigiri/Naegi with her forcing him to call her Sayaka
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That's ____hot.
>It's Maki
keep going anon
Keep doing it boy.
I say its Himiko
The Angiebro side of me wants to choose Saihara/Angie but I'm really loving these Saihara/Miu fics.
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Can't it be both?
They can dress as eachother's dead crushes, and make out while Himiko watches.
There's actually porn of that

it's mediocre
I hate to tell you this but you're kind of right. Shirogane was a staff member of Team Danganronpa, and wasn't "Randomized" like the FAKE SPOILERS want to tell you.

Which, admittedly, makes her as the mastermind a *bit* better than just "LOLRANDOM," Like you can actually start to look into why she joined team danganronpa.

Fucks sake I cant believe there are people STILL spreading false spoilers. It kind of makes me mad.
I do think so, because there's some evidence that Shirogane is right (We know a mind wipe did happen because Saihara and Kaede talk about not remembering the kidnapping, for instance) but she's probably making herself look more omnipotent than she really is, given not even Junko had that much control to make puppets of everyone.

So in other words we should probe the truth of what she says and think about the evidence shown. For example Shirogane said Saihara was made a terrible detective on purpose and the three audition videos shown are that of him, Kaede and Kaito. Both Kaede and Kaito never actually demonstrate their talents so we can assume their talents were indeed faked and that Saihara still had potential as a detective regardless since it's mentioned in his interests, but as you can see this doesn't explain outliers like Ouma, Maki, Kiibo, Angie and Miu who prove their talents physically.

We also find a file in Saihara's lab about the previous killing games being fake killing games and how the recent ones used real deaths. Amami's video is confirmation that his was one of the latter, so it's entirely possible that the cast was a mix of clueless normies wanting to have fun and dangerous people set up to be killed in the best way to have no one suspect anything.
I still think its bullshit that everything played into her favor even if they all had fake motives that would probably end up in them killing each other. Imagine if literally any of the characters needed to use the female bathroom.
Can you really go further past the mindbreak point though and keep it interesting? That seems to be the money shot right there.
No one would have a reason to use the broom closet.
Are you fucking serious Kirumi.
Except the maid.
>Implying she doesn't have much better custom-made brooms in her room
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I just imagined, what if she killed Hoshi, and then for some reason ended up needing to go the broom closet and figured out what happened. Would she feel bad or what?

She probably had her supplies somewhere else, rather than the broom closet, but yeah that is a bit of a plot hole

inb4 "A Dignified Maid doesn't have time for work that dirty such as public bathrooms"
So, you guys wanna go into depth of how small changes could completely change the victims and or murders of V3?

I'll go first, denying anyone from going under the metal cage to save Yumeno/Tenko.
Telling everyone to gather in the library before the time limit.
Letting Korekiyo Talk
What if they had the whole Tsumugi as the true first killer, but then made an entire spriteset for the Head of Team DR as the final mastermind to be revealed. Im sure the lead artist has drawn Kodaka at least a couple times.
Telling Ryoma to stay close/ stopping Ryoma from running off at Gonta's attack.
I wonder how not trusting Maki in chapter 5 would have changed things, since we know for a fact Shirogane wanted to get rid of both her and Ouma in preparation of the final chapter.
Miu damages Kibo's ahoge as part of her 'maintenance'
Someone checks the bathroom during the ch 1 investigation.
Kirumi ends up using the bathroom
The cast manage to luck out the Chapter 1 Road run
Telling Tsumugi not to stand outside while shit is blowing up.
Was it ever explained why Kiibo goes batshit insane whenever his ahoge is gone?
Even Korekiyo didn't think that the broom closet was important.

Speaking of which
>Telling Tsumugi not to stand outside while shit is blowing up.
No, fuck that.

The ahoge antenna is what TDR and the audience use to control him.

Without it, he's MUCH more intelligent.
Supposedly it's an antenna which would mean there's a certain signal he gets constantly that inhibits his original programming.

Without it, he reverts back, which begs the question: 'what was Kibo's original purpose when he was made?'
thats his antennae, the audience gets to decide what he does which would have been an amazing twist if he was the true protag from the start so when his antennae is gone, he is free to do whatever he wants.

and what he wants is destruction
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What if Kaede had immediately owned up to the murder at the start when the option was given?
Uh...I'm pretty sure they'd be fucked then.
Mahou ja!
Kiibo has the best PTA out of any character in DGR, I will not take any arguments.
The same thing would have happened, but it would take much less time. Though it wouldn't kick Saihara between the legs with his fear of exposing the truth

Monokuma said that the reward for admitting the first murder at the first opportunity was "you are free to go".
wait, was it "Admitting" to the first murder or just "Committing the first murder"
Admitting as soon as it was confirmed.

If you get caught in the trial it's execution.

And I guess falsely admitting you did it wouldn't work.
I love how people translated what Kiibo's other voices were saying and they were all just talking shit about Shuuichi. One of them wanted Kaede to survive.
Why the fuck did Kaede push it so much then? She could have at any time just said "Ok you got me its me" and immediately escape.
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Welp, i'm going to bed. Wake me up when Kodaka somehow revives the V3 cast.

Dont fag it up while im gone, I love that shit.
She felt horrible guilt over it and wanted to use the trial to expose the mastermind.
>somehow revives the V3 cast
Simple. Next game will reveal that V3 was a fictional TV show instead of a reality TV show.
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>tfw slowly becoming a Hoshifag
What do I do, guys?
I still want dr3 as zero time dilemma gameplay with Mitarai as mc and have multiple choices with different consequences
Find him
Hey guys it's me Valwin here, I will be streaming the NISA Twitch stream on my Youtube channel so subscribe and stay tuned

dead bread
Kill yourself
Tsumiki is worst girl
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>Tsumugi let go of his shoulders and reached behind him, aiming for the chains keeping him restrained
>"Shuichi, tell me you love me! say 'I love you'!" she pleaded, pulling the pin on the lock, releasing her slave from his bonds. He wasted no time, immediately pulling his arms free and wrapping them around tsumugi, one landing on her back and the other on her ass
>"Kaede! I love you! I love you!" He chanted, giving in to the fantasy Tsumugi created. She sped her grinding, trying to give Shuichi he reward he wanted: giving his beloved his seed.
>"Shuichi, I love you too. And..." she trailed off, relaxing her upper body and allowing him to hug her crushingly tightly. She had him close, and it was time to solidify her position as his Kaede. "Please. I want it inside me... I want you to give me a baby..."
>Those words were music to his ears. He couldn't contain himself any more, and he knew what he wanted. Shuichi lunged forward, pushing Tsumugi onto the ground with him on top of her. Without a break, he began thrusting as fast as he could.
>"Ahh! Shuichi! ahh, more! more!" She egged him on, shocked by his sudden drive. She wrapped herself around him, locking her legs around his waist and and pulling his head into her neck.
>"I love you! I love you, ahh- kaede!" His muffled cries continued steadily. Shuichi embraced her, his mind running rampant with lust. Finally he reached his limit, unable to contain himself any longer.
>He bit into Tsumugi as he came, pouring his seed into her womb and letting out a loud moan of pleasure. Short, quick thrusts were all he could manage with Tsumugi's legs wrapped around him so possessively. His excess seed flowed out of her pussy and onto her skirt, making a sizeable puddle.
>Tsumugi stroked his hair as his pace slowed to a crawl. She winced when he let go of her neck, and pat head in response.
>"Thank you. I love you, shuichi..." were the last things he heard as he fell asleep in her arms.

good night
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May I have a source
Is this normie!Saihara's Kirigiri-sama korosupurei pleasing faceless old man for money to buy DR merch?
No I'm pretty sure it's futa Kirigiri selfcest and then fucking Naegi or something like that.
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This needs a Saihara edit
>ez kill lmao
>Shuichi-chan pleases old men for danganronpa merch!
>cheer up, fanboy!
>quit the internet!
>detective boy!
>killed him on chapter 1!
>Shuichi-chan is a trap!
>small penis!
>I heard he watches DG3...
>Wow, is it just me or does it smell like fag pudding?
>less cute than his idol!
>Kyoko recolor!
>I hope that girl has a penis
ded game
ded thread
ded life
>mindbroken saihara
why does this exist again
I love the idea of him as protagonist and then losing his antenna like chapter 5 or something where we switch to Saihara without explanation. Then the big reveal in the final chapter.
What was the point of the forgetting light?
It's different than the remembering light, it was used on everyone after they got forced out of cold sleep.
>What was the point of the forgetting light?
Wait there's a forgetting light?
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Amaguji for a dead bread
I live for the crushing realization and depression he will get after realizing what he did
Can I vent out here? Thank you.

Thing is, after the game came out, I actually started disliking Kaede a bit for some reason, but couldn't figure out what. Now I get it. It's not so much about her stubborn genki girl atiitude and how she called everyone her friends despite knowing only their names, but it's how many tend to paint her as a pretty much "picture-perfect protag" that dindu nuthin, and that pisses me off. She's not ideal, she never was, she fucked up big time and paid for it with her life. Ouma calls her out on it and I agree with him.

Vent's over, thanks again.
What do you think will be if Nagito and Makoto were swapped personalities
But muh trust and friendship

You're right, though. Kaede fucked up pretty badly, and so did Amani and Ouma. People tend to think they did nothing stupid when they made fuck-ups that cost their lives.
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Ouma's playthings!
>called everyone her friends despite knowing only their names
I agree. Well, Kodaka intended for her to be a bland stack of meat and tits. On that, I agree with him. Miu's tits are better , anyway.
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Miu's disgusting though, Kaede's tits have just the right size
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>Miu's disgusting though
Literally gay
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If we ever get UDG2, I want this gun to make a comeback. I want Saihara (or Yumeno, but mostly Saihara) to just blast shit away with this.
Lets review all fuck ups that Kaede,Ouma and Rantaro did

Didnt tell Shuichi about her plan maybe if she did told him Shuichi would actually come up with better plan but she didnt and that cost that her life

Tried to kill everyone in chapter 4 didnt work so he backstabbed Gonta for being a killer chapter 5 make himself to be look like a mastermind was framed by tsumigi for being a new Ultimate Despair so Maki tried to kill him.Tried to come up with murder that nobody would solve thinking that Mastermind was playing fair by the rules didnt work.

Didnt tell everybody about his plan though that everybody would listen didnt work got killed by mastermind and his framed Kaede got framed
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>Rivals from 1, 2, and V3
>but only 1 and 2's protagonists
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>“I’m telling you, gentlemen don’t throw ladders or corpses!”
Jury's out on chapter 4 since I don't even know what the fuck was Ouma's real intention there, but it's pretty clear by the clues Ouma asked Kaito to leave behind such as his clothes being in the toilet and the video Kaito shows to everyone that he suspected the mastermind would cheat.

Based on how easily Ouma could have staged a literally unsolvable murder if he wanted to, you can tell that a big part of his actual plan was to make sure the mastermind couldn't identify who the victim was in advance. Next, you have to ask yourself why he thought this was important.

The reason is simple: Had Maki been executed for killing either Ouma or Kaito, Kaito would have died anyway and there would only be four survivors. Because Kiibo and Shirogane represent hope and despair respectively that leaves us with only Saihara and Himiko, two people who would be utterly fucked trying to escape and would then be forced to pick between hope or despair.

He also knew that Saihara would be able to identify Maki as the culprit had this been a conventional death and would be completely playing into the mastermind's hands without even knowing it, hence the script and voice changer so Kaito can trap the mastermind and delay the trial as long as possible, forcing the mastermind to switch plans since Maki was the one who should have been executed to get rid of all the dangerous characters.

Even with all of that it's interesting that Kaito says he'll make his way of living known in space and Ouma says "Don't you mean your way of dying?" in chapter 1's pre-trial, foreshadowing Kaito dying halfway during his execution while he's still in space. As we can tell from how livid Monokuma was seeing the aftermath of Kaito's botched execution that this was not as planned at all, it does make me wonder if he in some way could see that Kaito being executed was important in ending the killing game well before it happened.
(fail) no spoiler policy...
Some artists still don't wanna spoil MC switch.
This is boring...
Have we run out of topic to discuss already?
This bread is so dead...
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Better be dead than filled with shitposting.
Wait for NISA's livestream and maybe this general will run wild.
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>this thicc, sexy body
You okay, anon?
Not her body, her personality and habits
This Friday, I think.
>Ouma is Komaeda 2.0
Is this a game? I wanna play
>Tenko is Sakura 2.0
>Kiibo is Naegi 2.0
>Saihara is Naegi 2.0
>Kaede is Sayaka 2.0
>Iruma is Ruruka 2.0
>Komaeda is Togami 2.0
>Kirumi is Peko 2.0
>Mahiru is Fujisaki 2.0
>Angie is Asahina 2.0
>Korekiyo is Mikan 2.0

Yes, I'm salty.
>Sacrifices themselves for their best friend who survives
But they're totally the same and stuff, because their roles are similar amirightguys? Couldn't be more of an expy.
Yeah, her personality isn't the most sympathetic or relatable due to her antics. Still, I really like her FTEs and character ending.
>>Komaeda is Togami 2.0
Uh they don't have any similarities
These are meant to be sarcastic, I think...
Still, comparing princess Sakura with a trash like that is unforgivable!
They're the rival character and the closest to fujobait so Komaeda is clearly a 2.0.
Yeah right he never does anything that's worthy of calling him a rival except maybe case 2. The rest of the cases he's constantly upstaged by Kirigiri and Naegi and even Asahina in case 4
Just because you're a shit rival, doesn't mean you aren't a rival. Komaeda is such a rip off.
>Just because you're a shit rival
The point is he's not a rival the entire MC/helper/rival trio was in DR2
DR1 didn't have that
Idk there's fanart of him, Komaeda and Ouma together, don't need more solid evidence than that dood.
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Saihara no...
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dad hair
There's fanart of Kaede standing with the other Protagonists doesn't make it true
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Do they mean the comment about how Kiibo's technically genderless?

I'm a real slowpoke when it comes to stuff like this, ngl
I think you take him a little too serious anon.
Did Kiibo do or say anything special in chapter 2? I don't really remember.
But it's not about Kiibo's gender anon. No worry.
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Monofunny is for amami`s leg only
>Using pre-release as an excuse
Let him have his fun.
Tall Monodam never.

>that Monodam
So this is what peak bear performance looks like

No wonder he was bullied, manlet Monokid was just jealous
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I hate Monaca. I want to move her into a gray, empty basement, tie her to her wheelchair, and leave her alone for hours.
Then I'll visit her, untie her, feed her and give her some water. Neither of us will say a word.
I'll keep on doing that, going down at irregular time to feed her, take care of her needs, but I'll also like act it still take care in the day. I'll slowly add more furniture to her room, but I'll never give her anything advanced. Eventually, she'll stop thinking of me as a jailer, and will think of me as a caretaker.
One day, I'll walk down with my arms full. She'll wonder what it is that I'm carrying, but once I dropped it all on the table, she'll freeze, for it will be an assortiment of canes, paddles, wooden spoons, spatulas, hairbrushes and even switches from the garden.

Still without saying anything, I would feed her as usual, and then, I still pick her up, sit on a bench, put her over my knees, and start spanking her. Slowly at first, over her skirt, Enough to surprise and shock her, but not enough to redden her ass. Once the spanking is over, I would carry her back to her wheelchair, and strap her legs, forarms and waist to her chair, so that she's stuck in an uncomfortable position, her spanked butt pressed against her seat, and I would abandon her like her until it's time to see her again.
As time passes, and each time she tries to sabotage my effort by damaging the tools, the spankings will increase in intensity and length, until they're applied to her naked little butt. And each time she get spanked, she would get strapped to her chair, stuck in an uncomfortable position for several hours.

And time would pass like that, with Monaca unable to feel hope or despair. She would try, once she hears the trapdoor opening, to determine whether she'll get spanked this time by analyzing the way I walk, or whether or not I carry an implement.

This was your monthly reminder that I hate Monaca and want to spank her.
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Was Korekiyo the first student (besides Junko, but she was never in a killing game) who's made to be a hated villain?
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I feel like Celes and Kirumi were pretty evil too
Muh gamer gf
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Muh bubbly butt.
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I'd say that Celes comes close. She and Kiyo are the only ones who didn't kill by accident, to save the others, and it wasn't a special case like Kirumi's country or Peko's autism.. She did it purely to get out, and with a nice cash prize as well.

Though compared to Kiyo, she has way more sympathetic traits to go along with her.
>create ai with great assets
>don't give her a swimsuit that fits her
They knew what they were doing
>not evil
Hoshi came to her with problems. She murdered him in cold blood, and desecrated his body in front of everyone
Normie!Saihara is such a god damn madman, I love it.
Junko is well liked overall though
Most people don't even dislike Korekiyo because he's a serial killer or because he killed their favorite characters, but because of muh incest and muh religion
Also not a student but I'm pretty sure Haiji Towa was created to be hated, Monaca too arguably
Hoshi didn't come to her with problems, he was suicidal and let her kill him
Nicest guy you'll ever meet.
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Someone should draw all these hated characters together
Long hair still the best
I want Korekiyo and Celes to meet and drink tea together while laughing at plebeians
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I would trust him with my life
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You're not gonna trust this face? What the fuck is wrong with you.
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INB4 they dont actually confirm the release date at NIS's livestream and wastes our time
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>They would fly Kodaka in for no reason

Absolute Madmen, they are.
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I've been fearing this from the moment people were hyping it up.
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They'll livestreaming this because they're gonna put Kodaka and a bunch of NIS employees into a killing game. This shit is gonna be cool.
The winner will be creative director of the next DR game
Well fuck, I guess i'm staying up for it now.

Who's bringing the popcorn?
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Thanks god.
>The NISA Press Event will be at 7PM PT on Feb. 17
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Danganronpa 54 [Spoilers]
Chapter 1
Killer: Kodaka
Victim: Our hope
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These are great. I want them
My hope died back in 53 though
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>that Tulpa
Holy fuck
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Yo since this thread is dead can we turn it back into an Anti-Kirumi Hoshibro thread?
Can't we have peace?
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>create characters with good butts
>they don't get spanked
>tfw Kiibo can't even be built from already existing parts except for maybe his head.
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>Anti-Kirumi "Throwing Shade at the Maid" Hoshibro
>Anti-Kirumi "Giving the Maid her Just Desserts" Hoshibro
Didn't DR3 reveal that she was a collective Tulpa or something? Or is DR3 non-canon?
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>Normie Gonta
It's rare to see him. Kiyo is cute as always though
I always see this here, but do you guys think it's a possibility NISA will actually use this? I don't see them having everyone refer to him as Korekiyo. They couldn't even keep Kiyotaka.
Chiaki was a mistake.
DR3 Chiaki was

It'd be pretty OOC, but who knows. I feel like he'd object to being called a nickname like that
They didn't really use nicknames in sdr2.
tbf, I think it's also pretty OOC for Ishimaru to have a nickname too, but they went ahead with that.

But then, they ddin't use any nicknames in DR2, so they could just keep full names.
Do you think there will be any Souda - Soda, Gundam -> Gundham incidents? (not sure if that was copyright or what) Besides the obvious ones like Shinguuji - Shinguji
So uncomfortable
Ouma->Oma, although we'll just be seeing him called Kokichi anyways
Toujou -> Tojo
If you look at the wiki's spelling of their names, it seems like they mostly have it all converted to how NISA will most likely do it.
But like... not putting anyone on there raises questions for the unspoiled.
I could see them doing Ki-Bo
I still don't understand why Togami is classed as a rival. He desecrated a corpse in Chapter 2 and then just became a comic relief character for the rest of the game
I saw some people theorising that they'll translate Ki-Bo's name into something more literal, like Ho-P3 or something like that.

I hope they don't honestly, doesn't have the same ring to it.
I'm gonna win this game. Kek

I could see characters like Ouma and Angie using nicknames for the other characters
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An Angie for a slow bread

It's a shame they take away her delicious brown in fanart
I forget, was there one of those "the true blackened is the one who masterminded the murder plot" clauses brought up in this game like in DR1 and kinda SDR2? Bc if the bear was super pissed he probably could have used that to rule Ouma as being the "true" blackened who committed suicide and axe everyone. But maybe that wouldn't be quite as good of tv.
He even has a theme song
Uh, how would that even work? On top of how the mastermind definitely doesn't want everyone killed to continue the game Shirogane wanted both Maki and Ouma to die so that there would only be her, Kiibo, Himiko and Saihara left once Kaito kicks the bucket.

You also have to remember that the mastermind saw Maki shooting both Ouma and Kaito and not Kaito killing Ouma, so there was no way to pin anything on Ouma unless he was an actual culprit.
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Peko was a remorseless yakuza killer who murdered people even before she was brainwashed. Any attempt to empathise with her during the FTEs just reminds you of how insulting her 'I am a tool' excuse was in retrospect.
The 'motivation' of Chapter 2 was obviously to get her to act, but given her nature she'd probably have murdered Mahiru for her young master's sake even if it didn't help with the escape.
Yes, Kibo said that he doesn't know his gender in chapter 2, when Tenko asked him about it.
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Which one as a worse person?
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Kirumi wasn't even evil. Korekiyo was a crazy serial killer
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On the other hand, at least he was straight up with the murdering stuff, Kirumi definitely loses some points by trying to worm out of it.

Well at least Kirumi died thinking that she failed her people, Korekiyo died hapy knowing he was with neesan
Maid killed a multiple murderer who already had a death wish so she could go back to help her country.

Tulpa killed two young girls to reach an arbitrary total to appease his dead sister. Why does she need 100 pure girls to be happy in the afterlife? Even Islamics only need 72.

>Tulpasis is a bigger slut than muslim terrorists
He got cucked though.
Duel standby!
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Must be a family thing
Why? She wanted to live and go back to her job. She doesn't "loses points for it"
Watch his execution again. He was cucked
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Would you a male Miu and a loli Ouma?

yes, im a virgin, so i am going eat what i can get
>'what was Kibo's original purpose when he was made?'
I vote for destroy Danganronpa.
It's even funnier when it sounded like the dead casts voices. I could definitely pick out Miu's in the later phases.
loli Ouma I'd be down with.
Male Miu's constant thirst may be hard to watch, though I'm amused by the idea of him offering loli Ouma an 'erotic apology' if his bombs didn't work.
Unless it was a VR reality show. That would explain some of the crazy things that happened and why Team DR could fake the world being destroyed. Also, the end of the map that Kaede found if you lucked out on the minigame in chapter 1.
/acg/ here, can you guys gib some bumps pls?
Come to think of it, doesn't Ouma single out Kiibo for being a traitor and yet keeps telling him robots aren't human and stuff, which is rude but ultimately helpful given Kiibo becomes that much more useful only when he accepts being a robot?

It's possible that while he knew Kiibo was broadcasting the killing game and was pettily venting on Kiibo with his insults, he also didn't want to get Kiibo destroyed recognizing that he had to be extremely sentient for some reason beyond just being an unknowing cameraman.

I'd find it hilarious as hell if including Kiibo was Tsumugi's brilliant idea of having a Naegi in her reenactment of DR1, surely nothing wrong at all can come from having an absurdly dangerous robot in the game with only an antenna to stop him from going full WMD especially if he really was made by someone to destroy Dangan Ronpa.
fuck, marry, kill

Tulpaman`s tulpa sister
the fused tulpa Ishida
the colectevly made tulpa Chiaki
Finally a fanart of male Miu that had a bit of creativity put into it.
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Marry Chiaki
Fuck Tulpa's sister
Kill Ishida
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Fuck - Tulpasis. So hot that he killed for her
Marry - Chiaki tulpa
Kill - Ishida
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His sis was probably the hottest girl in the franchise. A shame we never got to see her in person
We need Miyadera for V4.
Where she'll be killed off first and will also be revealed to not have any relationship to Moekiyo.
kill chiaki
kill ishida
fuck and marry tulpamans nee-san
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>Valdwin put Himiko and Maki in top 3
Who drew this?
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merch when
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I'm placing my bets on mid-late 2017. The first thing that comes to mind are those keystraps from empty.
Keystraps of non-pixel versions would be great. I saw the custom Kiibo ones early and they looked so good.
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Hell yeah. I'd go out of my way to get V3 keystraps anyday.
I still want Ruruka and Kizakura but I'm broke
I remember I used to get boxes of those keystraps to get like... one character because I didn't trust joining joint purchasing boxes.

Then I'd just sell a ton of them for cheap around conventions. It was pretty profitable.
I want a Kibo webcam
Selling the rest at conventions? Damn, I should try that out when I get the chance. New York is like a convention central.
That'd be ironic. I love it.
I want a better game
Yeah, just be careful depending on the staff. Some of them are cool with it if you keep it outside. Others you have to be on the other side of the street or something. If that's the case, find the closest hotspot for food like mcdonalds or some shit. They'll be there.
The game might be shit but the lewds and fetish art is great
Last minute predictions for VAs everyone? If they have a new V3 trailer at the press event tomorrow, it might be dubbed.

I just hope these predictions don't end up better than the official cast.
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Angie's voice is the one I am curious about. Her Japanese voice has a really nice charm that fits her character, so it's not just about getting the right VA, but making sure they act out the personality correctly as well.
I want normie Korekiyo to beat up Tulpaman

ZTD can't do shit beyond what we already got. At least V3 left itself open enough for us to have some hope for new material in future years that can patch this shit up.
ZTD no doubt
DRV3 doesn't even come close
>it's not just about getting the right VA, but making sure they act out the personality correctly as well.
Good with with that considering it's NISA. They might even change dialogue and add memes for fun.

I just hope Jamie Marchi voices Miu, because it fits her and her Panty voice would be hilarious for Miu's insults.
Miu's is the one I'm most concerned about. Her character constantly switches back and forth between arrogant and insecure, it's a difficult balance to get and the character could end up completely unsympathetic if done to either extreme.
ZTD can't hurt us any more.
Danganronpa V3 could potentially get even more messed up in the localisation.
Thank you, anon. I'll keep that in mind.
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One of my favorite things is to watch is people figuring out how Kiibo's eyes work.
I'm actually hopeful that chapter 6 could be made much more entertaining with a localization.
V3 was amazing til the 6th chapter which IMO still wasn't as bad as many make it out to be but whatevs

ZTD Had, poor writing, poor animations, the plotline wasn't good at its job, which was to tie up the story. It was an unmemorable experience aside from a few moments like
>I was thinkin about you Akane
>Oooh? You dont have the BALLS! COWARD!

v3 was still a great game if you try to stop thinking about it too hard and just give in to it being a bit cheesy and cliche, since it still had some excellent mysteries, but its never been serious, so its alright if you don't expect anything too serious.
I honestly have the greatest kick out of watching people play chapter 6 and can't wait to be on the receiving end of it all.
Which were the good cases in your opinion?
My main issue with V3 was how many things weren't explained. Side material or a sequel could fix that, but right now it just feels incomplete.
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Getting good art of the only canon ship in V3 is always nice.
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Case 1 was pretty fun for me because I love a well done unreliable narrator, especially if they give you the answers under your nose

Case 2 was alright, I didn't have much for it, but It was your standard DR "what gimmick" case

Case 3 I liked mostly because the absurdity of it all, any case where you need numerous diagrams because its too difficult to say is A+

Case 4 was alright, I enjyed it but I wish they took the whole "You gotta think with video game logic!" a little bit further

Case 5 IMO didn't have any of those "Where did Nagito put the poison" moments but it was still a very fine penultimate case that was difficult to figure out

Case 6 (the first third of trial 6) was honestly so easy.
I just realized he even has eyebrows in this CG. As an artist, how the hell am I supposed to draw this?
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What about what it meant in chapter 3 when Kibo used what he saw to pictures of Miu's crap?

And then there's the POV shot of Miu's boobs he got.

No wonder they brainwashed the hot, dumb girl into being the inventor.
>Case 4 was alright, I enjyed it but I wish they took the whole "You gotta think with video game logic!" a little bit further

In hindsight, this was probably the most fitting way for the game to introduce the crumbling of the 4th wall that would lead up to the ride of chapter 6.
>The part where Saihara goes check on how Momota is doing could be a stealth segment with us avoiding the Exisals.

>We talk to Momota through the toilet's window. He is still calling himself the protagonist of the story.

>Momota is back to calling Saihara by his first name.
He got over that piss fit pretty quick once he realized it wasn't worth it.
Finally the breads are dying.

They'll be back tomorrow for the livestream though...
I hope they do a dubbed trailer so people can start complaining about the dub choices.
Is it tomorrow?
>Next morning, we gather to go save Momota. Harukawa brought a knife instead of her Erect Hammer.
Yep Yep, 7PM pacific time.
Yep.7pm PT
Angie x Saihara ship is now named "Paint Tool SAI"

I'm dying XD
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Can't wait to see the complaints about Ouma's dub voice.
I'll be at work. Hope the discussion doesn't die down too much by the time I get home.
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I can start right now, I'm sure it will be as disgusting as Komaeda's dub voice.
>The OST playing now is called "New Classmate of the Dead", so that was the official name for chapter 3.

I like Nagito's dub voice. He truly sounded like an absolute madman.
Damn, it's like 5AM for me or something. Oh well, no sleep for me then.

It'll be 3AM for me at that time, but fuck it, sleep can wait for once.

We know that they'll be discussing DRV3, Disgaea 5 on the Switch, and 5 other projects (One of which is probably Silver Case, given the Suda's presence at the stream.)

It wouldn't surprise me if they announced a localisation for Exile Election, since DR has been pretty profitable for NISA so far.
Why cant you all have this tastes?
He did good insane laughs. Not sure if it was intentional or not but his calm/standard voice really made me believe it was hopelet at first since it sounded rather fake/forced.
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>Exile Election
Sounds like my kind of thing. Is also for the PS4 and Vita in Japan like V3 is. Most likely won't be a solid date, since it doesn't come out in Japan until April.

>found a hajimeme I made some time ago on a random japanese twitter account
They're among us

DR1 Best Boy: Makoto
DR1 Best Girl: Sakura/Kirigiri
DR2 Best Boy: Imposter
DR2 Best Girl: Mikan
DR3 Best Boy: J U Z O
DR3 Best Girl: Seiko
DRV3 Best Boy (so far): Ouma
DRV3 Best Girl (so far): Tenko
Overall Best Boy: Imposter
Overall Best Girl: Mikan
We confirmed that ages ago.
I'm so happy. Even if SC killed Danganronpa, its clones will live on with other developers. I hope Nippon Ichi Software's game will be good.
they cant kill it off cause v3 got them the mad bucks.
I'm just worried if Exile Election will be able to match the fast paced execution of DR.

DR's presentation style and engine is very expressive and dynamic, helping to add to the Psycho-Pop theme they're going for.

Every image of EE makes it look like a standard visual novel, without much pizzaz.

If the game is going for a more subdued tone than DR, I can understand that, but I at least hope the format won't be a detriment to the story itself.
They killed it in-universe. It could come back until a different name, or they'll reboot the series.
I didn't think it was that bad either. The worst thing about that chapter for me wasn't even the content, but the pacing and redundancy.
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>the only canon
Why is Ouma wearing his underwear around his neck
>Kaede lived long enough for a relationship.
>Anyone would ever want to hook up with Saihara.
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New art from that great artfag.
It's just a matching bandana. If V3 were really a movie this would be Ouma's movie star outfit.
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>lived long enough to enter a relationship
If that's your basis then Kaito and Maki arem't canon either since Kaito died before things got official

>Anyone would ever want to hook up with Saihara.
Kaede sure would
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I expect him to get a crappy English VA, because they won't want to waste a good one on someone who isn't going to be around very long.
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I'm glad they're starting to draw more tulpaman
DR1 Best Boy: Togami
DR1 Best Girl: Fukawa
DR2 Best Boy: Komaeda
DR2 Best Girl: Mioda
DR3 Best Boy: Izayoi
DR3 Best Girl: fuck 'em they're all shit
DRV3 Best Boy (so far): Kokichi
DRV3 Best Girl (so far): Miu
Overall Best Boy: Komaeda
Overall Best Girl: Fukawa
They'll probably pull a Sayaka and make another character's actor do double duty.
I liked Seiko in DR3. She was also pretty good in the DR3 manga I read.
They're still more canon than your shit ship headcanon. Saihara is a fucking girl. She should get a real man.
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Those are nice Tulpas. Source?
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Damn. The fanart he gets is great.
Completely forgot she existed, yeah you're right lmao
Which guy's VA would make the most sense? Maybe Kaito. Gonta is out due to being too gruff and Ouma would likely sound much younger. I doubt they'd have him share a VA with the MC either.
Why do you think Izayoi best boy?

>pixiv filename
Just realised. I'm retarded.
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DR1 Best Boy: Ishimaru
DR1 Best Girl: Asahina?
DR2 Best Boy: Souda
DR2 Best Girl: Tsumiki
DR3 Best Boy: Juzo
DR3 Best Girl: Ruruka
DRV3 Best Boy (so far): Kaito But all of them are top tier
DRV3 Best Girl (so far): Kirumi
Overall Best Boy: Kaito
Overall Best Girl: Tsumiki
I'm guessing Korekiyo, but Ki-Bo and Kaito would be alright picks as well.
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>They're still more canon than your shit ship headcanon.
Does it bother you that it gets such nice art, anon-kun? You are like, unreasonably mad.
>Saihara is a fucking girl. She should get a real man.
Great meme, I missed it.
>Togami when Ishimaru, Makoto, Chihiro and even Mondo exist
>Fukawa when Kyoko, Sakura, Mukuro and even Celestia exist
>Mioda when Mikan, Chiaki and Sonia exist
>Izayoi when Juzo, The Great Gouzo and even Ryota exist
>He thinks Seiko is shit

Anon, i've never seen this bad tastes before. I dont know about V3, but at least all of your other options are incorrect
Bump limit reached. Someone bake new thread.
Fuck off with your shit taste
Leave it to me
What is a bump limit?
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He's probably the most genuinely good-hearted of the new Future Arc cast, + he's cute

Seiko is good I just completely forgot about her, and you can make cases for all the people you listed except Sonia, bland-ass bitch
Also Mitarai, Ishimaru and Juzo are all god-tier as well
Hey guys it's me Valwin here, I will be streaming the NISA Twitch stream on my Youtube channel so subscribe and stay tuned

Fuck off
>Sonia, bland-ass bitch

Jesus. Shit. You son of a bitch
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Chiaki no.jpg
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Stop this meme
Dont listen to the haters Valwin. Since you are part of the Mikangang, we will protect you

Thread can't be bumped up in catalog anymore and when it hits the end of the last page it gets archived and you can't post on it anymore. Page 10 is the last page.
The number of posts a thread is allowed to have before it falls off the last page of the catalog and gets archived.
Were you dropped as a child?
I get Himiko, but not Maki. She's about as colorful as a cardboard cutout scribbled on in shitty crayons by Kaito.
Were you?
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