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/nepgen/ - Neptunia General #1167

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 732
Thread images: 251

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The Forbidden Love Edition

Last Thread: >>168039489

Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

FFF: Advent Dark Force coming to Steam on February 14th: http://store.steampowered.com/app/524580/

Neptune and Noire will be guest characters in Compile Heart's upcoming Gun Gun Pixies game: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/464/1464619/

NepNep Connect Chaos Chanpuru Opening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hs9hezCdDQ
Chaos Chanpuru Gameplay Explained: http://www.siliconera.com/2017/01/25/nep-nep-connect-chaos-chanpuru-shows-us-play-strategic-card-game/

4GO Things:
Apparently 4GO is selling like hot cakes in Japan: https://twitter.com/IdeaFactoryWeb/status/829982533181792258

4GO's first DLC revealed, seems to be a consumable items set: http://www.gamer.ne.jp/news/201702090077/
First Hour of 4GO Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsGvyJWGWXA
Interview with 4GO producers: http://www.4gamer.net/games/358/G035855/20170127103/
Older news and additional info can be found here: http://pastebin.com/3EPkreWS
No. Try again.

I said clearly that the intro to 4go makes it obvious that it is a MAINLINE GAME. That is a fact, not opinion.
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Compa, d-desu...
>It's a mainline game!
>It's a spinoff!
It doesn't make a bit of difference guys.
Shy Compa a qt.
I want to nep Neptune while she makes out with her sister.
I gotta agree with >>168157727.

It really doesn't matter. If it's a spinoff, cool. If it's a mainline title, cool. And to add to the latter, it's not like the events in it affect any future mainline titles since, you know, it all takes place in a game unless there's some SAO shit going on in 4GO and I highly doubt that's the case.
More than shy she looks tired
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Just A tear?
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What would your waifu say if she saw what you were doing right now?
>Anon, stop getting on N-chan first thing in the morning before you go off to work, you're going to be late!
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I just lost the True Ending on V-II AGAIN because of one fucking event.

Gotta do it again, fuck.
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I know that feeling, I missed it twice. Totally worth it though.
At least the game is short when you are already leveled. had to do the same too
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I think nep would tell me to stop obsessing over something I can't control and just wait to see what happens on Monday. Also to get her some pudding and come play vidya.
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>"M-mister Anon, you do nothing but sit in front of your computer the whole day. Don't you ever want to do anything else, like drawing something or reading a nice story?"
maybe you should make a checklist, or something.
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Delet this
Nothing at all or she will want to browse N-chan herself and accidentally end up in a red board, causing her to call me because she can't close the browser with her eyes closed... This is not gonna end too well if she judges the entire site based on it
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It seems that you are completely board today?

Who doesn't?
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>she sees me cleaning
>hay can you clean my room as well?
>nice, pizza!
I wan to bounce her on my lap~
Rom is nothing but a sex object. She has no business having an opinion
Fuck off CFW Trick.
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Why are they not crying?
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just a little update from a few months that i didn't get around to
I see.
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you are a bender just like vert
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Reminder that tangerines kick ass.
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>Blanc's butt
I want to do things to that butt.
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I loved how easily Ram and Peashy got along.
I wish we had gotten to see them causing mischief.
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why are the vn scenes not animated?
what the FUCK
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It's pretty nice, isn't it?
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>newfag finally discover the main gripe everyone has with 4Go
I want to lick it from crack to crack.
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Live2D is more trouble than it's worth for a spin-off
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Probably let me finish my work and go to play vidya on her own or force me to quit working and play vidya with her
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>All you ever do is sit there and post pictures of my ass. Can't you do something productive for once?
>some people can do that with SFM : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zk75WJCwbw
>meanwhile I can only do still because I haven't been blessed with a cute girly voice to dub Tiara
>and I have a bad accent too
<error 404>
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>If I keep calling it a spinoff, then it'll come true!
How about you fuck off and die? The introduction to the game - You know, something you see WITHIN THE GAME ITSELF - Makes it clear that this is a MAINLINE GAME
What's to be so riled up for with a mainline game?
A mainline game that happens to actually be a spin-off
>it all takes place in a game
Dengeki PS #612 claims that the game neps are playing is unrelated to the 4GO from the main series, so it's probably just another throwaway dimension.
No. Try actually playing the game and translating the narration in the introduction. This is a mainline game that takes place within hyperdimension.
>repeats ad nauseam it's a mainline game
>hasn't actually translated the intro
doesnt that just mean their playing some new version of 4go? they do mention that theyre beta testers at the start.
Except that I have multiple times. It has been posted in multiple threads. I even made an OP about it.
Repeatedly asking for a translation doesn't mean anything.
?? Are you retarded or what?

I posted the translation. Multiple times.
And none of those times did it say anything particularly important about this spin-off.
>Intro introduces the CPUs
>Claims that they protect their nations from being destroyed
>No mention of ASIC, Arfoire, UD or ZD/HD whatsoever
>Skips to VN part afterwards
wtf GekiNoire is canon now.
True, but doesn't Vert mention the start of 4GO 2 beta test during one of the Nepstation intermissions in Victory?
>tfw it turns out 4GO takes place in the StationDimension
Utter nonsense. It literally said exactly what you would expect it to say for an introduction to a mainline game. It described the world of gamindustri and the fact that the goddesses had to contend with existential threats from the other games just like you would expect it to in a mainline game.

it's literally all right there for you to see. You're just too autistic and hung up on this spinoff nonsense to see the truth.
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but since its in victory isnt that ultra vert thats talking about it? we are saying this new beta of 4go is played by the hyperdimension crew (with p-ko and plutia visiting them or something)
Nepstation is unrelated to the main plot, so whether it's ultra or hyperdimension vert doesn't really matter. Remember?
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>There are people who unironically believe CH would release a fucking SPINOFF on the PS4
At the end of the day 4GO has about as much bearing on the plot and sequels as PP or U did. If that's not a spinoff, I don't know what is.
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I mean its obviously a spin-off
yeah, good point.
Not true. Neptunia is a highly meta video game series, so it makes perfect sense that events within an MMO would be integrated into the lore of the main series.

The fact that you can't accept this is simply the result of your personal issues with autism.
>tfw it's been 3 months since I praise my nep
Fuck, she wouldn't hate would she?
>get proved wrong with logic
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Good night nepgen
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I'd a Vert.
>lindafag is a clingy drunkard
Hahahaha. I thought Polish held their liquor pretty well?
we drink a lot but that doesnt mean we can stand it
don't mistake us with russians
You never answered my question. Are you biologically female?
i heard they can resist alcohol so well because they always eat something very greasy before drinking.
I swear I've seen this post before, word by word.

Bravo, I can't tell anymore if this is a honest to CPU autist or a very dedicated troll.
Im whatever you want me to beeee im not saying no
Not my fault that I enjoyed DMC way too much and the new Kingdom Hearts too.

At least Neogear would Gehaburn'd me, right?
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I'm a girl!
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Fresh bunch of gearnon shitposting when?
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Now I'm just confused.
I want to princess carry this dirty Nep to the bath and give her a good scrubbing!
calm down, plutia.
I want to spike your drink and fuck you for a whole night straight.
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It's time again to praise Nepgear!
This and keep her tied up and fuck for a week straight.
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>they always eat something very greasy before drinking
You're probably talking about salo, but it is usually limited to vodka-drinking only. Doctors say this stuff mixed together kills your liver really fast.
I hate goddamn drunkards so much. I wish I could send all them fuckers to GULag so they would be at least somewhat useful.
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But are you a girl or a girl (male)?
I'm going to give you a yeast infection~
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ive heard it was any kind of greasy dish, like duck or something.
i wonder how we slovaks compare when it comes to resisting alcohol. i cant imagine were any worse than other slavs.
I used to give my gf's yeast infections the first time we would fuck. Comes with the territory of having a big dick and chaffing.
You should probably wash yourself you nasty fuck
But I do.
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My wife has such a cute butt
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Need more booty.
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Asset hunting anon here.
Does anyone recall seeing either of these pictures in any other piece of merchandise?
If this is the best I can find, I'll just give up.
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I love Nepgear!
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Who else is having fun with Vert's new game?
Oh dear...
I'd that Vert
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I love Gearnon!
I love Nepgear too!
>Alright, you can not wait~?
What did Plutie mean by this?
is this a game or something? what is this from
What the hell?
It's nice to see a fellow gearfag.
Pururut's usual stabbity stab joy.
Since she makes clothes now, she gets to do that a lot, stabbing needles all over.
Like pottery
I don't understand.
Seems to have devolved from a mispeling of "like poetry" to a synonim of "like clockwork".
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No I meant that I don't understand the " I love Gearnon" thing, I've been away for months. I came back for Nepgear and to see how good 4GO is compared to KH, MonHun and other ARPGs.
I'd say .hack and SAO are more comparable games since they have the same premise as 4GO.
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+1 for I love Nepgear!
As much better than previous games as it is, it's still a Tamsoft game.
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>Be Rom and Ram's guardian
>Blanc goes crazy and takes them to a suicide mission
>Do absolutely nothing to protect your wards
>All get killed
>It's somehow Nepgear's fault
The core gameplay is very close to Blanc's game, but it has a few elements from the turn-based games, like the explorable dungeons or VII's ranked quest system.
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I was really unimpressed with SAO's gameplay, but I did read there's a Just guard similar to Royal Gurad from DMC and parry from DS.
Praise Nepgear!
So in short, it has its fair share of problems right?
Nepgear would've killed them either way, no matter where or when.
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+1 for I love Gearnon!
Hey, you want some of this?
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Calm down already you fucking faggots.
So, you're the actual Gearnon right?
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Got my hint of Gear.
Ranked quest, as in like MonHun ranked quests where the difficulty is determined by the rank of the quest?
Gearnon, gearfag, geartard, whatever, just keep the discussion about 4GO going. It feels nice to discuss neps again.
Well, the first (well technically second game, but the first one to be brought over here) does have a parry button. Though some attacks and pretty much all magical-based attacks can't be parried.

I haven't played too much of Lost Song or played any of Hollow Realization but the combat in Lost Song feels a bit more in line from what I feel 4GO would bring.
I thought
>VII's ranked quest system
was pretty straightforward. Did you play VII, anon?

Basically, in the guild you have a bunch of sub-menus (or "ranks"). Each of them contains a series of quests. Completing them all unlocks the next "rank" and allows you to progress forward in the story. The higher the rank, the more difficult the dungeon you'll have to visit.
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Don't open it
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I just watched a gameplay, yeah, it's similar to SAO's. Thought it kinda reminds me of some ARPGMMOs where skills deal tons of damage while basic attacks suck(PSO2, DN). Vert seems like a mainstay in the party since she gives buffs and Noire seems broken(again) with her iFrames and Guard frames.
I did play VII, I just thought it's like MonHun, where you have this Urgent Quest where also harder quest=variants of monsters who'll fuck your shit up. But thanks.

Looks like I'll be maining Rom and Neptune, sorry Nepgear, not into magic casting.
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>Even Gearnon doesn't want Nepgear anymore
>playing 4GO
>killing a boss
>why is it going down so slow
>check out my party
>Paladin tank is just spamming block in a corner not never near the boss
>mage is auto attacking
>priest is spamming dps spells
>Everyone is useless or retarded and I have to carry them

Just like a real MMORPG.

Bouquet maji tenshi made me crack up, umaru jokes are good too.
>Just like a real MMORPG.
Just like any multiplayer game desu senpai
I just like sword bashing more than magic casting. But it also depends if her magic deals a ton of damage in exchange of DPS. I'll probably take her under consideration.

>No gunsword
Well I'll be damned.
Is 4GO only 4GB big?
And it needs a 4GB patch?

This is the same with SGZH, does Tamsoft just patch the whole fucking game?
It's not only 4gb big. Not sure where that came from. On my HDD it is at least 7GB
That would be after the patch, no?
Download size says 4 gigs, but yea it's 7gigs on the harddrive, not sure why.

Still it's amazing considering how many games are bloated as fuck. Then again soo many assets get reused that it's borderline hilarious.
I don't specifically recall downloading a patch at all. Then again, I bought it digital, so maybe it came complete?

Also I didn't watch the download happen myself so who knows
>22 seconds apart
What the fuck.
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Is there a problem?
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nepu is cuteu
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>Not using Nepgear despite her being a witch
You're a failure to Nepgear, my love for Nepgear is bigger than you could ever give.

I love Nepgear!
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>Multiple Gearnons
Have you experienced something like this before?
Does the patch do or fix anything?
Preference is a thing famalam. As much as I love Nepgear, I prefer bashing swords to beat the shit out of monsters than casting balls.
Speaking of which, has anyone uploaded the situation CD or OST yet?
Aren't you happy? You have more dicks to suck
>Download size says 4 gigs, but yea it's 7gigs on the harddrive, not sure why.
Because it downloads a 4 GB file and then decompresses it into a 7 GB file.
>Preferring anything else over Nepgear
You're not worthy of being the true husband of Nepgear, the Gearnon, I am the only one worthy.
So I'm guessing not then, okay, I uploaded the drama CD.

It was Neptune tsuntsun so I thought it'd be a tsundere Neptune but it turned out to be the less interesting situation of just poking her in various places. I guess since the rest are just [character] tsuntsun it's the same exact thing, I guess a tsundere Noire drama CD wouldn't be anything different from normal anyway.

Also, if someone wants to download this, label it properly and put it in the archive that'd be great, I'm way too lazy to do that myself.
I want to see a tsun Neptune.
I'd rather see a clingy and jealous Neptune
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I want to see a tsun Rom.
I really don't care tbqh, it's a meme almost a year ago. I still love Nepgear.
Does the guy poke Neptune's nepper? This is important.
Neptune was being tsun to Plutie? That's cute.
From half paying attention I think just back of the leg and face before she gets embarrassed when you kiss her on the cheek and turns into PH for payback.
That's hot, wish they also did the candidate, especially Nepgear.

Oh shit, Rom and Ram poking would be so wrong. Nevermind.
>gets embarrassed when you kiss her on the cheek
>kissing nep on the cheek
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Frankly it doesn't matter what the fuck the CD says. It'll never be localized so it means nothing to me.

And yes this is sour grapes.
I can understand moons so no problems there BUT THERE'S NO NEPGEAR AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM.
You can always wait for someone on NepTube to translate it, you know.
I forgot the yubtub channel, but someone has actually translated most of the bonus drama CDs

I'll link it when I'm not in the bathroom phone posting
I'll listen to it if it does, but it still won't be the same as hearing it in english with the english VA
Don't bother I know about those.
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And here's the OST CD with track listing as a picture.

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>Playing 4go at home one evening
>Nep-nep reaches her hand out to you with a playful wink and starts climbing out of the TV screen
wat do?
Try to call an ambulance as I'm clearly having some kind of seizure
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paladin nep2.png
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It's not a seizure. It's real, and nep-nep is standing in front of you right now asking for pudding

wat do?
Don't watch too much of the movie "Rings".
I guess the dementia finally caught up to me.

Sweet. thanks, I will be adding those to the pastebin. anything else that theres to be uploaded?
Have a heart attack and ruin my only chance of happiness
There's no spaghetti in my pocket, so I would tell her that I don't have any pudding atm and it's probably too late to go to the store to get any, but I supposed we could go down the street and see if we can find some in a 24 hour store or something.

Then we would spend all night playing vidya and I would impregnate her that night
This. I'd make sure I'd get some lube because it's going to be a very tight fit.
If you upload the OST, I'd be eternally grateful.

Well supposing there is nothing else people have to be added to the pastebin, there ya'll go.

You're in luck I've heard your plea and decided to upload it almost an hour before you asked. >>168182332
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The Peashy.
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Literally a god sent.
already did in JP and ENG
planning on a all Rokurou run though
But anon, the dementia wouldn't cause you to see nep, it'd cause you to forget she existed
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Praise our savior HAND BANANA
push her back into the screen. from that pic its pretty obvious shes trying to steal my cup of cacao.
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NepuBuran 26.jpg
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She wouldn't steal from you, anon.

She just wants you to take her hand and help her get out of the TV. She wants to hang out with you at your place.
i dont really know what we would do at my place. if she wants to hang out, let me come into the game with her so i can be with my goddess, noire.
a man should stay faithful.
A nep will fall in love with you, but it has to be your second-favorite nep, and your favorite will hate you. Do you do it?
Bring it.
>Uzume hates me because Blanc loves me.

Dunno man, that's a hard fucking choice.
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big nepper3.jpg
307KB, 863x863px
>I get to marry and impregnate big nep
yep sounds like a good deal to me.

will feel bad being hated by lil' nep, but it is what it is I guess.
>ploot loves me
>nep hates me
Sounds like a typical NTR scenario
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Lindafag, are you here?
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893B, 75x56px
But she is cute when she's trying her hardest like narrating the events.

Praise Nepgear, I love her.
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neptunia rom.png
3MB, 1705x959px
Have you bullied your nep today?
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Back off, I love Nepgear more than you do, Nepgear is my wife.
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big n (2).jpg
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Big nep is not for meaningless nepping! She is for passionate lovemaking and then cuddling after.
needs more lines for Neptune.
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Nobody home?
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Is this sfw enough
I believe they're a bit tied up at the moment.
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Getting ready for bed.
Kill yourself before you sleep.
Sweet neps?
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Rest easy.png
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same here goodnight

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>Neptune kissing Plutia in the valentines nep no kai
What did sony mean by this?
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good night
>Making unsourced claims
This is comfy
Is Re;birth 2 worth playing
I didn't enjoy it as much as 1 or 3, but if you're going to nep, you may as well go all the way
Depends on whether or not you like Nepgear. If you like Nepgear, then yeah, you might as well join her on her journey.
When I started RB2 I didn't like Nepgear. By the end I liked Nepgear.
The best Nepgear is a Nepgear that is not the main character.
I think she's a dork with nice tits so I'll pirate it and give her game a shot
What did Blanc mean by this?
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Gearnons are so cute when they're arguing with each other.
I love all the Gearnons!
Poor acting
I will never forgive them for wasting schoolgirl neps on that shitty game.
Don't bother with him.
That's disgusting, go away.
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Did I invade your safe space again?
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4go neppy.png
1MB, 1000x1036px
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I want to feed Big Nep pudding until she turns into Thicctune!
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>Blanc will fall in love with me
>Rom will hate me
Now that's a weird triangle of a relationship.
>Blanc will love me
>Tiara will hate me
Oooh, what a shame.
My wife Neppy's girlfriend Blanc is so cute.
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desu desu desu~
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I like Orange Heart.
>Nepsy hates me
>Uzume loves me
I'll take it. I can probably buy Neptune pudding so that she at least tolerates my presence in the Planeptower.
What a fucking cuck.
Why is Compa so spooky?
By spooky you mean really cute, friendly and huggable?
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Question 1.png
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Whatever you mean? Compa is cute, not spooky
Are the cpus basically immortal?
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>attacks innocent monsters who didn't do nuffin
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Compa is yandere.
Fuck off dogger, this is a human supremacist board. Heil CPUs.
>being an Undertale shitter
Partially. They are age-immortal but mortal in many other ways.
They don't age, but can be killed.
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We need dogoos in that game.webm
3MB, 600x338px
But dogoos are cute.
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1MB, 693x9766px
short answer: yes
long answer: no console stays relevant forever
>Compa hates me
>Nepgear loves me

>Compa actually hating someone ever
How? I can't imagine Compa hating someone unless they are a bad person who harms others - if they are, Nepgear surely wouldn't love them.

Compa doesn't even hate her enemies and forgives them quickly, so just how do you get hated by her? I sure wouldn't bully her

Guess every Nep is spooky then

She doesn't seem obsessed with her loved ones nor extremely protective. Maybe she would get jealous, but never to yandere levels
Now I know what the fag reminded me of.
Death to all monsters.
Unless they get stabbed with a Gehaburn, yeah.
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What's got neppy looking so happy tonight? Any ideas?
They can still die through Gehaburn or be put in a permanent comatose state if you keep them from receiving share energy
Compa is spookier.

She probably bathed in the blood of innocent dogoos.
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Compa is the most friendly girl you will (n)ever meet
>most friendly
>still assassinates dogoos, dragons, nerds, clydes and other CPUs with a huge :D smile
Aren't all of the playable characters murderers? Or do monsters just go to the hospital after you defeat them?
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Compa battle.png
776KB, 691x827px
Should tell you something about how valuable Dogoo's lives are if even the most friendly girl of Gamindustri kills them

Also that's her face during battles, she looks determined or pissed
Those are worth nothing. The life of a single citizen of Planeptune is worth more than the lives of every monster combined. And Compa helps save the citizens as a nurse and pest killer.
>gonna beat you uppy
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819KB, 808x1342px
Yeah, but the other characters aren't constantly smiling.

It shed light on how horrible she is if she enjoys murdering what pass as a dog in Gamindustri.
Speaking of that, are there dogs in Gamindustri? I remember a cat in VII and the manga mentioning a dog, but in the game?

Dogoos can be tamed and taught cool tricks. They can even evolve into sentient beings! Compa is basically killing babies, that's darker than everything IF can think of.
Hard to say, seems like most monsters just disappear into nothingness.
Compa seems trained in taking care of them though (mk2 with Warechu and Noire game where she follows an injured monster to fix them)
Dogoos are not dogs. They are slime monsters that attack innocent people.
There is objectively nothing wrong with killing babies
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I want Nepgear to gain a lot of LOVE and share it with everyone!
Monster apologist fuck off.
Gas them all.
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Boxer begging for food.webm
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>They are slime monsters
CUTE slime monsters.

>Yeah, but the other characters aren't constantly smiling.
But she doesn't? She puts that determined face while fighting >>168206713

>It shed light on how horrible she is if she enjoys murdering what pass as a dog in Gamindustri.
Like every Nep does, so guess they are all spooky girls
There's a Nep mod for this?
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90KB, 1024x724px
Dogoos confirmed for cute!
I'm sad they never used that verbal tic past R;B1.
Would've been a cute English counterpart to "desu"
That's less of a verbal tic and more of intentionally being cute.
Is Compa a kawaiiko?
I still wonder what they say here.
Dogoos have always been cute, but they're both murderers and rapists. That's why they get hunted
Finally, I can use this image again.
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548KB, 1800x1800px
>"Why are you making me wear this abomination, Anon?"
Someone wanna tell me how to activate the ultimate attacks in 4go?
There are never been a single case of rape. These are all lies.
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2MB, 1000x1000px
Thread dogoo!

>For many Japanese schoolgirls (and some women), being kawaii is kind of like being sexy for Western women: it means that they are desirable, attractive and wanted. It becomes a primary goal in their social lives, and success, as measured in the reactions of their peers, is practically an affirmation of their worth as a female.

So Compa just wants to get married already? Seems legit
Even if you assume there's no penetration, dogoos are still molesters and sexual predators who target cute girls
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Well, I don't know any sexual predator that target ugly girls.

This is obviously Planeptune propaganda to support their genocide agenda.
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I want Vert to lock me up in her yaoi dungeon filled with qt feminine Gearnons!
I want to lick these two and then fuck them while they make a double peace ahegao.
Contain yourself, Uni, he hasn't even posted yet.
Fuck off CFW Trick
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2MB, 640x360px
Who would win in a desu fight?
Compa or Suiseiseki?
Just admit that dogoos are dangerous monsters that need to be purged
I don't remember the context of that image, but I don't think that was it.
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3MB, 594x334px
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It will be better
I want to shove eggplants into Neptune's mouth and ass while I fuck her pussy.
Is Noire's spinoff game really that bad? I want to try it out as I'm a huge fan of SRPGs but all the negativity about the game worries me.
I wish I could expand, but basically :
>enemies don't do a single thing until you're in range
>no skybox, just utter whiteness
>characters are all cute but pretty retarded
>Noire is a complete social cripple
>Secretary is a stereotypical scrub that you're supposed to identify to
>despite doing all the battles, the girls treats Secretary like an underling
>the game doesn't explain anything and you can easily waste items because you're using the wrong one
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262KB, 960x1088px
>wonder why I left Neptunia U one trophy away from the platinum
>the cutscene trophy at that
>see this
Guess I'm not a lost cause yet as a human being.
Suiseiseki. Compa is still a beginner in desuing
Fuck, now I remember my desire to see PH in Suiginto's outfit.
I loved that anime. I discovered anime with that one.
Fuck now I want to see that as well
Which nep would you only fuck consensually, which one would you rape gently and which one would you rape violently?
>Violent rape
>fuck consensually
>rape gently
>rape violently
You can't rape me, anon.


Because I will consent.
Can you rank the neps in decreasing order of your desire to spank them?
>Violent rape
Uni, Noire, Iffy and Uzume, in that order.
Oooh, I honestly don't know. There are some neps I don't want to spank because I like them (Million Arthur), some neps I want to spank despite me liking them (Nitroplus), some neps that are unspankable (M. Badd and Arfoire), and some that are plain shit.
Making a complete list would be a lot of effort.
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75KB, 503x603px

Vert/Noire/Purple Heart

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556KB, 1920x1080px
But which neps would you like to see spanking other neps?
>that face
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1MB, 800x1798px
I don't know. Probably a tall nep like Vert, Million Arthur, Lid or Rei.
But Vert probably wouldn't be interested in it.
And Million Arthur isn't that tall, she just stands straight.
And Lid is a bit clumsy and a bit of a dork.
And Rei is even more of a dork than Lid.

I dunno, I can't think of anyone who could do a decent job.
Damn thats a shame to hear. I suppose I'll pick it up at a cheap price if I exhaust all other Nep material.
>Tfw the spankfag gave you a spanking fetish with his talk of spanking.
>Not nearly enough neptunia spanking content.
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Yeah, a real shame, it had potential.
But even Phantom Brave is funnier to play.
And Phantom Brave is not fun to play, it's a grindfest where nothing is explained straight, and the only part I like is that you can lift a fucking tree and smack people with it. Preferably while playing death metal and yelling at the top of your lungs in German.

Hahahahaha haaaa...
I want to spank WH tight little butt~
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Nepgear is also made for extreme lewding until she gives in.
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476KB, 1600x2124px
Good luck with that.
Nintendium, remember? You'll break your hand before she feels a thing.
uhh yes. why?
I'm going to spank her tight rear and squeeze those sexy cheeks of hers. Maybe even finger a hole or two.
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144KB, 615x862px
All Neps are for consensual and passionate lovemaking

Raping Neps is bad, you should be ashamed for thinking like that
I'll bring you donuts once you'll be in the hospital with a fractured everything.
Any of them
>rape gently
None of them
>rape violently
Please no that's mean
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855KB, 1440x2430px
Happy Birthday
Late, but thanks.
That's pretty cute.

Can you do something similar for Arfoire? I'm sure everyone forget her birthday.
Fuck off gay RPing retards.
>fuck consensually
They wouldn't let a sad boy like me fuck them

>which one would you rape gently
They wouldn't even get near someone like me

>which one would you rape violently
I'm a very weak human

>i don't know what's role playing is
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Rei sad.jpg
78KB, 493x649px
I'd rape until she shits and pisses herself out of fear.
I don't think any of those are neps
Shhh, don't answer the retard.
mansion is nep related
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She'd enjoy it though. She even come back for seconds, considering she probably never got that sort of attention before.
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2MB, 1536x2016px
and pretty much what happened to me in birthday excluding the fact i was alone.
But yes i drunk myself to the point of blacking out
How are your OC's nep related again?
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2MB, 1754x1240px
I still think you'll break your hand, but by all mean, go ahead.
You learn by experiencing.

>secretary's review
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I'd rape Uni senseless. There's a reason why she's the most rapeable nep. I'd bounce her on my lap for days on end and never let her leave.
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What the fuck happened during the time I left
Cancer happened.
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>Gentle rape
>Violent rape
DeviantArt Sonic fanbase invaded
Honestly I'm just here for pastebin and Neps pics.
>one mansion post
>3 posts whining about it
Again how is it nep related, I really don't need this visual pollution
Really makes you think
Indeed. Really makes you think who are the real shitposters.
I love Nepgear!
>Some retard takes a big fat shit in the thread
>People complain
What a surprise, eh? Nobody wants your shit, fuck off.
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I love Gearnon!
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I love Uzume!

Good morning, /nepgen/.
What in the name of fuck?
Does she even has birthday?
She's like centuries old.
B-but muh mansion is not meant to be taken seriously!!!

Lindafag x Spankfag OTP (ironically of course haha otherwise this would be cringy shit)
>literally hating nep content
it's shitty fan content
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172KB, 346x300px
>Lindafag x Spankfag OTP
Imagine how their kids would look like.
Someone should make a character in this maid thing.
>Does she even has birthday?

She does have a birthday. It just has been lost to the annals of history. Only Histoire remembers it, and she refuses to speak.

I'd like to play some game with Lindafag. A nice coop game where I end up betraying him/her/it and they're like "help me, my brother", and I'm like "long live the king" and I shoot them down.
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2MB, 500x300px
You know what to do, Gearfags. There can be only one!
I used to play l4d with nepgen but most of the times i was just fucking away to the point of mission leaving the team on the sake of zombies
Leave Rei alone you fucking monster, she is for handholding and marriage
>You know what to do, Gearfags. There can be only one!

is this l4d still a thing? or is it just a dead meme?
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132KB, 240x350px
I want to violently rape Gearnon until he gives in, then move on to gentle rape and finally full consensual after he's completely mind broken!
I used to play L4D2 with friends but we spent more time trying to get people than actually play.
And we had lags because someone was in Asia, someone was in Europe, someone was in South America, and someone was in Middle East.
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2MB, 500x281px
Good luck. May Nepgear guide you to become my step brother.
How about no? That's stupid.

And use another music, Mortal Kombat is kinda overused. Use these instead.
File: which one is real.png (2MB, 1241x879px) Image search: [Google]
which one is real.png
2MB, 1241x879px
I've done that joke already.
They all have the same exact posture. You should try to vary it a bit. And what are these dots on Tiara?
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929KB, 1606x1021px
Here we go
You're welcome! Sorry, but I couldn't have responded sooner.

>Can you do something similar for Arfoire?
I haven't tried making Arfoire, but it would have to wait. I had another strip I wanted to finish but had some unexpected company over the weekend.

No, no, no. You have it all wrong. Cancer is when someone is born between June 22nd and July 22nd. Assuming Lindaf was not born during a leap year then he/she/it would be an Aquarius. Personally I share a birthday with Uzume.

Did you dream or was it only darkness?

Good morning!

>She does have a birthday. It just has been lost to the annals of history.
I think I could figure out when it is, though, it gives me the feeling that some stones are better left unturned.

>A nice coop game
>and I shoot them down
So GTA Online?
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95KB, 258x239px
>Did you dream or was it only darkness?
I dunno, don't remember. I usually trying to get into lucid dream tho
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1MB, 953x1322px
Praise Lastation!

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C4jGaOaVUAAIPui.png large.png
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Praise Lastation.png
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I love Noire more than anything in the entire world!

Praise Lastation!
Praise Lady Black Heart!
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999KB, 240x180px
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So cute!
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985KB, 500x281px
>implying any of us ever left
Drew's itt as well. I can recognize his posting anywhere.
File: best nep siblings.png (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
best nep siblings.png
3MB, 1920x1080px
>Vert will never get sisters
>Vert will never stop being lonely
>Vert will never stop being a desperate hanger-on when the candidates do anything
>Vert almost certainly realizes that without a sister, nobody loves her
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193KB, 419x610px
eat my maymays filthy normie!
Vert and Blanc will marry and then Vert will get her desired sisters and a cute wife
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117KB, 417x1200px
>oppai loli
My fucking heart
I want to do things to these three Bertos.
>oldest sister is Vert-Vert
>middle sister is Vert-Noire
>youngest sister is Vert-Blanc
>no Vert-Nep
Does Vert secretly hate Neptune?
Who doesn't?
Neptune is a literal piece of fucking shit, everyone secretly hates her.
Even Pururut?
Plutia hates everyone. Probably the most embittered of all the neps. Spite fills her very soul.
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CbyewUVVIAAUkEg.jpg orig.jpg
41KB, 560x614px
But Pururut is a yarn ball of love.
Replace large by orig to download the original picture instead of just an enlarged version.
That said, a 400x400 image is already at full size.
In the file name.
File: image.jpg (210KB, 1636x830px) Image search: [Google]
210KB, 1636x830px
Nevermind. But size is the same anyway.
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Uzume befriend Monsters for share
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But she already has Vert-Nep!
Her name is Nepgear
Ha, okay.
Well, you learned a new trick anyway.

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3MB, 1920x1080px
Praise Lastation!
What a surprise /nepgen/ is still alive.
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39KB, 400x400px
>who was that other girl you were talking to, anon
Can i fuck it?
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Bestest Nep.

I love Uzume!.
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I don't like the look on her face.
What is she planning to do?
She saw these: >>168209140 >>168208859 >>168208097 >>168207925
The daily rapings are getting to her.
Uni is a good girl who will never stalk, steal and rape her best friend's lover.
that heavy is a spy!
A cute spy!
How would you take Compa's virginity?
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she'll be the one to took yours
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Did you praise your goddess today, /nepgen/?
But would you look into her eyes and hold her hands?
Busting a nut to Uzume right now.
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Why does /v/ hate us, lads? We just want to talk about video games.
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Every day.
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Probably because some stupid idiot kept spamming "Look at this Nep" threads and that pretty much made Nep threads on /v/ DoS (Delete on Sight).
I bet it's Ghostroach.
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>walk into vert's room
>see these
>what do?
Embrace my inner Trick.
Call Blanc
Ask which one is for me.
Give Vert a good spanking for trying to corrupt such innocent young girls, then give her a hard dicking.

Then have Rom and Ram sit on my lap as we all play video games together
With or with out pants on?
unzip my dick
Context: they were hiding from you and Vert was giving them shelter
With pants on just in case Blanc walks in.
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I want to touchdown Iffy.
Please don't post that about someone else's wife.
I would crush her womb and every time she's with you, she'll think nothing but my cock kissing her cervix.
But what if she was your wife?
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I despise Rom.
Post if you hate her too.
Then it works out.
Iffy belongs to me.
I reminder that iffy would be a boy if this was any other series.
anon, have you ever heard of tomboys?
I'd sword fight you for that honor.
Chivalry : Medieval Warfare.
Doesn't matter if girl or boy I'd still make IF my wife or my wife (male)
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I'd give Iffy's tight butthole such a pounding.
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Mama mía!
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I want to marry IF and have her give birth to a cute little Iffy Jr.!
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>on IF-chan
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Much better.
What a cute girl (male)
IF and Lil IF are so cute.
Please stop lewding my wife. Do your usual Nepgear and Noire lewdposting leave her alone.
>girl (male)
We didn't need to know about your fetish, Brother Irrelevance.
Niggergear a cute.
I want to racemix with her.
>Come over here. Doing it by yourself is such a waste.
What a seductive look.
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>alien hand going through her hair
Don't make me take off my belt, Plutia.
Bought rebirth1 yeasterday. by the way why is there no male character in this game.
Yuri games don't have male characters.
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u wot
Because it's a yuribait game.
It's a game made for feminists, to make them believe women are actually relevant.
You haven't made it that far yet. There are male characters in this game.

Ofc if you're talking about playable male characters, then only one game has that.
ignore the retards calling it a yuri game.

Neptunia is a game about cute girls for straight males to enjoy. That's why 99% of the playable characters are cute girls.
You wish.
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But only fags don't enjoy yuri
Not even close to true. Straight guys enjoy PIV because they have a penis and want to fuck a vagina.

People who self-insert in yuri scenarios are clearly mentally ill or just retarded. Why do you want to be a girl so bad?
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>he doesn't want to be a little girl
>self-inserting in Neptune
I bet you write bad fanfiction about fucking the Neps too because you can't just enjoy it for what it is

also >>168239068
>he doesnt want to insert himself into neptune
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But I don't wanna insert myself as the girls, I want to insert my self IN the girls.
>it's a Neptunia is a yuri game in my headcanon episode
>the only male in sight isn't human and lacks a benis and the games are loaded with girl on girl fanservice but Neptune is totally 100% straight guys
wow it's almost as if straight guys like scantily clad girls or something
>it's a yurifag thinks the ausence of male characters in media means the source is yuri episode
>who is ganache
>who is that other old guy who runs Avenir
>who is mr badd
>who is copypaste
>who is warechu
>who is cfw judge/trick/brave
>who is anondeath
>who is steamax
>who is affojax
>who is older and younger brother
>who is that other guy in vii that looks like older brother

Yep, no male characters in this series at all.
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I want to marry Compa and raise a beautiful little daughter Neppy together!
>who is gearanon
not to mention the old guy who works for vert in hdn/rb1 and all the random guards and civilians in the games.
I love how you ran out of humans until you reached not-Mario and not-Luigi
>moving the goalpost
Oh, yeah. I forgot Yvoire or w/e his name is.
But gearanon is the property of unianon, isn't he?
In the games, Anon.

He's not in the actual games. Not yet, anyway.
Reminder that there are TWO (2) whole games designed specifically to cater to waifufags, one of which actually has an ending wherein one of the girls leaves gamindustri to be with the self-inserr MC, while all yurishitters get is the occasional suggestive scene in a game here or there with no legitimate romance involved at all.
meanwhile the new mainline game heated up the canon cpu romance
Anon, the same occasional suggestive yuribait scene as they usually throw in to satisfy the autists doesn't mean "heating up the canon cpu romance."
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There is also all the Basilicom staff, the coach driver in Leanbox in RB1.The all male audience and the boy band Juniper in .5pb concert.
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Although basilicom staff can be a bit...
>heated up the canon cpu romance
ahahahah, if anything nepnoway is officially dead since they decided to fill the yuribait scenes quota with UnixNoire
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Shady guy.png
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And the misterious guy.
Noire and idolnep were a mistake
Uninepnoway is the new hotness
You mean Uninoway, don't involve my wife Neptune in your headcanons.
>Gives up her powers in RB1 without a second thought
>Resigns from leading Planeptune to spend her life with a literal who in PP
>Has no problem with B-Sha stealing her own nation from her
Why is Neptune such a shitty CPU?
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And the strange men.
>pirate it
>the big issue in the 2nd game is everyone pirating everything
>people have to make their literal OC's to self insert
>b-but's it's a waifufag franchise

Nice mentality
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>verts basilicom staff are all qeers
fuckin hell vert, is there no depth you wont sink to?
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So is there any male in the series that isn't an enemy, tempative murderer, pervert, mob character or otherwise cast under a negative light?
You mean beside Secretary, Steamax, Judge or Umio?
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>tfw the first male playable character in the Neptunia series is a fucking dickless fish.
You forgot to mention the part where Uni was shilling for overpriced DLCfests and when the whole party made an authorized copy of a mascot.
>implying it's less del/u/sional if there is no OC involved
i wouldnt be so sure about that, anon.
>Steamax, Judge
not him but judge was an enemy and steamax fought you too. i think a better example are all the civilians, guards and basilicom staff, those guys (almost) never fight you.
You think you are better than anyone you pathetic retard, keep talking shit about yurifags while hugging your daki that smells like cum and thinking everything's okay with your life
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>implying we're ever gonna get to play as a human-ish male
Important males default to robots for a reason.
I don't think Million Arthur's shenanigans count as canon cpu romance, anon.
Well, civilians and basilicom staff are "mob characters" by definition. And some of them double as perverts, like the ones from the cosplay thing that Vert organized I guess you can't spell "pervert" without "Vert"
>I guess you can't spell "pervert" without "Vert"
too right man.
i was just trying to show that, despite the meme, theres plenty of male characters in these games. whether theyre important to the story or not, well, thats a whole different topic.
The funny thing is that when they make these lesbians characters they basically become a joke where their gayness defines everything about them, literally the shallowest characters. That's why these degenerates should just stay in porn.
They fight you, but they're decent enemies and not two-dimensionals like the nerds.

Or so I want to say, but I mistook Judge for Brave. And he barely qualifies as a male anyway, Anonydeath would be a better choice.
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The point I was trying to make with the list is that the games make a very deliberate to keep males separate from the main cast.
This usually translates to making every relevant male character an enemy, non-human or both at the same time. What they did with Anonydeath was hilariously illustrative.

Be it yuribait or deflecting any classical "romance", they're clearly trying to please an audience that doesn't want males getting in the way.
well >>168242687 was asking to give him males that werent enemies which both of the guys you mentioned were.
>I mistook Judge for Brave
ah, well that explains a lot. but what do mean by " he barely qualifies as a male anyway"?
judge is clearly male. are you talking about his character? because as we all know, judge realy doesnt have a proper role or development in the story.
i kind of wish we had a human male character in atleast one game. not a self-insert, a proper writen character, with development and all that.
i think if he was a genualy good character even the yuri fans wouldnt mind him, unless theyre really autistic.
>but what do mean by " he barely qualifies as a male anyway"?
Probably that he's a robot, not a human.
we already had Mr. Badd
Yurishits can't even look at their own dicks without feeling disgusted, how can you expect them to tolerate a male character getting in the way of their "OTPs"?

You're delusional.
>he barely qualifies as a male anyway
Well, he's a robot. Not even a guy in an armor like Anonydeath, he's entirely a robot.
well yeah but all the robots weve met thus far in the series had male characteristics. and whos to say that in the meem world of neps robots dont have genders?
maybe i am. i would just like to believe that there are atleast some who are reasonable about these things. maybe its just yuri fans on 4chan who are this bad?
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It's western yurifans, they're literally t/u/mbrl incarnate.
>goes to tumblr
>hurr look at these yurifags

i see. from that pic it seems the only one with a reasonable argument is the one at the very bottom.
Oh, they do have indeed.
All that this means is that it's easier to pair Uni with Nepgear than with Brave and such stuff.
Hi yurishitter, the picture was posted to to prove that it's not only your kind here on 4chan the only ones who act like that, you're all mentally insane.
>to to

I never knew you could stutter trough the internet, guess waifushitters get more pathetic each time
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Reminder for you guys to get someone as loyal as Umio is to Uzume.

True happiness is around the corner, go get it.
but steamax deserves some love. dont be so cruel on the poor guy.
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>nepnep is muh waifu fuck yurifags

This is you right now, off yourself
You mean like in FFF?
More pics of Chaos Chanpuru when?
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I wouldn't mind, a good character is a good character and not even Atelier has knocked off my yuri goggles.

That said, waifufag vs yurifag wars are already bad enough, this would be like adding C4 to the fire.
And Neptune being Neptune, if he were to appear early on she would make no less than ten jokes relating to his gender, shipping him with other girls left and right (specially with Noire) which kinda is what they're been trying to avoid all this time.
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yeah, pretty much.
thats why im kind of interested in chaos chanpuru. id really like to see neps interacting with fang.
I enjoyed all the CPUs making fun of Noire+secretary. Though they didn't have to make an actual relationship out of it, CH's usual ambiguity would be fine.
Atelier had so much potential for spanking stuff.
It went unused.

Fucking mages.
>this would be like adding C4 to the fire.
>implying i dont like to see the world burn
also i can tell you that, if i was the male character, i wouldnt mind at all being shipped with nowa. in fact that would be the best case scenario.
Also type in proper english next time, I don't want to waste my time trying to decipher what you write you fucking waste of space
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Nepgear and Brave belong together.
>this would be like adding C4 to the fire
C4 is actually very stable. You're thinking of dynamite.
>if i was the main character
>i wouldnt mind at all being shipped with nowa.

This is fucking pathetic
>says the nu-male who wants to banish all men from the face of earth, including himself
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Are we already starting with the self-insert?!
Anyway, it's not the guy who Neptune would be trying to tease, but Noire. How Noire reacts would determine how much of a shitstorm forms.

It makes some pretty flares.
>a guy wanting to be with a girl is pathetic
t/u/mbrl, not even once.
>Also type in proper english next time
>says Ghostroach, a spic ESL
Literally lmaoing my ass off to your post
The ones wanting to banish people are your parents since they conceived you

>a guy
>wanting to be with a fucking drawing
>not pathetic

You blind sad fuck
>muh ghostroach boogeyman
>a guy
>wanting to be with a fucking drawing
These two things are what define modern otaku and weeb culture, what the fuck are you doing here if you don't want to be with anime characters? Go back to your c/u/ck board please.

>no arguments
Sasuga Ghostroach but don't worry, you still have your blog to voice your hate toward waifufags aka the main fanbase of neptunia.
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Can't we get along?
i know, it was the guy i was replying to that made that comparison
>Anyway, it's not the guy who Neptune would be trying to tease, but Noire.
ah, ok, i misunderstood what you ment.
i bet the reactions of everyone would be priceless.
>These two things are what define modern otaku and weeb culture, what the fuck are you doing here if you don't want to be with anime characters? Go back to your c/u/ck board please.

That's fucking rich, you are admitting to how pathetic you are,that's great, I fucking despise /u/ but you know what I despise even more, people like you talking shit about me when you are fucking bottom of the barrel.

Also keep calling me your boogeyman I'm sure if you say it enough times it'll become true
How is the mansion even standing?
Where do they get money for bills?
>that's fucking rich, you are admitting to how pathetic you are,that's great
Dude this is 4chan, not normie-forums, of course we're all pathetic and you're even more pathetic if you regularly browse nepgen. Even the dude who created this site wanted to fuck an anime character, please apply yourself man and go back to your home board.

> I fucking despise /u/
Because there's one thing yurishitters hate more than waifufags and that's themselves. Go to the /u/ archive and you'll see a lot of deleted posts of fights that happen there all the time. Yurishitters only love their own headcanon.

Back to your blog.
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Since you are so open to how pathetic you are then I'll leave, but I'm not going to /u/ either, I'll talk about neptunia on /v/ but don't bring this stupid shit there
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I'm a waifufag and I like yuri. Coma at me, faggots.
No reason to, /v/ only has waifu nep threads.
They're just practicing, right?
Nepgear is betatesting her new techniques for gearnon.
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Of course, it's just practice for their ceremony
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We sell shares to goddesses so they won't be left behind by Noire.
I'll come at you, if you catch my drift
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But I heard Rom and Ram have been getting a lot of shares on their own the last couple years.
I don't actually mind waifufags, just waifufags talking shit about yuri, just to clarify things
I actually don't mind yurishits, just yurishits talking shit about waifufriends, just to clarify things.
>Lindafag sluts so much that shares that she received could have run a whole nation
I mind everyone, because they're all retarded.
y-you don't think i'm retarded, right anon?
>everyone is bad except me
Ghostroach, please, go back to your blog.
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I'm sorry but I already played Mk II and it was a piece of shit.
I just don't trust nepgears game to be that good
I have an request
Ass comparison of mansionites
Yes it is, what a retarded comeback
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>How is the mansion even standing?
It was built a long time ago by someone from the PC continent. At first it was a normal mansion, but when things started being brought in from the Gamindustri Graveyard it started to change. Some of its rooms became haunted or imbued with magic. The normal rooms serve as lodging for travelers going to or from Planeptune.* Kind of like a fancy Inn that you'd find in a JRPG.

*Normally someone would just take an airship to travel between nations. However, for some this would present a disadvantage. For example persons of interest would want to avoid using public transportation to keep their traveling a secret. Rogues and other unlawful types would want to avoid using official means too. The mansion is welcoming of all types.

>Where do they get money for bills?
Because it's independent of the other nations it doesn't have bills to pay. It's water comes from the lake surrounding Lan Castle and its electricity is generated by posting(which is why anons are encouraged to hang out there in the first place.) Travelers do pay what they can in exchange for lodging and because the mansion is self sufficient most of that money is used for luxuries and buying supplies from Planeptune. And then there's some of its permanent residents whom seek to earn money by their own means...

However, because of its location and neutral standing its vulnerable to a hostile takeover. Lastation would have the most to gain from taking it over since it would give a military advantage over Planeptune. Thankfully the two nations haven't been at war for some time.
I'll come on your back~
Fuck off back to fanfiction.net
>hating nep content
>Mansion is literally ASIC + Autsm
Seems about right
If that garbage is nep content then my turds are also nep content (and better than the mansion too).
Careful with throwing that around, Alex is reading this thread.
thats a pretty bold statement, anon. care to provide some evidance?
Are you the one writing the fanfic?
I saw a screenshot of Fang and Arfoire on screen and that honestly made me more hyped than it should've. I never knew I needed to see Fang interact with Neps until that.
I want to do lewd things to neptunes butt
fang is such an asshole but i cant help but love him.
hes briliant

Is this nep content?
Oh my god what the fuck, my sides are moving on their own ahahahahaha!
Let's hope Noire contains herself and doesnt jump on Fang's dick right away.
I am not.
You are like a little child.
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Chaos Theory Rejects.png
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>Noire contains herself
I got news for you

I kinda want to see the Neps drawn in Antonucci's artstyle.
what the actual shit.
You put a lot of work into it.
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Reminder that this is what someone's kid is doing, reminder to never have children, reminder that if you do have children, never expose them to the internet or nintendo consoles.
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Smells like...
>womb tatto
Holy shit my D!
>never expose them to the internet or nintendo consoles
But if you expose them to Sony consoles they might play Neptunia.
My daughter-wife Ram is so cute.
I'd be happy me and my daughter-wife share the same interest though.
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here we go again.
d e l e t
Pervy dummies
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Guys guys...

M A G E S .
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abnes hansen.png
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>tfw no nep to have a platonic relationship with

Why live?
Anon pls, Noire has some level of restraint.
A shit.
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Praise this cutie!
>t. spankfag
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Every day.
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Holy shit, I got cancer from this.
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Praise Nepgear, I love Nepgear!
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Praise Gearnon, I love Gearnon!
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Where are you, Meggy?
The more I see this girl, the more I want to bully her.
To make writing dialogue easier I put some thought into how they might all fit into Gameindustri. So, I came up with backstories and explanations for each character and concept.

Some small things like...

KasuMe's pupils
Noirenon's glasses
Gearnon's origin
Uninon's accuracy with pistols
Spankfag's reason for being there

...have some explanations that add some depth to their characters.

Rather than write a fanfiction maybe I should write a sourcebook. It's just all something I do to entertain myself inbetween making strips.
Would be better actual nep characters are part of that
You need to get in touch with the writefag.
I want to bully Yunyun into marriage.
so what are their backstories?
They're actually all faggots
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Tiny chibi-sized justice!
But it's not your backstory, ghostroach.
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Took some infos from the comics
>Gearanon and Uninon are besties
>Lindafag has sort of a brotherly/sisterly bond with Spankfag
>Lindafag wants to get in Underling's pants but it's stuck in eternal friendzone
>Tiara and Noire wants to get in Gearanon's pants
>Retards are actually doing this shit.
We need the eltard back asap.
kill yourself
You can always leave general or just filter them.
Fuck off, El Turd.
>being this obvious
Right after you, mansionshitters. You want to turn this thread into a gay RP, I'd rather it die. And I'm going to do my best.
Lindafag is a pretty cool dude.
I want to impregnate nigger Noire and then disappear without a trace!
>4 mansionshitters
Great, you're enough retards to sustain your own general. Now piss off.
>still hating nep content
Just ignore ghostroach already. It's just jealous.
>Fight the eltard off only to get invaded by fanfiction retards again

This general is such a fucking chore.
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Neptyunu, I know you are here!
>RP - To act and speak as if you are the character you're portraying. To roleplay is as much about what not to say as what TO say. It means to keep your speech in the context of the setting in which your character (or avatar) exists.
Look at this fucking pathetic waste of space.
This fucker literally spends hours thinking up settings for his imaginary gay friends that don't even post, without even trying to keep it thread-related.

This is what happens when you drop a baby on its head.
reminder it's kasume fault
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Don't hurt me!
Sure, because everyone who disagrees with you is a mansionite. You can't actually believe that, right? Please tell me that you don't actually believe that.
Just like the games!
And the anime!
If Mansionism is allowed, so are terrible crossover fics.

I actually kinda like this one.
Don't worry mansion subhumans, there's a place you belong in, and it's called fanfiction.net, where all the unimaginative downies go to post their wordy diarrheas. Use it.
Woah, Ghostroach uses words without even knowing what they mean.
Who totally didn't saw that coming?

Just ignore Ghostroach already. You know it'll never stop, it's so happy to receive attention by shitting on something popular like some edgy contrarian teenager.
You know what? Fuck you guys
I have enough of talking with idiots like you! Goodbye!
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I hereby dedicate this image spot to best girl, the greatest goddess in all of gamindustri, my one and only nep-nep. I love Neptune!
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I love neptuneanon!
>Hey bro we're totally cool with people shitposting their gay erp sessions in this thread but I'm totally not part of their circlejerk, not everyone is the same person you kn-

holy fucking kek you "people" are hilarious - not!
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Owned again.jpg
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You remind me of someone...
You fucks are no different than the retards making Sonic OCs, you just cut their hair instead of changing their color

Talk about the games or anime and stop roleplaying
One of these literary toxic wastes is already worth more than anything the mansionshitters could produce in a million years simply because it might actually be funny, unlike their insipid imagined gay circlejerk chronicles.
>hey guys wanna talk about that new Nep game
>nah let's just jerk off about fucking each other with CM3D2 avatars some more
>says he fucks off
>doesn't actually fucks off
War never changes.
And neither do Ghostroach.
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You know, mansion could be even bearable - but must be only about Neps.
Welcome to /nepgen/ where the shitposts are real and the games don't matter
>retard who doesn't even post normally in the thread takes a few screenshots in an unrelated game and posts them
>people suck his dick

Get back to twitter you literal faggots.
Hey guys ghostroach here I'm actually you, and everyone else except that one person - you know who you are - which I'm trolling specifically by posting from 80 different IPs. Now that you know, mes, proceed accordingly.
>someone post about the mansion
>despite it being neither gay, nor roleplay
>and despite said guy not even trying to start a discussion about the games
Apparently, crying is considered more productive than talking. Good to know.
>despite it being neither gay, nor roleplay
Shirley you can't be serious.
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You deserve to only have access to the Conquest ending
A shame geb doesn't do stuff like that more often.
Sadly, that crap IS better
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>all these Internet tough guys projecting their insecurities
If you were secure in your masculinity you wouldn't need to posture.

Right now you're as threatening as a lamb. This is only compounded by posting on the general of a series that's popular with teenagers.
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Feel free to migrate once the autism calms down

>mfw just mentioning the mansion is enough to trigger everyone
I'll remember that next time we get near page 10.
Stuff like what?
>4GO shill runs out of (you)s from calling people retards because no one cares about his mainline/spinoff crusade anymore
>Proceeds to create mansiondrama for absolutely no reason
Attentionwhores: Not even once
i am serious. and dont call me shirley.
that pose looks very painful
Thread posts: 732
Thread images: 251

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