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/elyg/ - Elysium General

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Thread replies: 737
Thread images: 132

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>What is this?
This is the Elysium general. A private server for vanilla World of Warcraft.

Horde guild: <Salty Dogs>
Alliance guild: <Mandate of Heaven>
Alliance guild: <pupper pals>
Horde guild: None
/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Server Homepage

>Vanilla WoW database

>Leveling Guide

>Nos Pre-Bis

>Leveling Specs



Old Thread: >>167588051
if i make female character will it stop the moral fags from reporting my bot
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Come back to retail...please guys
Its not current year anymore.
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>wake up
>find out i drunkenly spent 60g in the ah yesterday
>Rolling on the faction that has GRIZZLY

It's like you want to have a miserable experience
>fighting a mob that has a fear
>"alright time to give my tremor totem some use!"
>being feared makes you move at like 300% speed and I'm half a zone away from the totem before its effect ticks

Why is moving faster while feared a thing.
>you will never be as autistic as finalflash

why even live
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G-gguys, I've hit 60 on my lock recently and after respeccing to SM/Ruin my damage in 5-mans is in my opinion way worse than before. I crit maybe once per 10 shadow bolts and dont use my dot abilities every time because of mana problems. I do not like relying on %. Have i been memed? Should i just stick to the comfy dark pact build or g-give up
stop being a faggot and play whats fun for you
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>Running UD strat
>just got myself a worg from LBRS with dash rank 3
>start attacking one of the banshees with my group
>worg sprints over
>worg is feared
>somehow manages to pick up two full packs of mobs before dutifully running back

I've been paranoid about commanding my pets to attack mobs in dungeons ever since.
you should join MoH

60s always helping lowbies
>lvl 60 hunter
>still too fucking retarded to handle his pet
And this is why people make fun of hunters.
Yeah, I'm sure Blizzard cares about 50k people, half of which are chink gold farmers and the rest are too poor to buy a sub.
>in an instance where you're on a timer for the first time
>don't know mobs can fear your pet
It's a very easy mistake to make. It'd be a different story if it was a hunter not dismissing their pet near the start of MC or something.
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>Implying actiblizz doesn't care about every single shekel they could gain

dots do more damage per mana than shadowbolts
>>in an instance where you're on a timer for the first time
>>don't know mobs can fear your pet
12. Fucking. Years.
>only people who have played and memorised every dungeon before are allowed to play
No wonder people don't like you.
So how long is Shweps of Salty Dogs on Elysium going to bot a public profile around the selpucher in silverpine forest? :^)
>botting in silverpine instead of barrens
What a pussy
>see pet is gone
>tell pet to stay
>pet dies
>see mobs charging around the corner
>feign death
>mobs run back
I learned that after after it happened to me.
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>tfw in guild with 7 irl mates
>never enough people online to get a dungeon run going
>when we have enough one just fucks off to dota 2 instead
Huh? I've found that tremor, stoneclaw and other totems actually cast their aura instantly when I drop them
I think so desu
>get gold spam
>50g for 12 bucks
holy shit
chinks must be getting wrecked for these prices to be so high
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>$3 for 10g
>in an instance where you're on a timer

If you try to beat the timer without everyone in your group being comfortable with the instance, that your fault and your group's fault for being completely fucking retarded.

>don't know mob can fear your pet

Your group's fault for not pulling mobs back dutifully.

Until you get a significant amount of crit% from your gear, you'll be relying on your dots for a fairly significant portion of your damage.

Assuming your tank is competent, pulls will usually go down like this: Curse of Tongues/Shadows/Recklessness on appropriate targets > Immolate + Corr on skull > CoA every other target that isn't getting CCd starting from X > Immolate + Corruption every other target that isn't getting CCd starting from X > spam Shadowbolt.
If your group has really high dmg, you might want to skip on putting CoA on X or even the third kill target if the mobs will die before you get 18-20 seconds of ticking for your CoA. Don't bother with Immolate/Corruption if they're not going to do at the very least 3 ticks of dmg each. And finally, get the Linken offhand.
Trust me, I know. It's the sort of mistake you only ever make once.
If you're going daggers seal fate is ever worth it to take improved ambush over precision?

Even in PVP ambush is kinda shitty compared to cheap shot
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Remember to join <pupper pals> on zeth. That's where all the cutest girls hang out!
>Your group's fault for not pulling mobs back dutifully
If a pet has dash, then pulling mobs back far enough would mean about 80yds or more.
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Why are there so many fucking mages on Elysium?
For PVP if you want to go assassination daggers you take it. You can go SF/Prep too if you want to.

For PVE SF builds are only viable when you get like T2-AQ gear - the weapon skill you get from Combat is incredibly useful and so is flurry and AR.
>aoe farming trolls in STV with two more mage buddies
Literally the best class
>easy to level
>easy to get into raids
>easy to pvp
>easy to farm gold
well duh

If you don't already know what you're doing then you go combat for PvE.

I make 100g an hour farming lol. Holy shit of its at that price.
Where? Are you a hunter?
>tfw everything gets killed before I can dot one target properly
That's why you just spam shadowbolts on trashand ignore retards who tell you otherwise.
Do have those for Zeth'Kur?
Horde must have 90% hunters
Should I roll a Druid, hunter or priest?
buffs, good dps, great cc, food and drink
how the fuck are the links still fucked up lol
Priest is probably the best combination of fun to level + useful endgame out of those. Hunters are fun to level but hard to find a raiding spot, and druid only if you enjoy the play style.
>fun to level
Will Mandate of Heaven raid or should I start looking elsewhere?
le undead mage with vurtne hair meme
First MoH MC next week.
t. never rolled a priest
Literally unkillable
It's DKP... r-right?
Yes I heard wanding for 40+ levels is great fun.
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here's my census this addon sux though

horde zethkur @ 60
Paladin levels of entertaining
It's loot clique.
Good thing you can turn dash off in instances since it's not needed.
When I reroll on Crestfall when it hits TBC, do I make a warrior again, or a warlock?
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horde zethkur all levels
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>as many undead players as all the other races combined
>still vast majority undead
>Total Characters: 354 (Levels: 60)
just end it now Zethcucks
reminder to vendor 90% of the things you pick up
almost nothing is worth disenchanting
only leather worth posting on the AH is thick, if even one auction of rugged expires you're selling it at a loss
the wow economy is so weird
Oh also Elemental Fire sells for like 2g. I just wanted to do the warlock quest for the enchanted robe at lvl 33, instead encountered a few 60s farming the fire elementals for mats. Killed 3 elementals, got my quest items and 2 Elemental Fires. My poorfag ass welcomed free 15% increase in wealth.
it's /roll
More like REEE then.
>AB Horde queue takes 40 minutes

WTF im gonna go rank redridge now
>item with bid of 3g buyout of 6g
>bid 3g
>wake up

literally why put the bid so low that you are going to cancel it?
To put it at the top of the page, you're not suppose to bid on it faggot.

What's the point of searing pain crit on SM/Ruin? Who even uses searing pain ever?

Also, what's the point of 2 points in fel concentration?

PvP purposes, what else would you put the points in? Any more points in suppression is wasted, you could put 2 in aftermath instead of searing pain but that's preference
>people not using an ah addon
if you do this I will bid on it anyways and you are going to pay the ah cut on my bid price so you get fucked
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>queuing for AB during WSG weekend
If shit dies instantly, then yes dots are mostly useless.
hahahaha i am camping kids on redridge in zeth kur in hopes they all rage ahahahahahaha
>>PvP purposes, what else would you put the points in?
Aftermath and Suppression/ICoE?

I have never in my life used the searing pain spell in PvP, am I doing it wrong?
You have to reach Ruin somehow so those 2 points are locked into Destro anyway.
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>trying to find the will to get my 17 warrior through the barrens
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>dislike grinding for gear
>dislike raiding
>dislike instanced pvp

what am i supposed to do at 60
Camp BRM.

yes you're doing it wrong, searing pain mostly used in situations where the target is about to die or you know you can't get a shadowbolt cast in or when the target has shadow ward/shadow reflector or when you're locked on shadow
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Zeth'kur stats

Could the many mages on Elysium be chink farmers?
erp and gank people in redridge or stv
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nth for shenna
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What did xhe mean by this?
>yes you're doing it wrong, searing pain mostly used in situations where the target is about to die or you know you can't get a shadowbolt cast in or when the target has shadow ward/shadow reflector or when you're locked on shadow
Why not use Immolate instead? It has shorter cast time, almost the same damage + DoT.
Best race by far. Both male and female have some of the best player animations in the game. Only other that comes close is female nelfs
Do it nigga. People will call you a badass n shit
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>go gnomish engineering, it will be fun and you get a bunch of cool shit

they have the same cast time (1.5s) but yeah if he doesn't have immo dot up you should do that if you have the mana for it (immo is 370 mana while searing pain is 168)
So i tried my hand at vanilla tanking for the first time.

we completed deadmines after wiping twice and near-wiping (meaning myself and 1 dps dying)

my group was good but if we had worse people it would have been a problem

but my biggest concern is with holding aggro. how can i do this when im specced arms/fury are there tips you guys can give?
Get a fast dagger, it will make tanking AND leveling easier
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Troll Priest master race reporting in
do all human females secretly crave the big blue dick?
why a dagger because of the dps?
troll priests are the nelf priests of the horde

why would you even roll one

weapon speed actually doesn't matter if you're not threat capped so you should use the highest dps weapon you have (taking stats and procs into consideration ofc). you shouldn't be using heroic strike in 5mans anyway unless you're ragecapped; it's very bad threat per rage if you compare it to sunder
Nelf priests are cute, how is that a bad thing?
it gives your character really cool animations and it looks really cool with a shield since enemies won't except a dagger hiding behind the shield
>spam Sunder Armor
>DPS should wait until you get at least 2 stacks before going all out
>use Taunt to save your healer
There is nothing wrong with tanking as Fury before the late 50's. Also, I think using Battle Shout helps with generating AoE threat.

weapon speed actually doesn't matter if you're not rage capped*** typo
>dps waiting ever
>Nelf priests are cute

that sounds like someone who will never hit 60 or be the least wanted priest in every group, raid or bg at 60
Did they nerf gnomish deathray?
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Nelf priests are only interested in ERP so that's a nonissue m8
i stayed dark pact until BWL came out. the sm/ruin cucks would die on ragnaros and onyxia from their lifetapping every other week while I didn't even need any healing.
Man I forgot Death Knights even existed. What an annoying, stupid ass class. They had so much potential too.
do you also happen to know how i can keybind the stances. i currently have them in my action bars and its really annoying
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My first MC raid had a nelf priest who kept calling my voice cute every other time I asked a question until I stopped talking.
>>they have the same cast time (1.5s)
Immolate is 1.3 in pvp gear
Okay how cute is that voice boi?
I just added them to my regular bars and set some keybinds on those.
it's "special action button" 1, 2 & 3 under key bindings
more like a reverse chode
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Post vocaroo
thank yuo
Got a 27 mage, but I'm tired of seeing mages all around me. Snowflake and stuff.

Kinda want a shaman, will I ever find a raid spot? Do I level as resto to fulfill the cuckold role of never getting to play anything else end-game?
You can bind them through the Keybinds menu. I believe it's called either "Class action bar" or "Special action bar"...It's been a while. Just mess around until you figure it out.

By the way, get a Threat Meter addon if you haven't yet. That way you can have much more control while tanking.
>low test
rly makes u think
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>wants snowflake class/spec
>also wants to raid
Choose only one
Thanks I will probably go priest!
Don't do this to me, man. Can a resto shaman raid?

I can use the same gear in PvP as elemental right, r-right?
Just stay with mage. Literally the best class
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Dead server
Level as fire. I get all sorts of positive comments about it and blowing shit up into firey explosive crits is super satisfying.
>had to kick some dude from guild for constantly talking politics

Feels bad man, he was a good player but just wouldn't listen
Your core skills are going to be Sunder, Shield Block, Revenge, Shield Bash, Taunt, Mocking Blow, Bloodrage, Battle Shout and Demoralizing shout.
What you are going to want to do is get a bow or a gun, and ranged pull always. DO NOT let anyone else pull except you. After you pull:
1. Use Bloodrage. Generating threat generates rage.
2. Switch to Berserker Stance and use Berserker Rage (this comes at level 30+).
3. Get 2 Sunders up on your main target (should be marked with Skull). If there are any other mobs, get 1 Sunder on them before going back to your main mob and using Sunder/Shield Block/Revenge.

1. If the healer isn't tanking damage, it's okay. Fuck everyone else.
2. Mark all your targets. Skull = main target, moon = sheep, etc. You can bind this in Keybindings in the Raid Targetting section to be fast.
3. Get a fast weapon and a shield. Daggers are recommended but swords work well, just make sure it's fast (less than 2.3 speed). Fast weapon = faster damage dealt = faster threat.
4. Use your shouts! Battle Shout after a pull to buff your party members and to gain initial threat. Thunderclap is okay too.
5. Be careful with charging. It is acceptable to charge, but you have to consider the consequences (maybe I should tank this here instead of there?)

Go to the Keybindings menu and it's called Special Action Button. Stance dancing is crucial to good tanking.
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>autistic poopsock virgins unironically call themselves a MAFIA in concern to an enemy on a private server for a twelve year old game
>power fantasy abound, chimping out constantly and bragging about camping this dinosaur
>get literally fucking destroyed by a euro that can barely speak English on a regular basis to the point where they have to hope they can get him banned by mods so he stops shitting all over them

these people have absolutely no self awareness do they?
So most of the servers are unplayable as alliance because of the massive pop imbalance, how do we fix this
Remove WotF from the game.
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make fwends wit horde
you can't
just let the children have their fun camping the entrances in BRM, we'll be winning every BG at 60 and getting world firsts as always
It's less "cucked" and more just retarded people who think any of their progress on vanilla would matter in any capacity in TBC where outland greens are comparable to Naxx epics.
I guess that's one way of doing it, I could even go arcane for even more retardery.

Will probably just go arcane.
>alliance constant premades in 60 bgs winning 99% of the time against horde
>alliance have all of the top guilds and players are decked out in epics while horde are in quest greens

This. Say something cute and make cute noises.
>outland greens are comparable to Naxx epics
Can this meme die already. you don't replace even t2 in Hellfire Peninsula. First actual honest to god upgrades are around lvl 64-65.
Well, maybe if you actually go full arcane
Wow 65 greens replace naxx, sorry, I was completely mistaken haha.
There are literally no good talents in arcane except silence and pom. Fire has a plethora of good shit all over the place.
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then why are they throwing a tantrum?



t. Shayss
I just told you because they're retarded.
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found the guy who never played TBC/started after 2.4.3

>mfw prenerf curator without T3
>65 greens replace Naxx
Not everything you absolute imbecile. At what level can you actually replace Iblis for example?
Better than level 78 cata greens being straight upgrades from t10 heroic, at least.

I don't get why it's so hard for blizzard to scale things linearly instead of exponentially.
alliance are better, but skill cant beat 100 to 1 odds
how much should this be worth?
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>sweating about Karazhan
Yeah come to think of it its pretty embarrassing that you guys have total control of every contested zone but the few that manage to get to 60 outclass you in every way
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isn't it sad that a prenerf kara fight was harder than 95% of any encounters in later expansions?
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>haven't logged into Zeth'kur for 1 month now
>Level 30 mage

Is it still viable to keep going or should I give up?

If you must ask, I had tests to take care of. Their results were acceptable
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Hello my name EVOLVE aka kareldawg watch my pWp video TBC!

Cy@ on netherwing, i own you in2v2!

>not knowing about the Prince's parry rush hell
>i own you in2v2!

cause all you play is priest lyl
hey guys, leave the horde alone

im sure not controlling nesingwarys camp for 2 minutes out of the 24 hours of the day is a big inconvenience
you should be able to buy a flight path map that unlocks all of them for 10g

Please show me how to distribute points in the fire tree, senpai.
hopefully it wasn't a test in grammer
holy fuck that <dust> MC raid was cancer, how the fuck do you wipe on baron geddon for 3 hours
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hi, newfriend

reposting ff's webm's from un'goro the other day

Heh flashy plays kid, but don't forget we took 95% of leathers that day. Guess you could only get 2 highlights that whole day. U here to make money or make pvp videos? Heh, maybe stick to warsong gulch next time k-kid

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do I sell Mooncloth during the week or during the weekend?
For 27

And then something like
Get the 6% critical asap, then ignite, then 2% fire damage, then combustion. Then just get whatever seems the most useful to you.

You can respect to pom/pyro at some point if you want.
Only during full moon
Oh I should say that this is kinda focused on pvp/wpvp, reduced fire blast cd and impact mostly. If you plan on avoiding that just do whatever.

Fireball and scorch take turns being the being the most effective spell that you have since they don't upgrade at the same time.
Lots of blue daggers as drops and odds no one will want them. DPS is all that really matters before 60, which makes daggers a good choice.

Weapon speed matters to stomp totems and establish threat faster on multiple targets, but it's not that big of a deal.

No one will wait for sunders unless it's a tough boss.

Don't use Shield Block except for bosses after you've established a good threat lead. Thunderclap is shit threat and doesn't make much of a difference in the damage you take. Charge is only good if you have Tactical Mastery (aka Arms or 50+ Fury).

Most important things to keep in mind are:
>pull everything back unless you know exactly what you're doing
>Sunder and Revenge are your bread and butter threat skills
>Demo Shout makes a huge difference in damage taken, but you usually want to wait to use it until mobs are stuck to you
>the DPS can live/kept themselves alive through a few hits, if shit hits the fan let them get punched if absolutely needed
>pull shit back, seriously
Kara was pretty hard until the ZA patch. You actually had to pay attention, be well geared, have a good group and play well. But the ZA badge epics made stepping into Kara pretty easy, made even worse with the Sunwell patch.

Heroic Shattered Halls and Arcatraz were way, way harder than any 5 man content in WotLK/Cata.

Thrash is serious business.
So where's the best place to farm demonic runes
perfect grizzly caricature right to the T
starting on elysium horde, should I choose mage or warlock?
Go Horde on Zeth!
you make a convincing argument, but that doesnt help me choose between the classes
Oh and I forgot to give a (You)
>Since Elysium’s launch on December 17th, 2016 we have detected, investigated, and banned 2794 accounts for using hack related software.

Seriously? 3k accounts in 3 months? Does anyone else find that number completely unbelievable?

Whats goin on with that guy with 800k honor one anathema
Seeing how many bots are still around, I don't buy it
That's supposedly not even counting bots and gold spammers or gold buyers/sellers...

Looks like they're doing another Nost where they need to make a nice presentation full of numbers for resume purposes.
so speed is imperative i thought a high damage sword would be ideal.

i keep fumbling when it comes to stance dancing + taunting at the right time

i didnt use revenge because i thought the damage output was shit and i didnt even know it had rage.

but concerning daggers how am i supposed to get good fast daggers at low levels? wouldnt i be stealing from rogues?

and idk what you mean by pull back
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take what you need when it comes to gear, its not stealing if it's an upgrade
So when will the ddos end? Any news?
why are you agitating the autist?
Revenge has the second highest threat per rage cost warriors have. Damage = Threat and sunder armor does 0 damage.
It doesn't matter what weapon you use, you gain 1 rage point per 30 damage you deal.
People that say fast daggers are mostly talking about tanking raids, since you can use heroic strike, in 5 mans you never use heroic strike.
im mostly talking about 5mans in my op >>168146183
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cant wait for another petition from alex"cuck"sensual and his personal army
>Rolling around throwing buffs and heals
>Saving people in great danger
>Getting thanks and cheers left and right
>Making friends
>Taking my time, fucking around with proffesions
Im barely level 14 and I probably had this much fun playing WoW some 6 years ago. Even if the server is garbage and all that, feels pretty good.
Pretty embarassing
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HOW do I get gold as a level 60 shaman with no guild
Sucking dick. Alternatively, next time you buy a 60 account, make sure it has gold on it
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>It's a "garrote and rupture miss so mandate rogue escapes" episode
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never mind hehe
are you in the guild <The Clique>?
What's the best server/faction in this group?
this is false, do not fall for his tricks

horde won't get decent players for at least another 2+ months
>won't get
where are they coming from?
>mob mind controls me and does my rotation onto my pet better than i can
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>be wsg weekend
>game ends
>oh im leader?
>did you guys get that queue?
Is it possible to transmute arcanite in the "will not trade" window, or do you need to give the crystal to the alchemist?
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Who terrible chest roll luck here
>rolling the tranny faction
>rolling the gnome faction
>rolling the nelf faction
i'm not alliance and i'm level 60 already

if you've seen any of the bgs that horde are in you would also understand
>2794 accounts f
So half of the entire Anathema population? Come on.
Someone in <Salty Dogs> ginvite Tokimon. Apparently we aren't allowed to whisper at level 1.
What's a good profession to pick up for a priest?
It's my first toon so I don't have much fund.
DS/Ruin or SM/ruin?
0 2 horde
both teams have flags
5 horde+fc dick around on the roof for 20 minutes
the rest of us try to fight the ball of alliance
no one else goes for the fc
ally somehow kills our fc and gets a cap
half of the group leaves, but it still takes alliance 20 minutes to win
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Do I need to be prot to tank Stratholme?

In fact please just give me some Stratholme UD tanking tips.

ds/ruin is more dps if you're not allowed to corruption (which you shouldnt be allowed to do with 8 slot limit) but in pvp it's awful. play sm/ruin for maximum pve+pvp fun if your guild is not tryhard.
>tfw tank goes afk for 3 mins just as the hunter starts kiting Drak
Don't think anyone online can invite, sorry mate
I'll probably be on a while. If anyone logs in that can, let them know I'm here
Will do senpai, or just start whispering people if you hit level 10
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If you're a hunter on zeth'kur alliance post your fucking name

You're all worthless faggots and I dont want you anywhere near me, if I saw you I'd kill you irl

Don't even respond to this post just put your fucking name in the thread you cucks

>How to have absolutely no idea how to warrior tank: the post

Nigger, Revenge is THE highest threat generating ability Warriors have. Bar none.

Sunder Armor is the second highest. Heroic Strike is the third.

Yeah, Sunder deals zero damage, but it increases the damage the Warrior deals (extra threat) and it also generates a fuckton of threat on it's own.
You do not need to be prot to tank anything outside of a raid, in 5mans gear is a lot more important.
> on zeth'kur
only autists play ded servers here
how do i get my quest tracker back? i think vanillaguide or questie is hiding it.
Where do I find a lot of copper und tin?
do laps around barrens if you're horde
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>Tfw done with the Nesingwary quests in STV

I dont know why 90% of the mobs you need to kill for them are 2 feet away from the Hordes main hub but hey fuck me right

Why are people already complaining about something they just found out even existed? CF devs didn't even need to throw elysium a bone and let them use their core for vanilla in the first place and people are complaining the CF devs aren't cucking themselves "hard enough".
Both Leveling Guide nor Nos Pre-Bis working?
>want to turn in nesingwary quests
>it's the hourly rerun of the "alliance camps the camp with 2 60s nearby" episode
I hate this episode so much
tfw some random level 12 spits on you
what did i do wrong
Since when can fishing drop fucking nothing? Did air bubbles grab my lure?
>alexensual went from swole to fat and acne ridden after elysium launch
LOL, fucking Fag deserves it
hey don't forget that last AB weekend where horde afk'd at farm every single game and still lost the base to alliance premades
>horde hold it down constantly with lvl 30s
>faglliance needs 60s to even have a chance

Tailoring is good. Easy to find materials as you quest/grind, and by your late 20s/early 30s you'll be able to make better equipment than you get as quest rewards.
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>kill some dude because he's also killing muh raptors
>comes back with a 60 to corpsecamp me
Truly the nigger faction
yea, go with tailoring and skinning
don't bother with enchanting you'll never get your gold back unless you undercut the competition and are lucky enough to get the good raid enchants
Maybe you shouldn't have killed his raptors.
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>you hit 60 and left the social leveling guild YOU TRAITOR
He was killing my raptors though
>what is cycling
>kill this warrior
>see him again eating
>sit down next to him drinking
>he starts attacking a mob
>kill him again
Frost mage?
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>elysium teams up with crestfall
>guy on crestfall team works on zbot
>elysium announces a new fight against bots after the partnership and says it is developing new ways to detect them
>zbot will probably just send your account to elysium so they can ban it
are you scared botbulls?
what's a good arcade racer to play while waiting on dungeon groups?
>Only go to STV as ally lvl 40
>Even the lowest quests are still green
>Have mount so traveling around isnt hard.
>90% of hordies are scared of you and leave you alone
Already got 2 60s with an epic mount each and a enough gold left over for consumes pretty much for however long I'm gonna be playing from using it smartly (not being actually afk while botting/quitting while I'm ahead). Sucks if you missed the train. tfw somehow already burned out and don't feel like playing even though a bot was 95% of my /played
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Are they fucking serious? What is Elysium even getting from CF, if CF can cuck them this hard on the PTE thing?

They're literally saying fuck all the players who played on Elysium, we want them on our servers instead... will people really buy that shit and relevel all over again and abandon Elysium servers?
I enjoy playing this game!
you know we will
not like your leet vanilla gear matters much once BC comes out anyway
Elysium is getting CF core eventually and access to competent devs and research, something they currently don't have
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if you have used zzbot after its most recent update, your account's days are numbered. transfer your gold to a fresh character while you still can.
>Implying its even going to get to BC before something fucks it all up

Elysium lost nost devs. They will never deliver on later content and know that. The user base will eventually dwindle and move to CF (assuming they ever deliver either).

They are trying to make the change less painful.
people are fucking insane going there before hitting at least lvl 36
>They are trying to make the change less painful.
Well they could do it by allowing fucking transfers.
Why would they though, CF is the ones doing PTE not Elysium
>will people really buy that shit and relevel all over again and abandon Elysium servers
Why is this a question? I'm guessing you haven't been around private servers long if you are even asking this...

Also Elysium is getting a free upgrade from the garbage infrastructure they use now. Crestfall didn't even have to do this in the first place. Just imagine they didn't, you wouldn't be whining that you couldn't transfer if they didn't team up and Crestfall stayed separate. Plus let's just be honest, Elysium was never going to release TBC servers without the nost devs around so as far as everyone playing on Elysium servers are concerned absolutely nothing is changing except they suddenly get a better core. This is just the Crestfall devs settling their differences and doing what they think is good for the players.
Why wouldn't they?

I don't understand the point of splitting the playerbase at all.
Why do they keep calling it "PTE" like progressive servers haven't been a thing for years? THERE IS ALREADY A NAME FOR IT.

How the fuck is transferring from a vanilla realm after naxx/start of tbc a different ''experience,, from playing the whole time on that server?
Because it would make CF pointless to play on?

The whole point of CF is its a PTE project, if they allow transfers from Elysium no one would roll on their PTE realms and just go straight to LC
Why wouldn't they just shutdown Elysium and transfer characters to the Crestfall vanilla servers, that's what I don't get.

There's already not enough players for Elysium vanilla servers, and they want to make more vanilla servers on top of that, wtf?
>How the fuck is transferring from a vanilla realm after naxx/start of tbc a different ''experience,, from playing the whole time on that server?

Because crestfall devs are running their servers differently than elysium. No vpn and a harder crackdown on gold farmers. If all the gold farmers/buyers that are just running rampant on ely are suddenly allowed to transfer that would seriously fuck up the economy on the newer server.
Because Elysium has an ego and they don't want their project to be rolled over

Nor does CF want to inherit a bunch of level 60s on their PTE realms which would annihilate any resemblance of economy, not to mention the fucking hassle it would be to deal with the itemization of all those characters

Elysium STILL hasn't fixed pvp gear
Because then Elysium would be getting screwed out of their players. This is basically the only solution for both teams to stay separate and run their servers how they want for the good of the community.
>Because it would make CF pointless to play on?
But making Elysium pointless to play on years before CF even comes out is somehow better?

Then why even do this stupid cooperation shit.
Who /miserable/ here?
someone help me out with this

there is an alliance priest called trannyhunter

how can they hunt trannies if all of the trannies are on alliance already?
not me haha
>>Because then Elysium would be getting screwed out of their players.
They will as soon as CF comes out anyway, since everyone will have to switch over to CF if they ever want to see TBC.
>Then why even do this stupid cooperation shit.

Because Elysium are incompetent slavs who can't script to save their lives and realize they needed to do this partnership if their servers ever want to see AQ, let alone Naxx
>But making Elysium pointless to play on years before CF even comes out is somehow better?

Why is it pointless to play now if Elysium was never going to release a TBC server on their own anyway? Plus it's like 2 years off, more than long enough for the server to die on its own.

>Then why even do this stupid cooperation shit.
Because Crestfall knows Elysium would never be able to release a TBC server and compete with them anyway so might as well throw them a bone with the core for vanilla.
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Hope you pirate cucks have fun with your buggy server that the chinks use as target practice for their massive DDoS cannons. Pretty comfy over here on retail.

Hope you lads have fun rolling fresh for the 90th time on CF or whatever the hip new private server is.
>>Because Elysium are incompetent slavs who can't script to save their lives
Well they did some fixes that Nost didn't do in the past 2 years, so they obviously can do something, unless that's what the CF devs have been giving them in the meantime.

Not to mention the retarded switch to the CF core that they're planning, if they're planning to switch on a completely different core, what's the point of even doing double work and first fixing this one?
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His hatred gives him the power to smite them anyway.
can we keep this thread more wholesomememes and less me_irl

>>Why is it pointless to play now if Elysium was never going to release a TBC server on their own anyway?
That's not what I was told. What I was told when I started playing on Nost was that TBC will come eventually, and what I was told when I transferred my character to Elysium is that they'll continue where Nost left off.
Elysium still hasn't fixed pvp gear, they are highly incompetent m8
yes they did?
If they had half a fucking brain cell they'd just delete it from people, enchants or not.
I'm sorry senpai
I'm very well aware of their absolute idiocy concerning that, the database breaches, and so on. I'm just talking about these bugfixes and such, and there seems to be more of them than there ever was on Nost.
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>[G] Bart: btw i'm main tanking MC at the weekend

MoH will never raid......

How the fuck do I kill an equally-geared paladin 1v1? They have an instant full heal
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*pops gnomish cloaking device*
>killing a paladin
Things change. Elysiums devs got fucked over by Nost. The fact that they're even considering this partnership with Crestfall after all the fighting they've done with them shows that. They're desperate.
where are picrelated from?
can you trannies stop avatar fagging
They said something along the lines of not being able to tell what gear people had unless they specifically look at that character themselves so they need players to tell them instead.
Nice daggerdick.
I don't know where the reddit thread about "give us the gold spam messages, we're developing an AI bot to counter them" went, but they literally asked players to transcribe gold spam messages with special characters into the thread, so they can "teach the AI bot" better.

Instead of, you know, just having a single person log into the game every now and then and put phrases on the ban list.
>see horde shaman about to die to mob
>give him a hand, stun and agro mob, save shaman
>he /thanks me
>10 minutes later he and 2 of his guildmates roll up
>zerg me, all three of them start doing the /sit thing on my corpse
>i go afk to take a piss and make more coffee, come back and one of them is literally still there doing the /sit thing as i release
>5 minutes later still get whispers from some random level 11 asking "lol u mad", "how mad r u 1 to 10", "lmao faget u upset???"
>ignore, keep questing (what else can you do?)
All of that is 100% true. I was dumb for helping the shaman, but it's a little weird how far people will go to try to be ebic trolls on a private server. I get the zerging/ganking, that's normal - but going out of your way to emote until a body releases, then further taking the time to try to incite some reaction with whispers, seems like a lot of effort for no real payoff.
Which is why prior to the database change they should've just deleted it all.
But then people whined about muh enchants and they wanted to please everyone.
So? Tell them to take screenshots and they'll get reimbursed after the change.
>*photoshops 600g worth of enchants on my gear*

Uh just run away, there's nothing they can do to catch you.

If you're someone with any kind of ranged ability that also means you can kill them.
>There is nothing wrong with tanking as Fury before the late 50's
I tanked every dungeon at 60 and even LBRS in Fury spec with shit gear, there's never much reason to spec prot unless you're raiding imo
Its a private server expect tons of literal autists
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Im pretty sure this shouldnt be a thing
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Saw this guy set up shop next to the Auction House in Orgrimmar. I love people that do this type of shit.
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When wiping Alliance is just right.
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you never told us how mad you were kek
hypertrolls are people to be pitied and ignored

Look at this, he confirmed that the 3k number doesn't even include botters.

Seriously can someone really imagine 3k legitimate hacker accounts who aren't botting, aren't selling gold, aren't spamming gold... on a server this size?

Who the fuck are they kidding.
>3rd part software is not allowed

What about kickbottting? I haven't been banned and I've been using it since the start.
for aoe? whats so bad about it.
it causes so much threat that if you try to AOE with it one of the mobs will just turn around and one shot it 3 seconds in
ive been away for a few weeks and when i try to log on it says i'm banned?? (account closed)
it's garbage alone but is less garbage in a group.
however i've only had like 3 situations where it doesn't just get knocked down within seconds like you said, even when the tank has threat on everything.
more threat than a blizzard or arcane explosion?
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Greetings from Stonetalon Peak
If someone else is AOEing it's fine.

By itself it's a waste of mana.
botter scum
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I was hoping we'd hear about the Anathema PvP server today but there's been no news.
never botted or used any third party software at all

im just curious why it got closed, i can't find anything
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does azshara have any quests at all?
Maybe like 5-6 total.
>im just curious why it got closed, i can't find anything
You have to make a ban appeal on the forums and wait for like a week to even get any kind of a reason (and it will be an extremely vague one, so that you can't even prove to them that you didn't do anything because you have no idea what they're accusing you of).
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I hate the fact that I have to give money to these disgusting nigger Ungoro kikes in order to get my devilsaur set
Freshcucks have an asthma attack every time they see it and report.
I got banned for just saying I miss the news lel. Someone really hates our newsposter.
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here's some news for you

Anathema is shit
Enjoy never being able to complete the Rhok'delar quest either on your shit overpopulate server haha.
Does anyone know when "A Grim Connection" (http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27425/a-grim-connection) was added?
I have done all the prerequisite quests, but the captain doesn't seem to offer the quest.
what do I pair tailoring with? I'm a priest btw
enchanting or engy
What the fuck? I loved those posts.
Okay thanks will do ench
It's not altering memory or files so the only way for them to detect it is if they log your kick ms.
that will never happen
It steals attention away from /krog/ namefags so it had to go.
That leveling guide link doesn't work. Here's the real one:
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>waiting for ony group to show up
>MC a grey warrior while he's fighting a mob
>after the MC is up the mob goes to attack me
>grey runs away because scared
>I stand still and let the mob attack me
>he is now permanently in combat
>he can can no longer heal except with bandages/potions
>significantly reducing grinding speed
a fate worse than death
wpsg shitposters keep making a shitpost OP for some reason, I've tried fixing the OP several days now but retards blindly pile into the shitpost threads
You're going straight to hell you know that anon?
No one should make the OP without double checking the links.
A beta tester from CF revealed that Elysium signed a non-compete agreement stating that they will NEVER let their players leave vanilla so CF can have all of the TBC glory.
See image in >>168165514
That literally mentions nothing about, and I quote:

>A beta tester from CF revealed that Elysium signed a non-compete agreement stating that they will NEVER let their players leave vanilla so CF can have all of the TBC glory.

We already know CF is the PTE server, not Elysium.

Now, could you please source the beta tester?
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fuck guys i pissed off the wrong didnus
you deserve it
>Keep playing Elys/Anthema/Zeth if you already rolled there
>Reroll on CF when it hits TBC

whats the problem here
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Who /altaholic/ here?
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dropped from an orc in ubrs...
It's a curse..
I will never reach 60 again
>make a shaman with the intent to get level 5 then only play when I have rested
>at level 12 realize what a monster I am
honestly the alternative was jed/rend for 3 hours
Damn, that's like 1-2g right?
so what will happen if elysium gets a C&D letter from blizz?
The slavs won't really care. When Gummy's server gets one it's gonna be funny as fuck though.
How could you possible enjoy leveling more than 1 character in this game through the same dull starter zones?
47 mage
53 paladin
33 rogue
26 priest
11 shaman
>tfw no ones willing to play anything but 1x vanilla but then do nothing but complain about how shit it is
lumikaru when???
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>18 slot
No thanks. Bags that aren't of a size that is a multiple of 4 trigger my autism.

They already do and don't care.
>talking in third person
>this same rogue has been spamming 'need tank/healer/dps for ubrs (dal'rends reserved)' for 8 hours
thats never going to work pal
Best place to farm Sungrass?
It's not shit at all. I don't like grinding but I don't mind leveling once you leave that 1-20 zone trap. That itself takes like 24 hours though so I don't know why you would keep leveling characters to subject yourself to it.
Does anyone know if Improved drain soul is broken on warlocks?
The first point in it worked about half the time as expected, but with the second point I never receive the mana regen buff

Darrowshire: 60 warrior, 28 rogue.

Elysium: 22 warlock.

Anathema: 40 paladin, 29 druid, 32 priest, 32 warrior
jesus man why
old nost: 60 mage 60 rogue

k2: 60 hunter 60 rogue

k1: 45 rogue

elysium: 60 mage
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>roll a fem tauren because they seem nice
>mfw I start getting slutty armor

someone approved of these horrors
how do I make a macro that attempts to cast purge on any hostile in range
you don't trigger gcd if there's nothing to dispell so you should be able to "check" everything in range instantaneously, right?
Oh I'm >>168179945
If we throw Kronos into the mix then K2 60 druid, 60 mage
I can't stop the altism. I'm an altist. Altoholics anonymous wasn't enough to stop me, it's in my DNA.
Why aren't you guys on Zeth'kur haha
>paladins a B in healing
>can literally heal forever because of how retardedly OP illumination is
unless private servers fucked this up, this should not have changed at all
>not botting
>not having your bot do your mining/herbalism while you level
why live
Post pics
But why though? Is it because you get bored of the classes?
>Level my main on alliance to 60
>Groups for quests/dungeons are always competent, nice, and no ninja looters
>Decide to make a horde alt for jokes
>Get to WC
>Go through 3 different groups in a few hours
>Never clear it fully
>Full of retards, people who barely speak english, and ninja looters

Holy shit I thought you guys were just memeing about horde being full of shit players. Was I just unlucky?

This is on Elysium btw.
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does leveling a warrior get better after the barrens?
Something tells me you like to pvp.
should I just go alliance for my warrior?

I hear blizzard actually gave their zones development time
Not him but I get bored of leveling certain characters when the quests die down and in forced to grind. Then I just PvP for a while while leveling an alt.
>have to deal with pvp now on top of grinding

what do you think
If you enjoy travelling between seven zones for your 1-30, sure.
mage is probably my favourite pvp class to play ,rogue a close second but doesnt have the potential that iceblocks, blink and sheep give you. hunter is really fun too but i wouldnt want to main it.
the only times it is actually ok is when you get ww axe at 30 until like 38 or a pend
then if you get kang/exec it is ok for a good more 8 levels
warrior is NEVER fun to level you will always struggle, but I found horde 1-40 much faster than alliance. Plus most of the good instances for warrior (SM/RFK/RFD) are much easier to get to as horde.

wow they save a whole zone
Anyone else on elysium getting higher latency than usual?
They don't have to fly/walk to fucking Wetlands though.
The wetlands is right on top of loch modan, which you absolutely should do.
Except the FP is on the far end of the zone and you have to still get there.
Similarily for humans going to Loch Modan not to mention NE.
what zone is the least dindu infested in the mid 30s?
Desolace has a few safe grind spots, same for Arathi.
How much is this realistically worth? 2K gold?
>tfw got enough bag space on my warrior now that i can use a quiver
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>the rest are too poor to buy a sub
playing retail on my second monitor right now t b h senpai
probably not that much, its a very rare pattern but not many people will end up making them, due to the cost of the mats for 2 more slots.

I used the pattern myself, if anyone ever needs bottomless bags on alliance elysium, whisper manlett
Are they free?
how much does it cost to make one?
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>Bot on a horde character
>Get bored on my main account
>Look up most commonly used/popular alliance bot profiles/locations
>Go there on main and gank them repeatedly
whats the quest for repeatable stormwind rep
pls respond
*if anyone needs me to craft them with your mats

40x runecloth = 2.6g
12x Mooncloth = 140g
2x Core Leather = 40g
2x Large Brilliant Shard = 6g
2x rune Thread = 80s

Total with current AH prices = 189.4g
I was questing in ungoro the other day and a 60 warlock ran past me then ran back to me as i was killing tar lords i think.

I have target of target and saw that he was looking at me besides the fact that his character was facing mine watching me kill a mob
I /shrug at him after i finished killing the mob but didnt move

he waited until I got back up to full mana and attacked another mob before he left and promptly came back unmounted with a void and killed me.

best part is he /shrug'd me after he got me.

i was pretty triggered then but i find it funny now

just wanted to share my story :)
Just started, can i get an invite to the alliance guild on zeth, name is bubblewraps
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What is an absolutely essential quest addon? Something that will show me the location of quests and perhaps the location of questgivers. Thanks
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Questie and Modui is all you need to have a fun vanilla WoW experience!
>attack a rat
>it dodges
>leave and think nothing of it
>permanently stuck in combat now
><GRIZZLY> AND <Mandate of Heaven> in one picture
I picked the autism faction, didn't I?
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Why is getting drunk and playing vanilla so damn comfy
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sure did

have fun with those spastics
>disconnected from server
>6 fucking times in the last hour
jesus fucking christ
wtf is up with the mobs in the tower of althalax

level 29 casters have 2.5k hp
Questie is good for marking available quests, but sucks to mark objectives and mobs. I deactivate everything that isnt the quests "!" in the minimap

ShaguQuest (with ShaguDB) is much more detailed, with every npc or mob has an individual pinpoint on the map, drops %, you can also look for stuff that isnt quests, like the exact spawn of herbs, chests or nodes.
hey guys I want to get into elysium but I dont know which server to play
any recommendations?
I play on Zeth'Kur and it's super comfy and not too crowded, and I still don't have problems finding groups.

I don't play on any other realm so I can't give advice for those.
our guy is streaming

/www.twitch. staysafetv
what are the limits of my fd+trap?

theoretically ( barring lag ) it should never not work right?
I've played a bit on each as I had a hard time deciding too.

Darrowshire - Decent population, large number of gold-sellers, but it's PvE

Anathema - Average pop, low number of gold-sellers, but problems with 60s camping PvP areas and making questing difficult. Also no active /vg/ guilds

Elysium - High population, lots of competition for quest mobs/items, active /vg/ guilds, yet to be contacted by gold-sellers

Zeth - Lower pop, waning interest from /vg/ guilds, average number of gold sellers

I decided to stick with Elysium, as it seems to be the most active. Zeth seems like a good alternative though, if you can get passed the low population and possible trouble finding groups for dungeons and such.
is there a lot of lowbie camping in elysium?
also whats the faction balance like?
How do you guys practice self discipline playing this game?

Every time I hit around level 20, I feel guilty about the ~24 hours of play time I've sunk into the game in just a few days, and delete the character.

I'm an adult with a job, so it's hard to feel okay with only playing a little bit compared to when I could happily play all day and night on retail vanilla.
>enemy resists my trap
hunter would be so fun if it wasn't so gay
also someone reply to my question
which class is more fun to level/play?
shaman or hunter
planning on doing purely pve
I play a couple hours during the week when I have time. If I don't have weekend plans, I spend around 20 hours playing. I understand the guilty feeling, but if you're having fun while you do it, don't feel like you should regret your decision. Just learn to accept your enjoyment of the game. It's no different than playing any other video game. If anything, just take some time off from playing and come back to it later.
I'm not sure if you're pet is supposed to stop attacking on FD, but it doesn't, so if it attacks you get put back into combat and can't retrap. That's the biggest thing I've noticed. I also think traps and other CCs are being affected by heartbeat resistances in PVE.

Shaman cause you'll actually get to play.
just hit 60 so you only have to log in for raids

easy to level
there are one million hunters so finding groups will be hard
not that hard to level
easy to find groups
if my pet attacking is putting me in combat that would make a lot of sense. i'll test out some macros later and post results.
>I deactivate everything that isnt the quests "!" in the minimap

I also use Shagu with Questie. How do I deactivate everything but the quest locations?
Anyone ever farmed the rares in sm gy?

I want to know how far I have to go in to target them and if they ever respawn as rare spawns on this server.

It will be easier to get someone to just come kill a rare spawn when it is actually up than trying to get someone to boost my alt completely by themselves.
Is it possible to transmute arcanite in the "will not trade" window, or do you need to give the crystal to the alchemist?
yeah, I try to keep that in mind as best I can.

I think I just have an addictive personality. Whenever I get into a game like this with lots to do, I get into it hard, and it basically becomes the only thing that I do with my free time.

/questie showquests

It should remove those "bags" and "targets", but both the "!" and "?" stay in the minimap.
Have to trade
Can you lose pvp ranks?
>6 minute wait on wsg queue as horde

is the server dead already
Down until private.
yea you should quit and give me your account
>ever tanking anything after deadmines
What is the current price of a Arcanite Transmute?
Goblin vs Gnomish?
Let's have a serious discussion.
What recipes are the main points of conflict, what's viable, what's not usable? (DUDE MORTAR LMAO)
What is better for earning gold?
>earning gold
Many gold. Jew those desperate warriors hard.

Atleast your guild can pvp
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>mfw literally just collected the mats to get to 275 alchemy
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where did it all go wrong


Why did I fall for the Elysium meme.

It feels like I'm playing on a 2013 era vanilla server.
>pass by Lupos
>kill him

hehe fucking hunters
DS/Ruin is strictly better dps than SM/ruin.
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when an item is sold out at a vendor how long does it take for it to be restocked?
Easiest class (by a LONG way) in PvE.

Lots of tools (but high skillcap) in PvP.
nah, hunter is basically as easy
Depends on the item.
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i know i didn't play good, but wtf is up with grizzly in pvp? literally every grizzly player i've met so far has been complete shit at the game.
very sad!
Why so many warriors? I thought everyone always complained about how they're the hardest to level and useless in pvp without a pocket healer.
>that back pedaling and keyboard turning

jesus christ
People wanting to be a big dick G but end up quitting. The proof is in the pudding man, its always hardest to find a tank.
cause le big hard hitting man in big armor
cause most of AH/Bank alts are warriors - they're created by default

Can pvp with them, can tank, can DPS
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Pick the one you want to beat you up real bad
both please
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Can you handle 3?
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I want Hugmeplz to bully me all night long!
male night elves were a mistake
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I think I might need to reroll to Zeth ally
Interfering with the hunter chain demons intentionally is a bannable offense. Enjoy carebear rules.
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>37 lvl

Literally how?

Unless youre a lock/paly
>the elf's boobs warp the image on the tabard
tell me they're single and looking please
LW is useless on Elysium, right?
>lvl 22 warlock
>7g 32s

You suck.
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>traveling between towns in cat form
>another traveling druid in cat form is running closely beside me
>he /licks me
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>"sure i'll tank that dungeon for you anon!"
>hit 60
>ready to no life it for marshals armor
>play a few games of WSG
>realize i fucking HATE the class i picked for battlegrounds
>mfw if i lvl up another class ill be too far behind everyone
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feeling very druidic
Are you me? Got a 60 war on PvE and really realize no one wants a warrior in their group. PvE isn't populated enough late night NA for me either...
How much should i charge for arcanite transmute?

Whats the deal between hunters ane Lupos? Really, i never played as one.
>he plays one of the worst lowbie dungeons after RFC on elysium no less and expects not to be matched up with tards.
it does shadow dmg or something, also i think the APS is 1.0.

Best melee dps of the game, pretty versatile. When you reach high levels itnis assumed you have a guild and made friends therefore has a pocket healer for pvp.
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>that graphical quality
my videocard broke so I have to play using my motherboard's until I get a new one, okay
That sucks man. I'm sorry that happened to you.
is it worth going troll mage? does berserking even work?
I'm l38 with 40g after buying necessary skills.
What's the best way to grind for mount?
How's selling mithril?
Basilisks in STV?
Please help.
Just go to STV you pussy and group up with people to do quests with.
yeah yeah, just don't go to the big troll base in the north, really
and also don't use the closest to GG troll camp for the quest, are you fucking retarded?
and check /1 before running to hunters camp, what are you, a fucking immortal?
>hit 300 blacksmithing
>almost no money left
>put my stuff on the AH
>less than a silver left
>literally have to walk out of ironforge
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>taurens, orcs and trolls mostly ignoring you and doing their own shit
>undeads always trying to kill you
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>use Eye of Killrog to explore the Tainted Scar
>Get kicked off the game and log back in dead
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im gonna be ELEMENTAL
>fear a chicken
>it starts attacking me after fear ends
>panic and die
Should i drop LW and take herba if i want to make gold?
>tfw killed a trogg on the way and now i'm up to 48c
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I've got a graphical bug. Specific spell effects NEVER GO AWAY:
>Entangling Roots / Earthgrab

I've tried deleting WDB, reinstalling, and testing addons. Nothing has worked. What the fuck is going on?
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N-Night elves are pretty tall, aren't they?
>tfw no Hugmeplz gf
Literally me

Had the same shit happen when using eyes of the beast.
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>finally found a rare mob that wasn't dead already
Only took 55 fucking levels
>not camping the rare spawns
Its like you never played a hunter
Are hunters good at PvP
Thinking of making one just for PvP and dungeons
just found a /botter/, do I have any means of fucking him over?

intended perk for a boomkin
You were given a temporary ban for griefing at Splintertree Post for 3 days. The GM who banned you deemed your behaviour to be contrary to the essence of the game and gave you a temporary 1 day ban which has lapsed. Please be more mindful of your actions in the future.

>Kill players for a couple of hours after getting home from work

Do the gms run on chinese time or something
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I picked a mistake with alliance
orc or UD rogue? orc seems good in both pvp and pve
where do i go for femdom
I think orcs are better desu.
Broken tooth is 1.0 attack speed.

Lupos is just shadow damage, bypasses armor.

>retail wow no longer has pets with unqiue aspects

Hunter used to be slightly interesting...

>choice between a pve or a pvp

wow so interesting
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What unitframes are those?
What is the point of some of the resistance gear you find if you need like 200+ for it to have any sort of effect?

Take Icemetal Barbute's +10 Cold Resistance. What is that supposed to do?
>pets used to have different attack speeds or aspects
>had to tame pets to learn ranks of abilities
>"wow so interesting lol xD"

Aren't you missing your LFR or something?
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>alliance has good players but also more autists
>horde has chill people but more shit players
>Take Icemetal Barbute's +10 Cold Resistance. What is that supposed to do?

Gives you slight frost resistance
Anything below 60, yes.
At 60 yes if you can play.
UD male so everyone knows you are a fagit.
Retail shills btfo
They are the retard class
did u get owned by a hunter? ROFL
Just play with people you have more fun with or just make a group with your friends.
No, they are just very simple to play.
have you played one
what did you have to do
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this meme needs to end, hunters have the highest skill ceiling of any class in the existence of World of Warcraft.
Can I gank the bad guys as a priest?
Just take my word for it, only retarded cucks play Huntards.
for leveling and 1-59 pvp they are most definitely the easiest class to play
you can backpeddle and still win, against cloth you just put your pet on them and win

the "highest skill ceiling" is only seen in top tier permades so is void
t. butthurt huntard
I wish, im stuck deciding between rogue, warr or huntard atm.
rogue for dps and solo pvp
warr for tank and group pvp (req heals)
hunter if you suck at everything else
>against cloth you just put your pet on them and win
That sounds fucking awesome
sure, if you're a scrub
sounds like you got outplayed by a hunter pet
So ganking greys is "griefing" according to the gms?
Got a screenshot of them saying that?
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Keep it up and you're next

I'm watching you, don't play dumb.
Based Finalflash
Showing the allycucks their position
male or fem orc rogue?
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come at me pottu, you slimy nigger lover

hell ye senpai! fuck allycucks lmao

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Locked the thread so you cant reply hmm
T. Huntard
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What the fuck is with the power tripping GMs?
Fem undead are the cutest rogues in the game.
This is actually enough to make me quit. I hope this is fake.
>pvping is bannable if you do it too much
Did blizz ever ban people like this in retail?
I wish it was fake, they dumped me underwater near stratholme after aswell.
What the fuck? That's not a starting area, what the fuck is the problem?
of course not
Make a reddit thread with all the information please. If they delete it, post at /r/wowservers.

Based GM, I'll never understand lowbie killers, grey killing should be a dishonorable kill
Blizzard didn't a FUCK if you were level 60 and go on a greykilling spree for hours.

This happens on every private server you fucking amateurs. The GMs also play on the servers so if you just happen to run into one and do some shit that annoys them they'll tab over to their GM account and suspend you or whatever they wish even if it's not technically against server rules. Just something you learn to deal with when playing on private servers.
Does the password reset on the website work for anyone else?

I'm trying to keep my account away from these chinks, but I can't seem to get anywhere.

Also I'm too retarded to get the in game command to work I think, as none of my attempts have been successful.
Pottu fuck off already you gook lover.
Also, how is this "against the spirit of the game", and the Devilsaur cross-faction mafia locking down an entire region 24/7 isn't?
These guys are worse than the Kronos gms and they literally had a character to spy on the 4chan guild
Are yo ufucking serious? Holy shit, I have to hear how this went down
>so what if the gms are huge assholes who ban people for no reason, just deal with it haha!
Beta faggot, I bet you've learned to deal with Jamals cock filling your whore wife with cum every night too huh?
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RIP server
Don't play on private servers then? There's over 20k people on right now that are dealing with it but you can't.
>play on a pvp server
>get banned for pvping
Doormat retard.
my friends I just lost my 7th roll on Briarwood Reed
if it makes you feel better on my 6th attempt on rolling I got 98 and some other guy 98 as well, but he won it
It's a long story, but basically the GM Matheson had an character called Nihilumwatch and ended up saying shit like "we know where you're from"
How are ties resolved?

Is random? Alphabetical priority (closest to A wins)? Time you click the roll button (first wins)?
>It's ok to grief except when we feel like it's not

those are not ties
pseudorandom generator uses 'time' variable that shows current time with fractions of second.
It chooses, most likely, first two digits after the separator and shows them, but basically it counts more, so his roll was
and his opponent rolled
the game clearly new who rolled more
Hope not
I was the first to click

Just thinking about it makes me want to produce more salt.
I was leveling my hunter and I was thinking is there any reason you would take hunter over a mage in your group?

So in .57xyznrp for example
57 = the roll and xyznrp = is the time variable tacked on?
Trap works on pretty much everything while sheep only works on some stuff.
the only reason to take hunter is when you're going to the instances for specific weapon drop since hunter won't roll on the stuff the shaman will

then again, hunters rolls on leather/mail and DD trinkets/rings

and the most hated part

the wipes because of pet running circles or aggroing some pack from whoknowswere

absolutely horrible
Is this the right way to make a PoM build? Help me out here.

Not really.
A mage has CC, can offer buffs and food/water, good damage whereas a hunter can provide slightly more damage (only in the early to middle dungeons), not reliable(?) CC, and that most Hunters are the reason for wipes because they can't keep pet under control.
The only reason people would take a hunter over a mage is if there's too many spellcasters in their group (loot competition and whatnot)
We are called Huntards and the worst class of all time for many reasons, is this is unforunately only one of them.
it uses exact time up to fractions of second, like your post in my timezone was 13:43:26 shown, but really it wasn't 26 in the end, it was 26.ZXCVBNM.. up to some digit.
The roll takes some 2 digits from this tail, but accounts for more of them to avoid collisions, so it shows 2 digits, but in reality it's 3 or 4 or whatever the algorithm can count.

Or maybe it's some other algorithm, I just wrote one of the most popular, but in any case it's LONGER than 2 digits, just 2 are shown for players convenience, that's the point.
pvp hit cap is 3%
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Is Seal of the Crusader bugged for paladins?

I noticed it doesn't decrease my damage done at all, instead it actually boosts it as well as my attack speed.
The way it worked in retail was it'd take atmospheric noise and shove it through a random integer to produce your roll
rumor was at one point it was based off your own internal clock, which would've obviously been exploitable
I had a group with two hunters the other day who kept pulling half the instance and blaming the tank for not clearing out more (unnecessary) mobs

All hunters are scum
>people don't know about aimed shot rotation
>people don't know about proper pulling and pet tanking
the people that propagated the "lul huntards" meme were people that never did endgame in vanilla
until we got geared, hunters did best DPS on instructor razuvious without exception
Yes, the server is pretty much back on stock Mangos, so all the old bugs are back

Consecrate also scales really badly, rank one ends up doing more damage at 60 than the highest rank of it, it's really fucking broken
Now I'm thinking how hard would it be to track the roll algorithm with disassembler.
Standing in some remote place with all chat turned off and to timers/buffs/mobs around

Thank you! I was actually worried about naming my character anything that didn't start with A for these occasions.
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>Hunters did the best DPS at the very end of the game before next expansion with nax gear
It multiple algorithms to avoid that exact scenario. No idea if these devs ever learned that lesson, though.
You're talking out of your ass. There is not one fight in all of vanilla that a bis hunter will outperform any other class.
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that's not what I said at all you illiterate fuck
I said they topped DPS on razuvious, a fight that BURNS MANA EVERY TEN SECONDS.
yeah that's all a bunch of hocus pocus
none of those things matter
How do you know for certain? Mangos servers have pvp resists and hit%s all fucked up in a lot of ways. Nost was the same.
Hunters autoshoting does more damage than rogues and warriors ok sure nice meme friend good one

Huntards proving once again where they get their name
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I literally named the fight.
to be fair gnomefapper is a retarded name

You're literally making shit up
Actually, I played a Paladin.
>hunters doing near 100% uptime DPS while warriors and rogues have to back off to not eat shout
>doing less damage somehow
>stockmangos being used as an actual argument
>where armor values don't work right, much less hit or other stats
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Being a Warlock in a Mage's world is absolute fucking suffering
>not a single hunter in top 50

holy shit btfo
Did you read both images?

Read the second one's GM introductory message, I won't spoil it for you if you haven't.
Huntards BTFO
not only a cuck but a SHITTER class as well LOL>>168210843
You're living in your own head dumb huntard. Hunters is a sub-par dps class just above shadow priest.
>servers that don't have correct tuning and probably lack the mana burn shout entirely
>mages are top DPS inexplicably!
wow it's like poetry
anyways you win this one, no point in trying to argue with people that are okay with avatarfags and trannies
you responded to the post where I told you I played paladin
holy shit, dude
shut up huntcuck
want to play a real man's dps?
go mage or rogue you cuck
this game is so fun.
I wish I had more time for it.
so tell me straight up; two hander mace with +10 strength and a 40-61 damage or cruel barb 30-57 +12 attack power, and +3 strength shield?

My melee attack power is only 2 less with cruel barb and shield
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Same, I'm pretty upset that I'm only level 55, which I'm going to blame on bad playing, being a Warlock, and spending a good chunk of my money/time on Alch/Herb, but I've been having a blast.
What sucks for me is that I'm about to leave for a week with my family so I'm going to be WAY behind by the time I get back.
How much is Elysium going to change in a week? Anything I should stock up on the AH for?
Hey guys, long time alliance player here. I decided to level a horde toon once to experience this whole other side of the game. What is the most horde experience out there? I'm currently thinking troll shaman. What about professions? Also, which server should I roll on? Looking for the one with the biggest leveling population.
Do I get this right.
Do chance on hit weapons interrupt your attack animation making you deal less damage?
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Who /magebull/ here?

Going to be fun being the top dps for AQ

lol we are all gonna be leveling on Crestfall PTE by then
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Updated the sheet I guess. Not much has changed but it covers the basics of what this fiasco boils down to.

Just wait for Hillsbrad or Shimmering Flats.
wow horde babbies whine about anything, huh?
are boomkins viable?

Whoever has Ajinn's and Pottu's screenshots, please imgur and post them for this leddit gentleman who is apparently not yet familiar with the level of obnoxiousness that is the Nostlysium GM interaction gold standard.
Shit, why did I even roll a warlock?
Why do private servers always end up with the worst mods and devs imaginable?
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>he isn't an anathemabull
>Elysium AQ scripting

Not even going to bother with it
>Elysium characters will NOT be able to transfer to Legacy Crusade, NOR the Crestfall PTE servers.

well fuck them
You mean you're not good enough to play with a guild that will actually clear it?
>7 days, 4 hours
>level 47

is that good? warrior
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guild roster.png
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No, I mean I literally don't even want to bother with it, lol
Why does it matter?
Are you enjoying the game? Would you enjoy it less if it took longer?
I'm same level, mage, but 9 days. I pvp a shitload, procrastinate and take my time with everything though.
Oh look, it's king avatarfag again. Piss off you washed up nigger
You know socials aren't part of the raid team right?
You probably don't even have a level 60 on Anathema
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I can't prove it without joining the rest of you namefags but I do.
King tranny NIGGER btfo
Sure you do m8
How do I get over social anxiety when taking over mic? I have a bunch of friends I play WoW with. When they ask me why l don't use mic I make excuses, when the real reason is that I'm too scared to talk. I just kind of shut down when anyone talks to me. I start feeling hot, sweaty and extremely nervous aside from over analysing every sentence to hell, much like in RL social situations l just answer yes/no and stay serious the whole time
I just want a little trap heal slut...
Learn that you will never, ever meet any of the NEETs you're talking too and get over the anxiety of talking because it doesn't matter in the long run at all

The less you think about it and the more you do it the easier it is
I'll be having fun in AQ, you stick to 8 months of MC it's more on your level
Get in there and fuck up until you learn how to not fuck up.
Why would you even use it? Are they illiterate?
>admitted to not having a 60
>doing AQ

There's enough namefag attention whores already.

>8 months of MC

What's the point of warlocks?
>ad hominen

no level 60 lol
in pve: support (summons, ss, debuffs etc)

in pvp. pissing of healers

no AQ lol
PVE: yuge shadowbolts
PVP: blowing up people
take your gear off and put it in your bags at the very least, you know there are many ways to prove you have a 60 without showing your name

i know you don't have a level 60, let alone an AQ ready one like i do but its ok
>AQ ready

my fucking sides

Not doing it. If i wanted to join the /vg/ tranny club I would have done it already
So you don't have a 60?

Got it
suck my coch you imbosile
Next time don't pretend to have a 60, makes you look autistic desu
Have a 60 that isn't a social and clears all content every week. If you want to do AQ you'll need to apply for a trial and get into the raid team. Pugging MC seems more on your level though to be fair
Just hit lvl 20 on my new warrior, Is dual wield good? Or is a 2 hander better?
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>that first sip of the day
>no level 60

Seeing a lot of spam but no proof of even a character past level 10 lol
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>Finalflash gets ganked in Ungoro
>spirit ress
Cant even make it up
Concrete proof of you not going to AQ and not by choice
>ywn drown finalflash and watch how he begs for his pathetic life

why even live
>no level 60

stick to roleplaying on 4chan lol
>no AQ

same to you f.am
So if you're a cloth cuck and you run into a BM hunter, are you fucked?
You claimed to have a level 60, you haven't proved it

lol, keep roleplaying, you won't even screenshot your bags because you don't even have 16 slot ones i bet
>disrespecting your elders
>not posting full image
always 2h, dual wield is shit without hit gear i've heard
what's that font addon everyone uses?
>font addon

they just make a font folder, google how to do it its pretty easy
Do paladins ever get fun? Im level 12 and i've been spamming seal of righteouness/judgment in between auto attacks.

It looks like if i go retry ill spam only the seal from that tree

Also is it worthy to get consecration to tank in instances?

Spamming only 2 skils is broring as shit and anything where mobs go to pull others like in westfall is a pain

not even warriors are this boring
Just go /automated/
Warriors get pretty fun once you get more skills to use than just charge rend HS.
You claimed you were choosing to not go AQ and it was proved that nobody would bring you. You don't have a choice in the matter lol it's a bit above your level and that of the other /krog/ namefags
>and it was proved that nobody would bring you.

No, that is just you roleplaying

Post your 60, I know you don't have one because you would have done so by now
>he doesn't know about the true purpose of paladins and girl-on-girl action
go back to legion
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How did he not see the ganks coming with a name like that on an undead rogue?
No that is a fact, NOPE will not be bringing you to AQ as a social and with your current gear.
>no level 60

Lol stop roleplaying as Maitoz and post your 60
Feel free to report Finalflash now, this retardo filmed himself how he was hexing devilsaurs preventing them to be killed.
My guildmate got a week ban exactly for this thing, so it should work. Need more tickets bahavior/harassment - report physical harassment
>mid 2017
Proof of this?
Nuh uh loser, GM Storm already confirmed this is perfectly allowed. If you want to deal with it, get some alliance buddies to kill him

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>emote macros
UD rogues truly are the worst of WoW
Are you mentally challenged? It's like pointing out your character isn't going to AQ triggered you so badly. If you want to go to AQ just apply for trial and gear it up.
>no level 60

lol stick to roleplaying
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>he wants to ban the God King

For what purpose?
Gnomes do it more in my experience
Stick to 8 months of MC, not like you're cut out for anything else lol
At least I can run MC on my level 60, something you dont have

I ran bwl this week, no dtf like always.
Prove it
It works randomly depending which gm reads a ticket. Don't worry we will send busdriverx there too for disarming traps, if he isn't there already.

>spend 3 days ganking lowbies while being 60
>literally one of the most looked down upon shit eating behaviors
>be surprised when there's actually a consequence.

Won't be missed.
New thread, fixed links in the OP and cleaned it up so no more wpsg shitposts




>Anathema and Elysium almost similar online already
Elysium and Zeth will completely die when progressive or bc realms come out. People who actually want to play vanilla will stay on anathema. Btw I'm playing on elysium but will move to bc because vanilla is shit and tbc is truly best expansion.
barrens are like the easiest time, then 20-32 it's a fucking pain, you will probably die alot to equally leveled mobs 1 on 1 sometimes, just because of you missing them. Then you get the ww axe and it gets alot better for a while. Then a pain again. You will also get ganked alot. Walking the path of the warrior is a fucking pain in the ass, couldn't do that shit AGAIN so I just rolled a rogue instead.
Only if you corpsecamp for an extended time. Friend of mine got banned for camping some alliance guy for an hour straight.
Post pvp stories

>32 warrior, suffering as per usual
>Want to avoid STVietnam for as long as possible
>Questing in Salt Flats
>Delicate balance between niggers and alliance
>Niggers can't help but chimp out, bunch of low 30's with a 50~ hunter start making laps of the flats destroying everyone
>All the niggers not part of the group join in the attack when the group is nearby but otherwise leave you alone
>Once the group fucks off, team up with another warrior
>We proceed to wreck and destroy all the stragglers who tried it on when the going was good

Didn't get any questing done but it felt so fucking good teaming up with another warrior and persecute with great vengeance for once instead of being a free HK.

Salt flats are harsh though senpaitachi
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I also hate that hateful cunt that farms me on the way to BRM, but he has the gms on his side for that.
Some random single polymorphing is not a constant mechanic abusing to disturb another players. More complains and he will get it.
Is there some way for us to contact chinese authorities and tell them about the chinks that use VPNs in order to play here?
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Once in TBC I was fucking with an alliance raid group trying to kill Kazzak, was a warlock so I just dotted everyone while naked, and when I died from a shadowbolt volley he would get stronger.

Eventually a GM contacted me telling me to stop.

Never got banned though, and kept fucking with them until my own raid group finally got on, wiped them up and killed the boss.

Though I've heard of people in more recent expacs getting fucked, but as far as I know they never banned for PVP on PVP servers.
>Yes. Yes you are.

Hola reddit
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