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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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Thread replies: 742
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Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/700
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/7333375/
Cosmetic simulator: http://dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://www.opendota.com/
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

posting in real thred
whoops forgot to unfuck the links
youve had your time faganon, now watch some real cocksuckers chew it out
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There is nothing better than watching Loda lose, go danebros
Real real thread, you're late, you hetero filth
in b4 alliance come back
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whats the binding for the current time?
1k player here.
Called my wk a retard for going radiance vs ember, sniper, lion, dk and tiny.
I know I was right here, but is radiance on wk otherwise generally valid or would you go for other items?
bind "KEY" "chatwheel_say 57"
you generally wouldnt ever play WK, especially vs a Lion
Loda just increased his nw by 50% in 5 mins.
C9 gaming.
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gotta wait for the new "free items" event to have a reason to play
dumb mobile posters
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thanks bae
Every day i thank God and Jesus Christ for the death of the meme grimoire warlock poster.
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>Get a 5man vac wall
>Nobody dies
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+alc stun
Who this cute girl?
anon I...
when is digital cucks vs pedur
blade mail radiance are the cornerstones of the hailrake build, ie 70% winrate at 6k+
half hour I believe
That's Daniel Radcliffe with a wig
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>do it again
>nobody dies
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So what's the story behind this whole thing? Did he lose a bet?
i keep picking treant and winning
i keep picking abaddon and winning
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I keep fapping to traps and waiting for the next event so I have a reason to play dota.
what's your standard build/items?
>sb aghs

sauce please
Babyknight seems to have forgotten that you don't benefit from items in the backpack.
But this was 1k game. Wk was naturally first picked
Besides why should you generally not play wk? Can you explain?

Never thought about that.
What would you say about blaidmail and mael/mjolnir? Seems a little better to me since wk really benefits from atk speed.
>Those hips
Yeah that's not a boy.
I think c9 are going to throw this. How do you even beat aghs wall+150%dmg disruption illu
Loda should honestly just kill himself already.
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not telling
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this is true
nice aghs on the spirit breaker
fucking piece of shit
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DC are going to turn it the fuck up today
Mjolnir is after or before the radiance. Depends on the game.
The idea of the hailrake build is that you want to be a pain in the ass to keep alive (due to radiance burn and mjolnir dps), but if they go to burst you down, you have mjolnir shield and blademail to work through.
You be too dangerous to keep alive, too dangerous to kill. Normal wraith king builds get kited to hell, the hail rake build doesn't care about getting kited since he's doing damage by existing.
How the fuck are Alliance doing this?

They just _don't_ die.
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so what's caused denmark to become an objectively better country than sweden in every way?
thats cuz there are 10 fucking shrines in base
Old Man Misery
less white people
Nice. Thanks.
Alchemist is a complete sponge and SF can barely get attacks out when he's getting fucked by his own illusions doing more damage than he does. Anyone else on C9 doesn't do shit against that Alchemist.
>tfw I recognize both of these
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why you do this huh?
third world migration destroys countries
But sweden takes in more rapefugees?

alt+lmb on time
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>Not going E-blade + Dagon + Refreshers SF against an SD and Dark Seer
Explain this to me Dotards.
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just search "Dota_2" on rule34 that's where 90% of stuff gets uploaded
Only if you tell me who this semen demon is.
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Star Bubberfly
When do you get a -Respawn time talent over the other usually useful talent?

Don't tell the mods
When you are playing Alliance.
When you're a support
1. You suck and you keep dying
2. You suck and you can't close the game out
when you expect to die a lot
>Alchemist games
Not even once
to throw harder
nice refresher jonas
She is also a cuckqueen
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>losing to C9 in 2017
what an embarrassment
Loda died without buyback?
What a balanced hero
nice buyback loda
>deadalus over buyback

The city of Loda
based fucking babyknight
knew i shitposted in ur chat back in sc2 for a reason

why was there ZERO ghost sceptors in an all physical damage game though?
hard to understand
if SB had a ghost sceptor he lives in so many spots
>be lolbab
>see d2 is on and give it a watch
c9 is fighting a rosh on the left side of the map... wait... what? did something happen to the map with the big update?
>loda does not have buyback at 65 minutes

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does r34 have a thing like pic related?
The map was changed in the new update. Now radiant has the advantage instead of dire.
So you can feed faster
when your plan to win the game is to BoT into the enemy base and do 500 building damage before dying and coming back before they can push up to your base

so, usually never, but good for closing out games where you can't go highground but your enemy can't push out of base
are there any nadota or OUR GUYS playing in whatever this is?
I don't think so but sometimes people post source in the descriptions or artist name
Can somebody explain An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding to me?
>asking /d2g/
>not /lit/


just like think epistemologically lmao
man those two teams alliance and cloud 9 are a pain to watch. such a boring dota, they always play so safe it's awful. i hope c9 gets eliminated soon.
fuck europe and fuck white people
are DC an NA team?
>Asking /lit/ about anything
NA company with an european team

They realize their limitations. c9 knew that without aegis they'd always lose and get nothing when pushing high ground and alliance knew that if not fighting on the high ground position they'd lose. Once one of them slipped from that pattern it was over.
based honorary Americans
I kinda feel like play the last remnant again

DC has 4 eu players so theyre na only when losing. wanted has EGs former captain
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pic related
just like every single american thing ever
that game was fun and had interesting mechanics for a jrpg but goddamn did it punish you for overleveling
PPD could captain a team of radical islamist terrorists who hate America and it would still be the most American team in DotA.
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time to get 2-0'd Digital Cucks
Why is discworld not on this? I need to go over there are take this up with them.
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guys how tall is Jeyo?
>tfw loda fails to qualify for another lan

have mercy people, his gf's daughter is going to go hungry :(
why is that guy playing again? i thought he retired to make twitch bucks in a managerial role?
dont worry, there is another case of monster energy drink in the mail
he's a peenoise so a manlet

hes EGs ceo now i believe. he isnt playing as seriously as he was on EG
>ld pudge first phase

looks like our guy has solved this meta
He 'retired' because he refused to play with Arteezy again, while they both respect one another on a professional level there is a very strong clash of personalities between them.

Basically everyone who's played with PPD for long enough ends up kind of hating him though except for fear/universe.
Thanks friend
Also for anyone saying HES CEO WHY CANT HE KICK HIM, PPD recognizes that RTZ is extremely good for the EG brand.
you grossly overestimate how much responsibility the ceo of an esports company has
He didn't refuse to play with rtz, he got kicked because everyone hates him
>hear Peter /our guy/ Dager has a new team
why is this thrash still playing?
>kicking the ceo/captain off his own team

you cant srsly believe this
They would have formed their own team, if PPD would have refused. Pretty simple
He didn't get kicked, he stepped aside because he recognized that RTZ, as a streamer with 10k+ regular viewership is ridiculously good for the EG brand.

true i guess, but i doubt hes going to work as hard as he did with eg 2 years ago
why would universe/fear/zai leave their comfy eg salaries just to chase after that shitter rtz?

doesnt seem simple at all
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PPD's special skill - Puppet Master -
ensures that his team can perform regardless of individual skill
gg go next
do you not remember the thorin/ppd interview
rtz is just that good
I don't know why you guys think ppd retired on his own will when there were rumors of Arteezy/Zai/cr1t stack right after TI ended and they all went on holiday to like Rome.
Everyone else on EG just didn't want to play with ppd (sumail and Fear even left EG for a few days after Arteezy and Universe went to Secret) and EG management would rather take on Arteezy again instead of having a TI winning captain.
I think it's too early to tell, if by some chance WanteD win Kiev, then all of a sudden PPD is in a position to roll hot into an odd year TI.
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infinite scaling

because theyre all friends and artour is really good at dota
is he killing her there
Yes I agree, kicked was the wrong choice of words. I meant the team would rather play with rtz than him
>Peter fb on moon

just like my HoN pubs

peter always told his team to hunt moon down rofl
Is chessie playing from EU

i guess buying into this delusion hinges on whether you believe rtz is good player or not
he's in florida
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yes LC lost the duel
I don't understand why this has to be an either/or.
Arteezy can be a great player and everyone can still hate playing with ppd so EG management can prioritize Arteezy over ppd.
except ppd is the fucking eg management
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>picking Slark in the CURRENT YEAR

DC really want to lose dont they
Who is this cum queen?
but /d2g/ told me slark is broken
QO is so garbage, what a fraud
Kick jeyo
get Fear
Congrats, see you at TI7

Either you're doing this on purpose or you're just dumb as fuck.
EG roster swap was months before ppd became CEO.
they get to cum in sunsfan's gf twice as much if they lose
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don't forget Slotherina



GG rofl
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Chessie infested a creep and Misery teleported him to the fountain
play of the year bro


Let's not pretend Arteezy didn't come up to EE first
can PPD just kick QO for Fear already?
QO is legitimately the worst player on this team
Honestly what is QO doing
how long till ppd quits his job at eg and just starts playing prodoto full time again with fear
Last time Fear played competitive dota he had the worst performance in EG (last TI)
is his arm still fucked?
>had the worst performance
>but still won TI

did you just wake up from a year long coma
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The weak should fear the strong
He played pretty badly through out the last TI, wouldn't be surprised if it was cuz of his arm.
Slow/bad reflexes was the most notable thing that I saw in his gameplay. Absolute lack luster farming too.
Yeah Fear might've been bad last time he played comp. dota but goddamn if this gook isn't even worse, lol.
Which is the most broken hero right now?
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are they the New England Patriots of Dota 2?

pro tip yes
Wanted: DEAD.

i love c-dog
OG has a 100% to win TI7 this year since its an odd year
QO's a fuckup but for now he's a better mid than Fear.
I think it's just Secret.Universe syndrome where QO can't play well unless it's with MVP. The supports aren't helping QO much (if at all) on Wanted, and QO really needs babysitting because people will go on him.
My God I love Lacoste, his accent, his shitty humor how can he be so perfect?
kek, Secret Universe literally did MULTIPLE 0 man ravages.

Shit was absolutely hilarious, amazing comedic value in those games

ember and goodsniper
ppd should poach Abed, i mean come on traveling half way across the world to play with Bulba, not that ppd is going to win TI again but jesus have some standards kid
>moon has blink off cd for 3-4 seconds and he just decides to turn and fe
QO is like a korean BSJ
If she(male) has a feminine penis she will be perfect.
Nice clip. Mind if I post it to Reddit?
>peter in charge of initiation
Probably where he got it from
how come nobody grabs the new root & -armor ancient creep when playing chen?


jeyo kills himself by hooking slark after slark killed lc
what a retard
>na dota

lmao ppd is shit
Garage clip. Can't see shit
It comes with lifesteal aura as well doesn't it?
he just failed to factor in open wounds lifesteal.
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what did he mean by this
You think AM is shit, but consider spectre who is a literal piece of shit.
Do people still think ppd is good at dota?
kek saksa in bear form
>Rubick stole the bear form

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>wanted was supposed to be a good team

>wanted was supposed to be a good team

>wanted was supposed to be a good team

>wanted was supposed to be a good team

really activates my almonds
QO's not playing well
but ppd and jeyo are playing like shit.
Only person playing well is boris surprisingly.
Boris is too good for this team
Both of those abilities are crap because they have 2 seconds cast points. And lifesteal aura is one of the small ones
>Letting your opponent get cocky with the first game win.
All according to keikaku

ppd always played like shit though so its not like hes underperforming

he's very tuned in to his team's position in a game but isnt individually skilled. The fact that he couldn't play chen really hurt EG
>good team
something does not add up
Chessie is always performing

Jeyo ppd are fine

Boris is hot and cold

QO is absolute garbage
Chessie's stable, but the Chen sendback play in a pro-game is unforgivable
he cant really play any hero tho
pudge is the new old support potm

no good hooks = absolute trash
PPD has the mechanical skill of 2k player. He really shouldn't be in pro games.
jeyo playing roaming4 Pudge and having no influence on the game is bad.
Look at Black or jerax Pudge, they make it look broken.
its not the captain's job for that. People like Xiao8 isnt super skilled either
he was famous for his tree

perfect hero for him, just wander around the map and armor people, once in awhile land a good ult.

and yeah he was infamous for being a shitter since HoN. Melonzz even said he was inspired to switch to DotA after watching fucking peter of all people become a millionaire in DotA.
Everyone on OG is superskilled, everyone on EG is superskilled, everyone on DC is superskilled..

Xiao8 is mediocre, but Peter's way worse to be frank in terms of raw mechanical skills and hero pool.
Except you can still run people down with rot

Potm, if you miss arrow, better just start walking somewhere else
he's 7k solo
not sure about this meme :/
thats fair. Xiao8 did both offlaning and support too
Ppd has even mentioned that on his streams

He knows he's not that skilled mechanically, but he makes up for it in knowledge and decision making.

He's actaully lower mmr than swindlemellonzz and bsj
I think even pos5's need to have good mechanics. Fly plays Dazzle and vs so well, swap is actually such a fight-changing skill.
At the very least the ward coverage was lacking that game. I don't know why they would push as 5 for mid tower when Slark had sblade without sents. QO died but that wasn't his fault. I don't think half of his deaths were his fault that game 2bh (though the other half were)
Yah. He can shotcall pubs.

>everyone on og is superskilled

le ebin individual skill doesnt mean jack shit or else RTZ would be winning non honeypot tournaments

Fly is the greatest captain in the West and thats all that matters, he can swap in a retarded chink like Ana for Miracle and still wins majors.

Ana is obviously top 3 mid
>He knows he's not that skilled mechanically, but he makes up for it in knowledge and decision making.
Too bad other captains passed him in mechanical skill and in abstract thinking like drafts, strategies, shot calling.

People got to 9k already. Get over it.
Sumail shits down his neck every game they play, but Fly is a better captain and strategist than numale Cr1t so OG will win every time it matters
They used to be even more, when they had moon and cr1t

They still are for sure. Jerax and Fly are probably the best supports in the scene. s4 is still good mechanically, as is ana. The only shakey player is n0tail, but he has so much experience that it makes up for the small bit he's lacking
You've gone too far.
Fuck Dota 2. It's more casual than Smite.
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If anyone is interested, I'm conducting a personal study on the reliably of techies winning games in 7.00. I'll report back later this month/year once I've clocked my MMR on a fresh account. Fifteen games in and I'm sitting on a 70% winrate (I know that's not very many games)
And that's why he's one of 30 players to win an International
>good player

lmao. OG wins because Fly is a good captain. EG won despite having Fear, a washed up old man, playing pos1 because PPD was a good captain (and the techies/storm advantage)
No he doesn't. Watch him stream sometime.
Even Balda won a TI.
and Balda is probably bot5 players in EU/NA
nothing before TI4 matters
I think n0tail's an anchor-carry. He's like a less-talented Fear, won't make high-risk plays but if his team doesn't get a hot start then he'll never carry the game.
ana is the weak link and s4 plays well on the space-making pos3 since he pretty much played the same role when he was on [A].
But if everyone else is a great player you can lose mid to fucking EE and still win the game
jesus, medusa is disgusting
Nothing before TI6 matters.

In fact, TI6 doesn't matter either. Only the last few lans.
Fear had amazing performance in DAC. He was far from washed up (and that's the year they won TI IIRC)

notail is like xboct hes either amazing or straight up retarded
2012-2013 was one of the best #1 players of that time.
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just don't give a fuck
Maybe it's because I'm biased against EG, but Fear has never impressed me unless he played AM or maybe Razor
Did you watch DAC? I didn't even care about him prior to that but he was easy the best #1 of that tournament.
How do I get out of low priority using bots?
I agree with this. I really like that term "anchor carry"

However I still feel like he makes ballsy retarded plays. I feel the reason they lost 2 - 0 to TNC is because of his performance, especially his play on Tiny. That was a bit ago, but I think he still has the potential to fuck up.
who is the blue cat hero? monkey king?
Smite is way better than Dota 2. Fucking casuals.
Alright I'm going to sleep.
Maybe Wanted can disband so QO can go to fnatic
>Picking a carry that is countered by Stout shield/Vanguard/Crimson Guard

Yes i watched it, but honestly It's too long ago I can't remember the games, I might check some Highlights on YouTube later
Fear is the Universe of carries

quiet and feels like he "does nothing" , but delivers

hes not flashy nor known for superhuman farming speeds
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help please i heard it takes like an hour to clear 5 games using bots
It was during the HOHOHAHA and troll era, so i can understand how you can't remember
this tbqhfam
YEah except in last TI

where the mad man actually did nothing lol
>QO is alone mid with roaming BH
>ppd missed cs because of tower from T2 pull
>jeyo just missed a pull resulting in 3 ranged creeps for Moon



What did PPD accuse Swindle of doing it
jewing money from teammates

funny story, he tried to do it again in dota which is why moon and fly left complexity, not because he dropped his euls. He wanted an expensive team house and wanted all team members to pay for it with a salary cut. Of course he would be the one picking the house and paying rent :^)
being a shifty jew
>Professional eSports Players Morgan Webb and Kevin "Purge" Godec Guest Star as Video Game Championship Announcers Neely and Patrick

I'm curious as to how they'll make a scene with Purge that he doesn't sap all the life out of.

And I didn't know Morgan Webb was an esport pro
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was known as the taxman at one point
>omni heals his rubick, lets the PL die

uh huh
>dat spinning rubick remnant

pl 4k networth
tb 8k networth
>Moon fed illusion gold for SF intentionally
but why?
does anyone have the ppd salt video saved? he has long since removed it
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tactical feed
Good play from Poopoodee with the triple remnants to TB
QO is dogshit
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nyx runs in
rubick triple remnants in
PL spend sthe WHOLE fight trying to kill a disruptor, fails because PL is the most fucking useless hero

SF tries to do everything, but retards will flame him because he suicided to a blademail trying to get a kill
>he doesn't know about chicken strat
>What is QO doing
Even Lacoste is wondering what this retard is doing, lfmfoa

double razed a blademail Clockwork.

good shit
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Holy shit.
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doesn't wanna be burdened with the task of microing

(This joke is funnier when you realize moon often plays beastmaster professionally and feeds a lot of hawks/boars)
95% percent boys
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Judge me
he was fucking dead retard
doesn't matter what he does

oh look TB fails to kill a disruptor again
Should've just stayed in Korea desu.
He's been in NA for far too long and it's showing.
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>over 200 invoker games
>45% winrate
>can't even settle his quarry on Tiny
>TB fails to kill a disruptor
how can Terrorblade kill his own team mate wtf
and by TB i meant PL

Nice draft PPD
I wouldn't be surprised if QO leaves this team, his teammates are so trash
No clue why you clowns talk shit about QO he's on tilt now because he can't carry his awful teammates


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>only does well on idiotproof heroes
QO tab back into the game you have some feeding to do
assravaged exposed gook
Imagine if Wanted had a good mid player like SingSing instead.
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umm WanteD fans?
the clock freefarmed in the offlane

What can a mid QO do for that?
He's on an SF against an Ember+BH

You would feed too if you had trash like this on the your team
>these people pass as professional players
are you serious
That Chessie scene deserved a better caster
I honestly don't think the game is on QO, everyone's playing like shit. They honestly don't deserve to make it into playoffs, I have no idea how they beat DC the first time.
feel bad chessie has to play with this retarded gook
I'm gay
what else is new?
Letting Lacoste cast games is a mistake. Just because he used to be a pro doesn't mean shit when it comes to casting.
Casters need actual personality and need to not be boring. Just because you used to be a pro doesn't mean you provide valuable insight into pro games. The most popular casters are barely 4-fucking-k mmr for fuck's sake.

Get Lacoste out of here.
which doter would you fugg?
ppd was the one drafting ember
Lacoste is based as fuck, neck yourself stupid shit
What hero do you think idubbz would play the most?
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>2017 and the best TB player isn't some China man, EE, RTZ, Black, Meracle, but Resolution

really puts things into perspective
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>Boris Da Boiback
kotlguy needs to update his humor module
I hated Lacost in the first game I heard him cast, but since then he has grown on me to the point that I wish he would cast EU Qualifiers instead.
>Black "draft me anti-mage in a game against zero int heroes so i can vacuum all the farm and lose the game" ^
Now that PPD has been exposed, is Swindlezz /ourguy/?
why would you pick PL?
it does literally nothing at all
They lost their lane to a clockwerk, he fails to kill a support in like 20+ seconds
he does ZERO fucking damage

Pick a hard carry kotl if you want to burn mana
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I told ya'll that DC were going to go hard today.
mason tb > Resolution tb > everyone else
yeah that's pretty gay
This game wasn't even remotely DC being good, but Wanted just being fucking terrible.
QO is an overrated hack.
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Says a lot about the team when their best player is chessie


QO is 100% fine and the only good player on the team
DC wasn't taking them too seriously.
resolut1on is the best pos1 player in the world right now so ofc he is the best TB
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Any 6k players browse /d2g/?
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the fact that the greatest player in the world can't win anymore proves this patch is garbage
But Arteezy didn't play today.
True if even Bulba can't win anymore you know Icefrog fucked up
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post em
>/vg/ masters
I got two drops from that. Sold both of them for pennies.
>NA Dota loses to EU
>suddenly d2g is dead
is this the /sc2/ general?
what alternatives out there?
preferably games which you can play solo, since playing against retards is fun, playing with them not.
now give me an alive game
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>LD picks up hotbid
he can't keep getting away with it he owns everything at this point
dead. what else?
the free market has decided it

Trump himself would be proud of the business prowess that LD displays
one method is using sandboxie, getting an alternative account into low prio, then getting into a party with 4 other people doing the same, then queuing on a weird server with Portuguese selected. Never done it myself so I don't know if you can get VAC'd or whatever
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starcrumpets >>>/out/
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I've been playing Dota since before Dota 2 and /d2g/ were a thing.
what happened to crayon pop
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>ppd exposes himself
>mason about to do the same

what a bad day to be an EG fan
if mason and bulba get eliminated by brazilians playing with 140+ ping they better quit forever
Meme economy crash
Stop stealing frogs webm
>2 year break due to having to do shit like military service IRL
>try to get back into dota
>everyone's just really fucking salty, mean and autistic
I can't do it anymore. I want to, but I can't. Fuck's sake.
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>last played: 28 Dec
Don't tell him but I'm going to steal his skin next.
just mute everyone, the genre has always been this way
the higher your mmr it's easier to find better players
in my experience the higher the mmr the more salt and rage comes

high mmr = inflated ego
and if you hurt that inflated ego or if you lose the game you'll get sent down to low prio

just play the game stop crying u lil bitch
but at higher mmr people know what to do better so you don't get upset over dumb teammates as much
yay! I didn't rage at the braindead omni this time
sunstrike my mate
clips twitch tv/ppd/richbadgerseemsgood
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Only 9 inches?
is dota 2 dead?
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For almost a full year, yes.
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Losing mmr at incredibly hihg speeds help!

Should I spam axe to counter and make up for everyone's fetish with fragile agility carries?

Should I spam treant or omni?

abaddon spam for carry and support abilities?
At least till EU starts to play
Yes to Axe, yes to Treant & Omni, no to Abaddon
support leshrac
ppd has been garbage for a while mow, the only thing hes good at is drafting. dunno why people think different.
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you better be cheering for /our guys/ Onyx
>our guys
>happiness is not farm from us
>still can't find it
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runa mumpang
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excuse me but who gave you permission to post my wife
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BSJ continues to blow me away with these incredible strategies. This is what dota is all about, trying new things that no one has done before. Have you ever picked sven and just not farmed, or picked jugg and just not participated in teamfights? That's right, you haven't. But BSJ, god of NA, has done it
Cheer for me dotards!
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settle down clq
why are russian women so beautiful?
Because the ugly ones stay off social media.
What are the best functions for F keys?
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The gulag is on suicide watch

Not because anything happened just the gulag is full of neets who often neck themselves
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Did they fix dota 2 yet?
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FREE satanic.webm
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I love this hero
will bulba find a way to lose this game?
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>406 replies
>90 posters

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if you would happen to have a spot in a tier 1 team available, maybe
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it's a dead thread
for a dead game
populated by people who are dead inside
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uhmm it clearly says 91
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he's trying
100% balanced, btw buy more arcanas goy
He has an arcana so of course he is stronger than everyone else.
wtf is that thing
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This shit is pretty difficult to pull off.

Unless the enemy team is pushing high ground they are not going to be clustered enough and if they are pushing highground you are probably going to lose anyways.
>he bought the battle pass
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Consider the following

Spanish players still think using all caps is intimidating.
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PSG pls go and stay go
people in south america are very angry about the game

yesterday i played like 6 games and had 3 different people literally screaming on the mic, cursing everyone

people being so out of control because of a videogame is actually so pathetic
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Dotards where is everyone?
>beyond the summit can't even fucking do their job
Explain this Dotards?
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I'm here, but I wish you weren't

Watching Purge's Emmy Award nominated performance
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>medigans unable to handle the banter
>they get so mad they vote a literal crazy and useless celebrity just because he promised a 1 trillon huge ass wall

Is there a more dumb and self-cucked people than the Americans?
>tfw already turned a 23 cent profit and treasures 2 and 3 are not even marketable yet
brits with the brexit
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everyone loves wind waifu in BTS chat
nobody ever plays her
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>he put his money on the gabe machine
>he thinks he made a "profit"

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>We have recently taken action...
Is there a better feeling in the game of Dota 2?
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What hero should I pick in order to gain motivation?
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>have autist on team
>he flames our team except me because he needs a buddy to back him up and I'm having a good game
>make comeback in game, get good fight and take highground ez win, go take throne
>he lets rip of a final flame toward our three teammates while saying me and him carried them
>as the throne dies I shittalk his voice for 10 seconds, claiming I never thought I would ever wish for deafness
>disconnect as soon as game is over, report him, give him no chance to reply
>''we have recently blabla''
>tfw you will miss the old D2G inhouse where nobody gave a fuck about anything

It was like distilled autism and it was wonderful
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none, you should take break.
or maybe you should do something relaxing to release your dota anxiety.
Otherwise, you'll just perform worse and it will be too late to realize that you're on low prio.
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how many levels of autism are you on right now my brotha?

But still not enough for that inhouse
like... 3, maybe 4?
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only 3 or 4? cmon bro i expected more of the gulag
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The game feels like shit, what happened?
the toxicity of every game finally got to us
"Icefrog" happend
youre growing up, anon. we all are
platemail has never been changed in terms of price and what it gives in the entire history of dota
think about that for a sec lads
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Does anyone here actually defend Monkey King from a design perspective? He's fucking league-tier meme garbage.
icefrog is just taking too long to make a new patch 6.88 was great and 7.00 talents screw up the balance, if u dont pick a handful of heroes you lose mmr, which makes playing the game boring cause there's very little variance

no since he is already in every other moba
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one of life's greatest mysteries
Talents are dog shit
I just don't understand Icefrog.
Visage is shit for over a year, get's buffed in 7.00, isn't played by pros because there are no progames at the time, gets nerfed a week later.
Meanwhile Magic Ember and Lone Sniper are shitting on every Progame for weeks and he does nothing.
He fucks cleave for everyone that isn't Magnus.
No changes.
>4/5ths radiant team dead
>underlord tp ult with the whole team to our base
>tp to exposed dire throne
>summon treants & win game
how do I git gud at split pushing?
Since when was Windranger Jewish?
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there's nothing wrong with jews besides the fact they are trying to control the world
Why didn't EG play in DAC?
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who is this & why does he have more viewers than fear or merloobi?

direct invite
It's box of course
that's me
apparently a league streamer
what's he doing playing dota is the next question
proving this game is easy mode compared to LoL
If he picks magic ember, he'll be right
stinky dotards
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H-How did you know
filthy dotards
change your underwear
Hey goytards, can anyone explain why are Jordan dota players so good? Or why is the Jordan playerbase so big? I was alaways thinking that Jordan is just country full of stupid muslims or sand niggers. But players like miracle, japzor, hook, feero and many more proved me wrong
I've been playing only techies and the game has never been better.
Your view of the world is skewed to match your political perspective, that's what's going on.
I heard Jordan is a well developed for a Muslim Country, maybe that's why
>tfw league streamers playing dota are more popular than actual dota streamers
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Just buy radiance manta and mute your teammates, meracle.
I mean that country is right next to Syria,Iraq and Saudi Arabia... It is suprising to say the least that they are developed
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seems a bit extreme
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Guess the hero.
>our silencer gives a tango to mid
>"why the fuck would you give me a tango i have tangos you fucking retard"
>girl voice "well im warding so keep it it doesn't really matter"
>"oh my god you are a fucking girl you fucking piece of trash, women like you are shit at games"
>mid viper proceeds to afk in jungle
>"Having women play a game like you is a joke"
>im just trying to win the game as a offlane SK


PA and that isn't how the game is meant to be played
Shit dude couldn't have just muted her?
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Use this mod:

and then just play puck.
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dumb dotard
that didn't take long
>no one gave a fuck
>banned for bkb use
>banned for doing too well
>banned for trolling
>banned for roaming with a meme combo

ye haha d2g inhouse was SO FUn
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>For Honor competitive
>56k viewers
>Dotard 2
>10k viewers
what went wrong

for honor has better graphics
cancel seems like a faggot
viable reported
>last post 15 minutes ago

Jesus fuck we are DED
what was Viper's name? I wanna report his steam account
i'm pretty sure he was doing the one quest where you have to evade attacks and disjoint spells or some shit
im ready for my calibration matches
anyone know good fotm heroes for each role?
I think the game's just changed too significantly lately. I'm just becoming more and more disinterested.
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wtf la
lone druid
>Former MVP members getting into good teams ranking

OFFICIAL LIST OF 7.01 VIABLE HEROES (all unlisted heroes are shit versions of these heroes):

Offlaner: Weaver, Underlord, Slardar, Monkey King
Support: Riki, Pudge, Ogre Magi, Monkey King
Mid: Juggernaut, Magic Ember
Core: Lone Druid, Luna
>Secret is at the top of the list
how MVP have fallen
tbqh none of these are any good so
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>b-b-b-b-b-b-but im the only constant!
>b-b-but muh white guilt!
>b-b-b-but muh cuck mentality where i always should blame myself...

the day r/dota got infinitely btfo
I don't follow?
define:placebo effect
Why can't you heal your own turrents? Should be some ability on a 10 minute CD, for each turrent
10 bucks its le ''I whined on d2g and got called a faggot well look at me NOW xdd''
holy shit it's 2 am and my neighboors are screaming like they're dying what do I do?
mmr goes up at about the same time soft region lock and MM changes got implemented
but correlation != causation

pick treant
Treant Protector
In a white neighbourhood I'd call the police and make a noise complaint.
In any other neighbourhood I'd
define:mad shitskin
the climb started like a week before region lock dood
Placebo effect outside medicine is non existent.
Educate yourself Pablo
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>Overwatch has a new patchu
>Dota 2 is still stuck in 7.00
why is this allowed senpai?
check out those balance bands or whatever they are called for basketball
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sincerely thanks, based dotards <3
No objective proof of increased performance.

Stop believing in metaphysical bullshit Pablo. I know you're superstitious but still.
>first sentence
>The “power of suggestion” goes beyond theories of science


Please, youre killing me.
I didn't read the article.

I just googled and linked first article.
So youre a clickbait baby.

Way to prove your credibility.
getting easy mmr from beating peruvian trash all day, now the hard part is avoiding angsty white cis reddit readers from reporting me. I don't even talk shit I keep it dota related and kids still get salty
"Short for cis-gendered, meaning someone who identifies with the sex they were born as."

>im so fucking stupid i green texted cis and white cause im angsty
Lone Druid needs to lose the range talent and ember spirit's stupid magic amp damage talent needs to be the other option at level 20 with 15 percent cd reduction so he has to pick one instead of getting both.

Also ogre magi needs to finally have his stupid base stats tuned lower for once. And monkey king's tree hop should cost mana, and he should be turned into a ranged hero
LD needs a nerf to his death cooldown like 30s, at least 30 dmg reduced from this +dmg tree and his ranged needs to be nerfed
>he should be turned into a ranged hero
MK is ironic for his power staff / bar. How is that gonna translate to range attack?
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WR splash.png
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(sexually) i really need a GF

Razor has a whip as a ranged weapon. It makes sense to give the same treatment to Monkey King. Either that, or seriously nerfing that stupid passive of his.

Currently Lone Druid gets free sniper range, free aegis, and free relic just for existing.

Both LD and Ember suffered from a problem where the talent tree was designed to give an alternative play style while the normal play style was nerfed anyway, and thus overcompensated for it.
>tfw people tell me I sound like eternalenvyy
should I just kill myself lads

Only if you are below 6 feet (1.83 meters) in height. There is no hope then.
are you a Canadian?
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>5'9" and american
anyone got the picture of the guy who had multiple early league trophies posting how it was basically shit dota and really easy? It used to be posted on here a couple years ago
Are you Asian enthicity?
nope, hispanic
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At least you have Trump. Most people on the world aren't as fortunate as you
>no more free items
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being a manlet in 2017
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>no more sets
is there a reason to even open dota anymore?
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tfw still get matched with peru cause white boys dont like my dark seer battlefury and venomancer hard carry and magic sniper or gyrocopter
viva peru
they were free
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gaben shits on D2G.gif
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just like the compendiums were free too!
remember here at valve we don't do "freemium" or micro transactions that affect gameplay! were above that and would never implement anything even resembling region lock
Hey guys, lolfag here.

Just wondering what you guys find appealing about this game.

Not trolling, but I don't understand why you guys play this game instead of League, then complain about all the problems League solves (queue times, region lock, surrender, Techies, etc). Is there anything this game offers other than "muh free heroes"? Because champions in League can generally be earned in a very reasonable timeframe and it helps put a filter on some heroes that would otherwise be picked excessively (like Pudge).
mechanically deeper game
But they were free. You couldn't even buy an advantage in Dork Moon if you wanted to.
fuck are you talking about? I didn't spend a cent
i have not played dota since the 7.00 release, is it worth coming back?
>No-one will know I am 5'5
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>he thinks people here play the game
my fucking sides
>a good thing
>a bad thing
>long queue times
>something that's only relevant for 1% of the playerbase
I'm a chink
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can I please cast your game anon-chan?
Wraith night like event where Enchantress assumes her true form and has a extremely improved when?
dota is just way harder and there's no enforced meta
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if Jugg uses omni slash on AM with aghs does AM just omnislash jugg ?
I'm a Dota player from Dota 1.
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thats the problem
How's it like watching Dota 2 becoming browner and Slaver then ever before?
Because league might not have all the same problems, but its really fucking boring.
as soon as you typed
>not trolling
you are trolling
How is being harder a good thing? League also doesn't have an enforced meta and never did. You're allowed to play any role you want as long as you're not griefing.
How so?
I'm a filthy casual.

But the game is better than it was in its WC3 version.
>why would i invest thousands of hours into a game where there's literally an objectively superior version
really makes you think

>doesn't have an enforced meta and never did
maybe spend more than 5 minutes learning about the differences between the games and you'll stop saying stupid shit
>How is being harder a good thing?
depends what you're looking for. if you like simple games maybe tic tac toe is enough for you to have fun but other people would rather play chess instead.
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>How is being harder a good thing?
You ask some funny things, Leaguefag.
because its more challenging

its like why people player chess instead of checkers.
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>League also doesn't have an enforced meta and never did
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>League also doesn't have an enforced meta and never did.
>enforced meta
I don't think you understand what meta means in this context.
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which hero sees through all the lies?

Its in the name.
literally Oracle
Leshrac, just look at his lines.
>BSJ put his chat in sub-mode again because some jerk was making fun of him.

Stop bullying him, you fucking cunts. He is in the edge of quitting streaming and maybe even Dota.

This is not fun, guys.
Name one instance where Riot made an "enforced meta" that wasn't just disciplining people doing stupid shit in ranked.
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Which dotard here has the highest MMR?
Technically it's either BroxyBot or Beesa, depending on your definition.
4460 Australia

673 solo ranked games at 59.14%
nigger the whole fucking queue system where you pick a role is enforced meta
>Aki Miyagawa moved to Tokyo to pursue her dream to be a taiko drummer, but had a hard time balancing her strict training regimen with her part-time job. Now, after 15 years, she's returning to coach others for a taiko festival.

What the fuck?
Because Dota has so many games where people switch it up and don't have a midlaner, right?
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the /our/est of guys admiral bullcuck
Do you pronounce it aegis or aejis?
didnt they make towers invincible until like 8 minutes in because some people were trying to shift the meta to a pushing meta and it was too effective
Remeber when the professional games were about who pushes faster. 4 people from right side pushing top, 4 people from left side pushing bot.
He posts here?

What happens to the remaining dude? Defend?
How do you pronounce cuck?
Dunno, I don't play league from long time. Probably it was just 5 people pushing in each side.
>her head is as large as her torso
Man this image is really unsettling
Freedom disband
Hey eyes also take up a disproportionate percentage of her face.

Dark Seer
BSJ 2 lasthits out of 2 waves lmao
That's standard anime so whatever, the head to torso ratio just looks really fucking uncanny though
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Which one of you keeps commissioning all the Dota porn from JMGN?
>winning 8/10 games every day
>then lose 4 in a row
>just feeders, afk and people who have no clue
>i'm not good enough to carry by myself in the 2k bracket
>in UNRANKED games
i can't do this anymore, i'm gonna pay money for a coach.
Add me on Steam id/stary
14 games a day?
sometimes yea. if i have a free day i will spend the entire day playing dota.
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Personally, I find I gain more MMR the less I play.

Most games I played in a day is 6.

Notice most of the big circles are orang-ish reddish whilst most small circles are green.

fucking lol

that was absolutely the shittiest play, how the fuck does he fuck up so badly sometimes?
How did he baffle scientists this time?

he died CSing under alch spray, minute 2, alche didn't hit him directly once
Only BSJ can consistently trigger Dubu and make Fear feel disappointed all game
>Same guy who doesn't read past "Removed from Captain's Mode" and justifies it as focusing on everything else
Wow. What hero was he playing? This was midlane I gathered.
i understand and i agree that this is true, but why?
personally, if i win 4 games in a row, i'll probably stop playing. sometimes out of boredom from stomping too hard, sometimes for fear of ruining a great streak. right now i want to play dota but i'm not because i have a headache from playing dota all day.
but when i lose, even if my head hurts or i'm exhausted or whatever, i'll play. because for every game i lose i need to win two more, and that's stressful and it drives me.
i don't think there's anything mathematically rational about this trend, it's purely a thing of human nature.
dude how? how does he do it?
what happened
Do I have to relearn Dota since 7.League?
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>load into the game
>get matched with 3 Russian or polish (i don't know at this point) kids talking with >there mic
>they feed there lane
>blame me and phantom assassin

seriously why isn't there a region lock on this shit game ,i'm really sick of this desu

windrunner, it happened a few steps from his middle tower too


>dude how? how does he do it?

i dont know dude, even a shitter like myself could tell he was gonna die if he stayed under the spray a sec longer

he has truly a talent for baffling people
Not counting Beesa (who's never here anyway [rip inhouse]) I know only one other 6k plus d2ger.
Notice how when you sleep you're more enthusiastic about the day ahead?

Then you wake up, and everything goes to shit.

There's your answer.
Taking unsafe farm despite Dubu and Fear both telling him not to and fucking up teamfights by waveforming into trees. Turns out he had Dubu muted the entire game.
>Two dudes fight over carry.
>Spec ends up in my lane, as Underlord, vs a tri lane.
>Get shit on because no lvls and spec is essentially useless pre mid game.
>Get reported into low prio.

kill me
>when carry players try telling you how to use your skills
fastest way to get muted
i know how to play this game as well as you , dont think repeating stuff again and again makes you eternalenvy.
Is the game still a piece of shit? I stopped playing right after playing one game of 7.00 but I miss waifurunner.

yep,it still shit
It's a rotting piece of shit now.
>muting dubu
what a shitter. why do people watch that babytilter?
dude same
>playing bristle the other day
>2stack playing mid and carry in my game
>telling me how to play bristle as if i don't know how to spam q and w
>telling me i'm not spamming my spells every time they're off cooldown
>muted them
>carried game
fuck dude. nothing triggers me more.
there hasnt been a patchu yet so yes
Because patriotism is dumb and they'd watch and unironically support complete toxic scrubs like BSJ simply because he's a white American.
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>mfw I'm playing with my tablet because no mouse
>being a homer
yea yall are cancer. as an american i will happily acknowledge that chinese players are the best at dota and sea players are the most fun to watch. eu and na a shit.
No exaggeration, bsj will whine out loud audibly irritated and passive aggressive for 70 minutes and someone will spend two typed sentences telling him he sucks and bsj will mute that guy forever. A few days ago I watched him playing with dubu and he muted dubu for 20 minutes in the middle of a game only unmuting him to hear his calls when they'd crawled back into the match.
He'll spout off literally all fucking game but the split second anyone is annoyed by his cunt tier nagging he hair trigger mutes them.
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Good thing I stopped playing then.
i really can't believe how bad this game has become
>cosmetic cancer spiralled out of control
>new UI literally designed to sell cosmetics better
>balance jumps the shark with "talents" in an attempt to keep people interested in the gameplay
Lose 2 games and stop playing the rest of the day.

Cut your losses while you can.

Thats my principle.

I can count the number of times I heard a grill on mic in my Dota games.

Although I did have this semondemon on a ranked game once:

Last time I saw her was when she was 5k. It all makes sense now.
>>new UI literally designed to sell cosmetics better
>can no longer see what people are wearing
Yeah I was wondering why she was matched with a 4k scrub like me.
why are the custom games so dead
yes, except in botlane if memory serves
also toplane pushers got nerfed into the ground
any duo that isn't botlane got nerfed
games won and lost off not 4man pushing safelane first
dire side having a massive botlane disadvantage for both taking a camp (league camps are better than the first wave) and ganking
dota style safelanes being nerfed to enforce carries botlane only via massive dragon buffs, map changes
magic carries CC nerfed so they can't be supports (veigar is the best example)
the list goes on and on and on
it's only more popular because it's so much easier
because they suck
and they largely sucked in wc3 too
they were only more popular in wc3 because you would see them while browsing for dota games
they'd use their teleport to join in after pushing the other lane preemptively
it was mostly about killing the first tower so you could either threaten a t2 or head down to fight them under your tower
jesus I just played a 95 minutes game, and it was a 3v3 since 35 minutes in.

the good part is that I managed to get the Lifesteal quest with Wraith King and finally got the other style for the AM set, the bad part is that it was a shit show like no other.
venge support
viper mid
drow safelane

am I cancer?
Ember mid is more cancer, viper is annoying, but he is not OP unless you are in the lower bracket where people don't know that he falls off like a truck
Drow isn't too annoying and depends on her team composition too, she also requires decent positioning in fights, and if you are doing way too good in a game it's probably because the enemy draft sucks.
Offlane Necro and Cent

Am I caner?
offlane cent might be a great addition to my cancer lineup
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Why are cumskins so bad at dota?
let me teach you REAL cancer:
HC: Luna, Jugg and LD
Support: Ogre, SD, KotL and Omni
Mid: Ember, MK, Tinker
Offlane: Under, Necro, CW and Treant

now go climb while you hate yourself
Who the fuck is Steve-O?
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>dude that hasn't been relevant for TWO DECADES talkin shit
I have a better winrate with Treant in safelane than offlane.
just use him to annoy the safelaner and support
it's supposed to be run as a dual lane

of course don't run a duo lane if your partner has 0 kill potential
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hello dotards.
they fucking ruined imba
Why does anyone watch dota d bowel movement? Do people actually care how tier two players play tier 3 heroes? How can you stand his fucking euro dweeb accent?
No anime.
Where is the emergency patch to nerf the shit out of ember and lone druid?
Any new subtantial patches will be after DAC
What went wrong with PPD's new team?
he didn't meme hard enough

QO should have been CLQ
ppd is dogshit and meme drafts
boris is noob
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When do the good teams play?
CLQ is a reddit meme

PPD had a KDA average of 1 in his last four games. Feed so hard.
what are your pro dota 2 meme dreams?
- demon winning a TI with a ragtag team of shitters (TNC taking out OG was hype as fuck)
- clq somehow playing in a joke team with bsj
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Dead thread

Can we get an early new thread

New thread always brings more activity
Is Invoker the hardest hero to play in Dota?

So many spells!
artEEzy winning TI
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Trump running for president was a meme dream too......
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Terrible shoop. Look at the head.
What happened to Alchemist?
Why are you called Dotards and not Dotiots?
>the dota 2 gulag has died

>cs:go is a superior esport in every way

my rons are truly white hot
Post winter wyvern fan art
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>implying i shopped it
found the newfag
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im gonna go post elsewhere
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>thinking I don't already have a copy of that in my Trump folder

I was critiquing the pic and the choice of pic
Somehow I end up turning spells to autocast after a teamfight? Anyway to lock spells?
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>he only has a folder
>doesnt have an entire 2TB hard drive with trump pictures
pleb detected
when will you people realized that trump is just a president like all the others before him and your life only improves if you do something about it, not anyone else?
>entire 2TB hard drive with trump pictures
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
No shit.

>when will you people realized that Dota is just a time wasting game like all the others before and your life only improves if you stop playing the game?
I want canceL to be my bf
what to do against obvious euls scripters?
well i genuinely believe you can exercise virtues like perseverance trying to improve at dota, since it's a high skill game with a lot of nuances to master, but rooting for mr president even a monkey could do
I mean you spin almost anything to be positive.

>Taking part in political activities such as supporting the President allows you to connect and network with other people in the local community thereabouts building strong social capital to benefit yourself
being negative repels people
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It's like I'm playing 6.88 again
You Omniknight's W?
Why 2 Midas?
Why do you think?
2 hands?
One is for the clone? But don't they share the same CD?
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>episode about esports
>anime appears
Will anime posters ever stop butting in where they don't belong.
There's a bug that let you use multiple Midas if you shift queue them. Work for other items with active abilities as well.
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This is phantom lancer. Say something nice about him.
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>this is real
holy shit
He's THE six slotted carry
>Work for other items with active abilities as well.
What other items do you recommend abusing this bug with? Double Dagon5?
necro seems bretty gud
go ahead and try getting 14k gold in a reasonable manner
I was joking with over-exaggerated example.
He's not the absolute worst hero in the game right now.
>NP has a 40% winrate

Has anyone ever seen a prophet win a game? Have you ever seen him win a game in the past few months?
40% still seems high
I haven't seen him in a game in the past few months.
Is Broodmommy good?
good in the sense of making 3 heroes waste their time on you. but as a carry, 2/10
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He gets fucked by shrines which are good against splitpushing, he gets fucked by the meta which is about 5manning 10 minutes in, he gets fucked by the talents because his are pretty fucking shit, and he gets fucked by plenty of the heroes that are currently popular.
Virtuous and loyal Sheever. Could whore herself out for a gaming chair like Envy did, but won't.
Summoner heroes generally don't have good games this patch. Any aoe clear ruins Brood. NP treants are crap compared to Chen taking over 4 (or 5 with helm) creeps which have 1k+ hp each. Enigma is just a walking black hole though, so I don't know if he fits this category.
Thats Razor isn't it?
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One thing I like about dark moon is how all gold and exp was equal. I really like that because it means supports and tanks can get farmed.
When do they add that improvement to normal dota? I want all players on the team to be EQUAL
Razor isn't even in worst 5, he has a niche at least.
Beast Master

He was good 3 years ago
All of lone druid's talents need to be reworked to only help the bear. Especially the fucking reduced respawn timer.
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>still playing it as a carry
>not octarine aether agh ethereal build
get with the times grandpa
>not liking build variety
Migrate when full you dogs

>Pick EU regions.
>Russians and polaks fill my team.
FUCK WHY?! Why can't these faggots choose the Russian region and stay there?!

Lone Druid right now is tanky, moves at nearly haste speed all game, gets effectively a free perma-aegis with a talent, and has a 2700 hp scouting unit. He outranges sniper, he out damages PA, he has ravage on sub 30 cooldown and if need be becomes the tankiest hero in the game with the best summons buff in the entire game.

Lone Druid is a failed concept and needs an entire rework from top to bottom. He's either mind blowing brainless cancer or absolutely fucking worthless and this has been true since the early days of dota.

Lone Druid right now outperforms ANY other carry in anything they might have to offer with the singular exception of meepo. And that is it.
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