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World of Warcraft General - /wowg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 763
Thread images: 153

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OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.

Image MD5s:




These filter lists were updated on January 18th, 2017 with new additions to all categories

As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.
/wowg/ battletag friends list:
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)

General Resources:

WoW Token Price:

Previous thread:>>166904404
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5 decides who I 110 mythic NH gear
what is the best race for my goblin?
Mend Pet is free and lasts a decent amount of time. It's one global cooldown. Stop being a retard and use it now and then
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>get invited to Maw 14 by guild inner circle
> join discord
>"oh, sorry anon, <female who got officer rank in 3 months> just logged on, sorry"
>"maybe next time"
it just did tho
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how dis make you feel, DPS boi?
>friend invites me to his guild's NH run
>"uuuuh yeah mmm sorry anon we have too many people"
>you have left the group
>they didn't even get past skorpyron
It makes me wish i had a healslut gf or a stronk tank bf
My balance artifact is 926, im at about 50k agility atm, am i rank 1 virgin yet? Also will most likely be best moonkin EU in less then a month
Should I use my boost on my druid or paladin?
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how can other females even possibly compete?

Other women are literally subhuman trash compared to them
Why the fuck do I have to heal my pet all the time, this is aids
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learn your place
>playing a priest
play marksman you fucking pussy
Paladin is best Tank/Heal/DPS so you tell me
so who are the unkilled bosses?
Hunter you fucking jism genie
> am i rank 1 virgin yet?

Do you aggressively carry females because vagina???
T G i S H
Marksman is retardly complicated though
Reminder that <TGISH> is always welcoming new DPS and Tanks specifically, but healers are always needed too!

<The Game Is So Hard> on Illidan-Horde
not a wowg guild.
why are you so angry filteranon
Alright I got bored of Monk someone give me a different class to play. Is blood dk fun?
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Meant 50k intellect, However still got the worst legendaries, how do i farm them so i can get head/wrists asap?
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Curius to think what part of this isnt complex
sodapoppin is lowkey FtM
Do those things actually exist?
>caring about sports-like competitions in wow

literally retarded.
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Why aren't you 9/10 yet? Or at least 8/10?
Don't tell me you are THIS bad.
You find these Alliance bitches stealing your beads

what do you do?
touch of karma is OP as fuck.
monks are OP as fuck.
they have a safespace tele to get away.
they have a mobility ability that unroots and unsnares.
they have a burst CD
They have a personal divine shield under the PHYSICAL SCHOOL
they have a heal
they have a stun as part of their rotation
they have a CC
FUCK MONKS, filthy nigger pandas
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>Hey guys, let's make a currency for PVP and make it completely fucking worthless

Can Blizzard STOP putting in fucking useless currencies in this game?
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that's hurtful
I'm not, but I also recognize that my own progression is what matters to me. Not what someone else has done.
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>arena with random pro
>perform well the first few fights against total noobs
>he thinks im pretty cool
>turn into pure shit when the matches are actually tough
>lose for the last time
>he says "i gotta go" and stops queuing with me

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Why the fuck is everyone constanly so fucking butthurt about splitraids?
>Get a monk to low health
>They teleport a million miles away instantly
Guess the wife is getting that purple leather hat she always wanted
Yeah I guess picking on the mentally disabled is a low thing of me to do.
Have you even seen the meme hunters in pvp? They make monks look like bitches
>No response

Ok so Marksman is super complex told you so
Is it just me, or are BG queues on Alliance taking a long time tonight? Even though it's the event I'm waiting like 10-15 minutes per queue?
what are splitraids?
Did they add explosive trap knockback?
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1 min ques here, losing every match though
>Doing battlegrounds
>We're losing
>Cue pointless bitching from lowest person on the chart
>Respond politely; "If you have time to complain, you have time to learn how to play"
>Endless mad comments, including some racist remarks and political views

Why is it always the ones who don't do shit that complain?
>frost DK 75% mastery nerf in pvp
>boomkins and demon hunters doing 5x the damage of everyone else


>Drop counterstrike totem
>Thorns instantly kills it
>Anyone running a bot instantly kills it
>Anyone who isn't retarded can instantly kill it
>It does no damage even if it survives
why does this totem exist???
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>top fragging and scoring
>start to call team retards
>bottom fragger starts trying to talk shit
>drop i win button
>waaaah why can people counter my i win button ever???!!!

shamanchildren everybody
>Do WorldPVP Quests
>Kill people in designated areas
>People get mad as macaroni and threated to trace my IP and break my nose

What is it with people in this game? People get angry and burning like the sun for the tiniest and most miniscule things
I was in a BG like that except the nerdrage was coming out of some warrior who was allergic to attacking the healers. He could win 1v1 but he had zero tactical sense and kept getting BTFO
you mean the meme beast machines? I know, had to deal with a monk and beast master at the same fucking time.
fucking memes
>still playing a DK and not a windweaver

ahahaha lol
Love that shit in Black Rook Rumble.
>Kill a guy

>Not on the healer
Jesus christ how sad. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that level of stupid.
>guilds already 9/10M

Its over bros, the elysiumbulls won
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did they seriously just give two talents identical icons?



Your spec is garbage.
excellent production quality defienintely a game worth subscribing to
looks guys anon got the joke
>doing the same content for 12 years

no one doing that is a winner, playing WoW in any form is for autists
I just started playing again. No idea what changes they've made to warrior since launch.
Alright I'm retarded, which 2 are you talking about?
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Check out Devastator talent. It's the new hotness.
ap tokens should become boa on account once you have at least 1 weapon at 54
Sounds boring as fuck. Is it better than indomitable?
so which faction won that call of the scab thing
forgot all about it
so what do you do when you dont want to spam m+ but feel like every other in game activity is a waste of time?
so does anyone in here play a worgen
Log off and go play binding of isaac, masturbate, eat, or sleep
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>Mythic guldan has 109 billion health
tfw runescape would be the best game if it was on the WoW engine
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Imagine if there is no enrage and you actually have to fight him for an hour
Most death knights I know do, mainly because of the speed boost, it saves their asses so much because DKs have little to no movement speed boosts.
shit that's a good idea actually since you can just tmorph to a real race while keeping the speed boost
Furries for ERP and DKs for speed boost
>I-I play worgen deathknight because of- eh... the speedboost! right! because of that thing, I'm not like one of those edgy furries, hahaha, he...
enjoying the keylogger i guess
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>tfw no female panda to sit on my face
I made one just to see the starter zone. They're aite but I keep mine in the human form as much as I can. I don't even RP
>Being this dense

lmao @ u
imagine being this guy
> Game is dead.
> Thread is dead.
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hello fellow worgs
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>dude tmorph? you can get in trouble for that
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ok guys legion is cool and all but why can't I find focus rage in my spell book??
and why do you think that?
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>Doing darkbul arena
>pick up the rage buff
>Kill a guy 5 times in a row
>he whispers "Fuck off, I'm just trying to quest, get out of here before I report you"
the game is also shit. Go play a good game like ffxiv
First post ending in 3 determines the class of this Female Panda alt
So I recently joined a guild. People send me herbs to make them flasks and potions because I have rank 3 of most stuff.

Now my question is, how do I go about the procs? What's the etiquette here? Should I keep some? None?
shaman fuck you
QT Panda Rouge
Monk, of course.
Why is this a bad thing?
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why monk of course
I'd say keep at least 20% for yourself. They're only going to you because you have rank 3.
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Some strange people believe raids are not allowed to be cleared before they're months old, like old naxx.
priest, literally never seen one.
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come hang out lads
twitch.tv bros4broz
legendary parsing spriest finally downing h guldan

Is there a wowg guild I can join? I'll faction swap to Alliance even

is RIPIP in need of a healer?

Can I get a invite to the Sargeras guild?
What happened to Big Guys?
What happened to Gnomish Pleasure Device?
>he hasn't got ATLEAST 1/10 mythic
im lol'ing @ all yall
>using monk tier on a worg
prot warrior
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>muh leddit filters
fuck off with these retarded filters and put back the guild names in the OP
Hello samefag, are you going to force your shitty guild and shitpost all over the thread again?
just got here, nigger
there aren't any active wowg guilds anymore.
should I make one?

only animes would be allowed
>Join an Alterac Valley
>Half the folks suddenly speak Spanish, and are from Ragnaros or Quel'Thalas

I thought they didn't get queued with English players anymore due to complaints about shit teamwork from the Ashran days.
no that never happened
He doesn't know...
They're making it so NA servers get South Americans EVEN MORE FREQUENTLY
Do it, if only to have tangible proof that smug animeposters are fucking terrible
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Do it so there'd be a wowg guild again. bonus points if it's not on a meme minigame server
Fuck. Time to report them for language then.
>anime only guild
>nothing but healers

good luck with that
best female race for diaper erp?
Thoughts on samefag?
Panda, because everyone playing them is full of shit.
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Yes it is
This just proves the only good class for a slut like a female panda is Rogue.
It's a pvp talent
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why are female pandas so damn sexy?
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>I will never, EVER get in a group that can down star augur

Literally fucking how? its the second easiest boss in the instance.
Because they're the best at tantric sex
literally none of the groups i can get into at 775 ilvl can do it
Are you a cute girl?
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no, im pretty sure its this
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not that person but i am
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not them, but i am
To be honest with a butt like that I'd smash a pandaren female with no regrets.
>th-the light w-will
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>+2 depleted.
you and me both man
f*ck off trannies

Literally how
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fuck it im unsubbing until gul'dan lfr comes out for my mount

fuck this stupid bullshit. 775 and can't get into NH past spellblade to get gear past 775. what a joke.
I'm sorry friend
can you not do the manasaber quest in LFR? then i'm unsubbing until 7.2 lmao
Is demo viable? or should i just go affli
Oh, that quest. You better be able to.

I thought you meant the Infernal.
ye u can
Is windwalker the most complex, rewarding, and intelligent spec played by those of the intellectual persuasion?
what other healing specs are fun?
i main mw and want something as a backup
i wanted to like disc sometime again, but for raids its basically a meme that requires so much damn setup to shine and then you need to be fed innervates
>M Elisande done

Fucking already seriously?
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BoS or Machine Gun for Mythic+
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thanx gang

LFG is cancer
by you?
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Me on the left
>10 boss raid is almost finished in a week on mythic by poopsockers
nothing wrong with this + gul'dan is unlikely to be kiled before reset
mythic emerald nightmare was cleared in 18 hours and that only had 3 less bosses
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>be only person in my guild with Aotc
>on H spellblade
>RL doesnt want to clear more trash to give the tanks more room to move
>wonders why everything is so claustophobic and why people are eating shit on aoe
>tell him that we should probably clear more room
>he tells me that its not my place to tell him how to run his raid
>5 wipes later
>says that he needs to bench people
>benches me even though im the top dps because """""""""reasons""""""""
>mute my mic, stay in vent, join H Gul'dan pug on my alt
>1 hour later, they're still on spellblade, ive killed gul'dan for another bonus roll
>got a legendary drop, outlaw bracers
>People say grats and asked where i got it from
>Tell them gul'dan
>kicked from guild
Thank fuck. At least I can take my logs and join something else, what a fucking trainwreck. I wanted to play with a few irl friends, but I didnt realize their raid leader was so douchey. What a fucking mistake.
>playing with a guild

all guilds are like this. creating social systems in a fantasy world where people can be big buff dudes who are "alpha" was a mistake
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Come again?
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>>he tells me that its not my place to tell him how to run his raid

lmao people are really like this
alright, who is this fluid druid?
I've joined great guilds in the past, it just takes a lot of searching to find one that fits your mentality. I had some decent friends in that guild, its just the RL/GM who was a gigantic douche.
Also just realized that I wrote this story to sound like i killed GD twice in an hour. My bad
BoS for everything. It's cancer and it's the reason I'm unsubbing.
If a guild doesn't benefit you, then you should leave it

Raid leaders often forget that guild members are not expendable, especially good ones

There is no reason to join a guild now unless you are doing Mythic Raiding
Best DPS druid EU (arguably worldwide).
I don't think you actually need tons of space for spellblade, my guild uses the stair zone and we do fine.
cool story brul
>tfw 894 equipped
>no one wants me for elisande/guldan pugs
>got kicked the first pull on guldan because i died to eye damage
what do
>Decide to try Marksman Hunter
>My Keybinds immediately start lighting up like a Christmas tree

Pretty neat desu
git gud shitbag
but im not getting accepted into shitty pugs with no cutting edge/mythic nighthold bosses killed
Wow, rude.
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To be fair she got BiS legendaries.
>trialing for a guild as heals
>really liking the guild so far
>new trial joins today and they're also heals
>they're a resto druid and im a mistweaver
im scared guys
i may be garbage but atleast i have mythic bosses killed unlike 99.99 percent of pug heros lMAO
MW is good now lad.
i know its just resto druid is so easy to perform with compared to the likes of other healers and the guild currently doesn't have one
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>hot girl
>amazing luck
>best dps world wide
>probably wealthy with comfortable life

>meanwhile i'm me
What are the other healers? If it's shaman/priest you should be good.
it's not fucking fair. I wish i was her even with bad legendaries. i would love to be catered to the way she is
it's time to start inflicting suffering on those more fortunate than you

make them pay
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>listened to Nagura explain snapshotting and the difference between the usual boomkin rotation vs the one with the Emerald Dreamcatcher one for 35 minutes
>really improved my dps and she linked a full blown dps guide off of google docs as well
Great streamer to watch, and a qt to boot
holy priest and two holy pallies
we've cleared the first 3 bosses in m nh and they're pretty good as is our dps so idk
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i'd rather just die instead, people who aren't amazing in a good way don't deserve to be alive
>two holy pallies
wew lad
i hope you're sniping like a mofo to not look bad
also forgot we have an ele sham that can play resto if needed to which we've done for some of the fights
Cheer up senpai, we all have a purpose in life, maybe you haven't found yours yet.
i miss snapshotting...
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So what was the purpose of random african child who starved to death? Don't give me that we all have a purpose crap.
>make 35+ traits available in templated pvp
>buff and nerf rollercoaster the shit out of specs

absolutely fucking epic
I could make it on a dead RP realm that's not moonguard
its purpose was to die
>So what was the purpose of random african child who starved to death?

To make me laugh
to feed the vultures
how is that anime girl real life?
please post logs or something
Is there still a /wowg/ guild? My guild has been dead since Legion launch. I can't do real content until my internet gets upgraded so I thought I didn't need a guild, but its getting pretty boring. I might transfer my mage if there's a guild.
she looks like a female bella thorne who is into getting her ass eaten out midraid
<This Game is SO Hard> @ Illidan US
Nope. There are no wowg guilds on either US or EU servers anymore due to drama and fighting between guild members
<Samefagging SO hard> @ Illidan US
no nfa and ripip are dead and lmao who cares about eu? no wowg guilds anymore
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>He doesn't main a Male Orc Warrior

Get a load of these fagplanets
What if you're running with a MW, a Resto druid and shaman, and a Holy priest while you're a Holy pally?

They're hitting 300k+ while I'm piddling around 200k until BIG SHIT hits. Then I might push 300k with wings and TD. I'm usually at 75% mana or more by the time most boss fights are done due to how much I don't have to heal because of all the AoE power of the others.
t. Cuxx
That's not true
>>166968237 is alive and kickin'

Great place to make friends and have fun
How many people in your raid? Because 5 healing heroics is kinda stupid and you're probably being sniped hard.
If you have that much mana left then why aren't you dps'ing more?
>he doesnt main a fem panda for the fat panda ass

get a load of this gaylord
And here comes samefag to force his shitty guild. Like clockwork.
>queue as horde
>10 minute queues
>queue as alliance
>instantly queue into losing game
And here comes samefag to force his shitty anger. Like clockwork.
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Why is everyone in Serenity so alpha and normie?

This is Gingi, the hunter in Serenity

i thought poopsockers were supposed to be fat and ugly WTF
Someone make one. Please make one on a mid-high pop non-pvp server.
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If you like Horde, shitposting, and pwning I'd think about joining us on Illidan-US. We hate mages as much as we hate each other and you will get bullied to death, but we happily welcome anyone as long as they are /wowg/. Oh and we play the game, too.

<This Game is SO Hard> Illidan-Horde
If you need an invite or have any questions, add Icy#1568.
not a true wowg guild no. there's a guild that spams their eceleb discord drama in here every day but they are mostly redditors and other assorted non 4chan people
blame "nerd culture", chads are defeating us in your own game, sad!
no thank you
im not that guy but I've been really interested in joinin you guys seem like fun
are you taking in any tanks? i may transfer from sargeras since the other wowg guild is dead
That's not a wowg guild because they accept and raid with non wowg posters
Name 1
how the fuck do europeans not kill themselves en masse if they had to look at that almost every day

thats so fucking depressing looking
We usually run around 20-25, give or take. I know 3 of us have DPS specs if our RL feels we don't need the healing or we need more DPS.

I am, except when I'm expecting heavy damage. I'm usually top DPS out of the healers. Holy Shock is the tits though.
literally who
You're overhealing the content. 3 healers should be enough for a 20-25 people group.
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Spoiler: He can't because we're all /wowg/ born and bred. Seriously, modern <This Game is SO Hard> is a combination of <Literal Who> and Bearheart's crew. It doesn't get anymore /wowg/ than that. Filename VERY related.

Reminder to join <TGISH> today! The only surviving /wowg/ guild for many expansions now!
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rate mog & post mogs
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<This Game is SO Hard>?
More like... <This Fag is SO Triggered>
Gotem! lol!
Really? I'll drop that on my RL, see if we can try having some of us go DPS on the first few fights and go from there.

I hope not me since I have no DPS leggos and I'm pushing 450-500k DPS with Crusade because I'm terrible..
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you look like a total fag
Mr. Filtertard sir, I'm from This Game is SO Hard. Is there something you'd like to ask about our guild comprised entirely of /wowg/ posters, old and new? I'll answer you politely and to the best of my ability.
>Seriously, modern <This Game is SO Hard> is a combination of <Literal Who> and Bearheart's crew
good reasons to stay the fuck away from that guild
>tfw alliancefaf
>tfw ill never be a part of this guild
>ill never coordinated shitpost with the greatest players on wowg

just fuck me up
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That's actually pretty good, I feel like black boots would work better than green though.

Here is my dog
>join lfg eye of azshara normal group
>get to lady hatecoil
>tank bithches we aren't killing the adds fast enough, tells us to start targeting them instead of the boss
>we kill her and get to serpentrix
>tank doesn't clear all adds and have a hydra jump us mid fight
>tank tells us to not kill the other heads that spawn even though healer was struggling to keep us up
>tank doesn't keep aggro off the main head when I attack it and it melees me to death
>tell tank to get aggro and he tells me the reason I took aggro was that I was bad
>tell him keeping aggro is like the one job of a tank
>I get vote kicked because two of the other people in the group are the same guild as him.
Nice system blizzard
Remember to like and subscribe for more blog posts.
My group 4 heals 25m, we have 1 shaman that's literally trash and gets carried, we can't sit him because he's friends with the gm, it blows.
Imagine being this guy.
now to apply to guldan pugs for hours
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>my dog

fuck off immediately

its a survivability and huge dps gain if you play right via vengeance weaving and tracking your auto-attacks. (dumb as fuck but hey)

indom is only good for shit that one shots you now p much
>watching /ourguys/ TGiSH on twitch at twitch@xypanda
>see them dying on normal skorpyron

um I thought this was the best /wowg/ had to offer ?? wtf I hate pandas now
Is that a tuning fork?
Why are you lying?
I love losing 5 battlegrounds in a row because they have le unkillable flying stunning kicking healer men and we don't
i wonder how gassy that bear is
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>Not knowing Nizbun, the Sultan of Samefag
>Not knowing Khelgin, the Maestro of Minigames
>Not knowing Icycrits, the Minister of Memes
>Not knowing Gisco, the Heir to Avataring
>Not knowing Bearheart, the Prince of Pandas
>Not knowing Gisco, the Fiend of a Thousand Feces
>Not knowing Linstead, the Tranny of Tyranny
Seriously? You can learn who they are if you join <This Game is So Hard> today!
>eye of azshara normal group
You deserved to get kicked
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CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQfRgqulDlg
Seems like I've watched this episode already, and it's kinda boring.
this kind of thing is why most of wowg doesn't consider your guild a wowg guild
>posting on /wowg/ is why /wowg/ doesnt consider a /wowg/ guild a /wowg/ guild
how does that even make sense
>this kind of thing is why one autistic filterfaf with no friends doesn't consider your guild a wowg guild

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You don't represent us with your crappypastas. Stop that. Everyone knows they've got a lot of oc-only posters.
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Tired of using Judgement all the damn time.
>install filters
>wowg becomes tolerable and is actually about the game and not childish avatarfags

fucking love it
Imagine being this guy.
I'm having vietnam flashbacks of the last 6 months of WoD /wowg/, help.
Thanks for letting us know
>check <TGISH> wowprogress
>3/10 LFR
Holy shit, lmaoing @ u fucking flex heroes
>install things inherently anti-4chin culture
>start taking autistic pleasure in it
You should honestly, not even kidding, just go to Reddit. I'm literally not baiting, trolling or even tricking, you should just stay there. This board is not for you. There are a million places to discuss the game, and this isn't one of them.
ny horde in sargaras here?
>race changing to tauren gives me 5k DPS boost
>but I lose my phat panda ass

what do
I'm still level 105 though you dumb faggot.
pretend for a moment as though you were in the shoes of this poster
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>tfw only one legendary and it's shit
>There are a million places to discuss the game, and this isn't one of them
>World of Warcraft General is not the place to discuss World of Warcraft

Your logic is as retarded as the avatarfags you orbit
>tfw enjoying prot warrior

Who else know this?
>think you're shitting me
>decide to check
>you're right

Holy shit. Apparently 'judgment' is widely used in the US while both variations are used in the UK.
imagine being this guild
We've never discussed the game. Lurk more, you insolent fucktard.
>stop talking about the game in the thread for the game on on the board for video game generals

880 Outlaw Rogue here.
I gravitate around 400k single target dps, maybe 410-415 depending on Roll the Bones.
Is that where I should be?
I took a break from raiding and came back to heroic NH tonight.
The only thing I have filtered on all of 4chan is "expla*n?" because of that one cunt who responds to everything with it
this is my fetish
Stop samefagging. Us mods don't appreciate it.

Language is fucking retarded.
What's the hardest fight to heal and why is it tichondrius?
Outlaw single target is going to be worse than Assassination unless you get crazy lucky with RTB
On most fights you should be playing Assassination
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Is the horde symbol supposed to represent a fertile womb with an egg inside ready to be fertilized?
No one has yet to cast judgment/judgement on my mog though.
Hello Woddler.
>be Marksmanship Hunter
>no other specs have AP

>get the legendary that not only is fucking useless but makes me WORSE in mythic+

Stop giving attention to samefag and his minions please.
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>guild i mythic raided with and I also formed a good core a lads to run keystones with disbands while Im offline for a couple days JUST before NH release
>3/4 of the core and shitters go and merge with shitty other guild
>1/4 of the core and good players join a small guild comprised of good but autistic raiders who routinely guild slut
>1 guy who i played with most and only guy a bothered adding as a friend joins much better progression guild cause he's a legit slut and also very good
>get invite to guild as a "casual", know no one there. Have to start all over again
>heal a +12 with GM straight away cause friend is already in inner circle
>get invite to heal N NH as the 32nd person just because they want to smash it out and don't have a resto shaman
>im 882, everyone else is 890+
>finish in 2 hours, use last hour of raiding to smash 5/10 H
>finish the session 5 ilvls higher than i started
>"can you make raid times anon"? Yep
>"anon has been promoted to trail raider"
>start running regular 12-15s with the core because healslut who gets invites as soon as logged in

All these fail guild stories. Really all you need to know is the one right person and leverage it.
I started in TBC. I've been on /wowg/ from Day One. Literally stop. I'm replying to your garbage bait only to tell you you're dumb and you need, NEED, to stop. You're more cancerous than any amount of avataring or even tripfagging. Discussing games on a forum level on a site where shitposting is the culture is possibly more cancerous than having a blogspot.
But if she isn't on an RP server anymore, how will she erp?
i got banned early today for posting a kermit pic and this garbage goes unchecked for hours every day ... i love selective moderation
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>nerfing specs to shit

>in the same expansion where you can only play one spec on one class
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>tfw I fell for the resto shaman meme
best healer spec for someone who mainly plays dps and tanks?
lul i remember people saying resto was going to be great ... while looking at 2 minutes wipes on beta .. muh mastery during progression muh cds .. lul just lul
Any destro locks here? Started playing again about two weeks ago and I'm at 862 ilvl. I'm only hitting about 300k dps. Is this about how much I should be doing at this ilvl, or should I just kms
I'm fairly ignorant on healers, and especially rShaman healing mechanics, but what makes their mastery not amazing for progression?
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>fell for the frost DK in pvp meme

loving these 80k frost strikes on 3m HP targets with self healing and defensives
rsham is literally fine though
Au contraire, their mastery "should be great" during progress because it's when people are undergeared and learning the fights. Funny thing is, in reality, they're bottom of the barrel right now during progress.
And I can't even imagine what farm logs are going to look like.
Shaman is fine, r druid is just retarded because cultivation and 2 minute tranq lol
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link is still the most obscene healing cd in the game.
The rest of the bullshit wow forum levels of tears is because they get outsniped by priests and pallies and so cant pad meters as easily. Or cause link isn't counted on wow logs so they arent ranking.
I finished Heroic Chromatic with 695k hps the other night thanks to meme-link.
>tfw fell for the holy priest meme
>tfw keep falling for it
IIRC, the lower health someone is, the more it heals them.
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where were you when <This Game is So Hard> finally broke up
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>tfw I fell for the DH meme
holypriest is actually good for once
>Go into a raid
>Cast 3 chain heals
>Out of mana
>Drop a healing tide totem
>It heals for 1/10th of a tranquility tick
>Go into an arena
>Die immediately
Stop posting, Gisco.
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>most caster classes crit you for 400k
>you crit them for 150k
>blizz: oh its because you guys have an autoattack which exponentially increases your dps in pvp! :^)

I got hit by a 1.7mil frost strike crit just the night in AV. Wtf are you doing?
It's the mana tide argument all over again.
Also it's 2017 and resto shaman still don't have a tank CD, like wtf.
Sum up what you like or dislike about your class or spec with "Muh" and then post your class or spec.


Fire Mage

Holy Paladin
It's templated pvp I am doing nothing.

Frost strike does 80k according to the tooltip.

You are probably just a giant retard who can't read numbers properly.
>Be melee.
>Dominate pvp.
>There are people so shit at melee that they actually complain about casters.
lmaoing at your life
that was skrongey you fucking moron
bm hunter
>doesn't say his class/spec
epic my friend
>frost DK dominating pvp post nerf

Shouldn't that be hunters in general? A guild member who was Marksman all throughout Hellfire and EN switched to his Spriest because Hunters got nerfed bad all around apparently.
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lmao look at this fag holy shit
that sure is an excited pand

wew lad ...
but resto shamans am second best HEALERS after resto druids
Are holy paladins decent in PvP?
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What happened? Back in EN healers were quite balanced.
yeah, but no one wants us because we have little utility and druids do everything we do better
They're not bad, but personally I feel neutered with my crit being cut down. It really cuts my throughput potential when my holyshock crits way less.

>Marksman Hunter
>They're only slightly worse than druids when the whole raid is stacked in one spot taking huge amounts of damage
Wow what an argument
You forgot and dead and not healing with an r druid that just proc'd cultivation on the entire raid
>Disc priest
>Parses: 78
>75th percentile
>disc went from the most braindead healing spec to the most complicated in 1 expansion
I miss it
>click through the raid and hit PW:S
>top HPS
75th percentike is the middle point average between mediocre and great when you account for both the top tier of players, the low tier of players, and the median tier of players.
>to get the big reward for doing all of suramar you have to be 900 ilvl to get the chance to ATTEMPT to kill gul'dan

very nice blizz epic win
>Before Legion
>Every gurl gamer is a smug disc priest who thinks theyre good at the game
>7.0 comes out
>They die to every mechanic and are literally below dps on the healing meters
>They all quit WoW
99th percentile is not representative of most of the player base
The DPS the top 1-2% of players can achieve with a spec isn't going to represent the realistic hierarchy for most groups
At least rshams have an ability that allows the entire raid to take otherwise instadeat levels of damage damage over and over(like in mythic eye at the beginning)
No other healer has that
>>They all quit WoW
Nah. They rolled druid/pala.

Logs dont record spirit link healing. So effectively the logs completely discount one of our biggest healing CDs. This doesn't happen with the the other healers.
So you just posted an aggregate during a progression period that completely ignores a major CD.
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yeah but 90th percentile is what you should be shooting for, and seeing what the majority of complete fucking retards are doing, won't help you, or anyone else.
By that logic the logs dont show things like Power Word Barrier preventing damage either
>Shaman even further btfo
>1 cd means the spec should be garbage in other aspects of their toolkit
I stopped playing retail at the end of MoP. Have they done anything with the Scarlet Crusade since then or is the faction pretty much gone at this point.
>tfw blizz will never let people ally with best faction
DKs exterminate the last (this time for real) remnants of the Scarlet Crusade and raise Whitemane as a death knight
I never said that it's just an upside
I prefer holy priest over druid as a tank
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>I fell for the Arms meme
False, logs correctly subtract the aggregate healing and the damage you do to the raid
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wew, alright then.

They'll have the players reform the scarlet crusade when WotLK 2: electric boogaloo comes around with the DKs and forsaken tearing apart the Argent Crusade and everyone sees that the Scarlet Crusade did nothing wrong right?
Nope. Not true at all.
Be glad we're not forced to stack spirit for the mana tides anymore.
thanks m8
>Raided for FOUR HOURS straight tonight
>Only managed to kill Spell Blade and Krosus on heroic

Is my guild shit?

>Logs correctly subtract the aggregate healing and the damage
>logs consider spirit link to be a 0 sum ability
>logs record spirit link as having 0 net effect on the raid
>this is considered correct
>logs are used as a metric for measuring the effectiveness of a healer during progression content
This is week 2 senpai, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
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Does anyone wanna help me level my Priest? I'm level 107 already but it feels really slow and all my friends went to bed already so I'm bored. I'm Horde if that makes a difference.

Also what should I set my loot spec to? I'm pretty impartial to all 3 specs but I'm not sure which has the most impactful legendaries.
My guild got Star Augur and High Botanist down. So yes, your guild is shit.

Don't worry, mine is too.
I don't raid with a guild have pugged 8/10 heroic.
My guild blew through 9/10 heroic earlier this week then we wiped for 3 hours on Gul'dan and didn't end up killing him
We raid tomorrow night too but if we don't end up killing him I'll be pissed
We got him to sub 10% a couple times
i would but you posted a weebshit avatar with a tumblr filename

red flags all over
Little judgmental there anon
What difference does it make everyone knows spirit link is so powerful it justifies bringing a shaman to a raid and without link they are a worthless class
Looking to get back into the game and do some healing, who is generally considered a better healer, Shaman or Monk?
It is zero sum in terms of throughput, it's redistribution which is very powerful with a 10% DR tacked onto it but every other healer brings strong DR's to the table anyways
Nice. I will have to say, progression seems overall better this time around than it did in EN. Blew through normal NH up to Gul'dan that Wednesday of release, downed him Friday, and got up to Botanist by the end of Saturday night.

This past Friday/Saturday they downed Tich and Botanist while I was staying with a friend, so I don't have them counted yet on my kills.
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My log from using a meme strat to burn down Heroic Chromatic. Skada had me finish with 695k HPS
Wowlogs simply decided spirit link had 0 net effect on the raid. You'll defend this then post the 90th percentile aggregate meme list again
Add me: Samefag#1881, AmIRelevantYet#1987 or StillForcingMyselfEvenThoNobodyLikesMe#1568.
Is four hours a big deal? I'd dedicate 16hrs a day if I could find a guild that hardcore that isn't an already-full top 10.
Monks do good HPS and are more fun but Shamans have SLT which is a more powerful CD than Revival
All the healers are viable though

Yeah we got to 9/10H last week but ran out of time for Gul'dan cause we were wiping a bit on Elisande. This week we got 9/10 in one night and all of tonight was Gul'dan progression but sadly no kill yet.
>ask if anyone wants to play the game with me
>then asks a question about the game
>omg samfag stop forcing urself!!
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why are there no other female taurens other than me? :(
Ill play with you if you're a real girl irl (female)
perfect natural human behavior to judge people on their actions and react accordingly

he has mentally ill stuttering limp wristed fag ERPer written all over

of course he might not be, but why take the chance?
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>darkglare on spellblade/botanist
>whines that people don't talk about the game enough
>doesnt talk about the game
>just keeps posting about things unrelated to the game
Just chiming in about this; since Spirit Link doesn't do any actual HEALING (it just redistributes damage), it doesn't count AS healing.

It KIND OF works the same way with Light of the Martyr for Paladins. It shows up as Light of the Martyr (Damage) just like Spirit Link at the bottom.

What would you do to Spirit Link to make it better?
I'm not looking for that sort of thing right now anyways so it doesn't really matter whether or not I'm a grill, just want a friend to play the game with at night when my guildmates are asleep
>This board's about discussion and playing with others.
>Never mind, this board's about chasing off others that want to play and discuss.
Which one is it?
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>not maining an Orc Male Warrior

Umm, what's your excuse...?

Ticondrius is easy as fuck to heal you can blow through your whole mana bar and then get it all back after the night phase
Only difference it makes is when memelords post shit like

as "evidence" of Rshaman lagging other healers. Except the people who post the above shit ignore that the 90th percentile are still bringing rshaman as often as druids and pallies.

except their DRs are quantified in the above logs which accounts for the mysterious "10%" rshaman are supposedly lagging behind in.

wowlog aggregates are horseshit because they're always skewed by memes. Which explain why this general loves posting them.
Remove it and buff shaman healing. It's mana tide issue all over again.
It's a damage reduction CD, not a heal. You are correct.
I'm not a Cuxx
everyone's mad if people try to play with other people since nobody here knows how to socialize

But add Samefag#1881 or Mythologist#1897
you are free to ask people to play with you

you are mostly free (hotpockets permitting) to post weebshit and tumblr filenames

i am free to choose to not play with you
whats with the baby blue tabard gayboii?
What was the Mana Tide issue? I never really healed on a shaman.

I wouldn't do anything because S-Link is amazing. Im saying you can't rely on wowlogs as a single metric of performance when it can't quantify the effect of abilities like S-Link in its recordings.
Are these being posted for real or meme btags

Mana Tide was OP so they balanced it by making the heals shit or else people would just bring nothing but rshamans to raids

What's your point? Your spirit link did 26.71 million damage and healed 26.71 million HPS. Skada records your 26.71 million healing but incorrectly does not subtract the damage it did as though you actually did 26.71 million healing (You didn't). It has zero net healing because we no longer have the glyph of healing stream to mitigate it's nature damage.

What logs should show is how much damage was mitigated from the 10% damage reduction component on the ability itself just like it should show the value of devotion aura mastery, iron bark, and power word barrier. This wouldn't put shamans any further ahead in throughput but it would give an actual value to SLT besides the health redistributed.

Mana tide was a really powerful AoE mana return totem. You had to bring resto shaman just because it existed.

Like when shaman only had bloodlust so every raid HAD to have a shaman.
I'm one of them.

I had a conversation with the other the other day.

Which is which? Vote now on your phones.
I never asked. I'm responding since you posted your autism in my general vicinity. I'm sure the original tumblr-poster didn't want you personally anyway, seeing as how you can't go a minute without posting a headache-inducing spergout about things nobody wanted your opinion on.
Mana tide was a totem that gave mana to everyone based on how much spirit the shaman had.
At the time shaman's healing was dogshit (just like now) but people would still bring them to raids (while making them stack spirit for bigger mana tides)

It's the same story now "it doesn't matter if shamans are dogshit they're still brought to raids because mana tide/spirit link!"
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If I had no life, this is how I'd set up my game:

Ultimate main: Male Orc Warrior (Fury/Arms/Prot)
Primary alt: Male Undead Death Knight (Unholy/Frost)
Secondary alt: Male Orc Shaman (Enhance)

PvP alt #1: Male Human Paladin (Ret/Prot)
PvP alt #2: Male Undead Monk (WW)
PvP alt #3: Male Undead Warlock (Affli)
PvP alt #4: Male Night Elf Rogue (Sub/Ass)
PvP alt #5: Male Blood Elf Hunter (Marks)

Too bad a person only has 112 hours awake each week. Not enough time to do all that shit and have a meaningful life outside it.
Btag/name-server? Region? Faction?
NA Horde
This is an old character on Nerzhul but my 110s are on Malganis and Illidan
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>Too bad a person only has 112 hours awake each week. Not enough time to do all that shit and have a meaningful life outside it.

normies pls go
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>only has 112 hours awake each week
Yeah, if you're a fuckin casual
>tfw guild won't bench the 2-3 shitters that die to 1st phase tichondrius every pull
>we kept wiping sub 5% for 5 pulls
>finally bench them
>we down boss
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>not maining a Farstrider of Silvermoon
Had this exact same scenario but with H Grand Magistrix this week, killed it the next pull. Pulled them back in for Gul'dan though and the same shit happens all over again.
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>shitting all over your health by sleeping less than 8 hours a day

smelly, dumb, plebeian scum
>not maining a darkspear troll
troll survival hunter.jpg
ok coming to legion which should i try to heal as, femgnome priest,femelf druid,femhuman pall or fempanda shaman?
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add me anime girl Icy#1568
For real though, this isn't copypasta. I need leveling partners I have four 100ish on Illidan and I can't do it alone or I'll kill myself.

Not tonight though. 15+ HoV this week was aids and I'm tired, goodnight /wowg/.
male elf druid offspec guardian
fem n'elfes make the best druids
>shitting all over your health
>not making up for it by mainlining vitamins, eating health foods, and avoiding direct contact with the poop sock
Stay mad normie
druid it is then
How come there isn't a single good looking sword and shield combo IN THE ENTIRE GAME
Good question senpai
I usually like to mog my artifacts cause I'm a special snowflake but on my paladin I genuinely cannot find anything that actually looks better than Truthguard
Prot Warr hidden artifact shield + mythic sword from blackrock foundry, iron soldier saber I think it's called.
>Bear Druids in pv
Why the fuck is that allowed?
try being a warrior, the artifact looks like garbage but basically everything else looks like garbage too

the class hall shield looks kind of decent but there is no nice sword to go with it
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Are there any viable tank options for arena? Or at least a good option to meme on people and collect angry whispers?
When's the last time anyone got the legendary follower equipment?

Remember the rage when it dropped and people wanted to know if it counted as a legendary?
My friend got one

something like -10% mission time decrease +20% mission success chance
This happened to me
I got a legendary follower equip from withered training before I got a real legendary and I was so upset
>orc garbage
>can't root, poly, or burst down because gg 1million cds and a fuck huge health pool

you literally just never make them the kill target until at least one team member has died, any healer worth their salt will be able to put up with them
looks sick tho
If you like the whole we wuz orcs aesthetic then yes

If you just want a good looking shield with a good finish then no
also why guardian as off spec?
which class am i?

probably cuz it's braindead and strong as fuck
>we wuz orcs
it's just a sword that looks like a furnace brah
Royal Crest of Lordaeron with a good looking straight sword
probably easier to level as guardian for quests, so save most AP for resto weapon i guess
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>2 days away from another chance at my BiS trinkets
why are monks stupidly OP?
all they have to do in arena is karma as soon as you start to put out big damage and you're fucked.
even if you try to ignore them after they karma, wfury warriors looking to maximise damage cant because they naturally cleave with whirlwind
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I hope yall are ready for the next expansion where Illidan takes everyone back in time to help the titans kill off the old gods for good before they reawaken and powerfuck Azeroth.
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>maximizing damage in PvP
>guild probably starting mythic progression tomorrow
>probably going to get benched for grey parsing
I don't want tomorrow to come
they're not and complaining that karma is the reason for that makes me guess you haven't done a lot of pvp, they're strong but they have a lot of counters in the current meta
can't wait

>spend months running heroic EN for chance at vial of nightmare fog from dragons
>start doing extra pug runs just for dragons and use coins for extra chances
>never see it drop
>get 880 socketed Urn from nightbane
>get Mythic 11 Naglfar fare

Close enough. Sucks spending an entire raid tier trying to get 1 trinket only for the next raid tier to arrive before it ever happens.
So did Legion actually save WoW?

Those mountain formations don't make a lot of sense to me.
it integrated the skinnerbox game design of most modern mmos in such a subtle way that most people don't notice and keep playing. I don't mind so i'd say it's saved
>there are people who don't level as a holy priest
if it werent for the awful legendary and gear upgrade system, yeah

It's the most I've played an expansion since WotLK.
So yes?
it's just a map nigga they aren't really mountains

Stopped reading there. Much like one someone starts their post with "Except..." you can safely ignore what someone has to say when they try and use the word "meta"
>miss playing WoW
>internet's too crappy to download the whole thing from scratch
>have it at 7.1 on old (shittier) laptop but can't be assed to fuck with file sharing or even boot the damn thing up

Fuck me.
not memeing here but I actually need you to explain. Are you inferring meta-gaming does not truly exist?
I quite WoW a month or so ago
kinda wanna comeback
lads im going to start my wagecuck life in about an hour after 2 years of being neet

am i going to make it bros
are you okay? are you mad that I'm not jerking off your shitty opinion
I went 17 xavius H kills + coins and never got the shoulders

infact of those 25+ rolls I got like 3 things.

really fucking mad
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>mfw mom keeps hinting that I need to get a job or get out of the house lately
even amongst minigamers you stand alone in your autism
we're all gonna make it bros

gotta start a new job next week

>people sperg out over getting 30g for a failed roll pre 7.1.5
>"Don't worry, we'll sort it out in 7.1.5"
>Now you get 50k AP @ 25 artifact knowledge

Wonders never cease
>good looking straight sword
There isn't a single one in the game except for the wow movie one which is no longer attainable
Give me a good shadow priestess transmog

Something good looking that also screams "evil slut" without being a slutmog.
sorry I guess Im doing it wrong, better do nothing.
any damage and im bad right?
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>Tfw purple/orange parsing every boss in a "still haven't cleared normal" guild

I honestly have no idea how to feel about it
>tfw rolled shammy
>tfw enhance
>tfw nerfed but 4 piece saved us

Feels fucking good dudes. I love my spec so much
Why does it seem that Blizzard has stopped giving a shit in regards to adding flavor items like new cosmetic shirts and the like into the game? Even the new Brawler's shirts are just reconfigured armor pieces made into shirts
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>farming normal
>aluriel gets facepulled
>parse 99% on fight
Im ok with this
nobody gives a fug about your body paint
>evil slut
A fucking slutmog, you stupid fuck
the uncut foreskin shoulders, orgrimmar chest, black mageweave legs
Why is Boomkin single target damage so bad?
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>more time travel
>Not an expansion that focuses solely on the renewed Horde v. Alliance conflict to where we're all in fucking shambles when the true final boss xpac comes out to up the stakes
except I can and will.
considering its in the fucking PHYSICAL school and cant be dispelled and it FORCES ME not him ME to stop attacking him unless I wanna die
>Add new hats with unique models
>Can't transmog them
T-Thanks Blizz....
Because they didn't buff anything significant when they revamped its aoe talents. ED and IFE got nerfed. Mastery got upped a little along with a 4% damage boost to compensate so it's still the same on the top level.

On the bright side, if there's ever 2 targets up for a significant portion of the fight, you can just meme it up with starfall build. I think the limit is that if there are 2 targets for at least 1/4th of the fight, starfall would pull ahead if you multi-dot and starfall them.
Just don't attack him during it then????? It's like any other major defensive, you swap off the target when they wall, that's basic pvp. It's a mong tactic to stay on a target when they've popped a defensive because you're wasting your damage, you don't do it with a druid, you don't do it when someone is pain supp'd you don't do it when a pally bubbles so why are you treating this any differently.
evil sluts don't wear panties and shirts and stockings they wear low cut dresses

>still no dresses in wow
we'll see how much of a pvp master you arf when I get my hands around your neck...
okay boss
Evil sluts don't wear clothings at all!
What's the general opinion on Legion here. I was harassed by a friend to start WoW, and so I spent some time looking into the new systems and according to the blizz forums, the xpac is pretty decent, but the Legendary and AP systems are fucking horrible. I'd like to play it, if it's not complete shit, I like Druid a lot and Guardian is the hot shit right now, and I like boomkin too.
It's alright

Nighthold is one of the best raids ever released
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>High botanist as shadow priest
>people in guild complaining about how they didn't get their 3rd legendary yet after months of playing
>plug their names in the calculator
>they have 600 less kill points than my 1 month old character
>vibe controller

Tentacle knife

and then t6 head and shoulders, mystics wrap chest to show modest tits, then either slut shorts or kilt
>tfw nighthold sounds neat but I don't want to come back to retail since I won't have the time for anything more than dealing with LFR shitters
Do all the classes still feel like different flavors of the same thing?
You know what to do
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which artifact should i get first on my druid
You can be raid ready in like 4 days then pug it

As for the last question I don't know, I play SP which is quite unique and flavorful and prot warrior which is possibly the only non braindead tank so I'm happy with it

kys yourself my man
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>kill yourself yourself
but, i wanna be a druid and wanted to know which to get first since leveling as resto is probably slow
No that's just blood elves in general
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>he doesn't play with qts

why are you even playing an mmo then

go play skyrim or something
Guardian is by far the fastest.
I would bet you anything that those are both men
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>tfw I will never have that life
Thanks nature
Because I'm not mentally ill
Safest bet ever desu
Who are these mentally ill weirdos
reminder that normal girls don't wear stockings like that unless they are weebs. Trannies think that girls dress like that as well and wear them as well.

Either way, it's only mentally ill degenerates who wear them
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fuck off pozy
No actually trannies know they look like mannish pieces of shit so they wear striped socks because they hide the shape of their legs and they're girly in a vain attempt to hide the abomination they are

That's why 99% of """"""traps"""""" only take extremely posed pictures of their legs and never anything else
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do not bully p.o.z.u.s
did you redo your room again
>tfw pozy stopped playing wow
I remember when he used to take me along with him a couple times when he multibox pvp'd
it was funny watching him shit on people with like 20 monks.
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>dumb weebshit crossdressers multibox in pvp

>getting memed on this hard

lmaoing my ass off right now desu
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>homo or not, they at least have another person sitting next to them to play video games and watch tv with
Thats all I really want again
How good is mistweaver for M+? Im asking for 11s and higher if anyone here does those.
>tfw the average ilvl difference between me(892) and a top end mythic raider is like 8 ilvls

Totally seems worth all those hundreds of hours of wiping on mythic bosses :^)
because my filler is whirlwind, and unlike the devine shield he can still attack me for full damage,
what the fuck you want me to do? I cant go to the other guy because the monk always tells them to just stick to him.
I cant do shit, not only that but karma is affected by dot damage so my odyns fury I just used is slowly killing me, and a 6 sec karma is more than enough to force me to pop enraged regen which is my only meaningful sustain aside from the talent that makes my charges power up my bloodthirst.
I have to wait and hope he pops it on my teamate so I can just burst him dead.
you clearly havnt fought a monk before.
hell, most monks actually agree its fucking broken, I know this because I ask them everytime its a new monk win or no
not without an aotc you're not, and without a guild you can say goodbye to getting it.

>being happy with average

wow anon. youre so cool.
Literally have one friend setup the pug and you're fine

You have at least one friend right?
How good are balance druids for raiding or mythic+? Looking into an alt and I want something that has a nice DPS spec but doesn't only have DPS specs.
>because my filler is whirlwind, and unlike the devine shield he can still attack me for full damage,
Haha everyone point and laugh at this retard

My guild has a balance druid who is big dick dps. Balance is basically fire mage but hasnt been nerfed, they have massive AOE dps and even have that AOE silence thing which is insane for m+.

I regularly have been doing M+15 with that balance druid, looks like a strong class/spec.
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>tfw the carefree times of sitting down with your buds and playing some splitscreen multiplayer after school are gone forever
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point and laugh?
whirlwind does more damage single target than furious strikes and thats without the talent giving it 150% damage procs.
congratulations, you played yourself.
bell curve
No retard, bubble doesn't have a damage reduction anymore and you misspelled it like the aboriginal fuck wit you are
are monks viable in raiding? someone had told me at legion launch that they were ok in dungeons but they would kill anyone who showed up to a raid with it. did they get any changes to support his rambling?
learning something new everyday
>quoting the entire sentence
how am I supposed to know you were only talking about the divine shield when you do this nigger?
*gives you a swirlie*
*splats egg on your face*
Shut up
Okay, that's good to know. I'd heard that balance was one of the weaker classes for m+ but I couldn't remember how old the information was or whether they'd been buffed in 7.1.5 or something.
>No ranged caster in top 5 for ranged OR dungeons
>Top ranged is shadow priest which has been gutted to fuck

fucking hell Blizz, I know people said this was going to be a melee heavy expac but there was no reason to reinforce it
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I dont think theres any weak class exactly for m+. It depends a lot on the player and spec. Mythics, especially the higher ones require you to coordinate very well with your group on top of using consumables and lust to get 3 chest.
There are objectively weak classes for M+, don't be dumb
>melee heavy

Whatever happened to paying for server transfers/name change with tokens? Did they just dump that idea or is that actually coming?

What the fuck are you on about

Compared to what? Or tell me what your optimal group comp would be for mythics 15+?

Like i said before, my group clears at least 15 everyweek. Its fire mage, dk tank, resto druid, balance druid, and me as an assassination rogue.
Compared to others.

For +15s, bringing along a Survival Huntard or Frost Mage is a poor choice, and a Fire Mage is an excellent choice. They're not even compariable if you're all geared and skilled.
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>Survival is bad in M+

Come back you when break mid teens for M+ levels, kiddo.

But he asked about boomkin not frost mage or surv hunter. You should obviously be using the best spec when trying to do mythic+
DPS is shite, Utility is not worth taking compared to what other higher DPS specs can bring.
yeah you're bad
Not an argument
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left or right?
Monk tanks are good monk healers are amazing monk dps are top 3
Nighthold is basically "we want the melee audience"

Almost every fucking mechanic is ranged only, felt mostly by ranged or fulfilled only by mostly

And this comes after 7.1.5 which made all ranged classes immobile as fuck so you lose a shitton of damage if moving

>Ranged dps isn't strong, easy to play as, with few raid mechanics to deal with for once
>ranged screamers start autistically screeching

But melee dps is easier than ranged, retarded strong and has no mechanics to deal with.

Also I raid with both a melee and a ranged spec do don't try to paint this as a us vs them thing.
>melee dps is easier than ranged, retarded strong and has no mechanics to deal with.

Stopped reading there since you're clearly retarded
He's not wrong.

Theres even an entire M+ affix designed to fuck casters alone
>>>no mechanics to deal with.
>skorpyron - melee has to STOP ATTACKING for mechanic
>Anomaly - melee has to run across the arena to reach the mob, ranged just presses tab
>Trilliax - see above but with cake
>Spellblade - melee has to STOP ATTACKING if they get hit with marks
>Krosus - melee has to STOP ATTACKING to deal with pitch
>Tich - melee has to STOP ATTACKING to stand behind pillars
>Elisande - pretty ez desu
>Gul'dan - lmao storm of the destroyer and eye of gul'dan

fuck you
which tank is the best atm?
stopped reading there
ranged has to stop casting for mechanics much more often than melees
it spawns further than a ranged's range and you know it. Melees also get much faster to it
Ranged has to be moving cons fucking tantly is this a joke, also cakes are primarily a ranged thing obviously
Melees ignore the entire fucking frost mark and you still complain, also another fuck load of movement
Moving side to side constantly, filling fires and orbs are significantly more movement than just moving away when the bridge breaks
Probably the only decent boss for ranged
I shouldn't even have to explain this one
Oh wow you have to move once to the pillars we just have to fucking move constantly and set up in a particular way to not wipe the raid plus deal with a ranged only debuff and kill adds while you happily whack on the boss
Even you agreed on eli
And guldan is a cunt to everybody

So suck my dick just like how EN was a bitch for melee this one is a bitch for ranged
>Bitch for melee
Shut up retard, he's obviously baiting. Melee haven't had more responsibility than ranged for 6 years
EN was only okay for Mages because we had Ice Floes.

If EN was released next week it would fucking suck
le ebin drunk brawler
>melee retards think their role is hard to play


literally stand behind the boss

Now that you say It you're right, I remember EN fondly because surrender to memes though but it also gave me mobile casting

>tfw no more 2mill dps spikes
>Playing healer and raid leading
>A melee dares complain about survival to retarded balls
>Inform them to remove their face from the boss' ass hole to watch for orbs
>Dies 3 more pulls
>wtf I got no heals why'd you remove me
>Link orb damage and block
I hate melee players and I wish they'd all die
>all melee players die
>every encounter must now be kited by ranged tanks
yeah no
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not me but I agree you fagplanet
if it's so easy why don't ranged players stand with melee

check mate athiest
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>melee dps

>ranged dps


why do you think all raids have a limit on how many melee they can take?

too many autists and you'll never kill the boss
I miss S2M so fucking much
>t. shitter

lotv is more fun to play
>beating assassination rogues of the same ilvl in pure singletarget fights as shadow

I quit retail shortly before 7.1.5 and was a Fire Mage / Spriest.

Am I right in thinking they just fucked it up rather than "fixing" it? Seems to me that they just made the whole spec have a boring rotation rather than a burn/conserve (because voidform is less important) and removed the only mechanic I've had fun with in months
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which is better?
It's still a burn and conserve. To be fair S2M would forever be problematic.

They did overnerf it though. I guess they just didn't want it played.
>play fotm
>why is my fotm spec beeing nerfed :^^((((
Voidform isn't less important it's just more steady. Good voidform usage still makes or breaks a shadow priest.
Nothing to do with FoTM.

They fucked up both classes, and Fire was already performing extremely middle of the road before they fucked it to death.
>mfw riding next to someone with the $25 cuck mount
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I sacrificed everything what have you given?
Have they brought back something resembling a talent tree yet? I was beyond salty when they removed the talent trees in favor of that ability picker system.
MoP's tree was fine but needed a few tweaks. It's worse than ever now though
>people who dont wear tabards

These drogbar are tapping into abilities they should not possess.
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>It's worse than ever now though
Why did they have to remove the talent point system in the first place REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Have they brought back something resembling a talent tree yet? I was beyond salty when they removed the talent trees in favor of that ability picker system.

Like it fucking matters when there were objectively superior copy-and-paste set ups
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Because it was stupid and unecessary.
le cookie cutter builds xD

2 many ppl were going to the google machine and "what best spec for my class"

haha blizzard say "no we want DIFFENTIALITY"

but still talent is cookie cutter
>but still talent is cookie cutter

Not really, there are different talent choices based on encounter type / preference.
>Barrels o' fun WQ
>cant do it for the life of me
>have to get mom to help me

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>implying it wasn't fun to fuck around with sub-optimal builds and play amateur theorycrafter
My REEEE still stands

Is it just me or does Blizzard always fuck up when they try to fix a perceived issue within the community.
>Nothing to do with FoTM.
>shadow healslut
oh im laffing
also firemage still viable,you're just bad
No, it wasn't.

Not that you can't do that now, fuckboy.
What if I have a vagina but play a tank
please be in london
>No, it wasn't.
pic related
>Not that you can't do that now, fuckboy.
Yes, because picking a few abilities from a tree exclusive to your spec is the same as going balls deep into two different talent trees for science
>weak auras in the middle of my screen keep overlapping with the world map

anyone know how to fix this? just started recently and its pissing me off
>No NA guild 8/10 yet
>EU already 9/10

Sorry pham I'm in NA
Play nice. NAtards are trying
>NAtards are trying
They still get btfo in every video game by europeans since the dawn of the internet.
We're too busy Making America Great Again and protesting to clear the content
Nah, most of your players are libtard cucks and the world first guilds are currently on 8+ hour a day schedules
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>libtard cucks
yeah, that's why I mentioned the protesting

>8+ hour a day schedules
>tfw I will never be that dedicated to any game
>NA cant even kill

Le Star man of free loot

>be tank
>rogue tries to gank me

really makes you think
someone pls explain how gear works in pvp now. i swear in s1 legendaries worked and now they dont? does s1 pvp gear currently work in s2? is there different rules for unranked bgs/arenas? this shit makes no sense
afaik leggos don't work because everyone has stats based on their ilvl, so gear is made totally irrelevant to the equation. Its an attempt to make PvP more "fair".
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Hillary lost, get over it
That image makes me mad because there'll be people who see it and think 'Yeah, good point xD'
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>tfw I can't even be mad at it since it rips on both the shitlibs and the right
This isn't /pol/, so lets not bring in shitty facebook memes.
The point is doubly stupid because Kanye west is objectively a good musician
sure is warcraft in here
Should I level a huntard? MM attracts me for some reason.
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>blaming gun owners for murders
>implying they aren't blamed for suicide statistics
when they releasing the tmorph version without a logger?
is 865 ilvl enough to tank mythic +5? or should i find carries?
You travel to Irvine and suck Ion's juicy cock while looking in his beautiful eyes.
meme answer: lmao why the fuck are you still 865 at this point of the game
real answer: 865 is more than enough to tank a +5
Human > Draenei > night elf > blood elf

Human > blood elf > Draenei > night elf

Human > Draenei > blood elf > night elf

Night elf > human > Draenei > blood elf

Human > blood elf > Draenei > night elf

Landslide win for femhumans tbqh
>Human ass over Draenei

Unironically stopped reading there to reply.
Like any of that matters when female humans have the best weapons
What should i name my priest guise,be creative.
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>open warden chest I forgot about
>legendary helm

The gods of RNG are smiling at me.
>linking the item in /g when its already in guild chat

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i remember you

fuck, you took long to level
Work is a bitch.
I main melee and there is literally nothing to do most fight. Dunno what you're on about. Ranged get cucked and have to do all the hard shit while i just go ham and occasionally switch to some adds or interrupt something. Living the easy life.
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>blood elf below human
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>big, fat dwarven tits not even on the list

kill yourself my man
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>hot in any way

kek lmao fampai
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>best ass
>not panda
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>unironically being a furry
How long have you been a furfag anon?
>3 lfr bosses and a reroll
>not a single drop
>only 2 gear world quest spawned and 1 is 820 when my ilvl is 840

this expansion makes it easy as fuck to gear alts and somehow the rng is still ready to mess you up at any given moment. i love it.
>not wanting to suck the farts out of a fempander butthole
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that might be the most disgusting thing I've seen all week, and I just got done watching a lot of weird ass shit on youtube that likely came out of the fevered dreams of schizophrenics.
>BE below human in anything

also dem ears man

The only people who like dwarves are closet homosexuals who like jerking off to pictures of ted cruz
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that was very specific anon,do you have something to tell us?
I think he was pretty clear in his message.
Seriously, who the fuck even plays dwarves in 2017 outside of faggots
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how do i make my female dwarf look badass
you can make a fem dwarf look like ted cruz

you can't they're the worst race
>doesnt know that month gap was artificially from the fuckhueg task of getting 40 fucking warm bodies to get the attune

racechange orc
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ecs dee
>playing retail in current year
haha looks like a penis
>not alternating between retail and elysium
LMAOing at ur life
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I can't believe I subbed again to this shit game
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>still doing heroics in 2017
I really wish a smug elf would laugh at my dick
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wowgs teir list of classes for the budding arenagoer. if your not on here your not good, sorry.
my mom only plays on weekends
memon hunter I guess
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>true final boss
Because you are mine

Now plucker up and give me a kiss
is heroic guldan easier with 10 people
he only has 1 billion hp on 10 man lol
Four hours is nothing, newfags just can't adjust from playing their cancerous mobas to a game that takes time unless you're good.
but overgeared shadow priest in shitter pubs is hilarious
I have a priest, mage, monk, warrior, shaman and rogue

Most geared are rogue and priest
Which one is the best for some casual minigaming on the side?
>want to play dps
>melee dps in raids and most dungeons is fucking cancerous

Why does melee dps always get shafted so hard, half the bosses at engame are 20 meter tall hulks that take up your whole screen.
I want to finish leveling my mage but it's so cancerous to level up, I can barely solo any elite mobs thanks to almost no self-healing and I do the same damage as everyone else WITH reliable self healing because muh class balance.
low quality shitpost,good luck next time though!
>meleebab complaining when every melee class is easier to play than AND outparses every ranged class
>hybrid classes were sick of doing less dps in exchange for more healing
>blizzard gives them more DPS and leaves the healing
>now they are just better than pure dps classes

hahahaha epic
>leaves the healing
if only, druids are blizzards little pet class
because they look like that
Why did everyone in Big Guys quit?
I have committed no crime Tirathon, whereas you and your associates will answer for yours.
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>join a guild
>a few days go by
>GM logs in
>promotes everyone except me
Reddit+ was a mistake
Why the fuck are Marksman Hunters so complicated
>Have to juggle Hunters Mark/Vulnerable
>Have to switch level 100 talents every pull which change how you play the game
>Debuffs that morph into debuffs
>Patient Sniper requires you to have perfect timing and to be able to time out aimed shots in your head
>Doess bottom tier dps
We wiped on normal tichondrius due to enrage and he had 100m life left

How bad is it?
Bad, especially since Star Auguer is an even tighter DPS check
We actually dropped star augur
dont you need like 400k dps only to make the check
it also plays like aids
If that's the case, why did have they not stopped shitting all over the flavor of Balance since Cata?
Anyone else a no-friend pugger too?
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>first lego prydaz
>second lego sephuz

Should I delete and make new char?
no point in deleting your toon but yeah I'd reroll/quit
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>guy says he need to go to pick up his daughter
>his character is a female blood elf in a slutmog
100% of slugmogged elf characters are men
can confirm, play slutmogged elf and i have a penis
I actually love the way it plays. Shit feels fluid as fuck.

>Spam Arcane Arrow till I have >113 Focus (Almost never happens)
>If I get Marking Targets use it one more time to get a Hunters Mark
>Then use Marking Shot to apply Vulnerable
>Have a Weak Aura that shows me the best spots to use aimed shot to get the highest buff from Patient Sniper
>If I don't have enough Focus for Aimed Shot just use Marking Shots for the high damage (Holding a Marking Shot for when I almost have enough focus)
>Windburst and "A Feast for Crows" on CD
I love the spec as it is now

Unless I take Sidewinders, then it is catastrophically awful and I literally refuse to use that skill
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Fuck you
>female blood elf
his wife's daughter*
any reason why token prices are exploding right now on EU
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>29/30 essences
>pug EN
>fully clear it within half an hour
>no loot, no essences
people realized the game is still shit and the patch didn't do anything
thats why they are resubing and token prices are going up?
I just came back after 6 years.

The game is so pretty now.
fury warrior any monk spec not brewmaster ass rogue and ele shaman

those are your choices
price is going up because people dont spend their g on the content (crafting, consumables, other bs)
Is there a reason why I shouldnt do alch on every spec?
Can you still get multiple different pets on hunters?
I really like how hunter plays nowadays (even though it might be crap) but being restricted to one kind of pet (BM notwithstanding) would suck balls.
You have 5 slots for pets you can summon at will if that's what you're asking. Lots of space in the stable now too.
One day I'll teach my pet to eat all blood elves it can see.
>forgetting balance druid
there's a reason every decent rbg team has at least two.
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>i hate blood elves
does blood dk really suck? I remember 1v2ing people in arena back on Mop and Cata and stop playing when they removed runic strike from the rotation.
The marked shot spec is pretty fun
that's not how greentexting works faggot, you're supposed to say what the guy in the image would say if they were reddit
in this case "i love blood elves"
775? Even if you mean 885, ur fucked bud. When I run pug NH's there are literally hundreds of 900+ signing up.
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>i hate blood elves
>Blood artifact ranks increase stamina and damage dealt
>Frost just increases stamina

What the fuck? I thought Frost was supposed to be the DPS spec now.
Even blizzard knows that frost was the superior tank.
thats not even true you retarded faggot
>being retarded
every dps spec gets increased stamina per artifact trait
tank and heal specs get the stamina increase plus damage so they don't fall behind completely in damage in their roles
>Chain Lightning Overload hit You 56222 Nature. (469049 Absorbed) (Critical)
>Chain Lightning Overload hit You 191008 Nature. (47752 Absorbed)
>Greater Lightning Elemental Chain Lightning hit You 33391 Nature. (8347 Absorbed) (Critical)
>Chain Lightning hit You 780976 Nature. (78842 Overkill) (Critical)

Are you enjoying world pvp in legion bros?
only autists hate wow races anyways
im being completely serious btw
t. fembelf with slutmog
actually im a dorf warrior

>male playing female

degenerates, I agree.

There's nothing degenerate about playing a female character you fuck, it's just a different option people like to choose in a game. Unless you slutmog and jerk off to your character while playing the game. That's degenerate.
>tfw slutmogged female and girl
Feels good knowing people think I'm a dude
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