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/wtg/ - War Thunder General

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Thread replies: 736
Thread images: 151

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Cute Planes Edition

>Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
http://live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>place to actually discuss the game

>teamspeak you can use

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

>Sound Mods:
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I got no luck on /gsg/ so pls lads
dumb animeposter
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>Do 335 B-2
>Mixed battle
>Attacking side

Why the fuck don't germans face pillboxes more often?
I'm fucking rolling in RP gain
>posting in warblunder general
>calling anyone else dumb
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>tfw battle won in 1:37
Why do Germans get the best tanks in every tier what happened to Russian bias?
This is why, grind can't be too easy toravich
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why yes i am indeed someone who is a foreigner to japan.
obligatory bote cbt when
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Firefly (17lbr camouflaged) premium when?
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>warblunder poster
>calling anyone else dumb
>armed conflict lightning
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post gains
Was this supposed to be impressive?
>Hear they changed the Ki-45 Otsu
>Look at the gun changes
>Removed 20mm
>changed 37mm
>compared to the semi-auto on the later model with 740m/s
What the fuck
It's shit now
Gaijin detected people having too much fun
But they nerfed the wrong funboat
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Hampdens are a lot of fun
4k lb bombload is amazing at this br
>somehow just won a 1v1 with a spitfire mk iib with greater energy and at low alt in a mig-3-34 flying brick
i thought the spitfire pilots are braidead meme wasn't real but holy fuck it is

he even gave me the "i'm not a fighter person/i haven't played in months" excuse
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This bombload is pretty cute
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>mfw using Boris' sound mod for the first time
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whoon macx no go ointo the showe4 screamed ruby she screamdeed at max to not let you into the shower madx showered no let maxc into the shower no do lont not let the mac who wnat what maxc into showerr penis vagina max no that not max vagina max in t he penis nwn wowow
ded thread
ded general
ded game
>brake with M18
>barrel flies up into the air
>takes 10 seconds to get on target

this was supposed to be a good tank?
>game crashes my computer
>restart computer
>brings me back to main menu

Is there a way to re join a battle? At least WoT reconnects you to your game when it shits the bed.
There is but it never fucking works. The game rather gives you a crewlock than lets you rejoin.
>waaaaaaaah it goes really fast but doesn't instantly lock onto targets
Try paying attention to terrain and keeping your gun level as you drive, dumkopf. It doesn't have a gyro so you have to use your brain instead.
>worse suspension than T-34 and Pz IV
>even slightly tapping accelerate from a standstill violently pitches barrel
Look yeah, the gun takes some doing to bring on target. But that doesn't change the fact that the M18 is fucking great in the game's meta. It's fast and has a good gun. Those two elements alone put it above its competition.
>racing to chokepoints because all the actual flank routes have "return to battlefield" death timer

nah, you need snapshot capability on on these tiny ass RB maps
Well it wasn't desu.
Which one should I talisman:
>262 A-2
>Type 61
or wait for the inevitable jap tier IV premium tank?
Russian bias literally never existed in the first place
It was all wehraboo deflection from the start
I just had a crazy match in my P-36. The hit detection was spot fucking on. Even the 7.7mm was ripping wings and starting fires. All it took was a few bursts to explode a plane. I haven't had a match with this kind of hit detection in over a year.
Accidentally went on weebs profiel, all it's followers are also weebs.

Should've use more nukes
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For your autism.
>american planes
>tactics in theory

climb above the enemy and dive on them

>in practice

wait for you team to bait everyone low, then dive on them
That's literally every team that isn't only Spitfires.
What is that suppose to mean
>"this minor multiplier that in most cases simply strengthens confirmation bias is clearly equivalent to having the best tanks at every tier handed to me on a silver platter"

Obligatory cock and ball torture what now? I think /d/ is that way ->
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Do 17z is missing 360 2kg bombs
Lots of planes are missing bomblets
If we ever get the Re2000 I hope we get the like 2kgx500 bombload
back in the old il2 1946 days, there were some server hosts that were dumb enough to activate infinite ammo and free choice of planes

so naturally I picked up the parafrag and dropped them from 30000 feet until the server crashes
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gaijin pls
unkel_bubi's strong thighs!
slutty brown little girls are the best

just sayin'
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isn't that a jewtuber?

Yes it is.
Good job removing the cancer.
no idea, I don't know every one of them
Lmao that's the unironical teeb
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Where do I unsubscribe?
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Germ kv2 Y/N?
top right corner, X button
I currently have a 25/2 K/D with it, slav guns can't handle it
Hello, I've been lately playing a lot of IL2 1946 Japanese east asian campaigns.
Now, I remember this one time someone posting a picture of the japanese air force hierarchy, like it had a detailed explanation of the Shotais, Chutais and whatever the fuck and how many planes they consisted of and so on.
Anyone have any idea what I am rambling about?
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Why did I spend time researching Krauts and not Slavs? Never had this much fun and so many kills per match, and I'm only at tier 3
You might have had an ounce of dignity back then.
What are you implying?
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You'll figure it out when you get to Tier3+
If you mean the "T34-85 OP" stuff, then I'm looking forward to it
Dumb question: When you've spaded something and it says "somenumber RP added towards {vehicle you're researching}" is that vehicle research points?
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Ebin Thunder or Boris Sound Mod?
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>in Crusader II
>shoot Japanese TD in middle of mass
>kill gunner
>aim at ammo rack, using x-ray feedback
>hit it twice
>nothing happens
I beginning to see issue here
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Is there anything the M36 does better than the T25?
Clearly because the jap TD is OP and because you being shit is inconceivable.
>Shoot T-44 in the turret
>His ammo turns black
>he flanks me
Probably reload faster by half a second
If not that, then nothing
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If you mange to do that against someone who clearly doesn't even know the ammo rack system, there's something wrong
Is this a product of ping?
I've never had an experience where someones nose was clearly not on me like this from my view and I still got shot, though I don't know how server replays work with showing ping.

This is server replay, same thing on client side too.
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>tfw subhuman slavs can't fight their own monster
That's RB gladiators, retard.
>muh RB
even worse, desu
Server replays are a bit out of sync so shots that look like they are missing the target are actually hitting.
Well that's disappointing. Guess I just got outplayed.
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>"The M61 APCBC round has no HE filler"
>British tank
Ad I assume the T45 shell is non-HE aswell?
Should I go with krauts or commies if I want to play with tankdestroyers?
Doing the Lords work there anon.

Depends on tier, I'm currently at tier 3 on both Krauts and Slavs

I'd say Krauts if you want variety, but the SU-122 and especially SU-85 are fun to play. Don't know about the ZiS-30 or SU-76M as I skipped them, and I'm almost at the SU-152 which plays amazingly in test drive

But my most played TD is the Hetzer, absolutely love that one because of the front armor and the inexperience of other players who don't know where to shoot it
I can also add that the Hetzer's transmission soaks up all 76mm and below guns, which is both good and bad
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Arcade gains under BR 6.7 aren't impressive senpai, sorry.
>spitfire doesn't manage to take down my bf110
>rams instead
>his plane is perfectly intact and flies away
really makes u think....
Spitfires are made of churchillium which is almost as hard as stalinium ))
it has HE filler. Unlike other Brit tanks using 75 mm, where HE filler is removed from M61, this one has American ammo.
>American 57 mm APCBC has HE filler
>it's only avaliable on Soviet TD
>and does more damage than M61 APCBC, which has 50% more filler
seriously, this game...
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It's APCR so no HE... also you can check all the modifications out for every tank by yourself.
so where I'm supposed to aim? Had exactly same thing happen with Panzer III, thugh 3rd hit on ammo rack finally set it off
>and does more damage than M61 APCBC, which has 50% more filler
I have SU-57, and near every hit in middle of hull ends with a kill
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I had better gains at tier 2
Nice, although it states the armor is pretty bad.. Was thinking of putting it up with the Churchill, Achilles etc and research the Comet

>also you can check all the modifications out for every tank by yourself
I know, just didn't have the game open at the moment
What's the single best tank in the sim event?
Maybe because it's a BR 2.3 vehicle with alot of filler for it's tier? M61 shot comes into play on BR 3.3.

The amount of damage is directly proportional to the TNT equivalent so it's still BS or would I say "confirmational bias" in your case.
Battle Rank has influence on damage of post-pen explosion? Sounds like bullshit, but also like something Gaijin would do
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>I had better gains at tier 2 (with premium account in an arcade battle)
No. Lower BR tanks are generally more smaller and cramped hence you get more one shot kills with APHE.
it's clearly without premium account
Can someone explain why the Pz.Bfw. IV isn't at 4.7 like the Pz IV H(or vice versa)? They're IDENTICAL
>try flying any non-british/american plane at low tier
>regularly face fucking three/four man squads of shitfires that outclass you in every way
Why the fuck is this shit allowed?
It has the shitty turret traverse of the J.
Oh, that makes sense. Didn't spot that
check turret rotation speed. It's Pz IV J with side skirts
I got a 50% discount for T-44-122

Is this good? Is this thing worth 17 euros?
Yeah I noticed, really wish there was an option to compare one or more tanks...
It's ok.
If you want the medium with the best mobility and biggest gun, then yes
Hello guys! Tell me, did the premium got nerfed?

I only see now +50% SL and 100% RP.
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What was it at before?
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Hahah, amazing. They did nerf it.

IT was 200% RP.
I thought something was off with the site.. Did they mention this anywhere? Would love to see the reason.
RP rewards have been nerfed overall, premium accounts have not
that says "200%RP", which is the same as "100% + 100%", as it says now.
Because they want money?

It's been like... 2 year now, that Gaijin doesn't make any sense for me. They try to monetize Decals/Skins which doesn't give them much (Anton told himself that people aren't very fond of buying cosmetics).

And now they nerf the Premium.

They lowered the RP for planes, I know now why.
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SAMs when
AAMs when


This is getting to 1984 tier of sneaky changes
You guys are fucking illiterate.
So you're saying pic related describes 200% "better"?
It's adding an additional 100% hence the plus. It's just saying what the other does in a different way you gimp. I thought you were right until I actually looked at it for more than a second.
Eh. Thanks for telling me this!

I did read it before, but totally forgot about the Premium. I didn't check the Premium tab since November.

But how is it the same, sorry for being a total retard, since they put it now at 100%?
this movie is silly as fuck, but I love it
they made bonuses add instead of multiply.
Previously: game mode x premium account x talisman x boosters
Now: game mode x (premium account + talisman + boosters)
"+100%" is less ambiguous than "200%" which could be incorrectly interpreted as "+200%"

It was always + so they changed description to better explain it.
So if I get it right, nothing has changed?
I see thanks.
>War Thunder in a year or two
>implying that doesn't happen fucking now with mouse ATGMs
>See Tiger II
>Prepare to shoot
>Get into optics
>Where the fuck did he go
>Nuked the instant after by an invisible Tiger II

>get ten kills and six assists in a tank
>2060rp towards modules
>get a single ground kill and two critical hits in a plane
>2200rp towards modules
planes are hard work )))
>you have to grind for repairs and fire extinguishers
Who had that dumb idea?
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Now when the KV-1S has gotten another reverse gear, is there something special you need to do in order to activate it? 45% of the time I reverse it's stuck at R1.. Doesn't matter if it's on a flat surface or a really steep hill, it just puts in whatever reverse gear it feels like
did you try Q/E to shift gear by gear?
Haven't tried that, just using the S key to reverse. Is it a bug?
I haven't played since the american tanks were introduced

what's some overpowered ~BR 5 cancer in planes/tanks nowadays?
anything german
Slav 152mm guns, can take out Maus tanks without a problem
>slavs get post-war anything
>wonder why something like Ferdinand gets BR reduction
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Is there any reason to play beyond the Chi-to?
custom gaem when
hacked private servers when?
Why can't I skip grinding through all the Panthers? Having to research 2 of them is annoying enough
>Waaa the best medium tanks in the game are bad because I have to grind a few of them.
>a few of them
4 Panther 1 with a shitload of RP combined, maybe the D and A model were fun, but after that it just gets repetitive
i think the real one is just called squire iirc
Just Panther A and II and good the rest is shit.
Exactly, why can't the G and F be grouped in with the A as ones you don't have to research before the Panther 2?
>timeout in middle of game
>crewlock ))))))
where is this supposed feature of rejoining the game?
Its happening with all tanks idiot, i've been killed by at least 4 invisible Comets.
they removed it.
Walker bulldog if you're into that
Chi-Ri II's autoloader is something worth trying out
that recoilless rifle has fuckall velocity but the HEAT/HESH is deadly as fuck
The only thing that seems mildly interesting are the top tiers with the low rider suspensions, but the amount of shit tanks to grind through is disheartening.
The stock Bulldog grind is a nightmare, the gun is almost uselsess without APDS it feels like.
I've already got the bulldog om the american tree dont care for it.
T32 at 7.0 when?
just play arcade ))
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What the actual fuck did they do to the 190 F-8s elevator?
It pulls less than the D-9s right after the nerf.
Tried doing a split-S at 1.5 km with about 450 km/h and almost pancaked.
>'46 sim
>full team of T54s but a Obj.
>enemy has 4xMaus, 1xE100 and atleast three Mk10 cents

I can surely feel the slav bias..
A and G used to be grouped together
>research new tank
>get hit
>lmao cannon breech gone dude
>have to j out because no parts
dude cap point for repair
fun experience tovaris
wait seriously? i've stayed at the cap before and it did nothing.
If you own the point you can repair on it since like a year ago.
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>ground forces CBT
>problem arises
>tank guns will show rotation but the turret itself won't
>promptly fixed in a mini patch
>fast forward 2 years
>problem comes back again
Why are Gayjew so fucking incompetent and why do shills continue to defend them?
>KV-1B 756(r)
>Constantly get penned in the front
>In the turret
>In the lower glacis
>In the upper glacis
What the fuck is the point of this fucking tank
Why not just make a fucking premium Tiger I
wargaming shills detect.
>waahh why do i show myself to people so they can shoot
>To not get hit you just have to be not seen
A+ advice you should start a youtube channel
For real?
Thanks for the reccomendation lads, this thing is fucking great
>detect a major bug
>gotta be a shill

Heres another
>with 4 games in a row
>start to experience major packet loss on my regional server
>never have trouble in any other games
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Did it work out well?
reminder that the best time to win on allied teams is during the morning
*win 4 games in a row

Bulldog if you want to play it with German teams, stock grind is hell. AP/APCR do nothing other than alert people that you're pissing in their direction.

Chi-Ri II is fun when it works/doesn't bug out, but it's really not worth it over the Che-To.

Type 60 SS is hilarious fun. It's like a double gunned, slower Scorpion with HESH and no ammo.

ST-B and Type 74 for heavier-armored Leopards with suspensions tricks. ST-A and Type 61 exist purely to be a fucking near 1-Mil RP wall to get to these. And "you need 6 vehicles ))))))))))))))))))))" so you gotta grab the M42 as well.
blowing the heads off of king tigers is my fetish
>Finally figure out I can do 1920x1080 on my TV after maybe four years of using it
>Do so
>Start up WT
>Text is so fucked up along with being tiny that I literally can't read it
What did they mean by this
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A spawncamping little shit in a Paper II ruined my fun
>just flank ))))))))))
Everything looks so fucking weird at this high of a resolution
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>actually bought premium tanks and account to grind the worst tech tree in-game
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It took you 4 years to realize your TV had a higher resolution than 800x640?
what size is your TV? im playing on a 32" at 1080 and it's very readable.
there are people who have jobs and actually don't mind throwing some small change at game they like
Sure, but why americans of all nations? Even British is more worth it
because he fell for the "murica won the war" meme
Which new player doesn't?
i definitely didn't
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Tried both, liked Boris more. It seems to me to be a bit clearer while ebin is like a Michael Bay movie of the sound mods. Everything is to the max.
Literally all I want to do is farm ground targets.
Why isn't there a mode where I can do this without some shit ruining my fun?
>but tovarish fun is not allower
Slav 3.7-4.3 + AB = What you're asking


Christ, those days will never come back.
>try br 6.3 for the first time
>within 10 games im already at 83 silver lions
why didn't anyone tell me that T-44-100s were as much cancer as T-34-85s?
Yeah furballs are fun and totally wont end up in me being shot down.
>Lose connection
>Entire fucking crew is locked

hahahahahahaahahahahaha fun game experience )))))))))))))))))))))))))))
yep, but they probably released they dont want you to get to panther 2 and leopard that fast.
It was one patch time only
>what are uptiers
is it autism?
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They aren't, you're just bad
my nigga i saw same pic on google a minute ago. It was patch or two ago, and where the fuck you see leopard on that pic ?
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newfag fucking kys
Nuking NYC mission WHEN
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Worth it?
There's no Range to NYC take a look into moderated suggestions forum i've dropped lots of Goverment info about him.
sim with a PBJ-1J
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I have a job first of all, and second, the American tree has the best light tanks, the best tank destroyer, the best premium tank, and finally the best CAS options in the game. The worst tech tree in the game is clearly the British tree, what with the shitty solid shot and lack of HE filler
spaghetti bombers were fucking great back then
never forget ;-;
aka dead general
me personally, I guess I just like all that overwhelming American pragmatism in WW2. I know they suck in War Thunder, but I still want to play them.
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Yup yup yup. Fucking engine injectors unspaded a few of them.
are you looking for fun or for profit?
If for fun, IL-2, Duck or B-25/PBJ
If for profit, then get deck full of Do 217 or American strike fighters and bomb hard targets in Arcade.
it better have destructible buildings so you can crash your bomber into the WTC
Lol they are
I want to get the achievement for Air To Ground.
Which means I need the Thunderer award.
What's the best thing for that?
a-20/b-25/pbj-1j and farm pillboxes
>I need the Thunderer award.
With arcade it's pretty simple. If Germany: He-111, 2 x Ju 88, Bf 110. If USA: A-20, A-36, 2 x P-47, Hellcat or Corsair.
500kg/1000 lbs or 2 x 250kg/500lbs aimed at pillbox, will surely knock out all guns around it, that's 4 targets for single bomb.
Also target is a target. Tank or pillbox is just as valid as howitzer / AAA. So if you see swarm of soft targets go for them first.
Stats are fucking horseshit, game is dead and I'm glad.

15 minutes to find a jet RB game.

20 minutes to find a tier 1 tank game with nips.

Apparently there's 100k people playing right now, 2000 matches. Fuck off.
Thanks. <3
>20 minutes to find a tier 1 tank game with nips.
there's simply too many people who switched to nip tanks. Traditionally, Gaijin made them OP as hell on release, so they club harder than RU/GE combo used to.
>stock tonk
>zone in
>take cannon barrel damage

you can always try your luck and shoot)))

Usually works for high caliber HE shells
You guys think brits are ever gonna get APHE, or a solid shot buff?

This shit is infuriating
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>nip tanks
>OP as hell
>Panthers and Tigers everywhere
Gott fucking verdammt
>he actually believes nips are op
tier 1 nips will literally die from 5 50 cal shots lmao

iirc tier 1 brits wasn't any different

>tfw ptsd from when that twin .50 cal spaag was bv 1.0 and could literally farm the entire enemy team on its own
The nips don't even need an SPAA to kill them, the coaxial on some tanks is more than enough.
does the free eagles app work? i've been installing apps but i'm not getting any eagles
>i've been installing apps but i'm not getting any eagles
I really hope it's not on your personal phone and Google account

Who has a .50 cal coaxial at bv 1.0?


I stopped using it when they stopped having videos but it did work back then
Daily reminder that gaijin fucked up modelling japanese steel and everything after the chi-ha is supposed to be immune to .50s
That's about the first tier and half of the next one. Just about every nation is vulnerable at that point from fiddies.

nah i'm using bluestacks and a bogus google email
Are late tier nips any good or are they just burger 2 ))))) boogaloo?
>modelling japanese steel
It's not modeling. All armor is defined in code, they can just change it, not fucking re-model it
Didn't mean to reply to >>166305230
But in response to that I don't think the Brits ever had much in the way of APHE.
>or a solid shot buff?
Maybe if small family company can ever be assed to rework spalling properly.

You have to earn 32 or something eagles before it credits them to your account. Each batch of 32 is credited separately
Nips from rank 3 onward are good, If their armor is lacking their guns make up for it, and tier V has decent armor and the same gun as the Leopard.
The M4A3 is the most fun I've had with a Sherman, because you aren't matched against German memeboxes, and the gun is sufficient for Russian bounce castles at it's tier.

The Chi-to is pretty good. The gun's pen starts to suffer at long range, and you only get APHE and HE. Turret traverse is shit. Mobility is okay. Armour does a surprisingly good job of memeing rounds. No fucking coax on it.

The Chi-ri II is mediocre. It's a bigger version of the Chi-to. The armour is slightly better in the front, but mobility is much worse. The gun is the exact same, but it comes with a 3 round autoloader. It's handy being able to pump 3 rounds real quick, but sucks when you need to duck into cover for a 30 second mag reload. There's a 37mm mounted with the bow MG. It's useless most of the time, although I have killed Comets, Hellcats and Crusader AAs while I was stuck reloading my main gun. Still has no coax.

I'm unlocking the ST-A next. I think it's going to be a POS. The body is bulky, the turrret is fucking tiny (meaning one shell will kill 3 crew each pen). It uses an M3A1 90mm which sucks because the USA 90mm is garbage in WT for some reason.

i know, i'm installing crap but i'm not getting any eagles towards the 32 (wasn't it 34?) needed for the payout
I was quite literally farming tanks with reserve M2A2, and that thing had ONE fiddy.
That was before M2 AP nerf, of course, no tank was safe even frontally, though with Pz IV and Pz II flanking was adviced to not leave your fate to RNG
guns do heck of a damage, it's like coming across nation of Pz IVs, especially after they fixed fuzes so HE filler doesn't detonate before penetrating
YOu usually have to play it and reach some milestone, as in the ones for around 200GE you needed to play crap like clash of clans and mobile strike for few hours and unlock some stuff ingame which is not worth it imo
>guns do heck of a damage
Whoopdie-doo, they have a single fucking strength. Meanwhile said guns take a full year to bring onto target with their manually-cranked turrets.
and said damage is only there when they do pen, jap 37s have a hard time against fucking light tanks
Why are Type 62s fucking 6.7?

It has a good gun, but it does everything worse than any light tank/turret TD at its BR while having 0 armor.
And they have the velocity of a brummbar.
Because that was the deal for cHEAT-FS.
British tree gets fantastic once you hit the Centurions though. You're rewarded with god tier tanks once you finish having your head held underwater
6.3 would be much more logical
Yeah, they get good after grinding to Tier 5, while getting your balls kicked in during most of process. And step little further, and you enter IT-1 domain and start getting raped again.

But hey, they get like 2 good tanks.
>more cHEAT-FS tanks at tier 4
No thank you
Type 61-ST-A2-Type 60-M42-R2Y2V2

I'm going with this lineup. I have my doubts about the Type 60, mainly because of the shit velocity and no fucking ammo.
should I talisman the panther II? the only downside of it that i can think of is that i'll stop using it once i get the leo
Talisman 2 H
That or the 10.5 Tiger.
>get shot
>tell a tiger II that there's an enemy tank behind me
>completely ingores me
>says we're useless when said tank kills him
this fucking infuriates me.
Took me four years to realize my GPU setting was causing the desktop to go an inch off screen when I set it to higher than 1360x768. Set it to full-panel and it works now. Never really had to fuck with that kind of thing, so I never knew.
27" and I think I'm just used to it being bigger idk, kinda looks like it's too sharp but I'm getting used to it.
Haven't played in 2 months. Is the game dead yet? Is tier 5 tanks still a mess? Are boats still a meme?
Alright guys, just unlocked the Hunter after 40-50 games on the Wyvern. Redpill me on it. What should I expect?
>Is the game dead yet?
Nope, seems to grow every day

>Is tier 5 still a mess?
In RB: Yes
SB: ???
In AB: Welcome to the jungle motherfucker

>Are boats still a meme?
They haven't been released yet, so I guess

Do you guys know how many GEs do you need to talisman the Leo? i have 4.7k atm and i would like to get both the panther 2 and the leo
roughly ~2k each i tihnk
>/wtg/ is infested with tank shitters
no wonder it keeps getting worse
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Hey JG508
>farms ground targets
>talks shit about not needing skill
Everyone knows plane players are the real cancer of the community.
Playing tier 5 is taxing on SL, especially if you use HEAT-FS. I'd avoid grinding with tier 5 if only necessary.
>508 cucks are sperging gaijin shills

what a shocker
Slavaboo you gave me some keks with that brazilian dude but damn you proved you're just a massive shitter
Thinking about trying planes again, have a few questions:

Is the grind and painful as GF?

What nation do I go with?

What's the best plane type?
Where do I buy my cyanide when I realize it's a waste of time?
>War Thunder planes

Do you have a flight stick?
>JG BTFO by reddit

the grind is easy from tier 1 to 3, at tier 4 the upgrade cost becomes really painful especially for the higher BR end

nazis and slavs are good at most tiers, japs are easymode vs shitters

fighters are the best

play RB with mouse and keyboard
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the grind is much less painful, more kills definitely means more RP in planes, a 4 kill game is guaranteed to give you around 3-4k RP (if you win) and hell, you can probably get that much from shooting at soft targets.
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not gay enough
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Damn, thats sounds awesome! How come everyone keeps saying jets is such a long grind?
>beliving shills
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Fuck off WarGaming cunt
>rolling around at the speed of sound sending allies to hell with 75mm heat shells
I need this
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better luck next time
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GAY ;3
Lets assume you are decent at the game.

Planes have 4 stages.

Stage 1. Early t-1/2 Playing early planes pretty slow for the most part tons of turnfighting and it is pretty annoying getting kills with shitty guns vs paper planes.

Stage 2. t3. Probably the best in my opinion you get new planes at a rate that is just right, you feel like you are progressing.

Stage 3. t4. It takes ages to get new planes especially near the end. so fustrating especially when you need to unlock a few planes the upgrading becomes super boring as you see a few pixels light up after every match saying you are like 1% closer to unlocking the new plane.

Stage 4 T5. same as stage 3 but longer times and battles with jets and props for the most part.super super boring progression but gameplay is still good.

The grind s horrible.

Personally I did t4 russians t5 british and then just started t3 for germany and america.

All nations have ups and downs but I say go for Britain or Russia if you want to get a feel
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Alright, as long as it's better than GF, I'll take it
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Because there is a significant performance gap between spaded and unspaded aircraft.
With tanks the performance of the tank doesn't matter as much, only that you have repair, FPE and the best shells researched.

With planes if you don't have the upgraded engine, wings fuel, much more accurate guns etc. then you are at a much larger disadvantage to those that do than compared spaded/unspaded tanks.

This doesn't matter at low levels due to poor player skill, lower performance gap between spaded/unspaded aircraft and less research needed for modules
This changes when you get to jets, your jet will be stock, theirs will be spaded and as a result will be much faster, turn better, accelerate faster and climb faster. (something like 30%-40% of engine power is behind upgrade walls)
You will be at a total disadvantage and you will need to scrape assists and low-reward ground kills until you can even be slightly comparable to them. Jets also require a different play style, making the grind even harder. To top this off, jets are expensive to repair, so you will have to keep stopping to farm more shekels just to keep up the jet grind.

Also jets aren't even that fun, Tier 2/3 is where it's at.
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time next luck better
Alright, was thinking more of getting bombers/ground attackers so I can switch to RB altogether
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Are the Russian 12.7mm and 14.5mm MGs sufficient to rape airplanes?
did the devs give up on boats
>he's in JG508
I hope not. I actually payed for a boat pack
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If they are going straight at you, it's more than enough.
That's all I need
>realistic mode
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>Jap Chaffee
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>tfw my T29 always dies to turret ring shots, when I'm hull down.
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>Arcade battles
Hey it's another "I'm in my shitbox playing well and all, but someone jumps in a plane and bombs the shit out of me without a sweat" episode.

It's good to play tanks, even though Gaijin makes it about planes and not tanks.
))))eyes to the sky comrad ))))))))))
Like I can do anything with my coax other than marking enemies
Sure sucks down there.
I don't get why there isn't a mode completely without planes or with a AB style plane system in GF
>I don't get why Gaijin isn't splitting their already-shrinking playerbase into even more modes
can mk 103 default belts kill med tanks?
Pretty sure I've seen the "Active players" number raise every day..
What were they raising?
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>T29 soaks/bounces a 88 to the side
+10 GE
I need 5 more for that camo
Fuck all German tanks they all need to be reworked.
how so
Give them APCR as their stock shell and lock the APHE as their Tier 3 shell module
That's retarded
I'm calling Bullshit on 15 minutes for jets.
Welcome to Allied tanks bitch
>t. Brainwashed American who thought his tanks were the best
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>it's a two mixed jet games on Peleliu in a row episode
t. faggot who gets his best shells from stock while everyone else has to grind them
>German tanks not breaking down ever other mile.
Oh did I trigger you?

Man the fuck up, it's not even hard grinding shells fag.
Anything Panzer III, IV and 38(t) based was perfectly fine in that regard.
>Posted from my hard to use fantasy nazi shitbunker as I fire my railgun
I play British thank you very much, don't you dare come and complain about bad shells to me.
>posted as I barely suffer stock syndrome
Most people join tank battles with tanks, and only after being killed they jump into a plane and start ruining other people's day. It's very unusual to have more than a pair of planes flying around in mid-late game: if you couldn't take planes in RB people would still play tank RB.

Ground forces are just a mess:
Gaijin need SPAAG to avoid the WoT Effect (the implementation of made up tanks or napkin projects as a mean to dish out more content)
To have SPAAG they need planes.
The two should balance out, but since they're too slav to also be intelligent human being what happens is that SPAAG are light tank destroyers that run around shooting other tanks instead of planes.

To balance things out, they would have to rework the whole game mode:
>allow infinite respawn
>the team that makes more point or reaches a set amount of points within the time limit wins
>make tanks invincible within a set radius from the spawn point or respawn players in waves
>reduce SPAAG's effectiveness against tanks

Here I fixed GF for Gaijin. Now they just need to implement this shit.
What's the thickness of the ammo box on the flak truck? I ask because It just bounced 20 pounder apds
>having a good game
>2 kills very early in
>suddenly blackout because lol third world country
>lights back
>open game
>crew lock )))))))
>round is over alread

what even is the point of crew locks? they literally only happen when you get fucked hard by gaijin themselves or when you're so bad that you somehow manage to kill yourself
>Here I fixed GF for Gaijin. Now they just need to implement this shit.

Germans and Slavs would cry way too fucking loud if specialty ultra-expensive anti-armor ammo likely to never be used outside a single mag/clip/reload or two in couldn't be loaded up to the fucking brim of the SPAAG. Gepard would never fired pure APDS aimlessly trying to kill a few tanks because the guy who kitted it/ordered it to do so would've been court-martialed for expending the entire GDP of Brazil for such a thing.
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>Gigaslav void bushes
what am i looking at?
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Why the fuck would you do this to yourself.

Try Type 60, ST-A1, M42, Kikka (for 800kg special delivery)/whatever other planes.

There, you're at 6.7 raw, which means 6.7 Germany, which means 60-70% automatic W/R even with your slant ass stinking up the team. Any you don't have to drive two additional fucking abominations designed by Americans to insult Japanese manhood that are worse than the Pershing/Pattons in every single way while being higher BRs. Just one. Which you shouldn't bother with, just put a Talisman on the Type 60 and embrace hell like I have.

And yeah, ammo is hell, velocity you get use to. The HEAT/HESH hit as hard as an L7s at fucking 6.7BR, just at the cost of velocity (and ammo), but you get TWO GUNS. GEE BILL, EVER HAVE A SHOT FUCK-UP BECAUSE )))) AND WISH YOU COULD REROLL? NOW YOU CAN.

There is no escape. Only pain.
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On gigaslav the texture for bushes is now what you see when you clip outside the map like in doom or Half-Life

Some of the apps installs don't work.

Anything that's a game generally works, but shit like ordering services apps or the obvious scamware "cooling" or "virus scan" aps don't work because they're scams to begin with.
what game is this

Not anymore no
The PS1 porting of WT.

I wonder how can anyone play the game with those settings just to have an edge over the others.
>I shot through two forests on an unsuspecting enemy
>I win u lose ex-dee
What's the point of playing then? How can anyone get any satisfaction from an unfair win? It's really beyond me.
It's meant to be a punishment for bailing out of a match.
>playing to have fun
>tfw the Me 262 A-1a/U1 had 6 cannons (2 151s, 2 103s, two 108s) and we'll never get it
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>when you get a not-mixed nip air RB for the first time in ten games
>spitnigger can't outmeme you
>he rams you
>5 minute crew lock )))))))))))))))
Yeah because the 262 needs better armament at the cost of performance.

What a retarded nigger. Congratuations on being ridiculed by Reddit
>He was in an Uhu
Haha holy shit it just gets better
>slavaboo having an autistic tantrum
I just want something besides the Mk 108. I can't fucking hit shit with them.
Git gud.
>there are people ITT in JG508
>there are people ITT that link to reddit
>there are people ITT that go to reddit
Hold on.

Isn't that Tammy? The one qt trap lad with the blue hair?
>slava this butthurt that his autistic tantrum has been posted
>check reddit out because it cant be as autisic as people say
>see video called first jet kill
>video of some shitter killing an F4U in his Meteor in arcade
>only comments like "jets are a blast!"
>Slavaboo tears
>Slavaboo salt
this game sucks...
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>I now have all japanese planes
that would be serious disadvantage, if half of maps wasn't made to force knife fight ranges
>inb4 "spawning on arcade maps"
am I shit if I only have a 1:1 KDR in the wyvern?
>fly spit FR for a game
>literally can't bring myself to kill anyone
>just j out when a G-2 brushes me
How soulless do you have to be to fly these things?
The XIVc is better.
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Chi-nu remove baka surabu all shape and sizeu
Chi-Nu is great.
Too bad the Chi-Ri II doesn't really shine in 6.7 matches I take it into.
>flying cas
>assume I'm safe since we have 3 fighters up in the air
>get lit on fire and killed by a P-26
Never ever make the mistake of assuming your teammates are competent
After grinding all tier 4s I'll probably wait until they add the inevitable railgun premium.
Why does this general still exist

How many times does Gaijin have to buttfuck you gullible idiots to realize their bullshit?
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Anyone fly these things? There are 7 variants in game. Which ones are worth it?
The one with MK103.
Shut up stupid frogposter
>I cannot accept that my shitty game is going nowhere and is progressively getting more broken as players leave in fustration
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>linking directly to reddit
Some of them
The first A series heavy fighter
The one with mk103s
The first 50mm because tanks
Also one of the versions get 2x500kg bombload which is really nice in ground rb but its kinda shit otherwise
i only need the last R2Y2, the Ki-83 and the foldered planes to have all of them.

not really proud of it
>it's another teammates keep spawning even when they know we're being spawncamped episode
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>use ultra low graphics
>have every soviet tank, prefered one is it1
>abuse every possible thing
>only fly shit like mig17, hunter, n1k1, yak 3p, spitfire 9 etc
>if i get friends to play, force em to play slav tanks
>always J out to deny kills if possible, especially at jet battles
>try to killsteal, always
>ram friendlies if im bored
>push people into rivers if theres a chance
>bring Kikka into tank RB
>tanks lose their shit when a jet fighter drops an 800kg bomb on them
>beercans shit their pants when they get hit by a single 30mm cannon
>respawn in a M4A3
>realize I'm staring at a KV2
>fuck his turret
>check around, T-34-85 behind me
>slew my turret around and railgun him
>the KV-2 tries to angle itself
>punch through anyway with my APCBC
There is literally no better feel than deleting bad spawncampers.
We should play together.
Too bad after dropping that one 800kg the thing gets fucked by anything with guns. One of the reasons why I opted for the N1K2-Ja over it.
samefag here with a fun experience i had
>bring kikka in
>drop 800 on a britbong
>no kill
>hit x6
>5 minutes later i have 6 assists
>mfw i got crits on at least 3 tanks
>the forest they were hiding in was vaporized
>Slavaboo hatemail made it onto the front of the subreddit

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is it good is it bad?
is it a meme
>be in JG508
>get BTFO
Gun is stronk as fuck
othewise it's a shit casemate
Really it's just filler for the 906
It's shit, but I do remember it soaking a 10.5 APCBC shell once.
if you liked asu 57 you might end up little disapointed

its slower and bigger while still having almost no armor

gun got massive upgrade in penetration/tnt and the default shell can even take down maus head on, expect to drop at least 2-3 till you get a kill if you are tackling a maus

its one of those few tanks in game that are actually as good as you are, so take it as it is

bonus note: this vehicle is almost worthless for RB, use it in simulator for great effect
sim was mostly the reason for me getting it
same with the is-4
use is3, it doesnt have weakspots like is4 but has same gun with same ammo

or even better roll with t54 47
>508 member gets shat on
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I am gonna be so hard when this thing gets anti-tank shells
Ground attacker plane but missing correct shells, some armor and bombs
>the 1v1 dual meta is dive to the deck asap

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>tfw bullied by Englando-kun's fighter-bombers
Im gonna be so hard when they finally unfuck and add the rest of the jap heavy fighter/light/medium bomber tree
the ones with the extra guns shouldn't be separate planes
tank fag here

still waiting for AA and atmg so get in the line
sans a tier V aa which is just going to be a gepard remodel they dont have a whole lot else
>jap TD line ends at Na-To
>when the Ho-Ri is sitting right there waiting to be added
for atgm i wish we get some unique thing like jeep with added missile launches or some shit

alas knowing how incompetent gaijin is...we will just get m551 with japanese roundels
It's going to be a Jap APC converted to fire ATGMs. This has already been confirmed.
It's been going around the forums. Supposed to be a Type 60 APC with Type 64 MAT ATGMs.
I think we should start TKing redditors again, like in the good ol' days.
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>playing war blunder
Going to reddit to memorize their playerbase ?
Probably non-sloped version
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I remember I teamkilled one weaboo a long time ago and he sperged out in some comment section.
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>le eric war blubber may may xDDD
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Oh nevermind I found it.
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>oneshot two russian tanks
>get memed on by a P-47
>can't respawn, not even in a SPAA
Oh right, russian tanks give less SP.
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I thought he was dead and I was hiding behind his corpse until his turret started moving
haha epic dude fell out of my chair from all the lolz
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>jap tanks are slow and made of paper but have a decent gun

>tier 4
>jap tanks are slow, made of paper and have a horrible gun
Glorified gooks are only good for target practice.
War bonds requirement was 2 kills in light med tank
>Get 1 kill
>7 assists
I can only blame myself
Except gayjew doesn't know that america actually won the air battle over the pacific so jap planes are ufos
>everyone calling naziboo based on the JG
topkek, we're weebs, not naziboos
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what's this
either bird or a plane
Same but with Americans just need 2 f4u's and from the b29 onwards in bombers then I have everything
a meme
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Just flank
>Tiger I bounces 4 rounds 17pdr AP from 90 degrees angle.
>5th one eaten by the track
>server says no ))))))))))))))
That's pretty fucked, but don't one shots actually award less SP over hitting them multiple times for some dumb reason?
is the object 906 even worth buying?

already got t62, t10, it1 and shilka

i highly doubt i shud make room for 906 in my lineup?
>To utter thoughtlessly; blurt out:
He blundered his surprise at their winning the award.
>rockets are mandatory for all american fighters in the BV bullshit bracket
>trash planes of the SJW nation are trash

50 cals should pilot kill more often T B H
done with soviet tonk tree

what next?

got burgers at t5 missing m60a1, vulcan and sheridan

got japs at half way to type74

and germans at tiger2p

the 10.5cm tigers look fun but leopards dont interest me at all, then again m60a1 looks like side grade to m60 which i got heatfs already with
What about teebs?
tiger 10.5 is like upgraded Panther 2

Stock is fucking horrible
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What am i in for ? Besides Cheetos
always a good idea to buy late vehicles to prevent getting cucked by gaijin moving them around or making additions to the tree
okay gaijin
>muh elitism
>SJW nation
>not russia
Meant to paste


>Phlyphag saying he's a good player and AB is a good gamemode
>Since most people play AB, they are better than all the stupid SB/RB fanbase
>giving views
>shill daily shills some more
>this being news
lmfao nice meme

im the kind of retard who loves is2, is3 and is4 so i think i will manage no ?
Ja Ivan

But remember, you have permanent ammo rack in turret
>going for thunderer achievement
>need 18 ground kills
>have 17
>aaa RNGs me and sets me on fire

friendly reminder to do your part in killing the game
>ram and block teammates now that friendlyfire has been removed
>if you have to play, only play as top tier and leave matches that uptier you
>you dont like a map? just leave it and fuck up your team
>only play overpowered shit
>insult the people you kill to add insult to injury

if you cant have fun, noone can
this anon gets it
the fw-190f-8s heat rockets are amazing
holy shit
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post more gigaslav

they look so funny
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Can 250lb kill pillboxes?
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>hit leo's breech
>he tries to fire
>I get no kill

webm unrelated
Is there any gun more useless than the Ho-103? (12.7 Jap)
I feel like I might as well be firing nerf darts. Aside from occasionally setting fire to enemies if you use the one belt that is only two-thirds nerf darts, these guns are totally useless.
I believe the 12.7mm Breda-SAFATs have lower RoF than the Ho-103, making them even more useless.
And hey, at least the Ki-61-I otsu and Ki-44-II hei has quadruple Ho-103s.
would be more fun if he was killed by a Wirraway
What fuckface said "shoot it with HE" last week? Unless it's 122mm+ it ain't doing ANYTHING. The shields around the gun bounces away all shrapnel. And shooting the ammobox with HE is pure shit too, just fucking disappears and turns orange and then you're dead
They need to remove it out of the game, ruins EVERY SINGLE GAME it's in. Only way to kill it is to shoot a big fucking HE/HEAT on the ammobox, if even that
it's early enough in the tree that you can just abuse it yourself when you get angry at it
I guess, but I'm finally trying to grind my Slav tree and my German is already way beyond it. It doesnt actually matter, I've literally seen it one-shot angled Panthers from the side
It doesn't matter what fucking mode I play, asshole is just as OP
Why not shoot the thickest part of it with aphe ???
You mean the engine compartment? That thing just absorbs it and best case catches fire.
>wah I'm bad at hitting a giant target please remove every german tank from the game because they make me feel bad
>t. plane toddler who never played GF
Not him, but have you ever thought about shooting the gun breech?
Yup, doesn't last long in AB with that 5 sec reload.. It's a lot easier to handle in RB though, only mode that you actually have a chance against it.
>Angled Panther getting side-shotted
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>mouseaces still havent been gassed
"Wow I played a game mode for babies and now I'm wearing a diaper? What the fuck?"
yep, meant greach. I play light tanks so when i see spaa i always go for breach
>joystick + autotrim
energy efficient AND easy to aim
he killed himself)))

Its a problem. I've effectively used it in Tier 4 Matches. Its fucking ridiculous how good it is. It should honestly be 4.7 and placed after the Dicker Maxx

The Jap TD line should have ended with the Type 60 but in typical Gaijin fashion they had to put it on the Light Tank Tree to make you grind more for it.

>Implying you weren't going that way so you could spawncamp them as soon as they got off their spawn.

If flanking was possible, 8 out of 10 people wouldn't do it because it would be easier to just go to the enemy spawn and surprise them as they came out.

I wish Gaijin would do something about this. I've actually started to think about it.

>Make the spawn be farther away in to a single unified spawn point where people can freely head in other directions across the staging area
>Around the spawn have AI a
Artillery(To attack Tanks that come near it)
>Make Capture Points not be near the spawn.
>Have Capture Points be actual locations and not open areas(Leave open areas for everything around it). Like a fortification, factory or fuel depot.

I don't know why I wrote all that. I guess while I'm at work I sometimes think how amazing this game could be if it had better developers. I also wonder how amazing the guy could be without the "free" to play model that has plagued the gaming industry for more than half a decade.
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'member the siege of malta?
Bad meme, leave it in 2016
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>you cant kill a tiger2 track with 1 russian 100mm APHE shell
>tiger2 can kill is2's tracks with 1 shell
lol nice one "russian bias"
Should honestly be a 4.7 premium
>german shell just turns the track red
>soviet one turns track yellow and kills the crew inside
Are illiterate or just retarded?
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>german/slav teams
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380mm Sturmtiger when?
hey, it's the reddit guy
Taking a break from lawnmowing I see
The crew getting out to reload would probably take too much effort for gajin. It would also be super easy to gun down the whole crew during reload
Shouldn't you be harmlessly bombing pileboxes?
Shouldn't you be on the other side in your IL-28?
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t. wehraboo
>SJW nation

nigger, they made homosex illegal
If they'd implement that, most SPAAs would be the same. It has 150mm sloped armor too, strong for a 1943 tank so it can probably bounce like crazy while reloading
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Not an issue. Type 60 needs the Loader getting out on the back of the it to be able to reload it. Knowing Gaijin they would just give it a longer than normal reload.
Thanks for the (You)s.
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>shoot type 62 with hesh
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>The crew getting out to reload
What did he mean by this?
hesh is garbage though
I've already called on the JG leadership for your removal, slava
it's muzzle loaded
no it isnt
Inferior PzIV, but its still pretty good.
>there are people in this general RIGHT NOW who would rather play war thunder than a balanced and fun game like world of tanks or a realistic game like DCS, BoS, or ARMA
I told you HE was shit.
I warned you dog.
comparing world of tanks to bcs, bos arma

Autism at its finest
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What the actual shit is up with the traverse on this thing?
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You costed me 30+ deaths you fucking asshole
It's time to pay!
I'm sorry your reading comprehension is so bad, Gaijin shill.
You give a bad name to all other 508s
Plus you're a crybaby, bro.
I had a 85mm nuke shell kill my Sherman frontally by hitting the fucking track. I guess black void tracks are for slavs only.
Why do you say that?
>implying Russian bias exists
Wargaming shill detected.

>complaining about history
Wargaming shill detected.

>implying anyone you don't like is a Gaijin shill
Wargaming shill fucking detected.

Why are the wargaming shills so obvious?
>A R C A D E
>implying an entire gamemode is bad
wargaming shill detected.
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How about you stop going to this general to bait every fucking day?
Then why does it have a little crane on the hatch?
to get rockets into the tank
To load shells into the vehicle
The crane doesn't reach the gun, dumbcunt
How the fuck did you come to that conclusion? It was RB Korea for the record.
You got any source on that or just making shit up? Cause cranes can extend you know.
Do you have any source on a 20th century SPG being muzzle-loaded?

>inb4 wargaming shill
>spoonfeed me
check the last thread you imbecile
>wargaming shills on the loose
>moderators are nowhere to be seen
>nobody will ever be banned for this
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>there is no bia-
>Gaijin shills crying constantly
>moderators are nowhere to be seen
>nobody will ever be shot for this
German tanks are op
6.7 is literally the only BR in the game
how many warbonds you got?
Not a lot. I skipped this month's
great gun and meme armor
Oh I see it now. It was this thread btw.
I don't really care desu. I sperg out sometimes. Such is life.
60. Purchaised P-51D-10 yesterday for 3000.
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>doing warbond tasks when no interesting vehicles or decals are in the shop
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impressive, I'm only at 2300 or so
there's a tier 4 prem plane, that's pretty interesting even if it's a copy-paste

I usually get around 1k. I don't care about decals and what not. I use them for the crates with the boost. Been able to get some pretty good ones. They don't expire either so if you don't use them you can keep them around till you do want to use them.
I once tried to watch this because I know too little interesting aircraft documentaries, but the cheesy intro should have already been a proper red flag... I lasted until after the first minute or so when the german national anthem was played on loop. Then I tried another episode and noticed there is ALWAYS some kind of background music. Why are they doing this?
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Press F
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Why? they're right where they should be
how do i get gud with kraut p47
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bias=/=poor balance
>there are "people" here right now that aren't in JG508
>there are "people" (shills) here encouraging people to spend shekels on worthless clan tags
>there are "people" here right now that cry when you don't let them groundpound unmolested
QT is best 508!
with arcade and surplus SL to avoid grindy tasks you can do all 3 steps in about hour, unless you hit really nasty streak of bad luck.
Breakown of top tier tasks looks like this:

>Best in the Air (at least one golden battle award)
>War Eagle (10+ fighter kills in one battle)
>Higher than the Sky (take 1st place in 2 battles)
Best ones. You don't even need to win, so flying with bunch of retards makes it actually even easier
>Crown of Laurel (win and take 1st-3rd place)
>Worthy Play (win and earn 3000 points)
>Almghty (win, kill 1 plane in fighter, 3 GTs in bomber, 3 GTs in attacker)
Still good roll. Easy, but bad team can fuck you over
>Rivality (kill 5 fighters in 6 seperate battles) - you have to realy suck to not achieve that every time
>Botfly (win 3 battles, kill plane 1 BR higher than yours in each)
Very easy but grindy.
>Stave to Splinters (win 2 battles, rocket A2A kill in each)
>Pull the Trigger (win 2 battles, multistrike on player vehicles in each)
>Unbreakable Wing (earn Best Squad twice each)
>At the Forefront (get Mission Maker)
Tricky or/and unreliable
>On and On (72 kills in fighter)
>Turning Engagement (kill 68 fighters)
>Winged Ally (get 40 assists)
>Interception (kill 25 bombers)
>Pursuit (kill 12 attackers)
>Meteor Shower (kill 68 GTs in attacker)
>Mass Destruction (kill 72 GTs in bomber)
Don't bother. Grindly as fuck, sometimes map doesn't have targets, or doesn't give reason to spawn targets.
>Eagle Eye (get 40 crits)
Have fun. 1. Plane can be critted only once. 2. Plenty of kills (including pilot snipes) doesn't even include crits.
I do mine in air RB, takes a bit longer but it's pretty easy because I also switch tasks with SLs until I get the easy stuff

I only do "kill x fighters", "kill x bombers", "destroy x ground units", the rest I don't bother especially if winning is a condition
playable maps and gamemodes:
>fullsize poland in SB

end of broadcast
>he doesnt only play OP tanks only as toptier

you're forgetting some maps:
>fullsize tunisia in SB
>fullsize el alamein in SB
>fullsize mozdok in SB
>fullsize volokolamsk in SB
>fullsize eastern europe in SB

bottom line is: all big fullsize maps in SB are fun and playable
What the fuck has happened to Low-mid/Mid tier american tanks?

They're goddamn miserable.
solid shot / sabot nerf

long ago
Shermans suck, and the 90mm can't pen things it could in real life.
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where did that come from ?
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Post art webms
Secret documents
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Ffs when is Italy going to get its own tech tree
>a lot of plane
>all the boats you want
>some shit tank and a breddy good self proppelled gun and tank hunter
Why we are left out?
At least we dindnt consider the sherman a super heavy tank like the nips
>World War
>big botes
>frog shit
All these are the lies fed to you, while they were digging up >a >russian >navy and implementing >chinese >tanks.

So what the fuck am I supposed to do if I want to play 'merica

I've no fucking interest in playing Panzers, or Russian tonks.

>Chinese tank more important than Italian tank
>the fucking Russian Navy
Gajiin should be gassed
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Yes. The only thing that made me sad about Trump winning, was that Shillary wouldn't nuke Moscow in the next 4 years.
Play the M18, get good with the Pershings or shekel up for the T29. Most other tanks in the tree simply aren't worth it.
T29 gets old after a while.
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It does but the Super Hellcat and T29/M26E1 combo is the closest thing to the Tiger and Panther II dynamic duo and fun that the burgers get.
I hate the hellcat, I just wanna use muh T95 without getting cupola sniped 24/7
>T95 without getting cupola sniped 24/7
You're out of luck then, American cupolas are the perfect mix of just being thin enough for APHE to penetrate and detonate rather than deflecting them or letting them pass right through. At least the big 105mm is no longer useless.
You play light tanks, and fucking like them.
M18, M41, T92 are all great.
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cute planes?
bote cbt when
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>Slav rocket plane that crashes itself

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(nod really, I just didn't get shot more than once this round - the T-44-100 got shit armor for it's tier but good gun tho)
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>exploding transmissions still in the game
I haven't really been playing for the past 2months.

Has anything good happened? These threads have died fast too. And jap tanks just came out, I guess nobody cares. This thread is 2 fucking days old.

/gsg/ moves faster than this place now. Hell, even /twg/ moves faster. Sad!
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>Shit armour
>Bounces rounds to the UFP and turret better than a pair of tits
You're not hoodwinking anyone here, Ivan.
Blame Slavaboo
He got BTFO by a Redditor so everyone left
>Has anything good happened
Faggots grinded hours of their life and or handed over money to get a ZiS-3 armed LVT, that has limited traverse angles, and for the Type-62, a Chinese paper tank that can get one-shotted by anything. Then people complained it was over-tiered, but then voted to give it cHEAT-FS while also bumping it up BR, all for them to cry its still overtiered.

Other than that, fuck all has happened. Jap tanks are 7/10 pretty alright, and botes are for fucking fags.
no one really gave a shit about japanese tanks, people are more excited for world war mode and boats
I killed a TIger I and II (H) with it, that anon is right desu. Problem is that it sometimes bounce duo to low pen
>lying on the internet
World war mode is never happening and only shills are excited for boats
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play the japs so you can play the mericans without having to deal with Tigre IIs and Panther IIs
>that black ammo module

besides, transmission fires/explosions are so rare these days that they might as well not be in the game
>one little bit of shrapnel scrapes ammo
>it detonates
>shell hits ammo directly
>it goes black
What fucking morons Gaijin are.

They should have just focused on planes and we would have had world war mode. GOAT plane designs and cocpits for everything years ago. French, italian, hungarian, chinese whatever trees with loads of aircrafts and they could have spent the extra time working on actually hard stuff like fixing hit detection and battle rankings and historical vs "fair" matchmaking.

But no, make tanks and boats and stupid shit that gets people in for a few months while their longtime fans are leaving.
Caught fire with no FPE, ammo exploded afterwards, fire started in transmission
The armor is OK when top tier but even angling the 90mm glacis doesn't help against APDS at any range. Also weak turret cheeks.
you do realize that tanks literally saved this game from dying right?
More reason for tank shitters to be lined up and shot.
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Yo what the fuck is with these tank maps now?
Took a break from WT and came back to fucking WoT tier map sizes
They literally took existing maps and made it so you can only use 1/4 of the bigger ones and only 1/2 of the smaller ones, some of the newest maps suck dick too
>Port Nortwhateverski
I think this is literally the worst map in the game, it's not only ugly, it's just poorly designed too
>play in the EU server
>some salv fuck keeps shooting at me with his Wirblewind while saying "no english"
slavs deserve to get gassed
I get the feeling that all the devs with any semblance of talent jumped ship long ago. Now we're probably down to Gayjews Z-team, we couldn't scrape anything worse off the bottom of the barrel.
tfw no bote cbt
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What am I into /wtg/?
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very hard to use tank
when i inevitably realize that my grind for M41A1 APDS was for nothing should i go back to reseraching the krauts?
Very good tank except for turret traverse. It has great armor and gun.
Is it better than the Tiger I H?
imo yes, for the meme slope.
yes. Tiger is tiered so high it's pointless.
Panther is invincible.
Was I dreaming or is there a way to use the SB periscope view in RB tanks?
russian genocide when
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goyim please.png
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oh we'll see
>left click + wasd gameplay
no thx
>battle trophy
>discount for jap 109
>already have all the jap tech tree
>dont even like 109s that much
>game ends
>1 team death
>chat is just
>well done everyone!
>i didn't do shit
But the M41 with APDS is 10/10.
Would still get outclimbed by a Spitfire.
No. The bad turret traverse makes angling your squishy turret hard. Hope you get the first shot, because that russian nuke round will surely fuck you up.
it better be
It's a laserpointer with worse pen than the long 88. Prepare yourself mentally and physically.
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FUCK Allied teams. I can't be honestly expected to play with such blithering retards such as these
>being shit
you deserve it
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>getting killed by a Do 217 in a bearcat
I got killed by a suicidal G-6 on my airfield rearming
that's not what the screen says
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what am I in for?
Skip it
it used to be really good, I'm not sure how it is now
Its armor is useless so it's basically just an M4A3 76mm except slower and at a higher BR
>m41 APDS can pen a T-44 from the front plate

good for sim bad for rb
>things that never happened
Im saying it because i couldn't pen shit with the stock ammo on the M41, tested a head on shot to the T-44 on test drive and it fucking blew up
just got the lancaster, what am I in for?
it looks like someone tried to build a boat out of paper mache and cardboard




are japanese tanks good?
Tier 5 and 4 yes. Everything prior has crap pen and armor
Why do people complain about Kraut tanks? It's very enjoyable only ever having to worry about one spot to aim when facing them, the turret. You face 5.7 and up and just about everything requires a round placed to the turret. You never have to worry about guessing which variant has a strong turret and a weak UFP/LFP or vice versa.
>Why do people complain about Kraut tanks?

because of the 6.7 stacked lineup, you know which tanks I'm talking about
>all these bullshit Hit!))))))s
Damage models unfucked when?
stop playing sim
that is very clearly kerbal space program but the sounds are from WT.

>Shoot Panther in the turret disabled
>Shoot Tiger in the turret disabled
>Shoot Kugel anywhere, dead

What's the issue?
>Tier 5 yes. Everything prior has crap pen and armor
>jap tanks
>good at tier 4
What are you smoking?
>hit T-34-85 in driver's port at 300m
>superior communist tungsten viewports absorb all damage
>shoot T-34-85 anywhere disabled
>shoot IS-2 anywhere disabled
>shoot SU-100 anywhere disabled

I can be a tard too you know
>being irredeemably shit
oooh poor little arcade baby boy
The T-34-85 drivers port is 75mm at 60* angle = 150mm LOS. SU-152 best round pens around 155mm at 300m so if we was even slightly angled you won't pen him there.

Soviet bias is still a meme which started off as a joke but then noobs started to take it seriously.
>>shoot IS-2 anywhere disabled
>KT tier UFP
>200mm total spaced armor on turret
>Soviet bias is still a meme which started off as a joke
>200mm total spaced armor on turret

You be tripping, the IS-2 turret is butter whenever you dont hit it angled and usually penning it results in OHK because 3/4 of the crew and the shell ammoracks are there.
am I bad if I get shot down constantly in the lancaster?
No, it's a piece of shit.
>shoot T-34-85 anywhere bounce
>shoot IS-2 anywhere bounce
>shoot SU-100 anywhere just kidding he already blew you up
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why does the mig-3 lock up so bad?
built by slavs
>25 post early
its kinda obvious its shit edition and made by tard
If it's so shit why does everyone migrate?
we already have the T-10M and it gets shitted on by the BW

I'm about to unlock the M47. What can I expect?
>he doesn't do this already
best way is to always check all 4 modes, since they are usually given different tasks, and pick one least time consuming. For example RB task had me get first strike and victory. Doable but tricky. Check AB task at it needs just 12 ground-to-air kills, so I load Wirbelwind with HE and I'm done in 2 <10 min battles.
Is the KV-1 ZIS-5 worth researching if I have to research KV-1S too? Seems to me that since it can go as high as against Tiger I H1 and Panther D it won't be really useful
I'd skip the ZiS-5. KV-1S is the best KV-1. The other just has some more armor, but the gun and shells won't perform well at its BR
That's what I thought, thanks
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