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/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1023

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 780
Thread images: 181

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>Schedule for January:
12/31 - 1/8 - Platinum Sky
1/8 - 1/13 - Footprints on Sacred Ground (Rerun)
1/13 - 1/23 - Granblue Shodown
1/23 - 1/30 - Guild Wars (Earth)
1/31 - 2/8 - New Event

>How to Start
Go to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

>Previous thread

I'm sparking the old man
Thank god this isn't another autistic OP like the last one.
Why the reference to Gurren Lagann? Do they share the same seiyuu or something?
the glasses
Next ticket when?
Yeah, I mean why? Let's give him the same shades as Kamina because why not?
>nips said oldman is dark core
uh darkfags?
Dude Astral power lmao.
Oh, that kinda makes sense, thanks
>GL invented those shades
You kids today.
Watch more mecha, faggots
hey guys
where do i farm rupies?
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Waiting for P_'s lewd Herja images
Hoping for yozo to make a Herja doujin
Marque bla bla is core!
nobody said they invented the glasses, moron.
It's just that GL left the biggest impression upon seeing them.
Not really.
>Gurren Lagann came out over 10 years ago
No it didnt.
Sold co-op treasure.
thank you
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Where is the new thread? We are already 20 posts in, its time to migrate to new toast. Stop being lazy fucks.
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oh it's you again
What's that even mean?
Is the attenuation of the mystery you put on Astral the 2.7 million?
When it says darkness, I think that performance evaluation is not done so much because it is now the main usage to say that TA is issued in the short term as early as possible by activating short-term battle + backwater Zoe and earn regular damage
It might not be bad if it is a long term warfare
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>his regen works in sub
someone make a webm of his ougi
wasn't the next dark SSR supposed to be a popular character or something
what the FUCK KMR
Holy shit, this image just made my boner hit the ceiling.
boost for apollonia fucking when?
Hopefully never.
didnt he say next dark story ssr

No, the fire showdown character is a character we're all "very familiar with" is probably what you're thinking.
Is this chrome only? Can I run it through firefox or IE at least?
>having to use old man in a team
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It's flam=glass and we are getting water weapons as well.
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>gbfg BT-
I checked and it was 8.5
that was a different comment entirely
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>I fell for it
Fuck off.
>and so did he
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and so did (You)
Fuck back off to cuntbook, moron.

Non Google Translate version : So the new Character's buff caps the Ougi Damage roughly around 2.7 Million?
Up until now the meta for Dark would be short burst battles + Summer Zoey Enmity coupled with Triple Attacks for damage, so I doubted if this guy (new SSR) would be of much use
But it seems like he could work for drawn-out battles as well
Nevermind, read the link.
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Will it be Lyria and Satan?
I don't even have facebook you fucker. KMR should apologize for bricking my chat.
>healing and shields
>not a instant shit tier for the element of invencibility and enmity memes
>drawn out battles
Dark already has six beatrix and forte.
Also since there's no other erun or harvin dark character worth playing that means baha is garbage unless you use zoey or vampy, which is stupid in a long fight.

He doesn't fit on any team. Another trash character, worse than veight.
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>3 million
She'll get her SSR one day, just you wait
What a cool potato
he doesn't attack for one turn and it takes 5 turns to build that up. meanwhile your other characters are sitting at full ougi meter for 2 turns.
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>worse than veight
Hol' up, I can't let that slide. He's superior to Veight in ANY short fight and a much better nuker.
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>Still pushing beatrix meme
>mentioning Forte at all
>Vampy is bad in long fights
Every time I see a post like this I'm reminded that /gbfg/ unironically believes Beatrix isn't a powerhouse with the correct grid, and I'm reminded of just how much sway memes have on the honest beliefs of the people who frequent here.
>isn't a powerhouse with the correct grid,
Yea man, that doesn't mean shes good. And frankly, you can do just as well with other builds so calling her good because with a specific build is retarded. Hyper waifu autism even. The autism to not accept the fact that your waifu is trash.
According to your own retarded logic, zoi isnt good because you need a specific pool.
Does anyone mind helping carry me through Co-Op Ex? I need to go through 1-4 til the end. I'll start all the missions, just need people along to help.

fuck off :^)
Please show me a cheap pool that will make the garbage known as Beatrix work.
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trash song
I can't carry you, but I can join you. I'm still at 2-1 EX myself.
Delta was unmitigated trash
>he says, while claiming zoi is good despite needing a specific summon, several whale weapons, and a specific team setup

stop talking anytime. When you dont have a fucking clue, like you do, its better to just shut the fuck up

Cortanas are free btw, retardo
>characters who are incredibly powerful with specific grids but weak without them are bad overall
So Ayer is bad? I really hope you're merely pretending, and don't really think characters should be judged by their least effective uses over their most effective ones.
Zoi actually works really fucking well with any pool, you build a backwater pool to do broken levels of damage. Bea isn't that great until you build a highly specific pool just for her. A pool that makes her run just as well as you can makes characters in other pools. This doesn't make her good, you can make any character good if you build a pool based around them. All this does is not just make her a midget cum dump, but an incredibly expensive and picky whore.
Thanks for letting me know that Celeste was hard to obtain and that Celeste claws were whale weapons.
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>2 0* Hades and a 0* Odin
G-guys, please, don't you have a Milia or something?
This post is full of memes and buzzwords.
Thanks for letting me know that cortanas are whale weapons kiddo.

Btw, way to discredit yourself. Zoi with celeste and claws is just sad compared to the gisla hades
odin gives 50%, shut the fuck up
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>ask for a cheap pool
>moron starts talking about gislas
It's like you cannot comprehend anything.
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Are players ever actually recruited by competitive guilds based on their perceived potential or does every guild just wait until people are overqualified for them and then beg them to join?
Claw Zoi is already one of the strongest and most broken things in the game and you build gilsa Zoi because you hate everything good in the world.
Dare I say the word
>claim beatrix is bad because you need a specific pool
>gets called on his moronic logic because darks best unit requires a specific pool too
>b-b-b-b-but you can use a suboptimal pool and it still kinda works
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How many waifu we lost already?
Calm your tits, girls. Do you hate buffing yourself or something? How is Odin better in any way?
Are you ok? You should probably go see a shrink or something.
Cuckblue Fantasy! I still love her ;_;
>Thank you for bearing with us
What did they do this time?
Broke the chat.
>Claw Zoi


nobody with zoi runs claws. zoi is only owned by whales and likely already had enough moons to buy gislas or suptixed her since then.
>darktato's skills
zoey nerf confirmed
how do you feel when you'll have to run this guy to stay alive after you conjunction?
maybe there won't be as much zoishitters in hl magnas and summon raids anymore
>never give a single shit about a girl who's been a party member for two years
>complain when she looks somewhere else
No cucking here, just you guys being awful people
Oh right, it's fixed now.
SEAnig begone
it's mentioned on the jan 20 update, and it's translated
something about AP and journey drops.
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>zoi is only owned by whales
Look at this fucking idiot SEAnigger who has the luck of a nigger.
>anti-sea amerifats are waked up
>giving yourself out as a SEAnigger straight away and that the pro-SEAniggers are SEAniggers
Note, I'm Australian.
>wah wah nerf zoi
>lucio is perfectly fine

Literally kill yourselves Lightcucks
it's "woken up" or "awake", you durian-fed monkey
>only rank 60
>know I won't be able to get into a crew who'll do well in gw

at least by the time next one happens I might be strong enough to make it
>are woken up

Stop trying to give advice to seanigs you seanig
He was obviously just falseflagging, fellow white anglosphere brothers. Stay alert for his next move.
you can report racism post btw. it's prohibited outside of certain board like /b/.
What do you do when your waifu is just too attractive
it's not racist if it's true
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Cygames are the awful ones.
>Herja loves some faceless man
Give her some faceless men gangbang doujins asanagi, dumb whore.
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>this place turning into a sjw shithole
please no
say it aint so
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Waifu? I think you mean "wife" you sorry excuse of a husband. If you truly loved her you wouldn't use such a tasteless, foul term such as "waifu" but I expected no less from someone so disgraceful that they can't even praise the woman they love each day with one simple post. In all honesty, you don't deserve to even use to term love when it comes to her, you only post your "WAIFU" to feel accepted. Don't ever let me catch you using that nasty word again, whether it be my wife or anyone else's, you filthy cunt of a husband.
I will call マイワイフ whatever I want to call her alright?
This is pretty nice, I ain't even mad.

Lyria please
lady grey is cute. CUTE!!!
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>nip strike time
>can't snipe chev vice-mvp
>tfw you'll never tap that ass because her husband is always there
>A monster! Watch out!
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Fuck off, abbos too
At this point I really wonder how there are still random civilians around when anyone trying to hold a conversation for more than thirty seconds gets attacked by monsters
I'm sure he wishes the best for her and is at peace knowing she can take young hard cock and feel loved as long as it makes her happy
>implying keeping her husband around as a ghost is in anyway cute
poor woman should let him pass and if he refuses force him too
But he's right there
That's one hell of a boner killer, and he's not the only one (lookin' at you Graphos)
do white rabbit and cait sith affect RP or is just EXP?
Is that a Jojo reference?
All the casualties are balanced out by the people fucking constantly, duh. Have you been skipping on your doujins, anon?
>not marrying Sara and getting to touch her inappropriately at night while Graphos watches over both of you.
Graphos just wants to make sure you Goldicklocks Sara's sweet slitty just right. Too hard and you're dead, not enough and you're dead.

His purpose is to force to to provide Sara with maximum pleasure and treat her right.

Why do the only males that ever seem to procreate end up faceless?
But then 90% of the population would be half-doraf rape babies (from one side or the other)
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>will be mere BD-reward SRs

Life is unfair
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Valk is probably on the 23rd isn't it
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>forgetting the walking onaholes one can use as he pleases
>forgetting the erun semen demon rape gangs
50% at max.
nighthound was a day before gw if I recall correctly

Please leave anytime
>this truly is grancuck fantasy
Ah yes
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die jannu
>earth, wind and fire
>dark damage
um dotards?
>This girl looks cute.
>Fate unironically has her wanting another mans dick, even going on a date with him.
Fuck off cygames.
They are the other three elements that use backwater.
>Earth, wind and fire
>Water gets cucked again
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>tfw Gandalf and Dumbledore will never have a crossfate
but she scares him off and that's why she's crying. Now is the time for rebound impregnation.
I hope the new event has a cute girl SR!
>water and light, the two fuccboi elemets, are missing
Makes you think
live jannu
rabu jannu
forgot to put your trip back on brattyboi?
Or did you get banned again and are you ban evading, again.
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Is it just me or is this thing a lot rarer than other selfies? I've had about 7 sticks and fuckton of other ssr fodders just from hosting (I don't play/leech fire), but this is the second selfie.
How do i use the twitter refresh? do i just write a message with "@AP_BP_Refresher" in it?
Just wondering, does coop monsters drop the weapons required for Knickknack Shack? I feel that I can farm the disc at the same time to get the 200k rupies at the same time.
Not from my experience. I was already racking up extra copies to reduce before I even got 2 sticks.
the fuck is knickknack shack
If you go full placebo with double Kaguya/rate weapon/Esser you don't get many SSR summons out of your flips.
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Yuisis is core!
Core cute!
The place you go to inseminate havins.
I literally got 3 colossus selfie in a row once
so no
pls respond i dont even know how to use twitter
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>yuisis gets a superior version but for dark in less than a month
Is the new SR any good? She looks cute.
that is not how it works

just post whatever in it.
It not like we have anyone to care about what we post.
>Back pain when low hp

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Make sure you roll this cutie
Well i wrote giberish along
and my AP is still the same, the account is properly linked or so i think since it has a check mark when you go to settings. Playing on browser if that adds to anything
Yuisis will do more than that with more HP and as wind.
I got 3mil with full health and a shit grid as Yuisis.
>yuisis has to ougi twice to deal that damage
>he can do this every ougi
yuisis B T F O
if it's properly linked, go to your profile at the very bottom there's a twitter symbol click it and then tweet from there.
Stop lying anon. Yuisis caps at 2.45m
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There are Yuisis haters so determined in this very thread that they rolled for this potato JUST to take a screenshot of subpar ougi damage to try and BTFO Yuisis. And they're a Zoishitter no less.

You realize there are things that exist that breaks ougi caps right
Thank you very much it worked
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>Yuisis caps at 2.45m
yeah but potato gandalf does 2.45m without any help so your fotm is shit
I don't even hate Shao, but this picture infuriates me so much.
I thought /gbfg/ said dark gandalf was shit?????????????????????????
>potato gandalf does 2.45m without any help

So does she.
Dumbass. By the way >>166103280 is wrong, she caps at 3mil.
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>she caps at 3mil.

What's the drop rate on Voritical Wheels in coop? I've wasted about 100 ap on Tiamat
I am kinda annoyed they have so much shit outside the game

Concerts, Dvds and all that shit
Except he cant.

Tell me, you insignificant little maggot, what do you get out of telling easily detectable lies on an anonymous sub?
d-dont bully
>yuisis can do 3m with ougi i swear!
>not a single source
>both sundome and wiki says 2.5m cap

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That was the (You)tards shitposting
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Can I add this baka?
i had much better luck farming on other stages for those. tia gave me nothing
So dark isn't getting another character until Zoi returns, right?
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>this guy's beato slaps your ass in Baha HL
what do you do?
panacea and completely fuck him over by screwing him out of backwater range
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They do exist
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I didn't remember FKHR looking this handsome.
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>amount of amakusa earth flips: zero
>amount of amakusa light flips: lost count
>only dark version of referee exists

sure is nice and unbiased in here
what kind of FAGGOT runs from that?
jesus christ.
>I'm an unlucky shitter who wants to claim bias that doesn't exist
The HELL doesn't drop cups though, right?
>Wanting a desperate hag
>amakusa earth flips
She just finished saying the next time they meet she's going to kill him.
wheres the earth referee?
Please tell me, its easy extra wind flips and earth cups
The referee drops whatever fight he was summoned from

You can get wind cups/katana from him
>boost to critical hit rate for Djeeta
what did she mean by this
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tfw no gf
Your waifu looks hideous in 3D too, retarded
delete this
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>male: dog furry
dj is canon
maniac or nightmare?
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wew this is some bad shit
shame on you for bringing trash here.
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what did he mean by this?
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can we stop pretending theres a page behind it and nto only this stupid fucking panda
>wake up
>see this
I think that's enough /gbfg/ for me today desu.
It does. But only dark ones.

He drops both weapons, however.
Damn son
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>go to city
>talk with someone
>go sleep
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Which Granblue character is most likely to be pic related?

My vote: Narumeia
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is gbf inspired on Australia?
Somehow I think this is fake
Cute doggo

I wonder if someone would want their picture posted under a headline like that.....

I am not sure either
>have a fire team
>decide to try out wind
>mfw this makeshift wind team deals more damage than my main fire team

Goodbye fire.
>doing more damage with a weaker element

Either you're doing something wrong or you're a memeing windroach
>we want the feh audience
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When did Olivia Swords become the new dark meme?
Wind teams are really really good. Especially if you have Anchira. Korwa + Anchira isn't really fair.
>good without agni or shiva
It's fake. Funny as hell, still.
It will be Anubis.
>wind cups
It's a mugshot type photo, so definitely not.
Characters aside, fire magna is at least on par with the other elements for raw power.
If you buy an account from Yahoo JP auctions, do you have to pay the listed amount + bank fee?
Double Colo is pretty fucking OP with a full Ecke grid. Against one element.
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Saving anime
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Is Herja going to be FOTM?
>5 flips in the last hour
>they're all garbage
>ygg branch, ygg branch, ygg selfie, lumi axe, supreme merit (this is fine at least)
this is worse than getting nothing at all
Yeah yeah, what will be the freebies while the anime airs?
>Complaining about fodders
Let me have all those fodders, I've been clearing out my magnas and 0 fodder drops.
>Complaining about flips
magna fest, half ap, 100 daily crystals and a roll a day
No. Her art will increase by 300% and that's going to be it.
The same thing they always do. Magfest, daily crystals, free rolls, etc.
She's not C. Sen who can do absurd amount of damage in a few turns.
>human female
nah only erune and cows get that treatment.
Well its easier to level up wind skill so its not much of a surprise
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She'll drop into obscurity (again) sooner rather than later.
depending on what bank u use. some banks have fee some does not
no one?
>magfest for 3 months straight
She's not Xmas Sen or even Meteon tier. She'll get some art and then fade back into obscurity.
>zoi is only owned by whales
How much of a fucking moron do you have to be to think this?
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Are Gislas still worth using if you don't have Hades/Bahamut?
if you don't have either 1 is enough
>he didn't memeroll Zoi

having 1 is really good in any case
Good fucking god.
what the fuck is happen with their faces
This is some special sort of horrifying
And why is the grancypher so fucking small

I have zoi and I ain't no whale
Yeah, isn't that thing supposed to be really fucking huge?
it's better to use normal 2 than another baha dmg wise
2 baha caps at 50%
baha + gislas = 32%+20% = 52%
and gislas have normal emity modifier which resulst in multiplicative with magna emity rather than additive, tl;dr, it's better to have 1 in any pool
>Great design wasted on cuckbait.
Cygames is retarded.
That could actually be the game's tagline.
Because it's a quick, cheap and shitty VR demo only used during their TGS appearance.
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maybe i should've started with tiamat
Tia and Yugu are the loosest whores.
and 2 baha sux sometime since only 1 race get 50% dmg and 32% hp
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She's only giving you SSRs so you can stop bullying her
>tfw you're the only person in /gbfg/ that unironically likes the wizard potato.
Yuisis was FOTM this month.
Post his fate episode if you have him.
He doesn't seems so emo, edgy or tryhard like other dark characters.

Except when she is that easy, I'll beat her up for fodder after I am done with her pool!

Dumb plant is actually a M
Nah I like him too, he is baller as fuck.
Not worth the effort for a short demo.
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>tfw no regrets
I want to doubt this. I feel like I could never ever get along with someone who doesn't like him, but you're all my friends.
Lowain isn't emo edgy or tryhard!
Why would you do that to yourself
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Juliet pls
stop lying to yourself
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put your trip back on and stop ban evading you lowlife filth
But tali isn't banned.
Commie when?
SR Lyria
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Are snek and colo also cute grills on the inside?
What flavor would she be?
Stop looking through waifu shades its more of a Metal Gear Fellow Soldiers but on Opposite Sides thing
Dark Lyria possessed by Bahamut

Crossfate with Light Zoi
Same element as the MC.
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I want to eat lyria!
How much is core harvin's passive regen?
/vg/, do we have any crews currently recruiting? I'm rank 40-something and feel like i'm lossing part of the fun by having no crew.

ID: 12836657
Will accept any crew invite.
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How long until Rackam explodes in the anime
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Lyria wants to eat you!
>will have petrification

Is earth the strongest debuff-bot element?
Why isn't Lyria fat if she's such a glutton
Playable Fenrir with 120 second paralyze when
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I also did this. Still no regrets.
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Bully this anon please.
What are some recommended wind SR
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I miss this ass, skin when?
>burning a surprise ticket (that you paid for) on a meme character
>Fate is nothing but wanting Perseus cock

>Follows Gran because he reminds her of Perseus
Sutera, old man cat ears, minigobu, meteon to name a few. Wind has pretty good SR and SSR
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>there are people in here who doesn't have JK/Anchira/Korwa aka the God Wind team for GW hell

just enjoy your 0-5
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pls no bully
too bad she's going to be unknown
Cool, thanks. I have Gobu and Meteon.
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And this before that. Only ticket I regret was Vampy and that was my first suprise ticket.
>old man cat ears
Who's this again? Sen?
How cucked do you have to be to come up with this?
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I wanna get raped by that snake.jpg
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>small puddle forming under her crotch
He means de aru.
Summoning burns calories,
>SSR Perseus
>Inflicts Instant Death vs Medusa
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Oh god I didn't see the nip, please no ban mods, I just love Medusa
There's still people farming that event?
Why the fuck would you not do your maniacs?
Not canon
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Levi-tan is cute!
I am because flips refuse to show up
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Talking about being old.
beato is good tho
Only if they wear a skirt
What's wrong about being unknown?

Because rng hates me and i've never got anything good from all the maniacs i've runned.

I've farmed enough to buy the copies i needed and all the damascus.
I'm done with the event.
My filthy breeding sow
Oh, right, forgot about that.
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Holy crap
They'll make her a doraf.
Only under certain circumstances.
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the super charm team.jpg
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What happen if you use all their charm skills at once?
Does they stack?
Don't even joke about that
Where did you get these shrooms?
>No Ladiva
Yes they stack. Should use Summer Vira or Superstar instead of Vampy for regular charm though.
They do stack.
Fine, they'll make her fire.
Bell tolls. TH tagging everything at least once, double placebo summons placebo katana

Saw 5 souls once in a run. The 9 mushrooms is my current record
proto chicken

>They turn Herja into a character that isn't butt ugly
>She's cuckbait
glad the fate episode gives the red flag so that I didn't roll on this shit
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>you will never spend the afternoon with Lennah as the inclement winter snow castigates the outside world, both of you snuggling close together on the sofa under a soft fur blanket, drinking hot cocoa to help you both get warm. As the time passes, her slender figure slowly drifts away to sleep on your arms, the floral smell emanating from her warm body invading your nostrils, a reminder of the season that is to come. Running your fingers through her soft, silky hair, you can only thank the heavens for this one small moment of pure bliss, of innocent happiness, hoping it lasts for all eternity.

>he didn't know before the SR even came out
>1 hollow soul
sums up the hollow soul farming experience
I don't even carw about mushrooms or lacrimossa
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What's the point of trial characters if they just release untested characters over and over again?

They don't even adding trial SR and R since punished toot.
Does she actually end up with that fruitcake from the fate episode preview?
are cuck-spammers the most mentally ill projectors on the site?
Don't bully Lennah!
It's been a while, Lennahposter.
I thought you were dead
When will cock return? I want her
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>listening to feedback for SRs
Just slam some shit on and no one's gonna give a fuck
End of April.
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S-stupid sexy Treant
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It depends, some guilds want active players that show potential so they can bond and build loyalty so they just don't suddenly leave, other guilds just want strong players.

But the closer GW is, it's harder to get into a competent guild because they'll expect you to be able to pull your weight, no one wants to carry leechers anymore.
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>deleting the post
Inferior creature who has no love or respect for me wife. Please off yourself.
So is Herja cuckbait or not, she's cute now but I'm not rolling for her if she's some more Aliza bullshit

Waste of a character update if so
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Translate this, please.
"filthy white baka, get out of my game reeeeee"
Suck my dick- w
She's a sensitive virgin who takes any compliment as that person wanting to fuck her.
He is laughing at you, Arc
>I love Medusa
>shares an image of her pissing herself with exposed, erect nipples with the world
her fate is

>meet a cute merchant
>promises to date him
>they meet up
>her date suddenly realises that Herja was an agent of X faction that killed his family
>merchant attacks her but they get interrupted by monsters
>Herja kills x monsters and promise that the next time they meet, they shall meet as enemies
Don't call me ever again lol.
what about the second fate because so far this still just sounds like set-up for her to be paired with him later
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Fuck off you fucking leprechaun, she's mine

I-It was an accident, that's one of our private photos
Can anyone post Marie's profile? I want to stalk her and profess my love!
doesn't matter, she's a slut that will fuck any man that compliments her. She's a Metera except a ticking bomb.
Why do people dislike Herja just because she doesn't want the Grandick? I like Herja and Aliza
That much I can tell.


I like Aliza too. I hope she and Stan get married.
>being a cuck
This. NTR is the thinking man's fetish.
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Same, I hope we get a sequel to the Stan Aliza subplot with recruitable Alicia
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What the fuck did he say to me
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Could you please stop degrading my wife in this degenerate manner, you bloody leftover wanker wankstain?
>recruitable alicia
Yeah recruit the character whose VA retired from the industry

Fucking retarded cucks
He wants to fuck your boy pussy
>He doesn't want best mom in his party
I'm going to roll her and +1 her when she gets an SSR, thus rightfully claiming her as mine.
>click 1/30 magna
>15 /30 on summon select
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my wife ready my snakes.png
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Too late for you faggot, I've already claimed her everything.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
>Being retarded
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Perseus square.jpg
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nice headcanon

anyone with half a brain can tell she'll get paired with the merchant to reconcile or some bullshit, she's cuckbait
he's calling you a pathetic white pig for using that same single setup every retard gajin uses.
>No argument
What fucking argument dam I supposed to make against your denial of reality?
>everyone but Sophia getting pluses
What did he mean by this?
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Don't worry anon, I also own a cum rag wife.
Loose whore dropped hers.
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hardcore porn.png
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You guys know google translate is good enough for most of these, right?
>200k straight losses in poker
>have to drop down to 100 poker
Why is it rigged so hard? Every time I reach 64k the next one is either a draw with a fail after or a straight fail.
>Zoi can will herself a new hymen at will
The game is telling you to stop at 64k anon-kun.
Butts can't get pregnant
>anyone with half a brain can tell she'll get paired with the merchant to reconcile or some bullshit, she's cuckbait
nice headcanon
My worst loss streak in poker is 800k but even with a loss streak that bad you make it back and then some in a single 10 round payout.
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>not MLB
Prove it

Her fate episodes are 100% centered around the guy
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What the fuck are these nips thinking
>Prove it
read the last two sentences in her fate
Nice photoshop
>5 half pots in crate

Did I miss something?
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Those are all dupes and not the fake things people jam into their "waifus". That is a pure and real Medusa and giving herself up three time to me is proof that she is my wife.
Fuck off you stupid cuck. Literally ruining this game. The fucking potato wizard is a bette waifu than that whore.
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>mfw Nausea gets added
>Literally ruining this game.
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>tfw no middleeast albino gf
>tfw she will never gattai with my pelvis
>tfw nf
Who gives a fuck if a girl isn't MCsexual? It's not like it'll ever go anywhere.
Because you will never get added.
That's not proof of anything you idiot

You might as well say Lowain will be fucking Catalina by the time the game ends because of how LETS HANG ended

spoken like a cuck who probably waifus Herja or Ariza
Don't post images of my wife without permission.
Is she basically Archer but with a manko?
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It's so hard to find Lecia + Anchira SD for cheap. Sigh.
>just because she doesn't want the Grandick?
This game attracts a lot of people that unironically have waifus and like to self-insert as the main character. So any hint of a female character liking other male characters shatters their fantasies.
Do not talk about my side wife like that.
>tfw no middleeast albino gf
If she was Albino, her skin would be as white as her hair.

Yes, but it won't stop retarded memers.
Should I be keeping 1 Tia fist as a mainhand just in case or do I just use them all as fodder
Can someone record Herja's fate episodes
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>how do we make a literally R who relevant and worth rolling for?
>say no more senpai
And the worst part is that you fags fell for it.

>tfw too intelligent to waste crystals/money on sico bait
You'll never use it mainhand
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>tfw no Aryan ubermensch gf
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oh baby
>There are people in this thread that self insert as the MC

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>rolling for a character even the Japs know is cuckbait
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>a brown girl will never do a chuuni pose and leer down at you while riding you
I think it's more fun if not everyone wants your dick, makes the ones who want your dick more special
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Holy shit thanks anon, gave me a good laugh.
Those who want the dick right out of the gate for no reason are the most boring though.
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Waifufags are the worst.
I think you mean haremshitters.
you need to go back
She goes on a date, but he wants to kill her because of war stuff, she leaves and tells him that next time they fight to the death.
You mean grancers.
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>the only one who will unconditionally love you.
Yeah because that will totally happen

That's just set up for them to still end up together in the end because muh reconcile due to love
But waifufags only have one waifu.
>The only one who pretends to love you but was really just trying to get close to you to kill Vii and Lyria and gives not a single shit about you in reality
fixed that for you
How many girls want Gran dick?
I meant real one not fake like Naru.
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cuckfags are the worst.
He's using the Facebook/reddit definition of waifu, the one that means "any girl from anime or video games"
Anthuria basically wets herself if you look in her general direction.
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This is Zoi. The cutest of them all.
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On a scale of one to what the fuck man, how stupid will it be for me to use the next ticket on Jeanne to use her regular skin on my djeanne? I main dark but my light team consists of amira, anal priestess and Seruel.
i hate this nigger girl
I've considered it myself. DJeannes outfit sucks.
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Shut up and give me that cosmos dagger you dragonfucker.
Metera (?)
Cerberus (Arguable)

If you're only counting stuff that happens in Fate episodes and not seasonal events those might be the only ones
one. lyria
Jannu is pretty good if you don't want to play gao mc, but I feel juliet provides more utility to a light team. Ideally you would want s heles, jannu ferry for short fights
I just realized all of Darks healers are old as fuck.
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>not making djeeta your own waifu

nerdy berserker Djeeta is ma waifu.
That look like a short list for this waifu collection simulator.
Now i start to feel bad.
Will isn't

You what?
They have to write the fate episodes to make sense whether you're Gran or Djeeta. Which is why most of the waifu stuff goes into seasonal events.

Metera's line changes completely in her fate episode if you play as DJ though
>my vyrn saber is inside vyrn
>I ain't no onahole!
Will isn't THAT old, right?
Also Rosetta is young and cute.
Play Kamihime Project instead
Time to quit.
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>I ain't no onahole!
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Fucking nip strike time
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>counting as anything.
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>mfw i just cant into casino
That shit's full of NTR.
They're saying she's a character whose character traits are conducive to NTR tropes
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>tfw chain chronicle gets an anime before gbf
>its actually good
>even literal who characters, like a worthless 2 star, get some screentime
>uses game music
>even refers to some of the game mechanics
"Kuril Islands are rightful Nipponese clay"
Try again in 10 minutes
What is the easiest way to earn rupies? Selling coop discs?
there's also dorothy I guess
Just bot my man.
characters who aren't blindly in love with your self interest are infinitely more interesting
self insert*
fuck me
>Character who falls in love with random other guys instantly that just so happen to not be the MC
Wow so much more interesting

It's the same fucking character one doesn't become one more interesting than the other just on that alone.

Look at Aliza
>lol so strong XD let me fall in love with this hetshitter for no real reason when he didn't even actually do anything
Wow very interesting
Look at Herja
>lol fall in love with every dude I meet for no reason
Wow infinitely interesting
I actually love that Stan and Aliza are a thing, they're cute.
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ss (2017-01-20 at 02.28.21).jpg
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>not botting as hard and obvious as you can so you can get casino bitch + her guns within 2 days
You only get banned for 3 hours and you get to keep your shit. Sounds worth it to me.
>falling for the bait


Never mind, I fell for the bait too. Dumb c/u/ck.
I still haven't gotten my first suspension yet.
Just bot responsibly.
I know dummy I'm mocking the one autist that's always here to rant about undetectability because he can't understand how abnormal it is to run a bot for 50 hours or why he was banned for it.
It's time to play some
there's nothing wrong with yuri.
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Someone translate these moonrunes
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I just want the rerun for the shitpost it'd bring. Those were glorious times.

And the dragon was based as fuck.
i am literally shaking right now.

Hold me yuisis
Probably never.
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Someone host Grande quick.
some shit like "thanks for joining my crew, nigga! you can go scout for some niggas if you like!"
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>tfw Joel is most water character of all
Can't beat the guy that 100% autistic about water.
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I agree.
What about that surfer chick?
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Granblue needs more gays of the female variety.
Nah. We already have the most accurate depiction of a lesbian in Vira. Psychopathic, cares for nobody but her victim, can't take a hint, etc.
"Thanks for your reply! Our crew is basically about freedom but.."
"in regards to guild wars [im foggy on most of this part] our goal is to win and everyone should cooperate"
"I feel like we can do it! As for quota and the like there arent any!"
"If you feel like it you can scout others!"

My rune level is pretty bad but I think I mostly got it.
>tfw tempted to roll for old man Megumin but don't want to risk rolling cuckbait.
I hate cygames sometimes.
>wanting more Viras
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>"Thanks for your reply! Our crew is basically about freedom but.."
>speak Japanese
>about freedom
The obsessive types are always a shit, regardless of whether they're faggots or not.
Vira likes the MC. CORRECTION soon.
>Japanese (You)
If you want to get technical, she wants both, going by Christmas and birthday lines. Which is progress, considering 2015 she just wanted Katalina. 2016, she warms up to MC regardless of gender.
I unironically have a waifu and I find them to be retarded.

Also having more than one waifu means that they don't really understand the concept in the first place.
Lesbians are a disgusting affront to nature
he means freedom of playing how you want you fucking autist
Isn't that what 自由 means? I assumed it meant freedom in the general sense of not being required to participate in guild raids or some shit.
What does it mean then? I'm trying to learn.
It is. Anon is being a faggot.
should i join a /gbfg/ guild?
Cannot wait for surprise tickets to go down to $15 USD.
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You're going to be obsessed with me.
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>complimenting cuckbait character before she goes on a date and fucks Chad
You can't have freedom unless you're American, son
what's your grid/char pool?
"Thanks for the reply. We're a casual/chill guild but..."

"We do have a goal which is passing the prelims, and perhaps your assistance in main round fights that seems winnable."

"There's also no quota!"

"If you're okay with that I'll send a scout/invite!"
I'm free to disagree
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Thanks for translating these moonrunes
Does it matter if you go to the final round or not during guild wars or just the prelims generally?
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If you pass the prelims you get to fight in 5 final round matches and you get some pity badges even if you lose each match so passing the prelims is the important thing for weaker guilds.
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It keeps happening... ;_;
Vira's into threesomes, confirmed.
>permanent strike on your account

I hope you enjoy the sword of Damocles forevermore dangling above your head.
What else is there to get banned for?
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Now this is my fetish.
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>he is only 8.5
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Why is everyone sperging out over a literally who?
Whatever cygames wants to ban you for.

Having a strike means you're permantently under scrutiny.
thats because hes shit.
He takes too long to set up and meanwhile your other units have to sit on their ougi, diddling their fingers
Not really. Having a strike means just that, "having a strike"

At absolute worst you get excluded from something like the Moon rebate from years ago. And at about neutral cygames doesn't care because banning people that spend money kinda takes that money away. More so if they can refund it all right back.
>herja wasn't the ssr
Fuck, those faggots really are opposed to future SSR upgrades.
At least Yodarha and Petra got in while they could.
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I told you that they don't upgrade units to SSRs anymore.
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>you uncap and level her up
>he fucks her
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hooh boy, shouda known, you're one of THOSE retards.

You know, the kind that thinks cygames wont ban them because they spent some money.

Havent heard that before. Oh wait. I did, during the last banwave,

You cant refund shit anyway. Google will refuse it, and its too long ago for the bank to do it
I'm not even going to give that (you) you desperately crave. Work harder for it instead of recycling your old shitposts.
>You cant refund shit anyway. Google will refuse it
Yes you can, that's why my last account got banned.
The people who are in charge of these ratings are waifufags what a surprise.
Google will not refund you after you got banned.

What, you think they cant see that?
Yuisis was originally an 8 you fucking mongoloid, you have to wait until they fucking test him out more.
I'm going to marry Mokou
>my granblue is being slow as fuck

I can make shit up with no prood to bck it up too.
did you restart?
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>Now Loading...
Do you know what 仮 means you piece of shit?
I demand compensation for this lag.
Yuisis was always higher than an 8 don't kid yourself kid.
This lag is to foreign players only, Japanese players are noticing nothing.
Answer the question faggot.
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So what were the apolopots for?
Oh, thought it was me
I'm not in Japan and don't get delays.
Lucio's nerf.
He clearly doesn't fit into the dark meta.

But he seems fun and he's original and he's a potato and he's got a good design and he's cool.

I'm pleased.
assuming the slight downtime yesterday
They fucked up main quests and the AP used for them wasn't counting towards Journey Drops.
How about you answer the original question faggot? Go show me proof that yui was anywhere near 8 and stop avoiding the original question.
>roll for herja with a 10meme ticket
>get her AND gandalf midget
welp. guess I'm not getting anywhere with the next six months worth of rolls.
good or not, getting is getting, and RNGesus is RNGesus.
Arthur when
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How much autism/resources would I need to get 2 gold bars next celestial event considering I can get maximum points comfortably every time? Just noticed I have over 900 rainbows.
That thing being cool is the biggest insult to cool things I've ever heard

Its a fucking useless potato, what exactly is cool about it? His beard?
However many nuggets you need to buy two Gold Bars from the shop, minus seven because of dailies.
People need to stop pretending that this is GBF music.
He still does 1.6 mil after five turns though.
Because there wasn't a nerf. They just changed the icon for one of his passives.
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Quick. Who's the best flaming animal eared dancer?

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All this time I thought that Lord of Vermillion and Rage of Bahamut are the same game
Didn't even know Anthuria existed until last month
Sochie is fucking gorgeous
Not that many. I did that last time Celestials was run and I didn't spend any AP/BP items overall.

But I can solo the primals quite easily, so your mileage may vary depending on how easily you can solo them. I also killed a lot of other people's primals.
you need to stop pretending anyone gives a shit about you and your worthless opinions, you insignificant maggot
Kill yourself retard.
>capped renown for the week
Anyone here actually manage to grind out 10k a month?
Thats what they're apologizing for. THey're apologizing because he can only do 1.6 mill after 5 turns whereas dark tato does 2.7 mill after 5 turns
Cool is stuff like Six or Siete.

Even before his buff, his design was cool as fuck and his ougi is amazing. Song also has a cool as fuck ougi and design, the alarm like sound when she's about to fire a super barrage of arrows is amazing.

A potato with a beard is literally shit tier compared to stuff like that and it just sounds like people trying to be hipsters.
I've been capping out my renown every week for the past 8 months boy. And it's 12k a month.
I bet he wears his sunnies indoors, that fucking hipster potato.
But he only does that much because of SZoi. Also lucifier's is a button press.
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for unspecified reasons i need the bea "i'm a genius pic"
we lad, struck a nerve? Hit too close to home did it?
if you just run all the very hard runs everyday for an entire week only you cap it
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Would it be wrong if I ticketed Anthuria before Sochie just cuz I want a flaming dance crew as a team? I don't even main fire.
Six is only cool if you're 13.

I do have a soft spot for wizards though.
Your money, bro. Don't let others stop you.
What the fuck is a "we lad"?
You really can't speak like a human, can you?
just pick with your dick
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>Six is only cool if you're 13
>But beards are amazing and the best

You're not really in a position to talk
Six is literally chuunibyo. I mean I love him, and I love that shit, but if you're denying that it's not something for 14 year olds then you're flat-out in denial.
>edgy twink cuckbait is cool
>ebin GARCHER XXD reference is cool
Did I step into a fucking Hot Topic?
You must be over 18 to post on this board.
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Is the new Fire Showdown really Noa's true form?
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thank you
I didn't say anything about beards.

The entire old wizard aesthetic is great.
When did I ever deny it?

There's a reason why its called chuuni and we're discussing chuuni things, you dont have to define the word and pretend anyone ever denied it.
I want to lick Yuel's hairy arsehole
A old wizard like Aletheia or Erasmus doing cool things would be okay.

A wizard potato that only has meme uses comes off as more of a joke to me.
Why'd you post that picture of me and my owner?
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This gon be gud
new thread soon? :^)
>But anon why did you make it so early? You're a fucking faggot for doing this shit

Someone has to make a proper thread before some unfunny retard starts shitting the OP with tripcancer or reddit shit
Holy fucking shit, that redditor is still assblasted about the previous thread
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Anyone else got rejected from the guild they tried so hard to join? I guess I wasn't strong enough for them.
>Fire gun
>Medium boost to ATK for fire allies
>Large boost to multiattack rate for fire allies if Rackam is in the party
>that cuc doujin
Just what I need
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Lets make our own Clarisseposting guild! Only for Clarisseposters!
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This will be the second GW in a row where I'm still on the waiting list for the guild I want to join.
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Fuck my shit up.png
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>Only 25 more hours until I can replace my Basilisk with Diablos
You just hate potatoes.
Been there, brother.
getting rejected from guilds is like getting rejected from a job application.
Except even worse!
>It's another episode of only getting 2 renown from chev magna because it dies within 1 spell cast.

>trying to get max renown on Chevs

Don't do that.

the best i can do is like 7-8 renown by casting every debuff I have in my arsenal.
>cool as fuck
>cool as fuck
You have to be over 18 to browse this site.
Shut the fuck up, it's your own fault.
What guild do you want to join? Show your grid and char
>there are subhumans in this thread right now that are so fucking newfaggy they werent even around for lord of vermillion and dont have millia
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>Gotten 6 flip chests from chev
>All 6 are SSR summons

is this my life now?
nice selfies desu
>gotten 3 SSRs from Chev in my last four hosts
>portrait, axe, harp

Well, okay.
> Started in Lily event, almost 4 months now
>Still no chev sword drop

I mean I'd be fine just going with Chev Guns if not for the fact that swords are just so fucking strong, and even give HP to top it off
Much like you now fuck off.
It hasn't even been 3 months since Peace of the pie what the fuck are you smoking?
>tfw chev is so pure she won't give me the last selfie I need and gives me guns instead
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Clarisse-chan, omakase!
>n-n-n-no u

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>Be me, a level 40 shitter. Started around Xmas.
>Only SSR that I got from rerolls are Altair and Amira.
>Ohwell.jpeg. Running with Grande support all the time because I'm so shit.
>Pulled Jannu on a daily free draw on Xmas and Lucio and Ferry on new year legfest
>Started hunting Chev ever since
>So far only 3 flips; 1 hard + 2 selfies

I think I treaded the wrong path.
>be me

whoah dude thought i was u for a sec haha
Shut up.
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Cuck or no cuck
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Placenta-chan <3
haha i thought i was me
My bad; I thought it was from October last year
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C-class weapon buffs?
>2 sklls that needs a setup
>lower hp and increased hostility
>ougi that spends all his MP making all his skills useless for at least 3 turns

Geeeee i wonder
You're not even 101, the swords are trash for you.
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Real talk /gbfg/, why is there so much cuck bait in this game? I have yet to see a mobage that does it as much as this one.
Even married characters/MILF usually lust for you in one way or another in most games.
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I've brought all the Chev swords. Should I buy a gun next?
You should stop using the sword.
Real talk, cuckboy.
You see what you want to see. Simple as that.
Because old FF wasn't as pandering to waifufags as it is now.
just wait for the chev swords to refresh and buy them again retard
>posts with the one character who wants Gran's dick the most.
Bait or retarded?
I'm kinda new to the game, are chev swords only good at level 120 or can I start using one right away?
You should have bought guns from the get go. The swords aren't going anywhere.
>I don't have 5* Jeanne: the post
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Dark Jeanne isn't canon.
only for olivier 50% more th effects
Only 120, trash before that.
she is in my heart

Jeanne with her 5* is pretty neutral
yamero kudasai
Proper thread without the reddit autism here


Are you people really that desperate to shitpost with the OP? Holy shit
oh boy
Burn it all down.
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This one wins.

Making it 15 minutes early just so you can shitpost like this is retarded.
You guys are so fucking retarded. Every fucking thread.
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>Reddit tier list
>failed to link threads

You fucked up
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>made 15 minutes ago
Fuck Everyone.

I'll be back tomorrow
All of the threads fucked up, honestly.
So, second or third?

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>Three threads
>Every day for the past week
>In an effort to clear up the thread and stop unfunny retards shitting the OP, future OP images may only include official game art with the game's title "Granblue Fantasy".

Lets go with door number three
>linked the wrong thread


>dank reddit tier lists and failed to link any previous thread

Pick your poison
why havent the mods banned this general yet
I'm just gonna stay in here until the thread hits page 10.
Let's not.
This gets my vote.
There, fixed the previous thread thing

Better now?
The only thing stopping this general from being as garbage as feg is tripfags making the thread wars and dragging literally everyone into their general.
You'll have to pick one eventually and the shitposters will clearly pick the reddit one because it has higher shitpost potential
No not really.
I don't get autistic about my /vg/ general video game discussion OPs so I don't give a shit.
Typical reddit. This thread and board are for high quality video games discussion, not dank memes. You have leddit and discord for that.
>Some autist puts whatever garbage in the OP and makes the threads earlier every time
>Post in it anyway because lel who gives a shit if I can shitpost

You're the cancer killing this general
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>This thread and board are for high quality video games discussion
>You're the cancer killing this general
Oh yeah, sure, and you're the hero these threads need.
What's up reddit?
What's up [buzzword]?
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