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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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Thread replies: 762
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BLACKED edition

Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/700
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://www.opendota.com/ (formerly yasp.co)
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

1st for deadgame doomsayers to fuck off
ded gam
pls redpill me
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>Riot shills and thirdies in full panic mode because Dota was saved by region lock
>avg and peak player count down since Nov 2015.
it's a beta
ur a dumb frogposter
all there is to it
how come there's region lock now?
>Lane for 5 minutes
>Constant teamfight with your team later on
>Feeling under the weather, pop the shrines
>Good luck trying to breach high ground early lmao

That's all there is to it, picking heroes who are relevant through all the phases of the game is a must for victory now (when in doubt just pick Luna, Jugger, Treant, Pudge or Necrophos)
placebo for the burgers
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I did it /d2g/.

All wins on Dotabuff profile page.

I did proceeded to lose next game.
It's not region lock. It just tries to match you up with people that are geographically close to you in your team. NA East wins, Balkans and Scandinavia lose.
Nobody can redpill you on the Dota 3 meta though, it's all up in the air tbqh.
>storm spirit
>jungle lifestealer that's building a hand of midas
>There's still no concede button in dota 2
Now now
there is no meta. its just a big experiment and a clusterfuck of a bunch of new random ideas and gimmicks they had. sit back and relax until they fix the piece of shit, if they ever do. for some reason icefrog never gets rid of new big game changing gimmicks like the shrines or the scan.
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who excited for Dotapit

>People who don't go Euls on Omni

why is that maiden turning me on so bad even though her teeth are jacked. more of this russian slag pls
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>millions of active while NA has barely 10k players
>got baited by 3,000 complain thread on plebbit
>now -300k players in 6hours
I don't even know why I even attempt to play support, I've noticed 90% of my carries are players who play a game once per week, doesn't read the patch notes and plays like its 6.86 and "weirdly" has a ultra high winrate on a single region.
you've been watching too much blacked porn
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>non-humans matter
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Did EE get low priority and stop streaming?
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How are nu'vi doing?
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>less than one post per minute

And here I thought the dedposting was just a meme... RIP
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Hey I need some S4 images, i accidentally deleted my folder
Deadposting is a /lolg/ raid.
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>last interesting TI was 3
>matchmaking is awful and unmotivating since mmr is a meaningless number with no rewards in game or achievements
>this general went to shit 2 years ago
>dota is dying fast

Rip in piss dotards
Loli Arcana when?
Don't see how lolfags can stop dotards from posting by raiding.
they haven't yet played an official and i don't think they've done a meaningful amount of practice yet since dendi and general were doing wesg
What if we could make money alongside valve from this game?
>singsing spent more time in low prio today than playing ranked
Quality system there
>>matchmaking is awful and unmotivating since mmr is a meaningless number with no rewards in game or achievements

Is this bait? I'll bite anyway.

Gaining mmr and playing at higher levels in rewarding itself.

T. calibrated at 1534 in Oct 2014, 641 ranked games later at 59.13% = 4321 and the quality of games is so much better than playing with the shitters.
Report him back to low priority.
Is he retarded? it's not like Single Draft is a different game
Not surprised, he's insufferable, would report at first sight.
>Hating on SingSing aka. Our Guy
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Sumail told us the truth 2 years ago.
Why do you still play this game?
>caring what some terrorist thinks

I love to waste time.
kill yourself
I only play this game to ruin 9 player's day
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But that's wrong. Nothing good ever comes out of wasting time.
i mean if you play 10 hours a day
i play a few matches every few days and its fun
who's this cutie?
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So you guys are saying this guy belongs outside low priority and on a pro team?
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It's not.
Having 6k+ means you have no goals in game anymore, the quality of your games will only get worse since more 4k shitters like you will get matched with high mmr players.
There is no endgame for players who are not underage for esport fantasies. Veterans have no fun to play solo ranked at high mmr, stale pool makes no sense and is awfully boring.

Ranked must be changed to a system with seasons, now it is the same garbage mess since 2011 and full of boosted accounts and other shit.

Even in Dota 1 we had leagues like iccup and western analogues with seasons because it's the only sane solution and it works great. Dota 2 is not even remotely like that, it has the most garbage and amateur ranked I've ever seen in video games.
It's just awful and is only playable with friends for fun.
Our Guy
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>3 consectutive games with not a SINGLE spanish speaker on my team
holy shit its actually happened, dota is saved I cant believe it

Im going to buy the next goypendium and lots of levels just because of this
Nothing good ever comes out of doing hard drugs either
That doesnt stop druggies tho
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Fucking bullshit hero jesus christ

And people complain about Monkey Meme
How is tree bullshit?
>last interesting TI was 3
literally the only people who say this either never watched TI3 or only saw the finals. TI3 was -literally- avoid all fights: the meta. and had more one sided stomps than any TI since TI1

Both TI5 and TI6 were far better overall. TI3 only gets remembered well because the finals went to 5 games with an exciting ending with two storied teams
Druggies are human waste and criminals. Are you human waste?
TI3 grand finals were shit as well, just two teams seeing who can choke harder
I have literally nothing else to do all the time. Its either dota or looking at wall everyday
>literally the only pro that hasn't encouraged us to play the game
>doesn't care about having fans either
>dendi tells us to spend all our time playing dota instead
Is he right or is dendi right?
>Third day in a row that Sing get LP because of sore loser


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>singsing is only 5.7k

puts things into perspective
Why can't sing find people he's compatible with to play with
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>people keep mass reporting any pros they get matched with
>Valve will be forced to fix the broken system
reddit saving dota again while you losers just shitpost lmao, why haven't you migrated to good4chan yet?
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>this guy doesn't deserve permanent low priority
He literally doesn't
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>Listening to the advice of a underaged shitskin
>Listening to the advice of an autistic slav
Your first concern should be getting gud at life if you're honestly considering the advice of the mentally impaired
Quality reporting system valve, literally LoL tier
how to get people to spend more on hats?
I've only come across one confirmed d2g poster that was actually 5k. I seriously doubt you're 6k+, bro.

Make Matchmaking Great Again
wtf i love singsing now
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>w33 also got lowprio
nice report system Valve
isn't sings solo mmr above 6k? I remember somewhere in 2016 he was def higher MMR than EE
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Soe is beautiful and I love her.
I bet you eat fast food and drink coffee and sit on your ass all day and pretend like you're above an investment banker who does coke all day and makes seven figures.
I bet you're a third worlder who is apologetic for his shitskin too.
that's party meme you dumb nigger
>every single one of my games have been decent to good with no perus

can't remember the last time this game had good matchmaking
Its ~7.4k i think, 5.5k is his party
remember the lgd scandal?
No fuck you lol
Valve, fucking fix this shit. Singsing has done absolutely nothing aside from picking certain heroes.

One of the stacks he was playing against got mad at him for last picking Meepo and they all reported him. Now he most likely got reported again for playing Monkey King.

This system is completely broken. Enemies should not be able to report just because they lost.
I stopped playing in september and and came back now. What was the biggest/funniest drama that happened while I was gone?
there was or wasn't a conflict of interest with lgd
>/pol/tard hick wakes up and starts spamming
>thread quality nosedives
Power of the white race.
the reason why sing keeps getting lpq is because his account is marked, now in only takes like half the reports to land him in lpq
Just fucking remove LPQ for reports and use it for people who leave games. Then you can use muting for bad boys.
so now that axxx has been proven shit can we just move on without anymore "women can totally play pro!" memes.
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clearly its not because he gets mass reported by enemies for shitting on their 5k pride
>be 7k player
>stack with 4k shitheads so you maintain forced 50
>ruin 5k games

I would understand on NA servers since the games are already fucked MMR wise but in EU theres really no excuse
how bad was it?
>Meanwhile at Europe
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>rEEtard keeps getting low prio too even though he's on a winning streak
>people try to shift the blame away from valves shitty new reddit influenced system by saying its because he smurfs
>his fucking smurf is high 6k and his main account is unplayable thanks to queue times
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Are frail supports even worth playing anymore? Heroes like witch doctor, ancient apparition and certain other ones seem really weak right now. It seems you want supports that scale hard with gold now.

I love playing ancient apparition but like most fucking supports, he is garbage right now because he is frail and can't fight early.

Like what are THE supports of this patch? I hate like every other role. I hate being a core because I don't like last hitting. I hate running from a team fight because I could day and it may set me back. I prefer just fighting enemy heroes to try and get map control or some shit.
Any vids?
Any tips for snatching runes?
play balanced treeman of free invis bashes
>I could day

Um dotard did you just have an aneurism? Are you okay?
he's LITERALLY one of the most OP heroes in the game right now since you can't lane against him and everything else about him is as good as ever
I mean mechanically how do I click faster/better than enemies or team mates trying to steal my rune?
I'm level 11 currently
How many games until I can play ranked?
just spam right click on that shit nigga what the fuck do you mean mechanically
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>Witch Doctor and AA don't scale with items
someone people have scripts
Who is this sperm collector? Search doesnt bring anything
>STILL get peruvians

spotted the shitskin
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Even her back is tattooed JUST
How do I get good?
>increased effectiveness with items is scaling
They literally dont "scale", their spell damage are set in stone, sure they could love an aether, and AA could be godly with euls, and technically you get like 3% spell amp with the int from items, but the only actually scaling supports are Skywrath (Who's better as a core) Silencer (Who's better as a core) Earthshaker and venge (who's especially better as a core, seriously look at those talents)
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>no Draven
It doesn't matter if they don't "get more spell damage from items" they still scale amazingly as the game goes on. Witch doctor with more mana regen can perma heal, more durability lets him get off his channel longer, and maledict will do more damage as his team gets stronger.

AA's regen block becomes more powerful as the game goes on due to characters having higher HP regen to lose and since shatter is percent based it also becomes stronger with hero hp pools.
>They literally dont "scale", their spell damage are set in stone
We've got plenty of unplayable heroes who get shit on by pretty much everybody.
>tfw you blame everyone but yourself

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How do we save this useless piece of trash?
>literally double DPS

he's good
Yep aganims on AA makes no difference on the outcome of the game what so ever :^)
I've heard rumours he was supposed to be exclusively played as a support hence why his base damage was ridiculously large on release, Valve didn't expect him to be taken mid.
that was a wc3 hero
why didn't you just choose ranked as level 10 talent?
Icefrog hates carries and pushers and has systematically nerfed all of them over the past 6 years.

Arc's kit does both, so he'll probably be forced to underperform until he gets a rework.
More base damage and better stats.

Hero feels like he needs to be miles ahead just to be as good as everyone else.
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cheeky cunt
>Meanwhile in real life
Engine differences make heroes play remarkably differently, in WC DotA zet was mostly played as the offlane and considered a farm vacuum.
>farm vacuum
how is a hero that literally doubles his own networth a vacuum
>low prio for calling out mirana shitpickers
fuck this game
Orb walking wasn't something you could consistently pull off expect on LAN, the entire game played like you had two bricks tied to your hands.
>call people subhumans and niggers on a daily basis
>i always have less than 3 reports on the report card or whatever
how do you retards even manage to get low priority by flaming is beyond me
I had arranged my hero grid according to their positions. This means that I divided them into 5 columns. Why did valve remove that? I can't group the heroes anymore. Now all heroes are grouped by valve and they don't play the game so they don't even know which heroes are carries and which aren't.
arc doesnt have any orbs though
lolbabs call kiting orbwalking senpai
Call them subhumans and niggers in game and not in real life and see what happens.
>Doesn't know the difference between kiting and orb walking
Jesus, how new.
spotted the lolbab
dumb stinky lolbabby
Any way to get to the "old" unit targeting while using the new popup box? I like it for most things but would be nice to sometimes see it the old way for example to see quick buy.
it was 7 subhumans in a row and they all reported
democracy is flawed
Mechanics and clicking fast are a sign of autism and not a sign of intelligence. When do they make this game mechanically easier to play?
The reason fear retired was because he couldn't click that fast with arm anymore.
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>Dota millennials will never experience syllabears proper bear form
Guys this is important. The new display is much better but not being able to view team member's specific bb status, stash and quick buy ruins it unless there's a way to force override it.
>attack moving is considered micro in lel
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Which doto would (you) fug?
>inb4 some horsefucker instawaifus ench
TA and LC
look in options retard
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Is Soe a doto?
What is it called then? From what I can see you can only select the new box on or off. I want it on but I need to be able with some hotkey or whatever to bypass it.
luna and naga
Its funny and shit but LC is canonically bald.
turn it off u fucking ape
>POTM Bottom
yes please
But I want to use the popup.
whatever happened to not closing the client for new updates?
then leave it on you fugus
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How is Sing's doge so cute dotards?
But I need to be able to see people's quickbuy etc every now and then.
That's where the skins/custom sets from the market come in.
Buy buy buy
thats only for backend changes
meals always look cute
It's good.
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>every game is literally a race war
>two games today had enemy teams with no support picks
>another game had a leaver 5 minutes in and complaining in broken english in all chat
>ive only lost a single game since yesterday and even the loss was a great game
There were literally people who didnt think (psuedo) region locking would not save dota
The only thing that could make it better is if we could see MMR fluctuation by region, there is no way there hasn't been a collective loss of MMR in Peruvian Dota.
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I have met an impasse and it is infuriating.
/pol/ wins. AGAIN!
How can thirdies even compete?
Someone red pill me on starting items. If you are a support, particularly AA.. what items do you buy?

Someone said that as a support you should spend all your starting gold. Others have told me that supports that need a midas should probably save a bit if they can?

What are the proper starting items for a support? Also, how do you play AA safely? I feel like going full balls out midas into scepter is kinda dangerous but what can you really buy to defend yourself? Glimmer force staff puts you behind quite a bit.
>reach forced 50
>Desperate spectre spam to break it
>it also fails
I'm at the same spot desu. I don't know how to beat this. Maybe some games of unranked?
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>Peru has become NA's punching bag
I've been stuck on 4.6k mmr for over a month but today I broke it and reached 4.8k.

Just keep trying your best and you'll break through.
Is SingSongDingDong the GOAT Dota 2 streamer?
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>not picking Treant for free MMR

You deserve to be in Normal.
the only item aa needs is boots

buy wards and deward
>calibrate at 4.5k
>theres some boosted shitter every game that literally throws the game something goes bad instantly
>fall to 4.2k
>stop playing ranked
what a horrible shitty mode
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>best at anything
If opendota says average mmr is 3k, why is /d2g/ below it?
>calibrate higher than what you should've
>too big ego to admit youre bad
>quit because you're a faggot

>EE gets rekt HotD Huskar

>blows Black Hole trying to save himself

surely i dont belong at that mmr because russians throw a bitch fit literally every game
what's the carry AA build?
Max E and get a dragonlance? Into what?
Sing is the best
>build echo on slardar/void
say that to my face not online and see what happens you shitstain
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Dota 2 hasn't been good since TI3

Prove me wrong
I climbed and still am. Why can't you? What's so special about you that makes you unable to
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>Lets not build echo saber on the hero with the longest bash that has a passive that greatly gets affected by increased attack speed.
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>Sing muted for 2 whole days
Uh, dotards? Explain this
i remember maining Arc warden on release.
All those 18 minute rapiers.
All that +25.

Instruct me on reaching 3.2k with Treant please.
>How soon do I get aghs?
>until he gets a rework
Icefrog only reworks heroes with boring passives (sniper, pl, necro)
Arc Warden has four active abilities, seven if you count his double
Icefrog just loves to release a broken hero, nerf him to oblivion, then eventually bring him back in the normal hero cycle of being shit or not.
i dont have the patience to autisticly grind ranked picking heroes that i dont necesarrily want to play but i must to climb
fuck that shit nigga
Wasnt the new battle pass supposed to release this week?
Valve decided they hate money
>UI is still garbage
L M A O.
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I dread the day they turn him into a support-cuck
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>almost 2 years since the last time I played this garbage

Feels good man


lmao confirmed account buyer who cares
>hard carry hero that will soon get farmed enough to replace it in like 5 mins
you don't have enough slots to fill with 2k gold items like dragonlance and echosaber. Dragonlance is always better on troll than echo
Hello newpal. It has happened multiple times in the past that pros/streamers have gotten LP for no reason simultaneously.
what is that shitskin langauge anon
explain yourself
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>high skill matches
>still posts on the gulag

kys huemonkey
very high
>EE uses Blackhole and immediately cancels

>He deals 0 rightclick damage
>his Q does nothing if you arent alone in your jungle
>his W got butchered
>new HOTD shits on his E
dont even get me started on his ult
he is WORSE than a support cuck now
forced 50 stopped me. I'm good at spectre and underlord and should be winning
That's portuguese you ignorant fuck
you're trash at this game kiddo
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If 3k mmr is the average mmr why is gulag 2k?
its brazilian portuguese, retard
And what language do brazilians speak you mongoloid?

That's brazilian portuguese, not portuguese from Portugal

t. am brazilian

Half of them are High.You're probably 3.5k, if even that
>Q does nothing if you aren't alone

>Q's you
>you either leave the creep wave and suffer the slow and damage
>or stay near the creep wave at the mercy of other heroes

>W butchered
>still provides obscene attack speed for pushing
>evasion still affects towers

No you're just retarded.
And HotD shits on nearly everything now and his E isn't something that's fucked up with HotD because it's on a 4 second cooldown. Not too mention it has a 2000 cast range.
thats even worse
>HOTD shits on his E

just dominate the enemy creep ???
>Half of them are High.You're probably 3.5k, if even that

Because I wasn't playing serious anymore, I lost passion for the game when it went to shit.

I was 5,5k MMR when I quit
>And what language do brazilians speak you mongoloid?
It's still called portuguese you subhuman shit
Being able to deal 50.000 dmg in the span of 15 seconds should not be dismissed
what is the void build for offlane? does void build echo sabre?
give me nudes adelaide
vlads manta diffusal, search for fights everytime your ult is off cooldown
threads vlads echo blink diffusal manta into no damage at all
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Doom is now a ground-target AOE spell with 150 radius
The void build is to pick Pit Lord/Slardar/Bat Rider/Weaver/SK/DS. FV's having a horrible time in this patch, you have to fight early and often and you'll just lose all your shit before you're online
How about feet?
He can't even be played as a support anymore because they removed cloning consumables.
They did what?
FUGGG.....AW was my go-to with the infinite dusting against invis heroes
blackhole+doom for 5 man doom?
“I have not seen an unjust one who is more similar to the wronged than one who envies: continuous panting, upset heart, and endless sorrow.”
– Bihar al Anwar Vol 76

does this mean Eternal Envy is miserable because he's envious?

+1 armor
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Yep. Also his long-cooldown Double now has a bounty, his movement speed is now 285, and Spark Wraith no longer dispels and no longer gives flying vision (in the patch of Monkey King).
And dont forget that his talents are medicore at best, just look at the lvl 25 ones.. Pretty much useless
why didn't they add 3 paths in the talent tree?
Caster pathway, Tanker pathway and Physical damage pathway
>tfw you are below average at dota
why do people who never played wc3 dota just calibrate at 4.5k and people like me who played wc3 dota calibrate at 2k and stay there because of forced 50?
Goat fuckers religous texts are only good as toilet paper
- Anon
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>forced 50
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>forced 50
The orb-walking term originates from Dota, LoL "borrowed" the term
yeah it's more like forced 60% now if you got dat radiant bias thanks to 7.00 :^)
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>All Six of my alt steam accounts of LPQ

Oh well, guess I won't play for awhile till they drop automatically.
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>implying you do
Theres no such thing as orb walking in league to begin with
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why does it take so long to level up to 20?
bonus: games are one hour long stomps and teams cant even surrender
nice game
this is considered orb walking in LoL, its basically kiting

Thats not orb walking, its just kiting, orb walking doesnt exist in league
It's animation canceling, not kiting
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oh boy, i sure can't wait to see how valve is gonna fuck up the low priority and report system even further after catering to reddit's whining again
>OD is the only hero with a literal orb
>he doesn't walk
why don't you stay at your 1.5k mmr account
I know what it is, i played league for a long time
ill never improve if I keep playing on that account. I'm stuck in bad habits
>You can't Orb walk with Orb of Vemon
Nice game dotards
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>click on the enemy, then click where to move
>this is extremely difficult to execute
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random techies
actually you can since it's not an orb anymore
>Imam al-Baqir (A) said, “A man may be forgiven for something done in a fit of anger; but envy devours faith as fire consumes wood.”

How will Eternal Envy be forgiven?
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what if instead of playing this shitty memepatch, wc3 zet
Isn't WC3 Dota still stuck on 6.83
>w33haa moves to america
>starts playing leshrac which one of swindles favourite heroes
why does NA love leshrac?

that's when he was maximum overcancer
But that was also when everything else was maximum overcancer, including comeback mechanics
the best patch ever. Yes.
The best patch ever according to based ourguy grandgrant
our boys is streaming
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>best patch ever
anything 6.8* and above is trash and belongs in the gutter
Pre .87 Zet feels kind of bullshit I think
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>don't like something about the game.
>whine on reddit about it.
>Valve changes it instantly.
>comeback mechanics mattering to a hero second only to gambler in OPness that pushes towers and scales lategame beyond belief
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>Pick Lycan
>Press W anytime something is going on in the map
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With the removal of cloning consumables, why even play Arc Warden when I can play Meepo
I'm sure there's a better way to wash the little guy. Like laying it down instead of shaking him and rattling his brains like a baby which won't stop crying
How new? That's how it's always been. Alpine Ursa (a set that is now tame compared to the other lore/color scheme breaking bullshit valve has gradually built up to) got removed because redditors bitched hard enough about it
arc warden doesn't fall off past 35 minutes, he's less risky seiging

that's literally it
but meepo is 2.5 times stronger than arc warden
I never hated slacks. Even back when /d2g/ and reddit both moved in unknowing solidarity calling him a retard, I still liked him.
based feardota
You opinion is still shit.
We don't hate him, we are envious of a fucking goofball like him being able to reach 5k solo
>play Lone Druid
>bear gets 1-hit by Tusk 40 minutes in
Your opinion is good now, but it was bad before
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slacks is making pasta haHAA
The fact that sylla was nerfed into unplayable garbage-tier when only bulldog and matumbaman played them was pretty bullshit
when is razors electric current Purge usefull?
i cant think of anything except a haste rune purge
dogshit dotards
ok guys im at 3.2k and have been gaining almost 100 mmr a day playing offlane void. at what mmr will this shit stop working.
it used to be able to purge repel. Can it still do that?
>no good streams
ded gaem
whats the free mmr treant build?
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When you get charged by bara it procs making you know that you are charged. lamo
Just had my first game after patch and got 3 americans and only one peruvian

don't use vpn or something like that

sven initiation
lc initiation

basically any hero with targeted spells that also buff themself prior casting it
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What went so horribly wrong? I was the Undying.
can it purge sven ult?

no but it purges the armor

also it purges huskar heal if he casts his ult on you while it's active
can it still purge repel?
lvl1 bash into gg, end, finish fast, tmr and asco
>unironically losing to desolator radiance leshrac
time to uninstall
52 min blademail also should of got the 90 gold per min at 10 so u get items faster, so you dont die as much. "un" dying get it?
you got KANGED

but really your mirana had one of the worst builds ive ever seen and you had a pa on your team which is almost 100% loss if the other team is not retarded. the game looks like it was out of your hands, undying cant really do much that late. that being said your hero healing is REALLY low especially for undying.
>tmr asco
Repel can no longer be purged by anything
didnt know that, nice
you're right thats pretty good
>should of
Thanks for marking your opinion with as invalid
>tide with no blink
>right click mirana instead of eblade vs kang
There are fucking three (3) servers in EU why can't one be free of russians?
ok how the he** does necro have the highest win rate this patch? i dont understand, is it just retards in the 2k bracket exploiting the fact that you cant right click him?
fuck you I miss the russians
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>normal skill
>~43% winrate
How anon.. HOW.. Do you need help? ;_;
Waht went wrong is that monkey and pudge had no pressure on them, your team not being that greaet.. Also double greaves for some reason
He has goodGhost Scepter so he literally can't die with a mek and he wins every lane because of his passive regen and aura
Yea I like Dota 2 as well, fun game
that poor poor cm. jesus christ. must have been such a miserable game.
>that being said your hero healing is REALLY low especially for undying.
Is team healing that important in pubs?
I'm absolute dogshit at this game, that's why I constantly post my matches here.
>is russian
>afk for entire draft
>lose gold for 5 seconds
>pick jugg even if we have too many carries already
Shut the fuck up Lebanon, nobody cares about your brother fucking state
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how do you jungle in this game
want to jungle with lycan
Anyone else spamming ___LC for free wins?
step 1: the wolf runs
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>Region Lock in the same year that Trump gets sworn in as president
that's everyone on 3k and below
step 2: the wolf is at your door
I hate you
No I'm spamming techies for his balanced level 2 finger of death at level 7 mines.
very important. fights are won and lost of fractions of hp. dont focus so much on the mass number of healing done but the effectiveness of it. desu if i were you i would just quit this game. you've started so late in the game's life cycle that by the time you get even somewhat competent no one will be playing this
>daed game
anymore. use your time on something worth it instead.
w-whats step 3
you should avoid heroes that aren't green death priests
iron talon, tangoes
morbid mask
>pudge with 2 hearts and 41 stacks of flesh heap
Yea, Shadow Fiend is a pretty cool hero.
You realize orb walking is different from kiting and animation cancelling right? in WC3 you couldn't just right-click to get proper use out of attack modifiers like in DotA 2.
step 3: wolves need no armor

You don't. The neutral camps only spawn every 2 minutes not every 1 minute.
Is dragon lance the go to build early now?
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>eating a massive bowl of pasta
>with his bare hands
>while making autistic noises
>and watching dota

Is Slacks, dare I say, our guy?
>pa blinks you
>gets slowed for 2 seconds to hex tier speed
>turns and tries to run
>you hit her
>turns to dagger you so you cant chase her
>gets slowed again
i've been using this build, works pretty well
is there anyway to better play the early game? seems very slow
also when if ever do you gank?
the guy has such a good heart, I just can't hate him anymore
>fat man who's life has been utterly consumed by memes
What other heroes are generally good for solo pubbing? I'll get counter-picked eventually.
but dota still has 800k people playing, that's something.
>hit level 6
>"the wolf runs"
what more do you need to know?
i opened my game and there was a guy with a meme apu frog streaming in the upper right corner

whats wrong with people
if you ever want to gank it at level 6, when u get your ult
also, buying a smoke once u get your vlads and sneaking a roshan used to work all the time back when i played lycan
also getting a blight stone to jungling may be a good idea
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>entire packet of pasta and like 7-8 large sausages
>no sauces
>one sitting
So this is the American diet
post feet qt
>What other heroes are generally good for solo pubbing? I'll get counter-picked eventually.
Slark, Aghs Luna (to be nerfed), Underlord.
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wait a FUCKING minute.

I thought my jungles were being warded, was that change just made in this patch? I might consider quitting if so.
what's the name of the original video? I see that image shop on almost every thread on any board
>What other heroes are generally good for solo pubbing
trent bashlord

your kdas are dogshit across the board so you shouldn't play carry until you've learned how to not feed
LMAO you've been playing this whole time just thinking the supports were doing an unreal job of warding your entire jungle LAMO LMAO LMAO LMAO
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How do I quit this game?
How can someone be unaware of one of the biggest changes in 7.00
>Thinking supports actually ward
Wtf are you 9k?
Yes, change made this patch. Fuck your strategies and farming you have to fight all game for the spectators lol
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this is the purest girl in Dota
>me ooga
>team booga
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ok fuck that bottom pic got me. im really feeling some type of way about that ):
Hey I think he's gonna puke
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>Envy can't go more than ~20 games without getting low priority because the salty enemies always report him

Not gonna lie something needs to be done about this
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>SS with 12 more deaths
>SS with 71 more gpm

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you just need to realise valve sending you a message telling you

here's mine
>Patch 7.1
>Jungle camps and rosh have a nice little timer showing when they spawn next
>Camps have an exclamation mark if they're blocked
>Clicking the exclamation mark shows a "try dewarding!" message
>Dewarding the camp gives 1000 bonus gold and commends you

Btw how many fucking games did you play that you never noticed this? Did you watch any streams or see any d2g posts about the change either? I mean jesus christ anon.
How are your Arc Warden games in 7.01
>picks windrunner 20 times in a row
>10% winrate
>low prio
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>Envy doesn't belong in perma Low Prio

HAHAHHA suuuuuure.
every pro is filthy scum and I would not hesitate to report each of them if I ever had them in my games
heropick shouldn't send you to lowprio this isn't league of legends
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bear in mind I used to play at least 5 games a week and zet is ~50% of of the games I've played in the last year
Well SS has three times more last hits, also his building damage is somewhat visible so it's at least 4 digits
>get low priority
>single draft gives me brewmaster, furion and pl
>impossible to win with these bad heroes
I agree something needs to be done.
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I barely played this patch.
I guarantee it's his teammates reporting him as well because he's a terrible mid and a sperglord who won't shut the fuck up on voice chat.
I watched him earlier and his team was setting up a kill on a SS, and he just did the "YO WHAT THE FUCK!" spergout, and his teammates successfully killed the SS seconds later.
Like, how do you play under that? That does nothing but tilt your own teammates. I mean, I think I like the guy but he's a toxic shitter and a horrible captain.
Tbh I don't get why people make such a big deal of region lock. All that changes is you're teamed with passive-aggressive/fatalistic cucks who rage at the slightest fuck up instead of jabbering monkies in an internet cafe.
if you can't win fucking low prio with literally any hero you should consider uninstalling
What's your build? How do you play? gimme details. I like Zet but i've only ever been decent.
>I guarantee it's his teammates reporting him as well because he's a terrible mid and a sperglord who won't shut the fuck up on voice chat.
>sperglord who won't shut the fuck up on voice chat.
Literally this, voice chat was a mistake, how the fuck autisti like him even has enough courage to use mic
literally THE hero for low priority, quit being a bitch
i still got matched with americans
>40% winrate hero
that means 40% of people win with him. What's the matter faggot are you in the bottom 60% of the playerbase? That's like 2k mmr
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who should I spam
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>voice chat was a mistake
Lyte spotted!
40% of 5k players win with him. Let that sink in like a pit in your stomach
>voice chat was a mistake
yeah it's not like you can just mute whoever is being autistic while using it for its intended purposes. No better remove it because anon is a fucking humongous faggot and too afraid to talk anyway
EUW is tilt city for Britbongs, being able to communicate with the entire world with their native language and then getting thrown onto a region where 8/10 people don't speak a lick of English and people wonder why they don't into esports.
>impyling 5Ks are good
>implying anyone is good
kek you can literally random every game and fuck around and still get to over 5k
Like it or not, Envy is still.....
....he's still a top tier pro, good enough where Puppey and ppd both wanted him, and it's worth it to hear what he has to say ingame, even if you have to filter the verbal river of shit that comes from his aspie mouth.
If I played with him I'd just have to deal with his tilting bullshit in order to win the game.
And yes, I'd report him afterwards.
Britbongs are cancerous and worse than any russian. I have a higher winrate in russia than EUW. Unfortunately I don't get matched with them anymore. Russians are amazing
i wouldnt report envy for being a sperglord but if u pick windrunner in my games you're getting reported you piece of shit
I've played with him multiple times, he's notail tier annoying with his mic just mute him and play normally
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He's probably not strong enough to hold his own fighting much early on like before.

He's not great mid anymore, safelane is best now. Don't try to play him as a support until you're really comfortable on him in his current state. It is viable though.

Even though he's terrible at it farm hard and move around to avoid the inevitable death squad.

His core items are all fairly similar in most games, but often you'll have to adjust the order to not just lose the game because you went for the wrong tools first. Pike is more favourable than before in his current state, though blink and sb are both ok in a lot of games if you understand how to use them right.

You'll be dogshit at the hero if you just use your clone and waste your hero's potential, and just as dogshit if you can't position yourself well to survive because he's incredibly easy to kill.
>enemy decides to abandon
>game doesn't count
>"hurr it's your fault you didn't win"
That's because of confirmation bias, Swedes are among the most cancerous in my opinion, but that's because their both so rare they stay in your head.
>enemy decides to abandon
>game doesn't count
are you mentally handicapped?
Would you report w33haa if he picked windranger? It was one of his best heroes in when he was in secret and she hasn't been nerfed since then.

I would report Envy for getting rich off playing video games tho because im envious
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For how many more years is the ESL stream going to rerun Wings vs DC?
yeah idk why you wrote that much lol nobody gives a shit
id report him for being named "i googled ee windrunner", instalocking wr and going mid, feeding or somehow transitioning to a position fucking 4 and losing us the game

because ee is a hack fraud who single-handidly ruins whatever team hes on
you guys are envious of envy
but w33 isn't dogshit and autistic anon
no i mean before regionlock I used to queue russia and get teammates that sometimes chat and never use the mic. Britbongs on the otherhand chat constantly and curse on the mic tilting me massively. Communication isn't even needed beyond "group up" or "lets gank this guy" and pings can do that too.
wee stopped playing wr on 6.87 whne she got nerfed
>because ee is a hack fraud who single-handidly ruins whatever team hes on
ee is one of the most successful esport players. he is the only constant.

you guys rag on ee far too much. at least hes not dendi
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Anyone tried Aghs CK yet? Phantasm on heroes like Luna or TB seems broken af
I've had longass games where I needed to communicate "hey let's buy spare helm of the dom's and smoke creeps into their base for surprise BoTs", can't communicate that with pings and shit.
in vainglory both teams can pick the same hero. What if that happened in dota?
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idk where my luna one went
dota literally cant handle two meepos
>that much coordination in solo queue
wew you must be lying
sd+luna x2 every game
>Muted so I can't flame my team

send help
Thank god the creeps are here i'd think this was sped up otherwise
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SD+Luna nerfs fucking WHEN
Britbong here, my Russian Luna just spent 20 minutes trying to communicate with our 1-9 Chinese Ember Spirit telling him to go magic amp or at least Linken so he doesn't get blown up instantly.

You act like the new region "locking" thing is even enabled on EUW.
alch attacks that fast if you build him properly instead of the dogshit radiance manta build
You know, photographers are pretty badass. The guy was probably really close to the gunman and had no cover and risked his damn life to take those damn pics.
>chinks going 1-9 on the hero made for them
>chinks outside perfect world servers
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And we are thankful for it.
what if valve didnt change anything and it was all a placebo?
God bless the Luna, she broke her back carrying us.
deactivate your brain cells
and delete this

god bless the motherland russia
so i heard L "Shekelgruber" D had some cuckold problems with our boy Xycloppz casting a girl gamer? wtf happened?
Yeah, we get those all the time here in Aus. You should check their pings next time, the retarded chinks who play on my server are probably exchange students who barely speak english and fuck my games up.
Xycloppz called her a "grill", that was extremely sexist and he was reprimanded for it, LD also publicly apologized for it
Nothing. He did nothing.
He probably just told him to apologize, then put on his best PR suit and apologized again to appease the SJW drama queen redditards so they get to keep their hosting gigs.
you can type status in the console to see pings
Be glad they don't fuck up your life.
Fucking chinks visiting my uni courses and you just want to kill yourself if you're assigned any form of group work with them
>oh yeah you did your part lets see
>oh it's in broken english
>oh you didn't even understand the questions
>I can't flame my team
working EXACTLY as intended
without creeps you still have normal tower attacks speed and shrine particle effect
what courses are you taking that require such linguistic proficiency that it's not ok for the english to be broken
why don't you refuse to be in a group with them?
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what if they're forced pings
what if the peruvians were hard bots with spanish voice actors the entire time?

>that stream of projection

kill yourself
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>girl on newbee.boss team
>only thing worth talking about on the team is how theres a girl on it cause the rest are all garbage hasbeens
>xyclopz makes some jokes during the cast like he always does like how girls dont talk to him etc
>calls her "the girl" because her name is some chinkshit he can't read
>some redditor makes a compilation of it, leaving out shit like the twitch chat asking him to find out which player was actually the girl
>posts it on reddit
>reddit goes full retard calling it disgusting sexist behavior while in the same breath being racist towards SEA as a whole
>LD apologizes
>xyclopz apologizes
Also I think they also dropped casting WESG, haven't seen xyclopz since
I hope nothing changes, his cast was some of the best shit I've ever seen. He tells chat "Alright I'll show you how to find out who the girl is" and just asks ingame. He's a fucking national gem
what if Valve are just lizard people
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I've been there. Luckily I'm chink as well.
>4 person group roleplay script needs to be written in Japanese
>parts get split up
>meet up again the next day
>her entire shit was obviously put through google translate
>spend all night fixing her shit because no-one else would do anything
what if valve ARENT lizard people
what're you going to do about it
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>the highest MMR on Heroes of Cuckzard storm is 4k

Mechanical engineering in germany. Our papers have to be in german. I'm actually glad if they manage to shit something out in english (because their german is even worse), so I have an easier time just rewriting it.
Ridiculously high percentages of students from abroad, there is not a single group assignment that you can get away with with not at least one "no german only broken english" shithead. It also gets randomly chosen who you're in a group with.

ll the profs know that but they only grade the whole group. so either fail the course or do everything yourself and carry them.
Yeah. Gee willy, those gosh darn sexist and inconsiderate fellas are horrible folks...but not as fucking retarded as those braindead Peruvian thirdworld shitskins amirite??? UPVOTE ME IF U AGREE TY
2000 karma, 3x gold
>jungles spawn at every odd minute now

wtf im quitting dota how can i play jungle lc now
oh believe me people still do
One time we had some french nigger telling us ONE NIGHT before the turn in that he could not open an excel file because he only has a mac,
That dude was in his 6th semester and cannot open excel files. Baffles my mind how he got so far.
>dota isn't open-source
>can't audit the code

why do dotards hate freedom

envys feeding again

>there is not a single group assignment that you can get away with with not at least one "no german only broken english" shithead. It also gets randomly chosen who you're in a group with.
Why don't foreigners or germans who want the courses in english have english courses

or declare the entire thing to be in english. makes no sense to me you can hand in both in english and german
No fun allowed, banned from casting for life, his slot will be filled with politically correct drones and professional chair sniffers
I don't get it either. Everything is 100% german, yet my robotics lecture is 50% filled with chinks who don't understand a word.
no I doubt it

xyclopz does have a very niche crowd that enjoys his casts of sea/china/tier4 dota. and LD pays him basically nothing so I dont think the jew will cut off those views at that pricepoint.
you can't request white groupmates in germany why did you even go to that "tolerant" shithole?
Yeah, this confuses me. If your German uni accepts foreign students, they should know that unless they start learning German from a young age then there's absolutely no way anything the foreign exchange students will be able to put anything out that's even worthy of academic merit.
Esp if you're a Chinese exchange student who can barely speak English.
everybody enjoys his casts. He's the funniest caster I've ever heard in my life
Nah I think they just pulled out so that this whole event gets forgotten.
They NEED xyclopz because he's the only person to cover these lesser events. He basically does it for peanuts as well, they wouldn't dare sacrifice free profit just because of some PC shit.
Techies is crazy strong this patch.
I was curious about what happened to him, his casts are epic
>"Big black dirty hole"
>"Barracks Obama"
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>Can't buy wraith band recipe during strategy time.
chinks are accepted everywhere with their broken english even here in denmark. My chink supervisor performed his PhD defence with his broken english lmao. Everything he said was PHd worthy though.
Why did hg pushing become so hard? It can't be the shrines only.
Dude it's fucking DISGUSTING here. Go to uni, over half are either turks or chinks, I wish I was kidding.
EVERYONE gets entry here and everyone knows that all the chinks will fuck off to china again after they get their cheated degrees and can label themselves "german engineer", but noo, come in, leech our education.
it makes no difference waiting to spawn and then buy it, retard
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>Valve goes out of their way to VAC ban anyone who uses custom announcers like NBAJam using VPK patches
>Yet Envy can do it without consequences

Can any of you reddit fags go and complain about it so it gets "fixed"?
If they're going to let you buy items before spawn then you should be able to do it. You're just defending laziness on Valve's part.
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>their cheated degrees
Just because their English is broken doesn't mean they're not smart.
So why can you buy soul ring recipe? Fuck off.
I don't know about that. Exchange student fees were 3-4 times more than how much I had to pay.
You Germans get free or at least subsidized uni education I think? Exchange students don't get it, but that's fine for them since they're probably loaded af
it doesn't use the shop, it's only a selected list of laning phase items.
name anyone who has been banned
you know, that one guy
chinks cheat at tests because in their culture it's not shameful at all as long as you have good results
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MFW legion gets hard countered by blademail

Feels good.
The main source article I used in my latest project was written by a turk and I've used many articles written by chinks in the past. They do produce knowledge.
You have two bodies, dude?
what if two blademails against eachother worked recursively
>tfw no dark magician girl hero

>tfw no yugi hero

>tfw no season 4 joey hero
whoever poped blaidemail first dies
that's not him

at ease soldier. I've added your suggestion to reddit.
>all the iq tests were cheated
oh no

t. third worlder
who are you quoting?
I've been using the same announcer as Envy for well over a year and I've never gotten in trouble.
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what you were thinking

I looked like right before i started browsing here
post imgur
when you reach 10k mmr
Tempest Double's bounty needs to be lower at level 1 and 2 and he's fine

Never, you'll never be good enough for other people. Try to improve for yourself, become better for yourself and try to please no other than yourself. If all that fails you can still shoot yourself in the head. Good luck, fami
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Explain this
I literally can't stop winning
even in fucking unranked games where I just pick whatever and do whatever
what the fuck is going on
Stop being an extrovert you fucking normie.
what are some more mods like this
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Not so fast!

*pulls the lever*
Unranked is so much easier though.
I know, I'm winning my ranked match too
what, you finally took a shower?
What the fuck can I pick to beat antimage in pubs
our girl is streaming
Heroes with good laning.
I usually go slardar or bs
what if im not laning against him
smash es mi pastor
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just pick tinker what could go wrong
>7 female intelligence heroes not counting pugna
>10 female agility heroes
>1 female strength hero
why are most female heroes agility? Are girls more agile than men?
Of course
Not stronger or smarter
Just a bit more agile
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Who gives a crap, man? It's a stupid computer game
I spend all my spare time in /d2g/. It's not just a computer game dude. You don't know how many different groups I've put heroes into.
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when is Secret going to be relevant again?
shadow demon
I feel temped to ask, but I know I would regret it. Give yourself a rest, dude. Go out and drink a cola
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>tfw facing centaur with three hearts and blademail
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how to install this
>all of wisps talents are cuck support shit
why can't icefag give some offensive power to our ball of light?
where were you when druid became op
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Yea. Why do you think there are so many female Olympic gymnasts?
this is from warcraft
legion wasn't a girl in wc3, though
i think it has to do with a lot of elven heros and units from wacraft

elves are not human, night elf girls are supposed to be so agile and good with arrows and bows as to fight orcs in ashenvale
You're telling me they're still a team?
in another universe
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>Weeb shit

No wonder this game is going down the shitter at match 5
I don't even remember ashenvale. Which mission was that?
>not counting pugna
>muh ebin supports are not supports they're carry mids xdD
ye fuck rite off m8
All Elf units with exception of the druids were female in WarCraft III
>spreading legs inflated as talent
>praised for literally the only thing women are good for
That's like giving a little child a thumps up for shitting itself
wc4 when so I can quit this bullshitty game?

>league marketeer
The beauty of dota is playing all heroes in different roles. All the heroes made by guinsoo were binary role whores and all icefrog heroes are flexible and can be played in different roles
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>Demon Hunter has a vagina
>So does Mountain Giants
>supports are mids
when does this faggotry end?
Whats a better Shadow Fiend Ahgs?
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i did it. i finally did it.
but my aghs rubick will pwn them all xD
Mountain Giants appear until the Frozen Throne, and Illidan was a hero unit, faggot
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so is it safe to say that 7.00 literally killed dota or are people still pretending like the games isnt losing more and more players every day?
i think RoC campaign with orc missions, where you had hellscream? You had to fight night elves
>lose 300k player in half a year

Really makes you think.
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im blind not deaf
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>-20k before region lock
>now -11k
Yes. Dota 2 is dead. Install League of Legends. Invite your friends as well.
>Demon Hunters are Night elf hero UNITS

Just accept your mistake already
Women have higher manual dexterity and flexibility than men do. The fact that archery is associated with agility/dexterity is fucking stupid though since it's all about pulling the bowstring and being able to hold it steady both of which are upper body strength heavy activities if you're not using a modern compound bow that does most of the work for you.

Men have a ~60% upper body strength advantage against women of similar physical fitness and ~40% lower body strength advantage.
Post ideas to make bad heroes playable again

>Doom can now devour ancients with level 4 Devour
>level 25 talent changed to -60 seconds on Doom cooldown
>Lion has 2 disables and a massive nuke
>scales well with items and levels
>Played as a cuck support all the time

I miss witch slayer
what weapons should the girls be using if bows are strength weapons?
You're a newfag who doesn't evem know what happened in February.
if the pros pick him regularly again he will be dumpstered even further

EE finally won a LAN
Whatever, most are female. Three instances won't change that fact
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stop using anime mods
>EE finally won a LAN
Nope, Battle Passes, which expired on March 30th, which is why there were 1.3k million peak players in that month
fuck the goyim
>this babby wasn't around for the shift from 5.84c v2 to 6.xx

ten times bigger shitfest, half of the community was in open rebellion, competitive scene continued on 5.84c until like 6.26/7

You can still find people playing 5.84c in Southeast Asian lan cafes. They're like the Japanese soldiers who never figured out the war ended in the pacific.
poisoned knitting needles.
>people play dota for the battle passes

shill detected
>poison always was the female weapon
>none of the female heroes use it
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>change purification numbers
>does mediocre damage/heal until maxed
>change repel numbers/make it a quite literally FREE BKB
>shit uptime until maxed
>leave the worst passive in dota 2 ie degen aura untouched aside from godawful level 25 talent that no one ever picks

What could Icefrog possibly have meant by this?
post the full thing
Fuck off
>picked in the grand finals of the biggest tournament of 2017

balanced :^)
>>change repel numbers/make it a quite literally FREE BKB
hasn't it always been that way?
havent played in a couple of years or so
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oh except for her?

delete this
poison and vagina. it's even in the old testament that a warrior woman of the hebrews went off to sleep with an enemy commander then stabbed him to death in his sleep.

>no tricky semen demon hero
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Send me everything you have on playing Meepo well. I have 2 weeks till class starts and enjoy Micro.
It has a shorter duration/longer cooldown but can no longer be kevin godec'd
>our emperor uploaded 2 videos last week, saying how he wants to start uploading more
>nothing since

what happened bros
People DO play for hats, yea. There's a lot of evidence for this in past events like Diretide. If you think otherwise then you're delusional. There is no other reason for a +200k spike in peak numbers during that time. Balance updates were extremely minor during that time too.

artist is fizzz
do scripts and macros trigger VAC bans?
Any tips on how to use them?
I would like one for naga siren that makes all her illusions farm the entire map
theres a guide when you press install stupid dumb anime poster
Which hero is overrated?
download script and use it
build 3 dragon lances
The whole fucking game is highly overrated
However he is also OP
>guise plis buy jew pass, i had to get job shilling for valve after hillary lost the election and the CTR got laid off
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Protip anon: If you want to convince the other anons here then you might want to try harder than greentext strawman and bringing up politics for no reason.
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I hope you are happy Valve
Been playing for 11 years and i just can't take these shitty changes
hey do scripts and macros get you VAC banned?
right now, it is counting from Dec 16 to Jan 15.
Just wait until it start getting to Christmas zone again>>
Alright so what are people's complaints nowadays? I haven't kept up.

And I'm having fun since I was able to climb since the patch.
Thanks for leaving, you make the game better for everyone else. You will not be missed
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yeah I really can't wait to see how many shitskins left because they can't run the game anymore or queue with NAbros
Are there bot traders for Dota 2? I want to buy rain weather but I don't want to deal with a potential scammer
are you really this dumb to use such in a league-tier game
He meant that buffing/reworking degen aura wouldn't stop people from skipping it unless it were at least as good as repel and purification at level four, which would necessarily make it broken
feel free to use them
automating actions is a sign of intelligence. Why would you press keys when they could be pressed for you?
why would i try and convince you? you are very obviously a valve shill who blatantly ignores the numbers

if the battle pass is the thing keeping player then why are the numbers consistently going down during times where the battle pass was out over the last few months?

your argument is poorly thought out and cleared an opinion you are being paid to have
Trading is the only way to get Weather Effects, they aren't marketable
when does the next goypendium come out? and can someone post the gold aa's i love those.
any tips on where to find some?
not google
can someone post anime? I love those

99% of meepo players are using a combination of scripts, pretty much nobody plays him legitimately any more.
can someone post sheevers? i love those
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>Envy got teamed on the Peru side
Why would you want that crap, anon? Just play the fucking game
So i take it the small update to fix necrophos heal values actually reverted the MM change? or is he playing LPQ?
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to be fair they have the same level in both english and throwing ability
whens rtz streaming
>Enemy massively ahead, they could literally 2v5 us
>They spend the next 20 minutes doing absolutely nothing
>Even our Visage is farming their jungle with his minions
>Win because aura spam
The fuck were they thinking
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what if instead of sending you to LPQ for getting reported you just get matched with Peruvians again
made me think
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Who's the Aaron Rodgers of Dota?
>if the battle pass is the thing keeping player then why are the numbers consistently going down during times where the battle pass was out over the last few months?

Probably because the 2016 winter pass was the first battle pass ever. Also, were the drops marketable at that time? I don't remember.

You still haven't provided a counterexample for why Dota was so popular in February and March.
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Then the MM change would've been pointless since all the US players would end up with peruvians again on the long run
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is support CK actually viable? I'm tired of spamming Aghanims octarine kunkka everygame, 2 mangos + OOV? or stout ~> arcaneboots ~> aghanims
But I like rain.
Don't third worlders get the new pre-game? Because they never fucking use it just last pick sniper and walk into my lane pinging me and spamming moonrunes. Fuck off.
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what did they change that makes everyone go to lp
holy shit is this real?!
auto exec scripts no longer work unless cheats are on. I totally forgot about this. Is there another way to script?
I just won like 10 games in a row
Did Valve fuck with matchmaking when I wasn't looking or some shit?
It always rains outside your window, now shut up and play
Game's been soft region-locked since two days ago
why don't you get a midas on your supports?
Shithead streamers who used to throw games for views just got what was coming to them
Just use AHK if your a non-programming pleb
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pros used to think it was super fucking funny to just report people for no reason and are getting a taste of their own medicine working as intended
is that okay? valve doesn't mind right?
Sweet merciful Jesus
That's why there's been so many anglos on mic recently

Is it per-team or per-game?
>for your team

It's per-team
nice nice
This makes perfect sense
Now to ride the wave of free MMR points until NA finally balances with the anglos on top and Spanish speaking subhumans at the bottom
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per team, we race wars now
I've never heard of somebody getting banned because of AHK.

You can buy a $50 keyboard and have it hardware built-in aka undetectable.
except the only times sing gets lpq is when he shistomps a game with monkey kangz
Because he is abusing party mmr. Still nothing wrong here.
Not to mention "joke reporting"

Well what's the joke now faggot?
yes, start with 5 mangos+smoke, meme on every lane, then manaboots+aether lens+aghs asap

you know that the odds are actually the contrary kek
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>tfw rtz triggered all this lpq by reporting someone for picking techies
leddit is already crying and bitching about their boy getting lowprio, and ignoring how much of a douche he actually is

it's well known rtz is the most influential dota 2 currently so i believe you
hey pedro still haven't quit the game yet?
everyone always deserves it unless it's their mememaster singshit
Those scripts can be detected if they perform the actions faster than humanly possible right?
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if you report him, he wins
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Haven't played in a while, how's my man Nyx this patch?
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wtf I hate timbersaw now
Thanks Weedman
>clicking the same pixel every time
>exact same delay between clicks
>more than 15 clicks per second
That's the easily detectable stuff
No, VAC doesn't use any type of heuristics scanning, it uses signatures only.
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Pretty much in the same place
His talents don't really do anything other than make him tankier

Still totally rekts the faces of core Int heroes though
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n-no we didn't
haha yea dota's awesome, what's your favorite hero
>trusting weeaboos, the single most hateful group of autists on the internet
you did this to yourself.
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No we did not. You're just joking okay?
Is that that a bad thing? Only the white world is the civilized world. The thirdies are only leeching from it.
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Uhh, so why aren't YOU collecting your free mmr?
which talents?
That's a bad thing for 5 billion.
what's the build
post build
whats so good about lone druid?

also whats your mmr?
do you care about the opinions of animals too?
5 billions that are a burden to the planet and won't be missed if eradicated... But all that's just doomsaying, we know it'd never happen...
Lone Druid isn't goood
You're just riding the free MMR given to all members of the Aryan Master Race
>Implying EE throwin abilities aren't out of this world
>whites have produced more pollution than any other race
>non-whites are the burden
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this guy literally melts towers, forget about ganking just grab a deso and take everything
china and india have produced way more pollution than whites you fucking idiot.
>enemy team waits for you to be "sneaky"
>get blown up by a two person gank
>gather as 5 and push down your shit team
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>Depressed EE
I never wanted this...
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What did he mean?
Name a single world changing scientific invention/discovery from the 20th Century that came from a third world shithole...
he-he's just hunched over is all
Why not?
post your build already cuckatron
Only recently in order to compete with the whites. 70 years ago it was whites. Blacks in America produce 20% less CO2 per person than whites.
Gunpowder made it all possible and it was made in China.
>expecting third world countries to produce any knowledge when they're busy recovering from colonialism
You cut off someone's leg and expect them to run 20 mins after that?
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And where exactly in your ass are you pulling that info from? Also, maybe because niggers can't afford to buy cars and the ones they have belong to tax-paying whites they stole them from?
>Blacks in America produce 20% less CO2 per person than whites
>stabbing/robbing people on the street.
>literally no value to humanity
>prisons mainly filled with blacks which alone costs millions
But hey, smaller Co2 foot print!
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Hey redditors, ausfag here. We call low priority "lp" or just "low priority". Why do americunts call it "low prio"?
Anyone here play Dota 2?
>The US is 240 years old, it was colonized
>Some of the most important innovations from the modern age came from it. Seriously thirdie, take a course in basic world history
VAC doesn't take into account the speed at which actions are performed because, among other reasons, it would increase the potential for false positives. It does, however, look for the presence of background processes that can potentially alter input behavior as they're generally only used by people trying to cheat
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Under the autism he's a hard-working, honest guy. I respect that a lot. It's fun to make fun of him and jesus christ that weebshit, but even then I wouldn't want anything actually bad for him
top kek yeah I'm sure Africa would be on mars by now if it wasn't for colonialism
>white people arriving in africa
>niggers literally living in their own shit, not even invented the wheel
>if it weren't for the whites they would still do toay
Do they have any use for this world?
>one million first blood kills
you should insult him more, I'm sure he'll post it faster then lmao
LP could mean anything
Low priority is too long
Hence, "low prio" as the perfect middle ground

You cunts shorten your words too much and it all ends being monosyllabic grunting and gesturing
what's that
You're the kind of guy that goes afk after getting called name in ranked just kys.
EE is top tier. He hardly ever flames compared to other meme streamers, tries hard every game, takes control when necessary and doesn't meme report. Watched his entire 14 hour stream yesterday (I know) and he reported only like one guy who was a total asshole.

Sure he talks funny and can be overly intense but he does it because he just gets really into the game.
>biggest patch in history
>"massive" player drop

really makes you tinker
The battle pass (which will be the best ever) will bring everyone back and more.
>Hiding MMR change so we don't see you're 2k

Yes, the ghetto sniper memebuild is great against braindead people we get it
Living in your mother's basement is better than living in a mudhut isn't it? You have such a use for this world.
Hey at least you're white.
fuck off valve goon, I'm not buying any more battlepasses after you've fixed the quest bugging you shitters
are you comparing blacks to animals?
Doesn't make me wrong. Kill all the insects and everyone will die because there's no pollination. But you'd kill all the insects anyway because you're worth more.
I hope not. Animals serve a vital role in the ecosystem. Niggers could be gone tomorrow and the world would only be better.
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>Japan gets nuked to hell and back
>Years later they become an economic and technological powerhouse
>Africa has been running on foreign and humanitarian aid for the last 50 years
>Still mud hut dwellers but now they're rocking western t-shirts from the care packages
>whites create nukes
>russian and america, two white countries are probably going to use them on each other to fry the planet during world war 3
>non-whites are the ones who need be eradicated
I don't see niggers pollinating plants.
and now to insects? dude you sound super racist :/
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Entirely depends on the build, if I am going bear build then it is right-right-right-right, if it is druid then I go left-right-left-left.
Either standard rad or meme maelstrom.

Actually I just finished getting 4k.
But those insects do have a use, pollination.
What about those mosquitos? Absolutely no use other than to annoy us. Scientists are discussing to kill certain species off.
Whats the difference between those mosquitos and nigger who spend all day doing shit all on the street and getting social welfare and mugging a shop from time to time?
Japan wasn't colonized. They weren't made into cucks. Colonialism takes away all of a races pride and makes them unable to do anything without being dependent.
>USA, Russia and other white nations have the engineering, technological and scientific capacity of harnessing nuclear power
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Here is the builds in detail.
It really varies though depending on what lane I go on, or whether or not I want to be tanky or just shit on squishy supports.
>tons of countries have nukes despite sanctions by the west to stop them, even pakistan
>america and russia are still the most likely to nuke the planet
Really makes you think. Whites are literally the most criminal human race.
>They weren't made into cucks
That's exactly what happened to them
>Africa is cucked
If anything is filled with ultra violent tribal warlords murdering each other for diamond profits
Japan was defeated in the war, they were nuked, then their country was under military occupation for seven years. Today they're part of the civilized world. Really makes your thirdie brain struggle
That's just the after effect of you mainly playing vs peruvians now.
You may be good with ld but don't think you're the next 9k because you stomp some subhumans.
if someone picks luna report then thanks!
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While you are correct that playing against Peruvians now have made things easier, I actually was winning before the region lock.
I'm not saying I am 9k at all. I still got a lot to learn with ld.
But I started playing ranked again 10 days ago with ld when I was 3.3k (pic related) and I am 4k now. So I mean I must be doing something right.
>want to play dotes
>currently storming in my area

should i risk the -25 due to power outage or nah?
>All crimes by whites are called "wars" where hundreds of millions die
>All world wars were started by whites
Those warlords sure killed millions didn't they?

>7 years not several hundred years
Yeah sure that cucked them.

they literally removed the one who made japan stop in time and forced progression lmao

any other country already fucked could benefit from this, but of course don't expect a comeback as good as this one with niggers
Damn Low Prio is actually a lot of fun.

Did a second account especially to play in low prio from time to time and it's fun when you're solo

Protip : if your losing the game, just abandon before your ancient fall, the game will not be scored and no win for the ennemy.
Who else here uses reddit unironically?
>Jump from not being able to recover from occupation to le evil whiteys are warmongers

Now this is some epin goalpost moving
Regardless of all this, white intervention is fucking evil. You don't force your "progress" on others. You take away everything they have if you do. Just look at Greeks. They all look like turks now because they got raped by turks.
Japan is actually a miracle. I don't know if the wonders of the atom, the short occupation or it's country specific but it's truly a wonder what we did to this country. I wonder why it didn't work in Africa, should the american be in charged of all colonizations ?

How do you play him? Any tips in general? God I really need to get some MMR and I'm just super tilted with my comfort heroes.
i have a thread on the front page of r/dota thqhwyf
Redditch threads can change this game. To prevent further damage to the game we must use reddit as well.
>The last world war was over 70 years ago
>Niggers all around the world are killing each other as of this very moment
>Despite the loss of human lives, the world wars brought about changes in the political, economic, cultural and scientific landscapes of the nations involved. Thus creating the modern world
>What happened to Japan also happened to South Korea, guess what Korea didn't have it?
Stop it nigger, just stop
Niggers killing themselves is called civil war and you stay out of it.
it's called ethnic genocide actually
can you stop now please
yo where the fu*p is my new thread?
Japan was developed before world war 2 as well. They only had to rebuild what they had lost. Whites never completely covered the country in slavery like they did the other countries and didn't cuck them with opium like they did China.
That's your fancy word for it because non-whites commit genocide and whites wage war often for a reason that's "justified"
your bait is really running out of steam lad
Not how it works.
>Japan was developed before world war 2 as well.
Literally houses made of paper
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