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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 751
Thread images: 165

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Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/700
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://www.opendota.com/ (formerly yasp.co)
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

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>Moon Glaives bounces from 1/2/3/6 to 1/2/3/4
>Moon Glaives damage reduction per bounce from 35% to 30%
>Lunar Blessing night vision bonus from 1000 to 250/500/750/1000

>Atrophy Aura damage reduction from 10/20/30/40% to 8/16/24/32%
>Dark Rift gets paused if Underlord is stunned, invulnerable or silenced

>Nature's Guise stun duration form 0.7/1.2/1.7/2.2 to 0.5/1/1.5/2
>Eyes in the Forest cooldown from 25 to 45
>Overgrowth cooldown from 70 to 90/80/70

>Ghost Shroud duration from 3/3.5/4/4.5 to 2/2.5/3/3.5
>Ghost Shroud magic resistance reduction from 20% to 40/35/30/25%

>Boundless Strike cast animation from 0.4 to 0.5
>Attack range reduced from 300 to 200
>Each level of Jingu Mastery increases attack range by 25 to a maximum of 100 at level 4
>Jingu Mastery buff now lasts for a maximum of 15 seconds instead of lasting until used
>Wukong's Command does not proc bashes

>Meat Hook manacost now a constant 140
>Base STR reduced by 3

>is now a STR hero

>Spell Amp talent from 15% to 10%
>Root now prevents activation of Fire Remnants

>Eye of the Storm now targets units with the lowest HP % instead of the lowest HP overall

>MS increased by 5
>Spark Wraith now affects units in a 250 AoE of the main target

>Quill Spray radius from 625 to 675
>Bristle Back now reduces damage from towers

>BAT from 2 to 1.7
>Devour cooldown from 70/60/50/40 to 40
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are they redpilled now?
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have you forgotten about her, deetoogee
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>is now a STR hero

>Play Clock

Great hero I love that you require your carry of mid player to not be a fucking ape.
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Give me one (1) good reason why Dota 2 shouldn't use standardized naming like League of Legends.

retarded names
>Ancient Apparition
>Outworld Devourer
>Shadow Fiend
>Shadow Shaman
>Shadow Demon
>Winter Wyvern
>Dark Seer
>Sniper - not a even a name
>Monkey King
>Centaur Warrunner
>Treant Protector
>Spirit Breaker

meanwhile single names
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Reminder that with level 4 proximity mines and a single point in stasis you can overlap the trigger radiuses of three mines on most uphill ramps for 2250 damage traps at level 7. More if you stack remote mines.
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>frog2 edition
thank you op
kill yourself
I'm the dude from last thread. I thought you'd appreciate the frog2 thread.
Broodmother has 0 synergy with almost all AGI items. Making her STR would open up a lot of item possibilities that are currently subpar on her.
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Soe is a lovely woman.
stop posting please
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awful just awful
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dotards i heard your game is dying, is that true?

Webm related
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region lock killed the game harder prove me wrong
Left is infinitely better than right.
Prove me wrong faggot.
dare I say, she is /our girl/?
>.Those queue timers
So 90% of the playerbase was from SA or valve's game rigging system takes too much time since it can't just give you peruvians

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i actually come back to give dota another try thanks to soft region locks

fuck off thirdie
they're definitely cancer and if you call that redpilled then yes they are stupid /pol/ poster. They fucking killed the game and are killing 4chan because /pol/ fascinates them
Very kind of you anon
its a bait image retard, queue times were long for like an hour because everyone was updating and the coordinator was being updated
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>the /pol/ boogeyman is after me!


>tfw in the future newfags will think this is real
i have not had any problems with queue times since the patch. i find games in 3 minutes every time
>the image says it it must be real
what did he mean by this
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She's /ourgirl/ because she's beautiful and has a great personality.

so 90% of the playerbase were from SA who have a shit internet connection

no, the EU part of reddit woke up and started complaining
But people in this gulag have neither.
that image is fake, it was made not even an hour after the patch
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no, i havent forgot about my favourite cumrag
>/pol/ pretending region lock worked
You're pathetic.
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Dude like 90% of the thread is yourself

kill yourself thirdie
getting lazy (or rather, lazier), aren't we trollie?
with all the whining about white superiority i didnt expect you to be a shitskin as well
anon climbs to the clocktower
if you get more than one reply with those reddit-tier baits I'll eat my own cum
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>queue times are better than they were despite all sources saying that it's harder for the system to put people into teams

When there'd smoke, there's fire. Nice try /pol/
>le white flight meme
Don't you fucking dare ruin treant
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>peruvians in desperate damage control because they realize they'll be forced to play with their own kind

this is great
I expect genocidal /pol/tards to be good at photoshop. You gotta spread propaganda during and after the war to "redpill" the "white" race so they don't follow their instinct of treating other human beings as equal.
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>peruvians losing their god damn minds since they're forced into containment servers with other non-human peruvians
I agree with a lot of these.

except for the Meat Hook mana cost.
what does WoW have to do with Dota
truly a fate worse than death
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>he literally reverse gaslights himself into oblivion
only trollpicker, the picker of troll warlord the dota two hero
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I wish we had reddit upvotes here so I could upvote this post to the first post of this thread.
>people spend enormous amounts of time in it just like dota
>people never get bored of it just like dota
>people endless amounts of money on it just like dota
>dota is basically the scaled down 30 minute version of WoW
Gee ask /pol/
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Pic related, these thirdies are going out of their mind now that they can't be carried by white people
oh are you the parenthesesfag
>after 5 years, the game has finally been saved
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>people endless amounts of money on it just like dota

Not really. Dota is free and doesn't have Chinese goldfarming armies making livings off of it.

t. /pol/

Also saying Dota is a 30 minute scaled down version of WoW is disingenuous to both Dota 2 and WoW.
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it's the only other game he has ever played in his life
dont speak ill of it or else he might call you a samefag shill
well, he will call you a samefag shill anyway
>how injured Lebanon acts when he's found out
This stupid fuck thinks he's fooling us.
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Now all Valve needs to fix is to stop matching 7ks with 5ks to "balance" matches
>mfw new matchmaking kills abuse lobbies

>same typing style
>no new IP in this new thread
>golden faces
>same buzzwords
It must feel good to have the autism to samefag after being called out
7ks would have to enjoy hour+ long queue times then
>abuse lobbies

What the fuck is going on with those bird
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>Also saying Dota is a 30 minute scaled down version of WoW is disingenuous to both Dota 2 and WoW.
Seriously, despite outward appearances Dota couldn't be FURTHER from WeW
but what else can you expect from braindamaged wowcucks
Don't expect /pol/tards to understand this. They think queue times will remain the same and valve will magically create some 7k players so they can stack.
they just need a completely separate set of rules if you are above 7k

it is megabroken right now
well considering she works for blizzard now, I'd have to say no
>want proper matchmaking
>you are a /pol/tard

haha what the fuck
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Anecdotal experience seems to tell me there is someone false-flagging in this thread. The difference to me is day and night. I wonder if we see win-rates go up for those with NA ips.

If anything this will get casuals to reinstall just in time for battle pass.
What heroes are absolutely trash right now?
I get 5 minute queue times at MOST and at most 80 ping players now. This shit is actually good.
i'm honestly flattered by you confusing me with LebAnon, but no matter what i say you'll keep reincorcing your beliefs through reverse gaslighting, so i'll leave you be and laugh at your misfortune
truly, you're a real life fluffy p*ny
>replying to yourself
Stupid fuck. Find the courage to kill yourself. And are you pretending that every played dota? You clearly know nothing. You're just an edgy redditor tourist that went to /pol/ to be cool.
alright lads time to solo queue on us east lets put this shit to the test
pl, gyro, bristleback, lina, windranger
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used to have 150 ping players, definitely better than before
So you're saying the queue times actually DROPPED?
Nice rationalization because old queue times were longer than 5 minutes for the only players that matter(above 4k)
Do NOT give him (you)s
>calls them "golden faces"


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>mfw slavshit
>always have problems with chinks in my games
>no annoying tryhard chink faggots in my unranked games
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now, please tell me who was your wow waifu
it increased if you're a third worlder because you queue with other thirdies now
>4chan culture
That's something lebanon always says

>pony poster
That's something lebanon also does.

Clearly not a samefag are you? Stupid fuck.
it's the golden lel ya dip
>he thinks ponyposter is lebanon

it's facebros retard
>queue times will increase for peruvians because the system will somehow have a hard time finding other peruvians despite their enormous numbers
Nice mental gymnastics. /pol/ teach you that?
imagine if /d2g/ had moderation
>reverse gaslighting
based neologism, cooposter
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>everone i dislike is the same person!
also, fluffies have as much relation to Western Anime as W. A. with real life miniature horses
Mods have been cucked by /pol/. Reporting /pol/tards results in a warning. Even if they shitposted with MLP porn.
/qa/ is in flames every day trying to fix this but hiroshima is cuck.
would you, /d2g/?
>EG uniform
absolutely not
>102 posts
>32 ips
possibly the worst I have ever seen on any thread on any board
reminder that /pol/ is majority American which clearly means that america is a tumour of the earth.
what is up, fellow Co-Operative Posters, cooperativeundposters
proficiency with language is one of the numerous natural talents of the White Man
Please point out in the map where does this "america" exist. There are North & South America, but not a place called "america"
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ok now that Valve has shown theyre not trying to kill the game intentionally, what do we need to save Dota further?

i say rollback the major gameplay changes, runes, roshan pit, map changes, get rid of shrines, and make talents just small stat/armor/etc.bonuses until level 25 for a big spell change like invokers. we should NOT be balancing heroes through shitty talents and free xp gold
>/pol/tard says he is not samefagging

>samefagging makes up the majority of the culture
>50 posts by the same genocidal stupid fuck are "culture"
Neck yourself.
You must be very new here
And liberal democratic cucks make up the majority of US voting citizens
dota 2
Seabirds dont do well on land.
>dee twoo geee
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>wake up
>no niggerdoto blacked strim
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who do aussies get forced to play with on the new matchmaking system
>3 million illegals
adelaides feet
Feels amazing to play U.S. East babi!
the worst players in the game

other aussies
>all shitposters are either lebanon, lelouch or tiago (RIP)

- dee twoo geee
>avg players are down since November 2015.
>peak players is down since November 2015.
It's time to start worrying.
literally undefeated on true lan and slayers of TI winners
i assume you meant best
new goypass soon

we added a bunch of retarded spikey shit to 18 new heroes for you!
we are posting in the gulag
the dota two gulag
on vee gee
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kill me.jpg
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are we going to become like the starcraft community, desperately trying to come up with suggestions on how to save the game?
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>usually we have 50-60 IPs by 125 replies
>currently at 35 posters
>mfw /pol/ is responsible for this shit

anyway when do we see 8.5 again?
and by 18 new heroes I mean the same 6 heroes that already have 30 sets
>we added a bunch of retarded spikey shit to 18 new heroes for you!
kek you legit summarized every hat to this game
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it's because after like 4 years (how long ago was solo queue removed?) dota has

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>region lock
what's next on the list?
why do good looking girls act suicidal?
it makes sense when someone ugly does it but when someone good looking does it, it makes my blood boil because ugly will be taken less seriously because of this stupid falseflagging whore.
>/pol/ literally removed the shitskins off the white servers
>/pol/ literally removed the shitskins off the 'lag


no party mmr in ranked
its le epic im so depressed xddd meme i only fucked 6 guys htis month :(((((((((((((
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feels fucking good doesn't it bro

the era of Gamebros has arrived.
>remove the way the game is meant to be played
yeah if valve was that stupid...
A lot of good looking people kill themselves.
You as an ugly person are used to have it hard since birth.
>attractive girls immediately have all of their life problems solved for them

/r9k/ probably misses you, anon, why don't you go back
party mmr is not team mmr

party mmr means nothing
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>try to appease to the NA usebase
>NA userbase is just a couple of hundred people at this point
>entire SA/EU scene aka 50% of the players gets fucked because of this change

Whats valves next step in their master plan?
>posting a chink
>why do good looking girls act suicidal?
they have the right kill themselves but not the right to complain about having a shitty life.
the 50% thats fucked are poor as fuck and were never part of the target audience anyway so nothing of real value was lost.
thats the best australian player lmao
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>poor people weren't the target audience of a f2p game
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so this is the power of freedom
they're not stupid

why do you think people give out free food samples? is it for poor people because they get hungry?
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Are you stupid bro?
Poor people just play the game to escape their shit life, they cant afford treasures or anything. If they are lucky they can afford a few 0.03$ market items (if they even have their own account to begin with).
The real money lies with first world children or people who have too much money and like to gamble and look good, which is something they can afford.
do NOT build euls on sand king

SA scene doesnt get fucked by this at all. It'll become more competitive. Finally we'll have our 8k and 7k players playing with our 5k and 6k instead of american 5k and 6k players. Meanwhile NA high level games will be the same 15 sacks of shit NADota basement dwellers players licking artour's ass. And there's no growth in that. As for lower level pubs (sub 5k): If you're under 5k in 2017 you're irrelevant (and might be retarded).
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>watching bulldog slowly watch alliance choke and lose

there is no better feeling lads
where the discord poppin at b
Build RADIANCE on Sand King

nobody got fucked. At least everyone gets teammates with low ping now and can also communicate with them most of the times. Ping means you're mechanics are better which means you'll play better. Peruvian and third world dota was buffed because of this since they have good mechanics. I don't even know why they decided to queue in another server in the first place
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how did you get fucked by playing on the same team as your own countrymen? are you saying your own people ruin the game?
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>this is what sa really believes

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>tfw we just keep winning
Worth levels imo:
1 Western European/USA/first world Asia - 100 slavshits - 10000 C&S Americans/Chinks - ∞ african
NA logic. Don't even bother. North america is where logic goes to die.
saying "kill me" in a game is a joke.
>thirdworld shitskins can no longer use lowping NA players as a crutch in their games
as former leaguetard that was one of the quirks i liked about this game
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non-buying players merely act as bots that Valve didn't have to code
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>third worlders cannot afford the bandwidth to upload images
>americans can no longer blame foreigners for their shitty teammates
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>no argument
ill take that as a yes, you do believe your own people are ruining Dota. but im also suspicious youre a eurocuck with tons of guilt put in you by your government.
stop posting the sc2face you are going to kill d2g
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>first world asia
does not compute
man imagine being a third worlder
even reddit is turning on them now
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>thirdies cucked into containment servers
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>there are thousands of peru vs peru games going on right now
>not a single white to lead them to victory
these games must be pure chaos feels good knowing they'll give themselves brain aneurysms
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So many fucking faggots upset about goddamn region lock

Was PSG right about /d2g/ being a shitskin containment general?
now they will get one.
Lmao thanks
>Peru games
>brain of any kind
Japan, south Korea, Hong Kong and maybe Australia
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there are like 3 times as many people shitposting about 'third world shitskins' as there are people complaining
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>PSG got cancer to save us
literally jesus
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Fucking hell this thread is pathetic.
who do people say the region lock is a bad thing? i have noticed almost zero difference in queue times games about about the same expect more people use mics
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>being trash ever
Only europeans are complaining about the soft region lock.

Also, this:
Because subhumans from shitholes now cant ride on the wave of first world elite forces like they always did
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almonds = activated
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thirdiesundshitskins are not "people''
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>thread is only kept alive at this point by 2 people samefagging
this just keeps getting sadder
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You thought it was a meme
Because most of them are fucking cool
both of the face posters are the same person. He was samefagging even in that thread
t. pooruvian locked out of glorious first world games
Wait did Dota finally get region locking?
What's up you non-human paki shitskin

Enjoying your paki teams?
>i dont know how flags work

yes, finally
the file names make it rather obvious
This thread isn't even as bad as the Dotabuff DIAMOND threads.

Those threads were so fucking bad lel
>i also do not know how flags work
what is a VPN
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silvershitter detected
>implying all VPNs aren't giga rangebanned forever since 10 years ago
wew my lad

the lengths the mentally damaged and distirubted people will go to on this board to try and "prove" that a singular boogeyman is after them knows no fucking bounds
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Can any Finnbro tell me what's the situation, have the Russians finally taken over?
>didn't change the houses into heroes

cmon dude
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dotard test done.png
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that offlaner feel
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holy shit you don't actually believe this do you
if you spent ANY time on /int/ you'd know half the posters are proxies just for different flags
>take a shit in the pool
>people now think I'm the person who shits in the pool

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>3 cores

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>not knowing d2g is already dead
>before region lock overall winrate was 50%
>after region lock it's the same
So what changed, exactly?
haha look guys its me, n0tail

sure if we had flags it would show that i'm not a paki, but that's just a vpn or proxym, even though every single vpn or proxy service is long since rangebanned on this site
>tfw no BLACKED hero
>stalks me on /a/ and here.
pathetic imo.
any losses are now entirely your fault for not captaining your team
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that's definitely spirit breaker
now you don't have to play with third worlders
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now I have to play with third worlders, I live next to russia
your point being?

remember when this never use to happen?
good, you deserve it, you thirdie.
>muh winrate
what does that have to do with anything? low iq idiot.
your sacrifice will not be forgotten brother
uuh nice yeah, that makes me a third worlder huh
>third worlders unironically quitting dota
>live next to russia
>not a thirdie
just keep asking valve to put an exception for people in the same country. geographic distance on its own is not the perfect metric.
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>introduce soft region block
>game tumbles down hard
By your logic the entire world is third world
or just stop beating around the bush and make it region based already
well yea
they have to do it subtly because theyre scared of reddit calling them wacist
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The United states of America, you know what he meant, pointing it out doesn't make you cute or smart
now this is gigautisim
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I left dota after 7.0, but can anybody from euw tell me, this new patch basically means there are no more russians?
>has no argument
you both should kill yourselves for not playing this game or being stuck at 2k mmr

i even think this is samefagging
>he thinks that peruvians can actually speak english without using their stupid emoticons all the fucking time


Fuck you Christian, you aren't a neanderthal but an African sapiens coon and your countrymen have to play with Russians now.
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Those spikes in 2014. What? And was that the peak of Dota?
that was the free hat christmas event thing i forget the name
depends on the tattoo and thats a fucking furry so...
yeah its shit
Show me a tattoo that is not absolute shit.
Speaking of which why does it seem like we haven't gotten some hat event in ages?

Nowadays its all goypendiums.
>oy vey why would we give out precious hats for free
>and take our own time to develop the event?

>le chink event instead
was the the last one when they took the one true king from us
you dont have to use caps lock and act paranoid.
holy shit you cant be this retarded

youre just making it hard to understand
that event marked the end of free hats
after that they even changed the algorithim for hat drops to make them even rarer for no real reason
anyone remember that time some gulagite made fanfiction about a pinoy being a fuckboy onahole with cum dripping down his legs and played dota to relieve himself and reddit upvoted it so much a Valve employee posted in it
theres a lot of girls especially at bars or clubs that looks stunning because of their tattoo.
theres some cases thats its boldness makes it awesome

Lebanon exposing himself this much, what is your real country you nigger?
Literally 100% of tattoos detract from someone's beauty as long as they are at least a 5/10.
Yes. He was a shadow shaman main and boyfriend was a wisp main. His account also regularly posts in the homosexual subreddits so it could be unironic.
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does anyone have the post?
i want to reread it
that thing was so fucking out there
worst post and opinion ive ever s'en un my entire life
It's always been GoodEurope, the 99% White Region Of the United States Of America, uncucked by oppressive taxation, lack of rights, or leftist governments.
>trailer trash
Heh inbred.
shouldn't you be playing batrider, kletus
>he lives in a honeypot region
>either massively oppressed by his government, both financially and in terms of rights, or massively overpaying for the "privilege" of living around non-whites in a tiny apartment
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valve headquarters recently
>He lives in the wild
>non-whites aren't stupid enough to leave civilization to enrich his area because there's nothing there
You literally don't exist.
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you dont have to samefag, just go outside and you'll see.
girls with tattoos are fun as fuck

except those ones with weird ass shit tattoo like soe
stop with those bad opinions PLEASE. I'm literally shaking right now
tattoos are damage to the body.
you're quite literally the worst poster I've ever seen
You have yet to show me a single tattoo you find attractive.
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It says here you don't build Helm of the Dominator. Why?
that guy's weird
cause I don't play Dota anymore.
because I quit dota 2
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To: 165576340
>someone typed this wall of text
that Ihave not read btw
>to express his or her opinion and expecting other would read it

like pottery
is there anything more retarded?

I would literally take +1 movespeed
tattoos are literally a shibboleth of worthless people
Cause I quit dota in 2011
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i stopped playing because of 7.00
my player score was in the mid 9k so I rarely ever got raging dumbass third worlders in my queue to begin with
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You've must gotten the wrong file b0ss, I do build GoodAoETranquils with creeps sold seperately.
how many times have you quit dota

I think I'm on my 6th time
im a third worlder with mid 9k you probably played with me
7.00 sucks ass.
UI sucks dick.
Shrines are pathetic.

Plus the fact Valve are lazy cunts.
3 times. This is the 4th time. Also I'm indian
what kind of autism do you suffer when you have 8k unranked matches played in dota?
3 times

last time stuck, I haven't played for two years
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How will anime ever recover?
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how long was your longest dota 2 session?
then you're probably neither raging or a dumbass and worth playing with
18 hours I think
probably around 16 to 20 hours
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You're worth playing with too. And you're pretty cute too
>always just play a chill game and occasionally tell team what to do
>6+ commends per report
rmyt (really makes you think)
How do you die from sitting down to a sofa (console gamer) and smashing buttons for 12 hours

how many games do you have and what is your mmr? curuious where i should be at this point.

>3152 mmr
>2207 games
>wake up at 17
>go to bed at 10
17 i think?
Business as usual desu
like 16 hours I think

We just kept playing all sunday
you should be 6k by now since people with 500 hours can get to 4k
i calibrated at 3800 when même came put and I had ~1000 hours iirc
had never played dota or any similar game before
>12 hours

how can you be this weak. maybe he was surpassing hunger or some shit.
you cant die from playing 12 hours.
i onced played 1 day and a half while i was on something and that was without sleep and it was saturday.

it gave me a nice peaceful nap
holy shit. I haven't had communication problems with non-english speakers in months. I haven't played since regionlock either.
Everytime I queue there's at least 3 people talking in the chat. They still tilt me because the blame game starts when we start losing. I miss the all mute button. The people who complain probably are chronic ragers in the first place.
he clearly had some health issue and his dad was a little bitch too "my kid is so hardcore playing games for 12 hours" baka
>no raging dumbass

stop lying
since when "baka" is filtered on 4chan?
>tfw too much anxiety to play ranked

Do you need a hug baby?
third work raging dumbass aka the people who throw a sperg fit in another language
haven't had one of those prior to a recent one in ages, they're rare as fuck
there's always dumbasses and everyone rages in a losing game, those are inescapable
after 8k hours in this game I've finally stopped playing for a whole 2 months.

thanks more hours than some pros. Good thing you quit. The next step for you is to quit esports and /d2g/.
you've built up tolerance

dont worry you'll get an urge to play eventually
you already have a rank outside of your mmr
>competitve kills tf2
>region lock will kill dota
it is like pottery
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>Valve starts of the year introducing an anti multicultural isolationist game policy

the fucking GIGAcity of nonwhites right now
how did competitive kill tf2?
im lvl 15 right now, how many more matches before I can play ranked?
15 games straight when dota was good
people who wanted competitive left the game in 2012
usami a cute
wc3 dota is stuck in the greatest patch ever 6.83.
I'd rather replay the wc3 campaign than play wc3 dota again.
Actually I don't even know what game I to jump ship to. League is not an option because it's just bad. Hots is the same. It has to be a free game or something. What do I do?
>autistic kid with neonazi friends and 7 thousand games playing unranked picks morphling
>feeds like a retard
>gets carried by storm mid
>end the game with zero fucking kills and a bunch of deaths
why cant these people just kill themselves and stop taking precious oxygen from useful human beings?
tf2 died years before competitive with all the cosmetics spam and also its just an old game. competitive came out just a few months ago, rofl.
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true micro.webm
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Can you do this in Dota?
120~150 games total
Your level will leap from 16~>21 after getting the level50 exp trophy, I know because I always create a new account when my real MMR falls off
because existing is the only thing that matters to them. White supremacists are like that. They're proud of existing. That's why they don't improve at the game
Where do we go after 7.0, HoN bros?
get a life and play dota 2 casually (but tryharding), it's the best game out there
first time i decided to come back when they port phoenix or winter wyvern, whichever first
second i dont remember
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can dota ever compete
>1:27 between posts
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HOTS is the new rage
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Techies spammer here to offer an invaluable tip.
The detonation radius for stasis trap and proximity mines are exactly the same. By putting down a proximity mine, shift-clicking it, then casting stasis on the portrait that appears next to your UI's hero portrait (in the bottom-left), you can cast the stasis exactly on top of the proximity mine, guaranteeing they'll be in range of the explosion no matter which direction they approach it from. This is very useful for traps out in the middle of a clearing where they may approach it from any which way.
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woah really
>No more turks
>No more russians
I'm suprised by how well that geographical matchmaking update worked
Most people forgot about shift click stacking when they reworked land mines to be unstackable
I used to do it that way too
don't worry reddit is working to get it reversed
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it was shit, had like 0 antiabandon mechanics and shortstop scouts run rampant, while the regular servers ended after two turns forcibly switching to a random map you couldnt decide on as players when before they provided comfortable 30 minute stretches enough to get satisfied with the map but not get tired of it
autobalance got removed with no system taking its place, leaving like 3vs11 teams sometimes
cosmetics kept the game alive giving tf2 an additional goal to work to if you have a couple drops of jewish blood in you
you might disagree it was a good life to live, but tf2 did start the cosmetics craze
>mfw I actually miss the troll/sniper memepush over 7.00
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>valve implements soft region lock
>you discover people from your country are actually the worst cancer
that backfired
Magnus spammer here to offer an invaluable tip.
Use empower before you ult so you can attack everyone at once.
antimage spammer here to offer an invaluable tip
use blink to move around quickly in between camps
luna spammer here to offer an invaluable advices
attack move
Pudge no longer denies himself if he's taken hero damage within 3 seconds

Necrophos only acquires regen if the units are killed with Death Pulse

Treant Protector no longer gains movement speed under Nature's Guise.

Underlord's Atrophy Aura is fixed at 30 seconds.
DAE samefag
sniper spammer here to offer an invaluable advice
when an enemy hero reaches 0 hp they die
axe spammer here to offer an invaluable advice
when an enemy hero attacks axe, he wins
nyx spammer here to offer an invaluable tip
use your ultimate to turn invis
>Pudge no longer denies himself if he's taken hero damage within 3 seconds
To the deepest pits of hell with you
there's no downsides to dumpstering pudge since the game is dying anyway
the only one dying is you shitskin
samefag here to offer an invaluble advice
go back to r/ddit
As a south american who is non retarded and non Peruvian, this potentially can fuck me out of the game. If I'm forced to play only with Peruvians I'm not touching this game again. I'm going to check how it goes.
Third worlders wont be missed, why do you spam this general?
You will not be missed
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Serious question: Is this the best level 1 ability in the game? Spell immunity + basically free bounty rune and/or 400 damage

>competition games actually aren't dead at all
>league vastly more popular than every competition game even dota
>dota now has about the same playerbase as Heroes of the Shit
You Americans need to realize that you're not all special snowflakes, Peruvians are not worse than Russians. Saying so only makes yourselves look more ignorant. If I still get filthy russtards in my games they've not fixed jack shit.

Such typical NA to have an problem that you believe only you have, or at the very least, you are the one who has the largest issue (wrong, Russians are worse) and unashamedly ask for a fix to your precious little region.
se mate chorão
spell immunity is worthless at lvl 2
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Western Anime spammer here to offer an invaluable tip.
Rara is best Western Anime.
You will be missed. My condolences
>enemies can't fight back

It isn't useless when stealing the enemy's bounty rune
not a dota player here to offer an invaluable advice
when you stop playing this shit game you win at life
they can right click you from more damage
fait point
I have to say this patch is pretty upsetting to me. I know we're a minority, but there are plenty of peruvian players that know english and avoid being toxic and acting like my less educated (usually retarded) compatriots.

I really wish we could have a separate queues for English and Spanish on US servers, disabling matchmaking for people who get reported constantly for not communicating in their selected language.

Plot twist: Peruvians were not the problem
>for more damage
>level 1

venomous gale or blast off!
Region lock improves peruvian dota by forcing smash and other high mmr pubstars to queue in peru so that peruvians aren't brain-drained into NA.
>tfw now I understand the insults they scream
>we should fuck over an entire region just because the minority speaks english

fuck peruvians
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Seriously you can just run up to the enemy's bounty rune as it's about to spawn and they can't do shit but right click your stout-shielded ass when you activate Blade Fury, and if they're solo you can get pretty good damage on them

I am from chile, and not only in Dota people hate peruvians, they are hated EVERYWHERE.

Currently there is a lot of inmigration going on over here, and people usually are okay with everyone except peruvians, because their culture is about thinking that they are the best at everything when in reality they are the worst at everthing.

I'm playing on US servers and getting only people from argentina and USE, this patch saved dota.
Don't care, the 1/100 Peruvian players that are cool and nice are not worth the 99 that shit up my games and speak barely any English at all. Even the 1/100 that are "cool" are still not as nice as they think they are due to being tainted by that culture and I still prefer to have somebody that has English as their native language.
There's this narrative that we don't want to play with Peruvians because we think that they're responsible for our losses, but that is false and their responsibility whether existent or not is irrelevant. We simply want them gone from our teams, so we can play with people who speak English.
is it improving your gameplay?
>do this
>blade fury ends
>you die
gg no re
every south american is now admitting that they played on US servers because they dont want to play with other south americans.

how funny that they used to pretend it was about ping for 3 years so reddit would defend them.
>el araukANO
>then he wakes up all sweaty
5 second duration is more than enough time to escape level 1s, especially if you have a Faerie Fire and/or support
>tfw lvl 1 ck with chaos bolt lvl 1 and a mango
Depends in what situation and against who you are early on like so, mirana arrow is pretty great as well, hook, any sort of blink.. Its really situational
why would you not like playing with people from your country?
This has never made sense
>not rot
Hook, yea, maybe back when you could hook people into that cliff by the rune.
I don't want to speak to the enemy team, I don't want them to speak to me, where the fuck is the mute all chat button?
It is easy, if there are 3 Peruvians and 2 Americans you can monkey your way to whatever core position you want and try to earn your free hour of net cafe time from getting a rampage while relying on the dumb Americanos to support for you and actually try to win. If you are all Peruvians then enjoy your 5core team or 4core and 1 pos4 "support" rushing aghs.
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What if there was a spell like Time Lapse but instead of moving you 5 seconds back it moved you 5 seconds into the future?
quill spray
>1 pos4 "support" rushing aghs.
this is how i play keeper
t. actually WHITE person with blue eyes and non-shitskin/jew hablogroup
that's no different from people like rtz that also demand 4 protect 1. The only difference is that rtz has mmr.
All in all region lock will force peruvians to learn support. That will improve their scene as a whole. Maybe americans will get better at playing carry as a result of this too. Too bad all this came too late
good idea
that way you can kill yourself faster
>americans have been forced to support all these years
My condolences
Don't reply to me, you shitskin, know your place.
As i said, its pretty situational but youre right since i forgot they changed the whole map now in 7.0 so hook at lvl 1 is pointless as fuck.. Didnt even play a single game on 7.0 yet
Maybe that guy. I've never cucked myself to a Peruvian. I go carry, win or lose. They usually fuck off to jungle.
We aren't "forced" to it's just if you are the type of player who wants to win you have to account for every Peruvian player wanting to be a core and pick around that. It's not fun and to add insult to injury you can't even communicate with them, you can basically only ping and hope they follow it. But most of the time they will just do what they want, which is generally farming jungle for items regardless of which team scales better and with no regard to which heroes actually need that jungle farm because they want to be 6 slotted.
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In that situation Pudge is the pick. Not shit like Lion or Dazzle.
What's the best hero to play while listening to relaxing jazz music and high?
>while high
uninstall king

I refuse your offer kind sir, I will stay.
having the tenacity to buy drugs
Uninstall king
>Play Broodmother
>Enemy picks 5 direct counters to me
>Spend 7k combined gold to further counter me
>Didn't put a single point in spiderlings and played like a utter bitch the entire laning phase
>They get to desperate for spiderling gold they start to run down my lane as 5
>This has happened exactly the same 3 games in a row
What the actual fuck, people literally lose the game for themselves attempting to make bank off me.
sand king
death prophet
that's when you lose because they grouped up as 5 before your team did and are unstoppable
what item do you build every game no matter what?
Don't answer with brownboots, wards, smoke, tangos, wand, raindrops and pms
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Is Overworld Detonator any good in this patch?
/lolg/ discord has been putting up a campaign of uninstalling/dying/quitting in /d2g/ recently if any of you were wondering
tp scroll
no it isn't, if the enemy has any stuns and slows you just die

Of course you can contest with jugg if you have support but to claim you can just walk into two or three heroes and spin is stupid
hotd works in plenty carries as well as in many supports
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What went wrong dotards? I was on radiant.
we knew about that alrdy
If you can afford mida pre-6 minutes you should buy it on anybody.
You mean immigrants to /d2g/ or to /lolg/?
Midas and blink dagger are my go to items.
Two farm vacuums.
Vacuum king stole all the farm pre-40 minutes by the look of those items.
>people who pick Shadowfiend and think they're good
doesn't count either

when do you sell it?

midas master race
it's a techies and only one hard carry versus a Medusa + Weaver + OD + Tresdin
wand then you fuck
doesn't count harry
guys what if blink was global
what if you could midas towers
what if you could press R to win
for what purpose?
you get blink even on heroes like slark?
>live in perth, western australia
>I am geographically closer to south east asia than to the cities on the east coast
>live in australia
my condolences
~1000 spell/attack range increase could be a pretty cool ultconcept actually
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Defend this.

Only not with AM or Queen
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>Matchmaking now considers geographical distance
>tfw Finland
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haven't been following WESG did that grill team with Director8 make it past qualifiers?
There is like 10,000 muslims in the city.
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I'm from the only civilized part of SA, do not listen to the raving thirdies

The change is good, i can actually find ranked matches in my home server when just a couple of weeks ago i had to be in queue for 2 hours to no avail

All the third world damage control is coming from retard chimps who never got gud and relied on US players to carry them
commended because you stick to your ideals
I only got central euros on my team, no russians in 5 matches today.
t. estonian living near the russian border
have you tried playing yet? insider bro from here says it accounts for country, maybe. i wish they would clarify on the algorithm. it should always match people from the same country no matter what.
>Greaves Tinker

kek, people genuinely still do that?
>that lens
How can balda hit that every night without diying inside everutime?
nice try but there's no muslims in australia
Estonia here, mate. Hoping we get matched with you lot.

plz no hate, I swear i've not got no russian bone in my body
are you new? he just watches
rearm is now like 15 mana less than greaves+soul ring
so it's INFINITE mana
he doesn't, he just heads to his cuckshed when kelly needs servicing
someone post the loda twitter when he says "say what you want but im the one cuddling with kelly at the end of the day"

>tfw live in south poland
>tfw no russians but germans and others
>Three other hostages and a police officer were injured by police gunfire during the raid.
fuck off did he actually say that
>puppey is this desperate to have friends now that EE fucked him over
yes my new friend
I remember seeing the image and it might have been fake but i want to save it
>razor is now a melee hero
why doesn't icefraud do this? he might actually be good then
>lone gunman was literally a criminal from iran
>giving asylum to a literal criminal
Seeing as you're all criminals too, I'd say he fit in didn't he?
el presidente of estonia lives in turkey and runs the local mafia
based fear showing us how even troll can destroy this useless mage ember build
When are the WESG Grand Finals?
Reminder that Puppey KICKED W33 AND MISERY

Reminder that Puppey didn't think Resolution was good.
he had the highest herodmg in the game, game was on pudge and the kotlpick desu
Guys Icefrog here. I've been busy playing my new favourite game League of Legends so I forgot there was a deadline for me to present an upgrade for Blink Dagger tomorrow. Care to help me out with some suggestions?
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>twitch chat hates regionlock
what's wrong with the world?
it has a 3 minute cooldown but doesnt use a slot
blink dagger + bloodstone
blinks to the target and commits suicide
those are 100% europeans
bloodstone is viable on every hero because it reduces respawn time. You can sell it and buy a new one to regain the 12 charges. Debate me
Do not fucking make serious replies to this post.

This shitter might just be Icefrog
everyone gets one for free but it has a 5 minute cooldown and only goes 425 range
they've never actually played with peruvians
>the city i live in is closer to a country that speaks a different language than the major city in my country
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>/d2g/ still thinks Purge is relevant
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Having fun anons?
everyone who got kicked from shitreckt got a higher place at the last TI than poopy
in his defence they've only won 1 lan haHAA
>3500 mmr
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how do we get girls to play our game doturds
That makes him like top 5 among active d2g posters.
>spamming a hero for more than 3 games in unranked
Sorry but that's autistic

we can't. Reddit will lynch us for being sexist if we assume dota 2 is a hard game or if we assume girls lack motivation.
Casualize the shit out of Dota and make cuter heroes.
>wanting girls to play dota

Its already nearly impossible to find a cute girl with good taste in videogames. Why would you want more to have shit taste in games?
Even that won't work. Girls won't even want to install this game on their fucking macbooks. That's too much effort for them. We have to turn dota into a mobile game... Oh wait vainglory exists and girls don't play that either.
So has Puppey when he wasn't getting carried by XBOCT and Dendi
what am I when the only thing Dota related that I look forward to is e sports.
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Does he miss drinkig vodka with his old mates?

>ywn get drunk with dendi
>Be streamcuck
>Has been waiting all day to watch RTZ play the game
>queue time: 60:00
He misses beating the shit out of his old mates.
Post pics. I need them for my collage

Blink dagger is now a projectile and stops when it encounters another unit
Why did Icefrog make so many bullshit overpowered roaming heroes? I'm starting to understand why Centaur has fucking 57% winrate, it's because he's tanky enough that people can't camp his lane with a bullshit roaming hero and ruin his game by walking into his lane and casting point and click abilities on him every time he tries to CS.
just stop picking weak shit that cant fight 1v2 and live lmao
>duoqueue instalocks mid and safelane and loses both lanes
every time
And stop picking any INT supports ever because they get shrekt in early game by any roamer with OoV (who probably also scales better than your INT support too because fuck you)?
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fucking retard od timber bristle stack
lane with your goddamn friend if you want to teach him how to play jesus
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You have to go back
he's fucking insane
i dont think he misses any sort of friendship
thats like half the roster
>Live in Presque Isle, Maine
>Montreal is closer to me than New York or Boston
>Now my teams are filled with French speaking Canadians
Fucking kys yourself Valve, please

You forgot to block something, retard, nice 2k game.
french canadians don't play dota though
french canadians are cool though
t. quebecuck
Canadians are the niggers of north america
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>new update includes your greophical location for matchmaking
>win all games since I have no longer russians and east europeans in my team
I may be sub 1k, but I always knew who was dragging me down. I think reaching 3k within a few weeks should be no problem now.
what went so right dotards
ded, you'll never reach even 1.1k
>sub 1k
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You'll stop climbing by the time your enemies start using hotkeys for skills
this cant be true
I have never understood this meme.
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The original kangz
>im lagi cant move
>where are you from? you are playing on eu west

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you really think somebody can stop me now... pic related is what I think about you knowing that I will surpass you guys with ease now
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>typical navi teamfight.webm
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I don't even care about you nor anyone that low for that matter
>wash away your suicidal thoughts by playing dota

Playing Russian Roulette would be better for depression than this shit.
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>my friend wants me to play dota again 'cause all them peruvian shits u always hated are fuckin gone now bro'
>he has 850 MMR and has been in low priority for weeks now
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Only the dumb sheeps do not fear the wolf. And trust me anon, I'm a hungry wolf.
when will they fix dota and remove the needless 20 minutes of grinding creeps?
When you install heroes of the storm
>pick Juggernaut

explain this
>pick Shadow Fiend

explain this
>meta is farming
>dotards complain
>meta is pushing
>dotards complain
>meta is fighting
>dotards complain

Whats the next meta that dotards will complain about?
>another day, another 100 MMR won
It's baffling looking back how I could have been stuck at low MMR for so long
>if you have multiple raindrops they all lose charges instead of just one, with no additional magic reduction
>if you are templar assassin you lose a raindrop charge before refraction reduces the damage by 100%
>if you are ember spirit or have the pipe buff you lose a raindrop charge before the magic block reduces the damage by 100%
>if you have living armor on you you lose a raindrop charge before the damage block from living armor takes effect
explain this dotards?
>meta is winning
>dotards complain

explain this
>fear cannot turn to raze properly because he has auto attack on
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explain this dotards
>in the early game its better to use the shrines in the base to heal than go back to the fountain
uhh dotards?
he is like 100 millions years old and played dota with stegosauri, give him a break
why do level 2 heroes have 1k life?
Kled has 1k health at level 1 because he of how the champion works, if you manage to knock him off the lizard pre level 4 its literally unrecoverable for him.
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>people turn off auto attack
ok so is clinkz the best autism hero in this patch? even more than tinker?

>can literally backdoor two t4 towers before strafe is off cd 30 mins in

how can other heroes even compete
I don't know how it works, is it like spirit bear?
If u hav autoattack on ur legit a 2k shitter
>use tp
>put tp in stash
>cools down at half the rate
>drop tp when it has 30 seconds left on cd
>buy new tp
>it's off cool down
>Dark Rift gets paused if Underlord is stunned, invulnerable or silenced
How to ruin Underlord
It works more like berserker's rage, when your on the lizard your abilities are modified (two are just straight up disabled).
how do you get back on the lizard?
You have to get 100 resources points, the problem is getting those resource points are basically impossible, you have to either clear 3 full entire creep waves or smack the shit out of the enemy champion with several autoattacks and a pocket pistol or two.
btw how long is the cooldown until you can use your items from your backpack?
seems pretty long to me, about 4sec I'd say
lol yapzor
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that long?!
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>Sources state that he spent a great deal of time at Valve's headquarters in the hours before the fateful patch of the 12th that soft regionlocked dota

Oh no now they have to queue on the server closest to them.

Whatever will they do!
yeah man

At least in part so you can't swap items (ie to bkb) completely in aegis timer. Have you any idea how broken the idea of a very quick backpack item swap would be on heroes like tinker?
Legitimate question, can you guys even notice a difference in your games?

I can't on EUW, Its still 7 russians a game.
>Comparing Russians to Peruvians

You guys always had it easy
is this true about them?


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I should have bringed to my attention that the purchase of such flimsiwear was to be followed by the most interesting arrengement of the worde. Such character regarded me as "The Mausoleum Mome", replied indeed I did do, such character in such a movement , most insuffiecient of response, comply I did in such "Indeed, the purchase of such flimsiwear most certainly produces interesting notes of Character". In such Truth of Form and Character was my response that such character was to be have put under defeat, me thinks. Toughts do you produce?
>have loads of 7.00 techies experience and entirely legitimate strategies around them
>am not allowed to pick them because report sensitivity is retarded at higher MMR brackets right now and some meme-loving arteezy fanboy on the other team will instantly report me if I kill anyone
Wow great system dotards, just about every single pro player is in low priority right now.
You criticize riot for punishing players that random, but valve punishes you for playing the game at all
>every single pro player is in low priority right now.

name one
As a matter of fact yes, everything is true

And there isn't a single other region in the entire world where that holds true in the current age

Without taking into account that they always rank last when it comes to international student assessment tests and that nothing good has ever come from there, Peruvians are literally hated by every single nation that has to deal with them on a regular basis with no exceptions in every conceivable aspect of life
at least africans don't play dota
imagine the fucking nignog speak as they try to play US or EU

oh wait
>EU immigrant crisis


I'm pretty sure Peruvians and Pinoys are preferable to Russians.
first game of the day i legit had 2 people communicating on mic was amazing praize Gaben!
>Without taking into account that they always rank last when it comes to international student assessment tests
Reminder that if you region lock the Peruvians, they win.
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reminder there is literally no reason to play dota now
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why don't you dotards just queue in china if you like big population you '''first worlders'''
Russians are the less annoying from the 3
Russians > Pinoys > Peruvians
t.Literally have played Dota 2 around the world
Anyone following WESG here?
C9 TNC sounds fun
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>tfw supporting
russians have never been a problem on EUW anyways, they're comfy and I like them
The only peruvians you could argue weren't a problem are the highest mmr ones (6k+). And since that's such a limited player pool, they will still end up playing with american players if they queue in us east.
Russians are actually aggressive and know how to play Dota.

Perus are fucking faggots who just want to farm and jungle all day until they're level 25 and promptly lose when they get ganked and don't realize it's still a team game.
I'm angry that valve region locked the servers because it means that the Peruvians fucking won.
You guys realize that we lost and the Peruvians won? Their dota just got buffed.
they didn't region lock the servers

matchmaking now considers geographical distance when finding players for your team

so you'll find 5 players who are American and potentially find 5 peruvians on the enemy team
yeah they'll take over the scene with all those tier 1 teams they have
Looks like that webm where hot monkay dick kills the wraith king trying to trade hits with him
Is that why this guy posts LoL webms here every thread?
The only heroes I have auto attack on for are illusion heroes and even then only for the illusions.
Really? Because I was spamming that unironically myself because /d2g/ is this dead. I'm astounded we got that much attention from league players. I wish we had a discord so we could do it too.
Yep, AKA long enough to swap during wraith king aghs wraith form if you are quick enough.
somewhere between 6-8 hours.
That'll force peruvians to learn how to defeat americans. We fucked up.
Discords ruin generals, fuck off. I don't know why twitch links are banned and discord links aren't.
Swap which item? Mango?
They cannot even play as a team, hell the whole reason they played on US servers was to avoid themselves altogether
They're gonna be forced to learn how to play as teams.
This general is ruined. Desperate measures to stay together in this time of trial now.
The last thing this general needs is more namefag worship, anon.
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>turn rates

Dotards want to explain this meme?
Turn rate is the speed at which a unit can turn. When moving to a location, a unit first turns to face that location, then begins walking. Similarly, when targeting another unit with an attack or spell, a unit first turns until it is facing the target, and then continues with the action. A unit only starts moving, or only starts casting a spell on a targeted area or point when the target is within 11.5° angle in front of the ordered unit. This can make kiting more difficult, as the hero has to spend time turning towards and away from the target with each attack.

Every unit has a base turn rate, which can be lowered by some abilities. The vast majority of heroes have a turn rate between 0.4 and 0.6, meaning it takes between 0.15 and 0.23 seconds for the hero to make a 180 degree turn.
That's like saying you're afraid of dolphins winning the space race on galactic colonization

You fail to realize the main cornerstone of peruvian culture is being an insufferable ass to everyone else because they deem that as a representation of superiority
How did dota get big among pinoys peruvians and russians? Why didn't other countries catch on? Why specifically these 3?
All toasters can run WC3 Dota.
dota is free
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There's other countries too that have people with toasters.
I still have not played the game since the last update because i know im going to get peruvians, its the update any good?
It has to do with accessibility to technology

In shitholes people can't buy computers

so they all go to cyber coffees and all there is in those are multiplayer games such as W3/dota

Even the peruvians themselve said they dont have computers or broadband and have to go to those places
For now

Not anymore.
>For now
thank you based doomsaying anon
wtf I love league now
>better spectre
>better spiritbreaker
>better tittym onster
>better warlock
>better pudge
Can you list all the global heroes?
so SJW gonna take over dota now?
spec, zeus, furion, tinker, aa
Yes. Install League of Legends now.
Is spectre the only agility global hero?
Why isn't she more popular?
remember when triggering sperglords was part of the game?
you are forced to be a gamerboy now.

Focus the game or you will be sent to the LOW PRIORITY Realm
Silencer doesn't count?
what are the free champs this week?
>better warlock
>can't control the summon

two losses, three draws, 3 points, 5th place

The director died to an ancient stack.
If going free made TF2 shit will going paid make dota good?
League is bad and shallow game. It's not funny to bring it up so much. You're adding insult to injury.
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>Have seven different steam accounts to get around LPQ

Feels good desu, the system is broken and I refuse to deal with it.
We have Chads already playing better than us.
Let's fuck this shit up even further, I don't care anymore.
punishes bad awareness and rewards good awareness
Maybe. The playerbase will be cut in half though. maybe even cut down to less than 100k. it's viable to milk the last bits out as reliable revenue.
>play my favorite korean mmorpg
>go to mob event
>event ends
>casually shittalk somebody
>mfw he asks for player kill because im too good
>keeps triggering him
>admin typed "Lol" because im hilarious
>nigger gets triggered and blames admin
>announces everyone should get the fuck out of the event or they will be kicked out of the game
>3 days later
>mfw nigger global chatting how his account got temporarily banned

this will never happen to dota
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>Be singsing
>Queue with 5 always mute/block everyone every game
>Still get LPQ because Report system is broken

rlly makes me ponder
i trashtalk every other game, no low prio for me over 4k games
maybe its beacuse youre a fucking retard that tries to tilt your fucking allies instead of the enemy team?

everyone reports you the moment you shittalk at somebody at rate like 7/10 games
if not low prio, you get communication mute
>be singsing
>be 7k skill level
>party up with 4kers
>get 5k games
>ruin them by stomping

desu sing is an asshole
Isn't tera a bad game? I disliked it.
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>a game with more players is bad
>7k level
he's 6k at most
its the only korean mmo i know
im at 3.2k right now. at what mmr do i stop seeing a pudge/pa/necro/kotl every game?
>koreans are people
Why do people consider MK to be OP, are they scrubs or baka?
I just roflstomped an MK that went mid with skywrath I don't usually kek but man this nigga was broken in like a thai prostitute on new years eve.
not, its actually a graphically worse game and i wouldn't recommend at this age.

that admin is cool as fuck though unlike any other admins from any mmorpg that acts like that nerd you bullied in school
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is it normal to get put in lpq after leaving a match that was already no stats recorded cause another player's abandon?
also my conduct report has no leaves or stuff
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the tide turns quicker.gif
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>region lock
of the 6 games i had a mirana in my game
all were lost
in all of then mirana was useless in the early/mid and end game
in all of then mirana didn't buy a single support item and tried to build carry
>tfw you want to play but u have to lift so if u go lift u think about the game and if u play u think about the things u have to do
is dis tru? can confirm?
Man, darkest dungeon sucks total ass, why do people like it so much
I've got to ask this ridiculously stupid question, but is the net gold scoreboard accurate? please tell me its bugged, I refuse to believe my carry somehow lost her trilane freefarm to a support crystal maiden.
epic memes xd
Theses champions are 100% totally balanced and that's why you see them in every game.

Fuck off.
because """"""roguelite""""" game designers have discovered that you can make the public swallow any crap gameplay as long as it has meta progression elements
>play mirana
>hit arrows
>go agha dagger eblade
>shoot shotgun arrow memes
>win game
just abuse le green dude of welcome to die while he's free MMR
>tfw no BLACKED hero
>/d2g/ always whines about reddit balancing the game
>The same people think retardation such as >>165584817 >>165567912 are legitimately good ideas
What happens if I queue in us east with my steam account country set as US?

Please answer me dotards...
I trashtalk every other game
maybe its because my trashtalk isn't autistic and I dont flame teammates
wtf is darkest dungeon

is that who the guys from
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>3k MMR Invoker
>Literally doesn't know how to play his hero
>Check profile
>600+ games, 39% winrate
Fuck it, I'm uninstalling and becoming religious or something.
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How do I get the beta icons back?
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>tfm im 3k mmr with over 700 invoker games
>~52% winrate though
I wonder how much my stack hates me.
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why did dota 2 copy junkrat and roadhog?
You can't anymore.
You used to be able to mod them and pretty much everything else freely, but valve went full jew with custom cosmetic icons and disabled them entirely.
You can try to mod them by injecting but you'd risk a VAC ban
vac ban?
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>EE has streamed for 14 hours
>he's a manaboots daggermax qop
has he finally lost it? Did anime melt his brains entirely?
literally nothing wrong with that build
viable reported
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He counts as both a melee hero and a ranged hero.
end your life
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Why the fuck not? Monkey king has a long range melee.
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You're doing gods work anon.
please tell me how to play new techies
R8 my Antimage build


by then it's usually gg
what's the point of hood when you already have spellshield?
make it 7

>play mirana
>do nothing all game because shit hero
He is looking for (you)s, mate. Why did you (you) him?
you just got double reverse tricked
Little did you know I also made you (you) me so I'd get my (you) fix for today!
Stupid jokes aside i had a Chinese friend who went hood for early teamfights, 73% magic resist with a 325 magic barrier on top of that is nothing to scoff at
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>games are now literally 5 Peru vs 5 NA
so now we will finally see who the better players are
thanks for the (you) pal, you fell right into my trap
NA MMR is going to inflate like hell because of this
>chinese fighting early

it kind of is when you have 900hp and LITERALLY deal no damage
advertising is against the rules
chinese adapt just like everyone. i mean xiao8 back in newbee pretty much forced deathpush onto the scene.
>better ping
>better computers
>median age way higher

Oh gee I wonder whom!
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>watching nuAGDQ
our boy isn't even welcome there anymore
noone cares about that shit after 2014, when they became full sellout/sjws
how about no
Is this game worth playing again?
Why are people complaining about it in this thread?
Yea but both points are moot because AM does not teamfight early.

You should be spending that time hitting creeps so you can win.
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>animeNEETs still mad that 2hu and weeb shit is banned at gdq
>and I dont flame teammates
I'm pretty sure he doesn't understand that
flamers never contemplate the possibility of venting on the enemy team rather than their own
that would because behind the shitty facade of "lul I'm just here to trigger people" they are really only looking to assign blame
Then how come half the thread is advertising for LoL?
>Why are people complaining about it in this thread?

Basically, people hate playing with their own countrymen. They miss playing with Peru and Russia.
a fucking HORSE

you're part of the problem
what is this, a webcomic for ants?
post the webm guys. you know the one
Northern USA here, I've only encountered one non-English speaker in US East over six games.
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third worlders are butthurt that they have to play with other third worlders now
agdq cant even break 2mil anymore lmao, they destroyed what they've built
I don't know man. I saved it ages ago and have been posting it occasionally, hoping someone has the larger version and I finally find out what it says.

I bet once I find out it'll be really underwhelming.
>Finals before 3rd place decider
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is it better now?
Nerfnow "narcissus"
>Play on USE
>Still get beaners on my team every game

Not as underwhelming as I expected. Cheers mate, I guess.
Status or fuck off.
those delicious third world tears
what if valve didn't change anything but NA faggots took the placebo like retards?
commentator pet peeves:
1. giving predictions to the team which the other commentators won't go for
2. hyping a series which is boring af
3. saying how pro players aren't doing it for the money. Abso-fucking-lutely they are doing it for the money. Goddamnit they are doing it on stream right now, I can see why you people mute commentary so much.

new thread
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How do exact I play pic related in 7.00? I just recently came back to dota since 6.87 and I want to spam best bug in my ranked games. Is he a viable offlaner?
heroes with stuns are always viable
What are you implying here? That Americans are dumb enough to not noti-

>remembers 2016 election

Oh, nevermind...It is quite possible.
>3. saying how pro players aren't doing it for the money. Abso-fucking-lutely they are doing it for the money. Goddamnit they are doing it on stream right now, I can see why you people mute commentary so much.

They're doing it for the money now of course, why play at a LAN which pays nothing vs one that pays a lot in the same time frame.

If there was no money in the Dota 2 scene pros would still play

WC3 Pros played for no money at the time and those are the same people who play Dota 2 today. Not only that but pros who never really made it big still play and old WC3 veterans obviously still play. Add in in-house players as well if you'd like who don't make money at all or scraps.
everyone then
>Right click
>Do 20% damage to enemy carry because some peruvian fuck fed them

Nice meme, you're gonna want a midas on this hero than an aghs. Only retards build dagon on this hero tBh
stop samefagging, im playing the game and i know the truth.

you get 1(highest chance)-9(lowest chance) reports the moment you use all chat to "hurt other people's feelings"
experience is thicker than those shit you just typed just to think of a possible reply against me

>get a midas 6 mins in
>proceed to lose your window of oportunity for ganking mid and the safelane with your ult since you have no mana boots for your combo

you get midas after arcanes obviously
>no blink
>being in a bracket where enemies don't buy sentries
Let me guess, 4k?
and you would build hood to kill creeps, why?
5k actually, but you can avoid sentries with good play desu and your hero isnt 100% dependent on vendetta lul
>buy smoke
>flank mid
>open with stun
>follow with ulti for damage

well that was hard, damn sentries
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>tfw can't stomp games with your waifu in dota
Thread posts: 751
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