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/ps2g/ - planetside 2 general

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Thread replies: 756
Thread images: 104

at 2GB of VRAM, what quality textures should I run?
ultra if CPU bound
lower if GPU bound, until you're not GPU guns anymore
>you're not GPU guns
thank u phone autocorrect
still the usual 50% GPU 90% CPU situation, just wondering if the VRAM running out is causing the game to stutter after a while because I didn't have this problem with my old (better) GPU
>50% GPU, 80% CPU
>game says I'm GPU bound

>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some anon made

last time on FUNposting central: >>164851084
Does the smart choke help the magscat in any way at all?
Which gun for my freedom buggy?
>being this much of a good goy
good goy
>being poor
pls buy some more smeds im hungry ill buff u if u buy thrm

>not even purple
>implying I'm going to take advice from a shitter
NC and VS are for faggots and only getting BR120 on
>no radar
lol, shitties
>paying money to DBG
>paying bandana man's salary
top cuck
>not having eyes
lol, shitties
Guys werl doesn't look so good in this pic, is he okay?
>not taking advantage of sanctioned ESP
lol, shitties
>needing ESP
lol, shitties
t. proud hard mode player, right
See better.
>overclock gpu
>get lower performance
how can ps2 be this shit, seriously
guys, can i put my ivi kdr on a resume/?
what is it
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>bad timing
>piss poor aim
>change to commie with 10 boolets left in LMG
>shoot skillsuit with commie, then change to deci with one boolet left in commie
>splash myself
>don't eat memekit
>only knife one guy
god damn what a fucking shitter
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literally asking for it
KILL YOURSELF you fgucking wastre of oxygen human trash fucking yks NOW

pls no bad werl :D
good night!
woah there big boyo, that's a pretty high kdr - you sure you're not a HACKER ?
nigga that would be like writing "i can ride a bike with babby wheels" on your resume
sure that's a good idea?
maybe if this guy hat a beetlejuice..... still i hate VS the most fuck them i hate their guts so much like it's personal to me at this point idk why.
nakkiel are you actually back playing this game again, or just coming to chill with your waifu?
He is, we are already winning this war :3
>no benjamin frnaklin on the decimator anymore
>instead it looks like some hellish tentacle abomination

it's just not the same
still makes me sad every time
>idk why.
ur bad
aim better
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How long would it take to optimize all of planetside 2's models and textures and would it be worth it(how much fps would we gain)?
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>dude watch me peak corners with Connection Quality: tovarish lmao is of skill)))))))))))
Fighting those subhuman slavs on esamir as a medic zzz. idk how you play that class all the time.
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Am I a good goy?
>1: enemy has clientside advantage
>2-3: poster has clientside advantage, but was still nearly in full view of the whole group of enemies for over two seconds
>4-5: poster has clientside advantage, but it was still a 2v1 and enemies were aware of his position
>6: enemy has clientside advantage and misses, then poster has clientside advantage (although it is largely irrelevant given position and weapon used)
>7: poster literally runs past two skillpants and seven squishies

>peak corners it's spelled "peek" you dumb fuck

Yeah nah, neck yourself

Shame the grenade was already spent though
>no membership
>babby-tier boost
>shit hat
>no golden guns
>shit knife
>1k smedshekels
no, you're a bad goy

>shit-tier medals
>shit weapon camo choice
>camo on AE
>bandolier not maxed
>enhanced targeting
>non-meme loadout name
>200 certs
and you're objectively a turboshitter too
>no scubadiver helmet
do you even meme?
>literally getting triggered over someone memeing about your shit connection

Struck a nerve without even trying, damn I'm good
I don't think that means what you think it means
>over someone memeing about your shit connection
Learn to recognize your shitposters, damn newfags.
>still triggered by memes

come on kid
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What should have happened:
post1: *meme*
post2: *meme*

What happened:
post1: *meme*

yea boiii thats triggered af

since im such a nice guy, im gonna give u this meme image and next time u wanna get mad just post this instead, yw yw
CPU bound, so wouldn't gain much fps

Maybe 2-5 if all the geometry were optimized

Seriously triangles aren't the stumbling block for GPU's anymore.
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jfc dont they teach this shit in schools
post9: *STILL insists on mis-memeing*
Truly a desperate case.
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bruh, go look at the weebum

His connection quality is poor, its RIGHT THERE bruh

i'ts in the upper left of the screen where it always is, stop playing dumb
Yes, and? >>165298070 clearly implied that he was abusing clientside, but he wasn't (at least not significantly), as showed by >>165299702 in a detailed analysis.
How is this relevant to these last few posts?
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Good lord do I have to explain what a meme is?

gustavo use to post videos and he always had a shit connection so people would reply with ">Connection Quality: [insert shit referencing third world countries]"

I really liked this meme so any time I'm in the thread and someone posts a video / weebum of a shit connection then I meme that meme

don't take shit so personally, its LITERALLY just a meme
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I am fully aware of that.
I asked that question simply because we were arguing about the validity of memes, and then you went back to the original (now irrelevant) point for whatever reason.
I'll have you know I'm a well known meme myself
Praise Wrel
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>meme is specifically about his connection quality
>his connection quality isn't relevant
dude me 2
oh wow I just did the ini memes

the game is so clear and smooth now
Stop pretending to be retarded.
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I see you've calmed down a bit, good job
I'm 3.4x what meem are you?

I'm a huge proponent of decimeme and aim better meme to a lesser extent since it has the nice combination of meme but also semilegit advice
what the fuck they forgot to add the GODSAW vehicle damage

more interestingly
reddit was all like " a2g nerf is good, but new thermals are literally useless"
but werl was like "fuc dat lmao"
they highlight projectiles though
hey I can use the ass magic rifle on cloaker now

Jackhammer buffs?
claymore and AV nerf are literally the only good things, everything else is a load of garbage
thank u werl
Nope. At close range it's a nerf (less pellets for the same damage), and at long range you'd technically have higher damage, but at that point spread makes it so you'll only hit 1-2 pellets.
Meanwhile, its accuracy got gutted. But good goy, would you look at that! 15 shells!
kys werl desu
It needed to be completely reworked I don't think a single person liked it.

I'm not gonna shed a tear over it anyways. Godsaw sucks to begin with.
>less pellets for the same damage
but if you're using the jackhammer you're running in three-round burst mode and splattering everyone across the wall anyway
>burst JH
only acceptable to celebrate a base cap, or to teamkill
seriously, burst is garbage
>burst is garbage
ha ha u so funne
no really, on the jackhammer it's shit
I JUST don't understand how people like edubs can have THOUSANDS of hours in this game and still have 0 positioning ability and play like a retard
heh, remember how his kdr and kph went down by 30% when he got banned and kept streaming to show how legit he was?
>tfw I grab a shotgun and decide to camp a corner at a doorway I know the enemy is going to come from and some 1.5kdr fellow JUST HAPPENS to slowly peek the door looking right at me

I still blasted him in his dumb face but it was so goddamn blatant he was using an ESP.
>JUST HAPPENS to slowly peek the door looking right at me
h2gitgud, by gud player:
pretend you have ESP telling you there's an enemy behind a corner
behind literally every corner

guys a little windy but it works
Claymore nerf is literally the only positive of this update.

Shitties will still get farmed, and they'll be looking for another bogeyman to nerf.

kys werl
about time i can use amr on infiltrator

though it doesn't really change anyhting
av mana range nerf too
not that it was OP by design, but getting plinked by non-rendering turrets as a tank means you're already dead if you're out in the open
this way you can shoot back
>linking to aod
*kills myself*

I could tell he was a fag but the game runs better
kys again
nothing we didn't already know though
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gn planetbabs
good night memer! :3c
>sneaky little TR slips by and deploys his sundy in a hard to reach area
>they're all deploying at it now and coming at us from another angle.
>switch faction
>deploy at his sundy
>C4 it to death

that'll teach that faggot
voicepacks on memetracker r the only reason i play
pretty scummy desu

>"Nanite Appreciation Sale 2017", "Nanite Appreciation Sale!", "Miss a December Daily Sale Item? Here's one more chance!"

praise werl he safd game
>guy warps past
>fall over dead

bes gaem evr
did u guise no

trump is donating all the money his businesses make in foreign countries to the us treasury
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tfw werl hasn't kys'd himself
that's entirely moronic
not only is it a drop in the bucket but he's probably getting a tax deduction for it
Well here is what it is NOT..! Memory is not a problem. 16 GB Cores 6 so it not a core issue. Video memory 4 GB so it not a video card issue. And it's not LSI issue.

So when did this start happening. When DBG added the AI BOT-people to the game. I can't prove this because they will not admit they have added AI BOT-people, but that is when it happened. So how do you tell a bot... easy. bot-people you can't talk to. bot-people will never go to the point. bot-people you can't add them to a friends list. bot-people just walk around in none essential building. bot-people vanish in a group with in seconds of each other. bot-people show up at bases with no spawn points. bot-people shoot better than a real players does. you can find bot-people on the Emerald server at almost any time don't know about the other servers. I assume they have them also. I have gotten freezes at the warp gate just stops for 5 seconds. So it the server stopping the game. The problem is not on the user side. Please! Please! -> don't tell me there are no bot-people on PS2. I have proven this time after time testing it. At first I thought it was Bots for testing for cheaters and then after a time I realized they made it part of the game to boost pop. Because the Bots moved with bases being over taken. So the DBG AI guys need to go fix the server problems.

Hmmm... makes you ponder...
The AI BOT-people are the reason you suck at this game

They delete your skill when you're not looking and tell teammates to teamkill you on purpose
Haha, if it's true that they've put them in to inflate player numbers and that it's the reason for the bad server performance than it's a classic DBG mistake.

You think you're helping yourself, but instead you are fucking up the game more so that the ACTUAL players stop playing and you need to put in even more ghosts hahaha

I'm trying to play every evening except saturday/sunday where I try to play a bit in the afternoons.

TR Miller is worse than ever though.
Ah fug I forgot to remove my name for subhuman memeing.
>doing well on memetracker, printing memes like crazy, only a 3 or 4 kills off batman meme
>switch continent
>drops me in the centre of the map underneath the floor, counts as suicide
ebin :----------------------DDDDD
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>No more bat goggles on vehicles in less than 4 hours
Braised be Werl THE ultimate alpha male.
what? update?
Vehicle Thermal Optics
Renamed "Threat Detection Optics"
No longer highlights infantry
Now highlights projectiles and some NPCs
Ground-vehicle thermal range from 150 to 350
Aircraft thermal range from 350 to 500
why live
Who's the next ebil boogie man after thermals get nerfed lads?

I'm betting that MAX's will get their shit gutted next.
Hopefully Pounders AI ability
[RO]: pounder are good balace they do not good very long distence
>NC Maxes can now fire the left arm gun with the shield up
>VS Maxes no longer take additional damage during zealot overdrive
>TR Maxes take longer to go into lockdown and have a much narrower rotation angle

Yet another TR nerf.
10 minutes to maintenance :DDD
Time to spam underbarrel from cloak because wrel cannot into game design

Seriously this guy is amateur hour. Any one of us could do the same thing he does and probably do it better. Fucking editor monkey bullshit, no skill involved and little logic employed on his part.

>salty game dev wishing he could just take the fuck over from this guy
>then remembers how stupid working for soe was
>spam underbarrel
and do what?
Werl balances game for himself and himself only.
Be ye gone betacuck and offend the alpha man no more.
>Spam underbarrel from cloak
As opposed to 1HK headshots from much greater distance? UBGL doesn't even have 1HK splash and it has COF since the bushido infantrybabs whined it into obsolescence
If dubs I'm Werl's bitch forever.
HA resist shield

Praise Werl
re roll
If singles I'm Werl's bitch forever.
>ai a2g internal balance gone out the window: AH completely useless, banshee slightly nerfed, LPPA almost unaffected
>av a2g (which was in a decent place range-wise) is now significantly easier
>seeing sundies at longer ranges means you can still easily spam pods at them
>increased air thermal range just benefits flight ceiling gankers, which are already cancerous enough
>what would be the fucking benefit of highlighting projectiles? basically the only thing you can actively try to dodge are dumbfire RLs, and those things already glow

truly the saver of gams. ignoring all lebbit feedback (which, for once, wasn't completely retarded) because doing otherwise would hurt werl's fragile ego

what should have been done:
>decrease spammability (smaller mags and higher reload times)
>halve (or more) thermal range
We're all Wrel's bitches
Werl's gonna make you his bitch.
suck it down
>what would be the fucking benefit of highlighting projectiles?
Walker and Ranger projectiles? Skyguard projectiles? Flak turret projectiles? Gauss SAW projectiles?

I don't even get why people complain about this. It's just an added benefit.
it's not an added benefit as there is no reason to use it

why would I ever use that over zoom or even night vision lol ?
Am I missing something or does the Annihilator do exactly the same amount of damage as the dedicated lock-on launchers, while having a faster reload speed, more ammo and the only downside being no dumb fire?
mm hmm delicious salty ace pilto tears, been a while since we've had this rare commodity
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you catch on fast
No dumbfire is a pretty big downside.

No Rocket primary and no anti-max utility either.
Lack of dumbfire is a pretty big malus.
>threat detection optics
>no longer highlights infantry as a """threat"""
is werl havin' a banter with us m8? this cheecky fock
lol that's smart
Pc servers still down for maintence?
>Walker and Ranger projectiles? Skyguard projectiles? Flak turret projectiles? Gauss SAW projectiles?
Nice job not answering my question. I'll say it again: how is that any use though?
>I don't even get why people complain about this. It's just an added benefit.
Ok, would you complain if I'm reducing your monthly income by 30%, but you get free tickets to a movie in a far off country (travel and accommodation at your expense)? Because this is exactly how useful highlighting projectiles is.
>How is it any use knowing where AA is coming from
>that "argument"
>muh delish airnig tears
Consider suicide, shitter. You've had over four years to learn how to kill air, and if you can't aim you could just run and hide. But no, you keep getting killed, and blame them instead of your own dumb self. Keep doing that, I'm sure you'll eventually become a competent player.
You can only see projectiles in front of you; if they are in front of you, highlighting them makes it only marginally easier to see where you're getting shot from. Still, if they are in front of you, it should be obvious where it's coming from, even without thermals.
If they are anywhere but in front of you, you don't have the time to turn and see where it's coming from, because you'll get killed.
It follows: highlighting projectiles is useless.
So if it's useless then just ignore it you dumb fucking retard. Goddamn air babies are so bad.
>since the bushido infantrybabs whined it into obsolescence

You're making it sound like old UBGL was a good thing when it was like having a HE lightning inside a bio lab.
it was
t. UBGL pro
Important Message!
PlanetSide 2 is currently under maintenance. For more information, visit the PlanetSide 2 forums. For server status, go here.
>what's the point of this? it seems useless
>blah blah blah
>you are wrong, because [...]
>memes in response to an actual argument
>more detailed explanation of why the new property of thermals is useless
>w-w-ell if it's useless just ignore it, b-baka!
Nice, so you agree with me.

>Goddamn air babies are so bad.
Couldn't be further from the truth, friendo. I got my lumifiber back when directives came out and never touched an ESF again, save as transport.
However, as opposed to you, I don't have the "WWAAAAAAAAHHHHH PLS NERF EVERYTHING THAT KILLS MEEEE" mindset, which, interestingly enough, is exactly what's killing the game.
It was another low skill high reward weapon just like HE vehicles and was pandering to engineer mains like Gustavo.

It's good it got nerfed, things that allow you to rack a shitload of kills should be hard to use, not the other way around.
Stop posting already.
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oh you mean less reason to not be a 750/143 or 600/167 heavy is a good thing? shit bro i didnt know
Oh boy.
>get tk'd by friendly TR in a shootout in a building as medic
>he runs up and crouches over my dead body repeatedly
>then throws vehicle mines in the cover around my corpse

What does it mean???
He wants to be your friend.

Don't act like replacing one cheese with another is a good thing.
Haha, I love that this nerf comes after we discovered all TR weapons are inherently underpowered because of the high RPM and FPS issue.

Kick them when they're down!! >:D
t...thats genius
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"new" models for some new shotguns on all factions, been that way on PTS for months
-2nd new
new chaingun is pretty cool actually with no bloom for walking cof, you just run inside a building with trigger held down and keep going

you don't wanna go in dry, rev up first :)
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threat detection memes highlight NPCs, VR training dummies are NPCs, old thermals didn't highlight them
they literally aren't though, unless you're playing at a framerate lower than 13

All I'm saying is that when something is extremely easy to use and allows you to rack a lot of kills, it is bad game design/balance.

Old UBGL in crowded biolabs/towerfights allowed you to get 3 or more kills quite often just by vaguely aiming in the enemy direction. It was completely retarded, just like many other things in this mess of a game.

Your analogy with heavies is yours and yours only, I never said heavies were good game design.
UBGL was the only reason to play engineer and they gutted it just like they gut everything that's not 750/143 + 600/167 heavy
>UBGL was the only reason to play engineer
t. 0.5 ivi kdr
>just like they gut everything that's not 750/143 + 600/167 heavy
t. 0.5 ivi kdr
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sry no
post full ink
and it better be a name i recognize, or you're lying
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>literal 10 ivi kdr shitter
Why does the Razor claim to have "controllable recoil" when it doesn't?
half the gun descriptions are absolutely retarded
same reason the orion says its lightweight and allows the user to move fast? because it doesn't
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how is it possible for one person to be so bad at video games?

>not ivi
hsow me your gun stats, shitter
August was a rough month, huh
2000 IVI
t. 200 ivi score, 0.5 ivi kdr
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sry no
post link or fuck off
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Medic is the most _fun_ class
Is there anything more retarded in this game than player made bases? I can't believe they actually managed to implement such a massive feature to the game and turn it into such a disappointing broken piece of shit massive flop instead. Just imagine the amount of money they had to put into that they could've actually used to make the game better instead.
>hey that's a pretty neat idea
>too bad you fucked it up big time
literally the past six years
Trying to remember implemented features after release and I actually can't think of any.
implemented features that are good*
>friendly br 2 following me around periodically shooting me with the beamer whenever my shields recover

I figured he was doing it to try and troll/get attention, so I made it my goal to pretend to not notice him at all. Played for about 15 minutes with this guy standing right behind me shooting me every 10 seconds.
>extremely easy to use and allows you to rack a lot of kills, it is bad game design/balance.

I would advise you to never play overwatch, since half the roster can just hit Q and ace the enemy.
You seem unable to answer anything other than "muh heavies".
but that's all 0.5 ivi kdr shitters are usually able to provide as """arguments""", why are you surprised?
Does this mean people can sprint past claymores or something?
What's stopping me from stringing together a set of mines at different angles along a certain pathway to counter this?
nigga just put them inside walls
if you drop a claymore pointing into a room rather than at a doorway you'll still kill them

pic related in an NC player go ahead and try this though it should work
Still better than NC/VS mines imo
i have played over 4k hours, all three factions, and have died to NC/VS mines a few dozen times. usually you can just run past them, and only die if there's some guy ready to shoot you from the other side of the door. claymore is just instant death in 95% of cases.
meanwhile, claymores have been ridiculously overpowered for years, now they finally get a well-deserved nerf, but are still a 1hk with proper placement. oh and they're bugged and will kill you through walls too :^^^)
fucking shiTR niggers
yeah it makes them act a lot more like NC/VS mines desu. instead of activation meaning death, activation means a chance at death depending on how you're moving through the mine's range.
I hate how everyone in this game forces symmetrical balance rather than the factions having identity. MBTs are literally the only thing still making the factions different.
I've found with NC/VS mines, I have to use one as an initiator to set off the second one further along the path if I want a guaranteed kill.
and, coincidentally, the TR MBT is broken as fuck
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exactly this

where are my 350 RPM 2HK gauss guns with A T R O C I O U S bloom? where are my wacky wall-bouncing tank-piercing lasers? where are my 900 RPM dual barrel heavy machineguns with underbarrel chaingun?

and on the note of the prowler being underprowlered, where are the stupidly overexaggerated empire specific effects for the ESFs? serial loading chamber for NC air guns that let you charge more bullet for a big burst of bullet? teleportation ability for scythes? heat radiator/airbrake for moskito for AERIAL LOCKDOWN?
not that crazy but you get the idea
and don't you DARE fucking lol me one more god damn time i swear to fucking god
>teleportation ability for scythes?
u mean scythes on ur server don't teleport)))))))))))))))))))))))))))??



>nc guns using lag wizardry to insta gib you
>vs using lag wizardry to fly all over the place
>tr getting stuck in midair trying to execute the previous two elite pilot techniques
you must be confused

wrel never does anything to nerf tr

It's nc he has a problem with. The faction that loses the most in the game already
ill be honest i very often take advantage of the clientside hit detection and lag wizardry benefit of the GODSAW, even though people say it's shit.

i have ~70 ping btw

if the target isnt moving, and is far away, the pin point accuracy + damage lets me do a quick 3 headshots, letting the gun settle itself each time, and i get the kill.

the velocity, the clientside hit detection, make this just barely possible. of course, also the 167 damage at range

also i feel like BOOLET size doesnt work properly in this game. it feels like the bullet's size stays the size of 1 pixel for you no matter the distance, meaning it's easier to get headshots at longer ranges because the BOOLET is larger as it travels further. this is just a theory but i'm not good at aiming, and yet, i get headshots at long range 3 times in a row very often. i notice this also when i spray at long range. 500 RPM doesnt throw that many bullets at someone, and yet, i get a decent amount of hits even at what seems like an extreme range for bursting/spraying. this can only be happening by the bullet getting larger.
>continents down to Hossin and Amerish
>Esamir unlocks
>"nice, lemme go there since I really like Esamir"
>about a minute after continent unlock VS has already zerged a Biolab with Stalker Infiltrators and MAXes
It's the kind of development bullshit I expect from 0.5kdr shitters to be honest.

That's right up the shitter alley. It's boring (Wait, I mean ""comfy""), you don't have to be skilled at anything to build shit, you get to 'win' the game without even doing anything, and your shitterforts are practically invulnerable to any attack that isn't a zerg.

We could have had resources like in planetside 1, we could have had more leadership options, or some sweeping map changes and new types of objectives to fight over.

The people in charge of this game are well-meaning but bumbling fools.
I would like construction a lot more if the certs weren't fucking ridiculous.
>1000 certs for a slightly more resistant wall
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and people buy this shit

including me
>Misson: Capture Heyoka Chemical Lab
>Misson: Capture Subterranean Nanite Analysis
>Mission: Capture Subterranean Nanite Analysis
>Mission: Defend The Crown
>It's lattice'd by all factions
t. 0.5 ivi kdr
I think losing one arm gun for a faulty shield is adequate

ZOE got gutted in the last patch despite the toggle it does less damage than before when it was already nerfed 3 times

TR could get tighter CoF but it'd just be abused from render distance with AV weapons if anything increase the starting CoF to something manageable and make it fixed and add some damage resist while locked down maybe a small personal shield for like 1 rocket worth of damage and also make the RoF increase a static % across all guns
>fix UBGL
>splash is fatal but damage tapers off very quickly like >1m
>still deals enough to pop shields at ~3m
>direct hit still explodes
>UBGL grenades now require nanites to reload
wow spoilers I haven't finished watching this show ffs
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its a super early episode, space marine
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>0.75 and adv laser on the same gun
for what purpose
cyka blyad! wat gun ))))
LoGH the best

That happens on like episode 4
desu I got to like episode 15 and lost interest

It's like reading the simian silmarillion, it just bogs down after awhile

You know what's a GREAT anime though?

PLANETES fuck I loved it, I wish japan could make animes like that more often
You gotta watch it with a friend. I only watch tv with friends otherwise you can't make jokes when shit slows down and gets boring. There are a lot of good jokes to make regarding LoGH and it does politics pretty well.
Jaguar, Carnage, GR22, probably more.
Let's do this /PS2G/

>worst faction
>worst clan
>worst facility
>worst continent

>favorite faction
>favorite facility
>favorite continent
>favorite thing

I'll start

Angels of Death TR
Subterranean Nanite Analysis

Crossroads Watchtower
Camping vehicle terminals as a Stalker Infil and forcing people to hunt me down
>Camping vehicle terminals as a Stalker Infil and forcing people to hunt me down
I'd be mad but styling on shitters like you gets me rock hard.

>Angels of Death TR
What's wrong with AOD? They tend to be good for the community and a big part of why TR is able to deal with constant 24/7 gang bangs by other factions.

Also worst faction is VS, no bullet drop and low recoil while actually having higher or the same MV? Who fucking thought this was a good idea?

The fuck all middle of nowhere bases you never get to fight at

those unique well designed infantry bases on hossin, even the placeholder bases are good
I actually like when people finally get me, initiating that cat and mouse game is the best.

Also I don't really mind AOD, but their strategy consists of just overpopping the fuck out of shit. Nothing wrong with overpopping if it helps you win, but just the other day they gal-dropped on a reasonably even fight we were winning and then just tipped it over and ruined the farm for both sides.
Whatever happened to those shitters? Never see them around anymore.
worst faction: NC
favorite faction: NC

being a burger is suffering
Good evening memers!
>Also I don't really mind AOD, but their strategy consists of just overpopping the fuck out of shit. Nothing wrong with overpopping if it helps you win, but just the other day they gal-dropped on a reasonably even fight we were winning and then just tipped it over and ruined the farm for both sides.
NC and VS both do it way worse as a whole. Just the other day I ruined my ivi kdr to go and defend a place where we were outnumbered 60/40 and being pressured at spawn room, we broke out and defended the facility though. About 2 minutes later roughly 20 fully loaded valks swing in and drop an entire platoon and we were massacred instantly. I hate overpoping as much as the next guy but TR actually needs to do it with NC not fighting VS.

AoD as a whole just seems to like to take a bunch of pubs along to bolster their tactical superiority which is fine since they tend to illicit high pop fights anyways generating farm for everyone.
We are still fighting for your freedom anon!


wow what a rude post.
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>Misson: Capture Heyoka Chemical Lab
>Misson: Capture Subterranean Nanite Analysis
basically all of memerald lmao
idk, anything that's overly exposed to air and HE niggers

most towers, biolabs in second place
idk, probably amerish for comfyness
shitposting, and aiming better
>it's okay if everyone does it
>even if it's twice the cancer of those factions we're justified
I still don't understand TR logic and they're like my second most played faction
>even if it's twice the cancer of those factions we're justified
Very different situations though, TR not only does it out of need (having twice as many enemies as everyone else makes the game harder), but they also specifically target areas that are already rough whereas NC and VS will go anywhere and do anything just for a free victory. AoD is all about organizing the TR plebs into an actually effective deathball into otherwise unwinnable areas.
>>even if it's twice the cancer of those factions we're justified
>Very different situations though, TR not only does it out of need (having horrendously underpowered equipment makes the game harder)
I do well with my carv as well as my prowler tho

Also surprisingly decent kdr with default sniper but just simply counter sniping the 100000 VS and NC sniper shitters that exist at any big battle.
post stats
>decent kdr with a sniper
>log in
>crack knuckles
surely none of you fucking shitters actually have the mission system enabled
>cracks knuckles
>fingers break

fugggg :DDD
No you'll just bully me, I'm B+ with the carv and 99 though. My headshot ratio is really high for all classes but my general accuracy is apparently absolute garbage.
Hohw do u trn it off? :C
UseFences=1 in ini
Use Feces? haha
>even pop
>outnumbered on 4 fronts
>even remotely close to not being garbage
Why are the second default MAX weapons 1,000 each? Shouldn't they be cheap to make the MAX actually usable for new players?
MAXes should be members only honestly
I'm new and mostly fight battles where we're losing. Pls no bully.I do well against other mans but what can I do when my deaths are exclusively divided between snipers and enemy HA swarms.
accuracy is a meam - all the rtards who brag about ivi are either cheating or statpadding for it

your accuracy should be dogshit if you're playing the game in a competent way and actually shooting people who are difficult to hit when the opportunity presents itself. the guys running around with 35% acc on their orions and beteljews are only fighting inside buildings at 15m ranges
t. 5,000,000 IvI planetmaster
>your accuracy should be dogshit if you're playing the game in a competent way and actually shooting people
>all the rtards who brag about ivi are either cheating or statpadding for it
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was? what happened to him?
What's a good damage diff per hour?
bulldog nerf
don't listen to the fuckstick, he doesn't know how to play the game - literal tryhard, it's sad

If you're B+ with something, you're well above average, and right around the actual average of good players. A++ or A* puts you at the high end of good players - average players are basically just cattle/bots at that point.

dasanfalls S grade is in practice, "guaranteed cheater" tier. You shouldn't listen to anyone with the majority of their weapon stats that high. On a few weapons, it's questionable but acceptable, on most/all - they're a cheater. Even assuming legit skill, you're talking about taking "advice" from such a minority of the population that it will never actually be applicable to you.

for improving yourself, use relive or shadowplay, record your deaths retroactively, watch what happens and figure out the mistakes you made. Don't go lemming mode and allow emotions/pride to override sound judgement. If you can keep examining what you're doing wrong, you'll be able to adjust and improve as you gain more experience with the game. There's also more to improving than aiming better, too - the ones who think it's all about aim are clueless cheaters

don't focus on the stats too much, treat them as a barometer for personal improvement, not something to brag about. Once you go down the road to bragging about that shit and attacking everyone below you as a 'shitter' you've made the jump to cheater-tier, and if you haven't already, you will soon be downloading skill

t. good player who doesn't cheat
hi vateilika
Hey there folks.
fuck off ratboy
all VS outfits
Indar Ex/Quartz Ridge
Hossin or SE Indar

Amerish Tower bases
getting rage tells
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post stats, chucklefuck. guaranteed 1.5 ivi at most.

if you're new that's actually pretty decent, keep at it and git gud.
don't listen to the "anyone better than me is cheating", or you'll never progress.
good ebeining :3c
oh fuggg
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I wish this game had actual decent aesthetics / art direction

player studio is a step up in quality from the artists dbg used to have, but they're also a mishmash of inconsistent styles
Praise wrel
>player studio is a step up in quality
so ps2g, I've noticed that a huge number of "good" players on reddit that spam their shitty montages and killstreaks on reddit always seem to have connection quality: poor or connection quality: bad.
Especially when it's one of those "lol look at these no-awareness bads" posts.
It pisses me off that nobody points out that their lag gives them a huge advantage.

I'm not an amazing player but my ping is a consistent 30ms and seeing their bullshit makes me livid - even more so when the retards come out and say they have an "unstable" connection.
I just assume all the "good" players are using limiters now.
It's fucking ruining the game.
You mean like those webms posted here?
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nigger art director diversity hire is a massive red flag right from the start
>Connection Quality: Göbekli Tepe

to be fair, the servers have been shit recently

I almost never have above 30ms for most of this games life, but I've been getting 150ms pretty steady for the past week

and its not on my end 100%
>bulldog nerf

did it go live?
post ur fav connection quality meme

>Connection Quality: 没有人员的孩子
>Connection Quality: )))
T-ray wasn't bad, you are just a mad alt right shitter

Lagwizadry is a myth))
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why is this game suddenly so unded? lots of people just queuing to get in a continent
I actually got to experience what it's like to have lots of packetloss/high ping for a little while (I got the issue causing it fixed though)

It's easy to double your kdr because of it. You can peek a corner, see a claymore, and have it not kill you or even just run right over claymores like they're not there. Nobody ever seems to notice you. ADAD and crouching is way more effective. Vehicles never seem to hit you anymore. You're always the last guy to be targeted in a room full of people. When someone takes potshots at you, you're usually already reaching cover by the time the first bullet hits. Snipers never get headshots on you. Hornets never hit you directly.

Fucking with your connection is probably the most common exploit in the game right now

For me, it was working best when I had ~180-200ms ping. Once I hit 300ms and higher though, it was worse. 500ms and higher meant I would randomly die from, I'm guessing, people who saw me where the server thought I was due to interpolation, even though on my side I'm still inside a building or behind a rock.

But it's seriously a huge advantage. I wish there were some better constraints on packet loss and ping. Just dropping damage packets when your ping is exceeding 300/400ms would be a good start. Disconnecting people with greater than 10% packet loss would help too.
they're ghosts of players long since gone.
You thought T-Ray was bad, then we get the huge influx of Player Studio clutter garbage that literally looks like a 6 year old made, on top of faction colors being muted to be dark and gritty and edgy and vehicles just having all color removed completely.

>Connection Quality: тeлeпopты зa вaми
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higby, just because you were friends with him doesn't mean he was actually good at his job

planetside 2's aesthetics are genuinely awful, player studio has tons of utter crap, but that crap is either meeting the standard set by planetside 2 already, or isn't actually crap and is massively exceeding it as is the case with doku's new TR armor
all myth))
>Connection Quality: R̠̺͈͉̯̤̜͊́ͩ̉̎'͔ͪ͒l̞͓̭̜̳̞ͦ͌ͯͣͪ͌͗y̮̥͈̺̅ͪ̐̓̊ḛ̩͇̖̜͌̓͒́͋́̓̒̽ͅẖ͙̣ͮͬ̌̏̆ͫ
>or isn't actually crap and is massively exceeding it as is the case with doku's new TR armor

For the love of God, Ranulf stop this. We are not buying you shitty armor.
>oбнaжить NS15M2
fuck you buy my shit you slut
bruh what if the beetlejew got faster sprint speed to match description? if you pair up with speed suit, you go sanic fast.

then godsaw gets sniper tier velocity.

t. anon(not werl)
No. Your space samurai armor may not look bad per se but it doesn't fit PS2 aesthetics at all, Terrans wearing it look silly.
The godsaw already has sniper velocity...
that's the joke
double it :DD
>hitreg gone to shit
>constant instagibs
never play on patch day
actually more like patch month
i am teh reel gandass bussboy ur talkin 2 an imposer
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Miller? DIG does that sometimes
t. shittie
ever play on patch year+5
Good night!
Yeah no fuck off, 90% of the player studio garbage is worse than the vanilla sets/camos.

>thinks AVA looks good
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post some classic ps2 memes
Did the game improve after Higby left?
It did, actually
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good night memer :3c
is wanting maggie 2 sit on my face considered an old meme?
that feel when got rising storm 2 beta key

I'm free, finally

plus, there are helicopters and RPG's 1 shot them there too, so at least my aiming better practice won't go to waste :-DDD
h2get key
ples tell

t. want to be free too
u fukkn amateur i would veitcong u so hard
*punji sticks*
>my skillsuit gets instagibbed by a shotgun
>get bolted through resist shield in one bodyshot
>glitching grenades and c4 into teleport rooms
>all by the same guy
chink genocide when
I signed up on their website months ago, and just got in now. But I've heard of people signing up ~2 days before a key distribution wave, and getting keys.

I'm excited honestly. The infantry to vehicle balance is so much better in that franchise, I really hope that RS2 keeps it up.

Extremely strong vehicles, but only an extremely small number of them permitted, so you don't get cheesed too hard, and killing them feels fucking amazing. It also feels so rewarding protecting them as infantry. Walking down some city street, flanking your panzer, making sure no subhumans AT grenade it while it supports your advance - it felt so good.

Like, vehicles actually feel extremely valuable while still not being game breaking, as opposed to this clusterfuck of vehicle balance that Planetside has.
Well, that's what happens when you can't restrict vehicles

Even if you could only pull one tank every 30 minutes, it'd be trivial to zerg with tanks like dapp and aod do.
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>in the same hex as an ex quake pro
Satisfactory aim.

t. aim evaluator.
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it's just so easy.webm
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>n-no goy, use lockons to kill air, you'll never manage to hit them with decimators
>Connection Quality: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/08/world/americas/brazil-prison-riots-michel-temer.html?_r=0
https://www.twitch tv/zigzagkill
lmao dis nigga stoned as fuck
aim better
>actually making webms of hitting some low hovering shitters
really now clab?
>traverse at near-cruise speed
>frontal (smallest target) and not really hovering either
>low hovering
wew lad

goddamn, what is this guys ingame name, he is the definitive ~100 hours played, slurping werls dick, 1.5ivi shittie.
>ACTUALLY thinking those were impressive
oh christ almighty
He got triggered earlier when I memed @ him, just ignore him or he'll sperg.
>ACTUALLY thinking those were impressive
where did i say that
please quote the exact part where i said that they were impressive
kek, see what i mean


dude gets triggered over nothing
damn lol
>ur werl
How do u save blanetside?
replace all bullets with memes :3c
SO triggered
I know he didn't even 360 noscope
fugg this guy is a ledditor. :DD
See, look at him sperg.


buddy, I don't know how you don't know this already, but if you post anything related to your character in game you WILL get memed at

you've gotta stop taking it personally and freaking out
>literally 0.6 ivi kdr
>0.1 ivi kpm
>BR 100+

and these are the people that werl balances around
cant believe this game is 4yo and still somewhat alive desu

>be briggs
>since so few people online every lib pilot can 1-man dalton
>literally no counters as they dalton every single ESF/harasser/ant that tries to hunt them down
its "PTSHOOO:---DDD" ya dolt.
>but if you post anything related to your character in game you WILL get memed at
i'll have you know i am a professional memelord, creator of some of the dankest menes ps2g has ever seen. your (?) amateurish attempt at memeing, which actually just consist in spamming the same word over and over, is just silly
>you've gotta stop taking it personally and freaking out
i'd ask you to show me where exactly i """freaked out""", but i already have a decent idea of what you'll reply.
since discourse seems to be impossible, go ahead, keep spouting babby-tier menes all you want.
>all this triggeredom



i want you to show me you can chilll, reply to this post with lol and ONLY lol

thats it

no more sperging, just lol

ok go
lurk m0ar
it has good gameplay, and it is the only game since the original to do what it does

fuck all anything else though

b a b b y
u can click many mans @ the same time instead of only being able 2 click 5 mans
lurk m0ar faggot. everyone gets memed on :^). even 1 ivi kdr like you.
>implying implications
commit sudoku
no u
does bignig still work on this game?
hilariously enough, graphics are now worse than before
But game is saved so that's okay.
press T to thank u werl
no i'm not ypeing hat leer ever again

fug u werl, kys
hes busy making Lawbreakers the best looking and cleanest game hes ever worked on
Racer or Scrapper for solo canister harasser?
i pressed K for kys >:-)

go fats
boost on top of roofs
shot niggers
*teleports behind you*
Should do some medballin then lad
Oh fug i forgot to try the battul raifus on infiltrator before i logged out
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too late anon.
game is kill.
But construction sabed de gaem, you salty vet!
t. negative ivi kdr
So my in game overlay for memetracker suddenly stopped working, but everything else still works just fine. Anyone had this happen or know whats up?
PC and PS4 merge when
Emerald having a fucking aneurysm again
uninstall and reinstall
actually ideally don't reinstall
>tfw everyone is shitting their pants over the thermals nerf and you never even unlocked them in the first place in four years of playing

it's still a battle rifle except now it's on infiltrator
probably because there are 2000 ghost players on it
I mostly just wish they'd refund the thermals on weapons it has no place on now.

What am I going to do with a thermal kobalt bus, or thermal CAS valk? It's a completely changed weapon attachment, hell, they aren't even called thermals anymore.
so I havent played in a year or two

What's changed? I see a bunch of certs were given back to me for taking some perks.

Is the TAR with medic still really powerful?
Emerald 500ms server latency

Not much, really,. You probably heard about construction before, also like 3 new guns, gutted shotguns and thermals, rocklets finally.
Praise wrel
since a year ago all devs have been moved to H1Z1

Right now there is one dude called Wrel who does balancing and has to get the H1Z1 team to implement the changes when they have time
Construction got released. It's a meme that is actively detrimental to map flow.

Alerts got made meaningless. Do not pay attention to them.

Indar got re-done, it's a meme, the new bases are still shit.

That's about it really. Werl tampered with some spreadsheet numbers to feign progress and development, but it's fucking nothing.
fug i actually wanted to click mans today ;-;
>Alerts got made meaningless.
do you not longer get an exp boost?
i was playing a few hours ago, and the server was basically ignoring headshots
i had 15% hsr (i usually have ~35%), and i died to 2 headshots (out of 25 deaths), as opposed to the usual 15-20%.
praise we
You still get the +30% exp during the alert, but whether or not you win doesn't really matter. No flat "+X number of certs" at the end either.

Basically, you no longer get those clutch moments during alerts where organised outfits would try and secure a base to win it, or even things like one faction aiding another in a point hold to force a win, etc.

What you get now is apathy and farming. No-one gives a shit about alerts.

Continents are locked through construction primarily now, and construction is unenjoyable shite.
never heard of construction, is it any fun?
It's literally nothing.
Not really.

You can only really build in the middle of nowhere because of no-build zones, and there are so many bases possible to be built on the map at once, that they're really not worth the effort to fight. The generate "victory points" but they're so slow to generate that there is no urgency to killing them. Over time though (hours), they're the defining thing that locks continents.

Bases also are filled with instagib auto-turrets.

The only times you can get kind of enjoyable base fights are when for some reason, there are absolutely no auto-turrets, and they've found a place to build that is between two active lattice bases. The system itself doesn't encourage this though. It encourages abusing terrain glitches and building in the middle of nowhere - which basically means that no-one bothers attacking them.

It was a huge failure, and a complete waste of one year development time. The game is worse than it was before construction and victory points came out.
no, it's shit.
>Bases also are filled with instagib auto-turrets.

When they actually work, it seems like they bug out half the time and just sit there booping and beeping while enemies swarm the base
Only fun when you get bored of farming

Sometimes if you build a base in a good location it will actually be useful to other players and a fight will form. But thats about every 1/10 bases
>No flat "+X number of certs" at the end either.
FUCK, i was wondering why i didn't get any certs when i stayed online to the end of an alert the other day

god damn it daybreak, why the fuck?
i miss buzzcutpsycho
that feel when can't travel back to 2013 and play this game in its prime state
>every other thing is ridiculously overpowered
>using it isn't fun because no challenge at all
>being on the receiving end isn't fun for obvious reasons
>and yet, it was significantly better than it is now
Is there anything the """dev team""" could even do to fix construction? Besides DUDE REMOVE IT LMAO or make such sweeping, intensive changes that it would make this a fundamentally different game?
Less no build zones for starters.
3 cores total down from the 8 or whatever it is right now

Cores only generate VP's quickly when they're inside an active hex on the frontline

VP's generate at 3x their old speed

Significant faction-wide cert benefit for killing cores

Significantly tone down no build zones

I'd really just prefer if they deleted construction and bought back old alerts though.
Easiest way to make bases more relevant would be to edit the way the server assigns cores and maybe power down HIVEs too far from the front line.

Maybe make it so that a base could become inactive without being totally destroyed if front line moved too far away so it could be "reset" to later.

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Hornets or coyotes for lumifiber guys?
both seem painfully slow
Hornets, just farm infantry.

Stick to 1-12's, and run maxed radar.
oh gosh, wintermeme was the king of lithcorp mine :3c
that's only because I got to use a rooty tooty point n shooty on a sundy
I got to test out piston with slugs today, and it's basically nerfed into irrelevance now, thanks wrel.
yeah, with the recoil on it you might as well use a pump action with slugs, you fire at the same speed, but the pump action will do more damage
mmeeeewwwwtwwwooo is on the path of legendary troll

>Playing VS alt
>player named meeeewwwwtwwooo constantly deploying sunderer in front of vehicle pad
>when he runs out of nanites, he logs with his alts and deploys sundies in front of vehicle pad whenever he can
>has been banned multiple times, just keeps making more accounts
>Decide to play on NC main for a couple weeks
>see yell chat
like others have said, toning down no-build zones and limiting cores are low hanging fruit to help out. I also have said before that making the Cortium have regular spawning locations, or at least much more clustered spawning would make construction more important.

Something a bit more intensive would be to remove many of the small bases across the continents (or even just their lattice lines/spawnrooms) which should have happened when they revamped Indar.

They also could add more interactive elements to the system, like the bridges at Heyoka Chemical, or something like the old PS1 LLU system, or even make more things actually able to be hacked. They could even make new elements for "continent wide" bonuses that take more resources to build but give benefits like MBT spawning, reduced respawn timer etc.
implement the new ikanam biolab where you can build a base on top of the base

If base building is ever going to actually go anywhere, it's going to be integrating with normal bases like that.
>it's just so easy.webm

well. yea. do you gloat about picking on retards in real life too?
>Not picking on tards irl.
What a cuck.
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Here let me see if I got anything that I didn't lose in my old HDD.
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Fuck it I'll join in. Who remembers leakbro?
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some plain old old screens as well because why not
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I still want to know how to toaster this hard.
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fucking gustavo lol
is he still here? did he ever upgrade?
LOD bias.

problem is that the textures actually end up darker in general, and giant squares get in the way of aiming. for example, muzzle flash just blinds you entirely.

check the dark side of those rocks. try spotting someone against that compared to normally.
TR medic, just got back in, recommend loadout for my TAR?
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fuck guns just revive people until they fix the death bug
I wish I could too.

Be interesting to see how much of an advantage it gives now that thermals are gone. I assume infantry would stick out really obviously in max potato.
they know me for me 1taps

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god damn it jimmy
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Hopefully his favela burned down.

The real question is what happened to Stew and his (( vehicules )).
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These memes are too vintage for the current /ps2g/ poster base, anon.

why are we still here
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party in the spawn room.gif
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I used to need it for actual potato reasons.
Don't even need that anymore but I still wanna try for fun.

I just come back from time to time to be a bus. I do miss all the old chaos though.
Stew went to Star Citizen forums.

Probably. I only very recently tried the game again and have been looking for an opportunity to shitpost. Save my crap if you care, I may never post it again. I might be back in a few hours.
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>Save my crap if you care, I may never post it again.
>implying I haven't saved mostly everything posted here over the past four years
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Double oops.
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>I only very recently tried the game again and have been looking for an opportunity to shitpost
Pretty much the same here.
Also just doubled my RAMs today which made the game pretty incentivizing.
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i have a bigger folder I'll throw stuff in from tomorrow maybe
she was too pure for this world
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I'm still playing on the same potato I used to play this game in beta. Pic related I think the servers were fucked up a lot but the UI might have been different. I always told myself I'd upgrade when PS2 was an enjoyable game. lol

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>tfw you upgraded too late to see the original textures, vanu asses, and PhysX in full HD
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Yeah looking at that image again the I would have been totally different back then.

Remember when she was "in charge of infantry weapon balance" or whatever? we all had a laff

found another one
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I pretty much had to quit for a while when WinXP support ended. No way I was gonna be able to run PS2 AND a modern OS on my old thing.
I remember rigging up a crazy low resolution, 800x600 or maybe lower I don't quite remember, map took up almost 1/4 of the screen. Cool stuff.
>she'll never be in charge of sitting on your face
why even live bros

But yeah the image in >>165419725 is definitely post-launch, you can tell from how the font was already switched to Geogrotesque Med. instead of the original Planetside 2 font.
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close get
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Oh, dang.
What happened to the guns? Why did they change models?
daybreak seems to have agreed that iLuVhobbiTpr0n was onto something
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Oh god. There goes my coffee.
Found a rant I wrote once. How naive I was.
>date modified 03/032013
I think we all need to step back a bit and realise that by the time this comes close to being implemented there will be work being done on a fifth or sixth continent, a possibility of things like a totally revamped resource system, a mission system providing goals for different sized groups, continent locking, and a whole host of other things that can by themselves make PS2 a very different and better game.

There are concerns to be raised, yes. A reduction in the number of choices of bases you have to attack can be a good or a bad thing, and it's likely that this will be one of the primary metrics to be balanced. Too many and the front line becomes fragmented and a small squad can quickly eat into enemy territory which is undefended. Too few and there's only one place to go and the fight stagnates or people give up.

An overall stagnation is what we usually have on Indar, due to the number of bases and connections between them being far higher than on other continents. Over time, the devs realised this and brought out Esamir and Amerish, with reduced base and hex counts.

What you have to remember is that the long term goal is intercontinental warfare, but in the beginning there was only one map, Indar. Having a map from a game where eventually giving up an entire continent can be a strategic choice and giving no other choices would be a catastrophe, people would be locked into their warpgates gaining no resources and 75% of the population would quit the game. Indar had to be the black sheep of the family, a continent not designed for a strategic retreat, but one able to act as a permanent home for the majority of the fighting while the other continents were being produced.
The hex system is a way for the developers to have a middle ground between a free-for-all like in tech-test and beta before adjacency was put in, and the eventual goal of some system like the lattice, where the focus is on a path from facility to facility across a larger number of continents. If PS2 is to reach its goal of however many continents there ultimately will be, keeping the hex system as it is without continent locking would be disastrous. Without a huge population to support the exponentially expanding front line of mostly empty bases being capped, vulnerable bases and territory would remain empty because there wouldn't be the numbers of people to go round.

Allowing small squads to have an impact versus a larger force through organisation is one of the other things that I'm sure is in the mind of the devs, particularly as this balances with the feeling that the most important thing about a force is that it's bigger than the enemy.

Organisation itself is another thing to keep in mind. A squad of three people all playing together extremely efficiently should be rewarded for their ability to act together, but at the same time a squad of three people who aren't as organised shouldn't feel as though they have to spend large amounts of time drilling tactics with one another in order to even be competitive.

Squad level and outfit level organisation is probably easier to balance than a lot of these other things, since it's generally harder to organise a larger group of people to do anything.

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Generally a squad of only three or so people aren't going to have that much of an overall effect on the strategic level of play anyway. They can do, at most, three different things at once, in three different locations. There are goals which are more efficiently accomplished by a certain number of people in a certain role, for example, defending a small room is probably best done by a few MAXs, some engineers and a couple of medics. Piling 100 people into that room is only going to make things more confusing, result in far more accidental team-killing, net more kills for the enemy when they throw a grenade, and stress the medics out.

There comes a time when more people doing something is either of no advantage, or actually worse than if they went and did something somewhere else (like vehicles blocking a bridge).

The two extremes of this are: one guy playing lonewolf and doing nothing to help his team, giving no consideration to tactics or strategy, and every single member of the entire population of an empire being telepathically linked to one another and moving as a single organism (insert vanu overmind reference).

Somewhere in the middle of all of these things lies a balance, a mythical goldilocks zone where anybody can play any way they want with any number of people they want with as much or as little organisation and goofing around as they want and have the maximum amount of fun.

I think the devs know this, and they're pretty brave for hinting that they're changing something so fundamental after a lot of people have grown accustomed to playing a certain way, but it may be as a part of a whole that you find you will, after adapting to new things, enjoy.

And if you don't, well you can whine about it and they might change it back, who knows.

I was so young. So full of hope.
No, really, why did they had to butcher the models completely.
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>there will never be intercontinental lattice
>there will never be resources that matter
>there will never be player created missions
>there will never be bastion carriers
>there will never be more continents
>there will never be good frame-rates and stable servers
>there will never be effective anti-cheat
>there will never be another MMOFPS

a-at least werl saved the game r-right?
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Another MMOFPS one day in the future, maybe. Can't speak for the rest of it.

>we never got Searhus
>we never got halftrack Sunderers
>we never got the Vanguard railgun
>we never got the Brazilians to leave
>we never got nudes of Maggie

>Another MMOFPS
Nope. We're firmly in FPS MOBA territory now with how successful Overwatch is.
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It'd be a long time before something came up anyway, who knows what the trend will be then.
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>she'll never be in charge of sitting on your face
>shit on some tryhard so gud he rage pulls A2G
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>>we never got halftrack Sunderers
lol I went to soe live in vegas one year because I got free tickets from making like 200 fake FB profiles to like my shit and they showed images of a halftrack flash snowmobile thing

It looked good. ;_;

I also got a code for a free gun in Bullet Run (remember that shit?) and the facebook pistols. It was teh year TB casted the "Auraxium tournament" and DVSDelrith who was a furry called snowmew won because his outfit rolled alts and fed him kills in a scatmax and I think he had to repay the $10k prize. 2012?

lol he has an ED article about him https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Christoph_Naumova

haha he works with angryjoeshow now? great

Anyway David "smokejumper" Georgeson who helped produce PS1 was sat at my table and he announced SOEmote, the revolutionary facetracking technology which would never happen.

Also a couple of weird MMOs like Wizardry Online (good music tho) and some terribad game advertising the fact it had "over one hundred unique dragons" which made a lot of people laugh.

Some disabled lady dressed as an elf got a standing ovation during the costume contest for some reason and then a bunch of fags danced to gangnam style for free video cards.

Met [AT]R3L1C who was chill though. And LVLCAP who already wanted the game to be more like BF3.

Open bar at the pool party.


Lost the image I sent them for the last reward tier, but it was crappy MSPaint faggotry anyway.
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>lol I went to soe live in vegas one year because I got free tickets from making like 200 fake FB profiles to like my shit and they showed images of a halftrack flash snowmobile thing
Good morning memer!
I'm not gonna sleep today. I'm gonna waste my time in this shit game, thanks werl.
So that's why the Harasser looks so bad, the back was supposed to be covered.
Name one (1) thing that looks good in blanetside.
ESFs to be honest
cowboy hat
A lot of things used to look good, then they started removing graphics and then they removed all the color. Now nothing looks good.
>my posts are getting deleted again
ah yes, the unmistakeable sign of "i can't win an argument, but i want to make it look like i did"
>STILL triggered
meme better lol
After further testing I can definitely say that the autoshotgun's pellets are now actually better than the slugs

I guess I'll have to be okay with this
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contribooting with my own rare planetside images
Slugs are stupid anyway. Shotgun should be a shotgun and that's it.
Deader than planetmans.
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The continents, when playing on max graphics and when the game fucks up and loads them with the wrong lighting and skybox.
They were pretty much perfect before wrel nerfed them
I don't think the changes effected their power in close range at all.
lol traseros

>pink shit to cover up bad connection quality

Just RPGmemed an attack heli

It feels so much better than a Planetside decimeme

Double the speed, triple the height/distance, admittedly faster meme launcher - THIS is the calling for ex-quake pros
I want to see someone post this on the official lebbit forum that the devs base the game around the whines of

Watch it get downvoted to shit.
holy shit remember when higby said outfits would be able to customize bases once they captured them

why did he lie so much?
The fact that you make a webm and boast about hitting an ESF with Decimeme just proves how rare it must be for you to do it, because otherwise you wouldn't make such a big deal out of it.
>implying it's not still easily visible through the pink shit

t. lockon babby
I don't think that's a lie, that was before the Russian Jews bought SOE.
>morning, empty server, russian banshees circling 12v12 bases
sure do love miller
It did, too inaccurate now - you're better off with pellets up close. You were before too, but pellets before the patch were also shorter range and harder to use effectively, so slugs had a little more room to be useful. Wrel's increased the horizontal recoil something like 500% - you can pretty much skip an entire body width off target each shot even in your best engagement range of ~10-15m.

The much higher recoil also means you have to pace your shots out a lot more - you end up with about equal rate of fire to a pump action, not a full auto.

Autoshottie with slugs went from being fun to use to 'no thanks'. It wasn't even particularly good before, just fun, high skill ceiling, different from LMG's. Now, you really should just stick with pellets and forget slugs exist.
All these vehicle shitters tears on leddit over thermals.

For once werl did a good thing.
>The much higher recoil also means you have to pace your shots out a lot more - you end up with about equal rate of fire to a pump action, not a full auto.
No. Not even close. Not even remotely close. Why are you spreading lies?
I agree. I hope they tell them to fuck off and keep the change rather than caving into the tears of shitters again.
You can't spamfire it bud, have you even used it?

Fuck, I've got like 3,000 kills with the fucking auto slug shotgun, I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Wrel took something that was 100% completely perfect, wasn't OP, wasn't UP, hit the right spot in range, accuracy, and recoil.

And fucked it all up.

There was literally nothing wrong with it before. I could understand needing to rebalance the buckshot, but changes to slugs on the autoshottie were definitely a case of 'fixing' what wasn't broken.
>I've got like 3,000 kills
>100% completely perfect, wasn't OP
>There was literally nothing wrong with it before.
da )))
>open class menu
>GPU skyrockets to 99%
>51 fps in a menu
top lel why do people still use flash for UI?
Because it's a 6 years old game that was rushed
I've been playing this game for 4 years and never even tried slug shotguns

Why the fuck didn't someone tell me they were OP before they were nerfed?
UI in videogames is just all around terrible.

Seriously, it's one of the single most resource intensive parts of any game, because nobody seems to know how to do it right. Everyone's got to be a special snowflake with their special snowflake UI that's really just a complete cluster fuck.
>how to fix ghosts and servers shitting themselves
soe u r genious
now why couldn't you do this shit fucking regularly, every week since launch
they weren't, they were only """OP""" if you can't aim with a rifle
Then why would wrel nerf them?

And how does having bad aim make you good with slugs?
Werl isn't the brightest potato. You're talking about a guy who nerfed aa turrets because someone downed his scythe.
I've had some time to test out thermal changes

It basically went like this:
Wow I can't see shit, I can't even see where people are shooting from

Then I switched to 1.75x zoom

It's definitely made it harder to farm infantry, but it's still honestly piss easy to do it. Biggest difference is that you have to fly around looking for targets a lot longer than you had to before, and there's no easy way for people on the ground to point you in the right direction.
>Then why would wrel nerf them?
because werl is a fucking retard. where have you been for the past year?
>And how does having bad aim make you good with slugs?
it doesn't make you good with slugs, but shotguns have a significantly lower skill floor

>You're talking about a guy who nerfed aa turrets because someone downed his scythe.
not really, the AA nerf was justified. it's really just a range cap, preventing BR3 newbie mcshitter from tickling you at render range. occasionally getting hitmarkers at long range means newbs think they're doing actual damage, and keep shooting, and will keep sitting in turrets at empty bases for hours.
now, the bulldog nerf, that really is just a case of "i got killed by antinerd a bunch of times, fack u boyo"
yeah but you guys also threw such a big fit over the bulldog nerf you threatened to aimbot in the drakes

like shit nigga, there's changes I don't like too, but I just use other stuff instead of going full retard and cheating
>you guys
>you guys
Seriously why use anything other than the Basilisk as a secondary in anything? It's just so flexible.
t. sub 50 vehicle kdr
Not an answer.
t. sub 40 vehicle kdr
adrenaline shield is fun ))
SPA always right?
t. 1.5 ivi kdr
literally no reason not to use it when in almost every case it increases your maximum damage range by 50%
>oh no my bullets travel 20 m/s slower!
why can't HVA be useful
because wrel's dumb
t. needs EHP just short of a max to shot a single mans with moderate success
t. 1.4 ivi kdr
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I don't get it, this wasn't even a small fight and I didn't even do anything? Does it simply go by total accumulated score by one outfit or is there more to it?
it's been proken since forever
once i literally just got a few repair ticks, and got cap credit for a 24v24
>Godsaw, GD-7F, Anchor...
all horrendously overpowered, and in urgent need of nerfs
Yeah, I think it's most score by outfit.

I've stolen 96+ caps before by just joining a pub squad full of lockdown pounder MAX's, throwing down ammo, repairing, and getting my 5 free double value ribbons, all at once.

Probably got 1 kill tops, was only there for half the fight time.
Loyalty till def, strength in unity, braise!
Playing NC lately, I don't know if I can go back to TR. So much more variety.
also not up
Best pistols
What's the maximum render range of vehicles again?
150 m on a good day
Is there any reason to use a laser sight on anything?
SMGs if you want to use full speed strafing close range hipfire.

High RPM carbines if you want to be a drifter nigger that warps into walls and ceilings
>tfw no hip fire lmg
>just bought a gtx 1070
on a scale from 0 to werl's mom giving birth, how much did i fuck up

how much
315 yurocoins
If you bought it for PS2 then you're definitely reaching levels of werl's mom giving birth.

Which model of 1070 though?
not specifically for ps2, my gpu is almost four years old and it wasn't even that good when it came out
but i guess it won't particularly hurt in ps2, no?

one of those tiny ones designed for mini-itx motherboards; not that i needed it to be small, but it was ridiculously cheap
sure, cooling isn't as good which means frequency has to stay down a bit, but still
>log in
>lets try some infantry play
>walk 20 feet
>get snipped by a tr female
>no sounds just dead
>pull vanguard
>sniper is in the most obvious of places
>stick my huge black turret up her ass
>she turns to goo

how can white tr males hope to compete
well you did get a damn good deal that's for sure
t. 0.5 ivi kdr
Just be careful and monitor your temps, mini itx tend to overheat and to be loud as fuck because they only have one fan.
Guy who stopped playing around when the Valkyrie came out here, how the flying fuck are you all still playing this game? Isn't it dead as shit?
it's much shittier than before
but no deader than 1-1.5 years ago
noone except (you will never be a girl) Lalunia plays, the rest just shitpost about wrel

who's that?
Discount Levelcap
I used to use planetsike (ESP hack) because I sucked.
Never did get banned for it, but I did delete my character.
When I came back to play ps2 this time I tried playing without vsync enabled.
I ended up getting the same KDR as I did with ESP and vsync enabled.
Now I feel silly.
score by outfit; capping the point is worth a lot of points, defending it, so is having the most used sunderer during a zerg.

i get torn between guarding point for free points or attempting to spawn camp.
>be a shitter
>"hey ps2g, h2gitgud"
>"lower sensitivity, fix settings, aim better"
>bwaaaahh why can't i git gud, better start hacking
kill yourself

out of sheer curiosity, what were your kdr/kph?
>not using clab.exe

fucking casual
A little above 4.0 as infantry.
Almost always heavy assault.
Whenever I would come across a cloaked infil who wasn't moving at all, I would pretend like they weren't there for a minute. IF they didn't decloak, I would turn around, run back and "accidentally" bump into them. Also every so often when I would get kill streaks I would pretend like a GM was watching me and get myself killed intentionally by someone I saw through the walls. I think that may have saved me from getting banned but who knows.
>4 KDR
jesus christ, how bad can you be
>playing ps2 on low sens
lmao get out shitter this isnt cs
That was with vsync enabled.
It really makes a difference when you get in a fight with someone if you miss headshots because of vsync
are you actually saying that 4 kdr with esp isn't that bad because you had vsync on
nigger seriously

i tried playing at capped 20 fps with a 4 cm 360 rotation while drunk to get the real newbie experience and i managed 4-5 kdr that way over 10 hours

literally just how ridiculously bad are you
>are you actually saying that 4 kdr with esp isn't that bad because you had vsync on
>nigger seriously

>i tried playing at capped 20 fps with a 4 cm 360 rotation while drunk to get the real newbie experience and i managed 4-5 kdr that way over 10 hours
Okay? Was that your real kdr or were you getting rezzed alot? When I say 4.0, I mean with no rezes and normally going one-man-armying against a squad of people.

>literally just how ridiculously bad are you
Eh I'm alright.

>Okay? Was that your real kdr or were you getting rezzed alot? When I say 4.0, I mean with no rezes and normally going one-man-armying against a squad of people.
real kdr, ignoring res

>Eh I'm alright.
seeing your past replies, i highly doubt that. most likely you're one of those 1.5 ivi turboshitters that think being top 5% in this game means you're not horseshit, right?
>actually, unironically, arguing over kdr in fucking planetside 2
is this how you planned on spending your friday?
we're not arguing over kdr, we're arguing over kdr while hacking.
there's a big difference.
You seem upset.
You should calm down.
>be briggs
>desperately trying to find AVA fights for aurax lumifiber
>there's 0 (zero) enemy ESFs in the sky
>I end up patrolling for 10 mins then crash into a tree trying to shoot infantry with rotary

ded server
t. 0.5 ivi kdr
If I genuinely cared about what you people think, I wouldn't have mentioned that I cheated in the past.
Praise wrel

also lol at these aspies going on about their kd
reminder that absolutely nobody in this game cheats
good morning! :3c
Cheating was fixed long time ago, no need to talk about it anymore))
>challenge myself to up my infantry kph
>play more aggressive
>end up dying more
>spend more time respawning/running back to fights so actual time spent clicking mans only marginally increases

So in addition to aiming better, I feel like I should join an outfit and hopefully then I'll actually have medics revive me after I charge in and 90% clear a room
Is the auxiliary shield thing ever actually worth it or is it a meme?
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no it's shit
>challenge myself to up my infantry kph
to what end
honestly in a typical one on one ADAD fest with two heavies with comparable skill and identical loadout at 5-10 meter distance, the 50 extra health will do literally nothing. However, if you go further, where damage dropoff starts to kick in, it might be the difference you need in 10% of cases.

basically any utility will do more good at close range, and you will want medkits anyways at long range because who the fuck fights at long range lmao
t. 30 ivi kph
no really, why
>vanu zerging amp station
>sunderers in the middle
>some dumb fucking smart ass brain dead retard fuck face decides it's a smart idea to repair the generators
xX XX XXDD D DD good game design
Now that we have RR on the LA, I run the Aux Shield for lols. It's not a game changer by any means, but there are a ton of times where I have finished an exchange with ~20hp left so it does definitely make a difference.
They should make those shields two way for the owning faction. Once the attackers take hold of the middle AND some idiot repairs the generators, it's impossible to take back.

When I first wanted to gitgud I was too focused on kdr. I soon realized pretty much anyone can have a good kd if they play super passive. To have a bigger impact on fights, and to actually feel like a good player, I want to see if I can maintain a decent kdr while playing more aggressively.

I'm just using kph as my measurement of how aggressive I'm playing.
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Laughing Freedom Fighters.jpg
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>reviving now removes death from a medic instead of a person you revive

hahaha werl you are a fucking madman
You can get a very high kph by camping a sunderer with lowbies that keep spawning, that doesn't mean you're playing aggressively.

You don't need metrics to know if you play like a pussy or not.
they already confirmed it wasn't intentional, so no, he's just incompetent
>You can get a very high kph by camping a sunderer with lowbies that keep spawning

I would never do that, thats mean. ;_;
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feels bad it does.gif
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>come in to check on how /ps2g/ is doing
>all these old memes and pics
Guys stop you're making me sad
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s-sorry ;-;
18 minutes in
lol things are what they are

that low br would do the same to me if he were in my place

planetside 2 is no place for mercy, either kill or be killed, sneak or be snuck
how do i make koumeee like me ?
Start by fucking off

i want to make her happy !
kill yourself, maybe he'll follow suit
and then you'll be happily fagging together in the afterlife for ever and ever

why do you have to be so transphobic ;_;
>tfw no Higby
what happened to him anyway?
fucked his dog too many times, got a dick infection, it spread to his brain, and he died
i still like this game tbqh
t. 0.5 ivi kdr
moved to Europe and works on The Division
>The Division
kek at least with that he can't ruin it like he did with ps2. It was already shit

wonder if he's gonna be in the first waves of layoffs when vivendi finally puts ubishit out of its misery
Division is only improving and doing better though?
so just like planetside :v)
Is H1Z1 good?
No Planetside is going backwards
Higby pls that game is hot garbage and your shitty company is about to be taken over by an even worse company
1. architecture just a refresh
2. nvidia is evil
3. doesn't support async compute, can't benefit from dx12/vulkan as much
4. gsync $200 nvidia tax
5. vega will be better
It's worthless, it does nothing. You will never notice it compared to having C4 or medkits.

Could've been a neat utility item, instead it's just there for clueless retards/noobs to use
i abide by the most honorabu of bushido meta sort of
A lot of the devs working on it are the same ones that ruined PS2
>low br constantly trying to defend/take a point against me in a low pop fight
>kill him 10 times in a matter of minutes
>feel really bad about it

When this happens I'm always tempted to give the guy a pity kill, just to make him feel better.
I just start intentionally missing and make him dance around
He's not going to kill me or be able to uncap so why not have some fun with it
But then you remembered you're a fag and the only thing that matters is a number.
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i need a tr edit of this imge pls ;_; thcx
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we only post classic feels here
just let him kill you once

s-sorry ;_;
HE buff when
I am thinking of leaving Connery is green better?
I was TR,but am unsure if I should stay tr.
join memerald VS, they never break 23% world pop these days
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>tfw shitbost every day but still havent played the game since my rig is shit
Am i missing out on polished shit? ;_;
Where are my new loading screens, Gandalf Bumpkins!
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yes >:3
It's amazing how they even manage to make the loading screens worse.
it's grabass buttboy
let me know when your house burns down
t. homosecks
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looks legit
I think that's the rear missile launcher

the missiles it fires go after other missiles like the striker kind of does to aircraft
there are no hackers in this game
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Puny Terran MAXes.webm
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I'm slowly figuring out how to use Aegis shield :3
It would be 10x better if it had a rearviewmirror, but i guess Forgelight can't handle something like that
lmao sure
lol im still using that fags name
[mechwarrior intensifies]
Nak why do you not like my pink memehammer?
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Because it's pink
wtf not even close what the fuck are you on about

when you pull a max you don't pretend ur a tiny pilot sitting inside of a mech??

its the only logical explanation for how maxes work
I miss when the game first came out of alpha. I found an exploit that allowed me to get an infinite amount of cert points.
After getting about 100,000 in 2 days I got banned. Guess they didn't find it as funny as I did.
>NC takes a base after zerging with Vanguards
>chat immediately lights up despite them being down 5VP
every time
>51% / 49%
>"why is it that NC only take bases by zerging..."
how will i sell you $7 guns if you have 100,000 certs?
I can't believe people unironically care about VP
Vaginal penetration is actually pretty good. At least you can't get shit on your dick (well not normally anyways).
XD so randum +1
>Vaginal penetration

eww gross

the only approved form of sex is getting pegged while locked in chastity
thanks asshole for reminding me in 2012 I bought a pulsar c and flare for my first character along with two sets of composite armor then 30 levels later decided I hated vanu
Is squirting pee or is it actually a different liquid
Are the new AV sundy weapons live? I haven't played because I thought it would be stupid, I already shit on vehicles with two basies so imaging a tanky sundy with AV makes me just think I'd have to recert into that and then it may get nerfed so it's kind of stupid.
>spending money on free video games
i will never understand idiots
How active is this game?

Thinking of picking it up again
its piss but i dont see the issue since piss is delicious
it's active
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>tfw you will never shoot mans on the go with planetside 2:nintendo switch edition
dem feels
its still active, im not sure how
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>year 5777
>not being a goodgoy
The dedication of 500 autists power the servers
Man, plebbit is going nuts over the thermal nerf.

What a bunch of losers.

You can see the rear has a walker or something that shoot tracer bullets. Those are homing zephers.
memetracker is kill
only on an american corn syrup diet and even then it's ruined if you eat asparagus or drink coffee
When I'm super rich I'm going to have an entire harem of 10/10 prostitutes with highly regulated diets and they will supply me with endless steamy hot delicious piss
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Reddit is like 80% total normie lackwit who thinks boring gameplay is fun because it's "comfy". He's shit at anything and everything he does because he never tries to actually improve himself. He has completely shit opinions about everything, never actually challenges his opinions to verify them. He never practices. He blames everything else for his problems.

The other 20% are cheater mlg cliques who circlejerk each other over montage videos.
i want to fuck a vanu
just the one?
i want a vanu 2 fugg me ;DD

/sboiler n the buttt /spioler;-DD
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why is it called Memerald?
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someone requested it earlier in thread, but here's my OC donut steel.

>10000 hours in paint
no one requested this
wghat if you could only spawn vehicles from warpgate
we do hella sicc memes 24/7
aircraft everywhere
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eXXXcelent, i will be posting this in every thread
i did
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press T to thank werl
this is your ping

notice the grenade collides using a path from where you were previously standing.

fucking memer
They're all female(male) tho
>literally anyone posts a webm ITT
>connection quality: shit
like clockwork
>throttle up
>hurr why game dun work
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1 is where i threw from my point of view
2 is where i was before
3 is where the game thinks i was when i was throwing, and the direction the game thinks i was facing (a bit exaggerated to show better)
we dont know where you were at 2. your extremely high ping shows that 2 isnt where you were before.

the time between the webm starts and you throw the grenade is much less than your ping.

this indicates

>connection quality: resident of ISS
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also see this one
there was very little movement for at least 1.5 seconds before throwing
then your ping is > 1.5s

look at the friendly in front of you who jumps onto the geometry. hes walking before he lands on it.

ISS actually has excellent ping. It's only ~200-300 km above the surface of the planet.

The actual issue is that it's circling the planet really fast so it's not always easy to get a decent connection to it, and ping times to hypothetical servers on earth are highly variable as a result.

There's a few companies planning to put a low-latency network of satellites in low earth orbit to provide high speed internet communication to every location on the planet.
try using satellite net now.

ping is awful. you're talking wireless vs optic cables.
>then your ping is > 1.5s
and you really think it would say "poor" and not "bad" if that were the case?
also, you obviously won't believe me, but my ping to memerald is 100-150 ms, nowhere close to 1.5 s
>look at the friendly in front of you who jumps onto the geometry. hes walking before he lands on it.
look at it frame by frame, the first frame after the grenade spawns it's already gone sideways.
you have bad ping and you are the only person in this general complaining about "wonky grenades" being broken

connect the dots retard
well, i have ~30 ms ping and have never experienced this, besides when i used an older ISP with ~130 ms ping, and even then it was exceptionally rare (normally happened during spikes to at least ~300 ping)
>hover tanks
> plasma weapons
> invisible cloak

>nerf anything that make infantry suck

Vehicles are getting nerfed cause infantry is stupid. They only get farmed if they are stupid,we are getting spammed by are flanks by tanks and aircraft,and in front of us are turrets.

Vehicle shiters,aircraft shiters are just a scapegoat. Infantry is stupid.and they are dumbing down the game for them since the beginning. That what the Lattice system is for,cause retards infantry just follows the zerg,and eventually the zerg would split and end the zerging. Instant actions is just a way to pump the zerg.

The real threats in PS2 is infantry being stupid.
That's because the current satellite network - mostly iridium satellites - are old as shit

trust me dawg, satellite internet is gonna be a big thing over the next 10 years

And the satellites are going to be using laser light to communicate with each other, so the latency hit from being in orbit is made up for with better speeds than fiber optic between routers.
oh i never said it's not related to latency, just that it behaves horribly when latency starts going up.
>Connection Quality: point nemo
kek, don't pretend like you don't intentionally throttle your connection
>Connection Quality: Roald Amundsen 1911
lmao sure thing kiddo, whatever makes you sleep at night
I've heard here say the heavy cycker is bad, why is that? Is it just because there are better options?
i think the issue here is there are too many venues where you can be stupid as infantry, and there is no game mechanic to force a new player to stop and think for a second about where to respawn and where to run.

wide open plains where you get shot to fuck by airplanes and tanks the moment you step a foot outside, canyons where the only way forward is through the endless choke of death so LETS KEEP MOVING :---DD and stupid copypasted collections of buildings where the only thing that fits is infantry and the only viable thing to do is keep sprinting and hope latency is on your side when an enemy spots you.

there need to be more alternate routes for infantry. tunnel networks stretching between certain bases. teleports and jump pads in no man's land. subtle cover like trenches or bridge style roofs in open plains that doesn't completely take over and ruin vehicle play like in hossin.
literally HC++
>endless choke of death so LETS KEEP MOVING :---DD

This happens even when there's a second entrance into a building just 10ft to the right of the first door and completely flanks all the defending enemies.

People are so mindfuckingly stupid it amazes me
we need GIANT


TR gets a tank secondary that shoots faster and faster the longer you hold it down

VS gets a tank secondary that shoots faster and faster, but resets every now and then

Why don't NC get a secondary that fires slower and slower for every shot, but the shots increase in damage? Wouldn't this fit the Enforcer perfectly, like the darts are loaded into the barrel in clips of 6 darts or so and the furthest dart is fired first which means less magnets have to charge but also less damage, and the final dart gets to use all the magnets and so charges slower but also does more damage?

Bonus points if the clip ejects with a DING for the reload animation
Godsaw should get reverse RPM so it shoots slower the longer it fires but starts with a higher RPM than normal
>tube magazine
nigga you retarded
wasn't it canon in the old description that the enforcer loaded all the darts into the barrel?
i like this
600 rpm 200 damage but drops by 20 rpm per shot (so first refire is at 600 rpm, 2nd refire at 580, 3rd at 560 etc) or even start at 540 rpm, whatevers balanced

minimum should still be 500 though.
>we actually hit bump limit in 2 days
are we, dare I say it, not ded?
bump limit?


I never seen this before
oh fug we did it ;DD
so will shitposting also slow down but become more powerful the more we shitpost?
*shidbosts really big*

heheheh ;DD
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