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/lidg/ Let It Die General

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Thread replies: 787
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The Scythe is garbage edition

>How do I unlock\find______?

>FAQs (How do I unlock more fighter types? Where can I find X materials?)

>The not pretty sheet of class' stats

>TDM Team
California, get your dev raids while you still can

>Official /vg/ PS4 Community
Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-

Previous thread: >>165155479

So are various other quests, including but not limited to brainshroom and fish gathering, Reversal Tuber mk1 killing, and killing enemies with lightning weapons.
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>wake up to 80k SP 80k KC 4DMs for winning the war against bongs and florida
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Gotta cook fast sempai
So I had an idea - what if I tried faking it until I make it?

1-star shit upgraded to 3 stars is comparable to 4/5 stars right?

What if I deploy my team of guys until I get enough funshrooms and four/five star gear to start grinding red metals, and just bypass the black metal slog entirely?
>not using officer ryback mask
that only really works for most dod gear, it jumps from using green metals straight to red
>some absolute madman killed the jackal with a fucking magnum and some sniping
People do have too much time on their hands
That's fine with me, the black metal grind has worn me down too far. Its just so fucking boring, at least (NON-JINDIE) bosses are fun
>a magnum

show pls
just grind CW gear then dude, goto is literally an elevator trip up and down for every tier he appears in
I know, but the plan would also get me rank 5 characters much sooner than otherwise. Plus I might finally be able to get some of those fabled dev raids
deathscythe maxed and no second form edition
how do you refill ammo on weapons?
how do you that?
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>Day 2 farming F31
>Still no masamune BP
>meamwhile Pork Chopper BP every fucking time
you can't
So many haters drop it for me, I might as well have the BP by now.
dead general
it's a bad game and everybody got sick of it
or it's 5am on a workday, one of those two things.
actually i'm waiting for these FUCKING jackals to spawn
Op, the class stat sheet is now pretty!
But I noticed you changed the link, well done.

I know its hours later, but I still wanna reply to these:

Well, I just wanted to respect content creators/editors. Fuck Reddit it is.

Don't mind the haters, mats chart anon.
Some people just masturbate and ask for help while they don't bring any original content or help at all.
Just use frongus and ignore them.
Your sheet/chart is great and anyone with a brain would understand the colors.
Although id do black for Oil and other colors changes, but you're the Bob Ross of your what colors you choose to toss.
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Finally find Pork Chopper BF. Quickest way to farm DOD black metal sub-31F?
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>MANvsDRUGS stuck on Crowley for almost a week
>he farms black metal for 10-16 hours every day like a fucking retard
>doesn't care about shrooms
not even once
gold chest in F22
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wew, I'm starting to hate floor 22. thanks senpai
By standing near the brazier
Just killed Coen and the last Don. This was by far one of the worst games I have ever played. 300 hours and $30 wasted down the drain. Now to wait for Deep Down.
this has to be bait
give them to a fighter and send them off on an expedition
secret shop or kill coen until you have enough, hope you have treasure hunter
>all those missed shots with the magnum despite the reticle being perfectly aimed

Why does that happen?
stop talking about that fuck face
Shroom spores son
Can't shoot straight when you're so high
>a couple hundred thousand dollars for nudes
Beta cucks, not even once
Anyone know if there is a mailbox time limit? I have stuff as old as 6 days but will it stay there forever?
>gathering expedition rewards
>throw my turtles on the ground for stomping when I'm finished
>start sending out my hunters again
>game crashes
>lose 6 turtles

Ffffffuck. I mean, it could have been worse, I could have been up in the tower somewhere, but damn.
>he doesn't know how to dupe DMs
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Anyone know what floor do I need to get to to unlock that quest that gives a free red metal?
you would have sold me if it was turbo-slut elevator girl
If you mean the reward box, there is no time limit, only the 50 item limit.
I have a video I haven't transferred from my PS4 yet of throwing a golden turtle in the tower, only for the game to stutter and the thing to just disappear altogether. Was not a particularly pleasing moment.
enjoy your ban
>155 hours played
>have beaten the game
>still never seen a single treasure tuber
lift slut is ugly, also probably high on shroom spores and smells like piss
it looks kinda hilarious though when you throw shit so hard it literally disappears
I've got about 100 hours in the game, close to the top and never saw one until yesterday. Then I saw three more within 15 minutes, this game is weird.

climb the goddamn tower senpai
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It seems like all the missed shots only happened when the jackal blocked. Maybe some bullshit where when jackal blocks it completely blocks their hitbox?
quality content submission folks
guy can already see her nips and panties through camera tricks so I wouldn't worry about it; that's your perk for using an express pass
make a better one then turbofaggot
naw nigga the gun just has spread to it by default

fake btw

yeah, thanks
you too neet breath
fake what? I did it the other day
this is why im going skill master for this shit, so i can get alot more crits than this nigga
Anyone else have female screamers spawn with no top?

they used a distorted version of the male chest texture with the nipples several inches off center on both sides
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>has a barrel as big as entire /k/ dick length
>can't hit shit even in like melee distance, actual spread is about triple as big as the one shown
What did they mean by this?
Try out 27 shinko-bashi. There is an "ambush" where a tuber falls from the ceiling but half the time it spawns a treasure tuber it seems.
yeah I've had it happen, then when I went back to the waiting room and spoke to choku funsha I was all mangled
it's one of those long distance textures, no idea why they keep the nips though
So basically jackal sword is machete reskin with a better rage move, gun just fires really slow homing projectiles and has a dope ass goretastic and yoyo is a crowd control tool with how it hits everything in line and its ragemove?
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Well that's what I thought but I've reached F31 (haven't gone pass it though) and the only Difficulty 4 quest I unlocked in No.104 Defeat all enemies in SAIGETSU with Sword (reward is Candle Wolf Black Metal).
those tubers are Mk3 and they arent needed for any quests though
I've got 150 hours and I've literally only seen one
The guy wanted to see a treasure tuber and i told him where he can find one
Try 33 then, pretty sure i had it before actually fighting bosses
I saw two and had to ask here how I couldn't kill them but I learned that you gotta stomp on them when they fall down

I always tried picking them up like a beast
>reach floor 21
>hunt has been sent
>hunter is level 125, cleave saber one shots me

what to do now? iron his face?

every time a hunt is sent he is 125 so he 1shots me and cant do shit to it, jungle machete E+4 tickle them
>t3 invaded by t5
smells like lies
>floor 21
use a brainshroom
You can actually send a hater of any tier if you're team is at war. Not sure if the guy that got one shoted is at war though.
are you in a fight

yep, im at war

so just dont play till the war ends? sounds fun
If I were you, I'd send out your fighters on expeditions on people that are on floor 31-40 so you can get the mushrooms on those floors like guardshrooms. Check the war tab in expedition.
>looks good
>sounds good
>just a machete
>good rage move
>looks kind of dumb
>unique attacks, but kind of wimpy if you're not holding down the trigger
>rage move is hilarious
>looks good
>sounds good
>highest jackal weapon attack
>great moveset
>rage move is dumb
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>Floor 26 COEN

/lidg/, you were right about Mushrooms being a must at this stage, and Slowmungus helped me do that Iron Melting you love to lionize once I ate a Crushroom with it, but damn it, you ought to have warned me that this guy hits like an atom bomb. He grazed me with one of his regular punches and it took out half of my health! If I had ate a Stingshroom instead, that might have killed me!
>not running around it and shooting it dead without being hit once
just go to ikegara 1f and get the 5 guaranteed frongus+whatever randomly spawns, then run past them until they break aggro
how do you get hit during slowmungus
What the fuck
they still can attack during slowmungus, just very slowly

nigga got hit by dat time punch
Not him but if Coen starts his rush attack and you touch him he can hit you.
thats an option, unless you got locked in a room with a hunter and he rekts your ass

that just happened me like 30 minutes ago, since then Ive been trying to get money but when Im at 40k(it costs 50k) I got invaded so all I do is lose money again and again

fuck this shit, im deleting this game
yoyo rage would be godlike if it didnt consume the entire durability bar in a single use
If it's that hard for you it's probably for the best if you just leave

its not about the difficulty, its nice though I hate the fact that some shrooms are too damn good, but the farm is a pain in the ass
Jackal X's voice is hilarious to me for some reason.
I got cocky after I used Slowmungus to destroy Jin-DIE without getting hit once. And

Pretty much this.
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Dude was design to look like a Japanese gangster yet he sounds like a damn kid/dog
Welp. I've been playing for a full 24 hours. I just can't stop.
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Hot iron blueprint fucking when

Been grinding this shit for ages

why didnt i think about that cheese
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You guys told me expedition time doesnt matter but I sending all 9 lucky stars I have for 1 hour always yield 4-8 items while sending them for 6 hours bring back 10-20
This general is always wrong about everything.
what is 4*6
Still better to do 1 hour.
>i cant count properly
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to whoever made the OP
the anon who originally made that (before I watermarked it) made an updated version (which I also watermarked)
I'm afraid to progress past 20F but there isn't much left for me in the lower floors unless I want to upgrade shit like the hammer or shit armor. I upgraded the good stuff like the Nail Gun, Hot Iron, Jungle Machete, Butterfly Knife, Longsword, Sniper Rifle, Phantom Soldier set and Priest's set, I have like 30 Golden Snails, 20 Transparungus. There is nothing left for me right now.
>T2 striker
>just got into the area
>Jackal spawns into my face
>running like a bitch bc i had a long af run
>find a frog and stomp it
>run away thanks to fucking tear gad

not even close babyyyy
Your did level up their luck to max right? You aren't just sending out base stat lucky stars right?
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but it's scary
They all have maxed luck. You all said 1 hour gives the same amount as all the other options but thats wrong.
but did you find the knight BPs?
I am missing the Knight pants, but the Knight set has shit resists and will probably be outclassed soon anyways.
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dont bother doing dev raids unless you have minimum 4 turtles per run. theres like 9 grade 5 hunters and im pretty sure its impossible to clear without duking them. just not enough time.
No, people say that it's negligible to send out longer expeditions. And that's true.

Plus your evidence is anecdotal at best. I've gotten well over a dozen items off a single 1hr hunt. It's called RNG.
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>Two giant killer
>Two raging bulls
>Regular bull
>Level 129
>Only doing 4k damage per hit

I can't tell if you're retarded or just pretending to be.
Whats the point of your post? That Anon said nothing and you assumed a bunch of shit with this response.
All you have to do is clear out the all of the Fighters at the gate, destroy both tanks then leave. 50% still counts as a Success.

Don't bother wasting resources/durability on the extra combatants.
I don't think you know what the word "assumed" means?

Everything I said was clearly visible in the video you posted.
I got properly trounced by a level 32 hater and I'm level 77 what the shit he like 3 shotted me in a chain with the Longsword then I was stunned and got goretastic'd

I wasn't taking him seriously what the fuck
well shit.
level doesnt mean much when you can level up your main damage stat and keep the rest at default
I didn't post the video and I still dont know what you are trying to say. Guy posts a video showing how to kill Jackals without mushrooms and you go ''only 4k damage are you pretending to be retarded?''

I used a death metal even though I didn't have to because I was feeling lazy and took it as a lesson learned to not underestimate any haters
>still dont know what you are trying to say.
So the one that was assuming is you, and your first reaction was to accuse me of assuming?

Literally fucking kill yourself nigger, this isn't reddit.
>Literally fucking kill yourself nigger, this isn't reddit.

With retards like you it might be. Seriously why make that stupid post >>165259445
? Why do you think he is retarded?
You'll understand when you stop being level 12.
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>Cant answer simple question
>Ad hominem
>Accusing anyone of being a redditor

Every single time.
>Getting this triggered because someone called you a retard.

He's right, though.
no hes a retard and so are you
fuck off ma dude suck my dick
Right about what? You are not making any sense. Guy posts this >>165253521 and he calls him a retard. Did he assumed that Anon was surprised you could kill them without mushrooms? I dont know he wasnt clear with the ''what the fuck''. Maybe he is surprised at the broken stun locking in which case this post >>165259445 makes no sense at all.
Fucking Christ are you all 15 year olds?
>remember where I am
Oh right
Would some kind anon show me the way to bypass Coen on the map to unlock 5 star fighters? If I'm right it should be open today.
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>tfw you accidentally attack instead of parrying and proceed to eat a full machete combo
Daily reminder video games are childrens toys and you are in no position of calling anyone immature. Kill yourself.
lolol nice ad hom bro lol baka fkn queer boi
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Even if that is true I will laugh at you anyway
How do you confuse the O with the R2?
daily reminder nobody cares about your personal opinions
The anon who originally did it, did it only once. That's the version 2.1.
I.e. The better looking version fixed.
Thats what children say. I bet you play handhelds on public too.
I meant the iron's parry
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>Mfw anything that do with the touch pad
interesting, thats exactly the same position a child would take. very ironic indeed my dude.
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I guess this is good?
Nessisary for killing jackals
When the shroom itself is on top of the fire when you pull it out it cooks it. This also works on nearly all fire barrels, but you have to be careful because getting near some of them will light you on fire.
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My god. The legends were true!
>look I posted it again
And how do I destroy the beefy tanks without being demolished by the defenders?
I mean, without additional mushrooms.
I do it to trigger autist like you. Works every time.
i bet you post with your phone dick sucking mongrel
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Well it's certainly working cause boy am I fucking mad
>I posted that one too!
you are not even the phone poster fuck off
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you mean this?
Yeah I am.
2-shot them with a katana and leave.
fucking degenerates

How about you learn proper punctuation before telling anyone to fuck off? Fucking child. Don't reply to me again.
Depends on how you would go about doing it. Things that usually get it done for me are:

One R1 from the Muramasa +4
About 3 R2s from a Cleaver Sabre A +2
Two L1s from the Grin Reaper's Scythe
One fulled charged R2 from the Motor Psycho A +3

The ranged ones will definitely chip you sometimes, save for the Flame Wand which is a fucking nuisance.

If you position yourself where the tank is between you and the Fighter then attack, sometimes the opponent will back off/roll away giving you some space.
I'm weighting the worth of 4 hits of durability in a decent katana vs 1-2 more evershrooms and a cheap nailgun.
you cant stop me you faglord, i bet you are the same shithead from yesterday you fucking grammar nazi
Your first comma! good boy!
>I heard that you can get the muramasa BP at F31
>I can't find any chests around
So what's the deal?
3 R2s of the rapier 4* +2?
I could swear it took way more last time when I panicked
You mean a brand new one?
But there's some interesting options tho
It is rare. Took me weeks to get it.
fuck off grammar nazi
dude, cost of doing business

once you have 400k/hr you can pay 17300 for a katana no sweat
You have a pretty good point.
But I haven't finished farming the black metal to buy one.
Mine is repaired.
So my cost is in fun fungus.
Nevertheless, thanks. That makes sense.
I apologize, I meant the R1. That thing does crazy good damage even on low durability while also stun-locking any Hater, Jackal, or Screamer into oblivion.
like, you can't BUY evershrooms

you can buy all your other supplies. the choice is obvious.
>I had never tested the R1
Holy shit, THANKS, ill do that. I have tons of rapiers left from expeditions.
Gonna save some guardshrooms to be extra safe.
I mean, save some MORE.
What must one do to earn that much cash? Expeditions? How?
lucky star, farming the upper floors while hitting secret shops i assume
>wanted to re-re-re-re-re-replay Bloodborne in January to capitalize on all the people who got it for Christmas and to enjoy coop with them
>started playing LID instead
>can tell I won't be able to stop any time soon
If LID didn't come out a month ago I would probably start playing Bloodborne, but I also want to capitalize on LID being new. Fuck.
Try using Shooter. Got it on my first run with her from 34-31
Any solid date on when the update will release besides "February"?
>Make one suggestion in chat to help speed things along, polite comment
>"Here, let ME help you"
>Banned from chat for a week

Dude's a fucking cunt, I hope he gets stuck on U-10 for a month
Fuug, thanks.
I would but farming for a shooter weapon sounds like a nightmare. I'm almost out of invisashrooms.
Guardshrooms are common, send expedition on F31 or higher for them and use them on your shooter.
>Killed a jackal (Jackal X) for the first time last night
>The wait was worse than the actual fight
>Hopping for at least a weapon to fun fungus
>They drop money
I was going to be man until I realized Little man voiced that gangster looking motherfucker, and now I'm just determined to fight one again
Where the fuck is the floor 6 stamp? Everything I look up keeps saying Chudo but that floor is nowhere to be found. Is it on a special rotation or something what the fuck
I am so glad the Wakaba chest is so much easier to run than the Kawabe chest on two of the four rotations. Almost makes up for the MILK black grind.
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Why the fuck do you need invincibility shrooms just to move around and do a light bit of farming on the upper levels

What the fuck goes on up there
Some screamers have baseball pitching machines and bowling rollers

They hurt a lot
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It's too hellish for words.
You just know it's bad if the Devs decided to make these "rare" shrooms common to players.
Alright, where is the page 2 of crowleys comic?
I checked google docs and pastebin. Didn't find a thing.
Please, help. Its the last one.
Dev raids
Well seeing as life shrooms are are "rare" that might just be UD joking or lying
After the ending, I assume he's straight up lying. I'm not sure if I can trust this skeleton.
I think after the ending you can trust him, given how he stops his job to destroy the earth just to watch you game all day, that and he did destroy that giant tuber for you out of respect
no idea
just man up and fight coen instead of waiting to be spoonfed, faggot
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look at this nigger
nigga pls
Are lavashrooms used to make fires?
You need to continuously go back to the waiting room and back up to Co-en's room and see if the room layout has shifted in such a way that the escalator is not behind any boss tiles. It's purely random.
>That ending
Is that it? What do i do know? The story just took a 180 and im confused whether to keep playing or what?
you aint half the man you think you are
Yes, Chudo is on a different rotation.
It's actually coming up in about 5 hours.
There isnt anything else to do but fill out every room in each of the 4 rotations, collect all stamps/pages of barbs/yotsuyama bionics. Unless you feel like doing any of that its safe to call it quits
Okay, thank you for letting me know
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>join Lidg thread
>lurking for interesting shit
>only find shitposting and whiny cucks who think if they shill hard enough their opinions will matter
>some even think the game will be worse off without their imput
>some think their opinions will lead to the game's downfall since they never got past floor 20
>some haven't got past floor 10 and already shill for it
>most haven't played at all and still shill

Wew. Maybe when feb rolls by you retards will lower in numbers?
ye, now suck my feminine penis you faggot
>Found the hot iron blueprint
God damn that took way to long
Are jackals easier to kill than gunkanyama?
Or is he easier?
What floor?
9F Yoshiki-Dani
>wanting the game to be even deader
havent fought either but im gonna say jackals are harder
>singleplayer game
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my friend has drawn some male fighters fucking for me

if anyone wants to see NSFW
are you saying if you havent passed floor 10 you cant have an opinion of the game or that your opinion of the game if you havent passed floor 10 makes you a shill?

pls respont
do go on...
Where does the Heavy Hitter set drop? I found the pants on the lower levels but haven't seen shit else.
like... in a gay way?
i'd kinda like that, yeah
Snail day when?
2 days, 4 hours and 25 minutes.
>finally see a golden rat in the wild

Anyone else get the feeling that Fun Fungus and Guardshooms have their drop rates reversed?
>Get to floor 34
>Find out I have to make this stupid uturn to make to it
I'm triggered.
Do materials respawn if I go up and down an escalator?
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I wish I got the blueprint for Z's Mask

I have the mats for it damn it
yes they do
Maybe they do, I don't know.
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I see
Is the jackal armor decent?
no stats but its defences are high

LIFE IS GRAND (before grade 5 haters come into play)
ne1 got pix o sengoku helm grade 5
Mats only respawn after going back to the waiting room
>fight U-10 my weaposn break
>Fight becomes literally impossible
Good game.
don't be so ill prepared
did you even sting + crush? I beat it with a grade 4 striker and a single +2 grade 3 motor psycho
Please. Where's Crowley's comic page 2?
Do i HAVE to fight any midbosses to get tier 5?
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My computer, PS4, monitor and all that shit just lost power but not my lights but luckily I had just began climbing and it was only a tier 3 xD

I gotta ask mom what happene
>/too poor to afford Dark Souls General/
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>enter first room of the floor
>see 2 Dev haters fighting each other
>constant whiffing and perfect parries
I had two motor psychos I couldn't equip. I thought it was coen not U-10. I had sting + crush got it to 70% then did no damage.
Yes. At least u-10. Coen if you don't take the skip.
The skip was explained earlier in this thread.

Have finished all souls games with dlc and bloodborne. Shut up.
I forgot what floor, but it's in the room where it's circular and usually got two gates/partition in the middle with hotdog stands and that dumb statue spitting fire; there are bats in a corner and it looks kinda like disney land paris

it's tucked away in one of the corners with a white shelter thing and some fire, usually near a vending machine

within the first 5 main floors
Is that not the damage you're supposed to have? What else do you need?
That's actually very helpful!
Thanks a lot.
Now I just need to discover which floor and if it rotates.
>for Coen
don't make the same mistake I did first time -- also, I made mine from Cho-funka
what's the better way than Kawabe to get MILK black again?
Dead game
Dead general
Even though it is free
I'm glad it does
it's not a rotating floor, it's a main one
I was using a knife. Tier 3+4 knife has been carrying me through when I can't find a Saber.

What I really need to do after I farm the fuck out of the lower levels so I can make armor for my fighter is get invis shrooms and slow shrooms and wack her to death. Guardshroom seem like shit because she has so many knock downs. Knock downs she doesn't do when you're invisible.
Right. If I find it, ill post the floor here to be added in the google doc
They cook beasts. only the Flame Wand can make fires.
it's on a dev hater dude, just hit rank 5
Well this might be a break or the end if my next expedition gives the right shit or not. The costs to salvage is impossible.
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>Die due to my own silly error
>"Fuck this shit, this game sucks ass. Never gonna play it again, that'll show the devs."
>Immediately go back into the game
you'll just have to suck it up and LET IT DIE
Part 1 and 2 are 99% of the angry cunts in this thread.

Golden snails make this less of a hassle. You can level a T4 or 5 in seconds by eating gold snails. Okusa is no joke.
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I'm not making another T4 when I'm two floors away from T5. I have a backup I'm waiting to come back but fuck I need some invis shrooms so I can just deal with her.

I tried using guardshrooms but those just got me knocked around everywhere.
>Two giant killer
>Two raging bulls
>Regular bull
>Level 129
>Only doing 4k damage per hit

I can't tell if you're retarded or just pretending to be.
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Why am I getting 2 haters all of a sudden
I just found ytmy bionics page 5 in such a place. Was in 23f honkawa.
You sure it was comics crowley?
game is preparing you for the newer levels where there are no screamers anymore
The knife is especially shit against U10 because of her moving around all the time.

You know you can lock on to her tail right? The tail takes double damage compared to the body.
What floor are you on? I've only seen it on Imokawa-Cho.
Yeah that's the one I'm farming on

It's no issue, just seemed odd
dead general
Yes. That pretty much was my strategy. Take an invis shroom have her do nothing while I punch the tail. The problem was my weapons and buffs ran out before I could kill her and then I couldn't do shit.

U-10 is awful boss design. The constaint movements and the lack of strategy other than ways to bypass her attacks.
It's okay anon, some of us get angry at the game too
If you had looked at the google doc in the OP, you would've known that it drops only at Kawabe(F22) and Hyakuda(F28)
unless it's in the thread, trust the document.
All her shit is avoidable by sprinting in the correct direction or rolling. The only problem is cornering yourself against a wall and finding the right moment to attack.'

The only part that's bullshit is how sometimes it doesn't let you lock onto the body or tail because it's out of frame.
How the fuck do you all play as a hobo? Been sending expeditions to the 35+s non stop with 9 Grade 5 LSs maxed luck for 2 days now and I only found 3 repair mushrooms. Fuck load of gear but no repairs.
You don't :^)
Then the guy who was bragging about hobo life few threads ago was a memeing faggot and a liar?
pretty much, and developingarmor doesnt take that long, i was using grade 3 agamemenon armor only at +0 +1 and it protected me just fine
I mean, you probably could but, why would you want to be a professional hobo, cant play unless you get funfungi?
i only hobo when im running around floors trying to collect stuff. much more convenient than buying actual weapons when trying to climb. they drop enough from enemies its not hard to hobo temporarily.
>>Only doing 4k damage per hit

Are you supposed to do more somehow? Those are the strongest decals and the rapier has more dps than the katana.
It's also in Hyakoku, which is right across the tower from Hyakuda.
how is hot iron + vs u10?
To be fair, I could have done more damage but at the time of actually attempting it I only had my Cleaver Sabre A's at +2.

Didn't feel like going further farming out the Pure Copper.
The gold chest farming for upgrades is just too brutally tedious.
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It's right there nigga
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I guess this is something different then? my bad.
few things make me happier than letting mobs with a spear-wielding enemy in them smack each other to death
That one just records his personal drop rates. Pretty sure I've gotten at least one MILK black from each of the 3 chests.
ah, my bad
I do apologise

I have no idea then if that was yotsuyama bionics
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My bad.
Thanks for clearing up the issue, Senpai!
Where the fuck do I send expeditions for fun fungus? 4 consecutive 7 man expeditions to 31+ and not a single one
thats all

repair shrooms spawn randomly, and they're just rare like slow and invis shrooms
What decals should I be using to get up 30-40? I just got up here but it's a bitch.

The only good or decent premium decals I have righ tnow is Raging bull, Wolf maybe samurai and a shitload of armor based decals.

Should I just use a vit and dex sticker so I can hobo it as a striker. Or at least T4 striker?
it's just rng bro
make it to 35 by spamming shrooms, you basically can't do shit until you got t5 fighters
you only go autist for killing jackals

for just normal climbing, shrooms > gear > decals
Nitanda gives me enough fun fungi to always use hobo gear in 31+ and against haters everywhere.
Just keep trying. It IS possible.
I have about 10- in my storage and 10 in a mule for safety and i dont even farm them that much.
Pls don't bully GOTO
My issue is that I have no good shrooms I wasted them all on my fighter who died at 33. I guess I just farm but I'm not sure where the best place for transparungus is.
I one shot him with my 4 star Katana before he could even move an inch.
Even on floor 30+ he still

No problem. Maybe they are in tje same place, but different floors. Ill keep looking

Now please, can anyone tell me wheres crowleys comic page 2?
>not just using the stupidly common shrooms that make you FUCKING INVINCIBLE
>Two giant killer
>Two raging bulls
>Regular bull
>Level 129
>Only doing 4k damage per hit

I can't tell if you're retarded or just pretending to be.
Uuuhh why do you keep spamming this post? 4 times already.
because the first time everyone bit the bait, so if it works, try again. he's relentless; this is one of the worse generals i've ever browsed just because of that one incessant shitposter.
I only posted it once, I found it funny that one guy kept getting triggered over not understanding how little damage is being done on that setup just because guy chose inferior weapons.

Also Its funny to read the responses of little bitches who have to second-hand insult like this faggot here >>165279509
I hate how the Jackals walk like they shit themselves

I hate how the haters do too
Haters and Jackals should have their own walk animations since it makes sense screamers do the thing they do
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Grinding isn't enough.
The urge to speedrun these floors is driving me over the edge.

What materials should I have for maximum level-skipping? Should I just stock up on Staminagus and let the rest fall into place?
>look at me NOW mom
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About to stomp out Jin-Die, then shroom my way through the final boss.
Cant believe it ends so quickly.
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>Long ass loading times
>Server communication fucking everywhere
>70% of time spent is loading screens




Oh, you're the mature one here, my bad, I couldn't tell because you were tossing around third grade one-liners on a kuwaiti waifu board.
thats a meijin line, my dude
it's all on floor 1-10
I spent ages trying to get the blueprint for the top and it finally dropped
You haven't completed the game until you've:
>perfected all the stamps
>found all the blueprints
>upgraded all of that equipment
>collected all the decals

you've got a looong road ahead, Anon.
You don't farm shrooms, you do expeditions.
Shit. I just wanted to look like a thug.
You got baited hard lmao
I'm talking about >>165279594
And my point stands. Keep remembering what you're saying and where you are when you try grasping at intellectual high ground.
Are there any weapon bp drops on floor 1-10?

I would like hammers.

All of them.
two marathon runners my dude

just marathon + sprinter works almost as well and can be bought with shrooms and gold
Fuck off you autist. You are shitting up the general.
I wish, but I'm too casual for that. This game really pushed me to my limits. Loved being a part of this general but after Futagi I'm taking a break.
You seem like the kind of faggot that responds to tweets/youtube comments with "OMG REKT"

Kil lyourself.
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>/vg/ is better than /v/ because they actually discuss video games
>every time I come here threads are filled with attention whores ego clashing
really sparks the old cerebral cortex
Why so triggered?
And another one leaves. This game will be dead before the update hits. The only hope is Co op.
It unironically needs a system like Dark Souls with summon signs.
sorry MILK, if you're in this thread
for whatever reason you keep appearing in my list and I want 33+ floors
enjoy naked level 1s
I'll stop if he gives me some fucking candle wolf.
I hope you still wanna come back in February then.
Best wishes, fag.
and just like dark souls, every single encounter would be a fucking joke if the boss had to decide between 2 different targets to hit. there will always be someone free to beat on his ass. coop in souls has always been for shitters to scrub out and collect a free win.
Every general has its resident sperg.

That being said, I'm going to collect hammers from floors 1-5 and try to create the Hammer Bros.
Why are 80% of weapons' R1s so terrible?
get the blueprint and make them
you seem really new to the game
Its funny you say that when every boss can be killed in under 10 seconds thanks to broken mushrooms. There is no difficulty in this game its just grinding.
I've only played for a week, and it doesn't take long for me to get the idea.

Like I said, I am not high enough in the tower to get good BPs, so collecting hammers is a thing now.
they already said they're dealing with loading times

server com errors are on you, mines perfect
>only 25k to salvage my tier 3
damn...really makes me think
I'd prefer some pvp mode desu.
>Two giant killer
>Two raging bulls
>Regular bull
>Level 129
>Only doing 4k damage per hit

I can't tell if you're retarded or just pretending to be.
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How do I cheese GOTO on floor 23, the jungle machete has aggressively become useless
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yeah thats like

nothing to me
Invisibility and red hot iron
It's like nothing to me and I'm Tier 3 what do you have to be proud of? Your salvage costs are much higher
If they do add pvp what would be the most cancerous weapons people would use? Katana would not be popular lets be real. The moves are slow.

Yea let's invite all the cancer like hacking and trainers and fucking autism over their $1k machines.
I dont need to salvage at all

we have invicibility shrooms that last forever
rapier and iron
Saves are server side
Where's the stamp in Uchinobu, can't find it.
Rapier spam and motor rage.
Has that stopped them before?
Hammer is literally one of the first BPs you can find.
most of the time yeah

most online hacked games like dark souls and stuff have client side saves
Could be worse. Could be the hockey stick.
hockeystick took a long ass time to find its BP
Iron by far.

>*reaction parrys ur attack*
>*activates rage move*
What does that have to do with anything? All the data is processed client-side and updated to the server when you change areas. They could literally manipulate damage, HP, stamina, gold drop rates, mushroom timers, etc... Save editing is literally the smallest part of hacking a game, most games people don't even bother save editing because they can edit more values in real-time.
if thats the case

pc version never ever
Same here pham. One of the last T1 weapons I got.

At least it's such an amazing weapon. :^)
You're using the wrong games as an example. Souls games are not online games they just have online modes. As far as online games are concerned, save editing is never the cheating method.
Making myself invincible doesn't stop U-10 from being stupidly aggressive. I want free hits.
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then learn to dodge

her shit tracks but are all avoidable

reminder, you can do a quick stand after getting knocked down by mashing dodge before you land on your ass
How is the shotgun once you upgrade it?
So what armor sucks the least dick for 31-40?
>low ammo count

just use Wielding gun

other wise its annoying on defenders some times
still utter shit except as a knockdown tool
What makes floor 10 so special? Why is it a gate?
go there and find out
Still misses at point blank range.
>Using a rank five hater
>Plus those Decals and that build
Anon that doesn't help me at all.
do you hate reading or something
How much does the final freezer upgrade cost?
Like 200k.
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And just like that, the climb is over.
Thanks for the memories senpais, see you February!
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you should be preparing your gear for the next floors you dunce

also >no armor

what the fuck you could ALWAYS get your armor back
10+ mins of invincibility
>Think Anon, why would I need armor if I take 0 damage? I should just make more room for more guardshrooms instead of looking fancy.

I knew you could get your armor back, but I realized it was unnecessary.
Sort of is in a way, ending the game as I started it-- naked.
24 Sumikiyo
128k spl
33 Midorisaka
Has anyone successfully autism'd their way to 40 perfect stamps yet?
Nope, not yet

Next time check this if you can't find something on the Resources spreadsheet.

or this:
one of the guys who posts here is super close, he's got the first 30 perfect
you have to reset a whole 10 floors if you mess a single one up

I hope someone does it soon because I'll end up doing it if they don't
I just wanna know what I get
Maybe it's a better scythe.
Still outclassed by the Welding gun in every way
Unfortunately the top 10 floors are fucking the worst thing ever. Takes forever to get to the machine and you get a full one second of music to stamp to, so you can fuck up any machine.
in b4 uncle perv's super perfect stamp guide.
I wish I could upgrade my rewards box so I didn't have to spend 15 minutes going through shit every time my expeditions finish
How do you counter cleaver sabers for a retard like me?
Shoot them, parry, shrooms.
Wait you have to redo every stamp on that don if you fuck up. That's retarded. I mean the first thirty are easy the last ten though.
Oh, thanks, senpai.
Is there any effective way to farm silver skillshrooms? Expeditions aren't doing it for me.
quickest place to get an axe? I like the axe
blueprints on 11-20, fairly rare. I believe all of the ones I have seen were on Jin-Die's floor
Try sending expedition to 21-29 side rooms. If you wanna get them yourself, just explore side rooms.
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>start 5th floor, 5 HP, no health items
>see dude down the hall
>sneak around to see what it was
>level 25 hater
>asshole obliterated
YES I DID IT! Finnaly got 5 star fighters!!!! I want to thank all of litg for the tips on mushrooms and yeah!
why are you being gay, dude
YEA BABY it feels SO good!
How does the motocross set look like? I just got the pants. I just want to know if I should mix and match with the heavy hitter or not.
>The Scythe is garbage edition

Is it? The maxed version? It doesnt have an evolution?
>used last evershroom after 3 hours of dev raids
>when all hope had gone the SK pops out
wew only took ~15 million gold
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>that one floor that has a mine next a ledge with fire right beneath it
>know that it's always there
>run into it anyway
does the doctor drill mask's final upgrade get a pink smiley face? what helmet was that I just saw? also, what does the final heavy hitter helm and final motorcross helm look like? there are so many cool designs but they hidden behind crafting
it looks fuckin rad at all upgrade levels

i don't have the full set so i don't have a screenshot sorry
What time do the floor rotations happen each day?
21 minutes from now, every day
Thanks dude

7pm EST
Just caught two golden bird at F39 Kurokane cashing in!
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Just killed JinDie38. I too will soon finish this shit. Just waiting for my expeditions to bring back repair mushrooms
what class were you when you pulled it?
how do you catch the birds? I always get pecked

also, why does a game which has loads of swearing in, not allow me to name my character bitch?
i would pay more death metal for an auto sorting temporary storage of about 100 items, it sorts things for you in your rewardbox, and you can sell items from it
Baseball Pitcher Screamers that will use their entire supply of balls on you even if you're behind a wall, and each one does around 600-1000 damage so if you don't get away within the first two balls you're getting hit with at least another three more before you do.
Motor Psycho Screamers that knock you down if they hit you.
Spiked Bat Screamers that can do up to three hits but they randomly choose when to actually go the whole hog so it's very easy to get hit by a hit and get poisoned immediately.
Bowling Ball Screamers that usually only do two attacks but sometimes do a third that hit you for 2-3k+ a hit.
Rapier Screamers that always hit you with a double combo.
Ive been doing this for the longest time. Now somebody actually made a webm for it. Heh, what a world
Oh yeah, and Mk. 4 and Mk. 5 Bullet Tubers and Bone Tubers are commonplace, Hover Tubers are randomly placed as well, and Scratch Tubers are usually hidden around corners. The Bullet Tubers are the worst since they basically force you to hold onto at least two Pitching Machines unless you want to take 4-5k damage from their instant flamethrower attack that has a really small tell but a really huge hitbox.
final form heavy puncher pants? I got blue/pink ones but that's not it, right?
What's the name change? Is it King Smasher? I don't have the full set for that either
Fuck off uncle perv.
no idea broski, I was askin' you!
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Really getting into some deep contemplation of whether or not uploading those Jackal Kill videos when they just came back was the right course of action.
i found a king smasher helm, its the hard puncher but blue, with some sort of sports gear as like a gundam or samurai crown
Okay guys, I am Tier 3, recently best Jackson and got my ninth premium decal ever. It's Treasure Hunter. Is it good?
it's pretty much god mode

equip it and look at your map
Kek. Youtube is full of those.

>Friend send me of a video of the new PowerPuff girls reboot where they are twerking like cheap whores
>Read the comments
>Some guy defending it saying everyone who doesnt like is gay
>Check his profile
>Literal 12 year old white kid wearing nerdy glasses doing rant videos

I had a good laugh.
Uncle Death responded about the +4 Scythe tweet about crushed hopes and dreams by it having no evolution.

"Not necessirely. Stay tuned for new content, senpai"

It's coming
Thanks! Ill check there soon.

I didnt know about any of these? I checked the pastebin and google docs on op and didnt find it.
Im saving these 2.
fucking news when
>TFW I've just been careless with my runs because I have DMs.
I should stop before I spend more money just for convenience.

The pants look good but the chest looks like shit.
let's you see the details of everything on every floor. even down to what's inside an unopened chest and such. really incredible
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You can get every weapon displayed in the shop background stand except the Chainsaw Scythe. I am pretty sure thats what it is.
>what's inside an unopened chest

Are you for real? Like I can see if its a blueprint, gold or metal? Thats insane.

Do they really not know more about this yet? What else is there to fucking say about it?
Thats just the twitter guy. Maybe the actual Jap devs already know about this.
Is there a luchador outfit in this game?
yup, that's what makes it so desirable
yup. the killer wrestler mask evolves into a sweet luchador mask
Not really, but there is a lucha mask.
Yes but hand to hand moves deal no damage and there are no fist or leg weapons. Pretty disappointing. They give you decals to make suplexes stronger but is still deals nothing at higher levels.
thanks senpai
i sujre as fuck hope they know, that shit is stupid that a repaired +2 5 star loses about half its power at half endurance
i spent a ton of time working on the muramasa and the cleaver saber is way better at killing jackals, kinda sad

hey at least it takes off half their hp with an oak/sting/rage, that's gotta count for something right
meh cleaver saber needs milk black, and id rather spend that on my splatter 13 mask
It's just a mask with no set? What tier?
oh no i finished the quality 2 rapier so i could try to have effective defenders, it's all good.

all tiers of the killer wrestler mask are a lucha mask. the killer wrestler set is really cool i think but it's not really a wrestling outfit, it's a set made out of various exercise gear and materials - there are water bottles hanging on the back, there's a shoulderpad which is really just a bike helmet, etc
31 plus you can get the killer wrestler pants and body but they kinda suck and don't exactly look like wrestler/lucha garb. i've just been pimping out the mask cause it eventually looks cooler and cooler
muramasa is more of a boss killing weapon and general use thing so its still good
>so i could try to have effective defenders
I just went full luchador on a guy with 7 rapier defenders with nothing but brainshroom backbreakers
Damn now I need that mask.
any gear that looks like american foosball?
Oh hey. I like these.

I'm up to floor 6 with a Striker running around with hammers.

I feel good about myself.
anything good in the current floor rotation?
I... never suspected that Treasure Hunter also shows Enemy locations.

Feels good
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shrooms don't count, it's mainly to shit on lower tier people during fights.

i'm also doing revenge raiding/expeditions for that which is extremely fair.
>losing to AI controlled Katana blade
How sad.
What level is appropriate to take on the Jackals?
this was the aforementioned dual rapiers senpai
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>that guy who shitposts motor psycho is a meme every other day or so
my epic motor psycho webms disagree
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I forgot the pic.
some times hater hunter AI actually uses the L2

surprised me once and wiped my HP
too bad they kinda suck unless you have the One Shot One Kill decal
and then they continue to suck when your shot goes right above their head
almost as ebin as welding gun misfires
I once ended up in a trap room with a katana wielding hater, and they took about 50% of my HP with one hit, and I couldn't scratch them, even though they were same level as me, the person that sent them after me was the same tier as me, my weapon and armor was higher tier than him.

The only thing I can assume is that it was a bug of some kind, and I couldn't damage it until I died and revived with a spare metal I had.

This game is full of bugs, you should never assume anything when we're clearly still in beta.
what is durability
Learn to do basic math
Yea. True.
Did I really have to point out both my armor and weapon are at full durabilty? I clearly know how a game works, I was pointing out a bug, what in the fuck could even compel you to be an obnoxious smartass instead of contributing to a conversation like a genuine human fucking being you autistic god damn nigger?
To those who complain about bosses dropping KC instead of Metals. At least it's something you can still use.

Goto thinks he is cute by dropping a Longsword while 16 Jin-Die is hilarious by dropping a sniper rifle
>R&D finished
>Chopper needs 2 BLK metal
>Just came back from Coen with no drop
Why is it chance based
whoa son chill out, i didn't read very carefully
So for fun fungus is that all your shit or just some of it?
Knight Set is on 11-15 or 16-19?
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The fuck is this?
Fuuuuuck bullet metal. What's the best spot for them? I was trying Mekaroku-Go but the droprate is abysmal.
Where the fuck is the axe? It's the only tier 1 weapon I don't have.
stuff on your character model, so one 2hander or two 1handers
blood particle, isn't it neat? there are all sorts of them in this game
baki the grappler shadow boxing
So it doesn't effect armor. Damn.
But it from Gyakafunsha
20s if I remember right.
is armor on your character model?
That can't be right. My cousin has one and he hasn't gone past 11.
Fuck that makes sense.
I warned you about puke bro! I told you, senpai!
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No seriously they talk about it on twitter
Someone's raiding your base so this is the filler you get till they're done.
The BP is one you get way later on, you can get the weapon from enemy drops early on but you can't get the BP until later.
>Uncle Death uses a chainsaw to kill unneeded fighters in the freezer
>it's that chainsaw

Holy shit, scythe chainsaw confirmed to be Uncle D's ultimate weapon
As far as I know he offers it on 1-10s and 11-20s and since inventories on those are separate...
I have the axe bp and haven't been to 20 yet. it's an 11-20 bp, just rare. unless you mean some other axe I'm not aware of

Oh thank fuck.
It looks worse like that tho. Less stylish
That's what I figured.
Damn the Hades Knight armor actually looks cool
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What the fuck is this one way door in Wakaba
"Dev stream coming soon! Think @GrasshopperShin can beat me? Let's find out!
1/16 (Mon) 19:45-20:30 (PST)"
Uncle Death uses a circular saw, have you never graft a day in your life?
Lets hope he gets his shit pushed in by player haters
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Where are you all getting your best turtle hauls from expeditions? Ive had pretty good results in the 30s but havent kept of specific rooms. Any advice?

Im finaly Living the dev raid dream after climbing to the top in poverty, bad time to run out of evershrooms
Where do i find d.o.d. greens?
We got Mushroom Magistrate booty, when Mushroom Magistrate feet
I don't get too many, I usually get one or two from a handful of 30+ raids and stockpile them until I have enough to raid for a while
>one guardshroom
>one crush shroom one 671 hobo chopper
Can I kill coen?
I'm gonna put my penis in that.
>blind retard

Grind F11-20 gold chests
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Welp I had to brute force it with DM because I didn't have the shrooms for it and I couldn't judge the width with those fucking bodies have weird hitboxes.
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so buzzsaw has 2 upgrades and thats it? No 5 star form...? Lame lame lame lame lame lame lame
>tfw I keep getting attacked by New York
We're not even at war, what the fuck is their problem?
That's how everything works.
The 2 upgrade part that is.
No Knife has three upgrades. Maybe a 4th I don't know but it's not 2.
Should I continue focusing on machete upgrades or begin upgrading a red hot iron? Need a stronger armor set too.
>Finally beat the last boss
>That ending
Welp, only thing to do now is wait for the update

Also where do i change out my stamps?
11-20 Trap Room Chests.

There are also Quests, but yeah, I would have preferred a COEN on those floors instead.
Iron is good forever, machete is very strong for like 11-25

Guess I'll have to traverse the lower floors a few times again then.
Knife has 2 upgrades like everything else.
Do you think we'd ever have a discord?
Cant wait to see all the new shrooms, stamps, floors, bug fixes, tdm changes, content they add.
nigga you dumb
discords are cancer

Is Knife worth it at all? Has really short reach, seems to me.
Compared to things like Pork Chopper late game, fuck no. When it's introduced it's okay, but it's still outclassed by just about everything outside of Claws.
I can't wait for California to shit on Japan when they get a country

also between France fights we need to be doing lots of Canada. Germany, and NewYork so we can get a triple fight in a few days
It has a unique move that replaces the ground stomp, in 31+ fists and stomps do literally .1% of their life but the knife can still do good damage there
A lot of things are cancer.
>implying california isn't a faggot patrol

t. NY
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Djeeta a cute.
if it were real life I'd agree and call commiefornians faggots and beat them up. but I enjoy the gains in this virtual world because I'm addicted to escapism and want to have the maximum fun before I get sick of this shit game
What is the worst team logo, and why is it Alabama?
So what is the difference between a hater and a hunter? It seems like I keep running into this same motherfucker constantly using different loadouts with different genders.
Hunters are people sent haters. Haters are created by the devs to be absolute cunts. Most times haters are worse unless the guy who sends the hunter after you is a fucking cunt.
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It looks like someone just puked the colors for it out, I hate it so much but I'm not going to be a turbofaggot and switch states.
>when you kill Jhin-Die and it was easy
you're a turbofaggot if you dont switch, your loyalty is making you miss out on some good shit
What a bandwagon bitch.
What exactly are the benefits of TDM teams?
>Finally have a tier 5 character
>No golden snails
this fight with the friench with just 5 wins is 2 death metals, and 40k coins and spl
I know that Ohio is hands down the best.
I think it has the fastest goretastic, which makes it great for maximizing evershroom time on raids
That's about it, though
Oh right I forgot to ask is there a decent leveling spot otherwise? I guess the alternative would be getting 10 honeycomb.
So Knight armor is in 11-20 right?
yeah its a bit rare i think
Cali wins every fight. Yesterday we won against Florida and the UK, I got 100k KC and SPLithium and 4 Death Metals for like 15 minutes of raiding
stay mad, faggot
They should have made it so that durability doesn't decrease in the waiting room like how HP doesn't go down.
do I just need to have more fighters to get higher TDM rank? I have a grade 3 maxed fighter and 2 grade 2s and can only get to rank 31. will probably make my way to grade 4 fighters in a few hours, just want a bank upgrade first
Yeah but not that much
TDM Rank is primarily decided by your highest tier of fighter, and then every fighter you actually have adds a single point
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this game can use a bit more cute

though uncle death is hogging it all

tier 5s are that strong
She doesn't even have toes on her in-game model.
what set is the black belt terror mask from? also this thing is stupid with the flashlights
Can I get a link to the song that sounds like Snake Eater?
I think detox is really fucking cute. All the women are cute but I fucking love that girl.
>Pay coins? Too fucking expensive
>Can't retrieve fighter cause he keeps getting killed before I can find him

Will I ever get these decals back?

Yeah seems like it except for the haters with full armor and tier five shit.
do raids and you're good.

Come on man.
Yea, thanks senpai
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fuckkin brain shrooms, turtle shrooms

no excuse
Actually I am curious about the hater stuff too? I always treated it like dark souls and retrieved my haters without dying. If I leave them up on a level do they wander off? Or can I retrieve them after like a week?
I use brain shrooms but it's still annoying.
cute is hard with gas masks
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>wanting to show your TDM rank, Currency stores, character specs, and defense layouts to one of the most ruthlessly opportunistic gaming communities in recent memory

That might not be the best idea.
tier 5 weapons are shit at low durability

tier 4 haters are nightmare mode, tier 5 is a joke
it actually might be easier
Iron Claw found on Floor 17 in Jackson's area.
I think they might wander among other rooma on the same floor, but they stay on that floor till they get retrieved.

we don't even have fashion options with def over 3
are they rare? I got a few claw bps on f19 side floors
If I see someone in the thread ask where a thing is while playing and find the BPs again, I make sure to just leave a little blurb. A peace of mind thing, for them.
Not when you're naked.
I bet you pick your sports teams based on championship wins, faggot.
I just can't stop playing. Help. I see no end and I love it.
fucking retard
>Want to upgrade the Power Stomper set
>Everything past the first tier takes DOD Red
>I must've put 9-10 Reds into every piece of the set and I'm only halfway through tier 2
>COEN only drops his metal like ~60% of the time
>An individual run where I run past everything takes around 7 minutes, with 4 of them spent on loading screens
Was this really how the game was meant to be played
Did they intend for the average player to devote several hours to grinding out materials in order to upgrade a single set of armor to the point where it's defense becomes useful
getting a brand new tier 5 doesn't mean you're naked
you got tricked son, power stomper+ IS max quality armor. not sure about the 3rd upgrade but power stomper+ +4 to alien roadster+0 is +1 defense.
Rather be a retard than a bitch.
But does it look cooler
I don't remember the last time i got money when a sports team won.
i think so from the one piece i found. you can see the set on a dev hater, it's pretty similar just a different color.

i'll find out once i kill u10 like 10 more times probably
yes from 4star to 5 star is only one point of defence

then 5star +1 is 200 points
oh good.
stay poor bitch nigga
>needing a crutch to make money
Whatever pussy.
I'll take my leave now.
Whoever posts the next thread, please do remember to update OP with "The now very pretty sheet of class stats" that was updated here: >>165258897
And these 2 links that actually help a lot:
I'm not even sure that Fighters have anything under their masks like the Jackals do. For all we know, there's just a big gaping utilitarian hole with a voice box where the nose, mouth, and jaw should be.
lol what a fagoot
That's silly, anon. They're obviously reanimated humans (advanced tubers?) and that would be much more trouble than it's worth. They also sound completely naturaCHOKE ON IT
What is the most forgettable feature in the game and why is it hunger? It always surprises me when I hear a low growl from my fighter
Dear AC Vamp
What a nicely baited trap.
>Set the screaming banshee hater on fire to death for some easy Wand ABP
>she screeches into death

Well, shit, now I feel bad. She just has the autisms.

Dropkicks. I always remember to eat because I'm usually sprinting. Yet somehow I forget I can dropkick.
What the fuck am I doing wrong?

I was a good Calitraitor, I raided Brits and godforsaken Floridians.

I only got a measly fight bonus of spl and coins.

What did I do wrong? Do I have raid non-stop?
5 raids for each war.
I do 10 to be sure
2 Deathmetals are in store
Smack those frenchies like a whore
did you switch during the fight like you didn't even read the ingame help filed
So how do I get the muramasa BP. I saw the secret shop sell it for 120k and I said fuck that noise, it has to drop normally.
lower 30s
I switched during Brazil.
That might have overlapped with Britain.
But I was a good little soldier with Florida... Or maybe not. The timing is vague, but I had switched well before the in-game notification that we were fighting FL.
Should I reroll this striker: HP25 STM23 STR22 DEX23 VIT22 LUK22
Lot of HP I guess...
I see. Also, do any of the midbosses drop red Milk metals? I need them for saber.
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>mfw i finally learned how to kill pill bugs
its a decent striker, keep it
And you and you get Fist EXP in the bargain!
Plus all dem revive mushrooms bro
if I go kill my fighter that turned hater will I still get all of the shit they have on them just like salvaging does?
just found it in 33 uchinobu
Seems to be a good chance for it to spawn there.
It's strictly to get the character and their decals (If they were premium) back, you lose everything else. Otherwise this would make salvaging pointless.
well I suppose 66k could be worse
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How many Fight points do you need to get decent rewards at the end of it
Eventually it gets to 100+K. It's a nightmare.
Thanks anon. Now if only I could find the motocross pants.
upper 30s
I find it all the time in goto red chests.
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mfw I make back 200k easy as californiafag
nah its not that bad, there is no time limit and if you are stock piling cash in your reward box from expeditions, you can do a long run, then with your reward money you can get them back, and if you are short, you can pop a few raids to top off your cash to get em back
I'm at 35 and I'm not getting that much money. I even scumbag moved to cali and I still get raided too much. I do have to create more Rank 5s but making money is shit until you have a good setup.
>Go into TDM with 8k max health
>Have 12k max health in opponents waiting room

Is this because of the Hate in favor of my home team that we built up?
yeah, the red aura when you're on the train indicates that. gives a massive buff when you're fighting the opposing team
wew lad
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Arahabaki (clay) set final evolution
you're creeping out elevator waifu
cool save for the gay tassel
I keep fucking slipping, GOTO is dead, i can't leave the arena. Every time I try to fucking use the lever to open the gates, I slip. I can't do anything. Is there ANY way to fix this?
That actually looks pretty nice. I only saw the head before. The shoulders are too big, but besides that ace.
Control f "Can't stop slipping" happened to me earlier.
throw on the maxed out axe and you'll look like a sweet JRPG character
oh thank christ I was about to straight up never play again, I have one 66k fighter dead right now and I wasn't about to make another one
quit slippin' foo'
lmao you're heckin gay
What's the worst weapon and why is it fireworks launcher?
>no damage
>incredibly long delay before and after shooting
>no mobility during that time
>literal only use is to cook things
well gee, I wonder why
The Power of the Orichalcos flows through you!
If someone raids me and kill my defenders do they take durability loss or is that just expeditions?
The upgrade should turn it into a grenade launcher.
It could already do that but we'll never know since nobody is going to waste materials on this piece of shit
Nah Iv seen a hater with the maxed version. More of a missle launcher. It does decent damage but its slow af and the AI is retarded with it.
If they got hit or used their weapons, yes.
Yes if the stuff didn't come from Chocofuschia's.
So are there any rank 5 gear that's like the beret or just obscuring part of face or is that just limited to jackal gear?
The Crossbow. At least the Fireworks Launcher has some good utility for a time. The Crossbow is basically a vastly inferior version of the Nail Gun and Pitching Machine all throughout and in the early stages when it would have conceivably been useful, you're either using the Fireworks Launcher or one of the guns anyway.
>armor is called D.I.Y.
>hipster Hitler builds it for you
I don't think Max would appreciate this.
suck a dick
Ryback? Trucker Hat?
Trucker hat goes to rank five?
I read the wording on Superalloy is wrong.
So does it do 20% more damage when enemy HP is 30% or less?
Who cares what Crabman thinks?
He lost all indie cred after he sold out to Yotsuyama Enterprises.
that's your job homo LOL
Curious too, now that I have a supply of silver shrooms.
Are the Luck based fighters worth getting? It says they receive more kill coins but do they also have a heightened drop rate? Thinking of making a Tier 3 Luck Fighter to help farm boss drops. Worth my time or no?
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i belive its bugged and it works backwards, it does more damage if they are above 70%
Why is it that the Jackals have nore high tech equipment than the don bosses if they are employed by them? They also don't seem to be bothered that you just made them unemployed.
How is his nail beard supposed to make sense again? I remember the description, but it looks like they were hammered from the inside out, not from the outside going in.
The Dons are just frontmen (Jackson doesn't even know that he's a Don). The Jackals are actually being paid by the freakishly rich Yotsuyama Group like everyone else in the game (besides you, Uncle Death, and Tetsuo) is.
that's the wording in game though
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>Besides Uncle Death
He probably hammered them in and then sharpened the flat ends with his head hands afterwards.
So mother barbs was just bsing me the whole time? Dang I liked the lore.
Right now, that's the simple answer.

Still, from a design perspective, it feels like they designed him to look like the nails were coming out.
Everything she told you besides that part , the Living Dead tape, and the Mushroom Magistrate video is pretty much true.
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Whats the metal song that they took out in the latest patch?

I tried searching for it since i got tired of the default lobby music and just noticed that its not there anymore

found it
For a sec i thought i was going crazy from all the grinding
Why'd they take it out?
So, where's the best place for rosewood?
drummer got caught with weed
Japan doesnt like drugs i guess
Is that why South Tokyo best hits plays something different now? I was so used to hearing RAAAAAA. Also now they have Prayer on the radio twice.
check the 3 spots where there are amusement rides in 22f or that huge room in 25f with the scaffolding
Which is ironic given the whole Mushroom Stew aspect of the game.
you think they would give a shit about a petition?
not a bit
Game needs more jpop. The track by Tancobuchin is always my radio default. The Wakusei Abnormal song is good too but not my favorite by them, was excited when I saw them on the list.
It needs more Jazz and Funk as well.
Needs some hip hop desu. This game with Anarchy Reigns soundtrack would keep me playing forever.
Hello /lidg/, just started playing. Should I be constantly raiding, even if I don't have any use for the rewards yet? I'm only up to floor 4.
for sure, there's actually a good amount of modern jap funk bands. I think some dub would be a good fit too.
upgrade your banks and buy a freezer space through raiding for a bit, then focus on progressing through floors. having space for coins and splithium is important. also remember to never spend Death Metals on revives, go to the DH Service menu and upgrade storage instead

also if you're not on team Cali then make the switch. Contrarian will say otherwise, but the game is more fun when you don't have to struggle as much with money
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No, just focus on climbing for now. Any ranks that you'll make will be lost as soon as you're raided so don't bother yet.
Don't raid
In fact, just climb
Everyone agrees
Don't listen to these fags.

Raid, but only under the awareness that you are highly limited this early, and your immediate goals are the initial upgrades to your currency banks, and the early freezer upgrades.

Climbing the tower is still your primary goal, and raiding is still otherwise pointless until you're able to rock rank 4 fighters at least.
Does lucky star really produce better drop rates? I'm farming F23 goto and this is a pain in the ass.
Raid when it seems fun. You'll earn nothing but practice against the improved AI of Haters.

Spend all your death medals on upgrade storage ASAP. Keep none of them for revives. None.
>TFW I have to go back to upgrade the fucking katana
This was better than when I upgraded the Saber but this weapon better be fucking amazing.
Just unlocked grade 5 fighters. Should I make an attacker or lucky star? What weapons are best for Lucky Star anyway?
The luckiest weapons of course
Lucky Star first for the KC, then fund to have one Fighter of each except collector and all arounder. Use the LS for farming chests and shrooms.

LS's tend to favor multi hit weapons. Welding Gun, Buzzsaw, Iron, KAMAS, etc.
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It took me 2 days to get to level 5.

Am I shit
You're just learning.
level 5 or floor 5?
Can't find any frenchies to raid, help senpai
floor 5, my bad.
As long as you're enjoying yourself that's all that matters.
Better than burning yourself out early.
they've all been raided to death. that's the power of California, there is not a single person left for us to take anything from. I really hope the next 3 highest hate bars all pop at the same time since they're all equal now. raping 3 teams at once will be awesome
are you dying a lot? or just farming stuff?
>Capture some fighters during the raid of the florillians
>Have trouble getting rid of them
>A couple of lowbies tried to free them and died
>The fighters are done resetting
>Try to get rid of them because they're garbage
>Game won't let me from the outside of the bathroom
>Go inside to manually release them
>Cages disappear
>Wait what
>Go back to the monitor outside
>You obtained 98947304 SPLithium from resetting Fighters.


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>canonically Mexican
>has a Finnish accent and sounds like he's one of the dudesons
is luck just crit chance not crit damage?
anyone know the ratio of luck per crit chance?
he IS one of the Dudesons
Someone posted a video of that happening to them. Message their twitter account or something with a video
Oh, it's fine now. My SPLithium inexplicably went back to normal. I'm guessing since it's not a bug I can use to advance the game, they won't fix it until february.

The lack of patches for this game is astounding.
>join the caliphate
>Have access to dev raids
>Nobody to send expeditions to
Was it worth it?
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>UK vs Little Mexico
>UK raids - 2k
dead game.
Don't you dare forget the free deathmetals
>Tfw not enough space for Gear AND Mushrooms for the 37->40 trek
I could really use another taster pass right about now Captain

i will never see an american city in my lifetime nor do i want to but california number 1 baybeee
>tfw no pass from login for 4 days now
I'm about to break
That was the point, you used it, now you need it. They got you the moment you used the daypass bro, I warned you bro
Frenchies need to wake up to be put into the cali meat grinder
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Oh fug
>finally fucking grind enough spl for the last freezer upgrade

Fucking hell Cali. I got tired of waiting for the fight with CA to finish. That fight bonus would have helped, but god forbid I log off when I was so close.

I better get those fucking death metals.
Both, I was having issues with haters till I got max all-rounder levels. First day was a lot of dying, second was grinding
not bad as long as you're learning. spacing and baiting attacks is the name of this game. don't ever rely on rolls, and especially not blocking until you get better equipment and mastery levels. just keep in mind it's all AI, it slips up eventually. just kite enemies until they inevitably whiff an attack then punish them. in this game gear and stats can really only get you so far. skill and knowledge are best (until much later when you get game breaking mushrooms and trivialize all of the content)
So I started farming coen 34f. What should I level up first with DOD Red? Death Burner or the Pork Chopper+
Sup with all this infinite loading bullshit. Every now and then i'll talk to an npc and just get infinite loading scarab, do I really have to quit out of the game every time this happens?
That's not loading, that's network communications. If it's infinite it means you disconnected at some point and the game no longer knows what to do.
the game is buggy, yeah. but fret not, February is approaching. and it seems they've been compiling a big list of shit to fix if their social media is anything to go by
>Took the left side up to 40
>Apparently that was the wrong decision
>Have to go back down to 37 and take right side
did anyone else just get the linda email again? check your Rolodex cause i got 2 free dm's again
don't go back to the title screen if the game asks, either. just chill until it loads
Speaking of February, have they detailed any of the updates they're going to do yet?
what's abp
I dunno what it's supposed to mean but it's your weapon level experience.
Cheers, I thought that's what it did. Just got the Squeezer decal and saw +40% abp
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>poorfags can't shell out $15 for their addiction
I can, I could even buy some of the expensive death metal packs. But I won't, because that's taking the easy way out and I ain't a bitch
Why is Dual Wielding Master such a meme?
Is it really just 3% more attack than dumbbell or any of the gear specialization decals or does it multiply damage differently or something..
Why would I buy a pass when I'm a few floors away from beating the entire game
t. literal shitter in a broken F2P cashgrab game
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Why would you need more slots when you are about to beat the game? Default attacker bag is more than enough
>uses express passes
>calls anyone a shitter
ok shitter
Wait they actually unironically started removing fucking music from the game, and one of the better tracks as well?
that's fucking bullshit, fuck this gay earth, i'm out
So what is floor 40 boss weak too, slash?
>implying you can buy guardshrooms and fun fungi
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whale here. I've blown $300 on the game the past two weeks. I just hit tier 4 characters today. I am simply in love with it.
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>$300 at t4 mark
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>encounter a bare fists hater
>chip away at him
>he's almost dead
>suddenly jumps down a ledge
>look down and see him picking something up
>quickly jump down to finish him off
>fall damage stagger
>the something was an iron
>hater steam clouds and stunlocks me
quick what do I put in the new oop
>not shooting him
Serves you right
if you land on their head, you have frame advantage

don't hesitate, senpai!
skeletons aren't real edition
power to you, my dude

we love the game too, thank you for funding it

Im gettin old
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>haters with irons
This will never not make me mad.
Help. Where do I even go after coen34? I'm running into deadends
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