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/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

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Thread replies: 760
Thread images: 110

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Old Yharnam Edition

Burned and abandoned by men, now home only to shitposters: >>165131760

>A google doc with basic information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Patch 1.09 Info

>Accessing the DLC
Note: If the eye isn't showing up, go to: Settings > Playstation Network/Account Management > Restore Licenses

>Co-Op & PvP
Official PvP Chalice: hizzngr3 (Pthumeru Root)
/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:http://imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne Damage Calculations and Formulas
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For those struggling with Amy.
First for Bloodletting!
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Someone help. I accidentally got into an argument with Lucy about a build, and dug myself into a hole. Throw down a ladder that I may escape. I want to keep digging, but it'll just be harder to get back out.
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The amount of Vilebloods in the recent threads is far too high. We need to PURGE FILTH

Also a friendly reminder not to reply to trips. Keep this place as cancer-free as possible, please.
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First for lobster... I mean "Beware of pincer attack"
Goddamnit Luci... ruined my first.
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>youre situation
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You'll get used to it.
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im retarded

also >>165226197
please do not reply to that failed abortion's posts
>tfw no slut wear
>just one cycled Rom with a random summon

Knew it was possible because it's featured in speed runs but I've never even come close to it. Guess that's the power of a gemmed tonitrus and an hmls.
BB's cosplay and slutwear game is super weak. Really the only two things any of the Souls games did better.

But Big M would say those two things have nothing to do with gameplay or his vision, and he wouldn't be wrong.
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>platinumed the game twice already

I don't even know what to do anymore
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Why didn't you protect her, /bbg/?
Bloodborne would make a great movie.
Go for the third time?
I doubt that, honestly.

It would need to be 2.5 hours and the MPAA would need to not exist.
she stole my memes
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That pic kinda reminds me of this one for some reason
>Miyazaki will never buy the right to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and make S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
The cool thing about bloodborne to me is that even a year after I got the plat I come back to it. The only other games that kept the magic after 100% was Dark Souls and Oblivion. Oblivion is a once every few years sort of love though.
>It would need to be 2.5 hours
Not that bad. 3 hours is the limit.

Why? Follow the game and use whoever doesn't act like shit.
have you tried depth 5 root chalice dungeons with fetid, rotten, and cursed offerings?
I just got a Radial offshape 9.5% Arc + 72.5 Flat Arc with a beast down curse after about 5 runs in Isz, fairly lucky?
>Pthumerian Descendant appears in the boss room
>the bottom of the screen says Pthumerian Elder
Why? How often does the game do this? If I had died would it have given me the elder next time?
I don't have a third account

I think I might need a break. It's all I've been playing these past few months. In that time frame, I've don't STR, SKL, BLT, and ARC builds.

I made 4 frc ihyll chalices today senpai and completed them all.
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>Defiled Chalice cleared out.
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Studios don't make long movies anymore. A lot of moves now days barely hit 80 minutes.

The MPAA is fucking retarded and it'd wind up being NC-17 for violence before the first act was over. And since the art of using actual costume and make up for things is dead, everything that wasn't a person would be CGI.

We'd wind up with a PG-13, 80-minute shitfest akin to the Tekken movies that looked like the special edition, "improved with CGI" Star Wars flicks.

Now if someone would and could make a two-and-a-half-hour-long, reasonably realistically violent and actually costumed and animatronic beasts, I'd be all for it.

But it will never ever happen. It'd be an insurmountable moneypit.
if we can find a billionaire who loves bloodborne then we stand a chance
Then again, would we want to see something like this? Depending on the director, they might just take every creative liberty they can until we end up with something that resembles the game in name only. This happens nearly every time a movie based on a game is made. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule, but those are fairly few and far between.
Two and a half hours is way too short anyway to tell a story as massive as Bloodborne anyway, shit would easily have to push four, maybe even five hours.

That's the main reason TV shows/video games/books rarely translate well into movie form, the stories are simply way too big to be condensed into less than three hours. Ironically enough Lovecraft would actually translate well to a movie medium considering a lot of his stories are rather short, the colour out of space could easily be condensed into two hours (with the exception of the unrecognizable colour)
>make chalice and go through it like normal
>see Undead Giant/hotdog
>bold hunter's mask right away
>return to the dream and remove chalice
I am not playing those games.

>Studios don't make long movies anymore. A lot of moves now days barely hit 80 minutes.
I am sorry, I haven't seen a single movie that has come out since 2009 and I have never seen one with superheroes.

As long as they aren't too explicit with the story and leave things up to the viewer.
Lovecraft was a racist so he can't be enjoyed in 2017.

Maybe a Bloodborne mini-series.
EP 1: Arrival to Yharnam and underlying lore, ends with Papa G
EP 2: Old Yharnam and more learning what the beast are with Amelia, start going into the chalices
EP 3: Horrors of the chalice dungeons and the old blood
EP 4: Burgersworth and Rom, historical background
EP 5: Shit hits the fan hard, School of Mensis and The Choir's atrocities
EP 6: The End
EP7: The Memes
in this final episode the skeptical man sits down infront of the camera in an armchair by the fire and recounts all the meme worthy moments of the series
Who wants to come help me put Simon's raggedy ass in the ground?
I'm tired of doing 30 damage a hit and getting two shot. Pass bbg, ringing by the Hunter's Nightmare lamp.
Dude did you think I could hit him?
I was going to just trap him in the doorway for you?
>killing simon
no better than a beast.
he dies in the fishing hamlet anyway so why not wait til then you cunt[/spoiler[
>Boss you died the most to
>number of times
Living Failures

I had the power inside myself all along! Thank you senpai!
No problem dude

I actually had no idea you couldn't hit him. Made a ton of sense as soon as I gave it a modicum of thought. Thank you anyways!
>tfw always die to their retard rush where they swing their arms
They're actually pretty easy to parry. It took me 5 playthroughs to know that.
CG isn't inherently bad, it's a matter of budget. I understand if it's Gascoigne's last phase, but One Reborn can never be an animatronic.
Also, there are still long, "mainstream" movies being made. Interstellar, for one.
The real core problem is the fact that stories are inextricably linked to their mediums. It's very rare for a story to transcend mediums in it's entirety.
Any good adaptation of a story must create as much as it derives from source material. Either way, you need someone who is as good at making movies as Miyazaki is at making video games.
Let's say a new Bloodborne game is announced and it will be made no matter what.
What would you like it to be about?

Old Yharnam?
Biggestworth adventures exploring the chalices and shit?
A new city years later overrun with beasts where our character ends up being the new eldritch antagonist and main prey?
Why are some old hunter bells blue instead of red?
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>mfw I'm an arc build and I can spawncamp one of the corners with a bolt Saif and threeshot the same Failure over and over

I'm convinced that they have the same amount of individual health across NG+ cycles, because I threeshot the backleft Failure every time I fight them regardless of what level of NG it is.
What's the ar on your Bolt saif
Dating sim set in the past where you play as a Byrgenwerth student. You have to manage your schoolwork along with dungeon diving and going on dates.
Would play
I mean, it's FRC gems, but even so, it's always been a threeshot, whether it's just base NG or NG+4 or some shit.
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Go off the assumption that the Splatoon ending is canon and thus there hasn't be a hunt in centuries and there was some big event that basically destroyed the church and blood ministration, the game is now set in a world that is very similar to our own during the 1920's and for some unknown reason when night descends on a relatively uneventful night the beast curse suddenly starts to grip people again and the nightmare returns entirely.

We play a descendant of a hoonter, though before that really didn't mean much in this world we go through a sequence of trying to escape the city until we inevitable die at some point and end up in the dream.

After that we set out into the world to try to find out what's causing the night of the hunt to return, seeing a city that a few hours ago was completely alive and unprepared in absolute chaos as bodies fill every gutter and vicious beasts stalk the streets, slowly getting deeper and deeper and learn that the old ways of Yharnam, the Church, and of course the great ones may not be gone or a myth like everyone thought, but simply found different ways to stick their fingers into the pie that is Yharnam.
people say theyre the easiest boss fight but for some reason (Im shit) i always die to them. where as im not bad at other bosses, killed laurence and OoK on my first try, but LF always seem to fuck me up for some reason
>hunter space programme where we send ayyliens into orbit
the powderkegs would build the rockets
That's just the price of anonymity, anon. We can all share the memes.
oh wait, powderkegs are RIP. Maybe some kind of powder keg remnant group builds the rockets
Jeez I'm sorry

I don't have the screenshot on hand or I'd have posted it. It's six hundred some, don't know exactly what.
The problem with that is that if the scourge appeared in such sort notice there would be 2 issues

1. I believe that REALLY big beasts like the Cleric Beasts, Blood Starved and Dark Beasts come from people that consumed a lot of blood over time like the vicars and other members of the church.
If the scourge was really sudden then that means no time to cook ug big beasts.

2. Normal soldiers or normal people for that matter wouldn't be in the physical condition to fight beasts, nor have the training or access to trick weapons. How you're going to explain that with all the important people ded and dream destroyed still more hunters are being trained hundreds of years later?
Yeah same, thank you :-)
When was the last patch?
Is there any hope From will actually do more balance fixes in the future?
I really wish Beastcutter wouldn't be so shit. I wish it was Bestcutter.
>Ball and Chain Undead Giant
>Abhorrent Beast
>Defiled Amygdala
Either one of those probably. Around 10 times I guess, didn't count.
1. The church never really disappeared rather than just became far more secretive, you'd learn throughout the game that high ranking government officials, mobsters, etc. were still keeping the church going and using healing blood.

2. Remember that the good hunter in Bloodborne is just some random foreigner who got a last minute transfusion, going by the assumption that hunters could indeed conceive children and thus have hunter blood in them it stands to reason that on the night of the hunt, even if it is a very sudden resurgence, they could be called back to the dream.
Granted this would mean there would be no veteran hoonters in the game, all the other hunters encountered would basically be completely new to the night of the hunt like us and all part of the dream at the same time, with us being the only one who got far enough to stop it.

I know it's an autistic idea but I felt like being a little autistic tonight.
Anybody want to fight logarius?

Bl 55 pass is log
On my way
Alright I'm at the fog
>nobody's doing FRCs
Dead thread.
Dead game.
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These are on stupidly high level build
I have every weapon +10
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>1500 attack
My dumb ass was ringing with bbg instead of log im reringing now
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WW1 theme
Long time after Yharnam but blood was discovered again and it's resulted in war.
You wake up in a trench. Who's side you were on doesn't matter anymore everyone has lost their mind.
Obviously eventually you would discover great ones and shit again.
>the good blood is now called aryan blood
Haha that's with beast built up
Without it it's 1140
Oh, that seems a lot more reasonable, LBH I'm guessing?
Nope, Lost HLMS
LHB is like 990 but I don't even have 27.2s on it
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I lost count after 2 hours of attempts. Delayed attacks mess me up something fierce, man.
Thanks for the logarius help. Stupid that he stuck his ass in a corner until he powered up. Cheap shit. Still didn't stand a chance.
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>read reply
>see that reaction image
Thanks anon, just lost it in bed
No problem. If you need any more help or just wanna coop I'm free

I have nothing better to do atm
Probably Ludwig.

If not Ludwig, dual knife Undead Giant.

But probably Ludwig thanks to a couple different low-level HMLS and Rakuyo rushes.
Hey hey, you boys want to help someone else with Log?

BL 50, pass bbg, ringing at the fog.
HMPH with no parries allowed
reminder not to give that failed abortion any replies
Christ, that fucking lag man. One second he's in front of me, the next he's halfway across the arena.
Orphan of Kos on NG+ (never tried on NG before)

I died probably 60 times. I used up like 400 blood vials I remember.
For how much you claim to dislike him you sure do pay him an awful lot of attention.

Frankly, I think you're gay for him.
If I kill Ebrietas, how can Augur of Ebrietas still work?
Time is convoluted in Yharnam.
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>Implying you can ever truly kill a great one
Oh anon, life and death are nothing but concepts created by humans and their feeble minds that cannot even begin to comprehend the cosmos, you need to get more eyes.
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If it bleeds, we can kill it.
Orphan on a twink with 18 vit
I don't even remember how many times I died, but it can't be far off from >>165234681
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I got the itch to play this game again, what should my weapon and build be?
Stake Driver
saw cleaver
Just got to Unseen village, how the fuck do I make it past the laser beam bs? I can't time it at all, and I just end up instakilled going down the stairs.
Do you agree?
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Cool, now arc, quality, or str?
>More difficult to break on replay
An unupgraded bleed weapon shits on every boss except dragonslayer armor
That was my go-to strategy for twinking, and a +2 barbed sword could carry me through ng++ with little effort
I am doing str with 50/25 but i think arc would work well also.
Is there a waning arc gem in the game as fixed loot or am I going to need to slot a droplet until I can farm offshapes?

Wheel is pretty underwhelming at +8 and 32/20 str/arc because I can only fill the radial slots and the waning is useless right now.
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Arc cleaver

It's pretty much the closest thing in the game to easy mode.
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Thanks. I want to have fun so i'll probably be using the stake driver more.
Because of heavy abyssals, the only point in doing a true quality build instead of a 50/25 STR build is if you want more damage off of viscerals.

I would recommend going for a skill build and using the Reiterpallasch.

That's true. Dual wielding weapons with carthus rouge is absurd.

Pure arcane is boring, it's just using the saw spear and cheesing bosses with hunter tools.
You kidding? DaS3 is super fucking easy to break, a luck build with bleed weapons is easy mode, pyromancy is OP as fuck when you get the chaos fireball, and if all else fails just fall back on dark sword spam.

Pontiff and Nameless were the only bosses in the game that I considered hard, everyone else was laughably easy for one reason or another.
I just want to say that Outrider Knights are disgusting and are the worst enemy in the franchise

>Winter Lanterns
Can be parried relatively easy once you stop fearing them, avoiding frenzy through I-frames. Likewise a full anti-frenzy setup + sedatives + hitting them is fine
Weak, slow and shit-tier. Only dangerous in packs
Kite them
Don't block, be situationally aware
>Mace-rolling Fatass
Blue elixir + slow walk + backstab
>Sonic methheads
Blue elixir + slow walk + backstab/parry
>Rakuyo Sharks
Cancerous as fuck I admit, but their flailing isn't as bad and they have more recovery time between combos
Abuse their dog-type by shooting/stunning them and following up

I think Outrider Knights outrank pre-patch Drakekeepers and even regular-enemy chain giants/hotdogs/abhorrent beasts/pthumerian fuckfaces

>Hit hard as fuck
>Hit multiple times
>Build up status effect to make you even more vulnerable
>Fast as fuck
>Some attacks have little telegraphing
>Multi-hit combos
>Little recovery between some combos
>Difficult to ambush in Settlement/Lothric Castle

Almost as retarded as Freide having 3 health bars like she's a Bayonetta boss
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Stake is pretty fun

Please don't remind me of those fucking things, I still have nightmares
Which base Souls game was hard?
Anyone want to help me out with orphan of kos? Lvl 80 and im bad
Honestly, none of them really, they're challenging but if you have decent situational awareness and reflexes you can make it through them all relatively easily.

Though I will say DaS2 had the most bullshit off all the souls games, lingering AoE hitboxes, needing to invest in a stat to get normal i-frames, gank squads of higher tier mobs with joint aggro around every corner, enemies that attack a million fucking times on top of having severely broken hitboxes. That game was just a mess.
>Let's say a new Bloodborne game is announced and it will be made no matter what.
>What would you like it to be about?
A prequel with no guns.

But seriously, don't make a Bloodborne 2.
>parrying winter lanterns
if you shoot too late with a pistol (even if it's before the grab lands), the winter lanterns become un-parryable. Parrying them and iframing through the frenzy is risky as fuck honestly. If you fuck it up in the slightest you are dead. At least if you just smash their faces in with a weapon that can stun them out of their grab, you only will lose 70% of your health to the frenzy instead of straight up dying to the grab + frenzy + frenzy

>Rakuyo sharks
Fighting one of them 1v1 is not that hard. You can parry the one with the anchor pretty easily. The other one has trouble turning around; just circlestrafe him like Ludwig's second form. Fighting them 2v1 is possible if you make good use of that big column in the middle of the well
>lingering AoE hitboxes
I think Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls were worse offenders in this. The fire in Demon's Souls was so visually ambiguous that you could barely tell when it would hurt you, and armored spider caught me with its fire surge twice before I just waited back by the fog wall for it to calm down. I think Dark Souls was the worst though. I remember consistently walking into Demon Firesage's explosions about a second after they had gone off.

Adaptability was retarded.

>enemies that attack a million fucking times
Like? Dark Souls 3 had the mash roll away from the anime combo problem much worse than Dark Souls 2.

Those were total bullshit.
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>doll talking about the church and loving their creators
>wonders if the creators love their creations
>says she loves you because that's how you made her
I wasn't ready for this man
Daily reminder that this general is for discussing Bloodborne and not DaS 1, 2 or 3.
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Just wait until the part where she asks "are you cold?" and holds you
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So where can I get the best pulsing and lethal blood gems? I got a pulsing circle gem of +5HP per second for my secondary firearm, and I found a triangular gem of +5HP/sec for my primary weapon. Can you find pulsing radial or waning gems? I'd like to have a primary weapon I can just equip with my regen firearm and use to quickly regen my HP

Lethal gems give your weapon more HP on rally. I got triangle one from the story (I think) that is +12% rally potential, but here it says they can find gems that go up to 18%. Where!? Do they come in other types than triangles? I want that shit, and I don't see anything about it on the spreadsheet
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why is this game about hoonting eldritch abominations with saws, wheels, and flamethrowers making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside about a sentient doll I didn't sign up for this
What's your highest level character?

I have a level 261 character with 50 points in every stat except endurance and arcane, which have 40 and 71 points in them, respectively
>may you find your 'werth in the waking world
Was this a hint telling you to go to Byrgenwerth?
Why would you think that?
The best pulsing gems are +5 and come from Rite Keepers in Cursed + Rotted Depth 5 dungeons. The emu looking guys with tropes of skinny Pthumerians who they constantly buff.

They only come in Circle but it's possible to get an offshape drop in Radial, Waning or Triangle. That happens 1-2% of the time, so you'll need to kill a lot of Ritekeepers. The good news is that with all 3 eye runes on the droprate is very good, and in the most popular Watcher farming glyph (pwmf22gu) there's a Ritekeeper right near the lamp on the way to the lever.

There's a +4 triangle Pulsing gem in a chest in the DLC, which can work until you get a +5 offshape.

The only other source is the global loot pool in Loran. Pulsing is a very rare effect from any enemy without a dedicated drop. As far as I know it only ever goes up to +4 because there's no drop source without a secondary effect to boost with primary effect with its unused "gem budget". It's really rare though, Fire, Tempering, Bolt, Murky, Dirty, Beast and Kin hunter are all more common. So farming offshapes from Ritekeepers (who only ever drop pulsing) would likely be quicker.

A lost Bow Blade is best because it has Radial, Circle, Triangle. So if you are ok with using the +4 DLC triangle you only need one offshape.

Lethal gems do not exist. Except for the one in the DLC chest, and as a secondary effect there is no source that will ever drop that gem type. Maybe Isz Watchers, since they dropped BLT gems about 1/1,00,000 kills, but no Lethal primary effects have ever been recorded, so it's doubtful.
>there hasn't been a hunt in centuries
>1920's tech
You know Bloodborne uses 1890's style and tech, the one exception being everyones' enamoration with flintlocks, right?
Why not just use a blood vial
>there are people in this thread who actually farm the bis gems in the same dungeon over and over, instead of doing a new random root dungeon every time and have fun
>people do gem farming at all
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Because rallying is more fun. Having high rally changes your mindset from "fuck I just got hit, I'd better dodge to safety so I can heal" to "fuck I just got hit, I need to hit this guy back ASAP"

Thanks for the explanation! I was hoping it wouldn't be that hard to find the offshapes. Ritekeeper goon squads are a pain in the ass to kill, especially when they come at you all staggered instead of in one big group. The skinny watchers with the little burning swords do tremendous damage with their running attack.

>Lethal gems do not exist. Except for the one in the DLC chest, and as a secondary effect there is no source that will ever drop that gem type.
Damn, well that sucks. So the +18.8% rally gem they talk about in that pic is not real? And neither is guidance 3... fuck. Why does From hate rally so much?
>not farming top-tier gems so you can have fun spelunking without taking forever to kill shit
The most difficult dungeons "demand" the best of the best.
But the best gems only drop on the most difficult ones. If they demand the best gems, how can you clear them to find those gems in the first place? Explain this paradox.
What about not getting hit in the first place, and using those gem slots for the gems that let you do more damage instead?

some dungeons have been found where the first boss is easy and drops really good gems, and it's pretty easy to get to the lever so you can just keep remaking the dungeon
>finally get a call beyond on my arc character
>try it out
>absolutely decimate Ebrietas

did I just unlock easy mode?
You can't count on not getting hit. And if you *are* good enough to not get hit 99% of the time anyway, then your damage output could be low as hell for all it matters because you are going to win just chipping away at them anyway. Talking about PVE specifically here
Using gems that don't up your damage changes your mindset from
>fuck I need to heal
>fuck why won't he die

You don't need rally gems to fight in an offensive way and guidance rune will provide enough extra rally.
Doing more damage also speeds up the fights, so you'd have less chances to fuck up. There's no reason to favor rather useless properties like tiny health regen over massive damage boosts.
> Damn, well that sucks. So the +18.8% rally gem they talk about in that pic is not real? And neither is guidance 3... fuck. Why does From hate rally so much?

The gem values the guide writers were given was every theoretical effect. The highest listed values assume a Rating 20 gem with no secondary effect. This isn't actually possible since enemies that don't have secondary effects cap at rating 19 (unless we can find a way to get a Ritekeeper into a boss-room to buff the boss). So 28.1% Temperings are impossible, it actually caps at 27.2%

Lethal, Finestrike and Dense gems do not exist, those effects are common as secondary effects but there is no drop source for primary effects of those types. DLC added a Finestrike and a Lethal gem, both of shitty quality, but it proves that they exist in the code as a possible gem. It's just that no one has it in thier loot pool.

If you truly want a Rally build, Madmen have x2 secondary effects. So you could get Physical damage +21% and Rally Potential +5-6% or something instead of the usual 2% (maybe it's higher I dunno).

Best Rally setup would be an Arcane build using a bolt Hunters Axe and three Abhorrent Beast gems (two offshapes) with Rally potential secondary.

Although someone on Reddit apperently found a wandering Abhorrent Beast in Isz. Which would give triangle gems of slightly lower quality than Loran Layer 3 Anhorrent Beast.
Stake driver and beast cutter
Or logaruius wheel and beast cutter
Try and try again / just sprint past it
>Wandering Abhorrent Beast in Isz
Beast Cutter and Poison Wheel(s).

One slow poison, one rapid poison and one using Madmen gems that have a moderate amount of both. Confuse the enemy, invade and burn through thier entire stash of vials and antidotes, kill NG+7 living failures or FRC undead in 10 hits.

Poison is not a meme.
There definitely is reason to use a rally gem (if +18% existed) if you think the fight is fun and you don't want it to be over in 90 seconds. Or if you're just greedy and you can't help attacking too much. Most high-rally weapons like axe, kirk and LHB don't really need the extra-extra damage gem because they already have really high base damage anyway. Sure, they could do absurd damage with a third damage gem, but it's not like they are weak without it.

>rather useless properties like tiny health regen
On some weapons the realth regen is insane. It's like taking a blood vial whenever you get a counter hit. It's not useless at all unless you are trying to use it on a weapon with hardly any rally to begin with, like the Kos Parasite or something
142 with 50str/34skl/9blt and somwthingsomething.
Sorry, I went back and actually read it.

The comment I was referring to was about the rarity of roaming bosses in Isz, and the difficulty involved in getting a screenshot of Abhorrent Beast chasing the hunter through a hallway. They wernt actually related.
150 something.
I wanna go all the way to 99 arcane.
Dude you can use some shitty rally gem that is useless if you don't get hit or you can use a gem that gives you 27% more damage, or 31% on blunt weapons or a abyssal that can up your damage even more.

>Most high-rally weapons like axe, kirk and LHB don't really need the extra-extra damage gem because they already have really high base damage anyway. Sure, they could do absurd damage with a third damage gem, but it's not like they are weak without it.

Every weapon needs more damage. Every gem you have on your weapon needs to up its damage unless you're doing some poison wheel meme build. Don't listen to the guide when it says to use radiant gems to lower stamina consumption (my fucking sides) or rally gems or other rubbish. The only gems worth using are those that gives your weapon more damage.
Being in this general really brings back memories of /mhg/.
does anyone ever use the Kos Parasite with their fists to make the fists into a semi-viable PVE weapon? I know it's probably weak as shit but it still can be gemmed and made much stronger than just regular fists
The thing is that the game is out since March 2015 and by now it's established what works best and what is worthless. Of course you can do your gem meme magic but then don't cry that your get stomped in the fight club or need 20 minutes to fight a frc chalice boss.

It works okayish with flat arcane gems iirc.
Can you give me any PvP tips?

Other than not playing it
Spam gun.
Get chalice gems and learn to parry attacks as well as heals.
Git faster.
Cut unnecessary moves like r2s and only use them rarely.
Get faster.
Get more precise.
does the chikage in its tricked form benefit from high skill?
That's dumb
Your dump lmao
allows you to pump BT and have max melee AND gun damage

bloodletter and bowblade are the same
How do I stop playing BB? I have played it almost everyday since December started. I still haven't even tried a skill playthrough.
What weapon did you guys use while building up arcane?

Did you go with saw spear or other? I was thinking on a LHB since it has the same gem slots as the spear but i don´t know if its worth it.
arc axe
15% radial nourishing from mensis, 9% nourishing triangle from under the clinic, 18% arc droplet from brain bridge

could try fire beast cutter if you're sick of saws
LHB, Tonitrus.
That's the very end of the game, that's not "building up".
Ask someone to unshakle you. Say please.
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>Great One Coldblood
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Can someone give me a tip for thematic build? I got kind of bored o my Gandalf as I already have a str/arc 98 build
preferably skill pls
Tomb prospector
I kinda wanted to do this for low-level co-op, but I've already had to fight orphan at a low level and fuck that shit
Crowhunter, Cainhurst outcast (planning on doing this one myself soon), Old Hunter with a Saif and the Burial Blade
that's actually pretty good idea, what weapon? Church pick?
Can I get some help with ebrietes im around level 65
Get skill to 50
Get all skill weapons and all clothes
Build together whatever you want whenever you want
Chalice or main game?
you beat hotdog twice for 2 fire radials then use the fire waning near the brainsucker

that's literally it
yes, pass?

thanks, but I'll probably do the tomb prospector
>tfw no tomb prospectors covenant
Apparently there was supposed to be one, a type of territorial invasion, but it was scrapped before release. I can't imagine why, I would've joined.
Main game
Sorry new to the game still I thought passwords were only for chalice dungeons I'm on the main game
It really bums me. covenants are unused potential in BB.
>tfw you realize threaded cane is the best weapon in the game
set a pass nonetheless, it allows us to match together faster and even if my level is higher
I'm confused about burial blade builds. Googled it and people are saying 50skl/25arc while there are saying the arc doesn't make much of a difference and 50skl/25 str is a better overall build.
It would have been great to see a "reverse" Hunters of Hunters covenant, blood-drunk hunters invading with a similar mentality to the Mound Makers. The same rules would apply as Executioner/Cainhurst, the blood-drunks could not assist HoH and immediately turn hostile. Territorial ones in the nightmare, insane hunters dedicated to protecting the Great Ones, be able to give offerings to the Logarius Statue in Cathedral Ward for Executioners, you get the idea. Covenants in BB could have been huge, but we can only "progress" in two of them (good luck getting on the leaderboard, with people duping Vermin and Blood Dregs), and two others are beast/kin transformations.
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this cover makes my peepee feel really really weird please help me
3/4 of the covenants in DaS3 are Shit, at least BB has iconic stuff with the execs, vilebloods and hoonters.

Arc doesn't matter on BB

Just who is this? It must be Cain, the founder of Cainhurst for sure.
>tfw no eye patch in BB
Thanks anon
A peepee should be left well alone.
Who wants help with something? I have 2 hours to kill

OK I set pass to "m1lf" gonna go ahead and start looking for a chime
teah ring a beckoning bell at lamp abd I'll be ringing smallie in a sec
What is it about opening chests that makes it exciting? Even when I know there's mould or some other ritual material in there I still go, oh boy look at all that treasure I'm about to loot.
Would fit right in the aesthetic, shame they didn't include it.
Thanks for the help anon I dunno if you wanna keep doing some co op but I'm about to go and try and fight mikolash for the first time
Not that guy but I'll ring outside the boss room
Kk put on the password "m1lf"
Would you describe Bloodborne lore as overly complicated?
Ringing now
No, it's the typical Miyazaki "write some obscure shit and autists will fill in the blanks" story
Just because its not spoonfed to you does not make it "overly complicated"
Is that "M1 -capital i- f" or is it a lowercase L?
Its Maria, Gehrmans edgiest apprentice. Her sole design is to be bullied as she staggers after most attacks, only aBle to attack via cheap Iframes, which can easily be dodged

Probs the reward part of your brain saying, hey well done you found something that looks significant, even if it is a +0.9 Arc up gem-have a pat on the back and do it again. The other part of your brain is the one congratulating you after you beat something "hard" in Bloodborne I beat most things now, learned their patterns etcetc. The only things I find challenging is the wait until BB2 or a new soulsborne-esque game and/or gank spanks in normie PvP
yeah sorry for that, I had to fight through upper cathedral and didn't make it in time ringing for mikolas
Ok this is a very dump question but how do i replay bosses
NG+. That's it. Although it does get pretty easy to rush to them since you have the weapon upgrades already
you don't, some bosses are present in chalice dungeons but you can't replay them in the main game, have to wait for NG+. Or ring a smallie in ccase someone need help with it
ng+ my dude, or a new character
replay the game on a new character, ng+ or find them in chalice dungeons
Or you can get summoned for them by the other people.
So if you're Leona I totally just killed you because I forgot to change my rune out
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>Spoonfed Redditfag complaining he cant collect lore cards which clearly outline everything that happened in order, rather than having the same perspective as the hunter, who kinda has no idea what the fuck is going on, but plays along anyway.
Figure it out and try to piece the story together yourself, like the hunter you play as would. Much more fun. Most of the cutscenes/characters give you a rough idea of what is going on, Scooby Doo that shit and figure out your own headcanon; then see if it fits with the overall consensus. The only thing people don't know in BB is where Guidance III is located

>all those implied implications in the greentext

M8 you need to calm down.
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>Implied Implications
What did he mean by this?
Nope. Vague =/= complicated
it's miles more comprehensible than dark souls.
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What's a good weapon to ease me into strength builds? I've played through the game several times using SKL and BLT weapons, but I just can't wrap my head around the heavy weapons playstyle. Church Pick and Burial Blade are the "heaviest" weapons I can use without getting fucked constantly.
lurk moar
Wheel or the Boomhammer. You really just need to get around them and punish their combos instead of trying to interrupt or stunlock them
saw cleaver
You know you can trick and untrick weapons? You know, if you need to go fast you can just use the silver sword on Kirkhammer for example. Like what kind of question is this, try all out and use the one you like the most.
What do you guys spend your echoes on? I have the storage max of every consumable after farming gems
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Its literally there for you to figure out as the game loads. If that is complicated for you, you need to go back to CDPR/ GTAV tier games where it is nigh given to you on a silver platter whilst the waiter offers to wipe your arse and refill the formula in your bottle-easy for braindead, young, moronic consumers to absorb (if they can be bothered to watch any of the cutscenes anyways) Pic related
So what's this poison wheel build I've heard about?
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Piss off redditfag. Just read the sticky?
A Shitter is a Shitter, even in a dream...
Away, away-A foul beast!
Buy absolutely everything, then it's a game on how much can you get
how the fuck do i beat cauliflower heads in PVP? the range on their R1 is ridiculous; it hits you even when you've literally dodged out of hte way to his left or right and does half my hp in dmg.
dash R1 punish their dash R1 spam
>tfw their dash R1
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>Being this upset that you didn't recognize a dead meme

Parry their attacks because they have a 2 second windup
Exquisite. Well memed my friend.
Can you faggots shut the fuck up with your mudslinging and talk more about the game
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>Slow=Too slow to be effective
>Rapid=Weak form of Frenzy
Imo, both are viable in PvE, rapid should be viable in PvP but you would need to keep constant pressure with the wheel or pizza cutter for it to work (Only 2 weapons where it can be really be utilised)
Someone in FC was trying to make it work 1 or 2 FC's ago because they accidentally found some Korean tier dirty gems whilst farming for normal gems, cant remember who though. Ask again whilst FC is on and they might be on, they will probs know more than this whole thread combined about the viability of poison
Says the mudslinger
Do it yourself, faggot.
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We've got two or three new regular posters, and all they do is shitpost.

Enjoy neo-/bbg/.

Some of the ""oldfags"" actually wanted this
But what if it were the total effort of one new shitposter, so great that he made us all reply to his mudslinging accusation? /bbg/ is chill most of the time anyways, just ignore/block him, like we do with the trip-poster
Hey i'm new and I only have legit discussions when I post. Which isn't often
Church Pick, Ludwig's, Kirk, Threaded Cane, Rosmarinus, Repeating Pistol, maybe Beast Claw since it's in the dungeons and Tomb Prospectors are graverobbers
>the enemies' blood turn to pale after some time
what did they mean by this?
Anyone for defiled pth hotdog? Pass is dog ringing at the fog
I'm cumming
Hey faggot try walking back to the lamp
just finished it but we can do layer 3 if you want, same pass

thanks hibiki
I have a homework for bbg, next time we fap we try to do the most Ludwig like Ahhhh that we can do right when we come.
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Hibiki is based contributor to /bbg/ summons
I have seen you before. If you are out there, you have a general thanks from me anyways.
I'm actually not even sure what hit me, ringing again
>never going to be able to cum again without seeing half of Ludwig's face
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Motivate me /bbg/

I'm really bad at the game but I wanna finish my claws build for coop
>can finish the game without a single point of damage
>die to phase 1 amy
Can Yharnam Stone be used for something?
its ok we got her, im gonna be moving through more chalices to the queen if you want more co-op

thanks hibiki
Summon help?
got self-conscious in company eh?
I'd love too! Same pass?
It's ridiculous, I try to do things I would never do if playing alone
insight messengers of the nightmare recognize you as someone very valuable and provides high-end ritual materials (level 5 blood and bloodshrooms)
yeah ill be ringing in lower loran layer 1 lamp in a moment need 2 more insight to buy something
pffftt I want moar
alright ringing now in lower loran layer 1, same pss, sorry thta took so long
obviously you don't get the importance of chalices and incoagulable blood
yeah yeah, all those sweet autism gems. But I want more lore or a new super secret boss that gets unlocked with this stone.
>buried under layers of nightmare labyrinths
Only 8,2% of the BB players killed Yharnam. You reach her after at least 17 bosses (last one being her giant dog), isn't that enough of an hidden boss?
I got red spider murdered sorry
but the game spoiled me, I'll always want more
Thanks for the coop
thats ok thanks for playing!
Can someone help me with crow lady?

Last time I talked to her was outside the church. Remember her saying something about her going to hunt some hunter who's gone crazy, and for me NOT to go where ever she was heading. So, I didn't, was worried that it would mess up her quest line/make her angry if I didn't follow her orders (1st/blind play thru)

Anyway, currently making my way through the forest (forbidden?) area, and thought I'd better check up on NPCs (the ol' grumpy grandma, etc.) -- then it reminded me of crow lady, since I haven't seen her since out last encounter. So I warped to the Odeon tomb or whatever it's called, and no-one's there -- crow lady, crazed hunter, or dead bodies.

Looked online (really confused rn...), and apparently you were supposed to go there (even tho she said not to, and seems v stern 'bout it?) pretty much immediately after warping back to The Hunter's Dream at least once.

Have I progressed too far? She seemed really cool, was hoping she's give me her armour or something if I progressed her quest line far enough... is there any way to salvage this? (Also opened all the gates, even bought to 10k just incase even tho I already had it opened... what a waste.)

Thanks for any help.
Go to the Cathedral where you fought Amelia once the red moon is out. In the OP is a checklist for collectables and npc interaction, use that for your 2nd playthrough.
this reeks of underage redditor
I wish this was true. I don't want to NG+
You won't be able to finish the questline. Your only choice is to head to Grand Cathedral once you reach the blood moon stage of the game.
RIP Hibiki, you will be remembered.
Everyone here was a newfag once and he's being polite about it, leave it be. Questlines in Bloodborne can be obscure at best. It's no DS3, but still.
Sorry, I didn't shower for some time now.
I meant he types like an underage redditor, don't care if he's new
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>tfw arrow spamming in mergos pvp
ringing in pth ihyll challice layer 1 hibiki, time to kill the queen
want some extra halp?
sure, pass is dog
Shhh, it's alright.
>make an frc dungeon
>open chest
>cursed odd arcane gem
>add 74.3 arcane
>increase stamina
Didn't know those could go that high
is there any way to filter srrc by which type dungeon to look for the bell in?
if not then there should be
searching now, hopefully wont take long.
your quest will have another challenger in the cathedral
you won't get the hunter's rune

the stone only unlocks the blood and mushblood, not the body part materials (you'll need to kill gehrman to get these)
Thanks, shame. Did I just leave it too late? Seems like I was on track, but the wiki doesn't specific a cut-off point where she'll disappear.

Just trying to provide enough info, instead of asking vague, redundant question which would lead to multiple replies.
>Tfw you have the Loch Shield in your second offhand slot in the Loft for the common BLT bullet spammer, uncommon ARC tool spammer and the rare Arrow spammer
Its quite shocking how hard the shield can mitigate damage as long as you still move around as usual, yet is still underused and deemed shit-tier.
It's not a Dark Souls shield-the moment you realise that, you can use it and its wooden brother (earlygame/pre loch shield only) to mitigate a good chunk of ranged burst damage often.
The trigger is touching the skull and if you then reload the are (e.g. if you go to Hunters Dream) she'll be gone. Ignore the wiki for now and just roll through, the first playthrough is always a mess.
I wish the wiki would stay off speculations and stick to proven stuff. we have youtube memers for speculation.
I never got an inflicted organ nor a yellow backbone from the dogs during the game, so why does the hunter cut one in half, during the opening kinematic?
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>250+ hours in the game
>6 characters on 120 or 98 meta level
>sverak hours in FRC dungeons to get good gems
>start a new game after a long time and everything is pretty easy
>papa gascoigne enters his 3rd stage
>heart starts racing
I can never keep my head calm when he goes berserk, amazing first boss desu
is 870 damage good for a chikage unzip?
at blt 50 and chalices gems, it's average
A full blood chikage with 50 blt does around 1000-1100 on unzip.

So 870 is pretty decent.

It's like newfags don't even read the stuff in the OP.
The plot of dark souls is infinitely more comprehensible than bloodborne

>Dark Souls
>clear establishment of who the major players in the world are
>there's an ancient prophecy about the undead, ring this bell.
>ring bell, ancient serpent tells you fate of the undead, relink the fire and end undead curse. Everything from there is in service to trying to link the fire (yeah there's shit with Kaathe but this is the perspective of a first playthrough)

>you're in yharnam getting treatment for some disease
>werewolves errywhere
>die, go to a dream, some old fuck tells you to just kill beasts, a note on the ground tells you to "seek paleblood"
>wander around killing random shit, eventually find way into mensis nightmare and game over

I prefer the gameplay of bb but the story of dark souls is a lot more comprehensible. Having obscure player character motivation doesn't necessarily make BB better.
It's the perfect mix of gameplay, sound, music and pacing, you can never have a truly flatline reaction unless you're playing the game muted or something.
I always just put him instantly to form 3 so his first two forms are more crazy.
Because it looks cool

>Implying the first boss is the best boss
I feel you man, the best thing is with Ludwig/Kos coming later, its even better. I mean either Cleric Beast or Gascoigne shits on most other first game bosses
>Huge fucking animal, bigger than everything you have seen so far, that just jumps over a huge wall like it was a farmers gate
>A guy you could previously summon- also the first hunter you see in action bar you, which transforms with an imposing battle theme on top
Bullshit, there's more to bb plot than that. After you kill Amelia you get a glimpse of Willem and Byrgenwerth, reaching that place you see that their dabbling created this mess and that the Great Ones need to be disposed of in order to lift the nightmare.
>tfw fight for Maria's weapon costed me 3 bone daggers and 5 tries
I don't even know why I'm doing it.
gotta collect all the treasure
>Gilbert tells you to get into cathedral ward
>gates are closed what do?
>Granpa tells you to go to OY
>meet Alfred on the way
>bla bla bla Healing Church
>bla bla bla Burgerworth
>finish OY and find way to open gates
>oh hey healing church, let's check the big cathedral
>only werewolf girl and some skull with some adage
>oh hey burgerworth
>kill some spider in a lake
>find the nightmare newborn and silence it's cries!
>find newborn and silence it's cries
>Granpa says gg and cuts my head off

Idk seems kinda okay for me.

What is this
7zip. Used to compress stuff.
Dark Souls gives you simpler, more comprehensible objectives as a player, at least at the start, but overall setting and story are much more obscure and incoherent, in my opinion.

All the cycles shit, lords of cinder, abyss, humanity, "gods", completely incomprehensible time periods, a lot of kingdoms we never see functioning, changing world map etc. etc.

Meanwhile Bloodborne has a lot of unclear stuff in the background (Pthumerians, Loran, Queen Yharnam and the like), but it's core is a coherent story of Byrgenwerth's folly. I find Bloodborne's personalities much more relatable and general progression of events more of a story and less of a mish-mash of myths and legends and half-forgotten things.
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>Granpa says gg and cuts my head off
Rakuyo is pretty great, it's worth it.
Unless you're not running a skill build in which case you're just a completionist like me.
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>tfw that old guy in the wheelchair in the tower thing up the lift from oeden chapel with his 30000000000000 caliber rifle
>tfw getting shot off the ledge
I'm on my first playthrough with STR/random shit build. I want to see what I can. And do decent build some time later. Moveset of this thing is cash though. I want to do some well thought SKL/BTG build sometime soon after small break.
I do it every playthrough just to show myself I can.
Hardest goddamn fight in the game.
Except maybe HMPH.
is 50 arc enough for pvp and frc dungeons on 98 build?
totally playing bb with headphones makes it a different experience

how do you put him instantly to phase 3?

He is the best first boss in any game I have ever played desu. Kos pressures you kuch more but he can be easily parried which cools me down. Ludwig's aggresivity is really great but I Papa still makes my heart race more, not saying he is better boss than the two, but I just don't know how to fight him and his jumping attacks are so fast. I usually jist run and throw molotovs at him on ng, on next playthroughs I just use firepaper to kill him quickly.
If you use the music box three times he'll automatically go to phase 3.

His third phase is pretty easy so I just do that.
just parry nigga
Dark souls lore only really becomes messy over the course of 2 and 3 being really bloated messes in terms of story/lore that I think are a lot weaker than the first. Lordran and the story of linking the fire is pretty tight in DaS1 and doesn't bring in that stupid shit with cycles (cough sequels) and just focuses on the current characters that are apart of the world rather than the time travel/lords of DaS3 and just the random shit of DaS2 where you don't even know a character is important until you've killed them
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>parry zero-startup HMPH

Teach me sensei.
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>mfw I heard Yharnam citizens talking to themselves for the first time
this game mane
Do not worry Hibiki, I have killed her. Thank you for the help! Now I have platinum.

And thank you too Max and Silver.
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>tfw doing this fight for fun
Press L1 followed by R1
i think i asked this in the previous thred but i just wanted abit more input, on a SL98 planned str build is it worth putting 1 extra point into skill to be able to use the cannon?
You can actually parry the shark giants pretty easily.
And I personally never manged to parry HMPH even once.
Post your planned build.
>Finally reach Queen Yharnam.
>She splits into three copies.
>"oh fuck"
>Run up and smack one of them.
>Dissipates in one hit.

That fight was kind of disappointing for all the effort you have to go through to get to it.
Yes, you can fit 25 Skill into a BL98 Strength build easily with no major Vit cut.
Those guys were memorable enough that I didn't mind them. They made people think about how to kill them.
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Tfw seeing my name on BBG
Stand about 7 feet back
He'll swing, the first hit will miss without dodging, parry the second
The dash L1. It unzips the blade from its' sheath with an audible sound and an attack, them can be shook off after to lose minimal health for maximum damage
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>I hope I live through the night
>I know you're there stranger
Is Hibiki the local Blanche/Charlotte?
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If I want to do a Rakuyo/BoM skl build. I am thinking 50/50 vit/skl but where should I put the remaining points? I was thinking endurance when I don't really need Strength. What do you guys think it's the best way to go?

how is hos 3rd stage easier sempai? You can parry his attack and generally he is slow and you can hot him easily. He then moves super fast and can't be parried and doesn't stagger at all.
How do you do it?
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why was this even a thing
>wonder why my damage feels so low
>realize it's because I'm leveling two stats (skill and bloodtinge) equally instead of just pumping one then the other since there's no weapon that simultaneously benefits from both

I mean it's fun getting to bowblade dudes with both its forms but I'm probably missing out on a couple hundred points of damage until I get 50 in both
Take him up to the balcony and just wait for him to do the flurry attack.

He can't actually hit you if you just walk to his sides so he has one attack.
>He then moves super fast and can't be parried and doesn't stagger at all.
Both false.
If it's just BoM/Rakuyo, you don't need any Strength investment above 10. Several Skill weapons still benefit 25 Strength like Saif, Burial Blade, Church Pick, etc. 10 Blt for Bowblade and Reiter. 15-18 Arc for Hunter Tools, 20 for Exe gloves for an extra edge. 20 End with an Anti-Clock or 2 is enough for everything. 25 Blt is a bit dumb but if you aren't interested in any of the other options I suppose you might as well go for it.
Does anyone know what that huntsman says right after you pass arianna and go up the stairs? He stands next to the rifleman and calls out the rest of the mob. I know it's unique to him because it always sounds like something only he says during that encounter.
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How do I take on those huge snakepile things in the Forbidden Woods? the ones that spit poison at you and shit
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>Need a Radial Cold Abyssal for my Hunter's Axe
>"Guess I'll go get one"
>Get it in about 20 minutes
>Bored again
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Dodge behind them
Like every other enemy in the game.
>enemy starts flailing its weapon/claws/tentacles aimlessly in all directions
>parry them or dodge behind them and backstab
does the tricked Reiter do more damage than Evelyn at high blt?
Absolutely not
What the hell is that damage?
which is better for str builds, a triangle slot or crescent slot?
With full 31.5% OoS yes if you aren't using BMA on the Evelyn.
read the O P it's a triangle your welcome
>tfw pvp is a lot more fun without guns
Guns should have to be manually reload after every shot. The repeater could have 2 shots then need to be reloaded.
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Was he just trying to do the right thing?
Are Laurence and Ludwig the only bosses you can summon Valtr for?
Absolutely not. He was a zealot.
A-actually I'm Silver
I was more popular months ago but I stopped playing and now I'm back
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is there any way to equip fashion gear in this game? I really want to wear the top hat, but the stats are shite
>bothering with stats over fashion in BB
Stats mean very little, except with Poison and Frenzy.
Possibly beasthood too but I've never gone in for that so idk.
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>caring about armor stats in a souls game
>thinking those stats really matter
>is there any way to equip fashion gear in this game?
Literally the only way there is. Unless for special occasions like stacking poison or frenzy resist armor stats don't matter for shit.
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How high do I actually have to level END? I can't tell who to trust since some people say to leave it at base while other say 20-30 is the meta.
so im aiming for SL98 and im currently at 78 on my arc build with the stats 40/12/10/11/5/50. where should i go now with it point wise to make it ideal for pvp and frc?
Just level it to 15, run with it for a while and get a feel whether that's enough for you or not. In my experience it's just fine for any weapon that's not particularly stamina-heavy.
Base, maybe put one or two points.

I mean, just get in game and try spamming r1. See how many times you can hit, if you really need to hit more than 10 times then go for END but those stats definitely could be better spent elsewhere.

And even if you do think you need more END why not just run a rune which does more than a couple of levels.
Go to 40 and equip 2 counter clockwise runes to combo the entire game to death on NGMax
It's ideal for FRC now but you could either get Arc to 70 for extra Hunter Tool damage or put some into Str/Skl to meet weapon requirements. 25/12+ for Str/Arc.
Forbidden Woods dude here

Stumbled upon some area with a bunch of blue aliens, but it just leads to a dead end. Did I do something wrong?
That's what I was thinking. I just find it weird since going from 8-15 end gives me 12 stamina, which isn't even enough for a single hit with the weapon I'm using.
no thats just how it is, theres some insight things there but thats it
would it be worth putting afew points in stam?
Yeah, more END certainly helps in PvE where R1 spam is viable but in pvp you don't need to spam your weapon that much and if you are chances are you'll get parried and die.

Better to put it into ARC for tools or some other dump stat.

thanks. I also found this elevator that connects to the first elevator. will it stay that way now?
Nah, just slap a 20% Anti-Clock Rune and you're fine. I run 12 End on my Pure Arc and Str/Arc builds, never complained about it.
20 has been working fine for me with a counterclockwise rune, but 15-20 should work fine with runes. You really wouldn't need anything past 25, unless you won't be using runes to increase it. Keep in mind, endurance also boosts poison resistances, however slightly.
i'm autistically grinding gems from the winter lanterns, i have a full set of 22.3% Kin DMG Down for my Chikage, and a second set for my Bloodletter.

However for the sake of my guns, does durability down really matter? I doubt guns get that worn out right?
It does not affect guns, neither does stam curse.
wait so if i have stam curse, it wont affect the stamina cost of my weapon swings/rolls?
use it then yes
Yes it will, you made a shortcut
You'll make another more convenient one very soon
Guarded by a very nice man with an axe
It won't affect guns at all. It's very unnoticeable on weapons, doesn't affect rolls. It's the best curse for general use.
anyone wanna help with lower loran abhorrent beast? password is boltmeme
oh really? i thought it would be awful so i've been farming exclusively kin down

>mfw (5)
It's a good curse, Kin as well since there's not a lot of Kin. Dura Down for a few right-hand weapons if you don't mind repairing everytime you go the Dream. Dura Down doesn't affect Bowblade arrows too.
wait so if i'm exlusively using the bowblade for arrow form i can put 3 dura down gems into it and it wont break on me?
yes, all my dura gems go into my bowblade
>tfw vaping (like an autist), pizza, diet coke and bloodborne
>the rest of my life might be bad, but my life when im on bloodborne is cozy
>tfw can't make a buff chick in BB
What's the optimal skill build look like? I know everything else goes like 50/25 but I doubt skill builds get all that much out of strength?
>Large Upper Body
>Aged Female Voice
>wear big armor like Butcher's or Executioner's
Pro-tip: next tine you see someone using Blades of Mercy, pull out the wooden shield.

I've had invaders blank out because my four Pulsing gems (I had two offshapes) were out-healing them. And an entire stamina bar of R1 spam left me with about half my stamina.
Some Skill weapons do get extra damage from 25 Strength like >>165270094 mentioned
just tried this in mergos, fucked up their attempt at BoM
Would I lose out on anything by pushing all the way to level 117? Where else should I invest points into beyond 50 vit, 20 end, 50 skl, 25 str?
117 came from 98, which has its own benefits that you'll miss out. I'd say Arc for Tools would be nice.
Wouldn't I have to leave strength at base if I wanted to go 98?
Nah, you could fit 25 Strength on a Bl98 Skill build without any major loss. Something like MV: 45/15/25/50/7/6
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>tfw showing Amelia a good time
What benefits does 98 have? This is apparently a huge issue of debate, but I frankly don't see any upside.
Avoids 150?

Don't really see why that matters.
avoids 150
closer to 100 (where builds are still builds)
hundreds of hours of research in cum, memes, lore, pvp and more memes went into deciding that 98 was the best meta
Avoids Reddit 150s, avoids getting invaded by 120s, can invade down to 80, fairly good co-op range, able to have 50 and 25 in two damage stats with 40-50 Vit usually. It's a meta thing but not a big deal, 117 was created to invade 98s with a level advantage.
Wouldn't 117 serve the same purpose? I would think it could avoid the 150s, still get summons/be summoned, be the improved version of 98 with an edge.
I've never used the amygdalan arm, Logarius Wheel, Stake Driver, or Tonitrus, AMA.
150s can't invade you but you can invade them at 117. Several people don't like going above 100 either, 120 is the universal meta but even people here abhor it.
Staying away from 120, I can understand that, it seems too close for 150s to invade. Not going past 100 just seems excessive, though. I usually play 110 and plan on 117s in the future, and I've never had a major problem.
>120 is the universal meta but even people here abhor it.
Because it's too high for the greatest part. 117 is enough for a 4x/4x hybrid, and more than enough for a 25/25/50 HMLS build.

And honestly the game just stops being difficult at those levels. Trying to keep your BL and Vit/End as low as possible is a nice way to retain some semblance of challenge.
anyone who goes above 98 is no better than a beast
what would be the best SL98 arcane build?
At 120 and above? Past that just seems excessive to me.
Even beasts were once human. Did Djura teach you nothing? Consider that the beast moves in one direction: forward. It keeps coming, never ceasing attempts to satisfy it's bloodlust. It uses whatever it can to obtain its target. Beasts themselves were used for the creation of hunter equipment we wouldn't survive without (Beast Roar, Beast Claw, Blood Pellets, various runes). They're amazingly versatile, able to take a multitude of forms from the humanoid to the oversized. We don't hunt them out of hatred, we hunt them because we fear them. Djura knew this, but his uncommon kindness and dreadful foolishness prevented him from revealing his proof to the hunter communities.

>50/25 With 50 Vit and 20 End standard
Its 50/20/One max stat/Three min stats. Thats why the Chikamemers and the HMSfags get away with 117, otherwise they would have a near useless weapon. I can tell you haven't made a /bbg/ PvP character yet if you spout this bs
Depends if it's Pure Arc or Str/Arc and what weapons you wanna use
waste of skin
best for pve anyway
I never mentioned End you idiot
Cruel Fate, 44/12/16/20/5/50 can use every convertible weapon in the game except Stake Driver at BL97.

At BL99 (18str) it could use every convertible weapon.

If you want the Stake Driver and not the Rakuyo, 44/12/18/14/5/50 leaves you at BL93; 5 levels to play with.
>Beast are good because if they didn't exist, we wouldn't have anything cool to hunt them with!
>Venomous creatures are good because without them, we wouldn't have antivenom to treat bites from venomous creatures
Do you see the flaw in your logic?
You unsightly beast apologist
kek, have fun doing frc with 31
2 clockwise and 31=1420 hp
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Sorry should I have halved that for you too? I know math is hard for amerifats, that would be 710 which is still fine.
and then take off what you lose in frc. youll be well memed
IMO bring that Vit up to 49. Steak dinner needs more end too to function viably, otherwise its just a waste of a build.

From experience, redistribute End to 20 by either 50Str/min stats or min stats/50arc for a Steak build
I did it with 30
It isn't that bad at all
Has all that insight fried your brain? I never said the beasts were good. Hell, I never even insinuated that. We started using them in the hunt partially because we feared them and we saw how powerful they were. We took something we grasped as more powerful than we, and tried to weaponize it to use it against them. It worked. The beast itself is horrifying, and infinitely more powerful than an unarmed human.
They're stronger than we are, and we both hate and fear them for it. We tried emulating them, and it worked decently.
>Venomous creatures are good because without them, we wouldnt have antivenom to treat bites from venomous creatures
Which could lead to a better exploration of medicine and treatment that isn't even involved with the venomous creatures.
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Good post, top keks were indeed had. What you need however, are more eye runes
I'm sorry that you're so shit at the game you can't do FRC with 31 vit.
>inb4 "sorry you can't handle FRCs at 710HP bro :^)"
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toppest of keks
>Not the point I was making
We need Lion cages because Lions
We need Fly Spray because Flys
We need Shark Repellant because Sharks
We need 4chan because Autists
No Beasts=No need for Beast hunting tools, everyone is happy

Just hunt some beasts, it's for your own good
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PvP is easy. Keep Vit at its minimum and don't get hit :DDDD le funni me me :D
Thread full of shitters today. At least luci isn't here.
How does: 45/18/18/12/5/50 sound for a 98 PVE/PVP arcane build? 18/12 for the whirligig saw.
He is always here. He just turned his tripcode off, so people would look at him. Wouldn't be surprised if he turns it back on and says Hi to you. Or he could be annoying /dsg/. Who knows? Who cares?
MM says Whirli only needs 16. You could go 16/14 and get the Church Pick.

18 End is overkill IMO. 15 at most.
>18 END
knock 5 off that and put it in VIT
>Not the point I'm trying to make
The beast is a creature we hate and fear because it stands over us in strength, and we do not understand it. Thus, we want what they have, which came through runes, weapons, and tools. A lack of them in the beginning would be the easiest solution, but with that not being the case, we use whatever we can, even if it means becoming our enemy.
At this point, I have no idea what we're even arguing about anymore. Any more shitting of this degree, and we'll summon Lucy from his hole. Call it at "Beasts are inherently evil, we both hate and fear them, without them we wouldn't need to make these absurd weapons."
This argument started because of a level disagreement and the usage of "beast" as an insult.
saw 18 bruh according to the game
oops, >>165283885
meant for >>165283751
It's what I have actually, works very well, shreds beasts with a fire gem on it. You need more End than you think with Whirli, so I just put on 2 Anticlocks and 1Clock on and that does the trick. Good luck with the build my dude, may the good blood guide you
can simebody help me getting through Cainhurst? I just opened the elevator shortcut and have a strong feeling I won't kiill logarius alone.
beckoning, pass is "filth" without quotes
reworked: 41/15/25/12/5/50 what about that so i oculd potentially use HMLS and tonitrus better
Agreed, not worth waking Luci up over a simple error.

Ahh, But what we need are need are more ayys
looks fine, make sure to go clock2/clock3/anticlock3 if you plan on doing FRC
Can never have too many ayys.
alright thanks. as >>165284138 said, atleast 15 stam because of whirlimeme taking up alot
Does anyone know if the jp version of Bloodborne has any differences with the western version outside the jp voice track? Even something network related like what server it connects to?
I'd run it. Looks good. 41 Vit can be tough though. I hate going below 44.
Whirligig chews up End, one of the few weapons I keep End closer to 20 than 15. Last build was best, this one isn't as good for Pizzigig
ok just ringing at fog before Logarius
im abit hesistant about going under 45 personally but fuck it, maybe itll force me to git gud
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>tfw you notice a note you made has a foul rating
i genuinely hate it when it has alot of fines and some cunt rates it foul
What we need, are ayys on the inside

Not him, but I agree with him, you need that shit closer to 20 than 15 to use Whirli. Last build was fine, with 2 anticlocks
A few of the names have different literal translations (Bloodletter literally translates to Phelbotomy Hammer, and absurdly apt name), but I wouldn't imagine there being any differences past trivial things.
anyone wanna help me with lower loran abhorrent beast? password is boltmeme
>tfw you rated foul by accident while trying to rate fine
Grant us ayys, grant us ayys.
Now this is the shitposting I can get behind.
>When it says 'Take a step forward' next to a cliff/Hemwick Bridge/a fire
>362 Fine

That shit deserves fouling, poor newfags could hurt themselves
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99% of builds come in way below 98 too. You don't even have to try to squeeze until you start doing hybrids.
so will 15 could be ok on the 41/15/25/12/5/50 for whirli aslong as i use anticlocks?
We are thinking on the basest of playyynes. What we need...is more ayys
Post webms
my best only has 5 and its beware of liar outside iosefkas door. new character though tbf
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>no build with 50 vit
I went to 137 so I could help you shit on bosses
I-I just wanted to help
Anticlocks are %based. 20 would've been optimal on the build, as the extra effective % mean I could've slapped 2 cocks and an anticlock, rather than 2 anticlocks and a clock. I would go on a limb an say it's worth the investment in End at a cost to Vit, as the extra clock would've more than made up for the points lost in not having the Clock (15% of 1409 or 25% of 1332 or something like that)
MM is wrong, whirligig needs 18 str
but then id be at 36 vit and id probably get fully memed in frc. 16 would be ok with 40 vit?
I have your new message ringtone good hunter
If I make an executioner twink for cainhurst, how will I identify whether the people I invade are proud executioners in training or filthy vilebloods trying to get to their disgusting queen?
>>165285940 is an idiot. Just ignore him.

Don't go to 40 Vit.
How to get ratings-a quick guide

Go to a main route area, preferably earlygame
>Whatever you wanna say
>'But rating is effective'/'but don't forget rating'

Eg Outside Gascoigne='Treat Hunter with care, but rating is effective' 342 Fines 5 Fouls before getting to BL98
Don't forget to lock those Notes as well, otherwise you could accidentally delete one (8 up at one time)

Repeat X7
The immense brayyn that Mensis retrieved from the nightmare was indeed lined with ayys on the inside, but they were of an evil sort, and the brayyn itself was terrible rotten.
You take your autism pills.
>t. vilecuck
Over here! It brings sickness and death
Actually, summon yourself for people. If they're proud Executioners or innocent hunters, you can assist them in reaching the queen to extract justice.
If they're filthy blood heretics, you will arrive to deliver a swift punishment, adding another smear onto your Wheel.
>tfw Vileblood Queen
>tfw masked girls are your fetish
But they wouldn't have the vileblood oath yet if they're fighting logarius
pls, bl:42
do it for alfred
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>Amelia turned Satanist
I meant with the first build you posted. Of course take the hit to Str before the hit to Vit, but it is exclusively to shred with an Arc Whirli. Dont try some, Steak/Whirl/HMS bs, you can only equip 2 at a time. With the first whirli build you posted, you go Whirligig/Kos para, for the shredder and the S-Scaling tentacles
Tonitrus works with previous build
HMS=50Str/Rest Arc
Steak=50Str/Rest Skl
Fair enough. There wouldn't be any way to know until you're gone. Hopefully, they know the right choice.
anon pls
>wears a bra
Please, oh Hunter, please get me some Brayyn fluid, I need some Brayyn fluid so much

Stop it. Get some help.
Are you giving him such retarded advice on purpose? Or are you just actually retarded?
Its easy to tell whether they levelled dex or strength
Why does Amelia scream so much?
cos she wants the dick
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>have done this multiple times

I'm so sorry, whoever left those notes.
To clarify, either
45/18/18/12/5/50 (Your first)
44/19/18/12/5/50 (Idfk)
43/20/18/12/5/50 (What I would recommend from experience with the build)

With the final being my pick of choice for a Whirl/KosPara/Tonitrus build only. No plebbitfriendly LHB or HMS allowed.
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Because you don't pet her enough.
my dick
If you are gonna shitpost Luci, at least turn on your tripcode. I can tell your style of phrasing things a mile off.
T. /s/fur
You need to go back
if you know its luci then why are you replying to him
As long as we don't reference him or even think about him, we won't summon him from his hole.
Who is talking about cursing whom wen the amygdala transports you to hunter's jightmare?
Because you're Lucy!
I'm Lucy!
Everyone is Lucy!
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Welp, now Im having trouble with the Shadows of Yharnam, ANOTHER fucking boss that Im sure nobody else here has had issues with. Think ill just grind until Im around, say, Level 80 or so. I dont care if it makes the rest of this Christfucking game a cakewalk, Im so sick of getting trolled by this shit. Also, fuck the LHB. Ive dumped tons of SKL into it, and its still pissweak compared to my +6 Hunters Axe. Holy shit Im so fucking angry now. Time to turn this game off.
someones cursing the hunters who fucked up the fishing hamlet
Maria. People will say it's not Maria, that it's Kos or some shit. But it sounds like Maria
Kos cursing the hunters who hunted in the Fishing Hamlet, and every hunter after them.
Not really. It's far huskier than Maria's, the accent is much more pronounced, and Maria would have been in with the group hunting in the Fishing Hamlet.
I've never heard him openly insult anyone. He usually deflects by upselling himself. I'm not the tripfag, just an anon wondering why you don't seem to understand that Stake Driver is convertible and that 20End is ridiculous overkill.
Join the League. Bring Henryk and Madaras. It turns into a 3v3.
>tfw you remember when luci mentioned his mom killed herself
kosm, dude
I made one such note infront of a cliff rock that you fall through in the beginning of Forbidden Woods.
It's rather popular.
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>Also, fuck the LHB. Ive dumped tons of SKL into it,
If you use the saif you are a fag
anyone wanna help me with camerabeast?
password is boltdog
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Unlike you
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Leave note before queen along the lines of "Wondrous woman therefore time for seduction". Pretty sure Executioner fags are fouling it
Forgive me
But I only see 1 flat fire gem and it's a waning
There is no flat bolt/fire radial triangles?
Funny story about the Saif, actually.
>Going through Nightmare of Mensis
>Just want to finish quickly to turn into a squid
>Get invaded by some guy cosplaying as a Crowhunter
>Remain still and lock onto him, wait for him to come closer
>R1 dash with Saif, lock him in combo
>He's dead in 5 seconds
I think that moment was my induction to the society of shitters. An asshole move, but I just wanted to get through the place.
no you
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Need help anon?
thanks for the help with camerabeast
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25/50 str/arc vs 50/25 str/arc for hmls?
What the actual fuck is that picture?
The cosmos of course
50/25 for good basic attacks in either form; 25/50 for marginal basic attacks in either form but great beam attacks.
Booting up now, on my way. Fixed Lower Loran, correct?
done soon after i posted that mate sorry ;_;
God dammit Hibiki, quit getting my hopes up.

Good to have you back m8
>tfw hibiki is absolutely everywhere
>tfw hibiki is basically a guardian angel for shit people
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>Focus fireball dude, then Katana, them final one.
>Whilst focussing one Mr.Fireballs, get the other 2 stuck on one of the graves
>Use bolt paper
Dont worry, I struggled with Shadows first time through. Grind until you can clear the bottom part of the Forest without getting killed. Good Luck and try to keep spoilers to a minimum.
May the good blood guide you.

Steak dinner scales better with Str, so max out Str to get best use. In this game/ 98BL meta, 25/25 is good for nothing, so just max out the best attribute and call it a day. As far as I am aware for the other quality weapons, Cleaver/Claws/Steak=Better Str scale
SSpear=Better Skl scale

And yes I realise 20 end seems overkill, but with the Pizzagig my build would have benfitted greatly from slighllty more End, rather than 2 anticlocks, I vividly remember that it, along with AmyArm, Boom Hammer and HMS hava a noticeably larger stamina drain on most attacks compared to other weapons, thus would benefit more from extra End to get enough Stam for a Roll in/ AttackX2-3/ Roll out combo, which most weapons get naturally at ~15 End

There is method in my madness, don't worry.
I also think it actually doesn't sound like Maria plus I don't think she would be cursing hunters.

isn't written somewhere in credits or something? like Iosefka having twi different voice actors.
I'm not sure if I like the idea that it is Kos. Old ones talking in human voice seems kind of weird to me.
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Piggybacking off of this; 50/25 smashing or 25/50 revvin for wheel?
25/50 is the best all round
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>/Steak=Better Str scale
>so just max out the best attribute and call it a day.
You were saying? :^)
>there will never be a way to chuck a bucket of water over enemies so bolt does more damage
Dragon's Dogma a best
Dark Souls 1 lore was very straightforward. Bloodborne lore is much more ambiguous and obtuse. People living on in the dream after dying, the crime in the Fishing Hamlet, the Winter Lanterns being made out of messengers, there's all sorts of mysterious stuff in BB.
>there will never be any new bloodborne memes
Fucking christ on a hand basket, the god damn dlc on NG+, Maria was pretty okay, took me a few attempts but mr.Orphan, I fucking called in the reinforcements and parry spammed that shit, fucking hell.
It's Maria imo. It's her disillusion with the hunt after the fishing Hamlet that's why she an hero and makes the remake about corpse should be left alone e.g. Kos.
Not with that attitude
Yes, but there was a legitimate curse, something lain down by someone with enough power to cast a curse without end. Maria was just a hunter, Kos was essentially a god.
I thought winter lantern where made out of dolls?
Some people say that, but those people are blind.
Actually, there's a good amount of evidence. The clothes are strikingly similar (granted, covered in blood), and the hands are identical.
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Here we go again faggots, same deal as before I'm only going to post it once so if you can't stand it rest fucking easy
Some pvp footage compiled for your viewing pleasure:
Its head is made out of messengers, and it wears the doll's dress without the shawl.
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I don't know. Pretty dubious IMO.
That red is blood, friend. Why would the Cainhursts turn to Winter Lanterns? Also, the gold hem is missing and the sleeves on the Lanterns are much tighter.
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>tfw soloing bloodletting beast for the first time since i returned a week ago
so how do I gem BoM? 2 27.2% physical and what aboyt the third one?
Should I do 25/50 str/skl abd pur heavy abyssal on it?
I wasn't trying to imply that the Winter Lanterns are wearing Knight's Set, just that red/black doesn't equal Doll. I think the design team knows that blood doesn't show red on black fabric and so I think that red down the front is a red-stained piece of separate clothing, rather than just a trail of viscera and blood.

Now admittedly I haven't put a huge amount of effort into confirming that, and am open to being proven wrong.
you fight them like goliath pigs. Get really close, don't lock on, and keep rolling behind their back as they try to turn to face you
What torso piece should I use for an executioner miralda kosplay?
Yharnam hunter?
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Okay this is pretty convincing.
Yes, like blood. The majority of the Doll's dress itself is black, the brown shawl covers most of it, and is absent on the Lanterns. Consider the rule, that every reality must have:
>a hunter
>a Great One
>a Doll
In the Dream, Gehrman is the hunter, the Doll is, well, the Doll, and the Great One is the Moon Presence. In the waking world, we are the hunter, the Doll is the abandoned Doll in the Abandoned Workshop, and there are many Great Ones to choose from. In the Nightmare (the entirety is linked), Maria is likely the hunter, but could also be Micolash in his duty as the "host," we again have multiple Great Ones to choose from (Kos, Amygdala, Mergo), which leaves the Doll, likely the Lanterns.
This rule is speculation on my part, but remains constant in the different realities we face. Which leaves us to wonder the case for the Chalice Dungeons.
you're are gay lol
In the Dream, the Doll is everything we need; a compassionate caretaker with unyielding love for us. The Nightmare must be the polar opposite of the Dream, so it takes what we love the most and creates an unspeakable horror, something which harms us through mere sight.
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>you're are

You give the dipshit a (You) and that's the best insult you could manage?
Why not just use three 27.2% gems?

Heavy Abyysals are useless at 25 STR
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so it's decision time. SL90 and I'm aiming for SL98. I'm currently at 40/15/18/11/12/5/50. Do I either spread the points between vit and end so i have abit more stamina for whirligig saw or do I get 25 str and put 1 point into vit?
> Consider the rule, that every reality must have:
>a hunter
>a Great One
>a Doll

Jesus Christ, you took some headcannon and extrapolated 2 more headcannons from that.
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If you think you'll ever want to use the Wheel or HMLS I'd get 25 Str.
Like I said, speculation. It remains constant though, the evidence is all there.
But they're the same place, same world at least. The Hunter's Dream is the lowest layer of the Nightmare, hidden away at the bottom. The Frontier sits second from the top.
Good stuff
rofl you gay too
The Great One in charge of the Dream seems to have a fondness for the hunters, while the ones in the Nightmare are less than thrilled of our presence. Two different applications.
anymore opinions before i commit and give myself a good fucking if i mess up?
Tell you what, why don't you back up your save, then level. Play with it for a bit, revert, and try a different config.See what level of End you need to comfortably use the 'Gig.
>there will never be a respec option
carl used to give me hella trouble when i first played the game just couldnt figure him out for whatever reason died like 20ish in a row.
Quick, /bbg/, tell me what I need to know to do a SKL build?
Good, keeps the shitters out of PvP
50 VIT 50 SKL

Literally the easiest build in the game
>get 50 skill
>get church pick or saif
there, easy
You mean how it traps people in an endless cycle of undeath to be a surrogate child or to fulfill some obscure and violent action? Or how Gehrman's been there so long he can barely remember his own name? We don't know why exactly the Moon Presence does what it does, but it hardly seems beneficial to the people it affects. And when it doesn't get what it wants, a new surrogate, it tries killing us.
What are the ideal strength and arcane stats for a Tonitrus build? I'm pretty new to this game so I have no idea. Doesn't it scale more with arcane after you strike it?
25/50 STR/ARC.
The buff scales with ARC. Stack bolt gems and watch bosses melt.
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>first time playing
>get your shit pushed in so hard it comes out your mouth
>learn the patterns, learn to parry
>finally feel like you're getting good at him
>health goes down to like 40%
>get your shit pushed in so hard it comes out your mouth
>durability down gems on the tonitrus
Thoughts on ARC amy arm? Im running a wheel build and was thinking about a side weapon. Is it shit for arc?
Thanks! If the buff scales with arcane, why put the points into strength besides the minimum amount required to wield it?
The on hit is still a combination of phys/bolt, even if it does get a large amount of damage from arcane with the buff it still has a base amount of damage underneath that shouldn't be ignored
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the arc scaling is shit, like the BoM/BB it's just there to prevent it from being buffed and split the ar for some reason
Alright, I won't bother with that shit then. What about the boom hammer? I figure it works sorta like the tonitrus but I could be wrong.

I really just wanna use something for this build that isn't HMLS or tonitrus since ive used both for 300 hours on another character.
anyone wanna help me with fire doggo?
password is firedog
oops, forgot to mention its defiled fire doggo
It tried
thanks hibiki as usual
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>SKL/ARC build
lucy posting without a trip again top kek
Must be having an off day. Let's celebrate this while we can, he's sure to be back.
>implying that luci will be back. too much of a pussy.
If we keep talking about him, we'll summon him. If we keep him away, maybe we can starve his ego.
nah as i said, he's too much of a pussy
mmmm falling for the obvious bait. tasty.
Was that your clever ruse this whole time? Bait him out? It'll probably do more harm than good.
I think he's onto me

Anyone want to run NG+2 Hunter's Nightmare with me? Password will be REEE and I'll be beckoning at the first lamp, if anyone's interested.
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If we pretty much pretended he doesn't exist he would probably end up killing himself eventually
>thinks people wont notice him posting without his tag
>gets bated into putting on his tag
toppest of keks
Baiting him only fuels the ego. Pretend he isn't there, and it becomes less and less of a problem.
makes it better that he can be so easily baited though, shows to him how much of a retard he actually is
Now that he's here, he's not leaving. His arrogance has made him unaffected by any sort of criticism. Pretend Lucy doesn't exist and don't even bother with him. I learned this lesson the other day after an argument with him about a build. I escaped unscathed, at the cost of the thread going to shit. They made a new one right after, probably to contain the cancer.
It is not a good idea to summon him. It is never a good idea.
They are one of the toughest miniboss types sure, but pre patch drake keepers with infinite stamina repeating the same attack ad infinitum was worse just for how stupid it was. Also, BB shark giants are more dangerous by far. The trick with the outrider knights I find is to just strafe them and get behind.
>damage control
Honestly, Luci is probably the smartest person in these threads. We should all strive to be like Luci
>missing the "." at the end. c'mon man thats nothing like him
>tfw finally soloing defiled amy
i love executioner gloves
>get lower pthumeru chalice
>short 7 ritual blood 3 and none for sale
What the fuck
Got to do the side areas
What's the best gem setup for Holy Moonlight Blade with 99 ARC and base STR?

Specifically, I'm looking to get the most damage out of the projectile attacks.
arcane gems :^)

>tfw want to invade there but never get anyone
are you ringing jsut outside the boss area? if not then try that
I explored every inch except for on the last floor. Are there really 7 of them there?
>all those bell maidens summoning red enemies in Yahar'gul
>not a single sinister bell maiden
Can anyone help me with Headless Bloodletting Beast in Ihyll?

Pass is bbg
invasions are proximity based
doing that just makes it more likely for your host to be through the fog by the time you load in
NG+2 Laurence, anyone? I'll be beckoning at the fog, pass is REEE.
thats why you stand infront of the fog
I'm up, but I'm in NG+

Does it matter?
Not at all. Beckoning now.
Ringing but nothing's happening

Pass is "REEE"?
Yeppers. It takes a bit sometimes, just give it a minute. Make sure you're set to worldwide, and if it takes particularly long, restarting the PS4 sometimes solves the problem.
Nvm I'm retarded, was standing at Luwdig (haven't progressed past there yet)
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what is the best Isz glyph to farm triangle +27.2% gems from the merciless watchers boss?

IMO it is easiest to fight them on the 2-level arena, but it doesn't seem to make that much of a difference since they rarely gang up on you. But what glyph does it take the least effort to pull the lever each time?
Tempering abyssals have a secondary effect right?
What's the maximum possible rally potential I could get on one?
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>invade someone in middle mensis
>spawn right in front of him
>LHB and ludwigs rifle
>try to bow because "polite way to pvp"
>starts hitting me and gets me down to 1/3 hp
>spams ludwigs rifle
>parry him and fuck him up
feels good
5pwujscd is the one I used. Has everything you asked for.
Are you still searching?

I've been ringing for ages now.
so what exactly is the point of shining coins?
only thing I can think of is mucking about in pvp/co-op
Sorry, was supposed to reply to >>165305003

No but I'll get on it now.
I think rally potential goes up to +5% or +6% as a secondary effect. See >>165243593 explanation
I used them to get my bearings during my first run through the forbidden woods
You sure the password is on? "bbg" without quotes
oh, nice
guess marking up chalice dungeons or something would work
best is still leaving a trail of coins, hiding at the end as messengers, then popping out clapping when someone shows up
Coins are so you do not get lost if you are new to the game. You can also see them through walls and doors IIRC, like between the closed door to the great bridge and the cathedral ward

I am the one who asked about the Isz +27% glyphs. I'm assuming you mean this post ( >>165305204 ) was directed at me. Thanks!
when, in the lore, things say about the encounter with mergo resulted in the stillbirth of their brains, wtf does that even mean?
Can anyone else help with with HBLB in Ihyll?

I've been ringing for 20 minutes and >>165305338 hasn't shown up. I havnt even got a fogwall appear yet.
why do all waning gems suck ass
To whoever I just shrekt, sorry.
They're all braindead. RIP
kicked the bucket
No one?
Maybe servers are fucked?

I've been ringing for HBLB for 45 minutes and got one Hunter of Hunters invasion and 0 other connections.
so thats why theyre all kill?
does the eye rune have any bearing on what kind of gems a boss drops? Like if they can drop tempering/fire/bolt/arcane and they usually drop tempering the most often, will having Eye equipped make them drop elemental gems more often?

Because I have fought these watchers like 16 times and I've only gotten the tempering gems I wanted like twice (both times with ATK DOWN curse), and I'm starting to think it's because of this fucking rune
Eye runes only impact drop rate, it won't make a difference on guaranteed drops such as gems.
>tfw chikage L1 -> R2
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For any who may've missed it
quick question

do i need to have the materials to make chalice dungeons via chalice glyph
then how come it says i dont meet the requirements to join the chalice glyph? what am i missing?
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Awwwwww shieeet that's neat
>what am i missing?
At a guess, the chalice.
You have to create a chalice dungeon with all the offerings in it yourself once before you can join glyphs that have the offerings. I'm pretty sure it works for all of them, so you only have to create 1 root dungeon with all the offerings.
ok thanks guys i appreciate you and I'm sure you're lovely people in real life :*
I know there's weapons that benefit simultaneously from high strength+arcane, is there any weapon that simultaneously benefits from having high strength/skill+bloodtinge?
Dude, gay.

>I'm pretty sure it works for all of them, so you only have to create 1 root dungeon with all the offerings.
That's correct.

Weapons that benefit from Str and Skl simultaneously dominate the catalog.

Weapons that benefit from x and Blt simultaneously (as in, do Phys and Blood damage t the same time) do not exist.
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We all know Ludwig's and Gehrman's themes are good, but BB has a lot of good songs, post your favourite song from the game that you consider to be severely under rated.
>do not exist

well rip, I guess I'll still try tinge because I wanna cannon some dudes
If you have a character with 50 SKL, 50 STR and 50 ARC, what weapon would benefit the most from having both a +65 STR scaling gem *and* a +65 ARC scaling gem?

Maybe the Burial Blade, since it already scales pretty well on SKL? I'd imagine it would have an A or an S rating in STR, SKL and ARC scaling simultaneously. Then you could add a +23.6% ATK UP nourishing gem for more damage on both the physical and arcane damage
You didn't ask the corollary question: "Are there weapons that benefit from x and Blt simultaneously that don't do Blood and Phys at the same time?"

There are four.
I like The One Reborn's song. Also the song when you fight Pthumerian Descendant and the song when you fight non-headless Bloodletting Beast

I'm surprised more people don't talk about this track, it compliments the fight fantastically and really makes you feel like there's a blood crazed hunter aggressing the fuck out of you, and I like that it's a lot of brass and string rather than a choir (it is used but sparingly)

More like gudgetter Xd
Not quite sure how big of a difference you'll see in the BB's ARC damage, as the .69 scaling isn't at all the problem with the weapon. It's the base damage, which is so that the investment is never worth it in the end, due to the way the damage formula works.
That's a lot of math for most likely a dumb idea.

HMLS is obviously a contender, but the two 65s being better than a second or third Nourishing is unlikely, though possible.
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Lullaby for Mergo

I love how eerie and minimalistic it is, a perfect song for one of the creepiest bosses in any Souls game.
what the fuck, I have 3 guidance runes. Two 10% ones and one 20% one. I just got the second 10% one from that crow who always dives off the catwalks at the very top of the Research Hall and lands in front of the big window

bowblade, bloodletter, chikage, what's the fourth one?

Oh and actually, Rifle Spear for five.
Where do I get a gem of BLOOD ATK UP +31.x% that is not circular?

I know they exist; I have seen screenshots of someone using them in a bloodletter
Gascoigne's was already mentioned, so I'll mention the Living Failures theme. Some people here and there have said they like it, I think it's one of the best pieces in the game. It's awe-inspiring, grand, eldritch and, dare I say, majestic. I think everyone's favourite part, and rightly so, is the chorus during the meteor attack. The entire build up to that is pure cosmic power.
The same place you get Circle ones, just really, really rarely.
Fack! I already farmed the shotgun watcher 70-some times to get the perfect circular one, and he didn't drop a single off-shape variant in all those kills
>70 times
The problem is that a lot of people don't really pay much attention to the music during a boss fight unless it really stands out like with Ludwig, a lot of the songs in the game are absolutely top-tier but are only really glanced over.

Listening to the Living Failures by itself, I can really see how good it is, but during the fight I'm too focused on dps'ing down as many living 4channers as fast as possible.
I was right, silly idea:

CA, HA, 1.215
180+([180*1.45*.85]+[180*.6*.85])1.215= 493
100+(100*1.65*.85)1.215= 240
1.193 and 2x 1.215
180+([180*.8*.85]+[180*.6*.85])1.761136425= 694

100+(100*1*.85)1.761136425 = 235
it was a big waste of time but at least it only took about a minute for each attempt. That's why I would always rationalize trying it just one more fucking time.

I had like 440 discovery too, with all those eye runes
I have the cool starting gear how fo i get the cooler looking gear that also kind of looks like the starter gear
No I mean, it takes in the thousands goofus
I am
12 hours in, still farming for 10k for the gate
Stupid tall faggots fucking me up so good mmmmmm
quickest way to get tomb mold 5?
You can get around the 10k by going for the fun way. Head down to Old Yharnam, but don't get poisoned.
>12 hours
>yet to kill Amelia

anon, I like your determination
There's a shitton in standard Isz, layer 3 IIRC. And Depth 5 rats drop it frequently.
are you memeing or has it actually taken you that long?
>it takes in the thousands

oh wow, fuck that.
That takes some serious dedication. And it could all just be ruined by one shitty ATK DOWN curse too
which is why the only people who do it are severely autistic
I mean for a full set, it takes a super random amount of time for a single off-shape as it's just a 1/100 chance more or less, but for a useable set of off-shapes it takes thousands of tries because it could have a shit curse or be a scaling bt gem or be the wrong shape
Out of all the types of gem farming, it's definitely the easiest to tune out and watch something or listen to a podcast during the experience. Ultimately it's not that bad compared to abyssal farming.
It uses people, and being the manipulative Elder God that it is, it uses people in clever ways. It's taking advantage of us in such a way that we don't even know we're being taken advantage of (at least until later in the game). It's motivations are a mystery, but it's certainly crafty enough to know that a prisoner that doesn't know they're a prisoner is the best kind. Keep 'em happy and they won't question things.
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Meh, abyssal farming isn't bad either, just turn down the music in the sounds option and pop in one of your favourite albums, you'll eventually go into zen mode where you're almost robotically taking down whatever faggot you're killing
Although, if you're going to roll a 50/50/50 anyway,

180+([180*.8*.85]+[180*.6*.85])1.476225= 581

100+(100*1.65*.85)1.476225= 354

Good compromise.

PSA, the PS4 can play MP3s while you game.
>Ultimately it's not that bad compared to abyssal farming.
Abyssal farming is easy as fuck though.

The only one that's needed more than 15 tries was fucking Hotdog and his damned Fire Abyssal. That fucker wouldn't drop it for so long I was starting to think he couldn't.

Amy and Ebri don't take more than 4 or 5 kills in my experience to drop a decent Abyssal. Elder HMPH either.

Actually I'd say in terms of rarity it's Nourishing > Cold > Arcane > Fire, an ascending order.
In* ascending order.

Heavies aren't too bad either in my experience, although HBLB is definitely the hardest boss to farm.
I mean with an ideal secondary. Farming for abyssals on their own is one thing, but the fact that the decent secondaries are so rare and can be ruined by both a bad curse and by being on a non-abyssal it makes farming abyssals a huge chore.
Ah. Yeah I'm not picky when it comes to secondaries, or Curses really. Maybe I've been pretty lucky in that regard too, though. I tend to get the ones I want.
I'm still raw from farming HBLB with a group of people and going fucking over 30 kills with no good abyssal.
That sucks man.

They can't be that great on Str weapons anyway though, right? It seems to me that they don't tend to offer more than a 23-4% gem for AR. a third 27% isn't always bettor? Or were you converting Skl weapons?
A heavy abyssal is usually ideal on every strength weapon, sometimes 2 if you have low skill and depending on the weapon.
For my build, 50/25, I run 1 heavy and 2 27s on just about everything except ludwigs which is 3 blunt and beast cutter which is 1 heavy 2 blunt.
Ah, gotcha.

I hate the desire sensor, man. I ""helped"" an anon farm HBLB like four times a couple weeks/months ago; he got no Abyssal, I got two. I was running an Arc build, of course.
They're called Korean gems for a reason
yeah, I remember when I farmed for a bt gem for my pistol on my str build I got a radial off-shape that was perfect. It motivated me to try for more on my bt and I got about 50 kills in before deciding to pick it back up when I feel like having another lobotomy.
>PS4 can play MP3s
Wait since when?
The last update.

You can open Media Player or Spotify, then run your game and any time you wanna change tracks or adjust volume, you just hold the PS button for the half-screen menu.
I don't get it. Why Korea?
>it took this long to add a feature the 360 launched with
Jesus Chrism it's about time
Koreans have been known to die of malnutrition while farming in their shitty grindfest mmos, or let their children die from severe neglect
I fucking know man. When I jumped onto the PS3 that was biggest complaint right the way through its lifespan and into PS4's.

Sony's really fucking anal about copyright infringement and shit.
They found blood in a cave, Willem started studying it, the Church broke off from him to experiment with it, Mensis broke off from that to make deals with a thing associated with it, the Workshop broke off from something to kill the other three. Done.
And the Cainhursts are in there somewhere, making the Church mad about using the blood.
They're a sideshow, they just stole research from Byrgenwerth proving that they wuz Pthumerians n shit and used that as a license to start killing plebs.
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Spiritual successor to BB when?
More than anything, yeah, their significance to the lore is slim.
Hopefully never. Sequels have never turned out very good with From. Remember how the later Souls games compared with DaS?
I said spiritual successor, not sequel.
>Remember how the later Souls games compared with DaS?
That's literally the fault of one or two men.

Consider DeS, DaS, and BB.

There's no reason Miyazaki couldn't do a sequel, much less another spiritual successor, if he was the one actually directing it.
Are you not using beast blood pellets?
I can consistently put him down before the pellets wears off with a whirligig
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DS2 had a lot of great mechanical tweaks which should have been brought back in 3.
I've only fought him as an Arc build.

And I said "hardest" of three bosses that are easy as fuck. I guess I'd rate Ebi as more difficult than HBLB, though.

I'm aware that he can be quite trivialized by hugging his outer left foot, but he still puts a lot more onus on the player to be careful than Amy, Hotdog or Elder.

Or well, that might not be true either. Elder has a lot of phase 2 shenanigans.
Heavy abyssals are essential if you want to use a skill weapon on your str build, like the church pick
Elder usually fucks my shit up but he can be cheesed hard with arc and arc is the only build that needs to farm him
I'll agree with most of that but someone is honestly going to defend hexes?

I liked GS and Ultra GS parrying, and left-handed movesets, and to a lesser degree power-stancing.

Everything else about 2 can piss off.
Granted, yes, DS2 did have some features I would have wanted to see again. The problem is that issues in the game overshadowed other parts, and I wouldn't want BB to go down that road.
upgrading the kos parasite was a mistake

this thing's R1 attacks are slower than the tricked kirhhammer, and it does like half the damage per hit. The only really good attack seems to be the tricked L2 explosion
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But anon, it's fun
>Elder usually fucks my shit up but he can be cheesed hard with arc and arc is the only build that needs to farm him
Yeah but my point was kinda that his second phase can be quite difficult if you don't cheese him with BSE.

Amy doesn't need to be jump cheesed and Hotdog and HBLB don't have a cheese but can be easy by just playing well. Ebi's kind of a wild card. Fundamentally she's pretty easy if you just snipe her face, but somehow she's always a pain in the ass.
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Anyone in the mood to go spelunking? Thinking about opening a new FRC of some kind. Probably Loran.
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>all this gem farming

Literally for what purpose. Just sounds like self torture

>always a pain in the ass
Probably because her charge can be dodged easily with one dash if you're very close or very far, but that perfect sweet spot for baiting the headbutt requires two precisely timed dodges to escape it
And don't forget Rom for that nourishing radial, what a tedious piece of shit
I do it to better help others farm gems
I inflict this pain upon myself so that others might suffer a bit less
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