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/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 169

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc-DgRO1SrQ edition

NOPAN(elite weebs)

>where do I look up tanks
>how do i find ppl to platoon with
dont be yellow and ask in the /vg/ channel
>Snowitzer and tree conversion guide

Does changing crew qualification ever go on sale?
So /wotg/ has a anime clan, a furry clan, and a """unicum""" clan. Whats next?
erp clan when?
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Did you know that /wotg/ was browsed by literal burbles? I think it's cool.
First for all Soviet tankers are tomatoes.

Friendly reminder that the Soviet (and subsequently Chinese) tech trees are absolutely trash and should not be taken seriously.
>no gun depression
>shitty hulls
>shitty soft stats
>shitty hard stats
>full of weak spots
>every player is either yellow or red
>shitty commander language
>least aesthetic
It's been that way for a long time. It would seem like you don't even know about NTR
>hiding your name
>while showing youre at the bottom of /vg/ channel

fucking retard
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Explain to me me what is wrong in this picture?
You're using a Soviet shitbox.
Hint: that's not me in the picture.
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Is the IS-2 fun? I'm thinking about buying it.

That or the T-34/100
It's just common courtesy, I don't give a fuck, it's me, lorderror.
>that gypsy language
First for Jpanther II a shit
There is literally nothing wrong with the Tiger I and Tiger II. The only reason they're "bad" in the game is because but hurt Russians cant accept that these were the pinacle of WWII tank design.
but the tiger 1 isn't bad at all in game unless you're a tomato
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>tiger 1
>bad ingame
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>tiger 1
>gets rekt by every T29 or IS in game
>gets rekt by every M4A3E2 with a 105
>gets rekt by every M4A3E8 with M1A2
>gets rekt by every cromwell
>gets rekt by every bulldog
>gets rekt by every O-I exp., O-I, and O-Ni
>gets rekt by Black Prince
>gets rekt by T-34-85
>gets rekt by T1 Cunningham
>gets rekt by LefH
>gets rekt by Hellcat
>gets rekt by Alecto

It's the vertical armour man. Fucks up the whole tank.
t. omato
>it's another nazi shitter that doesn't know how to diamond episode
Well it's not as bad as the King Tiger. Or the E100.

44% WR is good in an E100. Anyone who tells otherwise uses cheatmods.
>Anyone who tells otherwise uses cheatmods.
or isn't shit at the game like yourself.
Well at least I killed some purple players, during my career.
Kind Tiger players should just leave collectively and never return desu. Waste of oxygen.
>War Thunder adds T-44-100
>WoT adds T-44-100
>WT adds T92
>WoT adds T92
>WT adds Sheridan
>WoT adds Sheridan

Wargaming has a crush on Gaijin
why isn't LEWD on the clan list?
its a reddit clan
IS-3 is such a fucking bad tank. Slow, no viewrange, no dpm. Tiger II shits all over it.
It's easier to steal a tank model and modify it than making one from scratch, typical russian jew
>WT adds Chieftain
>Tiger II shits all over it.

>wot makes wot
>wt adds tanks

really made me thank
High alpha + troll armor >>>>>>>>>>>>>> low alpha + literally no strong points
>Britain invents tanks
>Wargaming makes WoT

rly mks u tnk
15cm L/100 Grille when?
delet this
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comsidering the state of british tanks in wot, im sure wg doesn't have anything resembling a crush on britain
I'm started that line to achieve that mission. The MT-25 sucks with its puny gun.
>dissing the ZiS
oh no u didn't
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(actual) murovanka things
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I don't really like the Russian scout line. Seems like luck whenever I have a good game. The T71's a lot more fun.

Even though I did just do this.
upload your replay please
That looks painful.
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>Join this clan
>Nothing comes of it
I got juked
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>when you see a green shitter talk trash about how many tomatos there are on the team and he flips his tank driving out of spawn
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>Teammate shoots me after he rammed into me, yells in chat, and get blown up a minute into the match

It's a Reddit clan, what did you expect?
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Obviously it's pretty situational, but this thing is beyond OP when you get a good sniping match.
>the hellcat did better than you
I have no clue what I expected honestly. Never joined clan before, but I know this is definitely not a good one.
you got a lewd clantag i guess?
why is it a reddit clan?
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because the commander and people in it are redditors
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>A fucking leaf
calm down greg
I have yet to see proof of this
looks like a smear campaign to me
>looks like a smear campaign to me

rly macs u tank
Thank you based zazie for changing the NTR icon back.
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Grille is so fucking fun holy shit just zoom around the map and blap people for 750. Beat scouts to their spots then blap them.
>can unlock tier 6 french arta from 12t

god fucking bless

i cant stand gw piger anymore

its such garbage

gun arc is doghist
shell arc makes 100% hits miss on low profile targets
look at #14 on /r/worldoftanks
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>having a nice 1670 base exp game
>get clicked by some bullshit arty shot in the last seconds of the game
this makes me more mad than it should
Thanks senpai
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kys arty player.
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seems like you are a redditor aswell
4 sets of missions = 4 grill gamers
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>4 hour reserves are a thing
You drive in straight lines way too much. Also, you go too high, you should be aiming to have only your turret showing when you poke along the mid ridge. The way you were doing it makes you are hit-able from the elevated positions on 1 line and the rails. When you're spotting the rails you can use the openings under the train to spot instead of going to the A6 area.

Good job at the end being patient with the arty though and congrats.
Delete this.
Horse>=Spider>Slime=Bird>Fish>Snake>Literally who?
horses are some of the ugliest creatures in the world
worst tier
>playing thousands of artillery games for 4 crew members with free BiA.
kys arty faggot.
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>Not liking one of the most magnificent and useful animals nature has to offer
those aren't dogs
They're still used virtually everywhere in the world for a lot of different things

600 games out of 18k played
>good scout tanks are at t7 and 8
>other tanks that you get matched with get max view range anyway
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>when you lose but still have more xp than the enemy
spotted the horse fucker

i would take a horse fucker over someone who wants to fuck a animal with no purpose like a snake.
>doesn't like snek
>doesn't want to fuck snek

this is why you fuck horses you sad little man
Honestly I'd rather just fucking die than ever play this shitty Type 58.
>finally feeling this tank
>team completely fucking lets me down

but it has better dpm than the T34/85 tovarish!
This tank is so fucking terrible. It can't do anything.
kill yourself, faggot
End your life.
Buses were never ment to be tanks.
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>Fisherman's bay
>entire enemy team is west
>Allied Type 5 in city afraid to push into 3 Tier 8s
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>most of the time goes hill to hold off all their heavies
>2 mediums on the other side decide to push
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>4 losses in a row at the top of the scoreboard
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>heavies go hill
QSSF pls go
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>that one retard that always has to push by himself and gets rekt by 2 other tanks

those ironic faggots are just as bad, but you seriously couldn't find a better clan than qsf?
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>E-100 with 0 dmg
>5 tanks with 0 dmg
anyone that wants a snek with a complete human torso is an entry-level pleb who's opinions can safely be discarded
that goes for the horsefucker, too.
arthropod girls are the only respectable field of half-human monster girls
Saw a dude fuck his snek. Literally a fleshlight, but snek
please seek Jesus
Fucking hell, ev
>last alive on the team with this MT-25 on ruinberg
>two enemies left, Steyr and a TVP, no idea where they are
>MT-25 literally REFUSES to scout city where they were last spotted
>calls the people telling him to scout shitheads and tells them to uninstall
>I had to push up to try and find the enemies myself and got caught out in the open in a crossfire between them
>TVP and Steyr are both on 150 hitpoints
>MT-25 could've easily zoomed in to take them out
>tries to continue sitting way out far from combat and snipe the TVP
>gets one shot off before dying
>we lose

Fuck this person and everyone he's related to.
That's fukt man. I don't imagine the snake survives the encounter.
>WG are master kikes and put the swedish girl gunner at the end of the Christmas event and give us a useless radio operator

Should I even bother trying to get the last 7 tier 5 decorations I need, or should I just claim one of my rewards from the campaign?
Horse pussy best pussy.
>can't win 5 (five)(V) battles in any tank

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Always nice to get fanmail :)

>couldn't find a better clan than qsf?
Outskilling and tiggering people with this tag is the reason and it works))))
Snake was perfectly fine.
Is trollhab back?
This would be acceptable if you played high tier arty to oneshot and troll people. Not a shitty game with a t8
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who else /mad/ out there
Why do people hate artillery? As I see it, it is a legitimate mechanic of the game that encourages less camping and more action. Why do people hate it so much?
>encourages less camping and more action
Do you guys think WG will make a Korean line in an attempt to market the game in Korea?
Does Korea have any tanks or would it be a weird combo of Japanese, American, and commie tanks?
literally the only tank line Korea could have would be in AW
Yeah, the K1 and K2 tanks. But if War Gaming ever did implement a Korean branch, would it be like the Chinese branch, but instead of Soviet tanks, it's American or Japanese
korea has no tanks that fit wot time period, they were part of japan till the end of ww2
Korea didn't HAVE any tanks, though. Like it's not even like the Chinese just being Russian knock-offs, they literally had no tanks other than what China/Russia gave NK and what NATO gave SK.
the game died in korea because the top clans were legit cheating and not being punished
>get the final gun for the pz sfl
>ready for the bus to finally redeem itself
>10 degrees total gun movement

how loudly can one man ree
press x and deploy the platform for siege mode and have 360 traverse and 90 elevation :^)
God i wish
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>one guy in the vg chat just continually saying brasil
oh, my mistake.
I kinda didn't like that TD for that reason. It's only useful on a handful of maps and spots. But when you hit someone it's rather satisfying.
this would unironically make it a smaller target
I don't like it because it's fat as a motherfucker and can't survive even a stiff breeze. The gun really isn't good enough to make up for that IMO.
Is the T-34/100 really as bad as everyone says?
If it has Soviet origins, it's automatically trash.
How do these people live with themselves?
which clan should i join?
i'm a total shitter btw
>i'm a total shitter btw

>Not getting top gun or high caliber
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>getting oneshot by a KV-2
>in a KV-2

I can't even be mad

>one shot kill ELC in my M4 revolver
Most clans actually have standards, so probably LEWD.
>plsgo let in yewchung
let's not talk about standards, now
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btw is there a guide for converting the higher tier decorations cause i really cant tell how to combine these decorations
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>let in yewchung as a meme
>19 reward tanks
gets em every time
hey guys dierin is streaming now, you should check her out she's awesome!
I am genuinely impressed you didn't manage to trigger the spam filter.
no thanks bud
the first 88 has 48 degrees and 145 pen at tier 5 is good enough
make sure you are fully aimed for every shot
Yeah, I know this NOW. But I just wasted 19k exp on the goddamn final gun. It doesn't even carry over to the Nashorn or anything.
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>played cromwell b to have fun
>harassed by arty all game
>did not have fun
>playing games to have fun
first mistake
Wow, I thought this shit only happened at low tiers.
I felt sorry for this Skorpion, I really did.
ded general ded chat ded game
>ui won't let me set r to reload
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>hit by 17 arty shells in one match
>still had half my health left at the end of it
>armored patrol recipes only work for t1 decorations
whats the point of this guide
you get full t2s by just playing 2 days

Because it forces you to take disadvantageous positions in brawling encounters. Also, it forces you to sit behind rocks, so I don't see how it encourages more dynamic gameplay.
>replying to bait
>replying to six hour old bait

cmon now anon

I just arrived to my workplace, I've slept before. C'mon anon.
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bumping with nightmare fuel
for a second I thought those were your own stats
>four tier 8 premiums
>he's awful in all four of them

Well, at least he's paying for the server upkeep I guess.
Oh, and I'm guessing he also converted free xp to gold to get that Tiger II

Man, wallet warriors are something.
>in amx12t
>circling a skorpionG
>friendly m103 shoots at him
>hits me, bounced
>then skorpion bounces on my track

is competitive esport tovarisch ))))))
Is the PC scene noticeably more challenging than the console version? You guys seem way more tryhard and concerned about shitters

PC players are better because they don't have to aim with a fucking joystick.
>Is the PC scene noticeably more challenging than the console version? You guys seem way more tryhard and concerned about shitters
If you are comparing the base game to Blitz, then yes it's a completely different game and it's also more challenging.

Console Blitz vs PC Blitz, dunno, more or less the same
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When will we get girl (male) crews?
Don't the female crews already use the same voice lines as the regular crews?
> you are hacker i send replay to wargaming enjoy ure ban noob pussy
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We sharin' favourite stupid smacktalk now?
Does LEWD do strongholds?
>playing tier 7 heavy against tier 9 heavies
>shoot normal round, don't penetrate, don't deal damage, lose money
>shoot gold round, penetrate, deal damage, lose money.
Why would I ever choose the first option?
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Is this redpilled?
So do you get anything for taking the survey?
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Four years playing this awful game and I've never been able to beat this.
BENIS is back?
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engaging gameplay
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>Cant handle it, use ignore
>Look mom, I clicked!
>War Thunder adds Chieftain
>World of tanks ??????????????????????????
what tier 10 mediums are hardest to 3mark?

Leopard 1
AMX 30b

>Cant handle it, use ignore

you got that message if the other person put you on ignore, not if you did it
oh and STB-1 is hard I hear
What're my best bets for doing HT12? That's bounce three times your HP in damage. Have IS-3, IS-5, IS-7, T32, T110E5. Keep trying to get retards to shoot at my turret but it doesn't work.

i've 3marked the leo so it's probably not hard
Can I ask/get a screenshot of your combined damage needed?
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>HD T-34-3 never ever

So how do you do that? Every now and then I see some guy in pubs who has a 4K damage average in the Leo or 140 or something, with thousands of games played. How does anyone keep up that level of play for so long?
looks guys, he has 3 marks of excellence in that tank

guys look

T-34-3 sucks dick compared to the Ravioli now anyways. Why would you even play that dogshit tank?
Cause the t-34-3 dosent have to see tier 10 tanks.
They actually tell you that you have been ignored. I like that. I wouldnt know, been playing 4 years never once used or read the out of game chat box.

They don't any more. I think these days if you try to send to someone who's ignored you it just ends up an empty chat box.
can you get gold from the fantasytanks or can i just ignore it?
Quite annoying
>limited MM
>turret armor
>camo on par with T62A/obj140
>122mm gun can overmatch shit
its an outdated list


afaik those are all recipes, the other drops are random
>buying a shitty tier 8 premium just cuz you don't get dumpstered by tier 10s.
thx at least thats something to work with
im still gona hold on to my decorations tho since im hoping that wg releases more recipes a couple days before the event ends
M60, 907 & 121B. 140 is actually one of the easiest.
Do low tier premiums like the T-28E F30 get the same amount of crew exp per battle as tier 8 premiums? Wouldn't that make the T-28E F30 the best tank for training up Russian medium crews since you can roflstomp low tiers with that overpowered PoS and get way higher exp per battle and the battles don't take as long?

im away from home so I don't have anything with me. But I think it was something like 3.5k minimum


you only have to hold it for a few games
I dont have a dpg of 4k, and I really doubt I even had that when I was gunning for the marks. i can suppliment my lack of direct damage by scouting(simple in the leo), and by tracking everything I fight
after getting the marks, I can start to play normally, instead of losing on purpose to grind damage
that's kinda whole the point of limited MM premiums
Experience and credits are directly proportional to damage done, lower tier tanks have less health, less health means less possible damage, less possible damage means less experience and credits.
tier 5 premiums get the most bonus exp and by that the most crew exp per battle
i never had a tier 4 premium but they should make less exp because tier 4 battles give poor base exp on average
you get better exp multiplier in T-28EF30 so yeah you're kinda right

ya man

there are a bunch of dumb experience coefficients, some visible or hidden
low tier tanks have visible crew bonuses compared to tier8s.
some premiums have hidden base experience coefficients, boosting overall gains before multipliers. they are unknown, but tanks like the churchill3 and fcm50t appear to have this
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3002M or 3001D?
guide for the colour name mod? err more specifically how to apply the stats because i installed it but it didn't do the names part
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Your very own Refugee!
You need to activate XVM. Google XVM go to the russian link and select english, then sign into it using your WoT details and at the top you can activate and update statistics.
Jesus Christ are they really that desperate ?
>please play our new powercreep line goyim
>here free female crew
>no ? here discounts on top of discounts
>please play the new tanks or our komisar will beat us again ((((
>please, here's some missions as well
ty m8. and iirc you gotta update every 2 weeks? i see it says 13 days left.
Yeah, also go to settings and make it so it displays WN8 not efficiency and change your nation flag to Turkey or Russia for max memes.
I just lost a game because my 248 penetration APCR rounds on the ELC could not go through an O-I's frontal armor to stop the cap. I sure do love +/- 25% penetration rolls.
Next game I drove off a small hill and landed on my tracks. I took 400 damage and immediately exploded.

I think my ELC is cursed.
The path of going fast is riddled with trials.
>falling for the shitty meme tank
I'm starting to think the Chaffee might be a better overall tier 5 light tank, even though that tank has garbage AP pen.
the pen isnt the problem of the AP rounds its the trash shell velocity that makes you spam APCR
>tfw you like how the Pz III, Pz IV, and Panther look but in real life and in game they're inferior
At least I have my Stug
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just shoot gold lmao

Pz IV is also pretty solid
Looks worse than the sherman to me, though I had a blast with it before they nerfed HE. I still have my Pz III.
I don't know, I use the L48 in the Pz IV
where do i check what mods are banable?

i dont want to get v&
You won't get banned even if you do use illegal mods.
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>run a pz1c to try out new 6th sense sound
>spam other pz1c to cap when we were last alive vs 7 opponents
>he messages me

I prefer the Pz III/IV.

Not because it's better, but because it's more fun.
>press battle
>see arty on enemy team

Sure is fun.
just use aslain's pack he keeps it updated
Just ask yourself this. Does the mod give me a clear advantage over someone that doesn't use it ?
Should solve all troubles you might encounter.
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>turkish intellectuals
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Feels good to get mastery badge n complete a HT tank mission at the same time.

Figure the O.I would have bigger req thou.
It won't end
you get your opinion ignored, free of charge
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>cdc snipes my cupola from a million meters

>two times
CDC's gun is pretty accurate. If I was playing, it would be a KV-3 sniping my cupola from light years away.
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>Play arty
>Do good
>Get to the Tier V
>Player base is too stupid to stay alive
>Lose matches constantly
Arty was pretty fun for a second there.
What's a more fun memetank line, the FV 183 or yaygerooooo?
FV215b 183.
Who's gonna win the Wargaming league? Bulba or Bulba?
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>slow tank
>6 arty in the match
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>it's a zazie, overlord, and NYPD in a platoon on the enemy team episode
so you won, right/
I got my ass fucking handed to me, I can't solo 3 people, let alone 3 people far better than me in a platoon
>this platoon is OP meme

acquire proficiency
They aren't OP, they just don't make enough mistakes for me to easily capitalize on. If I had positioned myself properly I could have done better.
>get hatemail from czech faggot
>check his service record
>40k games played
>50% WR
>created: 11 December 2016

i doubt that is even possible if he played 24/7
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So the swe tank is the best option right?
Even if the games were 5 minutes long, it's still like 138 days
he would need atleast 222 days, assuming one match takes 8 min
thats almost a fortnight of just waiting for the start timer to count down
>8 minutes
games don't last that long, especially if you're a shitter
Kharkov is terrible.
>yfw you realise WG unofficially sanctions bots just to fill out the declining server population
Karkhov is fun. Fun!
Delet Kharkov.
It's a good map unless you're a tank with no armor.
>It's a good map if you play 1 specific class
No, highly armoured TDs and mediums so pretty well in it. Just paper tanks that get full kekd
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Working as intended
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upvoted xD
>play anything
>team crumbles in 3 minutes
>10 times in a row so far

Fuck everyone.

If you thought the Tiger I or the Tiger II were bad, welcome to the world of the Tiger P and the VK 45.02A.

All the German tier 7/8 heavies are overtiered and it needs to be fixed ASAP.


The IS-2 is like the Russian IS; a pretty comfy tank. A must buy realy.
how did the game go?

if your heavies pushed without wasting time to get shit on by arty that was 101% sure win

>going to the useless camping part of map instead of dominating north
fuck off
>tfw playing tenks while listening to red alert ost

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Jesus christ this game, reset the cap with 1 fucking second left on it after rushing across the map.
Any help about how to use the IS 2? It has horrible accuracy okay so im brawling as i'm supposed to do...but i cant pen any single tank,its hard to aim for the weakspots sometimes and i cant flank them




but i cant pen them :/ (and btw im a tomato so i must be doing it wrong for sure)
You're gonna have to learn weak spots, or not be afraid to fire quite a bit of APCR. For the more heavily armoured tier 8 & 9 tanks, you'll probably need APCR to even pen weak spots.

A good guide is to try and shoot the lower front plate or cupola (if it's a big enough target)
Are there any specific tanks you're having difficulty penetrating?
>play light tanks tier V-VI
>not enough hp on enemy team to do missions
>play light tank tier VII-VIII
>almost everyone has max view range anyway and some mediums have good enough camo to do your job while not being defenseless
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>tfw cucked out of my first ever pool's medal because of tank destroyers
A-at least I got an ace
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Today I flattened all the man-made elements in the tutorial. There were a few hidden ones but I found them. :-)
autism truly is an impressive disorder
git gud m8.

tier 7&8 lights are well matched to play anything in game.
you can die in the tutorial btw
Thanks for your reply
American heavies mostly
>yellow shitters installing in-game live wn8 counter

eL eM A yO
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The moving enemy (the last one) rammed me but I still won. There were no destructibles behind him.
Tier 7 lights are awesome and usually get placed into tier 8/9 games where they can dominate if piloted by a good player.

Tier 8 lights get put into tier 10 games 65% of the time and serve no purpose that a tier 9 medium with more viewrange, more HP, and more firepower couldn't do better.

The matchmaking totally fucks tier 8 lights and makes them completely worthless, since they can only get into tier 9 and 10 games where scouting is pointless, and they get put into tier 10 games much more often than tier 9 ones.
wow I'll have you know you need the wn8 counter so that once you reach green wn8 you can just go to cap.
How incredibly pathetic
i feel like i can control the outcome of a battle better in a tier 8 light than in a tier 10 something else.

thats just me tho. i have a leopard 1 set up mostly like a scout and it doesnt hold a candle to an actual 251 in terms of ehat i need a scout to do
The T-150 is honestly quite unfun in Tier 8 battles. Literally all of your advantages compared to Tier 6 tanks are completely and utterly negated and you just turn into a giant target with meh alpha.
That's literally all tier 6 heavies

Just support other heavies if you get into a tier 8 game. All you have to do is pen 3 shots with the 107 to have carried your weight.
>tier 6 is cannon fodder in +2 MM
color me surprised
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Is the KV-3 any good?
IS is better
I'm regretting my decision to go down the T-150 line more and more
its not too late to turn back now
I'm trying down the IS line now but the KV-1S kinda sucks

why does it even exist, honestly
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>been spamming lights last couple days trying to maybe have a shot at LT15
>dig out my 13 90, without even a skilled crew after i moved the crew to amx30 and forgot about my ex-tankfu
>maybe 5 games played tops today in 13 90
>mission done


next fucking camo sale im buying perma camo for 13 90 and some inscriptions
It's got KV-1 mobility with less armour and a gun that would make hitting a barn difficult.

I'm not seeing how it's supposed to be good, but then again the only thing I've unlocked on it is the turret and 85mm. Is the 122 supposed to be better?
post your replay please
The 122 with HEAT is godly.
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literally 13 minutes of sitting in E1 bushes from north spawn, i didnt even fire any shots except for unloading my mag in joy when i spotted the last alive waffle IV and got the mission done

>mfw the last 'assisted dmg' popped up and i breached the 7k mard
don't really care I would still like to watch it

People are more likely to ignore you in the Tier 8 while everyone knows a Leo 1 is someone to take out asap.
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Mind you, my 13 90 crew is at only 92% first skill, all camo and there was a moment when STRV aimed directly at me I shat my pants thinking I was spotted but he tilted a bit to the side and shot the most obvious bush after I already relocated.

Also this was a slight comeback, my entire team got pushed into 1 corner and were about 2k HP behind at some point.
Thanks most of the replays ive watched that would have completed LT-15 have had them surfing the middle ridge I want to see how one sitting in a bush works out.
afk in E1 bush and get lucky, that's pretty much it
I'm back after ages
all my gup mods are ded, is there some sort of megapack or do we still have those infinite and messy posts on the forum with thousand skins for the same thing?
Also are voices/sound mods up or dead?
I think there's a pack somewhere. voice mods died after a patch but most if not all have been converted to the new format by now, I have the Yukari one here: https://docs.google.com/uc?authuser=0&id=0B3GCE0ckecxQY0t4ZG1UbE1IcWM&export=download
is there a mod that replaces sixth sense with the alert sound from MGS

i mean i'm 99% sure there is I just dont know where to find it
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this, i never got the mid surfing thing, theres high chance of getting bombed by arty or by random shot from the hill

also there will be others poking the ridge and stealing your spots

Honorary mention to this cancerous faggot who was bombing the fucking living sould out of tanks I was spotting, I'm quite sure landing a hit for 1k on a Grille 15 in the first 2 minutes or so tilted the scales in our favour a lot.
Thanks, know anything about darjeeling/anzio?
you can do it yourself mang

put the mp3 file named sixthSens in res/audiow folder and in audio settings set 6sene sound to custom

if you dont have the file i can upload it for you
thanks man
if the sound is too quiet, the slider you want to increase is interface
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Is the Panther still shit? It's my favorite tanks but I sold it back in the day, how is it now?
Still shit.
This thing is honestly pretty great with the short 88
Damn shame. I guess I'll stick with the VK3002M.
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>mfw I missed the LT mission 15 by 80 damage
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>TKed an M4 after he shot me for nudging him in a push
>waiting for the hate mail
Is WZ-120 good? I can't decide between it and AMX 30.
- Turán III prototípus
- Ram II
- Matilda Black Prince

Which one is the rarest / most valuable to get ?
Already have other german and usa meds,
need advice please.
>is actually a .jpg
It appears as though I have been rused.
Is French arty secretly the best? It doesn't matter where I am or how fast I'm moving and weaving, I just always get one-shotted by them.
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What's the point of this tank?

Did you sale yours?
Is there a list of the best nonpremium tanks per rank?
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i haven't sold any of my gift tanks over the 3 coming up on 4 years I've played. i have a problem with wanting to collect things (even if they are shit)
only the ram is half decent but relies on gold spam and its armour only works when top tier
BP is the worst out of them because 6 hp/t
I enjoy the Ram, it shits credits and is very easy to play. Load gold for when you aren't top tier if you can't aim and you'll still come out ahead.
Holy shit is this tank fun af senpaitachi

good god
My monitor size actually :^)
no shit genius
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I lied :^)
is that vista?
what about Ram vs M4 improved ?
Your laptop is too shitty to even run the game at full resolution

that's honestly worse.
>commander is a man

should have known, shitlord
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>windows media player
>windows media player
>windows media player
What a fucking normie.

Consider suicide.
Watcha doin, Rabbi?
I've never played the M4 Improved so I couldn't compare the two. I like the Ram better than the regular M4, but I wouldn't say it is superior, just different.
I don't want to spend too much money, ya know?
upgrade to ws10 is free you lazy fuck
Not anymore :^)
No. I see no reason to change.
>wallpaper that doesn't fit the resolution

I don't know why I'm surprised a retard of this calibre plays WoT. I suppose I was just being optimistic.
>not military hour
Super fun
you can only post Aces here.
I'll give you some tomorrow then
Ok Mr. Unicum
Is STA-2 any good?
>1 mark of excellence
>three rings

am confuse
das how der Germans do, 3, 6, and 9
Germany is three times better than any other nation, friend.
>hans, go paint two rings on the barrel

>do you know how to count
its too easy to pick on Germany these days. I think we should tone it down a bit and all be friends.
Nazi deserve everything they get desu senpai
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What's your poison when you're playing WoT, wotg?

The books pretty good too
germans are so shit they had to count each kill as 3
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doesnt that get monotonous?

it's a hellish existence
Gotta inflate those numbers somehow. Why I once killed 21 tanks in a tiger in a single match.
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Only 3 rings?
>Oooo look, a candy cane

Last words of a T-34 tanker
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What is a "good" camo rating?
one where you're not spotted in a bush
Sixth sense isn't a skill I have on very many of my tanks due to not actually have crews that levelled yet

Just wondering if it's worth putting a camo net on the nashorn
as a bush camping paper TD i would, along with your first crew skill being camo
ok sam
rammer/camo net/binos is a good and cheap equipment option for most td's, especially at low and mid tier
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>tfw you bully a tiger/HT VI in your firefly
Not going to help much, really. The gun is good but the platform is tier 6.
Learn how to angle your armor.
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>find cover to hide lower hull

Like magic.
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I think i have received some awards.
>people playing the tiger 1 as anything but a long range support heavy
lmaoing at ur lives
>he doesn't permanently keep an AMX 40 in his garage
>he doesn't regularly play it

do you even want to have fun?
you might bounce some tier 6 mediums but everything else will chew through like cheese
He's going to bounce most shells if he angled a bit further.
That's why I have a Cruiser II.
I never had problems smashing any of those tanks with the tiger, just don't do retarded stuff like a hulldown duel with a t29.
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>teammates sit in open
>when there is arty
>they get hit by arty multiple times
>move in front of spotted tanks
>they all die, leaving me alone
>I die after doing all I can
>call out teammates for being retarded and sitting in the open
>get called an armchair general
Fuck yellows
fuck off armchair general
/ag/ - Armchair General
>log in for first time in week
>lose in Pershing, played like ass
>lose in STA-2, played like ass

every time I stop playing this game for even a fucking week I just turn into a complete fucking shitter.
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Still love this tank. Fun AF.
What light tank should i get for grinding missions? I only have tanks in russia and germany?
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The VK 45.02 is a goddamn piece of shit and I don't mean that in the way that it's a bad tank

type 64
ltwt is the best tier 8 light.
wz-132 is better at farming wn8 and slightly better at passive scouting tho
T-34-100 when?
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alright, ill grind the ltwt. But ill have to start from t 34.

Its been awhile since i played it and noticed they changed the pen for the 57. Did they nerf the tank or just made the 76 more effective?
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Jesus christ this is going to get annoying real quick
Are you retarded?

It was always 112
T-34-100 isn't the T-34/100 anon-san
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>half the team is tier 8
>all those squishy higher tier enemies
i was talking about the PRESS X TO SIEGE MODE anon
It's a T-34 with a 100mm? What else do you want? A Soviet version that's just as bad as the Czech one?
>open map
>tank that easily goes over 100% camo in a bush
>not just playing it like a light tank

Different gun, different turret, different nation.
so the 76 was buffed? i remember it having less pen

They made the 76mm usable, but I think the consensus is the 57mm is still the better gun.
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>feel like I've been playing like shit all day
>decide to check my WN8
>playing a fuckton better than yesterday apparently

I guess it is true, you feel worse at the game the better you get at it.
>Getting butthurt
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>tfw you spot your own damage

I swear i tried
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>AMX 13 F3 bounces a shot from my IS-6
>manages to get away before I can land a second shot

>later on, brawling with FCM 50 t
>AMX suddenly charges me out of nowhere
>completely whiffs his shot
>shoot at him

I cannot fathom how much he must have sacrificed to Stalin for such RNG. Maybe he promised him his firstborn?
I usually play at least few battles in gift tanks but this time I sold this shit immediately, it's a nerfed Pz. II D which by itself was probably the worst gift tank before this abomination dethroned it.
M is basically Panther ausf. D, good HP pool and high amount of ammo with good rof
D has an avesome manevurability and good angles
Why does literally NOONE care about base defense in this game?
Why do I have to press the "Defend the base!" button 2 minutes before the obvious base capture because none of the 14 idiots have map awareness?
Why does everyone ignore it
Why do fast tanks still camp in the middle of the map instead of trying to reset base cap?

Seems like it's only me who crawls back to base with 20-30 km/h to load that fucking HE shell to reset base cap.


So fed up with this, really.

Everyone recommends the Type 64 that has horrible turret traverse for not light tank but even TD standards. What's so great about it, really?
It's a premium T37 but with higher top speed that can't mount VSTAB yet has gun handling of T37 with VSTAB mounted, you need to be clinically disabled to do badly in it
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>lose without any battle hero medals
>still more exp than 14/15 winners

i simply ran out of ammo, couldnt even get a top gun to secure a hero medal
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this fucking game
i know your pain dude
>You only help your teammates because they cannot be shot at by the enemy when they're dead
It's a fun, comfy tank to play. I wouldn't recommend it for missions as you generally want a higher tier to do them, but I can't see how you go out in it and not have fun.
Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2 or Å koda T 40
>The weekly noob that cant figure out how to play the Tiger I.
Knowing how to play it doesn't negate the fact that it's a bad t7 heavy
how is it bad though?
good guns, noice armour, decent speed and if you max crew out its quick firing too
It's bad because he wants it to be an invincible nazibunker equipped with a railgun.
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>nice armour
>Im going to be wrong and theres nothing you can do about it.
>being useless
sorry about that
It's only as good as it is because there are literally no good t7 tds.
if you can't stay alive in a tiger 1 you need to fuck off to WT
what is that supposed to even mean
simple really, learn to play or fuck off
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What does WT have to do with anything?
tiger vs:
>t29 - stomped to shit because cant pen the turret at all
>IS/2/KV3 - stomped to shit because in world of corridors, peekaboo for 390 alpha shits all over dpm
>weeb heavy - cant pen + peekaboo

other t7 heavies are even more shit but saying tiger is a good tank because its better than bottom of the barrel scraping crap, thats just... lmao

but of course the naziboo defense force will never show their stats in the superior german stahl to prove their tin can is good
t. yellow
>t-tiger is good!

yeah thats why it got shit on by every other nation when there were nation vs nation games right
the tiger is good if you use it correctly, you fags are bitching because 'it cant defeat t29's and IS'
>guys i watched that one jingles video
>it cant defeat tanks that its gonna meet every game
>b-but its goood!!
>j-just play it like a td
>j-just play it like a medium
>j-just play it in a another w-way!!!
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Tiger has always been good, and these days it's better than it's ever been. if you can't do well in it it's user error.
>>j-just play it like a td
>>j-just play it like a medium
>>j-just play it in a another w-way!!!
didnt say this but thanks for trying.
you seriously need to learn to play if you cant win using a tiger 1, its not the best tank ever but fuck me you're acting like its a tier 1.
i've played about 500-1000 battles in it, im at work so cant post stats, i have defeated t29's and IS many times, aim for their wheels and engines and you kill them easy. dont be a retard and drive towards them head on.
He couldnt be yellow in his own dreams.
>it's good guys
>t. blue reroll

I've tried it on test server. I wouldn't say it's bad, BUT the turret turns by default like it has been damaged. A Hellcat's turret seems to turn faster.
I had 1k games @ 60% solo in it out of beta, long before the dpm buff, stay red
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Best tier 7 heavy hands down.
>1.23 damage ratio

real ace tanker here
Its funny how theres always a new noob fresh off the soviet line that ties the Tiger and fails in it and comes here to cry about it. Hes not the first and wont be the last. He probably things the Tiger II is going to solve all his problems.
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So your average damage doesn't even exceed that shitbox's own hit points.

Well done.
it shows he's using it right
Tiger is tier 6 tank with tier 8 gun and HP. You can do well in it but that doesn't mean the tank itself is that good.
>high pen
>high dpm
>high hp
>good gun handling
>decent mobility
what a terrible tank
>A Hellcat's turret seems to turn faster
>Turret Traverse (°/sec) 37.54/16.69
Calling doctor unigum, calling doctor unigum we've got a severe case of yellowittis
Did I say it's bad?
It's a good sign, means playerbase keeps refreshing itself with new players that replace oldfags that quit
you implied it's not that good, but it really is
>you implied it's not that good

Exactly. I didn't say it's terrible.
>people complaining about post buff tiger being bad
Tiger is the eternal shitter test
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>all these Tiger posts

What about Tiger II?
I took a massive dump yesterday about the size of Texas. But it was not as big of a shit that the Tiger II is.
it was good in 2011
>I swear I was purple before I rerolled
you seem anxious
>Watching Sirconreddit
>He plays like I play
>He goes where I go
>Hes aggressive like im aggressive
>Only when he does it he gets mastery.
>When I do it i get clicked.
>I play like a burble but I'm just green because serb hates me
>a shit that the Tiger II is

Are you sure it's the tank and not you?
You must not have played it.
>i was talking about the PRESS X TO SIEGE MODE anon
It disappears after a few matches once the game stops treating you like a tomato
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>Watching Circonmeme
>Normal fag as fuck, pronounces meme wrong
>Posts the most normal fag of references.
nice may may bro
When the EU falls apart and all you Euros get annexed by Russia, are you still going to have EU servers or will they all be RU servers?

After USA attacks Russia from Eastern Europe with the currently stationed army there, will WG remove US tanks?
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>Spot at least 3 enemy SPGs and cause damage or critical hits to them.
You mean when the US and Russia becomes best friends and US tanks get USA bias.
>usa attack russia
Don't you look at the news? Russia is our bro. We are gonna fuck up china instead.
That mission is easy if you have friends platoon as arty
Seems like a job for the 59-16
Go away overlord
Next event
>Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2
>Å koda T 40

Which one, /wotg/ ?

>Bonus Level! - 60 Points
>Deluxe Supply Crate (Random Draw)
>E 25
>T26E5 Patriot

Will be physically possible to get 60 points this time?
Everyone laugh at this traitor.

I bet you thought the communists were our allies also when gorbechev bent the knee

Read the news then:


Also, China and Russia are in very close diplomatic relationship if you didn't know.

But I'm sure USA is ready to spread their "freedom" bombs again. Israel and their puppets (USA) are the greatest aggressors and threats to world peace currently.
>Literally clueless
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Its been three/two years since I last played this...

Are gold rounds still "OP"? Id love to use my Jagdtiger 8.8 but I hated getting penned on frontal armour due to golden shots. Kinda defeated the purpose of me playing the tank and my will to play.

Also have they gotten around implementing the new physics engine for driving? Have I missed anything else?
>Are gold rounds still "OP"?

>clueless for stating facts and Russia-related news from Russian news channel

Your non-argument is invalid.
Yes, they put the new physics in.
Literally clueless
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Fuck it,im still installing.

Whats the strongest thing right now? I could go buy the thing after Easy 8, go down the IS line,go down further mid/heavy German line from t5,go down russian mid line, go down USSR TD line. I have T5/6/7 stuff in these lines

What should I pick?
T20, IS, Tiger 1 are all great

Turretless TDs became obsolete.
Soviet meds & heavies are still OP, especially meds. Germans are not really viable because of Russian bias. US meds & heavies are great, especially heavies.
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I'm playing Blitz because I just can't get used to PC and i need to know if I should continue these lines. I just finished the KV-4 and I need to buy the ST-I as well:
Panther I
Jagdpanzer IV
Also my shit premiums, I won't count in the BT-7 artillery
Panzer IV Anko Special
Pic related my personal rating if that's even useful
The amount of salt that EUfags generate whenever they see people firing gold ammo will never not be hilarious.
How did turretless TDs became obsolete? Peek a boo was so strong after all with highest damage guns

How did that happen?
that meme will never not be stale
Soviet/US Meds and heavies are always safe bets
French and Czech auto loaders are good
Swedish heavy tier 8+ are good

>How did turretless TDs became obsolete?
Micro ridges everywhere, only a few maps support traditional TD playstyle
Feels good wrecking a unicum statpadding with 122mm HEAT in a KV-1S. Bitches don't know about my German side skirts.
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>go to bush.rock
>get hit
>now get spotted

Yeah, I should have just stayed watching thrash on youtube.
Use the 105mm and be prepared to shoot APCR at anything with armor. If you do that, you get a moderately mobile tank with a fat HP pool and awesome DPM. I actually like the M4 45, for a tier 7 tank it's not bad.
Im wondering why they would buff the H lines turret armor when the entire tanks were weak spots with weaker guns.
All the E25s in the queue really make it a lot more fun to play tier 5 and 6 tanks. Thanks, WG.
>doing less damage than your own hp
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Why would you play a med instead of heavy?
Why would you play anything other than arty?
Mobility > Armor
Because most of the heavies in the game are big, fat EXP pinatas, and the few heavies that are good tend to be overpowered bullshit that isn't even fun to play because they're so god damn braindead. There's very little middle ground.
Top tier TDs are the most useless shit ever. Fuck the shitcunts who play these pieces of shit. When the enemy has Two E100s and an E5 and we have literal shit like object 268 and JPZ I know it is a loss. Playing them in a platoon should be a bannable offense.
>Watching Jpz
>has 10 minute reload but so much pen he can pen anything
I will probably get the Skoda... It got buffed so it doesn't have 132 pen anymore and its got 200 heat. The biggest factor for me choosing the Skoda is the Strv is going to be useless once you get the tier 8 heavy but the Skoda will be able to use your TVP crew.

The T-34-85M is trash the Rudy surpasses it in every possible way
Isn't it funny that WG thought that big fat turretless TDs with 1200 alpha would make the game more fun? Those retarded tanks aren't fun to play as or against, especially the retarded JP E100 which STILL has a magical black hole in the back that absorbs shots and makes them disappear into the ether.
>magical black hole in the back
Don't forget the Ferdinand.
Bring back the pre nerf TD autoloader
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1 (one) shot of damage per game
>mfw I love my jpe100
>mfw I carry games in it all the time
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>Emil 1
>in a valley
>Hellcat pops up right in front of me at the top of the hill
>shoots me in my 100mm hull that's now terribly angled because of our positions
>he bounces
>it was the 90mm
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Is of balance tavarish
>Cuck 74 on Ruinburg
>Go town, outside ally where TDs dwell
>OI Exp goes there instead
>Go heavy ally instead
>OI dies instantly after one shotting a mostly dead tank.
>carry the game
>End the game with no almost no modules.
Because I get to bully those retarded 3-man Bromwell platoons in my T-34-85
Thats cause slav modelers. If your gun goes to far in the back of the jpe100 it wont let you shoot.
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what hitpoint mod?
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more tonk
>last guy left on my team is named luibr08
>whether I win or lose is literally in the hands of an 8 year old Brazilian kid
WZ-120 or AMX 30?
>Dat face

recipes for tree
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>slightly less shit leopard or T-54 with heavy tanks gun
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WZ-120 if you like big guns that do a lot of damage and can live without gun depression. Personally, I love Chink tanks for that "put the biggest gun we can" mentality.
Id pay the fee to park in her stall.
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reminder to join NOPAN if you'd like to get free gold (tournaments), extra credits (skirmishes), r a r e tanks (campaigns), and photos of error's sister
and also friends to platoon with!
440 isn't that big a difference from 390, but it's definitely better than anything that isn't russian or the batchat, except on certain choice maps where depression matters.
AMX M4 45 - GLD / rammer / binocs and snipe?

dont be that heavy sitting in the back of the map
Vstab, rammer and optics
Go with the other heavies and use them as shields, shoot while the enemy is reloading
GLD/rammer/binocs with the 105mm but don't snipe unless you have to. It's better to use your 10 degrees of gun depression to hide your hull behind a hill and fight at medium ranges where your derpy accuracy can actually hit something. If you go hull down in that tank you can give the enemy a pretty small target to shoot at (which is important because the armor sucks).
>12 year old little bro picks up wot
>asks me for advice
>just play russian heavies and mediums and hetzer for a while, learn maps and dont touch lights for now
>hes 1.4k wn8 at 1500 battles

a literal child is better than like 70% of the playerbase
Children have great reflexes. I remember BTFOing everything at that age in CoD4.
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what a nice amount of matches to break 1k avg damage
>turretless TDs became obsolete
>they're still stronger than turreted TDs
Aside from the Grille 15, turretless TDs still reign supreme

>not having over 1650 average damage
Laffin tbqh
>Aside from the Grille 15, turretless TDs still reign supreme

how can anyone be this wrong
whens the next mid tier premium sale

i really want a type64
Are French TDs good or shit
just missed it
I sold my cromwell because strv74 is my new t6 tankfu
Please, tell me how the E4 is better than the E3
it has a turret
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The E4 has a turret.
t. yellow
which nation has the most accurate arta
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Would you a tonk?
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Emil 2 is just a good, solid tank

t. omato
>Emil 2 is just a good, solid tank
It also has a turret.
>Leo researched. Undistributed experience spent: 60380. Free Experience spent: 0.
this is gonna be underwhelming after based t6 isn't it
The big gun has dog shit stats, unfortunately. You're better off just using the gun from the last tank.
It's actually pretty good, still nowhere near as good as the t6 though. You still get the amazing gun handling with the t6 gun, but even better mobility than the comet.
IS-2 or T-34-1?
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Age old question, which has the best medium line? Please no bullshit about all are good but they just have different strengths.

There is only one truth between str,dex and int
M48 is the best medium for random battles at least.
The American medium line is better overall because there are no turds--it's great from tier 5 through tier 10. USSR has the T-43 and T-44 OR the A-44. Comparing the tier 10s, 62a/140 vs M48, considering that I've seen several top superunicums disagree on which is better, it really does come down to personal preference. Both tanks are amazing and some of the best tier 10s.

>Please no bullshit about all are good but they just have different strengths.
You're a retard
wargaming should just make all arties float on water so these fags cant suicide
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>Top tier T-54: I have 2500 damage and you shitters just lost us the game
Me: maybe 2500 isnt enough in a tier 7 game
T-54: you should have 7k damage by now UDES
They would still explode themselves against a building
thats too advanced thinking for 99% of arty niggers
>e3 and t95 do 0 damage on prokhorovka
How can you be this bad
>leo pta spamming for help because he rushed too far
>platoon mate goes to help him with 13 90 and 57F
>as soon as mate starts shooting at them leopard legs it and leaves him alone
>says "thx for escape noob hehe :)"
>5 seconds later i blast him with ap shell from gw piger
What team hitpoint mod is this?
How does it encourage less camping if the enemies havent been spotted?
>responding to TWO DAY OLD bait
>this thread is 2 days old
fucking dead game
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>200 player in queu
>takes like 10 min to find a match

Kill me
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>mission starts
>nothing bad happens
>some faggot leaves anyway
Germany starts good and gets progressively meh as time goes on, but the panther sucks, the leo has no armor at all, and the gun stats don't tell you that the gun expands a lot on the move compared to others. E-50 and E-50M are alright.

America starts good and stays good in it's own way.

Best tier 5, becomes a bit of a let down afterwards. Doesn't really come into it's own until tier 9 where it becomes a mobile, high camo bouncy castle with plenty of accuracy, where it can do just about everything. T-44 and T-34-85 aren't bad, though.

I'd argue that the brit medium line is a little better than the german one and that the Action X is a bit better than the Patton, but that's for a different discussion
The USSR never feels to me like it get's significantly better with any iteration desu. Even if you compare the T-34-85 to the T-44 the improvement isn't all that impressive.
What was the name of that character?
I remember reading some mangos of her, but can't quite remember
honk honk
yahoo is only showing me cars
>only firing HEAT in my KV-1S

it feels so dirty

but so good
>the current year
>being THIS new

she's shitposted everywhere. either lurk more and learn your 2hus or learn to use reverse image search.
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It drives me up the wall when I can't discern if someone is being retarded or merely pretending.
>full red team says one guy at start of match
>hey I'll have you know I'm a professional yellow tyvm

gotta stand up for something
Why is the churchill VII so shit holy fuck
Fuck it didn't mean to reply
Also is 4chin down
You're posting here, so no.
Don't be retarded then blame others for it
Didn't let me delete nor post so it was more of a test.
Still I like boking all the shoots that come at me but I can barely do any damage let alone penetrate
It's like having a cuck dick or a marshmellow gun
So you will free xp it
>obj 252y
>wtf is this

really, so they're inventing tanks out of thin air again?
Uh, you mean the IS-6? Or is the y some new meme version and not a typo?
check this shit, a pike nosed (and OP) is-6
>T34 drives up in front of me
>he just sits out in the middle of the field and blocks all of my shots until he dies
Yikes, that shit would make the IS-6 and IS-3 irrelevant. Better arnour than both of them with more pen than the IS-6, better gun handling and with the same speed and p/w ratio. Scary.
I can't find any info on the vehicle, except for a shitty blueprint that looks fake as fuck (and the source is that pasholok fag). Probably another fake tank from a 'drawing they found'.
I only play casually, there's been other suspicious tanks?
Also why not make the ratte at this point
Don't worry too hard, there's been loads of tanks that have turned up on testing that have never made it into the game (as of yet). e.g. Brummbar and T92 light tank.
that feel when italian paper tanks never
Is there an all russian tanks are white pravda mod?
I remember there was one, or at least all their tanks, but can't find it anymore
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Italy mounted a better tank gun in their planes than they ever did in their tanks
Well, afaik t7/8/9/10 japanese heavies are fake, with only the turret of the t9/10 actually existing (and it was actually a turret used on some sort of bunker, for coastal defense, not on a vehicle.

WG says it was planned to be used on a tank but since the project was scrapped they used it as a fixed turret.
Of course, it's WG, I find it more believable if it was just some random coastal defense turret that they snapped onto their imaginary tanks and made that story up).
We wanted to fight monsoons so of course we did
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>nuke a pub stomping stat padder PzB2 before he can get 100 damage
how do i become the world's best arty player so i can get through the personal missions
Understandable, it would be nice if they didn't go to such extremes but to be fair there aren't many tanks, the game would be either ded or nazisvshamburgers
Buy premium account so that you can afford to run food and shoot premium ammo. That's 95% of the skill involved in playing arty right there.
first you need to learn how long your shots take to land in order to properly lead a moving target

but arty dispersion is shit so is really up to RNG to decide, otherwise I'd always have a 95% hit rate

but most importantly you need to buy premium everything to get gifts from the RNG god
>and it was actually a turret used on some sort of bunker, for coastal defense, not on a vehicle
IIRC that was a similar looking turret but not actually the one used on the Type 4. The only known image of the actual Type 4 turret is pretty much known to be fake.
>440 isn't that big a difference from 390
50 more alpha is a big difference.
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>tfw 2 full pen shots in 1 game
should I join plsgo?
you can't
Is there a best tank per tier chart?
Bonus if there's one per nation
we dont let people in
Dead clan?
no but you're not invited
Dead clan.
I used to be in claws... surely that is proof enough for an invite
I'm a professional yellow can I join
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No because it is partially a matter of opinion and changes from patch to patch. But if you are interested in what tanks are generally considered good, what tiers, nations, and tank classes are you interested in?
Jokes on you, I'm already in
Not that anon but I've been away from the game for nearly 3 years and only just downloaded it again. Is my AMX 50b still good?
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Britbongs and nazis mostly
Any tiers I enjoy them all but I've unlocked only t7 because I'm not that good so the exp is low
Currently grinding a duck for the elc and memes but that's it, I finally can play on highest quality but it still doesn't look like it does on some videos, is that a mod?
Either way thanks for the help
How curious that's around the same ammount of time since the last time I played
wow I thought the KV1 was pretty good

the KV1S is cheating, desu
Its trash
t. red
Brits and germans both are weird in that they have some really good tanks but also a lot of shit ones that you have to grind through to get up there, while USSR and USA are generally easier to go up the lines (especially for mediums and heavies). I guess I can tell you the generally appreciated tanks in each line from T5 up, excluding arty.

Cromwell, Comet, Conqueror, FV215b are all great tanks for skilled players. Cent 7/1 and AX are not the best T9/10 mediums but some people really enjoy playing them. The Charioteer is also popular but I've heard it has cancer gun handling. I probably wouldn't play the TDs or keep any other british tanks besides the ones I listed. If you are a masochist the british lines are the perfect ones to play.

Germans have some very good tanks at high tier. E-50, E 75, E 100, and Grille are all godly. Leo and Leo PTA are good but hard to work with in the current map meta. E 50M is basically the E50 up a tier with better mobility. VKB is the thicker, slower sibling of the E75. RU 251 is a very good scout. JPanthII is a great tank. Those are what I would go for if I wanted nazi tanks.

50b has gotten a few buffs since that time, so yes it's even better now.
Sorry I forgot to mention the commies
Although all I have is KV-1 and KV-85
Damn I was starting the britbong AT line because I remembered how much of a wall some were when they got introduced
I guess I'll reduce my branches to the ones you listed. (except for matilda and churchill because GuP cancer)

Thanks for the nazi lineup senpai

Any idea of what are the most silly tanks to play? Is the elc amx still fun?
Is there anything faster?
Outdated list incoming:
MS-1 or leltracktor
Pz. II
Chi Ha? No idea here
KV-1? But just about every tier 5 is good and if you're good there are better tanks to use
E5/Obj. 140

TDs, SPGs, and light tanks are never the best per tier
>not playing a tank because it showed up in a jap cartoon
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It's the other way around man
I'm hoarding gup tonks
I think he meant that he plays those tanks because of GuP, as they were not listed as good tanks by >>165304210
Yeah it's the release of the Swedish tonks and the upcoming new French tonks I've heard about that have made me come back. I love dem autoloaders.

Thanks m8. I had a lot of fun in my 50b rolling with the mediums in clan wars to bully the enemy mediums.
Every non japanese or italian tank portrayed in that show is usually kind of good in this game except arguably the panther.
There are a ton of good russian tanks. From T5 up no arty

T-34, KV-1, T-34-85, KV-2 (because lol), KV-85 (not as good as it used to be though), SU-100, IS, IS-3, T54 LT, Obj 416, ST-I, T-10, T-54, Obj 430 V2, T-62A, Obj 140, IS-7, Obj 263, IS-4.

You can't go wrong with mother russia

AT-2 is extremely well armored for its tier but is blind and slow. The higher tiers' armor is less effective and will get penned. I just don't like tank destroyers, they are too slow, campy and generally cannot play a flexible game (exceptions exist like the JP2, Grille, and Obj 263). As for fast tanks, ELC is still top tier. Also consider the Luchs, LTTB, or RU 251 if you truly want to go reach new levels of speed and fun.
new french tanks? is there something i missed? do you mean the AMX30 line or did i legitimately miss something?
I got bored of the swedish ones but I just went up to t3, does it get better?
You've got a point.
I'll make my nonna voice pack shine then
Will consider, also if you haven't which I doubt try to play the Stug differently, it can get funky
I have a Stug and it can be a fun tank to hop into and play. TDs just aren't the same as they used to be, their view range and camo after firing have been nerfed, and the maps have all been changed so they fit into generally 3 "corridors" so you have fewer firing lanes to support from, and when you get spotted you generally get killed pretty fast. I never played TDs during the 2013/2014 glory days, but I wish I had grinded out some of those lines then. Now I probably never will.
I did notice a bit of a difficulty in both hiding and doing anything at all
I guess It was not just me being a shittter
Feels bad man
you should try training the camo skill on your td's as a first skill
its not too helpful on the high tier german td but the low and mid tier ones benefit greatly from it
Will do, thanks!
I heard that they will finally be adding the other heavy line that they previewed way back in the day but never put in because no one plays baguettes. They have standard turrets and no autoloaders as far as I know.

The tanks at the end of the Swedish line are autoloaders like the French ones.
oh ok, i thought i heard the weren't being put in be cause o reasons i can't remember
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A fucking 5 arty match with an FV304 toon. I don't hate arty but there's nothing more satisfying then killing FVs

Get the 122 and fire pure HEAT.
saved to the "these are your teammates" folder
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Are Latvians the most attractive people on Earth?
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me on the left
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Great event !
Fuck the Type 58, I just want to have fun in the IS-2 already but I gotta grind this piece of shit. Fuck
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team? hello?
is T28-E with F-30 any good?

and why that ridiculous name?
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My first 3 marked tank! Hooray!
And only tank for quite a while longer since I don't enjoy anything quite as much as this one.
It's the T-28E with the F-30 gun, what's so confusing
Wow anon, thats a whole lotta nothing. You could have fired so much earlier, why didnt you.
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Because there was an OI in the back and if I had I would've been one-shot?
Because I also had other, friendly tanks I wanted to assume could hit it so I didn't get lit and then rekt?

Or do you not understand camo or spotting?
I understand both. Its just that we dont know there's an OI, also that T67 was not going to spot you for at least 5 seconds before you fired
Nigga the OI ain't shooting anything quick enough for you not to be able to pull back after shooting.
anon stop
these webms are nothing special
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>inna emil 2
>playan on prokhorovka
>usin that mid ridge
>dump a few shells into people, see wz moves out of position
>go hunt him down, move back towards the rails
>tvp dumps 1000 worth of damage into my ass
>have to hide now
>he gets spotted a minute later on 1 line, chai sniping like a true green
>teammates take him down to just shy of 1300 damage
>I poke up, take aim, fire
>shot hits
>blows his ammo rack up

What got lost in the shitty encode quality required to make it fit 4chan size restrictions is that I took a shot and missed, you'll see the reload indicator on the left go red and count down.


Of course they're not.
It's just standard high skill gameplay :^)
desu i thought you had switched shells
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>start playing again after 2 years

122-44 seems about as balanced as when I stopped
This is how aimbot works


Warning, very bad player
Thinking about starting one of the viking lines.

Shall I go for the currently OP, but surely subject to future nerfs heavy line, or should I pick up the sneaky TDs?

Can't really make up my mind, but the TD line seems much more interesting to me.
Heavies are really good, and I don't really see them getting nerfed. The hull armor is trash, mobility is meh, and dpm as pretty awful.

They are very strong solely because of that turret armor and gun depression, if you can play around that they die easier than the other autoloader heavies.
So out of sheer boredom I decided to play World of Warplanes. Honestly from the early tier gameplay it isn't that horrible. I play WarThunder from time to time and I don't mind health bars and stuff or else I wouldn't play WoT either.

>free gold.
>easy to get a month of premium all a time.
>something else to play when you've had too much bullshit in tanks.
Fuck off Serb, WoWP is dead and we all know it.
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>All the E-25 does is camp a bush in the corner of the map all game
>he's top tier with one other tier 7
I actually played a fair bit of planes (I have a P-51 iirc) and the game is just pretty mediocre. Also dead.
>grinded the entire period and got multiple masteries.
>only 36 points.

also, is the site fucked right now I can't click on my rewards.
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>edging closer and closer to the S-51 through the KV-2
>soon I will bring the same hell I have been put through
>tfw your kv-2 crew does it's best but it's just not good enough
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does this mean wg will reset the higher tier missions again?
I don't want the old garage back :(
Oh fug I thought it went to the 17th. Oh well, I'm 74/80 and there was a snowball's chance in hell I was gonna get 80 anyway.
there are hundreds of mods to make your garage look however you want im sure someone is gonna make one with the tree and kv2

no, the missions say they will last till 16th january 06:59 (server reset time)

but the high tier missions say their completion time is until next 19 hours (tomorrow's server reset)

so i assume theyll reset them one more time

E 25 is not as OP as people consider it. Your only defensive stat is the camo which also isn't that great in reality considering map sizes and how few TD spots/usable bushes there are on current maps.

E 25 needs:

- a flat surface without any bumps ahead of it
- enemies being 250+ meters from you to have a chance to actually remain undetected

Sure, you can go the other way around and try to active scout with it, but considering how much E 25 is hated, you're priority target that gets 2-shot all the time. There are few occasions when you can actually flank with it, and take into account it is turretless, so circling enemies to death is not as easy as playing a light tank.

It has its strengths for sure, but there are even more downsides/issues with it currently.

My reflexes are still good, I think it's more about that you've developed a certain way due to doing things a lot.

I'm pretty sure most gamers keep their reflexes into adulthood, and could probably maintain it.

However, someone who didn't play video games during their younger years will probably never be able to become as good, I see this in my dad. He's probably played PS2-3-4 shooters for ten years and he's still shit.
Jesus christ, these are the kind of shitters playing the E-25.
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>when there's no arty to dynamic your gameplay up
>start game on himmelsdorf
>go hill because inna kv-2
>suddenly getting capped a minute in
>noone near cap
>hill is abandoned as rush to cap
>chaffee fucking scoots out of the cap the minute everyone shows up
>completely breaks up the team
>we lose, hard

cheeky little motherfucking light tank
>tier VIII

Show me one of your Himmelsdorf/Ensk/Stalingrad/Ruinberg/Kharkov/Sacred Valley E 25 replays, faggot.
>standard account

lul u poor or something
I won't pay a literal penny to these russian jews
>I won't pay a literal penny to these russian jews
>KR patton
but your tank is premium?

It just keeps goddamn happening
Hat, do You shoot exclusively gold?
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1MB, 1600x900px
i take month long brakes from this game, no point in buying few weeks worth of premium every now and then
>>165331821 <- not me
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