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Battlefield General - /bfg/

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last thread on page 10 edition

old thread >>164654323

>Weapon and stats:
Symthic's already started their metacrafting autism

>Emblem stealing website for uncreative babbies: http://emblemsbf.com/

Q: Is BF4 dead?
A: Yes, BF1 now.

Q: Where are the BF1 Platoons?
A: platoon is kill

Q: Which VOIP Do I join?
A: Yuropoors will be more likely to find people on the Discord. Mumble seems to attract NA players. Use whichever you like.

Mumble server (VOIP and Text)
port: 64738

Mumble download (Snapshot version is more stable and has more features)

first for me in sunglasses 8^)
>laying somewhere with a sniper shield is a strategy
>running into objectives blind isn't fun
I sometimes wonder if campers even have fun or feel happiness
First for objective shitters are useless pawns.
Literally awful at the game

I know they feel rage when I dunk on them with my Trench Fighter, and that gives me happiness.
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What do you guys want for the 3rd and 4th DLC pack?
>tfw still cant get the revolver medal

fuck me. 2 hours left
Here's the thing about objective shitters:they're mindless drones.
>Run into the objective
>Spray mindlessly
>Get shot by a good player
>land in matchmaking with a cheater over the weekend
>gets a KDR of 600, killing people with artillery and tank shells on Argonne Forest operations
>he's level 30+
>look up his account today
>still not banned
>go to leddit and the official forums
>most requested features in "what would you like to see implemented" are worthless QoL changes with no mention of script users


You incompetent swedish baboons

Implement some kind of anti-cheat
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>mfw running all the way to the hills or using a plane as my taxi just to knife and teabag each and every one of them
>mfw smoke grenade spamming the hillniggers that are on my own team as a support
>trying this hard
You know how I know your KD is 0.5? Because you're so bitter I play the game differently for better results
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does anyone know if there even is an mg15 skin? I have both the bludgeon and sawtooth knife, but haven't even seen an mg15 skin

Your options are

>shitty camo
>slightly less shitty camo
I have a legendary one, it's just camo but you can hardly see it over the black metal
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well that's a let down
Do we already know what the 2nd dlc will be? I can't find any info on it..
It will be about the Russians.

It was definitely one of the hardest I've done so far. I used the auto revolver because I couldn't handle the reloads on the others. Probably would have been easier to use the No. 3 with support to resupply.
i thought they're in shall not pass
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ITT: those drooling retards on your team who sit at the back of the map with a sniper rifle while ATTACKING on operations and think they're LE MLG PRO

you are the aids of battlefield
I remove defenders before they fire a shot making it easier for our team. You run into the objective and die. Who is more valuable??
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nope, the French are the only new faction in the first pack.
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you say that but what actually happens is that you sit there for half an hour holding your dick and occasionally kill a couple guys, and your K/D looks good because you're hiding at the back of the map so you never die
>bayonet charge someone
>they take out their pistol and kill me

why is this game so shitty
somme map
>wait in bunker to machine gun attackers
>get sniped

scouts are a fucking plague

> not listening to WWI era music while playing


can you imagine how much better and more fast-paced battlefield games would be without a sniper class?
Sounds like you're shitty for missing
t.objective drone with 1 KD
t.scout parasite
t. useless hillfriend
Learn to use cover properly and maybe you won't get killed by scouts so much retard
why not just play TDM if you're so asshurt over people playing the game correctly?
> cover
> on big-ass open-space maps
> with virtually no transport vehicles
So many triggered objective cucks itt. Does it enrage you to see me top of every game with a kd over 5? I bet it does. Meanwhile you struggle to achieve a 1.5 kd with a mediocre score.
bottom of the scoreboard*
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Now you've done it.
5 kills and 1 death.

Wow, what skill you have.
Git gud objective runt
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I did it guys! I finally got a repair tool kill on a vehicle. From 100 to boom and driver kill.
It took me only 17 hours! I am absolutely terrible at videogames.
>that guy who takes a fighter and spams darts while enemy tanks rape our objectives and never gets shot down so a bomber can actually accomplish something
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>that one guy who spawns in a light tank on operations and immediately gets raped
> light tank
> ever

why would you do such a thing
Why is it so shit? It needs buffed. It's as weak as an artillery truck and nowhere near as mobile.
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get fucked ground cuck
what is the point of the m1907 sweeper

it has a small vrecoil benefit which is virtually unnoticeable in exchange for being shittier at pretty much everything compared to the trench which can hipfire for days
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You meant the factory right?
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>like the aesthetics of carbine rifles
>those disgusting flip-up sights
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you better believe it when I just saw someone with a 100 service star with the SMLE carbine.
I fucking hate playing on Asian servers, full of full on tryhards & have no choice but to play on them.
>still playing this shit


Actually I top the scoreboard nearly every damn time.

You're a joke if you think I'm even looking at your k/d
post stats pls

I'm a consolepleb so I don't have screenshots.
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Grats my dude
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Whats up with the explosives fetish that DICE has?
Every troop is like a walking artillery station. The grenades are too abundant, too easy to use and really only serve to reward players with random grenade lobs. Half the time I just randomly fling a grenade and get double kills. Those aren't even earned.
Like BF4, BF1 would actually be a great game if there weren't so fucking many explosives. Just don't give every class a fucking nuclear arsenal or grenades.
Even planes drop grenades for fucks sake.

90% of the my deaths are from seemingly random grenades and 10% from actually losing firefights or getting shot from somewhere I didn't notice them.

Buut as usual, DICE won't fix anything until their game is on it's deathbed and nobody gives a fuck anymore.
Might be pretty soon with this game as there are only 4-5 weapons for each class only one of which is clearly the superior weapon that everyone ever uses. No mastery neat mastery stuff to chase after, no nothing.
It is almost amazing how little content this game actually has. Atleast the maps are mostly good. 3 of which are utter shit and one of them being the worst map in BF history.
Your stats are still tracked on battlefield.com and battlefieldtracker.com
It's actually one of the few things DICE got somewhat right.

the majority of deaths in WWI were from artillery/explosives.
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Good job my man.
What's your favourite/least favourite map lads?
I used the revolver you get for some level 10 class, its great
Empire's Edge
Giant's Shadow

Least Favorite:
All of the Ottoman maps
Least fav: Ballroom Blitz
Fav: Fao Fortress or Sinai

Hard to pick a favourite, I really like most of the maps.

Least favourite by far is Argonne Forest. It's just an eternal clusterfuck around C and a couple of other chokepoints. I'm not a huge fan of Amiens or Ballroom Blitz either.

Otherwise I like most of the maps, even the Ottoman ones that a lot of others dislike. I mostly play Conquest, so that may give me a different experience then people who play mostly Operations. For example Monte Grappa is a slightly better Operations map than Conquest map imo.
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Is the M1903 sniper the best long range sniper or is it just a meme weapon?

I personally prefer the Russian 1895, but that's mostly because I have having half my screen blocked off by the scope. The extra peripheral vision is less claustrophobic.
fav: sinai desert or st quentin scar
least: ballroom blitz
>90% of the my deaths are from seemingly random grenades
like nigga just walk away from the grenade indicator
>Buut as usual, DICE won't fix anything until their game is on it's deathbed and nobody gives a fuck anymore.
there is literally nothing to fix about grenades except maybe the fact that gas goes through walls

Is there a better feeling than playing as an attack plane and blowing away clustered infantryfags on operations?
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>people saying Sinai is anything other than worst map
it isn't, you just got bored with it because you played it too much during the beta
fao fortress is objectively the worst map
>play conquest
>usually get bored and switch between 3 classes each game
>sometimes get distracted and ignore objectives for 5 minutes or so
>always in the top 3 on my team

I'm not even very good at the game, are battlefield players really that bad? Do people have shitty connections and randomly drop out of rounds? Someone explain this to me.
Getting my dick sucked by your mom.
Whats the best shotgun? What's the worst (other than the 12g)?
>No real buildings apart from some shitty shacks
>No flow from objectives
>Massive open spaces between them
>Most players just sit at C
>Sniper shits everywhere
A10 hunter easily
Is it possible to win oil of empires as the attacker? Never done it before. Even if my team blows through the first 2 maps, we can never capture the last 3 objectives at once.
Any tips or is it just broken?

Same here. It's always a shock to me when I look at the scoreboard and am at or near the top.

Like I'm not that good, all I do is try to sneak around to undefended objectives, and shoot anyone that gets in my way.
>lying on the internet to make people stoked on you
All Operations should be 3 maps but each sector should only have 2 flags.

When you get to a sector with 3 flags, the game really halts as it turns into a whack-a-mole game.

Monte Grappa and Sinai 3 flag sectors are cancer.
St. Quentin Scar or Empire's Edge
>Least Favorite
Ballroom Blitz or Argonne Forest

Needless to say I rarely play Conquer Hell
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>let's make a gun for each class you only unlock at rank 10!
>Woah what a great idea!
>How good should we make them?
>Total shit, unusable crap
>Except assault, make that the best gun in the game
>new weekly medals
>4/5 are ones I have already

I wish there was some way to fix this.
>argofuck yourself with an autistico/shotgun forest
>want to play scout
>equip russian trench rifle, frommer stop, flare gun and incendiary bombs with gas nades
>top of scoreboard with assists from spot flares, damaging with gas and shots, top kills
>supports REFUSE to give me ammo
>support in my squad just ignores me and masturbates on his mortar to go for kills that i'm spotting for him with flares
>beat the shit out of him with my club spamming AMMO
>another support runs up to me to watch, stares at me
>call for ammo
>he runs away

What is wrong with these fucking people? Whenever I play support (got it to rank 11) I ALWAYS chuck an ammo pouch at my teammates. I rarely ever have it off cooldown when I am near my mates. This shit is so fucking infuriating.
You think that's bad? Fucking medics are the worst. Either they don't carry syringes or just don't care. They frequently walk over my fucking corpse and don't bother. Literally the worst players.

Favs are Argonne, St. Quentin and Amiens
Least favs are Empires Edge and Suez
>DICE makes rifle grenades for medics
>have to sacrifice either healing or reviving, two of the most important staples of being a medic
>DICE even makes a shitty crap medal to encourage tards to do it


Going for that medal was the only time in my life I've used rifle grenades. I was amazed at how shitty they were. Thank fuck I knocked out that part of the requirement in one round on Monte Grappa by repeatedly nading the bunker.
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Sharper than a serpent's tooth is an ungrateful revived medic.
You know how I know your SPM is sub 500 ?
Favorite - Argonne Forest or Monte Grappa
Least favourite - Sinai desert or Fao Fortress
Why the fuck isn't there an infantry variant of the Springfield?

That pederson device bullshit sucks royal ass
Sorry mate, Autistico is a level 1 unlock and Hellreigel is far from the best
>not listening to Mars and Jupiter from The Planets on repeat

New record, my body literally landed ON a Medic, who stood there at 0(zero)m then ran away.
gas grenades need a fucking nerf they last way too long
sniper scouts should be instantly spotted when they zoom in and can do maximum 60 damage with a headshot - this is not because they are overpowered but because sniping should not be encouraged in any way shape or form
all classes should have access to the infantry bolt-actions
either let us customize our appearance or just remove the black german scouts, seriously, come the fuck on
remove 3-flag sectors on operations

what am i forgetting
Remove option to skip to deployment screen so retards can't keep costing our team tickets and you points.
>gas grenades need a fucking nerf

git gud and use your gas mask.
East Africa campaign for sure, pith helmets, neat colonial architecture, askaris. I want it all.
>just use ur gas mask lul
>can't ads, leaving every class at the mercy of autistico trench spamming assaults

>the nation-state of you
Favorite: St. Quentin by a long shot, tend to have good back and forth games on it and it's one of the most atmospheric maps visually.

Least: Argonne is a clusterfuck, but I do have fun on it occasionally for that very reason. Suez is bland all the way down.
add more light vehicles to objectives on big maps like motorbikes and cars
spawn with only one gas grenade
every tank is still shit-tier compared to the heavy tank
Can the elite unit kits not receive heals and ammo or are players just retarded?
No. 3 Revolver

Players are just retarded. A medic should accompany elite units at all times.
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The ever so common roof shiggy in his natural habitat
>people actually believe there's a difference between having a good k\d and being objective oriented.
When did this meme start to occur? In my experience unless you clear the way the best your gonna get is a 10- second semi capture that gets shut down immediately, you need a good k\d to be objective oriented.
>Top the score board
>Often with negative KDR

what does throwing crates and gas grenades at choke point have to do with it
Lmao just shoot back
What's the better sidearm for Scout, Mars Automatic or Frommer Stop?
Depends on what rifle you're using in all honesty, Mars has great high minimum damage and almost revolver tier damage up close, but Frommer Stop will kill faster and is better for finishing up super low hp
We can sit here all day debating each other's arbitrary list of what is considered 'objective oriented' but at the end of the day KDR is usually one of the least important factors in gauging who contributed to the team's victory because theres usually not that big of a gap between normal players. I mean maybe if you were some god player who went 40/0 while also capping you could say it was somehow representative, but a guy who caps 4 flags and goes 4/10 is more important than a guy who goes 10/0 and caps nothing.
yeah, remove battlepacks and transfer cosmetic skins and shit to challenge based reception, like 100 kills = this skin, 1000 kills = this better skin, 100 tank kills = this tank skin, 100 headshots with this sniper = this skin

etc. like mw2. I hate battlepacks theyre so useless and lazy
I'm trying to get used to the Gewehr 95 at the moment.
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>getting shot up as a fighter
>get a roadkill before I hit the ground.
why do you need to ads if you're close enough to get hit by a gas grenade
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>jump out of a car midway through a turn
>couple of seconds later get a roadkill
>look around for it
>car drove a slow circle down a hill and crushed a sniper against a rock
I got a roadkill on Sinai when I took flight over a hill in an armored car. Turned out I landed square on top of a Tank Hunter, he went splat.
how often do battlebacks drop?
I was told you have a 5% chance every game. Not sure how true that is. I seem to never get them in Rush but almost always get them in any other game mode except maybe War Pigeons.
should I not be playing operations then
Like I said, I have no idea how true that is. I've gotten a battle pack from what seems like significantly more then 5% of Operations I've played. On the other hand, I've seen people on here saying War Pigeons is the best game type to grind battle packs, and I rarely get one from that.
1/howmanypeopleareinyourmatch :^)
I want everyone who auto-suicides then squad spawns on me to be kicked from the game
What does this even mean?
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Telescopic sights should be removed from all medic guns. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. If you're a medic you should be on the frontlines reviving, not sniping. It's got to stop. Period!
I was there with you i think

Was his mame wizard or wayward?
DesFox1, actually

Surprises surprise, there are multiple blatant cheaters and DICE is clueless as to how to stop them
omg come on mate how do you go 1-14
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A true Medic uses both telescopic sights and his sidearm equally
Grenades are fine (other than buggy gas grenades).

The lack of weapon variety/customization is pretty sad. I like customization and variety, and I genuinely liked how BF4 had so much to unlock. I'll admit it was overkill with the attachments requiring a ton of work to unlock, but the overall number of different guns was great.

DICE needs to increase the number of weapons they add per DLC (or add more weapons ASAP in regular patches). It's fine that there aren't multi-class weapons, but simply changing a weapon's sights or adding a scope doesn't make a new gun.

I'd love to see more Martini-Henry-type weapons, like the various muskets that were retooled to use huge bullets.

The elite classes are a gimmick that reduces weapon variety for normal classes. The extra armor could be a respawning pickup, but the weapons shouldn't be shackled to shitty pickups. I really wanted to use the Tankgewehr as a regular weapon, personally.
I want something along the lines of St. Quentin's Scar, but in a more wooded area. Argonne has a purpose, but I want a Caspian Border equivalent.

St. Quentin's is probably my favorite map. Ballroom Blitz is possibly my least favorite because of the inaccessible parts of the building and weird layout of terrain; it almost feels like playing Battlefield in a Quake-style shooter's map.
Sinai's not that bad. It's similar to St. Quentin's.

Suez, Monte Grappa, Ballroom Blitz, and Argonne have more issues, but they provide a change of pace.
The A-10 Hunter is still the king.
Just line the shotguns up in order of how reliable and long-ranged their one-hit kills are; that's how you rank them.
>St. Quentin's is probably my favorite map
mah niggah
it's just so nice to play on, easily my favorite map from Bf1 so far.
All submachine guns are viable. The Automatico is probably the best overall, followed by the Hellriegel.

The Martini-Henry used to be a good choice, but it can't keep up after the "bug fix" nerf.

The Huot would be incredible if it had a slightly higher RPM.

The 5-round Selbstlader... You've got me there.
I can't break the 20 kill threshold on team death match any tips?
stop sniping
keep playing team deathmatch

eventually youll get an all shitter game and go to town
>gas grenades should be nerfed
They're fine; they just need to not hit through solid objects.
>whining about snipers
If you made sniper scouts worse, you'd just get sniper medics and camping supports. Scouts are fine, other than the sweet spot mechanic being retarded and the Martini-Henry being dumpstered.
>Bolt-actions for everyone
That's a very risky design decision, given that every weapon type has noticeable strengths/weaknesses and scouts would have no unique weapons.
>customize appearance
>remove the black Germans
Yes, yes, yes. I'm sick of this SJW-backed historical inaccuracy. There were very few (less than a dozen), if any, actual black soldiers among the German army in Europe, and the conflicts in the German colonies in Africa were negligible, meaning that a single German soldier being black (even though DICE says their efforts to diversify each army is meant to represent all fronts for each faction at once) is ridiculous pandering.
This is one of the worst problems that BF1 has.
"Waaaah, the class meant to be the best at hipfiring at close range is good at hipfiring and close range combat, waaah, this is the fault of gas grenades"
Pull out your sidearm and/or use a better hipfire class for whatever class you're using.
Gas grenades just need to not hit through walls.
I hate the fact that "light vehicles" is everything weaker than a tank. I would like to see more use of cars, armored cars, and motorbikes, but all of them (except maybe the armored car) need to have their handling tweaked + the armored car needs more health. It doesn't need to be a full-on LAV, but it should be stronger than a fucking regular scout car.
Players are retarded.
The elites take a very long time to start self-healing, but they are capable of it.
22kills and still didn't get it
stupid racist
>The Automatico is probably the best overall

it's shit outside of Shotgun range
How do I git gud at bomber? I can't kill shit while flying it.
The only reason it isn't better than every shotgun is that it can't one-hit kill.

If you think it's only useful in shotgun range, you're only comparing it to the A-10 Hunter + you need use ADS with the Storm variant more often. It even beats the A-10 if you don't die to the first shell.
Hold your right mouse button to see through a lens on the bottom of the plane, and ask your teammates to spawn in the plane.
hellreigel is better than the autistico
>mfw I main M1903 Experimental now.
It always loses to the Automatico. The Hellriegel is essentially a less-accurate MP18 with more rounds per magazine. It has a purpose (less reloading), but the Automatico beats anything other than a shotgun in low-range fights.
How the fuck do you take the last objective on iron walls when they spawn right next to the flag and they're protected by out of bounds mode what the fuck is this
Don't really have a favorite but I absolutely hate Argonne & Ballroom.
good thing everyone in the game doesnt use the automatico then

hellriegel is better for mid range encounters and good enough in close encounters against everything but a shotty and the autistico that it edges the autistico out imo
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Smoke goes through all terrain. That will never happen. It's more than just patching it.
Would the Slug shot gun be too OP if we increased its one shot range by maybe 3 - 5m, making it the same as the M97 Backboard?
hellriegel is more accurate tho, and it has a higher rpm so it kills faster
Yeah I guess it would. But it is kind of silly that the factory guns have more range then the slug.
Its a shame really. I always get 93 damage shots.
gg ez
Is it? I have it, but still use my Mp18.
Anyone who says Hellreigel can outgun Autistico in anything except mid range is autistic, close and close-mid ranges are dominated by Autistico, nothing can compete.

t.20 service stars with Autistico storm
meant to quote >>165039216
>20 service stars
How do people not get bored using the same weapon all the time? I'm almost level 80 and I don't have more than 3 service stars with any weapon or vehicle, and I've only reached 3 stars with two guns
>get 10headshots with an smg
whats up with these impossible challenges?
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Met this guy last night on asian servers.
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Who /Light Artillery Truck/ here?

Thing is honestly not OP at all
everyone loves the lee enfield
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The power is addicting
Pic related

PS - I know that's a calculation error on bftracker's part
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What's BTR/min?
holy shit there's a sniper shield that's so cool brb camping at the back of the map
loadout masterrace :
m1918storm/m1911/dynamite/atnades/smoke/hatchet or sawtooth

swap for at mines/incindiery/a10 depending on sector/operation

sweeper/auto revolver/pouch/needle/smokes

swap for selbstlader optical if you can hang further back, at nades or incindiery if you dont need smoke for the sector

m15storm/m1911/pouch/HE mortar/smoke

swap out mortar if you dont have to deal with vehicles and repair your tankbros

m95 infantry or lee enfield/mars or m1911/spot/FUCKING K BULLETS/at nade

if you run anything but spot and k bullets and even at nades you suck. ( looking at you impact fags)
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>well ok
stopped reading

playing with the storm variant reminds me so much of BC2's Engineer smg's
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Trash opinion fuckwad, get bent.
its the best for what the class is supposed to do what can you do
>t. hillnigger/airchav
get fucked gayboy
bar telescopic is superior in every way tho
Bitch I rock and roll as a support on that map. Sorry u got sniped too many times cuck, learn where the crouch button is.
seriously though, is there a single viable use for k bullets?
Can anyone get a game in Europe on PC? Idk if it's my net or the EA servers are just constantly fucked.
sorry I meant to say
>t. hillnigger/airchav/mortarfag
but that's not an assault class weapon.....
Mortar sucks dick my dude. You should've said:
>t. hillnigger/airchav/crossbowfag
you would not believe how many bombers other planes, stationaries and tanks i disable, kill their tracks so my mate can finish them or just kill. theyre so good i dont think you can justify anything else in that slot except maybe periscope if you're helping a tankbro in your squad spot or something
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>monte grappe
>defending operation
>last flag, mountain fortress
>get flame trooper
>defend against 100 attackers because my based medics and supports kept healing and supplying me
>burnt about 25 people alive
>went down into the tunnel as the game was ending and lit up like 5 people at once

who the fuck /fire/ here?
and when you wanna feel lucky.
oh shit, I was sure for a second the bar was called bar m1918
m10 hunter and hellriegel are better all around weapons
Literally got quad kills on tanks 2 games in a row just by waiting for it to hit low health.
This is another thing that needs fixed. They took the retarded hero mechanic from battlefront and stuck it in here.
i'm sure they will just remove it because youthink it sucks
Can confirm I'm an DICE and we're removing because he thinks it sucks
thx i thought so
>Very rarely ever play Operations because impossible to find a game
>No way of knowing if game is filled or empty
>9 out of 10 times join game with 4 others in it and it never goes up.
Why is there no Operations server browser?
are you australian
For some reason it only happens here
St. Quentin Scar, Sinai and Monte Grappa.
Suez and Ballroom Blitz are my least.
yeah i dont know i heard a bunch of aussies complain about this, maybe when SA servers come live ?
I'm in asia server & can't find most of the time too, same for aus. Too little playerbase I guess. It's not worth it at all to play Operations cause the niggering went way too high recently.
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>tfw I am in the top 1% of Model 10 Slug users
Feels great being the best
How do I get better with the Kolibri? I barely have 19 kills with it.
Its only in my opinion viable as a finishing gun.
Use any sniper and go for close range shots. I used to use the martini but I don't know how good it is now.
Get a close range body shot for 80 damge and quick switch to finish them off.
That is honestly the only way to get kills for that.

Scout should honestly get a another secondary unlock at max rank that is actually useful. The Kolibri is literally a joke weapon and has no purpose other then the dog tag and codex entry.
Use weapons like m95 then switch to Kolibreeki. You can't expect to take out someone at full health with it.

I equip it on every class, and it is just so frustrating. Even when I switch guns it's almost impossible to finish them off without dying.
It really is a pain to do anything with. I'd say get people from behind but only dealing 5 damage means you need like 2 and a half full clips to kill someone.
Its so bad not even Symthic has its stats. Or I can't find it.
support should be bar telescopic/crossbow/pouch/at nade

use nade spam for crowd control to mitigate bar's weakness

for argonne it should be bar trench/airburst/crate/gas

don't use your gun, just airburst infantry blobs and spam gas at/behind chokepoints
>aibursting infrantry

mortards are supposed to take out other mortards.
i hope this is conquest you're talking
>Ever using dynamite
Its so bad though. The only use is to put them down and wait for someone to walk over them which can be a waste of time.
You are supposed to throw it in the bunker or over walls at chokepoints. Camp in the clocktower on A, Monte Grappa operations and throw them downstairs.
Don't wait, just throw and pop it. If you get a hitmarker you know somebody is behind the corner. In the best case you get a multikill.
it's good on certain sectors or if a squadmate is in a good postion to spawn on. ballroom first sector on attack for the trenches and pillboxes and fao last sector if you're defense for example
But you can do that with anti tank grenades.
Run in slightly after they detonated whilst everyone is still in confusion.
I guess you can't detonate them instantly. But they are more versatile and have more range.
>But you can do that with anti tank grenades.
That's what the 2nd slot is for.
What else do you put in your other slot besides dynamite?
I use anti tank mines as though they were dynamite.
Run up to tanks, place to on the side and through a normal greande for an ez kill, most of the time.
But the AT rocket gun can also be useful too.
Question: if I get the premium pass, on pc, are the dlc maps mixed in with normal maps? Do people play that dlc maps? Are they good? Are they hardcore?

Also, are there hardcore operations?
I miss assaulting tanks with parachute recon using c4, why does the scout class have no unique mechanic?
wait, where do I look up player stats?
I know right, everyone should know that the people who use smgs don't even know what ADS is
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It's like you don't get that smg's have the highest recoil and the only way you're gonna get headshots with them is if your point blank and either spray and hope you get one, or sneak up and pop one shot into their head..or something..
I think if a plane crashes in a certain period of time after you've been shooting it (and done enough damage to get an assist) the game should give you the vehicle destroyed and any applicable kills if the pilot didn't bail. Thoughts?
Did they change the K-Bullets recently?

Whenver I pull them out, I get a completely new rifle instead of the usual animation.

It's like a lever rifle with no sights, and 25 rounds. And it's shit against vehicles. Or is it just a glitch?

Sneaking up is mostly how I did that challenge for shotguns, pistols, and revolvers.
>find hillnigger
>flank him
>put my gun literally touching his head and unload
It is good that there is some diversity.
Hellriegel is about the same at mid range because mid range nullifies the Automatico's strength– full auto spraying. The Hellriegel is decent enough in close combat that it does usually beat LMGs (other than the BAR, maybe) and semi-autos, but I can't stand how inaccurate its hipfire can be.

Might be a glitch. Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago but it fixed itself quickly.
it's a glitch on servers where everyone is lvl0

You're right. Everyone is level zero. I hadn't even noticed that.

Why is DICE so shit at netcoding?
The Hellriegel has a far lower RPM, which is the main reason why it loses. It is more accurate if both guns are fired continuously until they're both out of ammo/overheated, but the Automatico user would have already killed the Hellriegel user by that time at low range due to sheer DPS. Mid range depends entirely on whether the Automatico uses ADS + burst fire or full auto.
I know I keep bashing on the Hellriegel in this thread, but it does get beaten by the Automatico almost every time.
It wouldn't be that hard if it was counting headshots and not headshot kills.
>smoke grenades
Okay, I can respect the smoke grenades, but the M1918 is outclassed. Dynamite is special because you have control over it, but the rocket gun doesn't require dying >75% of the times you use it.
I'd rather always use mines than dynamite because you can shoot/grenade them for the same effect, plus they can detonate on their own.
Incendiary grenades are great.

I only really use the Mondragon Storm or Marksman for Medic because it feels much more controllable than the Selbstlader.
Light AT grenades are kind of trash, even on a class that has no other anti-vehicle option. (Swapping out your syringe/healing for a rifle grenade is always cancerous.)

For support, I'd suggest using the Madsen/BAR for 90% of situations. I only bother with the M15 (suppressive) when I feel like hanging back and focusing on resupplying allies + bombarding the enemy with the crossbow or mortar. Try using the crossbow (frag) in place of the mortar sometime, and consider the limpet charge.

I do love the M95 for its versatility, and the Lee Enfield's good. The M1903 Experimental lets you play like an assault.
I do agree that the spot flare is pretty necessary, but K bullets are shit, IMHO. Annoying a tank that could one-shot you at any distance that you're actually doing damage with a K bullet is foolhardy, even if you might be preventing a repair. I usually use the incendiary tripwire because you get two (and using gas as a scout tends to be counterproductive).
Using K bullets is a very optimistic way to play. Sure, you might kill a tank on low health, if they ever let you see them at that health. Sure, you might prevent a tank repair, but you'll probably get blasted away long before your allies follow up and kill the tank. Perhaps you might significantly damage a plane, but you might as well use regular bullets for that.
I agree with you, but I was responding to the hellriegel vs mp18 part.
to be fair most of the time i do use the AT mines but ive tried more to make dynamite work as an all-round gadget and not just on certain sectors that favour dropping it over walls/bunkers/trenches.

i tried to make the mondragon storm work i really like it but when you're in the thick of it with gas and shit the 21shot sweeper just works better for me. the lAT nades are good against stationaries and to not feel utterly useless against armour as medic, it does destroy alot of HMG and shelling stationaries which are a halt to any push, so i like them.

the power of K bullets is that many use it, if a plane comes strafing and 3 scouts and 1 lmg fires at it you can kiss it goodbye
that just happened to me with the sweeper, 1 bailed, 1 stayed it, got engine disabled and the kill 2s after
Holy shit that was so cool fucking every member of our team running across the empty field in a last ditch effort to capture the objective, we almost got it too.
I just got BF1 a few days ago and I love that little attention to detail when your side wins a segment of the operation and your team does a cheer and you hear the whistles signaling the next charge.
So there a reason not to be squad leader? it's just free points.
No dlc yet. First expansion is in March
Wait till you're defending and lose a sector. This is the best battlefield yet.
>M1918 is outclassed

Did you not read this thread.
Autistico Storm is invincible,
You can even take on Hellreigel at mid if you burst fire and even shottys have a tough time against it in Close quarters

It is the best gun for assault, no room for disagreement
you wanna know something funny the .25 extended is the only gun with a faster non one shot TTK then the autoimatico.
Fuck. I forgot that the Automatico is the M1918; everywhere I said M1918, I meant the M18. All of my posts are fucked up.
The Automatico is the best assault gun (except maybe the A-10); the Hellriegel is decent. The M18 is viable, but outclassed.
uh going against a blimp with no stationary anti air is not fun
why is there no button to call for an anti vehicle guy
I gotta say one thing I don't like about these large scale battles is when there's a grenade thrown you just know there's about 20 more incoming
One thing I've noticed in BF1 is the lack of WW1 atmosphere, and I think a big part of it is the lack of ww1 music and songs..

Cause I remember playing Toy Soldiers on XBL Arcade back in the day and it FELT like I was playing a WW1 game, from the way the menu was set up, to the unlocks and sound and music, it felt more Olde timey and felt like it was set in WW1 which BF1 didn't, other than the guns and basic military theatre, it would have been nice to see more mustaches and less affirmative action, and the inclusion of olde timey WW1 music and atmosphere to the game

>Link related




I thought you wanted the Trench variant for the improved hipfire. Storm versions are obsolete for PC players because you can just compensate for recoil with a little bit of skill.
Has anyone noticed a severe amount of lag on the ps4? I didn't play for almost all of December and now that I am back its like my first round from the medic rifles has a blank.

I also notice that those latency icons are on the screen more often. The orange one pops up about every 5 minutes.

Also also
>stop playing with a 2.2 k/d and 75% win/lose
>come back
>get demolished the last six games
>all loses and even k/d
its the point of it, there's no AA in the first sector because if you need the blimp at this point you are supposed to get the sector from it
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I've noticed this too, I didn't know if it was just my connection or what, cause I got the game cheap on boxing day and started playing and the 1st few days it was fine, now I see bad connection icons all the time and lags alot more than it normally did
Be happy knowing that the attackers are so shit that they needed a blimp that early.
tfw Attackers never make it past first sector on Conquer Hell
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>Fighting on point B of Monte Grappa
>Enemy airship is hovering right over us but our pilots are tearing it up
>Decide to start chucking up some AT rockets to at least chip in
>Get the final blow on it
yeah happens from time to time, most of the time i see it when the round starts and defenders outweigh attackers and they really get the chance to set up, add to that decent snipers on defense and dogshit tankers on attack and thats that
I recently had a game like that as defenders. Ya, you get a win but it took forever for it to end.
Hey guys, is fairfight still effective in combating cheaters in bf1? I'm seeing a lot of people who are too good to be true and I got so pissed about it the more I saw...

Case in point, Fao Fortress map, someone sniped me from F to A multiple times, in succession, along with the rest of my squad. 5 bullets, 5 people. We were capturing objective and moving around.

How the heck does this game becomes a cheatfest?
it does 1-3 damage doesnt it
Oh, and its the same person, not even a scout. He's using mondragon sniper.
Yeah, I was dealing 3 damage a hit
Never tried spectator mode but does that allow you to look at the persons screen?
lol, nope.

Extremely blatant cheaters using a full arsenal of off-the-wall paid cheats for long periods of times don't even get auto-flagged
Sorry, quite a noob at spectator, but how do you get to spectator mode?

So who does fairfight ban then on their chat message? Is that just placebo or an ad or some shit?

I heard that fairfight bans are global across origin, meaning that if somebody got banned in FIFA then it would show up in BF1.

If people are banned in BF1 it's because they fucked up.
>Storm is obsolete because you can control recoil meme

Horizontal recoil is impossible to control, and Storm variants reduce 30% of it on top of vertical recoil. There's also a 50% spread increase reduction when firing from the hip
Only way I know how to join as spectator is from the server info screen.
Well, how did they fuck up? By cheating and blatantly showing off?
So if you cheat and did not show off or using off market cheat, you didn't get a ban for that?

Seriously, the game had way less cheaters a few months ago compared to now. What happened?
Christmas and the chinese happened
I've been playing with the chinese since release and never had this problem. It's gotta be Christmas :)

The cheaters name are all yurop or american sounding, not asian. I've played with some dude/tte with all numbers in their name, and he/she really sucks at the game, so...
Are the PS4 servers down?
all my stats have disappeared wtf. On ps4. Says I'm level 0.
sales on games traditionally increase the amount of cheaters (see: CS) and it's no secret the chinese have the hacks for sale. on EU it's been mostly russian (wow surprise) but the problem with this is the lack of community servers. cheaters mostly stick to official servers which in bf4 you didnt have to play but now you do (operations). on community servers hackers don't last as long because there's admins and half the population isn't half-bad .

the way it's now cheaters just go unpunished forever
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>pouch/HE mortar/smoke
Same, must be a server issue

Interesting. Because I've been playing airchav recently and often the guy will bail after I've done like 50 damage and I won't even get a vehicle disabled. Have to chase them to the ground and risk crashing to get the last few shots in.
medic revolver, hang around in any tower at D in empires edge, wait for them to come up the stairs>>164988282

It's back now

flanker is best boy

nothing like outmanoeuvring landships and heavy tanks and kill them from behind with gun or mines as they helplessly try and waddle around to kill me
I'm willing to bet that for every invisible noclipping godmode cheater that just doesn't give a fuck, there are DOZENS of shrewd, sneaky cheaters using something harder to detect like wallhacks. DICE is just clueless as to how to stop them.
>MG15 Storm

good try though
would you rather they be removed altogether or just made into actual weapons?

I have never seen an elite class be a game-changer. Even if they do have medics helping them (which rarely happens in my experience) you just hit them with explosives and they drop quickly.

the villar perosa can be a game changer desu

Explosives or flank and shoot them in the back.

I agree the VP is the best of all the elite guns.
The entire point in k bullets is to interrupt a tank's repair to help your teammates take it out. If you're going lone wolf then they're pretty useless
Is there any visual indicators when a tank is repairing from the inside outside of it just not moving?

Will it stop tank and support classes from wrench repairing?
can people see indicators that a limpet charge is near them? I'm approaching a hundred kills with it and I'm just now wondering why people seem so unresponsive when I throw it to them
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>tfw to intelligent to get a good K/D
>proud to be A FUCKING LEAF
>tfw getting a 1 k/d as a scout in argonne but being on top of the scoreboard
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Why do Nips feel the need to try so hard in this game like. Like fuck off. Shit's not fun at all I shit you not. I tried playing on EU & it's more tolerable despite having shittier ping.
>100 star 8.25
>100 star carbine smle
>100 star memetini
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>8.35 is one of my favorite guns
>think I should maybe try 8.25
>get killed by a dude who has 30 stars with it
>realize it's apparently a shitter weapon and decide to not use it
>retards don't let you repair tank
>retards drive tank directly into enemy team destroying it as soon as it spawns.
>retards hop out of tank only to get shot and give tank to enemy.

I don't know, I've never been attacked with one. Certainly the tanks I use them on seem surprised and confused.
>people using anything but Incendiary Grenades
It's like you want to use inferior grenades.
Because everyone just lies down and it does like 30 damage.
you would also thing people just pressed T when you threw gas, but they don't

Like nigga just move out of the flames, like nigga lie down.
Why use that when the gas exists. I thought Incendiary was good at first but it's shit.
>higher AoE
>works like an indicator
>2 fucking grenades
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What SMG should I be using as Assault if

>I want to play aggressively
>I don't want to be a fag
Because you can run away from gas and live. I use incendiary grenades as support though. They are good when I have a unlimited supply of them.
>press T to avoid, the grenade

When you hit someone with an Incendiary, they have to run or die, and if you move in after they catch on fire they are toast.

Multikills are a common thing with incendiary, because they always will at least do damage and wounded enemies will get fucked by them.

Don't play assault.
>I don't want to be a fag

>dont want to be a fag

Either dont play assault or dont give a fuck what people think, its that simple. But assault is overall pretty cancer so I would say use nothing.
Is there a site that isnt battlefields official site that lists all the patches so far in a nice, clean, and comprehensive way?

Yeah I found the lack of period music to be odd, I guess maybe they think it's too weird and cheery to work with the game's tone, but that strange incongruity is what makes it all so evocative too.
hellriegel, dont listen to all these butthurt niggers

don't forget to get a support buddy who will follow you around
>kill someone
>someone else spawns on them as you're reloading
>they kill you

There's not a more bullshit way to die, and it happens far too often.
>play support before air burst mortar got nerfed
>see a cluster of enemies
>kill, kill
>kill, kill, kill

RIP in peace vanilla mortar.
So many fucking cheaters in this game. Unless EA address this then I'm not gonna buy premium this time around. Why did they think fairfight would be enough??
I played it on the pc at first & it's shocking how much cheaters there are. If it's that much that get banned by fairfight just imagine how many there actually are, what we've seen might actually be just like 10% of them.
I made the decision & get it on the ps4 never regretted. I have a Xim4 though
they don't get an indicator unless they somehow spot it with q before it detonates
ironically using a xim4 is pretty much cheating in its own right..

But yeah, the cheating is fucking bullshit and DICE or EA haven't adressed it at all. I don't understand how there isn't more community outrage over this.

The people that fairfight picks up are only the ridiculously obvious cheaters that go like 200-2 and shoot people through walls. The more subtle cheaters using wallhacks and aimbots don't get detected. This game needs battleeye or some kind of legitimate anticheat or the PC community is going to die.

I really wish I got this on ps4 now.
>go 19-30
>still top 5 on my team

>squad mate starts losing his shit about gas grenades
>calls out another squad mate by name for doing it
>the start effin' and jeffin' back and forth at each other about it for like 5 minutes
>the guy that was originally pissed about it rage quits
>other quits right afterwards
>I was the one throwing the gas grenades
There are apparently those programs that let you "inject" scripts right into ea servers and they apparently work with consoles too.

Mind my ignorance, I play on ps4 myself and have no idea if these work or not.
Does a allies gas grenade prevent health regen as well?

No, I'm pretty sure it just fucks up your screen. You can still use sights etc.
It causes sway and suppression for friendly targets, as well as a slightly blurry screen and obnoxious coughing
how is the death and taxes boss frost nova attack balanced as a melee?
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The low amount of weapons is really starting to piss me off in BF1. Makes sense in a way to have only a few for each class as most people just used 1-2 guns in the previous ones despite a huge arsenal of different guns.
It just pisses me off when I could be trying out new fun guns, tricky guns and whatnot. Get that 100-500kills with each at the very least and then move on.
Getting sort of bored with BF1 shockingly quickly partially thanks to this.
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u wot m8
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Bye tacticool faggot
Is this what it sounds like whenever I talk to someone else about a game that they don't play?
cmon m8, don't tell me you've already gotten a 100 kills with all the guns?
>inb4 there are only a few good ones and the rest are bad
this is what shitters say
its literally fucking impossible to get a t10 shaper from overgrown ruin

every single time it takes me 50 whispers to find someone whos not afk/character doesnt exist/character isnt offline and then everytime I vaal it it goes to a t16 map

fuck this, I just wanted to shape quay

>looool sooo randumb XXXDDDD
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Aw man. I thought the first one was a genuine goof.
Scout is the strongest class
I'm able to tolerate hillfriends in all other games, but they are absolutely insufferable in bf1.
Why is that?
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because 99% of them are lazy and do nothing to help win the game.
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I like how you knew I was talking about my own teammates.
It literally just means youve spent the most time using it. It has nothing to do with skill
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Fucking rekt
i though he was talking about the cavalry melee.
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Fucking stop adding me to group chats you faggots
I've played over a hundred hours, and I've only directly witnessed cheaters half a dozen times.

It works, but don't expect a cheater to be banned in the match you meet him in.
Stupid racist
I can guarantee you've come across more subtle cheaters that you didn't realise were cheating.

Bf1 has no way of punishing these types of players. They are what are killing this game.
>tfw really want to use Scout weapons
>tfw can't deal with vehicles, can't resupply or heal anybody or myself
>nobody else ever seems to resupply so I can pop two flares and dump my traps in a high traffic area and then I just have a gun and a pistol

Do I have to simply not care in order to have fun as Scout?
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Why wasn't a map voting system implemented between matches?
Did previous Battlefields have this though?
bros, need some advice

what's the best:

>infantry bolt action rifle for scout
>sniper rifle for scout
>gun for medic

>Decide to play Scout with flares and periscope
>Get 13k score on a late join on Suez and go 38-9

Is aight. Got an assload of assists from that periscope, and the in-built wallhax is crazy useful.
smla mark 3 I think it's called is the best scout gun both for infantry and sniper. Best gun for medic is either the Mondragon optical or the selblaster marksman. I prefer the mondragon.
>you cannot delete a post this old

what the hell is the purpose of this
Get good with the M95, and you need no other scout rifle for sniping or closer combat. The Russian 1895 is comparable to the M95, but it has a medium-long sweet spot. If you really want a dedicated sniper rifle, I'd pick the Gewehr 98. Don't use actual sniper variants; use marksman to prevent scope glint.

The Mondragon Storm (or Marksman) is my go-to medic weapon.
>you must wait longer before deleting post
What makes the M95 so special? I'm using the 98 right now and it seems pretty solid for mid range fights, and does good enough damage up close for me to quickly switch to the 'stop and magdump them.
that one pisses me off aswell but this one is just illogical

anyway sorry for posting in the wrong thread earlier

I was very drunk
The straight pull bolt is useful for follow-up shots in both long range and close range combat, and it's great in every way other than magazine size and no sweet spot (when compared to other bolt actions, anyway).
The straight pull bolt means you never have to do the sidearm switch combo. Don't get me wrong, though; the 98 is solid.
yes they did you fucking retard

BF2 had a great system
You're the one who's retarded, pal.
I was asking a question.
Stupid americans
Faster rate of fire, more damage at close range. It's almost a must pick if you're an aggressive scout.
stupid american

I much prefer the SMLE carbine.

But the M.95 is viable too.
Finally won while attacking on Oil of Empires. Only took two attacks. I can stop playing this game now.
what's scope glint?
Scopes over a certain magnification make a big glowy THERES A FUCKING SNIPER OVER HERE sign when they're pointed in your direction.

Do all scopes give glint? I dont think medic rifles do. Do low zoom scout scopes give glint as well?

I believe it's any and all "sniper" variants
How do you tolerate the input lag
Also, you're pretty much hacking too, playing with kb/m vs. controller
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>playing operations
>defending on ballroom blitz
>squad leader
>everything going well and good
>enemy near defeat at the third sector
>high level squad mate gets an attack plane
>low level squad mate spawns with him
>enemy plane o their tail
>the oblivious gunner does nothing
>high level squad mate gets mad
>turns on his mic and starts calling his gunner a faggot and a retard
>they die
>both of them spawn as scout and start hillcampering
Was it one of you fucks?
Do squad XP bonuses double your XP for class levels, or just the overall level?

Because if these things aren't going to make the grind to Pilot 10 less painful I might as well scrap them for battlepacks right now.
They double all xp

Well I guess I'll use them up then. Pilot levelling is painful as fuck. Still haven't quite made 4 and I've had several good rounds.
Ded thred.
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Honestly, how I leveled pilot, is to just spawn a bomber, bomb something and then jump out and play normally. Pick up a dead guy's gun and every point you get is added to pilot xp. Everyone will hate you, but once you're pilot level 10, who cares what the plebs think?
if you pick up someone elses gun dont you automatically switch to whatever class they were too? doesnt that make it count towards that class' exp?

>Pick up a dead guy's gun and every point you get is added to pilot xp.

Are you sure about this? I thought you switched over entirely to that class, including in terms of XP, when you picked up a gun.
Don't know. I just used the pilot guns, but they suck ass. I thought you could pick any gun up.
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This is my punishment for being shiggy
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>Q: Is BF4 dead?
>A: Yes, BF1 now.
>TFW I bought BF1 mainly because BF4 servers seem dead now and I dislike 24/7 locker servers with Russians, Hackers and Nazis/ISIS
>24 FPS cucks
>Not playing this game in fine 3840x2160
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Please respond

No, I'm pretty sure picking up guns switches the class. Guess I'll just stick with the Frommer Stop Auto and try to find a Support buddy who'll replenish my flares.
I was listening to the OST and thought I'd upload it too so here:

I'm a Christmas shitter and I'm already a level 7 pilot. Just learn to use the trench fighter plane. Get good with the darts and take out other planes. Darts absolutely rape infantry for ez points when you're not destroying enemy planes for even more points.
You homos lied, the Martini-Henry isn't bad, it just takes some getting used to.

Just have to get Medic to level 10 and that'll be all 6.
I hope you were using a infantry rifle weeb
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That's a hard no.

Yeah that's what I've been doing. I guess I just need to git more gud.

>all 6

There are 7 classes to get to 10.
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Cavalry, my man.

since fucking when does cavalry level up?

Can you even unlock anything for cavalry?

You unlock a better gun for Cav at 3, and then you unlock a special white horse at 10 (or at least so I'm told).
No, but it still has levels.
Kek. You got bamboozled my friend. The white horse is from the premium edition.

Premium or Deluxe?

Because I bought Premium for the expansions and I don't think there's a white horse skin. That sounds like something that comes with the Deluxe.

Also you get a dog tag for Cavalry at level 10, so I'll be getting it for that anyways.
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>random distribution of skins instead of having unlocks based on achievements

>elite classes
>locking certain classes behind on map pickups, thinning the total amount of playstyles you can have

who thought these were good ideas. the first one especially
The whole point of elite classes is that they're rare, dummy. If you could spawn with one on demand then there would be no point to using anything else.

The only problem with elite classes is how much the MG15 sentry sucks.
Elite classes aren't great, but who gives a shit about skins?
They're barely even visible to anyone but you, and they get covered up with mud so easily its not even funny.
>You unlock a better gun for Cav at 3,

Which is? Google says they only get the lever action infantry rifle
>battlepacks only give cosmetic enhancements rather than pay2win
Why the fuck not
>he unironically wants elite classes to be like the shithole that is eternal crusade
my point was why would you make content and then have it unlocked by random distribution, where's the fun in that? Wouldn't you rather have more things your players can work to get by doing certain things?

Like the coolest camo for a sniper could be unlocked after getting 100 headshots or something like that. Like they did in modern warfare

it just seems like a waste of effort to me
it's not the idea of skins in lootboxes that's bad but the fact that they could have been locked behind ingame achievements rather than pure dumb luck
Can't monetize achievements, bud.
You think they're not gonna try and jew every cent they possibly can?
>play operations
>choose operation
>choose 64 players
>listen to some cunt talk for 30 s
>skip the next scene
>finally get to the game
>im the only one in it

that's good because
a) You get to play from the start
b) You get to play in vehicles
The black horse skin is from the Deluxe edition; the white is for reaching cavalry level 10.
Players should at least receive a little scrap on each level up to make it possible to work directly towards new skins, either by earning medals (hell, medals could award battlepacks) or just getting points.
The fact that there's just not that much to unlock makes it even worse.

I agree about the elite classes. Body armor could be a possibly be a gadget, and the weapons could be reworked/nerfed to make them viable regular weapons. I'd love to play assault or support with a flamethrower, even if it didn't melt faces nearly as well as the current one.
Am I missing something or is staying back with a sniper rifle pointless? you run out of ammo way too fast.I thought the K bullets could at least be used as an extra ammo clip but sadly not,which is weird because every other anti tank piece of equipment is just another way of killing infantry.
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5 roadkills in 2 seconds, that's the most I've ever seen in any BF game ever...

Equally impressive is that he did it with the BF1 transports!
You generally shouldn't hang too far back with a sniper rifle. The sweet spots are a stupid mechanic, but they do indicate that you shouldn't be more than your max sweet spot range away from enemies. If you've run out of ammo, pull out your sidearm and start harassing allied supports (or go kill an enemy support and resupply yourself). Consider conserving ammo while far away from the fighting by using the trench periscope to spot enemies while remaining safe.

K bullets do reduced damage against all infantry except elite classes.
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Anyone else into these?
I use them the very rare time I play Support.
So what is better on Assault?
Shotguns or SMG's?
I've always used shotguns but a lot of people speak highly of SMGs.
depends what you like

people will tell you autistico, but that's just an smg that wants to be a shotgun, if youre a shitter you use that, if youre good enough to put shots on target you get ohkos with the m10

hellriegel is good if youre gonna be playing mid range
I use them anti-infantry, they are incredibly strong for room clearing. Also nice for tanks, they instantly disable a weapons bank / 38% to a heavy armored tank.
Just Conquered Hell AMA
did you get any demon bitches
Yeah I love using them. I also love pretty much having infinite ammo of them.
If only the LMG's weren't so bad. I hate sacrificing damage to have a normal LMG sized clip.

Does anyone else think heavy tank needs a nerf / other tanks need a buff? It is always the pretty much go to tank in almost all situations.
I use the Madsen LMG, it seems to suit best for most situations. I can roam a house and kill 3 people with a magazine but also headshot someone that is 50 meters away.

The tanks seem OK, I would give the small one a buff. But its much more agile than its counterparts. Its really hard to fight one of these with mines.

The mines are amazing for rush targets, I always throw one into the room before I enter. It often gets 2-3x multikills because defenders just camp. I would never camp beneath the target.
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bros, how do i git gud

i use the m10 but miss so much it drives me insane, i rarely get sick k/ds with it because i always just miss the person and they kill me

fucking infuriating, 77% accuracy but idk if that's good or shit with a shotgun
How do you not use gas grenades, they are on everyone of my classes
Heavy Tanks benefit 3 fold certain advantages not shared by most tanks

- Driver has control of the main gun
- Nigh impervious to track disables
- Box shape makes it highly susceptible to ricochet shots

If the A7V had separate driver and main cannon seats, could be track disabled just as easily as the other tanks, and ricochets didn't exist, you would see a whole lot less Heavy Tank autist and probably a bigger variety in tanks (Light Flanker/Howitzers, Tank Hunter/Squad Support Landships, Artillery Trucks)
Because I'd rather have a tossable nade that kills, not a nade that lets people get away and shoot me with Automatico/BAR
>giants shadow and recons have learned to hit
Ride never stops
Well I dunno my accuracy because bf1 stats calculates it incorrectly.

Try using hip fire shots on thing super close range. The gun is still quite accurate using them. You only need to ADS at longer ranges.
Take of bayonet to very slightly increase ADS time.
Change your Zoom ranges to find the one you like.

Maybe even use the m97 shotgun. It has 1 less bullet in clip, but fires faster so it can be more forgiving. It has still pretty long range, but not as rangey as the m10.
The automatic g is has just to far small of a clip to be good.
That's pretty bad with a shotty

Only tip I can give you is use the class that you are comfortable with(unless it's scout, in that case I suggest using an exit bag)
If you are getting your shit pushed in as Assault, try your luck as medic , taking on mid range gunfights , support , etc.

If you are insistent on using assault and really do want a good KDR use the M1918 Autistico Trench, early and storm when you level up assault.

It's really impossible to be bad with those guns, I warn you though, once you are addicted to it's power you can never go back.

I'm about to teach 2000+ kills with it
squad leaders should be able to mark behemoths as objectives
Reach* not teach
can't get the spot assist medal because i'm too good at killing marked targets
my sides
Train behemoth is pretty useless
On maps where it can drive onto an object it is okay. At least it can capture one point.

On that long sand map it is absolute shit.

The dreadnaught is also pretty crap.
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the limpet is fucking awesome, also taking out tanks with it is much more fun and satisfying that taking them out with assault gear.
also great for a panic throw when I'm outnumbered by infantry
How do you take B on conquer Hell when they're all just aiming at the ladders
>Only tip I can give you is use the class that you are comfortable with(unless it's scout, in that case I suggest using an exit bag)

Scout is great though, don't whine.
>M95 inf
>Frommer/Bodeo depending on mood
>Inc. Tripmine
>Inc. nade

Srsly shooting runners as they burn is hilarious. I have like a 1.3 KPM with the M95 even though I finish half my kills with the sidearm.
Then what's the dün skin from?
Yes, but they all look like etna and I'm not a pedo.
Oh great some guy is spawn killing people on our blimp

at the 3 point cap on Blitz? You cap B from the courtyard, not from the walls. Use statue for cover.
Premium is 30% off on Origin (35,- Instead of 50).. I'm tempted.
>tfw psn
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You get Bay and Dun from the start, Smokey Black for the Digital Deluxe owners, and White Gray for reaching rank 10 with the Cavalry class
Thats more reasonable price than 50. Think I'm gonna bite the bullet on this one.

I'm tempted
what does premium get you
>Be squad leader
>Current Objective: Attack C
>Some low level fuck comes in
>Finally take C
>.003 seconds later
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on the Operations select screen why are the allies represented by a black guy in every map apart from Iron Walls?
time to kick him desu
>half capped C
>set new objective to bum rush B while the other squad finishes capping
>reported muhh points :(((
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I just kick those people out, it's obvious they want to squad hijack so they can do it somewhere else

Our country is still better then yours though.
literally nothing wrong with squad hijacking
The most annoying part is when shit hits the fan.
I'm holding off a point somewhere and mowing fuckers down. Then, some cheeky fuck puts in a request when I don't notice and they end up taking leader.
eh..i bought it anyway, my friend bought me the digital deluxe and now i paid premium, so basically i have the ultimate edition for 35 euros..

right now you get a bunch premium dogtags and superior battlepacks.
later on you get the 4 expansion packs obviously..
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Literally kill yourself.
Because everyone in history was black. Whites only existed in wwii to kill all the minorities and fags.
there were three enlisted Indian doctors in the actual British Army proper in WW1. three out of millions.

there's no rhyme or reason to Dice's decisions regarding the racial makeup of the armies. it's just swedish diversity points.

FUCK. Its no longer on sale. Possibly it was a mistake in their holiday sale. Should have bought it immediately.
Yes it is

Then my cookies are fucking me. I'll try after clearing.

Still getting 49.99 ;_;
says 50 eurobux for me, earlier when I checked it was 35
>its a everyone grabs the armored cars, jeeps, and cycles to sit and cap the closest flag episode again

for the love of fuck drive out and grab the further flags
I need points you little noob...How do you think I come top every round?
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That was fast, good think bough it while it lasted.
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>people who take the boats and ground them on the nearest cap
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I ground them on the furthest
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All we're missing is a Tanker in a wheelchair for the full Burger King Kid's Club spectrum.
>opened 3battle packs
>already have a duplicate
Why does no site do anything with shotguns stats right?
Like Battlefield tracker and symthic screw them up.
I wanna compare stats but they don't work.

Man its weird seeing my fav assult gun go from the best to the worst in just 5m
Shit I meant medic.
I never new that the auto loader at the fastest time to kill. Apparently its faster then the seb.
it takes like three shots, but good luck landing them if you don't space them out
Am I doing something wrong or is the level 10 medic gun a piece of shit?
Aim better
Everything except the Hellreigal and the old non nerfed Martini Infantry suck.

THey really should be buffed, not to be OP, but still okay I guess. It is so dumb to work to rank 10 to get trash. I still hate how bad the Kolibri is for Scouts. Even as a joke it is not even funny.
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Nobody cares faggot. You're not special for reaching rank 10.
They'd say some shit like its not far for noobs that aren't rank 10 because they can't use it.
Maybe a little, but unlocks in BF are not supposed to be progressive. Just competitive alternatives. You dont want a meta where people only think they can use one gun per class, even if that ends up happening by accident.
wow it almost seems like thats te purpose of how the tank is designed huh
Yeah but it makes all other choices barely useful.
9/10 times people go heavy.
Why have other tanks if people don't use them.

Perhaps make it so picking other tanks makes the timer for the next tank shorter then a heavy one
you always leave order on defend unless ure actually on the burn
I'm not asking for them to be the best per class, but no rank 10 gun is even slightly competitive except the hellreiger. If you seriously think any of them are you're delusional.
Here's a little idea dice:remove 'elite' classes. Instead put THE SAME FUCKING GUNS AND OPTIONS IN THE GAME AS A CHOICE AND NERF THEM. Honestly mind boggling how they did not see that having heavy or light armour might be a cool option, or a flamethrower would be cool as a choice etc.
The tank is purposely designed to be the clear cut superior choice over others?

Amazing deduction smartass
I wish armor choices were just a thing in this. What FPS am I thinking of that lets you choose light/medium/heavy armor and each one determines your defense and movement speed? Anyway, all I wanted from BF1 was to be able to use a flamethrower again and now its just a gimmick im rarely ever able to touch.
It's a shitty gimmick they picked up from battlefront. There at least I understood why they did it, in this game it makes absolutely no sense.
>Rank 10 useless guns
>Heavy tank OP
>"""""Elite""""" classes
pretty much most tanks and its variants have their niche, unless maybe the light howitzer. i agree that most of the time the heavy breakthrough or flametank is the armour to pull yes but good defenders deal with it well and even with 2 wrenchmonkeys a good tanker can die. he'll deplete some ressources of the enemy and maybe open up a push window before dying but ive never been raped by a heavy if people are aware of their roles and aret too autistic to swap classes to deal with threat at hand.
>Bitching on here instead of the forums

I see this happening in every general here. You guys could actually change stuff if you constructively complained in mass.
The MG08 and Wex are already bad and require being tanky to use, the Villar Perosa is literally two Automaticos taped together, the Double Barrel Shotgun is a Tanker 10 unlock, and the Tankgewehr would be broken as shit if available to Assaults

I used to dislike sentry kits in favor of BF4's battle pickups, but now I truly appreciate them as a useful one man battering ram or iron wall. They're pretty much vehicles in infantry form, and just like vehicles they can be instakilled if you're clever or shredded through focus fire
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>Trying to make me create some redditor account on some gaming forum
we're a fairly small general
also ever read through the Bf4 CTE ""forum"" as in the subreddit?

it was ultra cancer, especially this one guy who was so assblasted that stingers weren't a one shot kill in Bf4
Nah thats bullshit. I could easily make use of the Wex on a regular soldier. Catching people off guard in buildings or alleys disorients them and guarantees the kill like shotguns do. All it would take for the rest is changing damage values. Tankgewehr would operate like a really powerful sniper rifle. Remove its one shot to the chest, but make it the most powerful rifle available to recon that can damage tanks (but not as much as it does now).
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have you actually ever been to the official forums? 95% is mentally challenged people asking for out of the blue changes or or nerfs/buffs to what they die from/cant kill with. it's not a place of even remotely self aware reflection

>elite classes are 1 man rambos
exceptyou're suppsed to squadplay with it(like anything)
There's plenty of reasons why the Wex would be an awful and unfun equippable weapon, most people aren't that stupid and will shit on you the moment you pop around a corner or they see you spraying flames 20m away, trades would be common all the time, and 1-2 Wexes could singlehandedly stall an entire team much like Support Incendiary spam does right now

An equippable but nerfed Tankgewehr would still be dumb, because it would basically be K Bullets on steroids to tank drivers and a completely worthless primary to Scouts outside of hunting tanks

All those weapons are much better balanced around being sentry kits than actual infantry weapons and gadgets
>most people aren't that stupid and will shit on you the moment you pop around a corner or they see you spraying flames 20m away

This is literally applicable to any weapon in the game. Plus if you were worried about abuse, they could like make them become actual kits you select at spawn screen, but you are limited to only 1-3 people using them at a time on a team, like how some servers limit the amount of recon.
We shouldnt let retards ruin the game
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>This is literally applicable to any weapon in the game.

Except this is a game where the vast majority of ground infantry combat is based primarily around firearms, not aoe-based limited range weapons that deal tick damage. You're going to get a lot of frustrated people on both ends for reasons I already stated, it's just a dumb idea to make it infantry equip on spawn period

>Plus if you were worried about abuse, they could like make them become actual kits you select at spawn screen, but you are limited to only 1-3 people using them at a time on a team, like how some servers limit the amount of recon.

So now we're taking the worst aspect of vehicles and giving them to sentry kits too? Oh boy, I can't wait for DarkFlame99 to be finally killed only to spawn at the nearest point with his 40 star Wex again, or ShitterMcBad constantly hogging it by being fucking useless and hiding in a corner
That happens 99% of the time anyway. Theres always people who idle around the elite kits and typically they happen to be the worst with them too.
who cares? ranks are a mistake to begin with
none of those are major problems
rank 10 weapons aren't useless, but they could use a slight buff.
heavy tanks will hopefully be looked into next patch, but as its right now, i don't think they're much of a problem if assault players actually bother to take them down.
elite classes are easy to kill, bayonet, melee to the back, gas grenades, vehicles and explosives in general..
and medicks.. well.. its mostly the players themselves, not the game.
I don't we'd have 1/3 of the current playerbase if everything would be unlocked from day 1

It would amazing though.
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Yeah ok, "It happens anyway" isn't an compelling argument to make sentry kits available at spawning

There's a reason why sentry kits are pickups at certain locations, think of the Villar Perosa inside D bunker on Monte Grappa or the Wex under C bridge on Argonne. Deploying with them on ***both*** teams completely turns over the dynamic of controlling those key areas to control pickups on its head

Why am I even bothering trying to argue with someone who wants to have his own gameplay fantasies fulfilled over intentional game design choices? I should just go to bed
Because you're making contradictory statements by suggesting that obtaining points with those kits is a big deal while also talking shit about those kits. You're also appealing to authority by assuming the devs can do no wrong with their design choices.
>almost one day (24hours) game time
>still haven't gotten to play with any vehicles or elite kits
I only find empty games what gives
I don't get the Huot Automatic

Hellriegel is the best mid range assault gun and it has a large mag.

Selbstlader 1906 is super accurate while still having a high rate of fire, making it a well rounded short to mid to long range gun if you get used to the 5 rounds in a mag.

Martini has a great sweetspot so you basically oneshot anybody after you get used to it (unless you're too much of a spaz to aim at a torso)

but the Huot seems to be inferior to almost all the other support guns in every single way, what am I missing? it must have some attribute that makes it at least an above average gun
if you're talking about operations literally just wait a minute, the games fill up quickly

You're missing nothing.

MG15 should have been the max level unlock desu
youre just the typicak official forum tier poster; requesting gameplay changes while too blind to see what the current system does for the game. you havet even taljed about which gamemode you see these changes workong in which is just further testament to your "i dont like it pls change LOL/make it the way i want just because" mentality
Well how am I supposed to test things out when I am not a developer? This is why they need servers running at all times to test new build ideas or highly customized unranked servers that let people have such options for testing.
My Brit bong team got to the final section of Sinai with 3 battalions and lost since A, B, C are too far spaced and C is right on the spawn. No matter what you'll get stopped on that part unless your team rails through before they dig in.
The reason you're not a developer is because nearly all people who recommend changes for games are just idea guys who cant fully understand the difficulty in implementing even minor changes. Most people who play games should never be allowed to give feedback, let alone have any control over the game.
A boat rammed my light tank and killed me
you need to go a then c then b is free because they spawn there

yes i agree more community servers with customizable options for everything would be great and a good way for players to tweak some imbalances and mold a server with specific settings but as it is now you just wanted it changed with no basis/experience ad had no argument
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>be Scout
>line up shot on rear Zeppelin turret
>next guy spawns
>next guy spawns

You could do this forever. Driver doesn't even know what's happening.
>talking shit about the /airchads/
smdh bitchboi
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You're trying too hard faggot
Bad Company 2 is now backwards compatible on the Xbone, see you nerds later
I want to love them, but they suck terribly against tanks/trucks. Sure, the damage is decent, but they almost never stick unless the vehicle isn't moving. The fact that you only get one charge at a time is absolutely terrible. I'd rather use a crossbow for bothering tanks; the limpet is more fun against infantry in urban areas.
Shotguns for close-range/condensed maps (Argonne) and urban areas; SMGs for everything else.
Yeah but thats a console. Its been on PC.
The heavy tank and landship are pretty even at this point (other than the heavy getting a rear gunner, maybe); the light tank is a joke when you can just use a standard artillery truck. Hell, I'd rather play Cavalry than use the regular light tank loadout, and the flanker tank no longer does great damage against planes, meaning the AA truck completely outclasses it, too...
I just start switching the current objective rapidly when they do that.
Swedish cucks.
Only the Italians and Austro-Hungarians are allowed to be white— because hardly anyone cares about them as much as Germany (which has a ridiculous number of black characters despite having less than half a dozen black soldiers in continental Europe during the war, and they may have never actually fired a weapon at the enemy).

If DICE wanted diversification and gave a single shit about historical accuracy, they'd have a black American class, and one or two black Frenchmen in the upcoming DLC. I don't know enough about ANZACs to dispute the black British scout, but Germany may have never had a single black soldier in combat in Europe + the fighting in the German colonies involved very few thousand blacks fighting for Germany.

Looking at the current "diversity roster", I bet they'll make the Russian army half female (because of a few thousand actual Russian female soldiers in WW1; the Swedes don't care that men numbered in the millions) with one black guy or woman that has no historical reference whatsoever.
Don't forget a mentally-handicapped pilot that just makes mumbling noises/grunts for every voice line. He could represent all the pilots who jump out randomly + crash into every single tree... Not any real pilots, of course— just the multiplayer ones.
>disconnects randomly in game where my team is winning

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It'd be nice if DICE could add more guns to each class, cause having 3 versions of the same gun is STILL the same gun, cause after you hit lvl 2/3 you have unlocked almost everything in that class.

Also for immersion it would be nice if they added Olde Timey WW1 songs in the menu and occasionally in battle, to help make it feel more like WW1, instead of feeling like youre playing a WW2 game with older guns, and add some character customization options like SW BattleFront did to give you another reason to keep progressing, different coats, boots, packs, helmets, etc.
Complete noob. How do I got gud at scout?
The Hellriegel is decent, but it can lose out to the Automatico at any range, primarily short range.
The Selbstlader 1906 is a great way to die horribly to two enemies when you could be using a Mondragon or a different Selbstlader variant.
The Martini was only worth the trouble when it one-shot any body part in its sweet spot range. Its reload is painful, it only has iron sights, its velocity is incredibly low, and you're betting on a sweet spot kill instead of being able to simply fire a followup shot.
The Huot's gimmick is that it's accurate/easy to keep control of. Its RPM and magazine size make it kind of pitiful, though. The BAR's stats make it obsolete, and the Madsen's magazine size *and* stats make it obsolete. If you want to spray bullets from a distance without worrying about accuracy, you get a bipod, not a Huot...
best map is probably monte grappa
worst map is suez unless you're playing pigeons, where it's the best map

If sniping, learn bullet drop and leading, try to learn where the sweet spot is (I still haven't).

In order to not be called a useless hillnigger at least lob your flares at objectives.
>If sniping, learn bullet drop and leading, try to learn where the sweet spot is (I still haven't).
speaking of this where does it start with normal ranged weaponry, i find myself shooting infront of them only to adjust to shoot on target instead
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>sitting in the bunker B on the three-point stage of iron walls and re-capping every time they try to get anything else, farming hundreds of thousands of points off the unwashed italian masses
this morning, i saw an eagle
there is no reason to use the 1906 over the autoloading 8 extended
My biggest issue is bullet drop and knowing when to change range between 75, 150, 300

I can't seem to hit targets past 100m but I also can't see what direction my round went off in (too high or low) so I can adjust
1906 is much more accurate tho, you can countersnipe with it and because it recovers from recoil fast you can mainain pinpoint accuracy while having a decent rpm
oh and also after like 40-50 meters the autoloading needs 4 bullets to kill
>he still ""snipes""
>5 kills in 30 minutes
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Was it autism?
>guy driving the tank roams around our spawn while we burn 200+ tickets trying to take objectives
Flanker is still really good.
Don't have to rely on anyone, and it's 10x better for taking out the Blimp than the AA truck.
Sure it's weak against Planes, but you farm infantry with it, not vehicles.
It's like a shitty version of the Viper Light Tank from PS2.
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You are like a little baby.
>our only two tank slots go to two guys sniping from the spawn from a heavy tank and artillery truck
>once in a while someone goes and kills them, but they always come back
>this goes on for the whole match
>meanwhile the other team's tanks cap points like madmen
seriously how can I ruin the game for these types of dudes?
Smoke grenade them.
Just follow the support and be a hillcamper
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Need more tacticool helmets

>knowing when to change range between 75, 150, 300

Quite honestly I've never found that to be very useful. Unless it's a ridiculously long range shot (and even then sometimes) I keep it on 75 and just adjust my estimates upwards.
the periscope has a range finder if you are bad at estimating range.
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>at any range

wrong. shotgun range is the only place it beats out the hellriegel
I think elite classes need to be melee prof except for tank hunter. The fact that Flame Trooper and Sentry are free kills to back stabs and bayonet charges is ridicules.

No, it makes them balanced.

If you let people get close enough to backstab/bayo charge you then you've fucked up and deserve what you get.

If you want your back covered either git gud or play with your team instead of Ramboing off by yourself.

Just have a pocket medic and flank around instead of charging in and you're fine.
If elite spawns were less limited or the bayonet charge was legit I might agree with you; but considering way it works now even if an elite has 5-6 player watching their back you can still bayo them even if you die right afterwards.
>you can still bayo them even if you die right afterwards.
and that's a sacrifice people do to get points/help out the team. I don't see the problem.
if you play your cards right and git gud, you can easily get 20 - 30 kills out of the elite class (especially the villar perosa) you're not supposed to enter god mode.

>13 hours game time
>had dozens of opportunities to play as vehicle or pilot
What's the easiest/fastest way to level up assault? I leveled medic in conquest really quick, but assault feels much slower.
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>watching military history youtube channel
>browsing through his video lists
>some interesting videos about some weapons and other stuff
>BF1 review
>Oh right let's take a look
>It's 10 min of a guy who clearly never played the previous battlefields and spent 2 hour on the campaign complaining it's not historically accurate and doesn't present a real WWI experience
Are these people stupid or what?
are you stupid? I leveled assault up in less then a day lol u scrub just PTFO
>his criticism isn't legitimate because I don't agree with it
If I'm in a plane or tank, where does my points go? Is there points specifically for tanks and planes, or does it go to one of my classes?

If you spawn in the drivers' seat of the plane or tank, you'll be the Pilot or Tanker class. If you spawn in one of the other slots or just get into a tank on the map then you'll get points for whatever class you selected.

Spawning as a gunner in a tank or a plane needs to give points towards tanker or pilot class.

Its not like there are unlimited number of tanks/plane like infantry
abloo blooo waah wah
Mg15 suppressive aka cross-map tickler here. Anyone else enjoy harassing hillniggers from long distance? I've been accused of hacking because of long range kills with it.
pc bros what control scheme do you use for planes?

It's frustrating, but I just hit Pilot 5. Halfway there. Thankfully I stockpiled my Christmas XP boosts for specifically this grind.
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>landship complains no one is helping him
>get in
>he tunnel visions cavalry and chases after them for minutes at a time instead of pushing objectives
>playing British on Suez
>tank is on the other side of the railroad tracks
>all we can do in the gunners seats is try to snipe
Why do people do this
I don't think they understand health or abilities as resources, basically they think they're doing good because all of their resources are full when you're supposed to actively spend them to get more out of it. So they play passive as hell.
If we're talking about the storm variant then no, it beats Hellreigel at point blank, close range , close-mid and mid range provided you burst fire at mid range
This game didn't need planes. It's always the same fucking NEET faggots with 100 service stars in some bitch plane with a 100-1 KD. Same like in BF4. Fuck that shit.
Planes are fine. The AA and AA truck shouldn't have been nerfed, though, and soldiers on the ground that aren't in a firefight need to learn that they can contribute to fighting planes similarly to how they can contribute to fighting tanks— it's a team effort.
Soldiers on the ground don't realise that because of poor game design. You can learn people to team up against tanks in all ways possible. Why not planes? Poor game design. Lazy game design. Fuck planes. And fuck you.
Keep them nerfed, and buff stationary machine guns and guns mounted on the light vehicles like cars, nobody has used those kinds of vehicles offensively for multiple Battlefield games now. If they were a bit stronger they could be great AA and there would be a reason to use them against infantry.
Planes are this game's version of Little Birds, and the vocal crybaby pilot minority always wins out
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>tfw we could have had a fun WW2 Battlefield
>no ground to air countermeasures like flares
>can be damaged by every gun in the game
>has to waste time flying hundreds of meters away from any threat before they can safely repair
>can be severely crippled by just 2 infantry shooting at their rotors
That sounds like a shitty little bird to me.
Is it just me or does Tank Hunter for the Heavy Tank just totally suck ass?
You can literally spawn in an AA Truck and drive it wherever you want.
>shoot person with the m10 from 1m away
>8 damage

>shoot other person that was prone with the m10 from 1 m away
>less than 50 damage

people say that this thing is op are retarded
.Moved to japan, bought a new ps4 because my laptop sucks ass.
.Find out the PSstore only has a japanese version with no english text available
>Have to navigate both creating an account and buying games

What a fucking nightmare lads, PLUS Circle and Cross are swapped so Circle is yes cross is no.

Finally got BF1 though, is it worth it?
fps games on console.
I'm doing the best with what I got man.
please don't bully me
Ignore him
He needs to vent the asspain that cheaters caused him and consolebros are his scapegoat

Why don't you just create a US/EU account ?
"All bullets damage planes" (or something similar) is displayed all the time on load screens, and there are so many videos on Youtube about shooting pilots out of planes... Every time a pilot is shot, the plane is also damaged.

The only way DICE could make it more obvious that you can shoot planes is by adding a small bonus for damaging them with small arms, but then we'd have an abundance of supports who do little more than bipod on hills to fire off rounds into the sky.

DICE has done a good job of balancing planes, but so many players don't realize they can contribute in ways beyond "shoot the other soldier" and occasionally walking into objective zones.

The game spams pop-ups telling players to press a single button to significantly help their allies by throwing health/ammo, but even that amount of hand-holding isn't enough to fix stupid.
You mean for the Landship? Git gud. Having a sniper rifle that damages vehicles is a great asset. Use the Squad Support variant if you can't land those Tankgewehr shots, but keep in mind that your gunners will do less damage to vehicles.
Ded general
Oh because I now live in Japan so my job has said they only pay to a japanese bank, whose card doesn't work for online purchases, and it's a pain in the arse to transfer accounts and I have to pay etc so it's easier to use pre-paid cards.
Since the only ones I can buy are Yen I can't use them on any shop other than the japanese one.
It's a whole bowl of shit,

I played my first game just before what a great game.
By bad, I'm talking about the variants. The one I prefer is the Assault variant but the one after it is terrible against everything.

Why landship when you can heavy tank?
You probably just need to call up the bank and tell them to enable online and international transactions, most banks in Asia don't enable those by default

In case it's really a bank issue then you can just switch to another bank in Japan which does provide online transaction facilities, unless your employer won't pay to any other Japanese bank than which you currently use, in that case I guess you are just stuck
Nearly at Pilot 7 now. Holy fuck I can't wait to get back to playing the real game. At least I'm finally starting to git gud at flying.

What controls are you using?
>Play Operations
>Pick Oil of Empires
>Side with the brits
>Pick Cavalry
is aimbotting planes a thing? i cant fucking achieve my medal being shot out of the sky...
Yes. It's easy as fuck since fairfight is shit.
does anyone know of a good aimbot? tired of this shit so i might as well join them
best melee weapon?

PS4, sorry.
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>try sniping
>enemy hit 90
>miss because lol simulated projectiles
>enemy hit 75
>enemy hit 90
>miss x9
>enemy hit 84
>lucky headshot

This class is so unsatisfying, might as well call it Designated Assist Getter

>inb4 hurr sniping

I don't know about those, but how about extending the DLCs well into 2018 ala R6S? They could add a "Year 2 Season Pass" and add more maps and factions.

Another idea would be to dedicate that "Year 2" to World War 2 themed maps, but good luck marketing that.

hurr sniping

go with the medics / assault / support and use spotting flares. Use the infantry version of the rifles and you'll actually be doing something useful.
I've been trying to use the Martini recently

I was somewhat more successful with the Russian sniper, fuck trying to hit the tiny, possibly nonexistent upper torso area on a moving target without a scope
M95 Infantry a best
I wanna see an Asian themed dlc.
Forgotten Weapons?

I mean, you can take it as a criticism of the whole Battlefield series. I sort of wish BF1 wwas a bit more like Verdun but at the same time I'm happy with the way it is.
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im an m10 shotgun nigger

is there any reason to not equip my gas mask at all times?
Yes, you're a faggot. You can't suck dick through it.
>Forgotten Weapons?
Yeah, that's the guy.
I think the market has to give you a variety of games and that's what we get. If you want a fun and quick shooter arcade game you go for CoD,if you want a game a little more complex and team work based while still being fun and accessible you go for Battlefiled. Now if you want realism and historical accuracy you have Verdun, Arma, Squad and a bunch of other military games.
What that guy did was like reviewing a marvel movie expecting it to be a cult classic.
No, just straight.
could've done better

guess the crutch
Yes, ADS with shotgun tightens their pellet spread so you can 1HKO out farther
A tank
Villar Perosa
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Attacking team had literally three squads of hillniggers camping the church, the cliffs and the rocks near A on the 2nd sector.
And I bombed the shit outta them with the fortress gun.

Operations is a weird gamemode. Sometimes your team gets raped, some other times your team does the raping. But it sure is fucking enjoyable when both teams put their shit together and play the objectives well and the attackers made it to the last sector with less than a half of their last battalion.

It's been a while I saw something like that, but I know it's there.
Breakthrough is by far the best overall variant for the heavy tank. The standard Assault version has a mild advantage against infantry (2 more gunners + high explosive shells), but the Breakthrough destroys other tanks, has no problems dealing with infantry, and can help allied troops by resupplying/healing them.
The Flamethrower is about as good as the Assault version, but it only really shines on Amiens.

Tank Hunter is a Landship variant. The landship itself is now just as tough as the Heavy tank, but it still has exposed treads and can't reflect incoming projectiles as well. Any variant can outgun a heavy tank in a front-to-front fight due to having two cannons, but you have to have good allies (or great reflexes for switching quickly between seats to fire all guns by yourself) to really take advantage of it.
Besides those two cannons, the Landship has more diverse variants than the Heavy. The Mortar version allows for long-range, behind-cover bombardment. The Tank Hunter is unrivaled when it comes to fighting enemy armor (two armor-piercing cannons and the Tankgewehr for the driver!. The Squad Support version is incredible when you're primarily working with and against infantry, but the heavy machine guns work pretty well against armor, as well.

A coordinated Landship team is far more terrifying than a fully crewed Heavy Tank.
The Hatchet. In a fight between two melee users at full health, the Hatchet always wins because it can 2-shot. It also has the two melee weapons special properties that matter (breaking tougher wooden objects and destroying barbed wire).
Don't bother with the Martini-Henry; relying entirely on an upper-torso sweet spot shot for your primary is a bad idea. Just use the M95, SMLE, or M1903 Experimental for close range scout play.
It lowers your ability to see and hear properly.
what about the shovel?
The shovel is basically identical except it cant cut through barbed wire so there's literally no reason to use it over the hatchet
it's cooler
Fucking rekt
>unlock it
>realize it's just a reskin for a regular club
Aaaand back to using the hatchet
The spiked polack branch is better. Destroying barbed wire is useless. Wood and vehicles is the real meta.
The hatchet sucks for back attacks and is to slow. The club and its varients are just right. Not to fast or to slow.
Aim for people holding positions, don't try to get a cross map snipe on the guy running to an objective from his spawn
clubs are the worst

shovel variants are the best for one hit kills
trench knives are the best for backstabs

shovels are the best for panic melee
Lol why would the shovel be different from its varients? They all got the same stats.

But no the clubs are best for both. Choosing hatchets or knives means your sacrificing one end of the spectrum.
Either your back attacks suck or your melle damage is to low.
But then again the attack speed between the varies so damage wise there isn't to much difference.
i meant that shovel variants are best for panic melee

clubs excel and lack at neither, ie they are mediocre in every way, which means they are bad at everything compared to two other choices

you dont need speed for a shovel variant because you one shot them in the neck, just like you dont need one hit kill power in a knife because you can stab them 3 times quickly or backstab them once

but a club youre neither going to be able to one hit them nor get two hits in before you die
sniping is disgustingly easy in this game, even with console aim. git gud
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Real niggas use a revolver-type sidearm + shovel variant for those sick instant Mouse1 + F takedowns
>he has melee bound to f instead of a mouse button

why is the 200 capacity lmg not usable straight away
Because it's wwi faggot. Go play cod: spess muhreens
I've been on the shitter team every fucking game I just want to win 1 round of domination so I can move on to the flag capturing
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inb4 the Russian support is an East African guy because five Ethiopian Noblemen went to a Russian engineering school in the 1890s
What's the best bolt action rifle to use?
Probably the SMLE, although i prefer Gewehr 98.
lets just give the smg class fucking rocket launchers because god forbid they not be favoured in every range of engagement
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>yfw your kdr drops by the match

Domination is literally the gamemode where a single player can get his team to win by being on the caps constantly.. Git gud.
t. 950+ SPM domination player

Mine is always around 1.50 because I tend to run blindly onto point when under the influence.
I have 1.64. Don't really care about it to be honest.
I try to win more then get a good KD.
Does Battlefield Tracker have every single player on it or only those that have gone onto the site before?
More BF 1 outfits fucking when

Ya I've been using the trench variant, useless to ads but can still hipfire a kill from like 50m. Most op wep I've seen out of a game in a long while
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BF1 UCAV comeback in the form of a pigeon with dynamite when?

I want to remove all the shiggy/tank autist and maybe even hit a low flying plane or two
Doesn't have every single player but has more people than that have used the the before.

This may not be correct but what I believe is everyone who has used battelog to check their stats has theirs displayed on BF tracker
I can't win one on one situations, I'm fucking awful in this game.
It doesn't even have to have dynamite. I just want the UCAV for spotting, but it wouldn't work because realistically a pigeon would get one shot by anything and they wouldn't make it impossible to see/hit. Although a neat mechanic would be a way for the pigeon to call in an airstrike on a cooldown like in the single player. Making you come back to the base would be a silly mechanic, so it would just have to be assumed.
do people here actually play together? talking specifically about europeans, or even middle easterns?
Nevermind bfger's, I have no friends on origin period.
His desu. I dont have a lot of friends on pc and fewer that have and zero that have both
yes, the thread is mostly US fags iirc.

We can get an EU stack going if you post your origin ID and you're down to play.
It will get better eventually when the platoons arrive (if they ever come).
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What's this platoon thing I keep hearing about?
you can always be a healslut
I already am anon! It's just that there are times when people wanna get it on with me.

This is pretty much me except I'm a resupplyslut
it was a super simple feature
it brought a lot together but sadly only like 30? or 35 played together? I think we had something around 600+ members in 3+ platoons at some point
What's the point of pilots/tankers after they get out of their vehicle that is on the verge of being destroyed? Would it be better to just go down with the vehicle?
And giving the kill to someone else?
I usually jump out of the plane and don't even open the parachute. I just don't want to give the guy who destroyed my plane the satisfaction of killing me

Is he right? Are grenades out of control in BF1?
It just makes me wonder since they have unique weapons but after ejecting/evacuating what do they do? Run back to base and wait for vehicles to spawn?
you can't really solve this problem, some people will die with their vehicles, others don't..
the point of these classes is to stop using these vehicles (mostly planes) as taxis, as you only get a weak weapon in comparison to every other class (sawed off and fromer stop auto are ridiculous though), and it seems to be working tbqh, i don't see many people using them as taxis as in bf3/bf4.

not gonna bother watching this, but pretty much every batlefield has a grenade spam problem, this one is mostly the gas spam.
>gas spam

I contribute to this problem but it's fucking hilarious to die and about a few minutes later you get multiple kills from gas
BF4 had a better grenade system. Its silly for grenades to all detonate when they hit the ground like impacts when they're not impacts and I don't know why they didn't keep it like BF4. Gas grenade should only spawn with one. Anti tank grenades should be less effective on infantry. Resupplying grenades should only be possible through ammo crates, and very slowly.

BF1 should introduce loadouts with light, medium and heavy armor with differing speeds and resistances against bullets and explosives.
top kek

but yes, he's right imo and essentially insta throwing them doesn't help
Fuck that whiner.

Gas grenades are awesome.

Its not like only a certain people get access to gas grenades, its a level playing field.

Assault cab easily be just as effective with mask on.
Scouts shouldn't even be getting gassed on too much
Medic and Support are medium range guys.
You've clearly not played this much or been playing it wrong if you think medics and support are going to sit back from range anywhere. Theyre using the same places as the assault players or their team loses. Plus the biggest issue with gas is that it also suppresses allies.
what, you just lob a gas grenade at hillniggers and now they can't ads
Sneak up on people using AA guns. Literally all my kills are sneaking up behind them and unload a clip into their head. Or hillniggers.
Lv 71 here and I also PTFO as medic and support.

I usually switch to side arm or I am in close quarters situations when in objective that ADS would only get me killed.

Learn to play, you have same tools as them.

Fucking "pro youtubers" and their whining ruined BF4. They ruined Martini Henry too.
If hillniggers are close enough to an objective to gas, they aren't hillniggers.
No the grenade changes in BF4 were for the best. The gas grenade should objectively not affect allies. This is not up for debate. The grenades should not detonate as soon as they hit the ground like they are an impact grenade when we have impact grenades. This is objective and not up for debate. That is literally not how these grenades work. They need a fixed detonation timer when thrown like actual grenades.
which gamemode and map do I play to live out the trench warfare experience
I agree about gas being able to affect allies but gas spam is a legit strategy and can be mitigated by pressing T.
Nothing like jamming yourself against the side of a heavy tank unloading into him as he desperately backs up to get a shot on you
st quentin scar

ballroom blitz

>Run back to base and wait for vehicles to spawn?
That's not how it works buddy
with the battlepack system it's only a matter of time
om my fucking god if I get killed by one more fucking anti ''''vehicle'''' rocket launcher i'm going to scream
I guess just run around as a pilot/tanker without a vehicle and try to kill something before dying?
they both have anazing kits fir infantry play
dear god, reading replies to that reddit dice weapondev thread is horrible, how are people so shit and still think everyone needs to definetly hear their opinion?

>more ways to deal with planes as infantry, there isnt a way !!! ablooo hoo

like really
having AA rounds as a gadget for support would be great
I wish LMG's had K bullets
it's the CTE subreddit situation all over again
what's the best infantry bolt action to use
Nearby medic
don't people already post their IDs on discord
Yes, I assumed he didn't like the idea of it so I offered him to post his ID to play some but he didn't, so there goes that.
The general is slow, he probably will later
If you're never overly aggressive with the tank it's impossible to die literally your only obstacle is your own stupidity
The AT gun needs a buff vs. heavy tanks, 17 is fucking nothing
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>all weapons can damage planes
>multiple powerful AA guns spread across maps
>people still complain about planes
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>>multiple powerful AA guns spread across maps
They won't be happy until the devs happen upon some secret German WWI experimental javelin that was only produced once and never tested in the field and then implements it.
where is my authentic russian experience of one guy gets a bolt action and the other gets a clip of ammo
Thats WW2, retard.
While I don't agree with buffing LMGs against AA, DICE needs to advertise that all weapons can damage planes.

Most of the people playing are retards that need to be spoonfeed, sad to say.
It's so easy to pick people off with it though
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>try being a planefag
>get satisfying kills with trench fighter
>btr/min goes down from 9 to 11%
It was fun while it lasted
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>try being a horsefag
>chopping shiggy and blowing up transport and tank babies
>in bottom half of team scoreboard
>try utilizing the class switch mechanic to better match with the teams current needs
>never get best [x] medals
wouldn't mind some sort reduced equipment mode where most people would just have a gun a few would have side arms and even less would have crates/gadgets
>he hasn't tried flying on Monte Grappa Conquest
Hey medic, just FYI, med crate dosent revive you bastard
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>mfw 3 service stars with it

Nothing sweeter than blowing hillnigs the fuck out with it. Has an impressive range if you can aim.
>bomber gunner
>circling contested points
>getting mad kills and points with forward gun
>pilot bombing the shit outta vehicles
>if AA shits on us we just fly behind a mountain and repair
>forward gun can kill airplanes too if they're too close
>if a fighter shits on our behind just man the rear gun and tell him to fuck off

bomber planes are the AC130 of WW1
45000 XP to go to Pilot 10. Hopefully I have enough Squad XP boosts to get there.

Hopefully levelling up Tanker and Cavalry will suck a little bit less.
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>You have lost connection to the server

The trick is to fly in the valley if they have the B and D guns, and fly behind the mountain if they have one of the endpoints. Dogfighting behind the mountain is also best.
>Shoot a Medic up close
>Turn around and sprint away
>Hear British chatter, gunfire
>Turn around, another Medic right behind me about to shoot
>Kill him, turn around to walk away
>More British talk
>Turn back and kill another Medic who spawned out of thin air on a point where my team had capped
>Repeat this 3x more

For once, the shitty ass squad spawning mechanic didn't totally fuck me over but it was close
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>teleport behind you
>180 no-scope
>"psst, nothing personnel kid"
not him but I'm also play the objective
gewehr 98 infantry or gewehr m.95 infantry
fuck bolt actions, use the lever-action trench. it still counts as bolt-action for medals and fires 3x faster
>fighting over which melee weapons are the best

With the takedown mechanic, it doesn't matter at all.
Not all melee are from the back you know.
>he thinks takedowns only happen from the back

Both sides and the front have their own takedown animations. Try again.
Yeah based on how much health is left and the damage of the melee weapon you stupid shit. Thats why it does matter.

Level talks about this specifically at 3:30.

The melee weapons are all relatively the exact same despite the stats. All the melee weapons do a base damage anywhere from 35-55.

It's negligible if the person has to have less than 100 health, because it's only going to take 1-2 swings depending. Maybe 3.

Now fuck off. The melee weapon differences are almost not worth talking about.
>Video says it does matter, just not a whole lot
>Somehow you translate in your brain into it doesnt matter at all
>doesn't matter at all

Does not equate to

>almost not worth talking about

Excellent reading comprehension.
>"With the takedown mechanic, it doesn't matter at all."

Youre DONE kiddo

Fuck off cancer.
This is the part where he says "im not that guy I just showed up!"
What do you have bound to your mouse buttons?
Fair enough, but the point still stands.should be doesn't matter too much.

Because it doesn't. Level even goes on to mention that the hatchet is only good in certain scenarios whereas other classes of melee weapons would be more suitable in different scenarios.

His videos are informative.

I am that guy, calm down.
customization so i can finally be a non-black scout 50% of the time when
g95 or russian trench

m1903 experimental gets some mention but i suck with it
without showing me a symthic comparison, what's the fucking difference between the gewehr 98 and m.95?
98 has a sweet spot where it does 100 damage
95 has no sweet spot but the straight pull bolt is sexy as hell and good for firing twice
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