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/swgg/ - Star Wars Games General

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Thread replies: 754
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/swgg/ is not your personal tech/customer support forum. Google search before posting.

>For General SWTOR info and finding people to play with:

Referral system is broken, ask politely in thread if you need a link.

>How do I setup Battlefront II?

/swgg/ Guilds
Legio XVI Coruscantia - Tomb of Freedon Nadd (Imperial)

<Ded Thread> - Ebon Hawk (Imperial/RP/Memes)


>KOTET Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbpDxrew4A0 [Embed]

OLD THREAD HERE: >>>163556884
Dead game.
Dead thread.
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There's like no active SW games out there.

We need some new gems, dammit.
sion no that's not how you wear a santa hat
shit's almost perfect

also, Kotor remakes WHEN
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>tfw still waiting for another Jedi Knight game
>even if/when it does come it'll be nothing compared to how you remember Outcast and Academy
It would play like a Souls game.

You know I'm right.
This sounds like bullshit. He had very obvious crush on Leia in IV.
How are they going to sjwsplain that away? That he was so traumatized by kissing his sister that it made him gay?
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>downloading EAfront with slow speed

I fucked up tremendously
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They've made him completely gay. You know it to be true.
There is absolutely no other reason not to bang bitches all over the galaxy as Hero of the Rebellion.
It would be made from the same cloth as Battlefront EA, looks pretty and that's it
But Mara is a strong, independent woman who don't need no jedi, don't they like that?
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Ahsoka's perky nipples
Just to remind you that Battlefront 2 is on sale on steam.

any mods one should get?
Actually it would be anti-sjw, because if you can catch the gay from isolation or from psychological trauma then that also implies you can be cured from it.
Is TOR a singleplayer game yet? I got the urge to replay IA storyline and maybe go for smuggler after watching Rogue One.
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For more information on emulators go to the site with the robot that rhymes with plebbit /r/swgemu/ -

Here are a few you can look at.




If you liked the NGE and everything that came with it then this one is for you. https://forums.stellabellum.net/
>tfw I like sith assassin but don't like inq story
>not liking inq story

do you even mad bro

It doesn't make sense because it offers very little in return if you go assassin. The animations imply you have force lightning and a single blade lightsaber.

I don't even have force lightning as an assassin anymore.
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I never got to try that game. It looked awesome. I was playing WoW at the time (when it was good) so I had no reason to look at other games. I feel I missed out on something awesome.

Do I really need to find an old copy of the game to play the emulators?
>gameplay/engine limitations

this game is shit

NIce playstation 1 graphics. how can anyone play that?
Playing forces of corruption right now, is there anything more kino?
>Cutscenes with Mara/Sent
>Your other saber is never used

>Cutscenes with Gunslinger/Merc
>Your other blaster is never used

>Fucking Trooper cutscenes
>>Fucking Trooper cutscenes
Agent too for that matter
Yes you do. Check Amazon for that.

Graphics are all that matter to you? Really?
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>You will never slap Ahsoka's ass
Being lorefag is suffering. Sorc was gutted so bad that they can't do pve



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I'd like to add: JTL (space part of the game, basically a completely different game inside the main game but linked together) doesn't work as of yet on any of the "emulators" and it won't for a long time, it only does on Stella Bellum, which uses "official server code" leaked.
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>Devs are so out of touch with their own game that they gave sorcerers and consular a new melee attack

I'm just waiting for assassins to lose Phantom Stride to sorcs.
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>Phase Walk was originally sin exclusive
>Then it as given to both ACs
>Now it is sorc exclusive

Their reasoning was "sins were too mobile"

When did they remove the in game choice to choose your class?
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>Feel that Guard/Jugs aren't mobile enough so they make Blade Dance have no channel
>They nerf the damage so hard while saying that it hits for the exact same damage as OG channel Blade Dance
>It also fucks up the rotation because it revolved around the fucking channel
>It's so bad people are now rolling Mara/Sents instead of Guard/Jugg
>Fucking Tanks do more damage than DPS' because of everything above
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I loved that. That was my favorite part of SWG. You really felt like you were in the star wars universe.

BTW does stella have atmospheric flying?
>"sins were too mobile"

Meanwhile mercs sit in their terminator suits two continents away doing top dps with their cat running on the keyboard.
So what's the best class these days?

And the best story line?
I think I'm burned out again after only two days.

Completed Inquisitor story but I still have some main story quests to do. I'm hesitant to continue because I haven't done any of the previous planets main story quests. I want to reroll and do all the story quests to make sure I'm not missing anything, but honestly the game is so boring.
Roll a stealth class and bypass all mobs.

I mean there's not even any challenge. The leveling goes so fast all the mobs can be killed in my sleep.

I was there when the game died. While I loved SWG pre-cu and pre-NGE I also loved SWG at the end.

It was like the devs fixed the mistakes they made and the game was so awesome. I really miss that game.

I think if Stella is like SWG when it went offline I am going to drop TOR like finding out you can choose between dating a supermodel and a fat smelly retard.
Nope, seems like the version they're running is a couple patches before atmos flight was implemented, which was in that last GCW update they did if my memory is right.
Ord Mantell/Nova Orion is in though, that means chassis are re-balanced and shipwright crafted components are pretty damn good.
>Play Tank DPS
>Guildmaster wants to kill a WB
>Come with
>They ask what my spec is
>Tell them I'm Tank but play as a DPS
>Guoldmaster says they're Tank so re-spec
>Tell them I DPS
>Go re-spec
>Buffering period to learn the class
>This babby's first DPS
Good lord. I knew it was bad but this is
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>Play Vigil
>All moves are pretty acrobatic and the animations are nice
>Got to play the mirror Jugg Veng
>Expect it to be more grounded because supposed to be Vader
>All the animations are clunky and slow
>Ravage's animation is garbage
>All the flips look the same and are garbage
>Seriously, what the fuck is Ravage?
Going from Jugg to Guard makes you realise how good the animations are for Guard
Going from Guard to Jugg makes you realize how bad the animations are for Jugg

What if I'm going from sin to jugg?
Well, more buttons to press
Plus no stealth
The animations are better for Sin than Jugg too
Less DPS
And no lightening

On the other hand, no worries about positioning
Your gap closer you get extremely early
>Stella is like SWG when it went offline
After a bit of research it seems they're going to start off by running Game Update 16.4:
Apparently the intention is, after they go live, patch the game up to the state it was right before SOE shut it down, or GU22.
Atmospheric flight was implemented in GU21, but devs/admins don't seem to be okay with it for some reason.
This is the second time I've been asked to use droid slice during a flashpoint.

They get angry and don't believe me when I say it's been removed. Fucking hell.
>Atmospheric flight was implemented in GU21, but devs/admins don't seem to be okay with it for some reason.

it wasn't a great update, people griefed a lot using their ships and it fucked up pvp
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Carrie Fisher is kill guys.

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>Carrie Fisher confirmed dead

To streamline it

Yea, but that backfist tho
RIP Carrie

Will Ford or Hamill be next?
2016 is going out with a bang, eh?
3 celebs in 3 days.
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Well shit.

I guess the coke caught up
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What did she mean by this?
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The coke strikes back.
>in the hospital for Christmas
>her last meal (if she had one) was probably some shitty, processed ham
"People have aged so much you can't even get them to do motion capture" -as though these folks are disobedient. Auditions are held. Gary didn't get cast.

I'm guessing she's complaining about something some producers said.
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"Hey, commander. You need something?"
>Have you heard of a rebel princess by the name of Leia?
"Ah yes. The last Alderaanian they called her. Unfortunately she learned too many secrets from her Toydarian slavers and they had her killed. I'm sorry commander, but you're waifu a shit and ded."
People really shouldn't play with Meme Magic like this.
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Fucking /pol/ mang

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fuck you for making me laugh at a time like this

F, there is no death, there if Force.

I guess they'll have to kill off her character in 8 too now, won't they.
Wut. Part 8 takes place before 4.
I don't know what 9 will be, but it'll either be too far ahead or behind the timeline of the original trilogy to have her in it to begin with.
>Wut. Part 8 takes place before 4.

Nigger, Rogue One is a stand-alone film, it's not part of the main saga.
It's ok, we have CG Leia

fuck 2016
good job in translating that. we need you for future translations
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Looks like meme magick is spreading everywhere.
Well, all she gonna motion capture now is a fucking plank of wood if anything
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they have become quite scary with their dark magick skills. From ebola chan to meming Trump into office.

/x/ must be jelly
I laughed. Fucking hell kek.
I guess they are going to add her name to the list of people who messed with Trump and Kek and ended up dead or destroyed.
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they already have it
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>literally got Battlefront yesterday
>dowloading 23gb of updates overnight, gone to work
>hyped as hell to play
>this happens

my will to play today is literally gone
>playing the Hero game mode
>on Imps
>avoid killing Princess Leia at all costs

call me a faggot, i dont even care
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This is out of date as others have been added to the list but it is quite scary what they are memeing into existence.
Rogue Squadron 3D is like 4 bucks on steam and a lot of fun if you played the N64 version. Plays best with a joystick.
Battlefront isn't all that bad with the DLC and there is a decent amount of people playing it.

Holy fuck this is amazing
carrie fisher wasn't even all that brutal to trump

fucking /pol/niggers
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I think he has the death note
Trump: making anime real even before being enthroned.

What a faggot.
damn, his armor in SWTOR looks much worse.
We're all getting our waifus, boys. Best timeline.
bioware took mine away
Who will make Bioware great again?
no one

BWA is utterly fucked and won't exist in five years time
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I want Darth Icky to be canon
I don't know about Darth Icky, but I hear you can get some of the Sticky Icky on Hutta.
>CG tech now steal their likeness' souls.
Watch out Harrison Ford, The Han solo film is coming...
Are server transfers permanently 90cc, or does this have an end date?
After the new year I think
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>make a character that looks like Jyn
>name here Ira Bell
>running out of server character slots
>now I have to delete the character
Or I could just subscribe, but somehow I already burned myself out.

I wish I had anons to play with.
I haven't played swtor since it went f2p, is the new content worth it and what do I have to pay for?
>Make a new character
>Play it dor a little bit
>Get bored
>Delete character
>Rinse and repeat
>Rarely end up leaving the starter planet
Harbinger. I can transfer to Ebin or Shadowlands if I have to, preferably a west coast server though.

This, except I have this bad habit of needing to have my character look nice before I can start leveling it, so I end up spending 500k-1m credits on making it look nice, and then I stop playing around level 17-25 and want to make a new character
Oh god I do it too. I can't play a character if it doesn't look good so I end up burning credits for them
It's unfortunate because I don't have the CC for collection unlocks and shit's expensive on the GTN
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>Shit that was previously on the GTN for 1m now for 10m
>Shit that was 22m not for 48m
>Shit that was 50 now fucking 200m
What is this highway robbery shit?
Delusions of grandeur.

I'd give it another week or two before they're back at their original prices.
what is the most populated european server for swtor?
The red eclipse? I am currently in tomb of freedon nadd, is it worth it to mirate?
>Shit that is usually sold in parts with maybe one or two boxes of the set now nothing but the set boxes
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>ywn pilot a modified gunboat in service to Thrawn after the death of the Emperor
Everyone migrated from ToFN, myself included.
That server is dead.
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>You have done well
>Servers dying left right and center
>Everyone tells BW they need to merge the servers
>Proceeds to have server transfer sales be few and faw between
blame the corporate jews who won't spend a cent to do something if they can figure out how to get the players to do it on their own

Blizz does the exact same thing, except they don't even put transfers on sale

welp, me and my friends will have to migrate too then.
fug man, it's just so hard to get a Jedi aesthetic without shilling creds
>People complain about server transfers being expensive
>Forum response is always "Well you should've tranferred when it was on sale!"
Translation: You should've tranferred during that microscopic window that comes once a hundred years
The robes in the adaptive and legacy vendors on Coruscant not doing it for you?
>When you find a set that's absolutely perfect
I've had it since lvl 20 and never changed it other from the boots and the gloves
And now I want to change the boots and the gloves again but what I want are roughly 100m total
God I hate the GTN sometimes
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Shine on Carrie

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>kira will never sit on your benis
>Troopers can basically cheat on getting gear because the gear most trooper players want is just sitting there at the adaptive armors vendor
>Fighting Kira
>The new lvl sync is at work
>Defeat her with just a saber toss and a leap
Cut them some slack, they need to make up for the shitty story somehow
Nope, my main has the perfect (IMO) look, and then gearing every other Jedi I play is hard because I just don't want to copy my main.
>Make character
>Find the perfect set
>Fool around in race changer
>Set looks better without the hood (Hood. Toggle. Fucking. When)
>Don't want to change race because too many people know me as original race
>Not enough CC to rename
>Too lazy to remake character
>Outfit is now millions of credits on the GTN
I wanna make a Carrie Fisher Jedi. Consular with that New Hope Fancy Due and Handmaiden Robes?
Have fun getting any of those cheap
Sometimes I buy shit that looks good in general and hold onto it until I find the perfect occasion to wear it - or just sell it when it's gone up in price if I never do.
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Already have the robes, just deciding on what face and hair.
>Princess Leia is dead
>RNG is exciting
>Lana fucked Koth
Do you want the buns or no?
Not liking the high forehead of the ANH hair. I might go Buns Route.
Good man. Always bet on the buns
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If it takes forever, I will wait for youuuuuuuu!
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I might have to mess with her skin shade but otherwise I just need the robes and I am set.
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Rate this character.
Would not group with.
0/10 would not group with
So that means it's perfect
>tfw the choice on the asteroid still bothers me some days

say what you want, but that choice was more powerful then all other moments in every class story combined
looks like the kinda guy to say "THIS GAME IS DEAD" on fleet
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pretty good
>Tfw had a debate with myself and guildmates when I hit that choice
We all went at it for almost three hours
Fuck man, that choice changes you
they brought that same choice back in the latest expansion, it just doesnt have the same power as the troopers version
I kinda regret saving Vette now.
It was a choice of having to coddle 300 people for the rest of their lives or 1. None of them would return to combat duties.
i did too

i wish elara would come back though
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Can someone give a referral link to this poor as fuck anon?
Here you go.
>Save Vette and kill Torian
>Regret it
>Save Torian and kill Vette
>That absolute terror from Vette

>Save Vette and kill Torian on romanced Hunter
>That heartbreak from FemHunter
Say what you want with Non-force users in KotFE/KotET
But FemHunter x Torian is cute and FemGunter sells it
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>tfw kill the force as trooper or bounty hunter

i have had more fun doing these expansions on my trooper then i think i would ever as force class.

i just wish the writers did a better job of explaining how it totally works
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It's been a while since I played this game. I've got a level ~40 agent, and a level 52 or 53 Sith Warrior (midway through the Hutt expansion).

Can I just go straight into the Chapter 1 of Eternal Throne that I get as a former sub? Will I understand what's happening? Should I do anything else before I do it?
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Sion's armor in SWTOR is just a recoloring of Balanced Combatant armor. SWTOR armor has always been dogshit, but Bioware isn't even trying anymore.
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So, my Twi'lek agent is a massive slut. What happens when you romance Lana and Theron AND Koth?
Sion's armour was released 3 shipments before the Balanced Combatant set, retard
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Which class has the best animations?
It's still dogshit, and you're autistic for defending it.
Guardian > Jugg
Merc > Commando
Powertech > Vanguard
Assassin = Shadow
Marauder = Sentinel
Gunslinger > Sniper
Operative = Scoundrel
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>Merc > Commando
>best animations
>dude with a rocket pack and an arsenal of gadgets
>vs a dude who uses his cannon for everything
Sion's armor only has one shoulder armor.
>dude that sometimes uses 2 blasters, sporadically a jetpack that half of the time appears out of nowhere, sometimes rockets that come from thin air
>vs dude with a sweet ass armor and a multi-uses cannon
merc shit's all over the place for my taste, commando's candy thrower is kinda shitty though, but bearable
I'd say Powertech = Vanguard too, kinda grew attached to litening-trooper
>Play Vanguard expecting underbarrel grenade launcher/shotgun
>Get Electro-trooper
I wanted to be a riot trooper, damn it
>dude that sometimes uses 2 blasters
>Entire rotation for Arsenal involves using two blasters
Try again, Lad
>Tracer Missile
>Heatseeker Missile
>Rail Shot
Ok I'll give you half.
Armor is universal, though?
Different for pub and imp, aren't they?
Most standard armor, yes. But cartel and alliance shells don't really have that trait.

You may not have every single possible design available to either side, but it's easy to have several different variations of trooper armor on a BH and vice versa.
>That satisfying feeling when you kill someone or something with Rail Shot
And that is why Merc will forever be better than Commando
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the sound effect and animation is perfect.
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and not to mention death from above. how can one prefer commando to merc? they must not love star wars.
it's shit, but miles better than commando gayshot yeah
healing commando >>>>> merc
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>death from above
it's shit
give me a mortar volley any day of the week
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ive only played up to level 55 on one character
which of these do i select
What should i buy with my 500 p2w store credits? I started the game yesterday
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Who wants some old SW games?
Get em while they're cold...

https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=77Z3xnmxnpmTKzvf - Star Wars: X-Wing Special Edition

https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=3TevHEktve6H3yGr - Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance

https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=DPm8BnskR2C8NYKN - Star Wars: TIE Fighter Special Edition

https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=5bRAsKfCCydWHrG4 - KOTOR

https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=vvWy7M4ukyMAcuNY - Star Wars Rebellion
whoah dude this general's been up for 10 minutes dont die already
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Thanks anon
>Revan's Armor Set is up for 65mil

Do I get it boys?
Which of the SWTOR races are worth actually picking up? Chiss and Sith Pureblood seem like fucking garbage, any others?
But Pureblood comes with the racial ability to bitch slap your companions and watch them cry. I know they're ugly as sin but it's worth it if only for that.
Chiss and lekkumachine
pls dont die
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don't make me hunt you down and tenderly carress your insides with my fist
At least Zabrak girls are both strong and qt at the same time
reeeeeeee dont die
>the thead dies the same day carrie fisher does

sad pottery
Does anyone have a Light Attuned Tuning? I'll trade some good stuff for it.
>BH uses blasters, Agent uses rifles
>Smuggler uses blasters, Trooper uses rifles
Literally why did they do this
I don't see the problem here?
BH and smugg were originally on a neutral third faction but got rotated into imp/pub, replacing imperial trooper and SIS agent, and the lack of mirrored weapons stuck all through development
I was under the impression it was because BH and Smuggler mirrored each other in terms of being gun slinging criminals for each side the same as Troopers and Agents mirrored each other in being soldiers for each side with standard issue military firearms.

But BH and Trooper crisscrossed and mirrored each other in terms of being the only classes with heavy armor, which is why Smuggler/Agent made sense as the ace gunmen and sneaking classes.

I thought it was all intended.
>4-6 in my ranked placements
Fugg, I'll git gud I swear /swgg/
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post kino
Trump isnt pol meme. Reddit shilled him since start of Obama second cadency
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>that time vaylin VA literally said "tsk tsk" out loud
what outfit is that
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eeh, don't remember 100% as i'm not in-game atm

roughly it's

Ravager's Headgear
Relaxed Uniform Vestments
Sensuous Gloves
Satele Shan's boots
one of the dancer costumes legs
one of the dancer costumes waist
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>nar shadda gc daily autocompletes as soon as I get it on my pub chars
god damn it bio ware
do people play that game still?
very nice!
Is GC bonus activity random?
can any of the memers who play this fucking game answer this question
what are you even asking?
fallen empire happens first and puts you at level 60
fallen throne is newer and happens after and puts you at level 65
I've only ever played to level 55, should I do anything first before using the boost? Is there a recommended class?
I'd recommend a force user because else the story feels ridiculous at times
I'd also recommend a class you've played before because it can be very confusing to get a billion new abilities you've never used before

and I don't think there is anything in particular you want to do first except maybe play through the other expansions but that will take a while
a class you've played before or the other side's equivalent since the abilities rae mostly the same

but this is just my opinion maybe someone else feels different, maybe you want to learn a new class
>tfw Battlefront is completely dead on PC

I want to play a Star Wars shooter so bad, but I don't feel like replaying 2 for the millionth time. Kinda wanna try out the Battlefront DLC but since its so dead why bother.

How could they revive PC Battlefront lads?
>Heroics are now daily (Again)
>Except for fucking Tython, Ord Mantell, Hutta, Korriban
Except it's not? Especially now during the Christmas sale.
except it is

i reinstalled last night with all the dlc, still took me for fucking ever to find a match
what the fuck, I'm playing it right now and I'm getting 40 players games ASAP
>Tfw end up just doing Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa because I hate the rest of them and can't get to redo Tython
Shit's a mess.
I've been having free 450 CXP every day on ever republic char because of >>163926776
I'm guessing it's just because of how quick and easy the quests are.

On Ord/Hutta you literally just talk to someone and you're done. Same with Tython, really.
Tython you at least have to kill a couple things
Yeah, but really you could just aoe a single group, get your cells and sprint to the end. There's not even a spawn problem from it being part of open world.
>I'm guessing it's just because of how quick and easy the quests are
Meanwhile you can blitz through all of Coruscant in roughly half an hour
I really wish they'd instance the fucking face merchant shop.
>There's not even a spawn problem from it being part of open world.
There's not a spawn problem because it's a starter planet
If you've ever done Face of Merchants you'll know a true spawn problem
Or at least lower the spawn time
Good god if it wasn't for the spawn time Coruscant would be a breeze
Did that fucking gook really remove (You)s?

I hate these fragile children and their meme wars.
>tfw no Vader standalone game where you hunt Jedi survivors and rebel scum
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>When there's five other people waiting for Face Merchants
why do people even bother with GC when they aren't going to add more PvE content outside of 5 minute Uprisings

actually playing the game feels so pointless
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>Tfw all I do now is heroics, dailies and the occasional FP with guildmates and RPing
There isn't anything else to do other from hitting 70 and I'm preferred so I can't
>not even playing with alts is worth it
thanks bioware
>>163934370 (You)

Well that's going to make things slight more tedious again.
Just use 4chanX already
That thing is a clustered mess. Why the fuck would I want to view a website through Microsoft Excel?

The fuck are you talking about?
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>When the explosion is just right
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This guy walks into the cantina and slaps your waifu's ass

wat do
shoot first
Bind his ghost and make him my bitch for life.
>Underworld Medicine
No way those finger accesories aren't taking out a chunk of HP.
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>want to play swtor
>your gpu drivers fucks up randomly everytime you do
>its only happening in swtor
anyone with similiar problem?
that doesn't look canon
Is this one of those BF3 concepts? They had some fucking awesome ideas kicking around.
They could do that? Whi they didn't? It seems to be like a perfect kind of trick for an sith
>Play Miraluka Knight
>People get on my case because not being the more powerful force user class (Consular)
Fine. I'll play Focus instead of Vigilance.
Bunch of nerf-herders
you heard the man
Any of you guys into GSF?
>Be on Harbinger
>Playing Pureblood Consular
Call them a nerd and redirect them to the RP server.
GSF is dead
So I own SWTOR. I think I probably also own KOTFE since I bought the game around then and from what I recall they hand you the expansion for buying the expensive version of the game which I did. I never even got to the KOTFE content lol and I haven't logged in since I saw TFA in theaters. Do I get this expansion for free too? Can I pay a lump sum? How does it work? I want to be jewed at little as possible. Aren't they releasing it in segments?
But what if he's already on an RP server?
Then he brought it upon himself.
Then he should go Focus. At least they use some force moves
Or make up an excuse
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>you can make ensign stop being a niggress
why did no one inform me of this
Sub and you get it all.
can I just sub for 1 month and get it all or what
>You can make Ensign into Elara
Why did no one tell me this
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>Used to Vigilance/Vengeance
>Try Focus/Rage
>Use the first move you get
>Suddenly half my quickbar lights up
Hoo boy, this might take a while to learn
>learning shit
When buttons become shiny, start mashing them!

This always works 100% of the time!
>Elara used to be imperial

>Going from Vengeance to Rage
>Half of the moves you get as Veng are just replacements of other moves
>Rage doesn't replace any moves
Hate having to re-organize quickbars
good. I have lots of credits on a Jedi character. Will I be able to mail them to a Sith character I want to make or can you not do cross-faction shit?
If you're not playing Vigilance/Vengeance or Defense/Immortal, then please stop playing.
>Playing Vigil/Veng after the Blade Barrage nerf
If you're not playing Immortal/Defense then please leave
Speaking of Guard/Jugg
I hear Whirling Blade has a better animation that Hew
Is that true?
While I'm mad about the nerf, at least I can reset the cooldown on it with Plasma Brand.
But you basically do half the damage
Doing BB reset BB does what would be the same amount of damage from one BD.
The no channel is a completely different issue, but the 50% nerf basically cut your usual damage output in half
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I wanna fug Vaylin
I thought they looked identical
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I wanna marry her mom!
As I've said, I've old heard
I thought they were the same too
I noticed it dueling on Alderaan, but after 10-11 duels, I only lost once to a kiting Vanguard.
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>Be Twi'lek
>Be Imperial
>Nobody gives a shit about lore because fanservice
>But don't you DARE play a Pureblood consular!

Fucking nerds
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>Play Twi'Lek Warrior
>No one says anything
>Play Twi'Lek Inq
>No one says anything
>Play Twi Hunter
>Still nothing
>Play Twi Agent

>Play Chiss Agent
>What the fuck that's not lore friendly you're supposed to be incognito what the fuck change your race I hate you go eat Bantha poodoo

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>When you fight someone who isn't used to how bullshit mobile Guard/Jugg is
Now if only I can figure a rotation that doesn't involve a lot of filler because od the lack of channel
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>Chiss Agent
how to spot the retard that hasn't actually played the agent story
>tfw the only duel I've lost as vengeance was against an immortal jugg

Fuck those bastards, their spec is borderline cheating.
relax your butthurt, friend
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Soooo, why all the hate for Chiss on /swgg/?

Was there like a tripfag or someone who loved Chiss that was a giant faggot and spoiled it for everyone and I missed it or what?
says the guy that's butthurt about people playing a vanilla class/species combo

autistic waifufags mad about Ranos

Who's Ranos?
>All that damage Immortal/Defense Guard/Juggs can do
>Combined with their damage reductions/immortality
Some quantum level bullshit.
the companion from the DVL event
she gives various bits of info about the force-user companions, which is basically just an extension of the mails that were sent after KotFE ch1
>vanilla class/species combo
you know well where the jest comes from, regardless if it makes sense in the story or not
no need to be this ass-mad
Chissbutt companion you get for completing DvL
Her entire purpose is to tell you that your force-user waifu is a shit and probably dead/lost in Wild Space
Maybe because they redesigned Chiss in actual canon?
You mean any force-user aside from Lana?
t. retarded DS warrior/knight

Damn that sucks. And here I just liked them because I can't get the image out of my head of a Chiss staring up at me with her red eyes while she deepthroats me.
>chiss agents
>chiss force users
>chiss bounty hunters

Kira - Created a bunch of uprisings while you were gone. Lost in wild space. Might be dead
Ashara - Became space Punisher. Lost in wild space
Nadia - Rallied a FUCKING ARMY looking for you. She will not rest until you are found. She will find you. You will be found. Even if she has to kill everyone in the galaxy. Lost in Wild Space
Jaesa - LS: Became Jesus. Lost in Wild Space. Probably dead. DS: A shit. Went batshit insane. Forget about her


I don't think anyone here actually gives a shit about Thrawn's design in Rebels, also
>heavily stylized children's cartoon

[citation needed]
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>heavily stylized children's cartoon
With a not so stylized book cover of his own novel
If you're not playing shadowlands, pls send all credits to me on shadowlands, ty.
Well, good thing I've fucked Lana with my Femquisitor back in the day. Seems like I'm getting the most outta that one.

>a Chiss staring up at me with her red eyes while she deepthroats me.

>Well, good thing I've fucked Lana
That's one thing in common you and Koth now have.
Are there any good star wars games that aren't decades old and ea's battlefront?
star wars the old republic
I asked for good.
Also, let me add decent graphics.
Are (You)'s really not coming back? It's impossible to skip over filler posts now.
>tfw you can't peg Koth
>using vanilla 4-chand's
tell me what to use please I can't stand this
4chan X
4chanX you candy ass roodypoo.
Don't really give much of a crap so long as it wasn't Satele's faggot son.
Speaking of him, can you actually kill him if he stole the Gravestone?
>still have (You)s because I haven't refreshed the page since the change happened

feels good man
fuck off
Ha, choices and consequences in muh TOR?
Is this private?
I don't want to intrude.
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fuck the imps
rather fuck you desu
But I am fucking an imp.
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>s-sage got nerfed in 5.0 guys
no the fuck it didn't
you know what the poster looks like?

Your kind is the reason why MMOs are shit.

im not trying to fug the poster tho
you can't fuck a picture someone posted

I hope you aren't lonely
For any of the other anons that play dress up here, does the fact that the folds on the skirt part of the outfit not match the top robe trigger you? Or is it just me?
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And I forgot the pic.
do cartel coins ever go on sale?
Is Trooper the best Republic storyline? Didn't make it all the way through when I was still playing, but it seemed pretty damn cool.
Trooper is Heart of Darkness in space. Smuggler is pretty good too for a pub storyline.
I liked Trooper because it's practically Shepard 2.0 but I think Consular is the best. Healing space aids with pragmatic dark sides choices, playing politician for snobby nobles and amassing an army while dealing with emperor's super secret project.
>carrie fisher's mom dies a day after he daughter
god damn son
No pub side guild?
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Died of a broken heart.
Why does the game sometimes crash when switching servers?
FM,AotC,(clone Wars animu),RotS,(Rebels animu),Rogue One,ANH,TesB,RotJ,tfw

kinda but it does take place between Revenge & A new hope.
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pretty much
looks like an Empire in the making, I for one welcome our new Emperor.
Maybe he'll get rid off this invasion of libcucks and SWEDEN YES.

Will I enjoy SWTOR if I want another KOTOR singleplayer game?

Trump needs to change his shitty diet and get fit if he doesn't want to die from natural health issues. He eats like shit and he's in his 60s
got into swtor for exactly that reason

short answer no

it's a decent enough singleplayer game and I recommend trying it since the main stories are f2p but ultimately it's no kotor with worse gameplay, weaker stories, absolute fuckton of filler bullshit, etc.
>he's in his 60s
Yes just play a force user class and it'll be just like KOTOR.
Vanilla stories are decent enough but expansions are made for force users.
i think the RothC is more for BH & smugglers if you ask me.
Hutt Cartel fit surprisingly well for all characters at least from the imp side.
yeah, thats what kind of feel i got when i was playing throu Hutt Cartel, Darth Marr was indeed a pretty cool dude.
Masters of Teras Kasi sequel when?
one of the worst fighting games ever made

so never

how dare you. I know teras kasi so I'm going to make you regert those words
I was TKM in SWG, so let's go right now you bitch ass

give me a fucking address

meet me on Skygazer Hill on Yavin 4, you son of a bitch. you'll know it's me because i'll be nude.
Anyone else having connection issues with the game now?
no its probably just you
I wish I knew about all that Carrie Fisher memorial shit going happening on Alderaan beforehand. Would have crashed it with my guild for a good laugh.
lol cool
>tfw my waifu is so hot
feels great
did she get set on fire or something
Is it worth resubbing and reinstalling SWTOR just to play through the storylines? I only played through 2 main storylines. The Imperial Agent (neutral), and the Sith Inquisitor (full evil).
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The stories are the ONLY thing worth subbing for. Bioware killed the raiding scenes with their retarded loot boxes.
All of them are pretty good IMO. Jedi Knight story is probably the best one.
No, they killed the raiding scene by making the rewards for raiding worse than almost every other activity unless you do Nightmare raids (for 240 schematics). And it's getting fixed in a couple weeks.
there's going to be some other shakeup in the MMO genre that'll lead to them doing something even more retarded in 6.0

it won't be WoW though since Blizzard have actually realised that yearly expansions for them are a completely fucking retarded idea
>the cheapest satele shan boots are 50mil
>the cheapest full set is 40mil

The GTN is a strange and magical place.
>lightning attune is 83m
end me
How do I get into OPs? SM is fine.
How do I get into HM FP/Upbringings?
0 experience on anything other than regular FP and PvP after these many years.
>Satele Boots and gloves usually 28m and 1m
>All three pages of the Satele set disappear
>Back on
>Gloves are now 10m and boots running 60m
>buy two Lightning Tunings at 14mil each
>put one on Sorc
>put one on Guardian
>regret putting one on Guardian
>prices steadily rise to 40mil+
End me.

I'm considering making another Sorc/Sin just to transfer the tuning over and use it.
I've never even tried to game the market.
What things should I consider putting up there?
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You are autist
t. me :D
Would've been cool if the player was revealed to be a descendant of Valkorion.
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>in the galaxy of millions of billions of humanoids
>all player characters are now kids of Zakuulian nobody
I'd really rather not have the Emperor's DNA anywhere near mine
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hey fam can i get ur autograph.webm
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Here's some old memes to keep us alive.
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>Be assassin
>Get free lightning tuning
They wouldn't have to be direct descendants.
I mean, emprah has been around for centuries.
>implying he wasn't possessing your character's father at the moment of conception
He's a space Genghis Khan.
Im having trouble in reinstalling swtor its fucking stuck on the classic login screen saying "launcher is updating pls wait" for 3fucking hour now what thw fuck do i fix this shit.
>Genghis Khan was an immortal sorcerer with the ability to possess others

I don't remember this from my history books
Thats fucking stupid
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>tfw you will never hatefuck Thana Vesh
So, like Wonder Woman and Zeus?
Wut? She was just a statue that got made flesh
The original story was that her mother crafted a baby out of sand and the gods breathed life into it.

However, they've completely retconned that story in the New 52 comics. The story now goes that the sand baby story was all bullshit her mother came up with to hide the fact she had an affair with Zeus.
Damn, I'd hate to be the grain of sand that got cucked by Zeus.
Wow I guess the SWTOR General is no longer running. Does that mean that the game is pretty dead nowadays? I'm really enjoying ESO recently so I was hoping to find SWTOR having a similar resurgence.
I've played the game before and remember liking it. What happened?
Why is Alderaan the best planet for most classes?
>SW just being an asshole
>Bugcumflated Agent
>Hunter continuing to be a badass
>Knight and Kira's banter hour
The people behind ESO actually revamped the whole thing in a good way. Bioware has done the exact opposite.
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>tfw you can't go back into the past and fug Satele
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It's one of the comfiest planets too.
I remember chilling with my friend in the Republic spaceport, slaughtering the buttflustered pubs as soon as they landed, back before the level sync shit, on our old pvp server.
It took them hours to make an ops group and get higher levels to come so they could take us down.
Those were the days.
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>Bioware didn't go full KOTOR and give the JK PC a Shan to fugg
Not exclusively a Jedi companion.

>You will never get those boots
>You will never get those gloves
But I do have the entire set, Anon
Could you donate it to an Anon in need?
Are you retarded?
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>Tfw guildleader just gave the boots to me for Christmas
>Never asked for them once, they just gave that to me
Everyone else got things but still
You suck his dick as a thank you?
/v/ is making fun of us again
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>going to /v/
i do it ironically
>virgins, cucks and pink-haired landwhales board
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Sad Panda.jpg
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He quit the game afterwards.
He just gave the whole guild everything he had and left
He was cool
>decide to reinstall battlefront with the dlc for a cheeky couple of games to see how its changed
>first game of Walker Assault theres a fag both glitching with Lando AND aimbotting
>Next game is just another guy aimbotting
>and the next

what the fuck is the deal dice
nigga I've been making fun of us for the longest time now
you should, too
We make fun of ourselves here
Why would you subject yourself to concentrated radiation?
Whatsup with the Light side/dark side bar that pops up in the middle of the screen sometimes?
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>Log on at 8
>Guildleader's on
>They ask if I want to do some heroics
>Tell them sure

>Just finished doing all the Heroics
>Tfw guildmaster now wants to do FP's
>Tfw they're absolutely not exhausted at all
Which class can bang the most women?

Agent, right?
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smug trump.jpg
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>Lana fugged Koth
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>Playing Vigil Guard for the first time
>Mfw all the flips and spins and saber tosses
This is fun
Or smuggler
>Faggots thinks it's a bad thing that Rogue One retcons EU's extremely overe-edgy Vader torture
I prefer disney lore to the majority of EU lore desu
I just want a decent Star Wars game to play guys, why don't any good companies tackle it?

SWTOR and Battlefront are my only two options right?

Has anyone checked out Disney Infinity or whatever? It has Star Wars characters but it's based on community content or something?
What gMe?
If I make an Imp/Pub toon on Shadowlands/Ebon Hawk, will anyone play with me?
what specifically did it retcon I was never into the EU?
licensing agreement
i hit level 70 today and then geared up in 228 mods, am i done now?
How Vader's suit was supposed to cause supersuffering to him every second
I'll play with you
What server? Faction?
What lightsaber colors are canon? Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Red, and White?
Hawk. Pub
No bully
You wanna start new toons, or run some heroics? I'm not a sub
It's all you
>using memes to explain your dislike of something others see no problem with
Its fitting a grown child should like Disney, yet be so contradictory to enjoy a franchise with so many red and black color schemes, amoral viewpoints and excessive violence as this one.

Just one more opinion to disregard.
I'm a dom, give me your deets.
>Its fitting a grown child should like Disney, yet be so contradictory to enjoy a franchise with so many red and black color schemes, amoral viewpoints and excessive violence as this one.
Could you try rephrasing this?
Meet me on Tython, I'm rolling Guardian.
Sorry, let me put my memes on.

It's fitting a fedora-tipping faggot millennial who was raised on /b/ thinks the use of the word edgy is a sound criticism for things he doesn't like despite being a fan of those same fucking things he's criticizing.

This is a series of movies that portrays genocide and senseless murder on a regular basis and the concept of power being fueled by pain is what gets to you? Are you literally retarded?
No, it's specfically the over the top way some parts of the EU felt it necessary to make Vaders suffering deeper and deeper to the point where it just becomes ridiculous

That trait of expanding powerlevels and constantly one-upping each other is the major reason I'm happy the EU is dead

>tfw too sick for video games
>All I want are friendly /swgg/ faggots to play with
I hope a rocket crashes through my window and kills me tomorrow
Fuck, hold on, I'm trying to make him presentable before I start leveling.
nigga I'm literally sneezing here right now

get online dude
Alright, I'm on Tython on ebin, who am I looking for?
A giant slut
A mega slut
I'm not the dude you're looking for and I'm lying in my bed which I've barely avoided covering in vomit
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I haven't played this game in 3 years.

I am done with WoW. I am looking at this game and Rift. Which of those two are better?

If both suck ass what do you recommend?
Jedi can't be sluts
Where are you waiting though? In front of the temple?
>sluts on Tython
That's a needle in a haystack considering there's a whole fucking village of them.
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>Sluts on Tython
>Sluts on Pub side at all
This is Hawk. The sluts are on the Imp side
Play ESO. It reminds me a lot of WoW in its old days and is a good mix of MMO with the best parts of single player TES games. It might still be on sale right now.
He might have been talking about the twilek village
Not sure about Rift but TOR I would avoid like the plague. Only thing to do in this game is ERP

I would look into Black Desert Online and if you still want a sci-fi "star wars" type game I would look for a star wars galaxies emulator.

Avoid TOR unless you just want to play for the story.
>Tfw only play TOR for the RP and the occasional Heroic now
This Anon is right.
EA is at present figuratively the only company allowed to make Star Wars games.
How does Star Wars galaxies emulator work? I thought it was an old school Sandbox MMO. Is it like private servers?

Do you have any recommendation floor satisfying the Star Wars itch?

Does anyone know how is battlefront if I don't care about multiplayer?
>tfw still waiting for my ebin hawk buddy
Yo Ebin bro, lemme guess:

your prom date didn't show up
Toss us a name, slugger
I-It's ok.
I'll j-just go back to Harb


RAID THIS NIGGER AND play with him
i did that with the cass fett set

i think i put the whole thing together for under 3mil.

I still haven't found a character I want to use it on.

My BH looks better with the mando seeker / different chest mix and it doesn't make sense on any of my other characters.

Really the only reason i like the set is because of the belt, boots and bracers.
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Anyone want an invite to the ded guild on ebin hawk

You'll get bonus exp at least
what? it's always got like 4k people playing, more than enough to find a game on any mode at literally any hour
doesnt help how many hackers there are though
Where on Tython?
anon pls

anon why are you doing this
I'm just gonna go back to Harb.
Are the lvl 50 race unlocks accountwide? Or just legacy?
>Patch 5.0 was made in 2016
>It killed the game

Just another victim.
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You ain't force sensitive, Koth. But maybe the dumb bimbo actually believed you.
Wait, weren't you supposed to be the Jedi 'n' shietz? That sounds a lot like Sith talk to me , boyo.
First Sith were Jedi once.
just legacy
the only account-wide species unlocks are Cathar and Togruta
>with the best parts of single player TES games

>no mods
>no Kuhlmann

get out, shill
Any friends on The Red Eclipse wanting to play? I rolled a Sith Inquisitor and a Jedi Knight, both sub-20 on their respective capital worlds.
>Red Eclipse
You uh, may want to find a new server.
Why, anon?
It's dead, Jim, but not as we know it.
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I found a copy of Star Wars Galaxies in the Goodwill.

So now that I have a copy of it how do I find an emulator? I never tried this game before so what is a good one to go to?
which era of SWG?

there are pre-cu servers and NGE servers
you don't want to go down that route.

All the emulators are run by degenerates that try to nickel and dime you. Mods are bullys. If anyone sees someone having something better then them and they are the type that has friends who are mods they will ban you.

If you insist on trying it anyways go to plebit and look for the /r/swg
I don't know. I never played the game before. I saw people talking about it and it was never something I thought about till I was donating some things at the goodwill and saw it inside.

Now that I have it I don't know what to do with it.

Thanks for the advice but I figure I will give it a try. It looks like something that could be fun.
Red Eclipse is far from dead. Its one of the most heavily populated servers
I wouldn't go near any SWG emulator. Disney is going to go after them and if you were playing there you might get sued as well. Disney doesn't mess around protecting their license.
there is no legal precedent where disney can or would sue someone playing an emulator
SWGEmu for Pre-CU, this is the "vanilla" of SWG so to speak, they run an emulator built from scratch trying to replicate everything mostly from head.
Stella Bellum (still on test server, opens up tomorrow, hopefully) for NGE, this is the latest version of the game and dreaded by many because of WoW-ification, they're using some kind of leaked code base so it's the "official" server software that SOE ran on release.

Mind that SWG had a "space" component built inside the main game, it only works (flawlessly may I add, for obvious reasons) in Stella Bellum or any other server ever using said leaked server software. Even if the rest of the emulator software started working on this space component, which they won't in a long time given current tracks, it's still not clear which "version" of it will it be, and I'm afraid they'll be settling with a "vanilla" version even though space is one of the parts NGE heavily improved.

I'll be probably rolling Stella Bellum for a bit as soon as it opens because I'm a space fag, "ground game" save from crafting (which mechanic-wise wasn't butchered much by NGE either) never attracted me so much, Pre-CU or NGE.
So I just redownloaded swtor and apparently I can just make a level 65 or 60 character? Not sure whats going on is this normal? Do you not need to level anymore?
>JK is THE lightsaber prodigy
>No battlemaster to be seen during Cold War
>Need to play BH to even find out about Jun Seros

The fuck was he doing?
Video games are protected by copyrights (both the specific code used to implement the game and the audiovisual elements of the game). Copyrights last for the life of the person who created the copyrighted work plus 70 years after that person's death. The video game "Pong" and other early games weren't invented until the 1970's so they would still be protected by copyrights.

That means games like "Vanilla WoW emu" and SWG emu are still under copyrights, so it is still illegal under copyright law to download them.

As I'v said, discontinued games are still under copyright (for the life of the creator plus 70 years). It is not legal to download a "discontinued" game, *even if* the creator no longer intends to monetize it. Under copyright law, if you write or create anything it is copyrighted. Period. Whether or not you intend to profit off of it. If you write a letter to someone, your words are copyrighted. If you take a photograph of a building, it is copyrighted. Someone else cannot copy and sell your letter or photograph without your permission or else they are violating copyright law. It doesn't matter that you didn't intend to profit from the letter or photograph. Likewise, the fact that companies have discontinued the "Vanilla" WoW or SWG is immaterial to whether it is legal to download.

Escaping punishment is different from something being legal

Have you ever broken a traffic law and *not* gotten a ticket? Traffic laws are hard to enforce. There are a lot of violators and very few policemen in comparison to lawbreakers. The same is true of Copyright Law. There are a lot of violators who download illegal movies, tv shows, music, and software, but very few people willing to enforce the copyrights against them. So a lot of copyright infringement goes unpunished. However, the lack of punishment does not mean the foregoing punishment is "legal." It's just that most people who break the law happen to get away with it.
They have tokens that will take you straight to the kotfe/kotet storylines, which start at 60 and 65 respectively.

Everybody gets 1 free token to skip vanilla and try out the new story expansions right off the bat. You can delete and remake the character if you don't like it, but if you level it even once or complete any mission on it, be they heroic, story or side quests, your token is consumed and deleting the character will not grant it back. You'll have to buy another if you want to make more at $20 each.
Nobody is going to go to jail or be fined for playing emulators. Stop trying to scare him away.
why do SWTOR retards always try to chase people away from SWG emulators
I'd dare to say online games are a different beast altogether and sit on the grayest area possible, or at least used to, years and years of UO private servers prove this.
Modern MMO cover their backs more tightly on this private server regard though, and I don't really know where SWG sits. But it's true it's been many years of development now and no known CND letter as of yet. Things might change if shit gets more popular I give you that, and especially now with this whole "leaked server code" deal that borderlines illegality if not outright crosses it,
My computer seems to get a little louder when I start swtor and I seem to get odd visual glitches when I play.

Also this only seemed to start after I came back in 5.0.
wow its almost like your fans are going or something, better buy a new computer
You might have to turn down your settings. What are your specs? (cpu, overclock, etc)

i5 3450 and an r7 370 both stock

I only seem to have problems with swtor too
I found some interesting things


here's some kino

Any swtor people know a good US republic server? I see from the OP that most play imperial.
How's pub side on harb? Have a 65 shadow and a 65 vanguard I was considering picking up again..
It's okay.
PvP sucks for the most part, though.
Yeah? That's really the only reason I wanted to play again. Always had fun in Tor pvp. Just quit wow cause PvP is a mess
I kinda like being the underdog, but sometimes it's annoying as hell yeah.
PvP right now is kind of an unbalanced mess here too, merc/mandos were buffed to hell and sorc/sages still heal incredibly well.
Guard/juggs tank spec doing more damage than actual DPS specs is not doing so good for balance in PvP either.
If you need to transfer, there's a sale going on, it's only 90cc each transfer.
> It's pretty bad, it is mainly there to give you a taste and then get you to subscribe.
So, literally pay or go away?
Pay at least for a month to unlock everything.
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This morning there were just two of these listed. Me and the other guy at 20m were playing a gentleman's game of GTNing. No undercutting, no flooding the market, etc.

Now everybody is rushing to undercut by huge margins. Drives me fucking batty when scrubs try to play the GTN.
I'm just wondering, where the fuck is this influx of rare items coming from and why is everyone trying to sell it for exorbitant amounts?

Some motherfucker has been trying to sell five sets of Sith Recluse which has tanked the entire value from playing undercutsies with everyone else, and another dumb motherfucker was selling two, undercut himself on the same fucking name.

The two sets of Euphoric Corellian went from 8m to 200m overnight and has turned into twenty some-odd sets on a slow decline ranging from 50m to 20m on just the chest piece.

It's like a yard sale of super shills coming out the woodworks.
>JK just gets the Battlemaster title
>Never explained, your master just gives it to you
>No one tells you that there was a Battle master before you that JUST DIED
Being the unloved child of the Jedi Order's top people

Everyone on the council likes Consular more

I know for armor sets at least the gold packs are flooding the market with rare stuff now. Sets like revan/revan reborn/sith recluse that were almost impossible to find are now millions and hundreds of millions cheaper.
the Knight doesn't become the Battlemaster until the end of SoR, at which point the position has been vacant for around 3 years
I need to do the Trooper story and Smuggler story to get Legendary
So, /swgg/, what should I do first?
Those stories are that bad?
I personally find the Trooper less onerous to play.

Both class's companions suck, though. The Trooper's team is like some fucking SJW minority token quota meeting squad, so grab a robot companion off the GTN or something.
Just save Trooper for last because it's horribly dull
>so grab a robot companion off the GTN or something.
but trooper gets the best robot in the game
Smuggler's first act is a fun romp, that gets dull as you get forced to be more and more involved with the Pubs after you find Space One Piece

Trooper is honest from the start about you being a boring military man, though at least you have Forex
You don't get Forex right away.
yeah but it doesn't take that long to get

certainly not worth wasting millions on a companion from the GTN
Maybe it was the work of undercutting shitters but I picked up a couple robots for six figures a pop.
>six figures
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Credit cap is killing my desire to play this game.
I got 7 days of referral and made 150 million in that time, bought most of what I wanted, but then this shit comes again and I lose every incentive to play.
The warzone limitation too.
How do they not realize that this shit is why they keep losing players and subs have less people to play with?
It's pretty clear most of their money comes from cartel market anyway, why even have sub at this point?
>It's pretty clear most of their money comes from cartel market anyway, why even have sub at this point?
people with the subs are the biggest spenders in the cartel market

they literally have zero reason to do away with subs
>I got 7 days of referral and made 150 million in that time
If you don't mind me asking, how do you make your money?
Buy low, sell high.
I also sold some rare stuff I bought cheap long ago when I was a sub.
For example - Darth Malgus' Boots.
I bought a ton of them for ~300k back then. Few days ago I sold them for 8 mil a piece.
>cancel recurring sub one day before it ends
>planned to reactivate tomorrow for the double cc deal
>get 500 cc for no reason tonight
Thanks for the tip
I made about 1.2mil from buying a Galactic Command Tuning on the GTN and then reselling it. It's a start, I guess
I have about 3 more that I plan on keeping as well
Once you've earned enough money, it gets real easy. You need that starting capital.
You invest in stuff that's cheap, but popular now.
When it's gone from cartel market, it's price can only get higher.
I can't decide between buying the sith recluse or revan armor sets. The recluse set looks better IMO but that droid/camera animation bugs me.
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I just bought Battlefront 2 on Steam and holy shit am I having fun.
It took me a while to take the hang of it but now I'm having loads of fun just playing the original campaign.
I can't get past the Jedi temple, but I'll probably try tomorrow.

Is Elite supposed to be doable? I can't even get past the first mission of the campaign without getting everyone of my clones killed.

Can I get a mods for the game? Any recommendations?

Is multiplayer ded? I assume I need a Gamespy account, yes?
How tempting is the cosmetic stuff in SWTOR? I remember playing a Sith Inquisitor up to max level at launch and for the most part I could just equip color matched items and be satisfied.

That was a long time ago so I'm wondering how the cosmetic stuff has evolved since then. Does the game tempt you to play dress up? I wouldn't mind so long as it's easy to get a really cool looking character. I was planning on playing through all the story missions for the other classes.

Dress up is the only real content being added to the game nowadays so I'd say it does
It's how EA make ALL their money.
Has there been any new classes? Also is it going to be difficult to get the generic look. Meaning plain black robe for Sith, plain brown robe for Jedi, storm trooper armor for troopers etc.

There has to be a million boba fett costumes, right?

is this saber used by a major character in kotfe, or something? why has it become so valuable

It has a unique animation. Like energy pulses that go up the blade.
You've been blowing away all the credits again?

yeah i know, but it wasnt always this expensive, i remember it being max 4mil for a very long time
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Yeah, I bought an Unstable Peacemaker's Lightsaber as well as a dual saber that I'm not sure if I'm going to use or sell, since I got it for 20m. Plus I still have a bunch of money tied up in Volatile Conqueror's Sabers.
>greatest SW vessel
You have my respect anon

Inflation played a part too. That and in the last few days a lot of things seemed to get bought up and relisted much higher by the GTN barons.
>That and in the last few days a lot of things seemed to get bought up and relisted much higher by the GTN barons
Thank god someone else noticed
I'll trade my Ghostly Magus Boxed Set for a Jedi Survivalist Set if anyone has one.
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>tfw no acina gf

why live
The little circlet on her head ruins it
>cant hate bone vaylin
>cant have milfy love with senya
>kill off ALL former love interests
>STILL cant have acina
What the fuck is wrong with Bioware?
>>kill off ALL former love interests
you must be a special kind of retarded

>killed off all GOOD former love interests

fixed it
yeah my bad, not all
im just really disappointed and they left potato instead
When you find a good looking set it's either ruined by hood, cape or hundred million price tag in GTN.

nigger are you this fucking dumb
>STILL no good toggle
Is it really hard to make a set that has a hood up and hood down version?
That would require effort. Nobody likes effort.
>They make a hood on and hood down version for sets with hoods
>They're completely new sets that are the exact same
>You have to buy them seperate
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Diabolical. You would go far in EA.
>Hood down already is an option for Twilek and Togruta

System is already in place yet they haven't been able to do it.
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But you forget the kicker, Anon
You can only buy them off the CM
For full price (1000 CC)
Still wish they actually had a hood down instead of just completely removing the hood
How much did you get the Unstable 1h Saber for?
could someone post jpg with characters story timeline?
Which story has the highest body count?
okay i see it was discussion about what story where in the time take place.
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You can pretty much kill all your marks

I think I paid 78m or so. Saved a few mil vs retail by direct buying from the seller.
I guess Trooper because of that asteroid prison.
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>13 years later
>nothing has surpassed the dueling system in this FREE MODIFICATION
They aren't even trying are they?
How do you dodge missiles in TIE Fighter (Collector's CD if it matters) with the Assault Shuttle? I swear I'm doing just fine then I hear "INCOMING MISSILE" and I'm dead no matter how much power I put to the engines.
Why do augment slot components sell for more than 1/10 the price of the kit? They're easy as hell to get.
Why does nothing show up on the lan even after I join from gameranger?

It said my cd key wasnt authorized
Alright guys I feel like spending some money, which packets will possibly make me millions on the GM?
Eternal Command
If you get Bold Helion that's guranteed credits

Command boosts are safer and still sell very well
>Jedi Knight story is probably the best one.
Don't fall for this meme. "omg I have to destroy some SUPER WEAPON" for every finale. It's so fucking gay.
Confirmed for never playing JK
what's with all these stupid planet destroyers the republic builds and the empire tries to steal.

Big stick policy.
Why wasn't the super weapon for trooper? He's cleaning up after Garza all the time.
It's the only class I've played to completion. I marathoned it back when TFA was coming out. Now I'm going through the Sith Warrior. Hopefully this time the game doesn't burn me out and I can get through all the fabled expansions.
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Here's my first pack
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second pack
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I don't like what I'm getting

>Falling for the RNG meme
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I'm a sucker for RNG
I would have straight up sold the packs without opening them. If there's anything you actually wanted in it, you'd be able to afford everything but the ugly lightsabers.
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>Want Royal Fyrnock
>Don't want to give money to Bioware after 5.0

That +40mil price tag on GTN ain't inviting either.
I'd also like it, but $20 for a mount is a no go. I'd hesitate even on a half-off deal.
>tfw your Trooper has more kills than your BH
Well fug.
Troopers have the Gauntlet.
It's just odd that a jedi is dealing with military business when there's a dedicated military dude cleaning up after someone.
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Holy shit this game is infested with cringey autists.
>revan reborn set down to 75mil

Keep going baby
>honoring someone that died is autism

no anon, you are the autist
There's nothing autistic about honoring someone, just in the way you choose to honor that person.
Holy shit talk about other SW games

TOR can't be the only one that's still active ._.
Don't worry, TOR is on its way out.
>Dark Legionnare's, Tulak Whore's and Satele's sets are now around 40m each
>I may be able to afford only one of them

Now receiving donations :3
They did the same in STO when Nimoy died
how do I get good gear /torg/?
Grinding GCXP in an exciting way.
We can only hope.
how about just regular drops from bosses etc.?
I'll be posting some SWG space shit once Stella Bellum opens.
Not a thing. Didn't you hear? RNG is EXCITING.
HA HA nope
Get a 228 set as soon as you can, with a 230 weapon/offhand then disintegrate everything BUT set pieces until tier 2.
If you're not 70 just run heroic dailies for boxes and FP.
To add, if you have 224 set pieces it's better to keep them than replace with 230 set, the difference is so small that it is better to get more xp.
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Thanks for the free daily CXP!
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We don't want this thread to float dead in the water, so here's some Tits & Ass to hold onto.
What a handsome fellow.
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So I just bought the new Battlefront game (2015) for the PC and it's apparently dead. What should I do?

Did you buy ALL the DLC?
No, just the base game.
Thats the scam. Enjoy your gated content.
Trooper was too busy hunting traitors during Chapter I.
It just kinda fell on Knight because the first Sith he fights managed to take control of all projects and passed them on to his Sith daddy's buttbuddies.
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yes or no
Begin with that forehead, girl.
I want to hold hands with her in public.
Togrutas are the cutest.
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>tfw they will never be real

damn son
at least there's cosplay porn

btw, I assume they added the new starter sets with the changes to advanced classes?
Because I sure as hell don't remember the shit I'm wearing right now.
The Sith Inquisitor destroys an entire rebel fleet along with another imperial ship.
They are bitter that anyone might be interested in a game that was better than theirs (and still shitty in a lot of ways, it's aged like an opened beer in a fridge) might become popular again and because they can't wrap their head around mechanics more complex than cooldown. Which is odd that they don't love the post-CU servers.
>it's aged like an opened beer in a fridge
Not like a lukewarm beer that has been sitting on your nightstand for 3 days, which you tentatively sipped at when you awoke one morning to wash the horrible taste of dried sleep out of your mouth only to spit out the dusty piss water in surprise as you watch a wet cockroach scurry off beneath the dresser?
Not quite that badly, just that flat, stale as fuck beer that you forgot about from a month or three ago behind all the milk and juice bottles/cartons that hasn't really grown mold or anything but only has a vague reminder of the original flavor with not a lot of the fizz or bite.
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>Just want Satele gloves
>Can afford them but credit cap because preferred
>Mfw seeing the Satele armor set price drop
>Mfw almost have enough to get it
Come on
how big a group do you need to take on world bosses?
Depends on the world boss
Some you could do with just four
Others you might need a 16m raid group
I don't play mmo's much but I love star wars and I loved kotor 1-2 so I'm playing this.

I made a qt Jedi Consular and I'm having a blast so far.

I haven't done anything other than the main quest so far, I'm helping people on Taris, which is neat because I just replayed the kotor games to prepare to play this one and they're referencing everything from kotor.

I didn't think I would like Qyzen since my introduction to trandoshans was the book about bossk trying to kill chewbacca, and the trando scum from Republic Commando but he's cool.
>I made a qt Jedi Consular and I'm having a blast so far
Good news, your fun can only go up from here.
After Consular play Knight
It's basically KotOR III
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>tfw I bought the whole Bold Hellion set for 4500 creds per piece

GTN is truly a magical place.
why is the leveling in this game so fucked?
I'm at level 70 already and I haven't even finished the main story
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Some little kids complained it was taking too long.
potential or unavoidable? Agent probably has the highest potential because of the Eradicators
Congrats on being a completionist and wondering why you're ahead of the curve.
Knight fucking sucks
I was a completionist early on but stopped at some point and haven't even finished the planet stories on like 3 planets I've visited for the class story
also haven't been doing heroics or flashpoints as i've been playing solo
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A Sith lord?
>had to leave in the middle of an RP session and didn't have time to explain what happened to my partner
>basically ninja logged on him
>don't want to log in because I know he'll confront me about it and call me out on my shit

should i make an alt lads
Storm knocked out your internet, it's one of the downsides of living in the boonies, you're sorry about that but hey, it happen. You really should hurry up and get moving but the property market in the nearby tow is a bit shit at the moment.
Just tell him something came up?
Is this the thread for KOTOR questions as well?

Im about to start the game for the first time in a while and second time over all.
What stopped me from playing last time was that the combat system seemed just way way too shit to make it a fun game. However since no one ever bothered to make a combat overhaul mod, and the game gets praise to no end, I have to assume that this is not really the games, but rather my fault.
So how do I avoid having a character where Im in a combat situation and attack after attack just misses at close range beyond all logic. Not just me, the AI as well, which made fights against random droid enemies a minute long chore that got more and more frustrating until it no longer felt worth playing.
Is there a build guide that I can follow? Or did I just miss something obvious?

Mechanics are kinda weird because it's based off D&D rules, similar to BG and NWN, it uses turns and rounds so it might feel awkward when adapted to a real-time environment, but it's not that bad once you get the gist of it.
Try finding a non-spoiler guide to combat and mechanics in GaymeFAGs, I recall reading one from there no long ago.
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She died for a lost cause
try to maximize your attack value
your attack is based on strength for melee and dexterity for ranged attacks
do not (absolutely not) duel wield without the appropriate feat because it murders your attack
also use critical strike instead of power attack or flurry because they hurt your attack

once you've gotten a few levels you get more base attack bonus which increases your attack and at that point you can start being more liberal

if you have more specific questions feel free to ask
I beat the game when I was 8, and I didn't understand how to actually play the game until I was 13.
git gud
which class has the coolest ship and why is it agent?
Best ship. It's like a space Aston Martin.
I really wish that you could buy different ships because ones like the trooper and BH ships suck ass.
Agent and sith have the best.
just finished my class story
anything I should do before starting the hutt cartel?
I like the NOT-Millennium Falcon because I'm unoriginal like that.
Is it necessary/worth it to sub for a month or whatever to do the class stories in SWTOR? Also a power ranking of them based on opinion would be nice.
if youre just doing the stories subbing is not necessary but my opinion is it's definitely worth subbing for at least one month to be preferred instead of pure f2p which gives plenty of benefits even after your subscription runs out
I liked the Agent at first, but I've come to appreciate the SW's ship
Guardian > Sorc ≥ Sage > Juggernaut > Vanguard > Powertech ≥ Operative > Gunslinger

These are my objective opinions, in addition to what I think is the canon advanced class, but I will say that anyone the thinks the JK isn't at the top of the food chain is delusional.
sniper really that bad?
and is this pvp, pve or both?

hutt expansion suuuucks
Hutt Cartel was good at least for imps.
Good then nosedive in chapter 3 tier:

Consistent, maybe a little boring tier:

Teases with a much better story than the one that actually happens tier:

Complete shit tier:
what about bh and smugglers?
>Revan Reborn set now down to 65mil
>Revan set is 175mil


anyone online on Ebon Hawk? i want to join the guild
Haven't played either past the first planet.
This, except Warrior chapters 2 and 3 are awful, while Inq is just bad all the way through
I liked the Inquisitor storyline for the most part, other than the whole LOL HE RAN AWAY AGAIN bullshit.
Baras holds Warrior together, it just gets dumb when you hand over the reins to the random red dudes who have never been mentioned before.

Also awful companions, half of which should have been murdered on sight.

Inquisitor is fun in chapter one, but thinking about it it's the chapter two intro that messes it up with the least threatening antagonist in the game. The whole plot from then on is your character making mistakes and then trying to fix them ahead of taking down a guy whose master plan to kill you is "please go in this spooky cave for me, thanks".

If you walked the other direction there's no suggestion he would have done anything else. He's a non-threat.
Oh shit, no dude, I'm talking about powerlevels. Like "who would win in a fight taking into account all of their achievements."

If you want the best PVP spec, go Guardian/Juggernaut Tank with damage mods.
Everyone knows you're at war because he essentially announced it on Empire facebook, whereas for every other class their adversaries are actively sending assassins and junk.

The traditional sith honour duel at the end is like... these are supposed to be Sith, you know? What the fuck is this nonsense?
>find Nok Drayen's mystical treasure
>the only possible quest reward is a subscriber only reward
>Nok Drayen's treasure was 2700 credits
nice meme
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Inquisitor would've been a goner without ghost grandpa but by chapter 3 he was much better. Thanaton is just too stuck in his traditional values which is harmful for the empire when war was raging. He was strong based on what Marr says about him and having a council seat.

Despite that inquisitor is my favorite story line and my main.

Thanks, mainly asked about subbing in relation to if it's possible to cut out most of the filler quests.
Kaggath is practically civil war among sith.
You can just about get through the class stories without a sub and without doing a lot of stupid side bullshit.

There will be some stupid side bullshit, though. It's not like a couple of months ago when you could literally just do the class quests and stay ahead of the curve.
Not at all, there were rules and two teams, and a panel of judges.

The only person excited by the whole things was that suspiciously loyal Moff. Even Thanaton wasn't fussed by the end.
slay his most skilled general in a duel
Ahh, shame. Do those super xp boost events happen often?
Not to mention that he just fucking bolts away when actually cornered thus forfeiting the Kaggath, and later on the council is like "lol yeah fuck the Kaggath, that's for kids and shit".
Wasn't that Ravage saying something about murder has no rules?
That anon that dumped the armor / weapons / mounts / materials at Christmas for 25 credits each I want to thank you. I bought a bunch of stuff from him that I unlocked and now rock.

Thanks anon! I was lucky to be there when you dumped it and I just got home from my parents so I get to play again so this is the first time I get to thank you.
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>anon gives away billions

I am not there for that

>anon gives away armor, mounts, weapons

I am not there for that

>anon gives away hypercrates

I am no there for that

>Anon puts things on the GTN for 25 credits for Christmas

I am not there for that.

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I guess this is what I get for spending Christmas with family like a normie.
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Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug.
Stop posting my old sliders pretending to be me. It never was funny.
post your comfy mounts
hey if you're here right now on Harbinger I can give you some Bastila Shan sets as a consolation prize
How many fucking Darth Talon knockoffs are there?
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me and my sonolith.png
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too many
Thank you for the offer. I am at my parents and laying in my old bed wishing I brought my computer. But I do appreciate the kind offer! You are awesome
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Michael Alexander.png
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Rate my character
9/10 would gay romance
really terrible shit
>find the endar spire crash site
>the kotor1 battle of endar spire music starts playing
nice touch
I see that haircut and I can only think of that stuttering idiot who I think is from the BH story.
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You look like you have experience with sex. When I say sex I mean anal. By anal I mean receiving.
the one who ambushes you with his buddy and girlfriend on Nar Shaddaa or something?
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tfw I only like the "edgy" style

I would have had it black and purple but everyone's jewish on the GTN
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I went black and red edgelord early on with my SI since I WAS playing a Sith, and then realized my character was another clone of Darth Talon so I went blue to sorta even out the edge.
Also can't you start making black and purple with a sufficient artifice level, or is that CC only?
black/dark purple is from the master's shadow pack, dark purple/black is from contractor's/freelancer's bounty packs
I'm also playing JK
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what server are you on? I have a strong need to blast my load inside you invite you to my stronghold.
begeren colony
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I would defile that boytummy

thread past bump limit and dying


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