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/owg/ - Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 759
Thread images: 242

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TFW no Oni edition

>Overwatch Year-in-Review Developer Update
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxlhFslsbu0 [Embed]

>Live Patch Notes

>PTR Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info



Previously: >>163624841
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First for dogs?
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Gabriela Reyes and Lucia!
>sombra's hack focuses health packs even when you're pointing right at a player
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I really like listening to Jeff Kaplan talk.
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I would reap her field, if you know whaddamsayin
>get killed as Sombra

What did she mean by this?
its an expression of disbelief in mexico
Even as a native Spanish speaker it's hard to parse sombra sometimes
They went super regional with her
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Who are the characters withteh worst skins?


All of his legendary skins are terribad
>tfw bastion will never be viable
D.vas legendary skins are fucking garbage. I'm sure i'll have that midrift fag come in and throw a fit that i said that but suck my dick it's a bad skin. B.va sucks too.
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I taped my wrist for better aim because I keep using my wrist than my elbow.

I think it bizarrely worked. Or maybe I just had a luck streak.

Wrist skin itches and stings now though.
nigga what

the currently thread:

how to fix the game
>Soldier Ult: Aimbot portion removed, firing and reload rate remains, damage bonus added.
>Reinhardt: Removed from the game
>Roadhog: Hook now has to be manually reeled in, does not interrupt the target until the reel-in
>Symmetra: Weapon no longer locks on
>Maps: Slightly redesigned for actual fucking alternate paths instead of longer-or-shorter-paths-to-the-single-choke
>Wallhack arrow & ult: changed to a radar ping
>Discord orb: actually needs to be aimed
what did I miss?
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I wish there was more art of Zenyatta being the Bender to Genji's Fry.
Can someone explain to me the mentality behind calling someone who plays to win in QP a tryhard? And I'm not even saying playing meta or anything, I got called a tryhard for playing Hanzo.

I was surprised by the amount of people basically spending the whole game not even trying to get close to the objective in some of my games, but are they really doing this on purpose instead of just being bad? Why? I don't get it.

Help me understand. I'm all for doing wacky shit in QP but if you don't care at all you'll spend more time respawning than playing, where's the fun in that?
qp is for learning heroes and doing stupid shit. you probably are a tryhard. what's your rank?
You aint learning shit if the enemy team kills you instantly because you're playing a retard.
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>If someone gets enough reports, just start saving his victim's killcams and then have someone review them and determine if it's an aimbot. Literally that simple.

This is a bad idea, you would get banned for shots like this.

>Getting banned for meme techniques

No problem here.

Thats what they cool aimbots these days?

Sombra doesn't have a single good skin

Everyone else has a few, even if they're just the blues.
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>300 hours in
>first time someone adds me
What do I do?

Steambot is goat tho
decline that fucking normie reee
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yea ati radeon, downloaded catylst to update driver, still not recognized-won't download anything. I have no clue why driving me up the wall. No gaming for me this holiday :(
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>dicking around in qp
>zen, hanamura attack
>ult right after enemy genji, whole team around me
>got the achievement

Also, how do I get better aim? I have streaks of aimbot-like skill, and other times I completely miss 4/4 roadhog shots after I hooked someone...
How bad and/or autistic do you need to not find people you enjoy playing with? My friend list is about 60 ppl, ~40 from Overwatch, mostly non-rl acquaintances
Reinbro, Jamisanon, Best wishes for you and your loved ones!

All of her recolors are good, you cuck.
Feeling generous. Who wants a copy of OW origins? Gotta sell yourself on why you can't buy it yourself.
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>tfw I just realized I actually have a lot of friends even though I only play with 2 most of the time (140)
>100+ are all randoms from ow
You guys really do like the sluts don't you?
I need a seventh smurf account
Might be the enemy hitbox. Oneshotting Ana as Hog is nigh impossible 50% of the time.
you need explain to me the process of getting friends to play with in detail because i really don't understand

D. Va.

Only one good skin and it was locked behind an event crate. Her recolors all either have a shitty mech color or a shitty suit color.

I just like fucking with people using the tickle gun and mario jumping on their heads
My friends list is filled with shitty players. I'm muted most of the time and end up adding the worst players from my teams to chew them out in whispers
Can anyone give me advice on how to kill healers as Tracer? I can melt other 200 hp heroes like McCrees and Soldiers easily but Lucio and Ana feel so slippery.
I'm a woman of color, I DESERVE it

Winston countering Tracer was always a meme pick for bronzies.

I think this is just a hilarious coincidence.
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I'll do the same as this guy except you have to be a cute femboi or girl (pref. Mercy main)
Naw, I try to pay attention to my fails, and I usually fail against bunnyhoppers. Problem is if I try that myself I aim even worse.
But sometimes I can predict movement perfectly and wreck enemies with soldier or pharah for a few rounds. I just wish I knew why so I could work on getting more consistent. More often then not a match is either steamrolling, or getting rolled. That's no fun.
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>play qp or soloq ranked
>add whoever seems to play good
>or ask to join existing groups if a match was good
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I'm a fat, hairy guy who main hog, now gimme
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Jamison Fawkes!

Merry Christmas, /owg/! I hope you all have a fantastic holiday, however you happen to be spending it!
Yeah I cant give you any advice on that since it happens to me too. It just sounds like you have a lot of off days.

Maybe you should regulate your diet.
How do you romance Junkrat? I absolutely don't see his appeal. I can get being friends with him but I just can't see him in a romantic light.
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Don't see often Bastion being played let alone getting potg.
>be nice and social
>preferably join voice chat
>be good at game

Voila, you will enjoy the game and get loads of friend requests
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Time to unwrap your presents
>Mei, you're the real hero!

What did that dyke mean by this?
>playing Lucio
>connection suddenly shits bed
>play even better because I can just mindlessly jump about even more randomly than usual and the other team find it harder to hit me
>end up disconnecting at the last point
>team still pushed to win
>win second round
>don't lose any rank and still climb despite leaving mid-game
That's cool at least, I thought I was gonna get jewed out of gaining rank
Ah yes, the classic Merstion tactic, pocket Mercy with Bastion. Flawless.
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Neither of these presents are caramel in nature.

I don't want them.
>5 Free Loot Boxes for Christmas

What did you get /owg/?
Tracer is not a dyke, she's a lesbian

Dykes are gross and hate men


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>Play Rein
>Matched with a group of 5 plats
>Gold elims at 12, objective kills at 4, and gold objective time at 1:40, 24k blocked damage
>"Wtf Rein you suck, do your job"
>t. Junkrat with "20k gold damage"
Not much of a fucking tank here when it's practically 1v6 and I have to make sure we don't fucking lose.
These cunts couldnt kill a fucking Winston if their life depended on it.
Lucio hockey lego and ton of dupes.
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patrician taste
>what did I miss?
you head with a bullet
>playing Soldier 76 in my dream
>I am flying around the map at quake speeds connecting almost all of my shots and landing PERFECT Helix rockets, occasionally popping down a biotic field to top up my health between murder rampages
>notice Enumbre is on my team
>I get PoTG and call him "Enumbers" and tell him he has a tiny dick because I outplayed him
>wake up realizing Enumbre isn't actually real
What an odd dream.
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Canada produces the best girls, prove me wrong.

tfw beautiful brown girls
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B-but I already have the game :((
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>compare my play to other people still not prestiged yet
>majority of non prestiged sub lvl 70s still play qp as a tdm and not an objectives round
>they pick meme & fotm heroes and play them terribly
>i've fallen low enough in my public MMR to get put back in to games where ISIS d.va ults work again

It's going to be a comfy few hours

my connection's been shitting the bed the last few days too. dunno what's up with that. Just got out of a match where I joined with like 6 minutes on the clock and the enemy team only a meter or so from winning and figured "fuck it, we're done" but then we actually managed to push them back and win, and I even got POTG as Lucio
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With a bit of commentary too.
Oh man, sorry, I didn't see that when I was scrolling. Thank you so much, anon!

I guess he is kind of a niche husbando. It kind of started with me thinking his mannerisms were cute and just snowballed from there, if that helps explain things. Either way, I love him!
I wonder how upset Jamisonanon will be when they reveal Junkie is gay for Roadhog.
dups, sprites, speedracer tracer and young genji, both with I won't use 'cause I already have better skins.
What if Mei's iceblock didn't contest objectives while giving her invulnerability and healing?
She's a premier stall character :^)
Just kill her while she's not invincible or off CD.
>tfw hacking her as sombra before she jumps on the point to contest
Maybe I can buy you something else then for Christmas, healwhore?
Not him, but also a fan. I'd be delighted. I'm, as a friend described it once, heterosexual but homoromantic. Cute gay shipping makes me giddy, but doesn't arouse me.
you're disgusting.
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>all this gay shit

some people need to be Winston'd IRL
Cucked out of a scarf by a cute redhead?
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The slim ottermode boys are the best couple.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Widow and Bastion. Both have only 1 good skin each that can't be acquired, thus resulting in not a single good skin.
go away /pol/. no one really agrees with you, you're just a meme.
>this is what mentally unstable gays believe
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f..fuck you
Ok, let's ride that train
Reaper <3 Torbjorn
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merry christmas /owg/
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Only xmas skin I got so far is sombra, and the only playtime I have on her is from the random heroes arcade where I suicided asap every time. 30ish xmas boxes so far...
Merry Christmas
flicking is worse than being a normal person
what is this >working as intended
meme you fucks keep spouting
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That.. Actually makes a lot of sense.

I think I might try this after I take care of the other more pressing factors effecting my aim, like

>inconsistent framerate
>using $10 logitech wireless laser mouse
>no mouse pad, and desk surface I'm using has several part of the finish peeled off, creating bumps
>desk is higher than chair, requiring arms to be angled up to reach mouse
>up until now had enhanced pointer accuracy turned on

It's really no wonder why I'm only gold.
I can't get it my self since I'm poor as fuck and it would be the perfect late christmas gift to a close friend who turned my life around. He can't afford the game either.
why is wrist aiming bad? i am doing it all my life and am pretty good at osu with it mane
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garbage fuck u santa
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worst girl - now with more skins!
It can increase accuracy if you combine both and lower your sensitivity. And I think using just your wrist can fuck up your hand or some shit.
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But I got all I wanted this Christmas... What else can you possibly give me?
But D.Va didn't get a new skin
>tfw voted for trump but enjoy playing sombra
A vote for trump is a vote against illegal immigration. That doesn't make you racist.
but sombra is a villain
Uh so is Mei actually viable now or only picked for memetic purposes?
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Oh my sweet, I don't think you got *everything* you want.
How about for Christmas I make you mine
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i wonder what the (((gms))) will say
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>up until now had enhanced pointer accuracy turned on
I never even knew this was a thing until about two weeks ago. Seen all sorts of videos and advice online about how to get good, but finally saw something that mentioned enhanced pointer accuracy only recently and turned it off. It was like weighted clothing coming off in anime, I could suddenly track as soldier, I could headshot as McCree, I could even finally kill Pharahs. Maybe it's so simple that everyone else in the world had already figure it out, but I feel like it should be mentioned more often when people talk about aim issues on PC.
are you actually 12
I'm not going to lie, I'd be really sad. I don't think it'll happen, though - too many risks. They'll probably just leave it ambiguous if anything.
I'm gonna DPS all up in that choke point
Wasthere an increase/decrease in number of players since they lesbified Tracer?

desu I think they're avoiding hero-hero relationships anyway
my dong increased in size when I heard Tracer does taco tuesday with grils
I think that's a smart choice. Yeah, the shippers might not be satisfied, but at the same time it avoids the pitfall of showing a couple having to kill each other, which I'm sure some people would latch onto.
>>using $10 logitech wireless laser mouse

People compete in other fpses with fucking trackballs
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Realistically, which heroes do you think can turn out to be LGBT?

I would say that there could be another female LGBT hero, but certainly not a female couple since it would mean 30% of all of the original female cast is LGBT, which would be too weird for the normies. Males and Male couples are both rather realistic as far as I am concerned.

Its unfortunate for all FxF shippers, but it is what it is. I was hoping to see Pharmercy become a thing so that Gengufags get BTFO. Unfortunately it looks like Chu is going for his Asian M, White F self-insert fanfiction so we will have to just sit through it.
Increase since. Because it is fucking December so a ton of people got OW as a gift for the holidays. The vast majority of people do not give a singular fuck about Tracer loving to munch carpets.
Haha! Yeah! I mean, I remember in the beginning, a lot of people were like "lel why would soldier kill mercy".

I would want a male hero to be gay, as .. lesbians are so.. normalized, I guess? It's more comfortable for bigots to see lesbians than male homosexuals. Though, as long as McHanzo never becomes close to a thing, I'm happy.
>being this subhuman
Out of the guys, Lucio, Genji, and McCree seem like the most likely gay/bi characters, Reinhardt being a close second. Not so sure about other girls, maybe Pharah?

If Blizzard wants to get REALLY adventurous and make a trans character, it's probably either Zarya or Lucio based on body type.
Genji's full up straight (Chu's self insert) and while McCree COULD be, I kinda doubt it.
Lucio is full gay though, no doubts in the mind.
He's a card carrying member of the GNAA.
Is there a way to gift loot boxes?
mccree x sombra (transgender)
>Making her LGBT

No, they do not want the game banned in Russia.

Yes, having the flagship LGBT character be a cute lipstick Lesbian is the safest they could have possibly played it, aside from making her bi. I would also love to see some homosexual male characters just to ruffle some feathers. If Hanzo was made gay I bet his pickrates would crash since the same kids who instalock him are the ones who get buttblasted over fictional characters being queer.
go on
Holy fucking shit I haven't played against any Mei for like, 2 months? just played QP for giggles and I got absolutely demolished nonstop as S76

What the fuck man I thought Mei was supposed to be bad or something
... let's... let's make all the snipers gay, including mccree....
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Wait, no that's my duty!
There will never be a gay male character in Overwatch. Activision would not allow it.

The only possible exception is if it's a robot character with an ambiguous sex.
for comparison, symmetra's new range people are complaining about is 7 meters, mei's frost has a 10 meter range.
>you become Mercy for 24 hours
>100% carbon copy of her
what do
Masturbate non stop of course
trading in a blizzard game? they're still like in the 90's, so maybe in 10 years.
omnics are clearly an allegory for interracial, as we can see from the various posters in different maps. they might reveal a character to be attracted to omnics. maybe zarya
It wouldn't work for widow, they need to actually make her Trans to weird people out of picking her.

It would also get rid of 90% of the Widowfags here, only the truly desperate ones will remain.

>Activision will not allow it

They will if Blizzard proves their target demographic and consumer profiles are ones likely to actually be more interested in a game with more diversity. They only care about what will make them the most money.
I would either fly the fuck around to people if I had them wings but if I didn't I would put things in me and probably fuck someones brains out.
Write down everything she knows about medicine
Bank in on it later
This game is played primarily by normal people who consider lesbians hot but hate male homosexuals. There will NEVER be a gay male character.
rape Mei
fuck Pharah 24h non-stop
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>Le epic MoonMoon streamer on QP
>Everyone on my steam ignores the other 5 and focus on the famous guy
>Lose obviously

Hate this
The meta is so fucking stale I feel like killing myself.
>You have raped Mei
>she is pregnant
>It later turns out to be McCree's
What do?
Blizzard would have to start gutting Ana followed by tanks for any real changes.
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Controller or Keyboard/mouse?
nobody is forcing you to play the meta. be creative and counter it
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>Be Mid/High Master
>both teams get some low diamonds on their teams
>Everyone insta-locks their heroes
>Oh well, at least they picked an actual comp
>Guess I'll style around with Lucio
>Diamond Reinhardt decides that's not good enough
>"Can you play Mercy instead of Lucio please"
>"She heals way more, Lucio's healing is shit"
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>get a sub: thanks bro
>get hundreds of bits: thanks bro
>get 100$: thanks bro

does this fucker even care about his viewers?
I feel like Bambi on ice when I use a controller in FPS'es, so it's all keyboard/mouse for me!
if console, controller. if pc, mouse/keyboard. no reason to use a controller on pc

Do you want him to suck your dick for money?
> fps
> controller
don't be a loser and get yourself a mouse/keyboard
None of the current males will be gay.
Future characters may be.
There's no counter to it, that's why it's meta.
>yfw doomfist is gay
please no don't make doomfist gay I want to like him
I NEED a trap character
His name screams homo, dude, he's going to be so flaming half of his moveset involves setting people on fire.
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Since we are talking about streamers I am going to shill a small one that I like a lot and makes good content.


He does the VOD reviews live and is happy to answer whatever questions people have. Pretty nice, chill, humble and knowledgeable guy.
doomfist me daddy
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Um, I'm really sorry to pop your bubble, but Overwatch uses raw input by default, meaning that it bypasses the 'enhance pointer precision' setting. Your improved aim was just placebo effect, maybe you should be a little more confident in your aim, as it seems to have improved just from that.
OAM is a cool guy.

SkyLine does a lot of reviews and coaching too. They're good people.
if you're playing assault attack or payload defense, he's right, he might have a point
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Hmmm, you drive a hard bargain...
I shall take up your offer good sir
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>aight, this feels like the last match for today, close to leveling
>sick hooks left and right, tight defense
>13xp to level left
>I was only nine years old
>I loved Reinhardt so much, I owned all the achievements and cosmetic items
>I pray to Reinhardt every night, thanking him for the meta I have been given
>"Don't worry, my friends", I say, "I am your shield"
>My dad hears me and calls me a healslut
>He is obviously jealous of my devotion to honor
>I called him toxic
>He slaps me and sends me to my room
>I am crying now, because my face hurts
>I go into my bed and it is very cold
>I hear a rumbling moving towards me
>I feel something touch me
>It's Reinhardt
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear, "You're on my naughty list"
>He grabs me with his powerful superhuman hands and puts me on my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I spread my ass cheeks for Reinhardt
>He pins my butthole
>It hurts so much, but i do it for Reinhardt
>I can feel my anus tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Reinhardt
>He shouts a mighty battlecry as he fills my butt with his love
>My dad walks in
>Reinhardt looks him deep in the eyes and says, "Catch phrase"
>Reinhardt charges through my window
Tank is love, tank is life
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Yeah, I've been following One Amongst Many since he exclusively did YouTube videos before even closed-Beta. Really stellar dude; intelligent and chill.
when will ptr be available again? wanted to try the reduced buffering thingy to see if it helps with input lag but blizz wont let me
Not likely to be gay, dun worry.

A very androginous male is certainly possible
Have hope
>team being shit
>toggle my Zarya play a little harder
>four gold medals later, we manage to win
>every commends the Genji that got a Dragonblade PoTG (you can see my barrier on him at a crucial moment too)
How many female players are in this thread right now?
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>Can kill most eenmies without much trouble or needing to reload
>Allowed to blocked any projectile including ultimate
>Has 600 hp with shields
>The only enemies that can fight her can't reach with when she just flies away

I don't understated why she has so much with little to know weakness. You have to be mentally challenged to even die with her.
People hate faggot men and rightfully so. There will never be one, so you queers and mentally ill retards should fuck off now.
I'm going to round up and say 0 lad.
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Masturbate & record it and make closeup pictures of all the naughty bits.
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Hello everyone!

I'm new here to /owg/ because I just got Overwatch for X-Mas

I look forward to the future shitposting and I hope you're all having a great christmas
Where do you subhumans come from

What causes you to be like this and why haven't you sought therapy
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Looks like you're learning quicker than the last ones.
Of course you're going to take me up
Now get on your knees and give me your Discord, you whore
I just came to this
answer me ya fucking grinches
You forgot

>only real damage output is really short range
>fucked over by mid to long range
>her ult is literally useless if the enemy team has any kind of basic knowledge for team composition
>shield does not block explosive projectiles like junkrats grenade launcher
>easy enough to blast her out of her mech using corners
>has no utility outside of mech besides a measly pistol you use to farm your mech back
>one of the slowest ultimates to get of the current heroes
From a vagina, just like you.
undefined. next time blizz wants to test something else
wait, but what about oasis? : (
>shield does not block explosive projectiles like junkrats grenade launcher

But that's just wrong.
not a Tracerfag but this is hot
Y-You first. I'm too shy to do it...
Tbh. I don't really care about gay people but just the term LGBT triggers me
It doesn't even take long to get your mech back. If you know the lay out of the HP packs you easily stay topped off.
Would you?
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jokes aside, that's a really good cosplay.....
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Thanks anon, and welcome to /owg/! I hope you have fun with the game!
they didn't even kiss wtf
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>he isn't LGTBAQetc

get with the times senpai.
anon never seen a british girl irl
probably any girl lmao
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Urgh, of course you're useless at everything.
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How's your checklist going guys? Did you got all the stuff you wanted?
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The only skin I wanted was Winston's ;_;
Out of 30 boxes I haven't gotten a single skin. Sprays and icons aren't worth looking at.
only got reapers skin so far

waiting for the arcade reset
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I have to go back and check the sprays and icons I have, but I pretty much have the skins and such that I want.
I wanted widow's potg and lich king Reaper but didn't get either.
Does hacking healthpacks count towards the Hack 15 people achievement for Sombra?
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I'd call it a wonderful Christmas.

>missed both the Olympics and Halloween stuff because shit computer and no money

Game took pity on me. I have a bunch of the sprays but I don't care about them.
>Though, as long as McHanzo never becomes close to a thing, I'm happy.
You cannot stop #VentiChaiLatte anon.
>friend and I still haven't placed this season
>purposely dont choose our best characters so we drop in rank
>go 2-8 in placements
>we still get placed in diamond

Why the fuck is this game so awful
got widows :^)
How is queer different from LGB and how is A (if it stands for Androgenous) different from T?
placements literally dont affect anything this season fyi
throwing in quickplay does more to drop your initial placement than any part of the placement matches
>throwing in quickplay
>affects competitive rank
(serious question, new to this and grinding up to 25 to be able to play w/ friends but assumed quickplay didn't matter at all)
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Still got a week left and enough gold to buy all the important stuff I'm missing, but I don't really care about Mei/McCree stuff.
>launch the game
>"oh shit 5 free boxes"
>got all the skins i wanted out of them
5 box stories?
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does sombra even matter at all except for sfm?
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>tfw no bloo to unwrap today

Why live
placement is reliant on hidden mmr
hidden mmr is affected by games you play in qp or comp
so basically everyone who has improved since season 1 but played too much qp when they were still trash was dragged down to like gold, while everyone else kept their old rank +/- one standard deviation due to them flattening the bell curve to try and improve queue times at higher/lower ranks due to the game still bleeding players
its actually the dumbest ranking system ive ever seen
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Wow that's just idiotic. Why the fuck do qp and ranked even effect each other? I should have never fucking played ranked in this game. It used to be fun but once I got placed everytime I play qp it's literally all 3500+ try hards when I'm only rank 3000.
>2 legendaries
>6 epics
>no christmas skins

haha cool RNG I sure love only getting one skin from credits
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>when you lose 8 matches in a row and lost a total of 250 points
>3 games consisted of a leaver/dc
>1 a hanzo/genji duo
>1 junkrat main
>2 games where it was basically QP
>1 game were we choke at 99% hold 3 rounds

j u s t k i l l m e p l e a s e
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phar out, man.webm
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I was gonna stream snipe moonmoon and take a doodoo on his 6stack but my MMR is too high at the moment, it wouldn't put me in his match

Huh, really felt like there was a difference. Maybe always having the inputs raw just got me used to more precise control all the time instead of only when playing Overwatch. Still feels good when your aim improves in a way you can clearly start seeing, even if a placebo triggered it.
It's amusing to see +4k ranks in quick play only playing the meta and meme on them with attack Bastion.
Your parents fucked up then. Or you were just a piece of shit from the start.
tfw playing QP as mei and you have to go afk for 5 mins but dont want to get kicked, so you lock your teammates in spawn to stop them from saving the point
I have 5,000 Gold left.

I main Roadhog but the Christmas legendary skin does nothing for me. In fact I think it's the worst one.

Another on my top tier list is Torb. I kind of like his Santa outfit and think it would be funny to keep in like the middle of July.

What's /owg/'s thoughts on Torb's skin? Or should I spend the credits on Reaper or Pharah's awesome outfits?
>tfw plat and run into 4k+ on a daily basis

QP a shit
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>King's Row
>have a bit of resistance at the start but take first point and steamroll the payload to the end, 2:30 left
>we lose the first point slightly faster than we took it first round
>D.va immediately stops moving and leaves a second later
>despite this we stall them on the payload for a while, have almost the same times
>76 leaves start of round 3
People are such fucking babies
>Roadhog but the Christmas legendary skin does nothing for me

its epic not legendary
Just got Overwatch for xmas

Any tips for a beginner? Who should I start out playing that's easy?
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Oooooh yeah Harambe, taze that cunt up.
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When will Overwatch be getting an anime character? Also what should her skills be?
d.va already exists bro
Soldier, mercy, lucio, mei.
Lucio is a good beginning player. Helps you build up gamesense. From there, you could try out Soldier 76 or Reaper if you wanna go offense or Zarya if you wanna go tank.
Wow, that song was about 50x better before the vocals started
If you want to start out by learning good habits, play an offense character, ideally Soldier 76, Pharah or Tracer.

You can also coddle yourself by playing support but you'll never get good that way.
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Use superior intellect and aryan genes to do the most productive and best outcome as possible in 24 hours. Collect Mercy genetics data takes notes of every knowledge she might have that even would help cloning and maybe even cure diseases we can't cure right now. If possible at least gather all knowledge to make Mercy clones after returning to original self before the Mercy transformation.

Last but not least, posting anonymous tits with timestamp on a random /pol/ thread before returning to normal.
>Playing Lucio on qp to warm up
>Trying to hold down a point with a Mei and Roadhog
>Team dies/abandons me
>Ult is ready, just fire it off cause I'm gonna die anyways
>Gives enough time to allow team to get back to the point

qp is such shit. the teamwork is nonexistant
ahh. it's pretty clear there's some hidden mmr at work for quickplay, but wasn't aware it had any affect on competitive
>tfw only play mccree/widow
>tfw never got a single epic/legendary drop for any of them

fuck you blizzard
>teamwork is nonexistant

I would bet they don't even acknowledge they have to capture the point or escort the payload and think its a blizzard csgo competitor.
>out of all the skins only USA Mcree couldnt be bought
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Alright, fess up. Who was it
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>widow is in my bottom 3 played heroes
>top 3 in number of items obtained
You've inspired me to only play attack torb (no turret) in qp

Sorry, it was me.
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True. I try to do a 30 minute warm up session doing headshot only with Ana bots every day, and that has helped a ton, especually in my first few games of the day, where otherwise my aim would still be fumbly.

Windows still uses some mouse acceleration even if you disable 'enhance pointer percision' so I would advise running a registry fix from the link below to make your mouse pixel perfect on desktop, if you're OCD about it like me.

>what is raw input
>shooting only Annas
Because shes a muslim or?
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>on desktop

Because she can't headshot, meaning you're effectively invulnerable in that mode, and because she has a small headshot hitbox and strafes a lot.
Nutcracker Zenyatta and Scrooge skin for McCree, can't say i'm not happy with that since i tried getting those the day before by 5 lootboxes only to get double stickers.
Is it true that Reaper is shit now?
Isn't he supposed to be good against tanks in this tank meta?
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>playing Bastion in QP
>just used ult
>get back and set up sentry form
>Winston bullying our Mercy
>spray at him
>goes Harambe mode
>kill him anyway
>ult fully charged again
He isn't shit per-se. He just can't do his job because of Dva's rise to power. Also he needs a team built around him, so you wont see soloq repears do much good.
>genji players
>the only way to play McCree in plat (and I'm guessing below) is as a flanker

Oh well, I can make do as long as the other team doesn't have Sombra.
>be me
>bastion main
>no matter what
>people shit on attack bastion
>always asked to switch
>never do
>do great every time because I'm mobile and choose good places to be a sentry

Meta is stupid. Just play well
The best is when one guy genuinely dc's due to the game itself and then two other of your teammates leave. Then the DC guy comes back 20 seconds later.
REINHARDT is the only character you need. Merry Christmas!
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Ride a dildo like an animal in front of a mirror.
He would be pretty good if recon mode had bigger magazine. Sentry is a shitter trap that should only be used situationally.
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How's gold treating ya ?
Man, why where they too lazy to just give him a sweater skin. Looks so good on him.
>putting in effort beyond the absolute bare minimum
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Almost done. I have a little over 10k in gold, so I could probably buy the rest of whatever I'm missing today.
>nerf damage boost and discord
>buff biotic greandes, heals, health, shields, armor, etc
>wonder why the three tank meta is a thing
Could Zenyatta beat Dhalsim
Can't wait for the fucking Christmas shitters to bring Comp to a new low

>people play Widowmaker in comp
>people play genji in comp
>people play roadhog in comp
>people play Hanzo in comp

They better pray to god I never meet them.
>about half of my games since reaching diamond involve my autistic retards of teammates literally shrieking at each other in voice chat

fuck this game man
I'm in master
That's every fucking competitive games with mics.

Welcome to the Internet.
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Pic rel is for ranking 1-4900.
widow in a nutshell
>walk around the corner
>die instantly
>give chase to some low hp fuck
>die instantly
>don't pay attention to the 5 other heroes
>pay attention to the 5 other heroes
>die instantly
gee i love this 300 damage out of nowhere hero you implemented in this shit game blizzard
it's like you're forcing me to play tank

and i'm not talking comp since nobody plays her in comp but shit like QP and brawl has always these autists who only play her and do this retarded shit every time
was ruining the game from day 1 and still is
How's your 10" dick and 100K a year from Arby's treating ya?
hey there silver surfer
Is being a bastion main that bad? I really like the character
In attack mode I usually go recon behind rein sheik and build ult for tank

Probably waiting until next year.

In theory, if Overwatch does want to live for more than a year, they'll have to release these skins scarcely.
>autistic screeching
I'm a neet
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So the following heroes have some balance issues compared to the rest of the meta:


So there needs to be things to make them more viable relative to the current meta, like how Torb and Sym were buffed and balanced (sym still a little broken atm though)

For Winston, its that post hero-stacking removal, he was never adjusted for being a solo tank hero. At the moment he only serves as a hard counter for snipers and genji, but can't readily protect his team, tank damage, or even kills. He is hard countered by all other tanks, Reaper, 76, mei, Pharah, bastion(one of the few things bastion can still reliably counter), torb, and make near unplayable with a good Zen on the enemy team coordinating discord.

So changes to make him more viable for some tanks while not too much to make him too powerful given his mobility while also giving him some damage options seeing how double winston isn't a problem anymore.

With Junkrat, its just a matter of making him less spam and more skill viable. increasing his projectile speed so he can problem aim parabolic shots on moving targets helps him land shots and get reliable picks. Along with this, he has the highest risk lowest reward ultimate in the game. One that can be destoryed, has extensive startup, and leaves him vulnerable with no guarantee of success or mattering at all. For this he would need to not have to worry about killing himself with his own ult and also bumping its durability up a degree. At the moment most of the cast can easily deal 100 damage before the wheel can do damage.

Pharah simply needs to have her abilities shifted for more mobility. At the moment her utility goes out the window the second a hitscan is on the enemy team or anyone can aim within a moderate amount of accuracy. Shifting her abilities to allow for some mobility would help with this. Also granting her some durability from her own ult would make it less of a suicide option without a subsequent ult

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Widow's harmless as long as D.va exists.
does anyone else think masters is worse than diamond?
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>Started out playing Overwatch on MBP
>Somehow make it S1SR60
>Building gaming PC before S2, make it to Master
>Go home for the holidays
>Think to myself I'll just play on my MBP again
>Get destroyed, can't aim, can't keep track of anything

How did I ever fucking manage? Looks like I'll be taking a 2 week break from OW.
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Get me out of this shit hole Silver hell. Please god I didn't do anything to deserve this. I'm the first to change characters to help the team and I actually communicate. I've been the only one on fire as Reinhardt. AS FUCKING RIGHT CLICK SHIELD MAN.

I'll pay money to get out at this point.
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How are those (Christmas) chests treating you, goyims?
Since you consider that playing hog in comp in an error, you're in the right place.

Or Winston. Though it's easier to chase a feeling Widow with D.va.
Okay I guess. I got tracer jingle, but I don't even play tracer.
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Bastion suffered from a lack of versatility. The only means of making bastion work on defense regularly is to constantly shift positions to keep the enemy from picking your giant hitbox. He also suffers from being free ult meter for the enemy when in his recon mode, as it doesn't actually offer any benefits to ever be in that mode. Granting him some means of sustained action and buffing recon mode could make him better suited for longer defensive rolls.

And Hanzo is just in a weird position in the meta. He has an ability that loses a lot of its his own tools are mid to short range burst damage and instapick scatter arrows. As a defensive hero, he is squishy and just a spammable hero but lacks anything to really help the team outside of the occasional sonar, which itself only does so little to help.

Granting him multiple options for his arrows and even giving him the option to fill a slight support role might make him less of a poor mans mccree and more of Widow-76 fusion to better fill tight 1st point chokes and contest the point..

So with that side, I think viable changes and buffs would be:
Roadhog players are just salty they didn't get to pick DPS first so they pick a tank that doesn't actually do anything to help the team.

Man we could really use a Reinhardt to D.Va to push this choke, I'm glad we have a roadhog to hook someone and end up not killing them and then go hide in a corner to smoke meth every time his HP drops below max.

Yeah. Great pick.

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Remember, if those free chests gaves you nothing, you can try again for a few bucks only! You got monies for hanuk... christmas, right?
sombra is a good d.va counter
sombra is also a good hero that doesn't just suit the current dogshit meta
>remember those chests we gave you that have cosmetic only items?
>well if you're super fucking autistic you can buy 5 more


Good is relative to the meta. But you can go off in your happy dream world where Sombra is somehow relevant.
but anon they gave me 2 event legos and 2 event epics
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Look like you're on a lucky roll! You're not going to stop now, right?
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Absolutely degenerate.
this is simply epic
Got a bunch of dupes.

I did get the laughing emote for Soldier.
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I got Widow's emote and Mercy's victory pose after two chests.
Already got what I wanted.
Yeah, you would had to be raised in Mexico to get all of the expressions
last 8 legendaries
>Industrial Zarya
>Bedouin Genji
>Blackbeard Torb
>Greifhardt Rein
>Zarya emote dupe
>Two 500 coin boxes
>Ana Wasteland

Jeff please give Christmas skins
Alright, /owg/. Some dudes I know online love this game, and I've been thinking of buying it. I've never been very good at FPS games (only played them on console), and I probably wouldn't be playing with friends very often. But I love Mei, D.Va, and Bastion and the more I think about the game the more interested I get.

Do you guys think it would be a good idea?

Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas.

jewposting is the least creative thing you can do, really

at least come up with some good jokes if you're going to shitpost
You don't have to have any skill to play Mei and D.Va so you're good!
Mei and D.Va are okay, but Bastion is kind of useless.
If you are not very good, just stick to quickplay, competitive is full of tryhards.
I am, since I can afford to buy everything I like because of the free crates I get every week
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>Went from level 20 to 70 from level grinding during the event
>Still no yeti Winston
>Stats tanking, now my W/L is 49%
>Decide to go back to maining D.Va becuase it's the only thing I can fucking do right
>3 wins in a row
>Next loot box gives me the D.Va sit emote
Is this a sign?
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Waifuposting it is, then.
So is there any way to force this game to open on "non-standard graphics?"

I wanted to get those free 5 boxes, but it won't open on my X220 :(
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- barrier projector cool down starts after deployment

- primal rage strikes and Tesla Cannon ignore armor damage resistance

- Tesla canon deals 40% extra damage vs. shields

- Activating Primal Rage will deal AOE knock back and 30 damage with 2 meters

- Primal Rage activation animation grants invulnerability


- 20% projectile speed

- RIPtire only does 30 self- damage and knock back to self

- RIP-tire health bumped from 100 to 135, does gain shields from generator


- self healing no longer interrupted by damage, reduces heal rate to 17.5 per second for next 1.2 seconds without taking damage

- can move at half speed while healing self in recon mode

- New alt-fire in both mods puts up 200 health shield in front of him while being used, and uses soldering iron to health everyone in front of him (2 meters, 180 degrees) by 50 HP/s

- halves time for ultimate start animation


- 2 ability slots now, 1 for "offensive arrows" (scatter/taser) and 1 for "support arrows" (Sonar and Embolden) respectively in E and shift. Cycle through the 2 arrow with those buttons to choose which.

- Taser Arrow: Shares cool down with scatter arrow slot, creates aoe the size of biotic field that deals 30 dps for 3.5 seconds where it lands

- Embolden Arrow: Shares cool down with sonar arrow slot, creates aoe size of biotic field that reduces damage to those standing in it by 33%

- both new arrows fails if blocked by shields

Absolutely nothing. I've gained 40 levels during the event and not a single christmas skin.

iktf, I get bored with anything I play over a prolonged period and then I try something new and I get wiped the fuck out
Does anyone have some gameplay from like bronze/silver? I legit believe there's only a little difference to say, master
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Handjob at your service
>Hey, if 4 out of 6 players from your team leaves midgame, you should still lose points! More than usual even!!!
>Holy shit that is the best idea I've ever heard in my entire life, implement that shit right now!
>hey if you lose a game you should lose points
i can open the game for you senpai
I didn't give you those screenshots so you could post then like wafuposting trash.
SR is now a score which compares relevant stats to the character you're playing to other players playing that character.

Even in losing your SR could still go up if you're playing your character well.
oh hello doomfist

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b..but she's cute~
>i should be penalized for losing a game that is unwinnable after basically my whole team has left the match and there's nothing i can do about it

wew lad
>i should be penalized for losing a game
top kek

>hanzschwitz, at your service
I will roll 2 which means nothing since I already have two dogs
shut the fuck up you fucking autist

do you really not understand my point? if your team leaves mid game atleast it shouldn't affect MY fucking rating
nerf this
>if your team leaves mid game atleast it shouldn't affect MY fucking rating
why not? you lost retard
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>tfw no autistic indian hot chocolate to drop her hot chocolate on me for Christmas
Does she need nerf?
>ah yes its a lose game because nobody wants to take point because its a 3 sniper & scout episode
dat booty
glanced at the thumbnail and thought it was that shitty fat cosplayer cashing in on the thicc meme
Bastion and dva.
>Now entering the temple of-
no thanks
Soldier 76 desu
Good on PS4, where I already have all of the older skins.
Not so good on PC, where I have almost none and have to try to build up a collection.

>5 free loot boxes? Oh, boy!
>white, white, blue, white
>white, blue, white, white

It's the thought that counts. Right?
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Dva, Bastion, Soldier.

Zarya is only saved by her Summer Games skins. >>163651893
I think Hanzo needs more area denial besides his Ult. For example:

Ensnare; summons area denial AOE that slows the enemy and deals 75 damage total over 5 seconds.

This would allow Hanzo to hold off choke points better and give and his teammates more opportunities to suppress the enemy team. I think adding two abilities per slot gives him too many move parts.

An ability like Ensnare could replace Scatter Arrow while Scatter Arrow could become his Alt-fire. This would allow for close range pick offs when an enemy gets too close. Since it wouldn't be an ability anymore, it could be rebalanced that each arrow only does so much damage.
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Holy shit I know this sound really late but Ana is fun as hell
What legendary skin should I get? young Ana looks so tempting but I really love the look of the wasteland skins
>When Hanzo is in your team
What do I git gud with, I play pharah 24/7
Use merciful instead, it's her best skin
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Here, have one from me.
Do i still get the complimentary boxes when i log in on the last day?
someone actually said
>damn noobs with overtime
Merciful or sand raider.
Papa just doesn't give a fuck.
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>someone actually said
ggez in overtime
Why did he do that?
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>Been playing nothing but Junkrat in Comp
>Been getting mostly gold
>Got platinum and just a short distance from diamond

Did he get buffed sometime and I didn't notice?
I feel like I really should not be doing this well, especially since last season was an abysmal climb to, and then dead end, just above platinum. Hated season 2.
How do I improve my aim?
I can pretty much only support because I'm utterly useless with any kind of offensive pick.
For the power of Satan ofcourse.

Also if you waste more than 5 yours per day on the net you are officially an addict.
dey see me trollin', dey hatin'
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>someone actually said
gj widow you carried us
He wants his sons to go outside.
are you implying that i'm trolling or...? because i'm serious
>3 tank meta group in quick play

It's so boring how is this fun
rate my autistic idea
>reaper secondary fire
>skillshot-ish ranged projectile
>deals 50 damage and heals you for 50 when it hits (like the souls)
also let him fucking recover faster from the shadow step
it's the Genji can't ul because they have a zenyatta episode again

Fuck that genji, i used 3 ults before he used 1 of his.
reaper is perfect
>Zarya is only saved by her Summer Games skins
tfw didnt play during summer games so stuck with dyke skins
I'm already in shape please no 5
or 9
Either trolling or unable to comprehend the extremely simple situation which makes you stupider than shit.

He lost, yes, but he lost because other people left the game in the middle of the match. That should not carry a penalty for the people who stayed in because they lost due to something beyond their control.

Lose ranking because you lost because your team is shit? That's fine.

Lose ranking because you lost because your team left the game leaving you alone against six other people? That is not fine.

Do you understand now, or do I need to get the puppets?
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out of the Blue
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This needs a Soldier 76/D.Va edit
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I will make my gf a heal shut and post shit here
>but he lost because other people left the game in the middle of the match
Yes? He lost the fucking match, he and his team lost the match in a team game, and therefore he loses SR. As simple as that.
I don't get why it should suddenly not give you a loss because one of your teammates left, it doesn't change the fact that your team lost.
Ok, ill allow it because it's Christmas.
Myself and my gf are in :) hook her up
So you're saying it would be better for both sides to ignore the time invested regardless of how late the game was and how it was going, but because some cuck left it should be a stalemate?
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I hope everyone is having a great Xmas!
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Why the fuck is the elf Tracer skin Legendary
I was so hyped to get a golden but boom it's an ugly as shit green suit
i got fucking nothing for Christmas, as usual ;__;
jesus fuck you are retarded man, not even the same person but i'm gonna spill the beans for you.
Reducing SR because someone left is stupid because you still might have won if the player had been in the match.
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It's Christmas and nobody is playing GM-level ranked

E-mail me at [email protected] if you want to be eloboosted by a top 100 player, fambones.
I mained symmetra and winston since the game first came out, I thought I liked them because ez aim but after symmetra's buff I don't really enjoy playing her anymore. Then it dawned on me, I'm a contrarian cunt. I only enjoy playing underappreciated characters. What are the other most underappreciated or 'shit' heroes I should learn to play in comp? Sombra? people's disgusting reactions to my picks when comp games start turn me on

I'm rank 3667
Got pretty much everything I wanted after buying 40 boxes. So I'm happy. Might save some shekels for Hat Trick tho.
i am sorry for your lots
I had a comp game today where one of my team dc'ed 7 times. 7 TIMES. We won
send :)
>w-we could've won if they didn't have this pro genji ;_;
>w-we might've won if he had swapped off hanzo ;_;
all possibilities, things that never happened
i'd get the point if the match was 5v6 from the very start, which doesn't happen since they're canceled if someone leaves early on
Widow, Junkrat, Hanzo,
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Fantastically. Got everything I wanted and some extras, bought 5 crates which I regret though
>they didn;t leave early, therefore you totally deserve to have your rank reduced because they left AFTER a certain amount of time! It's all YOUR fault they left they left anyway becaus eof how much you sucked that they left, YOU should pay the price!
Pharah (don't try her with how retarded Dad and Ana are) and Junkrat.
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>tfw getting those *dinks*
>getting people to rage at you in match chat
Thanks blue for this Christmas.
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What a qt
>muh individual contribution in a team game
i don't know how many times must i explain the concept of teams in a team game to you but i'm not going to do it all day
if they didn't leave early, they are a part of your team
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>one of my usual comp friend brings his girlfriend in
>she's fucking god at playing Ana
>every game I feel pretty much immortal
>got a POtG of me getting quintuple with nanoboosted tactical visor

Now I understand why people call her OP.
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haha haha
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>tfw she only smiles when greeting because of brainwashing is making her think it's Gerard
>things that literally never happened
Why does QP pair you up with slack jaw dipshits against people that are running meta? Like there is 0 reason why you should not play comp.
Will do as soon as I'm home (unless another Anon does it first)
>be D.Va
>Have Lucio, Zen and a good Soldier with me, Zarya is eh, Genji does fuckall
>wipe enemy team
>cap the point
>except guy survives
>it's TheLegend27
>He pops out as Hanzo
>Kills Zen and Lucio in the blink of an eye and is gone
>fucked my mom at the nearest medpack and literally made Zarya cry and ragequit
>Scatter arrow gets my mech down to 100hp
>suddenly next to me, uses "Step into the dojo"
>headshots me as I only land ~10hp damage
>out of the mech, land a headshot, he dodges the second shot perfectly and kills me
>his scatter arrows manage to hit us in the spawn from that point on
>he writes "gg ez" and it stays gg ez
I heard TheLegend27 gets his powers from snorting Dorito dust
Delet this ;_;
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All right, considering I don't want from this event, really
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>0 reason
autistc screeching
12 year olds
chinks (unless they're jp)
being screeched at and reported for sucking
being screeched at and reported for not following whatever guy thinks he's The Alpha Leader's orders
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Not anymore.
is 1v1 a good way to git gud?
No. Play quake deathmatch servers if you want to get goood
>it's another 5 or 6 stack going full meta autismo in quick play episode
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No, she just smiles because she likes her friends.
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Each one of Torb's children was from a different woman.
>playing qp in the first place
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Mercy fucked every member of OW
>girl can aim
>5 kills in 6 seconds
looks like you're full of shit and you should stop playing quickplay
I'm tired of comp and the meta, playing shit like sombra and reaper now
You mean each of his children aren't actually his and all of them are from different fathers

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Mercy is the bicycle of Overwatch, Ana's true successor.
Dumb desperate bimbo.
I haven't played in a while but is there a reason why in all of my placements im being matched with diamonds and masters? I was a plat last season
It's a good way to get lootboxes quickly if you're already good.
But as far as getting good, all it can do is force you to get familiar with the controls, movement, and a bit of the playstyle for characters that you rarely or never use.
But the problem is that it's pitting you against an enemy in a scenario that you'll basically never see in a normal game. So it's not really practicing good game sense with that character.
You could get the same benefit of trying new characters by just picking someone new in quickplay.
6 players will gain SR for a win so 6 players will lose SR for the loss.
It can't be any other way.
Unless you want the entire match to not cancel.
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Ana is not a dumb attention whore tho
because last season plat is the new grand master
That's not an argument.

SR is not limited good. SR is completely arbitrary and DOES NOT have to have equivalent exchange for any reason.
what is that device for?
>big muscle Russian babe gets OMNIC'D
It needs to happen
It's Winston.
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>decide to try solo ranked against better judgement
>find group, win a few games for a change
>defeated in not a battle, but an absolute curbstomp
>oh well, let's do better next time
>game decides us getting stomped is perfectly balanced because we won a few rounds before that
>get matched against the exact same team
>change tactics a bit but get stomped again, they're just way better
>next match, other team this time, but get obliterated again
We were having good fun with super close matches, and then suddenly we keep getting stomped. But forced 50 isn't real, this is how it should be, no fun allowed.
That's a gameboy.
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Mei is a fag too

screencap this
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Hey you! Yes, you!
You can do it! Rivers are made over time with enough effort from water! Be that water! Let the world be your river! Shape your own path!
Never give up! Never surrender!
Athena doesn't count
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>sneak behind enemy lines to destroy shield gen
>die right after i do so to some other dude
>come from spawn
>they already have the shields back
He'll give her a boody and make her robowaifu real.
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commando 76 and daredevil 76 are goat
I just want my free lootbox but i cant win 1v1 what do

I never get the heroes i actually play :/
just play widow in 3v3 and enjoy your boxes
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Kek fuck you shitter
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>play widow in 3v3
simple but elegant. I like his design as is desu.

The rounds are over really quickly and down time between rounds is too long. Can't pick the class you want to try out. I find it kinda fun, but I don't think it has an MMR system or anything because opponents are kinda random. Maybe it just tries to find people close to your account star level things. More of a test than a method of practice.
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I love Hana.
Unless they are attention whores they aren't going to respond. The regular females in this thread will never let you know that they are females.

Most of the teams I find are like 4 dps 1 support 1 tank. Probably people bored of the competitive meta.
but i just came back to ow

i want one for first win
I'll be a girl for you if you buy me the game so I can smurf.
You mean booty
The only way they would go with Genji or McCree is if they went the dirty bislut route who sleeps with everyone.
Soldier is better, but he's not useless.
Hanzo at your service
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t h i r t e e n

How the hell does this happen. As soon as Saturday hit, I tanked. Hit 3319, won to 3341, loss to 3318, won to 3340 and lost 13 in a row straight outta diamond to 2980. What am I doing wrong? I refuse to believe that I am that bad. I use voip but apparently no one listens and no one on my team wants to rein unless I pick him. Jesus.
You can get the Sorry spray also by destroying shield generators.
Reaper sucks ass
attack reaper
defense reaper koth
all bad
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>tfw I enjoy playing Rein and feel good protecting me team over killing people

I also played Battlefield medic and revived people back in BC 2.

Im a pure soul.
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When do you guys think we will hear anything about other characters being LGBT? I honestly think it will be a long while, since things would be too swamped in relationship stories. We still need to resolve:

>Mercy and Genji's plot (might be romantic, might be friendship, time will tell)
>Amelie and Gerard's plot (yeah, he is dead, but we need to know to what extent she has feelings for him still)
>Pharah and her parents
>Hanzo and Genji
>Ana, Jack and Gabe
>whatever else I forgot to add

Since currently we were not shown any characters other than tracer having a same-sex lover, it is probably going to be a newly introduced plot line, so it will probably be some time before we hear anything of it.

I am personally most excited to hear more about Widow as well as Genji and Mercy.
stop playing when you're tilted
Because blizzards matchmaking that's why. All of my season 3 games have been boring meta-shit stomps one way or another nothing in between.
Then what's the second DPS choice? Pharah? No she'll get shut down by the soldier. Mcree? A dude who only excels in 1v1 ambushes and has no heal or mobility. Tracer? Lol.

inb4 "a third tank"
Well the thing is I am not actually tilted. I just continue to play and continue to lose. Last game I had gold elims as Ana.
Reminder to e-mail [email protected] for free eloboosting by a top 100 player, famulini noodles
It's about to get worse with the Christmas noobs.
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can someone explain this to me?
Which overwatch has the biggest daddy kink?
Except when they abandon the team. If they abandon the team, you should not be penalized for it if you remain.
Am I the only one here that doesn't play comp at all? I don't want to drag anyone down with me so I stick to quickplay.
A lot of time and effort.
>tfw BC2 was the last good Battlefield game
i guess you didn't lock your door, when your 7 year old cousin was over for christmas
>summon your minions to fight for you
>pure soul
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That's um... Nice shoes...
I don't know about McCree, but you're right, it probably wouldn't work with Genji unless he was a slut (which might actually work given his past, but still).
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Man, it always feels good to be able to bring joy to other people! Just like Jamisanon I missed it aswell. Sorry, friend! Happy wishes to you aswell, apprecianon! (Haha!)

Take a break after at most 2 losses in a row, friend. It's most likely that you get tilted after that many losses which leads into you making bad decisions. Relax and do something you enjoy like watching some videos or listening to music! Another thing could be that because everyone on your team lost, it's more likely that you all get bundled up together again because you're all still around the same ranking. Taking a break also helps in this aspect and allows you more opportunities to find friends!

I can't play quick play anymore. The team compositions are always 4-5 DPS and a couple of tanks.
>we need to know to what extent she has feelings for him still

We can already see it's quite substantial. She gets really defensive when Ana mentions Gerard and she visited his grave in last comic. Redemption arc is inevitable.
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Probably Dva. Young starlets tend to be attracted to older men because they know where the money is at.
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Now I know why I love playing Soldier again.
Don't play on weekends. It's when shitters come out.
Don't play in the evenings. It's when the shitters come out.

Why did you keep playing after losing 3-4 matches in a row? There's a patern in here.

last and optional, play with at least one friend you know you can trust over voice com.
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R8 me
When was the last time you actually cared about the characters in the campaign, much less the campaign itself?

BC 2 campaign team deserve more credit.
>He hasn't realised that QP meta is pick Zen
This should be bannable desu. If you placed this high, you simply can't be that bad to drop to 1 without actively throwing.
I prefer the anarchy of QP. The same meta every fucking game is dull. I'd rather get six offense heroes and try to make that dumb shit work than keep pushing the tank+Ana meta.
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People keep saying that but Blizzard has not done as many redemption arcs as people think, even when they gave characters good reasons to be as evil as they are, or made excuses as to who turned them that way.

I actually expect Amelie to be happy with who she is now and refuse to go back to being a good girl since she enjoys being a badass assassin. The only regret she has is Gerard, so this is why she keeps snapping at people who mention him.
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>huge tits
>fried skin
>american face
>on my sweet d.va
Winter skin tier list, 100% objective and accurate

>God tier

>Good tier

>OK tier

>Shit tier
Rank healers from best to worst.
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free crates nigga.png
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Zarya's stuff, a man-faced poo-in-loo, and a bunch of dupes.

Not bad.
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Calm down, kid.
>tfw your teammates don't want to group up and ambush and would rather go in one by one and die instantly
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Seems good enough, but I'd suggest spending some more time on a tank in case S76 and Ana are both taken, friend.
She could have looked much more amazing and really gotten me to pop a boner if she was cosplaying Zarya or Mei instead .

Her body is way more suitable for it.
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Hah. You guys rock.
>get a team that decides "Hey, maybe we should be away from the point and directly at the start area to attack.
Okay seriously? Sombras hack needs to either DO MORE or be safer to perform
You know, it's interesting that Reinhardts are so aggressive towards each other. You'd think they'd ignore each other and do other things but they always try and pwn the other.
Not shit: Lucio, Ana, Zen, Sombra
Shit: Mercy
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>it's guy who single handedly carried the enemy team last game is now on yours and is playing like drunk retard episode
>>Amelie and Gerard's plot (yeah, he is dead, but we need to know to what extent she has feelings for him still)
I want more of this, and of Tracer and Winston's Recall storyline
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No, anon. YOU rock. Seriously, for you to think of the both of us today? I'm genuinely touched.
More like she needs to be able to do shit while being invisible or have animation cancels
Ana, Lucio, Zen, Soldier, Sombra, Roadhog, Mercy
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>mfw someone hacks me as S76
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>have had over 70 1v1 matchups
>only 1 was pharah vs pharah

blizzard pls
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Because he's a hot daddy? Because he smells of manly musk? Because he grunts so good?
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>Don't be shy, Hit me!

What do?
Sombra's better than 76 for healing
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>he doesn't play pharah in ranked and goad the enemy in allchat to go pharah as well
You know, it's pretty ridiculous how almost impossible it is to use Sombra's hacking ability to hack turrets. Like that was shown to be something she can do yet it's pretty difficult to pull off since most of the time the turret can just snap at you once you decloak.
I really wish I had a 6stack I could just try retarded weird strategies with

I really want to try a comp with no healer, 3 DPS and 3 tanks, where we all huddle around sombra-hacked medkits and use self-heals.

It would auto-win shield battles because 3 DPS and 3 tanks, so the enemy wouldn't be able to go anywhere near your little medkit bases, and you could gather strength at them and roll out at will. Your sombra would also have perpetually 100% ult charge from all the medkits being taken by tanks.
What if you could hack turrets from stealth, or as long as you have the hack button pressed you don't get targeted by turrets?
hit him
I love them all but Captain Amari and Wasteland are my favorites outside of the Halloween one.
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Survival of the fittest, friend!
Playing as Reinhardt is sadly not that spectacular as playing someone like Ana, but once you see that red glowing barrier, you know it's on. You start the side-step dance and wait for the enemy to join you. You lock eyes. You both shoot firestrike. And then, shift. What happens then is probably the most fun (or worst crash) you can have as Reinhardt!

Taking the words right out my mouth, friend!

Well, her ult still affects turrets, so that's something. But you're right, they should change that, but I feel as if that would make Torbjorn totally worthless.
Every time competitive queue takes more than a minute I figure it's plotting something awful.
Why not just straight up hack from Stealth
>tfw you and the enemy Rein both try to pin the other at the same time and both end up dying because of it
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Like I said before, you guys always brighten my day, why wouldn't I think of you? Been on this godforsaken site for a decade, anons like you keep me going.
I sent all my friends a message telling em how much I appreciate them, and even though I don't actually know you guys, you still deserve a mention.
Here, it's been years since I gave one of these out, but you both deserve it!
My friend is in bronze 500.
She doesn't know how to climb or aim.
How do I help her?
Sombra stealth buff
- sombra can no longer be hit out of stealth
-sombra stays silent as she decloaks
-sombra decloaks faster
-while being healed by mercy, mercy turns invisible and gets the same speed buff
-fixed bug where she used 3rd world language players didnt understand
-opposing players hear whistling when a cloaked sombra is near

Sombra gun
- spread is decreased slightly

Sombra hack
-hacks can be performed faster now
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Post McCree
I'll eloboost him to whatever elo you're at, fampai. I'm not playing my main today, just boosting peeps

Have him e-mail [email protected]
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Play on her account, boost her to whatever rank is within 800ish SR from yours and play with her. That's what a good beta white knight frienzoned cuck faggot would do.
How do I buy Loot boxes for someone else besides me?
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Which hero lets me deep strike?
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If she's happy there just let her stay there, she can have fun with people of similar skill.

If she wants to get better set up a competitive match with you and her and bots to help her practice her aim.
>1 minute defending round
>2 tank 2 DPS 1 Healer
>last player goes McCree
Why does no one know team comp, we lost because he was invisible and could have done with a D.va instead
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>you will never spend Christmas with Mako and Jamison
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Don't judge me too harshly.
You can't

Best you can do is give them a battle net gift card
>tfw sombra main
am i a shitter
Artist is OneMegaWatt
How much does it help to turn v-sync off?
no dude d.va didnt get any this event :(
D.va's mech is cuter than she is.
>go into a match
>get 3fps for no fucking reason

Why can't i just play this game like a normal human
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Blackwatch skin/cinematic cowboy short or else we riot.
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>reaper is bad this season Dva counters him too hard.

O I'm laffin.
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The only way is to get a BNet money card and give that person the code for them to buy it themselves I think.

Symmetra has a teleporter, and that's the closest you can get for "your troops", you could also go Reaper and use his Shadowstep as your own personal deep strike!

>we lost because he was invisible

Once again, have some variability! try to learn atleast 1 more DPS or 1 more tank. Always have a hero B, C, and D if your best one is already taken!

That's a pretty cute piece of art, thanks for sharing, friend!
Does a gaming keyboard provide any kind of edge?
have you guys ever been triggered this hard by one word?
>have 9 year old daughter who likes to watch me play
>sometimes go silent on mic whole match and after slaughtering other team have her talk and act like she was playing the whole time
>my autistic teammates fall for it everytime
Can you put on a tripcode please

That name isn't wrong, obviously. The God of all Edgelords.
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I've had a pretty great Christmas so far, and you know what? You've made it even better! Thank you again, anon!

These are adorable!
The only thing that really matters is that your keyboard is 1000hz I'm pretty sure
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That's awesome.
Why doesn't my scope work ever?

I hold the right button and either nothing happens or it just clocks on and off

literally unplayable
There's character specific controls, see if you set it to toggle or hold
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>braindead easy to play
>high DPS without much aim needed
>can easily shut down abilities and ults with an easy toggle
>one of the best mobility in the game
>highest health also
>2 fucking lives
>probably top 3 strongest characters right now
>boring to watch AND play
>has biggest waifu basement dweller fanbase

Is there a bigger cancer in the game currently?

At least roadhog has weaknesses.

High skill heroes like mcree are basically fucking useless because of this shit heap of a character. Pretty close to quitting until the game changes this feels like babbys first fps.
Its on hold

yet it still clocks on and off or doesn't work at all

and why every beginning of a match i get 3fps for a minute or two

driving me mad
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I promised myself the next gold weapon I get will be for Rein because he was my second most played, but I find myself playing more Ana these days.

Do I go back on my promise to myself or do I pick a weapon for a character I don't enjoy playing that much any more?
>Playing Pharah
>Rain justice on them
>D.VA only has to exist on the same continent with her matrix to block everything
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I think you know the right choice.
>tfw after finding out about the hidden ranking thing i've been too scared to even play QP

I'm a Sombra main...
I've been using Reinhardt when I'm not Zarya, I prefer her range to his though, and the bubbles. As for DPS I must have the worst aim or something but it's really hard for me to hit anyone using a character with solid projectiles.
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>750 for each epic
>3000 for each legendary
>4500 for Legendary + 2 Epics
>You have 5,000
>Literally played Tracer once, for 5 minutes
>Least used hero
>I own every SINGLE legendary she has, even the event ones
I don't even have a single fucking non legendary for her. I have all her legendaries, but nothing else
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>been on a winstreak, almost master
>suddenly anubis
>enemy capped 1st
>they cap 2nd on overtime
>we capped 1st in the very first push
>our last overtime push is slightly worse than theirs, so they respawn instantly
>best with characters I'm most attracted to
>everytime I play them I get hard because of their voice
>have to dc in order to masturbate

I'm not sure what to do.
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>they dont have the white supermacist soldier skin
get off my lawn
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>tfw you can't concentrate on the game because you mire Reinhardts big hammer
Kill yourself

weird desu
Well he wouldn't be entirely worthless considering he has good damage output on his own.
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How much butthurt was there when tracerfags got cucked by a chick?
Symmetra is now a shit version of Zarya, congrats.
Who is the biggest canon slut in the game?
This picture would have been better if Genji was mocking a Pharah giving Mercy flowers considering the latest comic.
I main tracer and like her character.

I was not butthurt at all because I realize she is a fictional character.
Lol so the person playing Tracer was gay as well and got triggered by a chat in a video game? Yeah I'll take "Shit that never happened" for $500
Does the Genji super jump bug still exist? The one where you dash to a corner of an object to gain momentum. If it does, is there any general rule on how to do it?
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Probably McCree.
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>post comp match
>on mic
>good game guys
>idi nahoi blyat
What's wrong with Sputniks?
was removed for being too fun
>faithful to her dead husband

She dresses like a slut but she isn't one.
>play ranked
>guy shit picks and barely contributes
>ask him to please switch
>calls us toxic and whines the entire match while dying
Is this Dunkey's fault? Why go into ranked if you're not going to adapt
what the FUG is this
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Hana loves my dick!
It is just how we communicate. It is nothing personal. Just banter.
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>it's a "mediocre Mercy player gets all commends, because she sucked everyone's dick" episode

He is fedoralord spouting western spaghetti one liners while dressing up as a cowboy.
rollan bestan!
>you will never be a Deadlock gang member and get to pound 17 year old McCree's boipussy for $20 and a pack of cigars

Feels bad.
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everyone's dick except yours
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>what are you lookin at?
>>got something to say?
>going to your dead spouse's grave means you arent fucking anyone new

Are you implying a teenager who just joined a weapons dealing gang full of thugs didn't have to suck a shitload of cock at some point?
Only sad autists and edgy /pol/tards were rustled.
She can't feel anything except for the thrill of killing, why would she fuck anyone?
Jesus fuck I can't stop laughing
Quit deluding yourself
She just does whatever Talon command tells her to. If they want to fuck her, they fuck her.
>Ja Ja Ja

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McCree vs Rattlenake Jake

Who wins?
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That's adorable even if it's fake. Happy holidays to you guys.
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Reaper, because Reaper is the best.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about my waifu, you little Widow main? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my rank in Grandmaster, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret games on Oasis, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in MEKA warfare and I’m the top tank player in the entire Overwatch player base. You are nothing to me but just another Winston. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this general, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to my waifu over the Internet? Think again, Hanzo picker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Anas across the Overwatch community and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, bronze shitter. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your mmr. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just out of my mech. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Korean Mecha Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the game, you little Mercy player. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “cute” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will defence matrix all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, redditor.
Being forced to have sex doesn't make someone a slut.
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Why do I find young Jack so much more unattractive than current (normal skin) Jack?
>Rein's hand on Angela's butt
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Because Young Jack is generic as fuck.
I like playing sombra in comp and nobody is going to stop me people take this game very seriously in master rank
>Hanzo and Pharah being family cucked by Zenyatta and McCree

Fucking losers
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>boring to watch
Who cares?

>AND play
I guess you just play her wrong. It's really fun to fly around and harrass everyone.
wasteland or wadjet ?
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A cute.
>Rein touching Mercy's ass on picture
>Genji sending letters to her
>pictures in slutty outfits with Torbjörn
>more personal voicelines with Reaper than anyone else
>Tracer probably had lesbian sex with her
>if she fucked a swedish dwarf she surely fucked McCree
>76 too for sure

Is there any person she hasn't fucked?
Was Winston's tesla cannon an unsuccessful attempt to cure Tracer's homosexuality?
Its her job to do whatever Talon says and she wouldn't mind it because she just does as she is told. It is not forcing her against her will or anything. Its just her job. Just like its a slut's job to fuck you if you pay her.
She's a slut. You're deluded man.
She just needs flashbanged to realize her wicked ways
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>be Sombra
>make your eay behind the enemies using invisibility


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>not mounting his turret
You have no evidence that she has had sex with anyone for Talon before. She's pure, if she was a slut Blizzard would confirm it like they did with the disease ridden whore that is Genji.
>Sex appeal: The character
>In any way pure
Next comic

Winston drugs Tracer at the christmas party and brutally rapes her. After numerous unsuccesful attempts to cure her gayness, he skins her alive and sends a scarf made of her skin to her redhead gf. The redhead is revealed to be Doomfist and all characters except Widowmaker are revealed to be gay or bi.
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pls tell me this is dva's mech with 1 sec remaining that's going to explode
>engineered to look and behave like an oversexualised slut
>not used as one by the people that made her so

Its a T-rated game so they will never say it outright, but she is the bicycle of Talon.
>all the characters are revealed to be bi

When does the massive orgy happen?
Why does this remind me of that old cartoon where the guy rode mechanical horse and had some weird ass shaman powers where he could gain strength like bear or eyes like eagle.
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Widowmaker is literally the posterchild for slut character design. Are you fucking retarded?


It should be the next short, but knowing Chu it will be just a Mercy X Genji sex tape.
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>mfw got placed in 2800s
>McCree Scroodge
>Phara Frostbite
>Roadhog Rudolph
>Sombra Peppermint
>Torbjorn Santaclad
>Zenyatta Nutcracker
>Mei Snowman
I wanted Winston Yeti but I'm happy with my haul.
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cryo system works wonders, you eat kilos of noodles, go to sleep in cryo chamber and when your wake up all the fat goes to butt instead of waist and stomach
i already can imagine the twerking
when is the last day
Jan 2nd
This is Chu"s Overwatch

Lucio short will reveal hes gay
Hana short will reveal shes trans
mercy short will reveal she loves Genji
>Lucofags rejoice
>Dvafags on suicide watch
>Pharmercyfags on suicide watch

Sounds perfect to me.
>mercy loves genji
She wants him to MADA MADA in her
>on healer duty
>no team scoreboard
>no way to know who's carrying the game so I can focus on them and not waste time on non-contributing members

This game could be amazing, if only it would remove all the hugbox elements.
>liking the best girl
>being a fag

What did he mean by this?
why does sombra say "kurwa"?
A lot of Dvafags would chimp out but you can bet a shitload of fags will come out of hiding to spam "FEMININE DCK, HANA IS THE BEST"
>"ch-ch-cheers luv, w-welcome home..." Lena submissively whimpered upon Emily's return to their apartment
>"I-I'm sorry luv b-but I burnt the fish head haggis pie n chips casserole a-again, please don't be angr-"
>"That's fucking it, this is the LAST fucking straw Lena!" Emily screamed, slamming Lena's face into the counter
>"E-Emily, I'm s-sorry..."
>You're SORRY? You're fucking SORRY? You're goddamned right you're sorry you useless cunt!" Emily screamed
>"I work hard all fucking night and then I have to come home to another fucking burnt meal, what the fuck CAN you do? Can you lick pussy? NO YOU CAN'T EVEN LICK PUSSY RIGHT YOU USELESS SLUT" she said
>grabbing Lena by the throat she began to choke while screaming obscenities
>"I'm *gargle* s--sor--*gasp* ry" Lena struggled to say
>"OH SO YOU'RE STILL SORRY? I'LL MAKE YOU SORRY BITCH!" Emily slams Lena's face in the still piping hot casserole, she screams and collapses on the floor in agony
>Lena trembles in a stew of blood and charred casserole on the floor
>"S-she loves me, I should've done a better job for her" she thought as she pulled herself up and began cleaning and preparing another meal
1v1 and 3v3 are available in the custom games mode selection now, why have I not seen this mentioned anywhere?
I feel like they could do whatever with Lucio and people would be chill.
Because nobody here actually plays the game
We will not hear anything about LGBT characters for a while now since Blizz wouldn't want to overdo it. It is both bad for publicity because it suffers diminishing returns and leaves them with fewer trump cards for later on if they need to wash off something lefties accused them of.

This is what I am hoping for. It will make Dvafags lose their shit even more when a bunch of closeted fuccbois jump on their waifu out of nowhere.
Why is Lucio such a bro?
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How should you use Lucio's speed boost? I'm on heal 90% of the game
So, out of 24 characters, five are villains? Why are they working with the good guys?
I disagree, but respect your opinion nonetheless.
Speed when people don't need healing, as long as you can react quickly to people taking damage.
Quick getaways from enemy ults, regrouping and pushing faster, helping McCree walk while ulting etc. Just use your brain
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Lucio is gay and has an omnic boyfriend.
You're a speedbot. Use heal on amps and when they're not missing much health.
I just look at their profile and see if they've actually played the hero a decent amount of hours, it's the next best thing
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The real villains are somewhere out there, and our girl Sombra is trying to reveal them
never use it, youre just throwing your teammates aim off
i'm fine with lucio being gay as long as he's lucio, not some trans gendered something something
Man, every time I see "Sombra does no damage" it tilts me so fucking much because her DPS is *INSANE*, easily on par with Soldier 76 at close-mid range.
>boost people away from nanoboosted charatcers with no mobility
>boost hard hitters with little mobility towards the enemy to help them secure the kill
>boost people to cover when Dva/McCree/Soldier ult
>stay on boost unless a bunch of people need to be topped off/your second healer cant keep up with the damage/your Ana has taken damage so she doenst have to waste heal grenade to heal herself

Just off the top of my head. I am not a big Lucio player, though.
>they make doomfist the homo
>he hits on all the male characters in Terry Crews voice
>everyone is uncomfortable
>tfw no sombra kissu
Pretty much this. Lucio is so chill that it'd honestly feel out of character for him to be transgender. He has complete confidence in who he is
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>everyone is delighted and flattered

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>mfw contesting ilios ruins as lucio while spamming HAPPY HOLIDAYS
This desu

I could believe him being trans almost as well as him being gay, honestly. I don't think Blizzard will do it, granted, since it looks like they want to play this stuff safe, but I could see him being sold as a kind of positive role model to encourage trans people to be more comfortable with themselves.
How long does the event run for?
Speed boost to push through chokes

You wouldn't know how many times I've won purely on doing this, the enemy team gets rushed too hard and can't recover. They're used to poke battles till someone is picked off
I'd be fine with Lucio being trans if he's post-op.

The other good trans vidya character is Poison
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Boost when enemies ult if if you are in trouble. It's ridiculous what kind of situations I manage to escape from alive by using the soundblast+speedboost and jumping around till I stick to a wall and skate off.
>mfw I panick-blasted a dva on hanamura first point to get away and I hear the enemy reaper that apparently was right behind her falling to his death
>everyone is uncomfortable

A few of them would probably take it as a compliment. It would make for funny dialogue.
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Sooo are lucio's legs replaced by robo-legs or are they just armored in some way? How did he lose them, if so?
>"Hey there," said Winston as he greeted Emily at the bar
>"Hello, Winston," answered Emily with stress in her voice
>"You know, Lena isn't what I thought she would be," Emily said, "a real partner would provide for a lady like me."
>"Winston, you're a famous scientist aren't you?" Emily inquired
>"Well, you know what they, curiosity is the essence of discovery," he replied courteosly
>"I bet you'd be curious to discover what's inside these clothes" she teased
>"I could show you around my lab, in there I am not a scientist, but a monkey," he replied

Later in the lab
>"I'M READY TO UNLEASH MY PRIMAL RAGE," yelled Winston while thrusting his "tesla cannon" inside Emily
>"Oh do it, fuck me as hard as you fuck Widowmaker" Emily answered
>right as Winston was finishing off this squishy partner, a creak of a door was heard
>"Oi love, I thought I'd check how you and Winston are doing. I know we had a fig-
>as Lena saw the horrud act, Winston realized his primal "rage's" duration was at an end, and he decided to retreat
>"Lena, I..."
armor. Blizz revealed the only characters who are amputees
He has foot shaped swellings at the bottom, it's just gear he puts on.
>160 with shotgun-like spread and halved by armor
>200 with no spread, barely affected by armor, explosive projectile for extra burst
For example your roadhog gets hooked, instead of healing him for fuckall, change to speed and amp it up so he escapes behind your rein's shield/corner/whatever
Question was asked on Blizzcon. They are just part of his hard light tech kit.
I think only a couple of characters are actual amputees. Junkrat and Torbjorn, and maybe one other. Everyone else is metal over their limbs.
I really wish you could see in scoreboard how much you have been healed by other players in a game

I swear some Ana's are fucking blind
Who are the five? Sombra, Reaper, Roadhog, Junkrat, Widowmaker?
Holy fuck, Reinhardt hardcounters like 90% of the heroes in the game.
Like if someone on the enemy team goes Reinhardt I might as well just leave the match because my hero is going to be completely shut down by his 2000HP shield
Genji, McCree, Symmetra, Torb and Junkrat are the only amputees. Everything else like Hanzo's ankles and Pharah's joints are just design decisions.
are hog and rat surely evil? Aren't they just aussies that like to fuck around?
Wasn't McCree's left arm cybernetic?
New thread: >>163709626

Migrate shitters
Too early
They blow up shit, rob banks (and ice cream trucks), and murdered some businessman who tried to jew them.
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The "villains" are pretty much all characters with redeeming qualities and possible redemption arcs. They are clearly doing a horde in warcraft/zerg in starcraft kind of thing where OW and Talon will occasionally work together to take down larger foes. Probably the Illuminati guys Sombra found and whoever is behind the Second Omnic Crisis.

Also - what happens in the game is not canon. Neither the characters fighting/working together, nor the dialogue. The dialogue is more of a "what if they met in this situation" kind of deal.
the past 10 threads have been 100+ posts early, who cares in a general this fast
It's not that simple. Overwatch is a controversial organization and there are "good" characters like Mercy who think bringing it back is a bad act, making Winston a villain. Sombra is working towards an unknown goal, so she can't even be judged yet. There are plenty of characters like Lucio or Symmetra who could be classified as good or evil too.
Yeah, he's the third one.
>tfw still no frog suit

Just end me.
They're more chaotic neutral than anything at the moment, but they do appear to lean evil.
Anyone got any good Soldier 76 pics to post?
>My 4 man premade has coordination of an ant squad
>enemy team's is always together
nice mathcmaking gaem
>get into 4 premade game where enemy team as point at 90% and your team is at 0%
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Why won't Blizzard let me transfer my stuff from console to PC?
Why would you even buy a console game to begin with?
Shit nigga that's kawai
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>tfw your waifu doesn't fit your playstyle

not a good feel
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not that im doubtin ur reaper skills but...
>showing qp playtime instead of this season
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Sure. WIP
Give me your edgiest playlist so I can play some Reaper

Holy shit, you better hope this game is still popular in 30 years because by then you'll be perfect.
hair not white
no receding hairline
zipper too high
collar too small
I rate this 6.5/8
>MFW someone called my favourite song edgy
i know it is but come on, the song is too good
And so is Symmetra's hand.
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