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/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 764
Thread images: 117

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Nightmare Slain: >>163476131

>A google doc with basic information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Patch 1.09 Info

>Accessing the DLC
Note: If the eye isn't showing up, go to: Settings > Playstation Network/Account Management > Restore Licenses

>Co-Op & PvP
Official PvP Chalice: hizzngr3 (Pthumeru Root)
/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:http://imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne Damage Calculations and Formulas
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First for Kosm
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That doll is cute as fuck and her costume is really fine, nothing cringe about her.
I don't get why Micolash has a blackface though.
I think it was an attempt to make his skin look more pale
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Somebody give me Amygdala farming tips please
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Gives me a hearty kek every time I see it
Is there a way to speed up the Auger? I'm great at getting parties with it, but every time I do the animation doesn't give me enough time to visceral.
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You like FromSoftware games?
Their early work was a little too clunky for my taste, but when Demon's Souls came out in '09, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically.
The whole game has a well crafted, ingenious level design, and a new dynamic combat system that really gives the encounters a big boost. It's been compared to Dark Souls, but I think Demon's has a far more grim and refined atmosphere.
In '15 From released this; Bloodborne, their most accomplished game. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Ludwig the Accursed", a boss so engaging, most people don't listen to the dialogue. But they should! Because it's not just an extremely relevant and historic character in the lore, it's also a paradigm of the theme of duality between righteous saint and bloodthirsty beast in men! Hey Paul!
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Would you believe me if I told you I also accomplished this.

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Who /cutehunter/ here?
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I didn't know this game let you play as a slime scholar!
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>Thrust ATK UP +31.5%
>ATK DOWN -7.9%
Why does this fucking curse even exist
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Not me
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The cutest hunter incoming.
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Might as well post once. Up close and less up close.
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Them's big fishlips
The OP image forever haunts me.

Hunter-kun is a moderate fan of the game, really into the style and cool gameplay, has lore-fagged here and there in a few places, has never Korea farmed and participates in BL150 FCs, but his heart is in the right place and genuinely loves the game.

Doll-chan is Hunter-kun's girlfriend, into the cosplay scene and wants to be supportive of his hobbies and interests. She didn't want to wear a face-covering crow mask, so she chose the Doll, whom she thinks is cute. Maybe or may not have fugged in the costume. Made 75% of Hunter-kun's costume while he made the Saw Cleaver.

Blackface Micolash is a kosmposting lorefag who spends his greasy Asian nights jacking it to Lumenwood porn and posting overanalytical lore theories. Quotes Micolash fucking constantly in real life. Has two fully Korea-gemmed BLT and arc characters. Uses Ludwig's. Average /bbg/ poster. Hunter-kun's best friend, got him into the game.
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>Lumenwood porn
You know these people?
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Alright, round two time!

Anyone able to help with the DLC? I have the first shortcut open but I'm scared of what comes after.
No, it is merely the story conveyed to me by its presence
Is there any way to make gatling gun or the church cannon good in PvE content? I love the idea of co oping with people and just gunning down bosses.
Hoontah-kun is a edgy no life fag
Doll-chan is a disgusting blue-eyed mutant fag
Blackface Micolash is a fat disgusting memeing fag
All of them will kill themselves in the next few years for doing something as cringy and pathetic as cosplaying
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Gatling gun is always a good weapon for both PvP and PvE, but it isn't anything special. If you and your friend are dealing with an invader, one person laying down gatling fire makes it impossible to fight back.

Never really used the church cannon but it sounds like it's good for sniping.
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You are the most pathetic person in this general for actually thinking that.
ring that bell man on my way.
t. cosplayer
How does it feel to never grow up? Pathetic
>doing things you like is cringey and pathetic
>having a hobby is for children

I have never cosplayed in my life nor do I plan on doing so but you sound like a miserable person. It must hard living with no fulfillment or joy.
>I have never cosplayed in my life nor do I plan on doing so
lmao I dont believe that for a second. I bet you still trick or treat too.
Your life is one long shitpost, isn't it?
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Oh okay
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This is your first time playing BB, isn't it?
Looks like Daniel Radcliffe got a sex change
Ringing at OoK's fog, password is kosm

Unfortunately. I played a long time ago but not for more than a few hours.

Is there a timing to his leaping attack? I was spamming dodge but he still splattered me.
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Not me, most folk say my character looks like a tranny, sliders are not kind in this game.
Ay man, you gotta run in a straight line when he jumps up to the celing.
Yer a hoontah 'Arry
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Part of the problem with invasions in BB is the PS+ jewing. No one is going to pay for PS+ just to be invaded. So you lost an absolute fuckton of potential people to invade with that
I literally bought PS+ to be invaded in BB and DS3.
The game also has a offline mode in the menu
Anything I should be doing in his second form? It looks really hard to get close to him without getting comboed to death.
Stick to his butt
Visceral his tummy
I guess just side step his sword attacks.
You're a rare one.
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5 (five) gems in a row with massive health depletes modifiers
Fuck me
Which one?
If it's the one where he comes down quickly, just count and dodge on 1. But, if it's the one where he stays up there for a couple of seconds, and blood begins to drip down, sprint in a straight line and he'll miss you.
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Anyoen care to join Boomhauer and friend for Ludwig? This boss is driving me up a wall
he has two leaping attacks:
>his first one is very fast: he abruptly leaps up into the air. For this one you want to count one mississippi and dodge. The hitbox is quite forgiving because there isn't really a lingering hitbox
>his second leap is more telegraphed: you can see him tense up for a moment before leaping into the air. To avoid this attack, simply pick a direction and sprint, and he should miss you
stick close to his abdomen, and dodge sideways for all of his attacks. Only punish with one attack at a time, unless you stagger him or you have a very fast weapon.
there is one attack that you cannot do this for though, and that is his double diagonal slashes. this attack is telegraphed very briefly by him holding up his sword up over his left shoulder (your right shoulder) with the tip pointing towards the ceiling. the double slashes are always followed up by another upward slash from his right (your left), and then, if you are in front of him, a final overhead slam.
once he gets low health (~25%) if you see him raise straight up his sword with both hands, back off to a safe distance immediately. Shortly after he will apply a knockdown around him, you then want to sprint behind him while he is charging his dangerous attack, and deal as much damage as possible.
They say the desire sensor isn't real
I'd like them to explain how, in an hour, I have 7 more arcane triangles than I have physical tempering gems
Sure, pass and fog or lamp?
I made a mistake with the order of the double diagonal slashes, it should be :
>two crisscross diagonal slashes, then
>overhead slam
>then upward slash from his right
Do you not get healed when I used the choir bell? I don't see anything when I use it.

The lamp right before him, password man.
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Why does Orphan have the same cry as Gehrman, lazy devs or actual connection between the two?
Have you ever spoken to the Doll after slaying the Orphan? It's intentional.
The factions I mentioned all have a patron GOO, those four are just busy dying.
>desire sensor

I had no idea what it was, but I was out of the radius every time you used it, sorry man.

My HP is also pretty low, I can barely take a hit. I'll try to stay back more often this time.
Ugh, hate it when the charge shifts to a different direction instantly.
Good news is I got the echoes I left on the floor and shoved them all into Vit.

Round 38 is a go!
Switching to my main character trivialized the first phase cause of my pizza cutter lol.
Ah man, unlucky. He switched targets while I was dodging away and I rolled into whoever he went after lol.

The first round went a lot smoother though, progress!
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Alright after a while of farming Amygdala I've gotten a Atk up 20%, add phys atk +12.7, increase stam cost 3.2%

The optimal would apparently be Atk up 21.5%, add arc atk +15, plus some minimal negative modifier.
Should I just stick with the one I just got?
Anyone want to hang out with Mensis with me? I don't enjoy the boss fight much solo

pw: kosm

The next area up ahead really doesn't give you a break, does it? Should I keep my eye out for anything?
If farming Amy gives you trouble, stick with it.
Those 2 Church Hunters can be tough together. Research Hall patients are rough too, it's better to attack after their attack ends and lure them one by one. Kill blob heads, don't kill Adeline.
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Is this worth upgrading? It looks like I have the perfect build for it, would parries also be possible?
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Hopefully me
It's awful
It's terrible even for Strength builds and can't parry, only stagger.
i cant stop playing this fucking game its ruining my christmas pls help
This is probably a dumb question
Would a durability down -60 on my gun effect my primary weapon too?
15/40 vit/arc
20/35 vit/arc

I don't care about acb but I still can't decide
At least 40 Vit, 50+ Arc. If you're Twinking, 25/30
why 30 arc specifically?
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>finally find a moment of peace from everyone and their mother trying to kill me
>pull a lever
>"Yesss, shortcut"

If you're trying to stay at 43 (Twink level) 30 Arc is a decent spot if you don't care about ACB. It's the base for Brew too.
level 68 ringing at the Orphan's fog, password is kosm.

I'm not really looking for a "good fight" since I just want the parasite, so so I'm perfectly fine with the Orphan being dead within the minute if anybody wanted to do a fight like that
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What are these dangling things on the chest supposed to be or do?
Wind chimes, for the Hunter who needs a little more ambience to his presence.
They look like bullet cartridges or something
Damn, we were close.

Ringing again.
if you want to play it safe you can back off in his second phase
If I level up to 130-135 will i still get a decent amount of pvp/ co-op? Also; is there any reason to level END any higher than 15? With the stamina rune equipped ive had no trouble with my end this low and i just killed Maria, im assuming im near the end of TOH
>If I level up to 130-135 will i still get a decent amount of pvp/ co-op?
Yeah, especially at Ludwig and Orphan. SRRC is active too.
>Also; is there any reason to level END any higher than 15? With the stamina rune equipped ive had no trouble with my end this low and i just killed Maria, im assuming im near the end of TOH
Not really, though some people like to go to 20. Stamina consumption is very low in this game, so staying at base is actually pretty good. Anywhere between base and 20 is helpful, but generally, the lower you go, the more points you have to spend elsewhere.
we should pull him into the water
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>tfw 3 hours until game finishes downloading

I've waited two years and now it's finally M I N E

The wait is killing me even more though. Just watching that progress bar tick, can't even pop in uncharted 4 that the ps4 came with because that would need to install shit too.

Thanks for the yous

Running arc/str with HMS, with fire saw cleaver as my other weapon. What are some other good arcane weapons? Thinking of getting arc up to 60-70 for the tools
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>mfw just now using the church pick for the first time
holy fuck all this lost time with the weaponfu I never knew
thanks, man.
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Why does "health gradually depletes" even exist?
It straight up ruins any gem no matter what level it is.
Chikage fags disagree
np that was fun
>What are some other good arcane weapons?
Just about anything can make a good arcane weapon if you slot in the appropriate number of cold abyssals, and either some arcane, fire, or bolt gems. Only pure physical damage weapons can be converted, so just choose what you want.
Fire Whirligig is nice, but you already have a fire serrated weapon. Str/Arc builds tend to run Logarius' Wheel, if you're interested. And there's the Kos Parasite.
I wouldn't stop at just 60 if you plan to go over 50 in arcane. It isn't worth it. 70 maybe, but past 80 is where you'll see the greatest increases to many of your hunter tools.
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You better have gotten the DLC, dood

Im at the end of it and it has been probably the best gaming experience i have had in at least a decade, not even memeing

I still havent fought orphan or lawrence either. Havent had too much trouble yet. Ive not hit a brickwall. Killed ludwig on my 4th try. Maria was rough. Took me 10 tries for her but she wasnt THAT bad
It's totally different. With the chikage you are only being drained when transformed, and unless you walk around transformed like a retard you will lose almost no health due to rallying.
run 50vit/15end/50str/25skl
get out of bbg and dont come back until you've beaten the game if you want maximum spoiler-free enjoyment
>maria 10 tries
>ludwig 4
that's bizarre, it was the complete opposite to me. Ludwig took a bunch of tries but Maria took 2.
At least you can counteract it sometimes with a pulsing gem.
But, fucking "ATK Down" gems single-handedly destroy any gem it's placed on. Nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing an otherwise good gem get completely screwed over by that curse. I understand that curses are part of the deal, an exchange for the higher percentages, but ATK Down is not a curse. It's a complete fucking murder, and immediately makes the gem inferior to everything else.
So here's what you do: put HP down gems on a weapon in slot 2 and use weapon 1 most of the time and swap to weapon 2 when you need it
Is it advisable to go to level 150?
Why not
From 1-10, how much do you like fighting LHB?
you'll probably get less pvp action, but there arent any other reasons why you wouldnt go to lv 150
for the same reason you wouldn't go to SL387 in Dark Souls
I'm actually surprised people find her hard at all. I killed her first try. Not trying to be humble, Kos and Ludwig gave me a ton of trouble but Maria seems piss easy.
I see what you mean i guess

I still dont much understand how the pvp level brackets work in this game
That's the Reddit level meta
It's incredibly high and unnecessary and you'll probably find less action than if you just leveled to 100-120.
Plus the people you find will be shitters who love LHB
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She is piss easy. Where do you think all the bullying stuff came from?
Pic related.
>I'm actually surprised people find her hard at all
Maria is easy if you are using a physical build with fast weapons because R1 spam and viscerals destroy her.

If you're using a slow weapon and/or have shit visceral damage, she gets a lot harder.
It's super easy to bully her with the Auger, too.
I dunno, I used the Moonlight Sword and died only once or twice. That's a slow weapon.
I killed her my first try with Logarius' wheel.
Does anyone need a hand with a boss at all?
Why would they call her pizza girl?
Yee ofc I got the DLC, the only soul's game I haven't done it for is DS3 because I bought it on steam and it runs at 25-40 frames so why bother

I'll probably mill around and try and coop with y'all though, thanks for the advice on stats though (I assume skill = dex?)
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The pizza cutter is her doom.
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I'm about to start farming Rom
What am I in for?
>NPC hunters still read your inputs
why hasn't this been fixed yet
at least you don't have to farm descendant at D5FRC with 15 vit
Spiders will probably be responsible for most of your deaths, so watch out for them. Better to clear them out for the first phase so you can do as much damage as you can without worry. BB Pellets for split weapons like Tonitrus for a bit of a boost.
The only way to make a challenging AI that still uses balanced weapons and attire designed for your use is to make it read your inputs
Input reads does not equal challenge, it equals cheese
Isn't it kind of funny to hear everyone say Yarghul is the base of operations for Mensis when every Mensis there is dead and has been for a long time?
Has the One Reborn's dialogue ever been dissected?
They don't, what makes you say that? It's easy for them to walk into your r2s.
He has dialogue? What the
They literally do, go fight a Cainhurst hunter and watch it consistently follow you with dodges, dodge and parry half your attacks and just generally be anti-fun
All of them pull that bullshit too, it's not unique to Cainhurst hunters
Lmao, pretty sure they're programmed to shoot after dodging most times regardless if you attack. Just don't attack after they dodge and punish them for it. Exe gloves on Arc builds help stagger them for free hits. Even FRC NPCs are easy to deal with.
To all the anons yesterday who suggested the Saif, thank you. Suicide ran to it and got it to +6 and it is a monster. Digging how the transform attacks can be used as damage dealing dodges too.
most fun build in the game is saif+beast cutter on arcane

both have super low base requirements and are fun as fuck
couple that with hunter tools and elemental damage and go crazy
Well that part took fucking forever. I wanted to find as much as possible and wound up getting horribly lost. At least the bossfight was fairly easy.

What am I in for now lads?
Lot's of blood, easy parrying and bullying
two boss fights
one waifu
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Holy shit
And they did.
So let me see if I gleaned the basic motivations of each group correctly.
The workshop thinks humans shouldn't fuck around with Old Ones, so they use the power given to them by their Old One patron to go around killing People who want to fuck with Old Ones and vice versa.
Byrgenwyrth thinks people should study Old Ones but also be really fucking careful about it, so they use an Old One to keep strong a barrier between them and us.
Choir just #yolo and uses blood to become as the OO's are. Results vary.
Mensis allies with an Old Ones who wants his kid born. They incubate the kid, the OO promises them collective rebirth as a single OO. The One Reborn is a sort of dry run of this.
The Church Hunters just drink the Choir's Kool-Aid.
The Vilebloods use the blood to fuel their decadence.
The Executioners are largely jsut elite Church Hunters but were led by a Pthumerian. I have no idea what this implies.
The HoH don't really know what's going on but kill powerful hunters before they become too blood-addled to be a serious threat.
Powder Kegs want to blow shit up.
Am I about right?
How the fuck are the two NPC church ladies just before the Research Hall so tough?
They're literally the souls of the leaders of the Church, they should be stronk.
Vilebloods went around killing Hunters fighting the scourge for Blood Dregs. Church saw this as a problem and let the Executioners handle it. There's no solid evidence that Logarius is a Pthumerian.
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Dude I just straight up ran past them after the 82437982nd attempt at trying to kill them. Eventually I figured knocking one down the elevator would be easy enough, but they do so much damage that the window of opportunity just isn't there.


Gonna save this, I've been trying to piece together the story on my own but I'm having a hell of a hard time trying to figure everything out. Even in NG+, I'm pretty out of the loop on what the story is outside of what little exposition the good ending gives me.
>There's no solid evidence that Logarius is a Pthumerian.
He looks like a Pthumerian and his battle has the same tempo. I respect your opinion but unless an otherwise perfect solution to the plot requires Logarius to be human, he'll always be Pthumerian to me.
>wtf are these things
Ayy lmao blue guy prototypes.
Pthumerians are undead who messed with magic shit, so I was always took it that Logarius suffered a similar fate. Doesn't mean he's a Pthumerian, just dead and full of Vileblood evil magic like the Wheel and Exe gloves. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Logarius could be another Pthumerian "employed" by the Church like the ones glooming around Cathedral Ward, if they are Pthumerians and not Church experiments.
Holy shit she is kicking my ass. Boom hammer is a really bad matchup for her and she keeps dodging my cannon.

Anyone want to help me take her out?
>Pthumerians are undead who messed with magic shit
Do we know this? I never found anything implying undeath.
Yes? Pass?
Why does it say "game has not been fully installed" when I try and go online even tho it appears to be done installing? Already tried restarting my PS4

Go to the PSN menu and press options > check for update. Even when its done downloading, it has updates to install afterwards.


Password is dang
I started bloodborne an hour ago and still havent found any weapons

What's the deal?

I just killed the first boss
Some weapons you find, others you can buy at the fountain after getting Hunter Badges, among new items as well. You can get the Kirkhammer badge after killing Cleric beast, which is either your first or second boss depending on which way you go.
Oh, I just realised I was supposed to die.

Not looking good - worst start mechanic to any souls game so far
As I am now on NG+, I truly know that I hate the Research Hall with every fiber of my being.

I dread how bad the Fishing Hamlet is going to be.
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You killed Gascoigne with your fists on your first playthrough?
Cleric Beast whoever that is

Thanks for the help, hoping this is the end of all of this fuckery.
You killed cleric beast with your bare hands before dying for the first time?

And you can run to the first lamp and enter the hunters dream that way, no death required
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What's the maximum +phys value that's possible on a Heavy Abyssal? Because I just got this on my fucking BLT build of all things.
And add Phys atk goes up to +15
That gem would've been wonderful on my STR build. Thanks, Bloodborne.
Interestingly enough the only unwinnable fight in the series takes place in Dark Souls 1 with Seath. Glad they dropped that from the formula.
Definitely not. But youre welcome. If you need help Ill be around

Ahhh if you don't mind, I can summon you for the next area. I just got stomped by a huge fishdude and I doubt my fire weapon is helping
Absolutely bro same pass

Well that and Flamelurker.
Yes the first seath fight was garbage

I still dont quite understand the reason why the werewolf in the lab wouldnt die until I used a charge attack though?
What stats do I need for weapons Arc build, apart from 50 Vit 50 Arc? Should I drop the rest of the points into Str?
God dammit, i keep getting fucked by pthumeru rom. his romelettes keep killing me right as i'm about to finish him off.
You can kill him with normal hits it just takes longer. The charge hits are very hard to land and usually JUST miss on faster enemies and bosses. Your backstab attack/ riposte you can follow up with are visceral attacks that those can be every powerful. They scale off of skill and can deal damage well into the thousands at high levels whereas weapons will rarely break a thousand in a normal hit even when you abuse enemy weaknesses
Sounds like you might just be getting greedy. They can rob you a couple seconds after rom goes down. Either sprint in into a running attack and gtfo over and over again or kill the spiders. It's slower and sometimes dangerous with rom casting shit at you but it's overall safer
I got the werewolf to zero and kept using r1 and it wouldn't die.
with my fists right at the start, mind you.

I assume its supposed to be a "you should die here on your first run" thing, since they didn't explain R2 at all before I had my weapon and I only knew about it from dark souls
Aside from Vit and such, just get base stats for your weapon then dump all the rest in ARC.
I died there on my first run after a pretty good fight. It kind of reminds me of the journey to the nexus from Demons Souls. You get one shot to kill him and if you die it takes you to the main hub. Unlike demons though you can go back a wreck him, though he will be at full health as opposed to half.

I've never finished journey to the nexus on a fresh game. I always choke.
Bit off more than I could chew
>unwinnable at any point in the game
Your bad is showing.
It happens! I'll be back at the lamp
You get to kill him in world 4.

I like that you got something useful for killing him in DeS.

I didn't like that you got one shot in CGI by the dragon god if you killed him though

Its actually quite an easy fight if you go back and do it now (unlike flamelurker and probably manatees, which I think are significantly harder now)
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>tfw it's a huge hassle to farm Blood Chunks
Just rush the bosses in ptwrx6tb. All of the bosses are easy, and drop around 2 chunks each, and the last one has a chance to drop a rock instead. The entire run (all three levels) takes like 10 minutes total.
What Gems do i farm to push the AR of my Wheel to even more absurd levels?
it says I dont meet the requirements.
What do i need to do?
Just go thrust weapons and kill everything in that dungeon Lucy is always going on about. It's retarded short, the first two layers are brainsucker boss, watchers, and the last layer is emmisarry
Make a Depth 5 F/R/C chalice and have the Isz roots.
Isz root chalice from clearing Isz regular and you need to have made at least one depth 5 root dungeon with all three curses.
Saw Spear is boring me. What other weapons are fun on ARC builds? I have 11 STR and 8 SKL. Already got the Beast Cutter, planning on making it my main weapon with Arcane gems.
Spaghetti arms
Depends on your build and how you want to use it. Full 32.6% Watcher Blunt Adepts for 50 Strength, mainly for untricked mode. Flat Arcane for tricked multi-hits, any build can use them. Nourishings for 25/50 Str/Arc, mainly for tricked mode and revving.
I don't like the moveset. Everything but the tricked dash R1 is too slow even in PvE situations and aside from the dash R1, it only has the explosion going for it.
11 Skill for Saif, 14 for Church Pick.
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Sorry about that, I was able to kill him but the camera was the real enemy :(

I got another shortcut back to the lamp so I'll wait for you.

I'm also having a shit ton of fun with this game in general, are all the souls games like this?
It's good. Just need to work with both move sets for different situations
Shit, what if I'm already lvl 100? I can get away with Cutter and Threaded Cane right?
Lol that cannon shot messed me up. But on I'm at the lamp. Sorry I'm such trash. I'm a little intoxicated.
Any weapon is good. Axe works too. No one cares if you go over 100.
Saif and LHB.
The souls games are pretty simple. If you like the combat, you'll like them all. Dark souls and demons souls play a lot slower and emphasize slow, methodical combat and carefully clearing rooms.

Aside from that it's all setting differences and the only one that seems to divide the community is Dark Souls 2. I personally love it for what it is, it's the longest and it has a ton of weapons that are all viable. Many others see it as pure trash not worth mentioning.
What is the very earliest point in the game that you can get the Beast Claws? Rushing to Nightmare Frontier immediately after slaying Amelia?
That's gonna be a real nightmare to do at a low-ish level.
>Gears general barly alive dying fast
Microcuckactions will do that
Yeah good luck when abhorrent beast backhands you into next week over and over.
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/cutehunter/ here senpai
You don't need to fight Abhorrent to get beast claws.
I'm gonna make it happen. I'm finally gonna realise my dream of doing a dedicated Beast Claw build.
Some of them are. But bloodbornes is the best. Sorry I died again. I dunno why I was one shoted. Hope you got orphan
I guess you dont need to fight abhorrent. You gonna kill Laurence for the beast rune too?

I think this picture perfectly encapsulates how that fight went lol
I'm on the fence about using the Beast's Embrace rune, to be honest. Beast Claw+rune has its own drawbacks like a lack of dash attack and generally being slower, but it's got greater range and hits harder than without the rune.
>reading hail the nightmare translated lyrics
>straight up saying they are trying to rez kos
Holy shit, he kicked my ass hard.

We might need a third person for this
Shiiit lol>>163588678
Nah dude we got this
Sorry, not sure how to dodge him when he keeps swinging that thing at me.
Jests dude.
Man, i feel like the biggest scrub ever when fighting Maria because when she gets to phase 3, I always have to have to rely on parries to beat her. I feel that this is partially due to using Str weapons.
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>tfw you love the classic dungeon crawling feel of chalice dungeons but have all your weapons upgraded and gemmed and maxed out every shop item
The option to manually insert glyphs was a mistake, it completely killed the most fundamental part of dungeon crawling, getting loot.
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Nice dude
Thank you both for the help, would have been stuck here for ages otherwise! I'm definitely making a new character soon to try out these other weapons lol
Np. Bro
Why is /bbg/ still a thing? Did something happen since the beginning of the year? Thought you'd have folded into /dsg/ by now.
Thank god!
I finally killed Defiled Amygdala.
What an awful fight...
I was stuck there for over 10 hours. Congrats man. I will never do that bullshit again and I wish there was a way to exclude that fight from SRRC matchmaking.
its just another step towards the Queen, the last unique boss fight I have to fight. After that, I officially consider my first character in "post-game". Gem farming and going as far into NG+ cycles as I can is all thats left for me. I do feel a little guilty for boosting my character to 125, actually I'm going to push him to 130 but I dont really care that much, I'm having so much fun that I just want to keep playing with him. Until I start working on my new characters that is.
SRRC matchmaking is really fun besides defiled Amy, and my 162 character that I made after release that uses every weapon still gets instant co op in dungeons
well that's good to hear, that I'll still get online activity at this high of a level. I was worried that the meta stayed at 100 and it would be totally dead beyond that.
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so what the fuck is the point of blades being wrapped in cloth in this game? does that kinda defeat the purpose of a bladed weapon like the Saif? i assume its just to look cool unless its some sort of makeshift serration.
The bandages soak up the blood of your foes which is transferred to you for the rally mechanic.
So if I run out of blood vials while fighting a boss am I just resigned to running through the area killin until I get a sizeable amount?

Do blood vials you collect when you already have 20 disappear or are they stored somewhere?

Should I have upgraded my weapon before father gascoigne? (first boss I've encountered)
>Do blood vials you collect when you already have 20 disappear or are they stored somewhere?
They go to your storage, yes. If you have vials left in the storage, you get them automatically on respawn.

You have to go killing and looking for vials, unfortunately. You can also buy them from the messengers, but in the very beginning of the game you probably won't earn enough blood echoes to buy a lot of them each run.
sure, if you need to

yeah they are put in storage

no that shouldn't be needed but you can
Skill = dex yes
Good God, I hat no idea the Saif was so fun. Just bought Old Hunters today, and after being shit on despite my being level 80 or so, I've made my way to some of the cool weapons in the DLC. Unfortunately I can't use most of them because of my fucked up stats, but that's a first playthrough for you.

Any tips for the Saif? The moveset seems fun and interesting with the advancing and retreat options.
What is the reason for your trip? Just trying to become le internet famous?
It's a Skill/Quality weapon. 25/50 Str/Skl, 50/25 is doable if you slot a Heavy Abyssal. Or 50+ Arc if you're converting it to fire/bolt/arcane.

I need a good picture of the skeleton banging on the gate near Ludwig. I can't find one on Google and I can't be bothered sifting through dozens of hours of Lets Play footage to take a screenshot. And I don't have my ps4 with me.

Please, anyone.
For what purpose?
Christmas business

Hurry I only have an hour an half.
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Is this enough?
If I had some I would give 'em to ya senpai. It's christmas after all
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no, I need his face.

Any of the similar skeletons will do, but a nice portrait of his face with a little bit of head room.
I like what you're doing. If I find my usb you'll give a screen capture. Don't get your hopes up.
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Doing a strength build with focus on kirkhammer and tonitrus for melting bosses. Should I bother leveling arc for the tonitrus? I've never done a specific build before, so I'm looking for advice.
Tonitrus has garbage ARC scaling.
Tonitrus is Str/Arc, and Kirk can be converted. So if you want to use both effectively a 25/50 Str/Arc build would be the best choice. 50/25 might be worser for Toni since most of its damage comes from the buff, which scales with Arc.
If you switch a pure physical weapon to Arc scaling then it loses all of it's Str or Skl scaling.
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Is no one here actually playing the game?

It'd take 5 minutes to warp to Nightmare Church, take a picture of his ugly mug, and upload it.
It is quite a dead time of the day.
It has great scaling, what are you talking about?
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Here we are. These are the best I could.
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There's more, waiting to post them is a pain.
Your a saint!

i don't suppose you could get a picture of you killing the nightmare exectutioner and the 10 Quick Silver Bullets drop still being on screen by any chance, could you?
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That's probably impossible since they have to disappear for the bullets to drop
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No that's exactly what I need, just the screen with the rectangle that says "Quick Silver Bullets - 10" before you press X.

I would be able to find it by just watching some lets plays of anyone who kills it, but I'm running out of time. it should also be obvious what I'm doing by now
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Okay, will do.
You are a wonderful human bean anon, this is muchly appreciated.
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This one is from the corpses in front of Ludwig's fog, they looked close enough for a frontal shot.
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That's Litterally perfect. Thank you so much.

Merry Christmas to you and your kin
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What are you trying to do?
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Looking back at it, the mercy gesture would be nice with this one.
You'll see.

It just needs to upload, which on my current internet could take fucking hours.
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Giving Christmas presents to an anon
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This one is an extra.
Should I prevent myself from becoming overleveled? I'm level 80 at Nightmare of Mensis and just started the Old Hunter DLC. Doing the Chalice Dungeons gave me so many extra echos that I could probably level up to 90. Should I? I don't really have much else to spend echos on.
Level up to 98 and stop, forever. 98 is the meta here, plus it lets you play with 120s as well as having massive Co-Op range.
Whatever you think it's better. I walk around with over a million echoes because I don't have anything to spend them on.
Just beat the one reborn how far am I from the end?
>try coop for the first time, ring my small bell at father gascoigne
>wonder if this might actually be difficult with more people since I beat him just by staggering him constantly with my pistol and visceraling, which could get difficult with 3 people
>it literally doesn't matter as we fucking surround him in a tag team facefucking match and stunlock him forever

I didn't even know there was an animation where if his beast mode gets hurt enough he starts cradling his head.
2 required bosses, 2 optional if you've done everything possible before and met certain requirements.
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do you guys ever use the half-backstep move? Where you press circle and just take like 3/4ths of a full dash backwards (and can do it while not locked on?)

I noticed there were some unique moves and combos that seemed to have to be started with a half backstep, but I'm always too pussy to try using it over a regular dash in a boss fight
>I didn't even know there was an animation where if his beast mode gets hurt enough he starts cradling his head.
Someone must have used the music box, it stuns him for a while.
Does that include the old hunter DLC?

I have beaten nightmare frontier and cainhurst.
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oops wrong webm

but like the feint move here
Is Gascoigne optional or something? He was the first boss I fought and the people I'm cooping with seem to have a lot more gear than what I've found so far, and I've been fairly thorough
Nah, there's like 5 bosses in the DLC
Nice. That means I still have at least 10 hours in this game?
Ravioli steps, it's where you backstep and move the opposite direction to go foward to use a backstep move. It's a common thing in PvP.
Sure, more if the DLC bosses/areas give you a tough time. There's also Chalice Dungeons, Co-op/PvP if you have PS+
He's a main boss. Shitters have a hard time with him so he must be popular at low levels. And about their gear, meeting overleveld people with late game itens is very common in coop.
Not sure if I should get PS+

Right now the games I have are
>Disgaea 5
>Odin Sphere
>Unchartered 4
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Why not go to 100?

98 was originally meant to avoid Reddit 120 IIRC

Then Reddit went to 150 because they thought the extra passive defence actually did shit, and on top of that one of the last patches meant 98 could actually hit 120, making 98 pointless

Even if 100 still hits 150 shitters, why not make the meta 99?

98 meta seems like an antique tbqh desu
Never played any of them besides Bloodborne, but I'd say PS+ is worth it. Especially if you wanna farm for the best gems easily, or at least easier than making your own dungeons in hopes of specific enemies spawning to farm. Co-op is really fun, some people aren't too fond of the PvP but I'd say it's pretty fun. We have fight clubs every Saturday, mostly everyone is decked out with the best gems though.
bbg fc is anywhere between 80 and 120. I believe most of the fags here go 117 for their precious HMLB. I don't know what makes you think 98 is the absolute stop.
98 has better ranges and avoids the 150 redditors.

98 can invade level 80s and be summoned by level 65s naturally.

98 was never meant to avoid 120s.
why and how the fuck are there so many specters in hunter's dream
98 is the absolute stop. Why do you think cheesers stop at 117?
Doll rejected their marriage proposal so they sudoku'd
spergoids kill themselves in front of the doll
Uncharted has a great online mode and I love cooping with people to show off my autism gems.
I would say it's worth the price if you have money to spare.
Yes, it's great on the cane and Logarius' Wheel
Backstep + R2 has a different move too
oh, so it's like that ds2 meme where everyone killed themselves in the same spot with the katana
harrowed set best set
What's the recommended level for the DLC? I just made it to the cathedral, can I just beeline for it?
I've been in /bbg/ FCs since summer 2015 when we had a giant FC with Reddit and Facebook

I'm not arguing /bbg/ meta because I don't give a fuck. I've regularly turned up with finished and unfinished builds

I just think 98 is outdated since I heard level ranges got patched

So you can guarantee 98 is the break point between not hitting a 150 Redditor and 99 is hitting a 150 Redditor?

Invading 80s is completely pointless. Perfectly gemmed weapons with perfect bonuses and ideal curses destroys 150 Redditors, Ludwigs players in Mensis are no fun at all

Average players overlevel anyway, so summon ranges isn't an issue, never mind >passwords for requested co-op
>Invading 80s is completely pointless.
It wasn't at the time, and most people going through Mensis are around level 80.

Most soul's games having an even split is fine, is strength really that much better/skill that bad in BB?
>/fa/ hobo rags get given great defences against pretty much everything except frenzy
Nah, 50/25 let's you use mostly every weapon effectively, allowing you to experiment. 50/25+ is better than 40/40 for most weapons due to softcaps being 25 and 50. But for first playthroughs it's better to go 25/25 then pump whichever you prefer to 50.
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It has always been pointless

Even before the DLC dropped, saw spears with full bolt setups or chikages with full offshape setups obliterated your average level 80s Ludwigs + cannon + white church set player in Mensis

Anyway, like I said, is there any hard evidence a level 98 will not hit a 150 Redditor and a level 99 will hit a 150 Redditor?

I've made dozens of BB builds, some complete, some incomplete and 100-110 always seemed like the perfect range for softcaps, stat bonuses, weapon reqs, stamina etc. Anything below benefits pure builds too heavily and anything above is full Havels + washing pole + avelyn + WOG faggot in Darkroot
The whole point is you aren't supposed to be able to have your cake and eat it too. You should not be able to have a max damage gun plus a max damage Whirly.
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That's not what we're talking about. I agree 120 and even fucking 150 is too high, it's this 98 autism that no one is backing up without pre-patch reasoning

I'm arguing that no one has given me precise evidence why new players who want to play in /bbg/ FCs should stick at 98 instead of going to 99 or 100. The old 10+10% allowed 98s to miss 120s, but level ranges have been expanded since. I even invaded a fucking dude in the 40s (PMd him) in Central Yharnam almost straight away

I know it's debating margins, but I'm pretty sure the old reasoning for 98 doesn't hold up anymore with level ranges being patched. ''It's how we've always done it'' is a cop-out answer and might work on newfags, but that's it

The lack of data mining and testing in BB is pretty bad and leads to people spouting metas without backing it up

Any of the other oldfags on /bbg/ got answers to this?
>adds fire

>attack loss against ayys

>add bolt

>attack loss against beasts

>att up
>att down

>hp regen
>hp depletes
actually there's plenty of ways to fuck up gems, but the drops were nicer when the game was released
now it's 45% hp depletes/attack down/durability down
No one is forcing you to go 98. Like I said before, most people here go for 110-117 because they want 50 vit, a little more stamina or 15-18 arc for tools. There's no argument to be made because everybody knows 98 meta is outdated and that nobody follows it to the letter.
So guys, I just got BB Goty.
Do I have to download a lot of updates before the game is in a playable shape? I want to get my dick wet as fast as possible but also don't want to rush it if without updates the game is unplayable trash.

/dsg/ forwarded me here.
Loading screens can be quite long and annoying if you don't patch it. This was a major complaint at launch
Updates are pretty fast. I was playing the game within 15 minutes. I have the Old Hunter edition
Well, thanks guys.
Merry christmas. Enjoy your new game
You're an idiot. Being able to play with level 80s and level 120s is the main reason 98 stuck.
You guys want to co op something?
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Yeah I know mate, I feel 100-117 is the best anyway, but I thought Luci had some hard evidence for his 98 masterrace, but it seems he can't provide any

Have about 800 hours in BB and I want to make a poison build before leaving it for good. I have a few 98 builds from 2015, a 117 and 120, but I wanted clarity for this

Haha fuck off mate

I basically agree with most of what you're saying, you're just such an infant you can't see it

Idk why I asked a guy who never attends FCs about meta advice anyway. More fool me, I guess
I found a Circular Cursed Tempering Damp Blood Gem (6). Is this rare or special?
The effects are
Physical ATK UP +22.3%
Add slow poison effect +2.5
Increases stamina costs 2.9%
Those are fairly common in cursed dungeons
Saw hunter NPC?

Put it into a gun and gun spam something, see if you can poison
Oh ok.
Would the Gatling Gun work well for that?
Fuck sorry, i read that as radial, a circular gem with that effect is super rare, as it is an off shape gem
I have no idea if its possible to poison someone with a gun gem, please try it out anon

I've got a few circle bolt gems and they don't add bolt to your gun, but this might work

t. avid gemfag/poisonfag
Senpai he literally told you to go experiment and you're asking him for the results. Is everyone here a fucking entitled faggot who needs babbying and spoonfeeding?
Why doesn't Micolash realize Kos is dead if he's so in the know?
You ptobably cant, a poison knife deals 20 "poison" damage if im not wrong
Because Byrgenwerth is on forbidden grounds and their teachings are considered taboo. Woah it's like the healing church lied a lot to people, even its own members
I am not saying you don't. I am saying you are an idiot about that one particular point.
Old ones dont die when they are dead aparently
Have you seen how many shots the blunderbus shoots? There's a reason flat arc gems are really stronk on it. Have you seen the webm of the anon who kills forgotten madman and his follower with a few shots
Alright. I don't think it can poison. I used all my bullets on an enemy and got no results, but was able to poison the enemy with poison knives
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I've never speedrun a game before but I've been bb like 6 to 8 times and thought it might be a fun self imposed xmas eve challenge. Thinking of doing an all-bosses run because theyre fun.

Anyway does anyone have any tips on the build or weapon I should run with? Figured hunter axe or saw spear made the most sense. I've never watched a speedrun of any game, let alone this one, so I don't know if theres some optimal path.
Saw Spear is all you need to mop the floor with the game.
>R1 L1 L1 ad infinitum
>serrated for beasts
>builds up beast meter quickly
It's either a QSB Bandolier or those are full of incence and other scented stuff.
You're retarded. All it talks about is the scourge and quicksilver.
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The video uploaded guys. pls no bully

>Nightmare of Mensis
What a fucking stupid area
Holy hell, you can't sing for shit.

Glad I helped you anon, happy Kosmas
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This is kind of cringe, but I appreciate you making something nice out of your love for Bloodborne.
But Micolash is the head of Mensis which is one half of the leadership of the church.
Iosefka is hot
Use some frenzy resist runes and it's ez as fuck
Rest mode allows things to download much quicker
At the start, ignore all enemies and sprint to the left, follow the path to the big door, go inside. If you just run to it you won't get frenzied. Eventually you can stop the source of the frenzy.
Protip: You have to have PS+ to download things that aren't system updates in rest mode
Wait, is this true?
I have PS+ but didn't knew that, it's fucking bullshit if you don't have it.
Fuck you Sony.
I'm doing the arcane build from the sticky. How much vit and stamina should I level?
stamina can stop at 15 and vit should be around 45-50.
I like 15 END. If going tools then go 99 ARC and however much VIT is necessary to go to your target level. If using mostly weapons and not relying mostly on tools, go 50 ARC and 50 VIT.
I mean how to use frenzy resist runes
Thanks guys.
You have to have cleared Hemwick to get the tool that allows you to use runes. You add them in the Dream, near the weapon bench.
What? Is that some hidden area?
Optional area. I'd you're looking at the Grand Cathedral, take the left path. You'll hit Hemwick.
So that is what runes are for
Having your main reason for limiting your Blood Level being "avoiding Redditors" is kind of cringeworthy desu
At the this stage in the game's life, you should be happy you find anyone online at all anymore.
Just think of them as similar to rings from other Souls, except they aren't nearly as varied and are almost entirely raw numbers increases. And you have to unlock the ability to use them.
Do you even explore?
If you have Cainhurst Summons walk around a bit after defeating the boss of the area until a cutscene plays. Beware that the first enemies of the new area are harder than the rest of it so you can just run past them.
I invade and have plenty of coop without needing to inflate my level to cheese the game. Even 240 is a better "meta". If ever comes the time the game is dead and I have to play with dozens of carbon copies of saw spear/Ludwig's, I'll just lay down the controler and play something else.
my reason though is to be able to coop with lower level anons without getting downscaled

also i seem to get more coop at 98 than 120 in general it seems
Go to where you fought Amelia and head down the path to the left.
Only if he comes from the Cathedral Ward lamp, if he's coming from up the stairs from the Grand Cathedral lamp he needs to go right.
Unfortunately, I fucked my stats up pretty bad for my first run with the background I took. I have excess Arc and Blt but little Str. I can make 50 skill work at least.
Do the moon runes stack?
If it's your first playthrough don't worry about that, it's always a mess. You should focus on trying out as many weapons as you can and plan your next character based on what you like.
Or you could stay like that and go a bit overleveled, what are your stats? Maybe it's not that bad.
All runes stack.
>he doesn't throw on all 3 clawmark runes just because
Does Guidance really have a stage 3 version?
Something about it being "Undiscovered" tells me its probably just a meme, which makes it weird that its in the wiki.
I mean, the game has game has been out this long and it hasn't been found? clearly its not real then.
>Just beat Micolash
What a fucking MEME fight
>clearly its not real then.
Currently I'm:
40 VIT
20 END
40 SKL
14 BLT

I took Noble Scion as my starting background. I'm trying out whatever weapons fight my stats currently. I decided to overlevel and explore heavily so I'm pre-Rom. I've don't have PS+ currently, so invasions/co-op/fight club isn't an option for me. Tackling the Old Hunters now. I'm pretty garbage and still trying to git gud so I don't have to slam down blood vials for bosses or tougher enemies.

Right now I'm liking the Saif and my girlfriend who has a str build on her profile gave me a chance to see how much fun the Kirkhammer is. I was rocking the Cane for a while and got it +7. My next goal are the Blades of Mercy that I assume Eileen will give me once I see her again. Is the Chikage worth trying out?
You have no idea how long I spent listening to his speech trying to find a way to him
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lmaoing at Fextralife then
The Workshop is gone, and no group recognizes this meaningless badge.
>he doesn't have Guidance tier 3
plebs all over the shop...
Grant us eyes, Grant us eyes!
had a kek m8
Why did they feel like making that fight so different than any other souls boss fight? Especially with the amount of dialogue. Just seemed like it could be pulled out of a different game
>Not having enough eyes to see the meaning behind the fight
It definitely makes it memorable. He's a madman with a lot to say. Speaking feverishly is his thing.
>pre-Rom at that level
God DAMN, son. Eileen's next step is to visit her on the Grand Cathedral steps after you kill Rom. I don't use the Chikage so another anon can chime in, but to my knowledge its tricked form relies entirely on BLT.
>he doesn't know
Everyone in bbg has it. If you ask for help with a certain boss the anon will guide you to where it is so you can join our sekret club.
It took me 3 characters to learn the location, it's surprising that nobody talks about it.
Yeah, I figured I'd explore and do everything I could find on my own before moving on. Finding Cainhurst was an accident and I just cleared the Nightmare Frontier last night. Had to mad dash past the Winter Lanterns. Despite my level, I still get my ass handed to me because of scrub mistakes sometimes.
As someone who made only two builds so far, pure skill and pure bloodtinge, I didn't find chikage much fun compared to skill weapons like BoM, BB, Saif or Reiter, but since you can already equip it might as well try it, though it's not a very powerful skill weapon when untricked and with that bloodtinge it will do even less damage in tricked mode.
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What kind of a build do you think this guy rolls?
I figured I'd get it to try out the moveset and to work toward the weapon trophy. Do need to have them all in one playthrough?
Can someone explain elemental blood gems for me? My character has the following stats:

Vit: 30
End: 25
Str: 40
Skl: 13
Bt: 7
Arc: 15

I use Amygdalan Arm as my primary phys weapon, but I want to have a secondary weapon for elemental damage like fire or bolt. Is it worth farming elemental gems for a secondary weapon if I don't have much Arc to scale with?
Full arc with a HMLB.
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R8 my skill build
Should I go a bit of blt for guns instead of arc for tools?
No it's not worth it. You'll get very low damage and farming those gems are a pain
You need all of them in one savefile, which might include multiple NG+. Although you can get all of them except the Blade of Mercy and Burial Blade any time during your playthrough.
>Can someone explain elemental blood gems for me?
Elemental blood gems will only convert a weapon to either fire/bolt/arcane if the weapon deals pure physical damage alone. This means that once equipped, the weapon scales only with arcane.
>I use Amygdalan Arm as my primary phys weapon, but I want to have a secondary weapon for elemental damage like fire or bolt. Is it worth farming elemental gems for a secondary weapon if I don't have much Arc to scale with?
Not at all, in your case. 15 ARC is not enough to make a good elemental build. You're better off just using fire/bolt paper. Just dropping this by as well, but the Amy Arm isn't an arc weapon, so don't worry much about prioritizing arc for it alone. It's a strength weapon first and foremost.
How active is the online in this game? I know I'm late playing this game for the first time and I'll probably have issues invading, but is it too bad?
If you haven't messed with blt I'd suggest it
Just did my first 50 blt build and using guns feels so good
Thanks guys. All the more reason to try a pure ARC build next playthrough :)
Nothing besides the augur and hunter bone is allowed
This faggot has no sword
I get pretty consistent SRRC co-op on my lower and higher level characters. It's very much alive and that's just chalices.
You should probably bring STR to 25, as it benefits a lot of weapons like the Burial Blade, Saw Spear, Church Pick, and the Beasthunter Saif.
You don't have to stop at 98, though. Feel free to go over. 98 isn't meant to be a set in stone kind of rule.
It's active. For co-op, turn to SRRC, or if you're around level 40-50, you can go for Rom. Around BL100, all the DLC bosses, particularly Ludwig and Orphan, are active.
For invasion duels, go to Mensis and Nightmare Frontier. For actual invasions, the DLC is active.
>Upper Catheral Ward
>Chain grabbed by insight stealing thieves

Okay that is enough bloodborne for the day
>first half of the game
Fighting werewolves and various monsters and chilling.

>after the spider
Childbirth and aliens, far more creepy.

What went wrong?
You killed Rom.
Turns out it was aliens all along.
Cool, I'm glad I'll be able to have some fun after the campaign.
So it was bad to kill Rom?

I just wanted to kill beasts with the blessing of a benevolent church.
Having 10 cleric beast clones would've been boring so they mixed it up
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>benevolent church
>So it was bad to kill Rom?
It made you see what was actually happening. It wasn't good or bad, pretty much everyone died regardless of what you did but you also fucked up the experiment they sacrificed everyone for by being MP's bitch. Unless you went for the secret ending.
I decided to play and replay the entirety of the souls/borne series. I have never played Dark Souls II up to this point.

The best game is BB in all facets, except legnth. DaS's last half wasn't that fun and felt like a slog. DaS III was good too but I think it should have taken more from BB. Bloodbonre is the best mix of story, action, and impressive sights. Old Hunters can't be topped as a DLC.

DaS II wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, in fact it was pretty good and I wonder why DaS III didn't take a few more things from it and I like DaS II more than DaS III. The shard collecting wasn't a good thing to take. DaS II more than any other souls game needed a rally mechanic. DaS II had the most content and a lot of the random levels after a bosses were the best content of the game. I prefer the quality over quantity of BB over it though but quantity can be fun too.
It was ayy lmaos all along
My only regret was it being spoiled for me before I played this game
What was the "experiment" as far as I know both Byrgenwerth and school of Mensis both failed. I mean they "ascended" but you can hardly call Rom or brain of mensis successful great ones.
Why does everyone go such low End in this game? Wouldn't you be better off if you could move around more?
Most of the time you are getting 1-2 attacks off before backing off anyway.
>Why does everyone go such low End in this game?
Stamina consumption is very low in Bloodborne.
>Wouldn't you be better off if you could move around more?
You can already move around with plenty of stamina to spare at base endurance.
The School of Mensis' experiment was fucked regardless of what anyone did. Beckoning Mergo was not a good idea for anyone. Makes me wonder if Micolash would be a king shitposter before entering the nightmare.

I even thought Amelia was a bad person that was betraying the church when I first played the game.
There was also the celestial emissary from the Choir. It certainly wasn't very successful, but considering everything it might have been better keeping them alive than having all of those killed.
The way I understand it Rom is so retarded that she makes everything else retarded.

>celestial emissary
What did they even do other than attack the hunter?
It is a waste of stats and if you need anymore than 20 you're not playing properly.
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>That boss you used to find challenging but is now just monotonous thanks to gem farming
What's her name, /bbg/?
>What did they even do other than attack the hunter?
Not like the hunter asked him what he was doing, although trying to understand would probably only build up frenzy.
Never farmed these but:
>Ludwig and Orphan
due to non-stop coop
>Abhorrent Beast
Don't know why I used to find him hard.
>The way I understand it Rom is so retarded that she makes everything else retarded.

I never thought of it that way. I just assumed she is so dumb that the realm she resided in was made blind by it
All of them. Bosses rarely kill me. The last boss to kill me was Ludwig, but that was mainly because a Threaded Cane +3 does not do any real damage.
>"fear the old blood Laurence"
>"I totally do"
>proceeds to give blood without restraint to everyone possible
Laurence is the most retarded one.
So i've gone full autismo at blood starved beast.

I'm out of fire papers now and can't do the damage to kill him. If anyone could help me down him.

password is bad
Why not just dodge at ten o clock when facing him and hit him with a +3 or better weapon? It is foolproof.
Dumb newbie question but when I can level up?
I've gone to the Hunter's dream and examined the doll but she just sits there inactive.

Is it like the same deal as in DaS1 where I have to complete the tutorial before I can level up?
No, you need eyes. Those without eyes cannot see.
You must have at least 1 insight, a form of ingame currency. There are two insights in Central Yharnam. One in the sewers in a rat tunnel, and another you can reach by going up a ladder in the sewers. It's guarded by crows.
You can also get insight by seeing and defeating bosses, and seeing new areas.
A trick with the Winter Lanterns if you're feeling brave is that they're very easy to parry. Every frame from when they lift their arms for that grab attack is considered a parryable frame. Wait til your frenzy meter is about half full, then parry/visceral them. You're invincible while doing so, so when your frenzy meter maxes out (which would usually result in the big health hit), you won't take a single bit of damage. If you don't feel like that, just bring Sedatives with you and drink one when you're around 75% full to clear your whole frenzy meter, then resume killing. If it's any consolation, they are not a common enemy.
When you get your first insight, which is when you consume a madman's knowledge or find the first boss.
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Sucks to be Master Willem.
>want eyes and for humanity to ascend
>the culmination of all of Byrgenwerth's research and resources has many eyes
>it turns out to be fucking Rom

I love how consistent the story is about nothing every going well when dealing with great ones.
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>the entirety of the souls/borne series
You're better off just stun locking them to death then popping two vials afterwards.
I thought the culmination of all of Brygenwerth's research was Mensis brain? Micolash saw what happened with Rom and went fuck that but went so far in the opposite direction he made a fucking brain that was defenceless.
I'd rather use sedatives since they have no other use and the game gives you a good number of them.
Two vials are cheaper.
I didn't know they had such a huge parry animation.
Mensis brain was obviously the culmination of School of Mensis, no?
And Rom is a product of Willem.
Interesting that they both created useless Great Ones.
Almost got him solo with that but no dice on the 3rd phase.

Took off the password and got two randoms who helped me though.
Rom was retarded, but not useless
why would you not just kill him with the bow whilst hes stuck in the door?
You're right, but I use vials everywhere, not just in niche situations. There are only a handful of situations where frenzy is a concern.

Yeah, it's deceiving.
A retarded great one is a useless great one.
Brygenwerth is its own thing, the School of Mensis is a rogue arm of the Healing Church.

I played DeS too, I just find it hard to be objective about it since I played it first and it inspires tons of nostalgia from me.

She was worse than useless, she was an active subtraction to progress.
Except Rom was hiding the ritual so not useless. This is almost explicitly stated in a developers story note in game
Posting an old webm from helping an anon through the chalice dungeons

Good times
I thought school of mensis was the continuation of Brygenwerth. Nicolash saw the Rom fuck up and set up his own school so his creation won't fuck up.
What ritual?

The Mensis Ritual. What else?
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So I just had a wondering madness fall through the floor at hypogean gaol.

Goodbye twin shards that I NEEDED.

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Hunter who loves the lore but knows close to nothing about it here
Someone redpill me on Amelia please
i assumed he was a ptumerian because he is the same size and face as the elder, plus the elder summons logarius' scythe in the fight
Rom was hiding the fact that Mensis was trying to beckon a great one. Rom was also hiding the truth from you. Did you think it was a coincidence that you can see everything that usually requires 40 insight after killing her?
I thought the mensis ritual was already completed?
Did you even played the game?
The Mensis ritual in Yaharhar and in the nightmare. The notes are in the Cathedral Ward and in Burgers and Fries.
The ritual that resulted in Mensis brain? I thought that happened before? Or did it happen during the night of the hunt.
The first ritual resulted in Old Yharnam burning and Mensis trapped in the nightmare with their brains fucked up. The one going on right now resulted in what we see.
Why do you people even try lorefagging?

Here's a real lore question. Is the sweet blood another strain of the old blood? Why/how does it sing? We need answers to this. Get digging, assholes.
Because talking about lore is fun and gives us something to do.
But you guys are talking about the most mundane shit. Stuff that's completely obvious. It's like watching someone retarded trying to grasp basic arithmetic.
So why clutter up your item bar with them?

Honestly though, there is no point in using them against Frenzy Dolls because they don't offer any immunity, and you will just get frenzied again.

You are better off saving the sedatives for Bribri.
I thought the Mensis brain and them being trapped in the nightmare was the result of a ritual. So they are conducting another ritual? I see no signs of a ritual being conducted except you being kidnapped. And what was the outcome going to be? Another brain?
The Big Brain was "retrieved from the nightmare" whatever that means. The School of Mensis beckoned Mergo as he's the Great Old in charge of keeping the nightmare.
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>tfw farming Rom
I just need this stupid nourishing radial and I'll be done autismgem farming

I want to have it in time for the FC
We don't get to fight Mergo in this game right? Or is Mergo the baby? I am really confused by the end game lore.
A wet nurse is a woman who cares for and feeds the baby because the real mother is either unwilling or unable to do so herself. We don't kill Mergo, we kill Mergo's caretaker.
Mergo is likely the baby, who dies after losing the wet nurse.
What do you think the One Reborn is? All those corpses in Yaharhar are being used to bring the red moon close. As it descends the beasthood goes crazier and Great Ones impregnate people.

Mergo is Queen Yharnam's blood baby given by Oedon. When we kill the Wet Nurse it takes a while for the NIGHTMARE SLAIN to appear since without someone to look after it Mergo dies.
So who is right?
Really the only reason I'm replying is because I'd prefer at least our general to not be completely oblivious to the lore
So for bloodletter build what weapon do I use to carry me to bloodletter?

Axe or put 2 more into strength for kirkhammer?

Is there any real easy way to get bloodletter faster or just kill all the bosses until the key.
No one. You killed a baby, you monster.
Both, you idiot.
holy shit this is bad
You guys have read this, right?

Three babies you mean, unless you left Iosefka and Arianna live.
>Paleblood Hunt
Half of it is wrong
That had better not be The Paleblood Hunt
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Hey, how do you specifically do the forward-lunging attack after you press dash/dodge in any direction? I thought I knew how to do it but it seems unreliable; sometimes I am propelled forwards this huge distance towards my enemy when I press R1 after dodging, other times not so much (even when they seem to be in range of the lunge).

Does the enemy just have to be within a certain range after dodging (as you are locked on to them), otherwise you will just whiff it without lunging? Or do you have to press dash and then attack buttons in a specific way, kind of like when you press forward and R2 to do a jump attack?
>tl;dr fanfiction
Not willingly.
>You're playing the game wrong

Yeah, no, you're a cunt. Thanks for not giving me a reason like the other two people. This is why people hate Soulsfags and think our community is a joke
He separates the sections into pure fact as read from flavor text, NPC chatter, etc., and his own speculation. He's definitely not claiming the entire document to be the gospel truth.
Use the Axe until you get the BL.
it probably is in the game, literally every other caryll rune has 3 versions, with the third often being found in chalices. there are only one or two known locations for some tier 3 runes, and most people didnt get the dlc, so its a fair assumption that it will not be found due to the tiny chance of anyone who still plays bothering to create new root chalices
Still. It's not worth the read, as anything that's on there you could easily glean yourself.
If you dodge left/right/back they each have their own dash attack and a dash forward will be the shortest fastest one.

You can do the dash forward one every time if you're not locked on which is useful because you won't get trapped in a long running animation.
Really these guys have a point. Don't blindly follow this but use it as a base for your understanding of the lore. Be critical of your sources, even the ones in game
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like, how come I don't lunge towards Gehrman here when I press R1 after dodging his attack? He is only a few feet away
There's nothing wrong with using more than 20 end, I have a character with 40 and it's nice having that much stamina, but if you can't play without putting 10 or more points into it you are doing something wrong.
Lots of people still make root chalices. That and Roaming Amygdala have yet to be found. We doubt they were added to the chalice pools.
It's been a while since I looked at it so maybe I'm misremembering, but even in the fact parts there was some stuff that seemed like speculation to me. That said, I did appreciate how he tried to gather the shit that was directly from the game together. That's mostly what I was looking for back then and it was useful enough in that sense.
>40 end
So many wasted points. That must either be a really shit build or specifically made for holding L2 on whirligig forever
Ignore that "my secret club XD normies get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEE" retard. Video games are meant to be fun, so as far as I'm concerned you can't never "play wrong" if you're having fun. The main reason, as I see it, for not going to high in END is because, contrary to previous games in Souls, actions require MUCH less stamina in Bloodborne. Whereas in Dark Souls you might pump it to 40 because you need a ton of it do big 2H R2 swings with your UGS, in BB there's really nothing that depletes it that quickly. Not to mention the fact that you don't have to worry about equipment burden in Bloodborne (which I think is great).

You could definitely piece it together yourself if you had the time and inclination to do. This guy did the legwork and put it all into a document, so I think it's definitely worth the read.

You're absolutely correct in that half the document is his speculation and musings, but he specifically prefaces those sections in bold text and lets you know.
high endurance makes the game more action packed

people don't say playing on BL4 is the "wrong" way to play, why is it wrong to waste levels on high stamina?
I know it was split into sections like that, I mean there was stuff that seemed speculative even in the parts that were supposed to be nothing but facts straight from the game. But like I said, it's been a while since I bothered looking at it.
I have a mostly for fun build with high stamina as well and it's fun rushing down with fast high rally weapons + guidance, and it's not like it makes less viable for weapons that scale with a single stat since you can still max one stat and vitality.
so like in that webm, I didn't lunge at gehrman because I dodged forward and he ended up being behind me? And the dodge forward attacks have the least lunge-attack range after the dodge is over, because they sorta count the forward dodging as part of the normal distance?
I don't know the reason, but if I had to guess it'd come down to the tracking on that specific attack to be not as tight as most other attacks.
It doesn't matter where the enemy is all that matters is that you dodged forward.

Just go test it out on some enemies, it's really not that complicated.
Not really. Having that much just means you will also have more down time letting your stamina refill. Plus those points are better spent else where. Even using End as a Dump stat, I never had more than 22 End.
Priorities. It's better to invest in something you really need than to expend on luxury, especially if you're trying to keep yourself around bl 100. Runes can give the same amount of stamina as 5 or 10 levels. Just plan your build with what you need and want in mind.
Anybody else love the little moves you do when pressing R1 immediately after tricking/untricking LHB and Kirk?
What gestures do you use when interacting with other players?

I always plan to switch it up, but I always do this without fail: Roar pre-boss, Make Contact after PREY SLAUGHTERED.

What's your favorite gesture? What's the most underused gesture, the one you NEVER see anybody use?
It's not more stylish. It just means you can get of f(x)=x^2 r1s in a row. It means stats are w a s t e d. Do you know what optimization and streamlining is? What I'm saying is that you could have put those point on to something that could either give you more damage (skl, arc, blt, and str) or longevity (vit).
Really depends on the character I'm using, as I like to roleplay them a bit in their weapon choices and attire.
Make contact preboss
League oath of Joy post boss
Roar of salutations after killing an invader
I've never seen triumph in my 450hrs of game time
>What's your favorite gesture?
Make Contact, it just fits with everything.

>What's the most underused gesture, the one you NEVER see anybody use?
Triumph and Beg for Life.
360 clap all day all all night all week
I don't think the lunge attack works unless you are (mostly) facing towards the target. If you are facing the opposite direction because they dodged behind you, you will just do that short range spin-attack without lunging forward. If your player model has not had time to turn and face them 100% before you press attack, you might miss your lunging attacks like this: >>163597113
I Point at people whenever I get summoned in. Picked that one up from an anon who starting using Point and spinning in circles once while we were waiting for the other cooperator to get summoned.
And I usually end a fight with Pray.
Before this general got filled with shitters I used to triumph after every victory when pvping
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>"no mercy for wheelchair", what does that even mean?
>suddenly flat on my ass while an old man with a boomstick cackles in his chair

>How the fuck is a Specter dying 50 feet up in the air, is that a bug? Oh well, time to check out this new attir-
>snatched and thrashed like a toy by some fucking Manus' arm shit

I love this game already. I wasn't expecting to enjoy the specters and messages so much
obviously the points could be spent better in other stats if you're doing a serious build, but I'm saying there's nothing wrong with high stamina if you're playing handicapped like you're doing a BL4 run anyway (or if you just want to overlevel). If anything it makes the game look cooler because you hardly have to take a breather unless you are constantly power attacking
I find really funny to see ghosts dying by brainfuckers grab attack.
Shhh whenever I kill somebody, but I don't mean it sarcastically. I just think it looks amusing.
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Confederate salute before.
After, confederate salute and sit or slow walk away.

If they were particularly shitty then clap spam
I did test it, but it is not as consistent when you are fighting fast enemies that dodge all around you themselves
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Holy fuck that was close.
Now I'm off to Laurence, I guess
>leveling up during a bl4 run
Holy shit kill yourself and leave this general
what? How is there some huge difference between playing actual BL4 and playing BL4 and then only leveling up stamina to like 30? You'd still be extremely handicapped either way, just one of them is slightly easier and gives you a shitload of stamina to combo with

I'm only talking about PvE here. I don't know why you guys act like there is a specific way you have to make your character if not using the online
ring ring. amelia. fog. pass: bbg
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>tfw bully Laurence with blacksky eye after he breaks his legs
I feel bad for him
Fuck, booting up now.
>find an Abhorrent Beast mob in an FRC Lower Loran
>lead to to another area of the dungeon for shits and giggles
>decide to go to the bathroom
>come back and he's nowhere to be found
Where did this stupid electric dog go? I haven't gotten any echoes for anything, so clearly he's not dead
Shieeet. one more time
Still waiting?
Holy fuck sorry this is my first time playing since ds3 release
Atleast now we can summon
Room for one more. Gogogo
Still waiting to get summoned here.
Well that was quick.
Just fucking platinumed mates.
Fucking hell yes
HAHA to think I had numbing mist in my belt
If you weren't one of the two then it's too late.

Thanks for the help to those two. I decided to BoM early and they did negative damage so I needed some fellow cooperators.
Anyone want to help out an aspiring 99 ARC character with bloodletting beast in the Lower Pthumerian Labyrinth? Pass: fagola69
Be there in 3mins
You probably have 10 vit and suck so no
By the time you get to Amelia you should have a +6 weapon and maybe 25 skill, when the BoM starts becoming usable though. Except you're probably blind staying close enough to her to use the BoM.
If you want a second summon, I'm free now as well.
Congrats me boyo

Make your Playstation account online is set to receive e-mails from Sony so you get the plat theme
Still searching anon
Fug, lemme quickly restart restart the PS4
No way
I platinumd the game a week after it came out and I never fuckin knew about this
98 exists because back in the early days a sizeable portion of people wanted a BL 80 meta, while other people wanted a BL 100 or 120 meta. People who wanted BL 100 meta decided to drop to 98 so that they could poach BL 80s. Then 120 players dropped to 117 to do the same thing to 98s. 98 also happens to avoid 150.

80 is not really a thing anymore, but 150 is. So yeah, go to 99 if all you care about is avoiding 150s. Personally, I'd rather get more people in my invasion range, so I go 100.
Beckoning again
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't work, password connections as of late have flat out not been working for me and I can't figure out why
Searching anyway
If it does not connect soon I must go friend
I don't really like taking builds much higher than 110/115, but i haven't cleared the chalice dungeon content or dlc yet. Shall i do the dlc first then come back to do the chalice stuff last?

Is that a viable level to do all the content or should i just keep going through? I'm on a skill build, standard 50 Vit/50 Skill shit
The chalice came up with the messengers but it still says searching
That's fine, thanks for trying regardless.
This does help confirm my suspicions though that something is fucky with my game
Yep, I accidentally created the 98 meta when arguing for the level 100 meta. The level 80 guy said that 80 could connect to more metas. I called BS and pointed out that level 98 could do it too and was closer to 100 as well. They realized that it also avoided 150s and the 98 meta was born.
You are fine! Having 50 vit is really really good for the chalices with a curse (50% hp cut)
Do you have it set to worldwide?
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She simply couldn't help herself :^)
Loran tonight lads?
Oh well looks like it doesn't want to connect. Incidentally was that ghost running around with the pizza cutter and blob head one of you guys?
Not me m8
I'm pizza cutter with buckethead
Sorry for being a retard but how do you do this? Can you set this from the PS4 or do I have to go on their website?
Fine by me.
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Level 117 in dire need of jolly christmas cooperation.

Anyone want to help me with bloodletting beast on Great Pthuneru Ihyll?

Pass is bbg. Will be ringing.
Looking for help on Ludwig. Ringing at the fog gate, pass "bbg".
Gonna be seeing family, but here's hoping I can show up
Ringing on SRRC now.
And not connecting.
Why is getting early claws such a fucking chore
You're gonna be fine. My first time doing a full chalice clear for the platinum I was 105. SKL build.
Still not getting anything?
>Lucifer created the 98 meta
Is this a meme?
Well, he is the authority of this thread
No, it's why that one autistic guy freaks out so hard about level 98.
I changed the location of the PS4 but I didn't free the ports on the new IP it got so it was NAT Type 3. That might have an effect, even though I had no problems with strangers. I just restarted the network and will ring again.
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>tfw didn't finish my new pvp build on time

literally only have ithyl left, so I considered rushing it this morning but then remembered I'd still have to grind for gems. rip

I'll see you guys next FC then
Just use the DLC gems. Should take like 30 minutes to have a workable set.
>tfw just rushed my new build in time yesterday
>but I'm going out today for normie purposes
Gotta do it online, it's in the account settings or something, you'll find it
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Thank you D! Wanna help me rush and spelunk the last layer?
What is Yharnam food like?
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I go full autismo when it comes to gems so I'm not going to be satisfied with anything but the best. Still have to snag the anti/clockwise runes from chalices as well

>seek normieblood to transcend the cunt
You don't have to be, just use them as a stop gap. The runes take like 10 minutes if you know the glyphs.
Probably the cutest of the replies, but Saint Eleonora is still top hunter waifu.
They eat puffy vulvas?
Sorry, tried to prevent her from attacking you and got one shotted. And I still can't get the flow of the saif right.
if you kill me I'm going to shitpost and pretend it's because of my shitty gems and not the fact that I'm a shitter who can't pvp to save his life
Sorry, the queen somehow glitched me into that grab attack and it wouldn't let me out
Come anyway, it's fun and 18% gems are workable.
No worries, ringin' again
You would anyway
So we've agreed on Loran?
Luci doesn't attend the fight clubs because he's too bad to win a fight and he's too scared of FRC dungeons to get good gems. Also refrain from replying to him
Got him down to 10% and died, fuck. Eary Kos Parasite was a mistake.
I just don't like to play by babby rules. I showed up to the gemless FCs. Needless to say, after seeing my true power-level, /bbg/ promptly ended their foray into gemless FCs.
Thank you Drago!
I just want to be daddies little girl.

I want him to dress me up in cute little clothing with soft cotton panties that have cute print on them, then I want to have an accident in public and have daddy smile and take me to the bathroom to clean me up. The. I want him to lay me on the changing table and tape a fluffy pink diaper on me and leave me wearing sneakers, shoes, a tee shirt, and a very visible diaper. The. I want him to continue shopping like nothing was wrong as I blush in embarrassment.
Is a call beyond good in pvp at 50arc?
I've killed you like 400 times at nightmare frontier because you parry spam and I know how to punish that.
Put your trip back on, Luci
Is this who we share a thread with?
>people actually invade in nightmare of mensis by the 3 winter lanterns

how much of a fucking crutch do you need lmao

now i have to jump out this fucking lift again. i wish someone would tell miyazaki that his games are fucking garbage for platforming and jumps like this and the workshop should be deleted
Just walk out of the lift, genius.
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have a merry christmas eve guys. not going to make it to the FC but I love you all and hope santa kos brings you plenty gems of your choosing tomorrow
Why did you make that shitpost?
Merry Kosmas, I guess.
Can we start the fightclub right now?

I have a Christmas party but I don't want to lose the FC, can we just make it in ptumeru without a pass and literally now.

Who's in?
I don't use parries at all, and I invade in Mensis.
FC is in Loran
I've raped you in mensis. Burial blade too which is pathetic
Ok, but can we start right now?
I'll come and join, don't see the harm in doing it 20 minutes early. What is the glyph for the FC?
Fight club when/where?
Man, I wish. I leave for a party in 5 minutes, though. Hope you lads all have fun in the FC today. Make it an especially merry one.
I might call for an impromptu tomorrow, but I imagine everyone will still be busy with Christmas and all.
I didn't, but the two replies made me snort out loud for some reason
sure im ringing
it's in the OP

>Loran - jjpkdcgd
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Oh. Have a merry, merry Christmas, anon. May good blood and bounteous insight come your way.
What did you all ask Mother Kos for for Kosmas?

LORAN: jjpkdcgd

This is my first time participating in a FC. Do I just go to the open room and start ringing?
>Is a call beyond good in pvp
No, using ACB in PvP these days is pretty much a free hit for your opponent, everyone knows how to easily dodge it and hit you before you can get out of the animation.
You know pass doesn't effect the sinister bell at all right? Only beckoning bells take passwords into account.
Time to make a fool of myself. Being 120 should let me connect to most of you, right?
Should I ring both the beckoning bell to get invaded and the sinister bell to invade?

I'm still new to this game, but I'll be damned if I miss a community event! Count me in
Mergos wet nurse isn't a kin or beast right?

I got a couple of 19.5% drop bloodstones but they lower those damages. I think she could be kin since she's kinda godly though...

Also are the best endgame gems for BoM just flat Nourishing across the board?
Ringing the sinister bell also spawns a bell maiden
the sinister bell will let you get invaded, no need to ring the beckoning bell
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>tfw this is the first Saturday I've had off in years and can actually join the FC now instead of in four hours from now like usual
Ah, thanks guys
27.2% gems.

Ignore ARC damage entirely and get 27.2s.
Mergo's Wet Nurse is a Great One.
>Adversary Claire has returned to their world

death to all Executioners
No idea what happened mang, got a "session has been lost" message out of nowhere
can you explain a bit more please
sorry i haven't played chalice dungeons and stuff, still on my first playthrough kinda.

i have the regular BoM at the moment with a triangle slot though. Are the 27.2s from a chalice dungeon? What's their full name?
>i have the regular BoM at the moment with a triangle slot though.
I don't recall exactly which BoM has radial, radial, triangle, but go for that one. Might be the original.
>Are the 27.2s from a chalice dungeon?
Yes. They are farmed from FRC Watchers. 5pwujscd in FRC Isz for triangles, and pwmf22gu in FRC Ihyll for radials.
>What's their full name?
Cursed Tempering Damp Blood Gem (6)

Read the calculations formula pastebin in the OP for more information on how damage works in this game, and why flat damage is often deceiving.
Basically BoM scale mainly with skill but have some arc scaling and arc stats. Those arc things are there to fuck your shit up. If you want to use BoM effectively only level skill and get the 27.2 gems from FRC Chalices. The glyph for the chalice can be found in the OP. I would recommend reading the google docs in the OP as well because it's a very nice guide for clueless babs like you
the original BoM has radial radial triangle, so that is good. I have 50 skill and 15 Arcane, only to use tools, so i have no intention of using arcane scaling gems

FRC - is that something Root Chalice? i make those by combining ingredients and such dont i and progressing through floors. The codes you've given me, are they some sort of seed i can enter to make a 'random' root chalice not random?
senpai just read the google docs. it's literally in the introduction/index
>FRC - is that something Root Chalice?
It's a type of depth 5 root chalice, abbreviation for Fetid, Rotted, Cursed, the 3 curses you can apply. They result in stronger enemies, but better gems.
>The codes you've given me, are they some sort of seed i can enter to make a 'random' root chalice not random?
They are glyphs used to access specific FRC dungeons popular for farming. You'll need to have created a depth 5 FRC (Ihyll, Isz, or Lower Loran) before you can access these, and you'll need to have the root chalice in your inventory.
So how many people do we have participating in the FC right now?
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I'm wearing graveguard attire in the FC to look a bit more like Santa.
Anyone wanna help me in NG at blood starved beast? Just starting a new char for FCs next week...
I've seen about four so far counting me
From who I have fought, at least 5 or 6.
just walk towards his left (your right) when he attacks and he should miss 80% of the time
this shit is confusing as hell, but i'm sure i'll figure it out eventually

do you have to do all the lower level chalices to get the higher ones? Like do i have to cllear all 5 floors of the basic 'pthumeru chalice' ones, then the pthumeru root, etc etc
People should have FCs up on those rafters
>expecting to do well at FCs or even make it through the chalice dungeons if you need to summon for the bsb

are you planning on summoning for every chalice boss as well?
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Oh damn I'm really showing how much of a shitter I am tonight
Link to the discord?
It's really not.

FRC stands for Fetid, Rotten, and Cursed. They are the three modifiers you can add to a chalice.

To use a glyph you just need to meet three requirements. They are:

>have the appropriate root chalice
>have made a chalice of the same depth or lower
>have made a chalice with the same or more modifiers

The easiest way to do this is just to rush through collecting the roots then make a depth 5 FRC Isz dungeon. After that you can use any glyph.
Never used the wheel in PvP before.
You're not doing that bad for your first time, don't worry anon, we're all just here to have fun.
You had like 12 seconds to save and quit, dude.
Where would he spawn after doing that?
God damn Vigil, is your modem dying?
so FRC stands for a dungeon that is Fetid, Rotten and Cursed, not Root Chalice?

Does it matter what type i make? Like a Loran one, a Pthumeru one or a Hintertomb one?
I mostly do it because it's fun and to get through the game a little faster, anon. I like to see what other players use pve and it's a fun way to interact with randoms without having to fight them. You must feel very proud of yourself.
A root chalice is a randomized dungeon. FRC are the modifiers you can add to it. Think of them like the the skulls in Halo.
>That tie

GG Angus
>read this
>immediately get a tie with him
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elemental beast cutter.webm
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how can any other weapon even compete with this SHEER FUN?
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This wins hands down.
Right next to the ledge from which he fell. The position of the rat that attacked him would be reset, giving him plenty of time to get away from the ledge.
Pass is bbg
>mfw first time celestial emissary

was that a joke?
i'm level 80 and it died in like 9 hits
I'm ringing but not getting anything.
Celestial Emissary is pretty much the games joke boss.
Did you fight the hidden boss behind it yet?
>Lost connection. Going to title screen
Why does this keep happening? It never happens when I'm not PvPing.
i just found Ebrietas yeah

i'm pretty much fucked though i think. Im using blade of mercy so i cant use bolt paper, and i dont have any bonus damage to kin gems. I do have a +9 reiterpallasch, which will let me do thrusts and i can bolt paper it, but only half the attacks are thrusts
It's a glitch, when it happens don't click anything and you'll shortly be transported to the host.
lmao never fucking mind

i just sat between her tail and pressed R1 over and over again and killed her first time

what a fucking joke of a boss
Just bait out head slams and focus on her head, which is her weak spot, or get in her ass, pop a BBP, and spam R1.
She's easy if you use that strategy. Even easier if you summon the NPC and have him distract her.
Alright anon I'm good, you ringing?
i didn't even use a BBP since i didn't have one

i literally just pressed R1 over and over, used 2 vials. i do have 50 skill though, but i have garabge fucking gems
I swear to you I've never been hit by that laser when playing solo
So what levels are we all at? 100 even here.
>i didn't even use a BBP
It just makes it faster.
fucking how? If she shoots the lasers it's always game over for me, I don't have a hard time fighting the boss but I've never been able to dodge them when she fires
Amy is harder duo than solo desu

If you know what you're doing you can kill her in like a minute solo. If you know what you're doing and have good gems and runes onthe right build, you can kill her in ~15 seconds solo.
these pigs with all the eyes on them make me feel physically ill.

fucking nothing in this game has grossed me out more.
Don't worry anon I reawakened and I'm reringing
Alot of the pressure is just that somebody is relying on me to stay alive
That stupid hoe needs to jump and not lash out like an autist
The church guys get them too. Do any other enemies sprout eyes after a certain point?
I thought it was funny.
What about the witch of Hemwick? Did the designers intend for these bosses to be jokes or did they not test them properly?
This fucking horse is gonna put me in an early grave

Can I get a fuck squad going on Ludwig? Ringing outside the fog, pass bbg, BL 55
I think the big pile of meat that frenzies you is much more disgusting
When you have eyes on the inside, you'll stop worrying about how many eyes you have on the outside.
Is the FC ded already? I haven't gotten a summon in 20 minutes.
sure omw
Dangerously cheesy
Who decided where the FC 'arenas' would be anyway? Why isn't there more variation?
Sorry Noble. I forgot to blood bullet.
i'm usually pretty good at figuring lore stuff out but i have no fucking clue as to why Iosefkas blood vial would be outside mergos loft

Like, even the faker has no real business being there. What the fuck?
Haha wonderful performance
>atk up+20.7
>add poison effect +3
>stamina cost 3%
On my way
I have to wait like 5 minutes between each summon now.
Everyone is off with family I guess.
>almost 2016+1
>not isolating yourself from the world to a dangerous extent
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>tfw you're shitpost on 4chan and standing around a chalice on Christmas Eve
Atk up+21.5%
Atk vs beast +5%
Atk vs kin Dow. -12% is what I got
Perfect for hoonting hoonters
Beware the humies. They are the most dangerous beast of all.
Maybe she is the wet nurse.
nah shes dead on a table senpai
Yeah and micholash was dead mummy on a chair but he was also in the nightmare

That was brilliant, thank you.
I'm doing a blind run and Rom just kicked my ass quite a few times before i killed him. What's the general opinion on him, is he considered hard or was it just me sucking against this particular boss?
Rom is a GIЯL!
Use Bolt paper
Are you hoonting hoonters?
Does anyone here enjoy low level PVP? Like maybe level 20-30? I'd love to do something like that, maybe in central yharnam somewhere, or old yharnam just outside the lantern.
I think I died like 8 times to her the first time. Bit once you know how you can and will one shot her
> FC theme music
> not >>163607551

It's probably the worst non-ironic singing I've ever heard, and a fucking Facebook message goes off in the last verse, but it successfully got stuck in my head. So congrats anon, but stick to your day job.
Who are you, friend?
Are we talking level 20-30 with weapons and gems you'd normally have going through or low level with a twink weapon?
she's easy once you learn how to dodge the spells and be patient about getting in. when i die to her it's because a spider blindsides me and does the oneshot jump attack
I think the appeal for me is sort of not having to do that stuff, not to mention dungeons would be even more tedious at that level. But I'd be willing to go with what others thought would be most fun. Personally for me tho I was thinking twink weapons, since we'll have twink health too
I have a lvl 10. I'll fight ya
>Rom is a GIЯL!
The italian adaptation robbed me of that detail I guess

I was confused most of the times because i couldn't decide which strat was the optimal one. In the end i won with a hit and run strat and a few molotov cocktails at the end of the fight where she got insanely aggressive with the arcane spells (i lost the count of how many times she started casting the explosion the exact moment i pressed the attack button of my ludwig greatsword) and physical wiggles
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